
Memories and Heartbreak...

     I fell asleep to the sound of screams. But they were not mine.....I couldnt see anything just a big blur.

But i could see girl or women on the floore on her knee's next to a body with a sword through its chest. He isnt moviing or breathing just there in a pool of his own blood.

I can see that he has blond hair thats cut short where it barley reaches his ears he looked like hes is in his mid 30s and the women now that i know its a women looks to be in her early 30s she had long brown hair that went to her waist it was wavy curly that flows through the wind, she had bright blue eyes like the ocean that mad you want to stare at them forever it was amazingly beautiful but the only thing that was not is that she was crying... crying so hard that it looked like the ocean was crying if that made sense.

She also had so much blood on her hands from touching the guy that it dripped off and made a puddle around her body. It was horrible to see that beautiful lady cry like that with blood on her hands but i couldnt stop staring at her it was like i was trapped there with no control of my body and i could do nothing about it. Then i see a girl....a girl who looks to be 11 or 12 she has green eyes, light green where if you looked at it you could see a bright green land field full of nature and flowers.

her hair was brown like the women next to her but a bright brown kind of dirty blond and it was long so, so long it passed her hips to her mid thighs. her hair was pulled to her left shoulder and on her right neck in the right in the middle there was a mark on it, it was a black rose with a lighting strike in the middle.

She was crying silent tears that fell out of her bright green eyes but she wasnt making a sound just looking and the dead body on the floore.

 She looked so familer i know that i've seen her before but where.........No! no no no shes s-sh-shes me. That little girl is me and those two people are my parents. my mom linda goldsing and my dad samual gold- WAIT! m-my dad he's the one on the floore next to my mom not moving not breathing hes no no this isnt a dream nor is it a nightmare this is a memory, a memory i keep reliving even in my sleep and it gives me heartbreak everytime. I have to wake up i need to wake up i cant remember this horrible day i need to wake up NOW no he cant be dead why is he dead. h-he cant be---BOOM!

Up and ready

     Boom Boom  "Aimy honey are you awake your going to be late for your first day"!........Boom "AIMY WAKE UP!!" boom boom "AIMY!"

"Okay mom! im up gosh do you have to beat on my door like a crazy person i'll be down there in a minute." "okay hurry up" she said and left thank god because if she beat on that door again i was going to lose it.

i mean you dont see her beating on suzies door well suzies 4 but hey you beat my door you should beat on her door i mean shes sweet but so damn annoying and she looks exatly like my mom blues eyes dark brown hair while i look like my dad brownish dirty blond hair and bright green eyes even though me and suzie dont share the same father we both have my moms sweet personality well sweet when we want to be though we can be a total bitch when we want to be to " Aimy mommy said to tell you to get up and go to school before your late" suzie said banging on my door harder then my mom had.

" K im up not go away little brat" i sighed getting out of my comfy bed and walking to my closet and grabbing a bra and underwear and walking to my bath room yea i have a bathroom in my room because my moms a lawer and her new husband jack is a doctor so were pretty rich but not snoby rich

i walked in my bathroom sat my clothes on the counter (yes theres a counter in there) and looked signed im kind of scared to go to school i mean this is my first day going to school ever like ever ever i've always been homeschooled dont know why just have and for years i've been begging my mom to let me go to regular school but she always said no but once suzie asked to go to kindergraten she said yes which is because she and jack are in love with suzie sometimes i wonder if i disapered would they even care.

i looked in the mirror and sighed again my mark that stupid mark on my neck that im sure idiots are going to think its a tatoo ugh i dont want to deal with idiots not today im sick of always explaining i did not nor will i ever get a tatoo i mean when your old it will get all ugly and saggy and gross!

anyway i just dont feel like dealing with people who stare at me weird because of my mark and point and call me crazy when i say its a birthmark way..i dont want to deal with that ugh why did i ever want to go to school its not fair i dont want to go now i mean i can stay home and....Boom! i jumped at the sound of my door and fell hard on the cold tile floore "ugh! suzie if you bang on my door one more time im going to kick your little ass!".... "Aimy! its me your mother and dont say that to your little sister now let me in!" i got up rubbed my painful butt and  walked to my door and opened it to see my mom with a an angry expression on her face if she wasnt in a bad mood i would of laughed at her she looks like a red pumkin. i looked down to see suzie with her hiding behind her leg she had a white dress with purple flowers all over it and a black bow in her hair she was so cute but still annoying.

"sorry mom i was in the bathroom when you abused my poor door" i said looking innocent "huh funny keep that up and you wont have a door and i dont care where you were don't talk to her like that when she did nothing wrong now why arent you dress yet its 7:18 you have to be at school at 8:10" she said turing into a red pumkin again "uhhhh well i dont know maybe because when i was bout to hop in the shower you beat on my door and scared the shit out of me and i've changed my mine i dont want to go i mean cant i just be hoomschooled again i really dont want to deal with idiots making fun of my mark" " honey if anybody asks about your mark just say you dont want to talk about it and stop cursing before i squrit soap in your mouth! now get dressed before your late" she said walking down stairs with suzie holding her hand

. i slammed the door and walked to the bathroom and closed the door my life is already fucked up as it is do i really need school to make it worst ugh sighing again i striped out of my clothes and went in the shower i wased my body with my body wash then when it washed of i grabbed my shampoo and scrubed my hair when that washed of i grabbed the conditioner and scrubed my hair with that and washed it off i tured off the water and got out and wrapped a towl around my naked it body when i dried off i grabbed my perfum lotion and put all over my body and then i grabbed my underwear and slipped in on with my bra i grabbed the blow dryer and dried my hair and left it like that it never gets fuzzy its just super straight not like my mom and her wavy hair but like my dads.

When done with my hair i brushed my teeth washed my face then went out the bathroom i grabbed my clothes out the dresser and put them on im wearing black booty shorts that arent to to short or slutty then i put on a dark purple tank top and a black vest that matches my shorts i walked to my clothes grabbed my knee high socks that are all black with a purple strip at the top and knee high shoes thast are all black and walked to my bed and put them on.

i walked to my vanity with a mirror on it and but eyeliner and masscara on with chap stick i dont really like wearing lip stick it could be really embarrassing if you get it stuck on your teeth and not even know. when done i looked at my self in the mirror i looked nice i have a nice body with curves in all the right places and my hair is long i mean really long all the way past my but long it use to be longer than that but i had to get it cut in the summer and the eyeliner makes my green eyes pop out.

i turned around and looked out the window to see that its raining a little out side good thing my vest comes with a hoodie. i grabbed my black backpack with all my books and stuff inside grabbed my phone and keys and was about to run downstairs when i remembered my dads necklace that he gave me for my 10th birthday two years before he was killed. i grabbed the necklace and put it on its a gold chain with a gold heart and in the middle of that heart is a blue dimond i love this necklace its amazing and the only thing i have left of my dad to remember him by i tucked the necklace in my shirt so no one will see it and ran downstairs and into the kitchen.

i met every one in the kitchen and grabbed a poptart and coke and sat at the table i had about 15 minutes to get to school before im late so i should be fine.

"Aimy why dont you wear your hair back so we can see your pretty face all the way" my mom said tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear.

i swallowed a bite of poptart and started at her " because if i do people would see my damn mark and i dont want to deal with assholes and bitches today so thankyou" "Aimy your mark is as pretty as you are and stop curssing who even taught you how to curss in th first place" "you" me and suzie said togather "oh shut up i do not curss i may say crap or stupid or dumb or idioit or fuck or.... DAMN IT i didnt mean fuck i meant uh...uh.. nothing were done talking your already late now" "mom school starts at 8:10 its 8:12 whats two minutes gonna do" i said finishing the rest of my coke " you should be happy you get to go to big kids school so you get to play dress up with all the other big kids" suzie said "no dumb dumb no dress up just 7 hours of pure torture" i said leaning agaisnt the counter "uh huh stop complaining and call trent he and fallen are late" my mom said "Wait what, what do you mean he and fallen are late" i said staring at my mom "huuuuh honey i love you but theres no way im letting you go to high school by yourself trent and fallen just got back in town and i know you want to see them and they want to see you so there mother and father agreed you guys should go to the same school" my mother said "so you hired me a babysitter" No there not your babysitter you a fallen are best friends and you and trent were best friends intill you guys dated"

yea mom me and fallen are still besties even when she had to move away but me and trent werent and the reason i broke up with him is because he cheated on me he broke my heart and i was sad when fallen left but i knew trent was leaving to and i wasnt sad about that see fallen and trent are bro and sis trents 17 and a jr and fallens 15 and in 10th grade like me but im a month older than her but i just turn 15 in may and she turned in august as for trent he turned 17 last week which was august 29th fallens and trent bdays are 3 weeks apart i missed trent but i can never forget what he did to me when i needed him. "just call him Aimy see if there going to meet you there or stop here first" my mom said happily she doesnt know why me and trent broke up she just thinks its because he moved away which is not the reason why.

"ugh fine" i said knowing im not going to win if we start an argument because of this i went through my contact list and dialed trent i would of called fallen but she broke her phone which always happens she is very accident prone he picked up on the 2nd ring

"Hello" trent said

"hey its me my mom wanted to know are guys meeting me there are coming here" i said

"uhhhhhhh we would of went to meet you at your house but fallens taking to damn long and stuff came up so were going tomorrow" he said

"well kay thats fine i'll just see you guys tomorrow"

"yea sure so Ay you wanna go somewhere for lunch today we could go to tony's heaven just me and you like old times" he said with a hopeful tone

"umm i dont think thats a good idea trent"

"why not?"

"because we broke up thats why" i said already annoyed he always wants to get back together but i just cant trust him any more

"come on Ay just as friends and we'll see where it goes" he said sounding desperate

"no trent maybe next time i just wanna meet new people today and eat lunch there we can talk later im already late"

"huh fine i'll call later but ju-just think about it kay........i love you Ay you know that right?" he said

"yea i know trent look i gotta go so just call back later kay bye" i said then hung up the phone before he could say bye i just didnt want to hear him beg for me back again because i wont say yes to him he was my first crush, my first kiss, my frist love, and my first heartbreak and i cant deal with another one i wont deal with another one. i put the phone in my pocket and turned to my mom "trent said there starting tomorrow because stuff came up soooo im going to go now kay bye" i said and ran to the door in the kitchen to the garage and hoped in my black lamborghini pushed the garage button to get out and drove to my first day of school i knew when i got there it was going to be a nightmere i mean who wouldnt stare at my mark and think weirdly of it

. I pulled on the highway to get there and just when i pressed the radio on the song on the radio played "im on the highway to hell"

you think coincidence i think warning..... 

New school, New problems

         The drive to school was fast and slow well maybe because i was daydreaming the whole way there even though im driving which isnt safe. But anyway the outside of the school is huge!

I mean it has its own football field next to it in the back i could see it from here and the building it self was big it was a light grayish color with lots of windows. "big ass school" i muttered to myself as i got out of my car when i closed my door i realized my hands were shaking and it was hard just to hold my backpack with it falling of my shoulder every five seconds. My hands isnt just shaking my whole body is wow i must be very scared right now.

i hadnt realized i would be like this i mean this is my first time in school EVER so i dont know what to do. i know my mom told me to go to the office and ask for my schedule for my classes and ask if someone can show me around but im just going to ask for my schedule not for someone to show me around when i can do it my self it can me that big inside can it?

I walk through the doors and headed for the front office my mom told me to go to. see she already been here to sign me up she even said she showed a picture of me to the teachers and staff so they would know what i looked like which probly was embarrassing but cant turn back now without my mom yelling at me which i dont want to deal with.

When i got to the front office i was met face to face with a lady with blond hair in a bun and thick glasses she was wearing a pink long skirt the passes the kness but clings to her legs and a white butten up shirt tucked in her skirt and on her shirt had a name tag that said Hi! my name is Ms. Leggersin (Leg-ger-sin)

She looked at me and smiled "hi im ms. leggersin and im the sercretary to this school you must be our new student Aimy goldsing" she said it took all i had not to say "no shit" to her but she seem like those types were they look nice on the outside but if you push just one tiny button they'll exploed like a crazy person.

"yes i am ummm can i have my schedule im already late and i just want to get through the day in one piece." i said "oh of corse let me go get it for you and next time say please kay" she said with a deadly look yup scretly crazy i thought to myself i sat on the bench in the office and waited for her to come with my schedule.

when i finaly got my schedule i looked it over

1st period: Algerbra ( ugh i hate algerbra! i dont get why they have to add letters to math like wtf you couldnt think of anything else to torture us with)

2nd period: history 101

3rd period: world geography

4th period: science

then lunch

5th period: gym

6th period: french( because i already know spanish)

&th period: literature

9th period: Drama

and last art 101

ugh why so many classes! jeesh i've been here for like what 15 minutes and i already know im not going to hate this school

i walked around for what seemed like forever and finaly got to my 2nd class since i already missed 1st period i stood in front of the door trying to breath and when i finaly got it undercontroll i knocked on the door that said 205 history 101 not really knowing what else to do and waited

"come in" said a female vocie i took one last unsteady breath and oped the door slowly i walked in and looked around kids well teens every where sitting in deskes everywhere all of them had a book out but none of them reading mostly texting and talking to each other or even making out in the back.....gross...

"hi you must be the new student Aimylee golding nice to meet you  im Ms. Roberts. she said holding out her hand for me to shake it i started at it then shook it i knew my hand was shaking and sweaty from fear but she just smiled and after two shakes then let go

"ummmm nice to meet you too and i like to be called just Aimy" i said shyly  " oh i dont bite and okay well lets get you seated and after class i'll give you your locker number and combo so you can put your stuff up" she smiled and turned around "okay class were going to exchange notes at the end of class to make sure your reading the chapter and everybody this is Aimyle- i mean Aimy and shes a new student here at Westfield high say hi every one"

there was just slince everyone ingnoring me and ms. roberts untill she yelled at them to pay attention to her and they all did what she said i jumped at that so she was one of those teachers i heard about who dont take crap from anyone.

"once again everyone this is our new student Aimy and she is joining us for 2nd period now say hi" they all started at me in aww the girls with death glares and the guys with lust which i didnt get my shorts werent that short were they?

they all mumbled hi and heys and one guy screamed "hey sexy! we should hook up" which i rolled my eyes to great i have to deal with manhores here to.

"okay well Aimy this is everyone they can give you there names later uh vincent can you please show Aimy to her seat and hand her a history book" she said staring at a guy he got up and motioned me over with his hand i walked over to him slowyly very, very slowly gosh he was hot he has shady brown hair that is short and wavy and makes you want to run your hands through and he's tall maybe 6 something im 5'6 not to short not to tall just right. He has light brown eyes and black stud earings in both ears and he's wearing black skinny jeans and a red short sleves shirt that says y.o.l.o in black letters with black sneakers i didnt know i was staring with my mouth open untill he leaned down to my ear and i breath in his secent he smells like axe body spray and nature i just wanted to grab him and never let him go.

"um you might want to close your mouth and stop staring before the girls in this class kill you with there eyes even more" he said and moved away i stood there for a minute then did what he said and when i looked around sure enough all the girls were sending daggers my way i turned around and faced him " oh s-sorry i guess" i said with a blush what i never blush ugh! what is this guy doing to me

"no problem babe cant help when girls stare at me it's a given im just so damn amazingly hot they cant help it" he said with a smirk and a wink

i blushed again and he laughed and showed me to my seat and handed me my huge history book jeesh i sat down and he opened my book to page 301 section 2 lesson 4 " uh do you need anything else babe?' he said obvisully staring at my stupid mark which pissed me off

"yeah can you stop staring at my damn mark like im a freak and go sit the hell down thx. i said with a roll of my eyes he just started at me in shock like the whole class i guess no ones ever talked to him like that before oh well he shouldnt have stared.

he cleared his throut ""

"Aimy we do not use that type of words in this class in any class really i know your new to everything because you were homeschooled but we dont expect that from homeschoolers either okay! she said with anger in her voice which only pissed me off more

" yeah i know im homeschooled but not fucking stupid and i wouldnt be pissed if buster boy over here would go sit in his seat instead of straring at me like im a fucking weirdo!" i said pointing at hottie i mean vincent

"Aimy i said no more bad words!"

"Oh uh sorry im new at this not crussing thing and it would help if buster boy would go sit down"

"aimy he has a name" she said calimg down a little

" oh sorry vincent can you please go sit your ass down and stop staring at me"

"Aimy!" ms. roberts said with her eyes wide

"what i said please' i said playing off like i didnt just use a "bad word"

"not what i ment and yes vincent just go sit in your seat please" she said with her hand on her head like she has a headach which she probly does srry i get mad easy. vincent finally went to his seat which was two seats to the left of me and he wouldnt look at me just a cute little blush on his face which probly was because of emarrament from me yelling at him which only made him hotter gosh what is happening to me

oh well he seems cocky anyway not the kind of guy i want to be with and this just proves my point hot guys are always bad guys............well at least to me that is




Read please!


 Hey guys sorry this isn’t an update but I’ve been thinking about how I want this story to go and I decided that I need to rewrite it.........just not on here. I've been writing stories on wattpad and that’s where I'm going to post this story, rewritten of course. I will start updating it more on there soon.


So if you want to finish reading this story find me on wattpad by the name of XxFacingRealityxX I will post the story on there soon but if you don’t see it then don't worry I’m most likely fixing more chapters.


Thanks :)

Oh and if you message me on Wattpad, saying you’re from here and follow me, i will follow you back :)

Also it will help me post the story sooner.



And.......can you guys please ignore my horrible writing in this story. I wrote this when I was 13 and well......

It's really horrible, I have always had this amazing idea for this story so I want to give it justice and i think Wattpad will help with that. So...yeah..*snaps fingers and erases memory*


Texte: i wrote it please dont still my ideas and stuff or i will hunt u down...just kidding.....well maybe..
Lektorat: Gabby
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.09.2013

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

I do not own the cover photo of this book or the photo of this book. warning this book might contain intense romance parts and intense parts.

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