

The sun was shinning brightly over a small field outside a simple country man's house. Wind gently swayed the nearby trees and the nearby stream trickled happily as it rolled by the estate. In the field a young girl sat under a lone tree, playing with a fallen fruit.
Her mother sat nearby, eyes closed, humming softly to herself as she weaved a basket together with small strips of wood she had peeled earlier that morning. The dress she wore was not exotic or elegant, but she wore it with the pride of someone who knew their trade. Her dark black hair shone brightly in the sun as the gentle breeze made it move in unison with the leaves and tall grass.
Treasa sat silently nearby, having thrown the hard fruit into the grass for the wildlife to have. Now watching her mother weave the basket she marveled at how beautiful she was. While only eight years old Treasa was already beginning to look more like her mother and less like her father, the towns master-at-arms. Her short black hair didn't have the curls her mothers had, nor did she have her mothers beautiful silver eyes.
Her life was perfect, and even though she was only a peasant she wanted nothing else in the world than to sit in this field and weave baskets with her mother. Everything was perfect, and she hoped it would last, Her dream was broken when the sweet scent of flowers in the air was replaced with the smell of burning flesh.
Treasa's mother jumped to her feet, startled, when the wind sent the smell in her direction. Neither of the woman were aware of the growing conflict within the Fatir Empire as two factions of fire elementalists fought for control of the country. The fighting had begun to spread into the outer cities of the empire. Having only typically been fought close to the nations capital city, the spreading of the conflict was leading to increased deaths of innocent bystanders who were not involved with the war.
The unfinished basket fell to the ground as Treasa's mother ran towards her. Grabbing her arm tightly she ran as fast as she could towards their home. A bruise was already forming on Treasa's arm but she was too worried about how upset her mother was to notice. Unlike her mother, Treasa hadn't known what the smell was, the political uprising had been far from her eyes and her father had kept her ignorant of all what was happening in the empire.
A ball of fire shot from the trees and ignited the grass the had been running through, cutting them off from their house. Screams became deafening as soldiers stormed into the previously peaceful field from all sides. Blood and smoke covered everything as balls of fire tore into the bodies of soldiers. A strong wind kicked up and blew ash at Treasa's eyes. Trying to wipe away the hot embers her eyes began to tear. A hot blast of air blew past her. Her mother's grip began to loosen and then it disappeared completely.
Finally managing to get most of the ash out of her eyes the young girl turned to search for her mother. Her mother's body was laying on the ground half burnt. It hadn't been a blast of heat that had blown past but a stray fireball.
Staring at her dead body was mind numbing. She couldn't believe what she was seeing, nor could she cry. She just started to shake. In seconds it felt as if years had passed as she just stood watching the woman who only an hour before has been sitting peacefully under a tree.
A large man ran towards Treasa with a sword drawn. Even though she wasn't an armed combatant he didn't care, everything on the field was up for grabs, and he wanted the child dead. As he approached a knife slammed into his forehead knocking him backwards. Two men appeared from behind her, each man wore a uniform drastically different then the other soldiers on the field, but what stood out was their white eyes. When they caught her gaze she couldn't look away, she was so petrified that she couldn't move.
More white eyed men appeared and the flow of the battle began to change drastically. Where before they had been barely holding on, one side was now forcefully pushing the opposition back.
When it was clear the enemies had finally been pushed into a full retreat everyone broke into a cheer. Gathering together, all of the white eyed soldiers exchanged congratulatory handshakes before being addressed by the man Treasa believed was their leader.
"Today the Fare Tilwin Reath have finally been given a chance to participate in this rebellion! And as a result we have earned our places in this war, proving that we are not an extinct weapon!" Everybody cheered loudly and threw their arms up into the air.
"Reapers!" An unseen man in the group cheered, within moments everybody began chanting with in unison.
Still in shock from the battle, Treasa barely heard anything that was said. All she could see was the image of her mothers dead body in her mind, like it had been burned their. Anger roared to life from deep within her. Reaching down she pulled the large knife from the forehead of the man who had tried to kill her. Spinning the blade up she sprinted towards the group of white eyed men.
Before she had even come into range they all turned towards her, apparently having known she was coming for them. She couldn't tell if it was shock or amusement that had flashed across their faces but she didn't care. She had some training with a knife and she intended to draw blood.
A muscular man moved into her way and batted her aside like a fly. Treasa landed with a grunt nearby, having all of the breath knocked from her. She refused to stop and charged again.
"Hey Prod, this kid has an anger problem. What should I do with her?"
The man he was speaking too was the same man who made the speech moments before. "She's just a child Fantus, leave her be." Folding his arms in front of himself, Prod was unconcerned with the angry girl.
"She doesn't look to be wanting to stop anytime soon." Fantus said knocking Treasa back again.
Another man stepped up and kicked Treasa across the face, snapping her jaw.
"Siped!" Prod yelled drawing his own two handed sword from his back.
"You're too weak Prod! This rebellion would be finished already if we had just begun fighting!"
"Master Fatir said we were to stay at the temple. We serve him, not your own inclinations."
"That's not good enough! He doesn't know what our potential is! That damn family doesn't appreciate us like the old line did!"
A sword was at the man's throat in seconds, silence had befallen the group and nobody was willing to interrupt. A heavy unease rested in the air, something strange was going on. Visibly split between the two men, the rest of the group remained silent.
In that moment all of the pain, all of the hatred bubbled over and Treasa exploded. Screaming at the top of her lungs the ground around them began to vibrate.
"Is she an elementalist?!" Fantus yelled over the girl's scream.
"No she's not shifting." Prod said curiously standing by, watching. Siped didn't wait to see what was going to happen. Drawing his long sword he charged towards Treasa, ready to kill her. Before he could get close enough the vibrations running through the air shifted, focusing towards the running man sending him spiraling backwards.
The half that had backed Siped all drew throwing knives from hiding places in their uniforms and threw them, in unison, at the screaming girl. Another shift in the air deflected all of the knives away from her, and back towards their owners. Most of the blades had been turned away with their own weapons, but one slipped through and struck a Reaper in the neck. Falling to the ground the man bled out and died in only a few moments.
Everybody was awestruck. This seemingly simple girl was proving to be incredibly dangerous and in her current state powerful enough to kill. With such a unique style of fighting it would be impossible for them to fight back without taking unacceptable casualties.
Prod started walking towards her slowly. As he approached he started dropping his weapons. Soon he had nothing to defend himself with. He held his hands out in front of him defensively. When he was finally close enough to touch her he placed his hands on her shoulders and hugged her. Slowly the screaming stopped and, finally calmed, started to cry.
Soldiers approached and picked her up. They bound her and carried the sobbing girl away towards their camp. It was an event nobody had expected. Looking back over his shoulder towards Siped and Fantus, Prod gave them a look they had never seen before. "We're taking her back to temple of the Fare Tilwin Reath."
"Is that a good idea Prod?" Fantus asked questionably.
"You don't have a choice, she isn't a person we captured by our enemies. She will make a good Reaper."
"Most women don't survive the training, you know that Prod" Siped was now openly mocking Prod. The man's ability to anger an enemy was one of his greatest talents.
"I will take her into my sect and train her. I believe she has what it takes to be a great asset to us all."

Fare Tilwin Reath

Treasa woke laying in a bed covered with a thin sheet. The thick air was hot and humid. Her body was covered with a shiny layer of sweat. The windows were covered by bars and the door was made of a solid metal. Even though she had never seen anything like it in her life it was clear she was in a prison cell.
Touching her face she could feel a cloth that was holding her mouth shut. It had been mended but when she tried to move it the pain made her eyes water. She couldn't remember anything from the point she was kicked across the face till she awoke in this strange room.
Slowly rolling over in her bed she came face to face with Prod, the leader of the white eyed soldiers who arrived after her mother had been killed. He wore simple clothes now, no armor or weapons as he had been when the had first met. Now she could see the softness of his face and the pain that lay hidden deep within his eyes.
"I'm glad you're finally awake. I brought you here to the temple of the Fare Tilwin Reath."
"The...what?" Treasa could still barely speak and even the few words she could get out were burdened with pain.
"Try not to speak. We managed to re-set your jaw but it's going to take time to heal properly. Siped did a number on it with that kick, damned fool could have killed you." He gently turned her head once more to make sure everything was okay. Treasa was surprised at how gentle this man was. He took a step back and stood straight up. He was over twice her height and a well built man. His broad shoulders gave him a strange sense of authority. "This is the temple of the Fare Tilwin Reath. Most of the common people just call us Reapers, since they tend to be superstitious and believe we are monsters, not humans. We are a fairly secretive group of soldiers that serve the true heir to the Fatir throne, Tyrour Fatir. Like all nobles he claimed the Fatir title as his surname name. He is the most powerful Fire shifter I have ever met. I have even heard tales of his family being able to communicate with dragons. All Elementalists bow to his power, even those of our enemies. Many disapprove of his political stance though. They feel that he is weak; too willing to give out nations future up to protect this fake peace we're in."
"Dragons?" Her face hurt badly because of the kick Siped had given her but it was strange to think that someone could possibly communicate with dragons.
"You will learn about it during your history studies."
Nodding her head in agreement, Prod continued his speach
"Like I was saying, Master Tyrour does not want too give over control of Fatir to another nation, he just wants no more war between us and the others. We fight so hard against Wanve, Ental, or even Duzee that our entire lives are spent on the battlefield. He wants our children to finally live without fear of invading soldiers, or some other threat. He wants peace." Treasa didn't know much about this man but she agreed with this approach. Her own mother had died because men decided to fight on the battlefield instead of solving their issues otherwise.
"You have been brought here to become one of us. Usually only tested warriors are taken into this program, and especially no children...but you did something back in that field that showed me that you needed to be taught. You will become a Reaper and serve Fatir and Master Tyrour." She knew that what he was saying should have been an honor, but something about how he said it sounded almost like regret and sorrow. "You begin in the morning, regardless of how your injury has healed."
Standing, the tall man turned and left the room. As the door closed silence fell over every corner of the room. Her own gentle breathing was the only thing she could hear. Thoughts of her mother ran through her mind, but those moments of her death hadn't been among them. Slowly falling into a deep sleep she pictured the long dark hair of her mother flowing gently in the wind as she wove baskets to sell at the market.


A hard knock at the door startled her from her sleep. The abrupt movement forced her jaw to crack, sending waves of pain up her face. Taking a moment to overcome the nausea of moving so fast, she steadied herself on a nearby chair. Touching something soft she looked over and saw a uniform that had been laid out for her.
Different than the one Treasa had seen Prod and the others wearing, this was a very plain design and altogether looked cheaply made. Picking up a pair of thick white pants, she realized they had a strong coarse rope tied to them. Quickly putting them on she grabbed the thin white shirt also on the chair and ran towards the door.
Just before she reached the door it opened and Siped walked into her room. Coming to a quick stop before running into the taller man, he watched her and smirked. Numerous scars lined what she could see of his body. He had seen years of battles, and was a far more experienced soldier than she could ever hope to be.
"So it seems you're the one who is holding up my training schedule for the day. I hope your wounds have had enough time to heal." A strong hand grabbed hold of her face and pulled her towards him. The pressure of his hand sent blinding pain up the side of her face. "I will not wait for you again girl. Next time you will regret making me wait for you." Releasing her face he turned back to the door and walked out.
Following closely behind she fell into a line with countless other men and women all dressed the same as she was. Siped began leading them down the hallway, around corners and through doorways. It felt close to an hour before they finally exited the stone hallways, and entered a large courtyard.
Waiting for them in the grass covered field were men and women. Following their directions they all lined up in front of one of the waiting trainees. Moving to the center of the newly formed circle, Siped began handing out steel short swords. Spinning the sword in her palm she was surprised to feel how heavy the little weapon was.
Picking up another set of weapons, the trainer handed the outer ring of trainees wooden swords. The size and shape of these weapons varied, unlike the ones given to the center circle. Some of the men who had been marched down with Treasa looked content to have a steal blade in their hands, and not a fake one.
"Today is day one of your new life. The trainees you see around you are about to begin the second phase of their training. The purpose of today's drill is to teach you how to fight with a bladed weapon."
"Why do we need lessons for that? I've been fighting with a sword since I was old enough to..." Before being able to finish speaking a knife had been placed between the man's eyes. His body dropped to the grass, and his blood ran from his face.
"You all belong to the Fare Tilwin Reath now, and what we say is law. Does anybody have any problem with that?" After a few awkward moments of silence Siped make a gesture with his hands and the man who had been facing the dead man dragged him away. "As I said before, you will be taught how we fight, how we engage our enemies in combat. You might have some skill with a sword, but will that save you from a fire elementalist? Can your steel turn away a razor sharp shard of ice, or a bolt of lightning?
"We are not just soldiers, we are the front lines against the skills of the elementalists. It was our arrival on the battle field hundred of years ago that brought an end to the great war."
Waving to the doorway they had all entered other men began walking into the room. Instantly Treasa recognized a few of them, but many of the others she had never seen before. Leaving the trail of men behind them, Prod and fantus approached Siped and shook hands in respect.
"During your stay here you all will learn to use every weapon imaginable, and how to effectively use them against our foes. On your final day of training you will do the same as these men here and face off against the newest recruits to the program. If you survive the training you will be moved onto the next stage of training. From there you will be assessed and picked by one of us to join their Sect. After you will be awarded the respect deserving of your new position." Prod addressed the class confidently and with authority. Without wasting time he picked up one the steel sword that had fallen to the ground when their first classmate died.
Fantus took a sword from one of the others and stood facing Prod. Both men dropped into a fighting stance and waited for a few moments. Siped began circling them, giving his first instructions into the strange form of fighting.
"As you can see, these are two of the basic stances we use during training. Sect Master Prod has taken a high stance, while Sect master Fantus has taken a middle defense." With blinding speed Prod lunged at Fantus, ready to impale him with his sword. With equal speed and grace Fantus deflected the blade past his shoulder, doing no damage to his body. Continuing the exchange, the two Reapers traded blows for minutes until Siped yelled for them to stop.
Neither of the men looked tired, or even winded. Exchanging playful banter about how sloppy the other was looking. "Trainees, your task is to fight with the recruits. You have learned all of these strikes and defenses and must now refine them if you are to become candidates." In unison the outer circle of soldiers chanted. "Recruits your job is to kill the trainees. You have been given steel blades and some of you may even be skilled enough to accomplish your task. If you manage to kill your opponent than you will receive special treatment and privileges that your fellow recruits will not be given."
Treasa was shocked at how casually he ordered these men to kill each other. Years of training could be lost within moments if you happened to face someone skilled enough to best you in a fight. Serious doubts ran through her head as Siped and the others began to leave the room.
"You have one hour. When I return you will receive your fates." Siped laughed sadistically and left the room. Turning back to the man she was supposed to kill, Treasa wondered what type of special treatment she would receive, and how bad her life was going to be if she couldn't kill this stranger.

The Great War

An hour had passed before Siped returned to the courtyard. Panting hard from the exertion of fighting, Treasa hadn't been able to break through the defense of the well trained man. All of her strikes had been deflected with almost no damage done to his wooden replica sword. Only two of the recruits managed to kill their opponent.
Each of those men had shown great experience handling a weapon, and their strength made it nearly impossible to defend against. The larger of the two men had cuts running up his arm from the nails of the female trainee he strangled to death only minutes into the fight.
Siped moved through the room an analyzed what had happened while he was gone. Of the two kills only one of them seemed to please the strict man. Continuing to look the room over he nodded at a couple of Trainees and shook his head at others, willingly showing his thoughts on the battle.
Moving to the center of the room, where he had been standing before, he ordered two watchers to remove the dead bodies. Waiting for them to be done with their task, he looked over at Treasa and chuckled to himself. At least her complete failure put him in a better mood.
"It is clear that some of you understand what it takes to become a Reaper. Others of you will most likely die before your assessment." His eyes never left Treasa's. Two of the recruits looked at each other questionably, the more handsome of them shrugged his shoulders, clearly unconcerned with the meaning behind the threat.
Of the fifty recruits Treasa was clearly the youngest. The closest to her age was a boy who looked to be a young teenager. Everybody else had nearly a decade of experience on her, and just as much time with a sword in their hands.
"Trainees, you have completed the final test before your assessment. Please return to your rooms and rest until tomorrow morning. By sunrise be ready to leave for the test." Leaving the room in an orderly line the only people left were the first day trainees. Only one of the trainees looked back over her shoulder to the waiting recruits. When their eyes met a deep sorrow rested within them. As she walked out of the room and disappeared, Treasa could only remember her unspoken apology for the young girl.
Turning his attention to those remaining in the room he motioned for them to drop their weapons and circle around him. One by one they began to sit in the grass until Siped was the only one left standing. Pointing towards a large map on a nearby wall he took one of the swords and started pointing towards marked points.
"This is our planet. Over the centuries our explorers have managed to create this, a full view of the very earth we walk on." Moving the tip of the sword across the map he stopped it just above the eastern most mass of land. "This section of land is known as the Great Expanse. It consists of three of the six great nations. Ental lies to the north of the continent, while Rornin is to the south. Fatir lies here, in between both. As you can imagine this has created a great deal of stress between the empires at times, but within the last few decades things have been fairly docile."
"The Ental elementalist base their powers off the earth and ground. When engaging one you need to remember that their attacks can come from any place and at any moment. Strength is the only thing that will defend you from their attacks. You have to be more powerful than they are. Their master also has the ability to heal wounds.
"We have been given a gift in the fact that Rornin use Lightning as their elemental base. They are by far the most powerful shifters alive, with their attacks being the only one we have not been able to come up with a legitimate defense against. The reason we are lucky is because lightning is a rare phenomena and can only be drawn from the storms that often travel their lands. Following these storms for defense, the Rornin have developed into a nomadic people, but do not ever underestimate them.
Moving the sword further to the right he stopped above a large formation of islands running along the entire center of the map. "This is Wanve, similar to Rornin they do not have large built up cities, but live in small tribes along these island masses. It would be impossible for us to have shown you how many islands are actually there since many are only a few miles wide, but there are over twenty thousand islands between the Great Expanse and the Lesser Expanse.
Continuing on with his speech, he pointed towards the western continent. "This is the Lesser Expanse. Wanve acts as our bridge to this part of the world. The western most section of the continent belongs to Iicle and their Ice elementalist. Though they do have a wide array of offensive strikes, ice has been primarily used for defense, creating walls and other shields to house their men." Placing his sword on the ground Siped looked at the last country on the map.
"I saved this one for last because it's the most important. This is Duzee, and this is where the final battle of the Great War took place. Still new to the battle field, the Fare Tilwin Reath proved they had an essential part to play in the struggle.
Treasa raised her hand politely, not sure if she should ask any questions. Siped's eyes narrowed in frustration but he waited for the question. "What happened during that last battle?" Many of the others looked annoyed with the question, almost as if this was common knowledge among everyone in the room.
"Over one hundred years ago, the final resistance to the Fatir, and Duzee alliance ambushed the current masters and their escort just outside of the capital city, Nivged. Catching the force off guard, the rebels managed to cause catastrophic casualties among the alliance. During a pivotal moment in the battle, the Fare Tilwin Reath began to force them into back, and not long after into full retreat. From that day forward we were considered the pride of Fatir, and our most prized weapon."
Motioning for them to get to their feet, the group stood. Another sizable group began to enter into the courtyard. Unlike the trainees these men wore beautiful white coats, on top of long green tunics and black pants, but what made them stand out was their blind white eyes. Each of them carried a sword similar to the one given to Treasa.
"That was the last time you will rest until you return as full trainees, ready to partake in your assessment. Everyday, you will meet with the Diatorn, Reapers tasked to teach our ways to the young. Listen to them, follow their guidance, and you might survive to become one of us." Leaving the room Siped left them to begin their training.


A gentle breeze rolled through the courtyard as the Diatorn took control of the recruits. One by one they walked into the large group and took two of the awaiting men. By the time Treasa there as nobody left for her to be partnered with. Feeling like an outcast, she followed the tall man who had picked her to a far corner of the courtyard.
His long green tunic flapped in the wind as a stray gust passed over them. The Diatorn was a large imposing man. Unlike the rest of his comrades he did not bother to wear the ornate white overcoat of his rank. What she could see of his body had shown the numerous years of combat, and muscles forged from rigorous, countless hours of training. His intelligent white eyes watched her carefully from behind his dark black hair.
From behind Treasa could see another teacher moving towards her. Turning to look she was surprised to see that it was in fact a female. Also clad in the traditional green of the Diatorn, she was far smaller than the larger man. Treasa could see a mischievous smile on her lips. Her blond hair was pulled back into a long braid. Coming to a stop beside the first man she waited for him to continue.
"We are your Diatorn. We have been tasked with training you and discovering what secret potential lies within you. As you have probably seen it is traditional for only one Diatorn to train a pair of recruits, but the Sect masters have seen fit to adapt our usual practices in order to see if you are, in fact, unique." The male seemed to be rigid and altogether unloving. His demeanor along told Treasa this.
"No part of your training will be easier because you are different. To be honest your life here will be harder than any of the other recruits. It has been made clear that we are to treat you fairly, but Sect Master Siped has openly objected to this special care." The female had a strange, and exotic, accent when she spoke. In her short years, Treasa had never heard anything like it before.
"We shall begin our training at once. Please follow us." In unison the two walked towards the exit of the room. Trying to keep up with their pace, Treasa had to jog at times, or fall to far behind. Neither spoke as they maneuvered through the maze of hallways.
Passing other trainees and recruits they all moved towards the side of the hallway and bowed their heads as the two green clad Diatorn walked by. After they had passed the students would look at her strangely before moving on their way. Treasa didn't understand much about what was going on but she did understand their eyes. They looked at her with the unease people gave to something they didn't understand, and because of that, contempt.
In the distance Treasa saw a man in a long red coat appear. His white eyes told her that he had completed his assessment, but his uniform was far more decorative than anything she had seen before. Taking a lesson from what all of the others had been doing she lowered her head in respect. When the man had passed she brought her head back up, unexpectedly her Diatorn were watching her carefully.
"You learn fast child. It typically takes corrective measures for a recruit to learn that lesson. You may survive the Fare Tilwin Reath after all." When the tall man turned back around she let out a small sigh, happy that she had done something correctly.
"While we're walking we will start your lessons, child." With her exotic accent the attractive female Diatorn began speaking. "As you can see there is a clear rank structure within the temple. You are at the bottom, along with the other recruits. Above you are the trainees. You achieve this title when we have decided you are ready to move up. Do you understand this so far?"
"Yes I do." A quick smack sent pain through her chin. The tall woman continued to speak as if nothing had happened.
"While within the walls of this temple you will refer to everybody above your level by their title. Is this understood?"
"Yes, Diatorn." Nodding at how fast she had learned she turned the lesson over to her male teacher.
"As you already have been told, when you are ready you will undergo your assessment. If you survive this test you shall become a candidate. When this time has come, all of the sect masters shall gather and decide, based on how you did during your assessment, and decide which of the three sects you shall continue training under." Having had enough of speaking he motioned for his partner to begin speaking.
"You have no choice in which of the three you join, and you will have no way of knowing how your actions during the assessment will influence the minds of the Sect Masters. This is why you may not speak to another who is in another stage of their training. Do you understand this, child?"
"Yes, Diatorn."
"Good. Each of the three Sects has a different purpose. First is the Assault sect, Sect master Siped stands as their leader at the moment. His main directive is to lead his Fare Tilwin Reath upon the open battle field and from within the shadows outside of Fatir.
The second belongs to Sect Master Fantus. He is in charge of our defense while within Fatir. This includes the shadows and open warfare. At the present moment he is the youngest of the three masters, but his expertise had decreased attempts to infiltrate our country to almost nothing. Finally there is the Guardian Sect. Sect Master Prod is in charge of this group. Their only mission is to protect Master Tyrour."
"After being selected you will be given a new mentor, and at that time you will begin taking on missions and duties pertaining to your new status. This will likely be they first time you see a real battle field, and when you have proven that you are finally ready, you shall receive your title as a Fare Tilwin Reath."
"When does one become a Diatorn?"
"Diatorn are those who have outgrown the battle field, but are still capable of fighting, so they teach a new generation of Reapers."
Her head was spinning with information by the time they stepped through an open doorway, and into the clean air outside the temple. Green grass crunched underneath their feet as they continued to walk. Taking a quick look around Treasa had trouble believing how large this place was. Each direction she looked in was covered by miles of walls.
"Unlike all of the other recruits you have done something never seen before within the our history. For this you have already made a lasting impression upon the minds of many here. Do you know what you have done, child?" A look of amusement spread across her face.
"I do not know, Diatorn. I have done nothing special since arriving here."
"Not more than two hours ago you were asked to kill a member of another class to gain special privileges. Even though you failed to kill a mere trainee you are still being given special consideration. Remember, in this society you will fight to earn every ounce of respect given to you. Nothing here is free."
"When you first picked me up you said something about me being unique, Diatorn. I have to assume this is what you're speaking of."
"That is a correct assumption. Before you arrived to the temple you managed to kill a fully trained Fare Tilwin Reath. This is why you have been given special treatment."
"I have no memory of that, Diatorn." After Siped had kicked her in the face she blacked out and awoke inside the temple. Nothing had been explained to her about what had taken while she was unconscious.
Coming to a stop nearby another doorway they turned to wait for Treasa to catch up to them. Waving her inside, they waited for her to enter before following. Light inside the room was unusually bright, forcing her to squint and protect her eyes with her hand. Slowly adjusting to the light, she could see equipment like she had never seen before. Everything was new and without a doubt, not intended for recruits.
"Rooms like this are where the Fare Tilwin Reath train. When your mind and body were pushed beyond your limits you were able to surpass those with decades more training than yourself. This is why the Sect Masters have decided that you shall start your training here, and under our tutelage, we will see what lies buried within your body." The male Diatorn drew a short wooden sword from a sheath inside his coat and lowered into a fighting stance.
At the same moment the female picked a wooden tipped spear from a nearby wall stand. Preparing herself in a similar manner to her partner they both waited. Hesitating, not sure what to do, Treasa picked up the closest thing she could find. Unsure what to do she could feel her arms shaking. Rushing forward in unison the young girl did everything she could to defend herself against the far more experienced warriors.
After a few volleys of strikes they withdrew and circled around her. Bruises had already begun rising from her s kin. Panting from exhaustion the two looked doubtful, but Treasa refused to stop. Pushing herself she went on the offensive and closed on the female Diatorn. Barely dodging a blow from the spear, she had been able to slip inside the woman's striking range, making it harder for her to use the spear.
A hand appeared from the corner of her vision and grabbed her neck, throwing her to the side. Unable to breath, she fought to get back to her feet, but the wooden spear tip was pressing against her belly. "You have much to learn girl, but it's a start." Taking up fighting stances again, Treasa was praying for the day of rest she would get before her assessment.


Waking up from a deep sleep Treasa shook off some pain in her back. It had been almost a years since she had first arrived at the temple. Even though she was only nine years old now there was a vast difference between the two ages. Having grown a few inches taller, Treasa fit her wardrobe a little better.
Grabbing her clothes from the nearby chair, she began the long walk to the training hall she had visited everyday. Giving the respect deserving of those who passed her it usually took her an hour before she reached the opening to the training hall. As usual neither of her Diatorn had arrived, so she began warming up with simple striking drills with one of her training spears.
Thought her months of training had focused mainly on developing her body physically, and preparing her mind for the stress of combat, her teachers had taught her countless hours worth of information, tactics, and survival skills. She often found herself waking up before the sun rose everyday and finally able to retire to her room by the time a new day had started.
All of the other students she had arrived with had less intensive training schedules. Most of their time was taken up by chores and other mundane tasks. Treasa often found herself wishing she could have the simple downtime that chores would allow her, but with two Diatorn available to train her, they didn't need to consider their own rest periods while planning her training.
When she caught the sounds of footsteps approaching she ran to the training stand and put the spear back. Rushing to the door she took her place besides it and bowed her head in respect. Over time she had come to learn that her Diatorn had names. She would never be allowed to use them since that would be considered incredibly disrespectful, but it was still useful to think of them as humans.
When she saw Sade walk through the door she knew it was going to be a training intensive day. Her male teacher was fond of physically hard workouts that would leave her tired and often bruised. Paqeal was softer in her approach but stressed having a sharp mind and speed rather than strength.
Treasa often found that their teaching contradicted each others but she adjusted to whatever they wanted to do and continued on with her lesson. Unexpectedly Paqeal walked through the door as well. The arrival of the second Diatorn so early in the day caught her off guard and she almost forgot to give them their daily greeting.
"For Fatir, Diatorn."
"Good morning child, we have a surprise for you today. As you are probably aware it has been one year to the day that you arrived here under our care. Though you have years of training left we believe you are ready for you next step." Pulling out a new uniform from a bag she carried, Paqeal handed it to her. Opening the bag she saw a dark blue uniform, remembering back to the day she arrived she new this was the uniform that trainees wore.
Bowing her head even deeper in respect she thanked the Diatorn for their acceptance of her abilities, and put her new uniform on. Noticing that there was no belt to replace the one she had already had she put on her old white rope. Nodding that she had done it correctly, Paqeal the bag back and threw it into the corner.
"As a trainee the white belt represents that you are of your first stage. As you progress you will receive new colors and eventually the black of a full trainee. That day will be when you take your assessment. Do you understand child?"
"Yes, Diatorn."
"I'm glad you do. Now to begin today's training." Picking up the spear she customarily used Paqeal waited for Sade to take up his own weapon. As Treasa moved to take up her favorite sword Paqeal cut her off and began her assault forcing her away from the weapon rack.
Sade began throwing a wide variety of weapons into the large maze of obstacles that covered the room. Forcing her into back into the obstacles she was forced to find a different weapon. By the time Treasa found something suitable to use the two Diatorn had vanished. Unhappy that the she had only found a practice flail, she began searching for something else to use.
A movement from nearby told her that an attack was coming. Ducking out of the way, the wooden spear tip sailed over her head.
"Good child! Now recite your history, begin with lineage." Trying to focus on the fight while remembering everything she had learned from her studies was difficult. Treasa knew the Diatorn was trying to prove something, that this was part of her lesson, she just didn't know what it was yet.
"The current line of Elemental Masters is, to this day, the longest existing family line in Fatir history. Master Tyrour Fatir, son of Master Plasade Fatir..."
"Skip to the beginning!" Sade had snuck up from behind her and was close enough to grab her around the neck and pick her up. Using one of her hands, she wrenched on his thumb, forcing him to drop her. With effort she swung the mace at his knee, but he easily blocked it and disappeared.
"History tells us that during the Great War a young woman rose from her place as a common fire elementalist and stood against the Fire Master Briver Tempest. During the rebellion she had been hurt severely and almost died, but she escaped the battlefield."
Spotting a shorter sword, Treasa threw down her mace and lept for the weapon. Grabbing the blade, she rolled on the ground and back to her feet. Sade was already almost on her before she could get her balance back. Knowing that she had no way of out muscling the man she dropped between his legs and scurried away under a log.
Finally having a moment to breath she began reciting more of the history lesson. "Her injuries on the battle field were extensive, and she should have died, but her will to live drove her on. After the loss she sustained that day , she rallied untold numbers of followers and rose into power. Having never fully recovered from the battle she always wore a full cloak to hide her body. She was the first to call the dragons for aid, and from then on it has been the reason the Fatir line never died out."
"You missed a part, what was her name?" As Treasa spun she blocked the spear that had been coming towards her chest. Catching the shaft of the weapon with her arm she drove the tip of the blade down, snapping it in two.
"I never forget a name, that's disrespectful. Purposely leaving it out to draw you from hiding works well though." Sade walked around the corner with a grin on his face. The man was pleased with how well the girl had fought. She was just as surprised at how well she had managed to hold them both off.
"Please finish the lesson Treasa." Sade leaned back against a nearby log and crossed his arms. Taking a seat next to the man, Paqeal jabbed what was left of her spear into the sand and waited for her to continue.
"Unlike those before her, she believed that it was important to place the empire before her own desires and from that day forward took the name Fatir as her own. With all of the power she now possessed, the mere fire elementalist bested Briver and took the seat on Fatir's throne as Roas of Fatir."
"Do you believe this tale child?" Treasa hadn't expected to be asked such a strange question. Until then her opinion had never been considered. Thinking the question over in her head she analyzed the entire story over and over.
"I believe there are parts missing that would explain what happened better."
"What needs to be explained child?" Paqeal had proven time and again that she was beyond normal intelligence and Treasa wasn't going to miss an opportunity to learn from her.
"It was believed she was a mere fire elementalist, someone with no position, no authority. How was she able to raise the army for the first rebellion?"
"That's a good question child. Roas of Fatir was not the leader of the rebellion, she was only a mere soldier. During the battle she accidentally called a massive to the battle field. There was no bond between her and the beast as their is now and it burned the Duzee capital city of Nivged to the ground."
"The rebellion was in Duzee? Why would she be in a rebellion all the way across the planet?"
"She wasn't hadn't been fighting against Briver Tempest, she was actually fighting the Wind Master Astraeus. Briver had forged an alliance with Duzee and was their to join in the battle."
"How large was the army that attacked Nivged? I don't know much about the empire but I have heard tales of the city's size."
"You ask a valid question child. If the Master's archives are true than there force was nearly four hundred strong. Making them almost one hundredth the size of the force they attacked." Waiting for her to ask the question she knew was coming Paqeal sat patiently.
"Why would anybody attack an army of that size with so few soldiers?!" Treasa was having more trouble believe the story after receiving more information about the actual events. So much wasn't adding up anymore.
"To put it simply nobody knows. Most of the records from that time were destroyed when the city was overrun by Roas' army. What we do know is that a temple was created within the boarders of Duzee as a tribute to that battle. It is known as the Temple of Six, and it's in memorial to the battle that took place that day."
"The Temple of Six, do you mean the six masters, Diatorn?"
"It is believed so child." Even though they were having an unusual conversation, Treasa could feel the Diatorn leading her towards something.
"Why is there a memorial for the six masters in a place that only had two presently fighting at?" Nodding pleasantly at the question the Diatorn smiled.
"History is full of these questions. Pieces of facts that don't line up, or are missing entirely. It then becomes our jobs to sift through these pieces and determine what the truth is. Remember that even though we are training you to fight your mind is also one of your greatest allies, and knowledge can win wars." Standing up Paqeal quietly walked from the room. Sade waited for her to leave before standing.
"It is time for your second lesson as a trainee. Pick up your sword." Nodding respectfully she picked up her sword and waited for instructions.

Deja Vu

Days turned into years, and before long Treasa had celebrated her fourth anniversary at the temple. A few months away from being a teenager, the still young girl was nearing the time of her assessment. During her training she had come to enjoy her lessons, and her time with her Diatorn. Most days she could barely walk back to her room after she was released.
Following her typical routine Treasa put on her uniform and left her room for the long walk to the training hall. Unlike every day prior to this one, when she arrived early to warm up her Diatorn were standing in wait. Afraid that she had done something wrong she apologized for making them wait for her to arrive.
"We have a gift for you Treasa." Sade handed her a simple box the size of his arm, that he held in one of his hands. Paqeal had a smile on her face like none she had ever seen. The two Diatorn looked happy, and that surprised Treasa. Not wanting to insult them by being late and then refusing a gift she took the box and opened it. Lying inside was a simple black rope.
Knowing what it meant was one thing, but to actually be holding the simple piece of clothing was something entirely different. Acknowledging her skills, the Diatorn had finally stated that she was ready to be assessed by the Sect Masters, and continue on with her training as a Reaper.
"Thank you Diatorn." Removing her own belt, she replaced it with the new one. A sense of accomplishment flowed through Treasa that she had never felt before.
"You have earned this, child. Understand that you still have a long way to go before your training is complete, but you are ready for the next step. You shall soon be a candidate, and from there you will do great things for Fatir." Nothing about what she had said sounded rehearsed, Paqeal truly believed in the girls skills.
"She's right Treasa. Your not like the others I have ever trained, or seen trained. I believe you can be great, just never forget what we have taught between these walls."
"Yes Diatorn." Bowing her head in respect she could see the two starting to leave the room. Raising her head Treasa could see Sade waving for her to follow along behind them. Making their way from the training hall, nobody spoke. It was all so strangely similar to her first day within the Fare Tilwin Reath.
Winding through the stone hallways it wasn't hard for her to guess where she was going. Even though it had been nearly four years since she had visited this particular training room, something about the hallways felt familiar. Nervousness was begging to flow through her body as she thought of the possibility of a real fight. Even with all of her training it was still possible to die if she faced off with somebody more skilled, or even just larger than herself.
Trying to forget about it, she shook the thought away. Sade laughed, apparently having noticed her growing worry, but still didn't speak. It was clear nothing more needed to be said, or taught.
Approaching a large door, Sade used his weight and forced the door open. Inside there were already other trainees standing around. Looking around the room she could see that some of them looked nervous, while others looked to be completely calm. She wondered silently to herself how their training had gone over the last four years.
"This is as far as we can go child, the rest is up to you." Giving her final bow of respect the only two friends since entering the temple left her alone in the grass covered room. not allowing herself to become sad, Treasa joined the others and began warming up. It wasn't long before a man dressed in the colors of a full Reaper came through the door and told them to form a large circle in the room.
Silence fell over the room as Siped walked through the door, followed by a new group of recruits. Tired eyes watched the ground as they trudged through the grass. Following Siped's orders they all circled around the trainees as Treasa had done all those years before.
Realizing that his speech was only a script, Siped began to speak. "Today is day one of your new life. The trainees you see around you are about to begin the second phase of their training. The purpose of today's drill is to teach you how to fight with a bladed weapon." Nobody replied to the man, this group apparently had better sense than the poor fool who spoke back to the Sect Master on her first day.
As weapons were being passed around, Treasa hoped she would receive one she enjoyed using. The man standing in front of her looked to have been in many battles, and she felt the need for a familiar sword. When the older Reaper finally arrived in front of her he handed her a small knife. Compared to the size of her typical sword it felt almost useless. Touching the blade lightly Treasa could feel that it was in fact a metal knife, and not the wooden one she had expected.
Taking his place within the center of the circle, Siped smiled like she had never seen before. An uneasy feeling was beginning to creep up towards her heart.
"Today is a great day for the Fare Tilwin Reath! Before us is possibly the most battle tested and dangerous men we have ever gathered together in one class. Our goal is to breed a different class of Reaper, using men who don't need to be taught what the battlefield is actually like." Smiles began to appear on the faces of all the new recruits. Treasa was begging to feel that something was very wrong.
"This is your time to prove what you are capable of. Trainees, drop your weapons." After some hesitation, the group began to drop their weapons until only Treasa had hers in hand. "Trainees, your goal for today is to watch what happens to those who believe that they are better than the system. Understand that this is what happens when you expect special treatment! Recruits, kill the girl." Pointing to Treasa, everyone began to move towards her, circling like predators around their pray.
Falling back on her lessons, the young girl quickly analyzed her options. Outmatched in size, it was clear that an upfront attack wouldn't work. Fifteen men were beginning to encircle her cutting off any chance of retreat. Treasa had to move fast or the fight would be over.
Picking a path she rushed one of the men facing her. Surprised by her tactic, he didn't raise his guard fast enough to block the quick knife slash to his inner thigh. Dodging to her left, Treasa threw her knife at the closest man to where she was standing. His blood flowed openly from his neck as he fought to close the wound.
Thirteen. She could feel a spear shaft between her feet, and with one flick of her foot, the weapon was in her hand. Striking quickly at one man's knee, a scream of pain filled the training hall. Knowing that the second row of men would be close enough to hit her, she turned, blocking a clumsy attack. Finally finding a comfortable flow, Treas disarmed a nearby man and stabbed another with the tip of her spear.
Ten, she counted to herself, as she turned and evaded attack after attack. A strong arm pulled her off her feet and encased her in thick, muscular arms. It was clearly an attempt to squeeze her until she died. Snapping her head forward, Treasa could feel the man's nose snap, forcing his grip to loosen. Pushing as hard as she could with her heel, she fell away from the strong grasp on her torso.
Nine. A smile creeped across her lips when she found herself next to a pair of short swords. In all of her training, this weapon combination had always been her favorite. Back flipping away from a cut intended for her belly, she picked the two blades up and dropped into a low stance.
Unable to comprehend how a single girl was besting them, the group began to get wild. Rushing towards her with the intent to kill her they began to fall to the ground. Each cut was placed perfectly. Every blow held just enough power to stop an incoming attack, or parry a strike. The incomprehensible amount of time spent with her Diatorn had made her into a dangerous person, regardless of her age and size.
Three. With only a few men standing before her Siped was becoming visibly angry, waving for the Trainees to take up their weapons and join in. As strong as she was, there was no way she could take on that many, trained fighters. Siped wasn't trying to test her, he was trying to kill her.
Picking up the fallen weapons they began to move in on her. Their movements were far more coordinated than the Recruits. Without a choice she tried to gather her as much breath as she could and prepared for the incoming wave.
The doors to the training hall burst open and familiar faces entered. Sade and Paqeal moved with a deadly seriousness, faces glued to Siped and the Trainees. Treasa could see that they both carried weapons, ready to unleash hell onto the inexperienced fighters. An unrivaled anger flashed to life from inside Siped. Interrupting a phase test was considered treason to the Fare Tilwin Reath, and would be dealt with severely.
Unexpectedly the man's face drained of anger and became ashen. Looking over to the door another man had walked in behind her Diatorn. Treasa had never seen the man before but she couldn't take her eyes away. He was a tall thin man, only in his early twenties, but carried himself with pride and respect. With all of her searching, Treasa was still unable to place why he made her feel uneasy.
Looking over his face she watched his lips turn down from under his neatly trimmed beard. "What is the meaning of this, Sect Master Siped!" Silence fell over the room, and everybody backed away from the sect master.
"Master Tyrour, we were testing our newest class of recruits and advancing the trainees on to their assessment."
It was at that moment when Treasa spotted what had made her uneasy. What she had mistaken as the rooms lighting was in fact just the color of his eyes. Fire began rolling out of Master Tyrour's arms, slowly starting to cover his skin. As he walked flames shot up from the ground, his anger igniting the grass. Her Diatorn had brought the empire's fire master to her defense.
"You would lie to me Sect Master?! This was no test! Would you have us lose so many skilled fighters just to satisfy yourself?! We have already lost to many to your idiotic pride!" More of the room began to ignite as the man continued to walk towards them.
"No Master Tyrour. I only intended..."
Flames shot forward and caught on Siped's coat. Dropping the piece of cloth he backed away quickly. "What you 'intended' was to kill this girl for treatment I ordered. Since you cannot follow instruction you are removed from your position as Sect Master, and ordered to take your place among the Diatorn. Maybe in that position you will be able to follow orders."
Bowing his head in defeat Siped left the room, leaving the burned coat behind. After a few deep breaths the flames began to die out. The angry master gave a few orders and left the room. The lone Reaper in the room gave the class and order to return to their rooms until guided further.
"Treasa, come with us." Sade called to her before she could leave.
"Yes Diatorn." Following behind the two, she felt smaller than she was. With everything that had happened a feeling of failure had befallen her heart, but she was alive, and that was the only thing keeping her spirits up.
As they lead their young student through the temple it soon became clear that they were guiding her somewhere she had never been before. Instead of the normal trainees and recruits, she was beginning to see full Reapers, and many Diatorn. Turning down a large hallway she was awestruck.
The walkway was wide enough for six or more people to walk down,and lined with white eyed men wearing a strange white uniform. Even the Diatorn bowed their heads when they passed these unique men. Upon arriving at an ornate door, one of the posted guards opened the door and stepped inside. A few moments later he reappeared and ordered them in.
Fresh flowers scented the room with a pleasant sweetness that Treasa hadn't been able to enjoy in many years. Expensive furnishings and beautiful decorations lined every corner of the room. A single bed sat against the far wall, silk sheets hiding the soft mattress.
Standing at the nearby window was the Fatir Master, the man who had saved her from a certain death. Having had a while to calm himself, he looked more exhausted now. A small smile crossed his mouth and he asked her to take a seat. The two Diatorn remained standing behind her, closely guarding her as if she was their own child.
In this strange setting, Treasa couldn't tell if she was in trouble, or going to be praised for some unknown deed. With only one option, she waited for the Master to speak.


Slowly crossing the room towards them, Master Tyrour removed the delicately decorated robes he had been wearing. To Treasa’s surprise the man wore only a simple brown tunic and an even plainer pair of trousers. With all of his money and power she had the impression that his attire would be more, regal.
Carefully placing the master’s robe down upon his bed, the man sat down in a chair across from Treasa and watched the three of them for a few moments. Minding her lessons the young girl waited for him to speak. Taking the time to study him, Treasa was fascinated at how red his eyes actually were.
“I wish to begin by apologizing for placing you in this position. When you first arrived here within the temple it was brought to my attention that you had a very, special, skill set. Not knowing what you could potentially be capable of, I sided on the side of caution and placed you under the care of two Diatorn. In my youth I may have rushed to this decision, and caused you the trouble you saw today.”
“There was no way you could have known, Master.” Sade spoke first, clearly removing the girl’s need to speak. Still uneasy from everything that had transpired, she was glad for the distraction. Waving his hands in defense he sat forward in his chair, placing his weight onto his skinny elbows.
“There is no need for formalities at the moment Sade. Understand that I have brought you all here to discuss our current situation, and possibly rectify it.” Nodding his understanding he backed away from Treasa and let her speak for herself. Following in his place, Paqeal sat on the nearby window sill. “Treasa, please speak freely with me. I have been thinking on the options for you, and I have come to a few that I believe would work well.”
“Yes Master.”
“First, I need you to understand that your service to the Fare Tilwin Reath is unbreakable. You have seen our training, and learned from us, and for that you can never leave.”
“Yes Master.”
“With this in mind I have arranged for exceptions to be made for your future. If you wish I can place you into the service of the Diatorn. You would help them with tasks around the temple, and be granted the privileges of the rank. Your second choice is to be assigned to the foreign affairs sect and take become the ambassador of my will. This is the path women serving the temple usually take on.”
Listening carefully as he spoke Treasa weighed all of the options presented to her. In her mind she counted nearly five more Sects that she had previously never known of. From slaves to cleaning, every person within the temple was overseen by a sect master. The three she knew of dealt with warfare, and that’s why only they were covered in her training.
“Master, can I not continue with my training? I have grown attached to the idea of becoming a Reaper.”
“It is an option for you Treasa, but I want you to understand that Siped was not the only one angry with my decision to provide you special privileges. You have likely seen these looks within the eyes of your peers already. In addition this, the previous Sect Master has not been removed from the temple, only given a new position and title. He will still be a danger to you if you should cross paths and your Diatorn are not present.”
“I understand all of this, Master; it’s just that if others already dislike me for gaining special treatment, than wouldn’t more just make it all worse?” From the corner of her eye Treasa could see Paqeal smile. If nothing else, the woman was fond of a sly mind.
“That is a possibility. The path to becoming a Reaper is not an easy one, and you will never be given another chance to leave after today. Are you sure you wish to continue like the others?”
“Yes Master, I do.” Accepting the choice as final, Master Tyrour nodded.
“It’s clear that you wish to stay on your path to becoming one of the Fare Tilwin Reath. I accept your request respectfully. Please return to your quarters and rest. In the morning you shall be summoned for your assessment. No longer will you receive any treatment outside of standard protocol.”
“Master, may I ask for one consideration?” Treasa hoped the hesitation in her voice wasn’t as bold as she thought it was.
“What is it?”
“May I make some alterations to my uniform for the assessment?”
“You have asked to be treated fairly and with the same consideration as the rest. Altering your uniform would visibly make you different than everybody. I cannot grant this request. Please return to your room and rest.” Rising from her chair Treasa bowed in respect and made her way to the door.
“Diatorn, please remain behind for a moment, I still have things to discuss with you.” Sade and Paqeal moved to the table where Master Tyrour sat and waited for the door to close. When they were finally alone the master began. “Has she made any progress with her gift?”
“She trains in secret, hiding what she has discovered about her own talents, but she still does not understand how the Fare Tilwin Reath see. To us her abilities are as clear as day, even when she trains in secret.” Paqeal spoke after considering her words carefully.
“So my theory about training giving her to you both has worked?” A smirk lined the master’s lips, pleased with himself.
“We had no hand in her training. All we did was train her body and mind, honing it to the battle field. Everything else Treasa has accomplished on her own.” Sade answered confidently.
“Is she as strong as we originally thought?” Leaning forward onto his elbows once again, the fire master was focused only on the two Diatorn.
“Stronger than we thought. The girl could have killed everyone during that little show Siped put on.” Sade didn’t have a shred of doubt in his voice. He wasn’t speaking an opinion, it was clearly a fact.
“Then why didn’t she? It was clear she was going to die.”
“It could have been a confidence issue, or a simple lack in judgment from a girl who has never been in a real fight before.” Sade had left something out and Tyrour knew it. The man was perceptive beyond his years, and understood people very well.
“To be completely honest with you Master, I believe she didn’t want to kill them because they’re just like she is. They are only Trainees and recruits just following orders, and trying to survive in our world. A real enemy would have been handled differently.” Paqeal didn’t feel the need to hide the facts from the master. Even though she was far beyond her years in fighting prowess, the trainee was still a twelve year old girl. Tyrour considered everything for a few moments before continuing
“Please inform Treasa that I have changed my mind. Let her make the alterations to her uniform that she requested. Just make sure she hides them from sight for the time being. I’m curious what she’s capable of and am willing to test the boundaries to discover them.”
“Yes Master.” Bowing gently the two Diatorn left the room together, leaving Tyrour alone to his thoughts.


When the nock on her door finally came, Treasa was already dressed and ready to leave. Sade had stopped by to inform her that Master Tyrour had changed his mind and accepted her request to alter her uniform. Knowing what she wanted to change on her uniform and not where to acquire the pieces she asked her Diatorn to help her. With only a nod he listened to what she requested and left the in search of the parts.
Pacing back in forth in her small room, Treasa had waited for Sade to return and then went about adding the small attachments to her trainee’s uniform. As the hours passed the young girl had been glad to have something to occupy her thoughts. It was a strange thing to have so much time off. By noon she decided to warm up her body with a short workout in her quarters.
Smiling as she thought about all the secret changes she had made to her uniform she followed the line of other trainees down the hallways and through a large set of doors. Passing under the large archway, Treasa could see a massive auditorium, with enough seats for easily a few hundred people. The Reaper guiding them began seating them from the front of the room, leaving no seats between them. After everyone had sat down, she looked around and chuckled that only the first row had been filled, making the room look empty.
A man stepped out onto the stage from a nearby staircase and stood on the center of the floor. Unlike every other Reaper before him, he wore a bright yellow coat, with a beautiful black trim. Even though it was entirely too ostentatious, the outfit fit the man’s features well. His square jaw looked to have been broken a few times and his nose seemed to have the same misfortune.
“Who the hell is that guy?” One of the other trainees said with a laugh. It was clear that he also thought the man’s uniform was ridiculous.
“That’s the Sect Master for the Stratagem division. He’s possibly the most well known tactician in the world.” Treasa could hear the awe in the man’s voice. She had never heard of him before, but if a man that talented had anything to do with the assessment process than it would prove to be more difficult than she had believed.
“Good Morning Trainees. Today I will give you guidance and the rules governing the assessment process, but first introductions. I am Sect master Osbert, and I personally designed this process to best test those wishing to become candidates. Today you will begin the process of proving that you are of use to the Fare Tilwin Reath, and if you do manage to be selected by one of the sect masters, you shall continue your training under the guidance of your new Sects.”
“If, upon completion of the tests, you have shown that you are of no use to us, you shall be given to one of the lesser sects and continue your lives as servants of the Fare Tilwin Reath. Understand that you have something to lose, and you must give everything you have during these trials to hope of being selected. Now that you all understand this I shall explain the rules to you.” Taking another step forward, Sect Master Osbert drew a scroll from within his robes. An eerie silence fell over the room as everyone listened.
“From this point on, there will be no speaking with other trainees. An assistant will be assigned to each of you, and they shall provide you with the required instructions for each phase of your test. They will not give you suggestions, nor will they aid you in any way. Their only objective is to advise you on what is expected, and observe how you handle each situation.” Treasa was beginning to become worried. The complexity of the assessments was not what she had expected. In her years of training they had only covered basic tactics.
“Next it is important that you understand one clear point. These are full combat simulations. Each Trainee will be given their choice of weapon at every station, and only the one chance to choose. There is no restriction to the number of weapons you may carry, but you may only chose once. Your selections will be dulled and unable to kill, but they will be metal. Those you encounter during your trials have been given the order to deal with each situation as they would in live combat. They will kill you if you give them the opportunity.” If the room had been silent before, it didn’t compare to the stillness of the air now. Something about the chance of dying puts events in perspective.
It was easy to forget that what you’re doing is simulating a real situation when you don’t have to worry about losing your life. People make sloppy mistakes because they know they will walk away from them. This was probably their way of preventing just that, and keeping the stress consistent with that of the battlefield.
“You are not authorized to kill any person you come in contact with while participating in the trials. If you land a killing blow they have orders to ‘die’ until the scenario is reset for the next trainee. Nobody gains anything from cheating and preventing your aid from properly assessing the trial and advancing you.” Everyone in the audience acknowledged the statement and the Sect Master moved on.
“Next I will explain how the assessment works. Each trainee will be given an aid, as explained, and then you shall be led to your starting point. These points are spread throughout the empire, and there are three in total. Now each of the trails is further broken down into segments, to be able to show how each trainee would handle different scenarios. When you have finished your mission, you shall be moved to your next segment, or trial. Upon completing all three you shall return here and await judgment.”
“Please stand, and take all further guidance from your assessment aid. Good luck trainees, and fight with the heart of a Reaper.” Everyone stood and watched the Sect Master leave the auditorium from the stairs he had arrived on. Within a few moments men began entering the room from where Treasa had entered. Wearing plain traveling clothes each of them walked down the center aisle and took their places before the trainees.
The man who stood before Treasa was surprisingly short, and fatter than she would have thought. Acne covered his face and most of his neck. Every time he breathed it was forced and labored. Treasa knew her luck with attractive partners would run out at some point, she only wished it wasn’t at that moment.
“Name?” With a monotone voice, it was clear to her that nothing about this man was going to be pleasant. He handed her a backpack that he had been carrying. Looking inside, she saw enough food and water to last them for a few days.
“Treasa Crawjoy.”
“Okay, we have a long way to travel before we begin, so we had better leave now.” Nodding that she understood the two left the auditorium, ready to begin the testing.


soon to come


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.12.2011

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