

Laura's POV: 


William Dawson. He was the new guy of 10th grade, believe it or not, he's a little cute. I mean, his brown, wavy, hair and those blue green eyes. Enough about his features, he is really smart. He can already do linear in math, and find the radius of a circle using pi in only 4 minutes. He is the smartest out of all the class...or classes. He has trouble in language, though. Language is the only subject I'm good at, though. So, before he goes skivvy of not knowing language, I could help him like everything is inaudible. So, as of today, I am going to help him.


"Hey, William." I say, walking into the classroom, he was in front of me. 


"And you are?" He asks, his head turning around to look at me. He has a glimmery smile that looks like he's a star.


"I'm Laura, Laura Sutton." I choke the words out.


"Ah, I guess Boras told you about me, hmm?" William asked, as we sat down. He sat by me, which I couldn't believe.


"Umm, sure." I say. He had told me a little bit about the new guy, but I had been spectating on him, it's only Will's 6th day here, so I guess I've spied on him enough.




"So, umm." I didn't want to make this any more weird than it is. "I've seen you had trouble in language." My flat lips only move a little, word by word.


"Hm, I guess. I've seen you been doing excellent!" William said, a little witty and shy. I feel heat on my cheeks. Oh, no! Not now!


"So, I was wondering if I could get some assistance when we study." He says, his smile even bigger. "As friend--" I cut him off, because I turned away from him so I wouldn't get embarrassed.


"We'll talk when we get the chance." William muttered. I looked through the doorway, and the teacher came in.


"Okay, everybody!" Mr. Gavin said. "Please take out your essay from last night! The essay about the article we read yesterday."


"What?" William  whispered to me.


"The we read about the Civil War." I reply with a smile. I had already read that in 8th grade, I know a little bit of the history. The worst part is, it's a History and Reading grade!


"Ah, crap." William muttered to himself. "I totally forgot."


"You can copy off mine." I whisper.


"Laura, it's okay."


"I can't let your grade be an F." 


"It's a B right now, Laura."


"This teacher will be disappointed for new kids, and will seriously be condescending and mean." I whisper. Half of it was true, he will be disappointed. But not mean.


William sighed. "Alright, thanks, Laura." He smiled. I heated up again. I quickly smile again, before turning my head again.


Please, please, PLEASE say I don't have a crush on him now!


"Mr. Dawson." The teacher said, walking to his desk. "Do you have your essay?" 


William looked at me a little afraid. "Yes, sir." He choked down, holding his paper to where Mr. Gavin could see it.


"Well, splendid job!" He said.


William sighed, like a rush of relief. "Now, we continue our lesson about the war." Mr, Gavin said. "It was.."


I didn't listen, I just looked at William and smiled. He smiled back, and his face was getting red! My face was, too. We both looked away before anything happens. 


"Your welcome.." I murmur.



William's POV:



"You can call me Will." I say to Laura, as we walk out of the school together.


"Oh, well, okay." Laura said, her smile getting bigger every minute.


"So, about homework.." my mind is boggled with that thought.


"Will, it was nothing. I swear."


"Yea, yea." 


We both laugh.


"Mr. Gavin seemed nice, are you sure he's like the way you said?" I say, after a while.


"Um, I guess when you tick him off, so far I've learned from the 6th day today." Laura said. "I don't know if I'm making sense anymore."


"Laura, you are."


"I am?"


"I bet I could have your assistance in the next test."




"No, no, like, when we study." I laugh at her. "There's no way I could cheat!"


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.05.2016
ISBN: 978-3-7396-9036-0

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