
A beginning

It was dark but lights kept flashing. I had to keep running. It was chasing me. It hurt me already but it wanted more, so I have to keep running. A horn honked, making me stumble. It reached out for me but I kept out of its reach. I ran, lights blinded me and I fell. It caught me. I got half a scream out and then nothing but black.

        Sunlight poured through the window. It was blinding. My heads throbbing. The alarms blaring. I slam down my hand on the sleep button with a thud and hear a loud crack! I feel a sharp pain in my palm. I got out of bed. Went into the hall. Lacey our golden retriever growled as I passed which was a first ever. But I ignored it and went into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and screamed.

“Ally, Ally what’s wrong?” My father yelled.

He came to a short stop in doorway along with my mom and sister a few moments behind.

“Who are you?” he demanded

“It’s me daddy Ally” I replied tears rolling down my cheek.

Cold looks were given to me.

“You look nothing like Ally! Stop lying and tell us who you are!!!” My mother screamed.

“I am Ally” I replied sobbing.

“Prove it.” Mia said

I had never heard such a harsh tone from her before.

“Fine.” I said tired of this “Last Saturday when mom went to her book club dad went and played poker at the Johnston’s when he said he would never do it again.”

“Daren!” my mother scolded astonished. My father looked surprised.

“Last Wednesday mom bought a three hundred dollar pair of shoes.” I stated.

My father and sister looked at my mother shocked. My mother looked down in shame.

“On prom night Mia lost her…” I paused staring directly into her eyes her face was full of fear. “Her purse.” I finished.

“It really is her.” Mia said. Probably still doubting.

My mother came over and hugged me.

“I’m so sorry sweetie. What happened?” My mother asked me concerned.

“I..I..I don’t know.” I said mumbling starting to feel numb.

“Honey it’s going to be ok.” My father said with a distant look in his eyes.

“Ally your hand.” Mia exclaimed.

I then remembered the reason I came into the bathroom to begin with. I looked down at my hand and there was a steady flow of blood coming out of a large wound on my palm. My dad was in motion he grabbed paper towels and started cleaning up the blood and my hand. He washed out my wound and wrapped it up.

“We have to get you to the doctor.” My dad started pulling me off the ground.

“No I don’t think I should.” I replied knowing that it was a bad idea whatever was wrong with me I don’t think a doctor could fix.

“Even if we don’t have your strange new appearance checked out we should get that cut looked at.” He kept pushing.

“Please dad I’m tired can I just rest and we can go to the doctor’s later please?” I begged my eyes pleading.

He sighed “Alright I’ll make an appointment for tomorrow since you have your first day of school in three days. Go get some rest.” He told me.

Taking my mom out of the room to discuss and try to figure out what was wrong with me. I walked into my room closed the door and stood in front of my floor length mirror. My looks had changed extremely. My dark reddish-blond hair had turned into an icy blond, and instead of it being shoulder length it came down to my knees.

I had lost a lot of weight I’d say about fifty pounds or more. I wanted to know exactly so I went back into the bathroom and got on the scale. The last time I weighed myself I was a little over two hundred. Now I was one hundred and twenty. I let out a small gasp. I went back to my room.

I sat in front of the mirror. My greenish-gray eyes had now turned into an icy blue color with a small ring of red surrounding my irises.

I had grown taller and my face had more of an aristocrat look with now high cheek bones. My skin was visually paler. My lips were as rosy color. My eyelashes were darker and my eyes popped out. I was beautiful for the first time in my life. My skin was clear and all my freckles were gone. There was no hair anywhere except for my eyebrows, hair, and eyelashes.

A soft knock on the door interrupted my thoughts. Mia peeked her head through the crack .

“Ally can I come in.” She asked.

“Of course” I replied smiling and laughing softly.

She came in but she stayed by the door. She looked around nervously not focusing on anything. She looked at everything but me.

“Mia. What’s wrong?” I asked softly.

“I’m scared.” She said in a flat tone.

“What for? I’m the one with a changed body.” I said with an eyebrow raised.

“Yes, but you’re not you. You look so different and it’s all so messed up. I’m scared because something’s going to happen to you but I don’t know what. I’m so scared.” She told me at the end she was balling.

I came over to her and wrapped my arms around her. I guided her over to my bed. She clung to me and cried. I held her. We laid down still with my arms around her and her still crying. She fell asleep in my arms and I followed soon after.

I woke up about midnight. Mia was still in my arms. I moved her out of them carefully not to wake her. I went to the double glass doors opened them and walked out onto the balcony. It was a clear night and the moon was full. I could see farther and clearer than I ever could it was amazing. I could see so many more stars. It was as if the billions of stars had tripled. It was a breathtaking sight.

I heard a small gasp from behind me. I turned and saw Mia standing there mouth agar.

“Mia what’s wrong?” I asked

“Ally your glowing.” She stated as white as a ghost.

“What???” I said to no one in particular. I looked down at my skin and it looked like my skin was reflecting the moon giving off a glowing appearance.

“Are you scared of me?” I ask my sister because she looked like she could faint at any moment.

“I’m not scared of you. I’m scared for you” She replied replacing her look of fear with one of determination. She came over to me and wrapped her arms around me.

“Don’t cry” She whispered. I realized I was crying with relief. I was so scared she would hate me. I was so relieved I was crying. I wrapped my arms around her and started laughing.

“I think we should go inside it is late” Mia told me after a while. We go to my bed and I lay down she stayed sitting up. She stood up getting up to leave.

“Don’t go.” I told her. Grabbing her shirt.

She sighed “Alright” She said. Then laying down. I intertwined our hands. Soon she fell asleep. I followed after what seemed to last forever.

“Wake up Ally” someone said gently pushing me

“Five more minutes” I mumbled.

“No get up now.” My mother told me. Nudging me once again.

“Fine” I replied rolling over.

“Ally” She said in a warning tone. I sat up and looked at her grumpily.

“Don’t look at me like that your sister was up hours ago. In fact she made breakfast and it’s getting cold. And you have a doctor’s appointment in an hour” she finished leaving the room.

I got out of bed and looked in the mirror, my eye’s flashed a crimson red. I blinked and it was gone.

‘Ok weird’ I thought to myself I shook my head and went to my closet. I grabbed the smallest pair of jeans I had and they were still too big. I then grabbed a belt and pulled it as tight as I could get. I took my favorite tee-shirt out of the closet. I looked in the mirror again. My clothes were way to baggy.

I brushed my teeth and my hair, and went down stairs. Mia sat at the table across from a plate of food which I guessed was mine. I sat down and ate the eggs and bacon along with some grapes and a banana. As I finished up my orange juice and put my dishes in the sink. Mia came up behind me.

“ Want me to braid your hair?” She asked gathering my hair in her hands.

“Sure” I replied I went and sat in my chair while she went and got the hairbrush and hair ties. My mother walked into the room but stopped in the doorway. She looked long and hard at me. With a frown on her face.

“Were gonna have to buy you new clothes huh?” She asked walking over to me

“Yep” I told her “At least we haven’t bought the back to school clothes” I continued.

“I guess” she replied. Mia walked into the room. Stood behind me and braided my hair. We chatted and giggled mom joined in and soon my dad walked in.

“You ready we gotta get going.” He said to us.

“Yes I’m ready.” I announced. We headed out to the car and got to the doctor’s office.

My dad checked me in and we sat and waited. My sister played on her phone my dad and mom talked and I read the book ‘Storyteller’. A nurse came through the door.

“Ally Wood?” She called we all got up curious and anxious to find out what’s wrong with me. The nurse gave us a questioning look but didn’t say anything. She lead us to a room and asked a few questions which of course I left to my parents. She told us the doctor would be in here in a few minutes and left.

A tall brunette came in and set a folder on the counter. She stood and stared at me. Looking over me she smiled which made her even prettier.

“Hello I’m Dr. Lancer” She stated. “And you must be Ally” She finished once again smiling. I nodded.

“Umm… Dr. Lancer?” my mother said.

“Yes Mrs. Wood” She said turning to address my mother.

“Our doctor is Dr. Hale where is he?” My mother told her.

“He has too many patients lined up for today and I offered to help him. So I got your daughter and a few others.” She smiled. My mother was silent. Dr. Lancer turned to me “Can I take a look at your hand?” She asked. I nodded and unwrapped my hand. The doctor moved and blocked my family’s view. I looked down at my hand. The large gap had drastically shrunken. I let out a small gasp. The doctor gave me a small smile.

“Ally what’s wrong?” My mother asked. I looked up at the doctor. Something in her eyes told me not to tell my mother. I turned to my mother and smiled.

“Nothing mom.” I told her. She looked at me and nodded. Dr. Lancer looked over my cut and turned to my parents.

“This cut will heal up quickly in a couple days we’ll just have to keep it wrapped up ok?” She told them.

“Are you sure?” My father asked her “It was pretty deep cut yesterday.” He finished. She nodded.

“It’ll heal quickly. I guarantee it.” She told them. “Now I understand there has been some major weight loss and change in appearance.” She concluded.

“How’d you know that?” I asked. Knowing that not one of my family members had said anything about it. I was suddenly wary of this person.

“Your file describes you heavier. Also in your picture your hair is darker and you have different colored eyes.” She told me giving me a knowing look.

“Oh” I said dumbfounded.

“Yes she has changed quite a bit.” My father speculated “Do you have any idea what’s wrong with her” My father asked.

“I think she may have a disease that can only be caught under certain circumstances.” She said pausing. “But it is not deadly and I would have to make certain and to do that I would need you to leave the room.” She told them seriously.

“Why?” my mother demanded.

“I have to check her privates and I think she would prefer it if we were alone.” She said sternly.

“I’m her mother it’s nothing I haven’t seen before.” She said still putting up a fight.

“Mom please.” I asked giving her a begging look. She sighed dramatically and exited the room without another word. My sister and father followed in suit.

“Ally did you have any recent memory loss?” she asked me. I thought about it and realized I couldn’t remember what happened two nights ago.

“Yes” I replied honestly. Not understanding where this was going.

“I think you may have been attacked that night.” She stated

“What?!” I said.

“Can you see things really well that are far away and do you have unreasonable strength?” She asked again not really answering my question. I thought about my alarm clock and how I smashed it to pieces and how I could see so many more stars than I usually could.

“Yes” I replied again.

“Well considering that and your recent change of appearance. I think you were attacked by a vampire and since you lived you yourself has become one.” She told me seriously. She looked as if she was telling the truth I just couldn’t believe it. I mean that stuff just isn’t real.

“I don’t believe that” I said “You’re crazy.” I said shaking my head at her.

“Stop and think about it. You know it’s true. You can’t change that much for nothing to have happened. I know what I’m talking about I know several vampires who are much older than you and I know more than just vampires I know other creatures. You are a vampire and very new.” She paused looking at me. “I’m honestly surprised you haven’t have your first bloodlust yet.” She finished.

“I..I..I can’t believe this it can’t be happening.” I whispered. She came over to me and sat down she rubbed my back as I tried soaking it all in. After I had calmed down she started talking again.

“You can’t stay with your family they would be to much of a temptation you would end up hurting one of them and you couldn’t live with yourself if you hurt them.” As she said this she got a haunting look in her eyes.

“Where would I go?” I asked her.

“It would be up to you I know several vampire covens and I could arrange for you to meet with them.” She told me.

“Why did this happen to me?” I asked. She smiled sadly at me.

“You were just in the wrong place at the right time.” She told me giving me a half hug to the side. “I’m sorry this happened to you. But you’ll have some amazing opportunities, enchanting encounters. You’ll never have to grow old. Not everything about this is bad. You’ll just have to think about this in a good way. I know it’s going to be hard but you can get through this.” She finished. She gave me her phone number so we could plan when and where I would meet the leaders of the vampire covens. She told me I could not tell anyone.

“How long could I stay with my family?” I asked her hopefully.

“I think you could stay with them for about a week.” She told me sadly.

My family came back in.

“So what’s wrong with Ally?” My father asked Dr. Lancer.

“Well other than the cut on her hand. It turns out she is perfectly healthy.” She told them and she sent us on our way. The whole way home my mother complained about Dr. Lancer. While I was lost in my thoughts.

We pulled up to the house. When we got inside my mom started cooking lunch. My dad went to get some work done in his office, and Mia and I watched T.V. though nothing interesting was on. Soon we all were called to lunch. We sat down and started to eat.

“Well there’s no reason to procrastinate.” My mother announced. We looked at her questionably.

“Procrastinate what?” I asked. I just voiced what we all were thinking.

“Well going through your clothes and packing up the ones that don’t fit.” She paused “Might as well get it done now rather than later. That way we know what we need to buy.” She finished.

“I guess so. Might as well.” I replied with a sigh. We finished lunch. Mia and I did the dishes, mom put away the food, and dad went to find some boxes. Once that was finished Mia my mother and I stood in my room boxes ready. Dad went to finish his work.

We put on music as we packed all the large, XLarge, and 2XLarge. We paused at the few mediums I had and tried them all on. We chose one medium shirt and shorts and packed everything else away. We had four full boxes and one half full by the time we were done. It took a several hours and by the time we were done it was almost time for dinner. My parents decided that they were too tired to cook so they ordered pizza.

We went to pick it up and decided to have a movie night. We got a few horror movies and picked up the pizza and pop. When we got home we ate in the living room and started watching the first movie. I then realized that most of the movies were monster related. The monster in this movie was a vampire and I got a sick feeling in my stomach as I watched the vampire kill over and over again. Soon it was too much the pizza starting climbing back up with a quick speed. I ran to the bathroom and made it just in time. As I sat spewing the continents of my stomach my mother came in and rubbed my back as I finished gagging. I gave her a weak smile.

“You ok sweetie?” My mom asked giving me a concerned look. I nodded.

“I think I’m going to turn in early tonight. I might feel better after some sleep.” I replied weakly.

“Alright sweetie if you need anything just ask.” She told me. I nodded and headed to bed. I brushed my teeth until I couldn’t taste vomit anymore. I just slept in my clothes and I had a nightmare after thinking about how horrible I would become after my vampire instincts kicked in.

I awoke in a cold sweat shivering. That’s when I remembered the attack and that man’s face it was handsome, sad, lonely, as if he had no control over what he was doing. I also remembered that he had left me in my bed and he told me ‘I’m sorry’ I realized I couldn’t hate that man because I may end up just like him.

I looked at my new alarm clock and it was five a.m. I knew I wouldn’t be able to fall asleep again so I got up took a hot shower it took me about thirty minutes. I brushed my hair which seemed to take forever. After that I brushed my teeth and headed downstairs. No one was up yet and my father would have to leave soon.

I decided to cook breakfast for everyone. I choose to make pancakes and bacon. I paused the bacon looked strangely appealing raw. I shook that thought away and started cooking. I had finished enough for everyone by six thirty. I put my own food on the table along with my dad’s as he walked in the room.

“Yum it smells delicious.” He told me giving me a peck on the cheek. He sat down and started eating. I put my sisters and mothers food in the oven to keep warm. I heard the shower running which must be my mom. When she’s done she’ll wake my sister up and they’ll come downstairs and eat then I guess we would take off and go shopping for new clothes.

I sat down across from my father we chatted about nonsensical things. Soon my mother and sister joined us. At seven my father left and told us to ‘have fun today’. We had finished and left shortly after.

First of all we headed off to the mall. My sister and mom lead me from store to store picking out the best clothes and ignoring the prices. They were having as much fun as possible dressing me up and choosing jewelry and makeup. Soon we stopped and had lunch. Then they were back at it and their next target Rue 21. We stepped through the doors and headed straight towards the clothes racks. My sister chose a black shirt with ripped up sides and two small pink bows on the shoulders. The front had the words “I Bite” in a bloody red. ‘Ironic’ I thought to myself. Next she choose a black mini-skirt with chains hanging on the sides. My mom came over to us with black laced up boots. They ushered me into the changing room. I changed and heard Mia talking to someone other than my mom.

I came out of the changing room and Mia was talking to a few girls in my grade. They were pretty popular so out of my friend group they were somewhat mean to my friends and I. But not as mean as they could’ve been.

“Oh Ally look at who I found!” She announced with glee. Now they were in her friend group.

“Ally no way, what happened?” Nicole asked voicing her friend’s surprise. They had looks of astonishment.

“I don’t know I guess I just changed this summer.” I told them smiling slightly. ‘It wasn’t a lie.’ I told myself. They all swirled around me giving me compliments and advice. They started pulling clothes for themselves and I and they laughed gave small talk and basically brought me into their group. Not that I wanted to be very much. I talked and gossiped with them. We went to a few more stores.

While we were walking to the next store someone bumped into me knocking me down and a few shirts spilling out of the bag.

“I’m sorry.” I heard a deep silky voice say. I looked up and a tall boy well-built stood offering his hand down to me. I took his hand and let him pull me up.

“It’s fine” I told him. I got a better look at him and he had bright green eyes with a small red ring around his irises. His skin was perfect and a bit pale. His hair darker than night itself. He seemed vaguely familiar. I smiled slightly. Then bent down and started picking the shirts up he gathered a few and handed them to me. He leaned towards me and whispered.

“So what’s a vampire like you hanging around with humans?” I looked to my sister and my new found friends and realized they hadn’t heard him. I turned towards him with no doubt a look of shock on my face. He looked at me with a knowing smile.

My sister and friends seemed to pick up a vibe and headed into a store leaving him and I alone.

“How did you know?” I asked quietly.

“How could I not.” He said. Then continuing “Any creature could easily tell by your looks or smell.” He told me in a voice that screamed as a matter of fact. He paused looking at me.

“You didn’t know?” he asked looking concerned. I shook my head no.

“I’m pretty new at it.” I said softly.

“Well even if you were new your creator should have explained it to you. It should have been one of the first things.” He said brow furrowed.

“I haven’t met mine.” I told him looking down.

“So what he abandoned you?” he asked.

“I guess.” I responded. Shrugging.

“Your friends are getting anxious.” He told me suddenly as if avoiding the topic completely. I glanced at them they were obviously watching him and I wondering what was going on.

“I guess I should get back to them.” I responded.

“Can I have your number?” he asked, then explained “So we can talk some more.” I nodded he pulled out his phone, snapped a picture of me and I told him my number.

“I forgot to ask your name. Mines Lukas.” He said as I we parted ways.

“Ally.” I told him glancing back as I walked to the store I hear my phone go off. I quickly glanced at my phone and the message read “Here’s my #” I quickly entered it into my contacts as Lukas.

As I stepped foot in the store my sister and friends bombarded me with questions and I tried to answer them as best I could. We went to a few more stores and then parted ways as we took the bags and put them in the car. The rest of the night we had take out and put up my new wardrobe and called it a night.

I sat on my bed and took out Dr. Lancer’s phone number and quickly dialed it. It rang three times before she answered.

“Hello?” she asked through the phone.

“Hi…. Dr. Lancer this is Ally….. Umm… When do you think I could meet the coven leaders?” I asked not wanting to prolong the conversation.

“Well Ally how would tomorrow night do? In Karter park around seven?” she asked.

“That would be great.” I told her through the phone.

“Alright then goodnight.” She said bidding me farewell.

“Good bye.” I told her hanging up. I glanced at the clock it read nine thirty. It’s not too late I guess. I walked around my room thinking about how soon I’ll never be able to step foot in this room again. My eyes began watering as I remembered fond memories of the past with my family. I began wondering how I would leave. How I could leave. This was my home, I don’t want to leave my family.

“No, stop thinking like that.” I told myself. It would only hurt me more if i pondered over it. I shook my head and walked out onto my balcony. To stop thinking I listen to the sounds of one of my last summer nights with my family.

Two days until school started, I dreaded the thought. Weird I still have human problems. I laughed out loud to myself. I shook my head and decided to sleep.

I changed and went to sleep. I slept peacefully through the night without any dreams.

I awoke slowly aware of the smells of bacon cooking. I sluggishly got up and dressed. I went to the bathroom and brushed my hair, while I woke up. Then I brushed my teeth. After I rinsed my mouth out I smiled into the mirror, and was rewarded with a shock my two canines were more pointed than they had been even after I became a vampire. I shook my head now wide-awake. I went downstairs and ate the breakfast my mom made me. She was cutting more banana’s and accidentally cut her finger. A small crimson dot slid down her finger. The bacon now in my mouth tasted like dirt and absolutely disgusted me. The small crimson dot seemed to call to me. My body moved on it’s own. I was behind my mother. The floor creaked and my mother turned to look and saw me she jumped with a loud ‘ahh’.

That snapped me out of my trance. My mother sucked in a breath and slowly let it out.

“My goodness Ally, you scared me.” She exclaimed chuckling to herself. I don’t know what happened but I didn’t like it I had to get out of here.

“Sorry mom, I didn’t mean to scare you. Can I go to the bookstore?” I finished with a question.

“Sure do you want a ride?” She asked unaware of my quick escape.

“No it’s fine I want to walk today.” I told her trying to shorten the conversation.

“Alright then have fun.” She told me with a smile. I nodded and left the room.

I first went to my room to grab my bag, hat, and some money. I then left without a word.

I walked down the street noticing different sounds, and smells. Seeing things in a different way. I walked right past the bookstore, without noticing. I stopped at the corner and realized I passed it. I turned around and stopped in front of the Bookstore and breathed in its glory.

The outside was a deep purple and trimmed with black. It leaves a dark impression on the sunny street with the white, blue, and yellow shops, all trimmed in white. This happened to be my favorite place in the world. My home away from home. The woman who came with it, well let’s say my favorite “aunt”. I looked in the window for any new arrivals and looked at the beaded drapes that hung gracefully at the corners of the window.

Done admiring I stepped towards the door and reached for the handle. Once it made contact a streaking pain shot up my arm. I tried it again thinking it was a fluke. The pain ripped through my arm with more force than before. This shock made me fall to the ground. I stood again and stared hard at the door. The bell rang, and the door opened to reveal the large dark skinned woman, who had her hair pulled back in cornrows mixed with beautiful beads. Her eyes glazed over she could see but not with her eyes, she never really explained it to me. My favorite aunt Eloise stood smiling. Then got a strange look on her face.

“Whatcha doin out here child”? She asked me her thick Jamaican accent present.

“I don’t know Eloise every time I touch the knob it shocks me, is Nicklaus playing pranks again?” I asked her. Her face twisted in a strange notion not one I had seen before.

“What’s wrong aunty?” I asked her suddenly afraid.

“Nothin darling, stay right there I’ll be right back.” She finished with a determined look on her face.

She went back inside and I stood waiting patiently for her to return. Nicklaus jumped from the doorstep giving me barely any time to react and catch him in time. Nicklaus, auntie’s six-year-old nephew, clung to me, looking up at me he smiled a toothy smile with some missing.

“HII Ally, you look different, come play with me!” He shouted.  

“Not now Nicklaus, Ally and I have to talk.” Eloise told him returning silently. I jumped a bit at the sound of her voice. I set Nicklaus down and he ran inside. Eloise reached her hand out a necklace with a white amulet hung from her hand. She regarded me with caution.

“Put this on, and come with me Ally.” Eloise said in a flat voice. I slipped it on and followed her quietly as we entered the back room where barely anyone was allowed this was only my second time in the ten years I’ve known her; somehow I felt this wasn’t a good thing. We sat at the circular table across from each other. She regarded me with cold eyes.

“So how did this happen to you child?” She asked me flatly. It shocked me she knew. It shouldn’t have shocked me, she always seemed to know everything. So of course she would know what happened to me.

“I was attacked on my back from the store. He didn’t kill me so now I’m what he is, a vampire.” I said coldly. “Do you hate me?” I finished trembling.

“I could never hate you child, you remind me too much of myself, for that I would never be able to hate you. I’m just trying to figure out what can be done.” She said to my sadly.

“What can be done about what?” I asked.

“Well about you of course, killing you is out of the question, reverting you can’t be done with my powers alone and I couldn’t gather enough people fast enough. We could be tied together but that wouldn’t work well enough. Have you taken blood yet?” She asked me finally breaking her train of thought.

“No I haven’t but I almost did it scared me aunty. What should I do?” I questioned my voice trembling again.

“I don’t know yet let me think for a bit and talk to some people. Go watch the store for me will you.” She stated knowing I’d say yes.

I walked to the front of the store and no one but Nicklaus was there so I grabbed my favorite book and sat back behind the counter. A few people came and went. Some giving me curious glances.

The bell rang, I glanced up and then back to my book, it took me a second but I quickly did a double take. She looked just like ME!!!!!! I mean my new self. She noticed me and quickly came to the counter.

“Well this is quite strange isn’t it?” She asked me smiling curiously. I only nodded.

“Not only do you look like me but you’re a vampire how wonderful.” She stated. I shivered but I haven’t felt hot or cold in a couple of days. Something about her was strange and didn’t feel right.

I felt her eyes looking over me inspecting every detail. In what I could see we looked exactly the same, except a dark brown freckle the hung just below her right eye. She looked at me excitedly, as if I was a Christmas present wrapped up in a big red bow. I then noticed her eyes. She had the same red ring around her eye’s but her’s were thicker and more defined.

“I’m Isabelle Vercelli. What’s your name?” She asked me a hint of an accent came out but I couldn’t place it,

“My name is Ally Wood. It’s a pleasure to meet you Isabella.” I told her trying to be polite. She smiled slightly and reached a hand towards me and it’s like I was frozen that I couldn’t run away from the opposite happened I found myself leaning towards her. Her hand intertwined with my hair. Why had I ever doubted her she couldn’t be evil she was so pretty. There couldn’t be anything wrong with her. I smiled at her and finding myself leaning into her hand. Her eyes bore into mine and they were so kind and gentle. A voice shouted from behind me.

“Isabelle, Stop that right now!” She broke eye contact and I could move again I quickly got away from her. Realizing that she was putting thoughts in my mind and that she could control me if she wanted to.

“Oh come on Eloise, I was just having some fun.” Isabelle whined, she glanced over at me and I shivered.

“Leave Isabelle you know you aren’t welcome here.” As auntie said this I felt power coming from her voice.

“Leave? This is my house I built it, if anyone should leave it’s you!” Isabelle shouted.

“You gave this house to my ancestor and gave up all rights to it. Now it’s mine and I want you to leave.” Auntie said with a final tone.

“Fine I’ll leave for now.” Isabelle said. She jumped onto the counter with visible grace, she bent down and gave me a peck on the cheek and said.

“Goodbye darling see you soon.” Without so much as a sound she disappeared. After she left there was a period of silence that followed. Until Nicklaus’s stomach interrupted it.

“Well I guess it’s about that time isn’t it. Are you going to join us for lunch Ally?” Auntie asked me. I just nodded. She went to the door and flipped the open sign to close. She picked up Nicklaus who was being shockingly quiet, and went upstairs to her house.

When we got into the kitchen and Auntie fixed us some sandwiches I asked her

“Who is Isabelle?” She sighed when I asked this.

“Isabelle is one of your ancestors, she lived here along time ago and I’ve only met her once or twice.” My auntie answered.

“And she’s a vampire like me?” I asked another question.

“Yes she is and she thought she killed out your whole bloodline. So she must have been really surprised to see you and you look exactly like her so if she got you to do her bidding the world would be in havoc. So please stay away from her.” She said pausing to stare hard at me. “Ally what are we going to do?” She finished with a question.

“I don’t know auntie but I can’t stay here.” I told her grimacing.

“Why not?” She asked me.

“Because I almost attacked my mother and it didn’t freak me out when she screamed I enjoyed it. Auntie I’m turning into a monster!” At this point I started crying after finishing the sentence.

She didn’t say anything she just stared at me with a horrified look. I couldn’t stand it I jumped up from the table and ran out of the house and without realizing it I ran to the park, which was a mile away. But my eyes were watering too much for me to notice. I found a bench and sat down. I sat there crying feeling stupid whenever someone saw me. I felt two slender arms wrap around me and a smooth velvet voice said,

“What’s wrong, Darling”? I recognized this voice it was Isabelle!

“What are you doing here Isabelle”? I asked tiredly.

“I told you, you would see me again and you looked so sad.” She said. Could she possibly be worried about me? She tried to kill out her family she couldn’t possibly actually care for me, could she?

“She said something didn’t she, Eloise that is.” She asked me sitting down next to me. She took my hand and this time I knew she wasn’t messing with my feelings, I mean she looked so serious.

“She told me that you killed your family, all of your family. Or at least tried too.” I told her. She got a dark distant look in her eyes.

“Yes, I did kill them.” She stated and I didn’t think she was done but I ripped my hand out of hers. She got a hurt look on her face.

“She didn’t tell you why, did she?” She asked, and I shook my head no.

“They were trying to kill me.” She paused letting it sink into me and continued.

“They were vampire hunters and so was I but, one day on the hunt I was caught and turned. I didn’t want to die, so I ran. But the hunters gave my family the mission to hunt me down and kill me. When they caught up to me I begged them to change their minds but they only saw me as a cold hearted monster and not their daughter. So I only defended myself and in the end I had killed them all or at least I thought until I saw you.” She told me and gave me a slight smiled, but a tear rolled down her cheek. I wrapped my arms around her this time. Thinking about how horrible it must have been when she had to kill her family.

“So why are you crying”? She asked me now. I started tearing up again.

“I almost attacked my mother and when I told Aunty she looked horrified. I know it she hates me now”! I said in one burst and started sobbing again. She wrapped her arms around me tightly and pulled me towards her, to where I was crying into her shoulder.

“It’s ok. You’re not turning into a monster, even if you hate yourself I will love you. You’re the only family I have and I’m so glad I met you and you share my gift which makes us closer and now I won’t be alone anymore, and I won’t let you be alone ever.” She promised whispering softly, she held me tighter. I cried for I don’t know how long and I think she cried too. Then she broke the silence.

“Come away with me, we can go far away, and no one will ever hurt you again. Please.” She told me. I sighed and responded,

“I’m sorry, I can’t, at least not now.” She looked at me long and hard and a bit hurt.

“It’s alright, you might someday right? Until then I’ll be there whenever you need me.” She smiled at me as she finished.

“I’m sorry Isabella, I might go with you soon.” I told her. She smiled at me,

“I have to go now goodbye my beautiful darling.” She told me and gave me a quick peck to the cheek before disappearing again. I sighed and looked at my phone it was five o’clock and I bet my parents were wonder where I was so I started on my way home. I got there quicker than I thought I would. I walked in the doors at five thirty.

“Ally”? My mom called.

“Yeah mom”? I called back.

“Oh good she’s here, stay right there and I’ll go get her.” I heard my mom whisper. My mom came out of the living room with a big smile on her face.

“So Ally, there’s a very nice young man here to see you.” She told me grinning from ear to ear.

“Who is it”? I asked uncertain because I couldn’t remember what guys knew where I lived.

“He said his name is Lukas. Ring any bells”? She asked. I nodded, and walked past her into the living room. To see a godly beautiful man sitting on our pink flower patterned sofa. That thought made me burst out laughing.

“So glad I amuse you.” He told me lifting an eyebrow and giving me a smug smile. Man he was so beautiful it was ridiculous. I shook my head at him and walked over. I plopped down on the sofa next to him. This made him chuckle and the sound was almost addicting.

“So what are you doing here”? I asked him

“I wanted to see you.” He said wiggling his eyebrows jokingly. But even if it was a joke I was secretly happy he said that.

“So really what are you doing here”? I asked him smiling.

“I thought we could compare class schedules.” He told me like it wasn’t a big deal. I let the thought sink in for a second.

“So you’re going to my school”?  I asked. He chuckled, okay so it was addicting.

“Yep and I just got my schedule if you want to compare.” He said to me. I don’t know if it’s just him or if all male vampires were this enchanting.  He wanted to compare schedules. I nodded and said,

“I’ll be right back.” He nodded and I ran up to my room and grabbed my schedule off of my desk, and ran back down stairs noticing how fast I really am. When I entered the room, my sister and some of the girls that I met at the mall were there and flirting and giggling at him it made me mad, that our time alone together was gone. They noticed me and motioned me over and everyone was comparing our class schedules.

I found out that I had five classes together with Lukas. The other girls? Well they weren’t as lucky, but they managed to have a few classes with him. Once we started talking I started to have fun. My mom had ordered pizza and that got the party going. Someone slipped in the horror movie from a few nights ago. I was fine with it for a while but then, some of the girls tried to get a bag of popcorn open and we couldn’t find a pair of scissors. So they decided to use a knife to get it open they did but one had cut her finger in the process. The crimson line entered my sight, and my body started moving, I felt a hand grab mine. I looked down at Lukas and realized what was happening. The T.V. Screen, started screaming and I looked as the vampire devoured the girl. I looked over at Lukas who was now with the girl and having no problems with the blood. I had to get out,

“I’ll be back in a while.” I proclaimed and grabbed my coat and was out the door before anyone could get a word out. No one chased after me or I was gone too quickly for them to catch me.

I headed to the park and was there in a short minute. I took out my phone and checked the time it was 6:30 but it was a while before the meeting. I found a bench and sat to wait. I could see all the kids playing on the playground but most of their parents were making them leave. A kid walked up to me and asked,

“What’s wrong lady”? He looked at me curiously. He looked to be about seven or eight and stood unnaturally straight with straight brown hair, and brown eyes. He stood staring and I realized that I hadn’t answered him.

“Nothing’s wrong.” I said and smiled at him. A frown came across his little face.

“Lying to someone you just met isn’t very nice lady.” He told me sternly.

“My names’ not lady, and we haven’t even met yet.” I said a bit annoyed.

“My names Aaron, what’s yours’”? He asked me.

“Ally” I told him curtly.

“Ally, what’s wrong”? Aaron asked sounding caring and I felt compelled to tell him.

“I’m turning into a monster.” I said sadly. He didn’t look shocked at all, as if it was normal.

“What kind of monster”? He asked, his face revealing nothing.

“One who feeds on human blood.” I said coldly realizing the truth behind my own words.

“You need to eat too.” He said pausing looking at my face. “The way I see it is lions eat gazelles, and nobody hates the lion because it’s doing what it needs to, to survive. Just like how humans eat cows, it’s no different than you having to eat humans.” He finished looking at me but that actually made some sense but I didn’t relish on the thought of killing someone.

“I don’t want to kill someone, just for me to live.” I told him tearing up.

“Then don’t, just feed off of them and then erase their memories.” He told me sounding wiser beyond his years. I looked carefully at him and realized that the eye’s I thought were a light brown, were a deep crimson red. He was another vampire. Which would explain him being so smart.

He gave me a sweet sad smile, and I felt suddenly protective of him. I wrapped my arms around him and whispered,

“Thank you” In response he hugged me too. He then released me and stepped back.

I realized we were no longer alone, A beautiful woman with long brown hair and striking green eyes with red rings around them stood tall and gracefully in a long black dress that highlighted her beautifully pale skin.

“Hello, I am Stella, leader of the Delarosa coven.” The beautiful woman told me with a hint of a Spanish accent. A deep voice came from behind,

“Howdy miss, I’m Connor Rawson leader of a cowboy coven.” A tall and sturdy man said to me in a southern accent. Upon a closer inspection He had dark black hair and blue eyes like mine. He wore a simple blue button up plaid shirt, blue jeans, and cowboy boots. He dipped his Stetson, in a greeting.

“I’m sorry I’m late.” Dr. Lancer called out to us. She was dressed casual but nice at the same time. Maybe she fancied one of the vampires? I thought to myself. I looked around and realized that more people had joined us each as beautiful as the next.

“Isabelle” A soft voice called to me. I turned to look for her but she wasn’t here and I realized the person was addressing me. He was taller than the others, and was a little less sturdy than Connor, but made an impact of his own as he was of American Indian descent, his skin a bit darker than the others but his hair was the darkest of all. He looked at me desperately,

“I’m sorry I’m Ally not Isabelle.” His face fell for a moment and then he smiled at me.

“How do you do, my Indian name is Runner of the Winds, but you may call me Erik, I apologize my mistress the leader of the wild ones coven, is feeling ill and asked if I would come in her stead.” He told me in perfect English but I could tell that it wasn’t his native tongue.

“It’s quite alright.” I responded. I heard snickering behind me and turned to look. A boy my age sat in the spot on the bench I sat minutes ago. He wore what looked to be designer clothes and was rocking the kind of punk look most kids tried to get in this age, but could never achieve. He had short black hair and sparkling green eyes.

“Hi, I’m snake, My covens is fairly new and we haven’t really figured out a name yet.” He told me in a silky voice, giving me a toothy grin.

“Hello.” I responded. I turned to the doctor and found her chatting with a large red headed Irishman.

“How do you do lassie, I’m Brian O’ Herring Leader of the O’ Herring coven. It’s quite a pleasure to meet you.” He told me with a deep Irish accent.

The one vampire that had yet to introduce himself stood by Stella, conversing with her quietly. As if he felt my eye’s he turned to look at me. I met my eyes with his bright crimson eyes. He gave me a small smile and he looked as if he was in pain. He wore old fashion clothes and had long black hair pulled back into a ponytail.

“Hello my dear, I am Moirés Leader of the Night walkers coven. I am extremely grateful that I get to meet you.” He said to me. I don’t know why but I got the feeling that I should stay away from him.

“Now that everyone is introduced we should get down to business. Where is she going to go?” Dr. Lancer questioned.

“Can I have her”? Aaron asked quickly. Have her? That sounded like I was a toy, although I wouldn’t mind going with him.

“Wait a second, I already cleaned out a room for her.” Conner objected. Well it would be interesting to see how he lives.

“My coven has already prepared a banquet.” Stella interjected.

“Hey mine hasn’t got many members besides I’m sure she would want to be with someone her own age.” Snake chipped in.

“My mistress is very interested in having another lady around. I would like her to come with me.” Erik added.

“I’ve been needing to fill another spot in my coven.” Moirés stated.

“Now, now why don’t you all come down, it’s her choice to make let her make it.”   Brian Intervened thankfully.

“Well who's it going to be Ally”? Brian asked me, bringing the attention back to me. Each of them stared intently at me. But I didn’t know who to choose I barely knew them, and they want me to choose whom I’d live with for possibly forever?

“Okay everybody back off” Dr. Lancer said to them. “She obviously doesn’t know who to choose so how about we just let her stay in your coven as if she were a new member for a week or longer if she chooses. How does that sound”? Dr. Lancer finished.

They all agreed and decided who would go first Aarons’ coven was chosen to be first, Stella’s’ second, Conner’s third, Snake fourth, Brian fifth, and Moirés’ was last. All of them then said their goodbyes. Except for Aaron and Dr. Lancer.

“I will arrive at your house to get you and clean up in two days.” Aaron said to me.

“What do you mean clean up”? I asked.

“We’ll have to erase your existence, memories, pictures, and anything that would prove you existed.” Aaron said sullenly.

“Why would you do that”? I asked suddenly wary of him.

“For your protection and so that your family wouldn’t have to suffer when you're gone. I’m sorry.” He told me.

“I understand, it’s for the best right? I guess I’ll see you in two days.” I told him saddened, but it would be for the best my family would take it too hard, and it would be weird to remember a whole life and the people in wouldn’t remember that life or you.

He nodded and left with Dr. Lancer and I was alone. I walked home and wondered about the possibilities that awaited me but the life I was leaving behind it would haunt me forever.

When I got home I found the girls in the living room having a movie night and I found that Lukas had left shortly after I had. It had been a long day and I was very tired and besides we started school tomorrow, so I went up stairs and took a shower and then went to bed after brushing my hair and teeth.

As I dreamt I heard a voice, I think it was Isabelle’s singing to me. The dream I had was strange. Isabelle and I were chanting in a weird language and something was going to happen just as I woke up.

Isabelle was laying in my bed next to me holding my hand in hers’. She was sleeping and now I knew why I had the dream. I shook her awake. She looked at me, giving me a guilty smile.

“What are you doing here Isabelle”? I asked curiously.

“Cause I wanted to help you get ready for your first day of school.” She told me getting up.

“Why”? I asked.

“Because I always wanted a little sister. Now go brush your teeth.” She demanded.

I left the room obliging to her wish. When I made it to my room again Isabelle had an outfit on the bed ready for me. I put it on and it made me look stunning. The jeans fit me perfectly hugging me in all the right places. The black tee shirt with a v-cut and the red undershirt highlighted my curves. The black boots fitting the outfit together perfectly. I grabbed the white amulet auntie had given me and put it on, even if she hated me now I had a feeling that it would protect me. Isabelle pulled me over to the makeup dresser and started doing my hair, she made it curl into ringlets and then started on my makeup. Once she was finished I looked absolutely beautiful and I was barely able to recognize myself.

“Perfect.” she announced to no one in particular. She came over to me and gave me a hug and a peck on the cheek.

“Good luck today, I have to go, but if you ever need me just call out my name and I’ll come. Good bye” She told me and disappeared before I could say anything.

I went downstairs and my sister was already dressed and ready to go, she was eating a pop tart, so I grabbed a bagel and ate it with strawberry cream. I grabbed the keys to drive us to school. When we got outside there was a car parked on our curb, and Lukas honked his horn, and rolled down the passenger side window.

“Wanna ride?” He called out to us, before I said anything; Mia was already walking to his car.

“Sure.” She told him, and crawled into the back seat. I just shrugged and got in the front seat, secretly really happy. The car ride was pretty short, and the whole way there we battled over radio stations, when we finally pulled into the parking lot Katie Perry’s Firework was playing. Mia saw some of her friends, and basically jumped out of the car and went to join them. As her door shut, I heard the doors lock. I looked over at Lukas, and he had a weird look on his face.

“ What happened last night? I went to look for you and I couldn’t find you.” He said quietly. I thought for a moment.

“I couldn’t stand it, I had to get away. I went to the park, and met some coven leaders.” I admitted, he just stared at me, and finally breaking the silence said,

“What coven’s?” I tried remembering all of the names.

“Delarosa, cowboy, wild ones, O’ Herring, Night walkers covens. Oh and a guys’ named Snake’s coven.” I told him, he seemed to brighten at the mention of Snake. I was going to ask him a question but the warning bell rang out, meaning we had five minutes to get to class.  

We quickly grabbed our bags and rushed into the building. We parted ways as I headed to home ec. I quickly took a seat next to a small brunette, and looked at our teacher standing at the front of the room. He went over the procedures for the class and what we were going to go over this year. Then he handed out fabric swatches, and a needle with thread. He proceeded to show us how to thread the needle and then make a stitch. In this process several people pricked their fingers, it didn’t bother me until, the small brunette pricked hers. I felt my fangs starting to ascend from my gums. I fumbled for my bag, and went to the teacher and murmured something about being sick with my hand covering my mouth. Obviously I looked it because he quickly wrote out, a pass and sent me on my way. I got to the nurse's office and she saw what the teacher saw, and let me lie down in the back. I scrunched up my body holding my stomach, which was clenching tighter and tighter with each moment. Until, i luckily, blacked out.

When I woke up, last period was about to start. My great luck, i missed the entire first day of school. As I walked out of the nurses office I noticed the hallways were flooded with students, most of them stop and stared at me. I glanced around wondering why, was my clothes messed up? My hair, makeup? Why were they staring at me? I felt someone grab my hand and start to pull me down the hall. I looked at the person and noticed it was Lukas.

“Glad you finally woke up sleeping beauty.” He said to me jokingly. I glanced around some more and noticed people were still staring.

“Why is everyone staring at me?” I decided to ask Lukas. He laughed.

“Somebody got sick after you, and saw you sleeping. When they got back to class, they told everybody about a pretty girl sleeping in the infirmary. Everyone's been stopping by to take a look. The poor nurse has been chasing kids off for hours. I believe they set up a nurse station in the office, for kids who say they “sick or injured” you’ve caused quite a commotion, and its only your first day.” He finished.

“Possibly last too. What a horrible situation, my whole school life I’ve wanted to be noticed and only on the last day, am I, finally appreciated” I said exasperated. He chuckled at my reaction. He pulled me into the lit classroom, and led me to a seat in the back row. The class filled up quickly. Despite my seat in the back row the other kids had found a way to stare at me. I felt myself blushing, but I was quite unsure if I could actually blush now that I was a vampire, but it sure felt like I was.

Mr. Razzmuffin walked into class, on his happy high, that would last at least the first week. He was my favorite teacher. I’ve had him for three years. The way he taught, brought the works to life. He was extremely brilliant and our school was lucky to have him. Not that any other students thought of him like that. He actually cared about his students. I admired him quite a lot. He stood tall as he began to take roll.

When he called my name, I raised my hand and said ‘here!’ In an instant whispering swept through the room. I glanced around and then back at Mr. Razzmuffin and he looked astonished.

“Well you certainly have changed Ally, everybody quite down, we have a class to get back to” He stated, his composure returning, as he continued to take roll. When he finished he went through the syllabus, explained what we were going to be doing this year, and pointed out the reading list located on the syllabus. He then led a game around the room 3 truths and a lie. He said he did this because we’ve all had a long day and needed a break. The hour went fast and the final bell rang. I honestly wasn’t ready to go, everyone filed out of the room as quickly as possible. Lukas and I were at the back of the line, and Mr. Razzmuffin called out to me

“Ally can you hang back for a moment?” his British accent apparent. Lukas looked at me reluctantly to leave me alone. “Alone please, Mr. Reginald” he said flatly. Hm? Was that Lukas’s last name? Lukas gave me a hard glance.

“I’ll wait by the car” He said plainly and reached for my hand, giving it a squeeze he left me. I watched him go and then turned to Mr. Razzmuffin.

“What’s up?” I asked him, curiously. He looked me over quite obviously.

“Eloise, wanted me to talk to you.” He said softly, eyes landing on the white amulet. “Its good you’re still wearing it.” Of course he’s talked to Eloise they were quite close.

“Does she hate me?” I whispered. He gave me a a strange look.

“She could never hate you, Ally. She wants you to stop by the store around 6, she said she will feed you dinner”

He said absent mindly. He was speaking through a haze as if he was trying to figure something out.

“I’ll go. Are you coming?” I asked him, a few times, when I was having dinner with auntie Mr. Razzmuffin had joined us, but I didn’t know if he was involved with the new world I had been dragged into or not.  It made me curious, did he know about the supernatural? Or was he just my English teacher, I had a feeling maybe, just maybe, he was more than what he seemed. If he would be joining us for dinner, there would be no doubt. He started nodding.

“Yes, yes, I will be.” He looked me straight in the eyes with clarity. “Ally, no matter what if you need me I will help you, any way possible.” He finished, I nodded.

“Thank you, I’ll see you tonight” I said stumbling over my own words, and I retreated through the doorway. I quickly made my way out of the building and to the car, where Lukas was talking with some of the girls from the mall, my sister was with them. I cleared my throat, and said

“Mr. Reginald, Ms. Wood, I think it about time we depart.” I finished with a small grin. My sister gave me an embarrassed look, and Lukas laughed.

“The princess has issued a command, sorry ladies, I must be going.” He told them and then turning to me he said “Shall we?” I laughed and my sister shook her head.

“I’m gonna hang out with them for a while, could you tell mom?” she asked me, I agreed and we got in the car, and left.





A taste of blood

Lukas turned the radio off and asked me,

“So what was that all about?” I thought for a moment about what I should say, or what I could tell him.

“He just told me that my Aunt would like me to come over for dinner” I told him with a shrug. He gave me a questioning look

“Are they together or something?” He questioned

“They are close friends” I answered. I felt like he knew that wasn’t all, but he let it go. I started thinking back to this morning about his reaction to Snake’s name. “Are you in Snake’s coven?” I asked him. He glanced at me a grinned.

“Yeah, he was the one who created me.” He replied.

“On purpose?” I questioned. He nodded as he pulled up to my house

“I’ll tell you about it some other time, but I need to go for tonight, be safe, okay?” He said to me. I nodded and said good bye, before exiting the car and walking inside. I went to the kitchen where I could hear my mother bustling about. She was making some sort of confection, but I wasn’t interested in that, it didn’t appeal to me at all even though I love sweets. I sat at the counter and told her what Mia was doing. I also asked her if I could go to Aunts house to have dinner. She agreed, offered me a snack, which I refused. It just wasn’t appealing to me at all, I was hungry. But not anything I could think of.

I went to my room, laid on my bed and read ‘Story Teller’ by Antonia Michaelis. I could read for an hour and then I would get ready for dinner. Fifty-nine minutes later, I was crying my eyes dry. The ending had chilled me to the bone, and driven me mad. My mother, to my shame came upstairs to check on me. When she asked what was wrong, I told her about the ending, and she rolled her eyes, she couldn’t believe I was crying over book character’s. I called her heartless, but she wouldn’t understand how I felt unless she read it, she wouldn’t though, she didn’t read that much. Not like my dad and I do. We happen to be a bit obsessed.  

After I calmed down, I cleaned myself up and got ready. Picking out well fitting jeans, putting on a tank top, and sliding a turquoise cashmere sweater on top of it. Finally picking out a white knit cap, I grabbed my bag and told my mom I was leaving.  I walked down to auntie’s store. I tried not to think about what was going to happen tonight instead I wrapped my mind around the ending of Storyteller, it was sad but truly beautiful. I ended up standing in front of Mystical Books. I stood in front of the store for a few minutes before Nicklaus jumped out of the door and into my arms.

“Ally! I missed you!” He laughed happily as I swung him around in my arms. He went frigid in my arms as he remembered something. “Momma said hurry and come inside before supper got cold” I nodded and carried him inside, and upstairs to the dining room. Auntie was laying out plates of jerk chicken, and some vegetables that I didn’t care for. I sat Nicklaus in the chair next to mine, he was across from Mr. Razzmuffin, and I was in front of Auntie. Nicklaus led the way of the conversation, by telling us all about his first day of second grade. He talked so much, we had finished dinner by the time he had finished his story.

“Nicklaus, why don’t you go find a book to read to you, while we talk to Allie, okay?” She asked but we all knew it wasn’t a question, but a command. He nodded and ran off to the book store, a faint blue light following him. We watched him go and once he was gone, they turned and looked at me.

“Ally, you still haven’t taken blood, right?” Auntie questioned me, I nodded. I hadn’t yet but I’ve come close several times. I couldn’t deny that food almost had no taste to me at all. She looked at me determined.

“I want you to drink my blood” as soon as those words were out I was objecting. “Hear me out!” She commanded, Auntie was a woman who got what she wanted. I silenced myself and waited.

“Now, drinking my blood will connect us, but my blood has to be your first, or it won’t be as strong. It will allow you to borrow my power’s and it would allow me to locate you wherever you are. It would also allow us to speak to each through our minds if you wish. Though there is a bit of a spell, that goes a long with it. If we do it right, everything should be fine. I’ll be able to help protect you” She looked over at Mr. Razzmuffin, “Anything to add?”

“I wonder if there was a way to extend the spell to both of us? I would like to be of help to Ally, I’m sure my powers would be useful. Also we had agreed to train her together” He was mostly just talking to Auntie, but the train me part caught my attention.

“Train me? What are you talking about?” I asked hesitantly.

“Well after you graduated, we were going to tell you what we are, and offer to train you as a witch, but of course we hadn’t expected something like this to happen. We will still train you if you wish, but only if we do this spell, or else you wouldn’t be able to do our type of magic” Auntie told me, hopefully.  I nodded

“I’ll do it” I said my voice shaking. Auntie nodded once, and got up, she began to move things around, and gather others. Over her shoulder, she said,

“It should extend to us both if we use a cup and mix the blood beforehand, it will also make it easier for me to cast the spell. Now help me with this rug” She commanded, Mr. Razzmuffin moved to help her.

Underneath the rug was a large circle of sorts, with a bunch of lines running through it, and several weird symbols. Nicklaus came up stairs because of the commotion, and sat quietly next to me, he slipped his hand into mine, as if he sensed my unease. Auntie placed five candles at equal distances apart, from each other. Then she placed a large goblet on the table, I studied it for a moment. It was tall and had a large golden stripes wrapped around the black cup, with four large rubies on each side of the cup. She and Mr. Razzmuffin, stood over the cup and cut their wrist’s letting their blood drip into the goblet, when the goblet was half full, their wrist’s healed completely leaving no scars.

“Nicklaus come” Auntie commanded, I felt power wash by me surrounding Nicklaus. He began to change his skin grew darker until it was black, his face stretched and his hands and feet became a wolves’ paws. A few seconds later and a small black wolf sat next to me, it got up and pranced over to Auntie. I stared at them with shock plastering on my face.

“He is my familiar, this is his true form” Auntie said reaching down, to lay a hand on Nicklaus’s head. Out of nowhere a small white cat jumped onto the table, and leaped onto Mr. Razzmuffin’s shoulder, wrapping her tail around his neck.

“This is Ailuros, she is my familiar of sorts.” He smiled at her and lifted a hand and stroked he neck softly. She looked me in the eyes, and her eye’s held an intelligence that wasn’t fit for a cat. Ailuros purred loudly.

“Come now, child” Auntie told me, holding out her hand. I took it and she led me to the center of the circle. She motioned for me to sit, and handed me the goblet. I had a great urge to gulp it down right this second, but Auntie shook her head and the urge disappeared.

“Take your places” She commanded. She and Mr. Razzmuffin stood opposite of each other, as did Nicklaus and Ailuros. Auntie was saying something in a sing songy voice, I couldn’t make out what she was saying, soon Mr. Razzmuffin joined her, in the strange melodic spell. Soon two more softer voice’s appeared, I looked at the familiar’s but their mouths weren’t moving.

“DRINK NOW ALLY” Auntie said with a shaky breath. I held the goblet with both hands, and sipped slowly for a few seconds. Then a strong need pulsed through me, and soon I was gulping it down, it was tingling down my throat. No matter how much I drank there was always more, almost if it was never ending. I glanced at the blood in the cup, and it was glowing a luminescent gold. The chant grew louder, and the room vibrated around me. The gentle breeze that had coursed through the room, had become a raging wind storm. The chanting had reached its climax, and I felt thick chains wrap around me, encasing me forcefully, but allowing me enough room to down the last of the blood. As soon as the last drop landed on my tongue, the chains broke, burning my skin and releasing a pulse of warm magic.

When the magic reached each being they collapsed their bodies covered in black swirls, shinning slightly with gold, illuminating them. They were choking and withering in pain. A quite voice whispered in my mind a short phrase in Latin, the last word meaning release. I repeated it, and the air pressure dropped drastically, and the marks disappeared. The first one to move was Ailuros and with new strength she ran to Mr. Razzmuffin, rubbing her face against his, he let out a choked laugh.

“I’m fine” he reassured her. Slowly moving his arm to stroke her. Next Nicklaus got up and walked by me, pausing to bump my arm with his nose. He went to Auntie and wriggled under her arm to help her up. Then proceeded to help Mr. Razzmuffin too. They both slowly and carefully made their way over to me.

“How do you feel?” Auntie asked breathlessly. I thought for a moment and replied,

“Strange, stronger, fizzy? Is that a feeling?” my voice seemed to carry more power than before. My skin was tingly, and my blood was boiling. It felt as if every cell in my body was vibrating with power. I felt really good, for the first time since I was changed. I felt like I was back in my own skin, instead of the stranger I had become. Mr. Razzmuffin chuckled at my question.

“I believe that could qualify as a feeling” He grinned and held a hand out to help me up, the moment our hands touched an electrical current went between us. Shocking both parties.

“Well that was Shocking!” He said out loud grinning at his own pun.

“Are you okay?” I asked slightly worried, If he was smiling like that I don’t think he could be too hurt.

“I’m fine!” he replied, almost happily. Auntie suppressed a smile and held out her hand for me. I took it and electricity came between us as well, but Auntie had been expecting it and strengthened her grip on my hand. She brought me to my feet despite the shock. I looked down at our hands and noticed a string of strange symbols wrapping around Auntie’s wrist, almost as if it had been tattooed onto her skin, but it wasn’t there before tonight. Or at least I hadn’t noticed it, and I think I would have, knowing her for as long as I had.

“It’s part of the spell, Bran has one too” Auntie said noticing what I was staring at. I glanced over at Mr. Razzmuffin and sure enough he had one on his wrist. But when I looked at my own, I didn’t.

“Why don’t I have one?” I asked.

“It’s mainly because you are the vampire, it just shows that we are connected to one that drinks blood. If it were someone else, the symbols and meanings would be different” Mr. Razzmuffin told me. It sort of made sense to me, but not completely, I wouldn’t pursue it too much.

I glanced over to the clock on the wall and it read 9:30, I couldn’t believe my eyes. Had that much time really passed? It had seemed like only a few minutes had passed. I had to be getting home soon, but I really needed to tell Auntie about how Aaron is going to pick me up tomorrow night.

“Um Auntie, tomorrow some vampires are coming to take me into their coven, they said that they were going to erase my existence. Are you going to be able to remember me? When they do the spell” I asked worried.

“What coven?” Auntie asked, I explained everything, to my meeting with the doctor, and her introducing me to all of the covens. I then told them of the plan. For me to spend two weeks with each coven, to figure out who I wanted to stay with.

“Well I don’t think it would be a problem. We can teach you through our telepathic bond, it won’t be easy but we’ll manage, and I don’t want to fight several covens, not that I wouldn’t if you needed me to, but I don’t think It will be necessary” Mr. Razzmuffin explained

“I’ll set up a protective barrier around the shop, the vampire spell won’t reach us, inside. We will remember you, I promise” Auntie told me, she pulled me into one of the warmest hugs I’ve ever received. After she let go, Mr. Razzmuffin offered me one too. Which of course I took, we had become closer this evening. All of us were now connected, for as long as they lived. Nicklaus changed back into him human form and gave me a big hug.

“I guess this is good bye for now, I don’t know when I’m going to see you guys again. Except you Mr. Razzmuffin, I’ll see you in school tomorrow” I gave them all a small smile, Ailuros, leapt from Mr. Razzmuffin’s shoulder onto mine, and rubbed her head against my face. I saw a small line of black, wrapped around one of her paws. I glanced down at Nicklaus and sure enough he had one too.

“I’m gonna miss you Ally!” Nicklaus cried out leaping and attaching himself onto me. I scooped him up into a hug. He was crying, and I needed to comfort him.

“Hey, hey, hey, none of that Mr.! It’s not like I’m never going to see you again, I have to come visit, I’d miss you too much!” I said smiling at him, I wiped his tears with my shirt, and gave him an eskimo kiss. He looked at me hopefully.

“You promise?” he asked softly.

“I promise!” I told him with a confirming nod.

They said good bye to me, and I walked home, at a human pace. Taking my time, studying my surrounding’s and imprinting them into my mind, so I wouldn’t forget. I didn’t want to forget my human life, someday I might, but for now I wanted it to remain in my memories forevermore. Time could change me and I’d want to remember who I was, far into my future wherever it may take me.

Beast Printing


When I walked into the house, I immediately heard my mother crying. I hurried to the living room to find out why. She and my father were looking over mine and Mia’s baby books.

“Oh honey!” My mother said choking back sobs when she saw me. She came over and enveloped me into a hug.

“You’re so big now! You aren’t my little girl anymore!” She spoke loudly her voice cracking, as she planted kisses all over my head.

“Mom, MOM! Common get off!” I said, gently trying to push her off.

“Mom I’ll always be your little girl, I promise, I’ll never grow up! Just for you” I told her in a serious tone. Which I ruined with a smile, and returned the hug careful not to hurt her. A tear fell from my eye, I hadn’t even realized I was tearing up. Am I even going to be able to leave? Is there a choice? I don’t want to hurt them, but I don’t want to lose them. Will I forget them?

My “Ally? Too tight” My mother squeaked snapping me out of my thoughts. I released her, and smiled warily. We sat down, and I looked at the scrapbooks with them. It was about eleven when dad put his arms around us and said

“Time to get to bed ladies” I kissed them both on the cheek, and grabbed one of the scrapbooks that had a lot of pictures of my family in it.

“I’ll put it back later, okay?” I asked, my dad nodded, and I went to my room. I grabbed my purple duffle bag from under my bed and started loading it full of my most prized positions. A necklace my grandmother gave me, the signed copy of my favorite book my father gave to me for my birthday, the scrapbook, and most of my new clothes. I placed my shoes and boots at the bottom. I walked through my room picking up everything deciding if it was important to me or if I no longer needed it. I grabbed a C.D. Mia had lent me and placed it carefully into my bag, it was one of her favorites. I felt sad to leave all my books behind, but I wouldn’t be able to fit them in the duffle bag. The light caught of something sticking out of one of the oldest books I had. I removed the book from the shelf and opened it revealing a metal star, the size of my palm, it was flat and filled with colorful gems. My mother made it for me to use as a book mark. I had all but forgotten it. I slipped the small item into the side pocket of the bag.

            I rummaged through my desk drawers and pulled out a few undeveloped canister’s of film and several disposable cameras. I went around the house and took pictures of each room, excluding Mia’s and our parents. Then I remembered a business card having to do with developing film, or printing. I ran back up stairs and went to the stack of business cards on my dresser and flipped through them until I saw the word printing. Beast Printing open 24 hours Monday-Friday. 433 East Main St. I grabbed the full canisters, my jacket, bag, and hat. I silently left the house and headed to Main St. Snapping photos, of certain trees, and spots where important things happened, where precious memories were made. I filled up one more canister, and covered the town, by the time I reached the store. In big bold electric lights said Beast Printing. I walked in to the chime of a bell. A skater looking boy with semi-long hair looked up, mid-turning the page of a comic book.

“What can I do ya for, Draculina?” He said with a wolfish grin.

“Draculina?” I asked with an eye brow crooked, he seemed fun, like the kind of person I could be friends with.

“Canine senses.” He replied tapping his nose.

“Werewolf?” I guessed.

“Bingo! We have a winner!” He said grinning.

“I win? What’s my prize?” I replied jokingly, taking a step forward.

“Well that depends, what did you come in for?” He asked with a more serious tone.

“I need to get these developed as quickly as possible.” I replied matching his tone, as I finished crossing the room. I placed the canisters on the counter.

“I’ll develop one for free, but I’m gonna have to charge you for the rest. I can get these done in about four to six days.” He said in a business tone.

“I’m leaving town tomorrow and I don’t know when I’ll be back, or if I’ll be back.” I responded shaking my head. He sighed and closed his comic book, then looked back up with a glint in his eyes, and his wolfish grin restored.

“I can get them done by morning, but it’ll cost you a lot more.” He warned, he jotted a number on a post-it, and slid it too me, in an ironic kind of way. I glanced it over, and pushed it back.

“This much?” I questioned. He nodded in response.

“Fairies are pricy and that’s the only way they will be done by morning.” He smiled.

“Fairies! Real fairies! Can I see? I didn’t realize they would be real too!” I replied, the joy resounding in my voice.

“Fairies don’t like to be watched while they do their work, sorry. You’re pretty new to this aren’t you?” He said raising an eyebrow. I laughed lightly,

“Pretty obvious, isn’t it?” I replied, pulling out my cash to pay.

“Very, I need your name for the order.” He told me.

“Alley Woods, and yours? It’s only fair after all.” I responded.

“Jake Beast, and no I’m not joking, that’s my last name.” He said with a sly grin.

“That is the best last name I’ve ever heard.” I said laughing.

“Thanks, Miss Holly Wood, now get outta here, I’ve got some serious work to do.” He replied cracking his fingers, and tilting his head like he was about to run a race. I laughed and placed the cash on the counter.

“Thank you! Have a good night!” I told him as I was gliding out the door.

“You too.” I heard him say, as I stepped into the autumn night. I walked two steps thought about home, and I was there in a second. This was something I was going to love getting to know. To be in a new place in a matter of moments by thinking was some kind of wonderful magic. One thing I would enjoy.

I went to my room as silently as I left it. I grabbed the bag and put it under my bed. I undressed, brushed my teeth and went to sleep. To prepare for my last day in my human life.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.12.2016

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