


This wilderness, this darkness - this seaThis sea called the cyberverse is my prowessThough unraveling is the infinite distance of this wormholeThis spacetime locked onto other dimensionsInfinite dimensions of gyrating times.And to you this great shrine of plausibilityMust proof be the sacrificial lamb led to your altarProof that must be balanced on pedestals -On pillars unchallenged by the equinox of timeOr does my maddening cyclone with I as it's eyeMakes you dread my ravenous appetite to knowTo know the crevices within the pillars of your axiomFor he who masters the riders of this axiomIs the master-rider of this war.
            Sigma Yaty " Pillars of the Axiom "

"... when the doctrines of harmony perish and the fabrics of the cyberverse are torn ..."
"The birth of imagination is the birth of the Axiom, and the death of imagination is the reincarnation of the Axiom."                         Alphomega.

Chapter 1

It beckons me like the darkness - the darkness of the Black EyeAmorphous and cryptic - that darkness !           Sigma Yaty "Grand Assault"
    Both beings now raging adversaries - son and father - blood from blood.Their souls were as fierce the raging heavens above, king and prince, emperor and heir, crown and coronet, only the lesser of both knew what lay ahead.
"It was a necessity" Ex Enar smiled.
"You call the massacre of a million citizens a necessity !" Xoren thundered "Don't you realize that you've thrown this dimension of the cyberverse into the verge of war" . His blue eyes flashed lightning white as the base of his bronze mace struck the ground, exhuming Sparks of an enraged radioactivity, it's intensity glazing their blue skins white.
"That is why you are emperor" Ex Enar challenged calmly.
"I never knew that I reared  a tyrant as heir"  Xoren sighed.
"A monster you mean" said Ex Enar.
"You know yourself well enough"
"Then turn around" Ex Enar called "and meet the crown of them all"
    Swirling around Xoren caught sight of it in his son's Palm, that flaring compass of a carmine intensity, the angular terror of their age - the Axiom !
"You thought I couldn't harness it" Ex Enar laughed
"Xoren Ex Enar !" Xoren gasped
"No" Ex Enar replied "that was the past. Now I am Ex Enar Alphomega"
    Xoren was dazed by the transformation which enacted itself before him, as someone he once knew, sloughed away his skin and being away into this flaring red phantom of a steaming radioactivity, robed in the red of his flaming destructiveness.

"All that's left is the Black Eye" Alphomega said, advancing towards Xoren who slowly backed away.
"Now father, tell me where it is !"
    Alphomega faded through the distance as flaring sparks of scarlet lightning trailed behind him, with a molten blade condensing in his palms. They clashed, Xoren parrying the blade with his mace, but the impact threw him off his balance, sending him crashing into his throne. He had to do it now, Xoren reasoned, there wouldn't be a chance of him surviving this phantom.
    The blade tore down the layers of air, shattering them into shards. That spherical forcefield emerged from the mace, the explosion throwing Alphomega away from his prey. He glared fiercely at the vacant throne knowing his captive had escaped.
"Well then father" He said " you can't run for long. "

Chapter 2

"I know the flaring resonance that tingles at the crack of age"
"No eclipse ever occurred without a moon" began emperor En Zuro.
    Indeed, reasoned Tyrannus, eight hundred years - nearly a millennium - of an feudal intergalactic war. Nevertheless, this alliance was about to bring an end to that enmity.
"All stars can't fade at the death of just two" continued En Zuro "our fathers, the late emperors of our respective empires, may have throw our races into a vicious war, and the casualties were enough to write another history of evolution. But Tyrannus" he paused "this is our time - our era - let that star of brotherhood  be born"
    Tyrannus was really pleased by the turnout of events, and the casualties will be a memorial to all. Even he had been making plans towards reconciliating both intergalactic empires. Now fate  had brought him an ally no other than the emperor of Archern - En Zuro.    The time was now for both Archern and Gonrak to rise as the space powers of all time - supreme in their might, and eliminating both Ralta and Heltron, the space powers of now. Tyrannus already had a strategy which he had cleverly devised, and it was all based on the pedestal of this reconciliation. And here was the emperor falling fir his ploy. Tyrannus could make an easy guess as to what En Zuro wanted, a revolution to wipe out the present government, and he had made a good choice coming to the emperor of Gonrak. He would help him of course, why wouldn't he, weren't they "brothers" ?
    So pathetic ! They were all adversaries in the cyberverse . It was a vicious battleground where ruthlessness held sway. In this era war tact reigned supreme, only the toughest, strongest, fittest and the shrewd ever became the Indomitable, the rest were wiped out. It was the survival of the fittest.
    "But you know" Tyrannus remarked "democrats aren't usually in good terms with dictators" 
"That's also why I'm here" came En Zuro's reply "I need your help in installing me as a dictator"
    Just as he reasoned, Tyrannus thought. " To be precise" he said reclining on his left with his right fist on the table. "You need a revolution, I won't mind helping you, but it'll be for a price" Tyrannus revealed.
"Whatever it takes" En Zuro stated "it'll be yours"
    Ragnok, En Zuro's adviser, stared petrified, now he knew why the Archern emperor wanted this reconciliation. Still it wasn't a walk on earth, with Tyrannus having a score to gain as well. From the look in his eyes, Ragnok knew En Zuro was willing to give anything in order to have the support of the Gonrakian emperor.
"If I aid you in your revolution" Tyrannus began "you'll be my ally in battling for the Intergalactic Supremony"
    En Zuro and Ragnok gasped, they knew such a deal was suicidal, a gamble was an understatement - this was a death sentence. Not because the Supremony were undefeatable - although they were - yet the might of those already in this race was what daunted En Zuro's courage to accept such a condition.
"You know both Ralta and Heltron are already contending as allies in the battle for the Supremony" En Zuro stated calmly.
"That's why I need you as my ally" Tyrannus replied.
"And how will our forces overcome theirs !" Ragnok challenged.
"I have my ways" Tyrannus smiled "but what is foremost at the moment is if the Archern emperor obliges to the conditions enforcing this deal"
    En Zuro emboldened, realized that this


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.08.2022
ISBN: 978-3-7554-1955-6

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To imagination.

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