
Chapter 1: The Bad Beginning

It all started when Jim, my father, had met Linda, my biological mother. My father was on leave, he went to Florida, where he lived and had met my mother on the beach. They had kicked it off right then. On one of their dates he had found out that she snorted cocaine. My father had made her promise that she would stop, he told her that if she did not stop then he would leave her because he did not want to be with someone who would do drugs. After a few years of dating they got engaged and then married. When my mother found out that she was pregnant with me she was as happy as could be. My father had mentioned that she was making sure that it was a very healthy pregnancy. When i was born she was thrilled, but she wanted to go out with her friends. When she went out with her friends, she snorted cocaine and it rang up the addiction and she left my father because of the addiction. My father was heartbroken about her choice but he could not make her change her mind. He quit his job and got a new one. When she left he did not tell him where she was going. So he had to go to court and put flyers in the newspaper to try to find her so she could fight to see me but i guess she did not want to because she did not show up to the court hearing. The judge asked if she was coming and my father said he guessed not so they got divorced and the judge called it over. That was the end of that and my father never heard anything from her ever again. Well, he never heard anything from her to this day at least.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.12.2012

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