

The wind brushes though her fur as she runs through the forest. She scared. She doesn't want them to find her. She finally found an escape. she would use this, and she was going to be free.

She felt a nip at her tail, and she urged her feet to move faster. Away from them.

Finally, she burst through some trees, into a vast of desert sand. 

She made it, she was free.

"Don't think this saves you," the voice snarled in the cover of the trees. "You are one of a kind, we will find you sooner or later. I'll just be kind enough to let you have a head start, but I will find you. There is no place to hide, shifter."

The words made her shiver as she ran faster to get away from them. She would make sure they never find her, she won't let them use her like they used her mother.

It won't happen again.

Chapter 1

"Alexander, hurry up before you're late for school!" I heard my mother yell.

"I'm almost finished! I'll be down in five minutes!" I reassure her.

If you haven't guess already, my name is Alexander. I'm 18 years of age, in my senior year of high school. I have black hair in an up-do fashion, greenish-blue eye's, high chhekbones, and a crooked nose because I'm the captain of the foorball team. How cliche does that sound? 

"Alexander!" my mom voice bringing me back to reality.

"I'm coming!" I tell her, grabbing my backpack and running down the stairs. "Ok, I'm here."

"Well, now you don't have time to eat breakfest, but I made you a sandwich for now," she tells me. 

"Thanks mom, I love you!" I said, grabbing the sandwich, kissing her on the cheek, and heading out the door to my car. 

Now, most guys my age would probably want and Audi or something, but I wasn't like guys my age. In front of me was my black, 4 door, 2013 Ford truck, with silver handles and a sunroof. It was my dream truck. I hopped in, started the engine, and began the 32 minute ride to Atrisco High School. 

When I got there my friend, Derek, was already waiting for me at the front of the building. 

"Hey man," I said as I reached him.

"Dude, you so missed it," was the first thing out of his mouth. "We have a new student, and she is fine as fuck. No joke. Nice long legs, curvy body, gorgeous face. I'd bang her."

I made a disgusted face, "Thank you for sharing the wonderful information about how much of a sex addict you are. I really needed to know that."

"Trust me, you'd say the same thing if you saw her, I bet she's in some of you're classes, so once you see her, you'll be thinking the same thing," he said right as the bell rang. "I'll see you later."

I sighed, and started walking to my homeroom, science. I got there, sat down in my desk, and waited for Mrs. Sandoval to get here. I was staring blankly at the front of the classroom, when suddenly a body blocked my veiw. 

In front of me stood Stacy Williams. The head cheerleader and the slutiest girl in school. She was wearing a piece of fabric, trying to pass it as a mini skirt, and shirt that looked like it was made for a 5 year old. With a make-up caked face, and some death heels. 

"Hey Alex," she tried to purr, but it didn't do anything for me.

"What do you want Stacy," I asked her, suppresing a sigh. 

"Come on, don't be like that. I was only going to ask if you wanted to skip school with me," she tried to be suductive, but she just sounded like a stoner. 

"Get lost Stacy. I don't wanna deal with your crap today," I said. There was a rumor going around that me and Stacy were a thing, but it's all just bullshit. I wouldn't touch that to save my life. 

"But Alex-" she started only to be cut of by the teacher.

"Alright class, take your seats. Today we are going to learn about molucules."Then she started droning on and on about this or that. 

I didn't really pay attention, but I have nothing to worry about. I have good grades because if I don't keep them up I'm kicked off the team, and my truck gets taken away. I sure as hell ain't having that happen. 

I just zoned out, thinking about how amazing it would be to have your one true love. I know it sounds girly as fuck, but that's what I want. People may think I have the perfect life , but it not true. My father left me and my mother when I was only 5, so I've never had a fatherly figure in my life. Not to mention he left my mother pregnent. The only reason we're not homeless is because my grandpa is like a billionair, and he didn't mind helping out his daughter and her twio children. He gave us a house, a car, and paid for all our bills until my mother found herself a succesful job at a veternarian clinic. Now we still have the house my grandpa gave us, but he doesn't pay our bills anymore. 

Another thing is that, I don't have a girlfriend. Most guys don't want one, looking for a chick to hump and then dump, but I don't want that, I mean, sure I'm not a virgin, but I want a real girlfriend. One who I can spiol with gifts, and shower her in affection. One who I'll adore and one who won't know she's beautiful, so that I can tell her everyday. I don't want a slut caked in make-up, perfume, and shows enough skin that she is practically nude. No, I don't want one of those girls.

The ringing of the bell popped me out of my own thought. I got up, grabbed my stuff, and high tailed it out or there before Stacy could get to me. Man, I hate talking to that girl. 

I made it to my second class, english, in about one minute. I didn't have this class with the queen bitch. I was just staring blankly at nothing again when the teacher walked in. 

"Good morning class," Mr. David said. "Today, we will be reading the classic 'Romeo and Juilet.' I know most of you have probably already read this, but-" he was cut off by the door opening. "You're late," Mr. David said to the mistory student. I had my eye's on my desk, so I didn't see who came in.

"I'm sorry,sir. I'm new, and I got lost," I heard the mistory person say in the most musical vioce. 

I looked up, and saw the most perfect girl ever. She had blond straight hair, a nice clear complection, high cheekbones, a straight nose, and the most kissable lips. She was wearing skinny jeans that signified her delicously long legs, a pair of black hills that made her longs look even longer, but they weren't too tall, and a shirt that said 'Hey you! Take a picture it lasts longer,' with a camera on it. 

"Well then, please introduce yourself to the class," Mr. David told her.

She turned to the class, and looked around. When her eye's landed on me, it's like I couldn't breath. She had the most beautiful eye's, it's like I could stare into them all day. They were a grayish blue color that had me struggling to breath.

Her eye's went wide the second she looked straight at me. It's like she couldn't believe that I was here. "Hello, my name is Amaris Morales," she said in her musical vioce that sent shivers down my back.

"It's nice to have you in my class Amaris. My name is Mr. Davis, now please take a seat in an empty chair," the teacher said, making her break the eye contact.  

There was only two chairs left. One next to me on my left, and then another next to Amiliea, another slutty cheerleader. 

I saw the grimace on Amaris' face when Amiliea looked at her with pure jealously. She made her way over to the seat next to me, and my heart started beating faster. She sat down, and smiled softly at me, making my breath hitch. I took a deep breath to calm my sudden mood, and turned towards her slightly.

"Hi, my name is Alexander, but you can call me Alex. It's nice to meet you Amaris," I greeted her. For some reason, I liked the way her name rolled of my tongue. It felt amazing.

"It's a pleasure, Alexander," she whispered, and right as soon as she said my name, I knew I had to make her mine. The way my name gracfully rolled out of her mouth made me shiver, and want to kiss her senseless. 

I knew right then and there, that edventually, Amaris was going to be mine. 

Chapter 2

I kept stealing glances at Amaris all through class. I couldn't keep my eye's off of her, even if I tried. She was just too beautiful. I don't know what's wrong with me though, I haven't even known her for a day! But something was pulling me towards her, like an electric pull that I couldn't resist her. I feel that I would do anything for her is she asked, which is strange because I never fwelt like this before. I've only really like one girl before, in this school, but she has a boyfriend so I backed off. I wasn't about to ruin their relationship for my gain. I didn't do that, besides it was just a little cush. 

With Amaris, it felt different. I really didn't know what it was.

The ringing of the bell shocked me out of my thoughts, and I saw Amaris getting up to leave, but I couldn't let her go yet! I just had to hear her voice again.

"Hey, Amaris!" I said, grabbing my stuff, and running towards the door where she was.

"May I help you?" her voice rang out.

"I was wondering, um." Crap! I didn't reallt think of anything after the 'Hey.' Then I thought, well she's new, so I could help her find her class!"I was wondering what class you had next, so I can help you get there," I told her smiling.

"I have," she started, getting out a paper from her binder,"math in Mr. Chavez' class." That made me grin.

"I have that class next to! Come on, I'll take you there. He doesn't like late students," I told her, walking towards math class with her at my side. "So, how are you liking the school so far?" I asked her, wanting to have conversation.

"It's huge, and I'm sure I would've gotten lost again if you weren't helping me, so thank you," she said.

"It's no problem at all. I'm happy to be you're night in shining armor," I said, playfully bowing to her.

She made the most adorable sound then, a little giggle that had my whole body shivering with the thought that I was to one who made her happy. Ok, something is definitely wrong with me. 

The rest of the way to math was scilent. I noticed that the girls were looking at Amaris in envy, and the guys were looking at her lustfully. That didn't sit right with me, but I couldn't really do anything about it. She wasn't my girlfriend, nor was she even my friend. So, I don't even know why I didn't like them starring at her like that.

We finally got to math class, and Amaris, once again, had to introduce herself. Instead of sitting next to me like she did in the last class, she sat in front of me. All I did was stare at the back of her head for the whole class. I think she noticed, but she didn't say anything. After the bell rang I caought up with her at the door. 

"Hey Amaris," I said happily.

"Hey Alexander," she said smiling at me. 

"I was wondering if you wanted to with me at lunch," I asked her, guiding her towards the lunch room.

"It depends who you sit by. If you sit with the popular kids, no, if you sit with the man whores,no, and if you sit with the chearleaders, then hell no," she said. 

"Oh," was all that went past my lips. I pretty much sit with the man whores, but I don't have to sit with them. "I uaually sit with the man whores, but they annoy me most of the time, so we can just sit at an empty table that we find," I told her, holding the cafiteria door open for her.

"You'd ditch your friends for me?" she asked spectically. 

"Well, my friends are kinda dickfaces, so yeah I would. Besides, I wouldn't mind being away from there constant vulgar remarks," I reasurred her. Now that I think about it, they do annoy me all the time. I just wanna punch them in the face the majority of time I'm with them. 

"Then why are you friends with them in the first place?" Amaris questioned as we got in the lunch line. "You don't seem like a bastard or anything, I can't imagine you hanging out with dicks."

"That, my dear, is a very good question. I don't know," I frowned, wondering the same thing. "I don't even remember when I met them, or how we became friends at all."

"They irritate you." It wasn't a question, more like a statement.

"To no end."

"If I were you, I would've ditched them a long time ago. Probably after I punched them in the face. I don't take being irriated very well. I have a short temper," she explained, after I gave her a weird look. 

I nodded, understanding what it's like. I can be patient, but my father gave me a little bit of the Irish temper, sometimes I'm really tempermental. 

"So, where to sit," I murrmured, kinda to myself, after we got our food, me paying for both even though Amaris objected to it greatly.

"Well, there's an empty table over ther," she pointed to a vacent table near the doors.

I shrugged, and started towards it. When we sat down, it was scilent for a few moments.

"What's your favorite animal?" Amaris asked randomly a few minutes later.


"Your favorite animal. I wanted to know what it was."

"Oh, um, snow leopard," I answered, confused as to where that question came from. "Where did that come from?"

"I want to get to know my knight in shining armor, for my friendship is the only payment I can give to you for the graditute I feel," she said in a very proper vioce.

I cracked a smile, finding her doing the same.

Before I could reply, a figure sat next to me, putting a hand on my bicep. 

"Alex, baby, I was looking for you," a very screechy vioce said in my ear. I mentally groaned, why couldn't this chick take a fucking hint?

"Go away Stacy," was the only thing I said.

"But I need to talk to you," she tried to purr.

"But I don't want to talk to you, so please leave," you desperate bitch, I added in my head. 

"C'mon baby, I know you don't mean that."

"Desprate," a voice coughed, and I snapped my head to Amaris who looked as if she was just eating this whole time.

"What did you call me?" Stacy asked.

"I called you desperate," Amaris answered, nonchalantly.

"Excuse me, I am not desperat!" Stacy exclaimed.

"Really? Seems like it to me, and apperently Alexander too. You're just a desperate, slutty, bitch, trying to get some, but you probably have to much STDs that I bet the horny man whores won't even touch you."

"YOU BITCH!" Stacy screeched, standing up, cause the whole cafitera to quiet down and watch. "You're new to this school, so I am going to tell you one time that I own this school. You do not insult me like that, and you don't ever talk back yo me," she hissed.

"I am new to this school, so I'm going to tell you a little secret about me," Amaris said, standing up, looming over Stacy. "I don't and won't take orders from a slut like you, or anyone for that matter. You don't tell me where to sit, how to talk, or how to dress. And you sure as hell don't tell me who I can insult," she snarled. "By the way, you need to learn to be seducive."

"I know how to be seducive!"

"No, you don't. This is how you do it." She turned to me, her aura changing," Alexander," she purred, slowly walking around the table to me. My breath cought on my throat as soon as she said my name. "I was wondering," she started, sling a hand down my arms.

As soon as she touched me, tingling sparkes started to shoot through my body. It didn't hurt, not at all. It was actually the most pleasurable thing I've experienced. 

"If I could talk to you really quick.In private of course." Araris, was now taking my hand, pulling me into a standing position, and putting her other hand on my chest.

I was in a dazed state, so all I could do was nod, looking at Amaris with a lustful expression. 

She smiled, then walked me out of the cafitera, all the students just watchiung the whole thing play out. 

"That's how you seduce a guy," Amaris said, still talking like a seductress, then continuing to walk me out of the scilent lunch room. 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.03.2014

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