



Emily Cote

Laura grabbed my arm squeezing tightly, her freshly red poilished fingernails digging deep, making me wince in pain. Ouch thats going to leave a mark. Her baby blue eyes gleaming with excitement as the wheels of the plane hit the pave runway with a bump. We made it finally after ten long grueling hours on board the Air France from Los Angeles to Pairs. Laura my best friend and roomate at ucla decided this year for spring break we treat ourselves to an amazing yet outrageously expensive trip to Paris, one we so righteosly deserve having both achieved a 4.0 grade point average on our final exams. Laura could hardly wait unbuckling her seat belt and grabbing our carry on luggage from the storage compartment over our heads.

"Come on Emily" she cried impatiently as I fumbled clumsily with my seat belt. In my haste to keep up with her long strides, I stumbled in the isle my cheeks turning beet red as I heard the stifled giggles emanating from two stewardess that stood at the door way to the cock pit. I sighed why am I always so clumsy. The airport was crazy even at three in the morning and we allowed the mass of passengers to guide us through immigration and processing. Laura was jumping up and down all excited as we made our way outside to the awaiting taxis while I remained a drab weed suffering from jet lag.

Laura and I are different in so many ways its astonishing to see our friendship has lasted this long, three years to be precise. Laura besides been extremly beauitful with long blonde hair which she wore loosely around her shoulders today and voluptous curves in her pink and white floral knee high dress and boots, is funny, extroverted, charismatic all the right ingredients for popularity at ucla while I who has only been deem as pretty by the college frat boys with my thick, long jet black hair and petite physical structure dressed in a simple tight fitted acid wash jeans and dark blue blouse, is the total opposite to Laura with my conscientious, introveted, reserved behaviour.

Maybe its because of this why Robert and I broke up after six months of going steady. He could no longer accept my continued absence towards sex but want is wrong with waiting until we graduate and find a place of our own, maybe be even get married or at least engage before he could pop the cherry. I might be old fashion but its the right thing to do, at least that's what I thought until I walked into his room one evening after my frustrating economics class with my overbearing lecturer Mr Vincent and found Stacy one of the college's cheerleaders bouncing heartily on his huge shaft. Like a fool I ran out the room crying before beating the shit out of her. but all that is going to change after our week in Paris. I plan on having wild exotic sex with a handsome french guy well thats Laura's fantasy but it could be mines too if i allow it, if I only let loose and really enjoyed my vacation and forget all about his stupid ass. 


 I allowed Laura to lead the way following obediently while we searched for a taxi to take us to Rue Saint Lazare.

"Excuse moi dames"(excuse me ladies) called a man from behind us, his voice angelic and alluring, turning behind us we came face to face with a handsome young man in his late twenties wearing a baseball cap. Oh my he is fine with crisp blue eyes and pearly white teeth complete with washboard abs. He was nothing like Robert who was tall and strapped. Robert had a body for football and was a damn good quarter back.

"Oui monsieur" answered Laura showing off her french speaking ablities, as she nudged me sharply in the rib. I guess I was still staring at the man before us with my mouth open no guess.

"I was wondering if you beauitful ladies are here on your own. Do you need a lift. I have a taxi" pointing into the direction to where his car was parked. "I can take you anyway you need to go" he continued, his eyes never leaving Laura undressing her slowly. 

"Sure" she blushed shifting from one foot to the next, she usually does this when she is nervous about a guy she really likes. "Can you take us to Rue Saint Lazare please"

"Yep no problem" he remarked taking off his hat and bowing playfully before he turned and walked off.

Laura took a step to follow him but I yanked her back sharply by the arm my nonsense mode kicking into full gear. 

"What the hell is wrong with you. We dont even know this guy and if he is really operating a taxi service but you just blurted out where we are staying"

I know i was behaving ridiculously partially because I was jealous why guys like him never take notice in me. I was surprise when Robert did been the captain of the football team, he could have any chick he wanted but he choose me and I blew it. Laura pulled her hand away

"This is why Robert broke up with you. You are always serious and never no fun to be around"

My mouth flew opened to reply with an equally hurtful comment but I had nothing, what Laura said was true but it hurt like hell especially coming from her. I bow my head not wanting her to see me cry.

"Oh gosh come on Emily dont cry" tugging on my shoulder " I didnt mean to sound so harsh, you are my best friend after all just try loosening up a bit besides I read in a magazine that french guys are amazing in bed and I intent to test that theory"

Before I could reply she turned and walk off dragging her suitcase behind her, the wheels squeaking on the concrete side walk leaving me with no option but to follow.


 Mr handsome was leaning on his car looking sexy as ever, his arms folded, long legs cross when we approached him. He briskly opended the trunk allowing us to store our suitcases. Laura rubbed her breast seductively against his arm. She could be such a slut at times. There wasnt a guy in college who have not had the pleasure or opportunity of fucking her. I glanced over my shoulder as another stream of passengers exited the terminal, something just wasnt right. Maybe Laura is right I am much to no-nonsence like and need to ease up a bit.

Laura was giggling silly as he whispered in her ears, probably something nasty as he unlocked the front passenger door, Laura slipped inside buckling up while I sat in the back seat. No sooner had I gotten in when two brawny, beefy men opended the door on either side and sat besides me squashing me in the middle. They both wore colorful printed shirts and black slacks. The one on the left who sat just behind Laura had a bull neck and a nasty scar adorn his right cheek, who ever had sewn the injury did a harsh job. The one on the right was just as ugly and sinister with a receding hairline and wonky teeth. My heart dropped as we pulled onto to the highway, the lock on the door clicking into place, the sun peeping its way through the clouds. As I glanced back at the safety of the airport terminal now fading in the distance, instincts told me we were in peril, I just didnt know from what. 

 Mr handsome stared at me from the rear view mirror his eyes dancing with slient laughter as he hum softly his long slender fingernails drumming on the black steering wheel, bastard. I  briefly looked at Laura, her fingers clutching the door knob so tightly it had turned white, she was also sensing danger. The atmosphere was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Besides the few cars that passed us on the highway Paris was rather peaceful, I guess folks here are late sleepers.

"Turn at the corner just ahead please" asked Laura meekly her voice barely above a whisper but he, mr handsome simply ignored her continuing on his own path.

Laura turned her head sightly her baby blue filled with tears and apologizes.

"Whore face front" ordered bull neck, his voice icy and sharp. 

Mr handsome laughed pulling out a loaded smith and wesson from below his seat, intimidating Laura should she try anything foolish, bastard.

At that very moment everthing happen so quickly all I could remember was the strong, intoxicating smell of chloroform, Laura kicking and screaming as bull neck yanked her head back forcefully by her long blonde curls. Mr handsome slapping her across the cheek as one of her kicks registered to his nuts, the rusty and metallic taste of blood as my teeth broke the skin of wonky teeth's arm before passing out helplessly.  


 When I awoke I was strapped onto a gynaecologist table complete with stirrups, levers and a red switch, minus soft padding, the stainless steel table cold against my half naked body. A wooden termite eaten table stood close at hand filled with surgical intruments, needles, scissors and many other sharp objects straight out of my nightmare.  A mature woman probably in her late forties with glossy black hair appeared next to me, her face covered with a surgical mask, her eyes dark as night. I wanted to scream but bull neck and wonky teeth stood next to me their dark eyes warning. Womky had it out for me from the bite I had laid upon his right arm earlier in the car, the red mark still visible. I know he will be the first to strike should I misbehave.

"Please" I begged pathetically, something I never do, fighting against the restrains as the lower half of table moved upward with just the flip of the switch. Black eyes stood between my legs smiling behind her mask as she sheathed on her rubber gloves.

"Such a lovely pink pussy" she commented pulling and tugging at my pegs, I felt violated and abuse.

" She will fetch a hefty sum at tonights auction she continued as her finger gently brushed pass my hymen. I kicked viciously as her words snuck deep, my hands and feet tugging sharply at the brown leather straps that bind them. 

"Please" I continued to beg tears streaming down my cheeks but to no avail. These hearless fuckers cared nothing about my tears or my wining their main concern was too only line their bank accounts.

"Keep your fight for your owner" spat bull neck "and what ever you do just dont think about escape, just forget about your pass" his boulders landing all over my face ewe.

"No you have no right to treat me this way" I sob choking "where is Laura let us go please"

They laughed at me, who were they anyway they will pay for this. My heart chocked I was beentrafficked and there was nothing I could do about it. They cared nothing about  me all they saw me as was a dollar sign cote just a dollar sign. Brething hard my body weep as I try to come to terms with the sudden change of events in my life.

"How could you bitch, how could you be part of this" I screamed my angry building, I didn't deserve this nobody did.

"Money honey lots and lots of money" she barked causing the two ugly men to laugh even more at my rhetorical question as she flip the switch yet again. Why would she be helping them to commit such gruesome acts against her own kind if not for money.

My breath rasp in my chest as the table moved raising my back up in a sitting postion, my lower half straighting, at least my pussy was not spread open for the eyes of the veiwing public.

Wonky teeth tore at my clothing, my head throbbingfrom crying and hunger, I had not eaten a bite since I left the plane. Broken dirty nails digging into my flesh leaving red ugly marks, his personal way of getting back at me. Black eyes tore open a sterile pack and handed it to bull neck while wonky teeth held me down. A buzzing, whriling sound came from directly behind me, fear tore at me from all angles, as a needle painfully pierced my tender skin. MY drunkard go for nothing father was dead set against tattoos and would not approve of this. More tears gush forth as she continued to tattoo a barcode on the upper portion of my right shoulder in black ink. The words slave written in bold letters just below, proving to the world I was just a piece of merchandise, the life I knew gone. 

"Where is Laura" I asked hoping to see her one last time before the acution, all my strenght gone as I hung my head, it was time I admit defeat and accept my fate.

"Only virgins are sold, your friend was send to work in the whore house" snarled bull neck handing me a brown turtle neck sweater to replace my tore clothing.


Laura Meyers

My sense of smell was the first to return the air damp and stifling, there was a strong unbearable stench emanating from the far corner of the room as I regain consciousness. As I sat up on the bed I gawked foolishly at the poorly furnish four by six room, with two bunk beds and a square wooden table. Above the table hung a large oval mirror with gold lining and upon the table lay the bare necessities to cleanse ones skin, a bar of soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, all in a use condition. A metal pail stood in the far corner of the room filled to the brim, its contents of urine and faces spilling over, I hope someone comes and empty it soon. There were no windows only a heavy oak door barred my escape but I was not alone I  had four roomates, one black, one asian, two white all equally afraid and bewildered.

All of us range from our early to late twenties, there was no pattern to how we are taken. The police wouldnt be able to find out who would be the next victim. Cobwebs hung above the door and ceiling, thick particles of dust covered the floor. Four plastic plates lay on a tray in the middle of the room untouch,each containing three slices of white bread buttered on both sides and a bottle of water, bastards could at least fed us something more filling, something more substantial. Hours passed as we stared at each other, no one talking, no one eating, our hearts leaping to our throats every time someone walked pass our room., as we waited patiently to find out what they want with us, we were all here for one reason but what.


Two men stood outside the door conversing in their native tongue turning the key in the lock, their voice guttural, their appearance beastly and distasteful as they opened the door slamming it behind them, the flooring creaking with every movement as they walked into the room while the fools scampered in the corner cowering like rats clinging onto one other each unable to help another . I stood my ground never breaking eye contact, I didn't belong to myself, I belong to an unknown terror filled future, my freedom had been taken but I would take it back by force if necessary. They survey the room not bothering with the likes of me for now they were looking for easy prey. A muscle bound guy probably in his late thirties wearing a plaid shirt quickly cross the room grabbing the skinny white blonde by the hair lifting her easily off the ground, tearing her spaghetti strap black dress clean off her body in one go, while his compadre stood guard his weapon poised ready to inflict deadly harm should we impose. He threw her on the ground her naked body hitting the floor with a thud as he unzip his pants his monstrous cock sprang to life, precum gathering around the head. He knelt between her legs forcing himself into her. 

"Please stop" she begged choking on her tears her fist pounding on his broad shoulders causing no harm as her slid in and out her with wet kitten. I stared disgusted at the site while the others whimpered in the corner no one lifting a finger to help. 

"Please" she continued her cries turning into sobs of lust as she wrapped her long legs around his brawny frame her orgasm building threatening to break free while her lightly twirled her pink erected nipple in his mouth. Skinny blonde bit her lips, digging her fingers into his back as she became undone in his arms. Beads of sweat gathered on his forehead as he continued to ram his dick inside her before shooting off his load. He collapsed on her breathing heavily before he slide out leaving a trail of semen between her thighs. Standing upright he tuck away his monster dick and ran his finger though his just fuck sandy brown hair before retrieving the weapon from his companion so he may also have a go at her. He turned her around with the least of effort slamming his equally large dick in her butt. 

"Please, please" screech her nails digging the flooring as she tried her utmost best not to enjoy the pleasures been created inside her she fought effortlessly to regain the pride she had lost moments ago when plaid shirt was inside her but shamelessly she mourned as he fucked her tight but experienced butt hole, plaid shirt chuckling 

"I guess we have found ourselves a new play toy" he smirk squeezing his crotch. His eyes focusing on me momentarily only to be broken by cries that escape the lips of the woman before us as she climax for yet a second time by the same men who held us prisoners, her body shaking as her orgasm rocked her tiny frame as he ponder her viciously without mercy spilling his cream inside her. He spat on her as he rose to his feet adjusting his appearance. 

"Slut will bring in good business for the boss" he remarked turning his back both men walking out securing the door behind them leaving her weeping helplessly on the floor. 


 MADAM MONICA ( Brothel owner) 


I sat in my office on the third floor tending to some paperwork trying to ignore the whimperings of Charlotte as she pulled desperately at her restrains, her oval face in a deep scrowl. I guess she don't like been chained to the cold concrete wall naked, her legs spread wide apart by my black metal spread bar, it left her pussy exposed for my viewing pleasure.

The girls were held just below on the second floor probably plotting a means of escape nonetheless soon they would find their only escape from my world is through their dead corpse been buried in a swallow grave in the back of my brothel. Michael my personal bodyguard, friend and occasional workout partner had informed me earlier during the day that some of the guards were fooling around with one of the prisoners. I didn't mind they work hard, they take risks knowing fully well the consequences behind their actions so why not allow them to have some fun now and again as long as they don't physically damage the merchandise.

Most of the guards station here despised Michael, they called him a taddle tail, an ass licker behind his back, non brave enough to tell him to his face all fearing his expertise in methods of inflicting pain, but I called it been loyal, besides this, Michael was head over heels in love with me and would agree with whatever I say or do but he would never understand a woman in my position could never be tied down to one sexual partner as I enjoy playing on both fields. 

This is a dangerous business, it is not easy living a double life madame Monica proprietor of a low maintain brothel where any man with as much as fifty bucks in his wallet can come and have a great time at night and by day a renowned psychologist working at St George hospital and maintaining a private practice under my birth name Nicola Castello, a name given to me by my parents Kendrick and Ashley Castello, why any day things could take a turn for the worst and I could face many years in prison without a chance of parole.

Why tie myself down with thoughts of love and family when I knew not how to love and saw no need for it. My parents showed my big brother Nikolai and I very little love leaving our upbringing in the hands of our many servants. They were never there for birthdays, christmas dinners and thanksgivings always out of town on business but we didn't care we had each other and that was all that matters along with the millions in our trust fund. 

Until Kendrick lost interest in Ashley and began focusing most of his attention on me always wanting us to play games like ride the pony, when ever he was at home but both of us must be naked at all times, he said it would be more fun that way foolishly I believed. I was innocent at the tender age of only six summers I didn't know any better, it hurt the first time, I wanted to stop but daddy said I was doing great and it would only hurt for a while. I wanted to make him happy so he and mom would stay home more often giving us a chance to be a family as I have always felt I was the at fault here. Daddy didn't want anymore and always insisted that Ashley take preventive measures but I still came into this cruel and unfair world, five years later, unwanted, unloved expect by Nikolai, he was extremely happy to have a sibling, been bored as the only child, he did prefer a brother but accepted me anyway. He taught me everything bike riding, skate boarding, skiing noticing how withdrawn I was from our daily activities when ever dad was around but never question why. 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.11.2015

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