
Chapter One

I sat quietly gazing out the window oblivious to the sudden change of events in my commiserable life. Thoughts of death caper within the corners of my mind. I had never given it much thought until now though I had reason enough in the last few weeks.

Will they miss me when I am gone

My mother drove me to the airport the windows rolled up the a/c on high even though outside was perfect not a grey cloud in sight. Luckily I had decided on wearing a long sleeve shirt today one that my mother and aunt hated perhaps it was because of the skull printed in front. 

 Destination Glenwood a small blistering hot town with a population of just over four thousand in the city of winipeg. I am going to live with my aunt disciplinary reasons. My mother no longer able to put up with my destructive behaviour and just like every thing in her life when she is unable to cope with it she gets rid of it just like me her own daughter. Karen had no time for me I was an eye sore in her perfect world. New husband another baby on the way I just didn't fit in. 

Quickly I brushed away a single tear, this wasn't the time or place I would cry later in the confinements of my room. Glenwood is an uninteresting, gloomy place that I visited once in my sixteen years of existence now I was going to live there permanently. How could my life plummet so far into hell.

"Keri" my mom said to me handing me a small suitcase containing my personal items.

I hope she wasn't looking for sympathy or understanding because I had none to offer turning on my heels walking off.

"Tell Ashely I said hi" she shouted waving goodbye her voice choked with emotion a first for her

"Yeah" I grumbled it was the least I could do

I felt a spasm of panic walking onto the plane this was it, there was no turning back. My idiotic mother was Raymond's problem now, she could barely take care of herself much less a baby. Bills were never paid on time, food absent from the refrigerator. Things kind of made sense when she married Ray her third husband.

 It was an eleven hour flight from Idaho to Winnipeg with an additional one hour drive to Glenwood.

I enjoyed the flight, the air stewardess were friendly and helpful.They even offered me a complimentary drink as it was my first time flying alone awesome even though it was non alcoholic.

The ride home even better my aunt couldn't make it in time to collect me from the airport so she send Tricia her best friend and work colleague. This meant that I had a few hours extra to my self before she got home.

Trica and I exchanged pleasant greetings upon meeting each other then that was it in terms of conversation we drove in silence, my aunt had put her on her guard. 

Eventually we made it to my aunt's home, she lived in a small three bedroom house that she once shared with my mother, uncle and grandparents many years ago. Parked on the street in front the house was an old model Datsun freshly painted in my favorite colour black complete with a sunroof

I wonder if that's for me

My heart soare for some reason I loved it

It was Saturday so I still had another day off before my horrifying day

First day of school

New school meant new rules, new friends, nerdy boys tripping all over me, for some reason I never seem to attract the dark, handsome and popular boys.

I stood in front the square mirror attached to the old pine dresser scowling at my reflection, thick jet black hair hang loosely around my shoulders cascading down the small of my back almost to my waist, chocolate brown eyes, great tan covering a thin frame; I haven't eaten much in the past few days. 

Glenwood high school had approximately five hundred and seventy eight students, all the students had grown up together I would be the outsider but I had never been shy, I loved playing sports and couldn't wait to try out for their track and field team.

Having unpacked storing away my clothes in the dresser I took a quick shower in the small bathroom I would be sharing with my aunt. I wanted to avoid her as much as possible I wasn't in the mood for a shouting match.

 I didn't sleep well I spend most of the night crying, turning and tossing the mattress hard. When I awoke my tears were frozen on my cheeks a thick fog covered my window, rain had fallen the night before. Yanking my coverlet over my head I allowed a few more tears to escape soaking the pillow beneath me before getting up to prepare breakfast.

Ashley was in the kitchen sitting behind a square oak table sipping a cup of coffee reading the daily news. She ignored my presence as I entered the room never once raising her head. I guess she wasn't please that I was here either well that makes both of us.

"Good morning" I mumbled opening the refrigerator taking out the eggs and bacon 

"List of chores" her voice deadpan handing me a sheet of paper and car keys

Grocery shopping, laundry, cleaning the usual nothing new. Breakfast with Ashely was a quite event she never uttered a word but offered me a small smile when I placed her meal on the table, toast, scrambled eggs, bacon.

"Mom said hi" I mumbled nibbling on a bacon strip I wasn't really hungry but I had to eat something my weight dwindling slowly.

Ashley nodded cleaning her plate draining her coffee cup before placing her dirty dishes in the sink leaving me alone in the kitchen. 

That's how I have always felt even though I had lots of friends and uncaring relatives around me.


Ashely left for work at Grace hospital were she works as a senior nurse supervising a staff of twenty employees. Ashley's life was much more stable than my mom's. Ashely was still dating the same guy she fell in love with in high school, freckle face Joshua he owns a hardware store and gift shop his brother Steve the towns sheriff both friends of my uncle.

Ashely knew what path her life would take the moment she left high school going straight to nursing college graduating top of her class with first class honors and awarded valedictorian her farewell speech heart warming.

My mother on the other hand barely graduated from college with a degree in business management she spent most of her college life partying, getting drunk, smoking pot, and sleeping around with any guy that said hi baby. 

Sighing I quickly washed the dishes running upstairs to take a brisk shower the sooner I get my chorus over and done with the more free time I will have to myself and I still had to prepare dinner perhaps I can try my hand at a chinese dish, stir fry noodles, chicken and chucky vegetables.

 I hope Ashely likes chinese

The weather was fair just a bit over cast so I decided to wear my sneakers and sweater just in case no shorts tank top. Ashely left some cash on the counter before she left and a list of items she wanted me to get. Stepping outside I locked the door behind me shoving my house keys in my front jeans pocket. I stood a while admiring my brand new car before getting in new rims, brown leather seats CD player cool so I could blast my favorite rock tunes on my way to school, Ashely even left a note

Keri a homecoming gift I hope you like it

Yeah I do smiling frivolously hugging it maybe I will name you Wanda or Betty I whispered kissing it hastily before any of my neighbours saw me.

The supermarket was not too far from home just off the highway a twenty minute drive. It was spacious and cool inside with a few customers pushing their shopping carts. I did the shopping at home so I was familiar with the task rice, eggs, flour, sugar ticking off each item as I place them in my cart. The rain began drizzling when I got out the supermarket my hands loaded with shopping bags running to the car I drop my keys in a muddy puddle, cursing inwardly as I run back to retrieve it. I hated Glenwood for this one minute it was blistering hot the next raining, the misty wet damping my hair. I could catch a cold and would have to stay home a week from school.

I should be elated but my aunt would be hanging around most of the time pampering me serving me chicken foot soup checking my temperature, I rolled my eyes in exasperation that just wouldn't do having her crowding my space like that.

When I got home I unloaded the groceries storing them in their rightful place a towel wrapped around my head. Popping two cold and flu capsules in my mouth I washed it down with some orange juice before tending to the other chores on my list, laundry cleaning. 

Sorting the clothes I stuff them in the automatic washer while listening to my favorite evanescence cd my favorite tune on the track bring me to life pressing replay about a hundredth time humming to the beat sometimes even singing aloud while giving my new home a clean where the eyes could see special. If my aunt thought for one second that I was going to give this place a general spring cleaning she was dead wrong.

My last task for the day cooking one that I took great pleasure in executing the aroma of the chicken frying in the sesame oil with green peppers and carrots filled the small kitchen.  When it was done I crawled into bed to exhausted to eat putting on my pink cotton pajamas snuggling up under the covers the rain beating against my window pane with out mercy the sound soothing comforting in a strange way within seconds I was fast alseep.


Chapter Two

 I slept well better than the night before stretching and yawning wondering if I should go to school today. I could fake a sick and take another day off grimacing at the thought. Today I decided to be as inconspicuous as if that was humanely possible in such a small school as Glenwood high dressing simply t shirt, jeans goulashes.

Ashely was absent from breakfast a sticky note left on the refrigerator 

Thanks for dinner Keri, I enjoyed it a lot even carried some to work and as a token of my appreciation I made breakfast for you it's in the microwave. Have a great day at school and please stay out of trouble.

I chuckled silently knowing that she pleaded in vain trouble just seems to follow me wherever I go like a bad omen. Opening the microwave I removed a bowl of cereal and milk thankful that my aunt had not wasted her time and energy in preparing breakfast that woman had no culinary skills. Her food was either tasteless or too salty I didn't want to suffer from hypertension at an early age.

 I didn't want to be to early or too late for school flipping though the cable channels eating my bowl of cereal. The rain was drizzling by the time I left the house my galoshes sloshing in the water puddles. The meteorologist promised sunshine and dry weather later on this day I hope he is right I can't stand this wet weather. Inside the car was nice and dry slipping in a cd I turned up the volume starting the engine loving how it roared loudly.

I cruised the highway on my way to school ignoring the cars honking noisly behind me fighting the urge to show them a middle finger. Finding Glenwood high wasn't difficult the school was just off the highway just like the supermarket and cathedral. I parked my car in the first available spot turning the engine and music off. Scores of children were hanging around in the parking lot staring whispering pointing. Taking a deep breath I unlocked the door grabbing my knapsack perching it on my shoulder heading to the office to get my class schedule.

I knocked on a small door the next words office written in silver. Inside there was another door the words principal office also engraved in sliver in bold big letters probably to frighten and intimate the weaker ones. There was a desk behind the desk sat a woman wearing glasses nibbling on a twinky bar

She looked up" may I help you" her voice warm welcoming

"Keri Wright" before I could continue she cut me off how rude

"Ashley's niece, hi welcome. Did you know that aunt was a student here so was your mother we were best friends the three of us" her eyes lit brightly her words coming forth in a rush handing me my schedule 

"Yeah so I have heard thanks" walking off I wasn't really in the mood for much long talk or trips down memory lane. I just wanted to get though this day, get back home and cry. My ignorance and bad temper left me wondering the halls looking for my first period class math


 The halls were crowded with teenagers but I kept my head down reading the sheet of paper in my hand

Second period history, third period French oh god this was a nightmare then break science lunch 

"Need some help" someone asked tapping on my shoulder causing me to spin around" I see you wondering the halls lost, you are that new girl Keri Wright" 

"Its obvious isn't it" I murmured gazing around at the cream coloured walls

She nodded her head" what's your first period class" 

"Math with Mr Walcott" showing her my class listing pangs of unwelcome fear creeping though me.

"I have the same class follow me by the way my name is Solange" offering me her hand I accepted it her hand shake firm and strong for a slender girl with big blue eyes and strawberry blonde hair.

The classroom was small the teacher already present inking work on the white board. I handed him the slip unsure what I should do with it. Maybe I should have waited for instructions, directions, a damn map.

I flushed red as he grabbed the paper scribbling his name on it handing it back to me

"Take a sit Ms Wright class is about to begin'

I looked around taking an empty seat in the back next to Solange who sat next her best friend April who also became my best friend before the end of class. I was ecstatic Mr Walcott didn't ask for any introductions he just jumped right into the topic of the day algebra. I keep my eyes down in the book chatting with Solange and April even chance I got, my mood lighting especially when I found out that we had mostly all of the classes together.

The bell rang, a rambunctious sound, ending class. I was gathering my things, running my hands ever so along the fabric of my jeans, suddenly finding my palms sweaty. My face cast down, not wanting to look up.



She was beautiful. Her body very still and silent. Inviting warm, red stain cheeks as she fought to look any where but up. Long dark hair pulled in a loose ponytail. Flawless skin covered a thin frame. 

I felt a moment of unease standing here, looking down at her. 

"Keri. Right?" I asked. Liking the way her name rolled over my tongue. Keri.

She winced at the sound of her name and looked up. Her gaze met mine for a moment then she looked away again.

"How do you know my name?"

I chuckled under my breath. Quite shy isn't she. I leaned forward taking a deep breath of jasmine and strawberry scent before pulling away.

"It's on your schedule."

"Oh" shoving the paper in her bag.

"My name is Enrique Hunt. But you can call me Ari. It means lion. Or mad dog."

Keri opened her mouth minutely and closed it.

Chapter Three

 My best friend Jase was leaning casually by the front entrance. One hand shoved in his back pocket. He was still fuming over a wrestling match he lost to me last night. I take it, he would like a rematch later on.

My gaze went to him for a moment, then back at her small sweet face. Her lips moved like she was repeating my nicknames.

Mad dog. Ari. Wondering which one she prefers?

And I sort of liked how that looked. The room slowly becoming crowded as students trickled in for the next class. My eyes trailed to her exposed skin and for some reason, I wanted to kiss her there. My phone vibrating in my pocket. I ignored it.

It probably was some chick wanting to get laid. My father was right.

"One of these days you are going to fall in love son. Don't just settle for the first girl you see. Just for anyone. Choose the girl that doesn't come easy."

The sobering truth is all has been easy. Lisa. Mila. Kate. Acacia. Tricia and a few others whose name I don't care to recall.

 "Ahem." A modest cough came from behind me. It was from April. Jase's girlfriend. "We should be getting out of here."


For some reason sweat broke out, dotting my forehead and I blame it on the weather. Not fear. My stomach tightening as I stood, grabbing up my things in a haste. Brows knitted his striking face as I pushed pass him. Biting my lip to hide my smile. I guess he wasn't expecting that. Taking one last glance at him. I was so out of his league. Walking away, past a group of teenage girls.

 My breathing gradually increasing as I felt his presence behind me. The veins in the back of my neck pulsating slightly as my heart rate quickened. Taking a left then a right pass the cafeteria then a left to history class.

A crooked grin spread across his face as he stepped in front of us. "Ladies let me." Holding open the door for us.

His dark gaze never leaving my face. My feet rooted on the spot for a moment. Waiting, but for what. For him to hold my hand?

The others had already gone in. My behaviour causing me to be the center of attention. Two other students., pushing their way pass us. Two blondes, their eyes on Ari. Mad dog

I just stood here watching him, thinking about my two options: turning around, jump in my car and head back home or continue my first day at Glenwood high.

"Thanks." Smiling tentatively at him, choosing my second option. Walking into class with a half hearted good morning. Recognizing a few faces from my first class.

I took my seat in the back, next to April. Who sat next to boyfriend, who sat next to Solange. Her boyfriend Zachary was at home sick. Lucky guy. Enquire sat next to me.

Tucking a few strands of hair back, I pulled out my notebook pretending to be interested in world war one.

April's eyes gleamed with humor. "He is hot. Isn't he?"

I glared at her, a heat crossing my cheek. Choosing not to answer.



 Wanting her was dangerous. Her transition will be hard and I will need to be there for her. Taking in a deep breath of her scent. A scent that had lured me to her. 






Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.04.2016

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