

I never had any practice of writing. And story?.huh! but mind demands.I tried to write so many times. But it ended after two lines only.Two line can be a message but not a story! I threw away my pen and paper to the basket.But recent I 'm doing well. I 'm able to write something on  any subject . And recently I do talk like a writer,a  great change .! waw! After knowing this I am  feeling great! Feeling that I'm something. And this days I don't talk much, always reserved mind, feel pride in my mind.

 I've written a story, don't know if it's any story or not. Anything you say,, I've written this on tonight and giving you online for reading. If you have enough time to waste. Here it is:


I got a  phone call from my wife yesterday before I  leave my office. She said she won't be back  on morning she's coming. She went to her sister as she was seek. Her leg  broke .She is in hospital. Anny is  her name.The world is a big planet ,but it's very small in Ronny' and her eyes .Ronny is her boyfriend.They both are romantic .And for romance they went to walk beside the rail track and even walking on the tracks ,suddenly left leg of Anny slipped and gone inside the track. Fingers  broke at first phase, then ankle.Now she's having taste of romance in hospital.  After I came to learn the situation I then decided to go to my friends house on the way to my house.My friend became very happy to see me and arranged drink .I couldn't deny because I had the freedom on this night. But  there was a hesitation working in my mind.I  haven't drunk for few years . Susan and I  have promised not to drink anymore. But my mind, again was allowing me to drink saying"only one night,,drink man,Susan shouldn't know, nothing  will happen,drink man"!Conflict  of mind-what should I do?Drink or not?" At last drunk and Alex Almost half a bottle..i drunk excessively and  almost senseless.I can't remember how I returned home.On the morning when I discovered myself, wearing underwear only,, felt shame. My friend reached me home and took away my clothes and kept me lying on bed and then left. I slept  the whole night deeply.

It is the month of July, raining season. Weather was cool and it helped me sleeping a lot .I  slept like dead man.

I woke up disturbed by calling bell. When I got up on bed I found myself almost nacked. Shame!  I tried to cover my lower part of body with a towel ,got down and forwarded to the door .Opened and saw my wife has returned. She started "do you know how long I've been standing here and pushing bell? I'm tired." And after smelling "you drunk,and you haven't gone to office!She was just barking like a bitch.It's true and what can I say?I ignored her and looked at the clock. Yes! I'm late from bed .Now I will be late in office too..Oh!What a mass.!


Somehow I managed to get brushed teeth and dressed up and ran for office driving my own car. I had to hurry up ,couldn't eat any stomach was empty. I drove car like mad blowing horn again and again.Thus I reached the office.Getting on the stairs was like climbing the mountain Everest.Lift was not running for power failure.I lost my half of strength of the day. Oh!


after I reached  my  office I ordered breakfast. The clerk went out to bring my breakfast. There were files on my desk. They already reached before me for checking .They were many. I  forgot to bring my pen so I forwarded my hand  towards drawer,But it was locked,,and the key was in possession of the clerk. So I had another problem.I had to wait till the clerk came back

alrready I was late for office, and further waste of time.i felt impatience. In the mean time, a wrong number phone call came in land line from an older woman.She was searching  her daughter.I noticed that it's not any residence number but she couldn't hear .Because  she was deaf.Couldn't listen what I was saying.She  was calling again and again. I became very  irritatedand , had  to disconnect  the phone. In hunger this disturbance was making me paranoid.

My stomach  became filled with air and I almost was flying like gas balloon. Half an hour passed but the clerk still didn't return. Where was that stupid!I  Became a little angry. Nothing was right  on this morning.I  started to play beat with my fingers on desk.

Spending 45 minutes the clerk came. My temper was hot. I asked him rudely "where you have been? You've taken 45 minutes for this ? And why you haven't given the key before leaving? I can't open my drawer.Give me the key." He noticed the reason for delay.Last night it was raining heavily,and still on the morning ,I saw it too when  I was in the car. For this reason, a large crowd was there on the shop for drinking tea.They were gossiping and jaming.The clerk even couldn't place his order to the shop.That is why delayed to return.

Anyway I took the key from the clerk and opened the drawer.Took the pen from  there and started to check file as I was drinking juice. I'll eat my stuff later.

This is a insurance company where I work and certain insurance policy holders kept the claimation file for appealing to fulfill their compensation. and my work was to check the papers submitted in files. I've  been Working here for five years  I  had this regular work.

My wife  also service holder,have been working on a NGO.  Now researching on one project .We both earn, and maintain a good status. But we don't have any children. Hope there will be someone in our family,a new member in near future.



 I  got my breakfast and I got my key of drawer, became relieved.,But after started work boss called me on his room. He already gave phone call earlier but it was kept disconnected. So I couldn't hold the call. After I  got ready to go to the boss and entered his room he showed me hot temper and talked very roughly.The morning was really awful!  I was thinking then."how can you be such careless at this urgent  working time,!Don't you know this is the most busy time for the company? And you came lately and kept phone disconnected.I shouldn't listen any alibie , complete work today." 

I don't delay every day but Boss didn't excuse me. I'm a responsible officer.any way I got to get back to my room to execute my duty.

After returning my room I saw on desk my breakfast was eating  a fly  in absence of mine. Oh! My hunger!Tell me how a man does feel at that moment. Better was that I at least drunk the juice. I called the clerk again to bring something to eat,I was  starving.

I started  blaming  myself.It' was all my fault.Why I went Alex's home?

Actually, all this happened only for drinking. if I had not drunk  I had reached office  in time. And everything could be  simple.Clerk brought food and coffee.After finishing them  I started to work again Any way the morning passed away and  in noon  I took a heavy lunch to take revenge of my bad awful  morning. After finishing my work there I  got up from chair and took the coat on my shoulder. Then a phone cal on cellular phone and it was from my last night's friend with whom I drunk. l  immediately switched  off the phone.keeping a naughty smile on my face I came downstairs and rode on the car. Drove straight home,, that was my address. I expected Susan must be in home then.




when I  started to drive my car there was stars on the sky.  Cold wind was blowing. The road was clear  and I was driving with a little speed whistling  a tune on mouth. Whatever the morning was, in the evening , everything was o.k and mind was free of tension. And I was going home to meet my sweetheart, what a romantic night it would be. I was imagining. After rain  the nature   became a different one, moisture and cool wind  and a half moon on sky  was floating on the  tidal wave of cloud.

I was thinking all this and driving. I reached home. But I striucked  to see my friend on drawing room with a bottle of whisky! Where was  my dear Susan? Alex ,my friend answered she had gone to hospital  to see her sister. Possibly won't return the night. She left the key to the gatekeeper hearing the news that Alex was coming. I just sat down on the sofa. A bolt from the blue. "Oh! Again drink! And tomorrow the same things in the morning!"  talked  myself.

I always try to avoid drinks because I have so many bad events in drinking nights history. And one horrible event of falling down in bed after drink where my sister in law sleeping. My wife.....Oh! That night!

  Sometimes when we feel lonely my wife invites her sister, her uncle for accompany. Once in invitation Anny came . And slept on our bedroom after finishing dinner. I came home from a tour,  drunk,on that night,It wasn't fixed that I would return home on that night. And  Susan was sleeping on sofa  in drawing room deeply couldn't notice that Anny is on our bed. And I also entered room very carefully, silently that Susan can sleep peacefully. I kept my coat on hanger and fell on bed cause I was heavily loaded. And .....The rest.. you do understand ....What happend. And my dear Wife........!

I was trying to find a way to avoid this drink. So  I became less attentive toward what Alex was saying. I answered inconstantly to the questions he was asking. Any way,  tomorrow morning cannot be the same as today. And if I'm late in office I'll be fired. Once I thought I should speak the matter straight.  Would he mind?

The TV was on and it was telling the news of flash flood in certain state of India for heavy rain. people died. I went to the kitchen for tea.I had a headache. Drink part was on later. Alex also wanted tea.

Planning was going on my head .I washed the glasses for whisky and kept them in kitchen. Yes I made up the plan.I took the cup of tea on tray and reached the drawing room.

 We were drinking tea and watching news on tv. My cat got up on the sofa and sat  beside me. I rubbed hand on it's head and body. She kept her eyes closed.

After finishing tea part Alex  demanded the glass.I told that they were in kitchen.and asked to go there and bring them. Alex got up and walked to the kitchen. This was the moment for I  made the plan.I threw down my cat to the ground and  thenafter,  hitted  the whisky bottle to the ground to break .


      Successful!  The whisky bottle fell down and broke. All the whiskey wet  down the carpet.Alex hurrily came with glass and saw this. He was strucked . .whisky was finished." How it happened? He asked. I pointed  finger to the cat " She have done this , just jumped to the whisky bottle for playing"  I answered  I was then a  perfect actor.

Well! What can be done! Accident is accident.Alex understood and just slowly sat down on sofa.

We spent a little more time in gossiping. I was happy to be escaped and abstaining  from drinking. But Alex had addiction. So he left for home to get a drink. I  laughed loudly.!

The plan and acting and using my cat on this all were perfect .I stayed lonely on that night. After finishing dinner I took a magazine from bedside table. I  fell asleep after a while.Next morning it was as regular.I I happily got out with relaxed mind.                                           


Drinking is injurious to health and sometimes we do forget this. it's not right. When I first met Susan , in a bar, Susan was there also to have drink. Her break up with former lover made her upset and she came to the bar. And I went there with Alex . We regularly had gone there on those days.There I became attracted to Susan and talked with her personally.

We met several times there and slowly got known each other  and became friend.and lastly deep relation and marriage. Four years passed. We both drunk after marriage too. But Susan became serious in life living, disciplined and punctual. Now she don't like any chaos.Drink and all kinds of addiction make life risky from health side and and brings anarchy and chaos. 

The night I drunk with Alex on his home was after a very long time.Alex drinks regularly. But I and Susan maintain health and all discipline. We don't drink. We are dreaming for good future.We want to have a baby.The night I drunk , next morning my head became jam heavily. After a longtime gap, so it affected.

Anyway ,I'm now free from drinking. On my way to office on the next morning I was looking forward to the road and driving smoothly.



                                           The End


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 31.07.2019

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

character I s writer ,her wife friend,office staff and a cat.

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