

My dear Italy,


I have gone, but I will return.


I will return, Italy.


I will come home to you someday. We will be together again someday. We will be married someday. We will see each other someday. Someday, I will be Mr. Vargas.




But for now, you must wait. I promise, Italy.


I never got the chance to say this to you, so I will say it to you here. I wish I was with you right now to say these words.


But Italy...


I love you.


Holy Roman Empire


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"Oi, fratello! Are you up?"


Lovino Vargas switched the light on his twin brother, Feliciano Vargas's bedroom. The Italian was sound asleep, cuddling with a stuffed cat he owned since he was a child. He snored peacefully, rolling over to his side.


An impatient Lovino stormed over to his fratello's bed, yanking the blanket up. "Kya! Germany, I'm awake!" Feliciano cried, sitting up instantly and saluting. Lovino huffed in annoyance, rolling his eyes and his hands were placed on his hips. "I'm not the Potato Bastard, vi idiota!" The grumpy twin brother of Feliciano snapped, now arms across his chest. "Get up, already; it's eight in the goddamn morning!"


Feliciano stopped saluting and nodded sadly. Lovino's hostile and cold glare softened, as he noticed his twin's sudden change of mood. "Hey... what's wrong? Not that I care," Lovino mumbled (he actually did care, but he was quite too stubborn to admit), placing a hand on his brother's shoulder.


Feliciano shook his head slowly, "Nothing is wrong, mi fratello." He replied with a small, sad smile. Lovino raised a brow and scrunched his nose a little. "Something is obviously wrong. You're not asking for pasta again for breakfast this morning."


"I don't... really want pasta today," Feliciano looked down. Lovino gasped, "What?!"


"Si. I'm just not in the mood today."


"Do I need to take you to the doctor? Are you sick?!" Lovino placed a hand on his brother's forehead, before moving them to the left side of his face. "You don't seem to have a fever, but you do look pale."


Feliciano turned away, "Sono buona, fratello."


"Fine. If you say so. I guess I'll have all the pasta in the fridge!" Lovino smirked, while Feliciano only nodded. "Go for it! It's all yours, Lovi!"


"Don't call me L– what?"


"You can have the pasta. I'm not hungry." The Italian replied, and he went to lay back down.


'Fratello's acting weird,' the older twin thought. 'I never thought that I would say this... but I'll have to go see Francis with him later on after Feli leaves the meeting.'



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.01.2017

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