


All content © C.E.Vance


Through eyes that adore you,

creating the portrait that I view

A vision beyond canvass,

painting each subtle allure


From exhale of a breath,

carrying whispers to a smile

Times to always remember,

awaits the next enchanting kiss


Favored by gentlest of heart,

resides an angel's very soul

Heaven's bliss upon the world,

held longingly in these arms


Inside a world to my own

moments cherished for this life

All thoughts belonging to you,

it's that which I see


An image of delicate hues,

softest caress from my brush

A captive to tinge's hold,

are shades that say - I love you.



I Am No More


Plunging into the pits of hell -
grasping my mortal fate.

Life's final breaths,
drawn with dreadful fear.


Absent are angels,
with no gods to save me.

Last thoughts despaired -
demons controlling my mind.


In the darkened hold,
death is already here.

Drapings of shadows -
new sun to never rise.


Tomorrows just end -
another linger for tears.

All follow till slumber -
    to the hereafter I fall.



A Day to Die


Lost to enchantment - scattered to farewell,

failed trappings of a heart longing to stay

Smiles into tears, recalling bittersweet dreams,

whimsies and love - somehow tossed to the way


Stammers in darkness - echoing each failing word;

shadows of sunset prompting whispered cries

Dimness speaking direst shades to woeful fate,

pleading voice mimics soul's anguished demise


Bequeathed with passion and caressed by night,

a jewel of fancy - like a ruby red kiss

Shimmered the gem's reflection in your eyes,

a sparkling fortune founded in bliss


Then faded the glimmer of our opulent light,

facet turning to a shard of murky glass

With fall that shatters from cruelty's fate,

the final slivers of hope came to pass


In dwell of aloneness comes last goodbyes,

my thoughts forever in the surrounding still

As years slip pass - you'll find me here,

my spirit to love you, and always will




A Crumbling Stone


A handful of words to see you home,

faded etchings on a crumbling stone.

Dustings scattered beyond blest ground,

loving tribute becomes windswept bound.


Awash in tears, undaunted by time,

memorial to souls long entwined.

Tracing whispers upon the skies,

heaven is witness to all our sighs.


Tribute graven for loss we mourn;

succumbed to years falls weathered worn.

Carried by will of lost seasons cast,

words crumbled to dust trickle past.


Laid beneath etchings on a stone,

words to see you into the angel's home.

"All my love is forever with you"

with every wind the words come true.


Carl E.Vance

A look

Cast in a spell summoned by wanton eyes,

 erupts the longing without words being said


Evoked passion awaits a teasing touch,

 from enamored look temptations are fed


Unspoken whisper beckons with call,

 enchantment's invite to waiting arms


The answer is caress in prompt's silence,  

 as embrace heeds allure of hypnotic charms


From captive gaze all yearning revealed,

bewitching mystique enfolding moment’s air


Surrendering to kisses inside the spun veil,

consuming rapture becomes its heir


Together dwells our hearts and mind,

 from inner depths the joining voices preside


Without an utter in the quieted stead,

loving glance leases the fervor inside



A Mindful Dream


Thoughts on a cloud - drifting far away,

tomorrow resumes, leaving yesterday behind.

Wandering past the shadows in wait,

lighten their tinges to shades inclined.


Traverse a course given over to dark,

imagine scenes that shallowness can't see.

Awaken with a sun filled with new hope,

turmoil to end with morning's decree.


Dream the innocence - lost with heartache's weep,

bringing comfort to sorrows shed in vain.

Account for the many resigned to ends,

lives that succumbed in crimson's reign.


Tears for blood assign judgments to fault,

a reckoning restores hearts to their home.

Numbers without count - to rise again,

lightening tinges in the dreams they'll roam.


Wars through the ages erased from time,

hands of destruction placed to each one's side.

Forthright the many ceases ire of might,

voices in the lands heard far and wide.


As spoken by prophets - love all as your own,

look to the heavens, embracing what's right.

Spare mothers the woe from loss of a child,

keep them with blessings in prayers at night.


Thoughts on a cloud - till we find our way,

tomorrow that comes leaves all trials behind.

Share tranquil visions inside your thoughts,

reaching out - take every hand you find.



Azure Eyes

Beneath the blue,
in faraway,
a castle made of glass
Fashioned within,
fragile shards,
glimmer lost in time

From windowed heaven,
sharing the color -
of transfixed eyes,
Brings distant view,
to surroundings -
glimpsed outside

Clinging to slivers,
pieces of life,
behind structure's walls
Founded in sorrow,
a parting love,
long passed by

In open skies,
once alighted dreams,
shrouds day with night;
Stars in backdrop,
fade to ebon,
hide presence from sight

Alone to self,
entrance denied -
to all approaching near
Focus of thought,
dwelling in shattered -
bits you find

Through azure eyes,
always the world,
only you see
Beneath the blue,
so far away,
hidden in a castle of glass


Beauty Disguised

Beauty disguised in rumpled tatters;
dressed in undoing - not of one's own
Handed to fate - lacking an escape,
sitting by the wayside knowing you're alone

Teardrops leaving traces in the dust;
streaked smudges erasing a hundred more.
Upon your face - the pangs of misery speak,
each moment passed is time to abhor

Draped in the garments of disparaging grace,
shrouding misfortune falls at your feet
A taunt of hope to end with every day,
honey to vinegar - tastes so bittersweet

An open palm implores meager means,
a morsel of crumbs to ease hunger's vile
Gifted manna is a mirage to the mind,
a moment in dream brings retch of bile

No thoughts to ease reality's blight,
suffers the child with no course to seek
Foreign is smile beneath saddened eyes,
rose's color denied to either cheek

As evening greets without place to rest,
on barren ground you lay your head
Waking nightmares is the life you lead,
morning approaches bringing all its dread

Adorned with discarded dreams and hope,
cycle repeats until all is made right
Bring to your heart a child without home,
show your love - help end their sorrowed plight

Beauty disguised in rumpled tatters,
dressed in undoing - not of one's own
Handed to fate - lacking an escape,
sitting by the wayside knowing you're alone




Eye's Blink

Witnessed in an eye's blink,
moment's retreat into the past.
Forever parted to realm of time,
a stint -  never to be recast.

Shade like night, days succumb,
darkened void consumes the dawn.
Tomorrow comes to certain end,
replaced by time that carries on.

Hours in follow never cede,
new beginnings hold no reign.
Each rise to fall once again,
all before - to trail and wane.

Comes life's passing -  till ending still
to an abyss of pitch the ages flee
Their shadows become ancient dreams-
in an eye's blink -  it's what we see.


Loathly Drear

Hollow the deep,
a bitter life so spun

Malice for dreams,
in heart of loathly drear

Drawn breath of life,
one's air of putrid stench

All within reach,
victims to direful touch

Conscious set side,
glowers besmirching eyes

Ominous look,
reflections of inner self

Portal to soul,
consumed by plaguing mire

Dark languid pools,
void emission of light

From grimaced smile,
lashes vile scorching tongue

The voice so stings,
spewing forth spittled fire

Thoughtless fool,
shallow ways come with due

Destined to fall,
stumbling across the heaped

Abandoned cries,
known faces turn away

Presence that's shunned,
suffers own loathly drear



Looming shadows in the amber glow,
candle waning with a haunting light
Mist arises in the corner and bodes,
stealthy watching throughout the night

Rising winds on dread evening howls,
spirits clamoring from pits of hell
Tortured souls denied by grace,
grimaced faces in their 'forever' dwell

Horrid demons gather outside the room,
from foulest lips each blaspheme calls
Ghastly figures out of nightmares seen,
leased from inside scorched prison walls

Among - and leading tethered brood,
reaper in shroud makes way through
Fire singed blade of molten steel,
ashes still clinging from furnace flue

Life's blood to ooze on the ground,,
comes final destine on the prow
Death comes swinging a merciless scythe,
cold eyes leering inside an ebon cowl

Hades' shades of gloomy visions ride,
swoop nether's creatures on bat like wings
Stately gates leading to Heaven close,
a forgotten soul is taken by evil things

Fiery anguish sears with putrid smell,
dripping flesh whipped by burning flames
Horrid screams witnessed by hollow eyes,
beastly man bound by linking chains

Scorching lake dispenses eternal just,
created punishment for sinner's due
Turning lock clicks on the coffin's lid,
without due penance hell awaits for you


My Angel


Today I saw an angel's smile,
long hidden by a murky mist -
clouds before my unseeing eyes

Heaven sent her lacking wings,
no golden halo to grace her head -
trumpets silent at her advents

Softly the voice gentle and sweet,
words spoken so lovingly kind -
caring angel calms my troubled mind

Never a need to stand at heaven's gate,
to gaze upon this angelic face -
sight is viewed through new found eyes

Always her love - given to me,
seems I was blind and didn't see -
mother - how much you truly mean to me


Princess of the Flowers

In sequined sparkles, the sun caressing her flowing gown
Atop silken tresses, an adornment of a golden crown
Beside lone butterfly - she winks and flashes a lovely smile
Above the flowering petals they both hover for a while

On dainty wings, flying to and fro, she finds heart’s content
Across blossoming meadows she sprinkles ambrosial scent
Quick wave of hand lightly showers the aromatic fluff
Princess of the flowers soon whisks away in a windless puff

On winding journey, her ardent chore performed each year
Waiting flowers gracefully bow as she approaches near
In waning day she snuggles between a soft petals fold
For chilly nights, warm caring heart protects her from the cold

Early rising, she sips from droplets of fresh morning dew
With cool dabbing splash to face - errand day starts anew
Princess of the flowers ascends in the surrounding perfume
Aloft on wings zipping away to where more flowers bloom

Caring and nurturing is the essence of her content
Beautiful princess, a sweet flower’s blossoming scent
Loving heart freely given without an expectant due
Then within the garden my own princess comes into view

Her radiance shimmering - like sequins on a gown
Wave of long silken tresses creates an adorning crown
True princess of the flowers arrives in royal style
Beside me she cuddles and flashes her lovely smile


Sun in Rise


Morning arrived, absent of sun -
air deluged by darkened dawn
Folds the day with bleak like night,
cast in black - disquiet to mind

Descends the world - far to shadows,
a place once graced by gathered light
All aglow while yesterday was here,
tomorrow came bringing luster's end

With falter till fall - awash in tears,
every loss shed from anguished eyes
Listen closely, they'll bear love's name,
each carrying another dream away

Held so dear - last imagined hope,
together forever in just a while
Self's final truth resides within,
moments wished belong to past

Free to seek and love again,
shattered hearts - deserving mend
Place your tears inside a smile,
soon to find - a new sun in rise


Judged by a heart instead of mind,
once a rose - whose beauty failed
I loved you dearly - sweetness adored,
then all withered - turning to thorns



Just Like This

On a journey to Heaven -
visions reflected in your eyes,
passing through mists for mornings,
and rising to the brightest skies

Set adrift in the sunlight -
beyond terrestrial scapes,
embracing all that you are,
in a world - only love shapes

To the edge of infinity -
surrendering to the serene,
arrival on a smitten heart,
from where paradise is seen

Images in this window -
depicting my every thought,
within is held splendor,
the dreams I've always sought

Life roused in your presence -
entranced by beauty of soul,
a sweetness till eternal's last,
an existence that makes me whole

These pleasures for me alone -
like whispers before a kiss,
words to hold me in your arms,
I'll love you forever - just like this


Maiden Fae

In the dazzling shimmers from magical dust,
journey begins on silvery wings of light
Conjuring four winds to the palms of her hands,
in showering cascade - the maiden takes flight

Across the sky - trailing wisps like sheerest veil,
donned in kind, with sequins made from winter's shine
Past reaches of earth, into celestial night,
vision ascends by awing-wonder's design

With stars twinkling in eyes, and red lips of rose,
whims of fanciful fair so merrily strewn
A kiss to share upon fleeting whoosh of breath,
blown heartened glow as witnessed on cratered moon

Come dawn 'till shadows -  looming in late of eve,
flourishing meadows served by enchantment's air
From over the realm, filled with mystical dreams,
blossoms soon to follow with Fae's heedful care

Capturing rainbows, to brighten flower's hues,
greener shades for grasses, waving in the sun
on the will of a whisper - summoned to touch,
thoughts of Eden transcends - and her work is done

In the dazzling shimmers,
the journey begins
Conjuring four winds,
the maiden brings her light


To the Other

On words of love - embraced so tight,
surrenders each heart - being swept away
Enrichments to rise - blossoming with time,
flowers to grow - becoming life's bouquet

Gather one's fortunes - bundled with hope,
given to forever - where dreams reside
Sharing of whispers - across endless smiles,
all to the other - no moments denied

Bestowed on a promise - to always be near,
beneath its caress - with softest of touch
Therein lies solace - shades the tranquil veil,
forward eyes to Heaven - offerings are such

Honored by blessings - gifted days through nights,
found beauty is seen - as paradise will tell
Pairing of souls - thankful for the times,
'till spirits into winds - bids final farewell

Always to love you - without hint of a doubt,
the life inside me - bequeathed to your heart
Somewhere past hereafter - perhaps once again,
holding my flower's hand - another dream to start


Between the Pages

In the shuffle of yellowed pages,
a treasured keep from another time.
Withered by course of summoned years,
remnants to succumb with the slightest touch.

Into stilled air rises muskiness from old,
to linger in the pause of discovery's wake.
Due care be given to fragile between bind,
lest all be scattered in the exhale of a breath.

Blanched crimson awash on a brittle crown,
majestic petals crushed in the presses' hold.
A garden's splendor passes to ashen gray,
shorn stem lays broken with its leafings to dust.

A story for a rose inside an open book,
beyond words dwell a memory of an age.
Placed in stay with its secrets still untold,
perhaps a loving tender whispered tale.

Flower freshly bloomed passed into one's hand,
a token for wishful dreams or something more.
Blossom tended in décor's vase till its final hours,
then gently laid within the passages of new home.

Lost to the years between the pages of a book,
found in the chapter of loving you all the while.
End of story written in penciled broken heart,
"I've lost you forever" -  brings tears into my eyes.


The Night

To the folds of your pillow,
forlorn whispers - imparting night,
casting shadows from the deep,
lost souls haunting evening's quiet.

Voices erupting in lonely self,
with usher to darkness of own,
all passing through ebon skies,
sum of bleakness never known.

Dwindled hope in sorrow's reign,
the will of dismal holding fast,
lends no answers to questions why,
moment's reprieve is all that's asked.

Enshrouded within depression's depths,
tightly bound by its lengthy sighs,
follow the tears pursued by turmoil,
then pitch drapes across the eyes.

To the folds of your pillow,
darkest whispers - bringing night,
with wakened shadows - denying sleep,
a weary soul haunts evening's quiet.


Willow’s Loom

From depths in the hollow during dreary of night,
in boding shadows, eyes peer through darkness.
Hidden by loom, crouching voices in the willows,
a steadfast chirp spurs mind to reaches’ edge.

As whooshing winds carry eve’s eerie thrust,
near rustled leaves lend hiss to haunting chorus.
Inside oneself form images of evil being born;
try as might will, clutch of fear grants no pass.

Silhouettes in moonlight swaying to forlorn song,
presenting view to demise conjured by their dance
Venom from serpent to poison all with its touch,
creeping comes vile behind shades without doubt.

Asleep on midnight’s ebon pitch, creatures in the wait;
fall of day forever finds them in their waking rise.
Beneath the willows, seeming voice calls your name;
eyes that look upon you follow with their gaze.

Nearing to the firelight for quell of coursing shudders,
embers fed by flicker are doused within the chill.
Sudden stir of sultry air sends terror across your face;
breath of hell behind you seeks a mortal’s fate.

Summoned from depths, heard voices come stalking;
shadows unseen, tasting your last breath of life.
In surrounding song the night’s chirping swells,
screams fading in distance beneath the willow’s loom.

 C.E. Vance

Billowed Clouds

In the billow lies a city of dreams -
surrounded by blue crystal skies.
In misted guise an image streams -
Camelot forms before widened eyes.

Kingdom looms inside swirling walls -
castle seen upon a rolling cloud.
Shifting scene houses Arthur's halls -
somewhere within a conjurer in shroud.

Eyes of Merlin into the crystal globe,
chanted whisper for a spell to bring.
By will of wizard in a silken robe,
treasure filled palace for the king.

Atop grassy knoll the children gaze,
lost in the surge of a placid show.
Forever the wondrous sequence plays,
in billow of clouds comes dreams in tow.



Morning so bright,
beneath it was born a shining light
Playtime came,
ring around the roses in a game

Silken hair,
shimmered in sun and danced on air
Laughter’s treat,
the sound of joy always so sweet

Lost in pretend,
time for ventures with an unseen friend
Moments beheld,
life’s whimsy and magic never quelled

Arising moon,
the end of day coming too soon
Body grew frail,
heart full of life began to fail

Hands in prayer,
off to sleep with loving care
Succumbed to shades,
mother’s whispers slowly fade

Ends the gray,
past the clouds and far away
Voices in song,
a choir of angels carry you along

Passing into dreams

is all the  journey seems

Forever a smile,
graced by Heaven all the while


Shining eyes,
through mist of tears, last goodbyes

Remember this child,

a beautiful innocence so mild



My Words

Thoughts I place upon the page,
a foreign soul belonging to me.
Presented view from the other side,
letters I form lets the seeker see.

Dwelling in reach - seeming so far,
hidden face in façade of stone.
From calm to tempest for all to hear,
emerges a voice unlike the known.

Spoken by one - but garnered for two,
inside the depths lies vision's sight.
Pretenses follow an expected path,
trails beyond whispers is what I write.

A handful of words are of my own,
the spell for an enchantment to dreams.
Each sharing speaks the realm of mind,
my surrounding world as it seems.



Night Songs

Haloed moon amid a starlit sky -
ascends above eve’s shadowy lands
With forging night comes chorused songs,
streaming through leafy timber stands

Chirps beneath shaded harbor rise,
in echoed unison the chatters swell
Tempo’s sauntered haunting tune,
erupts where nightly creatures dwell

On trickled waves - mirrored heaven gleams,
bright cratered orb crosses water and sky
Reflections touch crystalline fathom’s shores,
from shimmered shallows - lily's heirs reply

Sounds of rhythmic music fills the air,
wailed warbled chirps rise and fall
Cattails sway to the steady drone,
water adds its trickling beat to the call

Harmony scored along sloping banks,
lending voice to the tremolo choir
Orchestra plays throughout the night,
break of morn bids the players retire

Across the lake, shimmering curtains drawn,
stage takes bow - to resume before long
Haloed moon amid the starlit sky,
slowly descends to an ending song

C.E. Vance

Stolen Heart

Ferried away upon the heart you stole -
surrounded in an air of sun filled skies
Rises the spirit inside jubilant thoughts
flight to an inner Heaven - unseen by eyes

Sweet are the whispers to enlighten one's soul,
spoken in absence of an uttered word
In a dream belonging to other than night,
sincerity of a wish is the voice that's heard

A portrayal of love - blossoming with life,
bouquet held 'til the petal's final hours
Destinies shared for all remaining while,
dwelling together among the flowers

Vision delivered into waiting arms,
not just an image for a mind's caress
Being hard to describe beauty so real,
perfection comes without terms to express

Ferried away upon the heart you stole,
surrounded by the sun filled skies
Rise my spirit in jubilant thoughts,
Heaven is seen through my eyes



In evening's peaceful slumber -
I whisper softly to you
May I hold you tenderly -
the way I’ve been longing to



As dreams are unfolding -
your image draws near
If my nights were forever -
you would always be here


Hidden within the twilight -
are all my unspoken words
Would you be enchanted -
by words you haven’t heard


Could you ever love me -
the way I’m in love with you
Follow our dreams together -
watching all come true


If I could ever hold you -
the way I’ve been longing to
My dreams would be forever -
and my twilights so few



Winter Song

To melodious tunes in starry eyed dreams -
comes surrender to scores adrift on airy skies
Sparkling glint of reflections in the windswept view,
brings lulled wonder with music's delightful rise

Snowflakes dancing on breaths of winter's wail,
whirl to trailing notes that nature's fifers play
Icy crystals that twinkle with captured light,
gently sifts through trees and gathers in the ley

Layered in gleaming white, further than eyes can see,
symphony sweeps the scapes with its spangled sheen
Faces in the windows, transfixed by sights and sounds,
share their joyful whispers for the unfolding scene


Hearts readied to slip away in the cover of night
to conquer slops on polished rails, spurred by every thrill
Warmly dressed and out the door -  follows season's allure
laughter's bundle of wishes seeks contentment's fill


With running starts, off you go - riding memories for life,
breathless stance atop the hill, waiting turns to slide,
Set adrift on winter winds - playing another song,
sounds of children in their world where dreams reside



To melodious tunes in starry eyed dreams-
comes surrender to scores adrift on airy skies
Sparkling glint of reflections in the windswept view,
brings lulled wonder with music's delightful rise



Willow in Lea

In cooling shade of bluebell's meadow,
secluded host to lone willow's weep
Perched songsters perform a feathered score,
from outstretched branches melodies sweep


In tenor chirp, sing the sure winged sparrows,
serenade peaks with their upward breasts
A bustling breeze  to blue silent bells,
prompts swayed dance for the musical guests


Sitting aloft in tinged backdrop of green,
swooping from sky to the willow in lea
Each kindred of flight alighting to limbs,
forms Mother Nature's choir in the tree





Dancing on moons belonging to midnight’s suns,

spirits entwined  amid a star filled sky

In a realm of light reaching past celestial’s gate,

beyond earth’s heavens - twilight’s whispers speak


Hours that finds you in a well of endless depth,

voices send hush to your turmoil’s wilted sighs

In  forlorn wastelands where lost travelers roam,

threshold to an exit lies within summoned words


Ascension of whispers taking flight on wings,

from glory they rise to serve in Kingdom’s grace

Mists on airy billows hear each moment’s prayers -

words to Heaven delivered in voices of their own


Angels to bear all the tears that we cry,

beside us in stead giving comfort to plight

Created from essence surpassing space and time -

whispers in Heaven are always by your side


Dancing on moons that whisk past your eyes,

spirits entwined in the reaches of your mind

In a realm of light you touch celestial’s gate-

surrounded by endless heavens your whispers speak



Whispering Serenade

Whispering serenade - if I ever hold you closely for a while,
let words only end with the sweet touch of your smile
Approach each moment slowly - savoring the taste of our wine,
fruits of awaited fortune becoming mellow with time

Whispering serenade - a sharing of hearts is true love made,
romance sincere, the purest flourishing, to never fade
Hold all dear unto yourself - it's all for you and no one else,
enjoy each moment - then place them gently upon the shelf


Whispering serenade, the years will come and pass us by,
soon they'll find you - alone -  with infinite tears to cry
For loss weep not - treasured years are full of wealth,
with memories there - remove them lovingly from the shelf


Whispering serenade - reflect on times we had at our best,
remember our love - shared heartaches survived each test
Hear every word - spoken often from depths of soul,
while away the moments - and from death's shadows I'll stroll


Whispering serenade - a voice from hereafter calls your name,
depart into sleep - awake in dreams from whence you came
Awaiting you now- walk with me through life's other door,
forever as always - all of  heaven greets us once more


Whispering serenade - now I'll hold you closely all the while -
words only ending with the sweet touch of your smile
Approaching each moment slowly - savoring our lasting wine
fruits of awaited fortune - lasting till ends of time



Whimsical Child

With rosy cheeks and a whimsical smile,
merriment’s child assumes a pixy’s wile
Donning ribbons and bows of silken gold,
in promenade she sings a joyous ode

A spinning carousel complete with ponytails,
long tresses flowing in the whirlwind’s gales
Adorned in frilly clothes from head to toes,
decked jewels of sparkled spangle glows

In trimmings suited for a royal queen,
brightest gem steals each moment’s scene
Around about in her magical light,
room glistens with the enchanting sight

With skip to my lou and giggled shoo fly shoo,
like flies in the buttermilk she flies away too
Far and wide to where innocence dwells,
the heart of a child casts its whimsical spells



Welcomed Surrender

In sanctum's aisle - welcomes the surrender,
blessings sipped from Heaven's sweetest wine
Vineyard's yield, brims each vessel served,
paying homage to the nuptial's woven vine


Vowed hearts bestowed- each to other's keep,
night's embrace void to succumbing still
Love’s absence of falter - prevailing the years,
vestige of plummeting trestle’s, forever nil


Beneath the veil - smiles every moment's dream;
a mirrored facet from night’s brightest star
Roses aligning aisle for petal strewn way,
bows homage to image of their beauty’s par


Mist of morn moistens a long sharing kiss;
offered in liquid depths of jade colored eyes
Timeless recall -- to paint the elegant views,
portrayed with the promise of everlasting ties


In sanctum's aisle - welcomes the surrender;
blessings sipped -  from Heaven's sweetest wine
Vessel's serving- each heart's contented yield,
till time's eternal, our love is a woven vine


C.E. Vance


Spoken muse at evening's edge,
given its voice from long ago.
A view in place - outside the reach,
forever spawned by twinkle's glow.

Awing wonder - presented by night,
a voyage beyond dream filled eyes.
Threshold leading past the moon,
through the door, to endless skies.

Ride along on a falling star,
whisking by the facets of light.
Chase the flow of stellar winds,
a wish upon - taken to flight.

Shining pebbles within the grasp,
worlds displaying a sun in rise.
a will-o-wisp taken in hand,
an elusive lure becomes the prize.

To lands in lights of pondered glints,
oceans awash on new-found shores.
Horizons discovered in leap of night,
abreast with heaven - the dreamer soars.

To boarders of the clustered field,
sees a height of sparkling showers.
Crossing depths without moment's loss,
a witness to paused sweeping hours.

Come touch the face of father time,
for journey - his stance so still.
Far in distance he patiently waits,
once again - a venture so real.


The Valley

Sloping hills stretch into lush green valleys below -
a place where picturesque scenes of flowers grow
Silken petals aflush with rich colorful hues,
shaded reds and yellows to brushing of blues

Showy mixture abounds, mid breezing blades of grass,
standing tall throughout the hill’s calm majestic pass
Billowing winds whisper - with a soft sweetened flair,
sweeping blossom's fragrance across the open air

In the hollow flows brook's water so crystal clear,
pronounced babbling heard - upon approaching near
Across rocks it rushes in the season's showering rains
imparting life to many in its coursing veins

Above the surge and beyond- alighted birds sing
some pausing to preen feathers on a ruffled wing
As tree’s leafy branches hold them safely aloft
from their haven, chirping voices sing cheerily soft

With flowers dancing beneath blue cloudless skies,
wind's whoosh gives nature's orchestra steady rise
Combined - the harmonies play daily without cease,
music composed provides the valley its tranquil peace

 C.E. Vance

The Knock

Gathered to self in lonely still,
residing within darkened decor
Way restricted with all blinds drawn,
latches bar your threshold’s door

Looking past the inner bounds,
lost words reveal no path to soul
Mind adrift on hush of scene,
into your guarded world I stroll

Remnants become unhindered sight,
clarity surpasses each subtle shade
Come wakened images before my eyes,
daunting shadows slowly portrayed

Pretenses on a moistened smile,
guised tears glisten where they fall
Uttered in soft stammered voice,
sighs stumble from behind the wall

Embracing loss in memory's past,
face of betrayal enfolds like night
Plagued thoughts embrace spirit’s core,
a mocking love that felt so right

Avert your eyes and see me near,
I wait outside the bleakness viewed
Seek a wish that fulfills the void,
deny the bearers of false allude

Gathered to self in lonely still,
residing within darkened decor
Release the latch to all blinds drawn,
my heart is knocking at your door



The Arbor

Beneath floral laden arbor,
love sought is never denied.
Heart's dark plaguing shadows,
find nowhere to reside.

Array of tailored blossoms -
harbor no stinging nettles.
Offer within sheltered bay -
bears your silken petals.

Comfort found in longed embrace,
always clad with sweetened veil.
Pondered scenes from wishful dreams -
follow close in myriad detail.

Opened eyes deliver your thoughts,
image evoked awaits you here.
In my arms is where it dwells,
surrounding blossoms always near.

Blemished hopes from foolish care,
deceits guised in offered bouquet.
Sordid scourge from wilted bundle,
finds no keep in arbors stay.

C.E. Vance

Tears for Thought

Shallow voices reign in daunting still,
moments tethered to will’s silent ponder
Unseeing eyes cast in a fixated stare,
images lost to mind’s faraway wander

Within a siege of merging reflections,
sights lay weeping inside a thought
Held tears replenished for loss retrieved,
reminisce of failure for love once sought

Summoned to fate came parting’s sorrow,
disclosed by taint from a nightly chill
Denied caress wallowed in bitter languish,
longing for a touch no phantoms fulfill

Belonged shades to ebon engulfed the days,
spawn of darkest pitch consumed each night
Whelmed despair bid farewell to slumber,
obscurity screamed in the deafening quiet

Vowed commitments strewn in heap and mass,
all their care entrusted to your heart
Forsaken promises formed a forlorn sigh,
saddened memories instilled from the start

Shared moments in thought spoken to another,
silence presented the lies you tried to hide
My love to you was given till ever after,
through the years I still find you by my side

Urgings in while call with their whispers,
voices reign in triumph over conscious will
Void to the eyes even though they are seen,
images stir with the call of daunting still

C.E. Vance

Symbol of Love

Adornment of burnished gold,
reflecting back on lifelong dreams
Seen upon an outstretched hand,
symbol placed, forever gleams

Cresting gem flickers with light,
transfixed look of continued gaze
Journey starts within the mist,
depicting scenes of cherished days


Falling tears from misted eyes,
wispy clouding of shadows cast
Memories sought often speak,
whispering echoes from the past

Spirit lives in mind and heart,
vows bestowed in altars aisle
Years were graced in clasp of hands,
beloved held closely all the while


Cuddled slumber nights content,
reveled embrace so tightly sealed
Taunting raptures serenade,
tending caress saw passions yield

Faltering heart never known,
faithful pledge folded to breast
Witnessed seasons thriving love,
sharing of lives was truly blessed


Hazy shades from teary eyes,
softly spoken the last goodbye
Lonely dwelling from within,
nightly content now taunts with sigh

In earthy bosom’s final bed,
silence surrounds your peaceful sleep
Satin chamber sealed with kiss,
caress will come from angels keep




Spirits in Heaven

Tomorrow as beginning -- a future untold

creation of wonderment -- their lives' to share

Pledged in heart -- spirits entwined

forward with dreams -- love always there


Suns each in rise -- bringing days to years

untouched by  time -- endearments strong

Forever beside -- with clasp of hands

each giving all -- carrying them along


Wake of moons -- cast by night

eyes that witness -- which heaven bears

Ones who follow -- mirrors of souls

shadows to self -- the future's heirs


Babes in cradle -- teetered for while

bundles of wonder -- making the home

Past now gone -- memories shine on

parted the children -- own roads to roam


Tomorrow as beginning -- a future untold

filled with wonderment -- lives to share

One to other -- pledged by hearts

forward their dreams -- love always there


Together in age-- final memories fade

sun to rise - brings last goodbyes

On  wakened  moon -- a haloed  light

both dreaming forever-- through angel's eyes


Mother to children -- eternal through time

father as always -- strength in kind

Arms of comfort -- a whisper away

looking toward Heaven -- their spirits you'll find




Songs Serene

Songs serene arrives with entrance's waltz,
likened to willow's swish in swell of breeze
Leisurely grace defined by shimmery sight,
image is host to sweeping gown's melodies

Allure of jasmine surrounds sauntered wake,
visage passes with a charm filled wile
Showered light mirrored in sequins donned,
jeweled radiance gleams from a lovely smile

Within haloed mist lies beauty shed of veil,
guises of pretense paint no assuming shades
Ambrosia is savored to beholding eyes,
forever in memory, a scene that never fades

Gentle caress to petals splashed in early dew,
bathe flowers beneath sapphire colored skies
Favored each day with blossoms moistened kiss,
dawn greets presence with another sun in rise

Holding you closely in morning's embrace,
Heaven yields surroundings of paradise to you
Succumbed to the sight as your presence nears,
a wishful peek into Eden's garden comes true

Songs serene arrives with entrance's waltz,
draping of a gown wisps the willow's song
Refinement of grace displays a shimmering view,
in my fondest dreams the melody plays long





Someone There

A shard of hope - to ease burden's trial,

softly come words spoken from caring heart

Assuring voice calming the urge of doubts,

reaching destined dreams from new journey's start


Solace is offered in an outstretched hand,

a gentle touch to help guide you along

Placing to way misfortunes that bind,

earnest in effort, making the weary strong


An angelic soul accustomed without wings,

sent from Heaven, though never taking flight

A shining presence, born dust from earth,

wholly adorned in glow of  halo's light


Forward your eyes, looking past tears inside,

a time to reflect - and challenges to unfold

Fulfill lost moments scattered in the past,

shadowed turmoil - the forgotten untold


Delivered by whispers upon a prayer,

someone to hold you with love to spare

Arrives a stranger bringing a lasting smile,

a new found friend willing to be there



Rises a Dream

A tranquil touch from moonlight's allure,

prompts night's whisper to slumber's embrace

Visions beneath the soft golden blush -

depicting a wondrous time and place


World with horizons that never end,

their beginning is where fortune lies

With outstretched hands capturing the stars,

every wink is witnessed by your eyes


Gleaming facets to always endure -

journeys beyond  the cover of night

Toss away whimsy's fanciful jewels,

ones that truly sparkle - hold them tight


Ascend to farthest reaches of skies,

waken your dreams with every dawn's  rise



Pleasured Depths

To depths I fall into the haunting,

consumed by the leisure of your soul

Aura akin to stilled stealthy dawn,

'held presence taking its breathless toll


In painted décor of soft whispers,

speaks the hush from impassioned eyes

Alluring tempt by fiery sapphires,

sweeps with desire - appeasement's replies


Simmers the touch with each sultry glance,

enchanting beauty casting a spell

Air alluding to shared savored bliss,

all fantasies and longings to quell


Titillating taste from moistened lips,

stokes the fervor of bewitchment's wile

Drawing you close with purposed caress,

comes felt tremble - with agreeing smile


Every lovely contour traced by hands,

pausing to heighten sensual sighs

As I take your sweetness to my kiss,

room's ambiance enthralls to sound's rise


To the depths I'll take you as I fall,

promised pleasures to body and soul

A loving aura being the dawn,

forever sharing its breathless toll


Dream for all wonders,

non-ending from start

Always in thought,

lady of my heart


Shaded locks of flaxen

shimmer for a wind,

Eyes with heaven's blue

beauty without end


Angel lacking fault

soul for my light

Meaning for life,

a love so right



Path to Kingdom

Journey toward home,

approaches new day

morning in greeting,

light guiding the way


Horizons in dawn,

all color filled skies

placid 'scapes abound,

before weary eyes


Ensue within sleep,

wakening defined

Heavenly whispers,

call to soul and mind


Spirits of kindred,

offering their hands

beckon come follow,

beyond worldly spans


Perhaps just a dream,

shadows from the past

memories held dear,

upon the breath's last


Plush are the meadows,

sweet flowers in bloom

the path to glory,

just outside the room


A promise to rise,

in kingdom of gold

perfection one sought,

the truth as foretold



Pallid Son

Winds of change blow every day;

whirling gusts fashion horizon’s hues

Flaming colors tinge the dusking light;

tranquil luster lends sun’s setting views

Shadows whisper wavered speech;

careening in silence as breezes sigh

Darkness follows with amber’s wane;

blackened velvet shrouds the sky


Kingdom of Heaven looking down;

slumbering children begin to rise

Twinkling specks of distant lights,

awakened slowly are angelic eyes

Sapphires emitting shimmered blue,

pallid son of twilight, called the moon

Clustered jewels blink in ebon sky,

less grains sparkle on a desert’s dune


Timely count of eternal sands,

measure like ages for the land

Knowledge of the unknown sums,

just a trickle to creation planned

Shining stars from high above,

infinite numbers of flickering show

Dustings across the vast universe,

changing winds rise but never blow


Beneath the showers of endless glint,

spirits eternal made with Heaven’s might

Sifted sands through loving hands,

molded are children in God’s own light

Immortal souls from breath and dust,

each grain taken from celestial dunes

Destined to become are angelic eyes,

outshining a pallid son called the moon


C.E. Vance


Newfound Wings

Into an awaiting eternal embrace,
flew an angel on newfound wings
Departure came during mid of night,
with offerings of everlasting dreams

Slumber found in arms of paradise,
cradled in comfort to Heaven's keep
Serenity found amid other angels,
deserved tending is yours in sleep

In gathered sorrow the children cried,
forever our love travels with you
New to Heaven but not to us,
on newfound wings our angel flew


Mother's Eyes

Alight with dreams in a mirroring mist,

beyond each day her children's futures exist

Treasures in plenty for the souls of wise,

comes the whispers from a mother's eyes


Always fresh linens to embellish the beds,

softest of pillows to comfort their heads

With cuddles prompting the peace filled nights,

a last day's kiss graces dawn's purist lights


From cradle until eternity slips away,

her love follows with never a delay

Throughout the years, placed in heart to hold,

reasons for life - she watches unfold


Giving her all in the lull of a song,

counting blessings -- the years pass along

Simplest of things always seemed worthwhile,

prayers were offered on an endearing smile


Laying her head in everlasting rest,

nestled comfort upon an angel's breast

Like the children taken to her own,

the dreams of heaven now leads to home


Mother I see you in my dreaming mists,

throughout my days your future exists

Treasures are plenty for a soul of wise,

I am a whisper from my Mother's eyes




Mother's Children

Viewed before a mothers eyes
forever a child in her embrace
From swaddled dreams and lullabies
years pass beyond the cradle’s lace

In ardent heart her children dwell
time is forgotten in mother's care
Aging shadows and streaks of gray
she offers no less love to share

In youth were cuddled babes to breast
undaunted memories for seasons gone
Sometimes a tear from hidden face
falls with an image of yesterday's dawn

Laughter of children from fondest dreams
whisk her away to longed places of lure
A moment’s weep sanctioned with smile
reminds us her love will always endure

Viewed before a mother’s eyes
beloved children never grow old
To all she offers lulling comfort
cradled in arms that never unfold

  C.E. Vance

Mother and Child

Without waver surrenders the heart of a child;

babe cradled in arms lulls to a mother's mild

Whispery soft cuddles just beckon for more;

snuggled each to breast - lies perfection to adore


Souls entwined with each morning’s dawn,

together as one while Heaven looks on

Radiance delivered for light of new day,

beneath the moon gleams their haloed display


In likened smiles, granted graces provide,

a share of hearts - where two angels reside

Gifted in favor with love that is blessed,

mother and child snuggle quietly in rest



Meadow's Morn

Dew's glint sparkles for spring's early morn;

dawn's blue skies host an emerging sun

Teamed with light, moist grasses shimmer,

gemmed droplets form on a web being spun


In yonder waking, perched birds join in choir;

songs sweetly welcome arrival of  the day

Soft breezes rustle through leafing limbs;

upon stirred winds flowers share their bouquet


Along forest edge to the end of the meadow,

stretches petaled rainbows sprinkled with dew

Hovered by flutter of delicate wings,

butterflies chase each colorful hue


Drifting to tunes from nestling songsters,

blossom's nectar guides their destined way

Misted trails untouched by passing shadows,

are traced aloft and followed across the ley


Huddled in shallows amid green blades,

eyes warily peer within the trampled bed

Outward the gaze is keen to malice,

mother of fawn holds in quieted stead


Hushed nudging relays unspoken words,

gently it whispers loving thoughts to share

In warmth of morning's golden touch,

babe nuzzles closely inside the birthing lair


Opened with blinks with reflection of sun,

a new glint sparkles from moistened eyes

In green meadow amidst dew's shimmer,

another twinkle for morn's blue skies


C.E. Vance



Makeshift Lanterns

Upon the glimmer of eve's first sighted twinkling star,
wishes for treasure, including fireflies for the jar
Asked wonders and trinkets, which awe with delighted swoon,
sincere whispers whisk past the face of a smiling moon

Viewed sparkling tinsel and makeshift lanterns that glow,
beckon eyes to surrender with radiant trove’s show
In sweetened slumber, gatherings of wished treasures stream,
with sprinkle of dust from sandman comes a time to dream

Aloft on fragile wings through fluorescent rainbow skies,
realm of the journey lies in conjured mystic guise
Sought tinseled fields shine beneath night’s swaddling shawl,
makeshift lantern’s bright amber magic surrounding all

Across the yard swooping on wings made of finest gold,
fond dreams were placed within a jars safe hold
Asked wonders and trinkets, which awe with delighted swoon,
throughout the years whisk past the face of a smiling moon


Lulled Hush

Lull in the hush as stars in heaven rise,
slowly drifting past the sun setting skies
With sprinkled dust bringing finale to day,
the magic from sandman lures you away

Grasping the rainbows as eve fades from sight,
vivid horizons painting dreams at night
Entered world - graced with like beauty in kind,
'held wonders come from purest heart and mind

To lands where innocence only may roam,
visions leading to well of wish's home
With drawing breath - giving moment in thought,
tossed on a penny, whispered fancies sought

Through open meadows, a view to delight,
dewdrops to diamonds in morning's light
Surfaced on ripples - lies palace of gold,
other side to a coin that few behold

Flowers in blossom and shades under trees,
whisked wings from angels creating a breeze
Coursing green valleys, honey flowing streams,
within depths of banks the cool water gleams

Behind your eyes the images unfold,
spun to ceaseless smiles, the stories are told
Lulled in the hush, chasing a twinkled sky,
hoping you'll never have to say goodbye


Lone Flower

Beyond lilies growing in the meadow,
a flower stands unseen by vacant eyes
Placed by fate amid the harshest bramble,
beauty transcends in its tumbledown guise


Concealed by the awe of flourishing view,
a blossom resides in entanglement’s thorns
On silken petals flows a deluge of tears,
droplets forming like dew in early morns


Within the vast entwining bristled mire,
weeping unnoticed by those gathered near
Confined to a world that many never see,
lonely flowers cry throughout the year


Beyond lilies growing in the meadow,
beauty exists in more than one guise
Placed by fate amid the harshest bramble,
blossoming flowers stand before your eyes



Perish the petals with flow of tears,
abandoned beside a withered dream
All God's children  -  within the view,
regards to every - the highest esteem



Last Whispers

Years slipping away -
 forever passing by,
gone in tearful rues,
and on elated smiles


 Heaped in moments,
gathered memories inside -
life's start till end,
holding passions and trials


Summoned to all-
with tugs on a heartstring,
with love to tend,
for each disquiet's mend


As seasons tumbled,
through reaches of time,
bestowed devotions,
came without pretend


Today as always,
belonging only to you,
last breaths I take,
become whispers to share


Words to heaven,
where you now reside,
as my eyes see night-
hoping I'll soon be there



Just for You

In the color of your eyes-
lies mist for the sunrise
In the droplets of dew,
gentle soul belonging to you


With dawn for every morn,
essence of beauty reborn
A summit to spirit's light-
is the view within my sight


Reflections that I can see,
cast their spell over me

Before a moment's trial,
I'm lost to captive wile


 On constant flowing stream,
I sail to a waiting dream
To the reaches of a star,
I'll follow however far


 I've held you through the years,
none have passed without some tears.
Now, and forever, you will find,
I love you, heart, soul, and mind



It's Only Me

Comes approach of eve -

bringing glowering eyes,

where shadowy figures dwell


Fetched away by night -

through own hollow's deep,

to places evil winds do wail


Sheer madness to soul -

that throngs of horrors instill,

created one to other's kind


Shrieks! The terrifying cries -

with death riding alongside,

his faces crowding the mind


Haughty! All the many seen -

mocking fear upon their smirks,

vilest intent clearly defined


More nightmares than dreams -

and sanctity never found;

onward with hopeful lies


Trappings of worlds inside -

haunting cruelties clinging tight,

to the ends until one dies


Before me is bleakest black -

it's all this life has been,

the insanity never letting go


Falls tears to a page -

into a handful of words,

the only quiet moments I know



Dust for Winds

Draped in garments stained by tears -
a dust for the wind to no longer cry.
Scattered to earth on a handful of words-
the face of another angel touches the sky.

Toward the horizon, leading to dawn,
new arrival is delivered from bleakest night.
Tattered threads of bundled babe’s destine -
are shed for adornment in Heaven's light.

Born into darkness - many children weep,
from shrouding shadows life slowly flees.
Lost to oppression, and fathered by same,
tears from famine comes heir's unheard pleas.

Tethered to shambles in forlorn keep -
the infinity of ruins offers none release.
Built upon foundations void of dreams -
the darkest nights continue without cease.

Eyes of the fortunate pretend to look,
giving backward glance after death calls.
Their promised words for abounding hope -
come measured inside a thimble's walls.

Come gather yon children unto your heart,
those without names be known by sight.
Cradle tenderly, God’s glories in arms,
give sanctum and comfort to misery’s plight.


Draped in garments stained by tears -
a dust for the wind to no longer cry.
Scattered to earth on a handful of words,
the face of another angel touches the sky.

© C.E.Vance


Inside Myself

Far path to roam - lost to fall of night,

eyes searching blindly -  as the pitch surrounds

Disposed to wander - in depths of one's mind,

through darkened way's woe - the dolor abounds


Chasm's bleak trappings - firmly taking hold,

fated, the unsound - dire haunting inside

Voiceless sired whispers - illusions with speak,

phantoms come wakened - droning incessant chide


To all whereabouts - waits plaguing umbra,

echoing its longing - morose wails from soul

Grieving that beckons - with infinite tears,

always time to cry - takes the misery's toll


Not a hope to dream - life just passing by,

dread for the 'morrow - memories on hold

Depression that binds - nowhere else to go,

death inside myself - in a grave so cold



Inner Sky

Past glint filled eyes in worlds of dreamland ponder,

journey to distant stars, sharing the moonlight's rise

Through sky of mind- across sheen of velvety pitch,

sought solace for  heart - where one's hereafter lies


Lure to Elysium, softy prompting by name-

like windblown songs voiced by sirens at sea

Path's way to light places darkness in hold,

'neath halo's calm - troubled thoughts set free


Encroaching shadows, bearing faces of dread-

garner somber tidings - yielding mar to soul

Plunged into depths with scarcity of hope,

headlong fall oft-times takes a grimaced toll


Advancing spawn with grasping clutch,

drags despairing turmoil along in tow

Disquiet crafts the scenes for imagined fate,

visions with greetings in shadings of woe


Many trials to find you - either day or night,

come as they will, tribulations fade to way

Through inner skies - a refuge in sanctum's home,

repose the while during a quiescent stay


Beyond the eyes are soothing places to ponder,

behind each star is another moonlit sky

Solace for heart - in worlds of dreaming thoughts,

realms where one's hereafter will always lie




Fresh Are the Flowers

Fresh are the flowers,

misted bouquet from morning dew
Your blossoming splendor,

holds in awe those spying you

Sweet roses of crimson,

splendor trellised toward the sky
With lattice holding them aloft,

their beauty brings a sigh


Beckoning, they softy whisper,

shared sweetness for one adored

Presented gift before star lit eyes,

a silken petaled - treasure’s hoard


Fresh are the flowers,

twining cluster along trod path
A rainbow of mingled array,

among them,  kneeling to task

Gently gathered - one by one,

each due my patient care
Arranged in bundled neatness,

I'm off to you know where


Fresh are the flowers,

clutched bouquet to give away
A present for a lady so fair,

with hopes she’ll ask me to stay

An aromatic assortment,

a gathered beauty to view
Fresh are the flowers,

but they'll never compare to you


C.E. Vance



Fortunate Child

Fortunate child,

born wonderment to a mother’s grace
Heavenly smiles,

reflections mimic each parent’s face


Image formed,

given to likeness of the Creator’s mold

Mirroring style,

portrays your destine in future’s hold


Fortunate child,

slumbered hush caresses bundled joy

Bassinet chimes,

musical tones from a key wound toy


Blanketed lull,

blessed with dreams for tomorrow’s sake

Serenade score,

peacefully plays till eyes come to wake


Fortunate child,

years pass unnoticed throughout your days
Awaited dreams,

forged perfections clinging to wishful ways


Tearfully mourned,

hopes placed to wayside go unseen

Intensely grasp,

lay no misfortune upon a silver sheen


Fortunate child,

purity of heart will present your fate

Passionately seek,

shun the villainy as longed fortunes wait


Forever trust,

give voice to Heaven in solemn prayer
Gracefully bow,

earnest whispers delivered to Father’s care



Forever a Dream

On the brink before slumber,

in blush of a moonlit night.

Felt brush from flowing tresses -

a feathery wisp, so slight.


Just a wink away - dreams form,

entering from behind closed eyes.

In the room - a presence swells,

a wish - given to its rise.


Upon a breeze of silent swish,

a silver light in draping veil.

Through darkness - seen silhouette,

on winds without a wail.


Out the window - sole shimmer steps -

past a portal of swirling mist.

Moments that halts ensuing breath,

forever after - lovingly kissed


Solemn words with promise of heart,

stayed the years - and life slipped by.

Fell endless tears to pillar's fire,

the count of dreams scattered to sky.


Each now whispers - softly sweet,

like wafting jasmine in the air.

To closing eyes- my eternal sleep,

I feel the sweep of flowing hair.


On the brink before slumber,

in blush of a moonlit night.

Just a wink away - dreams revived,

enters - my shimmering light.




A sprinkle of starlight from high in heaven's lair -
mimics crystalline highlights that shower your hair
The many shades - gently caressed by an angel's hand -
gives rise of lilac's fragrance from each silken strand


Unknown to harshness - her soft unblemished skin,
smooth perfection unaltered by sun or wind
Outer beauty is seen, but there's more to be told,
nestled in comfort like a child in cradles hold


A tinge of jade speaks of gentleness deep inside;
emeralds slowly fade with the closing of her eyes
With turn of heads, the moon and stars often weep,
silently gazing upon this gentle soul in sleep


Life's grandest views - hidden within simple things,
beyond shallow eyes it always holds more than seems
Gates swing wide for those seeking something more;
enter the refuge - peer into your mind's open door


Mild as a whisper, her voice delicately refined,

upon lovely smiles each sweetness combined

Like an air of dreams - cast by magic's spell,

into these depths is where I long to dwell


If images could be paused in a moment of time,
inside  stilled sands - you would always be mine
With halt to seconds - through portals of hourly glass,
I'd be there to love you until eternity's very last




Swooping in flight on wings of a fledgling,
forgotten wisps in the journals of time.
From hither to shores of destines wait,
aloft on winds begins journey's climb.

Soaring past threshold's weathered stoop,
countless dreams enter far-reaching doors.
Ageless tides rippling with flourished hope,
gather inside the recess in un-tallied scores.

From breaking dawn to evening's fall
challenges by day end suddenly with night.
Spirits that beckon for closure of eyes,
forbear the demise of imaged plight.

Envisioned triumphs succumb to the hour,
earth 's mortal kindred fall to slumber.
Whisper filled portals surrender to silence,
tomorrow into eons come without number.

Fledglings anew taking flight on wings,
children born to follow future's scheme.
Into waiting unknown they one day part,
none to return except in a passing dream.

Swooping in flight on wings of a fledgling,
forgotten wisps in the journals of time
From hither to shores of destines wait,
aloft begins another journey's climb


Fields of Winter

In fields of winter's season - wavers brittle grass,

fading shades of green surrender to autumn's last

Dew's frozen crystals form a thin layered frost,

beneath spread blanket, lasting tinges pay the cost


Snowflakes start steadily, adrift in willy-nilly fall,

shimmered brightness of sprinkled dust covering all

Grassy blades sway and bow to amassing weight from high,

prompting dance with gloomy images cast from the sky


Shadows merge on the ground, foretelling impending dread,

dark billowed stormy clouds loom closely overhead

Outpour approaching holds shudders from winter's breeze,

enfolding cold ensues, leaving no doubt of pending freeze


Roar of nature's bellows rages in mighty force,

frenzied tempest's deluge follows in duly course

Torrents of blinding snow surges in the blaring gales,

winter's frigid thrashing winds furiously wails


Barren trees tip to breeze along field's bordered edge,

blown swash of icy swirl covers the surrounding hedge

Viewed across veiled scapes in white - standing grasses few,

starting with a sprinkled dust comes long past winter due



Crumpled Tears

Flowers shed crumpled tears;
petals surrender to autumn time
Wispy breaths of winds too near,
creates a stir amid silent sighs.

Hope is withered against the gale;
mournful cries from broken stems.
Blooms are strewn across the dell,
beauty is gone as life slowly ends.

Winter comes and then it goes;
song of spring soon prevails,
Who remembers after the snows,
a forest caught the tears that fell.



Another Spring

Warm spring followed the cold of winter nights,
and dawn arrived with the light of amber sun
Came calmness for winds that blew to mighty gales,
each valley traversed, holding chilling wails to bay

Now stifled in hollows, speaking whispers to pines,
calmed breath of air caresses the timber boughs
To river’s shores swell wakes of splashing waves,
waters surge from beneath winter’s last icy caps



Streams overflow shallows into wakening fields,
new life begins, absent in assisted till or harvest
Seedlings to buds, strewn by host of year before,
gives tinge to passing season’s gray pastel scapes

Hues sprinkled to spawning from earthen canvass,
don colors from each arch that follows the rains
Blossoms and grasses painted in splendored delight,
announce a stay to shudders hidden in frigid wisps

In distance and near, voices sing for the rise,
day in beginning greeted by swoopers of flight
nestled to perch, their sights forward to sky,
with welcome in song, the morning is cheered

Sprouting shade of a tree gives beckon to clouds,
from heaven seep as your shadows gather on ground
Pour life into furrows that chase flowing streams,
long winter take bow cede birth to ensuing hours

Warm days that follow cold of winter nights,
arrives with dawning of new season’s amber sun
A calmness on winds with a warmth for the soul
through valleys it brings signs of spring in the air



Autumn Leaves

Leisurely adrift in downward decent,
underneath midday's autumn sky
Donned amber tinges casting to red,
fluttering wayfarers seemingly fly


Whisked lofty scatterings aimlessly fall,
wind's spiraled gusting spins them round
Clustered colors shedding off trees,
amassed in layers blanketing ground


Hither swoops guiding leafy flight,
briskly rustlings in shifting gales
Shuffled yield swooshes from underfoot,
crumpled crackling heard along the trails


Crispy crinkled brittle leaves go crunch,
rifled swishing sweeps ripples through all
Seasons all lead one into the nex,
winter springs to summer after each fall





Softly the touch from delicate wings,
like brush to air with flutter from eyes.
A magical wisp, darting hither to fro,
colored with hues from rainbow's rise.

Faint kisses' breath upon the cheek,
a brush of silk in swoop gone by.
With silent dip, and quickened flit,
the fleeting sight is a lone butterfly.

Heeding the call of enticement's gist,
astride a drift - dainty frill follows.
Sailing course, steered by a breeze,
an endless search for flowering hollows.

Continuing on rifts of a ferry gale -
leads passage into a bluebell's hold.
Wafting fragrance assures - nectar is sweet,
each sip savored from every petal's fold.

Alight in the midst of blossomed dell,
awaiting swish - like quieted whispers say.
In the gusts they come, one after one -
skies begin to fill with butterflies today.


A Soft Touch

Soft as spring petals on flowers gifted to you,
a lover's caress beneath satin covered down
Embraced in arm's comforts, kin to pillow's fold,
touches stir, with whisk upon your silken gown

Contours defined, in sheerness of garment's drape -
traces your beauty in the room's tapered light
Succumbed to allure, from tempt of arousing view,
placement of every passion's kiss prevails the night

Taste of rapture's wine seeps onto my lips,
a pleasure defined by all devotions shared
An ambiance of bliss - created by our hearts,
with sweepings from my touch - never spared

Soft as spring petals on flowers gifted to you,
comforts are found nestled to your breast
All promptings calmed by delightful bliss,
held in loving arms comes night's peaceful rest



Winter's Hearth

Amber show emerges from hearth,
summoned images cast faint light.
Resounding chime from mantled clock,
presents the hour on snowy night.
An evening dance to billowed flames,
shadows waver with flickers ebb.
Musical score in embers grate,
arises with smokes spiraled web.

Careen and bow of nightly waltz,
leisurely drift to echoed chime.
Pendulum swings with steady beat -
key winds the measured tempo's time.
Chambered chorus tranquilly roars -
splintered crackle follows on cue.
Ashes from tinder slowly sift -
kindled fire swells in draft of flue.

Tended surge yields comforting warmth -
cinders stoked stifles rooms' chill.
Season wails beyond havens' cloak -
outside rages with winters' spill.
Gusting shower spreads icy sheen -
snow heaps along blustery trail.
Frigid wind flails its chosen path -
refuge shelters against the gale.

Felled timber placed in shallow hold -
bursts into an ignited glow.
Summer shades aligning the wall,
cool when embers shimmer low.
Awakened with the bellows' breeze,
shades erupt in wisped pastel hues.
Fitted stones in tinged sooty black,
stages evenings' warm blazing views



'Till all Cedes

Highlights come sweetened -
within each whispered while
Words lovingly spoken,
each lingering with a smile


Likened to steady raindrops,
soft rhythm of our hearts
Subdued by the moments,
the tenderness imparts


Heaven filled with starlight,
their sparkle in your eyes
Transfixed by the longing gaze,
the moon is seen in rise


To love you forever,
is all my life will need
My somewhere - to be with you,
'till all tomorrows cede




A Final Sin

Striking chimes throughout the night,
traversing the depths of surrounding walls
In silence they echo on darkened shades,
lingering moments pass with ticking clock


Unseen in still - hide demons in wait,
their icy clutch bringing shudders of chill
Eyes seeing fear that only you know,
whispers abound inside a trembling mind


Images sway in umbra of shadowed space,
voices speak without an utterance of sound
Nowhere to hide from the terrors borne,
death’s grisly touch lies in stealth beside


If tears were screams, the night would be filled,
wailing would follow each footstep heard
Prayers go unanswered, lost to foolish faith,
a false savior fails you - thrusting thorns in your eyes


Given in arms is that which was sought,
a seeking found the whore you embrace
Evil smiles upon the souls who’ve fallen,
loathsome children swept to depths of hell


Haughty laughter from forbearers of sin,
assigns a fate to the realm of condemned
Blind your sight in the throes of a gouge,
pay no heed to whispers of damning fate


In presence of gods, below Heaven’s place,
falsity succumbs to the maker’s choice
Woeful days find them residing in night,
ongoing forever with ticking of the clock



A Lone Demise

Hollow eyes peering from inward darkness,

past infinity's depths for measure of soul

Constant vile outward on lashing tongue,

all cruelty to wrought its eventual toll


Bitter words in portrayal of loathing self,

spouted envy for one's own odious traits

Fall to come along sordid path in lead,

transgressions guide to where misfortune waits


Lies stolid heart impaled upon a thorn,

sting of barb coursing through callous veins

With will in forfeit to iniquity's  keep,

the appalling scowl of bleakness reigns


Evil resides upon each drawing breath;

a petty life existing on the wicked air

Faults and blame knocking on another's door,

their misery sought is your blood and heir



In wroth you wallowed from a smug filled jar;

foul venom gorged till it began to spew

Now all defiled to find final just,

turn you bout to face earned grievance due


Colored your world in the shade of shame;

shallow deeds aligning its inner walls

Your hollow eyes now peer into the dark;

as death swoops in - no one hears your calls



Always So Real

Carried along on a windswept song,

wishes inside a melody of dreams

Unfurled sails drifting past clouds,

to where eyes of an angel gleams


Pursuits guided by teardrop’s fall,

arrive on whispers for love’s sake

With heart and soul journeys begin,

a lost touch bides in Heaven’s wake


Captured moments so soothing serene,

in midst awaits the face you seek

Led from the world in an ethereal veil,

light you find gently touches your cheek


Into arms that hold closely and tight,

shades of an essence beyond the surreal

Summoned by loss - memories live on,

a kiss comes softly and you know it’s real


Placed in a berth of parting sleep,

a temple lost brings spirit’s rise

To shallow ground all tumbles down,

comes followed mist that never dies


Carried along on a windswept song,

wishes inside a melody of dreams

Unfurled sails drifting past clouds,

to where eyes of an angel gleams




Outstretched arms to hold you -
during troublesome trials to mind.
Watcher of keep - by your side,
sent from Heaven, as God defined.

From humble whispers in a prayer
beneath a halo - an aura of light.
Shimmered glory in Kingdom's grace,
seeding easement - for inner plight.

In caring folds of an angel's wings,
falling teardrops - stayed to eyes.
Summoned calm for abounding woe,
attendance quiets - anguished cries.

Granted by - the face of faith,
compassion served by loving hands.
Created form, through Holy will,
ever near - your guardian stands.



Beneath the Shadows of the Moon

Stilly shadows hide the shining moon,

cloudy mists fashion a shroud for his eyes

Twinkle of star winks a knowing smile,

window to heaven opens in the skies


Hazy veil across the backdrop of time,

gives rise to celestial’s whispered way

In diminished light an awakening dawns

fall of night arouses passions in stay


Shackled to forbearance of every soul,

lone self dwells within a void’s rise

Tears seep from wounds of sorrowed hearts,

but days to follow soothe their broken cries


In will of ways wishes come to pass,

cease the calling  from foreboding nights

Found love shares the wonder of dreams,

with eyes for the moment is evening’s lights


And Darkness falls upon the whispering still,

In surrounding view shades are no longer strewn

Upon this night I’ll tenderly love you,

lying beneath the shadows of the moon




In evening's peaceful slumber -

I whisper softly to you

May I hold you tenderly -

the way I’ve been longing to


As dreams are unfolding -

your image draws near

If my nights were forever -

you would always be here


Hidden within the twilight -

are all my unspoken words

Would you be enchanted -

by words you haven’t heard


Could you ever love me -

the way I’m in love with you

Follow our dreams together -

watching all come true


If I could ever hold you -

the way I’ve been longing to

My dreams would be forever -

and my twilights so few



Timeless View


Along each road linger past’s remnants,
reminders of things that used to be
Some forsaken upon trodden journeys,
others embraced as a cherished memory

Relived today and saved for tomorrow,
secret places reside beyond searching eyes
Glancing into portal's murals in time,
entrancing events exist without goodbyes

On draping backdrops of picturesque scenes,
faces emerge unchanged by passing years
Children grown old are once again young,
an ageless world magically appears

Soft laughter erupts somewhere in the distance;
a slow count ends with the hidden being sought
Those not found are willingly beckoned home,
all become captured within the realm of thought

In minds opened doors images wait to be viewed,
entrance is granted to those willing to knock
Crossing the threshold an adventure begins,
All untouched by sweeping hands of a clock




Sullen Sorrow

Weeping eyes dwell within -
temples of sullen sorrow.
Falling tears on earthen dust,
mold the visions of their morrow.

Crumbling clumps of drying clay,
awaited destine of mournful shrines.
Woeful children in sanctum's hold -
sip cups filled with bitter wines.

Tainted brews of despairing fate,
stirred by willing hands of shame.
Each small portion greedily poured,
not one server accepts the blame

Abundant treasures in kingdom's hoard,
benevolence for hope ever denied.
Weary temples topple and fall -
consumed by tears that they've cried.

 Sanctums arrive imaging God,
blind pretense curses them all.
Uncaring depths of shallow souls,
turn about to suffering's call.

Wail of children beyond clear sight,
considered burdens few pretend to see.
Self-indulgent hail the pennies pledged,
loathsome smirch to each dying plea.

Tending touch brings eternal's scorn,
death creeps inside bedding's rest
Makeshift pillows of sordid dread-
mocks the comfort of mothers breast

Trembled lament pierces the sky,
cradled in arms is the child she bore.
Shell of misery splattered with tears,
a bit of clay crumbles once more.

Haughty fascists with defiled hands,
heaping measures gathered to own.
Pity the tumbled without a hope,
come all forward off your throne.

Children cry from hunger's keep,
life is lost to trickles shared.
Lesson the sorrows formed in tears,
sanctum's temples all be spared.


Schizophrenic Metaphor

Into the depths of my death,

a world where I reside

Pitch within light’s rising,

Waits the damned for these eyes


Voices from whore’s demons,

giving birth to my demise

Creeping inside are nightmares,

following close in steadily stay


Nowhere inside nether’s reach,

sanctum void of anguished screams

Pleading for cease to calling echoes,

rapture mocks me on my knees


Blood dripped off shepherd’s brow,

granted forgiveness avoids  hell’s fate

Gracing solace before your grave,

but angel’s kingdom forgot my name


Condemned to realm of tortured souls,

thoughts exist with constant screams

From left to right an illusion’s maze,

so speaks judgment’s absent proof


Hall of tortures paused in time,

bound by shackles to the wall

Blackened souls to taunt each fear,

grimaced faces become my own


View of world beneath façade,

horrid scenes curse my sight

come wraith of wails to haunt  the gaze,

a cast off  shroud reveals yours too


Hidden thoughts of screaming dire,

I assume each fear evoked to mind

Repeated in mirrors that never cease,

my madness shouts in constant drone


Formidable foe is touch me not

I cringe in surrounding’s ominous clutch

Obsessions vex with sieging flood,

clinging tight in the water’s rush


Washing away these tears I hide,

allows no witness for my faults

Approaching near behind my back,

your eyes I feel in constant follow




Homage to child, graces emitting from a star;
wonderment in sky, a gleaming beacon's light
Across sandy dunes, travel men of wise;
paced shadows of three, bearing gifts in the night

A shepherd to flock, prompting journey's path;
inside a stable's berth, kingdom's sanctum lies
Temple of purity, a refuge for repentant souls;
doorway now opened, sanctified in Heaven's eyes

From mother's womb, divine salvation bloomed;
image of Son, holy with Father as one
His destined fate, scourges in morrow wait;
under impending sun, God's final will be done

On arrival's hour, the child is herald in song;
choir beneath halos rejoice a promise fulfilled
Prophecy spoken, unscathed by passing time;
with greeting to dawn, the ordained revealed

Through Glory's might, Christ the savior is born;
resurrection's birth granted to mother's keep
Come followed years, a thorny crown to bear;
From cross on Calvary, the Father turns to weep

Homage to child, celebration of hallowed night;
life everlasting granted by his final tears
Bundled in swaddle, Jesus, is his name;
Heaven's brightest star, founder of Christmas cheers


In Wonderment

Tied ribbons into bows to adorn your hair,
silken sheen with swishes in swirling air
Knotted streams of scarlet for tresses of gold -
braided with highlights from a sunrise on hold

Spangles for a jewel untouched by time,
score of beauty - like winds into a chime
Nimble and spry, lovely merriment's show,
proving angels do fly in a halo's glow

Ruffles and pleats forming garments to wings,
with extended arms - a world of magic sings
Tiptoeing in step to a roundabout ode,
eyes filled in wonderment as dreams unfold

Past castles for kings awaits a far dell,
love me or not, daisy's petals will tell
One by one, plucked betwixt finger and thumb,
whispers seek a favored heart in the sum

To where flowers beckon, and blossoms speak,
all in a land of imagined mystique
Traveling to faraway - new worlds appear
even the face on the moon approaches near

Exhaled long breaths - as fantasies come in sight
playtime gives chase to another day's delight
Nary a care on paths to make believe,
wherein lies your own beauty - for you to see


I Am

Beneath a veil created by darkness for night,

mystical scenes in colorful cascading skies

In regions far - belonging to dreamland wonders,

adorning visions capture the essence past eyes


Beset by ambrosia in every hint of air,

mind’s transcension reaches beyond earthly bounds

Paradise unfolds in consciousness of the deep,

another life begins within the sights and sounds


Spirit of will nurtured like seeds to a field,

come awakened blossoming showered by light

Abundance quenched by the trickle of many streams,

from shallows to depths fulfilling each daily plight


Soul in the making, shining like the rising sun,

wandering through time before childhood’s dawn

Spread of wings on winds across heavenly ways,

the remnants of grandeur given in birth- carry on


Inside the firmament to where your kingdom lies,

surpassing direst dusk to form the  brightest star

Hold on to shimmer ‘less abyss becomes the night,

in reality of  dreams the light is who you are


Shared like a whisper in quietest drawn breath,

depictions in sleep being  familiar as one’s own

With morning’s nudge - all dwindles to yonder’s while,

fleeting are the memories of a  place once known


Within far heavens, gazing upon yourself,

slumber finds  you in a land belonging to heart

Created He, the soul in beginning and hereafter,

Lay you to sleep, view all from the start




A sweep of winds through the thistles,

send seeds adrift in a cottony cloud.

All scatter aloft to sow the lea,

to await the spring 'neath  winter's shroud.


Ushered is autumn - from summer's sun,

start of the season requesting its reign.

Arrival for harvesting nature's blooms,

spreading new life across the terrain.


In moons of September's - evening chills,

fate of foliage - wanes like the light.

Mornings that glistens in covered frost,

brings shades of wilt before next night.


From brittle stems to barren boughs,

a granted destiny - every fall.

Days that bear ripened grains,

ages of wisdom to nurture all.


Throughout the expanse of fertile lands,

seedlings nestle in untilled grounds.

With reach stretching to open skies,

the harvest from autumn abounds.



Friends Forever

Friends forever:

through turmoil and broken hearts,

with care - giving answers to the whys;

consoling words - others forget to say,

drying each tear that besets the eyes


Friends forever:

none forsaken to forgotten trust,

moments shared - enriching the soul;

graced in fortunes of unselfish bonds,

treasures gleam, making life whole


Friends forever:

when fetching smile has lots to say,

no regrets finding time to spare;

a gestured touch to an open hand,

never doubting - it's  always  there


Friends forever:

guiding light to inspire the way,

a wish that dreams all come true;

spirits entwined - as being one,

same reflection like a mirrored view


Friends forever:

into the world some travel alone,

taken to inner-self from afar;

found  true friend to set you free,

adored and loved- come as  you are


A Friend forever.




Child of Death

Laying quiet in still, the bundle you hold,
creeping shades of gray growing so cold

Born to the world but finding only end,
weakness of the frail lifted by a wind

Forever in sleep, only angels know why;
passed over to Heaven on a lullaby

Cradled to breast and tended by heart,
tears eternal, without cease to the start

Held in your arms a loss of joyful bliss,
unspoken love given from softest kiss

Drawn breath of life faded to night,
to darkness succumbed a whispered light

All dreams forsaken to death’s shuttered eyes
unheard are the sobs as your mother cries

Come earthly days this child may never see,
but waiting is the kingdom of God’s decree



Child in Keep

Drifting to sleep, by the caress of a lullaby,
Come sights to see, thoughts whisk you far away
Tidings in tinsel, threshold promises all and more
A brush past chimes, soft jingle from hanging galore
Nowhere is too far, found treasures placed in a jar

Through eyes of children, a wish upon a star
Filled with dreams, melodies of happy songs
Wonders believed, taking flight on golden wings
Sail the winds, ride past majestic clouds
Into a land where castles are made of sand

Each joyous day, astride ponies on a carousel
Merry go round, play hide and seek behind a tree
Skip along journey’s path, laid length in cobbled stones
Kneel before placid streams, mirrored sight of your smiles
Reflections of light holding you safely through the night

Rise of morning, emerging star for following day
Across the fields, sun shining ever so brightly
Hope and laughter, greeting for travelers along their way
Behold their shimmer, hearts are held within your hands
Give glory in keep; find no child reason to weep


By Your Hand

In depths of the heart holding your sorrowed fate-

lies a chill from the sweep of bitterest cold

Giving voice to the dreams that you'll never see,

tear defined words pass you into a darkened hold


Chamber of somber with grim shadows on its walls,

 haunt memories weeping in the midnight of days

Images sketched in warm pastels galore,

mars the canvass with deceits it portrays


Promised yon past morrows - all bright starlight shines,

with facets on a whim offering more to fulfill

Played for a fool in sordid trapping's beckoned lure,

enticing charms came cast upon a weakened will


Tethered by chains directly linked to the soul

purveyor of shackles always glistened in your eyes

Grasping for hope with every offered wile,

shattered prayers on whispers now wise to the guise


Immersed in projections of a mirrored love,

returns you sought were nowhere to be found

From own hands comes end - with a last goodbye,

given to wind and skies, another spirit unbound



Shining Light

Morning gave birth to a shimmering sapphire;

absent were clouds in the sun drenched sky

Horizons held captive dread winds of solitude;

day's dawning arrived shed of  lonely sigh


Passing years, each cloaked in dusking gray,

faded within the brilliance upon this day

Into my life you entered adding light to shade;

from succumbing darkness - leading the way


Graced by the presence of eternal Father's son,

uplifted was sight beyond foreboding's mask

Pestilence of mind withered to a gentle touch;

sipped willingly was wine inside an offered flask


From vineyards of Heaven my spirit was fulfilled;

whispered words of acceptance conquered the night

Tomorrow's approach, once consumed in doubting fear,

comes welcomed today - immersed in Son's shining light


 C.E. Vance


Broken Strand

Shadows forged with arising moon -
hears saddened whispered calls
Increasing darkness, slow to peak -
onward night seemingly stalls

Failing usher to lingered taunts,
chasing shadows that passed you by
Images play repetitive lose,
lamented words keep asking why


Depicted scenes in cloudy mist,
view to all of shattered fate
Slumber hides in yesterday’s wake,
more is lost as tomorrow's wait

Heartened memories bringing sighs,
fondest memories to dreams unshared
Instilled within lone evening’s hush,
love's tears to  fall and never spared


Ceaseless shattered passing views,
creates a constant tangled maze
Longing seeks lost cared embrace,
soothing touch and tender ways

Arriving dawn brings exhaled shudders,
breath into lined linen with lace
Satin solace of a pillow’s fold,
now consoles your hidden face


Behind steeple's walls, a silent cold,
bells to molder with their toll
Veil in shreds, draping altar's aisle,
a discarded faded tattered stole

Withered flowers bearing thorny stems-
harshly pierce the enfolding hand
Bundled together with many hopes,
but all were tied with a broken strand




Fairest Maiden Heart

Fairest maiden heart, purest innocence, bequeathed in love to kingdom’s son of crown
Adorning laces wait, silken gowns, polished marble palace seen throughout the town
A mystical realm, shadowy dreams, roses now are held, grasped so firmly in her hands
Nuptials of marriage, in forever’s keep, never to crumble, lasting into the eternal lands

Child of wickedness, enchanter of dark, heart of evil black, your love a stinging scourge
Cast sordid spells, from domain of hell, son of the crown heeds no foulness you purge
Unwanted is love, of blasphemous soul, childhood long has passed; promises to never keep
Vowing secret love, innocent youths, has now forever changed, worship you at Satan's feet

Harbor your love, jealous of heart, no longer taint your soul; grant evil no more dues
Repent in grace, thoughts be pure, dishonor begotten seed, before heaven kneeled, ensue
Unheard are words, conscious dead to eyes, kin of blackest heart chants in mirrored hall
Reflect and mimic, maiden heart, image now as one, as bride I’ll dance at your wedding ball

This dreary night, maiden's life stolen away, I'll lay in comfort upon your bed
Breathless and still, tossed to the murky chills, deep are waters above the maiden's head
Chamber of conjures, witnessed by one, a stooge for tokens shares all that is learned
Cringer of shadows, treachery fetched to royal son, knowing now the tides be turned

Deception belongs to blackest heart, cringer of shadows duped, trickery gone unknown
Swiftly and sure, rushes crown's son to maiden's bed, vengeance sought for love and throne
In windows of repose, grandeur seen in tomorrow's dreams, followed day a country's queen
In afterwards of dawn, love and to cherish vows be said, bequeathing to forever deemed

Dagger so surely, plunging deep into her breast, ascends the released spirit of life
Mocking laughter, blackest heart sashays into the room, before you lays future wife
Tremors of hatred, son retrieves dagger to hand, ashen pale crosses evil’s face
Mercy was without, died blackest heart, pillar of fire was her final place

Fairest maiden heart, within her kingdom's realm, hidden from dreams she sleeps
Rose's blossom fades, into dust she slowly crumbles, in remembrance son still weeps
Inside snowy palace, castle of polished marble, fashioned by his loving hands
Silken fabric lined, laces shroud the maiden's keep, forever she rests in eternal lands




Chalices of Gold

Emerald kingdom’s gallant knights, honors wrought, graven to pure chalices of gold

Burnished wings of dragons slain, conquests severed, esteemed are champions of old

Embossed are names of hero's lost, asleep eternal, remember all the bravest of heart

Centuries stalked by roaming beast, challenged not, fearful were men from the start


Nightly flights from terror’s dens, beasts of fire, ravaged with frenzy all harvest and stock

Summoned by kingdom’s throne, intrepid kneeled, vengeance sworn with crow of cock

Restless night of sleep unfolds, duties sworn, marauders reign to meet final end

Morning sees maidens weep, heart's in love, silken kerchiefs adorning all valiant men


Prayers to God of man, all heads bowing low, new strength sought for realm to defend

Horses await with nostrils flared, dawn approaching, trumpets erupt calling silence to end

Sacredly blessed cross and sword, violence and death, riding swiftly toward serpents lair

Armored images depicted as told, mangled heaping, deathly rewards for all who dared


Forest ending beside stilled water's edge, refreshing cool, serenity found in comfort of shade

Stealthy eyes keep close at watch, sentries posted, solitude here is the grand lizards glade

Shouting relays hell comes swooping, exhaling flames, heated stench of inner bowels so vile

Cowards unknown with all swords drawn, accountings reveal, engaging testaments and trial


River flowing far to castle's moat, surging crimson, triumphs in blood as the battle raged

Neighing steeds rear high then fall, gashing teeth, thirteen dragons roar fearlessly engaged

Shields stacked one hundred high, equaled in squires, attending servants fell with grace

Flesh now mingles together with scales, unknown victory, spirits vanished without a trace


Emerald kingdoms gallant knights, honors wrought, graven to pure chalices of gold

Burnished wings of dragons slain, conquests severed, esteemed are champions of old

Embossed are names of hero's lost, asleep eternal, remember all the bravest who part

Maidens weep loss of love, chalices filled, death’s venomous brews sipped with loving heart



Suicides' Final Call

Damned before death’s final call,

blood soon splatters upon the wall

Constant urge from depression’s hell,

shackles me screaming in its cell


Nightly slumber goes unknown;

chanting demons always drone

Cast out angel prompting loud;

curse Gods' name as you're bowed


Unheard prayers to the wind;

trembled mumbles find no end

I fall before the eternal gate;

no one spares me from my fate


Horrors masked in haunting grays;

darkness clings with follow of days

Not one cares when burden dies;

concerns offered are tainted lies


Mocking heaped beside my fears;

mourners grieve smirking tears

Embracing thundered flash of light;

sleep will come upon this night


Find your peace inside the grave;

endured madness will cease to rave

Heed the words of repeated swell;

drop the hammer on chambered shell


Foolish man you have no God;

turning His back without a nod

Falling tears have been in vain;

tomorrow finds you released of pain


All my pleas went yon past kin,

yet I will bear all they sin

Born for torture within my mind,

this is the only peace I find


Ill scapes played morning till night

alone in a world of mental blight

I’ll weep no more from weary eyes,

my path to hell ends mortal sighs



Release follows in moments sweep;

arrive to comfort of lasting sleep

Clasp in hand, blue steel that's cold;

raising self deliverance that I hold


Constant urge from depressions hell,

shackles me screaming in its cell

Damned before death’s final call,

blood soon splatters upon the wall





Texte: C.E.Vance
Bildmaterialien: C.E.Vance
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.05.2014

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