
Rob's Life in Dollim

Chapter One                                                                                                                                     

Rob wakes up every day feeling so happy. He wakes up like a lightning bolt. Rob lives in a place called "Dollim". Dollim is a place where dolls live. Each and everyone who lives in Dollim are always in a good mood. As soon as Rob wakes up, he goes to his bathroom to brush his teeth and fix his brown fluffy hair. Then after fixing himself, he goes outside to greet everyone. "Good Morning!"


As soon as he greeted everyone in Dollim, he ran to his friends' house, Tom and Kay Fanter. Tom Fanter is the smartest doll in Dollim. He's a scientist, a loner, and the complete opposite of Rob. Rob is a social type of doll, while Tom hates speaking with other people. He just likes staying in his science lab working on inventions. He does not have the looks unlike Rob, and he is smart unlike Rob.


Kay, the sister of Tom, is the kind, warm hearted, and loving type of doll. She is an angel, the type of doll anyone could be friends with. She loves learning, she loves books and music. Most of all she loves Rob. No one knows  she has that deep admiration for Rob, exept her brother Tom. 


When Rob reached to the Fanter's house he pressed the doorbell 3 times and waited impatiently. Tom opened the door and Rob gave him a bearly hug. "Wow! Thank You for disturbing my sleep Rob!" said Tom in a sleepy way. Rob laughed at Tom with a gigantic smile on his face. Tom asked Rob in a really confused way "Why are you so happy?" Rob was starting to become disappointed and Rob asked Tom " Did you forget my birthday's tomorrow?" Tom acted that he did not forget, but he did. " What? Why would I forget that my best pals birthday is coming?!" Rob became so gullible and fell for Tom's lie.  Rob screamed " YAHHHHOOOO!!!!"


That noise made Kay wake up and went to the living room where Rob and Tom were. While Kay was walking to the living room she had her eyes closed a bit because she was still sleepy. When she opened her eyes she was so shocked because Rob was there and felt that she wanted to faint. She tried to keep it up to herself and started talking like nothing was wrong. She asked Rob " Why are you here?" Rob said to both of them back "I am inviting you at my birthday party tomorrow at my house!" Tom's reaction was nothing but Kay's reaction outside was a small smile but deep inside she was bursting with Joy. After that Rob left and started to message every doll in Dollim to come to his 13th birthday in January 10, 2016.                                                                                                                           

Rob's Birthday Party

Chapter Two                                                                                                                                    

Rob woke up knowing that it was his birthday. Rob prepared for the birthday celebration. After lots of preparing the tables and decorations for the party Rob looked at the time and saw it was already 7:30pm and he rushed to his room to change into his suit. When he went outside he was so excited. So the first thing to do was to thank everyone who was there in his birthday, then started the games. Then, it was giving of gifts.


Rob's friends and other dolls who adored him gave cars, TV sets, and plenty of expensive things. When Tom and Kay came to Rob's birthday party they felt shy about their gifts for Rob. Kay got Rob a Rose and a letter that she wrote for Rob. Tom got Rob a bottle of milk. Kay suggested to go back home. Tom became so defensive and said " NO! We went all the way here and you'll just waste it?! I had to ma..." Tom stopped and looked kind of worried and looked away. " OK fine sheesh!" Kay said in reply. Then they went to Rob's house to give their gifts. Kay gave her gift while saying " Here you go Rob, sorry for my gift I didn't have enough money to buy you a gift." " Hey Kay it's fine, Thank you!" Rob said in reply. The next doll was Tom. Tom gave his bottle of milk to Rob. Rob was so happy because Rob loved milk so much. It reminded him about his grandma who died due to stage 3 cancer. Rob's grandma used to give him milk to make him grow tall. Rob never had a chance to say goodbye to his loving  grandma.


When Tom gave that bottle of milk to Rob it made Rob very emotional, it made Rob cry. Rob realized that it was his birthday and he shouldn't cry he should be happy. Rob asked Tom where he bought the milk Tom said that he bought it inside the farmers market. Rob said "Let me have a taste on this heavy bottle of milk." Rob got a glass and poured the milk into it then he drank it. Rob felt like he just died and went to heaven because the milk was so good. Rob shouted " MEEEEEOOOOOOWWWW" because he felt like a cat that wanted more of the delicious milk. Rob shared the milk to everyone in his party, and by everyone in his party he meant everyone in Dollim. Luckily, Tom had alot of bottles of milk for everyone.                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

A Whole New Day

 Chapter Three                                                                                                                                  

 After Rob's birthday party Rob still had one more half filled bottle of milk. Rob still had s hard time sleeping so he drank the bottle of milk to help him sleep. After drinking the milk he went to bed and slept. While Rob was sleeping he had a nightmare. It was very windy and the trees were dancing, the clouds were crying and some guy doll was laughing and punching Rob on the face and cutting his brown fluffy hair while saying "You took everything from me! You deserve this! Then that nightmare did not end. 


A few months later Rob finally woke up he wasn't feeling as well as before. Rob went to the bathroom as usual to brush his teeth and fix his hair. He was still sleepy and he was still closing his eyes. After brushing his teeth. He opened his eyes and screamed like a little girl. He saw that he wasn't a doll anymore. He was ...... Human! Not only that his hair has bald spots. It was so scary, his face was also bruised. Rob got so scared so he had to go outside and ask for help. He went to Tom and Kay. As soon as he reached the house, he pressed the doorbell 3 times and this girl wearing a tang top and really short skirt opened the door and saw Rob, she screamed "Tommy help!!!!!" As soon as she shouted, this shirtless guy came and held a gun on Rob's head. Rob panicked even more because he was 100% sure that this was the Fanter's house and their also human.


Tommy asked Rob "Who are you? What do you need from us?" Rob replied scaredly " I'm Rob, Rob Mitters, I'm looking for Tom and Kay Fanters?" Tommy held his gun down and said " Rob?" Tommy gave Rob a big hug and pulled him in and into his room. Tommy said to Rob"Rob it's me Tom,and that girl is Kay my sister.I changed her name into Kayla because she had amnesia and she needs to live a new life. Anyway, I thought I was the only one who knew that we used to be dolls. Also, what happened to your face?" " I don't know, I just woke up like this, and I really need your help to find out who did this to me and the rest of Dollim. After all, you are the scientist."                                                                                                              


"Oh stop it, you" a flattered Tommy replied, "and I have one person in mind who could have done this to Dollim and to you.


"Who is it?" Rob asked.   

Knowing the New Fanters

 Chapter Four


"It's Mr. Ingram our science teacher. Remember, he always gives you a low score in science, even though you studied so hard for it." Rob became so mad when he remembered that day. " Yeah maybe it was him, but why would he include Dollim in his plans?" Rob asked. "Oh, maybe because when his girlfriend broke up with him he blamed the dolls in Dollim because he thinks it was his bad luck charm or something. Or maybe, he hates the fact that the dolls in Dollim has their relationships going on fine, unlike his." Tom said. "I hate Mr. Ingram! so much!" Rob said while closing his fist.


Anyway, Rob calmed himself and just walked around Tom's room. "So this is your room." Rob said while walking. "What happened to your lab?" he asked. "Oh my lab it's still there but I don't use it as much as I did as before when I was still a doll." Tom replied. " Why? You were so good in making inventions, but if you really don't like it I wonn't push you." Rob said. " Thanks for understanding I am not letting it go. I will still make inventions but not as usual as before." Tom replied.


Kay went to Tom's room to check out what's happening with the two. "You guys okay down here?" Kay said. "Hi, my name is Kayla. I am Tommy's sister. Who are you?" she asked politely. " My name is Rob..." but when Rob saw Tommy's face saying " Change your name!" He quickly changed his name. "er, uh...Robby... Robby...Mitterson." Rob became so pale because he couldn't think of a new name so he panicked. "Nice to meet you Robby Mitterson! Anyways, can I ask you two questions?" Kayla asked. " Yeah sure, what is it?" Robby replied. " What happened to your face?" Kayla asked. "Kayla! Don't ask that question!" Tom replied. "Well sorry, I'm gonna ask you a different question, how did you guys meet?" " Well, we met in a party at my friend's house." Tom replied. 


RRRRRIIINNNG!!!!!  "Ok guys bye I got to get this." Kay said while walking her way out of the room. "Thank God she's gone." Tom said. Rob asked a question to Tom " Why did you make me change my name? She does not even know me when I was a doll." "Because if she... um.. changed her name and since I changed my name why not change yours, right?" Tom said. "Oh, okay." Rob said in reply.  after all of that chaos, Tom helped Rob investigate who did everything happening in Dollim.


The 3 Suspects

Chapter Five


Tom helped Rob with the suspects given by Tom. So here is the list of the suspects and the reasons they are the suspects. 


  1. Mr. Ingram - hates you cause your mother dumped him.
  2. Joshua - bully in school. That hates you because his girlfriend dumped him for you.
  3. Gardener in your house - you stepped on his new beautiful flowers.


"I don't want want to hurt your feelings but sometimes you ruin dolls lives." Tommy said. Rob didn't take it very well,he started to look down."Rob I'm sorry ." Tommy said. " Oh it's okay.As a matter of fact I ahould thank you, you were honest with me. So, thanks!" 


After that, Tommy insisted Rob to eat & sleep in their house. " No thank you, and you guys don't even have an extra bed." Rob said. "Oh, come on, sleep here. We have a extra bed you can sleepthere. It's  in Kayla's room. Tommy replied. When Rob heared that it was in Kayla's room he blushed and said "I'm gonna sleep in Kayla's room?" "Oh heavens no. It's a foldable bed, you're gonna sleep in my room." Tommy said. "Oh ok,that's good!"Rob said with a sigh.


After, they ate dinner. Rob remembered that he didn't bring his clothes with him.He shouted to Tommy,"Hey Tommy, can i borrow some of your clothes?!"While Tommy was in the shower, he shouted back"Yeah, sure, it's in the cabinet!" When Rob was looking for the cabinet,He looked around and there was too much to choose from.He opened the biggest cabinet and it was the right cabinet.He got a pair of pajamas and an underwear.When he pulled out the pants, he saw that there was a huge rectangular spray bottle wth some sort of juice in it.When Tommy went in, he told Rob that it was his project in school,but when Tommy saw Rob holding that bottle, he sounded scared. Rob saw something written on the bottle. It was D2HP.Rob didn't undrstand what that meant, so he just ignored it.Then they slept. 


Rob still had that same nightmare that night. But the formula that Rob saw on the bottle was in his nightmare. It just flashed in his nightmare.







Rob's Realization

 Chapter Six


When Rob woke up, he goes to the bathroom and brushes his teeth. He was about to fix his hair, then he remembered that it wasn't like before, that he doesn't have that beautiful, brown fluffy hair. Instead, he took a bath. While Rob was taking his bath, Kayla went inside Tommy's room where the bathroom was to hang Rob's new clean clothes. At that exact time, he went outside, and Kayla just finished hanging up the clothes. As soon as Kayla turned around, she saw Rob half naked and shouted "AAAAAHHH!!!" Kayla blushed and ran to her room. Rob shouted to Kayla, "I'm sorry Kayla!"


Then Rob wore his clothes. Tommy ran to his room to ask what happened. Oh, it's nothing. Kayla just saw me come out of the shower half naked." He explained. That was the time Rob realized Kayla was his dream girl. "Oh, is that so? Okay. So are you ready to investigate on our three suspects? "Tommy asked. Rob nodded with a smile.


Suspect No.1: The Gardener

 Chapter Seven


"So, who do you want to investigate on first?" Tommy asked. "The gardener." Rob replied. "So, let’s go now!" Tommy said. The two went outside bringing the list of suspects and the things to use to tie them up and asked them why and how they did it and to bring everything back to normal. "Do you know where the gardener is?" Rob asked. "Yeah. He is in that coffee shop over there. He always goes there on weekends."


So they both entered the coffee shop. But when they went inside, he went to the other door out. They followed him to his house. They saw that his house was filled with spray bottles and a alot of empty bottles of milk. The first thing that came into Rob's mind was that those spray bottles were the things he had made that made every doll in Dollim become humans. "Let's tie him up." Rob said. Then both of them slowly came to the gardener and tied him up and put duct tape on his lips. The gardener started to cry. Both Rob and Tommy looked at the gardener and started to pity him. Tommy removed the duct tape on his mouth. The gardener breathed deeply and asked," Who are you? What do you need from me?” "We need to know what those are." Rob said while pointing at those spray bottles.


Suspect No.2: Joshua

 Chapter Eight


 The Gardener said " Those are  Fertilizers, why?" Rob became so guilty. Rob looked at Tommy and said " It's not him." Tommy untied the gardener's arms and asked for pardon. " We are so sorry, we thoghut you were a different person." The gardener did not accept their apology and said "Go out of my house! Especially you!" he said while pointing at Rob.


They both went ouside and started feeling droopy. Tom said to Rob "Oh come on, he's not the last person to look for!" Rob was feeling much better. "So who's next on the list?" Rob said."Well our next suspect is Joshua." Tom replied. "Do you know where he is?" Rob asked. "Yeah, he's in a party at his house. Which is where we're heading." They both walked and walked and walked until they have reached their destination. "So this is it? This is the house?" Rob noticed that Joshua's house is a bit smaller than his house before and it looked like a dump. "Well yeah, this is the correct address, there is only one way to find out."


Tom pressed the doorbell and no one answered. He pushed the door open and surprisingly it wasn't locked. They both entered the house and saw that the house looked like a dump. Empty soda cans and alot of different kinds of trash were scattered all over the place. They went to the living room and saw the television was open and this big disgusting guy was watching. Rob thought that they entered the wrong house but he saw that, that big disgusting guy had the same bracelet as Joshua. So that guy was actually Joshua.


"Um, Hi Joshua! It's me Tommy and I am with my friend Rob. Remember us?" Tom said with fright. "Yeah you bet I remember you, specially Rob. The guy that stole my GF!" Joshua said in reply while eating chips. "Oh yeah about that I am truly sorry about before and about today." Rob said. Joshua was confused and said "About today?" Then Tom and Rob tied him up extra tight and placed duct tape in his mouth. While Tom was making sure that Joshua can't escape Rob searched all over the house and found in a shelf, a pair of rubber gloves and sergical stuff with blood and a bottle of empty milk. Rob shouted "AHA!" and brought the evidences to the living room and placed it infront of Joshua. " What are these? Explain those particles blood all over the gloves and surgical things!"


Suspect No.3: Mr. Ingram

Chapter Nine


"Those were the things my doctor uses to help me loose wait. I wanted to loose wait because I wanted Jessica to come back to me. Because of you she left me. Are you happy now?!" Rob felt guilty yet again. Rob looked at Tom again and said "It's not him either." Tommy untied and said "Oh is that so Rob will talk to Jessica to fix this, so bye now!" They both ran out before they get kicked on the butt.


"Who's next on the list." Rob said with a sigh. "Um Mr. Ingram. He's about to go outside of school and heading home." Tommy said. The two went to school to get Mr. Ingram. 


They saw Mr. Ingram outside of school and walking home. They were really tired of investigating and there was no evidence in who did those to Dollim and Rob. When, they followed their science teacher they saw that his house was pretty normal. But when they looked out on the window they saw alot of inventions. They saw Mr. Ingram getting a spray bottle and pouring some goop in and laughing wierdly. Rob thought that the goop inside that spray bottle was the potion that made every doll in Dollim change into humans. He also had surgical things that made Rob's face look like he just got beat up by gorillas. 


They entered the house and immediately tied him up with the rope. Rob got really really mad and got the spray bottle and sprayed it to Mr. Ingram's face and nothing happened. He sprayed it 5 more times but nothing really happened. "Why isn't it working!" Rob exclaimed. "Because those does not work on humans! That is a potion for animals to make them grow taller. Look at the label!" Rob looked at it and it was potion for animals.


 "Hey Rob it's your turn to apologize!" Tommy whispered. "Oh yeah right, um... Mr. Ingram I am, I meanWe are really really sorry. I just wanted to bring vengeance to whoever did this to Dollim." " Dollim?" Their teacher replied."Oh that's nothing but we are really sorry."  



Giving Up

 Chapter Ten


They both went back home. Tommy took a bath while Rob felt really sad. He said to himself "Maybe I have to learn how to live my life like this." Rob really wanted to give up on life.


Kayla saw Rob crying and asked him "What's wrong?" "You wouldn't understand." Rob replied. " Try me!" Kayla said. "Well this place used to be called "Dollim" Dollim is where everyone in this village lived. We all used to be dolls and it might sound a bit crazy but it's true. You used to be called Kay and your brother, Tommy used to be called Tom and my name isn't really Robby Mitterson it's just Rob Mitters. You me and Tommy, we were best friends. That's why we were gone for a long time because we were looking for the person who might have used a potion to change us all. That is also why I look like I got beat up. Now all that is gone." Rob said. "Why do you say that it's gone we could bring all that back! I'll help you if you don't give up!" Rob smiled and said " Okay thanks! Have you seen anything strange around here?

The Big Reveal

 Chapter Eleven


"Well let's start with my brothers inventions, I saw this potion but it's white." Kayla and Rob went in Tommy's Science lab. That science lab was filled with bottles of white goop. "What's this?" Rob asked while pointing at the bottles."Milk I guess, my brother invented them he adds some sort of potion in it that, that can make me grow taller fast, but that never made me grow taller."


Rob was really shocked because the label was Dollim 2 Human Potion,D2HP just like what he saw in Tommys cabinet. He was thinking that maybe Tommy was the guy that made everyone become humans. Rob tried not to think about that but he couldn't stop. He was really loosing his mind. Then Tommy found Rob and Kayla in his lab and he grabbed rob and Kayla's arms and said "WHY WERE YOU GUYS IN MY LAB!! ANSWER ME!!!" Tommy said with his eyes wide. he was really bursting with anger. Rob answered Tommy with confidence "I won't answer your question until you answer my question. What are does bottles and what did you put in them!" Rob shouted back. "Those are the potions I have made in your party. I wanted to start a new life. I mad Kayla a different kind of milk to help her forget everything that happened, to help her forget that she loved you! No one loves me not even my parents. That is also why I killed yours because everyone loves KIND AND SWEET ROB and not CRAZY UGLY TOM!  Are you happy now huh! Are you happy that you figured everything out! That you have ruined all my plans to have a better life!"


Rob became so so sad and pitied Tom. He understood Tom and Rob said "I am sorry Tom but please put everything back to normal." No!!" Tom replied with a sigh. Then Kayla fell on the floor and fainted. Tom and Rob panicked and Rob said " I'll take her to the hospital she looks really pale! You get her things because she will stay overnight at the hospital. Go Go!" Tom rushed upstairs to get her things. Rob ran to the hospital and waited for Tom to arrive.

The Last Breath of a Fanter

 Chapter Twelve


Rob waited for Kay to wake up and started to pray to God and said "Lord, please no one deserves to die. Please don't take away a Fanter." Kayla started to open her eyes and slowly looked at Rob. Rob saw Kayla awake and said "Kay Hi, are you feeling ok now?" Kay nodded and smiled. 


Then, Rob was called by the nurse and said "Do you know Tommy Fantere?" "Yes why?" Then they went outside. "He seems to be in the other room. He got to a car crash because he was driving really fast to go here. He brought some of Kayla Fantere's clothes. We are truly sorry for your loss but the doctor did everything he can do.


Rob was really devastated about the news. He did not enter Tom's room anymore because he knows that he'll become sadder. He did not know how to tell the bad news to Kay because she was still in a bad condition. 


After a few days, Kay asked Rob "Um... Rob where is Tom?”  Rob was shocked when she mentioned that her brother's name was Tom not Tommy. "Her memory is back!" Rob said to himself. "Um... Kay, Tom... he uh... he's gone." "What do you mean gone?" "He's in a better place now... please don't feel bad, I am with you 'til the end."


Rob and Kay went to Tom's lab and found a solution that would reverse the effect of the milk, everyone in Dollim reverted back to their old selves, and they lived happily ever after.





Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.12.2015

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