

I'm going to start by intertwining this story with the basic facts of death.

1) He is the master of the underworld. No one but his Herald's ever see Him. He has no known name so we just call him Death. All I know is that he's cruel and vicious with a will of steel. Well, you'd have to be that way to be able to do the things he does in such cold blood. Not that he has any.

2) Never assume you'll be you forever. I can't remember who I was on Earth, for once I'd bathed in the river Styx, my identity was scrapped, replaced. I don't know many who've washed after the initial change but those who have, were forced or tricked into it because of their unforgivable treason against our ruler. The results are all the same in one respect. They live to worship and serve Death, are so sure of their job as his body guards, they would sacrifice innocent lives to protect him.

3) There's a resistance which stands up to Death and the unfairly acquired Heralds. It stands for what's right and just, and pleads for his once innocent guards to no


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Lektorat: F. Stephenson
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.07.2013
ISBN: 978-3-7309-4003-7

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For Frank

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