
title page














Ali Saeed













 In world different from our world, dragons ruled the earth since ancient times.

 they conquered the world with their power and their magic. However, that was thousands of years ago and the dragons no longer ruled the earth at this time.


They were said to be fighting among themselves for the fortunes of the world.

They were said to be bored by humans.

He was said to be conquer and defeated and looted all their treasures.. 

 It was said that the Vampire Queen killed them and bathed in their blood.

No one knows the truth about ancient dragons , though they still soar through the sky with their mighty wings, leaving destruction and death in their wake.

However, dragons were afraid of monsters.

 The world was not subject to human laws, and it did not belong to humans . Perhaps it was pure arrogance or pride, or perhaps it was in the blood. No one knew the reason for all this madness.


 The weak is crying Under the feet of the mighty.

And The strong enjoys the killing of weakness.

 No matter how times change and civilizations develop, the rule remains for the strong.

History has always been written with the blood of the weak.

The King of Dragons said words engraved on the necks of slaves:

[ Either you are strong or you are crushed underfoot.. there is no other choice in the world , but After hundred thousand years .. a man he will come and makes slaves to kings, and kings to Slave ]


And the world forgot the rest of the words. ..







Chapter 1 :the sacrifice



On this night of the date 10819 of the moon year. The world drowned in the color of blood In the night sky were two full moons glowing with the color of blood,

 The two moons cast their light to dye the world red, as if they welcoming the imminent death.

 The cold wind roared like hungry wolves. Clouds rush in the sky like herds of fleeing elephants. Hundreds of crows croaked, hovering ominously over the city, as if to announce the beginning of madness.


In this city, this place, and this time. Two people used the flight magic. flew over buildings, palaces, and roads. After reaching a residential area, the two people slowly descended from the sky until their feet touched the floor of the stone paths, and they continued on foot,

 In the streets of this city which they so hated to the bone, they walked side by side with quiet steps, silent as two ghosts, they wore a black cloak that concealed their bodies and faces.


 Maybe they were lucky. Or perhaps it was the misfortune of Verna that no one stood in their way.

 Perhaps they were asleep this late at night.

Or perhaps they were hiding in their homes, because of this ominous night.


Nobody knew anything.

 But these questions meant nothing to the person who was walking in front, anyone who stood in his way would become a corpse swimming in blood, his thirst for killing was evident under his headdress, as his eyes glowed the color of molten gold,

Those eyes were vowing to death. However, the man did not want to attract attention.

 He had a task that he had to fulfill in these moments.

The man stopped in one of the narrow streets, and said in a whispered voice, pointing to the ground:

- "He's here, that's where."

 He was pointing at a ten-pointed star that was chaotically drawn under his feet.

The man got down on his knees, caressed the drawing of the star with his fingertips, tears falling from his eyes as he said:


" Angus did it, though he objected to this plan, but did it when I commanded him, without objecting, without... without saying anything, without even blinking, and accepting my commands with a straight face as if he were going to glory. ".


 The man wept bitterly, and heavy tears fell from his eyes and fell to the ground. The tears looked like blood in the moonlight. And the man continued:

 -"I killed him. I sent him to his death. How could I do that? I made him break through this damned kingdom by himself, he was the strongest of all of us. What a man. really strong, I I watched his fight with those eyes. He was laughing. Do you believe that, Entus, he fights an army of several thousand with his bare hands while laughing? But I really don't know why he was laughing.

Was he laughing at the fate that was thrown at him? Or was he laughing at me and my accursed weakness? but he died. They all died, and there was no one left but only us.. Angus did his duty, and it was time for me to do my duty! ".

And he was silent. Then the man shivered and felt that his body was boiling and his blood was boiling and he rose to his feet and said:

"I'll bring them all back, let's do it!"

 He pulled off the cloak that hid his appearance, revealing a young man, with thick white hair hanging down his back. His thick hair looked like a wolf was Overhangs on his head, and he had golden eyes slit vertically like those of a cat.

Those eyes stared at the person beside him who had thrown off the cloak at the same time.

She was a beautiful eighteen-year-old girl, with purple eyes and shoulder-length black hair, with a pair of horns sticking out from the back of her head. She was of Ronia's race, and she was crying and trembling like a man, saying:

"Sir, LINIAS Vintos ، please don't do that, I'll do it ." And she looked at LINIAS , begging to be reconsidered.

 With a face torn with pain, LINIAS said: 

"Sir, which master are you talking about? It remains only you and me, but... I must do it. This is the duty of the commander." Entus opened her mouth, wanting to object to these words, but her master interrupted her, saying:

"Listen to me, Entus ، you know that our clan was not by blood.

We were people of different races fleeing death, and we made a little clan for ourselves. We loved each other and swore that our clan would be the clan to which we belonged, regardless of our different races, and that our allegiance should be first and last to our clan, and they appointed me ruler over them, and I I never wanted that.   

We wanted to live in peace, but these! this damned kingdom! the vile kingdom of Verna! trampled us underfoot and smashed us, slayed our clan as if we were insects to be squashed, for no other reason than that we were not human.

These wretched men, I hate them, curse them, and I loathe them with great disgust! ".

His face burned with great hatred, and his eyes glowed like two embers, and he continued saying:

-"Our clan was a little clan that lived in the dark forest in peace, but, Verna ... she invaded us because she was strong. She killed us after torturing us in the most horrible way

I've seen it all happen before my eyes, and I can still remember the sounds of screaming, and blood everywhere. I killed them and took revenge on them. But killing does not bring the dead back to life. Our clan was strong, but it could not withstand the organized army of the Verna Kingdom, which was armed with enchanted weapons.

We left our land, but they chased after us for many years until there was nothing left of us..."

 He looked at Entus with that angry face and said:

-"And you're telling me not to do that.. Are you crazy, Entus ?!"

 With tears running from her eyes, Entus said:

-"I will never forgive people, and I hate them with a burning hatred, and I desire their death and the burning of this country completely, but your death for that is absolutely unbearable. Why don't we revive them and run away?!"

-"You keep coming back to this hadith, this is proof of your very stupidity, Entus. First, the magic of resurrecting the dead no longer exists, and I heard from the professor that it needs crazy things to work."

Entus laughed and tears did not stop from her eyes, and said:

"What a strange name."

LINIAS smiled and said:

-"Oh, that's right, he liked that name, and he always asked us to call him by that name, so he yelled at me when I called him by his real name."

 He looked at the two glowing blood moons, and remembered those peaceful times, and for a moment he thought that the two blood moons were the eyes of Rivera, who were staring at him from the sky, angry at being deceived.

He Talk to himself:

I have sent her to a far place. May she find peace and happiness with Sirius. LINIAS' hair curled to the cold wind , and he turned back to the girl who refused to leave him even in death. He put his hands on her shoulders and said:  

-"Even if we bring them back to life, they will be Killed them as before, for that we need strength, indeed tremendous savage force! I hate to admit it, except that the kingdom of Verna is strong and huge in everything, but it will come to an end tonight and turn to dust. This will be our revenge. And from their souls we will be reborn like the phoenix that the professor is talking about .”

He took out from his clothes a black jewel like the night sky and placed it above the star engraved on the ground while saying:

“This place is the middle of the damned Verna Kingdom.”

Entus said :

-"This magic is sacrificing people's lives and using magic itself to achieve one wish, which the professor invented ?" .

 "But, why do you say that to me? I have never forgotten it."

Entus said :

-"But, it is one wish, and you did not tell me what the wish is, is only one wish...?"


LINIAS raised his hand to stop her from speaking.

"I know what you're worried about and what you want to say, but, there's nothing you need to worry about. Our lives are over, we might fail, and we'll die either way, and I hope the professor isn't wrong, but we don't have a choice, but look at this." He took out a scroll of his clothes and continued saying:


-"I have written everything I want on this scroll, so I will ask for one wish.. which is the fulfillment of what is written in it. I don't know if this is a witchcraft fraud, maybe it won't work, and we won't know that until we try, this is our only hope

But, if it succeeds, we will have strong servants and followers, and we will be very strong.

It doesn't matter now. We wasted a lot of time." 


He removed his sword from its sheath and gave it to Entus . He stood on top of the jewel and stretched out his hands in front of him, saying:

- "Do it."

But Entus, she was trembling like a paper. burning tears Falling from her eyes.

She no longer saw in front of her the intensity of her flowing tears.

 Entus has been practicing this position for months, while holding the sword, imagining the scene and the situation that will happen in front of her, but the reality is completely different from the processes of thinking and imagination, and thinking that she is now going to Cut her beloved master at this moment. It tore her soul apart. strong master. Her gentle master . Her master, The man she loves him , looks on the ground broken, as if blaming himself for everything:

-" Entus..there is no more time..and this ."And Entus County shouted :

- "Why? Why? Why? Why?!".

"This is my duty to my clan... Will you disobey my last command, Entus ."?Entus raised her head, staring at him, tears falling from her chin. She seemed to bleed under the moonlight.

This was indeed her master's last command, which she would never see again in her life.

Therefore, she felt that she should quell her feelings, and do her last work to the fullest.

Then Entus wiped her tears and took a step back, with a straight face radiating loyalty and respect for her master, and with a heart as hard as steel she held the sword firmly and raised it above her head. The blade of the sword flickered with an ominous crimson light, as if the sword was welcoming this madness.

She said in a trembling voice:

"I hope we meet again." Entus squeezed her eyes and let out a pained cry from the depths of her soul, with all the strength of her body she slammed the sword into her master's arms. 

 LINIAS felt a blinding pain as his arms fell to the ground, and abundant blood gushed out. But he endured the pain and said:

 "Do it quickly!"

Entus trembled in response, threw the sword out of her hands, and began to draw a circle around her master from his gushing blood. She was writing strange letters and symbols inside and outside the circle.

Moments passed, and LINIAS looked pale. tired. Numerous thoughts and memories ran through his head as he stared at Entus below him with great sadness. At that moment the houses were lit. and the magic lamps lit up. LINIAS knew that it was because of the sounds he was making as his mate.

-" Entus quickly!".

However, people came out of their homes, old men, women and boys , and stared at the street with wide eyes.

A man stands before them with two severed hands, blood flowing profusely from them, and a woman revolves around the man, writing something on the ground while sighing in pain as if coming out of the depths of the graves.

They did not know what was happening in front of them, and they would never understand it.

However, they all knew one thing, that they were not human.

It all started with one man shouting:

- " Demons. They are devils !!". Screams, barking erupted like a storm.

- " Demons !!".

 - " Fucks !!".

 - " Bastards ".!! 

"Oh, guards!

"They must be killed!!" 

- " Hell dogs ". !!

" Bastards ". 

- "How did they enter the country!!".

- " Heretics". 

-"Kill the demons !!..the bastards!!".


 They were screaming as hungry dogs. However. No one took a single step.


 Entus was writing without caring about the people around her, she focused all her senses on writing complex symbols, and of course if they approached her master, she would kill them without mercy, without any pity.

LINIAS rolled his eyes, examining the people around him, and answered their cries in a tired voice:

-"We are not demons ...but we will be for you tonight ." He lowered his golden eyes and stared into his arms Almrmytin on the ground .

His fingers were holding the scroll Strictly as if alive.

Then the crowd gathered around them, and LINIAS began to worry about the amount of people pouring in, and he realized that everything would end and fail.

But at that moment Entus rose from the ground, and knelt respectfully on one knee before her master, as she wanted her end to this respectable position, and said:

" I finished and everything awaits your will."

 LINIAS wanted to say: This is not the time for these things .

However, this may be the last meeting. So he said as he almost fell to the ground:

-"Your duties are complete, and I have the honor and pride in being one of my loyal followers."

Enteus did not say a word, put her right hand on her left chest, and stared at her Master with eyes of adoration and respect.

LINIAS closed his eyes and then slowly opened them. And look at Entus . They kept staring at each other's eyes silently, as if speaking hundreds of words through those eyes sad. weeping Then he turned his face away from her and said:

- " Farewell".

A strong cold wind blew away his tears and scattered them in the air. Some of his tears fell on Entus ' face . Her master's cold tears were like swords in her heart. That's when ENTUS realized that everything was gone. And she won't see her master anymore.

Entus let out a shriek that made humans freeze in terror as it stuck its fingernails in its face and tore its face off. Her tears turned into running blood.

 How can you take my master from me. She wanted to say those words but her scream prevented those words from coming out of her throat. Her heart ignited with a grudge against people, and she hoped that they would all burn and not one of them would remain. 

 LINIAS turned to the people around him and said:

"And now, damn you, die!"

He stomped on the black jewel with one foot, and the scroll with the other, activating the magic stored inside.

At that moment the sun rose. Or so people thought at that moment as enormous blue flames erupted from under his feet, and soared into the sky in a fleeting moment.

It swelled until it became like a huge hurricane that swallowed the whole world in seconds.

 LINIAS was standing in the midst of this blue, bright, glowing world, and tears strewn from his eyes profusely, for he could hear or see nothing but the wailing of pain and the screams of the one kneeling before him.

 Entus was writhing and Flops in pain, her entire body was melting like butter in an oven, the blue flames melting, her skin, flesh, and bones, and her blood evaporating at frightening speeds.

Until her entire body became liquid as water in ten seconds. Her watery body evaporated into the air at that moment.

 LINIAS squeezed his eyes in pain at this scene. He let out a loud, deafening shriek that reverberated in the place.

Chilling cries rose from everywhere.

Hundreds of voices, thousands of voices, erupt from near and far, from east and west, from north and south. Like the voices of the tormented in Hell.

People run and evaporate in an instant, some fell from windows and balconies, some danced on the roads , andothers crashed into each other and were scattered like dust in an instant. The scene was like hell.

All the sounds stopped in an instant, and not even the wind could be heard.

The kingdom of Verna was small in relation to the kingdoms around, yet it was densely populated.

It has a population of ten million.

And if we add their animals, and their slaves, they number about fifteen million people.

They all evaporated into the air in sixty seconds without a trace.

No one is alive in this kingdom anymore. Not even wild animals but even insects, trees, and plants. Everything alive died and evaporated from this kingdom.


 It was moments ago considered one of the greatest and richest kingdoms.

It has evaporated in one minute. Like a flash of memories.

Except for one person who was standing without arms in this barren land, where there was no life.

 This person, muttered inaudible tired words, was devoured by blue flames in an instant and vanished into thin air.













Chapter 2 :Two hundred years later -1-

The beautiful city became like a cemetery.

 Tall buildings smashed their foundations. seemed like sleeping giants. Palaces that were once shining magnificent. Beautiful buildings, half of which are missing. Streets , markets, and homes. It looked as if it had been crushed by giant hands. Small houses are smashed, their doors are broken.

Stone walls and columns scattered. Crooked dry trees. They looked like monstrous creatures.

 However, the city was not empty as the wolves roared, and wrestled over the rotting, swollen corpses of men. Some gnaw the bones, and some gnaw the arms and legs.


Hundreds of crows plucked out eyes, ripping out swollen bellies with their beaks. Yellowish skeletons scattered , crumbled by the weight of the scorching sun. Bodies piled on top of each other like walls, some hanging from buildings and trees. Corpses fell from the buildings as the walls could not bear the weight of them.

It was not a cemetery.

There was a massacre here , A massacre caused by a woman. However the corpses did not belong to the residents but rather belonged to the knights , who dared enter this place over a hundred years ago.


Among the crumbling walls, a woman sighed. Insanity prevails in the place. Hundreds of crows shrieked with warning, wolves and beasts leaped out.

And the city became empty... and all because of a woman's sigh. And that gentle female voice continued:


-"Monsters learn, but humans never learn.. what.. seems strong? want me to do nothing for him?..liliana.. you're always crazy.. mm.. okay, I accepted your bet.. though it doesn't look like A real man .”


Women's laughter rose from the walls.

“Well, you know what you have to do. We will crush them all...they will know the price of messing with the Vintos .”


Swee laughs rose, as if they were at a party.

"Let's start working!"




A hundred horsemen advanced on their horses.

A smile on their faces was cruelty and pride. They only knew the language of blood. And they tore down all their enemies. Everyone who stood before them became a lifeless corpse above or below the dirt.

giants. Dwarfs. demons. monsters. human beings .Trees. They crushed everything with their swords. Even if it is a child, a boy or an infant. Anything that wasn't human they ripped apart. Even their human enemies were not spared their tyranny.


They were an elite of knights. Clad in full suits of silver armor, which shone under the scorching sun,

And in their waists swords and axes, Some of them carried spears, wands, and bows.

An inscription on the chests of their shields, two crossed swords flanked by wings. They were the elite of the Holy Byron Empire.


The area they were walking in was barren, wrecked like rubble.

And This land was quiet calm. Only the sound of the wind can be heard, which sounds like wailing. 

This place was disturbing even to them, as no one entered this place, and he returned to tell his story. That's why they walked slowly, cautiously. Although most of them were afraid.


The captain of the cavalry, walking forward, said in his strong voice:

- ''Is this the great kingdom of Verna , about which we used to hear stories?

I can hardly believe what I see, what in the name of the sky god happened? Is this an illusion of some kind?"

The captain had a huge body like a bear. His body was not huge, of flabby fat, but rather muscular, polished, taut, like steel,

This body had been refined, through the hundreds or even thousands of ruthless battles he had fought with monsters. He is even said to have killed a dragon himself, with his only sword, with one blow. 

 He was a great hero in his country, famous among the surrounding kingdoms of the Dragon Slayer, in addition to his extreme cruelty to heretics( non-human beings . )

He had short black hair sticking out of his silver helmet, which covered the top and back of his head.

He had hard black eyes, which would make anyone shudder at her staring at him.

He was called segal Russo .

answered his deputy, who looked like a child beside him:

-"No, this is certainly not an illusion. We have gathered a lot of information, and old books. But, there is no exact description of what happened to the kingdom of Verna .. and we have even asked for information from the nearby kingdom of irem , but they tell us nothing."

The captain said, with a smile on his face:

"I am not happy to seek information from savages who mate with animals, good savages are dead savages."

His deputy replied with a bitter smile:

"No, they don't interbreed with animals.. Where did you get that ridiculous talk from? We have many of them as slaves, and certainly none of them are."


The commander replied, narrowing his eyes, as if his deputy was a transparent creature.

"Isn't that obvious by looking at them, they have ears, and the tails of animals. And even some of them have animal limbs, especially their filthy queen!"


These are vile creatures. disgusting. They should all be annihilated. No. They must be our slaves!

And they will be useful to the world by doing so. Instead of interbreeding with animals and desecrating the earth with their filthy offspring.” 


The deputy commander wanted to say: Their queen is beautiful, and you are the filth. However, he shook his head in agreement. However, the commander did not stop talking about them until he made the deputy commander feel weary.


 The deputy commander was not skilled in combat,

He never wanted to kill non-human beings whatsoever.

The Vice Commander had been hired, about six months ago, and made the deputy of this tyrannical monster, due to his ability to see illusions, without using magic. Which was considered a rare talent.

 Using magic to see illusions was completely different as it required very high magic, and only geniuses could reach this level of magic.

That is why he was placed in this high position, to be the eyes of the leader. was from

It was better to provide the commander with a magical tool that allowed seeing illusions, but that was expensive, and the deputy commander, much less expensive, and even if he was killed it wouldn't cost them anything.


 From the perspective of the individual, that was harsh, but from the perspective of the state and its rulers, no one is worth an iota of salt.

The deputy commander was a young man of twenty, with short black hair that touched his shoulders, and nice brown eyes. His name is Pence Meyer . He was a blacksmith before this work, which was forced upon him.


Interrupting the commander in an uncomfortable tone , Pence Meyer said :

"They are called the race of Teles ."

The commander chuckled, as if speaking of a few oranges:

-"Are you still bothered by the murder of your vile slave?...You shouldn't have taken off her chains then...However, I understand your annoyance, for she was beautiful, and no doubt had many uses." And the knights around him laughed.


 The leader continued:

-"Let's finish this job, and I will drown you with all kinds of slaves.. you love the race of Teles .. uh. They are beautiful though they are heretics ."

The commander burst out laughing until his shields hardened from the severity of his concussion.


The deputy commander blushed in exasperation. For a moment he wanted to stick his sword into his commander's throat, but he knew full well that he would be killed before he raised his sword. And he looked at the clear blue sky.


slaves.. It is true that I bought her and her daughter together.. But I did it so that they would not take her away from her little daughter.. I loved her.. I loved her as a human woman. And I wanted to take her as my wife.. She loved me very much.. We loved each other . He closed his eyes and a single tear fell from his eyes. 

Pence still remembers her death as he was returning to his house and found dozens of people smashing her head with Sticks, like she was a rat. All because she doesn't wear her iron collar. They believed that she was one of the heretics who had sneaked into the country secretly.


I've told her many times.. Put your iron collar around your neck when you go out of the house.. Poor thing, she must have forgotten where she lives. The slave collar is just an iron collar that decides life and death

. And he muttered:

-"Either you are strong, or you are crushed underfoot.. Words that describe the reality of the world. Whoever spoke these words must know everything." He laughed in pain, until his eyes shed tears.

murmured the commander:

-" What's with you?..".

- “Laugh with happiness! For very soon the kingdom of irem will be crushed , and the world will be cleansed of rotten heretics !” He wiped his tears with the back of his hand, and continued, to prevent the commander from speaking of the kingdom of irem:


- "They will be annihilated soon, no doubt. But this talk is not appropriate at this time, as we must gather information, and know the reason for the destruction of the kingdom of Verna and the disappearance of the people in it


The captain said worriedly:

-"Hmm, that's really strange and disturbing, this is the seventh city we pass through, and we don't see any trace of living things. Where have people gone? Creatures? Even if they were exposed to some kind of epidemic, or were killed, their bodies should remain. Well, two hundred years have passed And not a single corpse will remain.

But, there must be remnants of their bodies, their skeletons, where for God's sake did they go?!"

His deputy said, feeling a strange cold in his bones:

-"Maybe monsters or demons killed them and ate them all? Or maybe some satanic rituals were used?"

The commander's intestines shrank from those words.

 The world was filled with horrific beings. But an entire kingdom.. even dragons couldn't do such an act, maybe a city.. Entire cities have been burned down by dragons throughout the ages . He found himself crying out in anger at these horrific thoughts:

-"What is this absurdity you are talking about? There were millions of people.. millions. And you say that they ate the whole country! There are limits even for demons!..if there is a monster like that, there will be no one left on earth!"


 The captain looked really nervous as he started to feel a strange coldness. This month was the third month of the sun, when the heat was very severe at its height. And the commander looked at the scorching noon sun, as if making sure that the sun was still above his head


 It was his enchanted shield, banishing cold and heat waves generated by weather or magic.

He began to think that the magic on his shield had somehow faded, but if that was true, which of course is impossible, why not the heat from the sun. But the strange thing is that the cold comes from all directions at the same time.


 From afar, he saw a few trees moving away. Those trees looked like a huge pile of bones.

 They were pale white trees, lumbering to their roots. They were called Devil's Trees .

He knew that these trees live in the desolate forests, and never come out of them.

This was strange. Its golden fruits sold for enormous fortune, as well as its bark that exceeded the hardness of steel.   

 If he had time, he would have exterminated her. And it wasn't the right time for this.


The captain shouted loudly:

- "Stop it!"

The knights stopped, and watched their surroundings, feeling unreasonably low temperatures.

The deputy commander said in a worried voice:

"Is there something?"


Of course he knew there was something, but he said it to hide his fear by talking.

The commander replied:

"There is something strange, this cold is so unnatural, I feel it in my bones like daggers. It must be something...some magic ." 

"Maybe monsters or demons, Commander


-"I really don't know. If it is, it will only bring us death. Tell the squad to prepare for battle at once."


The commander raised his hands and found her sweating and trembling, and he was angered by the deputy's scream that sounded like a woman's wail.

-"death?!! ".

-"Don't scream like that, woman. We fought monsters and demons.. What's wrong with you?!".

The deputy commander replied, trying to calm himself:

"No, nothing, but, this place really worries me. Let's get out of here, and come back early in the morning. Sunset will come soon."   


-"The deputy commander... are you kidding me? It's noon. Looks like..." He wanted to say you look scared. But he didn't say it. Fear was contagious in these places. So he said, with blood beginning to boil:

"We'll go a little further, and then camp here tonight."

The deputy commander shouted in a voice that sounded like the sound of a choked chicken.

"Here, no, no, no, we must go back at once!"


The deputy commander trembled as something enormous appeared before him.

 That thing, the captain, seemed to burn with rage. Sparks were flying from his eyes, as if his deputy was a heretic . With a steel-armored fist, the commander delivered a violent punch to the head of the vice commander's horse.


The horse fell to the ground, like a giant sack of flour. The deputy commander fell on his face, broke his nose, and got up frightened by this brutality. He raised his eyes to the enormous man in front of him, threads of blood gushing out from his nose.


-"Would you give me something, woman?!! Did you forget yourself?!!..look at are here to watch effeminate things like you..the shy ones who don't show themselves to tough men like us..that's just your job?!! Is this clear, woman?!!"


Pence Meyer shook his head, assuring that he understood, but the commander was not satisfied with that, and said:  

-" So, who are you ?!! ".


Pence Meyer said gloomily; Those usual words:

"Woman...androgynous, anything you want." The commander kept looking at him with disgust, for a moment he really wanted to kill him.. He raised his eyes to his men with pride and respect as he said: 

We are not children playing!..we have a mission and it must be carried out!, no matter how dangerous or deadly it is! This is our damned duty!

 If you want to come back, go back! And my words are directed to everyone, whoever wants to go, let him go, but do not stay with me, and you are trembling like women!!”


said one of the knights as he pointed his spear on his shoulder:

"Commander, there is only one woman among us".


They all burst out laughing, even the captain laughing heartily with them.

The Vice Commander was hated among them, so he knew, that no one would help him and cast healing magic on him. He wiped his blood with his white cloak, looking at his only friend, who was dying and shivering in a lake of his blood.

One hit, the horse's skull was smashed, and its brain components were scattered all over.


Pence closed his eyes from their laughter. He didn't care about this sarcasm. He knew they were making fun of him all the time, everywhere and making fun of him in the face like now.

He was used to it. However, being mocked, and throwing yourself into the arms of death, are two completely different things.


They were all stupid. Goofs. And the most stupid of them was their leader. Pence Meyer was well aware of this.

 That is why he asked them to come back. In fact, he could feel the eyes of a gigantic beast quietly observing them right in front of them, as if waiting for them to come.


 That's why he was scared to death. If he told them they would laugh at him again. His job was to see illusions. As the leader prefers to say. The commander's speech was a mass of lies. If the deputy commander had returned, he would have cut off his head in a fleeting moment, an example to others. His leader was ruthless. 


However. Pence knew , that no one would return from this place. It was a task assigned to them by the Holy Emperor . Some may find pride in this or perhaps honor, and glory. However, Pence Meyer had no interest in the alleged glory. How can murder become worthwhile?! If he was defending the homeland, Pence would have fought while feeling the highest glory. The country is not here...


Pence watched his horse until he died. For a moment he wanted to cry over his horse. He was like a brother and friend to him. What is the sin committed by his friend? So he dies this way. He thought he would soon catch up with his friend. He had no doubts about it. He realized, at first sight, that he would not come back alive with this leader.


  If the leader had reviewed some of the ancient manuscripts, he would have found that heroes have vanished and evaporated in this land.

- "Oh, Commander!"

The leader turned to one of his followers and said:

- "What? What is there?"


The man raised his arm, and pointed his finger silently forward. The captain looked ahead , narrowing his eyes, and in a moment widened in astonishment. The leader laughed heartily, as if he could not believe what he saw with his eyes. Turning to his deputy, he said, forgetting what he had done: 

"Is this real? I don't believe it. It's a joke. It's a joke. This is definitely an illusion, isn't it?!"


His deputy shook his hand.

-" Real.. you are afraid of this place, and you are a hundred great men. Shame. Follow me!"


He slapped his horse's rear hard, making the horse squawk, as if crying out in pain. The horse galloped forward like an arrow. His band followed him laughing, leaving behind the deputy commander, who was walking on his feet, mumbling, to his wife, whom he had married two months before.


But he did not know that he would be a hero after this day.


The commander, and his knights, stopped in front of the thing that had made them laugh so far.

She was a beautiful woman, standing like a statue in the middle of the road or the place that was a road in the old days.

She was dressed in a full suit of shiny ornate golden armor. Which has been professionally made, like a masterpiece of great beauty.

 Hanging below her stomach, a crimson cloth, rectangular in shape, reaching just below her knees. She had two swords on either side of her side; In golden sheaths studded with sparkling jewels.


Behind her, a scarlet cloak fluttered, on which was engraved a ten-headed golden star.

She was in her late twenties, with long chestnut hair hanging down her back. She folded her arms over her chest, her eyes closed.


They stared at her in a mixture of astonishment, admiration and amazement. She was of outstanding beauty, and her golden armor, glowing and shining in the sun like treasures. However, the captain quickly recovered from his stupor, and smiled mockingly at her gaudy clothes.

 Which he had never seen.


It looked really luxurious. Even a Sacred Emperor wouldn't be able to wear like her. However, to the commander, it was excessively decorative in appearance, and of little use on the battlefield.

The woman was standing bravely in these lonely ruins. The problem, however, was that it was a woman. If he was a man, he would be admired and praised. The commander hated women warriors, and loathed them fiercely. 


As he insisted that the woman's place is in her home. in her kitchen. To fulfill the desires and requests of men. Instead of doing men's work. Turning to his followers, he said with frank irony:

"Look at her, she is by herself, and no one is with her. That is true courage."


He burst out laughing loudly in his heart. Then he looked back at her and said:

"You woman. You should go home, or go to a prom in these clothes.. Maybe you've found a good bride for you. Damn, the The Dreaded Mikur was right, I made armor for fighting, not for a prom.. Now I get what he meant."



One of the men, who turned out to be the deputy commander who had arrived late, shrieked with a vile shriek, stared at the woman with eyes as wide as saucers. In a fleeting moment, he slipped through them, and fled on his feet. 

 Then everyone burst into laughter at this scene, which they had never seen from the Vice Commander before. And they all thought that a vice-captain would not suit him to be a man.


"Maybe it was a woman who had the shape of a man!"


So one of them said, which increased their laughter.

The commander did not care about his deputy, the woman who was whining on the run. And he wanted to make the woman tremble before him, so that she might know the difference between her and men like himself. 


 Perhaps he will strip her after that, so that she will return humiliated and humiliated to her despicable kitchen, and she will never come out of it. 


 Of course, after they have a little fun with her, this beauty cannot slip from their hands, without paying them their manly dues. Especially in this barren place.

 The great commander had to reward his loyal knights. This woman wasn't the first, and she won't be the last. Such was the reality of the world.

The strong take it all, and the weak weep under their feet. And he began to wonder to himself as he stared at her: What sound will she make of that ? And Russo 's sparring set to work.

-" you !!"

The commander shouted in a loud, sharp tone filled with strength. His strong, roaring cries were enough to terrify the enemies on the battlefield, make the mightiest men tremble, and the children weep.

  However, the woman, as she was, did not care about him as if she was asleep.


 The commander narrowed his eyes, and stared at them contemptuously from under his thick eyebrows. How dare you ignore me . And this insult, which he had never been accustomed to. He spat on her golden shield. He looked around her. Sweet and graceful, she must be prettier under these things.. But, why doesn't this damn woman answer? 


"Woman, I am Russo . Commander of the Sun Corps!! Introduce yourself? .. I speak to you as a woman !!"


The woman answered without opening her eyes. In a disgusted voice she said:

"Oh, this musty stench!. Don't you know the word shower? There's no doubt that this is your natural smell.. rotten creatures!.. you never learn. So what do you want? Will you tell me, you spitting carrion?"


 The commander's face was distorted with extreme anger, as no enemies dared to speak to him in such a despicable manner, let alone a woman. He thought that he would cut off her neck at that moment, as atonement for what she had said. However, he


needed information about her before that. He grimly said : 

-"What a rude, disrespectful woman you are. You must introduce yourself first of all. Then tell me what a woman does alone in this place? What is the story of these funny clothes you're wearing?!".

  The woman sighed and said softly:

-"The same questions every time. It's been two hundred years, and you still ask the same questions. Well. Every time I insist that you answer my questions, therefore, I think I'll answer you, though I don't understand why I say my name to dead bodies."


 The captain smiled as if he had heard a funny joke and said:

"Cadavers? Us? Don't tell me you're going to do it? That would be too scary!"


The wind blew, and the dust scattered.

The woman's cloak behind her fluttered like a gigantic fire. Everyone held their breath as the woman looked like a great hero.


"My name is Blander, one of the founders of the Clan of Vintos , one of the great leaders , and loyal servant of Emperor LINIAS Vintos , ruler of the great fortress of Vintos . And this land belongs to the Emperor."


-"What, are you mad?! What are you saying. This is the kingdom of Verna . What you say is ridiculous, and who is this LINIAS Vintos !"

  Blander opened her eyes.

"A petty person like you does not deserve to know!"

  After those words, after which she did not say anything, she only opened her eyes. Screams erupted from the warriors, and the horses squawked frantically.


- " Devil . Satan . It's Satan !!. Prepare for battle!!"

The soldiers cried.

They quickly turned around, holding swords in their hands. Some drew their bows, some raised their wands, muttering strange words.


The captain jumped off his horse, smashing the ground under his feet, saying:

"These eyes do not belong to humans."


Blander 's eyes were all as black as the night sky. She looked like a black jewel placed inside her socket, and in the middle of that pitch black, a crimson dot like the fire of a dancing candle.

Blander moved those two scarlet dots to the people around her, like a wild beast staring at its prey. Every time she stares at one of her eyes, the person freezes in place from the intensity of fear.

Even the horses themselves retreat in fright, from those eyes staring at them.

Her eyes were terrifying, radiating death and hatred for everyone around her.

However, the commander, putting his sword on his shoulder, approached her, smiling confidently, as if he were walking in a garden. Not interested in that woman, and her black eyes, who terrified his followers. 

It was a display of strength and courage, a hero's attitude that made his followers scream with gusto and regain their courage.

However. He was terrified of those eyes, which were looking at him, as if he were a stinking cadaver.


His body was pricking him like needles from her stare, and he had never felt this before. However, he cannot show his fear in these moments, as showing weakness and fear on the battlefield means imminent death.

He had fought terrifying monsters before, and this would be one of those monsters.


He activated his enchanted sword abilities as he approached her, and the sword glowed with a white light. He gripped his sword firmly, preparing to carry out his sudden movement to end the fight quickly. And he thought: 


 I've never seen a demon like this before...I might have used some illusion or magic to make it look like this, but what terrifying demon made these shields. No. It must be both. But this demon is really stupid.. She does nothing but stare . 


The leader stopped in front of her. A meter separated them, and that distance was within the effective range of his attack.

  He stared down to look at her, and Blander stared up, looking into his eyes, which were several times taller and larger than her.


  The captain said with absolute confidence: 

"It is really unfortunate that a woman of such beauty is a demon, but you don't look like a real fighter. You shouldn't have let me get so close to you without drawing your sword, or even taking your hands off your chest.


Well, not everyone who wore armor became a warrior, and I'm really sorry about that, but, I can't leave a demon like you alive. It is our sacred duty to cleanse the world of heretics after all."


  Blander stared at him silently, not understanding what the man in front of her was doing, and why he had called her a heretic .

The commander smiled in his heart at her stupidity, as she facilitated his task. sternly said:


"I regret your stupidity in the hereafter!".

He quickly swirled around himself like a hurricane in a fleeting moment as he grabbed his sword with both hands, using all his strength and momentum


It was an attack as fast as lightning, and it couldn't be overtaken or evaded from such a distance or even made a reaction.

Indeed, the woman in front of him, standing completely stunned, was unable to show any response with such inhuman speed. Those were his most powerful , sudden, and surprising martial attacks, from which no one had ever escaped.

shout says:   


And he hit her neck at that moment. The blade of the sword passed through her neck quickly, as if her neck was made of dough.

 Her head flew into the air, her chestnut hair, fluttering behind her head like a flag, and then fell and rolled to the ground, her mouth wide open, her eyes blinking ceaselessly. Uncertified what happened to it. Blood spurted out of her neck like a bright red fountain, and her body started to dance, as if he couldn't comprehend what had happened to him at such an incredible speed. Her body shivering fell to the ground like rubbish


Or this is what the man imagined to happen!

His hands were numb from the force of the blow. He felt his sword colliding with a huge steel plate. I turned around quickly to see what had happened. His eyes widened like two bowls, as he could not believe what he saw with his eyes. 

- "Impossible!!! This is crazy!!!".


Blander was standing, arms folded over her chest, as she had been from the beginning. 

The commander's huge sword was pressing on her neck, without causing her anything. Panic screams erupted around him.

The commander was stuck in place, his brain had stopped working and analyzing what had happened.


-"Are you serious about what you're doing?"

So said Blander softly, as if telling him to get up from his tan, and wipe that silly look from his face.

  The commander regained his focus from those words. He turned himself in the opposite direction, faster than the previous one, aiming at her neck again.

However, the scene in front of him was like a dream.


The sword slammed into her neck so violently, there was no blood, not even a wound, or even a simple scratch. Confusingly, she did not move, but did not even blink her eyes. The only thing that moved was her chestnut hair and cloak as they fluttered from the wind force generated by the savage sword strike. 


The captain jumped back, away from her. He no longer understood anything. It was then that three knights of his followers appeared behind her.

The commander made movements with his sword, as if preparing to attack. To get her attention.


 His followers did not miss the opportunity, and jumped over it like ferocious beasts. They stuck their swords in it. One was behind her neck, and the rest had their swords stuck in the joint of her knees, which was the weak point of the armor. However, they did not feel that they had penetrated her flesh, however. They did not stop what they were doing. They hit, and they hit, as if they were carving rocks. 

"Don't you know, that fondling a woman in this way is considered rude."

 Blander said without turning to them. As if they were disgusting worms wriggling on their shields.

 Their faces turned pale. Their strength evaded these words. However, the commander was flying to it like an arrow, taking advantage of this moment, while carrying his sword in front of him like a spear. Using his full speed, propped up with all his massive body, he plunged his sword into her throat


This attack, which was enough to pierce a huge demonic tree, and pierce hard rock, was useless, it didn't pierce her neck, didn't even shed her blood, and didn't even push her back.


The leader cursed in his heart this demonic woman.

The commander had a hunch that she wouldn't act on it. It was a hoax, taking advantage of her inactivity. As soon as the sword touched down her throat, it activated one of the abilities of the Enchanted Sword. Austral !


The sword was embedded in her neck and upper chest. Like being in the water. The sword came out from the other side at that moment.

It was Austral . It is one of the magical spells, which transform weapons into intangible things such as light, thus bypassing armor and all kinds of protection. However, it is not completely harmful as long as it is activated. That is why the Commander used it on this Demon. 

As soon as the sword passed through her neck, the commander turned off this ability. And the sword turned into a solid state, which is embedded in it. It was a hellish plan. The commander, and all his followers, smiled, and they began to feel relieved.

 The commander said in a triumphant tone:

"You were such a strong opponent, I'll remember your name for a few days. What was your name again?"


And he laughed sarcastically. He continued by saying:

"I don't need to know your name, you motherfucker... well. I must draw the sword, and the despicable red rain begins.

Oh!. I forgot to tell you, my sword is equipped with a special magic, which is to cancel the healing magic. Therefore, you will not be able to heal yourself with anything. 

do not worry. I will watch you till the last drop of your damned blood bleed like a sheep. And then. Well, you don't need to know what will happen to you next."


  Blander was staring at the huge man in front of her softly as she stood like a mountain. She was disappointed with this man, and said, starting to get bored:

"Is that all you have?"

Those words froze his blood in his veins. A gigantic sword was embedded in her, yet she looked eerily calm.

The leader said, and fear began to creep into him:

-"You must die"

He grabbed the sword with a trembling hand and pulled it out, but the sword did not come out, it was still stuck in it. The commander pulled him hard, with both hands, and he did not budge. He pulled him screaming and moaning. Until the veins of his face swollen tight ropes.

Neither the sword nor the woman moved from her place. Then the leader lost his cohesion from these strange circumstances.

-"What madness is this... damn you, Satan!!!"


He threw many punches, kicks in the face.

He grabbed her head with his hands, and smashed her beautiful face, with his huge knee, armored with nails, once, again, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and tenth, crying out like a madman : 

“Die!!, Die!!, Die!! .Damn you!!!”


The spectacle was comical or perhaps even horrifying to them, Russo , who looked like a giant in front of the woman; And that woman who seemed tiny and fragile, would shatter from the beast's punches in front of her. However. She was looking at him wearily. It was as if those attacks were made of blades.

It was a horrific reality that made the seasoned knights shiver like children.

But. Russo did not stop his attack.

This time he grabbed his sword and snatched it away. Perhaps she let him slip out of her body from the intensity of the pain, which she felt from those brutal kicks and punches. A single kick from the commander could lead to death. The strange thing is that there was no hole in her chest, but Russo argument did not care, for she was a demon, and everything is possible with heretics . He raised his sword high and landed on her head, using all the strength of his body, the muscles of his back, his stomach, and the strength of his arms. Scream like a thunderbolt:

“Haaaaaaaaaaah !!!!!!” 

It was this blow that severed the dragon's neck, turning its flesh into dough. The succubus was undoubtedly split in half by this savagery and had become a mashed mass of gruesome red paste. But Russo was fed up with the fertile fantasies of his brain, and waited with bloody eyes for what would happen.


His deepest fears came true as the sword hit her head, and the sword made a strange sound as though it was wailing in pain. The sword trembled in the commander's hand, smashing his fingers. His sword slipped from his hand. The captain groaned in pain. But he turned away from her as he jumped back several meters, and took heavy breaths as he looked at her. 

The three ran after her away.

  It was Blander , standing up without a single scratch. She was completely healthy.


The commander cried out in a mixture of fear, horror, shock, and pain. His mind could not comprehend anything of this madness.

-"This is impossible!!!. It can't be real. This sword rips a dragon apart. You can't be real. You are a damned illusion. Yes you are an illusion. Even magic has its limits..

Why don't you die? Why don't you get hurt?!!! Why don't you move? Why don't you speak? damn it !!!!! ".


Blander looked at the sword lying in front of her, and kicked it at its owner with boredom, as if to say: Try your best. Russo never cried in his life. However. He seemed to be on the verge of tears at this moment.

-" What do you want ?!" .

She said coldly:

-"What an effeminate man! You attacked me without any reason, without even answering my questions. Now you ask what I want.. Well, I want answers this time, that's why I didn't do anything to you, but I'm really starting to get upset about this. What are you doing? here ?!"


-"We are here to investigate this country, to find out what happened there, and the reason for the people's disappearance."

Blander said , as if speaking to herself:

" then, the previous people like them might have wanted the investigation and the information too. I didn't know that. Damn, they died so fast before he knew anything of them..if you knew that what would you do?".


The commander replied:

We will inform our superiors of this.

-"Okay, my next question. Are you really a man?"

-"what !"

The commander cried out in confusion as he hadn't expected such a question.

Blander continued :

-"Well, you know, there was a bet between me and my deputies, that you were a man or not. That's why... I was standing there doing nothing for you, to see what you really were, but. It seems to me, you're a effeminate after all ." At that moment, women's laughter rang out from the bells around them.

 There was no one around them, however. Laughs were ringing in their ears like silver bells.

This was scary. The commander took his sword from the ground, and retreated back to his squad. Ignoring the sounds of laughter around him, his followers panicked And he looked at his sword


He could feel the sword ricochet in her neck, it was real. He looked back at her wondering: did she strengthen herself with magic, but magic is not absolute. A person may be able to use magic on himself, to protect his body from certain influences.

 However, the magic will disappear after it is used.


For example, if a person casts a fire protection magic on themselves, and is attacked with a fire magic, the magic they cast on themselves would cancel the attack, and vanish at that moment. Because the fire protection spell had been used at that moment.


His sword was equipped with magic that eliminates magical defenses. So... what's going on here?! Was it an unknown charm? Or it was high level magic.. if that was true then there was no point in fighting, no one would be able to defeat her. 

This is ridiculous, it cannot be true, in this case, it will exterminate entire armies, without being wounded. Even if she gets tired, it won't matter because she won't get hurt at all. 

No. That's impossible, she might have reinforced herself with many defensive magic spells. Her immunity must end with a constant attack on her.

 A white head appeared like a ghost, over the commander's shoulder, interrupting his thoughts, saying:

"What should we do?!".


The commander trembled, and was about to scream in terror. However, he recovered himself at the last moment. However. His eyes looked blank, as if they had died of despair. 

  The leader said while looking at the woman:

-"Kill her. Kill this damned one!!.without approaching her!!"


 Horror, fear arose among the warriors, and they started screaming as if they had lost their minds.

" how !!!" . 

"We can't!!!" .

“You couldn’t even hurt her!!!” .

 "That's impossible!!!" .

" Not possible !!! ".

“This land is cursed!!! ” 

 "We are going to die!!"


The captain said in his voice, which sounded like the howling of a sick dog : 

-"Don't be afraid. It's a diabolical trick to spread panic in our souls. She used many magic spells, so we need to attack her with many attacks to finish her defenses!!" 


 The arrows shot straight at the nightmare in front of them. However, the arrows would fall as soon as they hit their target. Like hitting a wall. even so. The arrows did not stop. They fired, they fired. One by one until the arrows ran out of them.

 Their hearts slipped between their legs. The reason for their increasing fear and despair was the behavior of that woman, who was completely silent, looking at them, as if she did not care what was going on.


If she was screaming or defending herself or even protect her face. This would have brought back some of their courage. However, what they wished for never happened.

-"Use magic!!!!!!. You idiots!!!!!!!."


Commander shouted. In response to that. The group split in two, leaving ten people to advance. They raised their wands to her, and muttered inaudible words, and in an instant. Huge flames exploded, swallowing the entire woman in a beautiful golden vortex.


The fires died out quickly. The demonic woman, however, remained as she was before. Even her cursed hair was completely intact.

Blander said with a rigid face devoid of any expression. As if what you are doing is nothing but boring work:

" I think it's my turn." 


She walked towards them with soft steps. static. graceful. beautiful. The clicking of her golden shoes seemed to play an infernal symphony, signaling the beginning of the madness.

-"Shoot her. Don't stop, you idiots!!!!!!"

Many kinds of magic colors shot out, and rained down on them.

[Lightning!] [Radiant white spears! [Ice Arrows!] [Fire Arrows] [Fusion!] [Purification!] [Deafness!] [ Madness!] [Bright White Lights!] [Crash! ] [ Paralysis ! ] [The greatest death! ] [Drift!], [Freezing] [Personal Charm]


The woman stood before the leader, magic spells falling on her like rain , and said: 

-"I didn't use the magic or defensive spells you're talking about, your attacks were weak, and useless. That's it."


The captain who was standing, dumbfounded, trembling, frightened before her. He said :

-"I get it, I know you, I've heard about you. There was a great demon that controlled many powerful demons, they lived in the dark forest since ancient times. I've heard stories about it. That demon... must be you !! "


  Blander closed her eyes and said in a sad voice:

-"A demon?...You say of him as a devil. He was a great and pure man, kind and loving, who just wanted to live in peace."

At that moment, the veins swollen all over her face. Like the branches of a dry tree. She opened her eyes, which had turned crimson. It was as if there was a burning forest inside. Blander shrieked like a raging dragon:

-"But you. You, lowly human beings, attacked him and killed us. You destroyed his peaceful life. You made him sacrifice his life for us. We are back great mighty, but our master is not anymore.. All because of you damned humans, I hate you, and I loath to see you!! !!!!".


Ayeeeee !!!! The captain let out a panicked cry. Russo jumped out of this nightmare. But Blander approached the captain with lightning speed, and held him tightly by the throat, as though she were squeezing him from a lemon.


Putting her arms firmly on the ground. Unable to bear that crushing force, the commander collapsed on his knees like a wreck, choking, floundering, punching her in the stomach, hitting her strangling hand, like a baby.

- "Haha! Hey! Hey! Heyyah !!" He was asking for mercy, begging for his life.

She was a monster. Only fools make this woman angry. He realized at this moment, that he was one of those fools. Tears erupted from his eyes. Russo cried in terror for the first time in his life. And between his legs icy water flowed.


Blander stared at his red, swollen eyes.

-"Are you saying that you smell musty? Yes. It is musty and stinky. I hate your smell and can't stand it. Disappear from my face, you rottenness!!!!!" 


She threw a kick full of anger, pure hatred in the stomach; So fast that no one can see it.

The commander's entire body exploded like a bomb. He scattered the intestines, entrails, and blood over his followers like rain. Even his enchanted armor became like dough.

She threw his head behind her like garbage. She looked at the rest.

- "So do not blame your luck, that you have trampled on this land!!!!!!”

Screaming and crying broke out among the knights, as their brains could not comprehend what had happened.

Their intestines were lying on their chests, entrails strewn across their faces, and blood in their hair and eyes. Their leader fell to his knees. Suddenly, everything turned red in their eyes, yet they saw something unbelievable.


The leader's head was hanging from the demonic woman's hand. And then they realized that the meat crushed on top of them belonged to their leader.

 - " Run. Save your life!!!!!!"


So someone cried. And there was madness in the place as the horses panicked, and started jumping and kicking the air. The knights fell off their backs, and some were crushed under the horses' hooves. Blander watched this madness and said: 

-"There are missing horses..why?!"


At these words, she vented her wrath upon one of the knights, who was writhing on the ground with his legs smashed by a kick from a horse. He crawled beside her. Blander crushed his head under her feet. The man could no longer feel the crushing force of her leg, as his eyes came out of their sockets, and the bowels of his brain were scattered like a rotten duck.

-"There is a missing horse?!".

- "No aaaaaaaa!!!!!. Mercy !!!!!". Another man's head exploded under her feet. Then another.



And they started jumping on their horses. They scattered everywhere like terrified rats.


But Blander , she did not like the corpses to go, with their heads on their shoulders. She issued the verdict, to take their heads when she said: 

"Kill them all!!"

In response to those words, four beautiful women like flowers appeared beside her. They were wearing military armour, matching her golden armour.


One woman, who had golden hair in a bun, said:

"All with their horses?"

Blander said : 

-"No. Leave them..mmmm, and what's wrong with this smile?" .

The woman said:

“I want to kill them all with their horses!”

Blander said : 

-" no no no. Leave the horses behind." 

"But I want to kill them with their horses."

  Blander said :

'Are you mad?' I said, 'Leave them. ' Angus told me , that he needed some horses, to give them, to the people he had brought here! .

The woman said:

"Okay, well, don't get so upset. about keeping one person alive." 


Blander narrowed her eyes.

-"You're asking to keep someone alive. You, no... that's impossible, now you want to kill horses, now this. I don't think that's really what you're thinking, it sounds crazy as usual, but. Tell me what you mean by that?"


The woman's eyes shone brightly, as she said:

-"Oh. How do I say this, mm..yes. Well, listen carefully. We will let one man come back, after we tell him what we want, and of course we will tell him the truth. And after his superiors know about it, and the information spreads to the rulers or the kings or whatever they call themselves with it.

They will surely invade us with a large army, because we are monsters or demons as they always call us. And after that.. we will kill them all with their horses! ".


The woman smiled sadistically, looked at the fleeing warriors, and imagined the sight of blood, heads flying, meat chopping, and the earth turning red like putty. 

Blander said :

-" Liliana , you're still crazy as I knew you. What's your story with horses anyway?! doesn't matter."

Blander smiled savagely.

"But I really like your crazy ideas." She pointed her finger at the Vice-Captain, who looked like a white dot from afar:

-"This. This madman who runs on his feet, but let the horses and run them!"


Liliana smiled happily.

-"Heard obedience" And she drew her two golden swords like the sun, by her side, and the rest of the women did the same. They ran like arrows after their prey, laughing like devils.


Blander turned around to get back up . But it is. She paused to stare at the man's head, who had once struck fear into the hearts of men. And who took possession of all the battlefields, and shook the enemies with his strength, and his brutality. The mere mention of his name made enemies fear, and allies powerful.

 It was the heretics' hammer .


However, Blander was only disappointed with this man, he was so weak that she wanted to cry because of his insignificance. If she knew who this man was, she would have died of laughter, and she would have known that this world would cause her many disappointments.

 The commander's head was still alive, his eyes were fluttering quickly in all directions, his mouth opening and closing as if he wanted to speak. Blander , unable to bear his nasty appearance, ran her foot so hard that his head collapsed like a rotten, disgusting melon, and said disgustingly:




She walked away, her scarlet cloak fluttering behind her. Then an eagle descended from the sky, snatched the leader's head, and soared into the clear sky.


Even that eagle felt pity for what the man had turned into. But he was fully aware that survival of the fittest.






















Chapter 3 :Entus-1-


It was a spacious and breathtaking room, with soft white walls decorated with blue patterns. They looked like dozens of sparkling rivers.

An enormous crystal chandelier hangs in the middle, its magical lights shining like a dream.

And there was a king size bed below those lights.

However. The room was a complete mess, as if it had been hit by a hurricane.


Broken glass everywhere, timber and stationary tables, smashed perfume bottles, red bird feathers scattered everywhere, tattered scarlet pillows and curtains. Even the bed was not in the best condition.


There was someone on the bed.

A woman was burying her face on her remaining pillow. Her silky hair looked like a black river above the bed, her hair long enough to touch her heels. She was wearing a black dress embroidered with gold threads, and on her hands were black lace gloves. And protruding from the back of her head two horns twisted upwards.

She was from the race of Ronia.


 The woman sighed, as if a blazing fire was rising from her chest, and threw herself on her back.

Revealing a woman who is a sign of beauty. She had skin white as alabaster, two violet irises slit vertically like cats, and lips as thin as her eyes.

 Her sweet beauty made onlookers gasp in a mixture of shock, amazement, and admiration.

The woman was called Entus .


 Entus stared tiredly at the chandelier above her, and felt hatred toward her as it lit up, and shimmered, and shone upon her head, as if to mock her misery.

Entus hates everything, and wants to smash and tear everything in front of her.

Everything became bitter and tasteless in her weary eyes. Even life lost its flavor and seemed colorless, like a gloomy gray.


She did not remember how many times she tore her hair, scratched her face, and bit her lips until she tore them, as she sobbed and sobbed so loudly that her voice reached the sky.

Or how many times she tried to strangle herself, or kill herself.

Yet every time she tries to do so,


she remembers the hope that illuminates what remains of her soul, that her master, her soul, her lover, her breath, her blood, her bones, will return at any moment and she will not be there to light her eyes with his vision if she kills herself.

Entus raised her hands in the air. As if she imagines and wishes that person fall into her arms. In a voice as weak as a breeze, she said: 

-"Why? Why? Why didn't you come back? It's been a long time. Long as eternity and you haven't come back yet.. What can I do for you? Tell me, sir Whisper to me"


She heard only silence.

Her bed shook from her crying. She put her hands on her face, and her crying voice rose.


-"He killed himself for us. No. Humans killed him. they are the reason. They made him. I hate them!! they will pay the price!!I will eat their hearts. I will widow their women !! haa!!! '"


She lowered her arms, and leaned on her stomach, burying her face in her pillow, to complete her suffocating weeping. In an instant she cried and tore her pillow. Beautiful red feathers flew from inside.

She collapsed back on herself. Entus no longer wanted to leave her room. Except to spend some inspection tasks and then quickly return to her room and do not go out for several days.


Only once did she wander the earth in search of her master.. for many years she and her clan searched for her master.. they searched for him.. they searched for a glimpse of him.. for a sign from him.. for hope.. but. There was nothing.. their master vanished and left no trace. 

Then their blood ran out. Their heads were shackled, and they were filled with mad anger. And empty the outburst of madness on this land that was the cause of everything. They destroyed everything in front of them, until the country was reduced to ruin by clan power, the Vintos clan hadbecomeimmensely powerful.

But Entus . She didn't care anymore, she was as empty as a dead corpse. dead body. She burns with longing for her master.


"I wish I had not. I wish I had taken that damned gem and ran away with it. I wish I had thrown it away. I wish I had stopped him, even if my master had taken my life, I should have done it.

I wish my master hadn't saved me and I became dead.. Oh what a pity.. No. This is my punishment. I attacked my master, and tore his tender arms to pieces with that damned sword!"


And she got up from her bed.

She took a piece of the shattered mirror beneath her, stared at her own reflection, and groped her face. 

-"Oh, you've become terrifying.. you're miserable."


 She stared blankly at the blade of the mirror. The mirror blade shone in rainbow colors as it approached her throat. She thought for a moment about sticking it in her throat, to get relief from this pain and torment.


However, she threw it at her brothers, so that they wept together with the sound of wreckage.

And she went around the room, not knowing what to do. And I thought - Celine , and how she can bear it. No. She knew the difference between her feelings and those of Celine.

Celine was the only one he took care of as his real daughter, and he found her at the edge of the dark forest. next to her mother's corpse. She was a emaciated child, no more than two years old, swimming in the blood of her dead mother٨. That is why her master took care of the child and named her Celine. The clan took care of her with love. Especially Entus .


who took care of her like her mother, and she looks thirteen years old.

She announced several times that she would be the baby's mother. Her words made the little clan burst out laughing as they understood what they were up to Entus was a little girl at the time.


However, she was not the age of a human being, and she was saved by her master thirty years ago. That is, thirty years before Celine came to the clan.


If she did not have her master. Strong sense of hearing. Entus would have been dead in one of the rotten caves deep in the dark forest . But her master LINIAS Vintos heard the sound of her weak breathing under the piles of corpses.


She looked like an eleven-year-old when her master saved her. She was a emaciated child, dry as a tree branch, and she was terrified, afraid of everything.

Since then, she has never left her master, as she was afraid that he would leave her behind, and that she would return to the hell she was in. But her master was tender and sympathetic to her, as he would make her sleep in his arms. Rather, he was combing her hair and threatening her until she fell asleep. Because he knew how much terror and fear you were experiencing. Her life was ugly and cruel since she was born, and no one treated her with such kindness and tenderness. 


Years passed. She began to feel strange things creeping into her chest, and she did not understand any of them.

Every time she looked at her master her heart beat violently, as if it was going to explode. However. She didn't stop staring at him.


I stared at his golden eyes glowing under the moonlight. She caressed his thick white hair, observing his strange calm and silence. 

It was nice. It was majestic. He was strong. He was affectionate. As if he does not belong to this cruel, disgusting world. Rather, she was certain that her master had fallen from one of the two moons.

The strange thing is that she did not get tired of looking at him all night and day. Rather, she would look at him for hours on end without feeling any fatigue, but she would be happy with that for no reason. 

And when her master was gone, she kept tossing around, and could never sleep, for she could feel her chest on fire.

Then her master brought Celine, and her feelings were getting fiercer and stronger with each time and year.

It was then that she told Rivera what was going on in her chest. But she did not understand why Rivera laughed , saying to her: Do you have a talent for smashing rocks ? And after Rivera was full of laughter. I told her what she really felt. Those were the words. Like a play button that explodes her feelings in her hollow.

And the young girl became in love with her master with a love that knows no bounds. And from that moment. She felt that she was no longer a little girl but a woman in love.

 The years passed, and Entus , the little girl, became a charming woman who caught all eyes


-"It hurts!. It hurts!. It hurts!. A burning fire in my chest!!. My heart is boiling and riven!!..Ah!!..My body is inflamed. It burns. It screams to see my beloved!!"

And began to wail in agony.

 Her hands smashed everything she sees. tables. Curtains. Chairs. Then I jumped on the bed and tore the sheet. In her madness, she took the remains of a broken chair, and smashed the chandelier until crystals scattered like rain. She gritted her teeth as she lifted the enormous bed over her head, and almost threw it to the ground, smashing it. However, she froze when she saw Sirius standing in front of her.


The outburst of madness ended in an instant as Entus used magic, the bed floated in the air and quietly landed on the ground.

Entus sat on the edge of the bed like a doll. However. She moved her eyes in circles, ignoring the man's presence, as if doing so would make the man go on his way.


But Sirius. He was looking at her without making a single movement. Out of her eyes, she looked at him and said:

"I was cleaning the room."

The man did not say anything, and kept staring at her with his sullen face. As if his face could not express any movement except stagnation. 

"I've been cleaning up.. I don't like her look anymore, that's why..."

He interrupted her in a soft, gentle voice:

"Do I look like an idiot to you, Entus " ? It just looks scary. But she could not say those words, and looked at her fingers in silence.

Then she turned to him and said gloomily:

"Is there anything new ?" The man murmured succinctly: 

-" There are many things" Entus looked at him suspiciously and said:

"You know what I mean."


Sirius looked young and handsome. He was dressed in a white suit, adorned with beautifully intricate crimson threads.

  He wore a lace bow tie the color of his shoes, and had short white hair, the ends of which were crimson tufts.

However. His eyes were as red as two coals in a stove, and the whites of his eyes were pitch-black. Like a glistening darkness. That blackness seemed to reflect the darkness in his depths. However, if someone ignores the sight of his eyes. He would have been found to be soft and gentle as a noble prince, but only fools would think that he was since Sirius was ruthless and ruthless.


He does not even know the concept of mercy at all.

 As for the clan, there is nothing like his tenderness and kindness. Even his clan did not know the origins of Sirius or what race he belonged to. Sirius has always been mysterious.


Although he always tells them that he is a demon.

Sirius was the commander-in-chief of the castle of Vintos, the second-in-command of the clan, and one of the chief institutional leaders of the clan. Since the actual clan leader does not exist. Sirius remains the supreme leader and head of the clan. 

 "What did you do in the place?"

-"answer the question ?". Entus burst into tears when he did not respond.

The captain will be back soon. Entous choked her tears at those words and gave him glances, begging for him to tell her more.

Sirius stared at the shattered chandelier.


He didn't know what to tell her, they had done everything, and there was little use. The professor says he is sure that the leader will return.. That magic is unpredictable. Although he told me that he no longer remembered how this spell was made.. So is it all gone?.. Is he really coming back?.. I don't know anything anymore.. That magic... And he lowered his eyes to Entus and said falsely:

-" The professor is working on something..Wait a minute. Where are you going? I'm not done yet..The professor won't tell you anything. It's a secret thing."


Entus sat back and Sirius continued : 

"I feel suffocated in this place. How about we go to the Birds Coast?"

Entus shook her head affirmatively.

She went out with Sirius and she is overjoyed.

 As soon as they left, one of the maids entered the room. She appeared on her childish face, annoyance at the sight of the place.

 She murmured annoyed. Then she waved her finger. It's like painting a painting in the air.


With the movement of her finger, the room came to life and danced in a mixture of colours.

 The scarlet curtains flew up, clinged back to the walls, and the red feathers rose into the air, and came back into the cushions like flocks of birds returning to their nests.


 Dozens of black gloves fluttered like butterflies and entered a golden chest beside the mirror, which rippled like the surface of a lake, as shattered glass turned into water and crawled on the ground like dozens of snakes to return to the mirror.

The crystals danced, and flew around the room, shining in all colors, and returned to their place to light up the place.

The bed swayed, and came back luxurious again, and the white sheet rippled over the bed and came back clean again. The chairs ran back to under the woman's table.


With her purple eyes, she scanned the place, and everything was shining back as it was.

A satisfied smile on her face, and she came out proud of her work.  






The cold wind, fluttering in Entus ' long hair, was walking barefoot on the bird's shore, and next to her was Sirius , who was deathly silent.

 The coast was sprawling, and its sands were like pearls of gold. And the blue sea waves crashed against its golden shore, scattering blue crabs to meet the sea firebirds, which scattered and fled from the two people walking among them.

 Entus said as she tried to pet a bird with her toes:

-"are you mad on me? ".

Sirius replied , looking at the waves: 

"No, I'm not angry with you.. Why are you telling me that?" 

 Entus said :

 "Just a question.. You haven't looked at me, and you haven't told me anything since we came here."

-" know I don't like to talk much. I also like to watch the sea silently."

"Like a captain, right?"

 Sirius stopped in place, and tucked his hands into his pants pocket. He stared gloomily at the sea.

 Entus stared at the sea, waiting for what he had to say.

The silence lasted for a long time.

There were only the sounds of birds, and the sounds of waves shining in the sun. It seems that this silence did not like the sea, as a great wave hit the coast, scattering water spray over their bodies to break the gloomy silence. 

Sirius said in a sad voice:

-"There is no one like the leader , I.. I can never do like him. I still can't believe we are, as if we are in the stories of ancient legends. A great castle." I turned back. Entus followed him , and they stared into the distance, to their castle. Vintos Castle . 

 Something enormous was rising before them like a great mountain range. It was a blood-colored castle. The height of its ceilings, and its towers, seemed to be planted in the sky, as its height exceeded the clouds.

She looked majestic. Sparkling. Like she's proud of herself. Sirius continued :

-"Powerful servants and followers. And the power that we have become.. He thought of everything with a precision that no mind can comprehend.. Even the positions and positions we are in have thought about.. This is the leader, he thinks of us before himself." He wiped the sea water from his face. Except that Entus thought he was wiping his tears.

 Entus said the question stuck in her throat:

"I said something about his return..."

 Sirius sighed heavily. For some reason, he felt he needed to smoke a cigarette, and even he, had never smoked in his life.

I wish Angus was here to take one from him.


 Turning back to the sea, he said:

-"It 's a unique magic .. the professor invented it.. he says that this magic spell, no one should hear about it, if information leaks about it, it loses its power.. you don't want to hear it.. well. I will tell you.. it is.."

Entus cried , plugging her ears.

-"I don't want to hear anything. Please stop it!!"

 It's good that she is naive. If it were Rivera, the situation would be different. .

Sirius smiled as Entus quickly turned the tide. She referred to the birds:

 -" What was the name of these birds? "

-" It's the sea firebird..isn't it really beautiful?" 

The sea ​​firebirds were, the size of a man's fist, and had a reddish-golden color from the head. From afar, it looks like a fire burning in the sand. That is why it was given the name.

Entus quickly tilted her body, and took hold of one of the sea firebirds in her hands, and said happily:

-"She's beautiful~".

The bird was making its protest with beautiful chirps like melodies. And Biting Entus fingers with little blue beak. However, she did not feel any pain. And she continued:

- "You are so cute."

And she threw it in the air. The bird quickly fell into the sand. Entus frowned at that.

Sirius said :

"They are birds that do not fly. "

"Oh. So. I didn't know. But... aren't they so big? I can hardly find a place for my feet to walk."

-"All this is because of Navoris , who told Elfam that they are very rare birds that live only on this coast, and from that moment he took care of them until they became so many."

Entus said :

"He really likes rare things."

"That's true. But, I think he's trying to keep himself busy with their upbringing."

Entus asked, removing her hair from her eyes:

" Navoris ... that strange creature that we have allowed to live on this coast?"

 "Yes, it is. But it is not so strange."

Entus grabbed the edge of her black dress, and said, losing interest in Navoris in a fleeting moment:

-"The wind is strong today, but...there is no difference between wind and stillness. They have all become one, right?"

Sirius remained silent, and Entus continued :

"Where 's Celine? "

-"She's with Angus , I think they're behind us."

"Are they still checking the sea?"

Sirius answered , looking at the crabs at his feet:

"Yes, the fish have disappeared from the sea for a reason. That's why they're trying to figure out why. But, I know the Angus is about to explode out of impossibility. All captains are like that."

They do anything to keep themselves busy. Even Blander yelled at me a few days ago, and said she couldn't stand sitting and doing nothing... and went to the north with her deputies... to guard she said".

Entus said :

"North, she goes there often, as far as I remember?"

-"That's right, and when you come back, you say angrily that men have evaporated from this world."

Entus bewildered , and said:

" No. She doesn't mean that. I think she wants to fight someone strong, that's all, she likes these things." 

Sirius smiled and said:

"That's why I asked her to fight me anytime she wanted. I wouldn't even use magic ."

Entus said with wide eyes: 

"Are you angry at her that much?"

" It's just an exercise.. If she likes to have her head smashed , I will do it.. Also, why do you always tell me that I'm angry? Does my face look like that?"     

Entus wanted to say: that your eyes always looked frightfully angry, but she said: 

- "No. There is no such thing..". 


A woman 's scream rose from behind them: 

“Get away from me, I will crush you.” Rivera was yelling at the sea firebirds blocking the movement of her feet and continued:

"What is this madness? Where do they come from? From inside the sand?...". And she approached Sirius , carrying a chair. It looked made of bone.

Rivera was the person closest to LINIAS , the first person in the clan, the one who gave the clan the name Vintos , and the most powerful person in the clan after the Angus. Her only pleasure is to harass Entus and quarrel with her.

 Rivera was very tall. graceful body. She was a doll carved out of ivory, her skin as pale as a white candle, and her long crimson hair fluttering behind her like a blazing fire


 If anyone else saw the color of her eyes, he would have let out a cry, or perhaps a gasp, because her eyes were the color of blood. Even the whites of her eyes were crimson, though her iris was more red. She was wearing a black dress that exposed her ivory legs from the front, and draped over her heels from the back.

 Her arms were exposed by the elbows.


 She was a vampire named Rivera Nightmare .


 Rivera slouched in her chair, staring at Entus who was grinning. Rivera murmured gloomily :

"I'm not in the mood to see your teeth..." But those words made Entous' smile widen.

-" What's with you.. ?".

"The commander will return.. Sir LINIAS will return." Rivera fell terribly gloomy at those words, and stammered, staring at the sea waves:

“Why did he do that to me?”

"In order to protect you, he did that... I only see that."

- " Sirius , you're kidding, aren't you? what about this goat that he took with him.. I still can't believe what if it was a dream..".

Entus replied with an annoyed tone:

"Because this goat was obedient... and you will never obey my master."

Entus shrank as Rivera stood before her in a fleeting moment. Entus looked like a mouse standing in front of a predatory beast.

- "Are you telling me... that I do not submit to a woman leader?...".

Entus said :

-"Not might have stopped him if you were in my place..that's why..."

- "Are you happy with this obedience?” Entus burst into tears at those words. Rivera wiped Entous' tears as a mother , as she said consolingly: 

- "What you did was not wrong.. That was the will of the leader. If I were you, I would do it without hesitation.. and fulfill his desires.. My only regret is that I did not die with him, that's all." Rivera laughed and continued :

-" I don't know the reason for what he really did..why he asked me to bring him something strange, and at the same time he did it. But I was burned my dear..that is a damned fire..what a fire that is, I still remember the pain to this day ." Sirius said , rubbing his forehead .

" It's horrific... your body is melting before your eyes... this professor is going to burn the world down one day... there's no doubt about that... mmm. What is this ?"

The sound of dozens of bells rang out from the castle. Entus said suspiciously:

"Is this some kind of celebration? I didn't know we had bells."

Sirius replied with concern:

"This is not the sound of ordinary bells.. Elfam told me about it, but I forgot.. I don't remember."

Rivera gasped and said :

- " I remember... he said... he said ...". Sirius cried impatient : _

What did this strange creature say? !! She raised her eyes to the castle and said:

-" He said that the throne will be released with a welcome when the great master returns !"

And they started laughing until their eyes teared up, as if those words were a funny joke.   

 And in an instant. They stifled their laughter, and stared at each other foolishly.


 Entus ran to the castle like an arrow, and the rest followed.

Chapter 4 :parallel universe


Birds swam like fish in the blue of the sky.

The children ran, panting, behind a ball rolling on the sands of the seashore. Some children started plotting by digging holes, covering them with newspapers, hiding them with sand, and fleeing laughing if people fell into their traps.



Families sat, women scattered on the sand. kids play. Women and girls talking and gossiping. Men and boys, playing chess, challenge each other to beat each other. Others play ball. Girls racing to the ice cream wagon.

The sea shore was beautiful, bringing serenity and peace to the soul.


In this blue sea sparkling under the golden sun, Salem stood staring rigidly at the waves of the sea. Like a tree planted in place. It took him two hours to stand. Without moving from its place or even making a slight movement.


Some people looked at him anxiously, some with inquisitive looks, and some whispered and laughed at his behavior.

But Salem, he didn't care about those looks. He stared at the sea with rigid eyes.

Salem was not distinguished by anything, in terms of his appearance, handsomeness, or even the trait of wealth that is engraved on the faces of the wealthy. was his appearance. Reflects his miserable and poor life.. He was like any man you see walking in the streets without noticing him.

However. The man's face was rigid, as if he was bored and tired of this life. His black eyes seemed devoid of life, as if they belonged to the dead.

And around those eyes, deep wrinkles were dug. It befits a man who has lived for long periods of time, and his black hair is very gray.

He was suggesting to the onlookers that he was in his fifties. Although in fact he was thirty years old. Salem was living alone after his family was killed in front of his eyes..


That scene killed everything beautiful in his life, and showed stagnation and indifference in his face and soul.

 Salem worked as a cook. In a vile restaurant. close to his house. And for you, he wished to work in his field of specialization, as he graduated from the university and obtained a commerce degree. 


But, in this country. Wishing, thinking about a better future drives its owner to madness or perhaps to the grave.

But these days. Salem realized that life. You won't stop making fun of him and spitting in his face.


Salem smiled , as if he was reciprocating life's sarcasm. He stared at the sea for a long time, as if he could not take his eyes off that place. Maybe it was a hallucination, maybe it was a dream or an illusion, maybe it was pure madness. He did not know. The strange thing is that no one noticed or even paid attention to that thing, which invades the eyes and draws them to it.. Salem did not understand anything. 


The whole sea was burning before his eyes.. The great blue sea, its waters turned into dancing blue fires.. And in the sky as soon as the birds flew over the sea. Until those fires burn, and vanish into the air.. Maybe it was fortunate that no one was inside the sea..

It was something that no human mind could comprehend. However, this scene was nothing new to Salem , as he had been seeing this thing for ten consecutive days, and even dreamed of it when he fell asleep.

When Salem saw this strange thing. He fully realized that he was starting to lose his mind, and that he had a few days before he went crazy.


However, the sight of those fires drew him in and attracted him to them.. Rather, he was feeling a strange kind of nostalgia. But, this day. It seemed different from the previous days, when the flames rose to the point that they almost licked the sky... and from that dancing blue, he felt that someone was watching him.

In a short moment, he saw something moving.. He started rubbing his eyes.. However, the scene did not change, but he clearly saw something huge approaching him. He looked sharply at that thing.


"Excuse me, Mr Salem . "Salem turned , and hated to be interrupted by anyone in these moments.

 She was a woman in her late twenties, with bright blue eyes, her blond hair, dancing over her shoulders. She was holding a microphone in one hand. Next to her was a handsome, well-dressed man holding a camera with their station's logo on it, and the man looked the same age.


Salem was upset by this. He said with impatience:

- "Ten years have passed... Is there no one but me in this virtuous city?" The woman removed her hair from her eyes and said:

- "What do you think of the money? .. How much do you want to meet this? ..".


-"You tempt me with money..not all people are slaves to money, miss."

"I'm not miss..."

-" Mrs ?..".

"I'm not a lady."

-"Is a woman suitable?".

"Don't call me that, please..."

"And they say I'm what do you want, gentleman?"

“I hope you will treat me with respect, sir!” Salem sighed and rubbed his forehead with two fingers, saying:

-"I've read words somewhere, and they say, 'Am I crazy or the others?' I think I understand exactly what that person was feeling."

The camera holder smiled and said:

"I think the author of those words is Einstein ." Salem ignored those words, and walked away from them, looking at the burning sea. The woman asked the owner of the camera to start filming, and they followed Salem . The woman said, trying to catch up with Salem's wide strides:

- “Mr. Salem .. is it true that you had a younger sister?” Salem answered without stopping:

"All the countries know this thing.. what do you want from me?"

"How did she die?" That question stopped Salem in place. Hadjha Salem look fatal. The woman backed away in fright, ascertaining that the eyes of the man in front of her glowed for a moment the color of gold. Salem said coldly, almost freezing her ears:

"You really make me sick.. you know, and everyone in this rotten country knows how she died..and yet, you always ask me this question. Do you think I'm going to cry, weep, and tear my hair like women.. isn't it? All of this." ...for you to be unique in this profession..people make me feel disgusted..yes,yes.I'm human..i know what you want to say.


The woman remained silent, placing the microphone in front of him. Yet I stared at him in disgust.

-"I like this beautiful look..but, I am the one who should be disgusted with the camera working that..?"

- " Salwa ... my name is Salwa ... and the camera is working." Salem sighed .

"Okay. Let's finish this.. I know that you won't leave me alone until you finish this.. You have tongues that never stop.. Is it true that you can talk for a whole month without stopping?" With a smile, she said:

"Let's get back to the topic, if you please." He sighed and said:

-"She was sick of the heart..and since we had no money, and we had no pig relatives...Oh! I mean important." Salem giggled , feeling pure pleasure, cursing them in front of the camera. And he continued saying:

-"That is why we were unable to obtain an artificial heart. That is why the poor woman died and was relieved of this despicable world." Salwa said without any sympathy, raising an eyebrow in suspicion:

"But... why didn't you present your problem to the officials?" Salem said gloomily:

-"You must be joking...Do you know how difficult it is to reach the if they live above the clouds...but after several months we were able to meet our esteemed ruler..we begged mother is like all poor mothers.They don't know what to do in these Circumstances. Except crying from the cruelty of life.. crying for her daughter..but, my father was a solid man. With great pride. When I saw him begging. He almost kissed the ruler's feet. I trembled. That scene shook me"


He raised his eyes to the sky, staring at the birds that were burning and evaporating in a fleeting moment. And he said:

-"How can life humiliate men.. I was a young man at that time. But what the ruler said made me want to kill him at that time.. I was really about to do it, had it not been for my father's fingers clasped on me.. my hand almost shattered from the strength of his hands. At the time, my father seemed as if he was catching hot coals, trying to remain calm... the ruler of the country..."

Salwa ' said , as if she were a queen talking to a slave:

-"I will not allow you, to gossip and falsify known facts. But it is your legal right to speak what you want.. so I will allow you to speak what you want.. Tell me? What did our great ruler tell you?"

-"The Great is the Lord of the worlds..What are you talking about, woman?..The laws only work on the simple..People at the top. They are nothing but mosquitoes that absorb everything.They trade in human beings." She said, frightened:

"Oh, sir, this is what..."


-"I'm not afraid of anyone. No one will stop me from what I want to say, and don't think you can do it woman.. I'm bored, and tired of this life that is only governed by money. If I were rich, people would turn into carpets under my feet, and all smile at my sight .

 Even if you are poor. They would crush me under their feet, as if I were a disgusting thing.. We eat each other. As if we are predators. We fight over money. It is as if we are fighting over an oxygen bottle in a toxic room... and we don't see that we have become slaves of money.

The strong crush the weak without mercy.. this is our reality, which we hide with our beautiful clothes, and our cultured speech.. they are all masks. Humanity is over, and we are in the wild jungle realm. A vile life..."

"You seem to be the philosopher of your time, sir...although I see that you are a deranged and savage man like your criminal family."

"A criminal family "... He muttered those words in pain, and raised his eyes to heaven as he remembered the death of his family. No one can bear the death of his family in front of his eyes. Nobody wishes to see this thing. But. Unfortunately for him that day, he witnessed a robbery.


The scene looked like a satirical comedy presented by life. It happened quickly as if in a dream, as two people collided with him, who had hurried out of a store, and in an instant, heavy gunfire erupted as three policemen were shooting at the two men who were swimming in their blood.


The look with which they were looking at Salem was not a look of pain or fear, but rather a look of sadness and shame.. The thieves extended their hands and grabbed Salem 's feet in supplication. One of the men said, taking his last breath:

"Take good care of her until she dies."


It turns out that the other man was a woman and she said the last word of her life:

"Don't hate me... Salem ...". For a moment, Salem did not understand what was happening.. His brain stopped working, and he kept staring at his dead parents, with empty eyes.. He didn't know how much time had passed. Time seemed to have stopped. One of the policemen put his hand on Salem's shoulder and told him to get away from here. But Salem did not remember anything after that, and found himself looking at the sea. Then I thought he was dreaming. He came home to realize that it was a bitter truth. On that day, the scene was shown on news bulletins and newspapers.

An armed gang consisting of three people stormed a jewelry company, leaving behind three dead policemen .

Under the title, a picture of a foreign man with thick white hair, and golden eyes.. And under the picture:

The remaining man from the gang, who killed the policemen, fled with the gang's money . Salem searched for this man and never found him.


"Mr. Salem ?" Those words pulled Salem out of his memories. He turned to Salwa and said:

-" father and mother broke into a company..and they were killed like dogs. I don't deny it..but..didn't anyone wonder why they did this thing?..everything has a reason. non-lethal."


Salwa said with a foul smile:

-"These are absurdities. The criminal remains a criminal, and if they do not do that, the criminals may kill them at that moment." He looked back at the dancing tongues of fire, and said in a tired voice, without taking his eyes off the strange scene:

-"They did this in order to get money, and to save their daughter..after the officials refused to help if they were going to pay from their pockets..but she sister died in my hands, and I am running with her from one hospital to another..but they all refused to accept her. They were looking at us as if we were a rotting cadaver."

He raised his eyes to the sky to prevent his tears from falling. He continued saying:

-" you know this feeling? is..".

She said, her eyes narrowed:

"This is the reality we live in."


He lowered his eyes. With a few tears running down his cheeks, he said in an indignant tone:

-"I have always hated this disgusting reality and everything in it. This whole life is sickness, treachery, betrayal, murder, grinding, squeezing, and kneading...this life is nothing but a curse!"


And he sighed softly:

-"Didn't you ever wish to go to a fairyland?...or perhaps fly in the sky. Or fly on the back of a dragon. And sail over rivers floating in the sky. And watch whales swim in the air..." And bluntly, she said:

"No. I'm choosing realism over this madness. I think you should pay attention and focus on where you live. Mr. Fantasy."

- "Have dreams become madness? .. Maybe I am crazy.. If my desire to leave this world is madness, so be it, yes, I am crazy." Salem burst out laughing until tears in his eyes. Pointing to the sea, he says: 

"The madness has come here."


But he was not laughing at the blue tongues of fire, but what came out of them, as a skeleton came out , his sockets were burning with fire, and he was carrying a sword.

He took the skeleton , circled around Salwa, and turned to Salem , as if to say what this being is.

 The skeleton put his face in front of Salwa . As if he wanted to kiss her.

Salem smiled a crazy smile from this scene. Salwa thought he was enjoying the crazy talk, and started making fun of her. That's why her eyes narrowed. How could this disgusting creature make fun of her, if she didn't need this press interview, she would have spit in his face.


"My advice to you, sir, is to have some friends."


The man was staring at her vaguely, as if he was looking at you, and at the same time he did not see you. Salwa began to feel itchy in her nose, then she felt a chill as something soft touched her neck and ears, and she thought that the wind was making her hair dance around her. She is possessed by the narrow gaze of an idiot man. She said in a loud, sharp voice that pulled Salem out of his stupor.

"I'm talking to you, Mr. Salem! "

- "Uh, yes. Friends. It is. This. There is no.. Can't you see anything around you?"

-"I hope you calm yourself down , Mr. Salem .. losing your family is something that no one can tolerate.. why are you looking at the sea now?" Salem rubbed his eyes and said :

"Sorry, I don't seem to be well.. this is really a lot.. anyway. I don't have friends, friendship is an illusory thing to me.. friendship is like a tree whose leaves fall a lot. In my case, my tree was withered, even without branches. ". She said, removing strands of hair from her face.

-"Life is wonderful and beautiful, sir, even with what you pretend.. you must love life and go on with it."

Salem narrowed his eyes and said:

"I pretend.. How can you say that, as if what happened to my family was the imagination of a sick person.. How wonderful.. you really.. well, this is nothing new anyway.. look at me, is this the view of a man in Thirty? It's as if I'm in my fifties... What a wonderful life you are talking about... Have you finished what you want, man? ".


She said dumbfounded:

"Mister, this impudence, we're on the air !" Salem ignored it . As if the woman were nothing but a rude child, he turned to the photographer, who seemed astonished, and said to him:

- "How amazing she is, she talks to people rudely, and can't stand people's rudeness... But... I don't care about anyone, and I didn't offend anyone."


He looked at the woman out of the corner of his eyes and continued:

"You said don't call me a woman." And he looked at the skeleton that was back standing next to him, like a soldier coming from under the graves. And he thought: What madness is this.. I must be at the tenth level of the Peeing from ear. And he remembered one of the old Arab films, when everyone in the movie was shouting: Zucchini ! Zucchini ! Zucchini ! Zucchini . And he laughed at this thought.

-"Go to hell..I am a distinguished journalist, and you must address me, by saying, Sir, you insignificant human being."

-"This will never come true, woman, for I will not call anyone my master or my lady, for we are not in the time of slaves. I abhor this word... Shall I offer you juice to calm your nerves." 

"You guys will not be able to afford me!".


Salem said:

-"You seem to watch a lot of cheap movies. I used to present this to you as a respectable Arab man."


I murmured wearily:

"Yes, yes, an authentic Arab." Salem took a look at it, and said to leave him alone. He was starting to get weary of this woman, of the skeleton , of everything:

-"I know this look you give's must be spinster.. early spinster. He threw a shell at her. It is these words. Her neck turned red, the veins swelled on her face, and her lips trembled. For a moment she wanted to pounce on him, tearing his throat with her nails.


I heard a stifled laugh from behind her, and that increased her anger. But she wouldn't lose her professional style, at least, not in front of the camera, she knew this wasn't a live show, and she was telling the guy it was so to behave. This meeting will pass on TV after removing the unnecessary scenes, but it will not give the channel a chance to make fun of it. She held her breath.


No. I won't look at the camera.. I need to regain my calm. He's crazy like all the scum I've dealt with. No. He seems the most troubled of them.. There is no doubt that he killed many people, a despicable criminal.. His face is as rigid as a stone, only his eyes move here and there, without changing his facial features..

 Even when he laughs. No wonder he frightens everyone on the channel.. I don't know if he is a young man or an old man.. This man confuses people, and above all that he is ruthless to women with his words.. He hits women below the belt without pity.. Did he make women go crazy? of his words. . maternal aunt!! 


She had seen a puzzling case, that some young female journalists had given an interview to this man, in order to go to fame. The man was an enigma that baffled the whole country as he was going to kill the governor on the pretext that the governor had killed his family, but then, he became the governor's private secretary.. After only a few days, Salem quit work, making the governor exasperated.

And strangest of all, he slapped the ruler several times live, without the ruler showing the slightest movement. Even his guard giants ignored this thing.

For this reason, they wanted to clear this perplexing puzzle, and go for quick fame. Instead, they hurried to the hospital, in crazy hysteria, and did not leave the hospital, until several months later. After leaving the hospital, they left their jobs in journalism.

 One hundred women said exactly the same thing. It is puzzling that each of them does not know the other, and each of them met the man alone at different times.


No one believed the girls, and they accused them of doing it for fame. And when Salwa checked this madness, and went to one of the girls, and as soon as she spoke of Mr. Salem , the girl fell into such violent hysteria that she shivered like a leaf, wailed, wept, cried, and did not calm down until her husband injected her with a special medicine.


And then. She didn't want to talk about it at all, and kicked Salwa out of her house rudely.

Yet she did not tire. I went to all the girls. The result was more violent than the first girl. So I went to a friend at the police department, and he had her look at the case files.

And when she began to read the sayings of the girls, she burst into crazy laughter, for they were the same: When the decisive questions began, the beast-man began to change, as his eyes turned into glowing golden jewels that burnt the skin, and his fangs and fingernails became like knives, and his hair turned silver, and began to wave. until it flooded the entire room .

These words were childish, not worthy of female journalists. He might have made them drink something that causes hallucinations, but... When I read the questions asked by the girls, I realized that they were lucky in, that the moron didn't kill them. They were questions that touched his mother's honor, and she described things that could not be said.. such as practicing debauchery and prostitution, in order to collect money for her daughter.

And the strangest. It was the man who took them to the hospital. They may have chosen those questions to make the man agitated and confused, but they brought the madness to themselves. And the man himself says that they made him angry, and he does not know the reason for their madness.


That is why no one wanted to interview him, fearing that they would suffer the same fate. But when she saw his eyes glowing the color of gold, she trembled in panic. She almost believed these girls, but she held herself back, and began to think that this was illogical, and convinced herself that the sun was the cause or something.

And she said to herself: Let them fear him as they wish, I am not so naive to believe these absurdities, I will have this meeting, and I will make a big step forward in my career, no one will stop me, even if he is mentally disturbed. I'll tame him like a dog, then put my questions in his ribs like knives, and finish him off. You may enjoy scaring girls, but I'm a predatory lioness my dear.. you won't stand in front of my future, whoever you are, I will crush you!.

With this mind. She raised her chin proudly, and stared at the lunatic man in front of her with a prestige befitting a butcher preparing to butcher, and said:

"Your words are worthy of your position, sir... but allow...". Salem interrupted her words, with a finger pointing to her left side. Salwa turned to the place automatically, and a ball hit her in the face. Her head shook violently and her blond hair was scattered, she slipped from her mouth with a cry, and staggered back, falling into a hole covered with newspapers, hidden by the deception of a petty criminal.


She sank to her waist, and her face hit the sand.

Two young men came to her, and they apologized. But she snarled at them to get her out. As soon as the two young men approached her, they retreated back in panic, as Salwa took out a knife, and tried to stab the two young men, saying:

"I will castrate you if you touch me, you sheep!" The two young men flew over the sand, at the speed of their escape. And whoever directed it was Khaled) the cameraman), who put the camera aside. She shrieked and groaned, until she stopped breathing, and spat out all the sand from her mouth.

She glared over Khaled, who told her the camera was still working.


After the storm of knives calmed down and waved, she put the knife back into a hidden pocket in her clothes where she had kept it, to protect herself from troubled men, and, in particular, a man who had gone crazy with dozens of women.


Only then did she look at Salem, imagining that the man had urinated on himself laughing, but the man was staring at the sea, narrowing his eyes. She tells him she'll clean herself up quickly, and come back to finish the interview. Salem did not respond to her with anything, and it seemed that he did not hear her speech, as he was looking at the sea with concentration, as if examining a painting in the air.


 She went to the women's baths nearby, knowing that these days Salem is long at sea. However, I left Khaled by his side to prevent him from going elsewhere.

 She needed this interview no matter what the cost. She came back and found it as it was.

When she inquired about the man, Khaled told her , he did not move a single movement, nor did he even sit down. I told him that he is crazy, and that crazy people have no cure, and asked him to start shooting.


But Salem did not respond to her, until she stood before him defiantly. Only then did he tell her to leave him alone, but Salwa was an expert in her field, and knew how to make her prey respond to her when she said:

"You raped them, didn't you?..Be beautiful girls, and you are a lonely mangy dog..In your house, anything is possible isn't it?" Salem said rubbing his eyes:

- "I ask forgiveness of God Almighty..patience, O Lord." He leaned over to her, staring straight into her blue eyes, which seemed frightened. And he said:

- "More than seventy women..seventy tell me, that I raped seventy women? Do you think I am a superman? Do you like me like this?"

Her eyes narrowed and she said:

"You men are disgusting.. you always like to brag that you are stallions.. sick sheep!"

"Are you disgusting?"

- "I'm not talking about Khaled .. I'm talking about you!"

"Why am I disgusting, and he's not, huh?... He must be handsome."

"Leave Khaled alone, sir!"

"Leave me alone..."


He looked at his watch to check the time. Then he turned back to the woman, who seemed upset for some unknown reason. Perhaps because he spoke to Khaled in this way and said:

"Let me give you some advice..." She waved her hand, as if to drive a fly off her face.


"Pardon me of your advice, stallion!"

- "It is true that you do not need this advice... you are a spinster anyway." And he smiled and said:

“What do you think about marrying a resident of Gog and Magog?” He threw a heavy slap, in the face of the skeleton . Before the slap reached his face, the skeleton opened its mouth and bit Salem 's hand at a lightning speed. Salem screamed in terror.

 But the scream, made by Salwa. It looked as if it would awaken the dead in the graves. She fell to her knees and groaned:

- "No. No. I don't like these jokes!!!... Ah, my heart!!". She began to choke as she put her hands on her chest.

The camera fell off Khaled's shoulder , and Khaled kept staring at the skeleton , eyes wide like plates. He burst out laughing as he saw the gigantic blue flames.


Salwa turned to Khaled inquiring, but Khaled merely extended his hand to the sea. Salwa moved her head, to the place he points to, and gasped. Then she started laughing in a mixture of laughter and hysterical crying. 

"Let me!" Salem screamed , trying to free himself. His blood was dripping inside the skeleton's jaw, the scene was frightening. The skeleton did not move , like a giant wall.

And suddenly..


Salem turned to the ground as a strange ball rolled next to his feet, and his eyes widened, as it turned out that it was Khaled 's head . He looked at Khaled, to find that he was dancing, and blood was flowing from his neck like a fountain, as another skeleton appeared , and Khaled was brutally decapitated .

Salwa sobbed as the skeleton grabbed her by the hair, as if asking his companion, who was biting Salem , to cut off her head. He imagined to Salem , that the skeleton is smiling and his eyes are laughing like a demon.  


 Salem cried . He tried to free himself. To remove the skeleton from her. But he was slow as a turtle.

Blood erupted from her throat like a fountain, in Salem 's face . Salwa was dancing under the skeleton's fist , and Salem was screaming, blocking the blood from his face with one hand. However. The blood flow was incredibly profuse. Salem 's face sank , drinking massive amounts of hot blood with a shriek. He never imagined that a person would possess this amount of blood. In his heart, he realized that he had seen this fountain, in a horror movie.

And on these ideas.

He had a crazy fit of laughter. He collapsed on his knees, helpless, and began vomiting blood. If the skeleton , held by Salem 's hand , was not in his mouth, Salem would have fallen on his face.


The skeleton opened its hands, and Salwa fell on the sand, like a doll whose tendons had been severed.

There was a strong sound. It sounded like a strange gurgling sound. The skeleton let go of Salem 's hand , and the skeleton began speaking in an ugly gurgling voice, as if responding to the gurgling sound coming from the sea.

Then they took the two bodies, and ran into the burning sea. Khaled and Salwa, swaying behind the skeletons like rags, faded into the blue of fire.


Everything seemed terrifying, like embodied nightmares. But the most terrifying thing was that everyone on the beach paid no attention to the scene, and no one paid any attention to them.

Salem held his breath as everything turned into a shimmering blue. All life disappeared, and no one remained in this bluish world. Only Salem .

And from the blazing fires over the sea, a woman appeared. I stood in front of Salem .

She was an enormous woman, almost five meters tall.

A demon, or a genie, did not know its reality, but he realized to his core that the one standing in front of him is a mythical creature that no one has ever heard of.


She was the woman, or the mythical creature, with eyes as glowing as the tongues of fire behind her, and bright blue lips. Even her hair is blue.

However, her blue hair, it was massive, was wavy all over.

 And what is beyond doubt. That her hair was made of fire behind her, or perhaps the opposite was true


However, he didn't understand what kind of clothes she was wearing as they were shining with all the colors. It was constantly changing. As if her clothes were alive. The woman knelt, on one knee, as if in the presence of the King.

 However. It was enormous. Salem was raising his head to stare at her face, and the woman was lowering her head to stare at him..

She was incredibly beautiful. Even the beauty of the moon and the twinkling stars paled before her. Salem stared at her beautiful face, in a mixture of astonishment and fear. He felt that this beauty, absorbing his soul to the end. At that time, the woman smiled sweetly, curing chronic diseases, and her hair glowed with a strange blue. She said, in a voice befitting her beautiful appearance:

"It's time... remember who you are."

-"Who are you?... a demon or a genie?...".

"I am what my master wants me to be."

Is he the accursed Iblis? The beauty waved in confusion and said:

- "I don't know this he one of the servants?" Salem 's bloody brow swelled with sweat as he felt strange horror at this answer.

- "You don't know Satan... one of the servants?... Who is this who bit me?... is he one of the infidels of Quraish?"

Salem thought of running away, but, he did not think, that he could escape from this thing, and where it would go. Salem did his best to control his fear .

-" it's time..".


- "The time has come. Are you going to kill me? .. Or will I be a sacrifice to a miraculous ritual? .. Will this be painful? .. Did the two people before me feel pain?"

Pain is the companion of living things. Salem 's tears fell from those words, and he understood from her words, that he would suffer terribly.


But he shivered, when she wiped his tears with her huge finger, tenderly, and what puzzled Salem the most, were her falling tears, as she looked sad as she looked at him. Her tears, twinkling, slid from her eyes, rolled down her ivory cheeks, and evaporated in rainbow colors as they hit the ground.

-"Remember who you were created to be a great king...". Salem grabbed her big finger, ignoring her words, stared at it, and started fiddling with all of her fingers as if a child was watching a strange game. Then he raised his eyes to her and said in a trembling voice:

"You are not real.. this is a dream, an illusion, or maybe a hallucination, isn't it?"

-"Dreams and illusions are two sides of the same coin...a coin whose title is life."


“And what does this life want from me, because I am tired of it?”

"Life does not desire, but who should it desire.. So who are you?"

- " Salem .. I am Salem .. from human beings." The woman smiled , her teeth gleaming under the light of her blue hair. She said: 

- "No.. I'm not.. Who are you?" Salem replied angrily at this smile, lacking only illusions to make fun of him:

- “ Salem .. my name is Salem Salt .. my father’s name is Salt, and my grandfather called him this because he loves salt in a strange way.. Since then, our lives have become salty, even the house itself has been eaten by salt.. and you have completed the rest of this day, what do you want from me? !"


The woman bowed her head submissively, placing her right hand on her left chest, and said:

-"Your wishes are the reason for my life..but..forgive your faithful servant for transgressing them..why do you ask such a question? will no longer exist in this world." Salem found himself strangely calm. Maybe he got tired of this miserable life or maybe he felt peace from this threat that would end his life or maybe it was courage or maybe some pride, or maybe he lost his mind. In fact, he did not know anything, but he asked his question with strange confidence and fortitude:

"If you're not some kind of hallucinator, why would you want to kill me?"

"I will never kill my master... my master is the reason for my life."

“Then I am your master, as you say?” She shook her head in agreement.

"This is beyond doubt."

"No. You're wrong. I've never seen you. What madness is this?"

"This is beyond doubt."

"There's something wrong with you.. Maybe you're looking for a genie, and not a rotten man like me?" She brought her beautiful head close to him, and stared with her big eyes at the eyes of Salem, who was refreshed by her scent, which seemed like a garden of flowers. She said as if she were speaking of an absolute truth:

-"You are a great man.. you are the embodiment of yourself in another world..maybe it was a mistake or maybe it was a wish you made in your heart that day..but you slipped out of your world, to be born in this boring and boring hurts that my master was subjected to laws Humans.. "


-"You are a strange creature..maybe beings like you can talk about these crazy things..and maybe there are other worlds really..God creates what he came from another world, and you were born here..maybe you are talking about someone of your kind." I read a lot of ridiculous novels... I must have completely lost my mind... ..".

- "Are you sure of that? Didn't you feel that you belonged to another life?...Didn't you see with your own eyes the truth? Didn't you see yourself flying in the sky on a red night?"

- "How did you know? .. They were dreams.. Who are you for the sake of God?!!".


But what happened next was pure madness.

The woman's hair multiplied until the world was swept away like glowing ocean waves.

Salem shivered like a sheet of paper at this scene, and before he could say something, her huge hands grabbed Salem's head, raised it to her eye level and said:

-"Remember who you are LINIAS Vintos ." She placed her blue lips on his forehead . Salem started smoking as if he were a smoker. He felt a horrible, blinding pain.

Memories flowed into him, like hundreds of thousands of pictures... Pictures of flying blood passed through him. swords; monsters. wars. A girl was burning kneeling in front of him. And he mumbled saying

- " Entus ...". His eyes turned to the color of molten gold.

His black hair turned into enormous white hair. His body began to change. His clothes were torn, and with a confused look, he said:

-" who am I ?!". The woman stared at him fondly, as if she liked this new form:

"You are my first and only master..."

-" I..Vintos ..Who are you?!"

"A being made of human bodies, out of a blue night and a man's wish..."

- "My head will explode.. my head!!".

-"Remember who you are LINIAS Vintos ." Blood flowed from his eyes. Blood was boiling from the heat of his body.


Salem raised his hands in front of him, and stared at them with his golden eyes:

- "I... LINIAS !".

Salem died of severe pain as his body melted like hot butter. All that remained of him were polished white bones, and the woman carried his skeleton with love and tenderness .

From her lips, hot air leaked, melting bones and steel, and as soon as her breath touched Salem 's skeleton, it evaporated into the air, and the blue flames engulfed the woman until they turned into huge fires. And the blue world faded in the blink of an eye.

The blue of the sky returned, the laughter of children, the chatter of families, and the balls flying


The seashore is back as it was. Another girl, perplexed as she picked up a bloodstained microphone , looked at a still working camera in the sand.



















Chapter 5 :back-1-

Salem opened his eyes. He felt that he was floating like clouds in this wondrous place.

It was an enormous sprawling room. It seemed made out of the sweetest dreams. Thousands of huge golden candles, floating in the air, or perhaps the sky in this case.


 The ceiling imitated the shape of the blue sky, and in the sky were dozens of crystals that illuminated the place with all colors.

Three-storey balconies surround the room from three directions, like an opera house made of imagination. The entire room was bright white, decorated with glowing blue patterns.

The room is surrounded by crystal statues. They looked like angels holding scarlet flags in their hands, on which a ten-pointed star was drawn.


 And in the center of the room, a crimson rug, laid in a straight line from the room's golden door up to six brilliant blue shades. Those steps seemed to contain hundreds of twinkling stars.

Above those steps was a gigantic golden dragon, spreading its four wings and sitting on its knees, hands out in front of it. He lowered his big head, as if he was begging his master to sit on his palms, which looked like a great throne.

It was a majestic dragon. great. strong. It kindles terror and fear in the souls, as if it will crush anyone who dares to take a single step towards it.

This dragon was made as a colossal throne, the embodiment of absolute power and strength. However, Salem found himself sitting comfortably on it.


Thus Salem sat on the palm of the dragon or on his throne, the dragon throne . Salem , with his golden eyes, slit vertically like a cat, looked at this shimmering beauty .

And he thought it was a dream. He stared at the flags with amazement and bewilderment, as they fluttered without a breath of air, but the emblem engraved on those flags was the most strange, as it was the emblem of his clan. However, he was not alone in this magical place.


 And lowered his eyes to the bottom steps of the throne. There was a fifteen-year-old girl. She stands and gives Salem her back, and it seems from her appearance that she did not feel it, as she was standing like a shining statue. Salem drowned in deep thought, looking at her without making any movement. He seemed to be trying to understand what state he was in.

 The girl sighed with boredom, caressed her black curly hair, which was touching her shoulders, and with golden eyes she stared at the high ceiling.

 The girl loved this silence, and wished it would last forever. If it was up to her. She would crush everyone who distorts this stillness, with her beloved spear that never leaves her hands.

 The spear he was holding was dark black, and the spear tip was shaped like two golden bows sticking together. The girl was wearing a purple jacket inlaid with silver, with black terry fur around her neck. She had leather pants that matched the color of her crystal shoes. 

She had two horns on the sides of her head, and they were intertwined and bifurcated in beautiful intricate patterns. It looked like a crown of tree branches.

 The girl grabbed her spear with both hands. She waved at him as if slicing something in the air, and the tip of her spear followed a golden arc of light.

I waved it again, and another. And every time the wind blows from the force of waving it. And in the sixth blow, the bones of her spine cracked.

 Brother ! . The girl cried in pain. She leaned on her spear like an old man.

"My back! My back! Damn it.. that's what happens when you don't do anything for a hundred years."

 She raised her back in a shriek. And she continued:

In this case I will become rusty, and will be of no use to me. Damn. shit!"

 -" may I ask you?". Sinoria shivered. It was as if she had been electrocuted. With eyes wide as two bowls, she looked at the man sitting on the throne. The man had golden eyes the color of molten gold, and his thick white hair was hanging from the throne. A man sat on the throne with a prestige befitting a great king. However. It is impossible not to know him. He was a person engraved in her brain cells, and she could never forget him.

 He was someone who stood above everything. And the person to whom her life belongs. His absolute loyalty, and her absolute master LINIAS Vintos

 Her spear slipped through his little fingers, and he fell, blasting the ground with his unbelievable weight.

Her mouth trembled, her eyes swollen, and she burst into tears. And before he says a word. Sinoria fell to one knee. She lowered her head to look at the ground, tears falling from her eyes.

-"Your maid Sinoria welcomes you back, sir.. Sir LINIAS Vintos ."

He said in a low voice:

- "You? .. Do you know who I am?" Sinoria raised her eyes to him, as if she did not understand this question.

 LINIAS felt the heat of his body burning.

 The room flooded with rainbow colors as magical auras exploded from his body and swirled around him like a beautiful vortex of all colors. The room shook with the sound of dozens of invisible bells, and the Dragon Throne glowed with bright golden flames.


 Tremendous things flowed into LINIAS.

The first thing was the physical strength he began to feel. He raised his arms in front of him. He felt that he could twist steel with these arms, and even felt that he could crush a dragon with one finger. This was an incredibly strange thing. However, he was absolutely certain that he could do so easily.

More strange things began to flow in, as he realized that he could use magic of all classes, and levels, and that he could even use lost magic as the magic of reviving the dead.


Huge amounts of information were poured into him. Names of many people, their abilities. their strength. their business. their charm. their types. So this castle how it works, what's in it.

 How is it managed? How it was built. What are you made of?

Then everything seemed familiar to him. And he realized that the clan had come back to life. But LINIAS did not expect, that the magic would make all this. He did not know, that this magic grows stronger as the number of sacrifices increases.


And he muttered the words of that woman:

-"A being made of human combustion...from a blue night and a man's but from the hatred and revenge of a man." And watch LINIAS Sinoria wondering .

Then the throne room gate opened. Two people entered it, and as soon as they saw LINIAS , they ran to him and knelt down the steps, not paying attention to those dancing colors. They knew that this thing was the magic power flowing from their master, and although it was a formidable magical power, and they had never seen anything like it, in the depths of their hearts they knew that their master was no match for him.

In a soft, sweet voice they said together:

We welcome your glorious return, sir.

And they looked at LINIAS with red-hot eyes, as tears were flowing profusely from those eyes, and slithered down their cheeks, and fell from their chins, shining under the glare of colours, as if they were grains of diamonds.

 These were not from his true clan, he had never seen them, yet they were like that woman who brought him here.

And I realize now, that this world is completely crazy, and he muttered:

"From a blue night and a man's wish."

Those who kneel raised their heads in question, but LINIAS stared at them as if trying to understand all this madness. So these are my new followers... pure madness.

One of them was a young woman wearing a dress made of golden and red leaves, and the dress was in the shape of an upturned rose, narrow at the top and spherical at the bottom like a bell, and on her hands were white lace gloves.


 She has purple hair, half of which hangs down her back, and the other half is on her right chest.

 On her head was a tiara of sparkling crystal, and on her long neck were knots of small jewels, shining in all the colors of the rainbow.

Her ivory face, and her violet eyes, showed seriousness and wisdom. Behind her back were two wings the color of her hair, and they swirled ceaselessly like flames . 

 She looked like a fairy queen, though LINIAS knew that she was of an ancient race called Avior, and he had seen one like her before. The head of the servants in this place was called Elvia .

Next to her is a girl, as if she is the same imagination embodied. She was between sixteen and nineteen years old, and she was graceful. As thin as the white stick she held in her hands. She was dressed in white silk clothes gilded from the edges.

 Her clothes consist of pants and a tight shirt that exposes her chest, which is flat like the wall.

However, the whiteness of her skin was never natural, as it seemed that she would light up at any moment due to her amazing whiteness.


Her long white hair, curled behind her like a living creature, her eyes were glowing silver and her ears fluttered beautifully.

She was smiling with her pink lips, revealing teeth set like pearls.

This beauty would not break hearts and possess them, but would break them and crush them without any mercy or pity.


Elvia was so beautiful, yet this white woman was so immeasurable, as if the beauty of all the world had been gathered and focused on this girl. It was called Elfam .

She was an exact copy of that blue-haired woman. LINIAS found himself saying to her in amazement:

- "There is no doubt that all the women tried to kill you?...Or maybe the men?"


LINIAS sighed when she was overwhelmed with confusion. For some reason she looked prettier when she was confused.

This girl is really scary..if she lived in that world, she would rule the world with her toes..or maybe men will fight for her until they are completely extinct.

 And he found himself remembering that journalist who was saying that the men were sick sheep. He was saddened by her death in this way. This giant woman has to answer many things.

He looked at Elfam and said: 

-"Uh, it's. Do you... do you know a woman who looks like you? But she has blue hair... and she's tall like a giant. I need to talk to her. So..."


LINIAS was silent when he saw her blushing like an apple, and Elfam said in a soft voice:

- "I... I'm not... I'm a man and I'm not a girl." LINIAS rolled his eyes to Elvia , who shook her head in support of this conversation. 

I've seen and heard strange things, but this is the strangest thing I've ever heard in my life... No doubt she's joking . And he examined Elfam's body with his eyes.

 Is this possible, no. It can't be a man, it's a girl without a doubt,

 He can't be a man like that. Even women will never reach this beauty. Elyvia is incredibly beautiful and yet she is not half the beauty of Elfam. And exhale forcefully from these ridiculous thoughts. He knew that to think of these things, while he was in this state, and in the circumstances in which he was, were nothing but the thoughts of a madman, there were other things to be thought of.

But Elfam said, lowering his eyes in shame:

Do you want to see and verify for yourself? slap. He felt like he had been slapped in the face. LINIAS closed his eyes and said to himself: I deserved it..but this is crazy .. am I still dreaming? He opened his eyes to Elvia 's cries as she reprimanded Elfam for his speech, and in an instant Elvia transformedfrom a sweet woman into a ruthless military commander:

“How could your majesty speak with such barbarism?!”

Whose owner? Elvia did not hear Linnaes' words and continued:

"And you call yourself the Deputy Commander-in-Chief!"

I muttered in panic:

- "I.. I didn't.. I was.. it's my master.. who."

"Shut up! You must be punished!" She said, turning to LINIAS submissively , in contrast to her words with Elfam

"This person should be punished and leave his post...and from today on he will be one of the lowly servants to remember his mistakes." of the information that flowed to him.


He knew that Elfam was Sirius ' deputy , and could only submit to his absolute master LINIAS and the ten great leaders, and Elvia was at the bottom of the hierarchy. She was just the head servant.

 So, how can the chief servant talk in this way to a man of such a high position? .. Above all, she threatens to make him one of the servants? .. And why does Elfam seem frightened by her?

But her words after that answered his question, and made him even more perplexed, as she said:

"My shy younger brother has sinned, and he must be punished." Shy ?.. He told me that he would be stripped in front of me in order to make sure of his manhood.. and you tell me that he is shy .

However this is confusing. How can they be brothers? .. Were they human beings and then turned into this form? .. No. This is not the time to think about these things. Yet the word of a lowly servant annoyed him, and he said: 

Whatever the work, it cannot diminish the value of a person.

"Cockroaches?" Surprised, LINIAS said :

-" what ?". Elvia replied :


-" Are you well?".

" I am healthy and ready to give birth, but my master spoke of cockroaches." 

"I never talked about cockroaches!" And what birth are you talking about.. Is she pregnant, but her stomach is completely flat? Why are you telling me that, I don't.

 Elfam raised his eyes and said:

"She means people, she always calls them that, she's crazy!" Elfam groaned as Elvia clung to his ear and said:

- "Shut up! They are cockroaches... disgusting. They crawl everywhere... cockroaches!"

- "Cockroaches...Uh, I mean, what about my question about that woman?" Elfam shook his head and said:

" There is no one like me in Vintos Castle ." LINIAS was miserable at this answer. 

 Then the colors flowing from it faded. The sound of the bells stopped. abdicate from the throne. The throne room gate opened and three people appeared. a man and two women.

 Sirius had Entus and Rivera next to him . They ran to the throne quickly, but Entus was running like an arrow as she raised her dress to the level of her knees, and she ran, tears falling behind her, and in an instant he sprang up like a bird in the sky.

 Her long black hair looked like dozens of dancing wings, and she hovered over Elfam and Elfia and over the steps of the throne. Until she fell on top of LINIAS , who raised his hands to hold her. Her knees banged to the bottom of the throne with a strong sound, no doubt hurt and hurt.


 But Entus felt nothing at that moment as she burst into tears in an outburst of frantic emotion. She accepted everything in front of her. his neck. his hands. his face. his arms. his shoulders. his chest. hair. She kissed everything until her heart was satisfied, then she buried her face in his chest, and the sound of her crying rose until it sounded like a stifled scream:

-"Ahh!!!.. sir!!.. sir!!.. sir!!... sir!!..!!..!!.. sir!!.. sir!!.. I'm late!!.. so much.. so much!!". 

With astonishment, LINIAS said :

Entus, you have changed a lot in one night . From the side Rivera whispered in his ear, words no one had heard.

 From those words LINIAS closed his eyes, and his tears fell silently.

Rivera wrapped her arms around him , weeping on his neck. Rivera 's scarlet tears looked like blood flowing from a wound. Women emptied everything in their chest of longing. LINIAS went down the steps, Entus still holding him in her arms, as if she was afraid he would disappear if she let him go. But she left him when he embraced Sirius .

 From behind, someone hugged him tightly. He thought it was Entus to do so again, but as soon as he turned around he found that it was a Blander who, unlike her solid appearance, was weeping like a little girl. It was only then that LINIAS lowered his eyes, staring at the ground in pain, and said:


"Do you hate me..."

Everyone was crying. Sirius put a handkerchief over his eyes and said:

"What is this nonsense..." Blander squeezed him tightly, so loudly that her weeping sounded like a wail. 

-" I love you!.. ". But with everyone crying, no one heard her. In the weeping outburst of Entus , she put her hands on LINIAS' chest , and raised her eyes to stare at his golden, aching eyes. But LINIAS turned his face away from her. She took his face in her hands, and stared into his eyes, and their eyes met. Entus said:

"Why do you say, sir?"

"The clan... and the night before... I... I'm not... right...". Rivera cried , as if talking about that night had set her on fire: 

-"Let that night go to the professor 's beard !!..everything is over and over. I have done more and more!!"


" Halamaya !!..yes. Let that night go to my beard." And LINIAS smiled at those words.. Only one person always says the word " Halamaya " , as if he is enjoying that word, the meaning of which no one knows. He turned to the professor , and found that he was approaching, arms wide open and tears falling from his asymmetric eyes. LINIAS embraced him and said: 

"It hasn't changed at all..." The professor was overjoyed.

-"Geniuses like me never change... and they can't leave this world until the sheep are gone from this world...". Turning to Sirius , he continued:

"Didn't I tell you he'd be back!"

The professor had a complexion tanned with the sun, as he was of elven race , one of his eyes was golden, the other silver, and radiated an extraordinary intelligence, and his eyelids were the color of his eyes, one of which was golden and the other silver. Although he appears to have dyed them like this, they were natural colours, for he was born that way, and perhaps that was the reason for his madness.


The professor 's appearance appears to be in his mid-thirties. Although it is more than three thousand years old. He had conical silver hair that fell over his shoulders, and had a small silver beard. He wore a long platinum coat almost touching his heels, and around his neck was a scarlet wolf fur that matched his scarlet jacket, and in his hand was a bird's feather that never left his hands.


- "Mm.."

"I'm sorry , Professor , but I disagree with you... they are...". The professor put his blade in front of Elvia 's face like a sword and said:

"No, little girl. You are wrong.. how much I told you.. how much I taught you.. and yet you don't understand anything." In a swift motion, he inserted the tip of his feather into Elvia 's nose , causing her to sneeze. Elvia backed away, incensed by this act, but the professor smiled and said: 

-"This is your punishment for your ignorance, but you have to thank me for this punishment. Teachers beat their stupid students with iron bars until they smash their skulls. But I am forgiving and on this great occasion allow me to put an end to this ignorance and backwardness, and tell you the truth about sheep!" Entus wiped her tears with a handkerchief she had produced out of nowhere and said, laughing sweetly:


"You shook our heads with this talk..."

LINIAS smiled and said:

"I miss these crazy lessons." The professor said in a triumphant tone:

"Then it was decided"


He waved his hand in a theatrical movement to show his hand a small stick resembling the staff of an orchestra conductor, and began to beat the horns of Entus with his sticks to attract attention, as if a teacher was beating a blackboard.

Entus didn't mind , wiping away her tears and even more laughing from this act. Behind LINIAS' back, Blander stretched her neck, and placed her chin on LINIAS' shoulder to stare at the professor 's width .

She muttered, whispering: 

"Why are geniuses always crazy?" LINIAS stifled his laughter , and Blander clasped his arm.

 After the ringing of the Entus horn , the professor began educating the students about it:

-"In ancient times, before creatures existed in this world... sheep lived on this earth.


 But. They were always squabbling, and fighting among themselves, until the earth sank in blood. It was then that the remaining sheep decided to perform a great fairy tale to become evolved.


They sacrificed many of their companions to perform these rituals, and these rituals succeeded, and their fur fell out, and they became standing on two feet. They have become a thousand times more intelligent, and have transformed into a new race called the Humans... the Halamaya!"


 Elvia suppressed her anger at this lesson. She seemed to want to object and say the word crickets.

 But she had acted inappropriately before, so she kept silent.

But what her absolute master said after that. Make everyone laugh. Uday Professor and Sirius . LINIAS said :

"I don't think I was a sheep. I was a human moments ago." LINIAS was about to continue talking, but Sirius asked him to wait, and asked Elvia , Elfam , and Sinoria to get out of the throne room, telling them that they were going to have a meeting of the great leaders. They came out obedient after paying their respects to their master LINIAS, as they knelt before him and placed their hands on their left chest. They asked his permission to leave. After they left, four people entered.

In the forefront of them was a huge man, two and a half meters tall. Muscular body. His eyes were green, the color of his curly hair that looked like seaweed, and he was wearing black leather pants, white on the sides. He wore a jacket of white bear fur, and his muscular arms were bare to the shoulders. He was called Hicros.

Next to him was a man in a full suit of armour, which was an exact copy of Blander 's armor except that it was platinum, and he had a single sword in his side. The man had spiky white hair, and had soft blue eyes. He seemed to be walking in his sleep. His name was Silver .

Behind him is a man. His black eyes looked sharp as a razor. He had long black hair that was tied with a golden ribbon at the end, and he was dressed in black clothes, as if made out of the darkness of the night, and on his stomach and chest, a shiny black shield, taking the form of the sculpted muscles of his chest and stomach. On his back is a thin sword. His name was Pinias


Next to him is a man who looks like the leaders of the mafia and gangs, as he is wearing a luxurious black suit, and over his shoulders a long black coat. He had well-combed golden hair, a light beard the color of his hair, and his green eyes seemed full of kindness and tenderness. His name was Angus .

These were the ten chief leaders, the founders of the Vintos clan, as well as their leader LINIAS . After tears and hugs, LINIAS started talking about everything.

Entus wondered in her heart: Are you leaving the room or not? ENTUS was not one of the great leaders.


The leaders were at their own summit, they carried the clan on their shoulders, and sacrificed everything for its sake. That is why she knew that they were standing in the same place as their leader, in a place higher than the clouds. They were called the Ten Commanders, but originally they were nine in addition to their leader LINIAS .

she didn't know what that meant. However. She was envious of them and wished that she would stand in the same place as they stand with her master.


Since she was not asked to leave. She kept listening silently.

But as her master continued to speak, Entus began to feel nauseous, and turned red, yellow, and green. A blazing fire ignited in her chest that made her shiver at the insignificance of humans. And she spat in her heart at the people.


After a long conversation among them , Entus screamed, Rivera gasped , and everyone paled at what had happened. LINIAS fell to the ground as a lifeless corpse. He was moved to a private room. The professor told themhe was fine, but his mind was so tired. That's why he needs sleep.


Entus wept uninterruptedly for several days, LINIAS did not get up from his sleep, and Entus feared that he would not get up anymore, and swore that she would kill herself this time, after they had taken her out of Linnaes' room by force. They took turns tending to him, but the word "care" was simple, and in fact the whole castle was in disarray. LINIAS' room was constantly filled with crowds, until the professor exploded screaming: He will not wake up while you are standing next to him like this!


 They rushed to get out of the room. Even Entus did not dare to enter the room, fearing for her master's health, though she was burning with longing to see him. Although they used all kinds of magic, he did not rise. Five days later, LINIAS opened his eyes. But he didn't know... that he wouldn't sleep anymore. 


- 2 -

LINIAS opened his eyes to see a three-tiered crystal chandelier shining like a fantasy above his head. He moved his eyes examining the place around him. The room was spacious, the walls and the high ceiling were pure white decorated with gold and silver carvings, painted in the form of flowers and trees standing in wonderful valleys.


 In the walls of the room are four golden doors. Two doors on each wall spaced apart, and the floor was covered with soft red carpets decorated with gold patterns.

And in the middle of the room was a colossal bed, of a grandiose appearance, upon which LINIAS was lying.

muttered says:

" Two different worlds... Salem Salt... pure madness ." Then he spotted someone in the corner of the bed, and quickly got up to sit on the edge of the bed. 


 It was a Sinoria, and she was on one knee, staring at the ground, with her right hand on her chest, like a statue.

"Sir, what are your desires?"

"I have no desires, but. I need to take a bath if that is appropriate."

-" Concept ".

 Sinoria rose with elegant movements, as if she had rehearsed them for a long time. I grabbed his torn clothes trying to take them off.



"Is there something?" LINIAS said while holding his clothes. It looked like a girl being forced to undress.

 Sinoria said worriedly, looking into his golden eyes . 

"Would you allow me to speak, sir?"

LINIAS never liked this manner of speaking, even in his life as Salem .

 And he said :

"You don't need my permission for anything. If you want to say something, say it." Sinoria 's eyes widened in astonishment, as if she had heard something unbelievable, and she quickly recovered from it.


 She said:

-" Thanks a lot ".

 Thank you for what. LINIAS wanted to say this, but he remained silent.

 Sinoria continued :

" You asked to take a shower, and I wanted to undress you." 

" Uh, I get it, but. You don't need to do that. I'll do it myself." 

-" Concept ". She said and went to open one of the interior doors.

"Please come in."


 LINIAS took two steps through the door, followed by Sinoria . LINIAS paused , turned to her, and said:

"I'll take a shower alone."

Then Sinoria replied in confusion :


-"But...however you can bathe yourself, I will do the honor

But..if you prefer the servants, I will invite them at once.”

"I know your duties, but, I like to shower alone." With a warm, loving smile, Sinoria froze in place. She looked at his lips with wide eyes, as if they were going to come out of their place.

- "If... it was... these are your orders."


LINIAS closed the door behind him. Sinoria was stunned by the sound of the door.

"Hey, what is this? What is this? I thought it would be so scary!"


She imagined the scene of the brutality, which she expected from her master. Her master was sitting on the edge of the bed, and looked at her with despicable, disgusting looks like a worm crawling on the floor. He snorted in a harsh voice:


-"You damned!! How can you ask me to let you talk!!. Slaves can't talk!!" He took her spear from her hands and stuck it in her throat. He continued saying: 

"Let's know where you are, slave!" And he flogged her while she was swimming with her blood. Sinoria was begging for mercy, and her master was laughing wickedly at her pleas.


"Isn't that the normal thing for him to do? Hmm, in fact, I expected him to do something terrifying to me, and hit me hard for this, the master should have hit his servants anyway." 

She sighed in disappointment, as if she wanted to be torn apart.


 She embraced her spear, looked at the chandelier with cloudy eyes and said:

"Oh, I'll tear apart whoever tries to hurt me, of course. But my master is different. He can torture me, tear me apart as he wants, oh. My master, punish me. Flog me. Cut me. I am your obedient servant... Hmm.

But.. Does this not mean that I am not doing my duties to the fullest.. Slaves are punished for their failure or disobedience to orders. millimeter. I don't want to be like this"


Then a rattling sound rose. Sinoria stood up with a serious look like a professional soldier for an instant.





The golden gate is opened, and LINIAS advances on the scarlet carpet, towards the throne.

LINIAS wore black clothes embroidered with gold. A crimson cloak with the clan symbol hung from his shoulders, and a golden gem was on his shoulders. She looked like a dragon's head, and she was shining in all colors.

His clothes increased his prestige.

The enormous throne room was almost filled with radiant crowds, who were welcoming their master back.

On the right side were Blander and behind her four deputies, and behind her deputies were her followers, who wore armor like their leaders. 

Next to her is Silver , and his four deputies are behind him and their followers are behind them.


Next to him were a hundred people dressed in black as their leader Pinyas , and behind him were his three deputies. Two men and a woman with long black hair and sharp eyes as its leader.

Next to her was Entus who was looking at her master as he approached his throne with cloudy eyes. As if she was sailing in the world of dreams, and there was no one behind her.

Next to her was Angus, and Celine behind him beside the three deputies, and behind them were their followers who were dressed in black as their leader Angus . Their ruthless appearance looked like they had walked out of a delinquent TV show.


At their side was Rivera , and behind her was her only deputy, a young man dressed in red and black. He had hair as long as gold spun threads. behind him  40Beautiful woman , with different hair colors like blooming flowers.

Their skin was as pale as white as their Lady Rivera , except that their eyes were natural looking and different from the whole scarlet eyes of Rivera .


Next to them was Hicros , and behind him his deputies, who looked like each other, one a young man of sixteen and a girl of eleven beside him. Their shrieked ears were reaching the edge of their heads, and no one was behind them.

Next to them was the professor who was alone Ka Entus .


Next to him is Elfam . And behind them all. It was a large group of monsters. She seemed to come out of infernal nightmares, which made LINIAS feel uncomfortable seeing them.

 In front of all this huge number of people. Sirius stood happily. 

LINIAS did not know what to say or what to do under the circumstances he had not dealt with before. 


 He was the leader of wise and strong for the clan, however. He was unfamiliar with such huge crowds, who were looking at him sharply as blades of swords.

 However. He kept advancing behind Sinoria who was walking slowly, her spear pounding on the ground with every step. To sound every beat of her spear like the sound of a bell. Sinoria was the servant and guardian of the throne. LINIAS did not understand what that meant at all. 


In fact, he seemed annoyed by these strange ceremonies.

Approaching the throne, he passed Rivera , who let out a chuckle as LINIAS slapped her behind her head. The slap sounded, as if he was walking and his hand inadvertently banged her head. However, she knew it was on purpose as LINIAS was upset with her because she had arranged such a wondrous ceremony.

 LINIAS sat on his throne, and stared at the crowds below, feeling a strange feeling in his chest.

He lowered his eyes to Sinoria , who was standing under the throne, staring at the crowds before her with sharp eyes. She banged the heel of her spear ten times on the ground with a sound that sounded like silver bells, and the sound sank into the silence of the place.

Sinoria raised her head proudly, and said in a strong voice:

Who is standing now before the king?! ". Her voice echoed in the place. Rivera rose to her feet, and her followers followed her in orderly motions, and advanced to the throne with elegant, resplendent steps. She said:


" Rivera Nightmare. One of the great commanders!. I give my ear and obey, and I bow myself before the King!" She got down on one knee, placing her left hand on her heart. Her followers knelt behind her as one person. Rivera raised her eyes to the throne, and smiled sweetly at LINIAS . Blander advanced, followed by her followers, and said:

- " Blander is one of the great leaders, and loyal servant of the King! .I bow in reverence to the King." She and her followers knelt in the clanking of beautiful armor."

And Angus followed her in mighty strides:

" Angus !! One of the great leaders... I bow before the King!" With eyes wandering in love, Entus advanced :

Entus , loyal servant of the beautiful king. "And she continued in her heart: The next wife of the king.

She stared at him with sparkling eyes for a long time. For a moment I forgot where you stand. But Sinoria 's spear's voice brought her back from her dreams, and she continued saying:

"I bow in devotion and love to the King." Rivera coughed .

- " Silver . I give my ear and obedience, and I bow in obedience to the King!"

Penias came forward, his black cloak rippling behind him like the dark waves of the sea, and said in a voice as sharp as his eyes: 

- " Pinias . I am the king's sword, and I bow in subjection to the king." And in a roaring voice. It sounded coming from the depths of a cave: 

- " Hicros . I bow to the leader!!"

" Professor , bow to the King."

 The world has always been funny.. the killer is rewarded the higher the number of victims..

The more you kill, the more prestige you have in the world.

I burned an entire country, and I became a king... pure madness. He said in a strong voice befitting a great king :

"-I will never be king!!” And the words flew over the heads of the crowd like swords. 


 Sirius rose from his place, and began to ascend the steps of the throne, raising his head high as if he was going to glory, and said:

- " Sirius .. Vice-Emperor LINIAS Vintos . " He lowered his head and said in a strong voice:

"I offer my hearing and obedience to the Emperor !!" The room shook with the shriek of the crowd, as they all let out a shriek that made LINIAS goosebumps. Even Sinoria shivered in terror:

- "The Emperor!!!!. The Emperor!!!!. The Emperor!!!!. The Emperor!!!!. The Emperor!!!!. The Emperor!!!!"

 LINIAS rose from his throne, and there was silence for an instant.

"What are you talking about , Sirius , have you lost your mind?!"

Sirius ' smile widened .

-"I wasn't serious in all my black life like now... what would you be if you were n't an emperor ?" 

"Decorated names... have always hated these things, and everyone who represents them... the ruler of Verna, and that damned ruler made me hate them all!"

"Then crush them all."

"What is life like, Sirius..."

" Indeed, life is as the king wants it to be ." Angrily he said:

"I'm not a king... I'm the clan chief. I've gone along with you on this nonsense!"

 Briefly, Sirius said :

"The clan needs a king."

- " Sirius !!. Enough of the absurdities!!". Sirius sighed in his heart. He knew LINIAS would reject this thing completely. But Sirius didn't stop rolling his cards, and wouldn't finish until LINIAS became king. That's why he looked to Entus to start the plan B.


Entus licked her violet lips, swallowing her saliva. LINIAS watched a hand rise, and found it was Entus , she said nervously:

"You have changed, sir. You have become cruel." LINIAS perished on the throne, and with an agonized look he stared at Entus . Don't look at me like that I beg you.! And for a moment she almost screamed and told him it was a lie from Sirius , and she couldn't bear her master to suffer because of it, but she bit her lower lip to stop thinking about these things. 


It was all for her master, so she completed the plan, in pain. But, for LINIAS . She seemed to be on the verge of tears.

-" There is no doubt about that... they all died cruelly... I killed them...". Entus became frantic and cried:

"I'm not talking about the damned Verna rams. I'm talking about your subjects!" LINIAS backed away in astonishment and said:

- "Rams? My subjects?"

"I'm talking about the citizens, sir."

"You told me that there was no one left of Verna ." And if there was, I would have killed them all with pure pleasure. But she could n't say those words, so she said:

- "Unfortunately, no one from Verna remained . As for the citizens, they are slaves who sought refuge in this land asking for protection and to live in peace." LINIAS murmured grimly :

"Peace is pure illusion.. Chains are placed around the necks of citizens under the pretext of a peaceful life, but they do not realize that they have become slaves to their rulers.. But.. I do not know.. This land is not ours.. Let them stay in it like us." Entus continued , saying: 

" And what if we were invaded..." LINIAS looked at the candles that were floating in the ceiling of the room without answering. But he lowered his eyes when a childlike voice rose: 

"I ask permission to speak, sir." LINIAS said :

" Celine , you don't need permission to speak. What is there?"

"I agree with Sirius, this will protect the clan."

-" what do you mean?..".

-"It will be...".

"Why are you worried? Say what you have?" Celine was a girl; She was fifteen, with blue hair in a ponytail, and had sky blue eyes, and had ears that were the color of her hair. She was standing behind Angus as one of his deputies. She was wearing a black suit like men.

She was a sea people .

-" What's with you? ". In fact, Celine didn't know what to say other than these words, she didn't like to meddle in the clan's affairs, the ten leaders of this thing. And for some reason. Rivera asked her to say those words. And when I told her: What if he asked me to explain it? Don't answer, said Rivera , and the captain will understand. But now, in front of all the crowds, her stomach was shrinking because she was the center of everyone's attention, and Celine didn't like it because it made her nervous.

 She began to sweat, her throat dried up, and unconsciously, like everyone else, she put her hand around her throat. Maybe it was a coincidence or maybe it was planned. But she found herself shivering like a paper as she felt an immense physical pressure crushing her. 


 She did not know that what she had done made LINIAS rage, as LINIAS thought that she was afraid that she would be beheaded, and for a moment Linneas remembered the scene of Celine's death passing before his eyes.

 Her head hovered in the air, her blue hair fluttering behind her, and her wide blue eyes, staring blankly at LINIAS . And that knight who hit her neck with his sword, smiling ecstatically. He even remembered the crow squawking over the tree.

 LINIAS squeezed his eyes. I will not allow this to happen again! He stared below the throne with glowing eyes that almost burned everything in front of him. Many followers shivered, feeling suffocated by the immense pressure crushing their bodies. Even Rivera was starting to sweat. 

LINIAS said between his teeth, watching Celine , who was breathing hard and wiping her sweat with a handkerchief:

“Is there any benefit from this?!”

Sirius replied :

"There are many benefits, but.. first...this land must naturally become ours. Then we do the rest, and I'll tell you about that later."

-"This was taken by force...or perhaps by extermination."

This is the natural law of the world. The strong eats the weak, and takes everything from them. Did they not do this to us? Sirius wanted to say it so badly. However, he said:

-"That's what happened, and no one is alive, so if there is someone, we will gladly give them their land." And he was silent. 

LINIAS remained silent. He didn't know what to answer. But he could not be silent for long, as everyone was staring at him, waiting for his answer. He said: 

-"I need to think carefully about this. Also, I want to check around and then we'll decide what we have to do. What do you think?"

 Sirius replied :


- " Concept". When LINIAS thought of running away quickly. Liliana raised her hand as a student in a class. She said: 

"Allow me to speak, sir." LINIAS sighed in his heart at this request, which he had never loved. He indicated her to do.

"I agree with Sirius that this land should be yours."

“It belongs to me and not to us?” Liliana continued to speak, ignoring what LINIAS had said : 

"If this land becomes yours, we will live in it without any disturbance or interference from anyone."

This was a perfectly reasonable conversation, but his life as Salem made him know that this was an illusion. There is nothing called without disturbance or interference from anyone. There have been many countries that stick their tentacles in other countries, sucking everything in them with the call of charity. But. This is only if the state is made of sheep, and its ruler is a dog that wags its tail for everyone.

LINIAS was not a sheep or a dog. He was a ferocious beast who would fight to the death in defense of his clan. Even if his enemies were indomitable monsters. He would rather die tall than bow down.

LINIAS replied , smiling.

"What you said makes perfect sense. I liked it, but. I don't think that's what you're really thinking. I think it's something with their horses."

She flushed her cheeks and said shyly:

"I didn't say anything about this."

"But it's quite clear to me. should we deal with what Liliana said !" Rivera raised her pale hand, and LINIAS felt he was a teacher in a class.

"It is very simple, sir, and it is to crush everyone who dares to stand before us." With annoyance, he said:

-"A show of strength then?"

"Yes, sir. In addition to something important." She licked her scarlet lips, preparing to drop her bomb. And she continued:

"It's to get married!" Those words made many eyes light up like wild beasts.

Rivera continued :

"Of course, I will nominate myself for this great position". Sirius sighed tiredly . 

Before LINIAS could say anything, the hall became frostbitten.

-" You filth. We didn't agree on this!!!" . Entus screamed at the top of her lungs, and stood up, grinding her teeth, and with eyes radiating a murderous intent, almost peeling flesh from the bone. She said: 

"How dare you, so impudently, ask your master to marry you, you have to be thankful for my master's mercy, or else he will make you a pillow for his feet!!!"


 Rivera replied happily and calmly:

"Of course I will be grateful for this, and I will do so now if my master wants to rest his feet."

Rivera turned to LINIAS , who was staring at her silently like a stone, and said:

"My lord. No doubt you know that the emperor needs a beautiful empress to stand by his side."

"But you are not more beautiful than me!!!"

"It's true. We are equally beautiful, but I am much stronger than you, my dear."

"And I have more magic power than you!!!".

"My dear Entus . You must look closely at my master. Your magic power, ridiculous, pathetic, is insignificant compared to him." 

 This applies to you as well!!

"Sure. I am nothing in front of my master. That's why... I said I was stronger than you." She grabbed her hips and continued:

"A strong woman can have many children

". She smiled a smile of victory. However, Entus threw a shell in her face:

-"But you're old. Can you do that?~". Rivera was confused and coughed to hide her confusion, not expecting Entus to use this attack. However, Entus did not let go and continued to throw their own shells.

"How old are you? Two thousand? Six thousand? Ten? You must have been there before the mountains were formed in this world, old crocodile!"

 Rivera burst into a shriek , completely forgetting her master's existence:

-"You filthy one, this is ridiculous. I'm still young!!" 


-"This is from the outside. As for the inside, everything has died and rotted!"

Rivera 's face distorted with anger, and she bared her bright white fangs and said:

"It seems I didn't raise you well. But, that's fine, I haven't tasted fresh blood in years, and I wouldn't mind drinking the blood of a crazy virgin!"


 Entus can't help but acknowledge the beauty of the woman in front of her even in her anger. But Entus was not inferior to her, and she would not lose this confrontation. Entus said running to her:

"Try to do it, old man."

Rivera ran , too. The crowd stared at them, knowing what would happen next. If they were somewhere else, they would bet among themselves who you would lose.

 And without any hesitation. They hit their heads with some like rams. They made a loud sound, like the sound of a gunshot.

LINIAS narrowed his eyes, as if imagining the pain of it all. That blow must have crushed the skull of a horrific beast. However. They seemed to be perfectly fine. But they were not satisfied with this, as they continued

 They spar nonstop. As if each of them wanted to crush the head of the other and smash it. It was pure madness.

LINIAS stopped them, with a quaking voice:

-" It is enough !! ".

 They stopped what they were doing. Rivera and Entus bent down on their knees in an instant, and they stared at their master respectfully.

LINIAS continued with that commanding roaring voice:

" I need to see the land we're in now. So, this gathering is over!" 

 He walked away from among them, followed by Sirius , who seemed very upset.

 "Wait, sir, what about my suggestion?" Rivera shrieked as she rose from her knees. However, LINIAS passed through the gate, ignoring it. Entus sighed in relief.  She was certain that her master would agree to Rivera's proposal . But fortunately he ignored this thing.

"Wow, he ran away!" Rivera said , and she was going to explode in fury, upon Entus who had sabotaged her genius plan.

But Blander stood before them in palpable displeasure, and threw two powerful punches in the stomach, Rivera and Entus fell to their knees, clutching their stomachs in pain.


"Oh, savage woman, this hurts!"

Rivera shrieked frantically. However, she didn't seem to be in pain except. Entus who was struggling to catch her breath.

Blander said angrily:

"Didn't we agree that you'd be silent today. Damn it, but you've ruined what we wanted to do. And here's our leader going out without us doing anything!"

Blander came out , and the commanders followed her, distressed.




- 4 -

 "This is the place, isn't it?"

Entus answered her master:


- "Yes, this is the place. That... it happened... that night." And she looked away, unwilling to speak, or remember that night which she so hated.

LINIAS examined the city ​​in ruins and murmured:

 -"There is no one left.. I have killed many people, an entire kingdom. I can hardly

I believe what I did... How could magic do that?... It was as if I was in a dream."

"Sir, you don't have to grieve for them, they deserved what happened to them. They were filthy human beings who deserved to die."

-" Entus your speech may have some truth in it, but I know very well, that not all of them deserve to die. There are really wonderful people, who only want to live in peace with their families .. There are people who are really disgusted to see them ."

He was a little silent. Then he muttered:

- " Adsofin ".

- " Edsofin ? Will you allow me to know what it is?"

-"mm.. uh.. no. It's not something important. I think it's a name that symbolizes the humiliation of humans. A ruler at a time." He was about to laugh. But he stopped it.

" then. Thank you very much for telling me that."

" Rivera thanked me for everything. Or asking my permission for everything is really tiring... Don't you think so? Also, I didn't say anything to be thankful for. I don't know, 

Why do you do this every time. That's why... please stop that."

Rivera replied :

But, this is our duty, and our respect towards our master.

-"This is ridiculous. And who imposed these ridiculous laws? Also, we are one family, and there is no difference between us at all."

-"one family !". Entus said , her eyes shining.

-" Ah yes. Like brothers."

Everyone smiled at it. Except for Entus and Rivera , whose happiness had subsided, their lips folded in dissatisfaction.

"Why did the city become so wrecked? I thought that magic only used humans?" He sighed tiredly and continued : 

-" None of this matters anymore. But living in this ruin.. we don't live anymore  In the woods, I hate to say it, but this land is ours. .

That is why we have to live openly in it. What do you think, Sirius? ".

-"It is as you say, that is why we have to make this land our own state, and announce this to the surrounding countries. As I was saying before. Also, that this waste land belongs to our property... This would be a source of ridicule." 

"King? You still come back to this.. You know very well Sirius, that I only care about our clan, so let them laugh until they explode. All I want is for us to live in peace. That's all."

"But, si.. A. I mean. I want.. Hmm. Will you allow me to talk?"

- " Blander . Shall we talk again?"

"Does this mean that I can talk?" LINIAS stared at the sky

Mumble says:

"Oh God, speak, speak."

- "Thank you very much-". She did not finish her words as LINIAS stared at her in displeasure.

-"Uh, as I was saying. I mean. This is going to be difficult. They will never let us live in peace."

- " Blander . Are you mad? And who told you, that we need them to allow us anything. I can't believe these words are coming out of the mouth of one of the ten commanders, and in front of your esteemed Majesty!"

LINIAS said :

" Entus , try to calm down a little."

- " Your words must be implemented! " 

-"And what is this strange name that you have called me by? Do not call me such ridiculous things again."

"Your Majesty, then?"

-" No" .

- "Your Excellency?"

-"No ".

"The King of Monsters?"

" What?! No. Stop it!" 

"Beautiful King, I think he suits you perfectly."

This woman has gone crazy. LINIAS thought these words, and looked at her strange glint of eyes. And he rubbed his forehead. He was about to speak to Blander but Entous screamed, causing everyone to turn to her.

-"Oh. I thought it was the emperor . It's your name!"

"If you don't stop, I swear I will slap you in the face. Just call me by my name."

Entus was silent and did not answer, and it seemed from the glint of her eyes that she was thinking deeply.

LINIAS turned back to Blander and said:

" Let's go back to what you were talking about." 

"Yes. First... I didn't mean to say that, and you may have misunderstood my words. Please forgive me for that."

 LINIAS looked really tired from this, took a deep breath and then turned to her and said:

-"You didn't say anything wrong, it's Entus , and you've known for a long time that she's crazy, and now she's getting mad more, that's it.. So what's there?"

“Yes. A few days ago, some knights came in here, and they wished to know what had happened in this land. And it wasn’t just them as many of them over the years had been doing so.

And I don’t know if Sirius told you that, so many years ago, I don’t know when exactly, a great army invaded us.”

"No one told me that. What happened? Did the buildings collapse because of them?"

Blander replied without caring, as if she were talking about dead fish:

"We killed them all."

"With their horses!" So said Liliana, sticking her head out from behind Blander with a pretty smile. She seemed very satisfied with herself. 

- “With horses- I mean no one left.. Why? Were there casualties from our clan?”

Angus replied , exhaling smoke from his cigarette.

" No. There were no injuries from us." 

- "Who... who did... with whom was the confrontation? Who did they fight?"

Angus said :

-" I did". LINIAS did not understand . Angus was a kind -hearted person who, despite his tough appearance, hated engaging in combat. LINIAS continued :

-" why did you do that? ".

 Angus answered, as if reading a story from a book:

-"It was a really big army...A hundred years ago it happened, and everyone was busy looking for...I was the only one there at that time. So, I and all my followers went...all three hundred."

I politely asked them to go back, but they refused and insisted that this country belong to them.. I did not know what they meant by this hadith.

But they began to brag, and display their strength. I then asked that we discuss with their leaders, and they agreed, and I asked Celine to come with me, so that the atmosphere would be less tense. My followers will explode the situation quickly.. That's why I asked her to come with me.. I thought it would reduce the charged atmosphere. I was a fool. I admit it."

 The veins of Angus' neck bulged like tight ropes as he remembered that time. However, he regained his calm when he saw LINIAS looking at him with eyes as glowing as embers, and four bulging veins on his forehead as if they were going to explode. In an icy voice, LINIAS said :

-" what happened after that?".

"Yes, as soon as they saw her they almost killed her.. I still remember her scream of fear, as she jumped to hide behind me. They called her a heretic or something."

 I could not control myself, and I killed them and my minions.” He fell silent, watching LINIAS who closed his eyes. Angus said, trying to make a joke to soften the air.

 -"Then Liliana appeared out of nowhere, and she tore everything in front of her, and she was even running after the fleeing horses and ripping them with her swords." He referred to it and continued:

-"She has a problem. If you don't do something to her, the horses will go extinct all over the world."

LINIAS laughed tiredly and said:

"This is Liliana . She never changes.. OK. I'll figure this out.. That's what Blander meant . I really don't know what to do. But, it seems Sirius is right. We need to declare that this land belongs to us."

 Blander said :

"We did it."

 Sirius said , looking very annoyed:

"You did? Why didn't I know about it? Why didn't you tell me this?"

Blander said :

" I'm really sorry, I forgot to tell you."    

"What have you done?" LINIAS said .

Blander said :

-"It's Liliana 's idea . When some warriors attacked us, she told me to leave one man, to go home after we told him what we wanted. And we told him everything."

Lineas :

"I think what Liliana was thinking was quite different from this. And what did you tell him?"

Blander replied :

-"We told him that our master, it was he who wiped all living things out of this rotting kingdom with one magic spell in an instant, because he was angry with them. And that this land became ours by the law of conquest, and anyone who approaches it we will kill him like the previous ones."

"Huh. That's great. You outdid yourselves this time." Sirius said so happily.

Blander and Liliana smiled in response.

LINIAS furrowed his eyebrows.

“Won’t these ridiculous words make them rage, and attack us?”

Sirius replied :

"Only fools will do it."

"Well. As for the people who live in this land, or the citizens in this case I should...".


At that moment Entus waved her finger in the air, and suddenly jumped in front of her master, everything happened so quickly as blood erupted from Entus' belly and her guts scattered over LINIAS.

It was an iron spear three meters long, the thickness of a human head, embedded in Entus' back and protruding from its abdomen. The scene seemed to be slow and sticky, as if time was slowly moving. The spear was slipping from her hands in the pouring blood towards her master, and Entus was grinding her teeth as she tried to stop him.

After a time that seemed like an eternity, the spear stopped slipping.

Entus raised her eyes to her master, and said with threads of blood gushing from her mouth:

"Are you okay, sir?" LINIAS was astonished. He wiped the blood from his face, not understanding what had happened, he felt like he was dreaming. He was talking so peacefully and now that's crazy.

Entus collapsed to her knees, coughing up blood.

LINIAS recovered from his stupor. She shivered as the spear yanked out of her body, revealing a huge gaping hole in her stomach. The guts of Entus danced on the ground, like sticky red snakes swimming in a sea of ​​blood.

-" what is happening?!!" . LINIAS cried out in fright.

"Sir, I don't think healing magic can work. This spear contains things that prevent wounds from healing."

"We won't know until we try. Don't talk!!" LINIAS cast a healing spell, and there was no change. LINIAS swept Entus into his bosom, and shouted at the people around him:

"Do something!" Everyone woke up in amazement. Some of them poured magic potions, some of them used healing spells, and some of them put their glowing hands on them. But. There was no benefit. They were about to pick her up and put her on the floor. However, Entus said in an exhausted voice: 

"Let me die in the arms of my master."

 Heavy tears fell on Entus ' face .

"Would you weep for me, sir? Am I so dear to you?"

LINIAS burst into tears, stroked her hair, and in a choked voice said:

-"What are you saying, Entus . You are more precious to me than the whole world."

Entus coughed and blood spurted out of her mouth.

"Sir. It seems my strength is fading away.. I'm glad I saw you before I died." Entus started to shiver , the luminosity of her violet eyes slowly fading.

-" Entus . Don't die. Live. Aaaaaaaah. Damn this world!!" She swept her face to his chest.

In a weak voice, Entus said :

-" I..I love you..sir..forever..I loved you with all my you love me, sir?"   

LINIAS bit his lower lip, and two threads of blood gushed out. With veins swollen all over his face, he said:

-"Of course I love you. Don't talk. Don't talk!!!" And look at the people around him:

- " Are you going to sit like this? Find who did this. But..don't kill him, I'll deal with him myself!!!!". 

And they went everywhere in the blink of an eye. Except for Blender and Rivera.

"I'm really happy with that." And she extended her hand to caress LINIAS face with her fingers.

At that moment, Entus' arm fell, and the glint in her eyes disappeared. Entus died theatrically.

LINIAS closed her eyes, rose to his feet, carrying Entus , and walked away.

Rivera said :

"Where are you going, sir?" LINIAS answered calmly, without stopping:

-"My love has died, and I don't care about anything in this world anymore. I'm going to live with my beloved a place where there is no one but us."

- "What about the Vintos clan, sir?! This rot is dead and it's over, throw it anywhere to get rid of it!"

 LINIAS said :

" Blander , you rotten one, you don't know the meaning of love.. I have always hated your horrible, rotten eyes. Get out of my face, you rotten one.. And you , Rivera , have always hated the smell of perfumes that you put on your body to hide the smell of your rottenness. Let it disappear from my face, you rotten carrion."

- “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!”

Rivera shrieked , tearing her hair, and Blander scratching her face.

 LINIAS continued to walk forward, and Blander and Rivera were weeping and sobbing, and they began to tear their hair until they were bald!

Entus smiled triumphantly while she was dead!


- 5 -

-"Ha ha ha ha !. What is this madness I see. Oh, wretched!!". So said a man, holding a piece of glass round like a ball, and within it there were symbols glowing in the colors of the rainbow. This was a magical tool that allowed seeing far distances like binoculars. Copied from one of the magical spell abilities


]Magic Eye . [It was called " Distance View Mirror".

 The man was standing on a hill, and next to him were five people looking through their mirror, giggling at what they saw.

"These women are crazy, what are they doing with their hair?!" Someone said.

- "Tear it all!" . Another man said.

A man behind them said, carrying a huge spear, and next to him were three men carrying those spears:

-"What happened? What is there?" The first man turned to him and said:

-"The woman in black is dead. Prepare the second spear, we'll target the man carrying it. He must be the leader."

The man holding the large spear replied:

"What about the rest?" .

One of the men answered while looking in the mirror:

"I don't know. They disappeared very quickly...the damned ghosts!. They must have been afraid and ran away. Anyway, there were two women left, but they seemed mad at seeing one of their friends die, even monsters have feelings."

 Another man replied, looking in the mirror:

"What about the red-eyed girl. She looks familiar, doesn't she?"

"I don't know, I've never seen such eyes. It might be one of the damned monsters. It might be a vampire.. I really don't know."

 "You seem to be enjoying here, will you allow me to join you?" A gentle man's voice was coming from behind them. The ten all turned to the voice behind them, and let out a heavy gasp.


He was a man with his hands behind his back, with white hair with red limbs, and wearing white clothes. Next to him was a woman with skin as pale as wax, and eyes full of scarlet. Another woman was wearing a black dress, had long black hair, and had two horns sticking out from the back of her head.

-"Impossible!! can't!!.the spear pierced you!!, you're dead, I saw it!!"

 Entus said narrowly, as if his sight were bothering her eyes:


"Stop barking, ram, it was an illusion."

"This cannot be true!!!"

- "Are they stupid? Isn't our presence in front of them proof of that?"

Sirius replied :

"Rivera : Human stupidity knows no bounds. These worms are not convinced of anything until they see it. He pointed his hand at them politely and said:

"Take a look, please."

They all looked through the mirror, panting in terror as they all surrounded the white-haired man. Except for the man, who was dressed in black and with a cigarette in his mouth, was standing in front of them, holding the tip of the spear with his bare hand, as if the spear was nothing but a straw between his fingers. They were astonished by this man and even wanted to scream: 

 How can someone stop the sacred spear of ]Strol [ with his bare hand. But, confusingly, the white-haired man was staring at them, as if his golden eyes, seeing them straight through the looking-a-mirror. They didn't care, they thought it was some kind of coincidence that their eyes met each other.


There was something more important than this now. And they turned back to the three in front of them with fear. Someone said:

- "Was it two?" .

"Yes. What do you think? Wasn't what you saw a beautiful scene, like a fine art painting?" Entus clasped her hands in front of her, raised her eyes to the sky, and continued to say with great happiness:

"Oh. It's a scene from the fabric of my heart. It describes my feelings and what I wish. It was a wonderful sight, wasn't it? Wasn't it?"

-"It's a nightmare!!" One of the men shrieked, out of his mind as he couldn't believe he had become prey to this disgusting delusion.

-" what !!! ". Entus screamed , pounced on him like a raging bull, and caught him by the collar. And she continued : 

"How dare you , ram, to mock the feelings of a woman!!" She hit the man's head with her head. The front of the man's head cracked in a disgusting voice. The man fell to the ground, convulsing violently, his face turning into a red paste.

- "Johnny!!!". One yelled, pulling out his sword, and ran toward Rivera who seemed so graceful and fragile, the man for a moment thought she was weaker than that woman who had smashed his friend's face with her head.


He waved his sword at an arc of light aimed at Rivera 's neck .

But before the sword could reach her neck, Rivera grabbed it with a pair of her shiny nails. Fingernail and thumb nail, as if they caught a butterfly in the air.


And she watched the man, who was yellowing, red, and white. He was trying to take the sword. But in vain was the sword stuck, as if between the jaws of a dragon . Rivera said, very tenderly and politely:

-"Mister, this is impolite. How can you attack a woman in the face. You should be ashamed of yourself." She threw a slap with her other hand in the face of the man. The man turned the air twice like a stuntman, and fell unconscious under her feet.

Rivera sighed .

-" Oh, God . This man has no taste. He left all my body, and attacked my face, how would I look for my master to hurt my face." She put her hands around her thin waist, and swayed, saying :   

-"Even miserable humans attack me for my beauty~ ahh beauty is really stressful~".

"What beauty are you talking about? He attacked you because you looked like an ogre."

"Ah. Entus , it seems you can no longer see well~. You've become really old~."

-"I'm still young. You're the old crocodile who lived thousands of years!" Rivera ignored Entus ' words and said cheerfully: 

-" Jealousy and envy. The whole world envy me for my beauty. Look at it. Look at my beauty that shines like the sun." She covered her face with the palms of her hands and continued: 

-"Oh, my eyes hurt from my beauty, it's shining~".

Entus said with engulfed eyes :

" Sirius . Are you going to make this crazy woman shut up? Or do I make her shut up myself?"

Sirius sighed , looking at two clouds in the blue sky. And before he says a word.

Rivera said :

-"Why are you so angry? Don't tell me you're going to butt me like a ram like you did to the man. Hmm, you must have been a ram before, and my master turned you into a woman of his pity~." And a beautiful laugh erupted as the bells rang out. But those laughs made Entus tremble with rage .

- "Oh, slut!!" Entus screamed angrily, pounced on Rivera , strangled her, and stuck her fingernails in her neck to death.

" Entus , you Crazy. You're seriously suffocating me, are you trying to kill me?!!"

 Entus smiled a sinister smile at those words.

"You crazy one!" Rivera shrieked , pulling Entous 's hair very hard.

Entus let out a cry of pain, and her body twisted to the left from the force of the pull of her hair.

-"You old crocodile let go of my hair, you'll tear it off. My master loves long hair!!"

Rivera laughed mischievously . 

"Then.. I must tear it up, I will make you frighteningly bald!" They continued to pull the rope. Entus screams in pain, and strangles Rivera. Rivera is in pain from her neck and pulls the hair of Entus .

"Yes. It's just as you all think. They are crazy, and I agree with you on that. But. Leave these women, gentlemen, and let's talk men between us."

So said Sirius , his hands behind his back to the group of men who were staring at the two women before them in pure terror. 

  Sirius continued :

"Or perhaps you'd prefer to talk to these women, but, I assure you, they are much more savage and cruel than I am. Hmm... aren't all women like this, or maybe our clan women are like this. Maybe the first and maybe the last. I really don't know. So I need to make sure of that for myself. .. Anyway. Let's get back to our topic. Are you the leader?"


Sirius pointed to the largest of them.

The man shook his head affirmatively.

"Well, will you give me this mirror that you have?"

The men backed away, unwilling to approach the man or give him what he wanted. It was a very expensive tool, and no one could own it. Even they could not, and they were given it for this task.

-" Thanks a lot ". Sirius said while holding the mirror in one hand.

The leader shivered as he stared at his empty hands, which had been holding the looking-back mirror moments ago. And he looked back at Sirius foolishly, as if wondering how he had done it.

Sirius ignored the man's gaze . He looked at the mirror, bored. mumble says:

"Trash. Why do you do such ridiculous things? Well, not everyone can use magic. But. Shouldn't you make it small or make it a ring or a nose ring like a pig, it will fit you perfectly. Or maybe like that piece of glass the professor puts on one of his eyes." mmm.

We've gone a little far from our topic. There is no need to try to escape, you are completely surrounded... But I hope you will try to escape."

He smiled a cruel and merciless smile, and his eyes glowed like burning coals, and from his eyes danced threads of smoke. His eyes seemed to boil in their sockets. The men shivered like children at this scene, but what Sirius said next, made the men feel wet between their legs and it turned out that they had urinated on themselves:

"I wish to crush you all so that there is none left of you. First I will bathe you with molten gold.. It makes the skin beautiful and shiny.. Can't you see how beautiful Riviera's skin is . Yes. I will bathe you until all your filthy flesh is gone, and the bones are polished and shiny.. and after That I will make you atone for your vile deeds. But, unfortunately, you are in luck, for the commander wants to see you safe. And yet, crushed flesh can be easily cured." Sirius bowed like a gentleman inviting a lady to a dance. He continued by saying:

"Let us prepare you to answer quickly the commander's questions. Ah. Shame, I mean Emperor LINIAS Vintos . "

 As if those words stopped time.


Rivera and Entus stood grabbing each other as before. However, they remained rigid like statues. They slowly moved their heads, looking at their victims with a crazy smile and eyes radiating agony and misery.

The men trembled before the beautiful beasts.



- 6 -

-" who are you ? ". LINIAS said , looking at the ten men kneeling as if they were before the king.

Their leader answered in a trembling voice:

“We are hunters , esteemed emperor .”

"Emperor? Honorable? What are the hunters doing here? Why did you attack us?"

-" We are hunters..we are hunters." The captain replied as if he was about to cry. 

 Sirius said :

-"They are not animal hunters as we know, but rather they are from an organization called the Hunters, and they specialize in exterminating beasts, and human threats."

LINIAS said, narrowing his eyes.  

-"And we consider it a threat. That means they are murderers, right?"

"Yes. We are murderers. Bastards, Rams. Worms."

"What is the sermon?" . said LINIAS , addressing Sirius. But Sirius shrugged his shoulders as if he didn't know.

Perhaps they were afraid when they signed their deeds . LINIAS thought so and said:

- " Why did you do that? And where are you from?" . 

The commander replied:

"We are settlers from the kingdom of irem , and we were asked to do this job, and we never met the client." LINIAS had been living in the woods all his life, and had known only Verna. The Dark Forest was enormous in size, larger than all the countries combined. It was like a wild green continent.

That is why he said:

" irem ...I've heard of her, but I don't know her in particular." 

-"Excuse me for this, it was not a good time for me to tell you. It is the kingdom on our northern frontier. It is called irem , and its inhabitants are not men, they are of the race of Teles ."

- " Teles..but .. Sirius . These are human beings, so how is that?" Sirius stared the commander with a look that almost melted the bones. The commander trembled in response and said:

"We are settlers. The Queen has allowed some people to live on her land."

Sirius answered with a contemptuous smile:

"And in return for her generosity and kindness to you, you wanted to take the whole kingdom. You disgusting worms." 

“Mm, what do you mean?”

-"What I mean , Emperor, is that her stupidity caught her in a trap. She took pity on some humans, but it turns out that the humans wanted to take the kingdom to them.. They are in a state of conquest now because of it, and they may fall any day from now."

A sour smile appeared on LINIAS ' face from this hadith, and he said:

 -"You mean have mercy on these pigs.. They remind me of Palestine and what the Jews did to pigs. I'll tell you about that later. But, I don't understand. Was it irem that hired them to attack us? But that doesn't make sense."

-"He is one of two, and if they succeed in their mission, it will be great for the foolish agent who hired them. And if they fail in their mission, the kingdom of irem will be blamed by us. I expect such ridiculous stupidity from them."

Then the professor shouted :

- "Sheep!"

"Isn't that exaggeration, whatever. They don't know us, they don't know anything about us, didn't you say that to me before, Sirius? "

-"It is as you say, and I.. I meant personal knowledge, they have known for years, that there are people who crush anyone who dares to enter this land, that's why they did this ridiculous, whoever did this does not understand nor know anything about us. I made sure Just over it. I was planning something. But... it just doesn't matter anymore." He turned to Blander , who was for a moment upset that she had acted on her own. But Rivera didn't care about all that. 


"Are we going to kill these people?"

" No, Rivera , let them go." 

Rivera replied , looking at her nails, which were growing like knives:

" But. Sir. They attacked you. They must pay the price." 

 LINIAS looked at the men who were shedding tears like children. They knew that their lives would end in one word. But LINIAS felt pity for them, and said:

"Let them go, none of us got hurt anyway." He gave them a look of freezing blood in their veins, and said:

"But. You must tell everyone you meet that this land is no longer Verna , and it belongs to Vintos . Get out of my way, or I will change my mind!"

The men fled, crying and screaming. They think this is a hoax and they will be killed after they escape. But this was not the case.

LINIAS said uneasy:

" Sirius , do as you told me before, but keep the words unprovoked, we don't want to be seen as savages." Sirius smiled in response. But that smile did not like LINIAS .

LINIAS continued his walk, inspecting the ruins around him, and everyone followed him happily.





Chapter six :the settlement-1-

It was a beautiful wide corridor, in which stood beautiful girls, the age of flowers between sixteen and twenty. Each one differs in her appearance, eye color and hairstyle, like various flowers in a beautiful orchard.


 Their dresses were long white, so that their white shoes touched. Their clothes were made in the shape of tree leaves, decorated with red threads over their chests and at the edges.

  Their beauty, elegance, and strange clothes made the onlookers gasp.

 They were a hundred in total. They stand in neatly organized rows. But. When they knew the reason for their meeting, that one of them would be the servant of this day for their master or the great master , as they like to call him, who occupied a great place in their hearts.

In an instant, chaos and agitation erupted.

They scrambled, jostled, shrieked, raising their hands, frantically running each one of them. Like a group of raging girls battling for an autograph from their favorite star. 

 Elvia sighed at the chaos, and muttered:

"What is this pain?" I clapped hard, and silence prevailed for a moment. She stared at the girls in front of her, with her serious face, and her violet eyes, and said in a serious voice that did not know jest: 

"Don't shame me!" Those words made the maids return to stand in rows as they had been. After Elvia saw this, she was satisfied with them and continued saying:

"I know how you feel. We all desire and wish to serve the great master , but. Your behavior is not at all befitting .Have you forgotten yourselves, you are the servants of the great castle of Vintos !"


The lips of some of the maids moved, and they were about to speak but Elvia glared at them, shutting their mouths.

 She said:

- “ The situation has changed from what it was. So. It will be five of us a day, maidservants of the great master .. I am not finished yet !. It will be done by lot. I wanted to put ten of us a day. He even asked, to be one maid per day. Silence!.. I understand your annoyance with this.. but I insisted on that until I convinced him to do so."


 In fact , Elvia wanted to be the first person to serve her master. She waited eagerly to serve her master, and if she took advantage of her position to satisfy her selfish desires, it might reflect on her. Rather, her master might know about it, by one of the maidservants who would be jealous of her for doing so, then her master might look upon her, as if she were incompetent for her position.

 Those thoughts that swirled in her head, that her master, whose heart was filled with love and respect for him, telling her this, cooled her heart like ice.

For this. She asked Sirius insistently, but it looked like a quarrel. Sirius was as quiet and silent as ever, listening to her excited request, and at last, having a headache, Sirius agreed to have five maids a day so that her turn would come quickly at a time.

And Elvia had no idea why Sirius shrugged his shoulders and said you wanted it, not me, don't forget that.

 Elvia sighed and muttered :

"What is this pain". 


"Well, as I said. There will be five of us a day, and one of the five will be chosen to be the captain of the servants that day..

 Don't look at me like that.. I know what you want to say. Therefore, the leader will not be constantly, but will be drawn every time, to be fair. The one who was a leader before will not enter the lottery again, to give the others a chance.. Is this understood?! "


The maids shook their heads in satisfaction, their faces adorned with bright smiles.


" Sandra. Get the ballot box off that table." Sandra bowed her head respectfully, and went to get the box. She handed it to her boss, Elvia, with an innocent smile, bright as the sun. But , Elvia

sighs because of slag and deception that was leaked from that smile.


And Elvia said in a tired voice:

"Let's start with the work schedule."



LINIAS lay on his bed. Ten days had passed since he left the castle when the hunters attacked him.

 Now he knew, that the castle consisted of twenty floors, and that the entire tenth floor, which he was in now, was for his personal use only.

This was ridiculous to him, for the castle was enormous in size, and in contrast the castle floors were vast and endless. A small room was suitable for him. As for this room, it was more like a luxury apartment. Interior doors led to other rooms. A bathroom, a dressing room, an office room, and a room containing strange things made by the professor such as magic potions. 


In fact, he was bored and bored with it all. Even when talking to someone, the person starts to sweat without any reason.

He moved his eyes to the corner of the room, staring at Sinoria, who was standing still, so unmoving, that he thought she was not breathing. But Sinoria proved to be a real headache. She refused to leave LINIAS alone. He was asking her to come out.

In fact, she would go out, but only for a second and then return to the corner, staring at him with unblinking eyes. And he returns asking her to leave him, but she returns in a fleeting moment. On one occasion, he was fed up with her, and told her that he would change his clothes and remain naked all day, and he thought that she would blush and confused and run away to leave him alone, but he was surprised when her features did not change as she was staring at him like now as a statue, only her eyes seemed alive. LINIAS almost swears she's doing this to scare him.

That is why he chose to ignore its existence.


However, he couldn't feel the slightest relief. How can a guy stay relaxed, with a girl staring at him without blinking. He looked back at her, remembering some horror movies, and imagined that she would turn into a scary creature and pounce on him.

-"Isn't there something you do? something for example?...".

-" I am working now.."


- "It is true that you work, but this is tedious and exhausting work... why don't you do something more important than that?"

"There is nothing more important than this work, it is the greatest honor."

"But I don't need a guard.. Maybe outside, but here who will attack me?"

"No one knows. That's why Sinoria has to be on guard."

"I'm giving you a vacation My dear. Go and play a little."

"Sinoria works for life".

"You don't like girls talking? There 's Celine . She's your age.. Go have a tea party or something."

" Sinoria , don't drink, sir." LINIAS murmured :

-"Don't drink..eating is better than drinking.Go and party."

"It's annoying, sir."

"What things?"

"-Eating and drinking. "LINIAS stared at her, surprised by this answer, and said:

"- Eating and drinking are annoying things.. This is a really strange answer.. Why is it annoying? Maybe because you like certain things.

"No, it's not.. But after eating, disgusting things come out from everywhere.. It's disgusting.. Sir? Did I say something wrong?" LINIAS was shaking with laughter:

-" Uh.. not.. haha hah.. this.. huh, no.. why.. you didn't do anything. Uh. So.. you don't need food and drink.. that's really great.. thanks to you, I feel refreshed. right Now".

He settled down on his bed, pointed at one of the benches, and said:

"Bring him this seat." With elegant movements, she took the chair and placed it beside the bed, and remained standing next to the chair like a professional soldier.

"Sit down, baby..."

Sinoria got down on one knee beside the chair.

"No. Sit down. Sit on the bench."

"Please forgive my refusal, sir." You are killing me with this ridiculous behavior.

- "I want to talk to you, so sit down."

"But. This is the proper way to receive your great words... Sitting with the Great Master , on the same level, is never forgivable." With impatience, LINIAS said :  

"Sit down... I won't repeat my words again." He gave her a sullen look. Sinoria shivered , and sat obediently on the bench, her eyes anxiously lowered to the floor


"Do you remember your life before now, baby? I mean, how did you come to Vintos Castle ? Do you understand what I mean ?" Without raising her eyes, she said in a panicked voice:

"I don't know what you want from me, sir? But I was born here."

"You mean you opened your eyes and found yourself here, right?"

"No. I was born here thanks to the power of my master, and I was nurtured from my childhood until I became a young woman.. My master surrounded me with kindness and mercy, and gave me a great position." She puffed her chest proudly. 

"I... I am my master's The sincere slave."

Are you kidding me? How were you born here? Everyone told me that they came back to life and found followers as they are why do you say she was born here? They all give me the same answer. No. With my master's strength, said she, then, she knows the truth. But it must have been false memories planted in their minds... mmm. Wait a minute, what did she say now?.. slave.. 


"You are not anyone's slave, do you understand?" She gave him stray glances, as if those words were a strange mystery to her. But LINIAS did not care about these looks, and got up from the bed, took a blank sheet of paper from the table, and wrote on it with a strange bird's feather, and gave it to Sinoria to read. But Sinoria could not read those words. 

-"You can't read it then... There is no doubt about that, because this is the Arabic language. A strange language in this world... What is there?..."


"I can't read it...but I know it well." In amazement, LINIAS said:

" Do you know her?"

"Yes. It is the language of ancient magic." He was upset by this answer, as he was interested in what you had to say. But it turns out she was joking, or so he thought. And he had a desire to get out of here, and take some tours. Before he could open the door, Sinoria hurried and opened the door before her master, to find five girls, who were standing behind the door. Their beauty and beautiful clothes looked like princesses in stories.

LINIAS , however, was not surprised by their appearance, and he had a long talk with them until his throat had dried.

 They insisted on entering his room, ready to serve him. LINIAS refused , and asked them to invite him alone, but they categorically refused. After a long struggle, he issued an order to a face that does not accept debate and controversy, to leave him alone. The girls obediently and respectfully walked out of that time.

 LINIAS knew they were servants, and of the same race as their chief, Elvia . That's just all he knows. Not even their names are remembered.

He only knew the name of the chief servant for the day, and her name was Sandra . No one can remember all the people and information at once, and many names have been forgotten. That is why LINIAS did not know how to respond as they looked at him with great admiration.

LINIAS raised his hand and said:

-" welcome ". This is all he could do. But that word made their eyes shine like lamps,  And with their soft little fingers they grabbed the edge of their white dresses , and bowed like princesses at a prom. And they said at once:

"All honor and pride are ours, sir."

"Didn't I tell you to do something other than standing here?"

Sandra, in a similar pose, who had curly golden French hair, said :

"Permit us to refuse, sir, for we serve you for this day, and there is no honor to be compared to this work."

- What honor is this? Who do you think I am? He seemed tired of these actions and continued saying :   

"Do what you want," and walked away.

" Thank you very much." She said. And they raised their heads, and elegantly followed their master. 

 Sandra said , walking behind him: 

"Would you allow me to speak, sir?"

-" How much I hate these words."

-" my Lord ? ".

"No, nothing. I was thinking about some things."

-"Uh, please forgive your faithful maidservant for interrupting your thoughts and"

Interrupting her speech , LINIAS said :

-" what is the Question?  "

-"N..yes, Where are you going, sir? ".

" I don't know. I think I'm going to meet Rivera . "  Or maybe you'd recommend me somewhere?"

 Sandra did not answer the last words.

"But, wouldn't it be better if you invited her to you, that's proper etiquette."

LINIAS said curtly:

" It makes no difference to that." He closed the conversation, and they walked silently, with only the Click of their shoes being heard in the corridor. 

- 3 -

It was a small town, its houses in the form of small palaces, gloomy and miserable, and separated by flat stone roads, and pillars of light standing on either side of the roads, radiating their gloomy yellowish light. 

And in those roads, many skeletons that were walking elegant movements like professional soldiers.

 And in the center of this city, was a palace more strange and miserable than the buildings around it, for its high towers were twisted like goats' horns, and swarms of bats circled around the towers, like a black whirlpool, making shuddering noises. 

 Many gloomy statues hung from the palace walls, some standing upside down in the air, in complete defiance of gravity. 

Others squat in the air in front of the towers. In front of the red palace gate stand people whose features are visible only their red eyes


And inside one of the rooms of this frightening miserable mansion. The contrast was stark. It was beauty.  

 Blood red chandeliers shine in all colors, hanging from its black high ceiling. Marble floor black as night, surrounded by red walls with black curtains sprinkled with jewels that shine like stars. 

  And in the middle of this wondrous room, a beautiful woman was sitting on her little throne. Made of human bones. Many servants gathered around her. A maid combs her scarlet hair tenderly. Two maids polishing her long, shiny nails.

  A maid puts powders on her, to add to her breathtaking beauty. A maid wipes perfume on her pale white arms, on her ears, and on her eyebrows. She even put perfume between her toes. The maids were devoted to this work with full concentration and attention, whispering, inaudible words, wide smiles on their pretty faces.

 The maid who was combing her hair whispered in her lady's ear, smiling a beautiful smile. Her lady said:

"Sir, he will never do that."

She let out a tired sigh, and continued:

-"If only my master was as savage as other men. But hard as a rock. I feel even more rigid.. What the hell is this?"

-"I don't think there are such men as the Great Master . Also... I don't think men are savages, ma'am."

So said her deputy, who was standing straight beside her. Like a steel plate, he rests his palms on the handle of his white ivory cane.

 His name was Gilgamesh de Emperador . He was a handsome young man, with long golden hair like spun gold. He was dressed in a mixture of black and red.. He looked as a proud and intelligent man.

The maids burst out laughing at his words. Their Lady Rivera Nightmere said , putting one leg upon the other:

"You don't understand, but they understand what I mean."

The man sighed and said:

-"You can't even describe things well.. and what are you doing anyway?"

 His lady narrowed her scarlet eyes and said:

"How can you not understand this? Are you really a man?"

The man's head hangs in his chest and says:

" I feel that your stupidity began to move to my mind. That's why I'm going to give you some advice before I lose my mind and get dumb because of you."

-"You're the idiot. So say what you have quickly, it might be useful.. Why are you looking at me like that? What's wrong with you? Say what you have?"


For a moment, her deputy , Gilgamesh, thought to stick his stick in her heart, and relieve this pain. However, he took a few breaths to regain his calm.

"First.. put perfume on you reasonably. It's strong and suffocating, and I don't think anyone with a nose will stand it. Second.. and it's the most important. If you want to impress the master. You have to do great things." 

-"That's what I'm doing now~ Don't you see~".

 "Now I understand why your former followers assassinated you."

She said :

"Really? Why, you idiot?"

He said :

"It's because of your stupidity."

-"Huh~ .You idiot~. Not for that. They were jealous of my beauty~."

She and her maids laughed beautifully.

However, her deputy did not smile, and said coldly.

-"Step up your ass, do something. Otherwise, I swear I'll stick my stick in your heart."

- "What.. are you.. are you serious?!" .

"Yes. I'm serious. I'll do it before I die of stupidity."

Rivera cried :

- "Ha. And what do you want me to do? I say, sir, give me something to do. I want to make achievements. This is absurd. You know that every man sleeps on his stomach out of boredom, and they don't know what to do.

But, my master is back. And things will change. Soon. We just have to be patient, that's it!"

"Isn't it enough what you did in the throne room, the great leaders were upset with your stupidity, you ruined what they had been planning for a long time, and perhaps we would have done something other than standing here, doing nothing.. Really... you should be executed for your stupidity."

-"You foolish man, is there anything more important than that which you did. I was very serious."

"Okay. Maybe. I don't know. I don't know. But, I don't understand, why would a woman harass the girl she raised herself? Do you know what you're doing will make the poor girl lose her mind?"

"I like to tease her. Also, it has nothing to do with that. Should I let Entus snatch me, my master, because I took care of her when she was a little girl. That's absurd. Entus is now a woman. That means she's a rival, but a fearsome rivalry. She's almost prettier than I am. Do you now understand what I'm doing? It's the war between women, you foolish man~."

Her deputy narrowed his eyes and thrust his stick into the ground hard and said: 

"Are you serious about what you're saying?"

Rivera burst out laughing, and the women around, tears in their eyes. Rivera said , still laughing


“I'm not kidding, you idiot~ .” The woman speaking around her, pointing to her deputy, said: 

-"This is one of the sheep the professor is talking about . He doesn't understand anything."

 And they laughed nonstop like crazy. Gilgamesh muttered :

Women are donkeys. He looked at their smiling faces. He knew, Rivera was a lot different than she used to be. She was always sad. She looks a lot at the ground, as if to blame herself for something, and speaks very rarely. Rather, she would burst into tears suddenly for no reason, and would not stop crying until Gilgamesh brought one of the great leaders.

 Only then did she stop crying, after someone whispered something to her. but now. She is happy and jokes a lot, and the smile never leaves her mouth. As if she came back alive. Of course he knew that the reason for her happiness was the return of the great master . And it wasn't just her. Even he, and everyone in Vintos Castle was very happy about it.

Gilgamesh said :

“By the way, how could a group of monkeys sneak into our land and attack the Great Master ?”

-"Mm. I don't know. As far as I remember, they called themselves Hunters. They might have had some skills. They were miserable."

"Skills? Are you serious about what you say? Also why did you let them go?" The cold eyes of the maids moved to Rivera as if agreeing with Gilgamesh 's words . 

Rivera knew what they were thinking, so she said as if to answer everyone's thoughts:

' Gilgamesh . Do not spoil my happy mood, for I wanted to tear them apart, but, my master demanded that we let them go, I thought I would chase after them after my master returned to his castle, but I could not betray his words, understand?'


The maids returned to their jobs with happy faces, the grand master's orders were absolute, and no one should question the reason for his actions. They just had to fulfill his wishes. Rivera knew that her words would shut down discussion and questioning.


"This is really strange."

"What's so strange, you idiot?"

- "Isn't that place so closely watched? The followers of Sir Sirius are spread over every inch of that place. Then. How did these men infiltrate?...If I didn't trust his followers, I'd say they were careless."

Rivera trembled at those words. Her deputy had always been smart, but Sirius was terrifying in every way, especially his malignant mind.

Rivera sank into deep thought: He must have done it to speed things up. Plan B... but. When did he know that people had come here? No. Rather, how did he know that they would be in that place.. and how did he know that the commander would go there.. I was with the commander, and he said that he wanted to visit that place.. Sirius did not say anything.. how did he plan that? How did he know that the leader would choose that place over others? And at this time.. Sirius what a beast..

Rivera came out of her thoughts because of a mess . Gilgamesh hit her with his stick on the head.

She stared at him and said:

-" what?.. ".

" I thought your brain had finally stopped working." 

-"I was thinking.. ".

"Oh... Rivera thinks... the storm will blow. The stars are falling...".

 Everyone present trembled at that moment. They sensed someone entering their domain. That person had exceptional magical power.

  Rivera leaped off her skeletal throne, and said with fright:

"It's my master. Quickly hide this seat. Hurry, you idiots."

Her maid who was combing her hair said:

-" .Why?" The maids stared at her in confusion. And the maid continued:

-"It is the throne that we made ourselves from the bones of the invaders. Shouldn't this be a cause of pride for us?"

Rivera said : 

"You idiot, you will bring misfortune upon us all with this talk. Hide it."

 The women quickly campaigned out of the room. Rivera bit her thumb and murmured :


' Why did the captain himself come here? He was resting. He had only to ask for me, and I would run to him. But.. Maybe.. No. I just hope it wasn't a troublesome thing I did."   


 She turned to her deputy, but did not find him, and realized that he had gone to receive his master. Rivera quickly ran out of her room, preparing for his arrival, her heart dancing with many mixed emotions.


- 4 -

LINIAS advanced with confident steps, through the bleak city, and the maids followed him. This small town was one of the floors of Vintos Castle, and this floor was the eighth floor. rivera _ Nightmare , which is designed as a bleak city that brings goosebumps.

 LINIAS had no idea, or even little knowledge, of the existence of this city, the other floors, or even the castle itself.All he remembered was that he wanted a strong headquarters that would protect his clan, so he felt uneasy and worried about these things he didn't know


 He looked at the ceiling of the floor that looked like the night sky, and the huge crystal whose lights radiated red like the moon.

  He muttered:

"This castle is eerily huge, that magic is terrifying... I will never get used to this." He heard a whisper coming from behind him, and stopped to look at the maids.   

And he said :

“Is there something wrong ? "

The maids trembled at that moment. Even Sinoria froze in terror. However, LINIAS understood the situation they were in. Perhaps he would have thought the same thing if he had been in their place, and did not wish to frighten them anyway. So he said, pointing to his eyes: 

"My eyes glow in the dark, and the darker it gets, the more they glow. Just like that, and I'm not angry or anything like that."

and smiled that

The beautiful smile that once froze Sinoria , and he continued saying:

“ Or did you think I was going to turn into something scary?”   

The light was dim and things were not well seen. However, LINIAS could see in the dark, as if the sun was shining over his head.

That was why he could see their blushing cheeks. He continued walking and said:

"So... what is there?" The maids followed him and looked at each other anxiously. After the whispers, Sandra took a deep breath.

-"Please forgive my transgression..but..why did you create this place."

And what I know ! LINIAS wanted to say. But he did not say so, for everyone but the original clan believed that LINIAS had made everything with the silly movement of his fingers.

 He asked Sirius, and the leaders, to tell everyone the truth, but they refused to fully believe it. Rather, they became enraged, accusing Sirius and the leaders of being mocking their master LINIAS.

The castle became a big mess of it,

 So he intervened himself to put everything down. He even told them the bitter truth himself, yet they did not believe him.

 "How could the great master lose so absurdly!”

So they all said, as if they were slapping him in the face. Sirius told him not to, as it would be of no use to him. However, LINIAS insisted that he do so.


 Foolishness, it seems that honesty is of no use anymore Be it in This world and the other world. And in an instant, a reasonable answer appeared that would satisfy them.

And he said :

"Why this question? It's okay, say what you think frankly."

-"It lacks many things...and it makes me uncomfortable. So... why don't you turn it into something else ?"


- " What!"? LINIAS froze , and the answer evaporated from his mind. He looked at them, as if he was looking at crazy people. But that look froze the blood in their veins. The maids lowered their heads until their feet were almost touching. Sandra said , trembling with fear. 

" Forgive your maid who overstepped her bounds!"  .

-"Oh. It's. No. You didn't do anything wrong.. Raise your heads, and there is no need for such fear.. And you too, Sinoria."

He sighed tiredly and continued:

" Lift your heads..yes, that's good. I was surprised you didn't know why this floor was built like this. I made this floor for Rivera and she loves these things.." 

Also, you always tell me that you are loyal to me, is that true? ".

Looks of fear turned into sharp looks like a sword blade in an instant. LINIAS marveled at this rapid change. Sandra said in a voice as sharp as her eyes:

 "Yes, all our lives are sacrificed, you just have to issue the order and we will end our lives immediately!"

This is crazy!!..everyone in this place is crazy!!. LINIAS cried in his heart.

-" Your loyalty satisfies me. But... I don't like such talk. And also that my loyal followers are afraid of me makes me unhappy... Do you understand that?" 

 They all said:

"Understood, sir!"

LINIAS completed his Walking, thinking. Did they really understand it? Their loyalty is strange. He raised his hand in salute to the skeletons, who were standing by the road without showing any movement. He felt miserable when they stared at him with empty eyes without uttering a word.


 Where is that annoying sound? That horrible gurgling .. Was someone the one who cut off the head of that poor photographer? They don't look like that. In the old days, skeletons never spoke. Now LINIAS knew nothing, for he felt that the world had become stranger than it had been.   


Out of nowhere a man stood before LINIAS. The man had hair like spun gold, dressed like a noble, and held a white stick. With an elegant movement, he knelt before him and said:

-" my Lord ".

The man was silent without saying anything.

LINIAS started to get worried. The man was standing behind Rivera in the throne room. He didn't know his name, he was too ashamed that he didn't know the names of the maids.

How can a leader ask his followers such a question:

Excuse me, but who are you ? This was ridiculous. Would they laugh at this question or look at it with anger or perhaps contempt? But what is my fault, they are many

He thought of another solution, which was that he did not need their names at this time. And he said:

"I want to see Rivera ?"

The man rose elegantly and said:

- " Understood. Shall I bring your royal chariot?" 

LINIAS stared at him, thinking the man was insane, and knew nothing of what he was talking about. So he said:

-"I like to walk. The distance is close."

-" Concept ." Gilgamesh said and took elegant and confident steps as if he was showing off his graceful body and strong steps.

LINIAS and the maids followed silently.

The castle gates were opened so LINIAS passed through Black entrance. Under his feet was a soft scarlet rug along the corridor. On either side of the aisle were several women, bent on their knees, and gracefully placed their right hands on their hearts, and closed their eyes as if a holy being passed through them. LINIAS stopped before Rivera , who was kneeling before him in the middle of the aisle, and bowing her beautiful head in reverence. 

"Rivera , I want to talk to you, is that possible"?

"Your desires are my wishes, sir." And she got up and said:

"From here, sir." She opened one of the doors, and pointed with her other hand into the room. LINIAS passed by her to enter the room, feeling her hot breath behind his head.

LINIAS sat before a luxurious ivory white table, surrounded by six large table-colored benches. The walls of the room were dark red, and the room was surrounded by many flowers of all colors. It was a nice room with a nice smell. Inside the room are two wooden doors. 

-" beautiful ". LINIAS muttered those words as he cast a scrutiny of the room.

 I entered the Riviera in a luxurious carriage, full of strange things, and LINIAS did not recognize any meal from it. Behind Rivera were her deputy and several women who stood by the walls, staring at their master with interest. 

Rivera put a cup of tea on the table, in front of her master, and stared at him as if waiting for something.

"Is there something , Rivera ?"

"No. There is nothing. Don't you like tea.. Do you want something else? Or maybe you prefer Helmos juice?" .


LINIAS had no idea about this. For a moment he was curious to know what this strange-named juice was. However, he was sure that it would be something as disturbing as the juices he had seen earlier, so he said:

"The tea is good. So... will you still be standing there? Sit down, please."

Rivera sat across from him on one of the benches, while everyone knelt, with the five maids upright behind him.

LINIAS sighed at this scene. And in fact he wanted to talk to Rivera alone, but, he didn't know how to act, should he ask them out, but Rivera was the one who brought the people around him so is it right for him to do that. He didn't know that he didn't ask them for anything. 

 Are there no men here?

 He turned to the corner of the room. He saw something strange there and said, pointing at him:

-" What is that ? ". Rivera turned behind her to shiver, and said with a sour smile on her face:

It is a chair made of bones. Her maids gave a look of withered cultivation. Cold sweat erupted in the maids.

"Made of bone. "LINIAS murmured these words. It was believed that it was made from the branches of the tree of demon. Yet he knew that Rivera liked these things in a marvelous way, and he had made such a chair for her himself a very long time ago.

 But Rivera wished her master not to ask her what kind of bone it was, for she was afraid he would look at her with disgust. Her master was a human before now. Thinking about these things made her face sweat like rain. And she produced a handkerchief out of nowhere to wipe her sweat.

LINIAS narrowed his eyes.

-" Are you okay ?".

Those words made Rivera 's heart beat like a drum, knowing full well that her master would do so when he knew she was hiding something. 

For a moment she cursed her maids in her heart for making her this chair, which she loved madly. And she didn't know what to answer. She laughed angrily and said:

"No, I'm fine. But I haven't drunk blood in years."

It was a lie that Rivera didn't need to drink blood anymore. But she did not find anything other than this, to distract her master from this damned seat.

 LINIAS , looking at the golden ring that Rivera wore on her left thumb, knew that this enchanted ring abolished and suppressed her need for blood. He had no idea why she said that. 

But he knows she's hiding something. In fact, he didn't care much about that.

So he said, ignoring her : 

Rivera , are n't you bored".? Those words made Rivera and her deputy's eyes twinkle.

LINIAS continued :

"Actually, Rivera , I'm so bored, and I don't know what to do, and I've come to meet you for that. Do you have any idea?"

Rivera swallowed her saliva, squeezing her palms.

"There are many things."

 She looked at her master with great interest, as if her eyes were shooting x-rays to read his thoughts.

LINIAS said :

"Are you trying to control my mind , Rivera? "

Rivera replied with a smile:

"No, I never thought of that." Rivera remained silent.

LINIAS said :

" So?...". 

"I'm sorry, I was.. I remember something. But, I don't think you will like what I'm suggesting to you.. So.. Shall I keep talking or shut up?" .

LINIAS signaled her to continue

 She said:

"The invasion will take away this feeling from you."

" Rivera . Are you serious about what you're saying?"

Uncomfortably, Rivera replied , caressing her earlobe:

"I'm quite serious, that's why I said you wouldn't like it."

LINIAS sighed and said:

"I invade only because I'm bored. What madness is this?.. I thought you were going to say funny things but this is.."

He raised the teacup and stared at the steam rising from it for a while, then said:

-"I've never seen tea here until now. But I've known tea for thirty years, and all this was ten days ago."

Rivera smiled at this. She thought it was a joke."

"What. Don't you believe me? I told you."

"No. Not at all, sir, but I never understood anything. Is this some kind of riddle?"

-"It is a strange riddle, and I never knew how to solve it. Yet it is an absolute truth. I was a young man of thirty years...or perhaps an old man." And he put the cup of tea in its place without drinking from it, and continued saying: 

"Do you have information about that giant woman I told you about?

"- Unfortunately , that story is strange and difficult to understand. Even for me, and when I try to comprehend it, I feel that my perception of the world is fading...but the professor may..."

-"The Professor .. I had never seen the Professor so fervently before.. He told me crazy things. I could no longer understand anything of him. He said things about sheep... and about castles, and palaces floating in the sky, and a gigantic castle in the shape of a woman, and underground cities. Made of gold, ruled by a skeleton, a throne above the clouds, and crazy things... why didn't he tell me about them earlier?"

LINIAS sighed , and continued, staring at the people in the room:

"This is pure madness." Rivera checked LINIAS ' face for signs of worry or annoyance, but found nothing. And she understood what he meant:

-"I understand what you mean...Do you want me to check these things for myself? Although I've seen them before, and there is nothing in them to delight, especially the throne above the was accompanied by a really troublesome woman."

She was upset about this, and Rivera thought that she had better kill that woman when she had the chance. There is no doubt that it will be a thorn in the throat in the future.

"No. I don't like interfering in what doesn't concern us. As for the invasion, I hate it and loathe it. Don't ask me to be like the filthy Verna kingdom .. Wars don't bring roses. Also, I don't want us to be annihilated again."

Everyone snorted at those words. Even the maids behind him.


LINIAS looked at them in confusion. Didn't understand why they did it. He looked back at Rivera , who was coughing.

"Allow me to speak, sir." So said Rivera's deputy, who was kneeling beside her chair.

LINIAS gave Rivera a meaningful look, and Rivera immediately understood what her master wanted.

" Gilgamesh de Emperador. If you want to speak to the great master , raise your head." 

-" Excuse me ". He said and raised his head. He stared with his sharp turquoise eyes like an eagle to his master. LINIAS asked him to continue talking.

-"The humility of my master is without limits. But, humility, honesty, mercy, compassion, and love, no longer exist."

LINIAS said :

-"This is true.. This world and the other world is sick. No. Everything has died in it."

Gilgamesh said :

" It is, as you say, sir, that you must crush it underfoot." 

"Crush it...?"

-" Yes sir " .

 "What are you talking about exactly?"

"I'm talking about the world, sir."

"The world? You mean that I have to crush the world?"

" Yes, sir." 

-" Are You serious?".

"All seriousness, sir."

 So there is one more person added to the rest of the lunatics. LINIAS muttered these words, and Rivera gave an icy look as he thought she was the reason for this talk.

Rivera was troubled , and she fiddled with her cup of tea. She raised her eyes to spy on her master, but he was staring at her with icy looks. Rivera could not stand those looks that seemed to know her thoughts. I burst out laughing like crazy. She raised a cup of tea in front of her.

"Cocococo!'s delicious tea!..isn't it? isn't it?..uh..what a smell. what color!" For a moment she forgot herself and drank the tea at once.

In an instant, her face shrank and turned green with nausea. Rivera could not stand drinking many things, and tea was one of them. If she had not kept it for her comrades when they came to visit her, she would have thrown him in disgust.

She put her hands around her mouth, and her cheeks swelled up as if they were going to explode with vomit.

LINIAS stared at her coldly and said:

" Are you going to throw up... you're going to throw it at me?" Rivera shook her head in denial. 

"You reap what you sow, Rivera ."

She shook her head affirmatively.

" You admit that?" She shook her head affirmatively again. 

LINIAS was about to laugh at this spectacle, but feared that it would diminish her followers' respect for her. That's why he did

his best to keep himself from laughing. As he saw tears welling

up in her eyes, he said: 

"Why are you still here? You want to throw it at me right?"

She shook her head vigorously, red tears flying around her.

"Don't tell me you're asking permission to go?!"

Rivera shook her head affirmatively.

-" Oh God , what is this nonsense?! Go, you idiot!" Rivera ran like an arrow, to open a door into the room, and shut it behind her. A severe vomiting sounded. 

LINIAS turned back to Gilgamesh , who wanted an answer to his earlier conversation. So LINIAS continued to speak, ignoring the voice that Rivera gave as a roar:  

"Gilgamesh , let's go back to what we were talking about. Your talk about the world is true. I agree with you, that the world has made me sick all my life. But that is the doing of the people who live in it. The world is really a heaven, but. That's only if people love each other. as their love for themselves."

-"It is as you say, sir. But allow me, to say, that this is impossible, for the inhabitants of the world are beasts."

- "Beasts? Mm.. they sound a bit harsh when you say that. I think you're right. But not all of them are like that.. Also, aren't we also part of the world? Does that mean we are the same?"

"Absolutely, sir. We can't be like these monkeys."

LINIAS stuttered .

- “Monkeys.. is..maybe..why do you think this?”

"Because these worms, they will not stop wriggling disgustingly until they are crushed underfoot."

  LINIAS glanced at Gilgamesh , thinking that the man in front of him was joking. But in vain. He was completely serious, as if he was talking about an absolute truth.

So... are they beasts, Monkeys or worms? As I expected this guy has a head problem like the rest. He sighed in his heart, and he understood what the man wanted to say. Speaking to him, he said:

"That's why I said I had to crush the world. Because they're disgusting worms, aren't they?"

"It's as you say, sir." LINIAS has heard these things from many people. That is why he said the words that were ready in his head, which he said to those before him:

"These things need a lot of preparation. Only a fool would jump on the back of a dragon without being prepared."

Those words made Gilgamesh smile a beautiful smile from the bottom of his heart. LINIAS was relieved that those words made him feel satisfied. And he thought as he looked at those teeth stacked like pearls.

This smile will undoubtedly break girls' hearts. That's why... why not use that smile to make the Kingdom of irem help us out a little bit. The young queen is leading the country. Perhaps she will look at him and see him as a handsome, elegant man, and he will make her feel comfortable with us instead of those idiots who kill anyone who enters here.

 Hmmm. But this.. no. Perhaps Elfam would be a very good choice . What are these silly ideas .. Should I think like this? Or do I need help. Maybe not. Everything is possible through magic..also they are at war .    

"Sir, is there something wrong?" His thoughts faded because of that soft voice. 

"Uh. Rivera .. I was thinking some silly things. How are you now?"

Rivera replied shyly: 

"I'm perfectly fine.. Would you allow me to tell you your answer to the question I gave you?"

"A question? What question, Rivera? "

"It is the question I told you in the throne room."

-"Uh, this is what I was talking about with Gilgamesh. We need to study this matter first of all..."

And at that moment, electric charges ran through Rivera's veins, making her shiver nonstop. She stared at LINIAS with glowing eyes, like a hungry beast staring at a fresh piece of meat.

- " Rivera ... are you okay?"

LINIAS said those words, feeling something strange from them.

"I haven't been well in all my damned life like now! So you're saying that you agreed to my suggestion, sir?"

LINIAS said : 

"I didn't agree. I said I need to prepare for this well."

"But, does that mean you're thinking of him, sir?"

-" This is correct ". He could not deny that he was thinking about these things. In an instant, faster than the blink of an eye, Rivera rose and stood before LINIAS . She tilted her body to stare straight at his face with her crimson eyes, which were shining like jewels.

She was so close that her face was pressed against his.

 LINIAS receded to the back of his seat, turning away from her face, and giving himself some space. However, Rivera narrowed the distance as before, as if it were a piece of iron attracted to a magnet.

Sweat erupted in his spine as he thought Rivera had been hit by one of the vampires' tantrums. But that makes them lose control of themselves. At that moment, coldness crept into his bones.

He forgot that he was surrounded by a whole group of elite vampires.

What would happen if they were like her ? That would be disastrous . LINIAS thought of quick solutions. But the problem, was the maids standing behind him. Sinoria can defend herself.. no. Rivera will tear it to pieces.

I will stop her..but, what about the maids, I can't leave them to their fate . LINIAS' face was completely calm. However, his soul was in utter chaos.

And out of his eyes he looked at Rivera's followers.

 They seemed confused by what was going on, and Gilgamesh seemed the most confused, seemingly absent-minded.

 Then he was relieved, and laughed in his heart at his foolishness. For a moment I think Rivera is different than it used to be. Rivera was not just an ordinary vampire.

She controlled her frenzy, as if it was nothing to her. Now he was certain that what he was thinking could not be true.

 So this is something else.. She wants war as her deputy . He wanted to straighten his seat, but Rivera gave him no room for it. It was almost sticking to his face.

" Rivera , go a little further. You're close." 

Rivera said as if she hadn't heard anything.

" Will there be many? Uh. Of course there will be many.. but will I be the first? No. Please make me the first?" 

" Rivera?..."


" And what about Entus ? Will it be the second, the third, or maybe the sixth?" 

-" I don't know what you're talking about? But you'll be the first when that happens. Does that satisfy you?...Go away." 

 Rivera stood up and said:

-"All satisfaction, sir. All satisfaction!"

She laughed happily and said:

"Poor Entus , she will die in rage.. No, my master chose me himself. I smashed her to the ground.. It is a complete victory, just.". And she embraced herself and swayed like a beautiful flower shaken by the wind. She stared at the ceiling with eyes overflowing with happiness and love."

“Does ENTUS want you to do these things?”

Those words pulled Rivera out of her dreams. She turned back to LINIAS and said with a beautiful smile that revealed her sharp fangs:

"Yes, sir, we've been wrestling over this for hundreds of years. But I won the war in the end, uh. I'll be the first!" 

LINIAS didn't care what she was talking about. He thought Entous that she would lead an army to war, and quickly dropped the idea from his head. He would not put Entus so dangerous, this position.

Even the thought that Rivera would fight a war was painful to him. But he had to admit, Rivera was strong and used to these things. However, LINIAS would never allow war or conquest. Of course, this was purely ideas and fantasies to satisfy them.   

Tired of their crazy thoughts, he said:

"Congratulations to you , Rivera ."

Rivera knelt before her master, and said in a soft, sweet voice, full of joy:

" I will honor you, sir! I will never make you regret it, I will be the woman you want to be, no! I will be your faithful servant more than now!"


LINIAS closed his eyes to hide the anger he felt from those words. And for a moment he wanted to scream at her about this nonsense she said. Except he wouldn't do it in front of the people in this room, they were more crazy than her, so he decided to do it when he was with her alone.

And he took a deep breath. He opened his eyes to find Rivera shedding profuse tears of joy.

And look at the people around him.

They were staring at Rivera vaggy mouths. Even the maids behind him were no exception. Even Sinoria. It looked as if her brain had stopped working.

Except for Gilgamesh , who was looking at Rivera strangely. It seemed as if his soul had ascended to heaven.

 LINIAS thought that she had gone mad as Entus , who would weep with joy at going to war.


And on this mind he sighed from fatigue

- 5 -

LINIAS walked out of Vintos Castle , his scarlet cloak rippling behind him due to his swift steps. He passed through ten statues standing in front of the castle gate. The statues were in the form of knights, three meters tall.

-"She's crazy. They're all crazy. That magic must be the reason? He changed their minds. He made them crazy!" LINIAS was speaking, walking in the pitch-black night alone. For a moment the castle gate opened, and lights leaked from inside. LINIAS turned to her to see someone sticking his head out spying. It was Celine. 

LINIAS snarled : _ 

"I said I don't want anyone to follow me!" Celine shook her head in panic and the gate automatically closed.

The gate opened again. to get someone out. For a moment LINIAS was going to scream, but he fell silent when he saw a man over two meters tall. It was Hicros. LINIAS watched him as he walked towards him and said, stammerly

" At last someone who listens to reason and logic." 

Hicros and LINIAS stood staring at each other silently for several seconds. And if someone else was looking at them; He would see nothing in this black darkness but the glow of their eyes that were looking at each other.

- " Hicros . Have you gone crazy like them?!"

Hicros laughed .

" What are you saying, Commander?" The commander's speech made LINIAS regain some of his calm and said: 

"Let's take a walk, Hicros."

They walked silently for a while. Hicros could not stand the silence.

"Is there something wrong, Commander? What is the cause of all this anger?"

"What is this question? Isn't that quite clear?"

"I really don't know what you mean, Commander."

LINIAS exploded in anger.

"They are crazy! Everyone in this castle is crazy!...all of them!"

Hicros, with a sudden shriek, said in confusion :

" Maybe...why? What did they do?"

-"What did they do?! Say what they didn't do. People ask for permission to kill themselves for me. Others ask to become carpets and stairs so that I can walk over them!. Others ask to be punished for not standing respectfully before me!... Some even ask to be flogged for reasons!" Petty.

What nonsense. This castle came out of Hell. It is the den of Satan. They are all masochists!” 

"Calm down, Commander. I've never seen you so upset before."

LINIAS took a few breaths and walked away. Hicros catches up with him and says:

-" Well, I know this sounds strange to you. But... it is expected of them...they see and think that you have made them with your magic, to be of use to you. They truly love you. This is perfectly natural and expected. Are they loyal to you? It's like that, we've talked about it before." 

"Are you making fun of me , Hicros ? Which of these is normal!"

"I never make fun of you. But, I don't think you're just mad at that, are you?"

LINIAS said, rubbing his eyes.

" It's Rivera , Rivera ." 

"What about her? What did you do?"

As if those words were fuel poured directly over the burning embers in LINIAS' chest to explode in rage over Hicros

-"She's crazy. I swear she's crazy. She's acting weird, and she's asking me weird, weird things, I'm even ashamed to mention them!!. This isn't Rivera. Like she 's become a Wonder Girl!! Queen of the Night Rivera Nightmare who dominated the continent and brought nightmares and terrors six thousand years ago?!!..No. I don't think, I don't believe it!!. She must have been lying when she told me. In fact, she must have been a guard of the stables at that time!! !".

 Panting , he grabbed Hicros by his white jacket. Hicros was astonished at what he saw. But he remained silent. LINIAS continued to say, starting to regain his composure:

"It must be that ominous magic? I'm absolutely sure of that. Also.. ENTUS .. ENTUS .. ENTUS . " He laughed tiredly and said:

"But this one is more than the word madness itself.. I swear , Hicros, that her madness frightens me.. She looks at me with eyes that do not belong to a living being. As if her eyes were coming from the depths of the graves."

She uses her black magic, to watch me everywhere. Even in my room I see the shadows dancing and I feel them.. the fool. She thinks I don't know she's watching me through the shadows.

Every time I walk, I find her face stuck right behind my head like a terrifying ghost. This makes me anxious...I swear she's going to put her teeth in my neck one day...I can't believe it."

 - "Ha, ha ha ha ha!!". Hicrosburst into laughter. His body shook with laughter. LINIAS said with a sullen face:

-"Laugh. Laugh.. that's just what you like.. did you know I was watching Sirius ?. I pray to God he doesn't go crazy like them. But it was as normal as before.. stop laughing like that.. looks like you're crazy. STOP."

Hicros did not stop laughing, but only shivered. Then, without any reason, LINIAS burst out laughing. They laughed until they staggered and had tears in their eyes.

 After a long laugh, Hicros said solemnly:

" You don't have to keep thinking about this too much, or you'll lose your mind.. Rivera , it's still the same.. But when you're with you it changes completely, if you understand what I mean.. As for Entus ..." 

LINIAS let out a deep sigh.

"Right.. you're right.. I'm almost mad." And he rubbed his eyes.

"What do you mean by masochists, Commander?"

-"Uh. It means people who like to feel pain and torture. But.. I don't know the correct name for it. Maybe masochists or masochists, I honestly don't know." 

"I understand... where do you want to go? Do you want to go back to the castle?"

You mean the den of the madmen. LINIAS pointed to the fire burning away. And he said : 

" I want to go there. Have you been there before?" . 

Hicros said :

"No. I have never been to the settlement."

- "The settlement? Is that what you call it? Well, let's hope they don't throw stones at us when you see us."

Hicros said, confused.

-"They throw stones at us? Why is that? They should be thankful for you first. Secondly I won't allow it." LINIAS raised his hand to make Hicros stop talking .

"Hear me well, Hicros. Don't do anything to them what they did.. also.. they should be thankful to you, not to me. I have done nothing to them, and answer your question. People have always thrown stones at their corrupt rulers. Are we not their rulers now?" This is the history that I know."

"I've never heard of such a thing. Did Sirius or Rivera tell you about this, Commander?"

"No. I know that very well now. Anyway... I tell you not to do anything to them. Also, I need to see some things with my own eyes, for no one who hears is like one who saw with his own eyes." 

Hicros replied :

- " Concept". 

- " What would you like to say about Entus now?”

Hicros stared at LINIAS for a long time, then let out a heavy sigh.

" Nothing. You're right, she has a problem." And he stared back at LINIAS, as if he wanted to convey an idea with his eyes. But. Hicros knew that LINIAS would get very stupid about these things. Or rather, he never imagined, that Entus, could hold him the feelings of a woman's love for a man. 

-"What's wrong? Is there something?"

"No, nothing. Let's go, Commander." And they walked in the dark of the night.


- 6 -

The settlement looked like a slum in hell.

 Messy wooden houses with worn-out fabric doors, which have lost their original color for a while, giving the feeling that they will fall off with a touch. Stone houses half missing, ready to fall at any moment. Tents made of animal skins. Houses with four columns embedded in the ground in the form of a square, and above them many branches. 

Pools of black smelly water everywhere. Mosquitoes and insects of all shapes, floating about like clouds. The ground is wet and muddy as swamps.

 But even so. It was crowded with happy people. Many children are running everywhere, laughing. Men and women standing and talking around a big wood-burning fire.

Young people sitting in circles around the fire, talking intently on different topics.

Women hugging their children, whispering and laughing happily. People light a fire somewhere else, some throw wood into that fire, others devour some fruit and stare at the fire. 

The thing they had in common was that they were not human at all, in addition to the unbelievable happiness in their eyes. In addition to their ugliness that you only see in nightmares. 

 They were all severely disfigured in their faces.

Broken teeth. Cut lips and burnt faces. Cut ears. Some lose an eye. Burnt noses flayed. Some of them miss their arms. The scene was horrific. Most of them were of the Ronia race. 

LINIAS and Hicros advanced about , covering their noses from the stench, which turned their stomachs. For a moment LINIAS was about to scream when he saw some people drinking from the black pond water. Mumble says:

-"This is terrible... How can they live like this?" I turned to a twelve-year-old boy, who was trying to drink from that pond.

Before the boy could drink the water, LINIAS grabbed him by the emaciated arm.

And he said :

" Don't drink from this, boy." 

 The look the boy gave LINIAS surprised. That was not a child's look. It was a look that radiated pure hatred. The child was red-haired, however, his face was frightening as it looked like a sticky paste. It seemed as if someone had poured boiling water on the boy's face, until his facial features disappeared. In fact, LINIAS was afraid of the boy's face. He never imagined , that a child would have such a face.

 The boy slapped LINIAS hand and shouted angrily:

" Don't touch me!" And that cry made them the center of attention, as silence fell and they stared at the place of the sound. With the help to the dancing flames, the boy with his remaining eye clearly saw the person in front of him. The boy was frightened by LINIAS ' looks and fancy clothes. He moved his eyes a little, then widened in surprise. He was a huge man like him he had never seen standing next to the man. 

The boy rose to his feet, and said in a hoarse voice lacking teeth:

-"What do you want from me?! I'm not a slave anymore. I'm free now!"

LINIAS said in a voice as gentle as possible, so as not to frighten the boy:

"I have no doubt what you're saying, boy.. I told you not to just drink this dirty water, it doesn't look good." 

"What do you want me to do, old man?! To die of thirst?!"

LINIAS felt nothing offended or annoyed by those words. Rather, he felt that it was the truth, for LINIAS lived a long life. Hundreds and hundreds of years. And it was not only for the boy, but he felt that everyone present here were children and boys to him. His life as Salem was completely different.


 So he said with a warm smile:

"That's right, I'm an old man who has forgotten how many years he has. But, boy, is there no clean water in this place? Why are you afraid? Why are you going back?" 

-" I'm not afraid!".

“Then answer the question.”

The boy said:

"I only know this water, ask those who might know?!" LINIAS turned to the people around him. It required tremendous courage, no one would dare to look at their disfigured and disgusting faces. He lowered his eyes, feeling nauseous, and probably lost consciousness quickly from it. But LINIAS will not make them feel less than anyone else, nor will he do them any harm more than they are. So he looked at them, as if he was looking at perfectly normal people. And he said:

"Isn't there clean water here?"


Everyone shook their heads in the negative.

- " Hmmm. This is a disaster. What about food? No. What about diseases? What do you do when you get sick? You definitely get sick." 

One of the men replied:

-"No. We rarely get sick, and there are some people who can use healing magic, and I am one of them, as for the food. We bring some fruits, we hunt animals from the forest. Also, we used to fish, but now it is impossible..everyone Once Mr. Angus brings us some help.. We are really thankful to him because he saved so many of us, and brought them here to live. "

 LINIAS knew what Angus was doing to them, so he didn't talk about it. He said:

"Fish? Hmm. But, excuse me for asking, sir. Isn't the jungle dangerous for you?"

"Thank you for your praise, sir. But.. I'm never a master.. I.. he.. just.." The man looked at the ground broken, unable to continue speaking.

LINIAS said, having understood what the man had in mind:

"Look at this boy." He pointed to the previous boy who was listening to the conversation and continued saying:

- "Did you hear what he said? He said he is free. And you are all like him now. So don't think about the past, you were not before, you are a free man, and you will be called master, as you are any person in this world." 

The man looked at LINIAS with passionate looks. Tears welled up in his eyes and he said in a warm voice:

" Thank you very much, esteemed gentleman. I have never heard such beautiful words in my life." 

"I only said the truth, sir. You not less than anyone in this world. How about my question, if you please? " 

The man said:

- "Uh, sorry, we go with hunters to protect us from monsters."

LINIAS said :

"Isn't that a human organization that exterminates monsters?"

And a woman beside him, feeling the warmth of this man, who spoke to them so kindly, answered:

-"That's true. But we made an organization for ourselves...they are no better than us."

LINIAS raised a finger in front of his face, and with a gentle smile said:

- "I liked what you said, lady, for we are nothing less than them. What a wonderful lady."

 The woman lowered her eyes, feeling very ashamed, at being called a lady for the first time in her life, especially when she was told that by a man as beautiful as the man in front of her.

 For a moment a hum and a whisper was heard:

- " We?" 

- "we? ".

-"What does that mean?"

LINIAS said :

-"I live in this land now. That's why we care about all of us... you and me." Everyone was silent. They seemed to understand. So he said:

"Where are these hunters? I want to meet them if possible."

- "They are there!". said the boy, pointing forward among the dilapidated buildings and the nest.

LINIAS , not wanting to annoy the adults any more, said:

"Boy, can you take me there?"

The boy said, staring with hatred at LINIAS:

" I have no desire for that." 

-" might be your first job in your life. Don't you want that?"

 The boy narrowed his purple eye and said:

“What do you mean by doing?”


"I'll reward you with whatever you want, boy."

Annoyed, the boy said:

"What I want, you can't give it to me."

LINIAS smiled and said:

"Really. Why don't you give me a try, boy? I might make your dreams come true, but make your reward realistic."

"Then. I want nothing."

"Tell him what you want, boy, the opportunity only comes once, so make the best use of it!" So said Hicros, with his glowing green eyes, staring at the boy. The boy shivered in fright, and sweat ran down his face like a river from those eyes.

LINIAS said uneasy:

" Don't be afraid, boy, say what you have." 

 Hicros closed his eyes to look like a statue upon hearing those words.

"Then what do you want, boy?"


The boy seemed to regain his calm.

"I want to be a knight." Everyone stared at him in astonishment, as if their minds were frozen from what the boy had said, even LINIAS was like them. But. The reason why LINIAS was surprised, he was not like them, because he did not understand such a thing, and said:

- " Names and positions do not dictate the stomachs...especially in this land nowadays"

murmured the boy:

 "Then. You can't. Didn't I tell you that you couldn't give me what I wanted?"

What's up with this boy? Why is he staring at me like that? Is this the people's view of corrupt rulers? He must know me then. What did I get myself into. He said :

"That's not what I meant, I was.. you don't care. Whatever you want, boy. From now on you're a knight. Is that okay?" 

The boy replied angrily:

"Are you making fun of me , old man?" 

"You puzzled me, boy. Didn't you ask to be a knight, and here I am giving you a knight?"

-"There are actions, and actions for these things. Also, who do you think you are to give me a knighthood?!!"

 "I'm starting to get tired of you, boy. So... do you know what the procedures are required for this?"

-"How did I know this!" This boy is a real headache, he must be Sinoria best friend.

 If Rivera were here, she would have told him about these things. LINIAS knew nothing of these things. Even in the clan, they did not do or care about these things.

 It might be like those movies you've seen. Turning to the boy, he said:

"I gave you what you wanted, and you won't keep your promise? Is that what a knight does?" He continued talking to the people around him:

-"Your life will change a lot from now on. For the better, of course. This is a promise from me."

 He walked away, knowing the boy was going to catch up, and he had nothing else to do. And even if he didn't catch up, he would have asked for the location from anyone else.


 Everyone looked at LINIAS strangely, not understanding anything he said. They had a wonderful life in this land. Similar to the misery and slavery they lived before. For a moment the boy stared at the two people's backs, and ran to them shouting:

"Wait man, I'll show you the place."


LINIAS made his way, rage burning in his chest at what he saw. It was absolutely hideous. It was disgusting. It was disgusting. This was not a life. Even beasts could not live in such a place.

 No. Perhaps they died from this disgusting life.

-"And you're asking me to be king of this land. Has the Vintos clan become this shit?! What a king. King of sewage and mould, we have so much to talk about, Hicros !"

 Hicros said but one word, as he walked beside him:

-" Concept ".

"Is it still far?" The boy replied, pointing to a large dilapidated building. He seemed to have been restored with logs, and stones, which covered the large openings.

Was it Palace in the past? LINIAS thought of these words and passed through the wooden gate to enter the building. He stopped in front of a large hall full of people. Its ceiling is lit with a soft light With magical help.

There were people sitting on primitive benches made of twigs and tree branches. Messy-made tables resemble the shape of the benches around them. The seated people were on those seats. They drink from cups that look like coconuts. Some of them were standing, and some of them were lying on the ground. Others are lying to their south on the dirty floor.

 The chatter was great. However, it stopped as soon as LINIAS and Hicros entered. LINIAS cast a curious look. Their clothes were the same as before. worn and torn, as if they had emerged from a storm made of swords. However, LINIAS found some people with perfectly intact faces and bodies.

However. LINIAS , not knowing what to say in this situation, raised his hand to stop Hicros from doing something foolish when he realized the anger that stained his face. But LINIAS, he was not interested in ridiculous displays of respect. But staring won't lead anyone to anything. Before he opened his mouth to speak, the boy said in his loud voice:

"This old man wants to meet you!"

 LINIAS put his hand over the boy's head, and said with a smile: 

"Thank you, knight." The boy bared his smashed teeth in dissatisfaction, and walked over to one of the nearby benches.

It was then that a girl in her twenties rose. The girl was neither beautiful nor ugly. She was of average beauty, or maybe ordinary. She wears a worn black cloak, and holds a wooden stick like a sceptre, which gives the impression that she is using magic. She had long black hair and eyes the color of her hair, and she had three red horns on the side of her head.

 She said with a smile on her face:

"Boy, you lack politeness. Also, how can this gentleman be so old?" The boy looked at the girl with cold eyes and said: 

-" Indeed, you who lack can you speak to a knight in this way?!" 

The girl murmured:

-" Knight ?".

The boy replied sarcastically:

"Yes. This man gave me a knighthood."

Everyone smiled at those funny words, and stared at the two men who were standing in front of the entrance, warily. The girl said:

"Please, gentlemen." She pointed to the seats. And she continued:

"As for you, sir, I'm sorry. But. I don't think the chair can handle your large size."

Hicros raised his muscular hand.

"Don't worry girl, I'll stand up."

 She said :

"Oh, what a beautiful voice." Hicros said nothing and stood beside LINIAS , who was sitting on one of the benches, squeaking loudly, as if the seat was crying out in pain.

 The girl sat down to meet him and said:

- "I haven't seen you before, gentlemen? Will you tell me the reason for this happy visit?"

 LINIAS said :

-"I only came here about ten days ago, so I want some answers about this place...and of course I will reward you with whatever you wish."

"Maybe he make you a knight or give you a sceptre?" And the boy giggled after those words.

  She said :

-"He's a kid and he doesn't know what to say.. I will answer what you want, we have nothing to do anyway. So what do you want?"

"I was serious about the reward, and I wasn't kidding."

She said :

-"No, thank you...they are just words we utter, and you don't need to reward me for that."

 "Are you responsible for this place?"

She said :

"No. It's that. I mean this guy called Melion . " She pointed to a muscular man, with blond hair, carrying a long iron sword on his back. He was leaning against the wall and staring at them sharply. Four horns were protruding from the side of his head.

The girl continued to say confidently:

"But sir, if you are thinking of attacking him, I do not advise you to do so.. I honestly don't want your pretty face to be disfigured. But, I don't think you will, do you?" LINIAS did not understand the reason for those words.


Fa.. hahahahahaha!!. Hicros burst into laughter until his breath stopped. He turned to LINIAS with teary eyes and said : 

"Ignorance is truly a blessing, ignorance is truly a blessing! "And he burst out laughing again.

Annoyed, the girl said:

"Those are my words, giant."

Hicros wiped his tears with the palm of his hand.

"It's fortunate for you that I am here. If someone else was standing here, your head would fly out of place in an instant, girl."

LINIAS said :

-"Okay. Let's get out of this talk, only fools who get upset about these things. Also, Mr. Melion seems strong, so let's get rid of this nonsense, Hicros."

Hicros burst out laughing again at those words.

The girl said:

-"This friend of yours is really annoying. He lacks politeness."

LINIAS said :

"His laugh is annoying. But, girl, he's not lacking in politeness. I think you're the one who's rude."

- "What? What are you saying?!"

LINIAS said coldly:

- "Did these words bother you, then don't throw them at others.. Self-confidence is good, but vanity is a disaster..."

 She said :

"You seem to get it quite another way, sir. I didn't mean it at all... I've never been arrogant, it's just that some people come in here, and they ask about the leader of this place. And then they try to kill him. So I said." You. Don't try to do that so you don't get injured." LINIAS turned to Hicros:

" Hicros. Stop laughing. You're really annoying." Turning to the girl, he said: 

- "Why do they do that? Are they residents of this land?"

She said :

-"No. They look like humans, but their shapes are strange, as if they wear human skins on their bodies."

LINIAS looked at the table, scratched its surface with his fingernails, making an annoying sound.

- " Transformers". 

She said :

"Transformers? Is that what they are called? Do you know them, sir?" .

-"Yes. Transformers are creatures that wear the skins of their victims. Originally, they are ghostly creatures that use magic. They are conjured and created by means of black magic, necromancy. Or demons . They wear the skins of their killers, to gain the victim's physical strength.. They are troublesome creatures. ".

She said with interest:

 "Ummm. That's why when we kill them there is nothing left but their skins. So you are not one of them, sir?"

LINIAS said , looking at the people around him:

"That's why you hold your weapons and look at me like that.. I thought you were doing this for something else." And he smiled and said:

"But girl, does my face look so disfigured?"

She said with a shy face:

"No. Excuse me, you are a handsome man. I have never seen a man of such handsomeness but Mr. Sirius , but caution is a duty, sir."

- " Sirius of the castle of Vintos? ".

She said, starting to feel uncomfortable . 

"It's him. Have you seen him before, sir? Or perhaps you know him?"

-" what do you think about it?". LINIAS wanted to know the impression Sirius made on her, for it was important from the perspective of the people, and how they saw their rulers. But the girl answered differently than he wanted. 

So you won't answer my question, you scammer. The girl thought about these words and said:

-" I've only seen it twice, and it was a coincidence. Also.. I can't talk about it. But my opinion as a girl I can tell you." 

"I would be grateful if you did."

She said :

-"No. You don't need to thank me for that.. It's just the opinion of a foolish girl. Frankly he was charming. Beautiful. He walked calmly with his graceful body, as if he was thinking of many things. He gave the impression that he was tender with feelings. Like princes in beautiful stories. But... as soon as his eyes meet With your eyes, until you start shivering and shivering for no reason. It's like your body is screaming for you to run. It's a really strange contrast."

Her talk was of no use to LINIAS , so he said:

"You are of Ronia's race? Most of the people in this place are like you." 

She said :

-" This is correct". She caressed her horns and continued saying:

-"We have horns sticking out from the sides of our heads. Or perhaps it is the reason for our misery in this case. As you can see, we women have horns on the right side and men on the left side.The more the person grows. He grew a new horn, until he was fully grown and had four horns."

LINIAS looked at the boy. He had one horn on the side of his head and said:

- "But what about the horns that protrude from behind the head.. They are of the same race as you, aren't they?"

She said :

-"That's right. Some are born with a horn sticking out from the back of their head. But. This is very rare. For some reason, they die within a year of being born."

"But I saw an adult with two horns behind his head?"

She said, her face shining with happiness and her cheeks flushed : 

'This is much rarer, and I have never heard, nor seen in all my life, of this but here, you must mean Mrs. Entus. Ah. You are so fortunate, Mr.. I would like to see her again. How beautiful. Indeed. I fell in love with her.'

LINIAS froze at the last word. Even Hicros was looking troubled.

She said :

"Hmm. Why are you looking at me like that?" For a moment, her face turned red, and she said in confusion:

-"No.NO NO!. That's not what I meant. You got it wrong. I mean I liked her personality and her beauty. Not like a woman loves a man..You men are funny because you understand strange things."

"Maybe sick sheep." The girl , LINIAS , looked funny and muttered:

"Sheep? Sick? What do you mean?

LINIAS rubbed his brow, embarrassed by his words. That is why he answered her previous words:

" Entus. That's right. She's beautiful." 

The girl got up, banged her hands on the table, his words pissed her off:

" It's beautiful?. It's beautiful? Thus only? You It seems you do not see well .. That beauty will cause madness for everyone who sees. But will make them lose their minds. They will pay their lives to see that long silky poetry as night, and So face white as milk. That's the dress. Oh !. I loved that black dress." 

"Well. She's beautiful, I don't deny it. Will you sit down?" The girl felt ashamed of her behavior like this, and the man in front of her calmed down. She coughed and sat up again.

  Is ENTUS like her favorite star? Poor this girl, how if you know that Entus is crazy. She will surely lose her image. Or maybe not, she also looks crazy, maybe it's an infection just by looking or maybe all women are crazy. Come to think of it, I've never met a normal woman.

Even in that world, they looked at me as if I were a they are all crazy. That is why no one was able to answer the question. What do women want?

Certainly no one will know, even if they do not know what they want..Does the madman know what he wants? Mmm. Have you discovered one of the secrets of life? No. It must be an Professor infection...

"Is there something?" she said shyly.

"No, there is nothing." He pointed to Hicros and said:

" Do you know him?" 

She said :

" No, I haven't seen him before." 

"No, I don't mean that...I mean, you said he was a giant."

The girl replied with a bright smile:

-" Uh, of course I know a few things about his race. Giants have incredible sizes. But, giants of ancient blood are as small as this gentleman." 

LINIAS ' eyes widened in astonishment. He said, looking at Hicros:

- " I didn't know anything about that... Did you know?" 

Hicros replied :

- "No. This is of no concern to me anyway."

LINIAS said to the girl with admiration:

"You seem to know a lot about this stuff."

'Only a little. Not much. But. I have a question, which is ringing in my head now, will you permit, sir?'   

"Sure, please ask."

She said :

'At first, I thought it was some kind of illusion that I heard about, but now...I don't think anyone could come here, except Mr. Angus and Mrs. Celine. But you are from the magical castle, Castle of Vintos ? "

LINIAS felt himself caught, thinking that everyone was preparing to throw shoes, stones, and rotten vegetables at him, and the girl might spit in his face from his answer. Nevertheless, he answered calmly:

- "It's true we are of them." The girl became tense, and everyone in the place had been listening from the beginning.

She said, feeling suffocated.

“Then who are you, sir?” LINIAS was upset by the change in her style of words.

  LINIAS said:

"Don't worry about anything. I'm no more important person than this Hicros ." He pointed at him with his finger.

She said :

"No. I don't think so. So... please tell me, what are you, sir? I mean, gentlemen." 

LINIAS stared straight into the girl's eye, tapping on the table with his finger. tack. tack. tack.

- "I do not know the reason for the change in the course of the conversation, and your anxious interest in this matter. However, if I tell you that I am the ruler of that castle... what do you say?"

The girl smiled bitterly and said:

-" I will never believe it.. Sorry, what you are saying is ridiculous." LINIAS returns to the back in amazement. Even Hicros stared at her with wide eyes. 

LINIAS said :

" Silly? Why? I really don't understand?" 

The girl took a deep breath as she thought she was being tested:

-"Because the Grand Master himself can't come here..that's how great kings are. Also, I know he's not in the castle..he's on a journey in search of ancient magic. I'm can't be someone like you. A very great person."

Hicros was smiling, and LINIAS was blinking nonstop, as if his mind had frozen.

"What's wrong with you, sir? Did I do something wrong?" She said worriedly.

Then LINIAS let out a strong exhale , and he began to feel a headache. He said:

-" Yes, you erred. Do not glorify anyone, and do not make anyone greater than the other. Take one look at each person without discrimination, of course with respect for each person. Otherwise, we will become animals. Also. Who told you these words?. How did you know the word of the Great Master ?" . 

The girl, and everyone around her paled at those words, no one from the castle could utter them or belittle their ruler himself. They all thought about that, and they all got up from their seats. And they threw LINIAS angry eyes. 

 Melion said he clutching his sword:

" Who are you? I don't think you are from the castle. No one can say that about his master.. So... you are a spy, an intruder, trying to gather information about our land. You have taken the boldness, to underestimate the value of our ruler, who has bestowed upon us freedom on this land. "The girl jumped out of her seat incredibly quickly and stood among the group. But to LINIAS the girl was slow as a snail.


-"Really.. honesty is no longer important anywhere.. I have not blessed you with anything.. you live on its land as I live in it now. It was not for me anyway. So, keep that in mind."

 "What is this shit?!" A disgusted shriek came from the entrance. A loud noise followed. And the voice continued:

- "What is this shit?! Uh! My shoes. Ua.. Disgusting!"

 Everyone turned to that voice, to appear from the gate. An incredibly beautiful woman, she was incredibly beautiful. Entus was standing in front of the entrance, and stared wearily around her. As soon as she found her master, her face lit up with joy and a bright smile formed on her face.

and submitted to her master.

 Everyone looked at her with respect and gratitude, but Entus did not care about them or even look at them, and she walked with beautiful calm steps until she stood beside LINIAS . The girl shivered, never seeing her so close.

And I thought that she had gotten prettier many times since the last time I saw her. What a beautiful. What a sweet scent. But, what are you doing here? She wasn't the only one who thought this. But all those present. Even the boy himself thought of this, thinking that she was an angel who came down from heaven.

 The girl was about to tell her what was happening. But Entus , as if she knew their thoughts, answered with her actions, as she knelt before LINIAS. She said in a sweet and happy voice:

" Sir, I would like to speak with you"

Before answering LINIAS. The wooden scepter fell from the girl, and the three turned to her. The girl was as pale as a corpse, and with eyes filled with terror and fear, she said:

'Sir? Sir? What does this mean? Are you? Mr. Mrs. Entous? ...So you?...You are?'

-"He is the great and esteemed Emperor LINIAS of Vintos! The ruler of the fortress of Vintos." Entus uttered those words, looking at her as if she were looking at a disgusting worm.

-"The ruler of the magic castle of Vintos ?!"

LINIAS replied with concern at the girl's sight:

- " Yes, I am.. Didn't I tell you that?" And the girl went crazy as she jumped over the table. The table could not bear the weight of the girl and it broke, and the girl fell on the wreckage of the table in front of LINIAS . Lilia shivered and said: 

-" sir..Mr. LINIAS. No!. Your esteemed Majesty!. Please forgive your faithful servant and her unbelievable rudeness!!"

LINIAS was astonished by that miraculous leap.

He did not understand the reason for this act, as the girl did nothing wrong to justify this madness. He turned to Hicros, who was silent, as if this scene were anything but normal. And before LINIAS could say anything.


Everyone fell to their knees and stared at the ground in fear. Except for that boy who was standing trembling. The boy's face was disfigured and his facial expressions could not be seen. However, the amount of fear inscribed in him made LINIAS wish he had never met the child.

"Okay. I hope you all get up and go back to what you were doing."

Everyone rose to their places in silence.

Except for the girl in front of him who was getting paler. Tears started falling from her eyes. She was struck by many ideas. Will he kill her or torture her until she loses her mind?

It was the natural thing for masters to punish their followers and slaves as they wished. Even the citizens themselves were no exception to the cruelty that their rulers do out of whim or anger. How about someone who was rude to the king of this land, who allowed her to live in it freely.

Will he throw it out of this earth? Or maybe everyone will be thrown out of this land because of its insolence. If he does, they will either be killed or returned to infernal slavery. in addition to. She had heard many terrifying and frightening, unbelievable things about the ruler of the castle. Those thoughts made Lilia shiver nonstop. 

 LINIAS did not like these things and did not enjoy seeing them. 

 So he said:

"Will you come back to your place, girl?"

-"How.. how can I sit on the same level as you!. It is the right place for a person like me, standing in front of someone like you." Milion came and knelt beside Lilia and said:

- "Sir, the blame falls on me.

If you wish to impose your judgment on her, please place it on me in her place."

"Why would I do that?" LINIAS said that, not understanding what they were talking about. However, Milion misunderstood Linnaes' words and said:

It is the duty of a leader to bear the mistakes of his comrades.

Those words made LINIAS feel warm in his heart and said, smiling softly:

-"And who said I would do something to her or you or anyone else. I just want you to come back so we can just keep talking, that's it. She didn't do anything wrong either. Well. It doesn't matter anyway." He lowered his eyes to the girl and continued saying: 

"I didn't know your name?"

  She said :

"I am your servant Lilia , the deputy commander, and the honor is all mine."

“The leader of this place, do you mean Mister Million ?”

She said, "Yes."

 LINIAS said firmly:

" Entus , get up too, and make her rise."

 Entous rose to her feet, and lifted a Lilia of her neck like a dirty doll, and threw it on a chair. LINIAS wanted to reproach Entus for this cruelty but said nothing about it.

" You too, Mister Million , please get up"

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Million stood on his feet, and yet he looked strangely pale. LINIAS said :

"Your Majesty, sounds like a funny you can call me LINIAS if you want." 

 " Permit me to refuse that, Your Majesty"

"Okay, as you wish... why don't you sit down?"

" I am so comfortable, Your Majesty"

"Okay, okay, do what you like..."

LINIAS said , looking annoyed, and continued:

“Then you are a warrior , Mr. Million .”

"I am a knight, Your Majesty."

- "Oh!" LINIAS let out a cry of admiration and continued saying:

“Then you are like silver , Mr. Million .” Magic was divided into two main categories, the sorcerer and the wizard , or as some call it the holy magician. They are divided into many categories such as black magic, necromancy, witchcraft, nature control magic, and others. And if a warrior can use holy magic, he is called a knight, meaning that they are two classes in one person. If a knight could combine magic with the arts of a warrior, he would become invincible. Since it is a branch of the wizard or holy magician, it specializes in the use of light magic.

Which is the weak point of demons and dead beings. Such as the skins of the evening, and the sons of the graves, and the women who were hanged. skeletons , etc.


Milion knew Silver well as he had seen him by chance at the edge of the dark forest . At first he thought the man was sleeping on his feet. He had no idea what a man was doing here. Silver was wearing normal clothes. But what happened next made Million shiver. Silver grabbed a huge black marimreyah tree .

And uprooted it like a rose. In an instant , Silver and the tree disappeared . And after a million people told the story to Angus. The latter told him about the sleeping man.

Million said :

"No. I'm not that good, and I'm also not that good at using holy magic."

"But you can use healing magic, right."

" Yes, Your Majesty, but it is magic of the first level." 

" Why don't you use it to heal the people around you? Can't you?" 

Million 's eyes widened in astonishment, and he said in a trembling voice:

" I dare say, Your Majesty, that you are a high level magic user, so you do not know these lower things"

LINIAS did not understand anything of this hadith, so he asked him to clarify what he meant. Million continued : 


-"When someone is injured or injured. It can be healed by lower level magic. But once the wound has healed or a month passes without treatment after the injury, it is impossible to heal. When we call healing magic on the old injury, it cannot be cured because magic believes that the injury is It's a natural part of the body, and it's not people are here. But, I've heard, high level magic can heal these conditions."

And he was silent.

Why does he look at me like that? Is he afraid.. mmm. But that's strange. It wasn't like this before... there are things that are starting to get weird. He stared at his hands on the table and continued to think.

I need to make sure of a lot of things..but why don't I try it because I need to know what will happen . And he stared at a million and said:

"What is the high level you are talking about exactly?

Million replied :

-"It's the highest level of magic. The fourth or maybe the fifth, Your Majesty."

LINIAS looked nervous at this answer as he could use 3rd level magic. But, much before that, he could only use first level magic.

It was for the same reasons many people had, that he had no one to teach him magic. Since LINIAS lived alone in the forest since his childhood, and of course his life as Salem did not know magic except in novels and films. 

So he had to teach himself. But. It was very difficult as he seemed to be floundering in the dark. even so. He managed to master level one magic, after dozens of years.

 It was then that he met Rivera. Rivera was no ordinary woman as she lived thousands of years, and she could use sixth level magic, which was legendary until now.

She was the teacher, who told LINIAS about the ancient world, and about ancient myths. Where animals and trees could talk at that time. And about the ten layers of magic, which have vanished from history, and no one can remember them or have access to them.

Since Rivera was a wizard. Or a Holy Magic, like LINIAS , she taught him until he quickly reached the third level. However, LINIAS could not reach higher levels, as he lacked more magical power. Magical spells required more magical power the higher the level .

 For example if the first level enchantment as a big rock. The second level magic is like a mountain in terms of its attack power and the magical power required to achieve it. 

In contrast, second level magic is as weak as a small rock in front of third level magic, which is like a mountain compared to it.

And so on all levels. And since Rivera no longer remembers the ancient ritual of raising magical power. She made LINIAS use regular and familiar exercises for it.

However, there was no benefit. LINIAS realized that he had reached his limit in magic.

So he returned to the thing he was so good at, which was his outstanding physical strength. That's why he was nervous, when Million told him he needed high level magic


LINIAS knew now, that he could use the ten layers of magic thanks to the new power he had gained. But it was only in his mind or only theory. He has never tried it. Can he. Or maybe it's just imaginary things in his head. So now he decided to give it a try, and see what happens.

 LINIAS gestured to the boy to approach him. The boy stood in front of him unlike the previous one. He looked down in fear, as if he was going to be tortured by what he was doing earlier.

LINIAS put his hand above the head of the boy who trembled at that moment.

"You don't have to worry, boy, but, I'm sorry that you're going to be a sampler." At that moment LINIAS released the highest levels of magic and the highest levels of healing magic]Great Healing .[

A bright white circle appeared above the boy's head, and within it were many emblems, and letters spinning around.

Everyone stared at that circle with twinkling eyes. It was illuminating and comforting souls. Then the boy began to glow in all colors, and his body began to recover. As if time is going backwards.

His tan skin covered his angelic face, his lips and teeth grew, and his ears grew like plants sprouting from the earth.

The burns disappeared with his hands, and the index fingers and thumbs of his right hand grew. His purple eyes sparkled with life. The spell disappeared after three seconds, announcing the end of its work.

For the boy to stand among them, has become a sound body. Everyone held their breath. They were staring at the boy with wide eyes, as if she was going to fall out of her socket, as they had never seen such magic that could heal these wounds.

The boy raised his arms in front of his face, turned them over and examined.

For a moment he trotted to the corner of the room, stood in front of a small mirror and examined his face.

Then he looked to the sides and behind him, to make sure, that there was no one near him. And when you make sure of it. He peeked inside his pants between his legs and broke down in tears.

LINIAS began to sweat in terror as he believed that a magic spell had cured the boy, but in return. His penis was taken away.

Anything is possible in magic, but this was disastrous.

He wanted to use it on everyone, so how about if all men became like a boy. I will surely be the enemy of every man in this place. No . Even women will not have mercy on me. He thought, if there were newspapers in this world.

He would have found the big headlines: The burned land. King of Crazy He cut the men's balls. In a raging popular revolution, the people They cut king balls . The people have defeated tyrants. People live without balls. Justice has achieved!!

. Under the title is a picture of a group of raging women, clutching LINIAS balls and brandishing them on TV. On these fantasies, he shuddered:

"Uh, that's good.. and since it's working I'm going to pass it on to everyone, so please gather the people out.. Can you?"

Million said excitedly :

-"Leave it to me, Your Majesty. Do you bring two people at a time? I think that's better, maybe two a day would be very good, and since magic of this level, would require tremendous magic I think that would be appropriate." 

With a face radiating hideous disgust, Entus said:

"How dare someone like you would insult His Majesty's power. You must die, wretch!" And she took one step to crush the man who dared belittle her lover, and her master at her feet. 

Million 's face turned pale from that, he was speaking with all the politeness he could muster. It was the truth. Not everyone present can be cured. That was absolutely crazy. He stared at the woman who was quietly walking towards him. As if she would kill him, as if he was an insect that did not require any attention. 

 In cold words:

" Entus. Stop this nonsense. Mr. Million has done nothing to me!" Entus quickly turned to her master and said:

"But he dared".

 LINIAS raised his hand, interrupting her speech.

-" its enough ". After those words, Entus could say nothing but lower her head in reverence and love. Her resentment faded, and was replaced by a beautiful smile. 

-" Concept ".

LINIAS turned to Million and said:

-"I beg your pardon for that. My followers respect me more than ever."

Million said nothing this time. He kept staring silently at LINIAS with a face that looked like a piece of ice. LINIAS continued :

 "Perhaps you have understood my words differently. What I mean is that you gather everyone in this settlement, and I will heal them all at once."

 Everyone stared at him in astonishment. Even Lilia who was trembling over the seat was no exception. This was completely ridiculous. They were using magic, so they knew how crazy those words were. But. They had to obey the landowner's words. 

 So said Million , shivering:

-" Concept ". He walked out of the building, followed by a jogging night . As if she was fleeing, everyone followed her. The great hall was completely empty except for the Boy , LINIAS, Hicros, and Entus . LINIAS sighed with relief at the emptiness of the place, and stared at the boy who was still crying. 

I have to get it back to how it was. Thought in his mind.

 LINIAS rose , and took the boy aside, away from his comrades to check on the boy. Hicros and Entus understood this and stood apart.

LINIAS ' mouth moved with inaudible whispers, and the boy answered in the same whispers.

 LINIAS was relieved as it turned out that the boy's manhood had not gone away but had returned to its former glory.

Then he asked the boy to tell him his story. They kept talking for a long time. Even the boy looked incredibly sad. Suddenly the boy burst into tears.

LINIAS wrapped his arms around him, and brushed the boy's red hair. LINIAS raised his eyes to the ceiling, then said in a sad voice:

"Don't be afraid of anything anymore, as long as I'm alive." Then he smiled and said:

"Does the knight cry like that?" The boy was frozen in place and held his breath.

"Yes, so..don't cry. Be strong. Don't show your weakness to anyone. You are now a knight."

Entus watched the corners of her master's eyes twinkle, and at that moment Entus hated the boy. Because it made her master look sad. The other reason, the jealousy that burned in her chest, was that her master was embracing this boy so tenderly. You wish you were in the boy's place now.

And she thought of crushing him under her feet, to quench the fire that was burning in her heart. But, if she did, she dug her own grave. That's why she kept staring at the boy in disgust.

 Hicros sighed , causing Entos to look at him.

"How can you claim that you love the leader so much, and you look at the boy with such looks?"

 She said angrily:

- "I never claim that. It's the truth. Also... what does this have to do with that?!"

-"I used to think, that the hearts of lovers are sentimental, tender, and not that cruel."

She said :

-"What does this mean? Are you asking me to smile, and someone else in his arms? You don't understand women's hearts!"

Hicros said :

"You mean crazy women?"

 She said :

"Yes. Yes. I'm crazy.. Leave me alone as I am." And she looked back at the boy with hatred, and she grinded her teeth in exasperation.

"Doesn't this scene remind you of yourself a long time ago. You've been doing like a boy every time the leader missed you. He's a kid."

She looked at the Hicros with a Deathly eye:

-"Don't compare me to that nasty boy. My master's bosom belongs to me alone, do you understand? And anyone who throws himself into my master's arms. Even if he is a child, or an infant, or even a handicapped person. I will crush him under my feet. Like this!. Like this!". And began to crush the wooden floor. with her feet. until smashed it.

Really.. she's crazy. No. She became more mad.Hicros thought these words. And he looked back at LINIAS , who was advancing towards them.

-" What is there ?".

LINIAS said as he stared at the shattered ground.

Hicros burst into laughter at Entus ' change of appearance in a fleeting moment as she looked at LINIAS softly, a beautiful smile on her face like a flower.

 And he said :

-"Nothing just mad women." Entus didn't care what Hicros said while laughing. She did not seem to have heard him except that LINIAS understood perfectly what Hicros meant.

The boy wiped his tears roughly.

-" What should i do now? ".

LINIAS put his hand on the boy's shoulder and said, :

"You are under my protection..Don't worry.But I can't send you back to your home at the moment..I need a lot of information before that. That's why you will live on this land until the time."

The boy answered with tears falling from his eyes:

" I will, I will definitely do it." 

"Don't worry boy, I don't break a promise. Let's get out of here."

Everyone followed him silently. The boy was walking behind LINIAS, wiping away tears of joy. And in an instant he shivered from the cold.

He hugged himself as I think something hit him, however. If the boy had moved his eyes to the woman beside him, he would have found that she was staring at him with eyes from which sparks flew like a devil.

- 8 -

LINIAS and his group stood before a great crowd of people. In the foreground were Milion and Lilia , who knelt and those crowds followed in kneeling. Even the boy next to him did the same.

LINIAS felt a mixture of astonishment and amazement at their great number, since he thought they were not so many. And he thought: Did Milion tell them to bow, or perhaps they did it out of fear like that girl ? In both cases, it was a disturbing sight. He didn't like this spectacle, but he was fully aware that this world was doing it out of respect for their leaders. 

Isn't the residents of the castle enough for me and what they do to me.. Then these people will come too .. But . Perhaps I should say a word or something .. He sighed in his heart and said:

"Are they all here?"

 Million replied :

"Yes, Your Majesty. I have brought the people you brought about two months ago . " I have no knowledge of that.. Maybe that ship.. I wish I had asked Sirius for more clarification..

 Then LINIAS used magic to amplify his voice, and said in a strong, thundering voice that matched the appearance of the leader:

"You did well!" His voice echoed throughout the place. No one was surprised by that. It was a simple magic spell, and many of them could use it.

 He continued saying:

-"I have never been one of those who take the achievements of others and attribute them to themselves!! I despise and hate these people.. I say this so that you may know that I have never done anything to you.

It was my leaders who did that and brought you here. Some of you also know some of my leaders, like angus. This is one of my leaders. His name is Hicros! " He pointed to Hicros, and continued saying:

-"As for Entus, I think most of you know it. Yet. They are not mere followers but my comrades. My friends. My family. My beloved.. And all my clan. The clan of Vintos. It is a part of me. For those who do not know. I did to the miserable kingdom of Verna myself!..yes.I did it myself!.

I wiped them all in a matter of seconds! That might be cruel. That might be brutal. Yes that's right. I don't deny it.. but, look at yourselves carefully. Look at your deformities. 

Isn't this cruelty worse than death!

You all know that this is the reality of the world. Either you get crushed or you get crushed. The strong crushes the weak underfoot, because he is strong, and this is his right in this world!! Some of you.. no. you all know, that this world is cruel and brutal.. It does not even know the meaning of love, mercy, and kindness.

 Yes!. You are absolutely right. We are nothing but monsters pretending to be noble creatures. We are no longer in the world of peace and dreams.

We are in the animal world!! Monster fight. The weak shed tears begging for mercy, and the strong crushes them with ecstatic laughter.

But!!!!!. "

LINIAS let out a loud voice that made them shiver with a shiver, which crept down their skins, and continued saying: 

-"Know that you are no longer slaves..You are free since you came here..Citizens of this country.You are my people from now on. Whoever dares to harm my people, I will crush him under my feet!!! This is the duty of a leader to protect his followers. !!!".

He was silent to look at the people around him. 

They were looking at him with bright eyes. luminous. It's all enthusiasm. He continued saying in gentle words:

-"But...I do not want you to be cruel beasts, but a loving and merciful people...and leave the cruelty to me and my followers. From now on, this land is no longer called the kingdom of Verna... but it is called Valia . And I , LINIAS Vintos , its ruler." 

There was not a moment of silence. Or even a moment of reflection in their minds. Rather, they all expressed their opinion on one thing. in one vote. in one cry.

Haaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!! .

 A shriek that shook the ground erupted beneath their feet. women. men. youths . boys. children. Even Entus and Hicros screamed until their throats were torn. Everyone cried profusely. It was a cry from the depths of their souls, the cry for freedom they had longed for from the depths of their souls.

It never occurred to them that he was lying to them or deceiving them.

He doesn't need to do these things. They were rescued and brought here. All he has to do is make them his slaves if he wants to. They have been living on this land for dozens of years in freedom and peace. No one asked them for anything, or even spoke to them like slaves. 

Rather, they helped them with many things. They even gave them some horses. How could that man, the ruler of that imaginary castle, lie. The owner of those things that the mind does not believe.

He is now communicating with them. As if they are free. Without arrogance or arrogance. Is it possible. That the ruler stands on the same floor. where the slaves stand. No. Rather, he cannot stand as a ruler before his people in the same place.

For this they were crying profusely and warmly. For the first time in their lives, they felt that they were living beings who deserved life like everyone else.

The weeping women held their stunned sons together. The women hugged their husbands as they shed tears.

The men let out a moan from the depths of their souls. Young people put their hands on their faces to hide their crying. even so. They didn't stop screaming. LINIAS Vintos !!!!!. LINIAS Vintos !!!!!. Long live LINIAS Vintos !!!!!.  

LINIAS used the magic of flight, to soar into the sky, above the crowds. It was followed by Hicros and Entus . They vanished into the darkness of the night. LINIAS stared down and said:

- "They are really many? Can I do that once.. What do you think?"

Hicros replied : 

" I think you can..but, wouldn't it be better to make the followers do that? Or maybe we use the magic potions made by the professor?" 

 Followed by Entus says:

-"He's shouldn't use your magic on them."

LINIAS said :

"Using followers in these things might make them upset. Also, using potions in this amount is completely wrong.. In fact, I need to know my strength, it will be like an experiment. If I fail, we will do as you told me, although failure will be embarrassing."

"These wretched ones do not know how fortunate they are to receive your mercy."

Hicros said :

"Don't you feel pity for these poor people?" .

She said :

- "Pity? , I am the one who needs pity, for hundreds of years, and I have been tormented and burned with caustic fire, and I am still tormented until now, but no one has mercy on me and no one has pity on me." LINIAS stared radiantly as x-rays. LINIAS rolled his eyes, and stared down anxiously.

  In fact. LINIAS did not understand what Entus said , for he thought that it was natural in her madness, and how else could she say that she suffers even now while standing before him.

He thought seriously that he would cure her mind soon as he now had a huge amount of insane spells, including mind magic. 

Hicros sighed .


LINIAS had set the distance in his mind, in preparation for the magic he would cast, of course the tenth layer magic would be like the previous spell. However, he must now double its size and power. Since he will be using this powerful spell, for the first time in his life. He felt excited.

His smile widened. He opened his arms in front of him, as if preparing to take a dear person in the arms. He didn't need to do that. But he felt that this situation corresponds to the imaginary state in which he is now. He unleashed his magic to the limit.

- ] Massive Magic – Great Healing ! [ And the sky shone 

That magic circle appeared above LINIAS' head . In an instant, it swelled and expanded until it obscured the entire sky of the area.

 LINIAS stared up at the sky, dumbfounded. He hadn't imagined it would be this big. But the symbols and slogans that were wrapped around themselves, made him even more astonished and bewildered. He knew these symbols perfectly. These symbols are the letters of the Arabic language

When he inquired about these letters, Hicros and Entus told him that these symbols were the symbols of the ancient language of magic .

 This answer made him flounder in a whirlpool of bewilderment and wonder.

He examined himself, and found that he had not lost as much magic power as he had expected. Rather, it seemed that he had lost something very little. He looked back down with a distracted, wandering stare. and muttered says:

"I don't understand anything anymore."





Everyone looked at their new master, rising above their heads thanks to the magic of flying. Followed by his followers, and vanished into the night sky.

 lilia said , looking up at the sky.

"What does the master want to do? I mean the emperor?"

 Million replied :

-"I don't know...but he said he would cast a spell on everyone, as you heard before." Lilia approached and whispered in Million 's ear : 

-" But, this is ridiculous. This thing can't be done.. We are in the thousands. This is crazy, also why did it fly in the air?" 

Million replied, whispering anxiously:

"I don't know anything...but stop saying these things. You will bring disaster upon us with your foolishness."

 She said :

- "But. But- ". Lilia was about to speak, but her tongue and mind froze at what happened above her head.

Everyone held their breath, looking at the entire sky that shone with a beautiful white light. Breathtaking splendor. For a moment there was silence in the place, and only the crackling of firewood was heard. And under the white light. Everyone looked like an army of skeletons . A woman let out a shriek. It sounded like a death cry. 

-"It's the moon. It will fall over our heads!!" It was as if that voice had awakened and scattered their souls, to spread chaos in the place. Some of them screamed. Some are crying. Some laughed out of fear. Mothers held their children in their chests, shedding tears that had turned into terrible fear.

Some scattered panicked scattered like rats. Some of them fled inside the buildings. The place became a complete mess.

Even so, they couldn't look away from the sky. Milion and lilia , and the people who had witnessed this earlier, were looking at the sky with eyes as wide as saucers. Their foreheads were sweating, and they were all smiling like crazy. If they hadn't seen that white circle before, they would have done the same as the people around them.

" Impossible! Who is this man!" A woman among them said, tears welling up in her eyes from the intensity of fear.   

A man followed her, saying: 

"The rumors are right! He's a monster!"

Another said, laughing hysterically:

- " As expected from the lord of monsters. the castle of Vintos!

Lilia said trembling, holding a million from behind like a baby: 

-"It's like a legend in ancient times. No wonder he annihilated Verna because she disgusts him." She held her throat in terror, and burst into tears, imagining the torment awaiting her from the savage emperor.

Million said :

- " He is the legend! He wasn't lying, he really annihilated Verna!"

  Everyone started glowing brightly.

They stopped what they were doing. They stared silently at those colors flowing from their bodies. And they forgot their fear at that moment, as they felt warm.

And everyone was cured. Everyone regained their previous intact bodies, even the black puddles evaporated and were no longer a trace. 

The incantation in the sky faded back to the darkness of the night. As if what happened moments ago was a strange illusion. But what happened to them was confirmation that what happened was an absolute truth.

Fear and crying changed to tears of joy and gratitude for their new master.

They all shrieked of gratitude, shedding tears again.

- 9 -

LINIAS could hear the voices below and said:

-"I want to go, and tell them to go back to what they were doing...But frankly, I'm ashamed of what these poor people might do to me."

 So.. Hicros , can you tell them please? Also tell them that they will be offered pure water shortly.. Oh.. and the fish. Yes, they will be given fish.. a lot of them.. Tell them that, and I will wait for you here.”

Hicros said with a smile:

- " Concept ". It quickly descended downward, as if falling under gravity.   

LINIAS turned to Entus , she was still looking at him with those radiant eyes, and said :

" What is there?...". 

She said :

"No. Nothing. But, if you'll excuse me, why did you tell them those words?"

LINIAS said :

-"What I said was the truth that they knew... I told them that so that they feel belonging to this country, and to know that they are no longer slaves."

She said :

'No. I know exactly what you meant, but. I don't know why you did it. Frankly, you should have said nothing to them yourself. Or come down to the same level as they are. The ruler should be above everyone else, and they should just lower their heads gratefully. This place is filthy, and I can't stand the thought of you walking in this place."

LINIAS laughed from the bottom of his heart. Entus stared at him with eyes filled with love, as he looked beautiful in front of her eyes. She had an overwhelming desire to hug him so tightly that he would break his bones!

 LINIAS said :

-" What you said is really strange. We used to live in the jungle, and jungle life wasn't much different than that. But a leader who doesn't walk on the same ground as his people. is nothing but dirt." 

I hate these people who claim to be leaders. How can a leader know what his people are suffering, while he lives above the clouds. For this.. I have to live in the place where my people live. This is the duty of a leader, Entus. Or would you prefer that I speak to you from the top of the castle, while you are looking at me from the ground?”

She said :

"It would be very unfair, and I could never bear it. So... please don't do that."

LINIAS said gloomily :

-"Just an analogy... it was a joke, and you don't have to look at me like that."

"Oh. I knew you were kidding, I know you're not that cruel, but you look more beautiful than before today."

 He smiled and said:

"Really.. Thank you for your praise.. Maybe because of these clothes.. but I'm not more beautiful than you."

 She said, her cheeks flushed:

" No, I'm not at all beautiful and handsome." 

 He said :

-"Now this is a funny thing you say about me.. I can't be more beautiful than you. It is enough to ask anyone, and they will tell you that I am ugly compared to you."

She said :

-"That's impossible. You are the most beautiful man in all the earth!. So please don't say that again. It hurts me here." She placed her hand on her left chest. 

-"You always exaggerate, Entus... it was the truth. So...don't tell me the obvious."

She said, her face red as an apple.

- "Am I really beautiful? Do you think that I am so beautiful?"

LINIAS sighed , and began to wonder to himself: What do you want to achieve ? She used to come up with strange strange topics every time.

He said :

"Didn't I tell you, don't ask me obvious things."

 -" this means ?" .

He said :

"Yes. It's as I said."


-" Then... who is more beautiful, me or that ugly one?" LINIAS felt he had stepped on a mine, for he knew what you meant by ugly. He looked at her and thought: Is it all in order to reach this question? 

However, he could not say anything about this. If he says you are more beautiful. He might have known. That what he will say. He's going straight to Rivera , who'll go crazy at those words, and she'll crack his head with that. And if Rivera said the most beautiful. She may burst into tears and may even tear her hair. No. He was confident Entus would do it. She was losing her mind over these things. He muttered, Don't they have anything better to do...Women have something in their heads." 

She said :

"Did you say something, sir?" At that moment an idea flashed in his head, and he thought to take advantage of the last word I spoke. Of course she will refuse to do so, and the conversation will go in another direction entirely, and he will not have to answer the question. He smiled in his heart.

And he said :

"No. I didn't say anything.. So... Entus . I don't want you to call me my sir anymore... It annoys me."

At that moment , Entus smiled a devilish smile, and stared at him with sly eyes, and said:

"Do not avoid answering my question, sir."

 LINIAS was frozen in the air. He felt like he had been kicked between his legs.

Women are monsters!!. With that in mind, he looked down to buy some time for Hicros to return.

 But Entus continued:

" It seems that I was right in my words.. Also, I will not stop calling you sir, even if you order to cut off my head, and you know my answer very well.. My lord, my soul and my heart.. Hmm!" Entus coughed . She stared at her master. As if devouring him and drinking him with those eyes, she hoped that her master would say something about her deliberate last words. But, her master was looking down. As if he hadn't heard anything. She continued, disappointed:


"Then what is your answer, sir?" .

He mustered the biggest compliment he could muster and said:

"Frankly, you are all beautiful. And each one is beautiful in a different way.. like two shining flowers. Each flower has its own beauty and its own scent. I can't judge or differentiate the two of you. Therefore, I don't want you to ask such a question. And in order that you don't ask me again or My words cause some annoyance to the others, I say that all the women of Vintos Castle are beautiful. Is that understandable?!"

She said, bowing happily:

-" Concept ".

LINIAS wanted to know the reason for the happiness on her face. But he knew it would give him a headache, so he said:

"Why did you come to me?"

 Entus raised her head. She blinked her eyes as if she did not understand what it meant. LINIAS continued :

"You said a while ago that you wanted to talk to me."

She said :

"Oh! That's right. I forgot, please forgive me."

Then Hicros rose to them and said grimly:

"It's good that you did not go, Commander. The place was in a mess from the intensity of crying. Anyway, I told them, and they convey praise and thanks for everything you have given them."

LINIAS said :

"Thank you , Hicros.. in fact I didn't give them anything, it was a magic spell, and the magic power I lost will come back quickly, so I didn't lose anything or offer anything." Turning back to Entus , he continued:

"What is it, Entus ?" She said :

" Yes, Sinoria has gone , she and her followers, to the frontier that separates us from the kingdom of irem.' 

LINIAS said angrily :

"Why? Why did she go there? No. Who gave her permission to go?"

She said worriedly:

-"No one gave her... she went on her own accord. As for the reason for her going, she went after hearing that an army was camping there... and...".

LINIAS interrupted her angrily:

"So then.. I was wondering about her absence since yesterday.. But, that place might be dangerous for her.. They are at war. That foolish little girl!.. When did she come back? Where is she now?...".

She returned after you left the castle, and she is now in prison.

- "What! Do we have a prison?! A. No.. No, I mean why was she imprisoned?...".

She said:

" Sirius did it. Also...there's something important."

LINIAS felt annoyed by these words, for some reason he sensed something bad and said with a face suggestive of what was in his chest:

"Something else important?"

 Entus answered in a trembling voice:

- "She and her followers clashed with some powerful people...and they were killed."

Entus shivered like a leaf in the wind when an ice storm blew , or so it was imagined. The cold that leaked and gnawed at her bones made Entus shiver nonstop.

This wasn't cold weather, magic, or some kind of fantasy. He was fear in its purest form gnawed at her bones. 

Her master was in front of her, however, for the first time in her life she wanted to run away from him with all her might. Her master now looked frightening. Terrifying, incredibly angry. She did not see that body but once, when her master committed a massacre at that time made her shiver like now.

 But she couldn't take her eyes off of him, it was so shameless and unforgivable to her, so Entus kept looking at her master, profuse sweat dripping from her face down her chin. LINIAS looked completely different from his normal appearance, as his white hair looked like an enormous cloak, his hair had multiplied several times and his hairs were erected like needles.

His fearsome and angry face was revealing his long fangs, which had turned into the fangs of predatory beasts, and the nails of his hands were extended until they were twenty centimeters long and were sharp as razors.

These are no longer just nails, but become sharp weapons that tear everything they touch.

His golden, glowing eyes, as if within them a raging burning forest, which at the same time held no emotion, looked as if they were staring at someone who would be mercilessly torn apart. 

And that face, those eyes, was staring straight at Entus without saying a word. 

It was so unforgiving to her that Entus couldn't control her shivering, her underwear wet from the cold sweat from her body. Sweat ran down her back, stomach, arms, and legs like a non-stop river.

If her master had looked at the bottom of her dress, he would have found that sweat was falling from inside her dress like rain. And to know the amount of fear and terror it causes. Entus had never feared anything in her life but this look and that look.

 Hicros was staring at Entus's face as pale as a corpse, feeling sympathy for her. But it is. He knew that this was the true face of the leader.

He wasn't angry at her, but his anger was elsewhere.

Hicros seemed calm,

However, this was not the case as anger was burning in his chest at what Entus had said. Like all the founding leaders of the clan, the responsibility of the clan was over his shoulders. He was going to act himself like every time.

But now the leader is there, so. He had to remain silent and leave everything to the commander. After a long silence. LINIAS said in a razor-sharp voice:

"Why?! You didn't tell me so quickly!?"


Entus couldn't put together the words in her mind. Her mind was frozen. She didn't know how to answer, so she lowered her head forcefully, her face almost touching her quivering knees. Sweat trickled down her face as she shook her head quickly.

"Please forgive me, I forgot!"

 Her master didn't say anything, as if he was thinking something. There was a deathly silence for a few seconds, but that silence was like eternity for her, and she stared at her knees, which had nearly entered her eyes from the severity of their bend.

For a moment, I thought: Would he hate her for reporting this news? Her heart sank in her stomach.

-" Let's go! " .

LINIAS said and they all disappeared at that moment.

- 10 -

LINIAS and his group appeared before the castle's golden gate. Entus was still as bent as before, for a moment her eyes widened, staring at the ground under her feet. It had been in the air for a while. It was then that she realized that her master had taken her with him by means of magic. She heard the sound of the gate opening, followed by the sound of footsteps advancing into the castle. She knew that he was her master, who did not tell her to raise her head.

 And when the sound of her master's footsteps faded, she cried:

-"Ha-ha!. Will I be like this forever? Is this my punishment? This is cruelty.. this is cruelty, sir. How can I walk like this? "But her master had disappeared. She would cry because of this cruelty and estrangement. 

"Shit, I wish I hadn't told him anything!!" She entered the gate, her face stuck to her knees. After passing the gate, Hicros grabbed her by the neck and lifted her into the air like a puppy. even so. She did not take her face off her knees. She looked at Hicros from the corner of her eyes and said: 

- " What? What?!" 

Hicros replied , rubbing his face with his other hand as if he was kneading his face like dough:

-"You are really a headache. Read between the lines..Does the leader have to tell you every time to raise your head?"

She said :

"So... can I now?" She narrowed her eyes and continued:

"Or maybe you're lying to get me in trouble."

"Why would I do that, you idiot?!" .

"Maybe you and Rivera agreed to do this, so that she might earn some points."

"Oh God !!" Hicros cried and continued:

" I swear you're crazy!!" He was about to throw it inside like a ball. But he changed his mind. He put her on the ground and walked away.


 Entus cried :

"Wait a moment. Are you going to leave me like this?!"

"What do you want me to do for you, you madman?"

She said :

" Isn't that clear... Lift me up, you idiot!" 

He said :

"You want me to carry you?!"

 She said :

"No. I want you to lift me."

- "Have you finally lost your mind, woman?!"

"Are you an idiot!.. Take my head off my knees, and if my master asks me, I will tell him that you did so that he will not be angry with me."

Hicros opened his mouth in amazement. He couldn't believe the amount of absurdities the mad woman in front of him had said.

"Why are you staring at me like that?!"

For a moment Hicros felt a terrible headache attacking him, and held his head in his hands, he said:

-"My head hurts..just a moment with you, and my brain started burning wonder the leader will lose his mind..really crazy." He gave her a tired look and continued:

-" May God help the one who will marry you. I swear you will make him commit suicide!" And he left it to catch up with his leader.

 Entus exclaimed in exasperation:

-" Men. They have no respect, or even tact in dealing with a respectable lady!..And who did I mean to marry him? There is only one man in the world, and it could be my husband, you idiot!" And entered the castle in the same situation as before.



A giant gate slowly opened, A wave of vapor boils swept everyone through the gate. 

LINIAS hurriedly passed through it, advancing over a wide stone corridor the color of the black gate. Next to him were Sirius and Elfam, and behind him were the Ten Commanders. Entus did not exist.

  They stopped after twenty metres. There is no longer any corridor or even walls in place. There was nothing in front of them, but a vast sea of ​​lava, whose bubble was bursting with a sound that sounded like the wailing of tormentors.

 And over the sea of ​​lava. Hundreds of giant gates standing in the air. Those gates were not resting on anything or even behind them, they were simply standing in the air, as if planted in the ground.

Those Gates were scattered everywhere like stars in the night sky. Some of them were submerged in lava, and only its upper edge was visible. in addition to. There were many ghosts floating around in the place, and beside those ghosts, hundreds of human skulls. Those skulls were burning their eye sockets with golden flames like candle flames.

 The place looked magical and beautiful, but at the same time it looked like hell.

This place was the underground floor of the Vintos Castle , and each of those gates, leading to a specific area on this floor, was . viz. That this place. It is nothing but a path that leads to many places.

 Ghosts and skulls were the guardians of this passage.

It was LINIAS and his group. They know that the magic of flying and moving can never be used in this place. The area was saturated with loud magic spells that prevented these matters.

But LINIAS had no idea how to get to the gates.

- " To your private prison." Sirius said softly. As if speaking to the air. Then a noise was heard from afar, and they all stared at the source of the sound. 

Something enormous was fast approaching them. He was passing through, under and over the doors. Like a giant snake rushing to them, it pounces on its prey quickly.

But LINIAS watched it well. It was a stone path that was as black as obsidian. The corridor hit hard where the group was standing, and the place shook from the collision. 

The sounds of wailing rose, as if the tormentors wanted to go up with them. Everyone climbed. And the corridor began to move in reverse to the place it came from, which is the gate of the private prison.

 Each gate had its own passage below it. Once she receives the command, the corridor of the gate in question slides to where the group was standing. However, those Gates weren't responding to anyone who asked them to, they were only responding to this group. Plus five other people.

LINIAS was not interested in this wondrous place. He didn't even take a careful look around, as he passed through the gates that floated in the air. He saw many strange places in the castle. However, the reason for his indifference was not his indifference. There were many thoughts burning in his head and distracting him from such matters.

The passage stopped in front of the gate, which was as massive as the entrance gate, and in an instant the gate opened automatically. To reveal a beautiful corridor illuminated by magic lamps on both sides. LINIAS , not wanting to waste time, advanced and the group followed silently. Elfam was the only one who looked terrified as he had never seen LINIAS like this before.


 They turned right and walked for a while, until they came to the prison area.

There were many oval-shaped rooms, and they were glued together. From above it looked like a beehive, and the rooms were half of stone and the front half of shiny silver bars, and on their blue ceiling the magic lamps were lit in bluish-white colors, and on the side of the room was a beautiful bed with a pure white sheet made of silk.

 On the other side is a toilet made of transparent glass that reveals what is inside, to facilitate monitoring of prisoners.

In the center of the room is a circular silver rug. The clan symbol is engraved in gold.

These rooms looked like luxury rooms in the most luxurious resorts. It didn't look like a prison in any way. But. this place. It is the prison of the inhabitants of the castle of Vintos . As for the prison, where prisoners from outside the clan were kept, it was a dreadful infernal prison and its guards seemed to have come out of nightmares.

 The group advanced silently. Until a girl started appearing in one of the rooms. 

 Sinoria was wearing light white clothes, similar to pajamas. And Sinoria was sitting on her legs on the silver carpet, erect as a spear, her eyes closed, and her hands resting on her thighs. Like a statue.

However, if someone focused on her a little, he would find that she was trying her best, to keep herself from shivering. Her shoulders were trembling slightly, and beads of sweat were collecting behind her neck and sliding down her back. Sinoria heard a few steps coming towards her. 

Then she couldn't suppress her trembling. She felt several people, and in front of them all, that person with a distinct aura, who owned her life.

for a bit. She squeezed her eyes, and took several breaths to regain her calm and face her punishment with courage.

The group stood before the bars. At that moment, Sinoria felt a tremendous pressure squeezing her, as if a giant hand had been placed over her head and was crushing her to the ground.

 She was not delusional. It was a tangible reality that she could feel in her body. She knew that the pressure that stifled her was coming from her master. That's why she felt her heart slip down her stomach.


- " Sinoria Over Kill! "

That icy cold voice calling her by her full name made her shiver. She opened her eyes at that moment, and let out a sharp gasp, as if her soul had been snatched from her. Sweat erupted from every pore on her body to wet her clothes in an instant, her teeth chattered, and her body shook and shivered. As if she was standing naked in the middle of a snowstorm.

 Tears welled up in her wide eyes in terror. Her master's appearance was very strange from before, but the anger on his face and in his eyes made her forget to breathe, and she felt like she was drowning in the air.


  LINIAS closed his eyes and opened them again.

- " Sinoria Over Kill !" Sinoria answered with a shriek like that of a choked hen:

- " Yhes!!!". 

"What happened? Tell me the truth?!"

Sinoria muttered , broken, incomprehensible words. LINIAS continued :

- "Is it true that your followers? One of our clans was killed?!" Sinoria shook her head vigorously.

She said:

-"Sorcery...magic...a tirade!" LINIAS let out a strong, burning snort . It was as if he was trying to expel the burning anger in his chest. He approached the cell, grabbed the iron bars with both hands, stared at her with those golden eyes and said:

"Are you afraid of me , Sinoria ?" They were simple words, and LINIAS would say kind words.

 However, Sinoria heard nothing of those words, and kept staring at the face of her master who was near the bars. He was staring at her with frightened looks with his glowing eyes, as if it was something insignificant. 

 Would you dare a vile slave like you. To act without my permission. These were the words that Sinoria understood and thought he was speaking through his eyes. The feeling that her master looked upon her as if she were insignificant was a torment more severe than all kinds of torture. Even worse than death itself.

Sinoria could no longer stand this fear, this pressure, these looks and this feeling. Sinoria burst into tears like a little girl.

- “Veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ". She was actually a little girl. LINIAS closed his eyes and walked away a few steps. Then he stopped and raised his arms in front of his face. His nails are shrinking back to normal. He said in pain: 

"Is my appearance so frightening? I have always hated this body, which reminds me. Deep down... just a predator. But. I can't. It's related to my mental state. Perhaps is a defensive position of the monsters. I do not deny that I monster, millions have killed cold blood. Even Entus seemed scared of me.. I heard a long time ago. Werewolves are nothing but monsters. Perhaps this is actually the truth.. Perhaps this is true.

Stop crying and hear me well , Sinoria .” Sinoria held her breath and stared at her master, tears running from her eyes.

LINIAS continued :

-"I am not that great man you imagine. And you know nothing of me. Your life does not belong to me, as you think and others believe. You are not slaves.. Perhaps the slaves will not do as you do, you are nothing but a person who works under me in some related business. At our headquarters, and I as commander may give you some missions and business. 

As for your private life and business, I have nothing of it, and I have no right to interfere in it.

But, what you have done has really bothered me.. I am happy with what you have done for me. However, the actions of the individual may harm the group.

However, I still wanted to know what happened. So.. Tell me?” LINIAS fell silent . He did not turn, but kept giving his back to the group that was silent, as if what he had said was completely expected.

Elfam was confused. Even Sinoria who had stopped crying was staring at him in astonishment at what she heard. She and Elfam didn't understand what he was talking about. They wished to tell him, that what he said could not be true, that their lives belonged to him.

But, there were things of great importance. Sinoria had to answer the great master's questions . So she wiped her tears with the sleeve of her shirt and stared at her master's back with red eyes, begging for forgiveness. She exhaled forcefully, trying to regain her calm.

- "I. Yes. I.. I did.. I went." She fell silent.

Sinoria 's mind was a mess, unable to gather her thoughts, as she stared at her master who was giving her his back.

 She thought he'd be back looking at her as soon as she spoke. But. Her master did not do that, as if he no longer wanted to see her. This made her mind wander in her head, as if someone had inserted his arm into her head and started digging and kneading her brain. Then Sirius intervened and calmly directed Sinoria :

-" where did you go? ".

Sinoria said :

"Uh, yes. I went there.. that border."

"What were you doing there?"

 She said :

"I was watching them..soldiers..maybe warriors."

Sirius , starting to get upset about it, said :

" They attacked your followers? "

"Yes.. I had summoned beasts by means of magic.. only fifteen of them. To help me watch. But, some people appeared, and began to fight my minions for no reason.. What insolence... what insolence."

She fell silent. Elfam said worriedly :

-"And after? And yet?. Continue attacking your followers, right?"

She said, her eyes shining, as if she had remembered something troubling:

"Yes. They attacked my followers... but I didn't care, I was watching somewhere else, and after some time they killed them all . 


At the time, I was about to summon powerful demons... but I didn't. They will go now that they have killed my followers, and I will quietly watch over them. So I thought. But. Suddenly a bright white circle appeared under my feet, and several white chains emerged from that circle and turned around. Then several people appeared, muttering strange things while raising their hands. I didn't know what they were doing. The situation was strange. How did they know where I was? How did they know my location? This is a riddle."

Everyone was about to laugh. 

Elfam said :

"Stupid. Stupid. That was a magical ritual they used on you .

Also, you definitely didn't hide your presence when you were there, so they found out where you were!"

 Confused she said:

"I hide my existence? Why?"

Elfam replied with an annoyed face:

"What can I do with you? They will surely feel the presence of someone like you from afar."

Sirius said :

"Well. We'll talk about that later, Elfam, there are more important things than this now."

Elfam said, his face burning with shame:

- "Uh, yes, I'm sorry for this."

Sirius smiled as if to say it's okay. Sirius continued :

"And then? What happened when the chains turned on you?"

  She said :

" Yes .. I told them to leave me alone and away from our land. But they started laughing. They say to me, 'Your begging will not benefit you , you lewd . ' 

 Sirius said , closing his eyes:

" Don't worry. Don't worry." He was about to continue talking, but Hicros burst into laughter at that moment. No one could stop themselves from not laughing anymore. They burst out laughing. Even LINIAS was shaking. 

 Then Sinoria cried out in exasperation:

-"It's an insult? It's an insult? Dogs!..they were making fun of me in my face!.. they cursed me directly in the face without shame!!" those words. That angry childish face. Make everyone laugh like crazy. Sinoria stared around her in exasperation.

-"Oh, really... Humans never change. And then, Sinoria ?" Sirius said this with a smile, and continued to say when she stared at him in exasperation:

"Okay, okay. Don't look at me like that. I'll tell you later what that word means. So... continue the ridiculous play that happened to you."

 Sinoria continued :

-"When they told me those words I was angry, and I felt it was an insult. But what they said really made me angry was what they said... that I beg. I didn't know why they were laughing or the confidence they had.

 But as soon as they were smashed The chain panic began to form on their faces. Three people appeared in front of everyone.

They were different from the rest, they seemed stronger than the rest. They were wearing armor, and the woman was wearing strange clothes. It looked ridiculously flashy. The two armored men approached me while holding their swords.

 I could no longer bear this insolence, so I grabbed my spear and darted like lightning at them and stood right in front of them. At that moment, I felt that they were confused. But, that was of no concern to me, I hit one hard on the head in order to split it in half with my spear. He raised his sword and repelled my blow and fell to his knees. The ground beneath his feet shattered from the power of my dear spear. I heard his painful scream.. He was howling like a dog!

When his body started to glow in many colors, I knew that woman was casting spells on him.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw the other warrior brandishing his sword at me, aiming at my neck. But it was very slow.. I grabbed my spear with both hands and hit it with all my strength vertically.

A spear blade passed through his body and armor, as if he was running in water. The man was split in half, his disgusting entrails strewn everywhere. I stared at the man still kneeling in front of me and felt annoyed by him. I told him: Why are you still kneeling for me?

But he did not answer, for he was howling and howling, and I did not understand anything from him. Anyway I kicked him to fly over his followers.

I looked at the woman in exasperation, and said to her: What the meaning of the word they said to me, a woman !.But the dirty woman did not answer. She was looking pale and trembling, so I approached her, with the intention of killing and torturing her. So tell me what that word means. Then the man who kicked him earlier cried while embracing the dead companion and said: Let's go back!! .

And the woman disappeared, along with the two people who fought me, leaving those people who were mumbling strangely."

"Are you sure they were not of the race of Telles?" Those words carried such intense anger that smiles and laughter faded in an instant, and seriousness took their place.

Sinoria said :

"No. They were human beings, and I watched them kill some of the race of Teles.. They were human warriors."

"What you did was wrong. Folly. Foolish!"

Sinoria said , trembling back:

"Should I have left them alive?"

LINIAS remained silent and did not answer for a while, then said:

-"You went to their land, and you killed one of them. No. They were at war... They weren't wrong, it was you."

 Sinoria didn't say anything and looked at the ground worriedly.

 LINIAS continued :

-"In other circumstances I would go to them, make peace with them and give them what they want for your action...there is nothing more valuable than life. But...because of what Sirius told me about the kingdom of irem... I have no desire for that...Perhaps if I were in your place I would have killed them all of them." He raised his eyes, as if he was looking at the sky through the ceiling and muttered:

-"How life humiliates a man... a generous people... becomes cheap meat."

 Sirius said with a savage smile :

"Shall I go and welcome them? Alas. Sinoria said she killed them all. But maybe some mice appeared?"

-"Sinuria has done well . They were forced, and someone came to force them.. But please don't go. We don't want to go to war. We want to live in peace. Although peace does not exist."

LINIAS sighed and continued :

" Sirius... I would like all the information about the inhabitants of the castle. I mean the new Vintos clan...

You understand what I mean. Also, I told those in the settlement, that I would provide them with clean water and food... fish in particular. So... Elfam. I think you can produce fish thanks to magic, right?"


Elfam replied with a happy smile :

"Yes. I can, sir. Leave it to me.. But.. If you will allow me what kinds of fish.. I mean in terms of type, size, etc. Is there anything particular that you would like?"

 " No. But give them good edible fish, large enough to last for several days. I will also leave it to you to provide them with water."


Elfam bowed and said:

- " Concept". 

 He turned to Sinoria , his face back to normal, and he gestured with his hand and said:

" Sinoria , get out of there."

 Sinoria rose obediently, walked on her bare feet with calm steps, and pushed the gate to her prison. The gate was not closed, and no one needed to close it, for once a resident of Vintos Castle was put in prison, he would not be tempted to get out. They were still waiting for the punishment that would befall them.

That was the absolute loyalty to their master.

 Sinoria stood beside her master, lowering her head. It acted on its own without an order. She knew that she would be severely punished for this. even so. She wanted her master to be proud of her for what she had done. She wanted to protect what belonged to her master. But her master was angry with her.

 Her master did not inflict punishment on her. Rather, he asked her to simply get out of her prison, as if she had done nothing. That's why she was ashamed of herself. She felt small and tiny and could not raise her head. 

But - .

Her master raised her chin with his fingertips, tenderly and tenderly, until their eyes met.

 Sinoria quickly averted her eyes, for she was terrified and terrified by it.

 But. Her master said in a warm voice:

"Look at me, Sinoria ." She couldn't refuse it and looked straight into her master's eyes. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment at that moment, as she had never before dared to be this close to her master and look directly into his eyes like this


Her master continued saying:

-"Don't lower your head to anyone.. and look directly at whoever's face, even me, there is no one less than someone.. and you are not inferior to anyone. I know what you think.. it's drawn on your face, and I don't like these things But, looks like I have to say it to you. So.. Sinoria Over Kill. I forgive you all your mistakes." 


Hot tears streamed from Sinoria 's eyes .The warm words touched her troubled heart, and she knew from those words that she held a great place in her master's heart.

Sinoria quickly pulled her master's hand to her face, and buried her little lips with his hand. She would have given her many grateful kisses. However, her master withdrew his hand from her.

 He said with a smile:

"You remind me of Entus when she was your age. She used to do what you do now. Maybe sons like to kiss their father's hand."

Rivera laughed at those words. LINIAS continued :

 "OK. Let's go back". They walked quietly and Sinoria followed them, wiping away her torrential tears, which she could not stop it.

-12- :Five hours later

The corridor of the second floor was an exact copy of the entrance corridor of the castle, as standing beside the walls were statues of knights holding the handles of their swords. However, these statues, which came alive, as if they would move at any moment, were different from the statues in the entrance corridor. 

These statues were dark black, and their appearance differed slightly from those at the entrance to the castle, which were bronze.


These and these statues were metal golems . They were standing there forever. Except when they are ordered to do something or the place is stormed by enemies.

And above those statues. Scarlet Vintos flags flickered .

In this large marble corridor, little creatures swam through the air. These creatures were similar to humans except that they were twenty centimeters tall, and behind them were wings of all colors. Some of them have wings of dancing fire, some of them have wings of water rippling non-stop, and some of them have wings of tree leaves.

They were called fairies.

The fairies were inspecting flags, statues, and walls. To look for dust in place. And when you find some dust, you touch it to make that area glow and become clean and shiny in an instant. The fairies were the maids who cleaned up high and high places. 

Originally, fairies would clean up everywhere. But the official maids went into a fit of rage at these fairies who had taken their jobs, and had nothing left for them to do


And of course they raved about Elvia, who was creating and producing these fairies at a great rate.

 For this, after the conflict between them. Sirius intervened and gave them a suggestion, that the fairies would work at the top, that is, in the high and high places, and the official maids would work below. As Elvia stops producing more fairies .

At the present time; Several maids were cleaning this corridor with their cleaning tools. They worked with love and fascination for everything in the castle, and they would not stop until the place shone and shone , they make it shine more than it was before. 


 However, they were doing so, their eyes wide in astonishment as they stared out of the corners of their eyes at the person coming to them.


 Entus was still a curved walking , At that moment, Angus exited one of the corridor doors. He kept staring at Entus strangely. Then he let out a tired sigh. Entus passed by his side as if she had not seen him. 

Angus said , narrowing his eyes.

-" What now ?".

She said without looking at him:

"I was not allowed to raise my head."

She shivered as she turned to Angus . She jumped quickly forward, as if she was swimming in the air. However slow she was, Angus delivered a powerful fast slap in the back. Her voice sounded like a thunderbolt. Entus nearly hit one of the statues but regained her balance like a graceful cat, and started rubbing her buttocks as she screamed and wailed in pain:

- "It burns!!. It burns!!. Ahhh!!!"


Angus gave a look of withered seed and said:

-"You!!!! dare you?! dare you L. O..!!"

. She wanted to rain all the curses of the world on him. But if you do. He would slap her in the same place, more severely than the previous one and make her squirm in pain, for he was the only person who had been punishing her like this since her childhood.

She was also aware. In that he still saw her as small as before, so she grinded her teeth, and stopped what she was going to shoot at him. She said angrily:

-"Stop this stuff. It hurts before it's shameful. Also, I'm not a child anymore, don't you see well with those eyes? I'm a grown woman. Stop this please!!" And she rubbed her inflamed ass.

 Angus said coldly:

"Then...behave like a grown woman."

 She looked at him in exasperation, and wanted at that moment, to kick him between the legs of these humiliating words. But she knew, that this was very difficult, and that even if she succeeded in doing so, he would squeeze it with his hands like a lemon.

Therefore, she has nothing but her only weapon against him, and that is her tongue:

- "Aren't you ashamed of these actions? I swear you have a love for these things. You love slapping women's butts. You love hearing those sounds.. You love hearing them like symphonies you play with your hands, long-handed!"

Angus narrowed his eyes and they sparkled. That's all he did, except that Entus let out a panicked scream, and jumped and ran to enter the door that Angus came out of . She locked it behind her with the key.

Then she rubbed her buttocks hard, moaning in pain.

"Shit. It hurts. It hurts. I swear he hates me. He slaps me so hard." She turned to the door and shouted: 


- "Know that I will tell my master, that you still slap me!!. You idiot. Stupid. Petty!" She trembled after saying those words and ran quickly to support the door with her body, thinking that he would push the door and enter to give her more slaps.

But. Nothing happened. And put her ear to the door to eavesdrop. I heard a slight female laugh, and the clatter of his shoes went away. She sighed with relief.

She looked back at the room. It was a functional room with a black desk table. At the desk, Celine was busy writing on papers.

 Entus came up to her and sat on the edge of the desk, rubbing her backside. As she looked at Celine 's paper, she said :

-" What do you do ?".

Celine stopped writing, raised her blue eyes to Entus , and replied :

- "I am writing a report. Angus asked me to do so."

"You mean the master of symphonies, so what did this idiot ask you to do?"

Celine replied , her cheeks flushed.

-"He...he asked...of".

 Entus said :

"Why are you mumbling? Why do you look so shy? Um. Uh, I get it. It seems you don't know.. Or maybe you forgot about it.. When I was your age, Angus always punished me here." She rubbed her ass and continued saying:


"Once...I don't remember what I did exactly, but it seems I did something. Anyway, that day I was hit twice so hard that I couldn't sit still for a whole day."

If he had hit me with a stick, it would have been a mercy.. His hand is as hard as iron ." She smiled and continued saying :

" You must know that, right?"

 Celine replied with a shy smile.

" Yes. His hand is very hard, but he never hits me or punishes me, and he never hits me where he hits you."

She scratched her head from the back, remembering that slap recently. 

Entus laughed and said:

"It's because you're going to die of that pain, ask me. I know this man's brutality perfectly. If my ass could speak, to would scream and Cry for days of those cruel slaps."


 Celine burst into laughter and sank into her chair. Entus kept watching her with a smile until she stopped laughing. Entus said :

"What is the report about?"

-"It's about the sea and the disappearance of fish. I swam deep in the sea and found no marine life except fish the size of a finger. I am writing about what I saw."

Entus said :

-"I really envy you .. I don't have any work or even a place of my own except my room. As for you, you are the deputy of Angus, one of the great leaders


Celine Confused said :

- "Oh. No. But don't you have a very high position even for leaders?"

Entus snored and said:

-"This is impossible. There is no higher position than the great leaders except for my master... Where did you get this from?"

Celine replied :

"I've heard Sirius say, 'He will put you in that position...but...I remember Rivera being very upset about this"

"Hmm. Rivera? But there is no higher position than my master... really strange. So what is?"


 Celine replied that she did not know.

"Maybe I'll become the Empress by the Emperor's side? Don't you think that's what's going to happen?"

Celine shrugged her shoulders, as if to say, "I don't know." She writes the report, and Entus silently reads what you write.


Chapter 7: Kingdom of irem


- 1 -

A man in his fifties walked over the red carpet leading to the throne. With elegant steps. graceful. confident. His straight back looked like a sharpened sword, and the cruelty of the world was etched into the wrinkles around his eyes that radiated power. He was giving the impression that he was a strong and noble man.

The man knelt under the throne in all reverence.

The man was wearing a luxurious blue jacket. The man was not human. He had the appearance of a human except that a pair of white, fox-like tails ran down his back. It was from the Race of Teles.

 -" did he go?!".

" Yes, Your Majesty." In response. The Queen burst into laughter as she tilted her head back. Her laughter echoed in her throne room like bells. The queen looked happy and radiant. Only that man. He looked at her sadly, seeing tears welling up in her eyes. 

- "Huh!" The Queen sighed heavily as if to expel the pain from her chest.

The Queen was sitting on her glass throne, the throne gleaming under the lights of the chandeliers above her head. 

Her beauty amazed the onlookers, as if the moon descended from the sky. She looked in her twenties. She is tall, graceful, and her body curves radiate perfect femininity. 

She wore a gold dress sprinkled with jewels like the stars in the night sky, and her silky silver hair hung from her shoulders and fell over her arms. And she had six white tails extending beyond her throne. As if she adorns her throne with her soft tails.

She puts on her head a crown of glass, in the center of which is a blue jewel, the color of her sad eyes, with long white eyelashes.

 in addition to. She was holding an oval golden scepter by the head.

 Her beautiful appearance was surrounded by an Aura of pride and wisdom.

"Really, The biggest calamities make you laugh".Thus she said the queen of the kingdom of irem) Dunya Viktum Petrai irem ( and raised her eyes to the chandeliers that adorned her ceiling.

" Then? What are you going to do, Your Majesty?" 

"There's no one here, uncle, so you don't need to talk to me like that."

This man was her first counselor, who was responsible for her education, and her husband since childhood. In addition to royalty before her, Her late husband loves him as his father. That is why she did not like her counselor to call her by any title. At least in front of others.

"Then what are you going to do, my dear Dunya ?"

-"I don't know, uncle. I don't know anything... It's a new kind of war, a war of starvation, if you will."


 And came down from her throne, and her dress ripples above the steps of her throne. And she continued:

"I need some air... I'm suffocating."

She passed through her wide, gray stone-floored hall, pounding the heel of her sceptre to the ground. With every step she takes, her counselor follows her silently. 

They passed under huge scarlet curtains to stand on a balcony overlooking the city.

The Queen grabbed the edge of her white balcony with one hand, and took a deep breath of cold air in her lungs. I exhaled slowly. She lowered her eyes to see the city below.

She could see houses, horse-drawn carriages, people walking and children carrying things on their heads. Men and women walking while talking to each other. However, they looked tired and exhausted, dragging their feet as if they had chains in their ankles. And she looked to her right to see a snowy mountain range. It looked like a colossal fracture protects the city.

  She said in a sad voice:

-"They have also rejected the bastards. The bastards. They abandon us as if we were dead animals.."

 Then she gave the mountain an angry look and continued saying:

-"This mountain is nothing but a curse. If it was a natural mountain, we would dig for gold and precious stones, and we would be able to benefit from it in some way. And not only that. But it blocks the sea on us, as if it stifles our breath. It suffocates us. It kills us."

She closed her eyes in fatigue. The cold wind made her silver hair dancing on her shoulder.

"You may be right. He is very hard. He cannot be broken or smashed in any way... But, long ago, he was not so cruel as the throne and the crown you wear were made of him."

 The queen lowered her crown from her head, revealing her white pile ears. Looking at her crown, she said:

-"More than three thousand years ago...I began to think that this was pure absurdity and nonsense, so how could a mountain become as shiny as jewels like this." And she put her crown on her head and said:

-"This hateful mountain obscures the sea from us.. We need to cross it to reach the sea behind it. It is the only sea we have."

Her counselor said:

-" This is impossible, it is very high. The magic of flying cannot reach this distance. Even if we can pass over it by some miracle, how will we make the ships we are going to make pass over it, I don't think you imagine that we will make them fly over it." 

She said gloomily:

"Then, what should we do? Do we wait to die of starvation? Or perhaps murder or slavery?" She pointed to the citizens with her sceptre, which shone in the sunlight. And she continued:

-"Look at them, Uncle.. They look very weary. I am leading my people to death. What shall I do? I am not my husband.. He was skilled in these matters, especially in war. The kingdoms feared him, that is why they killed him with this disease. And now my son is dying. That same dreaded disease.

And soon my people will become slaves... ah. I'm tired uncle, very tired, I can't stand it anymore...Sometimes, I think of throwing myself from this balcony..."

" Don't be joking, Your Majesty!" Her counselor said that with a terrified face. 

She said with a tired smile:

"I said I'm's just thoughts, don't get excited like that. But, don't worry, the captain has to sink with his ship...and the ship is about to sink very soon."

She stared at the clear blue sky with great sadness. She remembered how she ruled her kingdom more than three hundred years ago, how beautiful her kingdom was then, and what it is now.

Then you are the queen and the world is covered in mist. Tears flowed from her eyes. Her counselor quickly closed the balcony blinds so that no one would see her. The queen threw her head on her advisor's chest, and she cried and moaned. She was crying and screaming and sobbing from the depths of her exhausted soul for a long time.Her counselor 's chest sank with her hot tears. Weeping said:

" What shall I do? What shall I do? I have offered myself to every king. To every man who can save us. I have offered myself, as if I were a cheap woman!. But they all rejected me.. They refused to help me!!.. Help my people. Why would they do this to us. What do other kingdoms want from us. Let us live in peace. Curse them. Let them burn. Let them die. May the sky fall on them, and the earth explode under their feet .!!"She continued crying bitterly. 

These were not the words and cries of a proud queen standing above her people. these were the feelings of a woman exhausted by wars and death, and the pressures of the country, which was on the verge of extinction.

 The kingdom of irem was fighting on several fronts, defending itself from the kingdoms around it. The kingdoms wanted to conquer and expand their territories. However. Its people would die or be enslaved. Not because they were weak, they had tough warriors. They lacked war plans or so they thought.

while the king was alive. Kingdoms did not dare to make war on them. The late king was shrewd with wars, and the countries feared and hated him at the same time. She also hates his entire country, because they are not human. That is why they invited him to attend the signing of the peace agreement between them.. a hundred years ago, when the king returned. It seemed like a strange disease befalling him, and he died of it quickly. 

The Queen and her counselor were convinced that he had been assassinated. Then the peace agreement ended in an instant. As if they were waiting for the death of the king. However. The kingdom of irem was not a soft spot, as they had been resisting the invaders for the past ninety years.

 Her counselor answered with tears:

- "You have done everything perfectly. It is not your fault at all. The surrounding countries have conspired against us, to bring us down and divide our land among themselves.. Now the countries refuse even to trade with us.. That's all."

 The Queen raised her head from the chest of her counselor, and wiped her tears with one of her tails, saying:

-"That's right. The strong eat the weak. This is how the world works. I hate my weakness.. All I want is for us to live in peace, but, this is impossible. We are not in a dream world.. We are in a world of wild beasts." 


She looked at the mountain with engulfed eyes.

-"If we had a sea, we would go to one of the distant countries, and buy what we want from food and weapons. Perhaps...but...our enemies surround us like a bird in a cage."

The Queen laughed a sad laugh, and continued saying: 

"Isn't that a nice expression? I hope they all vanish like filthy Verna !"

"Oh! That's right, I forgot to tell you." The counselor said while wiping his tears with one of his tails, and continued to say:

-" segal Russo has been murdered ."

 The queen snored.

" No. I'm quite serious." 

"Don't be joking, uncle. Who can kill this filthy beast. He has smashed our armies."

Her counselor said:

-"It's information, from information dealers I know very well. It's absolutely certain, I've given you information that talks about it."

"No. I did not read it. I was with the Prince. You can tell me about it now." 

-"Mm. Understood. It seems he had a mission in Verna, and he was killed there, also read this letter. It's from Verna ."

Confused Queen said:

-" Verna ? I thought it was gone and no one else came back." She took the letter and stared at the seal, which looked like a star with many heads, and said as she opened it:

"I've never seen this seal before."

She read it and repeated it several times. Then she looked at her counselor, flapping her eyelids as if she did not understand. Then she said:

"What is this? Is this a joke? Or maybe".

Her counselor said : 

-"I don't think so. It was handed over to the nearby countries.. Also, I met the envoy myself this morning and he was not a human being."

She said with wide eyes:

-" Not..a human. So..what was it? What race does it belong to?" 

He said :

- "I honestly don't know, I've never seen her like her... She was really beautiful. How would I describe her beauty? I...".

County said:

- "Uncle. Focus on me a little!".

  The counselor coughed and said:

 "Uh, I was. I mean... A. On the whole. She was a little girl the age of a prince, and she had strangely shaped horns sticking out of here." He pointed to the sides of his head. He continued saying:

- 'And she gave me this letter, and when I told her who you were. She said she was one of her master's slaves. And she vanished in an instant. I think that was the magic of teleportation. There is no other. madness."

The Queen said:

-" Anyway..we don't intend to interfere in anything. It suffices for us. But, for someone to claim that he wiped out the kingdom of Verna himself, because it made him disgusted...that is absolutely ridiculous. 

This can never happen, either. He proclaims himself Emperor of Verna, I mean , of Valia now.

This is childish behaviour, this must be a joke.”

-"You may be right..but, don't you remember that night. Two hundred years ago. We were sitting right and the king and I and many of your followers."

said the queen, gazing into the distance:

"I certainly remember it, and I can't forget it until now.. It was after midnight, and we were watching the two blood moons that night. It seemed like an ominous night, and in an instant. The sky of Verna shone with a wondrous blue. It seemed like a hellish fire that consumed everything."


For a moment we felt terrified and panicked, it swelled and we thought it would swallow us too..Wait a moment!” She turned to her counselor and continued saying:

- "Do you think that the author of this letter is taking advantage of this situation and what happened to Verna ? What was his name ?"

She read the letter aloud again:

- " LINIAS .. LINIAS Vintos .. what is this funny name ?" 

The counselor said:

'Maybe. But. Don't you think there is any truth in it. segal Russo has been killed, and this by itself will greatly weaken some of their conquests against us. Also. It was not only Russo who was killed, for many years I have heard of people who never return from Verna . "

"I know that well..why are you telling me this now?"

The counselor said, raising his finger in front of him as a teacher:

"Because I have an idea."

The Queen said:

-" idea ?" .

 He said :

- "Yes. We know that Verna is in ruins now. Of course we do not know its topography. But we know that it has a wide sea to the south."

The Queen's face brightened and her eyes lit up with hope. She said:

- "Therefore, we must have a good relationship, and we ask them to use their sea to sail to other countries."

 He said :

-"This is one of two. If what is written in the letter is correct, and they rule Verna themselves, we will ask them, that their country be our ally... Who knows what will happen in the future...".

-"An ally country.. It seems like a dream to me. None of the countries agreed to be like this for fear of other countries.. That's why I don't think they would accept, also what if they became a burden on us? You know our situation..

 They are people who took the country, as if they were gangs. Do these people know the words of covenants and honor? ".

He said :

"We first need to build good relations with them, and then decide what to do next."

She said, staring at the golden letter seal:

-" You seem to be forgetting something important, we are not mercenaries, we are a kingdom and yet we are allied with these people. I am concerned that they may turn into enemies.." 

 In a voice as hard as steel, the counselor said:

" Your Majesty. Will this change anything.. We don't have much time, many of our cities have fallen, and soon they will reach the capital. We must save our country even if we allied with Satan himself."


The queen couldn't say anything, he hit the nail on the head.

She said sadly, looking down at her city:

"Well, do as you see fit. "She was silent for a moment. Then she turned to her counselor and said:

- "Is it true that the enemy army in the south is dead? Do you have reliable information to support that?" Pointing to the letter, the counselor said:

"Maybe they did." The queen shivered at those words, for the army of the south was camping between the borders between the kingdom of Verna and the kingdom of irem, and of course the army was not an ally of the kingdom of irem , as it was besieging irem from the south. That army was tough and tough.

The queen said in a frightened voice:

-"We could never defeat how..."

"I don't know... I received a telegram this morning talking about it." He stared at the Queen with rigid eyes. The Queen swallowed her saliva as she looked at those eyes that carried worrying things. She said:

-" what ?what?..". ?Her counselor replied:

-"They were all brutally torn apart...their bodies and shields were torn as if they were made of paper."

The queen felt cold. Putting her hand around her throat, she said:

-"All of them? They were three thousand..isn't there..."

"They've all been ripped apart. Maybe it was some monster, or maybe this LINIAS Vintos , is one of the ancient dragons .. That's why I said, we need to have a relationship if you get what I mean." Again, tears welled up in her eyes.

-"Are you telling me. I offer myself to a dragon ? He will kill me! They eat meat. All my people will devour!" And the queen broke down in tears.

 The counselor said consolingly:

"But Laura was the lawful wife of a dragon , and she bore many sons."

-"It's ridiculous legends..funny..also Laura was one of the giants." The chancellor wanted to say that Laura was a human, but he kept silently watching the Queen's screams.

-"It's all nonsense. I'm fed up with legends .! No. Domnyom must be real.. We must be in the days of Domnyom.. when kings become slaves. Isn't that what was said? I am a queen and I will become a slave soon."

I don't think this is the correct meaning.. Someone will come and make kings slaves. Perhaps those words mean the end of the world. Or will the world become more lonely? What a funny thing.. a dragon lost his mind and started to go crazy.

The chancellor thought those words, and looked back at his queen. Then the queen said nothing, straightened her dress and hair, and wiped her tears. She came back standing like an ice queen. Her wand beat on the ground and she said in a voice as hard as her tall white castle: 

"I will do anything for the sake of my people...that is the king's duty. So do what you see fit!"

The chancellor bowed, seeming glad she was back to her royal nature.

-"Concept". The queen smiled softly. Although her eyes were filled with deep sadness, she said:

"You seem to want to see that pretty girl quickly. You are a man after all, Uncle."

He replied with a warm smile, and he knew, that she was joking to keep her anxiety away:

" No, she's a little girl. How can I think of that?" 

-"But. Old people love little girls."


 The counselor burst out laughing from the bottom of his heart. He had not expected such words.

The Queen followed, laughing happily. They continued laughing until tears in their eyes.

However, they had no idea, that someone was watching them from the wall behind them.

He was a person made of shadows, and he was staring at them with red eyes like burning coals.

- 2 -

The Queen stood in front of the door of one of the rooms, and took several breaths. And when she felt that she had regained her calm, she opened the door.

The Queen entered a lavishly furnished room befitting a prince.

There were four young maids, looking after a fourteen-year-old boy, Sleeping on a large bed. One wipes the sweat from his forehead, and another wipes his body with a damp cloth. The rest were standing ready for an emergency, and all wore white cotton gloves.

They were about to bow to their queen, but the queen raised her hand to stop them.

And she said to the only man in the room:

" How is he now?" 

 The man was an old man with a long white beard that reached his stomach, and his head was long white and curly hair. It looked like sheep's hair.

He was wearing a red cloak. His eyes and wrinkles on his face lit up with wisdom and knowledge. In addition, he had a black wooden stick with a glowing red handle, and the sticks were floating in the air beside him


 He said while holding back his tears:

-" There is no progress. His condition is getting worse. I am sorry, Your Majesty..During my long life, and my many experiences. I have never seen such a disease .Even magic does not benefit with him . If this was the alchemeist who I heard about alive، Maybe he could treat Prince ".

The Queen knew that well. I heard about that alchemist a long time ago. However. They didn't find this person, and she knew there was nothing they could do. She had to ask to put her heart at ease. 

-"You don't need to apologize.. I really thank you, you served me well for many years, and you did your job as a palace healer with all honesty and honor. Please accept my thanks." The queen bowed her head. The man was of high stature even for her.


 But. The old man stood up and said:

- "What are you doing , Your Majesty?! .. I am the one who failed to treat the Crown Prince. Please raise your head." The maids bit their lower lip as they painfully looked at their Broken Queen. The queen raised her head, and with a face torn with grief and pain, said: 

"I'm sorry, I want to be alone with my son."

 -" Concept ". The old man said, and they all went out, closing the door behind them. The Queen sat on the old man's seat, and looked at her son, who was sleeping.

He was a miniature version of his mother. It had six tails Sleep on his bed. Like six white foxes sleeping beside him. It was his arms, legs, and neck. Black as tar from this strange disease. At that moment the blackness slowly rose like serpents crawling to cover his shoulders and chest. The Queen's body shivered at that, and she pleaded:

" God , give me strength. Heal my son."

 The boy opened his tired blue eyes, and tilted his head, letting his silver hair fall over his eyes and forehead:

- " Uh, mom... why are you crying?" The queen pulled the hair from her son's eyes and said: 

- "They are tears of joy, the counselor said a joke that made me cry from laughter." But the prince. I think she was crying for something else. And he said:

"If I had another brother, someone would take my place." Be with me, son.

I can not afford these words . I 'm not as strong as I used to be .

"What are you saying, son? There is no one who can take your place."

- "Mother, I mean matters of governance, there must be a crown prince. So... why don't you marry, Mom?"

I ran after every man.. and no one accepted your mother, son. Perhaps soon you will see me for sale in one of the countries... a slave who pleases men. Whore, son. Your mother is going to be a whore. Dunya Viktum Petrai irem will become a whore .. And the kings and nobles will be keen to humiliate me .. And perhaps they will make their dogs ..

She would weep from this inevitable fate. However, she made every effort to laugh in front of her son.

 And the Queen laughed sweetly, saying:

"You want me to get married? Me? You must be joking. After your father all the men in this world died."

" Did you love him?" 

“What is the story of your questions today?”

"Nothing. I just want to know. But don't lie. Tell me the truth."

 The Queen launched a noisy laughter, tears welling up in her eyes as she said:

-"You! are so funny today..stop will make me die of laughter!"

Her son looked at her seriously and said:

-" I want to know ".

The queen smiled softly and said:

-"You really look like your father. He was serious and daring at your age. As if he was a man in the body of a boy.

Don't look at me like that.. you'll make me laugh again. Ok. Ok. I will tell you."

She wiped her tears with one of her tails and continued:

-"Yes. I loved your father very know that he was my cousin, and we were never separated.

I would go crazy when I saw him talking to the girls, I would drag him by the hands to keep him away from them, and your father would laugh at that, waving to the girls. And when we're alone, I'm about to scold him. The exact opposite happens.

 He was scolding me, saying that they were the masters of the country. That is why he has to improve the relationship with them to support him in matters of governance, when he becomes king.

I didn't understand any of this, and I thought he liked messing with them. And when I'm about to cry at his scolding, he stops it, and tells me beautiful words with that smile that makes me forget everything, and throw myself into his arms. And don't ask me what he was telling me. I will never tell you."

The prince laughed and said:

"Looks like you've fallen into his net."

'Uh, you may not believe it... but... your father was terribly good at dealing with women, he was in a few words. He would make them, do to him, anything, and don't get me wrong. I'm talking about the country. He was your father' An honest and respectful man."

"I know that, Your Majesty." The queen frowned at those words, but the prince corrected his words and said:

"I know that, mom."

The Queen slapped her hands together. sourced so. Her voice sounded like a light slap and she said happily and with a mischievous smile:

“Do you know what I was calling him?”

"Women's Hunter". Thus said the prince, laughing and continuing to say:

 "You've told me about it so many times."

The queen licked her lips.

"Really, I don't remember."

"That's why you have to get married, even if you don't like it. You shouldn't be alone."

He turned his eyes away from his mother and continued saying:

"At least, for the sake of the kingdom of irem . There must be a crown prince."

The queen's face was torn with grief and her eyes brimming with tears, and she said in a voice wracked with pain:

"You are the crown prince. Soon you will be king and you will restore the kingdom to its former glory. I will watch your children play everywhere."

In a trembling voice, the prince said:

"This is impossible. I will die soon." those words. It shattered its foundations, its castles, its fortresses, shattered what was left of the queen's soul, and plunged her into the depths of despair.

The queen burst into tears and started crying and wailing:

- " No! You will live. You will live a very long time!!".

And she embraced her son and murmured his chest with her tears. Then the prince cried out with a very frightened face: 

- "Don't touch me!! It might be contagious!!"


-"I don't care!!!. If you die, I will die with you. I don't want this life anymore!!!. Yes, we will meet your father.. and live in peace and happiness. In that beautiful eternal life!!!".   

"Get away from me, Mama!"

The prince cried, trying to move, but in vain. His arms and legs were as dry as stone.

Then the people from the past entered, and grabbed the queen to snatch her from the prince. Tears were falling from their eyes as they heard everything. However, the Queen floundered and writhed in their hands.

-"No!!!..leave me!!!.I want to die with my son!!!.let me!!..will you leave me too!..your father and then your sister.and now you!!!.you will leave me in this savage world alone.No. I want to go with you!!!".

The old man cast a spell on her, and the queen fell asleep in his arms.

" We'll take her to her room, my prince."

said the old man. 

The prince said without emotion:

"Please do your best to take care of her, she is our queen, and the last of the royal line of irem . If she falls, the kingdom is finished forever." 

 "This is certainly what I will do. Do not worry, my dear prince." And they came out carrying the queen, tears falling from their eyes.

And when they came out of the room. The prince burst into tears. He will die soon, leaving his beloved mother to suffer for everything, and at that moment he remembers his father's will.

 His father was on his deathbed, and stared at him with sharp, soul-piercing looks and said to him his last words : 

-" I leave your mother and the kingdom in your hands, take care of them. Be a great king like irem!"

His crying rose. His body started to shiver. He will die without fulfilling his promise to his father. The prince's face was filled with copious tears, and he bit his lips to rip them, and threads of blood flowed down his chin to his chest, and passed his black neck.

 The shadow stared at him with his red eyes, and it quickly faded across the wall.


- 3 - :Twenty-five days later



Queen Dunya succumbed to her death on her own chair.

In front of her was a large rectangular table, surrounded by many followers. Ministers. Elders. the remaining leaders of its armies. Palace witches. Knights. Soldiers. Servants. They all looked at her in pain.

The queen became completely different from her usual form, as her eyes became protruding, and they were surrounded by intense blackness. Her cheekbones protruding like daggers, her silver hair turned white with white streaks, and her skin as dry as tree bark.


The Queen was on the verge of death from horrors and news, but the palace healer made her regain some of her strength.

And their queen stared at them with empty eyes. 

She blamed herself for what they had become, and they blamed themselves for what she had become. And they remained silent.

The Queen moved her eyes to the large map above the table. It was seen above the map. Small black stones, and those stones were placed on every city in the kingdom.

Those stones meant that the city had fallen into the hands of the enemies.

Queen Dunya did not care about that, and looked at their tails, thinking whether to cut their tails or not. That didn't make any sense, however. She couldn't help but think of this thing Without reason.

At that moment, Mikur thrust his sword into the table and shouted:

"The blame is on me. If I were good, we wouldn't be where we are now."

 She raised her eyes to him and said in a voice lacking energy: 

-"We all know who Commander Mikur is . You are our most powerful commander, and you have never lost a battle, even that Russo could not defeat you. So don't make yourself a scapegoat."

Mikur replied :

-"I've never lost a battle, but war is different. It needs deception and planning... and I'm not good at that."

"You seem to have said the answer yourself . When my husband was alive, you didn't lose. Now we're losing because of me."

Mikur hit his hand on the table so hard that it cracked. He said angrily:

"I never meant that! The blame is on me for everything, Your Majesty!"

'Do you want to hit me , Mikur? '

-" Majesty?!". Mikur shouted , staring at his queen with wide eyes. As if he couldn't believe what he heard.

'Don't you all look at me like that, isn't that the natural thing to do?' Indeed, Mikur . You must break my neck to bring disgrace to the kingdom of irem , for I have been a miserable queen who has cast her people into the abyss, and I desire you to do so, dear friend of my husband and my loyal knight. ." The Queen smiled and accepted her fate.

But this request was nothing to be proud of. Mikur's face distorted with anger, his veins bulging out as he said:

-"Are you asking the person, who swore to change his life for the king, to kill his queen with his own hands?!"

The Queen gave him affection. She knew he loved her, not for his queen but for a man's love for a woman, but he never told her that, and she hated it. She could not say or do like other women. She was a queen and she should act like one.

But. As a woman she wanted to feel wanted. She wanted him to tell her that he loved her. She wanted to pull her from her arms and sweep her into his arms.

Perhaps he would whisper obscene words in her ear, which was unforgivable, and would make her angry. You will slap him several times until you bleed him. However, you will be happy. in its depths. who did it.

It will make her angry like a woman angered by a man. He treated her like a woman A man deals with a woman of flesh and blood, not a venerable queen...a queen of stone. She wanted a man to lean on. A man shedding tears in his warm embrace, and complaining to him of burdens and worries, which crush her soul. 

The sad thing for her is that no one treated her like a woman. No one even flirted with her beauty.

 She loved her husband. But. Her husband died long ago. Doesn't she deserve to have some happiness in her miserable, damned life, before she disappears from this world?

She wanted to tell all this to her little prince, but the prince asked her to marry for the sake of the country.

The Queen has felt, in that Prince. He knows exactly what's burning in her chest, that's why. Perhaps he asked her to marry for the sake of the country. As long as her young son could read some of her thoughts. The Queen sighed, feeling overwhelmed by these thoughts, which didn't matter anymore.

She said:

"Then. Do you want your dear queen to be a slave to be tampered with by her masters? You know what happens to slaves."

Mikur closed his eyes, imagining his queen being dragged by chains, lashed undressed. He could not stand those thoughts. The queen shivered when she saw tears welling up in Mikur 's eyes as he said:

"It won't happen while I'm alive!" He grabbed his sword from the table and continued:

"This is too late, but there is a traitor among us!!"

The swords clinked as everyone rose with their swords raised.

Mikur looked like a man of thirty years old, with black hair reaching just below his shoulders, dark brown eyes, tall, muscular and wheatish-skinned, with a yellow tiger's tail, and clad in rusty iron armour. He wasn't quite as pretty as the Queen, but he was generally handsome. 

Everyone adores him for his strength, his humility, and his honour, like a sword. No one dared to mock his iron armor.

 He was a seasoned fighter. If he spoke, everyone was silent.

His famous word was

] Armors are made for fighting, not for a dance party [

The queen said , placing her hands on the table.

"It doesn't matter anymore..."

The counselor who was sitting next to her said:

"How do you say that, Your Majesty. It's not..." The Queen County said:

" I'm fed up with everything. I don't care about anything anymore." 


 The old palace healer said:

-"I know him..he's standing with us now!". Silence prevailed in the place. The old palace healer continued:

"Either he is clever, or he is just an idiot...but I see something familiar with my old eyes."


The eyes of the old palace wizard, glowing with rainbow colors, was due to his use of a high-powered magic spell, allowing him to see illusions, reveal invisibility magic, and many more. That spell was...

-]"Magic eye..[ what a cunning old man!" The owner of those words got up, smiled a foul smile, and raised his sword. And in a fleeting moment, he jumped over the table, targeting the Queen. 

 The man disappeared in the blink of an eye, and one of the walls exploded. Chandeliers shook from the explosion. They all stared and found the man glued to the wall. Nobody understood anything, but the old wizard's words answered everything


" Helmy. What a senile old man.. Did you think that I would make you hurt the queen? What a miserable one. Ah.. Helmy must have died, and you took shape.."

 Helmy laughed in a voice that sounded like the sound of corroding musical instruments. And he continued saying in that voice:

"You exposed me, you scum!" His body began to change and swell like a genie coming out of his lamp. Until it became the size of four men. His entire body seemed like dancing black flames as his body was wriggling and undulating nonstop, his eyes were like two embers, and he had long claws sharp like knives. 


- "Oh

!" Everyone cried out. The beast's frightened smile widened.

-"The fear you feel is normal, but. Don't worry, my mission is over, and I must exterminate you all!!"

- "Hahahahaha !" Everyone burst out laughing in response to those words.

"Fear? Are we afraid of you? I've heard strange, wondrous things. In all my long life, but. This is the strangest thing I've ever heard." Thus said the old palace healer, caressing his long white beard, and continued:

“What do you think, Mirren ?”

The girl was standing next to him. She wore a violet cloak that covered her whole body, and only her childish face and glowing green eyes could be seen. She answered calmly:

"That's right, Master. But, if he had appeared earlier, we could have conducted many experiments on his body. Unfortunately, he has appeared now and our country is over."

 Everyone burst out laughing in response. Like she told a joke.

The beast stared at them in confusion and said:

" Are you not afraid or even worried about yourselves!" 


-"Why? This is the reality of the cursed world we are in. The strong crushes the weak, but fear is known only to our women. They are emotional and afraid to fight." Thus answered Mikur , his eyes sparkling . 


"We are not afraid to fight, Mister Mikur . But... our men are crazy!" So said Mirren , rubbing her lips in displeasure.

Everyone turned to him. Even Satan himself did it.

And her old teacher said, caressing his beard:

" Then, do you want to fight him? That would be a good exercise for you." 

"No. Thank you. I'll leave this to our madmen."

- "Fa ha ha ha!!!!!". Everyone burst out laughing again from the bottoms of their hearts.

"All of you have lost your minds from the horror of what has befallen you!!".

"Do you think so, Satan?"

"Yes, miserable queen, look at what fear and terror have done to you!"

-"You understand nothing, it is not fear that has done me, but I will tell you before you go back to Hell. Honor , pride , covenant , ambition, Dignity and love. All these I embody, I bear, I am a queen who carries a kingdom on her shoulders. Country - people - followers - dreams - the future of the country. All this. My great ancestors passed it on to me.To preserve the reign of the great King irem.who united the race of Telles ,and built the kingdom of irem to protect his people from slavery.  


 And now. This kingdom ended in my reign. I have brought shame and disgrace to my people and shattered the pride and dreams of the great irem , and the kings after him...and the dreams of my husband. That is why I could not bear this huge amount of pressure and misfortune. I am not of stone. As for death.. I do not fear it. That is why I asked Mikur to cut off my head. Do you know the amount of shame and disgrace for a people whose queen has become a slave.. No. I don't think you understand being a king!"


"I don't know what you're talking about, old woman !"

Mikur said , placing his sword on his shoulder:

" Your Majesty, don't talk to these people. They only understand the language of blood..." 

"How did you know there was a spy, you scum?!" Mikur replied sarcastically:

-"What a foolish demon... how could you ask me such a question." Satan roared: 

"Tell me, you scum!" Mikur did not want to waste time. But the Queen asked him to answer. That's why it happens:

-"Our Queen is tender, sensitive, hates conflicts and wars and does not tolerate them. You see her condition now, and she sees herself as incompetent. But... I disagree with her. The plans she gives me were terrifying as if she were the late king."

However, the plans were revealed very quickly. And the enemies trap us every time. The battles seemed strange to me, I suspected that there was a spy. I doubted everyone, but I couldn't prove anything."

The Chancellor stood before the devil, and stared at him with cold eyes. The scene was comical, or perhaps even horrifying, as the chancellor was nimble and short against the sheer enormity of the beast. The beast was baring its fangs with a smile that struck fear into the souls. Only the counselor was looking at him.

As if he was looking at a mouse and said: 

-" I haven't seen the Gerol demon for a very long time. But, I have a question for you little boy, are you the reason why the king died a hundred years ago?" 


Those words made all eyes light up like monsters on a dark night.

"Yes, I killed him, old man."

- "Really.. Thank you very much for the answer." The chancellor threw a punch in the belly of Satan. He watched the Devil Punch approaching, and laughed at the old man's insignificance. Perhaps the punch was fast, but for the demon it was slow, would he stick his claws into the old man's throat? Or he might make him punch him, see a look of despair, and then rip his head off. During these thoughts. The counselor smiled at the devil.

The counselor's hand disappeared. For a moment Satan did not understand what had happened, but he began to feel pain in his intestines. He only realized that he had smashed the wall by hitting it.

The counselor looked at his glowing fist and said:

 Aging is really annoying.

Aaaaaaaaaaaa!!!. Screaming erupted. How can this monster fly because of a punch!. Everyone thought of these words. Even Satan himself thought of it.

 The demon was about to get up to find Mikur in front of him, and he waved his sword forcefully. The sword pierced the demon's right eye and the side of his head. The devil cried in applause. And he hit his claws at Mikur. However, the latter avoided her and jumped back, away brilliantly, and said:

“Do not expect us to fight justly with you, for you did not fight justly with us. "

- "You filth." The demon roared, his body turning into smoke. The old magician hit the heel of his stick in the ground, and in response the magicians raised their hands, and muttered words. To appear a white circle under the devil. From that circle, dozens of luminous white strings spurted out and turned around the demon.

Satan groaned in pain. The demon's body began to smoke.

-"Chains of Light. Demons' weak point. Not bad, you've thought about that."

The counselor said:

-"You lack intelligence. You have been watching us for many years. You should have known that we are not weak. Well, I wanted to ask you who sent you. But. It doesn't matter anymore. We must decide, whether to run away with the Queen or to sta."

And we fight to the death, of course, after killing you, Satan." 

"You're killing me. A follower of the The great teacher !" 

" The great teacher? So, this is the cowardly master who sent this mouse to us.. Well, I admit he killed us."

"Old sorcerer, how dare you insult my great master!! "

 The old healer sighed and said:

" Do you think you are a big thing? You are nothing but a little mouse, and your master seems so afraid of us, why else would he send a spy?" And he stood before the devil, who was roaring, trying to evade the chains. The old wizard continued, with eyes burning like fire: 

"Don't underestimate me, you scum!" He folded the fingers of his hands into a fist, so that the chains around the devil pulled him down quickly, smashing the ground under his knees, as he snarled.

  The old healer continued:

-"I have killed hundreds of people like you in a moment, for there is no one in this world who does not know the wizard of irem , this title given to me by my master, friend and comrade irem himself. It is not from air. However, magic is not absolute, and it cannot achieve the impossible." He looked at the ceiling sadly. He looked back at Satan with a distorted face from the intensity of anger and said:


"I knew the young king would die if he went to that meeting. And he..."

The old man sighed and continued:

-"It doesn't matter, but.. the young king died of a truly wondrous illness, the king who was a mirror image of irem himself died.

I sensed that there was something strange in the castle, something dark and familiar, and I searched for you, you motherfucker, every inch of the castle, but to no avail. Your ghostly ability is annoying to me. 


But, as if God had mercy on me, he sent the little prince, who became another version of irem ...but like his father. He will die within two days at the most!!

But. before this kingdom ends. We will take our revenge for our king and our prince!!! .

For irem!!!!!!!! The old man screamed like a beast wracked with pain. A shriek that shook the entire castle exploded.

- "For the sake of AAAAAAAAA irem!!!!!! ". Everyone present shouted, tears falling from their eyes, and leapt over the demon like ferocious beasts. Soldiers. Knights. leaders. Ministers. he wrote. couriers. Servants. They tore the beast in front of them like madmen. Even magicians leapt into the air, raining spells on the devil, even the old magician and his apprentice, shedding spells like rain shedding tears.

Satan became minced meat in seconds, and everyone present was stained with blood. The Queen stood before what was left of the demon, a head and shoulders, and took the sword from Mikur. I waved the sword coldly. The demon's head, which grew even more miserable from its disfigurement, rolled.

At that moment, the gate opened. One of the soldiers entered, crying:

"They are here. They have surrounded the castle, Your Majesty!"

Well done, loyal soldier. said the Queen, with pride. She walked to the door and said:

- "I will not flee or seek death with enemies before me. In front of my house. If I were to die, it would not be in combat. Lest it be said, that the last king of irem fled from his enemies by killing himself."

All present followed her without an iota of sadness or pain. Their faces radiated strength like valiant warriors. Going to their glory.

the end


The Queen stood in front of her palace gate, and stared at the enormous army standing before her.

In front of those armies, were the leaders stained with blood. Twenty leaders. Each commander was succeeded by his own legion, consisting of five thousand. An army of 100,000 people. They covered the land like the sea.

but –

Mikur stepped forward , clutching his sword. And he stood before his queen as a castle that cannot be chosen. And he said, with an emotionless face and eyes like ice:

" What a beautiful sight. But.. I don't see that huge coward. Was he killed like a dog, as I heard?" 


Vavavafa!!! . The front of the army burst into laughter, making a sound like dozens of thunders


Mikur remained silent until the storm of laughter subsided.

One of the leaders, who looked like a hungry beast, said:

-"Is that all you have left. You only send one person. And on top of that he wears rusty armlets. You really disappoint me." And he laughed meanly.

Arms are made for fighting, not for a dance party! Those words that Mikur uttered coldly froze the leaders, the happiness painted on their faces, and fear and uneasiness replaced it.

Another leader said:

" Damn you, then, you are Mikur , I thought you were dead." 

-"You still have a chance to make this a reality. Or would you rather just kill children, you filth!"

Mikur said with bright eyes.

The former captain, with the blood washing him, answered, pointing with his sword at Mikur :

-"Let's get rid of this nonsense, for the strong does what he wants. This is the damned reality and truth, therefore, I am the strong one. I give you the conditions, so you can hear them now."


Mikur remained silent so the man continued the conversation.

"You must kill the royal family by your own hand, and we will release you and your dogs, or we will kill you, and the queen will become our dog - I mean our captive."

He smiled contemptuously and continued:

"And as for the Prince , do not worry, there are those who love boys, and will pay a lot for them. So, what is your answer?"

Mikur closed his eyes, realizing that he was going to die, they could not survive the fighting of the army in front of him no matter how strong it was. It was the greatest honor he could wish for. But he will not fall easily, but will take many of them before his death.      

He looked at his queen one last look.

His queen did not know anything about the prince's order, the queen might have thought that the prince did not know anything, but she was wrong, as the prince knew every little thing. Several days ago, there was a secret meeting in the prince's room, and there were many close followers, among them was Mikur , the old palace healer, and the chancellor. The prince asked the old palace wizard, to cast in the room, many spells to prevent espionage.

And then he issued the order. Which is that when the time comes, the old wizard will use the Transfer Spell, and take the Queen and her special minions with him.

 And they understood what the Prince meant by this cruel matter.

 They had to save the queen at all costs, as long as the queen was alive; There was hope to restore the country again


Is this the end then? Not bad.. I have lived my life proudly and I will die proudly. And look at the leaders stained with blood. They weren't calling the leaders bloody in vain.

Their bodies were washed with blood in all the battles. They were bathed in the blood of their victims as a kind of ritual. That is why Mikur hated them, for if they were doing this to their opponents, he might have accepted it, but they killed the innocent and the defenseless and bathed in their blood.

Mikur knew them well. They were tough fighters. But they will not reach the strength and skill of Mikur . He could fight three of them at once, even four as far as possible.

But if it is more than that, it will be difficult. He rolled his eyes to the only woman among the blood-stained leaders, who seemed to have poured several barrels of blood on her head. Her hair was sticky red, and her shields were crimson from so much blood. Then the woman stared at him with a harsh look while licking her lips, as if she were a monster asking to taste more blood. 

He shivered when he remembered that this woman liked to wash her skin with the blood of young girls


These people do not know honor... just butchers!


Then, his muscles stiffened. Mikur looked like a sharpened sword blade. Mikur smiled , it was the smile of a ravenous beast. His eyes lit up with hatred.

The queen cried from behind him, saying:

" Mikur . Show me something worthy of our damned end!!"

-" Your words are orders .!!!"

Mikuer shouted , waved his sword forcefully in the air, and the air made a sharp sound As if crying out in pain from the sharpness of the sword. The queen thought he was getting ready, but what she saw next made her laugh slyly . As four heads appeared, and flew through the air.

And then. Bodies missing their heads appeared. divorced from between their shoulders ugly red fountains.

Were they using invisibility magic? To get close to Mikur , however. Mikur did not care. It was a war, and everything in it was permissible.

However. Mikur did not finish as he waved his sword back at lightning speed, aiming at their legs, their legs flying everywhere, and the bodies falling and floundering. Like a fish caught in a fisherman's net.

He looked at one of the rolling heads, and kicked the bloody woman, the head flew like an arrow from the force of the kick. Stroking her head, in a quick movement, the woman cut off the head with her sword, and Mikur scorned . As if she was offended by this act. Not because he killed her followers, but because he threw the despicable head at her.


And before Mikur advances. He caught a twinkle in the sky, and raised his eyes to reveal a golden circle in the sky. The circle began to swell and widen rapidly. Even the sky was obscured by its sheer size. The circle's symbols and emblems began to glow and revolve around themselves.

The world drowned in the color of gold. Everyone looked at the sky in astonishment. The view was as beautiful as a dream. For a moment, those present forgot about the war. Mikur jumped back. He followed her with quick, wide leaps until he stood before the Queen, and looked back up at the sky.

It was then that pillars of lightning struck the sky. A majestic army appeared in the air. That was the army. standing in the air. It shines like treasures.

Hundreds of gold-armored. Hundreds of armored platinum. Hundreds of silver-armored. Hundreds are covered in black.

Everyone forgot where they were, holding their breath. It was something you can only see in your imagination.

That army descended from the sky. Frighteningly fast, as if he was falling by gravity. Everyone thought, that they would crash from this fall.

Except that the army. He was standing still and steadily. Like they don't care.

"Heaven's Army!!" said the queen. And her eyes are almost falling from her socket.

The ground exploded, as if a gigantic giant had fallen on top of it.

Dust swept like gigantic vortices. The dust vanished in an instant. Look at that army. who seemed to stand like statues, separating the queen and the great army.

At the front of that army were two men in black, and beside him were two women in black. One of them wears a mask over her face. And another breathtaking beauty.

And beside them. a man and a woman; They are dressed in armor of different colors, and next to them is a huge man with green hair and eyes. In front of all of them is a young man of beauty who astonishes the onlookers. Had it not been for his malicious red eyes.

As if this was not a sight enough for onlookers. That majestic army knelt down. On one knee, elegantly. As if they are showing off themselves in front of their king


But. No one understood what was happening. Or when they do so, no one stood before them, as their master; To do such a performance.

Then a thunderous whistling was heard in the sky, and the sound was getting louder. It was as if something was quickly falling from the sky


A golden flash hit the ground. Crushing the army in a great explosion. Knights flew everywhere, and the ground shook. As if it was hit by a great earthquake.

The Queen cried in terror, trying to balance. And madness spread in the place as a huge, deafening roar sounded. 

Huge sails fluttered, sweeping away the dust around them. To tremble all present. In a mixture of horror, fear and amazement. 

It was a huge dragon the size of a ship.

His golden scales gleamed under the sun like a mountain of sparkling jewels, and he was opening his four wings. Like the sails of a golden ship. And look at his silver eyes،

Which radiates the power does not belong to a man, on the people before him with contempt.

 It was massive. strong. Terrifying. mighty!

Everyone forgot about the army, which had fallen from the sky, and they looked at the dragon ,

they wanted to scream and wail from this madness. With horror they stared at their comrades who had become like dough Beneath his large muscular body.

No one dared to disrespect the great being.

Then the dragon was released exhale hot. strong. From his huge nostrils to let the soldiers fly in front of him like leaves from trees. No one dared to come forward to check on his mashed comrades or even move or breathe loudly.

They all stood pale like statues. Unwilling to attract attention to this monster. Which was greater than all the dragons, which they have seen and heard of even in legends.

The queen was trembling, as she embraced her sceptre, in fear. An enormous mass of power was terrorizing souls. And the queen thought, staring at the dragon

 This is LINIAS Vintos .. Mercy, Lord!. Her tears flowed from the intensity of fear. She even felt wetness between her legs, and from the queen's side a frightful gasp sounded, and the queen turned to find that the old wizard was. His corpse seemed quivering, and he fell to his knees in a violent shiver. Even Mikur stood before the Queen trembling.

Then the dragon lowered its head and silence prevailed in the place.

Above the dragon 's head was a great throne, sitting on the throne. A man as beautiful as a legend.

His thick white hair rippled behind him like a cloud, and his luxurious black clothes shone with gold threads, and upon his shoulders a golden jewel like the head of a dragon shone with all colors, and a scarlet cloak hung from his shoulders A huge fire fluttered behind him.

 Dragons were very Pride and dignity and would not allow anyone to ride their back, so how about a dragon. He lays his head On earth as slaves.

This was a lot, and it exceeded the possibility of a lot of imagination. Except that no one. He couldn't say anything, they thought. That this is a kind of hallucinations and delusions.

 But, there was one person. He knows this is not a fantasy. And that person cried, trembling and trembling:

- "Who are you?! "

 LINIAS Vintos looked up from his mighty throne. His angry golden eyes turned to the old man

 And he said :

"A person has been born twice!"

And he felt an unbridled desire to kill them all, without exception!



Welcome .. you reached the end of the book. I hope you have enjoyed it even a little.



Ali Saeed Ali




Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.02.2022

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

anyone who stood in his way would become a corpse swimming in blood, his thirst for killing was evident under his headdress, as his eyes glowed the color of molten gold, Those eyes were vowing to death.

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