


Bullies are full of hatred

They don't have any love

In their hearts.

I never seen anyone

That could be so cruel

To beat someone down

To the ground until they

Are unable to get back up.

How can someone be so mean?

To spread those horrible rumors

Making everyone believe the worse

In someone

How can someone be so cruel?

To say these horrible words

Only to bring low self esteem to someone

To cause extreme pain to that person

That they turn to self harm....and to suicide

Sadly, this is how life is

How life is going to be

We will gey hurt and mistreated

But one thing we have to do is

To rise above everything that ever hurt us

And to everyone who ever made our lives miserable

Because one thing the bullies don't know

Is that we have a good head on out shoulders.

Bullies 2


Since I was thirteen years old, I've been bullied.

I've been teased and laughed at.

For the way I looked and spoked.

Not just by kids, but by adults as well.

They said horrible things to me.

Things that should never be told

To a human being.

This caused me to have insecurities.

To think lowly about myself.

And to distant myself from everyone and everything.

I've became depressed....

Thinking that things aren't going to get better.

That I'll be alone forever.

I thought that no one would ever want to be my friend.

That I'm just an outcast to the world.

I've accepted that and gave up on everything.

Now eighteen years old.

Still getting bullied....

I thought getting older, the bullying would stop.

It never actually stopped, only got worse

But the thing I never had before, I have now.

That is friends and they changed my life for the better.

Now, I don't let bullying stop me from doing what I love.

I never gave up, like they told me to do.

And I stopped listening to their negativity.

Because I know that what they say about me

Isn't true.

I don't take any of their words to heart, even if it does hurt.

Never Giving Up


I've been fighting this depression

Since I was thirteen years old.

I'm seeming to lose this battle.

But I'm not giving up just yet.

I'm trying to free these demons

That lives inside of my soul.

They are taking away my happiness

Giving me sadness and pain.

Every day I look into the mirror.

Telling myself that I am ugly.

That I'm not worth living in this world

But this is the demons talking.

I wish they would just go away.

Because they are tearing my life apart.

I'm tired of being this insecure girl.



Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.10.2020
ISBN: 978-3-7487-6218-8

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

I am dedicating this book to those that struggle with self-love, mental illness, abuse and bullying. It's okay not to be okay. Always remember that someone does care and love you.

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