
Table of contents.

Table of contents.


  1. Parents
  2. A mind of her own
  3. The pain hides behind my stars!
  4. Shattered
  5. me and myself make the perfect team
  6. Drifted like a country's border
  7. Oceans mist
  8. She never could remember!
  9. Two-line story
  10. She was fire
  11. Death was just an accident
  12. Burst it like a bubble
  13. Oceans- ocean day special!
  14. Eyes layout sighs
  15. Author's note!
  16. completely out of the blue- Make yourself happier tips
  17. Apeek into the next book!
  18. Eerie cues!- chapter one
  19. Author's bio



The sunlight shined behind the clouds falling onto 2 heavenly white faces{parents}, 

Whispering, whimpering dancing under the wind, laying out a soft hush sound!

They said to me' Shush, little baby don't you cry!'


Trying to heal the wound this devil{ me } had, 

By landing onto the Earth which was so bad.

The devil{ me }had healed completely!

Therefore it had no mercy towards these two wise angels!


They { me and my parents} were the perfect mix added to the seasoning of life!

A blend of sorrow, satisfaction, and struggle!


Holding hands erecting warmth, 

even though inside there's burning fire!


Oh, you human!. You are fierce but you have great healers,

Those who helped me bloom when I was enclosed in a room, 

out of the worst anxiety!


yes! You the angels! My parents!




'A mind of her own'

' A mind of her own'

She came with no change,

Because she was unlike!


She lived like life wasn't verified

Only that the breath counts...


On a thousand day journey. 

Without even 1 happy day!


She entered a party, with a faint, wispy face...

As if she were a comet racing through the sky, going back to hell!


She had nothing, 

Except she had 2, her deity and her wit!


It felt like she shared no DNA!

Because her mind was of her own & her traits belonged to her!


Her every sensation, let out a vibe!

Through her, every nerve seasons rushed, 

' Falling like leaves in Autumn and crying like rain in the monsoons'


Her brain was colorful,

Just like the rainbow!


& all she liked was not to be loved

Therefore her choices were different!




&  all the seasons that rush through her brain are memories with you and all the thoughts and color in her brain are because of you!

To; Anyone whom you dearly love!




' The pain hides behind my stars'

'The pain hides behind my stars'

Taking a deep breath, 

Every moment she thought of death!


She had no one to be hers,

That's why she cursed!


She was cancer, yet she faced danger


' LIFE' she wanted to end it!

Because there was no one to mend it!



My heart's made of glass, 

& now it's broken into 1000 pieces


All those thousand pieces have you carrying inside a blunder of anger yet love!

To: my stupid yet craziest brother!



'Me and myself make the perfect team'

 She danced openly, 

Free and wide!


Her hair joined her too, 

Swaying with the wind


Then joined in the ears, 

to listen to her endless stories!


Eyes watching the sunset together, 

A perfect pair of two!


Each and every breath added to our memories, 

Which we will cherish later on!


Each and every added to us! 


'Drifted apart like countries borders'

'Drifted apart like countries borders' 

 Hello! Whispered a voice, 

Sending out an echo!

.. Letting out a vibe!


The noise was heard to the only heart!

The heart of a mother!

Which gave her a jumpstart!


They held hands-on calls

They talked through signals

They saw each other every fall


Truly, they were drifted just like...long lost friends!

' oceans mist'

' Oceans mist'

 He truly was the ocean

& she was the rock


The ocean hits the rock, 

With a huge, crashing wave!


She could not stop him, She could not take over!


Now the rock was withered, 

Because it was never considered!


'She never could remember'

' She never could remember!'

 Drowned into the deepest of oceans,

Exploring the vast universe!


She didn't proceed with caution, As her eyes were closed!


She went on! Never looked back!


She never could remember who she was and where'd she goes


She heard a sound which her heart layout,' open, your eyes my dear, go create a beautiful future'


As soon as she opened them, lays out a roar from the inside!

Now she knew, where she had to go and where she had to stop!


' Fadeaway darkness, there are brighter things to come'

'Two- line story'

' Two-line story'

 The heavier your smile,

The brighter your day!

[ A simple affirmation and a practice!]

'She was on fire'

' She was on fire!'

 What if the sun was a girl?

Each ray shaped in a curl


The same was she, so not me!


Stood under the sun, burnt with envy!

oh, what! Lot's of jealousy 



Whatever she held onto, it burnt 

Whenever she turned over to someone with a smile, they burnt too!


Slowly, slowly her anger took over, letting the happiness behind!

Slowly, slowly she turned into ash, leaving smoke and bits of jealousy behind!



' Death was just an accident'

' Death was just an accident'

On a rainy night in the monsoons!

She walked with an umbrella, holding it tight!


She felt like life was on its edge and she was gonna be thrown inside!


She walked into the darkness, then a light flashed

A honk was heard!


Ripping her clothes and thoughts at once!


Making redness seen everywhere!

It truly was! Her death was just an accident!

'Burst it like a bubble'

' Burst it like a bubble'

There stood a weeny boy, In his hand was his favorite toy!


On the other hand, there stood a teenager reminding himself of all those happy childhood moments seeing him!


The little boy layout a bubble,

For the teenager, it was a struggle! 

So the elder guy crashed through the bubble, making it burst!

The moment he busted it he shouted out crazily' My anxiety, ah I burst it like the bubble!'

'Oceans- ocean day special'

' Oceans- ocean day special'

 ' The ocean, the biggest part covering Earth

The smallest part it carries in our hearts!


It's wide as the universe, 

deeper than the deepest of feelings!


It's sensitive & it holds a grudge towards the moon, 

As it lights up the sky, it crashes its waves with anger, with no hesitation!


It cares for the sun dearly, settled as it looks!

The ocean hangs like an ornament to the sun and sky!

For it's fierce, friendly, friend!

The perfect painting painted on a blue canvas{ the ocean and the sun!} 

'Eyes lay out sighs - last poem'

' Eyes layout sighs!'- last poem

 A brain felt heavy on that day

Ears wiggled and the throat felt sore!


All of the senses were lost and one was found!

The moment pain was felt...


Tears rolled down her cheeks, 

Just like water slipping through rock on a waterfall!


The eyes layout sighs!

Secretly saying goodbyes!

To all the pain it was a simple cure!

Making the feel lighter and brighter!

The ears stay up straight!& the throat is now watered!



Author's note!

' Author's note'

My one and the only reason to publish this book is simple yet complicated for some! 

 A book that carries so many intense feelings! Written by a child??

YES! It is possible anyone has the ability to feel good or bad about their life, and that is their right somehow!

My reason to take you through a rollercoaster of life through expressing a lot of feelings could teach at least someone that they aren't wrong sometimes if you're sad! AFTER ALL, THIS IS LIFE' PROBLEMS ARE THERE FOR EVERYONE AND MINES ARE SPECIAL!

COMPLETELY OUT OF THE BLUE! Make yourself happier tips!

'Completely out of the blue, Make yourself happier tips'

1. Exercise 

2. Share your feelings with your relatives

3. Spend less time on social media!

4. Get to know your strengths and virtues

5.Feel gratitude towards others who did something for you in the past

6.Focus on the present moment

7.Participate in spiritual community groups

8.Crank the tunes'

9. Get outside

10. Walk it out

11. Say' thank you'

12.Learn something new

13.Spend money

15.stop comparing yourself

16. Treat yourself something

18.Sleep more


20. Write it down

21.Learn to let go

22.Practice yoga

23.Have meaningful conversations

24.complain- the right way



A peek into my next book named the Eerie cues! Find it on Amazon and bookrix!



‘The midnight after the camping trip’

 Ava sat on the back seat of her old black car, her father was driving through the heaviest early morning rains of all! The raindrops dropped and as well as her tears! Rolling down her cheeks, they carried humiliation, pain, and sorrow, she was hurt!  Because of all the things she had heard while sitting at the warm bonfire and Sipping a drink of cocoa!

Her mind turned into the ocean and she was drowning into it!

Her best friend had betrayed her for someone else, Her best friend Madison had broken the friendship as well as crushed her dreams by stealing away her diary which was full of her aesthetic endless stories! Her passion for writing was now at level ‘0’!

But! Now her ship of thoughts was not drowning anymore, it was confusing  


on the path, she should take and the part she should choose!

 As she opened her eyes, she saw a completely different atmosphere around here! She was not in the old black car; her father was not driving now! He was gone, her auto was not to be seen anywhere!

All she could spot was, sand on top of her, and darkness above! She saw no light!

Author's bio!

' Author's bio'

Sakina Bombaywala is a child author, Living in the UAE, Till now she has published 1 book, and another one named the eerie cues is yet to come!


Texte: Sakina Bombaywala
Bildmaterialien: Sakina Bombaywala
Cover: Sakina Bombaywala
Lektorat: Sakina Bombaywala
Übersetzung: Bookrix team
Satz: Sakina Bombaywala
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.06.2020

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