
Non vowel resources of some good mood

Every rational act is violence against one's neighbor or oneself - these are words attributed to Charles Darwin.

If Charles Darwin meant rational actions to restrain what is called emotions and weaknesses, then he generalized everyone - there are people who do not interfere with their rational actions, and even vice versa - these are people about whom they say that they have no weaknesses and they are not emotional, therefore violence against oneself through reasonable actions can be considered when someone who is considered to be a person with weaknesses and emotions suppresses his weaknesses and emotions, or it will be more correct to say what is considered weaknesses, and is called emotions and? The most important thing is what is called weaknesses - the less weaknesses, the more you are free, but if they are, then you need to be able to satisfy them in order to feel comfortable? Neuroses, phobias, alcoholism, drug addiction - not only unsatisfied desires, but also the cult of excessive caution, as well as the fear that everything will turn out not perfect, not perfect in the sense in which ideality is understood, is to blame for the whole paradox who is not afraid of anything, has more chances to live to old age than the one who is afraid of everything, suppresses his fears with alcohol or drugs and instills confidence in the same? Why do some people who have linked themselves to faith quit drinking alcohol or drugs that they used because of the unfulfillment of practical or utopian ideas - because religion teaches that a person does not control the situation, at least completely, and everything goes as decided from above? In order not to become a neurasthenic, alcoholic or drug addict, you need not only not to restrain emotions, as some psychologists advise, but also to follow reasonable behavior? Competent economic behavior is when you always have a money “hitch” or, in other words, an “alarming suitcase” in which money or values, or a second job, or all together, then you don’t have much fear for your future and the present? Is psychology perhaps too ideal and not adapted to the living conditions of life? Are all those who are close to the critic, fools or wrong - are there people whose behavior is “tailored” to criticize the actions of other people? There is competition among those who carry information to the masses, as in most areas, and sometimes if someone else’s opinion somewhere clashes with yours, the brain of some carriers of these opinions will usually perceive this situation as aggression, and this it will be expressed in irritation, and subsequently in criticism, so it was worth writing this book not in the affirmative but in the interrogative sentences, or simply do not want to say everything in the affirmative - as they say, should the missionary hear the missionary work of another?

Attention: the author does not say anything in this material that something should be one way or another, therefore all affirmative sentences in this material should be perceived as interrogative, not interrogative, only because it is impossible to create any work only from interrogative sentences, reading any affirmative sentence written by the author, you should mentally put a question mark when it ends. Where the author categorically affirms something without the possibility of any other interpretation of what is written, there is a note: attention, this is an affirmative sentence.

Two years ago, a scientist named Rich Terril suddenly appeared on the science-fiction television show Through the Wormhole to tell us all about the mysteries of the universe. He was invited to the program to discuss the theory that our whole life is something like a metaphysical, advanced and very complex version of The Sims.

(Continued at the end of this work).

God is a programmer, as modern popular science films and articles say: science has connected with religion, with the advent of computers among some people, the theory that we are NPCs, programs that live in a virtual world located in a super-powerful computer, and we controlled by higher powers - are we a super-advanced likeness of the game The Sims or GTA Grand Theft Auto IV, and we were created just for the entertainment of the one who created us? Nothing exists, is everything just an intellectual design and attachment to beliefs that can be absolutely anything? What kind of posthuman civilization is it, what will the people in it look like, and will they even look somehow? Competition and a system of encouragement and punishment, when there are endorphins in the blood or when they are not there - does our life look like a computer game or just a computer game like our life? Does quantum mechanics hint that we live in virtual reality? Is there some evidence that we live in a virtual world, and there is no evidence that we do not live in it? When experimenting with two slots in which ultrafine particles are passed through them, in the case of non-observation of particles they behave like waves when you observe, they behave like particles - something similar happens when you play a computer game, especially in the one that requires more capabilities than your computer has, the image is loaded when you look at it after you give the command to the computer to show something that is in another location of the game ?! The speed of light cannot be overcome at the moment, and this is because such is the power of something similar to the processor in the computer in which we exist ?! We are composed of atoms, the constituent of atoms is electrons. We are made up of electricity, like computer game characters ?! Our hosts controlled us with substances that cause pleasant and unpleasant sensations, and substances that cause pleasant sensations are called internal and n n of opioids - endorphins ?! You can believe in anything, but the main thing? Does man have no free will, man is biochemical processes? I will not follow instincts: is it easy for someone who has decided to argue with higher powers if they have established these instincts? They say that in the world from which we came, there is no aggression, anger, envy, pain, suffering, pleasures, joy - all this is only in our world, and these are tools to control our behavior: did what is not prescribed is unpleasant, what you need - have fun? Higher forces guide us through chemistry in our body - discomfort until you do something,then, when you’ve done everything, it’s “letting go”, and still have fun? What is aggression - is it a program, what is sexual desire - is it a program? There is no free will - is man the result of biochemical processes? With the help of knowledge about the presence of internal drugs that push living beings to certain actions, you can predict with 100% accuracy one action that almost everyone will do in life - almost everyone will have sex because higher forces want all living things to multiply, and made sex enjoyable? Why do some enjoy the fact that they are changing the world in the direction that they call the best, while others vice versa? Everything that is mentioned above is true, either simply hype and another opium for the people, or just some scientists want to receive grants from politicians for their research - everything in our world is confused, as in quantum physics or even worse, in terms of the ability to find the truth? For some, the main entertainment is to do what you can’t do? Did everyone have a feeling that he was in someone else's hands, and that nothing depended on him? Trying to get to the truth, you come to nothing - everyone has their own truth and program, you need to learn how to implement it, otherwise you won’t get dopamine? There are those on planet Earth who like to kill and torment - we connect what is called imagination in our world and answer the question why, then, in the game we are supposed to be in, so much of what is called unpleasant is due to that the game is not finalized, or is it illegal, and not from the fact that the players from those who we call sadists or ... does the game just have what are called computer viruses or their more perfect resemblance? Are computer virus NPCs who enjoy behaviors deemed inappropriate? Higher forces guide us in the way we understand? Are we controlled through what are called endorphins — do internal opiates that give pleasure and other chemicals produced in the body cause what is called fear, aggression, etc., determine our lifelong behavior? The impossibility of fulfilling one’s desires or ignorance of how to do this makes a person who is called unhappy: there are no such desires - there are no problems, there are such desires, and there is the possibility of their realization, then there are also no problems - is everything simple? Some people doubt the reality of our world and prove the possibility of unreality by the fact that dreams for us during sleep are also real, if dreams for us during sleep are real, why then reality should be reality, and dreams are unreal, because when we sleep, they are for us are real? Is the world as we see it, and not as it really is? Higher forces control us and talk to us through chemistry, that is, what is called internal opiates, the hormones of pleasure - what do you enjoy, do you and higher authorities need from you? The general program prescribed for all people is a reproduction program (it is expressed only in someone strongly, in someone weakly), do the other programs for each have their own, which can sometimes be similar, and sometimes individual? The secret of psychological comfort and health is to do what you want, as much as possible, since there can be any business that is more expensive than doing what you want? Do what your heart desires, or it’s more expensive - what is called cognitive dissonance born here? Cognitive dissonance - grab it or throw out a suitcase without a handle? Do what you must do, and be what will happen? Are all of us led by higher powers? Through chemistry in our body that causes pleasure or discomfort, a higher mind communicates with us, directing us to the right people and the right places, from the presence of which hormones of pleasure are released into the blood, or pushing us away from unnecessary people or places from which hormones are released, causing discomfort? You are next to a person of the opposite sex, from whose presence you feel great pleasure, so you are on the right track - does the higher mind let you know that you need this person? What kind of relationship will you have with the opposite sex - how between a man and a woman in the classical sense, or does gender difference not affect observance of prejudice and the creation of boundaries in communication? Opposites are attracted - does the emotional create a relationship or a family with a non-emotional person, “unearthly” with “down to earth”? Does a person consist of many competing desires? There is a struggle of needs, and a struggle with needs, and a struggle of one needs with the needs of others? Normal is happy, and yet when something from which he experiences happiness does not cause unhappiness to others? Some have problems because they don’t know what is really happening and don’t know how to achieve their goals? Does the concept of “bad” exist, and what sense organs or biochemical processes in the body indicate that everything is bad in a psychological sense? There is no thing that is called bad, and there is no that that is called good - are higher forces through the chemistry in the body that is responsible for the mood of the person that control everything? You don’t bother with a person with high sexual temperament - then you are impotent, you bother with a person with low sexual temperament - then you are preoccupied, dissonance due to the difference of what is called sexual temperament? Who is a friend - is he who has the same program in his brain as yours, or is it not always like that? There have been and will be many who want to give communication lessons or lessons on the topic of what is good, what is bad? Vitya went to the river to jump, and you’ll go - you need to have your head on your shoulders, I don’t care about other children and people - some parents say to their children, why then there are so many who want to teach you how, in their opinion, It’s right to live without even being your relatives, what is their interest in you, and is this interest explicit or hidden? What is called hypocrisy, lies, manipulation - are these types of communications? God alone, the providers are different - do some interpret religion to the masses in their own way? Do not show or tell anyone that you drink alcohol - does it immediately mean that you have psychological problems and what are called weaknesses? Everyone was happy - as a drug user would say, was it like swallowing amphetamine? Neurochemical processes could be changed at all times, berserkers that used before the battle, according to historical data, mushrooms that give fearlessness prove this, and nowadays there are even wider possibilities for medical personality change? Can a person be changed not only with medicines, but also with what is called propaganda and life experience? Does unnecessary junk of information spoil a person’s life by leading him in the wrong way? Do drugs and alcohol allow some to receive a portion of happiness bypassing higher doses by higher powers? Robots do not do everything for you and for you, so learn to overcome difficulties, and not hide in the "bushes" in the form of non-participation in something or in the "bushes" in the form of alcohol, etc., but if possible, do what do you want, since some of your desires (sexual instincts and others) are desires of higher powers, for the failure of which they reward the body with unpleasant sensations? What you remember best is what causes or evokes emotions, if you are not emotional, then there’s nothing to remember either, which means there are no problems with psychological stability if there are no emotions? Are people divided into those receiving endorphins artificially (100 grams after work or every day and every hour 100 grams) and those receiving endorphins naturally (trips to the seas and various other trips)? Each person should ideally live the way he wants, but at the same time not to disturb others from living the way they want - a complex dilemma that can only be solved by scientific progress, since sometimes the desires of some can harm others? In some places and cases, if someone begins to influence something and this interferes with someone, they begin to stop him by criticizing and labeling - is this a struggle for survival? Prison, army, hard manual labor, unemployed, homeless, civil servant, aristocratic lifestyle - should a psychologist have a diverse experience? A person grows up from problems - the richer the country of residence, the less problems, the less problems - the less growing up? Not a psychologist, but a specialist in relations with ... reality? I’ll spit over my shoulder - everything will be fine, I will tie a rope - no one will jinx it; believe in signs, go to fortunetellers those who are called neurosthenics, nothing happens just like that, you need to act, do you need a specific plan of action, including to protect your interests? Believe everything inexperienced in objective information about something people who do not know how everything really works? Some life attitudes can make a person what they call a neurosthenic, psychopath, alcoholic, or drug addict - you cannot control everything, higher powers do it, you cannot delay someone’s death, believing that you will wash your hands every hour and therefore don’t if you catch a deadly infection or count to a certain number, and nothing bad happens, those who have reached a deadline measured by higher powers die, so calm down with an obsessive hand wash and an intrusive account? Is a programmer a translator translating from a human language into a language understandable by a machine? A magician, showing some tricks, creates an illusion to distract attention from reality? Are many programmed to seek the truth? Does everyone have their own social task? Someone has developed a sense of smell, someone has something else - each creature perceives only that reality, which it is prescribed to perceive in any way according to its sense organs? Not natural selection - what is job interviewing, is it ... artificial selection? Are resources to achieve goals time and health? You are emotional, often manifest what is called aggression, and experience what is called love and sexual desire, are inclined to what is called suggestibility - you will never become an IT specialist or an astronaut, since in an emotional state the human brain cannot process information qualitatively and can not perform some tasks? It is said that Antoine de Saint-Exupery said: "Love begins where nothing is expected in return." Is love a special chemical process that takes place for people to be together for a period of time during the growth of a child, do scientists and writers see love differently? For some professions, the more independent is the psyche, the more ideal is it, or is it the same in life? For some places and times in history, some human behavior may be inadequate, for other places it may be normal - is everything relative to someone or something? What behavior can be considered defective, and what is it to follow the example of defective behavior? What kind of program in the brain that forces people to “bother” with animals and people is said that the killer-doctor Marcel Petier showed signs from his childhood that he could be called a psychopathic future - he left the birds without food and watched them die from hunger, then he began to kill people. Why do some get endorphins from socially unacceptable behavior, who programmed them that way? Is the devil a programmer too, only with negative programs? In order, as they say, to socialize in modern society, is it necessary to have the least qualities inherent in an animal? What do higher powers want from you - so that you do what pleases you? Is software a soul and a hardware program is a brain? Some people are sure that they know how to live and do something similar to missionary work, but if I myself know how to live, should the missionary hear the missionary work of another? Does everyone have a scientific rationale? Someone beat someone for a girl for being in her company, and after several months of living together with the one who beat her, she “surrendered” him after a drunken scandal to the police, and this could be who was beaten? The psychologist must teach what parents did not teach, the main thing is that he knows what to teach, for this he must be in the thick of life, that is, in different places and situations? Psychotherapy - the world cannot be changed, but can you change the concept of the world? Change the line of behavior, if something does not work out, try to behave differently for a couple of months? Some say: “I live for myself” or “I live for children” - live according to the prescribed guidelines for higher powers? Mosquitoes, pathogenic microbes and other biological nano-organisms - does a person destroy everything that prevents him from living? Some half-lives learn how to satisfy what is considered weaknesses, while those who know how to satisfy their weaknesses or weaknesses do not earn money and an old-age pension ? When genetic engineering creates people with precisely defined properties, everyone can fashion anyone without making the efforts that were previously required - remove aggression, sexual desire, and now nothing prevents you from focusing on science and becoming to scientists? What will happen when a person can remove from himself what is called an emotion or an animal component - there is no more fear, joy, aggression, sexual desire, anticipation of something pleasant or unpleasant, emotional attachment, love - after all, it is with the help of emotions programmed into a person do higher forces direct his line of behavior? Each civilization is transformed into superdeveloped, after which it begins to create more advanced civilizations? Yes, perhaps all of the above is true, the world is quantum, etc., etc., but there are beings, including humans, who experience pain in all its manifestations and other unpleasant sensations, what to do with it and why? Do people struggle with unpleasant sensations and with the causes that cause them throughout their entire human history? One of the keys to mental health is objective information about everything? Could someone's opinion be a measure of all values? Should the function of a psychologist or even a psychiatrist be performed by a retired specialist in psychological operations or a professional politician? Is the author of a book or work a cast from the reality in which he is or was? They say that those whom they call psychologists, in connection with the increase in the rhythm of life, the development of technology and in connection with other factors relevant to the current time, they do not undertake to predict what a person will be like in 20 years - how to make everyone in a comfort zone and , no matter how trivial it sounds, could, thanks to being in a comfortable psychological state, work qualitatively for the good of the state and civilization? Those who believe that only suffering falls on him do not what they need to do, or don’t do what they need to do - they “float” against the tide, not listening to the signals of higher forces (nature), along which path do they need to go

Lyrics: in some cases, the headhunters of some will be the police or the police? The world is full of those who were called losers, who became those who are called winners, and those who were called winners, who became those who are called losers? Why is the term “called” used in the above sentence because there are no winners and losers, are there just those who perform some kind of action that someone once called? Can we really live in a huge supercomputer or is this information just an invention of those who need it and profitably in order to distract and entertain people? Some want to reprogram someone to fit their needs - is this commonly called manipulation? Who has the brain “locked up” in doubt? Every word, every kind, every action of something can be and is a long or short associative chain with something? Carry out independent research in what is called psychology, and form them into any product?

Noticed that the bosses, who are called neurotics or psychopaths (emotional - political correctness), pick up a calm, not emotional subordinates? One of the things that annoy emotional people is when they are being deceived? ... In civilian leadership positions, sometimes those who were called nervous, ambitious people were sometimes noticed, in which former employees of power structures, who did not take root in the service due to their character and found themselves in civilian work, accurately guessed. They expressed their “burrows” in dismissing subordinates who didn’t like, and they didn’t like them because they (the former security officials) dared to deceive them at least once, the revealed facts of deception caused great irritation, although they didn’t negatively affect the quality and result of work, another leader would have turned a blind eye to this, but not the former ... In countries called civilized, are emotional security officials and civil servants not held up for long? It is precisely for identifying and "screening out" excessively emotional and "stuck" people on any considered unpleasant situation that psychological tests were created when passing through selection in power structures, and if someone is somehow too emotional, bypassing testing by acquaintance or other ways , got into the service, he again will not last long there, unless, of course, his relatives have a business, part of the income from which they give to their bosses? For power structures, the ideal person - quickly forgetting everything that is considered stress? ... It’s accidentally noticed that it’s possible to “work together” only with simple, not proud people, and also that he created a family with a simple, not proud person ... If he’s “hard” in character, then in any case your boss should be simple, and husband or wife are the same? If you are proud and run into as proud as yourself, then there may be trouble - be vigilant with the same as yourself? Can the power of propaganda come from oneself?

One ounce of practice costs one ton of theory.

Words attributed to Mahatma Gandhi

Eugene Ionesco is said to have said: "I saved myself - self-analysis, self-discipline, self-education, self-improvement."

A manual on non-theoretical (non-laboratory) psychology - is it when everyone who is not a psychologist by education, voluntarily or involuntarily conducts research in the field of psychology independently, based on their life path and experience and documents their research in order to share it with others? High technology does not stand still - augmented reality with virtual glasses will tell you how to disassemble, repair and which nut to unscrew in front of someone who has never done this before - what about augmented reality in terms of psychology, you can here to combine the knowledge of software engineers and those who know how to correctly adjust in any situation?

Valueology is the science of a healthy lifestyle. In 2000, a fashion for a healthy lifestyle (healthy lifestyle) appeared in the civilized countries of all continents: everyone strives to create a beautiful and healthy body - exercise, eat right, but you can’t hear someone talking about healthy lifestyle, because physical health depends from what is going on in the head? Everyone knows that it is contrary to the rules of healthy lifestyle, and few know what is contrary to the rules of healthy lifestyle? What is it, hygiene - who will make a list of what is considered harmful to mental health, like a list with information about what is harmful to physical health? A sea of ​​propaganda of an unhealthy lifestyle is pouring down on you, conduct self-promotion of healthy lifestyle - watch, for example, movies about sports training? How are HLS, Dam Square and Red Square related? Self-propaganda is not only movies about sports, but also viewing on your computer through street online webcams connected to the Internet, what happens in the cities of your dreams, which you would like to visit or would like your family to visit, it gives an incentive to earn money and some not to spend money on chemical stimulants of chemical content (alcohol, drugs), but to save for a trip. You enter in a search engine, for example: “Amsterdam Dam Square webcam” or “Russia Red Square webcam”. Initially, the oral list of what is harmful to the psyche is made up by the parents of their children, and if there are no such parents, then there is no list of how immunity is strong for a cub of an animal that was taken away from its mother early because it did not drink its milk? Let's just say there are people who are programmed for a moderate emotional reaction to stimuli, and how to respond to stimuli to those who are called emotional people, if modern psychologists say that holding back emotions is harmful and that this subsequently leads to inappropriate behavior? To become a psychologist, you do not need a psychologist’s diploma and an office - you need to know life, for this you need to direct yourself to the most standard and most extraordinary places and situations, try to find ways to realize your needs, can anyone become an independent researcher in psychology? Sometimes in some places does politics interfere with the quality of psychological assistance? Can someone who did not burn in the tank in a moral sense give advice on behavior? With age, "direction finding" your and others in the sense of interests? What is the best way to find out - looking at the battle from the sidelines or participating in it yourself? Who is “trampling” the paths of the rules of relationships between people - psychologists, ordinary people, or both? The life experience of someone who gives advice cannot be limited to studying at the institute and working in the office? Does anyone who writes scientific dissertations to improve people's lives, having seen a drunk man lying in the snow in the window of his apartment or office, come out and help him get home? Unmet needs shorten life? The book called on the road - should everything be recognized in practice? Everyone can change and create their own social norms - not only artists and politicians? Discipline is a decision to do what you really don’t want to do, to achieve what you really want, do you pass by desires alone (sex, alcohol), if any, to achieve another most important desire? War and struggle even in individual minds - the most common psychological conditions in the civilized world are cognitive dissonance (in simple terms - this is the clash of several conflicting beliefs that prevent one decision from being made, sort of like a psychological, ethical or other dilemma) and obsessive-compulsive disorder (actions associated with rituals such as spitting three times over the left shoulder, bypassing the place where the black cat ran, bypassing triangle-shaped lamp or telephone lines foreheads, etc.)? They say that Carl Gustav Jung considered the belief of everyone in something supernatural and the worship of something unknown by a world neurosis? Nobody is your enemy and friend - they just have a “program” of behavior towards you that can be changed? Karl Leonhard coined the term “stuck personality” - forget about everything negative, forget about everything quickly - the psyche is considered ideal, which allows you to instantly forget about everything that is considered bad, and what to do if everything is vice versa, and modern science cannot help this? Why are there extremal scientists among those working in extreme conditions, for example, geologists at the North Pole or extremists who have tested their latest medical products on themselves, and why can’t I hear about extremists among psychologists working in extreme psychological conditions or , so to speak, in the "field"? Come to life as a researcher? What to do when some people have emotional chaos in their head, if they were deceived or offended, and it passes only when the product of this chaos splashes out in the form of negative emotions? The key to psychological comfort and mental health is the fulfillment of desires, regardless of whether they are dictated by higher powers (for example, sexual instincts) or were some people inspired by other people or inspired by themselves (ambition)? The main thing is to find ways to satisfy your desires, and no longer need to look for any other means of existence? Higher forces or nature are your desires, with the help of them they communicate with you and with the help of them they realize their desires? Higher forces or nature realize their plans through your desires? Why should I look for the meaning of life, if everyone has his own, and for everyone everything was decided by higher forces by means of a genetic code and so on: live your desires, any your desire is a desire for higher forces? Fear, an overdeveloped sense of self-preservation, in a word, a lack of frivolity prevents one from realizing one’s desires? Not to pay attention to fear is not a call to what is called recklessness, but a call to not pay attention to fear when reaching any goal? Where does what is called neurosis and phobia come from from the cult of the instinct of self-preservation - don’t often think that something unpleasant can happen to you like a soldier does not think about it in a war? Is frivolity good for the psyche? Some want to emigrate to countries that are considered rich, with a developed economy, so to speak, there is no economy — are there countries that in the past used to “snatch” a large piece of material wealth pie and now use it? If you live in a country considered rich, can you stay what you call an infantile (child) for life? How did material prosperity “sail” to some due to the exploitation of slaves and wars of conquest with the extortion of minerals from the conquered? How objective is the analysis in someone’s works? All psychological problems due to the lack of the necessary information and certain skills - forewarned, then armed - some not warned, who in most cases are some? If you are from that family, which is considered complete and prosperous, then you do not need to look for information on the healthy lifestyles (psychologically healthy lifestyle) on the side - will you be taught a psychologically healthy lifestyle in the family? Do and do the same events affect everyone in different ways? Unlucky for someone who, so to speak, is not prepared for life, or depending on what kind of life and where to live, there are “sweet” places where you don’t need to prepare for anything? If you haven’t been prepared for what is called life, parents, do you need to prepare yourself in order to compete with those who were prepared for life? What kind of “facade” is the cause of most psychological problems for some due to the fact that they only see the “facade” of life, and they don’t have objective information, since they don’t know how everything really works? Does a person study the environment and learn from what he has learned? Does information material turn into thoughts? Is cognitive dissonance simply replacing one person with another, one man or woman with whom you live, on others, a glass or bottle for a family? Let all the flowers bloom or there are harmful sources of information and the information itself - in terms of what is considered psychological health? Harmful information for psychological health and comfort needs to be suppressed, and who benefits from what is considered harmful information? In a global sense, the so-called bad information is beneficial to the competitors of those people who control you? Is it written somewhere that people in the future will become immortal and will ask for death? Some are very worried when someone dies, they get what they call a nervous breakdown, but imagining yourself immeasurable is no less frightening than dying? Excessive caution leads to what is called mental illness: the key to psychological health is to understand that higher powers have already been decided when you die, and calmly do what you want?

Is there a healthy mind in a healthy body or a healthy body in a healthy mind? There are considered undeniable facts that have been announced by scientists that affect life expectancy: a sedentary lifestyle - minus 6 years of life; chronic lack of sleep - minus 5 years of life; overweight - minus 8 years of life; high blood pressure - minus 10 years; smoking - minus 10 years of life; regular intake of alcohol - minus 23 years; drug use is minus 34 years. You can add one more point: grew up in a family called dysfunctional - minus several years?

They used to say that fitness is useful, in 2018 they say that an hour of fitness reduces life by a certain amount of time, what to do and who to listen to?

Some, faced with a power hostile to them, which they cannot destroy, instead of trying to destroy this power, destroy themselves, others long for their death when, as they think, there is no other way to solve the problem, the first and the other is just a conviction by these some?

The material in the work is almost 100% collective and does not pretend to be the new teaching of life, it simply compiles and offers to analyze the statements and behaviors of people from the category of “random acquaintances” and just acquaintances with whom the author had to communicate regarding everything than almost any average person faces in everyday life. And most importantly, those whose statements and lines of behavior, as already mentioned, are collected in the work, considered themselves to be completely satisfied with life by people (they were also considered by those who knew them), therefore, the fact that these people are satisfied with their life, says that they lead a psychologically healthy lifestyle with respect to their own mental component, and this should mean only one thing - their way of thinking and methods of responding to any situation are somehow valuable if this provides them with psychological comfort Hg and does not harm others. Also in the work are materials from other sources indicated in it. Once again, I want to emphasize that all the information in this material is not of any propagandistic nature, it is not intended to offend someone’s interests or insult someone, etc. - is only familiar with the line of behavior, way of thinking, the knowledge of ordinary average people who, as already mentioned, consider themselves and whom others consider to be successful people, and therefore the work is not clearly written in the “teacher of life and student” mode - only an introduction.

According to historical data, earlier, when there were no hospitals and ambulances, life expectancy was 18-20 years, those who were 40 were considered old people. Now in some countries, when medicine has reached the level where for the most part everyone has been living for more than 40 years, another problem has arisen - some are destroying themselves, despite the benefits achieved by civilization associated with increasing life expectancy.

Not only smallpox and typhoid kill people? Parents are deprogrammers who “clean” the brain of a child from harmful programs, are parents like an antivirus program, if they are not there is no protection against “virus” software? Are there parents who themselves are crammed with harmful programs and therefore cannot protect the child from them, as a rule, this happens in the so-called socially dysfunctional families? As a child, I found a book at home “Raising a child in an incomplete family”, in which there was a lot of “water”, but it was not said that a child from an incomplete family, when he grows up and when he grows up, will have competitors in the form of children from full and full-fledged families - Is there parity between those who have parents and siblings and those who do not have them, can the first achieve what the second can achieve? Do those from an incomplete family or from the so-called dysfunctional family need at least the same level of development as those from a complete family in order to achieve something? You will not become a general, since the general has his own son? When you are alone, you walk alone through life's obstacles, but when those (parents) who have instincts to help you surround you, you walk without obstacles, or not always like that, because when all obstacles are removed, they become those who are called non-self-reliant?

What to do for those who have not become a scientist and come into life on a common basis or almost on a common basis, since he does not have a parent or parents, he is alone in the family or he does not know how to do anything? For a simple layman, everything can be described as follows: money is needed, and if money is given as a pie, then the chances of tearing a piece out of it are different for those from a complete and prosperous family, and those from an incomplete and dysfunctional family, provided that the needs of one and the other are the same? Life experience is an opportunity to predict people's reactions to your actions: some do not have close people with life experience, and they are forced to do wrong things because of this? An incomplete family is also the absence of siblings - who can give advice on more intimate questions that some parents do not know the answer to? An acquaintance who is 40 years old, who has never been married, has not lived with a woman or a man, and whom I have never seen with a woman or a man, and who has a mother and father, but has no siblings, periodically drinks alcohol, possibly , due to the fact that he doesn’t have a sexual partner (perhaps because I didn’t specify the reason for drinking), that is, he has an unhappy sex life, because there is no information or the opportunity to establish relationships with a partner of interest to him? There are times when you need to come to the solution of a super-delicate problem yourself, because even in complete families they will not tell the answer to them? A housemate gave birth to a child from a married one, perhaps thinking that she would keep him near him, but he left her and refused to buy a crib for a baby, it turned out that she was from an incomplete family, lived without a father, if there was a father, this would not be happened since father has life experience? A child born in an incomplete family due to the fact that there is no necessary information from a missing family member will have to fill up more "bumps" than those who grew up in a complete, considered adequate family (considered adequate, because complete - this is not always the one that is called adequate)? Living in the next entrance of the house where my relatives live, the guy from the family, which is usually called dysfunctional, went to the automobile bridge and rushed down - died in the hospital, that he from this family contributed to the adoption of the line of behavior that he chose? A work colleague goes to a psychiatrist for antidepressants - is she also from an incomplete family? I ask her a question - for sure, her father left her in childhood. Does it really play a role, where did you grow up and with whom? After all, many great people grew up in an incomplete family, for example, Korolev, the designer of spaceships from the times of the USSR, or were these just other times? Does the historical time in which a person from an incomplete or dysfunctional family lives plays a role in shaping his personality?

Dedicated to all those who are from that place, which is called a dysfunctional family, an incomplete family, those who are called non-self-reliant, and all those who destroyed themselves.



The work does not mean that somewhere someone violates the rights of any social group - simply, according to the author, there are people who lack certain information necessary for a comfortable life.

To learn more, you need to live longer. Some people from science say that after death, everything transforms into a quantum state, and with this comes absolute knowledge of everything, but don’t die in the pursuit of absolute knowledge, you can assure everyone that you should live up to 70 or 80 years, and then in this non-quantum world absolute knowledge will come if not about everything, then in psychology they will surely be complete or almost complete, everything will be decomposed into “bolts” and “nuts” in a social sense.

How to find out the rules of the psychological healthy lifestyle - do you need to ask a person who is happy with his life what he lives with, or does each Abram have his own program? Are signs of following the right healthy lifestyle rules a constant presence of pleasure from life? What is absolute knowledge - the ability to separate the present from the fictional, and 70 years is the time when some finish manipulating you and you start to “load” some? To clearly see the dark and bright sides of life is a purely philosophical concept, and everyone can perceive everything that is happening around him as he wants, but is there an objective reality that is around us — is it like that, and nothing else? Some have their own pseudo-reality, and does it interfere or help? Could it be that someone's pseudo-reality will become an objective reality? Is there an objective reality? Who can change the “record”, change the objective reality to one degree or another — scientists, politicians, businessmen, millionaires, or any person? Any society can be changed the way one wants, people will be the way one who wants and can change the rules of people's lives - all are suggestible, but only the level of suggestion is different for everyone? The seemingly independent social movements are in fact absolutely all acting in the interests of certain politicians? Higher powers endowed everyone with instincts and other needs, but not all provided with instructions, how to satisfy these instincts and needs - is philosophy a forest that philosophers and ordinary people have been wandering for centuries in search of such instructions? Among some philosophers there are those who have lost their way in the forest of life, in connection with which they are trying to convey to people what does not work in life? Do people continue in our time to learn to communicate with each other? How do you need to live and how not to do it - all this is indicated in the laws, and the laws stem from the psychological needs of people? The one who does not want to live by the law is in prison, the one who cannot, in psychiatric hospitals? Laws are based on the majority opinion about what laws should be? Like it or not, you need to find a compromise when the situation requires it, if you live among people? If you don’t observe ethics and morality, you will annoy others, and therefore both morality and ethics are not just words that are meant to be manipulated by someone, but unwritten laws that follow, like those written, from the psychological component of people — that annoys others shouldn't show up? The human brain is a very plastic material, and anyone and anything can be molded from a person, but as is commonly believed in scientific circles, a child under 6 years old generally lives almost under hypnosis - is it super hypnotable and suggestible? Does modern man need to live in multitasking mode? Is there such information, recognizing that anyone will change their lifestyle, because it will affect his lifestyle, or does any information change something in everyone? There is always a war with oneself, both in the physical sense - for example, when you endure hunger, observing a diet for weight loss - and in the psychological one, therefore the assertion that the body needs to be given what it asks is not always true, because if it asks alcohol or drugs, and if you give them to him, will it ruin him? Anyone who does not know how to communicate with people and is in a state of chronic pride, he goes constantly "hungry", including "hungry" in the presence of the opposite partner he needs, since he pushes everyone away from himself with his pride? How to properly respond to someone’s attention or questions from someone else? Do you need to be able to protect your lifestyle or do you need to be able to change it? Neurosis and other borderline disorders are the result of a psychologically incorrect lifestyle - how is cirrhosis with a physiologically incorrect lifestyle? Why leadership training, why be a leader? The astronauts are not leaders, although everything is fine with fortitude, and moreover, according to the documentary, their psychological tests exclude the presence of leadership qualities, we need a simple and space-controlled person with completely zero what is called “ambition” - the belief that if not a leader, then this is not good, is this the result of ordinary suggestion? For the sixth time, American doctors successfully performed a heart transplant on a famous billionaire David Rockefeller, RIA Novosti reports - does anyone who enjoys life want to live? By the age of 40, having made a retrospective of his relationship, he noticed that all my bosses with whom I worked for a long time were simple people, the same thing with the opposite sex, and those who were nervous and arrogant quickly disappeared from my life path - this is why , that I myself am like those who disappeared from my path, which means that opposites attract, or aren't opposites attracted, or in different cases differently? The older the average person becomes, the more he becomes like everyone else - with age, what is called an individual is lost? After 40 years, most people are only interested in material issues - health and money? For those over 40, it becomes more difficult to manipulate, since they themselves can manipulate? Remember that the envy of the blind begins to see, the dumb to speak, the deaf to hear, envy is a natural signal that there is a competitor for what you need? Higher powers have specially invented what is called envy - is this for the presence of competition? Is it possible to consider as manipulation what gives a bilateral, but not a one-sided benefit? What will help people, teaching how to live, material well-being, or both? In some countries that are considered rich, there are many people who can lead the same way of life as kings and kings? When it seems to someone that everything’s bad for him, agents of someone’s influence inspired him or he inspired himself: the tsar or the king didn’t have a TV and a computer before - some don’t understand that they live better now than kings and kings used to live, why then should some people organize revolutions or leave somewhere? In some deemed wealthy countries, young people do not want to work, receive large unemployment benefits and go to other (mainly Asian) countries to look for the meaning of life, but for some reason these young people do not leave to find the meaning of life, working as workers in construction sites, factories and to farms? The word Pasteur comes from the old Russian "shepherd"? National building - can you create a state with people of any beliefs, with those that only you want? What seems strange to some, for others, the norm - feminism, an open family, child-free, the LBBH community, libertarianism, sologamy, etc. - are the social products of only rich states, since there people don’t think about earning money for food but thinks only of spectacles, everything is according to the Maslow pyramid - is all of the above possible when basic human needs are satisfied? Does the term “human syndrome have everything” exist? Is everyone benefiting from the very fact of his existence? Is it possible to change life for the better with the help of information or only with the help of material goods? Happy are those who know and are not afraid to do what others do not know and are afraid to do? In countries with low and average living standards, are relationships different from people in countries with high living standards? Every 6 minutes in the world, one child dies of hunger - they say that this is the official statistics of the UN, which takes place in countries considered to be poor, no one informs about this? As the scientists say, the concept of the passage of time is relative: when it is pleasant from something, it flows quickly, when it is unpleasant, it flows slowly - what should one do to whom endorphins are not produced from anything, and accordingly there is nothing pleasant in life? The reward system donated by higher powers to man is endorphins - are the so-called endorphin “traps” controlling everything? There are people who live in the past, there are people who live in the present, and there are people who live in the future, but there is also a mix, where there is something more, something less? Depression begins when old life strategies are broken, but there are no new ones yet, a person cannot live instincts like animals - does he have to carry any ideas, even those that are considered primitive? They took the drunk to the police - they interfere with life or help to make the right choice? You can look at fire, water and anyone’s extraordinary eccentric acts for an infinitely long time? What governs the life of everyone, what is called fate, or a combination of circumstances? How to study a person in terms of his instincts and emotions, and at the same time to be the bearer of the same instincts and emotions - is it difficult to study robots when the robot itself, or vice versa, does this simplify everything? Who are you, a gangster, but you without a doubt could also be a scientist, if you find yourself in a different environment. Me, you and all people are plasticine from which you can fashion anything; the question is in whose hands this plasticine is, and heredity plays a secondary role? A person is a tube into which you can fill anything, in any percentage of something — why is it not the other way around because you “poured” into yourself or others “poured” into you this and not other information? The words attributed to Hajj Nasredin are as follows: "No matter how you say halva, your mouth will not be sweeter." Or is he wrong, and vice versa - a person, not only by suggesting someone , but also by self-suggestion, can "blind" any person out of himself? Most people are very suggestible? A person is considered to be someone who believes little and criticizes everything? It has always been fashionable for some to be like others or the other, or is it one of the instincts present in some as opposed to such an instinct as “I am special”, or are these not instincts, but the results of upbringing? Raising a child, but do not break his will? Does the fate of the child (and not only the child, but also the family as a whole) depend on the propaganda abilities of the parents? Fashionable for some to be different from the people - am I special? Even the amount of what is considered various mental illnesses is different at different times - during Freud's time hysteria dominated, in the 20th century schizophrenia, in the 21st century depression and panic attacks? Endogenous depression is a malfunction in the production of serotonin and dopamine. Does such depression happen or is failure a consequence of depression? In our time and in our places of life, the cult of caution and self-pity is to blame for everything, so now depression and panic attacks dominate - take less caution and pity yourself less? Behind every seemingly spontaneous social movement created are certain people who created it for pragmatic reasons? Does your character affect your fate and the fate of those around you? Everyone is an IT-person at a biological level - does everyone program people? Managing people is simple: are they all drawn to the one who can fill their body with hormones of pleasure, or the one who can remove the chemicals that cause a bad mood from their body? Can’t you sew a fur coat from words or can you sew with some? Quantum physics is right - everything is simple, because as you can educate someone, you can educate someone who has more knowledge and will, that educates him, and the world consists of those whom someone educated in in the same way in which they are now?

“... people are a flock of sheep, they need to be led ...” are the exemplary words of one of the heroes of the film “Raised Virgin Sole” (USSR, 1959-1961, director Alexander Ivanov).

Civilization itself regulates its development. Words attributed to the Soviet scientist S.P. Kapitsa.


Look at people living in countries that are considered rich - they (the majority) do not criticize themselves and their behavior, do not listen to someone else’s criticism, but defend their lifestyle and find material opportunities to support it?

Reality shows and proves (I want to emphasize that it is reality, supported by facts of the reality of what is happening, and not rumors) that under certain conditions and circumstances it is possible to change reality, and on a global scale, suppose if you are a millionaire or a billionaire, you can influence the social the life of a society, creating various social movements in it, while completely rebuilding relations between people, between a man and a woman, creating matriarchy in a single country or in several states, or patriarchy, the question is only, whether they want the authorities of these countries to pursue your social experiments and how far will you go in this, if you want all the same.

Then, when you “take root” and your movement gains a global scale within the state, the psychological component will undergo a fusion with the legal: the parliament will pass laws to please the social community you created, and if we continue to talk about matriarchy or patriarchy, it will be laws, such as banning men from meeting women in public places and interpreting attempts to meet as sexual harassment or banning women from meeting men on the street, or even -That. A man is no longer a man if he does not take the initiative in meeting a woman - in the classical understanding of a man in his relationship with the opposite sex? It is said that in countries where laws prohibit men from meeting women in public, men are afraid to take the initiative in dating, women themselves are suitable for men, and women become the main ones in the family when it is created.

They also say that some guys who came to such countries from countries where the relationship between a man and a woman remain classical (where a man meets a woman) like this situation - when women themselves come up and get to know each other, as the local man will not , he is afraid of responsibility for breaking the law, saying, as already mentioned, that showing attention to a woman in the form of an offer to get acquainted can be regarded as sexual harassment. To recall that the above is of a real nature, if you wish, on a world map you can find some countries where what is called the feminization of society has occurred and where it is legally expressed in the form of the above prohibition on a man to take the initiative in getting to know a woman, this will still be mentioned.

As a rule, all social movements are created in the rich (in the rich, where people don’t think about what they think in the non-rich - where the first steps of the Maslow pyramid are passed) countries with a high standard of living, in poor countries people think, again as a rule, how to earn a living, and even if there are social movements in poor countries, they are created there by representatives and citizens of countries with high living standards, in any case, as many sources say.

A person can be brought up, as you like, and upbringing, according to modern statements, is the main thing in the formation of personality, not psychogenetic heredity, as there are proofs of this and there were countries (not just one person, but entire states), in some of which people are like “cogs” what they are told they will do, in others it’s the same ethnic group, but the situation is different.

There is nothing eternal, and this applies to the human psyche, it is also not eternal in the sense that it changes with age, and it is different for different people at different times and in different places, and the evidence given above speaks about this ( if we recall the rich states, we can ask where did the warlike people who inhabited them and made their country go, what happened to the warlike psychogenetics of their descendants living). The richer you are, the more you and your descendants become weaker, because you become dependent on the servants and other attributes of a rich life, and you become weak not only psychologically, but also physiologically - you don’t walk, drive a car, and this is not entirely positive for health?

Therefore, I want this fact that the human brain is a plastic material, as well as the fact that in connection with this fact it is possible to fashion anyone and anything from a person, like plasticine, by a red line across the entire lower material of this work in the process of reading it. Also, based on the above, it must be said that you, being now fearless, could be careful, and vice versa, if you are careful, you could be fearless and not forget that this is confirmed by the facts that have already been said: it all depends on education or, if someone does not like the word “upbringing”, from the environment.

There may be several options for the development and formation of what is called your psychic constitution - depending on the time in which you were, or on the place or places of your stay during your life, and also on who you talked to: you how a personality could go in several ways - this is similar to the assertions of theoretical physicists that according to quantum physics your copies can be many, many copies in the sense that here you are doing one thing, one work, and your copies are doing other things, and life in general they have developed differently.

The second red line to keep in mind is the need for some to constantly “fiddle” with the endocrine system, which is responsible for the production of pleasure hormones by any action, both harmless and unhealthy in ways - alcohol, etc. Around the hormones of pleasure and “ human behavior revolves, it is endorphins that regulate and control human behavior, regardless of how these internal opiates are received - naturally, from any favorite occupation, or artificially, through drugs or alcohol, that is, as narcologists say, drug addicts and alcoholics enjoy pleasure without any strong-willed and intellectual efforts, that is, if higher powers give pleasant things only for something, then some want endorphins to be brought to them "Saucer".

If all those human qualities, which will be discussed below, disappear only, for example, after 40 years of a person’s life - is it a delay in mental development or what is called infantilism - eternal childhood? Is an adult when all that is considered weaknesses in modern society disappears? A sign of adulthood in the modern sense is autonomy, independence from someone and from anything, for example, the absence of an uncomfortable psychological state in the absence of friends, the lack of emotional attachment to someone or anything, and so on in this sense? It’s normal to feel psychologically uncomfortable in some cases, because if everyone felt psychologically comfortable, then if we take into account the sexual factor, then no one would reproduce, and almost everyone without the opposite sex has discomfort, which is expressed in different degrees for everyone - Is it not a mobile (stable) psyche only for single people, for example, for the same astronauts? The average person - how does he differ from the non-average person, and what is the psychological portrait of both? The struggle for males and females - some do not take part in it, since they sincerely do not need and are not interested, are they all different? Units are not subject to what is called propaganda? Propaganda is a quiet weapon - it’s easier to deceive a crowd than one person, does the criticality to one’s and others ’actions turn off in the crowd? When an investigator invites a minor child to investigate, the boss sometimes tells him “Work with him (with the minor)” - we extrapolate this into civilian life. Work with him (inspire) - with your husband, wife for a harmonious relationship? Propaganda propaganda - those who do it do it so that their refrigerator is full, and you watch not in the TV, but in the refrigerator: for some, the main thing is their economic assets? Cosmonauts and IT specialists do not spend time on emotional experiences, such as fear, love, aggression, sexual desires - since they do not have them in such volume as the majority, which gives them the opportunity to do what they do - their work and the implementation of those tasks that most will not cope with? According to the films about the training of astronauts, the people who are preparing to be sent to space are put into enclosed space for several weeks and watch them how they endure their deprivation of liberty, if someone has a “roof” from unfulfilled desires, so there’s one conclusion : no desires - no psychological problems from the impossibility of their implementation? There is not what is called weakness of spirit - are there people whom the majority and who are ordered by higher powers to have what are called weaknesses, for example, the instinct of reproduction? If everyone was like astronauts, that is, without what is considered to be weaknesses, and could restrain their sexual instincts, or if they were almost absent, who would multiply then - with higher powers everything is thought out in advance, there are no weak and strong ones in spirit, there are those , to whom one is prescribed, and those to whom the other is prescribed? Do not envy anyone, for it is written in the Gospel - to whom much has been given, much will be asked? Cosmonauts are those who don’t need what the majority needs, that is, they don’t have what they call weaknesses or their minimum — do the astronauts have no cognitive dissonance? Someone’s torment is when this someone does not do what the higher forces want from him? PSOG (psychologically healthy lifestyle) is the knowledge of the ways that you need to go to achieve the tasks set by higher forces, for example, higher forces tell you in a hormonal way that you need some person of the opposite sex, but you don’t know how to approach him, and you are already unhappy - an unfortunate one who does not do what higher powers say to him? Cognitive dissonance is when there are several tasks, and you don’t know which one to perform, and also when there are several ways to solve problems, and you don’t know which way to choose: there is a basic law (constitution), there are simply laws that should not contradict the basic law (constitution) - can this be brought to life? Most people, as a rule, think about the bad, criticize themselves - do I have an ugly nose, ears, eyes, body, etc.?

The most commonplace questions we are asked are “How do you manage in space without vodka and women?”

Cosmonaut Sergey Ryazansky.

The title of the material, “The Unspoken Resources of the Good Mood of Some,” could have continued: “... for those who have the needs of an average person or average person ...”. (By the definition of "average person" the author means only the way of life inherent in some people, nothing else is meant by the term "average person" - he does not mean the intellect of a person, his level of income, etc., etc.)

Unspoken, not because they are forbidden to voice them, or it is decided to popularize the work with this name, but because not everyone voices them, not everyone uses them, and not everyone knows them. Why this happens and who does not voice them, does not use and does not know, is considered in this book.

If you start from school, some can be distinguished by the fact that they do not have or are present, but not in full, the qualities that others possess - while everyone is at school, there are those whose studies dominate other interests, they are rare either they don’t meet with the opposite sex at all, rarely or never at street companies.

Probably, each person should either suppress or fulfill their needs, with age they can go away on their own: as they say, he “outgrows” them or he’s “gone crazy” - if everything goes smoothly from the point of view of modern psychology and sociology. Some of them remove their needs for companies and disappear, like a lizard’s tail, other needs, which are also called weaknesses, in the end they are equalized with those who did not need companies at school, that is, the needs of some of them become minimal, but they they already lost time by spending it on the satisfaction of their desires, not related to study and education, and, therefore, they did not receive the knowledge that was obtained in educational institutions by someone who did not have what is called weaknesses. What is considered weaknesses makes it difficult to concentrate on learning?

There are non-emotional people (such as people of the exact sciences, pilots, astronauts, IT specialists, military personnel of special forces, doctors with their medical cynicism - in any case, their professions provide for the absence of what are called weaknesses), which, as a rule, are completely independent from their emotions, they don’t have them at all, or if there are, then at least there are those who are included in the category of emotional people (among them, as a rule, humanities and not only), it is precisely such people who usually have a lot of problems related to emotions, as they say - eople art sometimes dramatize the situation, but to live with especially difficult creative.

The astronauts are probably the most controlled people who can cope with any task, those who can do what they are told: say they need to lose weight - lose weight, are ordered to sit in isolation for months - will be in isolation, ordered to expose life of danger - they will endanger life, and also these are people who can be deprived of pain for a long time, people with a minimum of needs. What does it say? To the fact that everyone can find out how much he is able to carry out those tasks that are performed by those who are called strong spirit, for example, someone tried to lose weight, but failed, and some are capable of it.

A person with the psyche of an astronaut or almost like an astronaut has complete psychological comfort, because he does not have emotional needs or they have, but in the smallest amount, some people have a psychologically stable state only when they satisfy their instincts and needs, and here there comes a time when some do not know how to satisfy their emotional, and psychological stability because of this does not occur at all, or the emotional component is satisfied by methods dangerous to the carrier of emotions and for those around him.

What if ordinary classical psychology doesn’t help some or doesn’t help some? There is not only legal, but also psychological illiteracy? Sometimes when shooting a stuntman’s film, when he does his job, they will be replaced by those who are called a sugary guy who is afraid of everything that is associated with risk during the filming, and he will continue to act as the main character - this is a life consisting of the present and fake? All that is needed for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing, and what is good and bad in general, and can everything be good at all or when someone is good, is it because of this someone is bad? Can life be made better only at the expense of others? What do “winged” phrases mean — truth, or an attempt at what is called manipulation by someone, or something else? The main troubles of an emotional person are unconstructive fear, aggression and other emotions, as well as the inability to adequately respond to psychological and other aggression and ignorance of acceptable and effective ways to satisfy psychological needs? It is necessary for everyone to feel good, and not for the minority or the majority, if you think that you have decided to help people in need, but how can this be done? You walk along the street and see a drunk and dirty person lying on the ground - if you have “overvalued” ideas about the perfection of society, then try to help someone who is drunk to get home and only then will you understand if your reasoning has weight or is it just the demagogy of an ambitious person, start small, and then think about big? What is stress - is it when they have done what is called an insult towards you, and you did not say anything, and it gnaws at you? Are there truths that people don’t want to see and that they don’t want to talk about, or those that not everyone knows about? Are there some who know more than others, and they control those who know less than they? Without certain knowledge, the human brain is not ready for logical and rational operations? There are many works focused on the regeneration of what is called a damaged psyche, but people still die from what they call post-traumatic syndrome, and not only from this?

Some are trying to hide the truth, we are trying to pull it out.

Words by Michael Moore, director of documentaries, including Fahrenheit 9/11.

Either Michael Moore is truly an idealist, or by earnestness he earns his living. I wonder for whom he pulled out the truth, or was it a simple enthusiasm?

Nobody says that classical psychology and modern psychology are not necessary or not right - it’s not so, just classical and modern psychology probably doesn’t explain everything, because this psychology was not created by someone who works at a factory, at a construction site, in the field and was in other places close to reality, and there is evidence for this - the existence of people who have psychologically uncomfortable states after working with psychologists and psychiatrists, and there are people who, having talked to people who do not have any diplomas of psychology and have forgotten what a psychological discomfort.

One of the foundations and central issues of this material is a search in all objective reality, its separation from fictional, possibly with errors, an attempt to identify and distinguish between the objective and the subjective that a person faces in life, predicting situations after any actions, and also, if you can call it that, unspoken psychology, the term is not very scientific, but no one talks about science: examples of psychological and legal actions that can be learned from official sources are collected, probably , it will not be possible, affecting standard issues related to human-human interaction.

Preventive psychology - actions aimed at protecting from what is called stress, and regenerative psychology - actions aimed at eliminating negative results from what is called stress, this is what the unspoken psychology partially consists of, or the unspoken resources of good mood, because there must be an alternative to conventional classical psychology, higher forces or nature in general love the presence of competition in everything.

Why are they unofficial and by whom are they unofficial and for what purpose? We can say that they are not advertised because of something unknown, and why dig deeper? It is of interest that they don’t talk about them, and for what reason - they simply don’t know about them or whether they are beneficial to someone — it is secondary, and it’s difficult for everyone to please: ants are good when they pull a grasshopper into an anthill for that to eat later, but the grasshopper feels bad, is this the case when someone’s interests do not completely or completely radically coincide with the interests of others, so there are situations when classical psychology can not advise people? Mosquitoes, cockroaches, locusts, worms - bad people who interfere with life are called bad?

There is no freedom of some without the lack of freedom of others - in the classical understanding of freedom? Was what is called a revolution for the sake of freedom useless or useful, since any freedom of some is possible only at the expense of the non-freedom of others, until civilization sets in, and robots will do everything for everyone? It’s a paradox, but suffer from freedom - drug addiction, alcoholism and death - from them are the products of freedom in its generally accepted sense? Who will work for the one who becomes free? Ants and grasshopper: this is how it works in nature - someone, helping someone survive, or threatens the existence of another by his own existence or interferes with another's quality life, is like killing a coronavirus or rhinotracheitis that has settled in a kitten so that it survives, but the virus it’s not a pity, although he is alive, like a kitten, but a pity for a kitten, is it somehow strange, is the virus also alive, or are people programmed with higher powers? The effect of a grasshopper and ants in nature - is it when one can be good, only when the other is bad, and vice versa? It is impossible to please everyone, both ants and a grasshopper, someone who, from the point of view of modern society, has inadequate needs or needs are adequate, but they are satisfied in an inadequate way, they are isolated from society? Science and perfected virtual reality, which will become reality, will enable everyone to satisfy their needs? Is there a rigid scientific foundation in every behavior? Life is a book written in the style of the book of becoming, that is, becoming what you are and who you will become?

Imagine that you are a whole army, though consisting of one soldier,” are the words attributed to billionaire and US President Donald Trump.

Soldiers in the trenches of life. To supplement Trump’s words: “You must be a soldier of a psychological and legal nature - to know and anticipate the results of your actions”? Billionaires do not have the life experience of an average citizen, but they have a lot of time to think, since they, as a rule, and as it should be for millionaires and billionaires, do not work anywhere, which means they do not sell their free time to employers, as an ordinary person does, and when you do not sell your time to the one you work for, you, as already mentioned, have time to think, although there are professions where you can think as much as you like, for example, sweeping the streets.

As already mentioned, the work contains the unspoken methods collected by the author as opposed to the unspoken methods of forming psychological comfort (in no case is it something radical, but simply the unspoken, so to speak, “underground” currents of human relationships that only good relatives can tell about if there are any, but what to do when they are not?). These methods and information are not entirely new, many know about them, and these are, as a rule, those who have everything in life well, and those who, as a rule, are not very good about them. The material also has a lot of other, “utility” information related to the subject under discussion and not only it.

Can a psychologist prepare someone whom they call fighters, or is a fighter a psychologist himself? What is and who are psychological special forces? Can one learn to survive in the psychological sense, as well as mental health, at least partially from the units of psychological operations of the armies of countries in which such units exist, since only there all actions are based on a more or less objective psychology? As some women say, the best weapon between your legs?

The inscription on the emblem , found in the Internet : Psychological operations because physcal wounds heal. (Sample translation: “Psychological operations because physical wounds heal.”) Perhaps it means that physical wounds heal, but psychological ones do not.

I did not read the book of the former head of the CIA Alan Dales, but they say that he allegedly wrote in it how people who were considered not quite normal (feeling uncomfortable in society) and living in the territory of a geopolitical opponent used for their own purposes.

Some of those who are called businessmen can play a scene during a telephone conversation to impress someone they call up with (for example, who they see as a potential lover, mistress, it doesn't matter what kind of sexual orientation they call), saying, for example, to someone in his office about loading or unloading wagons, but at the same time so that the person the businessman calls up to hear this conversation happening in the office about supposedly loading and unloading, the question of which was actually not at the time of the conversation resha tsya. The one with whom the businessman is talking will think that yes, this person is rich, if in his conversation with someone in the office we are talking about deliveries on the scale of wagons - that’s how the two people involved in the business really behaved, the meeting with whom as a result brought to meet with them only lunch or dinner in a regular cafe for the usual amount.

Is manipulation an attempt to force someone to act in anyone's interests? Does manipulation instill a sense of inferiority? Involuntarily politeness? Is it easier to manipulate with emotional people, are they more suggestible? Learn to identify threats to your interests? How to find out the mechanism of the relationship between people? Confidence and good mood are transferred from one person to another, some confidence and good mood are taken away from others, insulting and humiliating them? Is the interaction between people in some cases a battlefield in the psychological sense? Unhappy is he who cannot get what he wants, because he does not know how?

A person must bring up another person who has caused him psychological wounds, after which he will recover from psychological trauma, and this can be called compensation for psychological trauma or regenerative psychology, and these methods have long been known - write a statement to the offender to the police, and the system will take revenge? Some who do not have tools for implementing regenerative psychology treat psychological injuries with alcohol and drugs? A tool for regenerative psychology has long been created - is this the law and its principle of inevitability of punishment? What happens to the one who caused you trouble - they deprive him of freedom, and he feels uncomfortable, as he can’t satisfy his needs?

Old psychology is an old lamp-powered radio, a new one is a semiconductor radio, the digital era and the era of “digital” psychology are the end of the “analogue” psychology: the mysterious name for something is a decoy, a beautiful wrapper in the psychological sense - what’s more effective the name of something, the more appealing the bait and the more you want to swallow it? A lot of those who imagined that they are writing a new bible, can everything be checked only in the “does it work or not in practice” mode? Is innovation always a different perspective on things and the world? When moving through life, you need to follow some rules? About whom they say that he is not adapted for life, and who therefore needs either an independent husband or an independent wife: what is independence - when there are no weaknesses, and when help is not needed? The time has not yet come when robots will do everything for everyone, so it’s too early to relax, do you have to take part in creating such a time yourself? There is a physiological and psychological threshold of sensitivity and tolerance, the psychological threshold, like the physical one, is different for everyone - it’s like the body’s reaction to the amount of alcohol consumed, everyone has a different threshold: someone needs to drink 200 grams of vodka to be drunk, someone enough to achieve the same state of 50 grams of the same drink?

Everyone should have a “package” of duty motivational phrases to defend their interests?

There are phrases designed to encourage someone to reconsider their position (motivational phrases or, in the negative sense, “wiring” - if we are talking about fraud), such will still be in all chapters of this work. To someone who does not want to accept someone’s conditions, a friend said the following phrase: “He imposes his previously losing position.” Either this acquaintance said, when there are no on-duty arguments: "You are carrying some nonsense" or "He is sick." The task of psychological warfare in everyday life is to bring someone out of the category of normality? Fear and suggestibility limit the scope of actions?

As they taught at school, there is already a bit of politeness inevitably, in the political sense: this has happened since the advent of atomic weapons - countries that possess these weapons have not physically fought against each other for a long time since atomic weapons made this pointless. Could politeness come involuntarily in a socio-psychological sense - in everyday life, between ordinary people, maybe people will become polite to each other when they know that impolite and rudeness can only do harm? Do some affect the psychology of people and in what ways?

As they say, any policy is implicated in the economy, and any manager wants everything in his household to be good, for this you need to do something and you need someone who will fulfill the desires of the manager on the ground.

And again about the divisions of psychological operations, we will make sure that the information about them is interwoven for some time in the material with other information in order to deprive the material of monotony without building it on one analysis.

They say that all units of psychological operations (PsO) perform approximately the same tasks (as of 2018) in:

oral propaganda, including work with the local population; distribution of propaganda literature and other necessary information; creation of propaganda groups in localities consisting of local activists, their organization and coordination of actions, assistance to the work of “their” journalists, collection of information and identification the most acute problems of the population for using this in the future as an information occasion; monitoring the current moral and psychological state of the local population; providing a group necessary material and technical property; direct holding of rallies, protests and dissemination of propaganda materials. creation and circulation of printed materials; creation and broadcasting of television and radio broadcasts to a designated area; transmission of necessary messages through broadcasting media; use of the Internet in the “right” channel; creation and broadcasting commercials on television and radio channels in the interests of PsO; involving mobile operators to ensure transmission propaganda textual, photographic, sound and audio-visual messages using mobile phones;

From this conclusion, which will be discussed further: it is possible that various services and mass media of various countries of geopolitical opponents partially participate in the formation of personalities of people.

But not only humans can control humans, but microorganisms as well: what is toxoplasmosis and is it true that toxoplasma controls the behavior of living organisms, including humans? Who is interested in information about toxoplasma and toxoplasmosis, we are looking for information on the Internet.

The main thing to know for what to live? Existence must be in tune with destination? Now the purpose is determined very simply - with the help of psychological tests? Those who know what they live for do not always know how and where to achieve what they live for? What is the best way to achieve the goal? When there is a goal, and you want to achieve it, you need to go to it, no matter what, and you should be stopped only by the question of your life and death, although some (famous scientists who tested everything on themselves), as history shows, and this didn’t stop - after all, will we all die sooner or later? When I did what was required for this material, some stopped saying hello to me and laughed at me: don’t be afraid to “break off” if you are engaged in any business, perceive everything as production costs, since people will react just like that , because they were programmed by higher forces? To feel comfortable, you need to live one day, like in a war, while not forgetting that there is a future? The task of modern psychology should be that each person possesses objective knowledge in this area, so that the theory does not differ from reality? Providing anything without evidence can be attributed to rumors and gossip? Not everyone is comfortable with people who go with “measuring devices” in their heads, measuring everyone how far he has moved away from their unwritten personal or public moral principles, collecting gossip, analyzing and criticizing the actions of everyone, and vice versa - comfortable with someone who is not does? Some, when they insulted someone, will bear it like a crown, saying to themselves “I did it”, and get pleasure from it - what is the pleasure received from that behavior, which is called inadequate? The law - this is the thing that allows you to take revenge on the one who caused you trouble, is this regenerative psychology or regenerative psychiatry? The 2000s is a fashion for a healthy lifestyle - a physically healthy lifestyle - but what about a fashion for a psychologically healthy lifestyle, what needs to be done for mental health? Mental health is possible without pharmaceuticals; how is sport possible without anabolic steroids? We do not generalize anything in particular to the situation: you don’t need to see either pluses or minuses in everything, in each case there are pluses and minuses - we think in this category, since this is not self-hypnosis, and does it contribute to the correct analysis of the situation? Where it has departed, has it arrived? First we find out what mental health is and who or what takes it away, then we take measures for prevention and recovery? If you compare your favorite business or something that someone lives with a chair, is it worth knocking him out from under him sitting on it, and he immediately has depression and loss of meaning in life? Where are they, radically new ideas at the level of the achievements of modern science to curb what is called aggression? Lawyers say that you can’t release it - prison, psychologists say that you can’t release aggression, since its containment and accumulation in the end can lead to inappropriate behavior, or there are legal ways to release aggression - for example, by writing what is called a secret denunciation or official statement on the offender? All that some psychologists say is dogma or just working hypotheses - do you yourself need to personally be in the "shoes" of everyone to give the right advice? There are many causes of aggression: one of them, when some needs that are different for everyone are not satisfied - in some it is basic, in others it is superbase? The more needs a person has, the greater is his chance to become aggressive when they are not satisfied? When does what is called kindness and good mood end in everyone? What will happen if you create a state and educate people in it with a large number of requests and needs that first satisfy, and then stop satisfying these needs and requests? Those called neurotics are people with unmet needs? The one who is called neurotics, alcoholics and drug addicts are ideologically crushed people? A revolution in the brain, or instead drugs and alcohol - how to change the wrong thinking that leads to the use of alcohol and drugs? One is told about the elephant - he thinks “Elephant and money”, the other is said about the elephant - he thinks “Elephant and love”, the one who is called a neurasthenic is told about the elephant — does he think that the elephant will think about it or say it? Some say that xenophobia - the difference between their own and others - is built into most biological creatures, do we read the work "Aggression" by the zoopsychologist Konrad Lorenz? The film "Brain Games", which was shown in May 2018 on the Psychology 21 TV channel, speaks of a certain warrior gene, if not mistaken with the name, NAOA, that supposedly those who are called psychopaths have it, and those whom they call normal, if the meaning of the film was correctly understood, it should not be - but what about the fact that not one of the thousands who had to communicate in the army, in prison and outside these organizations, in which a large number of people are concentrated who grew up without a father was not aggressive, and aggression was manifested only about Are those who grew up in a complete family, with father and mother, parents and the environment educate and educate, or do genes still indicate a line of behavior, or a combination of genes and environment? Again, based on information from the movie “Brain Games”, are there more people who are called psychopaths in business organizations in one country than among the population of the whole country? There is no resentment, just as there is no scamming - these terms are just a product of competition among people for a comfortable existence: you don’t like that someone wrote a complaint against you, so he is a scumbag or is he a resentment? If the law does not allow “breaking off” the offender physically, find loopholes to “break off” the source of irritation psychologically? In order to provoke the necessary reaction of someone to something, you just need to name the same thing in different ways, for example, not litters, but sparring partners? Having chosen the way of writing what is called complaints, the main thing in life, you may encounter the fact that when you retire, you won’t even have a money “hitch”, because you devoted all your time to writing letters, but not to saving money? Those who are called non-self-sufficient and spoiled people always blame someone for their problems - is resentment inherent in them? What is it, the prevention of what is called crimes on an emotional basis - is it for you in the face, and are you for it in freedom or in its money? How to behave in a decent society, and does it even exist? Is flashing new programs in your head required if you feel psychological discomfort? The former, who is called an alcoholic, will not go past the current one when he asks for money for alcohol, and gives him them - do people help their people, those whom they identify with themselves? A programmer is, more simply, a translator who knows programming languages ​​and translates information into a language understandable by a machine, a person can also be programmed, moreover, it consists of various programs, an example of programming a person with phrases can be as follows: “Not“ cool ”for someone who is not afraid of death, everyone is cool, since everyone will someday die? ” Each gopher is an agronomist - how many people, so many opinions, or are there those who express opinions and those who listen to them and follow them? Whoever screams and gets nervous, and also drinks alcohol, is called non-self-reliant? They say that healthy lifestyle - sex, sleep, sports?

Lyrics. The report of the man who came from the war: "Please send me to serve in the war zone, because I can not stand the horrors of peaceful life."

Resentiment (fr. Ressentiment / rəsɑ̃timɑ̃ / “resentment, grudge, bitterness”) - a feeling of hostility to what the subject considers to be the cause of his failures (“enemy”), impotent envy, “painful awareness of the futility of trying to improve one's status in life or in society ". The feeling of weakness or inferiority, as well as envy towards the "enemy" leads to the formation of a value system that denies the value system of the "enemy". The subject creates an image of the “enemy” in order to get rid of guilt for his own failures.

The concept of resentment was first introduced by the German philosopher F. Nietzsche in his work “On the Genealogy of Morality”. According to this philosopher, resentment is a defining characteristic of the morality of slaves, which opposes the morality of the masters. Resentiment, according to Nietzsche, actively manifests itself in the “revolt of slaves”: “The revolt of slaves in morality begins with the fact that the ressentiment itself becomes creative and generates values ​​...” - these words, in fact, introduce the concept of resentment.

Resentment is a more complex concept than envy or dislike. The phenomenon of resentment is the sublimation of inferiority into a special moral system.

Source: Resentiment

Regeneration (restoration) - the ability of living organisms to restore damaged tissue, and sometimes even entire lost organs, over time.

Lyrics: “Such people give meaning to life,” one former military man said ironically about those officials to whom he wrote complaints. Those to whom he wrote were morally and legally unclean bosses; by imparting meaning to life, he meant his complaints and their outcome. “What is this?” They asked him, pointing to written envelopes with information about illegal activities. “These are the instruments of education that violate the laws of the big-bellied and pot-bellied - I am the second teacher of Makarenko, Makarenko 2”.

Lyrics: some go to trainings to become a leader and to develop leadership qualities - dismiss your boss from work with complaints revealing his possible immoral and illegal weaknesses, and then your wings will “grow”, you will “fly” crowded with endorphins, you will have something like a "star" disease - and so you will become a leader?

Once again that in each situation there are both “cons” and “pros”. Call any situation that has a minus sign, and there will be pluses, for example, you were fired from work - this is from the category of what can be classified as minus, but there is a plus in this, because the loss of the old is an acquisition new: where it departed, it arrived. In this regard, ideally, no one should accumulate negative emotions on anyone (referring to those who caused troubles in life (minuses)), since offenders can also bring “pluses” (there are no situations with radical cons when they beat someone half to death). But human nature dictates its own - negative emotions in relation to the offender accumulate in many people.

An example of analysis for the pros and cons of serfdom and its absence: according to historical data, after the abolition of serfdom among former serfs, general alcoholism began after they gained freedom. Pluses - while the serfs were serfs, their owners controlled their behavior , therefore, alcohol was not so accessible, and health due to alcohol did not deteriorate, the liver was not threatened with cirrhosis. Cons - harm to physical health due to the use of alcohol because of the freedom gained.

So at work, as long as there is work, there are bosses who do not give large quantities of alcohol to anyone who is interested in drinking, as soon as there is no work and bosses, what begins is called alcohol abuse, which is clearly not a healthy lifestyle . When there is so much work that you don’t like that there is no time to fulfill your needs, then it’s better to find a job in which the realization of your needs will become your work.

An example of an analysis of the pros and cons in legal and commercial senses in the presence of the criminal article “Speculation” (that is, reselling something) in the criminal code of the USSR, and after the collapse of the USSR in the absence of this article: pluses - while commerce was considered speculation, and for this it was possible to go to jail, those involved in illegal trade were very few, respectively, the profits from this type of activity were huge due to the lack of a large number of competitors. Cons - as soon as the article “Speculation” was canceled, and a lot of people started to trade, every entrepreneur’s profits from trading fell, and some were forced to quit commerce altogether.

Therefore, we recall once again that in each situation there are pros and cons.

Attention, this is an affirmative sentence: you do not need to commit crimes on an emotional basis, only within the framework of the law you need to "get out" to solve emotional conflicts.

According to the author’s personal statistics, it is precisely people from the so-called dysfunctional and single-parent families who commit crimes on an emotional basis — perhaps they simply don’t know and cannot correctly respond to the situation.

Psychologists have projects for the psychological recovery of the population, there is even one that says that emotions should not be restrained, but everyone is inclined to interpret this in their own way, judging by the news according to which crimes are committed around the world on an emotional basis - starting from bodily harm damage, ending with murders, but emotions can not be restrained in other ways, while not committing crimes and at the same time maintaining and restoring their psychological balance, because the main thing is to force the body continue to produce endorphins, when there was an obstacle to this, if not, then some pleasure hormones will be produced artificially by vodka or drugs? Living in harmony with nature in a psychological sense is to do what you want, because it was nature that created your basic needs in you? Some do not grow claws and teeth in a psychological sense, so is it difficult for them against the background of those who have them? Higher forces probably want competition among people, and people themselves call the presence of competition the engine of progress, which is why the human body produces endorphins if someone defeats someone or someone over something, like someone defeated someone or something, internal opiates are immediately developed, for example, you went through an interview for a job you really wanted, or you won a fight with someone, or you discovered some kind of scientific formula - and you just “Fly” after this, but not go, this happens in animals, for example measures, after a fight for the territory, the higher forces award the winner with a portion of the internal hormones of pleasure, how does the trainer treat his pet with delicious food, do the higher forces show us the path and the correctness of action with endorphins? How to restore psychological imbalance caused by insult without breaking the law? Anyone can become the director of their internal high-plant? Someone else’s inconvenient behavior is called syndromes and diagnoses for someone else - if someone began to actively try to attract attention, then they immediately call it Munchausen’s syndrome or there are no syndromes, and they were invented to “break off” those who wants to intentionally or inadvertently “take someone’s bread”, depriving him of his work by his behavior? Not litigation and a trial between someone, but a struggle of ambition? I heard on the bus how two women spoke among themselves, one told the other that her daughter had a bad husband, that he only drinks whiskey, even when there is no money for whiskey, he doesn’t drink cheap alcohol, he borrowed money from people for expensive alcohol, to which she answered that it’s infantile that it was necessary to marry her daughter to a military man, since there is psychological testing when hiring, and civilians with a majority of mental defects, supposedly the state takes the best to their service - is it true or is it about a variety of personalities, one of oryh suitable for a single case, for each other? The one who hit you is not cool, he just has not “broken off” in his life yet - some do not understand their weakness, and some do not understand their strength? Those who have no obsession with anything or at least a passion for something are worried about something: take an example from scientists, are they obsessed with science, and are they not interested in the rest? Express dissatisfaction in a civilized way? Angry but not sinning? How to get a diverse life experience, you need to meddle in all places and situations, even in those in which everything is alien to you?

Angry, do not sin: let the sun not set in your anger.

(Eph. 4:26)

Affirmative sentence: if you are ambitious, you don’t have to commit a crime against the background of any super-valuable idea, at all times super-valuable ideas are different: write books, for example, about your thoughts related to your life experience of your time, pass on information about how to solve problems to others, so that others do not spend time searching for this information - this will satisfy your ambition and will serve the good of civilization and progress, because people will have more time to devote to their work, and the work will be better, as a person will t be in the comfort zone, which will bring the fastest progress. Everyone is fenced off from unnecessary information that forms an overly emotional and impressionable personality, but what to do when such a personality is already formed? Some “tear” the “roof” from some situations, others do not, it all depends on how you perceive something - astronauts feel comfortable in space, although for many, what they do is unattainable from the point of view psychological capabilities?

“I know what a human heart is, it always beats faster in honor of the winner,” - Professor Ramonte (Rolf Hope), TV series “Octopus” (La piovra, Italy, 1984-2001, directors Damiano Damiani, Florestano Vancini, Luigi Parelli, Giacomo Battiato).

In Russian, there is the word “zapadlo” - this is a synonym for the word “problem” or a synonym for the word “disgust” in the normative vocabulary: some computer programs, when you do not pay money for them, make “zapadlo” - a problem in the form of limiting the possibilities of working with them and pop-ups with an offer to register and pay.

It seems that classical psychology is becoming bolder and even beginning to give such advice that earlier could be attributed to unspoken (to those that only parents could give in the kitchen) or anti-pedagogical - I mean such advice as not to restrain one’s emotions who has them.

You watch the news from some places, in this news they say that someone killed someone with an ax in the apartment, that someone killed someone from the city administration and shot himself or the client was offended by the remark of the administrator in the cafe about the ban on smoking in the hall, left and returned with a weapon from which he killed the administrator - the question is, why? He could give him problems by simple complaints, for example, to the sanitary-hygienic service, pointing out the shortcomings associated with non-compliance with sanitary-hygienic standards, and next time he could amuse the "burrows" by allowing him to smoke, since the complaint could lead to inconvenient checks (even if there were no violations), as well as the possible material costs of the cafe owner. What to do to those who at the forensic psychiatric examination have been called a person with an unstable psyche and impaired pride? 100% of those who resort to physical influence on the offender, either from an incomplete, or from a rich, or from the so-called dysfunctional family, but they all have one thing in common - they do not know how to take revenge on the offender under the law and thereby preserve their mental equilibrium? It doesn’t matter if you were spoiled if you grew up in an incomplete family, your grandparents or other relatives or didn’t indulge, there may be one conclusion: you probably don’t have any information on how to react in case of emergency, and therefore you may not be the so-called social competence? Is law revenge (writing a statement or complaint) the best psychiatric session without negative consequences for your future? Those who are from an incomplete family or, as they say, from a dysfunctional family, must be at least at the same level with those from a complete and so-called decent family in order to compete with them, but sometimes it turns out the other way around? Each social group has its own threshold of tolerance, for example, the scandalous neighbors will endure for a long time the workers who live with them in the same staircase, and not for long any leaders? Not all girls and guys need only money - is this again a specific social group?

In almost any public catering institution, there are a lot of violations in each area, both in the sanitary sector and in the legal one, this is like a person - not everyone complies with the law and generally accepted norms of behavior, moreover - the situation could not even reach the point of writing of any complaints, the one who was banned from smoking could verbally warn the cafe administrator in an inquiry form that he would write a complaint, asking in response to the smoking ban, whether everything is normal with observance of sanitary and hygienic standards, whether fire safety rules and so on. Here, the cafe administrator would have already started to think differently in the “they choose the lesser of two evils” mode, the visitor could influence, in scientific terms, the neurochemical processes in the brain of the person making a remark, but he chose to shoot him and went to jail for a long time . There are laws and legal ways to defend their interests, but not everyone knows how to use it, act as if they do not exist, and it is impossible to do otherwise. And most importantly: some say that they applied for help to law enforcement agencies, but no one helped them. This happens, and this is due to the fact that there is no evidence base, which is especially difficult to collect in such a crime as fraud. Therefore, in addition to the statement, it is necessary, if possible, to bring proof of someone’s guilt so that the word does not turn out against the word, this means the word of the person who made the statement, against the word of the one on which it is written, and he, naturally, if not a fool, he will deny everything. Evidence can be: audio recording, video recording, witnesses, etc. Lent money to someone, he doesn’t give it back, ask him when he will give it back, and make an audio recording of what he will answer if he answers what he wants to give, but not yet maybe then there will be no fraud composition, you can even not make an audio recording.

All of the above happened due to the lack of information on how to react correctly in a given situation, due to the fact that none of the family members or anyone else taught the shooter how to, without breaking the law, restore the psychological imbalance caused by hurt pride - the question is, where are the coaches who conduct trainings on this topic, where are the psychologists who teach this?

And there are a lot of such cases in the media: killed a neighbor during a quarrel or a pensioner set fire to the city administration building, and there are situations when what is called “splashing out” of internal aggression on oneself — suicide after not finding a common language with someone.

Nobody thinks that it is possible to write a complaint, or does not understand how painful it can be for the same official, if we are talking about problems that have arisen in relations with public servants (the main thing that will be written in it), which can be deprived of a bonus, work or even sent to prison if he violated the law by his actions or inaction. Sample words of the correspondent Paul Dick (Aleksey Petrenko) from the movie “TASS is authorized to declare” (USSR, 1984, director Vladimir Fokin): “... the one who is doused with shit is to blame, and then let him launder himself ...”.

Some of those who tried to solve problems by the so-called civicized way, through a written complaint against someone who occupies any position, argues as follows: he wrote, but he worked and works, but he works works, and his career growth can stop, and he will sit in his post until retirement, something like a well-known saying will happen - an eternal lieutenant, so that, as they say, we dig deeper in our reasoning.

We can say that what then are the psychological interests of civil servants, because they get hurt after writing a complaint by a citizen about his actions or inaction - this is the cost of production for a civil servant, and he must eliminate the shortcomings, as well, as a rule, civil servants go through a psychological testing for aptitude, that is, a civil servant a priori should be a person with what are called strong nerves, that is, he came home from work and forgot about everything - not a stuck person.

The core on which the unspoken psychology is based is education, as in classical psychology, although some of those who got acquainted with this material said that the main thing in this material is to give “change” - as in a physical fight, only in psychological I mean, without going beyond the legal framework, to respond to the verbal “slap in the face” with the verbal “slap in the face”, within the legal framework or in other legal ways, if someone did not answer the offender in a way that does not go beyond the law (he left the battlefield), then he, average person but sometimes a neurasthenic, his self-esteem has already decreased, and, accordingly, for the one who insulted, it has increased (this is an example of when one enjoys in a way that is considered inadequate, i.e., pleasure is obtained from behavior that is considered inadequate - in this case insults).

The second option is how to “give back”, without responding to the verbal “slap in the face” with the verbal “slap in the face” - the person was insulted, calling him insulting, with a word and he must legally explain that the one who insulted is himself what he called the other, for example, they insulted someone, he gathered evidence that he was insulted, filed an application with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, they gave the offender a fine and explained in such a way that he was not special and no better and no worse than those around him, that he, as they say , the same member of society, like everyone else, and no more and no less, with the same pr Avami and, most importantly, responsibilities, because if everyone has only rights, then the development of civilization will stop and even go backward, and almost all people are already spoiled by civilization.

“... when the intellectuals fight, the secret police get stronger ...”, - quote from one of the heroes of the film “Major Whirlwind”, director Evgeny Tashkov, USSR, 1967. How correctly this phrase was understood, but it probably means what they call scamming.

Some at their work sell for money their “swallowing” foreign aggression against themselves? On October 12, 2018, the Psychology 21 TV channel, at about 6 p.m., according to the program for this day, immediately after the end of the 9th series of the film “At the Origins” showed a screensaver with an aphorism: “The one who wins the war will never stop fighting”, i.e., he enters into a rage. Further, in a several-minute insert, the psychologist advises the following: aggression needs to respond to aggression, supposedly not an aggression response to aggression, "swallowing" of someone else's aggression, subsequently leads to the formation of the psychology of the loser. In this case, aggression is understood, for example, vulgar behavior, expressed in the demonstration of disrespect for the interlocutor in keeping his hands in his pocket, etc. Question: how, without breaking the law, no one speaks with aggression to aggression? By the way, in the 9th episode of the film “At the Origins” psychologist Charles Cake gave an interview and talked about his book “The End of Materialism”. As far as we know, this book criticizes the theory that everything came simply from something and it is not clear for what. One can only add, or rather, another theory that the meaning in life is not in a particular, but in a deep, general understanding, some do not see because we are in the likeness of a computer game, where we are controlled with the help of pleasant and unpleasant sensations, but in private, as already mentioned, everyone has their own meaning of life — someone in inventing computer programs, someone in need of attention to it by all or people of a certain gender?

Any irritation and rage, and anger, and screaming, and slander

with all malice may they be removed from you.

(Eph. 4:31)

Will be deleted, but how?

"To suffer without meanness is not possible" - the words attributed to Tiutchev FI

“ You will never go all the way to the end if you stop to throw a stone at every yapping“ dog, ”the words attributed to Winston Churchill are again cognitive dissonance, and again only those who are predisposed to this must answer , and if you answer everyone, you will not complete your mission in full or in full?

Affirmative sentence: people are spoiled by civilization, and therefore, in order to stay in it, they are forced to sacrifice something unambiguously, for example, to restrain what is called the animal principle, this is a need for pleasure from what is called emotional behavior (aggression and sexual attraction) , people are also forced to restrain themselves from taking drugs that give pleasure (alcohol, drugs): everyone understands that people who are drunk from alcohol and drugs are the end of civilization, in the end even that t razrueniyu civilization - alcohol and drugs - poyavolis thanks to progress.

Some governments compete with each other, in their country they disseminate information that contributes to the creation of civilization and stability, in countries with which they compete for power, they disseminate information that contributes to the inhibition of civilization? The governments of some countries are sensitive to the fact that people watch and hear (this will be discussed below), protect them from harmful, in their opinion, information, in this case related to the suffering of other people, as a result, many who experience , what is called suffering, believes that his pain is unique, not knowing that there are people who are in a more difficult situation? Again, the governments of some states (as well as the parents of some children), being interested in the maximum life expectancy of citizens, urge them to be careful, but caution may be unnecessary, which leads to what is called phobias and neurasthenia? Is a psychiatrist the one who needs to delete unnecessary information and insert new information? Can restraining emotions, including sexual ones, lead to behavior considered inadequate? Some governments protect against information related to what is called pornography so that those who can watch and read it do not become those who think only about sex, as this, in one of many other options, could lead to the collapse of civilization, after all, some will not be able to build it in full, since their thoughts will be occupied by others? Some who have looked at what is called pornography may have a misconception about gender relations, some think why it’s not so easy to get into a sexual relationship in life, as shown in explicit films, many don’t know that this is because high sexual temperament, shown in materials called pornographic, is achieved through the adoption of porn stars inside sexual pathogens - drugs that increase sexual desire? What to do for those who have undergone sexual propaganda, who have not been able to isolate from this, and what to do for those who have a physiologically high sexual temperament according to gender or for other reasons (it is generally accepted that men have a sexual desire higher than women), how do they feel in a comfort zone in order to work qualitatively for the good of the state and civilization? Is the reason that some married men after 30 years old called alcoholism because girls are not so fond of speaking in simple terms, and this is the main reason for what is called a midlife crisis? Some, in relation to whom there was no what is called quality education, are forced to educate themselves in order to live a quality life, while those who, so to speak, have been raised qualitatively, comfortably earn money and do other actions they need? Values ​​are changing adaptively: the situation is changing - are values ​​changing? The condition when you are making trouble for everyone is called “compensation”, which supposedly humiliated such people in childhood, but there is another “compensation”, not only from children’s, but from adulthood - for example, when one uncle or aunt writes on their own offenders secret and overt statements and complaints? Psychologists are looking for some workarounds to achieve psychological comfort, but the path to psychological comfort has long been known - act as the soul lies and find out how to come to what the soul wants? You don’t have to think of anything how to “give back” to the offender without violating the law, does this indicate the line of behavior of the characters of various feature films? Some people from single-parent families or from those families that are called dysfunctional do not know how to avenge the law, and therefore they end up in jail? To avenge the law by writing a statement to the offender, is this a psychiatric rehabilitation session? With the right line of behavior and in the presence of the necessary information, the body will develop those chemicals that it produces after the pill, which is prescribed by a psychiatrist? Whoever watched the Soviet film “Prisoner of If Castle” by Alexander Dumas “The Count of Monte Cristo” remembers that Fernant didn’t kill anyone, didn’t go to the psychiatrist for help when Edmond Dantes, and not he, became the woman’s beloved man named Mercedes, and the psychiatrist did not prescribe any psychotropic drugs to restore mental balance, he “cured” himself by writing a denunciation to Dantes and removing him from his living space by sending him to prison: life is a struggle, and you can fight, but only by the law? To remain in the zone of mental comfort and psychological stability, some need to violate what someone has come up with and called moral laws? Elements of the psyche inherent in animals (fear, aggression) are absent or present, but to a small extent among those who are called scientists, which is why they became scientists, since nothing distracts them from this? There are worse denunciations of a bullet (words of intelligence chief Johann Staube (Leonid Bronevoy) from the film “End of Operation Resident” (1986, USSR)) - Larie Phillips and Emil Matasarenu (bank robbers), as well as the like because of their absence the necessary information did a great nonsense by picking up a weapon? The main thing with your actions is not to make yourself worse than it is at the moment by answering the offender in an illegal way? It is true that it is useful to society - does each depend on each other? If emotions are something higher than you and it’s difficult for you to control them, then you need to show them without breaking the law? With a person’s psyche, everything will be fine only when he gives “bruises” to his offenders in the psychological and legal sense, such is the human nature of some people, and when you go against nature, at least psychological discomfort is born, but at the maximum mental illness? Is the guilt of an aggressive information environment and the aggressive behavior of anyone? “Peace atom” and “Non-aggression pact” or something else in relations with each other? Is checking the lifestyle of the person with whom you connect the minutes, hours, days, months of your life the main thing? See who you contact - when you get in touch with someone, you need to predict the consequences, based on the person with whom you are in contact, will there be consequences in any case? One was said this way: "From his youth he was preparing for the army." Not only can another person bring up a person, but he himself? The average person is not stable, he changes not only over the years of his life, as Felix Dzerzhinsky noted, but can change every day and hour - today he loves you, hates you tomorrow, and he also wears and changes “masks” involuntarily, and therefore Do you need to calculate each of your actions related to communicating with someone? Get ready for the fact that you will change every year, month, day and hour - is this called a "life experience"? Do priorities change with age? A person is changing, quarreling, or just breaking up with someone called a friend - is this normal, has he changed (or are you), has your relationship resource just worked out? Parents should remain in the "game" - do not let bring up a child on the street, do you bring him up? Do not scold the child strongly, do not synchronize his age with his age, because he is younger than you, remember how you were at his age? As some say, an astronaut is three personalities: before flight, during flight and after flight? Non-autonomy in life (lack of psychological independence from other people) can be dangerous in some cases? What did Darwin’s brother want to say with his “Eugenics” - many write only to satisfy their ego with at least something, having shown themselves, or does everyone have a rational kernel? You can become infected with love for the struggle, and this will affect your several generations, since you will not have time to earn the right amount of money for your family? Is strength of mind when there is no cognitive dissonance between the considered animal component (for example, fear) of a person and the considered human component of a person (for example, prudence)? Somewhere those who are called minorities won - is there a fierce competition for lifestyle and for any behavior, including sexual? Who sets the standards, and someone is really abnormal or just trying to impress someone that he is an abnormal psychological warfare everywhere, even in everyday life? The main thing is not to do everything from the molehills - as they say, without panic? John Hobs claimed that everyone is against everyone, but everyone is not only fighting, but also in partnership?

Nature is bloodied teeth and claws.

Words attributed to Charles Darwin.

The words attributed to Tsialkovsky, which he said, referring to why other sentient beings do not visit us: "We will not go to visit poisonous snakes, wolves and gorillas."

They dismissed and immediately forgot about the place from which they were dismissed - the position of the security officer of the security forces (accordingly, the position of the person before being hired, who passed psychological testing for the presence or absence of excessive emotionality).

There is a work whose creation was commissioned by several researchers of the phenomenon of persecution - this is the book “Psychology of persecution” (Akademik Press Publishing House), which seems to have been attended by 23 researchers, including Dr. Christina Kinvin, Doris Hall. It reveals the reasons for the persecution of someone by someone, psychological portraits of the persecutors, etc. The book states that the persecution may be based on parting with a loved one, beloved, loss of work, etc. Ex-husbands can be targeted, wives, bosses. The initiators of the persecution, i.e., the subjects of the persecution, can be people suffering from schizophrenia, narcissism, alcoholics, drug addicts. The goals of the persecution can be different - for example, if the object is a former boss, then the goal, as a rule, is to do everything so that he loses his social status, that is, so that he is no longer the boss. The methods of persecution are phone calls, etc. It is not known whether the book “Psychology of Persecution” indicates what those who are persecuted, that is, objects of persecution (former chiefs of persecutors, etc.), are they are with mental health, because the bosses are those who have a need to humiliate people? We can conclude that those who are being persecuted "run into" the same people as themselves - with the need to humiliate? If everything is summarized, is it not all simple - what is called persecution comes from what is called envy and anger: does a person just want to “spoil” someone whom he considers an offender? What is criminal prosecution, why does it exist? According to history, do some rulers pursue their rivals?

Ideally, it is better not to get in touch with anyone so that there are no problems, but this is for those who do not need to communicate with someone, and what to do for those who have a need to communicate with someone, for example, with the opposite By sex, is information (which some people don’t have) important again to predict the various consequences of communication?

If communication takes place between a man and a woman, a man should know the average needs of an average woman, for example: a woman who has never been married will need a husband, most women (there are, of course, exceptions, but the majority, as in statistics) in this case they will not start relations with non-free, married men, some men know this and therefore do not always say that they are married. Women who are divorced, with children or married, but with a “bad” husband, usually need a sponsor (they have such a program in place - to ensure the future of posterity). If a free woman meets a man, she will be offended, if he abandons her, she will consider meetings as a relationship, so if a man is married and he needs to communicate with someone other than his wife, he needs to look for a married woman for meetings so that there are no problems and misunderstandings that may arise when dealing with a free unmarried woman. And so on. You can make predictions with information.

The fact was noticed that some people do not believe that the law works, and some do not know how to use it - some do not, so to speak, have instructions for using it. They don’t think about the fact that there is such a thing as a statement on someone’s illegal actions, that there is a prosecutor’s office and law enforcement agencies, and therefore they react incorrectly to various emergency situations in their lives.

Let’s say directly that even the law is based on the principle of punishing (giving “surrender”) to the offender, that is, the offender brought you mental or physical suffering, and he must undergo mental suffering because he is deprived of his liberty while in prison. For those who have offended, if I may say so, fair prisoners are guilty of a fair, not releasing the offender to freedom.

For example, “surrender” in the sense that someone reports information about a violation of the law in various areas that occurred by your leadership, which, perhaps from your point of view, has deprived you of your job by driving him out to the street or lowering his social status (writing a message can also be considered a “surrender” of a psychological nature), it’s a kind of pill for recovering from the stress that you got fired, as the hero of the Italian movie Octopus said in one of the episodes of season 7 yayas with your enemy, is a politician, by discrediting of the enemy, the head of a criminal organization Ramonte professor (played its Rolf Hopa): "Once again I feel the power of it comes back to me." This is how the psyche of some people reacts when a person does poorly in a psychological sense to someone who has done poorly in a psychological sense. This kind of psychological “surrender” in the form of revealing discrediting facts in the life of someone is shown in many films, in the same film “Prisoner of If Castle”, for example. Everything happens only with a pen, pencil and paper, no physical strength to anyone. Someone will say that this is a film, but all films are built on real events (according to information from documentaries - Soviet feature films about intelligence were necessarily watched by the enemy’s intelligence services, which means that the intelligence agencies took into account the fact that the films contain a significant percentage of reality), it’s the same in science fiction films, only they describe future events that, as history shows, will come true sooner or later, and the film “Inspector of the GAI” (USSR, 1982, director Eldor Urazbaev), which shows how GAI inspector and his relatives are under pressure for not following the road of unspoken relations between people in society (in the “Reshalov” mode), everywhere “resolved” put him in the way of his principled position in the performance of official duties, in motorcycling classes , where they also got him, they explain to him that he "crossed" the road to one person, the film is "abruptly" in the teachings of those who are called political strategists about some persecution of officials on the heels.

In the film “The Elusive Avengers” (USSR), one of the heroes says something like this: “... I have a debt, I need to return it ...”. And after that, he starts to whip the one who beat him - many films say that psychological equilibrium can be achieved only when you make disgust to the one who did it before you - this is the prescription for treating psychotrauma without pills, which will not be prescribed not a single doctor?

Whoever wants to read a sermon to people should not eat more sweetly than they.

The phrase attributed to A.S. Pushkin.

What is the salary of some media workers? The manipulator teaches that life which he himself does not live and does not want to live - does he have his own life, which depends on how the manipulator convinces others of something? A fraudster is one who is looking for people with weaknesses in order to satisfy their weaknesses, for example, he has deceived the one who is called a drunkard (who are usually from incomplete or so-called dysfunctional families), - he bought an apartment from him for cheap, resold and gave a gift to his mistress?

Who is Gene Sharp? How much money do those who own some media own? Combat social technologies, as some people like to call them a phrase that popularizes them, for whom are they created and who are reaping their positive and who are negative about their results? Mass psychology says that she has a simplified perception of something, namely they told everyone from the rostrum or in the media that he is bad, that means he is bad? There is a lot where the destruction of one by the other happens - someone eats someone in the natural sense, eats someone: does a sparrow eat a bug, a sparrow cat? If you do not lie, will civilization disappear? Live to old age - with age comes the system of mega-views on life?

Some of the advice of various ideologists on how to go through life for some people is absolutely unacceptable, especially for causing physical harm to themselves and possible death in connection with this. They completely contradict, to put it mildly, the rules in terms of healthy lifestyle (healthy lifestyle), so you can read for fun in order to know what you do not need to do in life. We remember that they themselves are not in a hurry to inflict physical harm on themselves and live to a very old age.

There are beliefs that harm their carriers and are usually aimed at young people, since they are easy to manipulate, because some young people want something global. Therefore, all the “downloads” can be clearly divided into harmful and useful for a psychologically and physiologically healthy lifestyle and understand where harmful and where useful come from. Harmful always come from a manipulator, looking, as already mentioned, for a better person , carefully study this issue and make sure that it is so, you can suffer from some tips. Some people in the service of the geopolitical opponents of your state create people with psychological discomfort to “undermine” the system and do what is called the monopolar world, and it’s not profitable for any person, because when there is one world state, they’ll end all rights and freedoms, why - will be indicated below in the material.

We move away from the global and return to everyday life. Here is an example of how the author’s acquaintance “recouped” within the framework of the law after a neighbor made a fake call to law enforcement agencies. He didn’t go and beat anyone, he simply started recalling the “sins” of the neighbor and also voicing them to law enforcement officers, and the “sins” of the neighbor were as follows: he walked the dog in the wrong place, was engaged in illegal entrepreneurial activity (he was selling cars) and did not pay tax on this, arbitrarily built a warehouse under the staircase of the apartment building - this was already reported not in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but in the BTI and in the Ministry of Emergencies, since the construction was illegal, it had to be removed.

Lyrics: they say that in the old days it was possible to go to the camp for denunciation - in those days it was not the evidence base that proved the guilt of anyone, but the “naked” fact of the accusation of the accused, and therefore they could go to jail for a long time after denouncing the neighbor.

By the way, the blood feud was present in the cultures of some peoples - from a scientific point of view, revenge is a justifiable action: one species harms another, and then those whom it harmed harm, since it endangered the physical survival of the one it harmed.

Also, a person seeks to isolate himself in the microworld from those who interfere with his life - destroying pathogenic microbes, without experiencing the slightest sentimentality to them. Why? Because they did not inspire pity for them, and if inspired, how paradoxical it sounds, would he really suffer when he would kill pathogens in himself?

“You may not be a poet, but you must be a citizen,” the work “Poet and Citizen,” N. A. Nekrasov.

Reporting a violation of the law is not a crime or an offense, moreover, it is the civil duty of every citizen, and in some cases the direct duty of everyone, without exception, when it comes to crimes belonging to the category of grave or especially grave, in this case, failure to report may occur criminal liability.

The motto on the website of psychological operations is “Capture their minds and their hearts and souls will follow.” (Sample translation: “Take hold of their mind, and their hearts and souls will follow.”)

Do you need to forget about physical strength in solving any issues? Is modern classical psychology a psychology forbidding people to protect themselves, or is it not so? Is real psychology not just when they say it, but “clash” - only in a psychological sense? Is a real psychologist one who has let everything through life through himself, or maybe a person who hasn’t let anything through himself, except for lectures and books about psychology? Everyone himself is involuntarily a participant in a social experiment and a psychology researcher? To survive, it is not enough for a person to just satisfy his needs for food and other instincts, like in an animal - should his interests, inherent only to man, which animals do not have, be satisfied? The animal unconsciously understands why it is here - it satisfies its instincts, well, but a person needs to do something and love it almost as much as life, otherwise a person does not understand why he is here? What is freedom - is it the possibility of realization of sexual and other instincts, the realization of emotions, or is freedom freedom from the presence of the same instincts and emotions, that is, their absence, is such a dissonance obtained? What freedom can there be if people have a dependence on their biological nature, that is, on instincts? The less instincts and emotions, or if they are, but not pronounced, is it easier to live? Some of this is 50% of the animal (meaning instincts) and 50% of the person (meaning intelligence)? Maybe it’s 60, 70, 80, 90, or even 100% human, and only 40, 30, 20, or 0% an animal, or vice versa, and what happens when something is more and something less? We determine by those places that a person visits, what is more in it - from an animal or from a person? The more you have from the animal, the more dangerous you are in modern society for yourself and others and the more difficult it is for you to integrate into society in a country that is considered civilized? Are all human actions predictable, since they stem from instincts and other well-known needs? If someone at the time of any domestic conflict was drunk, legally he will always be to blame - since a drunk animal is 100% (this is not an insult, but a comparison), and the less sober someone differs from an animal, the more he becomes when drunk? Why do people behave this way and not otherwise - the problem is in physiology? Two days off a week is given to a person to fulfill the needs programmed into him by higher forces, the rest 5 days a week he is engaged in fulfilling the needs of others through him? If a person is not allowed to realize his basic needs, will his psyche “overheat”? I don’t have to act logically, and where to find places where illogical acts will not negatively affect my life - is it possible only in rich countries with good social packages, in other cases illogical acts are a luxury that is fraught with bad consequences?

According to documentaries, such a Soviet surgeon as Nikolai Amosov owns the following phrases: "Man is an animal, since he has biological needs," "Man is an animal, only with intelligence."

“... You will make a lot of discoveries, not wanting it yourself ...”, - a phrase from the song by Ostap Bender (Andrei Mironov), the film “12 Chairs” of the 1978 version of the USSR (there is also the film “12 Chairs”, shot in 1971 in the USSR).

Empiricism is the experience gained in practice - eyes, ears, nose, mouth and skin, in a word, sensory organs? Everyone, in order to survive, uses his life experience, if you do not use it or if it is not there, you can weaken and die? In difficult times and in times of change, do some always have a greater need for coaches and psychics to create pink hurt? Is the industry making money on experience a profitable thing? Everywhere only “cargo”, “cargo”, “cargo”, “cargo” of those who live at the expense of “cargo”, and no material assistance? I won’t give money, but will I teach life?

“... and now you need to think with your own brains, and the people are not used to it, he immediately, like a cow on ice, out of the blue ... people will begin to move in bundles with their minds ...” - exemplary words about the prospects of creating private insane asylums during the changes of one of the heroes of the comedy film "A Nightmare in a Madhouse", USSR, 1990, directed by Nikolai Gusarov.

Accidentally overheard in a bus conversation of two women. First woman: “His wife works, he does not work, sits in the apartment, writes a book.” The second woman: "And what is the book about?" First woman: "About life, but I say, did he even see this life?" From this, the conclusion is - can everyone be called psychologists who teach how to live - have they ever seen this life? Of course, in order to tell someone, you need to go somewhere, and not only in some places, but also in various situations, or chat with someone who has visited somewhere.

"... futurologists," who don’t know real life, were clearly in a hurry. "

Excerpt from the article by Andrey Mukovozchik “Continuous Futorology” published in the newspaper “Sovetskaya Belorussia” (Belarus Today) No. 12 (25399) dated January 18, 2018.

Who is closer to real life - a psychologist, futurologist, or a person who does not have a diploma of the first and has nothing to do with the second, but who has been to various places and situations? Is a real psychologist and futorologist the one who is as close to life as possible, and not hidden from it? Why are there suicides? The psychologist must be a leader, otherwise how will he lead people if he, under certain circumstances, can be one of those who need to be led? The best psychologist is the one who is called a strong spirit person: do people “absorb” their qualities and line of behavior when communicating with him? Psychologists can be divided into theorists and practitioners: the theoretician is the one who deals with psychology in the office, the practitioner is the one who is in practice? Futurologist Alvin Toffler, who, according to his biography, went to work as an installer to learn about life from the inside out? Relations between people can be divided into sea waves: the first, second, third, fourth, etc.? One of the directions in the study of psychology is to try everything on yourself - who wants to try on “alien” shirts, having been in situations that ordinary people encounter? A strong one who does not have what are called weaknesses? A smart one who has weaknesses and can satisfy them? According to the phrase attributed to Guy Julius Caesar, is everything an experience teacher?

Psychologists, undoubtedly, without irony, smart people, transpersonal psychology, team building (team building), tests by Lusher, Eysenck, they have a lot of serious psychological discoveries and works, among which, as popular science films tell, for example, a woman is excited by tactile touches, and the man from what he saw (how this will help to survive, for example, a hungry and apartmentless guest worker at a construction site), it turns out that the psychology of some psychologists is for a certain social stratum, while those who work are guest workers om and sleeps in a transport car, sometimes feeding lice on himself, everything is fine, since a migrant worker a priori can’t have everything bad, he’s a guest worker, so he’s fine, maybe the migrant workers are all right in the psychological sense, maybe , they are all strong in spirit, because the profession itself requires the presence of fortitude.

Psychologists are literate, but, unfortunately or joyfully, not all of them know the life, the life of a migrant worker, a homeless person, an unemployed worker, perhaps to become a good practical psychologist, and not a theoretician, you first need to work on a construction site as a helper, in a factory as a machine operator - to find out what kind of “bread” is what people say, as many Nobel laureates in the field of medicine did: they tested everything on themselves, endangering their lives, infecting themselves with diseases and trying to cure themselves of them with their invention.

There are words that are attributed to Felix Dzerzhinsky: “Whoever didn’t sit in solitary confinement has nothing to talk about” (by the way, such famous people as pilot Valery Chkalov, film actor Georgy Zhzhenov, singer Alexander Novikov, hero were in prison or on guardhouse Kotovsky revolution, and they probably are real psychologists, only without diplomas). You can rephrase the words of Dzerzhinsky - "who did not work at the construction site, with that ..." or "who did not experience deprivation, with that ...", so no matter how loudly it is said, you can probably go from the Old Testament to the new, in this case, in the sense of psychology, or to supplement existing psychology with psychology that helps to survive such as the same homeless and hungry guest worker, differentiate psychology for different people, since everyone has different problems, they are not universal, because classical psychology is probably about it definitely doesn't say anything.

The inscription on the logo of the unit of psychological operations: “Persuade change influence” (approximate translation: “Influence changes belief”).

How to find a remedy for what is called stress, without side effects - incorrectly released what is called emotions, and has already broken the law? Higher powers gave instincts and other programs of behavior, but did not give methods for their implementation? Aggressive people are no less free than in prisons, they just, unlike those who are in prison for crimes committed on an emotional basis, know how safe it is to throw aggression, for example, in what is called complaints and denunciations (by anonymous letters) - this makes it possible to restore the psychological balance to those who have been offended, without resorting to physical impact on the offender. The states and the people living in them, "banned" some actions psychologically (moral) and, just in case, legally (laws) for those who are not affected by morality and beliefs? In one of the feature films about the war, a soldier took a cartridge in his hand and said something like this: “This (cartridge) is for those who are not affected by“ beliefs ”. Sometimes you have to use force to those who are not affected by beliefs? If you consider yourself serious, and if, for example, you listen to the radio and believe everything they say, are you not serious anymore? Each consciousness has its own torture - for some, torture is an ugly hairstyle, for others is torture being in prison? Make muck - get joy, or the antidote for stress has long been known, should the psychologist give the necessary information to restore psychological stability, as the doctor needs the right medicine? The behind-the-scenes psychology prevents mental problems (you got naughty, and you spoke out) and heals them, while the classical one is not quite capable of this and deals, as a rule, with the consequences of stress, and not with warning it (you got naughty, and you "Swallowed" without responding to rudeness)? Is behind-the-scenes psychology a kind of “wild West,” an area of ​​psychology that is not yet officially used? Is classical psychology transformed into coaching and motivational oratory or is it just inventing new phrases by ambitious people to emphasize individuality, and is there really no difference between classical psychology and everything else, or is there? An example of the actions of the unspoken psychology is given in the film "Prisoner of If Castle"? Judging by the actions of the heroes of the film “Prisoner of If Castle”, psycho-technologies for healing have long been known, why was it necessary to reinvent the wheel again in the form of psychology, and even which rides poorly? There is no stress at work, if there is stress, then this work is not for you? There is no stress, since stress is only someone's personal perception of a situation as stress? It is necessary to make sure that no one defeats you, you need to get a job where you feel like a fish in water: choose a place where we will be the first, not the second? Is life cruel to those called tender? If you don’t like people (it happens), you need to isolate yourself from them or find a job where you work alone? Live yourself and do not disturb others? If they will listen to the speaker, then only then will he be a speaker, without listeners there is no speaker, without listeners there is no psychologist and there are no other experts on life? The suite is made by the king - if everyone considers the king to be a king, then only then is he a king? Are angry, vengeful people usually sentimental? Voodoo doll and black magic - “yesterday’s snow” and self-hypnosis, denunciation (anonymous letter) with real facts pointed out in it by someone, is this the Voodoo doll and black magic? There should be books with unofficial (unofficial) information (or etiquette) with the information that is given to children in families considered normal according to generally accepted canons and not given in other families, such books can be given to those whose problems the state could not solve through psychologists etc., for example, to people suffering from various addictions, since people with addictions will sooner or later stumble on a wall of social misunderstanding, such a book is something like the “Field Charter” of an army unit, which briefly states what is needed for lat in order to fulfill the mission and survive? If books with information about the real structure of the social system and about other things that help people correctly understand what is happening and survive, these books do not always want to be sold in bookstores, they can be sold in specialized places, for example, in pharmacies for those who were not helped by the classical psychological help, or can the same psychologists and psychiatrists write to their clients who are confused in life's labyrinths so that they can find a way out of this labyrinth? Deprogramming from unsuccessful programming - is this when the new replaces the old? Is the information in this material the information that should at least be voiced? Offend the weak - well done against the sheep, and against the well done the sheep himself? When you are weak, everyone attacks you, when you are strong, you have no conflicts with anyone, and nobody touches you - is a lame duck always in greater danger than healthy? Are they afraid of making the bold their enemies, but they are not afraid of making the timid one their enemies? When someone was fired, is there no longer power over him who fired him, or is his influence limited at best, which gives certain opportunities for the dismissed person? After the fight, waving their fists? It is generally accepted that some people in creative professions have a psychopathic personality type - it is believed that some artists self-medicated, unconsciously used what is now called art therapy for treating or stopping their psychopathic conditions, whereas about denosotherapy (anonymous therapy) or intrigotherapy and recognition of these terms officially scientific and psychological, it's not a secret that many people use this to restore psychological balance? Rezanuli and does not overgrow - how to make a psychological wound overgrow? You need not look for ways to fulfill your needs, but learn to manage yourself - again, cognitive dissonance? What is the lordly attitude towards people? How to deal with what is called "socially unapproved norms of behavior"? Having two rather than one job gives an independent position: is it noticeable that those who constantly have two or more jobs do not “break down” and work out to retirement? If you work in the civil service, and at the same time you or your relatives have a business, then you have a quiet life and career? Ikar’s syndrome is when an overly self-confident boss, who has never seriously broken off before in life, with inclinations called sadistic, runs into a subordinate who looks like himself, dismisses him, and then he writes complaints about him and “drags him” in court, until the fired boss is fired? For any boss, a dismissed subordinate can cause trouble, since he now has no power over him, and the former subordinate has nothing to fear, since he will no longer be fired and since he has no job? Is any team an aggressive environment or at least fair competition with each other? Confidence is transferred from one to another, like a baton in a baton - defended your own, and you are full of confidence, lost, and you have a bad mood? Can you concede in anything if this contributes to further victory? Does everyone talk about everything that happened at their previous place of work when they “drop out” of the cage (when they no longer work there)? If you are not mistaken, it was in the comedy “Dog in the Hay” filmed in the USSR that one of the heroes of the film (a hired artist) said something like this: “The boss is the person who, when he’s the boss, needs to carry the pot and knock him over the head of this pot when he is no longer the boss "?

“Anyone who has shamed a great power will never be safe. As long as people are obsessed with revenge, they will set precedents that they are not good at joking with, ”the phrase from the movie Terminal F about Edward Snowden.

The inscription on the logo of the unit of psychological operations: "Win the mind win the day" (approximate translation: "Win the mind - win the day").

The public demands the resignation of the Telecoms management (the name of the organization was changed for legal reasons, the similarity in the name to any organization is an accident) after a wave of suicides that swept through the company.

The information obtained from Internet resources and other media outlets indicates that at least 20 employees of the company committed suicide in a year and a half and that the company’s leader was allegedly to blame - it is asked, someone wants to say that none of these employees went for help to psychologists or psychiatrists? Definitely had to go, given the Western European mentality announced in the media, where it is considered the norm to go to psychologists and psychiatrists for psychological help, well, did this help those who committed suicide? It can be seen that there is definitely no, well, if there really was a problem in the leadership, then the same Fernand, a character from the work of Alexander Dumas, showed how to solve this problem (we repeat - why it’s been known why to reinvent the wheel). There, as they say, it’s a matter of technology, there would be a person, but there would be a criminal code article, could psychologists and psychiatrists give such advice to those who turned to them for help from Telecoms? Of course, no, who can imagine a psychologist or psychiatrist who gives advice to his client to write a denunciation (anonym), for example, about the violation of the law by the boss, which is the reason for his psychological discomfort and even the reason, as in this case, of suicidal behavior, but write to the head there is that, "clean" people do not exist, and the one who doused with shit is to blame, and let him then launder. And the head of Telecoms, according to the media, “jumped” from the accusations against him, saying that he was just doing his job, demanded from his subordinates, and they just got so weak on their own.

Nobody wants to say that all the bosses from the category of those who are considered sadists are just as wrong to say that all teachers or pediatric doctors are pedophiles or all pathologists are necrophilia, just people with the above oddities, as they say, are looking for professions that bring them as close as possible them to the possibility of realizing these oddities.

The bosses are needed to organize the activities of people, there are simply those who enjoy insults and humiliations of someone, while the insults and humiliations are not related to work processes. There are those who are called sadists and who have found for their oddities a suitable profession called a “leader”, believing that it justifies their line of behavior.

So who is to blame for the above suicides - the boss or subordinates, who may be those who are called impressionable people, and who themselves are responsible for their deaths? On the topic of human suicide, the hero of the film “Fire Versts” (USSR, 1957, director Samson Samsonov), if not mistaken, was told when he saw the corpse: “Intelligence is a game of imagination”. And about the game of imagination, we can recall the children's writer Korney Chukovsky and his story “Cockroach”, where all the animals were afraid of the cockroach, and the sparrow ate it. Soviet cartoons raised in children the absence of cowardice and excessive impressionability, as well as Soviet cartoons brought up mutual assistance. In the cartoon, for example, like “Tom and Jerry”, the characters were endowed with qualities such as cunning and resourcefulness. As the saying goes, the king makes an entourage, if everyone recognizes one person as a king, then he exists, like a king, as soon as he is no longer considered him, he is no longer a king: someone just suggested to himself that his boss - a king to whom no responsibility extends, and he is as simple a citizen as the others, no more no less. If you are afraid of someone and recognize his power over himself, then he is the king, until a sparrow flew from the story of Korney Chukovsky.

The inscription on the logo of the unit of psychological operations: "Mutatio animi" (approximate translation: "Change of soul").

Fear and faith in miracles rule some, and some use it: why wait until scientists invent something to help people - I’ll go to the sorcerers and they promise to do everything quickly? Life is a struggle, and part of this struggle is cunning, is this part of the unspoken psychology? Who and for what is ready to give soul and body? Should a person be prepared for life? Do not swallow the bait prepared for you by manipulators that you or your intermediaries will have to meet in life? You need to be careful with some people who often participate in dialogs and whose work involves communicating with people - can they be the ones they call manipulators? They say that some of those who do not want to work physically find a way out, how do they do this — they begin to “load” people? Most go in “masks” and are afraid to take them off, since they consider it dangerous to remain themselves? Undercover psychology is prohibited or unaware of it, so psychologists and psychiatrists do not learn tricks or they do not know how to trick, then what can they teach? My life - my rules, as I want, and I live? If a person over 30 speaks of highly moral or highly idealistic things, is he either an idealist, or a cunning hypocrite, or crazy? Does a person who is not physically disabled or not in prison have the right to complain about life? Who has a monopoly on convincing someone of something or doesn’t have it? A lot of what wants to influence the human consciousness, and there is a struggle between them? A disabled person lived in my yard, and there were people who didn’t have physical disabilities who came to him and complained “out of friendship” about their life — did they really not understand the situation? He is disabled, and they are healthy, and they still complain about life to a disabled person: whoever complains about life to a person with physical disabilities, is that disabled person mental? What are motivators and demotivators?

As the doctor said in the movie “Fight Club” (Germany, USA, 2000, directed by David Fincher), the protagonist of this film: “Go to where hopelessly sick people are and you will see real suffering”. You can see the project "I am shy of my body" (Ukraine).

There is such a person as Nick Vuynich, he is, as it is now called, a motivational speaker, without a doubt he is the one who is called a strong-spirit person, according to the media, he has a rare genetic pathology (phocamelia) from birth, he does not have full hands and legs.

Tips are good, but isn’t eating tips or money a hungry person? Satisfied with the hungry is not a friend? I sang to you, you didn’t dance - the one who is called the manipulator is offended when people don’t listen to him and when people don’t follow him, like rats after a boy playing the pipe in a famous fairy tale? An ideal person is one who does what he needs to do - everyone should be in their place? Study the statistics regarding the right question before making a conclusion, or will you get an unclear result? Any sociological polls can be simple fraud, not true, carried out in someone’s interests, and polls can be conducted with simple “extras” hired for the money to say what the person who hired them needs to say? Remember that everyone lives in legal and psychological restrictions? Psychology is not universal, should psychology be adapted to the country, place of residence or to a social group and to each person? It makes no difference whether or not they perform actions against me that are considered to be manipulation, the main thing is that I feel psychologically comfortable, since on a conscious and unconscious level, everyone is manipulating someone? Which part of any society has more pronounced what is called social maladaptation? Who has to go more than one kilometer of copper pipes, fire and water? One who does not have parents who can qualitatively prepare for life will only succeed in life in the second half, when a person has his own life experience, is it important to remain normal until then? Everywhere hidden motivation and manipulation - you need not to understand the world literally and constantly analyze the incoming information? The puppeteer inside you in the form of endorphins, with the help of which higher powers control you? Do not always believe your eyes and ears, although what you hear is not an auditory hallucination? Hatish, eat, people, wider, what are the words “shibals”, these are the words that determine social status? “Give those with whom you can’t do anything, to us,” the state says many different organizations, “we will correct the situation.” There are many who want to set the right path, and soon there will be as many as those who want to set the true path? Does anyone have any problems just because of the lack of necessary information? Where and who replace myths with real information - in the family are parents, and if not there and not they, then in prison? The son of a general cannot become a marshal, since the marshal has his own children: who will help someone who has grown up or is growing up in an incomplete family - an organization to protect a person, or should he help himself, or should people like him help him? Whether you swim or not swim - when you are alone in the sea of ​​life, you need to be more resilient than those who are not alone, and know more than those who are not alone, but here’s the paradox how you will know more, because if you alone, you have no one to tell about all the underwater currents, so you are not a competitor to those who swim as a team? What is risk diversification - if one brother cannot get a job in life, his brother will help him, who will help someone who does not have a brother, sister, father or mother? There are those who lived in a complete family, but they are still “alone” - parents who lived for themselves, make their descendants uncompetitive with the descendants of others? Words inserted into phrases for manipulating people: “so-called”, “pseudo”, “supposedly”, “sort of like”?

We stopped by for an hour! Hello Bonjour, Hello !!! Well, soon love us, you are very lucky !!!

Come hang ears together! Better in a good way

Clap your hands!

An excerpt from a cartoon song

“Bremen Town Musicians” (USSR, 1969).

Sirens are ancient Greek mythical creatures, whose songs are beautiful, and they want to lead people astray swimming on ships, they want to lead Odysseus out of the way with their alluring singing, and to prevent this from happening, according to myth, Odysseus slaughtered his companions on a sea voyage ears waxed, and he tied himself to the mast of the ship.

Earlier, when there were no computers and the Internet, pocket thieves told a crowd of people that a train was flying in the sky, while the crowd was watching, they climbed her pockets.

“Have you ever heard a mason or a machine tool talk about high ideals, only big-bellied and muggy uncles speak about this, as our bosses do, since they can do nothing more than invent fairy tales for adults and voice those tales that need to be voiced at some point, they take them out and put them in, like a disc puts in a disc jockey, and make them work at a construction site, and all their idealism ends, read the fairy tale “How a man fed two generals”, like, so called , they think that they "load" people, and think that it’s their calling, but the common man doesn’t need it, he just needs to earn money for a living, youngsters are being carried on their “load”, - the words of Vasily’s assistant in a smoking room at a construction site.

Manipulate and manipulate, as a rule, there is no manipulation: one receives one, the other another, which means that one manipulates the other to the same extent as the other with it, just everyone gets what he wants - the seller receives money for the goods, working money for his product of labor - this can also be interpreted as manipulation.

Something already manipulates a person’s behavior, for example, instincts, such as sexual ones, but such manipulations, such as using alcohol and drugs, are not beneficial for a person in the sense that this does not improve the quality of life, but worsens - the body deteriorates, therefore, this is unacceptable, since the essence of the material is psychological comfort without harming the physical.

The material does not speak about the infringement of the rights of any part of society - orphans and not orphans, people who grew up in single-parent families and who grew up in full families are in equal positions with each other, which history proves, just among orphans, people from incomplete families, as a rule, do not have the information necessary for a quality life that is brought up by full families or they do not receive it during the life period during which they are received by complete families, i.e. the necessary information is received late, as the radio signal from because of the big p distances from the emitter to the receiver. And so in any family - in an incomplete, complete, in that where someone grew up with one child in the family - they may not tell what you need to know for a quality psychological life, only, as a rule, in incomplete or in so-called dysfunctional families are more likely that you will not hear what is needed to ensure maximum comfort, again in the psychological sense.

In connection with the above, this material was created in order to increase the standard of living and prolong life (since there are habits that shorten life, which are characteristic, as a rule, for those discussed later in this sentence), mainly those who grew up without parents, people brought up in single-parent families, and others, according to the author, the least socially protected people, which will be discussed below. Therefore, the work is recommended primarily for acquaintance in single-parent families and not having close relatives, since such people, as a rule, do not have unspoken sources of information that they can use, sources that are their relatives. The real story: Andrey grew up in a large family without a father, went to prison, died of heart failure. There are also so-called psychological orphans who seem to live in a complete family, whose members do not have, as they say, bad habits, but they were not given information in this family about, so to speak, a set of unspoken resources of good mood and their products, and also about "secret diplomacy" (recall the film "The Inspector of Traffic Police", which was already discussed), which is present between people in any society, are psychological orphans growing or, if lucky, raised in families, again, as they say, abusing alcohol drinks or among parents living their own lives or arranging their own lives, forgetting about everything else.

The real story: Sergey from a complete family, parents working, studied to be a lawyer, an excellent student “real”, not due to the efforts of relatives, dismissed for negative reasons related to the wrong decision of the working moment at work. He knew any right perfectly, but he didn’t possess “underwater” currents.

Let us digress to statistics, why it needs to be studied in the right framework, because there are patterns, knowing which statistics can be used to our advantage, reducing or eliminating the possibility of manipulating oneself by someone. For example, knowing that according to statistics, 8 out of 10 people (80%), when asked to guess any number, they will guess the exact number 7, you will not succumb to a manipulator who will pretend to be a telepath when he says that you guessed the number 7, of course If you are in these 80% of people who must make up the number 7, this is probably due to the fact that the number 7 is considered lucky.

Also, a certain number of injuries occur each year, of course, with errors, but within a certain amount, for example, in one year 13 million, in another 13 and a half million, etc., so that accident is predictable, insurance companies know about it companies and bookmakers, they know how many insured events and winnings will be for a certain period of time. All this information from the series “The main element. Anticipate an Accident ”, Russia, 2013.

This work can be attributed to the promotion of a healthy lifestyle (healthy lifestyle), not just a physical, but a psychological healthy lifestyle, although, as you know, physical illnesses can result from an unsatisfactory psychological state of a person.

The inscription on the logo of the information operations unit: “Indicium dominates” (approximate translation: “Information domination”).

If the information in this material is interpreted as the norms of healthy lifestyle in a psychological sense, then, according to the healthy lifestyle standards, if you use alcohol or drugs, then you lead or led a psychologically unhealthy lifestyle and because of this you resort to the use of the above psychostimulants? For the leader, the main thing is to set a goal, allocate resources and monitor the execution, or should each boss and manager have a “package” of motivational phrases for subordinates to work with? Failures of those who do not know how to "load" people, on the street, at work and at home? In a family, in order for it to be strong, you need not even “load” your spouse or spouse, but “reboot” from unnecessary downloads (for example, envy to a more successful or successful) that impede the existence of the family? Are there some things that if you haven’t told the family, then there’s nowhere else to learn about them? Words attributed to Otto von Bismarck: “Those who save on schools will build prisons.” Prison - a meeting place for those who did not possess the necessary information?

There is such a thing as a military specialty (those who have experience in military service and a military ID understand what they are talking about), and according to information received from communication with former military personnel, there is such a military specialty, as special propaganda.

They say that a person, sorry for slang, needs to be “loaded”, that is, convinced, because someone’s children who take the wrong steps in life are usually the result of their parents not knowing how or “loading them” badly they are incompetent as, as they used to be called, political officers or, as they call them now, deputies for educational work, the result, as the hero of the film "Dostagaev and Others" said (production "Lenfilm", USSR, 1959, directors Yuri Muzykant, Natalya Rashevskaya): "There is nothing daughter in you." He does not get what he expected from his child, but he expected, judging by his phrase, relations in the “father and daughter” mode, and such relations, it must be understood, are not. “There is nothing sons or daughters” - does this happen when children begin to “load” people from the street or from any other side?

No matter how much you say to the child, “Do not do this,” but if you yourself do what you criticize, the child will do what you will do, and not listen to you? The main thing is to "catch" a train going in the right direction - in the right, in the sense, healthy? Whoever grows up in an incomplete or, as is customary to say, in a dysfunctional family may have the same ambitious goals with those who are in a full and prosperous family, but the paths to them will usually differ? Those who grow up in a full and prosperous family will reach their goals without any loss, since they will give him the right “instructions” at home and prepare them for a clash with reality? They say that some special services of some states set themselves the goal of creating people with a psychologically uncomfortable state on the territory of their geopolitical adversary, which means that they are responsible for the psychological state of people, and someone may have psychological problems not only because of generally accepted situations?

Once again, that, first of all, this material is for those who grew up with one child in a family or in an incomplete family, for those who did not have parents, and we also add that the work is also for emotional people, for those who are called majors, who, as they say, were spoiled and for which, in this regard, the idea of ​​the environment in a psychological sense is not ideally correct, as they say, romanticism (what is called adult childhood) is its own architecture of pseudo-reality, i.e. when in your head your own, unacceptable reality, pseudo reality, and all of this work for those not mentioned about someone, but who is heavier than the other, because of something, in short, for all those who are experiencing psychological distress.

It is also believed that there are people of certain statuses and certain professions, after parting with whom they cannot adapt to new forms of social relations, they say that this, for example, may be a military man who found himself in a “civilian” before he rose to retirement , a prisoner who has spent most of his life in prison and released, etc.

Both in jurisprudence and in psychology need a program of action? Stereotypes are different at different times, then what's the point of stuffing yourself with stereotypes? They who have grown up in an incomplete family or in the absence of it cannot compete qualitatively with those who grew up with their parents? In some cases, people's psychological experiences are related to their inconsistency with modern social standards, but people come up with standards, and can everyone set their own standards? Whoever is called stronger in spirit sets the standards? What are called fortitude, is taken from the correct idea of ​​the surrounding reality?

In general, the presence of normal, it must be emphasized, normal parents in the generally accepted sense - this is the right program of action for their child in all stages of his life cycle, which they give him, and this correct program of action gives positive results again for their child.

Heard about a man who is classified as a major, he had a rich father by the standards of the region where he lived, and the bandits used it, they promised to make him thieves, luring him in parallel with money, and he asked them when he will become thieves, to which he received the answer that he will soon become.

The source of information for people like those who grew up in single-parent families and in the other cases mentioned above is usually people who are not their relatives, as they don’t have either a father or an older brother, sister, mother or no one at all, who could give advice, also the source of information in this case - some media, films trying in most cases to manipulate the above people (and not only them) with unprofitable consequences for the manipulated (for example, popularization of the illegal image life, the result of which may be a prison, is not warned about this, as about the dangers of tobacco or alcohol on the labels from them, before the movie about the bandits begins, it is not indicated that if you repeat everything, you can go to jail), forming with him manipulation of a distorted understanding of reality (the term "Pepsikol generation" has been heard by many), which subsequently interferes with the quality of the so-called social adaptation as a result of misunderstanding or misunderstanding of what is happening.

Simply put, when there are no normal relatives, the creation of a program of a child’s line of behavior does not occur through their advice, but through those who try to manipulate others around them arbitrarily or involuntarily, for example, through criminals who lure, as they say, children from dysfunctional families .

Manipulation can be through hidden and non-hidden advertising - it can be alcohol advertising (hidden advertising is when many scenes in the cinema are an order for the director of the producer of any product, in this case, if we talk about alcohol, the order for the director is a scene for drinking produced by the company that ordered the director a scene with alcohol, on the bottle with alcohol there will be a label of the customer’s company, in the cinema they will drink alcohol of this particular producer) or the manipulation can take place across the street - this is popular tion violation of the law, about this already, in principle, and said, manipulation is certainly present in various organizations.

By the way, the presence of relatives for someone is not only the information they receive from them about how to survive, the relatives are also “pulling” - they help to survive, forcing, for example, the boss of the one who has these relatives, the so-called “ secret diplomacy” works Well, an orphan does not have such luxury.

Let's talk about internal drugs, which are natural opiates in the human body - are there natural ways to get endorphins and artificial ones? As the song says, “the song helps us build and live”? You need to listen to only a very few, since the "phrases" of some can be dangerous for psychological health - is it better to let the refrigerator win, and not the TV, the apartment, and not the street? How is consumer behavior manipulated in trade objects, in advertising, in the media, in the cinema?

The natural ways of producing endorphins are considered to be listening to music, traveling, eating food, doing what you love, and artificial - using alcohol or drugs.

Any material can be written or read to music. Also, endorphins in someone can cause weather conditions, for example, heat. Therefore, I want to emphasize that it is best to get acquainted with the information in any material or create any material, if possible, while listening to music, or while working, listening to your favorite work - do we remember music in the trading floors of hyper- and supermarkets? It is believed that this contributes to greater sales, a person is introduced into a small, but in a trance or in its weak likeness (a favorite piece of music causes chemical reactions in the body, expressed in the release of internal drugs - endorphins and time begins to flow in a different way. e., as they say, time is relative - when you are pleased, it goes quickly, when it is unpleasant, it stretches slowly). Any sounds, images that can change neurochemistry to a pleasant area are also used to increase sales, you can also pay attention to the fact that in supermarkets and gambling establishments windows are closed, as a rule, with tarpaulin extensions so that visitors to institutions and shoppers in the store are not distracted by what happens on the street, it is believed that this also affects the amount of profit and the volume of sales, but this, as they say, is another story, we return to the dominant essence of the material.

The inscription on the logo of the unit of psychological operations: "Win witn words" (approximate translation: "Victory with words").

In the modern world there are places where, besides reading a book, there are almost no other entertainments, in some cases, books are forced to read circumstances, after you become a hostage to these circumstances?

Gratitude for the help in creating the material to police officer OPNiON Yu. A. Yuryev, French foreign legion sergeant A. Antonsev, philologist A. I., working as a translator in Asia, human resources inspector A. N. Anttseva, who was serving his sentence in places of deprivation of liberty Strunov E.I., former district police inspector Kotov S.S., seller Vorodina N.L. and many others.

There may be some incorrectness in the material, since there was more ambition to create the material than time, and more than money to correct it in the editorial office of the print publishing house, the goal was to convey information, the rest is secondary.

Everyone should convey and tell what he understood during his life? How can one make a choice without sometimes knowing its consequences - the main thing in life experience? It is impossible to develop standards that will suit everyone, since everyone is different? Many have acquaintances who commit suicide, or acquaintances of his acquaintances, all of these people most likely were assigned to the category mentioned above: from single-parent families, from families that are called dysfunctional? Many of the deceased met with psychologists and psychiatrists - why did they then die? Psychological and psychiatric science can not help in some cases, since it, like any science, is at a certain stage of development? What was previously considered a dermatozoid hallucinosis (for example, the apparent presence of something foreign in the body) is now called morgellon's disease (parasites in the body) - is science prone to make mistakes even in our time or does it correct old mistakes? What is called the formal approach to blame? Is suicide flaws in the psychological structure or the result of a lack of information, such as how to fight for survival in modern conditions? Is everyone an autonomous warrior? Hoping for the best, getting ready for the worst? Whoever enjoys the so-called eccentric acts is called inadequate? Why do some produce endorphins from socially unacceptable behavior? Problems from the lack of information, objective information? Small islands of happiness amidst large islands of misfortune and shock therapy for those who are already in shock? Whoever is called non-self-sufficient needs an independent wife (husband)?

“Without knowing the truth, you cannot rule,” are the words attributed to Don Reba (Alexander Filippenko) from the film “It Is Hard to Be a God,” USSR, Germany, France, Switzerland, 1989.

A friend had a fight with his wife, she sent him to prison for several days, he went out and resorted to suicide - he hanged himself. Who needed such shock therapy - him? Obviously, this was more for him than something superfluous, and his actions speak of it, and this probably proves that something needs to be changed if, of course, there is a desire. They told the other that he didn’t know how to do anything, so no one took him to work, and he also committed suicide, but if he knew that there are whole countries where none of their citizens work at all, physically, anyway - these are rich states, and there are countries where someone has been living on unemployment benefits all his life, and he has a lot of justifying arguments.

Some have relatives serving in the police force, some have somewhere else, they teach these some whose relatives are how to behave in an emergency or regular situation, and what to do to someone who does not have such relatives, but only has an emergency situation? Go to a lawyer, a lawyer may not give objective advice (as a rule, in some cases this happens, and besides, before you go to a lawyer, you need to find out if he has success in his work, and not be content with simple rumors expressed by someone about him, like he is a good lawyer, and why he’s a good one, it’s not clear, because each profession has its own indicators of professionalism, and such an indicator in the work of a lawyer is, of course, primarily terminated (closed, as they say a) criminal or administrative cases instituted in respect of his customers if there are none, if the lawyer could not stop a single case, ie. e. to prove a person's innocence, it ... not everyone would have gone to such a lawyer who is even slightly inclined to the analysis). And not only because the lawyer does not know something, although this is also possible, and also very often due to the fact that the lawyer can be “confused” (a rough synonym for the word “make friends”) with law enforcement agencies or be shy and to be afraid because of this to give practical advice, which also happens quite often, it is difficult to arrive at the expected result.

A familiar lawyer says that the following categories of lawyers can be deduced: those who are afraid of revoking a license for lawyer activity, “deceived” - “friends” with those who protect the law, “businessmen” - those who deliberately give the wrong advice to extend the investigation and consideration of the case, such as by “merchants,” it is not profitable to terminate it before the court, they need the case to go to court, then file a cassation appeal with a higher court, take money for it, then file a supervisory appeal and again take money for it . Again, from the words of a friend, some lawyers are afraid to give bold advice that could really help their client, some lawyers think that they can get a license to practice law from them, but what will happen in reality, they will take the license away or not - not known. Probably the same with psychologists.

You watch the news on television, and they say that someone in a mission went to some poor country of a poor continent and there he began to show what is called a sexual perversion to the local population, but there was nothing , since its manifestations were not in a country considered civilized, but somewhere there. It turns out that someone who is prone to unacceptable behavior in a country called civilized can go to other so-called uncivilized countries to realize his extraordinary mental inclinations?

It turns out that a psychologist can advise someone to go somewhere, where there will be no responsibility for any actions that are considered unacceptable in a civilized country, that is, there are people who are in a comfort zone, only doing what deduces from the comfort zone of other people around him, and they can go to a place where they will have nothing or almost nothing. But will a psychologist advise such a thing, in the sense of leaving someone somewhere and realizing there that is prohibited in his country of residence? That is, according to news from the TV, some are faced with the choice of either languishing from unrealized, illegal fantasies that others do not have, either being treated as modern science can cure them, or going somewhere and doing what they want.

Psychological issues are almost always intertwined with legal ones, therefore a person’s problem is usually both legal and psychological, therefore it should be solved, as in medicine (in some cases), by several specialists, it’s like a consultation of doctors of various specializations who solve the problem with the health of one person, and where to get such a consultation from a psychologist and a lawyer to a person who came to the psychologist for help? A psychologist cannot be both.

Among my acquaintances, as already mentioned, four people, each from different regions, committed suicide in the process of creating this work, some died from drug and alcohol use, I also know that half of all who died are mentioned above , went to psychologists, to narcologists and other health workers. What then is the cause of death, psychology or psychiatry, based on the foregoing, did not give the proper results or the reason in another? Perhaps the truth is that those who are no longer with us simply did not possess the information they needed?

The inscription on the emblem of the information operations unit (all information in this material about the written mottoes of the various later units is taken from the Internet): “Fronscursor” (approximate translation: “Courier of appearance”).

For those who want to switch from ordinary psychology to not ordinary psychology, you need to familiarize yourself with the psychology developed in the army units of PsiOp (units of psychological operations, which will be discussed below in the material), which, as a rule, are only in large armies states? Can the psychology of psiop units be called unspoken psychology? What is written in the charters (textbooks) of units for psychological operations? Will there always be a psychological warfare — is it a repeating but mutating cycle? Digging from the fence to dawn - everything is thought out in the army of any state, contrary to the prevailing opinion of some about the supposedly stupid things in it: a soldier is distracted from thoughts by a drill song, and digging from the fence until dawn because the soldier must be constantly busy with something, What again distracts from unnecessary thoughts? What is the psychology of psychological operations? What are they doing in the so-called psychological warfare laboratories? Compliance with a certain sequence of covert actions invariably leads to the desired result? To be happy, you need to listen to yourself, to your desires and be able to satisfy them, and you need to know the worldview of a person with such needs as yours and who is doing well?

Logic takes you from point “a” to point “b”, and imagination takes you anywhere.

Words attributed to Albert Einstein.

Unfortunately, as already mentioned, there was not enough time to adjust and edit as perfectly as possible what is written in this material, you have to do a lot of your work (in some song it is said that memoirs are written in retirement, the author does not have rich acquaintances which, if I’m not mistaken, gave the US writer Harper Lee the opportunity not to work for a year and write the novel “To Kill a Mockingbird”) and solve no less problems, since the standard of living in the place where this material was created is not so luxurious and chic, to in some places of the planet Earth. Therefore, perhaps, somewhere, something written will look messy, but the main goal was, again, as already indicated, to convey the information that was accumulated as a result, sorry for the immodesty of our own life experience and as a result of the collection and analysis actions of specific people of different social strata, starting from those who are called migrant workers, ending with civil servants, etc., and maybe it will be said loudly, having suffered all their knowledge and life experience that they have now.

I tried to use only a reflection of the facts, and not belief in anything. According to the above, in some sections of the material it is proposed, as pundits say, not some incomprehensible concept, but a working technology to achieve their goals, technologies accumulated by various people who are not certified psychologists, therefore such skills and knowledge should not be wasted, but should serve the one who needs them.

“Inform, Instruct, Inspire” (“Inform, train, water-

move "), - the inscription in the Museum of the CIA.

The objective (unspoken) resources of psychological comfort are not disclosed and are not recommended for use by psychologists and psychiatrists, or do they not know them, or does anyone who thinks so, just wants to attract attention? Where are they options for proper behavior? Should there be not just psychology, but psychology corresponding to a situation in which not everyone can visit? Are the rules of behavior or inventions valid, not only because they are invented, but also because they are also advanced - can everyone come up with something and promote something, which then becomes a stereotype? If your behavior does not correspond to the stereotypes invented and advanced by someone, you need to be careful in communicating with others, since your line of behavior may not be accepted? Is temporary or permanent lack of competition something to use?

Returning to the foregoing, as a weapon to achieve their goals, such psychological skills and knowledge that it is not customary to speak out loud can be more effective than a thermonuclear charge (in any case, for the category of people for whom this material is recommended), and this not the words of the one who wrote this material, but of the one who has already read it, while the one who has already read the material and made conclusions is not a friend or relative of the author. After all, when you know something that others do not know, new opportunities open up - it is a micromonopoly on something new. 7 volumes, but one central thought? I would like to add that here, in this material, there is nothing superfluous, no one went around and around to create the volume of the written, therefore the number of pages looks more like a brochure (although it later grew to a book) than the book, and most importantly, everything was done out of sheer enthusiasm, without pursuing the goal of any commercial gain. The material was not created under the control of anyone, was published with the money of the author, therefore it is worth assuming that this material will be of interest, since in connection with independence from someone it is made as objective as possible when writing and publishing the material, it does not promote the interests of those persons who could finance the writing and publication of a work, because such persons, as already mentioned, are not.

Every effort was made to make the material as clear as possible, in connection with which the task was not to "strain" the one who would get to know him, so that he would not rely on his quick wits and think out what was meant by read. The work is presented in a form from top to bottom, from, so to speak, “global” to “non-global”.

Dreams of love, eternal vacation and pink clouds - do not be so sensitive and thin-skinned? Are we returning from dreams to earth, or at least descending below Earth orbit - the more developed is the country, the more are there those who are called non-self-sufficient? No matter how corny it sounds, but for the constant presence of endorphins in the body, you just need to find yourself in life in the form of a choice of a profession that will give you love, and eternal vacations, and pink clouds? Why do almost everyone dream of the sea, palm trees, romantic encounters with the opposite sex, and no one dreams of finding themselves in prison or unloading a car with cement in bags of several tens of kilograms, because it does not produce endorphins? Are suicides committed because the body no longer produces endorphins? Do what makes wings grow behind your back? Those who criticize everyone are those who simply grow “wings” from this action, and that's all - don’t listen to anyone, do what your “wings” grow from? You need to know what to do and what not to do, what to say and what not to talk, communicating with a person you need and are interested in, so as not to cause him such emotions as fear, aggression, irritation, disgust - think what to do, when to do or what to say and when to speak? When you bring into society something new and at the same time disadvantageous for some, you may encounter what is called prejudice?

“If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans,” this phrase was not expressed by the author, an unknown person, and therefore the author cannot make a reference to him.

There is a film about the search for a profession that contributes to the release into the body of natural opiates - endorphins. It is called “What a smile you have” (director Oleg Nikolaevsky, USSR, 1974). The phrase of one of the heroes of the film, uttered by the main character Seryozha Savinov (Alexei Mokrousov): “If you had talent, he would have overthrown you, tormented you, would not give rest”.

As Alvin Toffler wrote roughly (who worked as an installer, according to his biography, he chose a profession to learn about life, and therefore had the moral right to write about it), people learn to communicate and live together, you can only add that they learn this or even relearn how to live in a new, called civilized world, because in the old everything was clear - he killed, took the prey of the one he killed, or they killed you and took your prey, etc.

Not yet come, the times when robots or something else will do everything for everyone, not all problems have been solved by science, progress and other institutions, so a collision with a considered hostile (not pleasing) force is inevitable, almost everyone will pass to a greater or lesser extent and this will go through until civilization reaches the level of development when these forces are controlled or cease to exist at all, that's just the problems that arise when confronted with this force, each solves his own mu. Say what you like, there are fewer and fewer clashes with this hostile force, which is called life circumstances, but nevertheless it still exists, thanks to scientific achievements it becomes easier, but easier, probably only physically and not for everyone.

Does modern man have one problem - unfulfilled desires? The one who is not fascinated by anything, is not disappointed in anything? Do people prefer comfort?

Cognitive dissonance is a state of mental discomfort of an individual caused by a clash in his mind of conflicting ideas: ideas, beliefs, values, or emotional reactions. Cognitive dissonance - two types of thought processes, one of which interferes with the other.

The rivalry between the emotional, intellectual and physical causes chaos inside a person if there are no ways to realize emotions and physical needs, especially if a person is one of those who are called emotional and temperamental, and if emotions also collide, they collide in this way, for example, as a struggle between fear and the desire for something or someone, then the mind begins to hang on snot, and if there are still a bunch of needs that you don’t know how to satisfy, it’s hard at all, a complete mental imbalance begins - emotions say “Satisfy us”, physical needs say “Satisfy us”, intellect says “Stop”, you don’t know what to grab and what to do, how you don’t know what to do, tearing mother of a dying calf between instincts to be with him or to catch up with herd, abandoning its dying offspring, it turns out like in Ivan Krylov’s fable - a swan pulls a cart in one direction, a pike in the other, a cancer in the third.

Everyone lives in a modern world in which emotions and instincts should be blocked, and it is believed that this is a payment for civilization, because emotions and instincts prevent you from concentrating on work, and without work there is no progress, without progress there is no civilization, and who wants to be washed in dirty form in a hut in the absence of civilization to satisfy their instincts and emotions? Or some need to satisfy their instincts and emotions for quality work for the benefit of civilization, so what to do?

Psychologists and psychiatrists are those who know what kind of person the state (government) needs, but do not know what kind of person they need for themselves? A person whom everyone, as is now customary to say, is “bred” (deceived) and who has a problem because of this, doesn’t need a psychiatrist with a psychologist, but a specialist in countering “divorce”, for example, a lawyer? In some cases, if not in all, is it better to let loose those emotions and instincts for those who have them, so that they do not interfere with a quality life and so that they do not subsequently incite to actions called inappropriate? There are actions that can develop endorphins, but psychologists and psychiatrists don’t talk about them, can they be told only, for example, in the family, by parents - to children?

Psychologists and psychiatrists are trying to create the maximum psychological comfort for each person, but so that the methods of achieving this comfort for the person do not interfere with the lives of other individuals, therefore, as already mentioned, neither the psychologist nor the psychiatrist will give advice that will help one, but with This, according to the psychologist or psychiatrist, will harm another, but modern trends are going in a different direction, Overton says a lot about it , whose works can be found on the Internet.

A departure from the topic of conversation in order to relax: if someone has not passed psychological tests when applying for a job, this does not mean that he will not pass the tests anywhere, and no one needs him, different tests have been developed for different professions, and in case of failure to pass a test, for example, for the civil service, we can say that a failed test is not needed only in the civil service, and not everywhere it becomes unnecessary (again we emphasize that the tests are different everywhere), and that it is not in the civil service needed, then this is up to a certain point (this info a mission for those who really want civil service), it is not needed when there are many who want to take a seat, but with a shortage of personnel, the testers are ready to close their eyes to a lot, if the conversation is about the army, the medical board is ready to close their eyes to a lot, in the case when there is a recruitment of new recruits for the war, because for well-known reasons there are not so many who want to get there. By the way, as a rule, “army” tests are aimed at identifying anxious individuals, such a state is not interested in the quality of soldiers (again, in the event that there are an excess of necessary candidates), this will still be discussed, if you are anxious, then self-realization should not be realized in the army sphere.

If you believe the information received by the author, then it was Neil Miller who identified four types of motivational conflicts, each of which can play a role in the emergence of what is called stress.

Conflict of approximation - approximation. This conflict arises when a person seeks to achieve two desired goals that cannot be achieved simultaneously. For example, he is trying to choose which of the two films to watch. Or he chooses whether to enter a prestigious institute or get a profitable place. Conflicts of proximity - approximations are usually resolved relatively easily. Conflict of avoidance - avoidance. This conflict takes place when a person faces two unpleasant situations, and avoiding one situation leads to a collision with another. For example, a woman with an unwanted pregnancy may, for moral reasons, resist abortion - in this case, both the birth of the child and the termination of the pregnancy are undesirable. Conflicts of avoidance - avoidance are very difficult to resolve, and they create a strong emotional tension. Conflict of approach - avoidance. This is a situation in which one event or activity carries both attractive and repulsive features. Achieving the desired at the same time leads to exposure to the unwanted, while avoiding the unwanted is associated with the rejection of the desired. For example, the dilemma of a student who is offered an illegally obtained copy of the final exam. Deception will cause guilt and humiliation of self-esteem, but at the same time provide a good assessment. Conflicts of proximity - avoidance are very difficult to resolve. Multiple conflict of proximity - avoidance. A person needs to choose between two jobs: one is prestigious, promises a high salary, but involves a longer working day and moving to an area with an unfavorable climate; the other offers great opportunities for advancement, better climatic conditions, but low wages and an indefinite duration of the working day. This is an example of a multiple conflict of approximation - avoidance, a situation in which it is necessary to make a choice between several alternatives, each of which has both positive and negative sides. This is the most difficult conflict to resolve, partly because it’s difficult to compare individual aspects of the alternatives, for example, how good the climate is better than the indefinite duration of the working day or to what extent the chances of quick progress compensate for the low starting salary.

Everyone has different views on the same thing? The task of someone who wants to change a person’s personality is to “stir up” something that theoretically should be given to him by higher powers, but for some reason doesn’t work, for example: people are suing someone, completely forgetting that they have a family and children, spend time and money on lawyers, getting pleasure from it, in this case, in these people you need to “wake up” the instinct of making money and spending it on your family and, accordingly, have fun, enjoy the fact that the child went to rest at sea or somewhere else? Cultivate what is sleeping in you or in someone else, if this makes it easier to live?

It is funny , but it is the attitude to the place where someone is located that determines the psychological state of this someone who is somewhere, for example: someone got into the army, and he believes that they are manipulating him. He will not be quite comfortable there with such convictions, but the other, on the contrary, will consider that he is manipulating his presence in the army, such people call the army a “feeding trough,” in which they feed, dress, etc., in general, a full social package, such a metamorphosis.

What is the strategy for meeting needs? Everyone decides what information is harmful to him, what is useful, what to listen to, emotions and instincts, to look for ways to implement them or to act differently (but some do not have emotions and a minimum of instincts, and that’s for sure, there are such people - these are astronauts , for example, if we are talking about a profession that people with such qualities occupy, it was mentioned at the beginning of this work), look for ways out of emotions and instincts, using the mind. Also, everyone decides what to choose: a self-regulating life or a life regulated from the outside, everyone thinks what he should decide: whether the trend of rejecting various generally accepted norms is negative for him or not . There are many ways, but you need to choose the one that will go as comfortably as possible, and so that your comfort is not uncomfortable for others?

In poor countries with a low standard of living, you cannot take purely emotional decisions and actions, it can ruin or you need to minimize them, because in addition to this you have to solve material problems, you can’t, for example, send your boss away and take unemployment benefits, as in in some rich countries, in a poor country, the results of each action need to be predicted, looking back and around, if you do not have a hundred or two thousand dollars in your “hitch” ?

total goodwill or total thoughtfulness under the guise of goodwill? I do not like the fact that there is little love - what is the problem? Create a ministry of love and bring love to the masses? In the modern world, some things cannot be called literally, they need an official cover by other names - a substitution of terms - for a better understanding of what is happening, go to the Internet and watch what is the “Overton window”? Manipulation by substitution of concepts? Manipulation by throwing bridges - is it when you combine two facts that are not related to each other together?

Sample words of a clergyman from the film "State Border" (USSR, 1980, director Boris Stepanov): "... power should be clearly humane, but secretly terrible."

Why do some politicians of rich states pamper people with large social packages - for the sake of social peace, probably?

According to statistics available on the Internet (no one says that it is objective or not objective, it simply is on the Internet), the happiest people live in Denmark (according to the media, as of October 2013, there is one of the highest social benefits), as can be seen from this, the government of this country has undertaken the solution of the problems of its citizens, in any case, material. And from here the following social consequences follow, for example, such as if the state is rich, then theoretically the staff of employees at enterprises or institutions is large enough, in the sense in connection with which you work less, relax more - there is time to satisfy personal needs, respectively, no one not nervous (personal needs are not suppressed) and, accordingly, lives longer and better.

According to the life expectancy in any country, you can determine where the rich country is, and where not very: where they live longer, the country is richer there, respectively, where it is less, it is poorer. As a rule, people in a rich country work less, have more rest, a poor country cannot afford it, the staff in any organization is small, since there are no funds in the budget to expand the staff, and therefore people living in poor the state, more, respectively, the rhythm of life is faster, respectively, more time has to be devoted to work, less to solving one’s problems and satisfying personal needs, this affects life expectancy, therefore in less rich countries it is less neck.

Affirmative sentence: the most important thing is to understand that absolutely everything is suggested and suggested, that the material state of a state, rich or not, does not affect the psychological comfort of anyone, it affects what thoughts and program in the head. Some are potentially able to feel comfortable on the planet Mars, where there is no civilization, where the expedition from volunteers is going, and with all this it will be a one-way road, since it will be impossible to return back.

In poor countries it’s worth a little relaxation, and you are already at the bottom — do you need to rely on yourself in them? You can’t relax, otherwise there will be a hangover, as after alcohol?

Partly, maybe it’s true, because not everyone lives in a humane Canada, where, according to rumors, they give a vacation in the presence of depression in a person, in a poor country it is a luxury, a poor country simply can not afford it, because its economy will bear losses are such that the standard of living may become lower than the existing one, so you can’t get addicted to alcohol and other things that are considered weaknesses and addictions, since then no one will help you. But in a poor country, where living conditions are much harsher than in a rich one, you can also be the one who is called happy, having the same needs as the population of countries where wealth is very close, but it is only possible in poor regions in in most cases, only if certain points are observed, for this, of course, there is no point in going on the road for advice to a local or foreign psychiatrist or psychologist (they were created, probably, in order to solve issues that are unresolved by some heads of state, as a rule, economically of a nature: if there is no money - go to a psychologist or psychiatrist, he will help you, but, of course, not only with money, but only with suggestions and pills, but with money, a hitch, only the governments of rich countries give money in the amount necessary for a comfortable existence).

Is everyone a practicing psychologist? A new psychology is being created, the essence of which is the life experience of an individual person?

As a rule, to solve unresolved problems it’s just worth talking to those who know life not in theory, but in practice (who knows best how to trade - a theoretician with a trade education who himself never traded, conducting trainings on the sale of goods, or himself seller), and it’s not necessary to do this purposefully, as a rule, all this happens by chance and spontaneously, just like that.

As was said, many people feel happy in a not-so-rich state (if it were the other way around, then the poor countries would not exist), and vice versa, there are unfortunate people in rich countries, you need to find out how they get it, there are meaning those who live in poor countries - either they curtailed their “exorbitant” needs, if any were available, or they learned how to satisfy them, and, of course, they play an important role in achieving the desired time and place where you are trying to to achieve, and not only something material.

For example, about time, if someone remembers, then in the 90s in the USSR and after its collapse, when the VCR was a luxury and when there were no more than 4 TV channels on television, TV shows like “Slave Izaura”, “ It’s just Maria ”, there were practically no people on the streets, emergency services - police, ambulance, firefighter - were resting during the show of the series on television, all the events in the series were discussed by the people of the USSR that was ending their existence, but they would have shown these series now, probably if someone looked , then not in the same quantity as before, the series was shown in the right place (where no one had seen such series before and where there were only 4 television channels) and at the right time, professional artists of the USSR of that time were surprised and perplexed how such films could win the viewer.

It must be remembered that everyone has their own concept of happiness and comfort, everyone has everything in their heads, some people have such a concept of happiness and comfort that can shock others. Perhaps someone has heard about people with a syndrome of impaired perception of the integrity of the body, these people become happy when they deprive themselves of their own part of the body, and they dream about it until the moment of amputation, for example, legs, until they do it, they they feel extremely uncomfortable in a psychological sense, and no one knows what it is, a mental disorder or something neurological. But only a person with a syndrome of impaired perception of the integrity of the body deprives himself of his legs - he becomes a happy person.

Some states that, in their rhetoric, like to talk about the rights of ordinary people, in practice do not quite follow it - in order to enter from a country that is less wealthy, to a country that is more wealthy, it is necessary for the one who enters to the bank account was solid by the standards of the country from which he leaves, the amount of money or his salary should be quite large, is money the thing, if not the main thing, then one of the main ones? Is money anyway in the first places in importance, is the penal economy the receipt of money from fines in the budget? It is fashionable to be a materialist at some time and in some place - no one forbids you to be a materialist if you follow the fashion: for the soul, write a book, invent something, do business for money? Some in official rhetoric argue that they are against something, for example, material wealth and money, it turns out that in reality in life it is not even against - much of what is called guile and licorice? Some people have a healthy interest in money, but they convince others that money is evil, and some listen to them and believe them? If adults speak of high ideals, is it suspicious, since at this age most people are only interested in material goods and preparing a “sweet” life for their children? Is money a magic wand and a magic wand? For some, the greatest benefit in life is independence, and independence is given only by money, or is independence a profession in demand? In any confrontation with anyone, can money play for him (if he has one) and against him (if the opponent has one)? Is independence a profession in demand when no one will do a job better than you? Is money the first necessity before something else or the second after something else? For some, no one will change their lives for the better, only money is this a delusion or not? If a person has many weaknesses, then his friends are not people, but only money, and such a person cannot be the one who is called a devotee, since his weaknesses will force everyone to betray? If you are ugly and do not know how to sing, and if at the same time you have money, you turn out to be very beautiful and sing great? At the institute or at the university, if you wrote a work and let the teacher get acquainted with it, you will most likely be told when they read it, that you are a demagogue, they will refuse to print for free, and when you have money, you he is his own master, and everything is decided: you can print your work for your money in an unlimited number of copies, does this mean that money still gives independence? If you have something called weaknesses for alcohol or such as gambling addiction and so on, and at the same time you do not want to solve the problem of removing these weaknesses, then in any case you should care about the money, otherwise you will be lost, or the presence of money will only bring harm, since you will "get drunk" to death with alcohol if you are prone to what is called drunkenness? If there is a lot of what is called weaknesses, then you need to go where you can earn a lot in order to satisfy big needs, for example, for businessmen? If there is not what is considered weakness, then you need to go where there are hardships, for example, in the army? As the musicians say, if I do not play one day, I notice it myself, if two - my friends notice it, if you do not play three days the audience will notice - you need to prepare yourself for the realization of your dream (program) in order to be in harmony with by yourself? It is said that in some cases, as a rule, some vulnerable and ambitious personalities tear to power, they perceive power as protection against unnecessary criticism and as the impossibility of any aggression against them, but in our world power is not ideal, and when do they understand this, does it disappoint them, to put it mildly? In some places, power is not ideal and not absolute for the rulers, it needs to be shared with those over whom you control - does competition exist for it so imperfect, and these competitors are other rulers? Does a certain profession need a certain mindset and a certain algorithm of actions?

If you want someone to become your enemy, lend him money. (When he does not give them back to you, he will become your enemy).

No one needs to exaggerate the value of money, although there are those who live by this , there are many facts of the end of life by suicide by some businessmen and cases when they start to “greatly fan” when instability occurs in their business and commit murders, and, as already mentioned, suicides when they believe that they cannot maintain their standard of living, in which, for example, as some businessmen, they usually have a woman in each city where they go for business.

Someone strives for independence, believing that money gives it, that’s true, but the profession that is in demand in society also gives independence, but when it is not there, then there really can’t be any independence when, as the people say, “hands under x ... are imprisoned, ”that is, when you don’t know how to do anything, it’s not really good, when you’re at home, you need to“ hook ”on someone in order to survive, like the heroine of the film“ Cruel Romance ”( USSR), but the one for whom someone is hooked will then begin to manipulate him if he wants.

Many, for example, who need relationships with the opposite sex, but there is no way to come to them because of ignorance of how to do this, replace the missing “drivers” of behavior (more on that below) with money, buy relationships is also a good option.

In some regions and cases (but only in some, there are rich states where there are many taboos), the less wealthy the state, the more moral and legislative imperatives it has, and these restrictions on the rights of citizens of poor countries are a necessity for the survival of the state, since the government has nothing to plug "holes" in the economy, if the population wants to lead the same lifestyle that the population of the states considered rich can afford, there is nothing to compensate for these "holes", because, unlike the rich states For those who are not wealthy, there is no way to plug this very “hole”, namely, for example, a sufficient amount of oil or other minerals; therefore, people living in countries with not very high living standards do not have to relax, as it can to allow the population of some rich countries, sitting all their lives on social benefits, and work (and there are people who have never worked anywhere all their lives, and many do not work for generations: my grandfather, father, son, grandmother, mother, daughter).

Courage, strength, conviction: if it’s hard for you, then you climb the mountain, if it’s easy for you, then you fall into the abyss - do not forget that science has not yet reached the point where everything is good for everyone? The more you succeed in visiting large social strata and social institutions (army, prison, civil service, construction site, elsewhere), the more realistic approaches to life, the more you will understand how to behave in a particular situation, the better analysis and forecasting of situations? Some were neither in the army, nor in the prison, nor in the civil service, nor at the construction site, did they have realistic approaches to life even without these institutions, and in order to reach their level of psychological development, some needed to go to both the prison and the army? What is a pragmatic approach, and each comes to him at a different time? In the modern world, what is considered adulthood comes only at 30 or even at 40, and sometimes does not come at all - what is what is called infantilism? Earlier, in earlier periods of history, people grew up quickly - is that the whole problem? What is growing up - is it the understanding that everything around is empty, except for money?

What does it mean if it’s hard for you, then you climb the mountain, and if it’s easy for you, then you fly into the abyss - it’s something objective or simply complacency when things are worse than ever, because sometimes it’s not true that is felt in some expressions, and some kind of calming self-psychotherapy, although there is some truth, probably in some sayings, for example, such as “there would be no happiness, but unhappiness helped”, so you need to analyze each situation and not look for only one minuses, but pluses, and vice versa .

In fact, judging by the actions of some professional politicians, if we take their behavior model as an example, we should strive to create the possibility of realizing emotional decisions, but so far there is no such possibility, emotions have to be restrained to varying degrees depending on the situation. In modern conditions of life, one has to use intelligence to satisfy emotional needs and get a little closer to one’s emotional goal, many do so, they would be ready to come to what they want by any means, but are forced to restrain themselves within certain limits due to prevailing circumstances caused by the realities of modernity, and realize your emotion a little bit, use the intellect, which is aimed at finding a way to realize emotion in full, and not a little bit, for example, how any businessman wants to multiply the number of people of the opposite sex that he has, for this he must think about where to get resources for this - money.

It turns out that in most cases, intelligence is needed for most people just to find ways to realize their emotions (to throw out, for example, their hidden aggression on the offender not by physical impact, but by writing a denunciation (anonym)) and physical needs, with the exception of probably, there can only be the same scientists and astronauts and similar people - pick up a laptop or satellite tuner and say to yourself: “This (computer) was invented by someone who has no emotions, otherwise he would not be able to concentrate on anything ".

Let’s digress again: as you know, politics implies a balance of power between states and continents, and this is correct, since the world should be multipolar (higher forces probably want to see competition in everything), and there is nothing wrong with someone striving for power , most importantly, to like it, and if you like it, then the person is in his place. Indeed, if only one state rules the whole world, then there will not be what they call and consider freedom, and freedom is the realization of what the higher forces put into a person, starting from instincts, ending with the implementation of intellectual activity, higher forces, judging by the fact that there is such a profession as a politician, and the presence of different languages ​​that people speak, see the existence of multipolarity, that is, the presence of competition, as appropriate? The role of a politician in society to save the state from chaos, to build civilization, only for some it is better, but for others worse?

A person, at least one who is engaged in science, should not and cannot, according to his psychological constitution, think about everyday things - is this an axiom? Who is Yusu Yundur, and did he speak the truth?

Scientists and astronauts were mentioned for a reason - it’s a layer of people that, if not completely, then more than the average person, has left the instincts and emotions that are common to all biological organisms, so if someone is not a scientist, then he lives in a world where he is either in a sense in certain situations a hunter or a victim, and he must reckon with this in order to survive, although in connection with the achievement of civilization this is not so pronounced in some places.

Caught at a bus stop with a friend, turned his and his attention to a lying drunk person, the approximate response of a friend to my attention to a drunk was the following: “You are above him, do not pay attention to him.” Moreover, the acquaintance was not a supporter of any ideologies in the political sense - there are people who live by what they want to be better than others, in connection with this, some have some kind of political ideology regardless of whether they realize it or if they want it or no, and also some begin to cultivate some thoughts, turning them into political trends? We discover a new type of man-hated theory, present in some: those who seek spiritual purity in other people and hate those who do not have it - an aggressive person, and not so white and fluffy, did anyone think about this? It’s interesting how they become good and how they become evil: if someone lived in a rich place, received a large unemployment benefit, and suddenly everything changed - he needs to get up early in the morning to go to work and not to somewhere in the office, but to the construction site, and to engage in physical labor, will he remain kind? A simple test of kindness - you live in a rich place, you don’t work all your life sitting on benefits, and at some point they tell you that there is no more money in the budget in order to maintain your standard of living and people like you, and you need to go to work at a construction site or factory, but there is a way out, you can send troops to the same rich place and take wealth, naturally, there will be human casualties - whatever you choose, hard physical work or send troops and take everything else and further, due to this, to live without working? Can people's relations be built on trust, as K. Marx dreamed, or is there always and will be hidden motivation behind the official one? Some figures must justify each step, and do not always these justifications reflect true motives?

The children's film “Auburn, honest, in love” (USSR, 1984, directed by Leonid Nechaev), which tells about the decency of someone who cannot be a priori decent by nature in the usual sense of the word - since he is a fox predator.

It is generally accepted that those who are called dishonest, greedy, cunning, deceitful people (they need these qualities to achieve their goals and, perhaps, not some ambitious ones, but just so as not to starve to death), this is something bad , because everyone considers bad those who did not do good to them or did what they call filth (apparently, people are programmed).





Gospel of John 8:32. ... and know the truth, the truth will set you free. And you will meet when you are not waiting, and you will find it not where you are looking ...

The joy of parents is the joy of God, the anger of parents is the anger of God.

... The whole world is a computer game in a super-powerful computer, created by our descendants, as they say in one of the series called “Is there a creator?”, The popular science-fiction film “Through the Wormhole”, TV series, 2010-2017 , USA, directors Jeffrey Sharp, James Younger, Kurt Sayenga, Anthony Land, Laura Verklan, David Isser, David Lamattina.

Evolutionism or creativity - did something create us or someone or did we appear on our own? Higher powers are controlled by pleasant and unpleasant sensations: is the suffering for the dead created so that people strive for immortality - there is no death - there is no suffering from the death of a neighbor, and so on in everything else? Higher forces created us, maybe we appeared in a different way - maybe this way, maybe not that way - maybe? Maybe - maybe a lot, there are a lot of options, so you need to calm down and wait for the moment when science can answer global questions and explain everything? What drives us - fundamental knowledge is not enough to give answers to some questions? Who created the creator - if we were created, someone then had to create the one who created us, maybe our descendants created us - is there a logical chain in this sense or is it not, as at the moment it is not in quantum physics? What created us - the element or something reasonable? Was man created by science? The process of reproduction is not just pleasant, but it was done so that biological organisms do not die out, therefore, if sex is pleasant, it is so that all living things do not disappear, which means we are made by someone rational, because the elements haven’t before would have thought? Higher forces communicate with us through instincts and endorphins invested in us: did something necessary for higher forces - do you get a portion of pleasure? There is a system of rewards and punishments for a person by the formation in his body of chemicals that cause pleasant and unpleasant emotions, such as pleasure or irritation? Endorphin - a way to influence human behavior with higher powers? A person with scientific inventions supplements the body with something that was not given to him by higher powers - skype and mobile phones to communicate at a distance, binoculars and night vision devices, to see distant and in the dark, computers to help the brain solve problems that it can solve Is it hard or not, by the Internet, to know any information, etc.? Death is a transition to a quantum state, if one exists, and a weapon is a tool for a faster transition into it, or is death simply when you are not there, and is that all? Does everyone see something different? From pornography to films about quantum physics: what a theoretical physicist will say when he sees pornography is that during sex, not the atoms touch each other, but their shell in the form of electrons, repelling the bodies from each other, which will be said in the films , the fact that porn actors have no high sexual temperament, do they just take pathogens before shooting? Is an atom a building material of all material? If quantum physics were not a confirmed reality, then whoever spoke of it would be hidden in a madhouse? Sent to a madhouse, all whose reasoning diverge from reality? Is truth set when the argument ends? All the trouble from not knowing the true nature of things? Is there an illusion that your view of reality is correct? The latest discoveries in quantum physics seem to show that reality is not what it is, or was it all just invented so that it would not be boring to live?

... The experiments gave incredibly interesting results about the path of subatomic particles in various interactions and observations. It was found that when observing these particles, they begin to act like physical units, and if they are left unnoticed for some time, they act like energy waves. (To make this clearer, we can compare the quantum world with ours, in our world, with the presence of an observer, the behavior of an object can also change, for example, when a beautiful person of the opposite sex looks at someone, the one who is looking at will behave differently , he will have an algorithm of actions for the maximum idealization of himself, for example, the one who looked at, straightens the hair on his head, draws his stomach into himself if he is large, etc.) This allowed us to conclude that the material world is held together consciousness, not material reality. You do not feel it, because you can only see light, and hear only sound. Even if you sit in silence with your eyes closed, millions of telephone conversations, pictures of television news and radio messages pass through your head. You do not perceive it, because there is no resonance of frequencies between the atoms of which your body consists and radiation. But if there is a resonance, then you immediately react. For example, when you think of a loved one who just thought of you. “Everything in the universe obeys the laws of resonance ...” - this is an extract made by a friend of the author and transmitted to him, the source, unfortunately, he could not indicate.

“All reality is made of things that cannot be considered real,” are words attributed to quantum physics researcher Niels Bohr.

The truth and the world may not be what we are accustomed to - if our vision was different, then we could see each other not in the usual form, but, for example, we could, looking at each other, see not the body, but the atoms of which it consists.

“The difference between the quantum world and the classical one is that in the quantum world you can influence events by simple observation, if you thought to observe and study it, just your observation is enough, and the matter of the quantum world changes, in the classical world there isn’t such, watch it, study, it still remains unchanged, the classical world is also predictable, but there’s no quantum one, classical concepts of reality are turned off in quantum physics, ”are exemplary words from the documentary Quantum Tamers: What the Future Prepares for Us / Qua ntumTamers: RevealingOurWeirdWiredFuture ”(release year 2009, Canada, director Chris Malington).

It seems that the times of the dinosaurs ended because their creation was an unsuccessful breakdown of higher powers to populate the earth with living creatures, which is why higher forces decided to redo everything again, as the artist crumpled and throws out his unsuccessful works.

Evolutionism and creativity are two theories of creation, evolution explains the origin of all living spontaneously from outer space or elsewhere and somehow, creativity says that the creator created us.

Many people are inclined to believe that the program in a person is laid down by some higher mind, and you can try to prove this with an example such as sexual relations. Why is the copulation process understandable for reproduction, why is it nice to have sex? After all, if you think about it, it’s not just like that - this is to ensure that no organism dies out. Who will argue now that this is not arranged by any higher forces (after all, the truth begins where the argument ends), cannot all this happen spontaneously, the fact that sex is pleasant cannot be created spontaneously? This is a well-thought-out thing, someone made it pleasant, so that, again, returning to what was said, no species died out, the logical meaning of other human qualities is further explained: laziness does not allow you to expend energy and body resources, ambition makes you take care of yourself, envy makes you compete. Yes, here, of course, questions immediately arise, who did the one who made us then, but no one knows this yet, unfortunately, there is too little information to think about. I also can’t believe that disgust for such creatures as rats turned out spontaneously, they feel an aversion to them, since rats have always been carriers of dangerous diseases, such as the bubonic plague, from which millions of people died from an epidemic, a separate conversation about people living in some Asian countries who eat animals and insects that disgust people not from their culture.

Ultrafine particles can be in different places at the same time - it’s, like, already proven, or even this is a fact that does not require proof - on the basis of this, assumptions were born that a person can be in different places at the same time, only in different worlds: a person is not human only a brother, but also his double duplicate, triple duplicate, and so on? Why look for a copy of yourself, but only with a different fate in parallel worlds - look at the people around you, is that you, only with a different fate? You didn’t just split, you became one million - you are just like everyone else, just circumstances made you different from the others, and you are already here in this world in several places at the same time, and your destiny in this real world has already developed differently , and not as theoretical physics suggests that in some parallel worlds your double went differently from your path? There is something schizophrenic in this, but again, quantum mechanics can be blamed for this, it turns out that the fireman is you and the military man is you, the bandits who attacked you on the street are you too, but with a different fate, you communicate with a person of the opposite sex - this is you too, and you can go deeper: animals, insects, microorganisms, plants are you too, only under other circumstances? Each person is one of the options of who you could be? You are here, and not on some other planet lost in space and not in another reality, you are in a lot of options of who you could become - is all the available biomass what you could be? Many options walk you down the street, and, as already mentioned, it is not necessary that they look like you physically - it turns out that you really are in several places at the same time as a subatomic particle?

Let’s try to compare quantum physics with the topic under discussion that each person in childhood is initially similar to each other or almost similar, and in the process, everyone can “mold” anything, while he grows up and lives, then it turns out that I, you, he, she, they are, according to quantum mechanics, in different places at the same time, already here, in the real world, and not in parallel universes - as already mentioned, I saw on the street the one who is called a bandit - this is you in that case if circumstances were different, I saw a scientist on TV - this is you, if things would turn out differently again, and so on, you are here in the real world in different places at the same time, despite the fact that you and everyone else are not physically alike, each person is you, only, as theoretical physics says, it’s you whose life has taken a different path, again, despite the fact that you are physically different from everyone else.

You are all in the instincts given by higher forces: desires, fear, love, passion, etc., this is so that higher forces have the ability to manipulate and control you, so they communicate with you through chemicals in the form, for example, endorphins? Higher forces stimulate you to certain actions by means of endorphins and direct your actions by means of endorphins to what is necessary for them, and therefore, your channel? The biochemical processes in living organisms are built on the principle of a stick and a carrot: did something that higher forces need - get the carrot in the form of pleasant sensations given by endorphins, did not do it - do not get anything? When you understand what you are intended for, the possibility of self-realization opens up? If a person communicates with a machine through numbers and symbols, then do higher forces communicate with a person through chemistry?

By the way, about love - also a “thought-out” thing, emotional attachment to each other is formed specifically to make and grow a child, however, the duration of this emotional attachment is different for everyone. The invention of the Internet with such a feeling as love does an extremely inconvenient thing for lovers - if you fall in love with a person from another continent whom you met via the Internet and there is no money to come to him, then this is not torment, nature or higher powers the presence of the Internet and the lack of money, apparently, the higher forces laid down a program of emotional attachment, considering only that the person in whom the other person will fall in love will be nearby, the lover will have to wait until there is a person more interesting than that in he fell in love over the Internet so that feelings of falling in love pass, or save money for a meeting.

“My back also freezes when I see you,” is a phrase from a dialogue between two lovers from a film that the author did not watch from the beginning and whose name does not know in this connection.

If someone is haunted by the philosophical question about their purpose, then everyone has their own, and their purpose can be understood and found out simply, if someone has problems with this, as already mentioned, do not forget - higher forces manipulate you and they lead you with the help of endorphins: what you like to do, what pleases you, that’s your purpose, you like money, you enjoy increasing it - it’s yours, you like to have power - it’s your destiny, you like the army - that is yours, you like science - it means that you were programmed by higher forces just for it, for science, and in this case it doesn’t matter what or who programmed you, higher forces or partially society, the main thing is that there is such a program, that you get something dose of endorphin. Do you like a person - that means he is for you, you like work - that means that it is for you (through the development of hormones of pleasure you are made to understand from above what you should do), but, as a rule, the same cognitive dissonance pushes you away from making the right decision - for example, such an emotion as fear, fear of a person of the opposite sex who you like, but who you fear because he is too bright (in fact, as a rule, if you think someone is pretty, then you are for this people are pretty in almost 100% of cases - this is from personal experience, and, oddly enough, that person whom you are afraid of and who shakes you when you meet is just for you). There are such kinds of psychologists as they are called subjective fears (there are also constructive fears ), subjective fears are those that do not appear in any danger, and so, subjective fears interfere with the achievement of goals that are predetermined for you, a kind of conflict of programs occurs, like in a computer (cognitive dissonance), at the moment we have in mind some need and instinct for self-preservation, which works in an unnecessary place, something like a collision of intellectual and emotional or even emotional th constructive emotional unconstructive: you need it, but you're afraid of, is if the bird was afraid to fly, she would have died of hunger.

In some countries that are considered rich, some of them who live there (mostly young people) do not work anywhere, receive social benefits that are considered great and, after receiving this allowance, go to seek the meaning of life in other countries (mainly Asian) - what to look for , this meaning of life, each of all has his own? The meaning of life is simple as well as the desire for food, you eat what you want to eat, and don’t eat what you don’t want to eat, you have such a taste setting, and you don’t reason why you eat it, you eat because that you want to eat it, it’s tasty for you, and in life it’s the same, everything is already decided for you, do what you like, if you like it, then this is necessary for the one who created the world, it’s another thing, that in some cases What will you do and what you like may not please others? Live instincts or, in other words, follow your heart? One acquaintance, who is 41 years old, asks: "Have I done the right thing or have I done the right thing in such and such a situation?" But at 41 there shouldn’t be such questions, in these years people no longer doubt the correctness of their actions, since they live by desires, instincts and do everything as the soul lies, unnecessary settings are erased?

As a child, in the 1980s, when almost every apartment in the kitchen had a wired radio with one radio channel, I heard the ending of the radio show of a science fiction story, where the words of the hero of the work, the announcer said: then unknown mechanisms forced him to swallow. " As I understood it, the point was that some person found out that he was made a humanoid robot.

As forensic psychiatry teaches in some higher educational institutions, there are areas in the human brain that are responsible for pleasure, if I am not mistaken, this area is the hypothalamus, a chemical laboratory that releases pleasure hormones - endorphins. What is their purpose (now prove that you are not a biological robot that created a higher mind and gave endorphin as motivation )? The brain, or rather, the hormones of pleasure, tells you itself what you need and what your task is on planet Earth and not only, the hormone of pleasure is released when you do what you are ordered from above, and vice versa, is not released when you do what you are not instructed to do, that is, you are doing something, and you are pleased from your action - this is the effect of an internal drug, endorphin, it must be assumed that the purpose of endorphin is to show you higher powers by using it you have to study on Earth, and maybe And outside its borders, if you get pleasure from Space. But some people have found workarounds, taking pleasure in an artificial way with alcohol and drugs, forcing the parts of the brain responsible for the pleasure to give out pleasant sensations for free, but the human program is set up so that a pleasant dose of endorphin is thrown away when you do what the program embedded in the higher mind is required of you. For example, I am writing this material at the moment, the brain ejects the same endorphins into the bloodstream during this process, which means that I am on the right track and doing what is prescribed for me (it doesn’t matter by whom, by nature, by higher powers, or my actions are just a product of upbringing ), if my actions bring me pleasure, even if one or two people read this material or no one prints it, because the editors decide that it has no literary and commercial value, it means that I still had to create and print it at your own expense. The situation is as if an unknown owner gives a dose of pleasure for someone doing what the same "owner" wants from him, showing thus: this is what you are ordered to do here on Earth. It seems that the higher reasonable forces, through the distribution of endorphins, communicate with you in the same language as the owner communicates with his pet, giving him a tasty prize for the fact that he correctly executes his commands, since there is no other way that the pet does not understand the language of the host in which he communicates with his own kind.

There is only one conclusion: the above cannot happen due to some abstract category, such as evolution, evolution, if any, is some part or stage of creativity, and not something separate. All this arrangement of all biological organisms, as can be seen from the above, excludes the fact that life on earth appeared somehow by chance. The higher mind, through the distribution of hormones of pleasure, manipulates living beings, people themselves also manipulate people, and the manipulation of some people by other people occurs not only with the help of hormones of pleasure, but also with the help of fear, hunger, aggression, desire for sex.

The new philosophy of life on a global plane is that the truth is in science, and that everyone has their own truth, laid down by higher forces and / or circumstances? Everyone wants to "take it out and lay it" precisely his truth, and everyone has their own truth? Many who want to teach you how to live, as if they are your bosses and know what you should do and what is right and what is wrong, but you yourself can be the same boss for those who “load you”, teaching their lives ? Life teachers need listeners, otherwise they are no longer life teachers, but ordinary people? Is a philosopher one who believes that his vocation is to implement many strategic plans? First, put ourselves in order, then the planet or vice versa? Are you going to rebuild the world, and eat fish with a knife, do not dig deeper than necessary - do you need to start small? Only science reveals the meaning of life, only in it the global meaning of human existence? Science does not bring income, income brings its practical application? Until science has given man everything that he wants, does he replace reality with fantasies? For science, all times are the same regardless of what is happening in the world or with any particular person, does it just go ahead with those who deal with it, not paying attention to anything?

Much seems impossible until you accomplish this. (Words attributed to Nelson Mandella)

How to find an equation that speaks of a plan of higher forces? The approximate considerations of the individualist anarchist theorist Max Stirner (Caspar Schmidt) in his work “The One and His Own” are as follows: “Just ask how to live, there will be so many teachers at once, and everyone will have their own program.” And the approximate words of Dr. Sartorius in the science fiction film “Solaris” (directed by Andrei Tarkovsky, USSR, 1972): “The main science, the rest is all a whim .” Sartorius, under whim, probably meant love and the instinct of procreation (he rebuked a colleague for not working, but lying in bed with a woman for ideological reasons), etc., in a word, that which is not new and repeats itself from century to century (love, sex, etc.), probably a whim, perhaps Sartorius is right, because only science brings something new, although there is also a need for something else.

The real story is not for those who are called impressionable: near the apartment building there were three kittens, they were fed all summer. One day they disappeared, on the fifth day they suggested that they could be taken to a nursery in order to euthanize, so to speak (to kill by injection), stray animals live in the nursery for five days, then they are euthanized. On the fifth day, three kittens were taken away, but two of them died, because in the nursery they became infected with a coronavirus, there can be many viruses - plague, rhinotracheitis. The question is - who and how could help the kittens after they became infected? Only science, because only it can invent a cure for disease.

I look beyond the foreign legion. (Reply from a guy serving in a French foreign legion talking about his ambitious intentions).

If someone ambitious chose the path of wealth, it was all already before - the rich existed before him, if someone chose the path of a criminal, it was all the same, if an alcoholic or drug addict or the path of a person with other standard addictions, this is also not new and everywhere in the aforementioned the outcome is predictable and predictable even by those who do not have the gift of psychic, if it certainly exists at all, it is enough to have life experience, and you can become a great predictor of the future with small errors in the predictions. Wealth is a relative substance under certain circumstances, of course, if it is wrong to act, although the elements can leave without wealth, and not just wrong actions. Remember how many businessmen committed suicide because they lost their status due to bankruptcy, and some people were proud to get to know them. In general, there is the concept of such a phobia as the fear of losing social status, the one who has it, or the “King Lear complex”. Now they want to drive any fear into the framework of phobias, but such a fear as the fear of losing social status is rational when it exists, the one who is afraid of losing status does everything in order to maintain it, that is, it works, not sits idly by. The whole world is built on competition: systems compete among themselves, corporations - competition keeps everyone in good shape. The goal is not wealth, but psychological satisfaction and psychological comfort? Is wealth the goal of only a few, are people different? More importantly, the idea of ​​enriching something, the idea of ​​serving something and someone, or something else, or still to each his own?

One of the needs of some classical businessmen of the times of the author of this material, as already mentioned, is a wife or woman in every city, if it is a businessman-man, and sometimes so that everyone has a child from him.

If someone is ambitious, then wealth will definitely not give him an ideal opportunity to remain in history, because, as a rule, there are people like Spartak, Newton, Gagarin, Einstein, no one remembers the rich, well, unless their contemporaries know them. Again, if someone chose the way to have sex and see the meaning of life in it, it all went away too - it’s all for a short time, and about everything else temporary, all these scenarios are repeated, wars, revolutions, crimes, the only place you can find something new, this is really science, only in it there are discoveries of something new, unknown, and it gives what everyone aspires to - making life easier (by the way, it is not recommended to live by sex or any other short-term ideals, ideological vacuum when all this is gone).

Cyborg space and other high technology? Soylent - digital food and the social impact of this? 3D printers that print human organs, 3D printers on which, according to the media, plastic weapons are already made in 2016, and nano-printers that predict human viruses are printed - all this goes to the fact that the self-assembled tablecloth is from a fairy tale will become a reality? Not artificial intelligence, but digital intelligence as opposed to biological intelligence? Is human language the same as unit and zero for a computer - is it encoded information that a person transforms into images? The last evolution of man will be when man evolves into a machine or into something else, radically new? Why only science will give the desired person? Thanks to science, there will come a time when everyone has everything, a time when there will be what everyone needs, or when nobody will need anything, since there will be no needs? What is the scientist’s way of thinking - he doesn’t have thoughts regarding emotional experiences, he has an interest in something, and that's it, it completely captures him?

Although almost all science fiction writers see the future of mankind in the apocalypse, in gray tones, we can assume, if we talk about the distant future, that everything will not be so bad in it, the character of a person due to the fact that science will go very far in everyone will have their own development as he wants, the appearance will also be what he wants, and in general the person will be what he wants, and to do what he wants, again thanks to scientific achievements, and it is not clear at all whether he wants something and needs something or, perhaps, a person will generally be in the form of something quantum. People will not, as in most science fiction novels, fight for survival, and if everything goes as good as it does now, everyone will only have to enjoy it, internal natural drugs endorphins (if necessary) or what something similar to them, giving a person a sense of pleasure at the moment only when he has done what is prescribed to him by a higher mind, for example, some business from which he enjoys will be present in the human body or whatever something similar to the human body, constantly, without any negative consequences for the body, as is the case with the artificial stimulation of the production of pleasure hormones by alcohol or drugs. In the future, there will probably be a real utopia , something like paradise, only on Earth, where everyone will be happy with everything, but, unfortunately, such a future has not come yet, and therefore most people have to deal with various psychological conditions by forces, but the Omega point, as it is called, when everything possible in terms of the development of science is reached and exhausted, it will come sooner or later, or maybe not, maybe the knowledge of science is endless?

Words attributed to K. Marx: "From each according to his capabilities, to each according to his needs." But what to do when there is a need and not an opportunity? Do you need to match the needs with the possibilities?

Do we need to set priorities correctly, because different attitudes in the human mind cannot coexist peacefully, and attempts to achieve power over oneself are usually useless? What does the expression “his nerves lost” mean? This is when a person does what nature has long demanded of him or a program set by higher powers, but he endured? Can a cat rushing at a mouse walking next to it be called a case when the cat's nerves are lost, but he does this because he is required to do so by what is called nature? A drowning man cannot help a drowning man - look for an assistant among those who are afloat, everyone is looking for ways to satisfy their needs, or will those who are satisfied with their life, each of whom knows perfectly well what the unknown needs? The psychological “infection” acts quickly: if you want to become the one who is called brave - talk to the brave, do you want to be impudent - talk to the impudent, with whom you will behave, what will you gain? How true is the phrase that the weak in some places and cases are exterminated (in the psychological sense), but negotiated with the strong? Let’s distract from what is written: while I was correcting the material and was on this page, representatives of the religious faith knocked on the door, gave a brochure and invited to church on Saturday, March 31, 2018.

Most people think that in life everything is so complicated, but in fact there is nothing complicated, everything is simple. When they go through life, they see the fundamental laws of the same life in action, the main thing is to know these laws (by the way, it is not recommended to think when it becomes difficult, that nobody is so hard, as, for example, those who think that it is difficult for them to remember that there are people who are much more difficult and who are in a much more difficult situation, for example, according to the media, in Africa 40,000 people die every day from hunger, who are also not cheerfully sentenced to life imprisonment, terminally ill people with disabilities), and generally difficult because then science has not yet figured out how to make it easy for everyone.

Nelson Mandella, who had been in prison for about 27 years, would probably happily switch places with an ordinary European who complains of stress, but the European would hardly want to change places with him, Mandella, nevertheless, showed what is called force spiritually, being in custody, this is a real politician, because a politician should not be afraid of prison, just like Perelman is a real scientist who refused a reward of one million US dollars, from this we can conclude that a person has no addictions to satisfy which e he would need this money, it’s clear that he doesn’t need to buy women, he doesn’t need to demonstrate wealth to people he knows and doesn’t, he’s not interested, he doesn’t get a dose of endorphin from this kind of behavior, he doesn’t need to be satisfied either more radical addictions, such as a love of drugs and alcohol, in short, worldly vanity does not interest him, all this is a whim, as Dr. Sartorius from the movie Solaris said.

A simple person has problems and black pages in history, historical blisters that like to fiddle with each other for any country - geopolitical opponents, speaking in a political sense. It is one thing that one tries to solve problems and forget, and the other does not - who remembers the story of two frogs that fell into milk? One drowned immediately, the other waved its paws until the milk was whipped into butter, and it got out, it also happens that a person wants and tries to solve problems, but again does not know how to do this, it’s kind of like they will let me or you make a detail on the machine, we will try, but we won’t succeed, therefore we need information and experience, how we need a “knowledgeable” in the squadron of aircraft or a person with experience in military operations, if there is a military situation somewhere , which will make experienced fighters out of recruits. It is hoped that everyone will become an experienced fighter in terms and meaning of psychological warfare and psychological operations, as some veteran of the military unit for psychological operations said.



The fact that we are created by higher forces, and the higher mind that created us controls us through pleasant sensations, is examined and proved, now, starting from this, do we go further in our reasoning? An unfortunate person is one who does not know what to do - a partial or complete lack of information makes a person unhappy? Is it wrong to see one thing in a person - only bad or only good, you need to decompose his personality into pros (positive) and minuses (negative)? It can’t be that a person is bad for everyone, for someone he will definitely be good - is this the effect of ants and a grasshopper?

Every person has something good, the main thing is to search him well. (Statement by a former police officer)

Everyone thinks that everything is confused in the relations between people, although in reality everything is clear and logical, unfortunately, as already mentioned, civilization is not yet developed so that all people can afford to relax 100% (maybe, somewhere they can so relax in rich countries, but in any case, not in all countries of the world), and so that cars can do everything for them, competition for a place in the sun continues to exist, and most importantly there is information in it, such as statistics, statistics can be operated as a means of persuasion, as well as using the statistics, you can know the real state of affairs (for example, you come to a new job, I tell you, "Do big plans," you learn to qualified sources of the enterprise after worked, for example, a month and saw their performance, that is, nobody made a plan for you for a year and a half, and you made it, then you can operate on it when your bosses will push you, telling you that you work poorly), you also need to remember that you will not please everyone, which, as a rule, in some cases, pleasing someone wb problems differently. As my friend’s grandfather said in his childhood, when he saw that he put a grasshopper in an anthill to be eaten by ants and heard an answer from his grandson that he was doing well for ants: “Ants are good, but the grasshopper is not good.” This expression was mentioned at the beginning of this material.

The end of classical psychology - the beginning of another, unspoken, which can be found out only in the family if there is one? Secret psychology - a weapon of the XXII century? Does behind-the-scenes psychology lose relevance only in an ideal world?

Lyrics: a friend knew how to croak like a crow, when several ravens flew across from his window, he opened the window and began to croak, saying that this was a psychic attack, when he walked along the street and began to croak on a raven sitting on the ground, they were either alert or flew away - such a specialist in psychological warfare and psychological operations.

Probably, about 99% of firms in the countries of the former USSR refused “cold” (by telephone) sales of their products, sales representatives were hired, and sales began in the “field” in direct contact of the supplier through the sales representative with the client (director or merchandiser of the sales department trading facility or with the seller himself).

This refers to the fact that, as already mentioned, psychology must change, adapting to the realities of time, transform in connection with the realities of time, well, if not change, then at least be supplemented with something new. Classical psychology, nevertheless, probably cannot fulfill its tasks, the main of which is the creation of maximum psychological comfort. In classical psychology laboratories, qualitative methods are not being created to achieve maximum mental comfort, since many can hear statements that went to psychologists or psychotherapists, but nothing helped.

Need to transform according to the realities of time?

Illiteracy in the 21st century will not be those who do not know how to read and write, but those who do not know how to learn, unlearn and relearn.

Words attributed to futurologist Alvin Toffler.

Everything is transformed in connection with the realities of the time, and for psychology, as already mentioned, probably the time has come to do it, because absolutely everything has changed, the analog technique has changed to digital, but I have not heard that psychology has changed, it is clear that in some cases it stops work and fulfill their main function - ensuring the psychological comfort of people.

As an example of the need for modernization, let’s take an example from history, from which it can be seen that during the Great Patriotic War, the armament of Soviet tanks and their armor were such that they did not allow themselves to stand up for battle, in order for the tanks to be less vulnerable, they had to increase their armament and armor is an example of transformation with the realities of the time in the field of tank building. The tanks were redone so that they could carry out the assigned tasks with high quality. If modern classical psychology does not provide such armor and weapons (and does it provide any weapons or armor at all?), With which you can carry out your tasks efficiently, then something is wrong with it (there is talk of weapons in it, by the way , doesn’t go at all, the conversation is usually about the armor that the psychologist is trying to give to the client, and that one’s leaky, judging by the results, it looks like a tank from the time of the WWII before its alteration - this is the situation in psychology).

The author talked with people who visited a psychologist, and not one, therefore the opinion of these people about psychology was voiced, he did not have time to talk with some - they died. Classical psychology does not give instructions for the behavior of each individual individual and instructions for behavior in any emergency situation, she simply does not know it. How to behave a guest worker in a country when a security officer asks for money on the street for solving a problem and notify his own security service, this is impossible if he himself is forced to break the law without registering with the migration service, as to ask for money on the street, so as not to die of hunger when in a foreign country they cheated with wages, and you were left alone with your problems, without housing and a ticket for the return trip, does classical psychology give such advice?

By the way, when you ask for money, you need to be careful: when many get to the nearest law enforcement officer, they immediately “give up” (they say a rough synonym for the word) to those who ask for money, many citizens escape from boredom, calling people in uniform to those who drinking alcohol under their windows, taking pleasure in observing the removal process of those who drank alcohol, such a peculiar struggle for endorphins.

And we find the necessary “drivers”, install, and everything is ready for the fulfillment of desires - since unfulfilled desires are the lack of information on how to fulfill them? Psychology for those over 30: Can psychology be divided not only into psychology for certain social groups, but also into psychology for a certain age? Are people unhappy not because of the economy, not because of the political regime, but because of the lack of objective information and because of the beliefs that make them unhappy? Mental illness from deterring not only sexual, but also other instincts? Sigmund Freud wrote that some get sick because they restrain sexual instincts, and some do not - just some sexual instincts are more pronounced than others? How can one explain the need to create problems of one person for another person for his negative behavior towards him - by the fact that someone's negative behavior can jeopardize the mental state of the person against whom he was shown, or even the threat to life, and so on?

Know how. (English. “Know how”, a fashionable expression in the 80s and 90s in the USSR).

We remember at the beginning of the material the statement that the availability of money exempts in some cases from the search for “drivers” necessary to achieve the goal, for money, for example, you can establish relationships with the opposite sex. “You’re lying more to uniformed employees on the street,” the migrant workers of other migrant workers teach at a construction site, “otherwise you won’t survive.” Would a psychologist give such advice? It is doubtful, only colleagues at a construction site, relatives (after all, they will not advise you badly), or very good friends can give such advice. But how can a person survive in a different way if he is put, for example, in a framework where the question arises not just about his comfortable psychological existence, but about physical, if not survival, then physical comfort? Or how to survive a person in such institutions as the army of the times of the USSR or prison, where sometimes you have to commit crimes (meaning bodily harm to someone who is trying to break you, causing you these very bodily injuries), and crimes are committed so that if you do not survive , then to exist normally there (army of the times of the USSR, prison of times of the USSR). Some may say that these are necessary measures of self-defense, nothing will happen if someone gives a rebuff - this can be answered by the fact that it will already be decided by the court, and the court can decide that there was no self-defense or it was exceeded. What is the advice of a psychologist when they try to “lower you” in the Soviet army or in a Soviet prison? What does Sigmund Freud or Karl Jung have to say about this ? They strongly “wrapped up” on the sexual and attached a lot of importance to this - yes, mental disorders in a certain category of citizens are inevitable when suppressing such a powerful instinct as the reproductive instinct, but there are still a lot of other problems, instincts, which can also be slightly painful to suppress, if very vulnerable, in a word, it seems that Freud and Jung considered the problems of a certain sentimental and impressionable social stratum of that time, whose name is “bourgeois”, and the problems of some ICU is an old saying, do not care about the sheriff. They beat you in the army or in prison - well, okay, there are more important questions, these are the problems of the sex life of the bourgeoisie of the times of Freud and Jung (by the way, neither in the army nor in the prison sex life with the opposite sex, as a rule, is not there at all happened with the sensitive bourgeois of that time, one can only guess), but the bourgeois is not to blame, they turned out as a result of certain social events.

Is life a struggle for the right to fulfill one's dreams and desires? Is success a consequence of the effectiveness of certain actions? To each according to his needs, from each according to his abilities, and if there are many needs, but there are no abilities?

There are goals or needs, but there is no way to satisfy them, since there is not enough information about how everything works, everything or almost everything is incomprehensible, as none of the scientists currently understands the processes taking place in quantum physics, where there is complete chaos, but if you take a closer look, you can see those who have achieved a lot of things in life and are happy with everything, and it is precisely these who can be compared with scientists who comprehended the laws of quantum mechanics and even learned to control the processes taking place in it. But for some, some of the moments in life and everything connected with it remain the same unsolved, completely confused theoretical physics (by the way, for those who love the incomprehensible, the “observer effect” in quantum physics is a rather interesting thing), in which it’s not clear why ultrafine particles behave in no other way - when you observe them, they are matter, when you do not observe, they are a wave.

Bootcamp (American Army Training Center, training).

Do not let anyone manipulate yourself? A manipulator is sometimes the one who is called a non-independent person, the one who is constantly looking for a "boobs" to which you can stick and parasitize, or social "crutches" in the form of whom he will parasitize? They say that those who go to psychologists and psychiatrists are independent individuals? If you shout, it means you can’t solve the problem you’ve encountered, drink alcohol - the same thing? Try not to scream with outsiders, do not buy or drink alcohol - for a person who has life experience or just knowledge from someone, this will say that you are one of those who are called non-self-reliant? A manipulator is someone who is looking for stupid oneself? Under the influence of what is called propoganda, are those who are in a state of what is called depression, or those who do not have their own idea - do others give it to them? Words like a seed - sink into the soul and grow? An animal is that biological creature in which a ready-made program has eaten, multiplied, and no idea - is a person who can write the program himself and others? Are words the seeds that subsequently form a relation to the world? If you like a thing, music, and so on, then you are close in spirit to those who made this thing, music or anything else, and you would find a common language with it? Some, being at some work that oppresses them, look at those who also work at it and feel very comfortable at the same time, and think: “Why don't I feel like that?” Yes, because it is not yours, look for something else?

There are many martial arts that teach you to protect yourself from one person’s physical assault on another, but hardly anyone has heard of any doctrine about protecting against psychological assault, hardly anyone knows something about some unspoken psychology in the sense of psychology, which uses martial arts of a psychological nature, at least nothing was found on the Internet on this subject, and hardly anyone has heard of trainers in this kind of psychology or anything like that.

It is worth trying to develop in the sense of being able to fend for oneself not only in the physical sense, since physical irritants in civilized countries are becoming and become, whatever you say, less than at the time when everything was decided by physical strength. Perhaps the time has come when the solution of problems through the use of physical force in most cases can only do harm (for example, if it is not used successfully, you can be deprived of freedom and go to jail), which is why it is recommended to learn how to survive without using it. But how, with what and from whom and from what to defend? There is something to be protected from, from what and from whom, but it is necessary to protect yourself, for example, from manipulators, both on a domestic and global level (remember the hidden advertisements that are used in cinema, paying money for it, and there is also lobbying for interests firms in the governments of some countries, lawmakers adopt the laws necessary for corporations). Manipulators want to use everyone for their own purposes in order to achieve the possibility of fulfilling their needs, for example, in money, and the methods of protection from various manipulating entities, probably, cannot be called other than unspoken psychologists, and there are people who successfully and successfully apply these methods they are used.

In unspoken psychology, as well as in martial arts, you can build up skills and knowledge, use elements of justifiable risk , as in special forces, when classes are as close as possible to faces in which there is a danger to life, but nonetheless everything happens reasonably and without loss. By the way, if anyone is interested, the training methods in the special forces of the USSR, currently in the former USSR countries, were the toughest in the world, it was allowed to use physical force to prepare a candidate. In some countries that were not part of the USSR, such rigidity is prohibited by law when preparing their special forces (it is probably believed that it makes no sense to cause damage to the candidate, since then which one will be the special forces).

To achieve something, you need to be different from others? Temporary abandonment of civilization and subsequent return to it is useful in some cases? Where to test the psyche - in the psychologist’s office, solving tests, or in extreme situations? I want to conduct psychological experiments on myself, putting myself in extreme places and situations?

“He who was not a revolutionary in his youth does not have a heart. Those who did not become conservatives in old age have no brains. ” Words attributed to Winston Churchill.

Returning to the last chapter, we can say that there was such a policy in the special forces of the former USSR countries in training personnel, since they needed to be different from others in order to achieve what those who did not want to be different from others did not achieve.

Some try to improve themselves and use elements of justifiable risk, as they say in special forces. As they themselves say, for the development of adaptive and communicative qualities they are left alone in a foreign city, country and try to survive in such conditions (everyone probably heard words such as: “He became such an independent guy after the army”), something like that in terms of becoming independent, you can expect from the procedure of practical application of survival to one in an unfamiliar city, where there are neither relatives nor acquaintances, and there are no masses with you at all, like in the army, you are alone, and this is probably even something more powerful army.

By the way, in some kindergartens four groups of children’s ability to adapt to the new environment are used, since among children there are those who adapt quickly, and there are those for whom adaptation is delayed, and each of these children is assigned to a certain group according to the degree of adaptability .

If this did not happen at the military medical commissions of all countries of the world, then a country that would not have this could indicate that this is a violation of human rights? By the way, in the armies of probably most countries there are degrees of restriction that each doctor puts up for a candidate for service, for example, regarding a psychiatrist: they say that psychological restrictions are in the degree of deprivation for which a candidate for service is ready, the threshold of tolerance and the number of needs, and most importantly - the level of anxiety. The type of troops to which it will fall depends on all this — for whom the psyche is ready for maximum deprivation, and at the same time there is no excessive anxiety, the one in the special forces who have problems with this — the one in the troops is easier, there are, of course, exceptions to the rules - During military operations, they can take everyone into the special forces, as people may not be enough. The surgeon can set the degree of restriction in his own way (for example, in the case of fractures in the past), an ophthalmologist in his own way (in case of poor vision), an otolaryngologist in his own (in case of poor hearing), a psychiatrist in his own (in the case when the psychological age does not correspond to the physiological one), and as a result, only those who do not have any health comments get to serve in the special forces, but those who have some kind of border health problems go, as already mentioned, to the rest of the troops, although disturbing individuals and others with a psycho , Which is considered for the army imperfect, can generally leave the civilian world, if people who want to get to the service, in excess - all sorts of covert actions and regulations that are applied depending on the situation. It turns out that you can mentally assign degrees of restriction of a psychological nature in civilian life: you see a drunk man on the street, so his psyche is not ideal in the generally accepted sense of ideality, and put the fifth degree of restriction drunk - do we extrapolate the military medical commission’s thinking on civil society?

Lyrics: a familiar officer said that they came from a citizen to the service infantile (with an unfinished childhood). A familiar doctor determined the psychological maturity by asking questions: if they answer the question with some kind of romantic desire, and not with a pragmatic answer like “I want to be away from the bosses and closer to the kitchen”, then he believed that the person was not yet an adult.

When a person is left alone in extreme conditions (in this case, the situation “one in an unfamiliar city” is considered), in most cases something like this will happen to him: all the skills of communicating with people accumulated over life, all life experience starts working at maximum power, the psyche in terms of acquiring survival skills, it improves almost at the speed of light (for information, the speed of light is about 300,000 km per second, like the speed of a radio wave, it was a lyrical digression), in order to develop this way In the sense of acquiring adaptive skills in a simple everyday life, one would have to spend years, but it is worth, as some say, to stay for a month alone in an unfamiliar place, without money, acquaintances, an apartment - and you gain knowledge about life or survival not over the years, but for a month, even for a week, the experience of a month or even a week of living alone in a city on the street without the help of relatives and friends (or maybe not on the street, who will be able to adapt as soon as they get to the street, because someone will be able to adapt , meet someone on the street, live He (it) in the apartment), it would cost several years' experience of life under normal conditions, after such privations head was in another works. Some make for themselves a kind of bootcamp (American), the so-called army training center - as mentioned, - having lived a couple of weeks alone, because in order to achieve something, you need to be different from others, create some kind of micromonopoly as already mentioned.

Mr. longwall to be able to bring into reality what is in your imagination? The less you need “crutches” when moving through life in the form of the help of psychologists, lawyers, friends, acquaintances and relatives, “crutches” in the form of alcohol and drugs, the more independent and stronger in spirit of others? The question is how and with what help to bring into reality what is in the imagination - again, quantum physics?

An apartment in the center of a metropolis, which can be rented for about 1000. e. a month and enjoy life, position in society, a lot of connections, in a word, an easy life, if all this is not there, and where to get it, if you are, as they say, from the category of mere mortals, then you have to turn around, like in a frying pan .

Downshifting (eng. Switching the car to a lower speed or weakening some process) or simpleliving (“simple life”) - life for yourself, in each country this movement has its own semitones, in the countries of the former USSR it is usually relocation to a country with a lower standard of living (the most popular place is India, or rather, the Indian Islands, Goa, for example), while the resettled person lives at the expense of paying for the apartment he leased in the country of which he is a citizen and in which he owns this an apartment.

What should I do if I’m not lucky in the sense that I didn’t get the proper education, I didn’t become some kind of competent and “learned” scientist in any scientific field (after all, scientists, as philosophers say, are some of the purest individuals in the moral aspect, who, as they say, have not a single thought in their head besides work, and there is nothing that is considered weakness, meaning, of course, real scientists who, like Mendeleev, even forgot to shave)? Scientists are, as mentioned, people who look at everything except science, like some kind of fuss, people like scientists can only be envied, no needs inherent in ordinary people, no emotional attachments to someone and emotional experiences, nothing but the realization of oneself in one's favorite business, except, of course, the realization of the most necessary physiological needs, such as food, water, air and sleep.

What to do if you couldn’t get into the category of people of science, respectively, you couldn’t find a job where nothing more is required of your scientific fanaticism and where you can remain yourself in this connection, and how to become that very scientist when from the very began to prevent science from studying unnecessary information from which they could not isolate themselves or failed to isolate you, because, as already mentioned, modern science denies genocentrism, does psychological genocentrism mean? According to modern scientific statements, genes are given a small share in the formation of personality, everything is absorbed from the environment. I couldn’t get into the scientific world (if, of course, I wanted it), where the weight indicator in society is the presence of knowledge, and not the presence of some expensive thing, or maybe there are no indicators at all. Also, unnecessary addictions, which did not allow to concentrate completely on study, can interfere with the rank of a scientific minority, for example, such distracting factors as a street with its propaganda of its own lifestyle and much more, each has its own.

As a rule, the average person consists of several personalities in one person, in the sense that he has absorbed, in his youth slang, many “downloads”, which, as mentioned, can conflict with each other. What to do? We determine the “unnecessary” personality inside the person’s personality and this unnecessary personality is either eliminated - we drop the ballast, or we need to look for ways to satisfy the needs of this person.

What is the ideal psyche in the modern sense - when a person has a minimum of weaknesses and needs that would prevent him from concentrating on his work? Probably, such a psyche is inherent in all the same astronauts, they have a minimum of needs, and they are not emotional. In general, of course, it’s not so scary when the psyche is not what the astronaut should be, you do not want to become one, which means that it will not be depressing for you. Probably, there is no standard in the sense that the psyche should be like this and not otherwise, there are many professions that require people called emotional. If, as they say, I have absorbed a lot of different information, as a rule, this happens in the process of personality formation, several people have got several needs, and now the more needs or even, to put it another way, addictions in the positive sense of the word, the harder, because they need to be satisfied and, most importantly, be able to implement, you constantly need to look for ways to meet these needs and dependencies, and the more of them, the more difficult, some are forced to choose not the most profitable ways to satisfy them eniya, although in fact it can be made easier, and not to make the whole problem.

If one is not devoid of ambition and, as they say, too nervous to be an outsider, then it will be difficult, but then again, difficult if one does not know how to satisfy the need, in this case, the need for recognition by others, if there is ambition. To be ambitious is not very bad; ambitious people are probably created by higher forces or circumstances in order to strive to achieve something. How to satisfy ambition - you need to “hack” with your ideas, talk about them, PR, as they say, since the one who carries ideas and does not talk about them remains invisible. You also don’t need to be afraid of accusations of arrogance and excessive assertiveness, if anything, they stop you, say that you slow down, you don’t need to be afraid to “break off”, otherwise there will be a stupor when you are afraid of your steps in front.

Oblivion without drugs and alcohol and the way out of distorted reality? Are politics and psychedelics sometimes almost the same thing? In politics, as in trade, the main thing is to be able to convince people? Not only circumstances, but also some structures and organizations creating these circumstances are to blame for the formation of neurosis and phobias and the resulting alcoholism and drug addiction? Why do people become fearful - from the presence of restrictions in the form of laws or from other circumstances? Do not make a cult out of anything, and everything will be tip-top? Is there nothing wrong with someone convincing someone in something, and someone listening to him, most importantly, that the person experiences psychological comfort, being in the role of the one who convinces, or the one who listens? Each person is a neurochemist, do neurochemical processes in the body of other people depend on his words and actions? Neurochemical processes depend not only on words and actions, but also on what they see? Modern science says that human consciousness is a neural process in the brain, while there is an accumulation of neurons, is there consciousness? You need to know what kind of emotional reaction will follow on your actions or inaction and on your words - is it necessary to predict the situation?

Some people whose profession is related to working with people take informal rewards only after the result of their work, when a person is satisfied that the person does not come and say that he does not like something, or, worse, did not turn to law enforcement organs.

Who is working to create oblivion for all? As Ostap Bender said in the movie "12 Chairs": "How much opium is for the people?"

It has already been mentioned that the title of this material “Secret resources of a good mood of some” implies that they are the most effective in satisfying all needs and requests and in creating psychological comfort, they, as already mentioned, are not voiced officially, only in the family circle, if there is one, or maybe they don’t even know about them even in some families.

They say that a psychologist sometimes does not dare to give effective advice because he thinks, as already mentioned, that he can be deprived of a license for some advice, although these fears may be subjective for people of this profession, or maybe not, and in general the psychologist may not know what advice to give, as is the case with lawyers.

Whether some people need to be afraid of something or not - as a rule, the following happens: everyone gets what they demand, goes hype, everything that they wanted and achieved, everyone forgets, and the forbidden topic in the past becomes no longer relevant, everyone switches back and resolves simple everyday problems that remain all the time, or something else, newer and more interesting, replaces the old, you need to wait for the hype to pass, if it interferes with the work, unless, of course, the hype is fueled by someone all the time from the outside.

The approximate words regarding age attributed to Khrushchev are as follows: there are those who go to the fair (young), and there are those who go from the fair (old), it is necessary that the trip to the fair last as long as possible, and then there will be no old age problems called psychological? If you want to become a politician, then take care of your health - is 70 or 80 years old the age of a politician when his career is just beginning?

There are countries where pragmatic people live (for the most part), everything that is not rational is perceived by society as stupidity - if someone goes on strike to the street, then it is considered strange if it does it for free or without any other pragmatic goals. A revolution in some states is impossible because there are no people who would need power, nobody wants it, there is no demand for it, almost everyone wants to give responsible work to someone, but not to themselves, it happens. Lyrics: at least cut me, at least strip me, but there are countries where no one in the population wants anyone to call, “bed,” as they say, now the buzz does not understand this.

In places where power is not interesting in its classical sense, there is a desire for power at the household level, for example, the power of a person over a person of the opposite sex, for this, for example, girls lose weight while dieting, dress in seductive clothes in order to experience power over the opposite sex, because some people are so programmed that they need recognition of their significance, they live by it. Conclusion: those who love power over a person lose weight and are on diets so that they fall in love and want them.



World-wide wars would still be if there weren’t a deterrent - nuclear weapons? War, including in everyday life, will always be, if not physical, then psychological, for some it is the same biological need as sex and other instincts?

Remember the Maslow pyramid about the needs of the average person, or maybe not the average person? If we don’t remember, we can remind you, if we don’t know, then we read: Physiological needs: hunger, thirst, sex drive, etc.

Need for security: a feeling of confidence, getting rid of fear and failure.

The need for belonging and love.

The need for respect: achievement of success, approval, recognition.

Cognitive needs: know, be able, explore. Aesthetic needs: harmony, order, beauty. The need for self-actualization: the realization of their goals, abilities, the development of their own personality.

Psychologists give advice on how to deal with stress, but stress is the result, the consequence - when you are beaten in the psychological sense, when you lose in the psychological fight, when you bleed in the same psychological sense, stress can be compared to bruises, fractures, obtained in a physical fight? The easiest way to cheer yourself up is to insult the one who insulted you, but do it within the law? Stress is the result of psychological beating - when he did not give up, then, as doctors say, you need to prevent stress so that you do not treat it later? Preventive Psychology? A real recovery from stress is to give a change (upbringing) of a psychological nature and without negative consequences after it for the one who carried it out, that is, to give a change within the legal framework? Psychological stress is when you lost, and only retribution in the psychological sense, again, within the framework of the law to the one who made the trouble, can cure the soul? The desire for revenge is inherent in man with higher powers so that he survives, clearing the territory from enemies through revenge? A new type of war - what is it, a psychological medicine that really helps? When someone is fired, he is free, as never before, and can take up his past place of work - write statements (anonymous letters), reveal the illegal “exploits” of his superiors, about which he was silent when it was profitable, and heal his soul if they parted badly, but in no case physically affect anyone? Some believe that everyone who made them disgusting needs to be identified as pests that prevent them from surviving? The boss no longer has power over his subordinate when he is fired or kicked out, and this makes his former subordinate dangerous for him because he knows a lot? Is it dangerous when they start to make "dirty linen in public"? Do some people feed on other people's suffering? No song sweeter than moaning the enemy? In the modern and not only in the modern world, the hunter and the victim can change places? Are you too nervous to be an outsider? What happens if you suddenly fall out of a warm "nest" and encounter, as they say, a harsh touch of life or reality? Psychological problems due to unpreparedness for life? Can game become a hunter, and one who was a hunter can lose in his own game? Contemporaries of the author, living in 2016, organized the Stop Ham movement, is it connected with the education of drivers who do not follow the rules of the road, but can Stop Ham be relevant not only in this area? What is considered a developed instinct of self-preservation - to let someone beat you or to give back, not allowing you to do this? The fight against fears is very simple - just do not forget that we all will die sooner or later, no matter how you protect yourself, and therefore you do not need to cultivate the cult of the fear of death above your desires, otherwise what is the point of living? To be afraid to give back to someone who puts pressure, and because of this fear of getting this pressure every day, you can’t take care of yourself by the method of pacifism in an aggressive environment, in the one you are in for 24 hours with someone who puts pressure on you be sure to physically give back to the offender - is there something called a statement?

“A hunt has been declared for us, and a hunt for us to hunt”, is a song from the animated film “Kitten Phil and ...”, USSR, 1981.

Yes, psychologists can say through tests whether you are a team worker or a loner, but there are questions “deeper”, what will be the answer to them, and is there this qualitative answer and high-quality advice? What advice can a psychologist give to someone who is in constant fear of losing their job - taking an orally sedative medicine? I observed how, instead of sedative medications, some civil servants have, besides working in the civil service, business, and these civil servants are confident in this, they are not afraid of losing their jobs, moreover, the presence of business helped them to move up the job ladder and work less than their colleagues who do not have additional income. Business is money, and many people like money, and personnel from the personnel department and bosses too.

Conclusion: in order not to be afraid of losing your job, not drinking sedative drugs and alcohol in this connection, and not spoiling your heart from constant worries and moving up the job, you need to have a second job or business (some government employees resell cars, apartments, have shops , cafes, restaurants, etc., while sharing money with the human resources department and with their superiors, with other decision-makers). Will the psychologist give such advice, in the sense of having, in addition to the main work, for example, in government agencies, also business to maintain a stable mental state? Probably unlikely to give such advice.

Here it is, psychotherapy, which hardly anyone will say in the offices of psychologists and psychiatrists, we have come to its consideration - to give back, as in a fight (or upbringing, who do not like the phrase "give back"), only to give a psychological change , treats stress, for example, by writing what was previously called a denunciation (no softer synonym for the word denunciation, no, found, anonymous) not found, for illegal moments in the activities of the organization in which he previously worked (tax evasion, for example). And if the offender is a simple citizen or citizens, then they use the incriminating information available on them, they recall their so-called “exploits” related to the violation of the law, if any.

There are people who have “hands to the elbow in the blood” in the psychological sense, of course, but this is lyrics, these people who in the psychological sense of “hands in the blood” eat other people's suffering, making someone disgusted, not thinking about that they themselves may have a "snout in the cannon", but some do not know or underestimate the meaning of what is called incriminating information, and find out the relationship, breaking the law, causing even more harm to themselves, or commit suicide.

As the saying goes, you can always find a way to recoup in a legal way as, by searching, finding and voicing the sins of the offender - this is a cure for psychological trauma, and this one sentence can replace volumes of books on the treatment of post-traumatic syndrome.

Those who committed suicide did not know that you could just sit down at a computer and tell, for example, anonymously about the exploits of the offender, in whose role anyone can be - not only the “unadjusted” life leader from the category of those who are called boors and sadists, a neighbor or someone else, they’re not quite clean, everyone has their own small weaknesses, and there were small joys in life, for some bosses these weaknesses and small joys are expressed in receiving money in not quite legal ways, well, if they are in this regard impeccable If you don’t have enough money, you could talk about their moral character, although, in principle, if he is not a civil servant, then the moral character will be of little interest to anyone (the manifestation of what is called weaknesses is not welcomed in the civil service), in a word, you always find someone - anything is possible, because, as they used to say in the USSR, there would have been a man, and there would be an article from the criminal code, and if someone looked at the Soviet version of the film adaptation of the novel “Count of Monte Cristo” by Alexander Dumas, he probably remembers where Dantes got after denouncing his acquaintances and friends, the rules But, in prison, his enemies isolated him, and this has already been said, this film is a training manual for fans of intrigue, like the books of some political scientists for some oppositionists; as for drug addicts, the works of Carlos Castaneda, as a handbook of sadomasochists - books of Sacher-Masoch.

If I understand Kant's philosophy correctly, Kant (it seems that these thoughts belong to Kant) had in mind when he wrote that the slave gradually becomes the master of his master, because the master becomes dependent on the slave, and this makes him weak, in ours in the case when someone is fired from work, this person becomes independent from his former leader, which makes it possible to throw out his emotions in the form of complaints and denunciations (anonymous letters), rather than committing a crime, and thereby make psychotherapist restore mental health a therapeutic session, this kind of self-psychotherapy, like self-massage, but, again, do not physically affect anyone, otherwise you will lose.

Psychologist's advice for relieving stress: imagine that you are by the river, that there is cold mountain air, and you hear birds singing, etc.

One of the reasons for suicide is the lack of endorphins and the presence of those hormones that cause unpleasant sensations? Need to instantly transform - are there places in which, if you are not ready for them, then you need to quickly re-educate yourself (reprogram) in order to survive? Are there places and situations where the instinct of self-preservation only harms, and are these places those in which the so-called lovers of power over others congregate? Fear in some places provokes aggression against someone who has this fear? Some people in some cases are dangerous creatures, for example, when you show when you are afraid of them, the instinct of attack wakes up in them , as it happens with predatory animals, when someone tries to escape from them? Who wins in the place that is discussed below - the one to whom relatives have given instructions that you need to avoid conflicts with others and take care of yourself, or those who said that do not let yourself be offended, do not be afraid of anyone or anything, anyway sooner or later we will all die, so fight for the quality of our life? In some places where there are a certain number of some people, the dominant aggression described by zoopsychologists is present - everything is like in rats in a cage or like in spiders in a jar: if in some people the animal dominates what is considered to be a quality inherent only to humans - intelligence? During the vacuum of power in the 1990s, I saw books on how to behave in the army, in prison, etc., were these the first attempts at unspoken psychology or was the information that was not working in practice? Augmented reality is used for training by special forces of some armies - should any person have augmented reality with the use of virtual glasses? The main thing is not to be afraid of the formal (chief) and informal leader in places such as the army, prison, work, etc., and communicate with him, and everything will be fine? Victimology (in short, the science of the victims of crime) is the study of the provocation of the instinct of aggression by the victim towards himself by his behavior? Do not be afraid of anyone or show that you are afraid of someone, and also do not insult, do not show intimate places, etc., in a word, do not disturb the animal principle in anyone? Is man a magnet, each attracts someone with his behavior or repels? The one who is not afraid to beat or insult you, not strong in spirit, and he is not fearless, but simply does not know life, has not yet got into trouble, and he did not register a program of careful behavior in his head? I came to the polling officer, made a voice rattling with fear, and it started - he started to attack, first he felt how I would respond to his question, why I was worried, then he started screaming and walking behind me when I was sitting on a chair ( pressure on the psyche hint, they say, I’ll hit you from behind), and if I had a confident voice - he would just interrogate me and let me go, since he would understand that I could write a complaint about him? When someone wants to attack you, he thinks he will remain a hunter or may become a victim - after all, the one who was attacked can also become a hunter, attack the one who was considered weak?

“Who pisses (fears) - he perishes,” - the words of a soldier who was serving his sentence in a disciplinary battalion.

Whoever is a fisherman and catches or caught predatory fish on a spinning fishing rod on a spinner knows that, for example, when a bait swims past a perch, his instinct of attack is triggered when he sees a moving target. Psychologist's advice for relieving stress: imagine that you are by the river, that there is cold mountain air, and you hear birds singing, etc. Perhaps in some cases it helps, and in some it’s funny how funny it would be to tell a person who was physically beaten, so you need to prevent stress, “break off” without going beyond the law (use self-defense in a psychological sense), someone who is trying to “break off” you, and no stress, it’s a pleasure - for example, a case in a disciplinary battalion, when beaten, testing for durability new arrivals to him, this is a story of someone who was in the category of “thieves” there, this is the line of behavior he chose to ensure a comfortable psychological state there: when he was beaten, he promised everyone who beat him to kill at night, after him nobody was sleeping, everyone was afraid, spinning in their beds. Conclusion: for the sake of his psychological comfort in the disbath, this man put his physical health on the “map”, he was beaten, but he did not break down and passed the test to fall into the category of “thieves,” that is, those who have the most psychologically comfortable state as much as possible in the "disbath". That is what a comfortable mental state is worth, it sometimes requires a cynical attitude towards oneself, and this will still be discussed.

Since the psychologist’s task is to create the most favorable psychological state for a person, the psychologist should have told the one who was beaten in the disciplinary battalion so that he threatened to kill those who beat him, but this could also be interpreted as a crime: “The threat of murder” , there is an article in the criminal code, it is unlikely that the psychologist would go for it, and he hardly knew how to react in this situation, this does not happen in his office. Here is another example where the psychologist will not help, but then what kind of psychological comfort is there in the role of the victim (if, as they say, he has not set himself up) there can be a speech, if he himself does not like it - to be in the lowest caste? Only relatives and acquaintances can advise this (to resist in a disbath or in prison), therefore one more conclusion: as was said earlier, everything that is in this material is aimed primarily at those who grew up or grows up in an incomplete family, and for all the others, whom we mentioned earlier, to those who receive official information and are deprived of unofficial information (obtained in the “kitchen” in the family circle, where they learn how to live, mom, dad, brother or sister).

By the way, psychology is not always the case, as a rule, some just want to write off all unresolved social problems to it: as already mentioned, if you have no money and work, and if you became an alcoholic from this problem, then psychiatrists and narcologists will cure you: some have to solve problems not created by them - are those who are called speakers responsible for the psychological state of people? Is anyone a practicing psychologist? Some people go to psychologists for advice, but in most cases the best advice can be obtained in a casual conversation from a friend or from a stranger, because often you hear something from someone and you think to yourself, but is that how it is?

As a rule, everyone who has mothers, fathers (so to speak, correctly understanding the life of mothers and fathers), those who live in complete families, are more or less oriented in a living environment and are probably in this sense much more profitable situation in front of those who grew up in a single-parent family. The situation in terms of a correct understanding of what is happening around is complicated for one who grew up alone in the family or without it at all, because he did not receive the necessary information from his parents. But there are complete families where parents themselves lived from generation to generation without understanding anything, this fact disorientates a person born in such a family, just like a person born in an incomplete family, and increases the possibility of taking a “cold shower” ”, In the role of which objective reality will act. The opposite is when he grew up in a more adequately informed family environment. Therefore, for starters, the most important thing is to begin to understand correctly what is happening around, both in the world and in everyday life, both inside and outside of everything. The most important thing is the perfect communication of everything you need to know?

We form overconfidence, and this is real - from the one who is called insecure, you can make super-self-confident? The main thing is to clearly know the motives of everyone, and especially those who are trying to hide them? In non-belligerent countries it is difficult to become a hero, do they need fighters and heroes? Why do some go where there is risk, where are objective, and where are the subjective goals of this act? The fact that someone was at risk makes it possible to become a leader? Why do you need to go somewhere or do something to get noticed? Some people think this way: until you have written a poem or bought an expensive car, you are not a full-fledged person - is this the human person of some? An expensive phone or another expensive thing, a trip to a hot spot - do some of them want to show their significance? The book called on the road - ambitious intentions always push for certain actions?

Sample words of the correspondent Paul Dick (Alexei Petrenko) from the film “TASS is authorized to declare” (USSR, 1984, director Vladimir Fokin): “... the war correspondent’s laurels did not give him rest, you need to go, but only where you would have shot ... ".

Everyone has some kind of label - they say that the teacher is diagnosed or there are no former police officers. Different nations are labeled. Therefore, it is recommended to remember, as a table with irregular English verbs or as a multiplication table, that certain individuals actually want you, for example, some leaders - whatever they say, they want to manage and control, accordingly, no matter what good intentions they covered up their actions, to perceive it all is recommended as a cover for their secret motives. As some high-level leaders call their some steps to fulfill their desires - the preparation of public opinion. The same thing you need to know about the objective desires of other people - drug addicts, whatever they say, want to use a drug, alcoholics do the same, those people who are called gamers do the same. It is not without reason that they say that the life of a drug addict or an alcoholic is a continuous “wiring” (deception) of someone, “wiring” can be a line of behavior not only of chemistry-dependent individuals, but also of those who are called addicted to something.

"A man needs to be trusted in the most extreme case,"

- the words of the heroine of the film "Diamond Hand", the USSR.

It is not recommended to believe everything that is told to you, especially after 30 years, when you should already know that 90% of everything that has been told and told to you is a lie, we only believe in the documents and facts attached to someone’s stories about something, while this is not, is it just stories and gossip? After 30 years, everyone thinks in the “need or not need anyone” mode? After 30 years, this is the age when you do not think, as in youth, that death will affect everyone except you? At a school in a literature lesson, they said that the poet A. S. Pushkin was able to see something in life that others did not see: and to have eyes does not mean to be able to see, to have ears does not mean to be able to hear, there is irrational and rational for mental health information?

The first thing that is recommended to be done is to be able to circumvent all psychological traps, put a kind of information filter that will separate false information from the real one, saving yourself with this "filter" from various manipulators (for example, bandits on the street when you are still very young), You can save a lot. In the role of a filter is meant objective information that you possess and with the help of which you can determine what is presented, a lie or truth, the ability to detect a double bottom - is this the most important thing?

Everything needs to be approached critically and an analysis and forecast of the actions of legal, psychological, domestic, etc., not forgetting that there are people who do not need these filters, they do not concentrate on emotional issues at all, they are neither good nor bad , these are people who are unemotional, they just do their work, they were talked about at the very beginning of this material, these are, for example, IT specialists - they are protected from information flows by themselves, because they don’t accept what they don’t need.

It is recommended to approach everything critically and learn to conduct the correct legal, psychological and other analysis to establish the objectivity of the information received? We demand evidence in everything: someone says that he has a house on the island, let him show documents that he is and that the house belongs to him, or someone says that this is his car - let him do the same, separate the desired from the real, the objective reality from the subjective and reveal the secret motivation?

There is secret motivation almost everywhere almost everyone is telling a lie, and the motives for this are different: to get money, to amuse ambition (to impress), but the general motive for this, as always, is to receive a dose of internal drugs - endorphins. Therefore, the main thing is to know exactly what you want and what others want from you. If the first is not very difficult, then the second is more difficult. It is not always clear what they want from you, when you understand it, it is already too late. Something else often hides behind any offers, there are people who live by earning their living by this very secret motivation - scammers or professional deceivers.

Risk groups that can be influenced by fraudsters and manipulators are, as a rule, people who grew up in single-parent families, in children's boarding schools, those who are called alcoholics, drug addicts, previously convicted - who, as a rule, spent most of their lives in prisons. In some cases, wealthy people, former military personnel, former law enforcement officials, and other former civil servants are also at risk. Why rich? Because they tend to believe the promises of fraudsters that they will help them to get rich, fraudsters feel what kind of “vices” and weaknesses they need to put pressure in order to give them the money. Why former military, law enforcement and former civil servants? Because these people, as a rule, at the end of the service (of course, we are not talking about all former military and former law enforcement officers) are not always adapted to civilian life, all this is confirmed by real observations of the fate of the above categories of citizens.

Again, are psychologists afraid of losing their jobs because they need to give advice that is incorrect from a certain point of view, or do they not know such advice at all? What to do when someone has matured and does not know what to do with it? Religion - a means of stabilizing society, or some use it for other purposes? Jim Jones and his “Temple of the Nations” and Pavlenko N.M. with his UVSR-5 and UVS-1 are an example of the fact that some can create something similar to the state, however, in this case in the sense that is usually called negative : I heard on TV that some of those who have big money can create states with armies on some of the poor continents? After all that has been seen and heard in the media and docfilms, we can say that in some cases creating a semblance of a state or what is called a pseudo-state is like opening a company - recruit people with certain moral and business qualities for each position separately, create an idea or follow the existing one, and that’s all, and there are a lot of such examples both among the classics and among contemporaries of this genre?

According to the media and docfilms, Nikolay Pavlenko, being the one who is usually called a fraudster, created WWSR-5 (the Military Construction Work Section) during WWII (WWII), and after WWII UVS-1, which were not created by USSR government bodies .

As for misunderstanding, for example, various questions of misunderstanding arise and these are questions that, by the way, probably took place in everyone’s personal life, for example, about an unsuccessful job interview: why didn’t I pass the interview, and they didn’t take me to work? As a rule, the majority thinks to the detriment of their own pride, sort of like “maybe they considered me not competent ” or something else in that regard. Many people think so, but it turns out to be simpler - these many may have been simply afraid to be hired by employers who had problems with paying potential candidates for the job they offer (there are, of course, other reasons when they didn’t hire, for example, if a man takes a woman to work, it happens that he needs her to be unmarried, if she is a woman, then the man should not be married), in other words, from employers to whom those who did not take an interview to work, there was no money to issue salaries . This is one of the reasons for the refusal of employment - the employer realized that the candidate is “competent” and “thoughtful”, and there will be problems with him when it comes to salaries.

As it turns out, they were afraid to take work because those who did not go through the interview asked specific questions regarding the remuneration of their work, how much, when, etc. To whom did such employers do worse - to those who were refused employment? No, of course, only the self-esteem of those who were refused employment was hurt, and the lack of information that they were not hired due to specific questions that they asked during an interview with the employer or his representative, and not because of their possible incompetence. Employers have done well to job seekers only by the fact that they did not lose time in vain by working for them. As a rule, representatives of reputable firms are not afraid of this state of affairs; they are not afraid of their questions regarding the size of wages and wage conditions.

Continuing the topic of secret manipulation, or rather, even secret motivation, you can also point out that many people cover up their true goals with something - they go to the gym to get to know someone, for example, from the opposite sex, and physical perfection secondarily, they quit their job because of some reasons, but hide behind others, talk about friendship to someone, and from the one to whom they inspire it, they want to have something in material terms or give it to someone who inspired their myth of friendship any other topics either id ei, and they themselves, until the object wakes up from suggestions, use it to their advantage. Representatives of organizations called sectarian (a sect is probably something like what American Jim Jones organized in his time, about 800 people committed suicide in it ), find bandits and drunkards who have gone down and become confused in their lives, lead they are fed into their organizations, fed, watered for free, meet all these comrades with the most warmth and kindness, provide shelter, devote to their faith, then it turns out that kindness was not just that, and it will pay off well when the one they brought selling his I ’ll give the apartment and give the money, or, so to speak, socially adapt and go to work, after which part of the salary will be given to the leader of the organization, kind of like a donation, is it secret motivation, but from a different perspective?

Some people are inclined towards everything they hear with maximum confidence (the effect when someone’s arguments are above the facts ), whether any information comes from the media or from a specific person, these people have no criticality in the perception of what they hear.

The sale of an apartment and the transfer of the proceeds of money for it to the leader of what is considered a sect, this is one of those cases when they believe in what they have inspired, and accordingly those who wanted to achieve something by suggestions, got theirs from who they processed by suggestions, therefore it is important to know who wants what from you and not to be disoriented in these matters, otherwise the chances of losing are very high.

Basically, deception, which is tactfully sometimes called secret motivation, and in general people who want too much from life are prone to manipulation (psychological science says that people who have signs of psychopathy like to manipulate people). They also say that those who are easily given in childhood tend to manipulate others, and they want to extend this pleasure as adults, by the way, they have already put greed in the category of mental illnesses, and they also want to treat greed - all behaviors that are uncomfortable for society soon, probably, they will be included in the category of mental disorders and will be offered to treat.

The world through the Internet and various media has become like a big village - can’t you hide anything? Is objective knowledge and objective information available not only to those who are called the elite? Is a rich person who does not have loans taken from a bank? Only those who are jealous of what is necessary for the one to whom they envy, and what they do not have, if it is not necessary, then there is no envy? Some people who drive expensive cars are people who are addicted to "window dressing" because it cannot be explained differently when you need to pay a loan for an expensive car, but there is nothing to eat at home? Everyone runs after the hormone of pleasure, is everything rationally invented by those who created us - endorphin control? Some buy endorphins instead of a car? Going against the tide so as not to be commonplace? There are places where some people can get endorphins, but there are places where they can't - why some people do what is called window dressing, buy expensive cars, saving money on food, go to war, they don’t want to be commonplace, don’t want to go to work to the factory, to the construction site, since for them it seems like a monotonous and not ambitious action, scarce on endorphins?

“... like writing letters from America, they have a pool and Mercedes, as you ask for a dollar, so they have ...” - the words of Boris (Oleg Yankovsky), one of the heroes of the film “Passport” (1990, France , USSR, Austria, director Georgy Danelia).

Everyone is inclined to manipulate in everyday life in different ways, some put photos on the background of someone else’s expensive SUV or on the background of their SUV, taken on credit, which has not yet been paid - all this is done to demonstrate success, although it happens that the car is expensive, but there is nothing to eat at home, since you need to pay a loan for it, again.

For some who have an expensive car or an elite house, indeed 90% of the budget goes to pay for the loan given by the bank, and according to the media, in Russia every 10 cars are taken on credit, so you should not burn from what is called envy when you see someone has an expensive car. According to a friend’s stories, one comrade saved money for a “lupato” Mercedes, didn’t give money to his wife and two children, and, moreover, he went to her place to eat groceries bought for her money - that’s how expensive things come from some people, they are bought on credit either through opportunism and using people for their own purposes.

The author of this work has a friend who, in her words, has a large house that belongs to her, but asks her boyfriends to buy underwear - she probably also abstained because of the loan that you have to pay for the house, these are soap bubbles ? And one more story that a friend told that she met a man who, in his words, has his own house and car (he has a house and a car, but it is not known whether they belong to him, because no one saw the documents about the law property, and we seem to be critical people - doubting everything, like investigators, until we see the “proof” in the form of the same documents). He rushed her to a cafe so that she would make less orders, and even when she wanted to buy mineral water, he told her that she would drink water at his house - this is probably the case when you need to pay loans and there is nothing to eat at home, but on the other hand, “show-offs” and “window dressing” bring their dividends in the form of endorphins, when such people think that they are considered rich by others. Another girl, working as a nurse, said that one man who drove her on an expensive SUV asked her (to a simple nurse) to lend him $ 100 to pay the workers.

So, as already probably mentioned, a person who wants a lot of life has a penchant for manipulation, but cannot achieve this through his intellect, laziness or lack of knowledge, or for other reasons, and therefore you have to get out and achieve your ambitious and ambitious goals, and sometimes just livelihoods through this secret motivation.

A manipulator is a person who, with the help of words and actions, can control the biochemistry of the brain of both his own and another person, and everyone is a manipulator, since the word of any person causes various chemical processes in the body?

They say that you need to behave very carefully when you leave your home on the street, you can immediately put a person in the category of a neurochemist, since when he leaves the house he starts to communicate with people, and his words or actions can cause various biochemical processes in the brain. After all, it’s not without reason that with the help of just a word or action you can cause a different reaction in a person, for example: when you want to boast about your victories on the love front, some recommend telling them to use the phrase “Of course, I’m not Alain Delon, but the girl came to me from afar and spent $ 100 on fuel. ” By pronouncing the phrase “I, of course, am not Alain Delon,” self-praise is removed from the alleged tension and irritation of someone who praises about his love victories, as he may feel inferior to you. You can tell a girl when she tells someone about her achievements in terms of love victories, “Of course, I’m not Marilyn Monroe, but he came to me from afar, spending $ 100 on fuel”, they say, look, what I or what I am, for my sake people parted with money. Well, these examples are at the lyric level, but in fact, careless words or actions can lead to unpleasant consequences, so once again we remind ourselves that, when you go out onto the street, you need to be vigilant?

There is no such thing that one is right, another is duty in the modern civilized countries, even laws are adopted by the government on the basis of the psychological component of the population and taking into account traditions that also stem from the same psychological component. The law, for example, administrative, prohibits the manifestation of behavior that causes irritation, embarrassment, disgust, excitement or fear in most people, for example: why can not you “pee” on the street or why you can’t walk drunk on the street? Because for others it can cause irritation or excitement, and also irritation or excitement, embarrassment or disgust can cause, when some citizens activate the so-called animal feelings and instincts in a public place, the instinct of reproduction, for example. Now more and more people are taking part in the creation of laws, the authorities are only realizing them, are laws also being transformed depending on the needs of society?

olerantnost - this is when you need to endure something or someone? Once again, the law of that can be “twisted” in the right direction: call what is considered crazy or eccentric, installation or performance, and whoever does this is no longer a psychopath, but a genius in the field of art? The philological transformations in the 2000s in connection with the advent of political correctness are as follows - there is no longer someone who was previously called not gay, but in a different (roughly different) way, there are no more psychopaths, are there people with a mobile psyche? Is a psychopath (a person with a mobile psyche) a person for whose comfortable existence more factors are needed than for an ordinary person, and which he cannot achieve at the same time, and, as some say in everyday life, is a schizophrenic an ambitious person? Is a hysterical personality a person who likes to attract attention, or do those who want to concentrate all their attention on themselves with their labels and criticism? Some professions are chosen according to their interests, and if we talk about deviations from the norm, then those who are called pedophiles can work where children, necrophiles, where are corpses? If there is no need, no hardship? Are we all the reflection of those who influenced us and with whom fate drove?

In addition to the generally accepted methods of obtaining pleasure, such as sexual, pleasure from eating food, everyone also has their own personal way of receiving pleasure, it is commonly called hobby, the main thing is that hobby does not go beyond the law, because the desire to kill can also be called a hobby.

Not so long ago they talked a lot about Freud and his teachings, but he strongly, as already emphasized, “turned up” on his sexuality in psychoanalysis, and it seems that all his works are created for a separate layer of society. Yes, there are problems from the suppression of instincts, but there are problems from the suppression of emotions.

Who watched the cartoon “The Return of the Prodigal Parrot” (USSR production, 1984, directed by Valentin Karavaev), he remembers how a parrot who escaped from one owner to another owner calls and tells the first owner that he lives super, but in fact it turns out that he wears slippers to a guy of a major kind, from whom he settled.

The state of the psyche depends on the presence or absence of information, if a person is jealous of someone because he has something that he doesn’t have, then he also wants this, he wants to have something that is the one to whom he envies, for example: someone has an expensive car, and the one who envies also wants to have it. But the one who needs the same car is jealous, but he doesn’t have one, he immediately begins to envy the other person’s material well-being, but if he doesn’t need the car, he won’t be envious. And it may turn out that there is nothing to envy, since the question is how this car was purchased, and it turns out, it was purchased on credit, which, moreover, was not paid to the end, as already mentioned, took the car on credit, but there is nothing at home. It seems that if this information was available, it became easier for the soul, and in most cases it is so, everything expensive is taken on credit, but those who do not know this are envious, but, again, those who need it, envy no need, that’s cold.

Does social formation influence personality formation? Being determines consciousness - that is how Karl Marx said, in his work “To a criticism of political economy,” that is, where you lived, how you think and how you behave? Not being, but beating determines consciousness, and not only people can beat, but also circumstances? Not only quantum physics assumes that you can go along several paths of life at the same time, but the modern position in psychology suggests that you could be anyone, it all depends on your environment, and genetic heredity does not play a role in choosing a path in life dominant role? You are a blank sheet when you were born, and you can get completely different, can there be thousands of options for your psychological constitution? Are you a person or just one of the possible copies? Your thoughts are only yours or imposed from the outside, how independent are you in your judgments? If you do not like a social group, then under certain circumstances you could be one of this social group? There is work where what is called vice is claimed? If there are defects and mental disorders, you need to look for work, where are they in demand? When choosing a profession, do you choose the lifestyle associated with it? High sexual temperament - a biological fact absolutely logical from the point of view of physiology, like all other facts of a biological nature - again, is this so that humanity does not die out as a species? There are logical explanations for any physiological and psychological behavior of a person, all this was done by higher powers or other circumstances for something: the desire for sex to multiply, and the lack of sexual desire for doing science, and nothing distracted from this - human society on ants and bees: where there are soldiers, workers, uterus and so on, is there a clear distribution of roles everywhere? We conduct physiological experiments - we turn on sexual desire, and the one who has it turned on is here on planet Earth, to reproduce, turn off the sexual desire, and the one who has it turned off, is on planet Earth for scientific activity, instincts do not allow focus on anything in full?

As already mentioned, oddly enough, you can find a job somewhere that is commonly called a vice, may be in demand, I don’t want to voice this kind of activity, because perhaps some who work in it will not like it.

There is something that does not fit into the framework of mental health, understood in the sense of modern coordinate systems, or does not fit into the requirements of any profession to the person, for example, a tendency to vagrancy, by the way, doctors in vain attributed this phenomenon to mental disorders (mental disorder, apparently considered that hinder integration into society), this inclination to vagrancy is very popular, there are many professions that require a propensity for relocation and travel (by the way, are people to to rule on the psychological testing of the proposed trees that need to choose the pictures, choose the kind of palm tree). Times have changed, we include political correctness and call the tendency to vagrancy, for example, mobility.

What about the modern coordinate system of behavior is considered normal or different in each country? Mentally ill people are considered one whose behavior does not comply with generally accepted norms of behavior and who therefore does not benefit what society is called, or cannot integrate into it, as they say, and that’s all for us, but there are whole countries in whom no one benefits anyone in the classical sense of the word, and this does not bother the inhabitants of these countries, moreover, they are proud of it (because they do not work anywhere)? Eternal vacation - the richer the country or the poorer the country, the more opportunities to be carefree? In poor countries or in rich countries, sometimes people's behavior is more like the behavior of spiders in a bank?

Lyrics: there is one interesting science-fiction film about how insects fight for survival and eat each other, you can’t call it softer, it is called “Monsters bug wars” / “Wars of giant beetles” (Australia, Beyond Productionst, 2011-2012, director John Ford). Who will decide to make a similar popular science film, not only about insects, but about some people - how do they “eat” other people, only in a psychological sense?

“I never thought that there were so many abnormal people in the city, and those who I would never have thought would be abnormal in the city,” are the words of a man who identified himself as a psychiatrist who had just come to work in this profession.

The ideal psyche - the generally accepted norms of the most ideal psyche, such when the mental state does not change or almost does not change in any circumstances or in any emergency situations, that is, calm and self-control does not leave you when you are in space, in an airplane, at a high altitude, stuck in an elevator, participating in or survived a military conflict, in a word, in the presence of any situations, the mental state should almost not change or panic, that’s the standard of the ideal psyche of our time, or rather, part of the standard, ideal th measured psyche, I think, and other factors. By the way, everyone also has their own pain threshold, someone feels pain strongly, while someone does not, you can even joke - when they say that you are afraid to fight, you can say that you have a high pain threshold. The pain threshold also affects the mental state, lifestyle and fate.

The litmus paper of what is called freedom in any country, is it when people who are called psychopaths feel comfortable? Are there those who complicate someone else's life in order to make theirs easier?

If for some reason someone does not have the opportunity to create his own reality based on the realization of his needs, this usually leads to at least irritability and dissatisfaction, or as a maximum to suicide caused by neurosis in the event that someone generally inclined to solve this problem in radical ways - each has its own threshold of tolerance? The story of one person about the unsatisfied personal ambitions of another person: “I served in one of the units of the power structures, where there was no free time, I transferred from there to another duty station, met my friend, who stayed to work where I transferred, and he looks at me like “on the other side of the barbed wire”, ” - the person, apparently, was very sad, judging by this phrase, or this work was not for him.


"The sins of others to judge. You are so eager to tear, start with your own, and you will not get to strangers."


The fate of the pioneers - everyone follows after them and criticize for mistakes (for what, in their personal opinion, are considered mistakes)?

He who does nothing does not make mistakes.

"Piz .. there are no bags to roll," - a vulgar saying.

You don’t need to think that someone saw you in defeat or in anything else negative for you, the hype goes away and everything becomes uninteresting for others, and those who have nothing to do criticize someone (usually , those who criticize others do not have time to criticize themselves, and life now, thanks to the achievements of medicine, as a rule, has a long life - therefore, it is not known who else will turn out, the critic may also get into big or small troubles). Criticize are for all: if pristaosh to a person of the opposite sex - you will be called troubled, if not pristaosh - you impotent, looking for someone to show attention to the temperament n th man or not to temperamental.

We repeat - those who are inclined to criticize do not have time to criticize themselves, and they, as it may sound trite, loafers, those who work, for example, at a construction site, he comes home and immediately goes to bed, again in the morning on work. Engaged in criticism and, as a rule, not always objective, is only a certain part of society, which has a lot of free time. Anyone who likes to criticize or, more simply, to collect gossip, he will find something to complain about, always, this kind of para-eldoly - in everything you can see what needs to be criticized. The penchant for criticism is probably due to the nature of the person, this is expressed in the transfer of personality data to another person, so apparently it was conceived by higher forces, a kind of exchange of information or a database of what a person is.

For information, pareidolia is kind of like a tendency to look for something logical in chaotic drawings, for example, in patterns on a carpet, everyone probably noticed this for himself.

Underground currents, the “black” entrance and the inclusion of light in the “dark” room - no matter how loud it sounds, does some people break consciousness when you turn on the light in a dark room? Are promises tales for infantiles? Infants are those who for a very long time remain what they call a child, then what if it's time to become what they call an adult? Do not do good to people, but distribute endorphins to people? What is the dual nature of man? It follows from history that, globally, some for the struggle for high moral values ​​disguise the true causes - the struggle for resources, territories and markets? If someone believes that he does not live well, then it is not an ideology or something else, but the economy - if there is wealth, then there is social peace? Some states in some cases contribute to the development of what is called neurosis and phobia?

“... only now it is all disguised with different words ...”, are exemplary words by V. Vysotsky in the feature film “The Master of the Taiga”, USSR.

As already mentioned, some structures began to trick, before everything was called by its proper name, now everything is covered by abstractness, a substitution of terms, as it is customary to call it now (such an intelligent product as the “Overton window” tells about something like this), because everything can be interpreted in different ways, to give out information to someone in the right interpretation. Previously, according to history, everything was done in some places by force and orders, now psychological traps are set up, lured to where they used to take by force. Who will now say that some of the structures that are prescribed or who believe that they are required to do what is called upbringing are not to blame for the formation of neurosis-like states in those whom they try to educate, and those who are considered to be impressionable people, who, for example, didn’t do what those who educate them did, and because of this they began to consider themselves to be called flawed, and , as one acquaintance said, the brain brains the thought, that is, the thought pursues (choose a less crude synonym for vm Of course, the words are hollowed out) that after that, for example, they are not men, and an inferiority complex is formed (manipulation by forming an inferiority complex). True, like most feelings, this complex is formed, perhaps not for long, but still it’s not very pleasant, people are different - some will have it for a while, others will have nothing at all (the so-called non-sticking personalities), and some will be very long. Well, of course, in the family, through their suggestions, they can instill in the child a complex of inferiority and self-doubt (for example, “what will people say about you?”), And then the child will begin to look for, so to speak, deprogrammers who will help him get rid of what they programmed at home is if they are lucky and they find them, and if they are not lucky, they will simply be manipulated, manipulated under the pretext of, as is now customary to say, coaching personal growth in some organizations. By the way, suggestion is a serious force. In one of his stories, he seemed to be called “KGB against the KGB,” Gerard de Villiers writes that the hero of his story had unpleasant sensations when he met with a Russian officer - you can see how the structures that were ordered to inspire (or educate) were inspired into the person or someone else suggested that the Soviet officer is an enemy. This once again proves that the human brain is a very plastic material.

The people speak the language of power - what do people show and tell in the media, is that true for them? What is the main thing - idealistic or realistic? The propaganda of some contributes to the emergence of what are called borderline disorders like neurosis, depression, etc.? Someone needs in some places so that you don’t understand ahead of time, where you will go or where you will go, otherwise you won’t go where some people want you to go? Those who have parents are less likely to go where they don’t have to go than those who have no parents? Some of those who are called geopolitical opponents are inspired by what prevents people from living well? Sometimes the task of competing management entities is to make people who are under the control of a competitor-manager unhappy that they lose the ability to manage their people? Judging by the documentaries, the special services of some countries have the role of creating stability within the society in which they serve, and on the contrary, instability is the opposite in the societies of geopolitical competitors, which means that not only the institutions listed in the textbooks on sociology and psychology influence the formation of personality, but also the special services of some States partially affect character formation? Proceeding from documentary films earlier, and maybe even now, if you have achieved success and have some influence, be you a famous musician, scientist, writer, criminal who has “weight” in the criminal world, with you, as a rule, in any representatives of local (or vice versa non-local) special services contacted a country of the world and offered to cooperate with them - are local to maintain stability not local, on the contrary? Are there those whose job it is to monitor those who have achieved something, and through them then introduce any political ideas? If you have paranoia, then this does not mean that you are not being watched? What do two people know, then does the pig know - it’s good for some to take into service the vigilance of special services? PSIPHON and something similar to the TeamViewer program, but only that does not ask the host computer for permission, can you go to it and see what is on the hard drive, as well as to trace the situation through the camcorder and microphone - it’s no secret that high technology arming those who are interested in them for their own purposes? As a leader and role model can be not only an individual, but also an organization? “Imagine that you are an entire army, though consisting of one soldier,” the words attributed to Donald Trump, here you need to add that an individual should not only be an army, he should imagine that he has his own special services, where does he work?

If you want to defeat the enemy, raise his children.

(Eastern wisdom)

A conversation in the CIA building:

How did you get here? Are you a KGB agent? No, I'm an agent of a network marketing firm - I sell pans.

Language will bring to Kiev - if you know how to convince people, will it be easiest to achieve?

TeamViewer is a program for gaining remote access to computers bypassing firewalls, blocked ports, as well as NAT routing of local IP addresses.

According to documentary and media reports, there were five main departments in the KGB divided into departments and services (the information was taken from documentaries and the media, so it is not known how reliable it is).

The first, most important, was responsible for working abroad.

The second is counterintelligence, as well as control in order to ensure stability in the society of the population of the former USSR. The fifth main department is political.

The eighth is decryption. The border guards also belonged to the KGB.

The first head office of the KGB.

The First Main Directorate included three divisions.

Management C, these are illegal agents abroad. It is divided into lines, the first of which recruited employees.

The second unit was preparing various legends.

The third is the management of residencies.

There were also employees of unit L, this is the connection of illegal agents with the leadership in the USSR.

The eighth department is the training of saboteurs.

Section T follows this is science. Abroad, the department had the abbreviation for conspiracy, they worked as various employees abroad, of trade, for example. Unit K, the task of this unit is to introduce foreign intelligence agencies, and the tasks of K included controlling everyone who left the USSR and lived abroad.

The first main department had three divisions (services).

Service I is an intelligence analysis.

Service A is misinformation.

Service P is an analysis of all KGB operations.

The First General Directorate also oversaw the eleven departments where KGB officers worked.

First: United States and Canada.

Second: Latin America.

Third: Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Scandinavia.

Fourth: Germany and Austria.

Fifth: France, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Ireland.

Sixth: China, Vietnam, Korea, Cambodia.

Seventh: Japan, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore.

Eighth: Arab countries, Turkey, Greece, Iran, Afghanistan, Albania. Ninth: Africa dominated by French.

Tenth: Africa dominated by English.

Seventeenth: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka.

The eleventh department is the relationship between countries controlled by the KGB and the USSR.

The twelfth department - this department is formed of KGB veterans, the employees of this department went to various conferences, etc.

The fourteenth department is technical support.

The fifteenth department is the archive of the First General Directorate.

The sixteenth department is encryption and communication.

The second main office. The divisions of this department were called directions: the first direction led an economic line, economic crimes were administered, the second was the protection of various industrial facilities, the third task was to decide whether it was possible to travel abroad for one or another citizen. Followed by.

Border Guard Office. The third control is control over the ideological component in the troops.

The Fifth Directorate is a political directorate whose task was also to control for the purpose of stability of the ideological component only in civil society. The seventh management is surveillance. The eighth control is encryption and decryption. The Ninth Directorate is a unit whose task was to protect the highest figures of the USSR. More detailed information on the structure of the KGB of the USSR can be found on the Internet. According to documentary and media reports, the special services of almost all the countries of the world had or have units that are fully or partially similar to the Soviet ones in the KGB, so there is no point in talking about other special services.

Transfer all these services of any special services, not only the former KGB, to your life. Having created something similar in your life, you can learn vigilance from this organization and other special services. As already mentioned (again, according to documentary films), as a rule, the special services of any country tried, at least earlier, to come to an agreement with those who had influence on the masses, for example, with musical groups of their countries, that they sing what stabilizes society, and vice versa, in countries of geopolitical opponents to agree with local groups to sing something else so that, no matter how commonplace it sounds, corrupt and spoil people, undermine stability, the same can be said about writers and filmmakers but when offensive there is a vacuum of power, for example, as in the 90s after the collapse of the USSR, everyone sings, makes films, writes and generally does what he wants, but this does not mean that if someone does what he wants , it will be something true and objective, it will just be something that someone did as he wanted, and that’s all, or did what someone else wanted, and he paid for it. There is always such nonsense after the revolution, as my grandmother’s father said. After the revolution of the 17th year of the last century, everything repeats, and then, when everything stabilizes, everything passes. What happened to those who are called bandits who were in the 90s? Everyone in prison, either drank themselves, or became drug addicts and disappeared, and now it’s become not fashionable for the bandit, since the system has become stable, and those who break the law are not allowed to do their work, as before, their kingdom was at a time anarchy, when there was no big deal to them, because there was no power, the hands did not reach the bandits, and as soon as the power was formed, the hands also reached the bandits, so that’s all for a short time - what is meant is what is called banditry who was one of those who are called bandit-sighted, he saved up money on t m, which is called banditry became a businessman.

Do some special services cooperate or did they cooperate with all famous and public people before? This is so according to information obtained, as already mentioned, from the media and documentaries: some singers, party leaders, scientists, fortune tellers worked with special services - either with their own or with strangers - the special services, so to speak, use them for their own purposes, if you need to officially express something, they turn to these people, since for many their opinions can be authoritative (as one political strategist has one of the items “link to authorities”, which contributes to a better conviction, I mean when he talks about someone authoritative in n terrible sphere). Some special services themselves "untwist" those who are called fortune tellers so that they interpret everything in the right direction for any state?

Lyrics: should special services to relieve social tension secretly hire female and male people who, through social networks, under the guise of a simple acquaintance, should pay attention to citizens in need? Why do special services need to preserve what is and expand their influence on what is not yet?

Well, this, of course, is from the category of lyrics, but who knows what will happen next, in rich countries it can be, because there is a lot of extra money. Someone gets acquainted in the social network, and then the one or the one you are looking for appears, temperamental, beautiful, and most importantly, everyone thinks that she is paying attention from a lot of love, because for some men the spirit of depression usually hovers after reaching the age limit for 30 years, when the girls are no longer so in love, and these men lived it, that they love them and take their attention. And there’s another reason why, as they say, girls, when they are in their thirties, don’t like it because women who are active before love can be in prison or die from alcohol, drugs and other reasons because of their so-called bad activity. accordingly, there are fewer girls with an activity of a certain kind, as, in principle, of men. By the way, they say that in some countries, according to the media, it is possible to officially visit a public house a certain number of times a year or a month for those citizens who are not married, probably so that there is no sexual violence on the street and there is social peace.

Is the reason for the middle-aged crisis in men due to the fact that the opposite sex no longer pays attention to them to the extent that it previously paid, the attention of the opposite sex is directed to the children born? Closer to the age of 40, the attention of some women returns to some men, since the husbands of some women go away from them to other women, or to their parents, or to alcoholism, and the end of what is called the midlife crisis, since those of men, who have not survived make way for those who survived it? Do women instinctively need a man to save children? Women, for the most part, if they change, then they are not doing well in the family? With age, can you predict the results of your actions based on your life experience? Looking for love or food base? If you are attracted by an unmarried woman who has children, then in most cases she is looking for a relationship, and this is the desire to save the family: is it a higher power setting - to find a successful partner to ensure the survival of the offspring? If you are dependent on work from a woman who has children, but no husband, and you know her needs that she needs someone who will “raise” her children to their feet, this is her natural program, then you have to predict what if you met her once, zaymoshsya sex, and that's it your Watch yo and of it's over, you can spoil relations with her?

And further on the topic of special services: each country has its own special services, the special service of one of the countries of the world conducted research in the field of manipulating the human mind with drugs, the operations associated with this were called MK-Ultra, Blue Bird, and Artichoke. .. All this in a detailed form can be found on the Internet.



Is thinking and a line of behavior prescribed to everyone either from above or from upbringing, which is why are attempts to achieve power over oneself (over instincts, other programs established, higher powers or nature and products of upbringing), as a rule, futile and lead at least to psychological discomfort? Using the terms of theoretical physics, an ordinary average person, until you enter into a relationship with him, is a neutrino in relation to you, and as soon as you enter into a relationship with him, based on what kind of relationship you had, it can become a neutrino your friend or foe? In every action of the majority self-interest, is there not a single action without self-interest? Nobody wants to sacrifice personal for the sake of the public, or depending on who has what upbringing? The main thing is to feel fit?

No one will love that which he has never seen, heard or felt, and will not hate that he has never seen, heard or felt.

No matter how much I thought, what guided the people whom I had to meet in life, what lies at the basis of their behavior, in 99.9% the main basis on which they made decisions was fear, laziness, self-interest and other things called behavioral instincts , no logic, it was only used to implement decisions made on the basis of fear, laziness and other basic instincts and emotions, such as a thirst for the opposite sex, for example.

So what to do, suppress needs or look for ways to satisfy them, because all living things were created to satisfy their needs, or still declare war on higher forces and other circumstances that put programs with needs into all living things and not satisfy any needs? As history shows, you probably don’t need to do this if the needs are not the same, realizing which you can hurt yourself and others, such as the needs of the infamous grandfather Chikatilo, everyone who enjoys in an inadequate way, fall into the category of mentally abnormal and criminals .

Some psychology only for a certain social stratum? And what is the psychology for such a social phenomenon, such as a guest worker? Not for the guest worker the writings of Sigmund Freud with his questions about sexual and other psychological teachings? In his work “What is an information war?”, Martin Liebik brought out seven forms of information warfare: command and management, intelligence, psychological, hacker, economic, electronic, cyber warfare - all this for a certain social group?

Psychology, like physics, can be divided into theoretical and practical. Theorists from psychology probably derive the bulk of information about relationships between people from books and other similar information carriers, and practices from personal life experience. Who is more, theorists or practitioners, versed in interpersonal relationships, who has the largest and most practicable amount of knowledge about how to properly respond in a given situation, which line of behavior to choose in each particular case? After all, practitioners receive information by obtaining it from real events, and any person who does not have a diploma and a psychologist's education can be called a practical psychologist.

How valuable will be the advice of theoretical psychologists in such matters as, for example, finding a good job, if they never looked for it, they always had it, because their job is to be in the office and give advice to people (given reasoning there are no emotional expressions due to any hostility towards those who are called theoreticians in this material, this is a quote of the fact, the fact that not every psychologist worked as a guest worker at a construction site, stood behind a machine at the factory, sowed and picked up potatoes, carried in buckets solution at 9 fl as much as a house under construction in the USSR building battalion).


If life circumstances turned out so that someone ended up in a foreign country, in a foreign city, unfortunately, not as a tourist, but as, for example, a migrant worker, and even to all these matters was added that a ticket was lost upon arrival, which gives the right, for example, to a three-month (maybe more, maybe less than three months, depending on where and at what time) stay in the city without registration, what to say to law enforcement officers if they stop and will require documents legalizing a stay in the mountains Ode, how to do so in order to minimize the chances that they may come up with a request to present documents, and what to do if, for example, a law enforcement officer comes up and demands to present registration documents?

It remains, as the scouts say, to mimic in the environment, for this, as those who are called migrant workers teach themselves, you can put on a scarf of a local football team to pass as a local resident or, as it sounds funny, put on glasses, which, according to society he says to stereotypes that you are an intelligent young man who has read many books and spoiled his eyesight, and this a priori cannot be a guest worker, as one operative who pretended to be lame in operations to capture criminals said: “The ment was not lame it is ". That is exactly what those who are called bandits thought when they saw a lame person walking towards them.

An idea and a mind without what is called willpower is an eternal theory, not a practice - the glory of an eternal theorist awaits someone who lacks the spirit to bring an idea to life? Brains can be borrowed, but there is no willpower - if the responsible action needs to be done specifically for you, and no one else for you, or is it not? Only he flies into space and accomplishes feats, who does not spare himself? Some states protect their citizens from information related to the suffering of others, and this is in vain, because therefore, when faced with something unpleasant, they think that their heartache and problems are unique, and that no one else suffers like them - everything is relative? Are those who are commonly called psychopaths and neurasthenics pity themselves in the sense of raising this pity into a cult?

What can advise in such cases (to someone who is in a foreign country or city) the one who is engaged in psychology? Probably talk with a law enforcement officer about high matters when he stops to check registration, and be sure to smile at the same time. What the psychologist can advise on how to ask passers-by on the street when there is nothing to eat (there are a lot of good people in the city who are ready to help, and this is not an ironic remark about the inhabitants of megacities, in fact if you ask for money from the townspeople on the street (you have nothing to go home for), almost everyone will give, you only need to ask for the amount in adequate amounts, but there are those who can reach the nearest policeman and “hand over” the person who asks for money, True, this is rare).

Was at the psychologist today, told him about her life, cried, barely reassured? Is my girlfriend my pillow? What is stress for some, then for others the normal situation is for an ambitious person to work at work related to physical labor, is it stress? If you do everything without what is called chemical psychostimulants, such as alcohol or drugs, and life does not cause psychological discomfort either for you or for others, then your psyche is considered ideal? The less of what is called weaknesses, the easier it is to live? The more opportunities to satisfy what is considered weaknesses, if any, the easier it is to live? Deprivation is terrible to anyone who has what are called weaknesses?

Many people who are compelled to be outside their state, for example, to earn money, are in a difficult psychological situation (there is a category of people who feel uncomfortable away from home, in the foreign French legion even it seems like there is a term about it: it’s not suitable for external operations , I want to go home, the so-called instinct of the home is triggered, or fear and excitement are oversaturated ), these people turn to psychologists, again, without thinking about how the psychologist himself would behave if he were in that place the person who came to him for advice.

It’s good to give advice while sitting in the office, not working at a construction site as, for example, a helper or doing other “black” work that a local resident of a wealthy state will never go to, who knows that everything is stable for him, what they’re doing for him “ the black work of emigrants that he will come after work to his house, to the apartment that he has, unlike, as a rule, from the one who came to the psychologist for advice, being far from his homeland.

How much he, a psychologist, will be strong spirit or, speaking the language of the psychologists themselves, morally stable, being in the situation of his client, for example, someone who came to work as someone called a guest worker, again, no one thinks about it, some say “I have a problem, I’ll go and go to a psychologist”, but, oddly enough, as mentioned earlier, you can get a lot of useful information for your acquaintance, who has achieved everything or is doing it in life himself, because ordinary people can give valuable advice.

In the end, many of those whose work is to give advice, as already mentioned, are afraid to give direct advice, advise something cautiously, so to speak, “from afar” (like a person comes in and complains about a job that he believes great psychological or physical tension , and psychologists give him advice, as mentioned earlier, “from afar”, like “I also worked at your work earlier, but left”, that is, it turns out such a veiled advice to leave this work), that's all this is most likely done to avoid the alleged negative re shares of someone to whom the psychologist gives advice. What if the client will be dissatisfied after taking the advice, quitting, will not find work, will write a complaint, and can they pick up the license? Here is such an approximate train of thought for the one who gives advice, which, of course, again affects the objectivity of these tips. Some who are preaching on the true path are afraid to give open advice (if some even know them) that can radically change a person’s life, thinking that then those who were given the wrong advice can “drag out” the courts , in any case Some of those whose work is to give advice say so. These are the undercurrents of those whose work is to give advice, of course, as already mentioned, it is not necessary to generalize, not everywhere and not all of the ones mentioned above, but everyone can think and make a conclusion based on his own beliefs and life experience, how convincing is what is now proposed for consideration in this material.

The main thing is not to break down and not to overcome the point of no return, but work if it is not there, and if you are young, you will find it, as they say in the employment service?

Some are forced to spend the night at train stations in search of work; they go from simple helpers to people of ambitious professions. What achievements, for example, can one who boasts advice to search for a prestigious job for himself personally, if, again, returning to the above, he always had a job and this job gave advice? How can he prove his competence? This is about those who chose to teach others how to live.

How can someone show how competent he is? If, for example, he is a lawyer, then he must boast of his achievements in this field, so that he is considered to be such in fact, should he show what he has achieved? For example, an indicator of competence of a lawyer is terminated criminal cases before the trial, which were at the stage of preliminary investigation by the investigator or, in the worst case, terminated in court - if there are none, the court found him guilty and sentenced (no matter what punishment, the main thing is that the court passed decision on conviction and sentencing), that means a lawyer is like many, and he had to give up protection, because there was no sense in her, and if you can come to such a lawyer, only for the right condition reporting documents, but not for advice or invitation to defend a suspect or accused, because except for a psychotherapeutic session from a lawyer such as “Don't worry, everything will be fine” no one else will get anything, and the result will be the same as with a lawyer what without him? The result of the lawyer's quality work is not a sentence by the court, no matter what it is, but his absence and recognition of the defendant as innocent, that is, the lawyer must give what is expected of him, as happens in any other service - the consumer gives money to someone and gets what he paid for.

Are such actions morally justified as giving advice to someone who took everything from the theory, if he himself did not encounter the life problems described above in the work. How would soldiers with military experience, even if small, relate to the military man who received a diploma in a military institution, came to the military unit and learns to fight, never having participated in the fighting himself?

Those who come to whose job it is to give advice, for advice, this is a kind of soldier who already has, perhaps, a small and maybe not very successful experience in military operations on the front of a psychological war, and, say so, injured in a psychological sense.

And in general, not everyone decides to ask their innermost questions to a person, most of them want to find them in inanimate sources of information - on the Internet or in books.

We repeat, as at the beginning of this material, that no one wants to say that the one whose job is to give advice does not know anything, they educate people, so to speak, but in some cases they use a theory that is not always applicable in other situations and not in all social groups. In the literature they say that some states are simply trying to solve social and economic problems, as has already been said, with the help of psychologists, psychiatrists and narcologists, they just throw off all social problems to psychologists, psychiatrists and narcologists, in fact, for some people, for example , problems associated with a small salary, there is simply not enough money to satisfy their needs, and they don’t know how to earn them and where they need them, and therefore these some people start resorting to psychostimulants such as alcohol, etc. Why there are situations that are considered unpleasant - this is the way the higher forces try to show that you are doing what they, and therefore, you do not need to do, and vice versa, when you are rewarded with a portion of endorphins, you you do what you and the higher powers need from you. Here is the solution to the problem of management - do what you need and get, with the help of chemistry inside the body, the release of hormones of pleasure, if you do what you don’t need, is it the other way around? Here is what is written in a small book, “Psychiatry for Beginners,” with illustrations, by David Bryzer, illustrations by Ricardo Castañeda, Poppuri Publishing House, Minsk, 1998. “From time immemorial ... men and women are in unpleasant situations. The ancients in many of their misfortunes accused the gods, who either avenged or rewarded, depending on their whims. And later eras, the cause of suffering was still found outside of the person, but now demons, the devil, evil spirits that infused men and women and forced them to do terrible things brought suffering.

However, over time, the interpretations of good and evil, cause and effect, have become increasingly anthropocentric . Men and women began to be regarded not only as objects, but also as the root causes of their suffering. Together with an understanding of the internal, i.e. human origin of pain and suffering, the need for shamans, healers, and spellcasters has disappeared. They have become unnecessary. A new type of healer, a healer of the inner world of man, that is, his psyche (in Greek: soul), a worldly confessor called a psychiatrist, arose.

With few exceptions, the psychiatric approach to treatment is heavily based on the individual. The individual is considered both as a cause and as a potential healer of his ailments. Patients come to psychiatrists not only with problems such as anxiety, guilt, depression, but also about lack of housing, poverty, unemployment and other social evils. A psychiatrist who has been trained to fit his observations into a particular medical model tries to diagnose and treat such ailments, regardless of the nature of their origin (political, social or economic). This relieves the authorities of responsibility in relation to those people who, for one reason or another, remain on the sidelines of life, do not correspond to the basic stereotype of a producing member of society; they can be treated like patients - victims of the disease who need to be treated or even hospitalized. ”

It remains to add that if you understand David Bryzer correctly, then the authorities are to blame for all or if not all, partly in terms of the occurrence of mental illnesses, only those who are at your place of residence or others, and what would he say about those who is in prison, who is to blame?

Some live in one way or another just because they did not see another way of life? Some of those who are called scientists can deceive and manipulate some politicians, and this is expressed, for example, in demanding giants for some kind of scientific research that will not lead to anything substantial? Again - anxious conditions due to the fact that now the cult of caution, vaccinated by some since childhood? Psychological warfare or the painting "The arrest of the propagandist." According to the documentary, Uri Geller claimed that his supernatural abilities were secretly checked by the special services of his state after they invited him to his place for this - is this true? Propelling yourself is extremely simple, for example, you can say that you created your work on the instructions of the special services - naturally, the special services will refuse this, you will say that it’s normal, that they didn’t recognize what you are saying, because these are special services, everything is secret with them, and try to prove that what you say is not true, maybe the representatives of the special services asked you for the service, or maybe not, but are you already publicized? Even if someone puts you in court or the police, and he does not have evidence that everything that he stated is true, he will lose? Agents of influence, leaders of opinions - are the true nature of their actions always hidden behind the good goals of some? Everyone is an agent of influence, since everyone changes the world?

There will always be someone who does not like what you do. This is normal. Everyone likes kittens in a row. Words attributed to EM Si Hamer.

You can add: there will always be someone who likes what you do. Man lives a little and cannot know much.

The yellow press, word of mouth, an ideologically alien element, an ideologically close element, an ideologically harmful element, moral decay, an ideological vacuum, a socially close element, recruitment on an emotional basis, not suitable for moral and business qualities, if you have not visited somewhere - you are not man, the psychological age of 15 years or life-long childhood (usually say that (about age 15), who in the conventional sense of the physiological age is different from the psychological: infantilism - the so-called this phenomena s, the term is often used by the military in relation to some new recruits). From the items listed at the beginning of this paragraph (yellow press, etc.), one can guess - these are the things, actions and phrases by which the opponent’s conviction and manipulation is conducted. There is no need to be afraid of someone’s criticism, doing something new, because some of those who achieve something are those who create some kind of micromonopoly if someone had the opportunity to live at least two hundred years in the process of observing what happens in the lives of ordinary people, the conclusion would be that everything repeats: meeting, love, copulation, some have prison, freedom, wealth, poverty or war, each has his own, etc., changed only science, everything else in life is predictable, real change only in science, the changes made by those who are on the move chnuyu car, and human biological needs, such as sex and love are repeated from generation to generation - in fact, as some say, the man is an animal with intelligence.

The concept of psychological warfare is a term usually used in politics. As has already been said, nothing has been heard about the psychological war in everyday life; almost everything is being waged on a subconscious level; a huge number of books have been written on the topic of psychological warfare in politics.

At the beginning of this work, “The Unspoken Resources of the Good Mood of Some,” the author pointed out that one needs to live long in order to comprehend the truth, and that when a person turns 70 or 80 years old, then all the processes taking place within society will become 100% or almost 100 % Some writers are just such a case; due to their venerable age, they know all the “underwater” currents of life, and on the basis of this they give birth to their works.

A person feels a leader, according to the documentary, there was a case when a Soviet intelligence officer arrested for espionage, presumably with leadership qualities, recruited the one who came to interrogate him, and there was a case when a security guard organized the escape of a bandit, since he, having leadership qualities, introduced security guard in psychological dependence on himself? “No, it will make war impossible (meaning weapons - the Maxim machine gun)”, - the words attributed to Hyrum Maxim (the inventor of the Maxim machine gun), said in response to the question whether his machine gun makes the war more terrible, can we say the same about nuclear weapons?

In the film “TASS is authorized to declare” (USSR, 1984, director Vladimir Fokin), there is an episode in which the Soviet intelligence officer Slavin (Yuri Solomin), while in prison, “did not break down” and even took the initiative in his hands while talking with the intelligence officer USA Glabom (Vakhtang Kikabidze).

And again to the previously discussed. There are many definitions of the concept of psychological warfare, the simplest and most intelligible of all definitions: psychological warfare is the science of deception and belief. Where did it come from, this psychological warfare? That is, deception has always been, but on the scientific track or on the scientific plateau it was most likely most recently, when physical war with tanks and guns became impossible in Europe and on other continents, as it appeared, as taught at school, the deterrent is nuclear weapons, which made senseless physical war between countries that have nuclear weapons, another thing is to attack a country where it is not there, and you don’t have to spend heavily on psychological warfare, on preparing public opinion, just like in life if you're weak first, then you will not be, ceremony, if strong, then the other way around?

Some modern leaders of any organizations transform in accordance with the realities of the time, begin to use and impose abstract concepts (this is one example, and there are more than enough abstract concepts in the leader’s set), covering this with their true desires ( secret motivation ), examples may each one is more than enough, for example, when instead of giving out wages, they begin to “load” something abstract, so to speak.

According to documentaries and the media, psychological warfare is used, for example, by countries in relation to those countries where it is impossible to poke into physical war due to the presence of the opponent’s strength in the form of nuclear weapons, so agents of influence are created whose task is to inspire and interpret everything to the population for a warring party in a psychological warfare (making noise, developing hype in a state - a geopolitical adversary, for example, if an official of that state committed some crime, or coming up with if who did not happen to spoil the image), so-called opinion leaders are also used (an agent of influence is kind of like a profession, and an opinion leader is kind of like a quality of character). Opinion leaders, as a rule, use the “blind”, they themselves do not know that they are being manipulated by radio broadcasts, etc., these people simply pass on the information received to others. It is believed that opinion leaders in society are about 5% (but this percentage, it must be assumed, is prone in its natural psychology to communicate and impose its opinion (by the way, it is noticed when there is a lot to say about something without pauses, the listener is in some way in a trance because he listens and processes the information received ), it’s enough to recall the soldier Ivan Shchedrin from the film “Man with a Gun” (1938, USSR), the soldier after meeting with Lenin said the following: “Lenin says so that you forget everything in the world ”; or something like that, like Soldier Gear remember not possible). Leaders of opinions are usually, as already mentioned, sociable, socially active people, as a rule, some media, special services of states waging a psychological war, which is carried out through newspapers, radio stations working or working, usually rely on such , in the shortwave ranges, since shortwaves have the ability to travel long distances of thousands and tens of thousands of kilometers, now it is also television with the Internet. By the way, again according to documentary films and the media, agents of influence can also be certified people working in special services, undercover, for example, as a correspondent, and with the help of this position these employees convey information to the masses in the right direction for the state.

It is useful to know for some - it is not recommended to contact (in the sense of swearing) with those whose behavior is similar to the behavior of those who are called opinion leaders, if you are not ready to later go to courts and other instances related to justice. If you inevitably have to communicate with them at work, for example, then you need to behave with them extremely delicately, if you don’t want to complicate your life, they are usually called complainants or scumbags (again, such unpleasant “shortcuts” as complainer or scrambler are used, most likely, as elements of psychological warfare, in order to cause a person writing a complaint to dislike himself and discourage him from acting with, for example, letters or complaints against someone), but if the word “litigation” is replaced by the phrase “The search for the right ",” and instead of using the word “stoop” to use the word “fighter”, this is another matter, it can cause self-respect and some intrigue, the main thing to remember: absolutely everything can be interpreted in a convenient way, this is what, according to the media, I said Overton, and also as captain Vrungel from the children's cartoon said: "As you name the ship, it will sail."

The leader of opinions, who also knows the methods of psychological warfare or the methods of psychotechnology, and who knows and correctly understands what is happening in the world, can easily be “calculated” in a monologue or dialogue with him , he often uses a phrase like “You carry some nonsense ”or“ Do you feel good? ”, that is, he is already trying to immediately disarm the opponent in the dispute with these phrases, everything that the opponent says, even if this is absolute truth, is called the leader of opinions. Or he can use a phrase like “And who are you that teach me, who are you, that I should listen to you and perceive everything that you say as truth or as an instruction for action? That I can teach you, you must listen and do what I say, and not I should listen to you and do what you say. " In short, as the proverb says, “Teach your woman to cook”, and you also need to pay attention to how the attitude towards the behavior of a person who is called a boor changes when he is called brutal - not boor. Call the boor a brutal, and you already perceive it differently, other chemical processes begin to occur in the body, forming a psychological attitude to a person - boor brutal. The terms were changed, and other reagents in the blood began to be produced from just one word, which became different or, as a friend said, call a beggar asking for money, one that is called a bitch or a person whose hands are sharpened in one place (i.e. one who does not know how to do anything), and the attitude will also change, and not everyone will want to ambitiously call themselves a bitch.

Here it is, the power of one word, demotivation called a bitch and proud of it and the depopularization of lifestyle, which is understood by the word "bitch". Calling it differently, synonymous with the word "bitch" and the phrase "a man whose hands are sharpened under hell."

You learn to speak, manipulate words and phrases, and you are almost the same motivational speaker as all the famous speakers in your time?

By the way, as historians say, such an orator as the Führer made a lot of enemies that he could not "digest." As far as is known from history, the barbarian Atilla also made enemies and, as far as is known, he was killed by the forcible wife of Trinhild, whose relatives he killed. When you go to your goal along the “heads”, no matter what, you need to consider the fact that enemies are formed?

It is impossible for a person to achieve absolute power over the mind of another person, since higher powers give only a partial opportunity for this, while retaining a monopoly of control over the behavior of people - in any case, is absolute power over the mind impossible now? As the saying goes, tell the person that he is a pig and he grunts? Do not stand naked in the forest, so you're strange - the most ridiculous idea can be implemented in society and change the perception of normality and abnormality? Behind the humanity of some "philanthropic" organizations that teach to assert their rights, sometimes there is a desire to prevent the state bodies of the state of a geopolitical adversary from working?

How to manipulate words and phrases is shown in the film “Noisy Day” (USSR, 1960, directors Georgy Natanson, Anatoly Efros), in which the man Ivan Nikitich Lapshin (Evgeny Perov), sitting at the table, criticizes everyone and provokes scandal , and when the scandal begins, he reproaches the teenager Oleg Savin (Oleg Tabakov) who started him for bad manners, although he himself can be blamed for the same to the same extent.

Some people who need this have long dreamed of absolute power over other people, conducted experiments on people, for this purpose pumping their body with drugs, they did surgery on the brain, but nothing has happened so far, you can, roughly speaking, “load ", But not ideally, probably, the higher forces do not want this yet. Nevertheless, a person can be inspired with anything, even the most absurd idea, for example, if you take a child, isolate him as much as possible from the world and inspire what is called bullshit, for example, those who wear glasses, bad guys, then he will think so.

Do not forget: those who “load” people are called agents of influence. Here is an example of the work of an influence agent: a person holding this position, if I may call it that, arrives on the instructions of the government of his country in some country that is a geopolitical opponent (competitor) of his country in order to establish a coup ( such actions, of course, do not in their ideal representation, reflected in the Eric Osaka science fiction story “The Wasp” ), to a country where, for example, some people oppress others, and an agent of influence upon arrival begins to explain to the oppressed that they, it turns out, have rights about which they sales and we did not know, and they do not have to be slaves (formerly of explaining the truth called troublemakers), and here begins what is called "fermentation", and perhaps war. Slaves rise to war in order to get rid of their masters or make them slaves themselves. As already mentioned in this material or will be said, one of the goals of the agent of influence, depending on what tasks it is set, is to make the country’s system of the geopolitical adversary against which the agent of influence works uncomfortable for the people in which they live, or find already existing people who are, as they say, outside the comfort zone, like Alain Dulles, a former director of special services, wrote a book about working with such people and their use in psychological warfare.

Fear and desire are the eternal enemies of mankind, many are afraid of what they want, for example, a person of the opposite sex? Psychological warfare and psychological weapons sometimes as a tool to achieve a goal? There is more to be afraid of psychological weapons than physical ones, since physical weapons are sold in the arms stores of some countries, but there is no psychological one? If you could afford to move from one country to another, and at the same time these countries would be those who are called geopolitical opponents, then you would be surprised that those who are called bandits in one country in the media (mass media), called heroes in another country: another discord - in one place the label of a bandit, is it worth moving to another place, and already a label of a hero? Dissonance: a bad characteristic for one job for another is more than good - if any state is looking for a civil servant, what characteristics should it have, and if the special services of a state are looking for a person to organize riots, with what characteristics do they need a candidate? Where are the tools for achieving ambition? One of the manager’s tasks is to change people's beliefs as needed, but it’s not always possible to do this quickly - in civilian life you are taught that killing anyone is a crime when you put on a military uniform, you need to shoot the one who was called the enemy - how to quickly rebuild human consciousness? The trouble is that what is called a mentality is changing very slowly?

The dissonance can be traced in the film “Yiddish-speaking Parrot” (1990, director Efraim Sevela, Germany, USSR), when after the war two people meet in the Foreign French Legion, who previously fought, as they say, “on different sides of the barricades”.

In general, everything is relatively everything, for example, there are two people in prison, one of them is civilian, he sits for what he killed, the other military man sits in prison for not killing, serving in the army, refusing to carry out the order - to act with arms.

It’s unpleasant when you are afraid to do what you want to do, this is the most common problem that psychologists and psychiatrists turn to. It is believed that anyone can be fashioned out of a person, courageous, cowardly, despite his genetic predispositions in psychological terms, anyone will agree that if a person is beaten and humiliated, he will be intimidated and frightened, especially if this happens from childhood, and vice versa, if a person doesn’t grow up in such an environment or if he is already an adult and repels all manifestations of violence against him (there is a familiar former soldier of a foreign French legion, if a fight starts, he will fight until his last breath), then with his psyche everything will be type-top.

It is important to be able to transform according to the realities of what is happening, based on the current situation, so that, so to speak, not to catch, like a runny nose, an intrapersonal conflict, which is something like a conflict of software downloaded to one computer, if we draw an analogy with this. According to the media, this conflict is especially pronounced in some military personnel, especially those who are prone to fixation on something, who served in armies fighting with someone: at home, in his civilized country, they taught not to kill anyone, but on the contrary, they need to be killed, here the intrapersonal conflict was drawn, and, as a rule, it has far-reaching negative consequences, some people literally bleed in a moral sense.

In some places on the planet rich states appeared, and with them the people living in them, not obsessed with obtaining livelihoods. There are countries that are said to be dominated by women (this has already been said), they say that there the guy is waiting for a girl to approach him and offer to have sex, male people do not take the initiative for this, this is regarded as sexual harassment, in the family the main women, women can have sex with guys from other countries, but they marry only locals.

So, it’s not necessary that people can be brought up through special services from another state, and one who has a lot of money can do this, according to media reports, the millionaire who founded the feminist movement (which, however, does not mean that anyone himself a millionaire cannot work for the special services of any state or for his government), the main thing is that the authorities of that country where he (they) decided something or decided to “muddle” do not interfere with him and his ilk. A person is a very plastic material, plasticine, molds from it, that you want, probably, only sexual attraction cannot be adjusted, this and, perhaps, something else higher forces left only under their influence, and people were left the opportunity to partially manipulate each other in good sense with the word, that is, to educate, if someone is embarrassed in this case to manipulate the word. Oddly enough, the presence of any movements and organizations in a large number of them is observed, as a rule, in countries with a high standard of living, where there is bread, and you already want to see shows, and the dependence of various social movements on the standard of living can be checked, begin to reduce him and see if such a movement, such as feminism, persists in such conditions.

Education and upbringing is a matter of national security of any country, and about this we can say in the affirmative that it is right. Otherwise, this vacuum will be taken by those who want to harm, for example, those who advocate suicide, drug addiction and other behavior that does not contribute to the development of civilization. Also, if you dig deeper, non- control of upbringing can lead to the collapse of some countries and provoke a lack of competition in what is called geopolitics, that is, there will remain one state, whose managers there will be no one to screw on, and therefore it will "tighten" the nuts all the way .

Endocrinological discrimination, is there discrimination against those who produce less endorphins than others? The most crazy idea can be introduced into the minds of people, for example, as already mentioned, this: all who are wearing glasses are bad people? With a certain ability to manipulate consciousness, does truth turn into probability? There are dominant and non-dominant attitudes in society, and through the “Overton window” non-dominant attitudes begin to compete with the dominant ones, for example, some previously alien behavior begins to become legal and becomes the norm - is everything very simple?

Is there diversity in the approach to truth? Everything can be questioned - we read Joseph Overton, who described a technology that allows you to legalize absolutely any idea (what is happening in some countries, for example, the legalization of what was previously unacceptable). Previously, something would have been out of the ordinary, which is now legalized in some places, as indicated in the films about the “Overton window,” you just need to do everything, so to speak, correctly to someone who wants to legalize something, create an algorithm of steps for achieving the desired, and how to do, Overton has already written in his writings. His works are an example of how people achieve their informal goals - people who were previously rejected in society due to their inclinations, now they build their states in the state, and without machine guns and machine guns, only through “loading” and persuasion, creating laws that are acceptable to them, and making their strange behavior for most e object and by direct and legitimate. Any fact can be “turned over”, as you wish - the law that draws where you turn is what happened (one political scientist in his work clearly demonstrates this in his methods of non-violent struggle, one of which is the prosecution of those accusing the court, that is, the method the accusations of those who indict the accused, the only negative (which we are trying to correct in this article) is that Overton and others worked on a global scale). Overton, probably, if he worked in everyday areas, then in part, other political scientists and political strategists created their materials to satisfy the interests of the elites.

I heard one person say that anyone who understood or knew (from their parents, for example) that everything can be questioned and interpreted in the right direction for themselves, will always be afloat. This is the first main commandment - everything can be questioned and interpreted in the right direction for yourself. The main thing is to be able to convince others that this is not true (if there is any dispute), and people will already begin to doubt even those things that are true - your words will become truth, and facts will cease to be truth (as they say when they write on someone a denunciation (anonym), maybe nothing will happen to the one on whom it is written, in terms of his responsibility for something, but let him then wash off the dirt that was poured on him in the denunciation (anonym), obliquely on they will look at him for a long time, and he will have to live “in position” while he will be probed, also the time allotted, regardless of whether it is true that they wrote about him in a denunciation (anonym) or not). Consider how everything can be "turned" in the right direction, using the example of a joke. A detachment of Vasily Ivanovich captured the armored train of the White Guards, Vasily Ivanovich built his detachment and said: "Today we captured the White Guard armored train, on the armored train a machine gun and a walkie-talkie." Petka asks Vasily Ivanovich: “Vasily Ivanovich, but does the walkie-talkie use lamps or semiconductors?” Vasily Ivanovich, having thought a little, says: “For fools, I repeat, the walkie-talkie is on an armored train.” Here, it seems, Vasily Ivanovich needs to “break off”, as an average citizen would do, but he does not belong to such ones.

The second commandment comfortable mental existence: no drugs, no alco st A - no problem. Do not use drugs and alcohol (you don’t need to fool your brain in vain with alcohol or drugs, forcing it to artificially produce endorphins, and at the same time spoil your health) and, if possible, do not smoke (do not experiment on yourself and on your health in harmful workshops of factories for unhealthy working conditions they pay money), and then everyone’s fate will be in order, and there are still many different “utilities” used in life to make everything perfect. These “utilities” are considered in this material, for example, such as advice that no one needs to talk about their affairs, especially problems, since information in everyday life is known in almost 100% of cases for gossip, so that they then distribute (if this doesn’t bother you, of course, you can talk about your problems). There is nothing to be done, some live by the presence of expensive things, some by science, and some enjoy collecting and spreading gossip (only, probably, scientists and scouts learn information for information, so acquaintances only learn information in order to pass it on to another and to enjoy it, some people are arranged like this, probably higher powers made them - giving a dose of pleasure as endorphins for this kind of their actions).

Another example of “turning” upside down, a monologue: “Yesterday, a moron invited me to meet him at the cemetery at night, but he didn’t come.” The question is, who is the moron here, the one who invited and did not come, or the one who came to meet at the cemetery at night.

For some dishonest leaders, a person or group of people (as a rule, they are from civilized countries) who know the above and the following and use this, an unpleasant thing, he or they, in the presence of certain circumstances that are unpleasant for them, will “fool” the head of the authorities, for example, those authorities who does not pay wages, replacing it with some common phrases. Therefore, some managers strive to leave such people alone, working with them, not going beyond the law, and to hire emigrants who are less obstinate than local residents - this ensures social peace within the framework of an enterprise run by the same leader. There are a lot of dishonest leaders in some civilized states, they like to recruit emigrants from poor countries, and they will work quietly for a small fee or they may not pay anything at all, while locals will no longer go to the work that the emigrant will do.

An example of how you can focus on a certain thing and “turn” everything upside down: the media said that one person comes up with an interesting idea why banks have the right to print money, but he doesn’t, why if a bank prints money it is an issue, and if he prints, this is counterfeiting, and so it went. According to the media and cinema, such “revolutionaries” in social life were loved, and maybe even now, they are recruited by some special services in order to “spoil” the authorities of an unfriendly state with their help.

Some study, as the people say, the vicious motives of people and begin to manipulate them with the help of these vices - for example, what is called greed. Give me money, and I will give it to you in a month twice as much - and then those who promised it will disappear from view? We sit down, as they say, on the “needle” (in the good sense of the word, in this case, we mean we are accustomed to something pleasant) and begin to manipulate? According to historical data, somewhere and once homosexual relations were the norm, in connection with which some countries ended their existence, as the process of reproduction stopped, somewhere and once adults arranged a witch hunt - we move classic heroes to our time and see how their time influenced the formation of their personality: what was acceptable before is now unacceptable? Education of public consciousness - there is no need to be shy about something; constraint is just in most cases the result of public education in the framework of the values ​​inherent in some time in which a person lives. Social values ​​are changing - is it like fashion for clothes or for anything else? The formation of a person’s personality is influenced by society, which is understood by society in its narrower sense - relatives, acquaintances, living conditions, country and specific place of residence, living standards in this country, the media, intelligence agencies and their influence agents, politicians, musicians, actors and the results of their professional activities in the form of films, music, songs, video clips? You don’t need to be ashamed or ashamed, since if everyone’s really psychic development is controlled and anything can be “fashioned” from any person, regardless of their psychogenetic inheritance, then your behavior in the form of constraint and shame is just the result of your upbringing, since have you been educated in the sense that something needs to be shy or ashamed, and now, as they say, you constantly “look around” around you, thinking what people will say about you? Popular science programs say that people are 99.9% genetically similar to each other, and the difference between them is only sort of 0.1%? In ancient Rome, according to historical data, there was something like prestige to enter a man into a homosexual relationship with a man-warrior - they were brought up like that, therefore, if that was the case, then is it really a matter of education? When you are criticized, and you are embarrassed, this means that the one who criticizes you has been educated so that he criticizes certain actions or circumstances that are not subject to moral and other norms currently existing, and you are educated so that you are embarrassed by these actions and circumstances, then is there any reason for someone or something to be embarrassed, especially since every century that which you should be embarrassed changes places with something that you should not be embarrassed? Everything can be “turned over” as you want, remember the “Overton window”? What was unacceptable before is acceptable now, and vice versa: does everything depend on time and place? Do politicians give basic education to society both themselves, personally, and through the structures created for these purposes, while all other representatives of society give secondary education or vice versa? Who are agents of influence, and what structures are interested in them? Certain structures involved in what is called parenting are in some cases to blame for the occurrence of mental disorders, as their parenting is not entirely acceptable? Is it beneficial for the state structures of the countries that the citizens living inside their country are healthy both mentally and physically, the structures of some countries waging a psychological war against this country, the opposite is beneficial, at least it was so before, according to the media and documentary?

In the film “Marry the Captain” (director Vitaly Melnikov, USSR, 1985), there is a dialogue between two people who came to the same collective farm to collect different material about its chairman - one negative, the other positive.

The practical situation of the topic of multipolarity education, which depends on the place and time: the man met a woman who works in a hairdresser, invited her to meet, she did not want to meet with him, after he met her colleague working with her in the same hairdresser, she got the same situation. When he met on the street the one that was the first whom the man offered to meet, when she greeted him, she made not only a nod of her head as a sign of greeting, but several, which is implied by this, one can understand - she nodded many times to get a portion of endorphins what she wanted to emphasize with a few nods of her head in greeting and smiling at the same time, everyone can understand for herself, but most importantly, she wanted to “break off,” as they say now, that I know that you rolled up to my friend, and she I also broke you.

The described situation is an example of the fact that her actions and her upbringing are based on the fact that the man in question, in her understanding, did what he should be ashamed of, and as for the man, in the sense of being ashamed of him or not his actions, this is his personal upbringing.

By the way, in this case, when they want to “break you off” in this way, I heard some people respond to this as follows - they said, catching up with the “nodding” many times: “You don’t need to nod so much, one time is enough.” You can say this with or without a smile. There is a war for endorphins - either you get them, or someone who wants to amuse his ambition with attempts to put you in an awkward position.

You can manipulate everyone who has any desires. Those who want to "drag" (have fun), as they say in the army, and those who want a lot of money, can be manipulated - take money from them, promise that they will multiply and return in the amount twice as much as before of this, and everything is ok, so scammers do, this was already mentioned in this material.

Almost every average adult thinks how to use someone in their own selfish interests, are ideally pure in a moral sense, as already said, probably, only people like scientists, or astronauts, or children, scientists and astronauts are people, not having any dependencies , in any case, to the extent that an ordinary person has, they do not have phobias, therefore they can be scientists and astronauts, since nothing distracts these people and does not prevent them from focusing on science, on work in special conditions and produce what will be claimed . Real scientists do not need to use intrigue to achieve their goals, they have one goal - science, such people, as a rule, have no emotional affection (love) for anyone , they therefore, as a rule, do not get married and do not get married (if a person lives with someone, this can already indicate that he has emotional affection, depending on the person with whom he has linked his life (and all dependencies are interpreted as weakness in modern society)). As one person said, scientists and astronauts are mentally strong individuals , although if we return to addictions, scientists are also addicted, but they have a positive addiction, they are not good and not evil, they just don’t have time for everything related to emotions and instincts, they do not think about it, their thoughts are akin to obsessions, but their dependence does not interfere with anyone, neither they nor others, but vice versa.



Lyrics: about manipulation - manipulation by imposing beliefs, does the formula "infantil + schizophrenic" work? (Infantil + schizophrenic in this case are the crude synonyms of the two words dreamer and ambition.)

Commensalism, mutualism, parasitism (types of symbiosis).

Can you form a symbiotic relationship with any person who will be useful to you? Do people called parasites grow parasitic devices, such as mosquitoes, worms, only in the psychological sense in the form of “stamped” phrases designed to “spin” a victim for money? Examples of symbiosis in the animal world are when one living organism helps another to survive, while giving the same benefit to another organism or not, or not at all, doing harm to another organism.

There is such a plant - rafflesia, what kind of symbiosis it represents, can be viewed on the Internet.

Not prostitution, but commercial sex: how can one word affect the perception of reality, for example - if you want to pour mud on someone, you can say “parasite” on him, but if on the contrary you want to “bleach”, then you can replace the word “ parasite ”to“ symbiote ”(it’s something like political correctness), or as in some politics an unwanted government is called a junta for some people, but for some people a government that’s nice is called a government, so some politicians of countries of geopolitical opponents act, again Overton Window In action? What do you call a ship, will it sail?

What is the personality structure of the manipulator? This, as Sigmund Freud noted, has been going on since childhood, but in this case, it’s not connected with sex, like almost all of Freud’s. Manipulator - at the household level, this is probably the person, as a rule, who was not denied anything in childhood or did everything for him, including solving problems, in the adult, this person decides by manipulating others to extend this pleasure for himself, he continues to create a situation where others decide and do everything for him.

Probably, ideally, it is impossible at the moment to protect oneself from manipulation, if people don’t manipulate you, then, if you can say so, higher powers are already manipulating with the help of your instincts. Along with people, people are manipulated by alcohol and drugs, some who have taken for 30 years, for example, alcohol and already know what a heavy “hell” with nightmares like nightmares from the horror movie “Silent Hill”, know how the psyche turns on 360 degrees, except for the dose, are of no interest, well, of course, in this, as in other cases, everything is individual, depending on the degree of sensitivity.

In order not to lose, do you need to dissect every action of someone and look for “undercurrents” in these actions, as well as predict the results that will come after your actions?

In this case, a phenomenon such as parasitism is prepared. The formula “infantil + schizophrenic” is derived: “infantil” is a broad concept, in this case it is someone who loves fairy tales, loves when they hang noodles on his ears, “schizophrenic” is a narrow concept, here it is not entirely acceptable in its generally accepted sense , and at the moment, it would probably be better to indicate a schizoid personality type, non-professional psychiatrists, and ordinary people associate representatives of this personality type with those who like to compose fairy tales, when schizophrenic and infantile meet, in the sense of infantile and in the sense schizophr nickname specified in this paragraph, then between them begins something like a friendship: one "ship," another "boot", there may be different combinations, because one and the other type of person can periodically switch roles. Again, they say that people with psychopathic traits have a tendency to manipulate others, these are, as a rule, those who, as was indicated, probably were denied little in childhood, as adults, they continue to receive what they I want to, already manipulating for this not relatives, but others (here, in no case, there is no emotional connotation in the form of hostility to who is being discussed or will be discussed in this material).

Lyrics: how many did not have to communicate with those from the category of those who are called spoiled, the actions of each of them in relation to the one with whom they are friends, and in relation to the one with whom they live, are as follows: put pressure on the parents, so that they find easy work for them, they ask them for money instead of giving it, as a friend from the category of those who are called independent did, who serves in a foreign legion. If you drink alcohol with them (spoiled) and, as they say, “went through”, and it’s hard to walk on your own, they carefully leave you, leaving you alone on the street. If they are drunk, they call you home and pour “dirt” on you, they call your parents (discussing you from the negative side) or they call your wife and do the same, they probably do it for self-affirmation, they say, I’m not the only one loser, they are looking for who, in their opinion, is worse than themselves. In the end, you understand that it is impossible to be friends with such people, it will be more expensive for you. Such people, as a rule, do not get married and do not get married.

Manipulation is sometimes when they want to include you in a process in which you are not involved? If someone pestering on the street with a request to get acquainted, he can be manipulated, since the pester has already revealed his motives and weaknesses for the opposite sex (unless, of course, he is a manipulator himself and the opposite sex is not interested in him, but he is interested in material goods, for the sake of whom he meets)? Manipulation, as a rule, is carried out through words, and to speak - not tossing bags?

Interpersonal manipulation. One of the most popular influences on a suitable object is to “throw in” a topic, an idea that will unite both the acting object and the object on which the effect is carried out, after which the first can carry out real ones that are hidden from the second task. For example, an idea pops up such as “let's save up some money and go to a country with a higher standard of living, where there are big salaries and a well-fed life”. This is instilled into the object whose services the inspiring, inspiring "loads" him with this idea, and he does for the one who "loads" some services, for example, does part of the work of "loading" at his work, and he rests and continues to dream out loud how they, together with the “downloadable”, will soon leave for the country of golden Eldorado, who also manipulates, choosing an object for manipulation, takes into account his age, marital status, character and level of intelligence and education, for example, those who are called scammers.

Here is an example of manipulation methods at the political level: any representatives of the opposition of any government or organization can name the representatives of law enforcement bodies in their videos the dogs of the occupation system, of course, as a rule, there are no dogs of the occupation system, there is only a political struggle, which has long been told in textbooks on political science. By the way, if possible, it is interesting to watch how the same events are covered differently on television or radio channels by countries - geopolitical opponents, some call white what others call black, and vice versa.

About manipulation: psychological traps and mental hygiene. There is something to be proud of, there is something to be ashamed of - is shame a manipulation by creating a complex of guilt? Does it seem that something important is missing? A misanthrope is someone who does not like people, he is a potential initiator of offenses on an emotional basis, he needs to find work with minimal communication with people?

As a rule, those who call for war more than anyone else want to wait for victory in the rear.

(Words attributed to Edward Sevrus)

Indeed, it’s nice to watch and listen to TV when military operations are shown, and at the same time it’s delicious to eat, and then discuss what you’ve seen and heard on-line and offline, so to speak, like the aesthetic image of war, put on your uniform, but you don’t have to to participate, it is interesting to do what is called pathetics, much to say about the war, again, without participating in it.

Some people like only the aesthetic image of war, they create various organizations, wear uniforms, they like badges, stripes, but they themselves are not going to war.

It is easy to guess that psycho-hygiene is a kind of desire to partially or completely eliminate the object of irritation, distance from annoying objects, especially psycho-hygiene, can be recommended to those who do not feel pleasure in communicating with some people, and moreover, communication with them causes discomfort. In this case, it is recommended to limit yourself completely or to a minimum in dealing with unpleasant personalities?

Psychological traps are, for example, provoking someone to some action, for example: “Come on, are you not a man? Act, what are you afraid of or are you a coward? ” This affects, especially for young people, those who do not have enough life experience, who can be "fooled" on the emotional. If someone, as is customary to say, is stronger in spirit than you, you must follow him, but here you can interpret everything differently, if, for example, you are weak in spirit and afraid of everything, you can present everything in such a way that is beneficial for you, for your psyche (as already mentioned, everything can be interpreted in a way that is advantageous for you; you don’t need to forget about it, you just need to find the right words and phrases that, as you can see later, apply to all situations, the main thing is to find them, and then they manifest themselves with life experience like some leader at the moment when they say "no paper"). You can respond to criticism like “you're not a man,” like this: “Yes, I'm afraid, so what? I do not hold anyone, I don’t like it - go to the other, to the one who is strong in spirit, I don’t need anyone, don’t like it - pass by. ” Why, as the people say, “hopak” to dance before someone, proving that you are not a coward, do not like it - a tablecloth is expensive or, as they used to say, roll a sausage along Malaya Spasskaya (the main thing is that there is no dependence on friends and acquaintances so that you don’t feel that you feel uncomfortable without them, everything will be a little more difficult, because an independent is called someone who does not have addictions and attachments, but one who has negative attachments (in the sense of attachment not to members of his family , and to the manipulators) they call it non-self active).

When they manipulate someone, provoking him into a fight, and he doesn’t want to fight, you can react with humor, they say, I have a high pain threshold , so I’m afraid to get a fist in the face, therefore, to fight, and, it seems, about it already it was said in this material, if it was said, then please do not pay attention to the fact that this phrase is repeated - there was not enough time to adjust the text, and this was also mentioned.

Who knows who the illusionist Uri Geller is? If you believe the media and documentary films, Uri Geller, by means of some gift of foresight, indicated to the oil companies the places of oil deposits, you can believe that he really knew where the oil deposits were, but maybe not (in any case, I doubted his gift when Uri Geller on television in the days of the USSR suggested that everyone put a broken watch in their hands and they will start working, my broken watch didn’t start working in my hands, and you can always find the reason why - they didn’t work, for example, that means something de barked wrong). But if you still can’t believe him, you can only admire how skillfully Uri “spread” (tricked) these companies for money (this is proof that it’s easy to deceive the rich when it comes to increasing the volume of their wealth, despite that it can even be corporations, Uri can only be admired), because, according to the media, he partially made his fortune on this, searching for the location of oil, here is an example of how the rich, who should be literate, are “being” on “ divorces ”, the thirst for profit overlaps common sense. Uri, if he nevertheless deceived them, used the thirst for profit of company owners for his mercantile purposes, manipulated their weaknesses. But Uri may be an honest man, who knows? No one claims to be a liar, someone's opinion was just voiced.

This is how a familiar comrade emerged from a psychological trap. I heard one person say: “Are you not a man?” And he replied: "Guys go for a plow." The worker, greeting the security guard at the enterprise, says the following:

“You shake the hand that feeds you” (the worker makes products at this company, and the security guard receives a salary as part of the profit from sales). A harsh thing for an ambitious guard, I caught a working portion of endorphins. They also make a “changeling” from the phrase “You misunderstood us,” it says the following: “Why did you give us a reason to understand you like that?”

A psychological trap made at a subconscious level by a working guy for his son - it can be called the psychological trap of "destroying" negative authority in the minds of someone. This guy regulated the worldview and behavior of his son, a teenager, who grew up, so to speak, on the street, for whom the bandit from the same street was an authority, as follows. When this false authority is sent to prison, the guy tells the child “enchanted” by bandit authority so that the authority in prison ceases to be such for him, the following:

“They planted him, walked around, loshara, robbed people, his hands were sharpened under one place - he can’t do anything, but wants to eat.” As they say, the retinue makes the king, as long as someone considers authority as such, until then he will be. After the above phrase, the teenager immediately thought: "He is not such a leader, if he is called a loshara."

Type of manipulation - depreciation or praise. Present when using another psychological trap for someone who worships some personality or idea:

“Are you ready to do with it ... (something is not acceptable in the youth environment, what to do, according to slang, is“ zapadlo ”), so that all his ideas are realized, or are you ready to deal with him ... (something is indicated it’s unacceptable in the youth environment what to do “badly”) for the sake of saving his life. ”

Dig deeper: they say that some organizations of various countries are created by the special services of these countries, is this true or are they created by rich people? It is unprovable that some people work for special services, the special services in this way do not expose their people, creating a “roof” for them, for example, from some organizations for the realization of their goals, and the goals of some organizations are to educate people in the right countries for which Do they work in line? The term “upbringing” in a certain volume and sense is relevant only for a country that is considered not wealthy — you don’t need to educate anyone in a rich one, will all your moods and needs be satisfied?

Attention, this is an affirmative offer! It is recommended to be vigilant (meaning in everyday life), carefully study the personality of someone who was going to entrust something, so as not to recall the saying “If youth knew, if old age could”, it is also recommended to look with whom, as they say in people, contact.

Also a common thing in human relationships is such a social phenomenon as deception, it is everywhere, even in areas where it essentially should not be. For example, some unscrupulous human rights activist tells someone: “Come on, tell me that you are being persecuted, I will receive a grant, for example, of $ 10,000 for revealing persecution against you, you are 5000 of this amount, and I’m 5000 from this amount. " Some join opposition political parties, commit a crime, and then present everything as political persecution when they have to answer, or join opposition parties in order to leave for a country with a higher standard of living on a political pretext as a refugee.

It is a pity that some in the first half of life have no information, but in the second health? Remember: no effort is useless? Everything changes with age, and not only due to the availability of knowledge and life experience, but also due to hormonal changes, for example, sexual desire decreases, and this vacuum is filled by something else, people become more interested in science, they come to a psychological constitution those who are called scientists and IT specialists? Those who are called scientists and IT specialists are not interested in love suffering since childhood, for others this may not end even in old age?


... and I do not love the road is now Article p Adan, I attracted to the problems of the universe ...

Oleynikov N.M.

It’s not without reason that some adults, when they say something that happened to them in life, in between say: “You were still thinking about something else (meaning what you thought, for example, about people of the opposite sex, and not about politics or economy).

Do you reach the truth, your destiny, and generally begin to be able to see this truth when time is washed away by unnecessary “downloads”, acquired by use from any media or on the street? Unnecessary “downloads” are also someone else’s interests that were imposed through the same media or through communication with people, this is a kind of spam that was picked up from friends, acquaintances, and from there the saying that was already mentioned: “If would youth know if old age could? ” It is necessary to be attentive to the information offered, if it is a media issue, then it is necessary to be critical of some media, some media form public opinion: be critical of television, the Internet, radio, newspapers, distinguish by the emotional orientation of the information provided, who presents it, government Media or opposition media? As they say, read both that, and another, and take somewhere in the middle of the received information from the authorities and opposition? Emotional judgments need to be felt, and then it will be clear where the information comes from. This is the case in most cases, when compared with the victim and the accused from a criminal or administrative process - the relatives and friends of the victim will blame the accused, and the accused will tell the victim and his friends and relatives, everywhere there are interested persons, as well as in the media, if one The media is pouring mud on others, so they obviously get a salary not from those who are pouring mud?

Lyrics: some dreams of complete power over two-legged creatures are unrealizable - the classic idea of ​​ideal power is the past (the phrase about authority over two- legged creatures was expressed by a criminal authority, nicknamed Filaret (played by Rudolf Furmanov), in the film "National Security Agent", Russia) ? About manipulation: remelting a plow into a weapon or a weapon into a plow? Does manipulation by creating a complex or guilty feeling and by creating a sense of inferiority affect some? And also the manipulation in the style of "you're nobody there, and here you are all" is when you personally criticize the authorities of another country for criticizing the authorities of the country in which you live, making it clear that they value you at such a high level, and in your homeland no one will ever meet with you from the government of your country? Another type of manipulation is depreciation or praise, and how can someone be discounted? It is very simple: morally dirty someone, invent or quote something negative about someone, and then, as already mentioned, let him try to wash himself? “Musical ear” - do you need to be able to hear the “notes” of manipulation in some media, in communication, etc.? Those who are annoyed by something or someone will always call a phenomenon that annoys them, or someone who annoys them, with a rude word or phrase?

The statement attributed to Antonio Gramsci (we learn about it, if interested, on the Internet): "The main thing in the suggestion is repetition."

“Why did you start a scandal with this SS man? They know how to hook a person with a hook, you all sing “a good man, a man goes to excellence”, and they know: a man is a bastard ... In every boy there is a murderer and a molester, they shout: “Hang up!” ... And people run after them, sticking their tongue out with joy, ”these are the arguments about the manipulation of one of the heroes of the film“ Murder on Dante Street ”, USSR, 1956, directed by Mikhail Romm.

Secret motivation is what you want, but it disguises itself for another purpose, for example, someone likes someone, he wants to meet with him or her, but he or she is embarrassed or cannot say this because of “ambition” , and then, looking for meetings, hides behind something else. Or, for example, you meet your acquaintance, and he tells you that, for example, Vasya is very bad, here, attention, you, perhaps, most likely are not possible, and they are trying to manipulate you, they want to set you up against this Vasya is the one who pours Vasya with dirt in front of you, he may be offended for something, in cases where someone in front of you pours dirt on someone, some say: “What did he do so bad to you? why are you so angry with him? ”

Overcompensation is, if not mistaken, when they take something that was not previously in life. And they take what was not in life before, more than they need now (a lot of money, for example), this usually happens when they become adults, even if there is a mistake in the meaning of the word “overcompensation” in its psychological sense , then in this case it is felt that it is suitable.

About manipulation - Pandora's box or an absolute psychological weapon already exists? Is manipulation an algorithm of actions aimed at achieving one's manipulative goals? What is popularization? Do you call it something so that it looks “cooler” —not upbringing, but psychoengineering — or do you make your appearance look “cooler”? “Popularizing” and “untwisting” oneself - we sue the firefly for blinding you, we also take a photo in the “Fucksystem” genre (ring finger lifted up), file a complaint with the UN to the department of the humiliated and insulted, and hack into the children's site kindergarten, but what about promoting through what is called a heroic deed, go into space or help a drowning man? If you don’t cover anyone with your Internet project or put what is called shit and don’t water anyone with it, is your resource unlikely to be noticeable and popular or is this not true and someone’s personal opinion? If there isn’t what is called fortitude, or not what is called intellect, but what is called ambition, it doesn’t matter, you don’t need to show fortitude when going into space or saving someone in a fire or in a body of water, not need to open a new element in the periodic table, are there many workarounds to satisfy ambitious needs? When it is not possible to realize with the help of what is called intelligence, do some choose strange and dangerous ways of expressing themselves in order to stay in history or become famous?

An example of popularization and motivation in this case for reading a work: to popularize his book, an author could write the following phrase at the very beginning: “With each page you read, you become more perfect.”

What just does not do for the sake of popularization or PR one who needs it. Some believe that without strange actions it is impossible to attract attention, believing that there is nothing left to do if there is a need for attention, but by intellect or by the manifestation of strength of mind it is impossible to stand out, or you want to feel higher than others, but again, by intellect and fortitude cannot be achieved. Then some adapt as follows, for example: they inspire themselves that everyone who does not live in the big city in which he lives is a country man, and he is urban, since he lives in a metropolis. For such self-affirmation, neither strength of mind is needed, nor intelligence. You can actually promote through the power of the spirit - like spider-man Jean Robert, climbing the walls of high-rise buildings, but sometimes when you can’t become famous through intellect or fortitude, since this is not the case, then the ambition of some creeps out, as they say, in what is accepted call asocial behavior.

How to bring on a veil of popularity and on your work? It’s simple - to give someone a copy and say that I gave a receipt to the special services that I will not distribute the book I wrote, and at the same time lower my voice to the full extent of illegality, as the author’s voice said in the film “12 Chairs”, filmed in 1978 in the USSR, the role of Ostap Bender in which was played by Andrei Mironov, when Ostap Bender brought together representatives of certain social classes to a meeting of the Union of the Sword and Shouting organization he had invented. By the way, there are a lot of films on the Internet, next to the names of which they write something like “It is forbidden to show there or there”, probably so that everything looks “cooler”.

Popularization is something like a glass of water for drinking a tablet, a tablet, it seems, can be swallowed, but you can choke on it, because it goes badly into the esophagus without water, popularization can be compared with water for drinking a tablet, so that the idea will slip into the masses better , it must be presented accordingly, in a language that is understandable to a person, taking into account his social status, level of intelligence, education, character, etc. Many people have heard the expression “popular science,” that is, a science adapted to be presented to a simple layman without tedious formula sludge and with their minimum in the form of a popular science film. It is noted that people who are inclined to express their thoughts with the help of certain slang expressions, better perceive information, including scientific, when it is presented using the same specific slang expressions that they use in everyday life (this also applies to students who as a rule, problems with discipline, or to those who are called hyperactive children, if you present them with information in their "language", then the digestibility of the material becomes much better), something like this happened in the USA, according to the media, is teaching tsa mathematics Joan Bolser, presumably in order to popularize the subject, created a kind of problem about prostitutes, but was for it, as far as is known, suspended from work.

Popularization may include the showing and shooting of films on a certain subject by the order of an organization or person, some organizations or people are behind the scenes, usually using special services (which are intermediaries between some members of governments and famous people) with all the famous people with influence on the masses: as already mentioned, with singers, writers, artists, scientists, directors, public figures, and even in some cases with representatives of the political opposition of any statehood.

The proof that such a “friendship” exists is that the children of some opposition leaders of some countries study at prestigious universities of the states that are geopolitical opponents of their country of residence, that is, intelligence agencies or the government itself, which the opposition works for, it must be assumed agrees with deans and rectors that these children should be taken to school, regardless of whether they have the necessary knowledge to study, as their relatives from opposition structures help them promote to intrude their influence and interests into a country, which, again, is their geopolitical adversary.

In a word, as it was said , if someone planned to become popular at the household level, in his area, for example, to begin with, then he probably needs to take into account the social situation, intellectual development, education, the character of the person who then you’re going to present, this is popularization, popularization is a word, in a sense, related in its semantic meaning to the word “advertising”.

Lyrics: no matter how paradoxical it sounds, probably in educational institutions the digestibility of the material will be much higher for the so-called “difficult” children, if you dilute, for example, mathematics with words and phrases related to their youth slang. Spanking in schools was canceled for bad behavior, you have to "get out", to use other methods to maintain discipline and comprehensibility of the material.

At the household level, popularization is doing something in such a way that it looks cool or cooler, for example, the popularization of a lifestyle that is unhealthy happens like this: drug addicts call the syringe a machine, here is the popularization of their drug addiction, a bottle of vodka in people who drink alcohol, it is called a flux. You can popularize anything, yourself, for example, only this will be called PR in our time. In the 1990s, in order to raise authority among their comrades in order to look better , the bandits themselves shot pistols and machine guns at their empty cars and claimed to have been assassinated.

Sensitive to someone’s manipulation, some young people whose emotional (fear, aggression) dominates logical thinking (that’s why young people are considered the most motivated part of society, it’s much harder to assemble an adult audience, but some manage to).

“A magical house stands on Shpalernaya street: you will enter there

a child, and you come out — an old man. ” Georgy Zhzhenov, "The Past."

The richer the country, the longer it takes what is called childhood for its citizens? How to raise a big “child” on an accelerated program, where is the house in which you psychologically enter a child and leave an old man? After 30 years, the presence of romance decreases, and pragmatism increases, but not always and not at all? After 30, the majority becomes cunning, you need to come to terms with it, but you don’t need to become super-cunning, this is not a trick, since this only pushes the right people away from you?


Look at her braid. Only on the braid and rich.

Translating into ordinary language - the son talks about the beauty of the bride, dad about the poverty of the bride. Dialogue between son and father in the film "Wedding in the Robin" (USSR).


Some young people can be easily manipulated, appealing to their emotions, and, as a rule, only after 30 years everyone becomes “thought out” (according to the statements of doctors working in Africa, people who were under 30 die in modern wars, maybe this it happens because people do not live there for a long time, and not because everyone became careful after 30 years), or rather, when a person has a family, he becomes different, it becomes more difficult to manipulate, he is usually most interested money. Some people think that it’s easier to manipulate those who are over 30 years old, and at the same time they are lonely people who have no family and children, easier than those who have already created a family, the family changes a person and his values. It was not without reason that thieves in law could not start a family, according to documentary, it was believed that a family man would not think at least in full about thieves' affairs, but would cease to think at all. In general, it has been noticed that there is a so-called point of no return, when it is difficult or impossible to trick or manipulate someone - this is when everything becomes, as already mentioned, in 30 years, people grow up and become literate, life experience appears, but during this period the manipulators begin to experience depression, they simply stop listening to them, since, as a rule, the only thing that can be manipulated by those over 30 is only money.

Why simulate mental health - to get to where it is needed? Anyway, sooner or later you have to become what you need to become in order to survive? You need to become what school students were — independent, at least, no matter how trite it sounds, from street companies, or from someone else, you don’t become like that — don’t you survive? Ideally, you should not get in touch with anyone other than with work, and at the same time feel psychologically comfortable, is this an example of the ideal in the modern sense of the human psyche? If your roof starts to go without something, then your psyche is not ideal in its modern sense? Any activity expressed in communication with people has negative or positive consequences, should we carefully choose who we communicate with? Those who have many weaknesses cannot be friends for long? The physical labor of the mind does not add, but does nonsense take away? They say that those who know what physical labor is faster grow up - physical labor disciplines?

The words of the director of the radio plant Igor Petrovich (Alexander Movchan), uttered by him during a telephone conversation, in the movie “What a smile you have” (director Oleg Nikolaevsky, USSR, 1974): “What control? To the construction site, under the open sky, so that I could feel what physical labor is. ”

There is a category of people who are usually called adults or mature psychologically, who thinks up to 30 years the same way as the category of people who are already 30 years old, that is, a category of people who, for example, do not need such weakness as having friends (no dependencies or emotional attachment to those who are called friends), they are also called independent, as a rule, excellent students in schools (meaning real students, not excellent students for gifts and services to teachers by parents of those who, as the people say in the mouth a golden box a warm place in life is registered, and this is not the author’s emotions, but quotes from his friends), and there is a category of people who at that time were still, as they say, psychologically immature, these citizens should choose the same behavior after 30 years as independent stand-up students had before the age of 30, they needed this, as already mentioned, in order to survive.

Friends in the fullest possible sense of the word, as already mentioned, probably cannot be married or married people, their values ​​and other values ​​change, and vice versa, friends can be minor citizens or not married and not married, not having children, not without reason As was said, the easiest way to manipulate is either unmarried or unmarried, remember, a friend is in trouble. Not being a friend (a friend, again, in the fullest sense of the word) in a radical situation in your life, is not ready to sacrifice something to solve your problem (the friend may be someone who has no weaknesses and fears or has at least them) , remember, there are friends who are ready to go to jail for your sake, and it can only be a matter of their life and death to stop them from further actions to solve your problems - these are people with the psyche of the astronaut, without fears and weaknesses, which scares people with weaknesses in prison the fact that there can not be Udo to put them to their weaknesses, prison, as well as the army, is a deprivation, people with a strong psyche need to be protected if they become your friends, it is they who can be such a banal kind of society as friends, this allows them, in simple words , their strong nerves.

We consider manipulations in a domestic format, there are manipulations at the state and state levels, it is also called propaganda, have some states broadcasted political and radio broadcasts to countries that are geopolitical opponents of the broadcasting state, if I may call it that?

We recall the banal statements - the teaching of light, and not the teaching of darkness? Some, whose work is to convince, say that a person needs to be “loaded”? You look, for example, what is called pornography - are you subject to propaganda without psychological testing for suggestibility? If you “carried” some unprofitable load (information), do you inspire and spend your time on this “load”? There are no concepts of “good” and “bad” - do they stem from “programming” in the head? They say that during the Soviet era, firms from some countries took information free of charge from the Soviet journal “Science and Life”, put it into practice and made money from it, and now there are “fishy” and “hot-tempered” places where you can get what you need for nothing information - do you want to learn how to twist, mutate, interpret, extrapolate words, phrases and facts in the right direction for you, as well as manipulate, listen to those radio stations that are called political, are there the best lessons of rhetoric? Some well-intentioned media are raising one who can be called psychological militants? Let us recall again some psychologists who teach that one should not restrain emotions, among which aggression, but do not teach how to do this without negative consequences for oneself and others - the guarantee of mental stability is “an eye for an eye”, “a tooth for a tooth” in psychological sense or in some other way? There are no genes for violence, is there an indoctrination pushing for violence, to which some and some do not? Some young people, since they are the most motivated part of the population, and some adults will do everything for free? As soon as some realized that anything could be fashioned from human material, they began to allocate money to educate him in the right direction for the one who decided to educate? Is psychological discomfort a personality trait formed as a result of what is called negative propaganda? A car, a TV, a computer, the Internet, and still something is missing - by modern standards, some simple modern people live “cooler” than the kings and kings lived before, who had nothing like this, and again they are negatively satisfied with people's lives propaganda? Those who are called agents of influence, whose work is to change people's thinking, make presentations at relevant conferences on the subject of how deeply they have managed to change the worldview of those people with whom they work?

Information from the Wikipedia encyclopedia: DXing (Dixing, long-distance radio reception) is a type of hobby that consists in recognizing radio signals from both broadcasting radio stations and amateur radio enthusiasts. In order to receive confirmation from the radio signal source, the so-called reception reports are compiled and sent, the broadcaster, in response to a correctly prepared report, sends a written confirmation of the fact of reception, usually expressed as a QSL card - a printed card with the symbols of the radio station. The term DX came from telegraph abbreviations, and it means “remote”, “distant”.

Politicized radio broadcasts of various radio stations broadcast (and maybe broadcast now) in the short-wave ranges (in the radio receivers this range is designated as SW, some radio stations in 2016 refused to work in the short-wave range, probably this is due to the spread of the Internet, where they continue to broadcast )

David Sarnov - if I am not mistaken, it is his name that is associated with the invention of television. As far as it is known, according to the media, David Sarnov suggested that anyone who was interested in using short waves to broadcast to distant countries, before that short waves were used as operating frequencies. Short waves tend to cover distances of thousands, tens of thousands of kilometers from the emitter to the receiver, while ultrashort waves, which are usually used by entertainment radio stations, can be received with high quality only at a distance of up to 50 km from the emitter (radio towers) , minus shortwave waves - this is not a very good reception quality.

They say that the bulk of the radio stations broadcasting in this wavelength range are designed for a certain part of society, opinion leaders - it is considered, as already mentioned, that in any society there are about 5% of them, these are socially active, sociable people, that they affect the bulk of the population, a kind of deputy commander of the military unit for educational work.

In broadcasting, UTC TIME is used, some radio stations have stopped broadcasting in the short-wave range. There is no more romanticism, now you can’t listen under the Beatles band's “Yesterday” blanket on the radio, the frequencies of radio stations operating in the short-wave bands can be found on the Internet, there are many of them. With the advent of satellite television, transmissions are also being carried out using it.

The words attributed to Nikolai Bulganin (if you do not make a mistake with the surname): "... they are fighting for" warm "places, as for Stalingrad." "Warm" places are those places in which edorphins are born, it turns out that they fight for endorphins?

Some join opposition political parties to leave for a country with a higher standard of living? The signs of the sect are simple - is it when your wallets are “hacked”? Some parents gave education, but did not give something else to their children, for example, what is called fortitude, or did not give the necessary information, and then what is called a sect, and other manipulators take advantage of these shortcomings? Some need to educate themselves in the process of life? It is generally accepted that those organizations that are called sects are joined by people, so to speak, not of this world, and they are being manipulated there, however, there are those among the parishioners who manipulate the manipulators. Organizations called sects, playing on their nerves with representatives of any state authority, wait for the authorities to close what they call the sect in which they are located, in order to then go abroad to a richer country and ask for religious asylum, are those called "thoughtful" everywhere? Secrets that only those who work in this field, or those who do not work in it, know no less, or even more? Is manipulation also a war for endorphins? Each endorphin addiction, only one it is harmful to him and others, and the other vice versa? Behavior - follow your heart? The one who walks along the street with his head held high, emphasizing without paying attention to those around him, the one who drives an expensive car and looks around, did he see him - he receives a portion of endorphins from this, and they are controlled by the same internal opiates? For everything that causes people, endorphins can make a lot of money, and you don’t mean making money on sex, alcohol or drugs that give pleasure, but also on music, books, films, music videos, computer games, food, which also deliver pleasure - does the endorphin industry make a lot of money? The windows of your apartment overlook the bus and trolleybus stop, you set up the antenna, and everyone is looking at you at that moment - can you complete your task taking into account all these factors, or do those who look at you influence your behavior? Can you fulfill your life tasks if you listen to everyone’s criticism and comments? Do not listen to anyone - in any case, if you are one of those who are called an independent person who has a job, and if you earn money - you already have the right to not listen to anyone and even teach others how to criticize you, so how do you have professional key competence, you yourself can teach others how to live and show how and what to do? Some people like to look at other people and copy their behavior to achieve their goals - look at those who have achieved what you want? Doing what you like doing is the right line of behavior? According to historical data, there was such a guy, Yuri Kondratyuk, who proposed the optimal flight path to the Moon, but his work was not seriously considered under the pretext that he did not have a degree: a simple formalism worked - if not a professor, then this is not serious, from this it follows that all criticism against you should be taken no more than someone’s personal opinion, because you too can anyone you want to criticize? 

Never give up your dream just because someone said you won’t succeed. (The dictum is not of the author, the author is ready to refer to his owner if he has information about him)

It must be remembered that endorphins are internal drugs in the human body produced by the body itself. The war for endorphins and their production does not stop, many people get endorphins in ways that are completely unacceptable to others (humiliating or insulting someone, mocking someone, etc.).

Ideally, the line of behavior should be in the mode: to act as they say, as the soul lies. Each type of personality should have its own behavior, something like a separate etiquette for each, each person already has a program in place, and it doesn’t matter who - the higher powers, nature, society, the main thing is that everyone has this program. How do you know which program is in place, for example, with you? It's simple, it has already been mentioned - you need to pay attention to what gives you pleasure, what profession or action. Higher forces with the help of internal drugs - endorphins - lead you through life, suggesting that yours is not.

You need to give pleasure in a natural way, and not with alcohol and drugs. Under different circumstances, everyone develops internal drugs, someone from scientific activity, someone from seeing him in a restaurant with a handsome man or seeing him in an expensive car. Hormones of pleasure are produced from various elements of behavior, if people exclude these elements of behavior, it will become difficult for them, because this is their meaning in life. It’s difficult in prison because it’s impossible to realize what the higher forces require of you, what you were programmed for?

Attention, this is an affirmative sentence: the above- and below- the following is not a guide to action, but only material for reflection and just a quote from the author of several models of behavior in various situations that were recorded when they were used by people unfamiliar to the author.

The behavior of some shows that they are unlikely to survive in this world or not live long or live, but in discomfort? You are alone in the city, it is unlikely that someone will disinterestedly invite you to spend the night or feed - everyone has a program to care only about themselves and their loved ones, nobody cares about others - is that the position of higher powers?

As adults say, to drunk children: “What will come of you next?”.

Agree, for some circumstances, when, for example, we are talking about life or death, no one needs tactfulness, but there are those who do not see the point of tactfulness simply when dealing with citizens on whom they are not financially dependent, especially when citizens , on which they are in no way dependent, still insult them. But the line of behavior of total tactlessness, probably, in no case should you just choose and not make the meaning of life, not be obsessed with it, if you are not rude, otherwise you will run into a person who looks like you. It is not recommended to use this line of behavior in your work, unless, of course, where you work, no one can make your work better than you, and therefore value you very much . At work, we recommend a sense of tact with everyone you come in contact with (again, if there are no other circumstances, as they say, about behavior in prison - as you show yourself), politics is old and wise, you shouldn’t write curtsy at work, as intelligence officers say, you need to be able to mimic the environment, such as, for example, the character Alexander Korean from the movie "Golden elonok "(USSR, 1968).

Each minus has its own plus and vice versa (people are different, the more weaknesses, the more cunning a person will be to satisfy them, the less weaknesses, the easier it will be for a person, it seems). Why do all the time something annoying for others and see in this the meaning of their lives and thus obtain internal opiates called endorphins (although to each his own)? There are more interesting things in life, for example, creating a family, scientific activity, you need to remember that in every person there is something good, you only need to search it well.

No need to dress in other people's clothes? I’m not a maniac to be a 100% decent member of society, because, oddly enough, as a rule, not a single maniac ever curses anyone, has no criminal record, administrative drives, and is generally considered to be a decent person until a certain moment - he mimics environment? It is suspicious to be very decent, how suspicious is it to be single or married after 30 years? Only maniacs dress up in superorder clothes in order, again, to mimic the environment? If someone doesn’t like me, pass by — you are not a teacher, and I am not a student? We don’t need any friends, we keep our distance with everyone, but why do we need him, as one teacher said when they talked about someone he doesn’t need? Attempts to shame and reproach that there is no conscience, we perceive as an insult, since this is a manipulation by creating a complex of guilt?

We learn English so as not to be a bigot and ignorant, being in a decent society in an English-speaking country: "Who the fuck are you to lecture me?"

Already psychotherapists treat not only gambling addiction, but also greed - it’s very funny, what will be treated next? You don’t need to listen to anyone when someone is trying to criticize (criticism is one of the methods of psychological warfare, criticism is the creation of psychological traps) your idea or action, or you can listen to criticism of critics, but very carefully, otherwise nothing new will be created, because the new this is new, they should always be criticized in theory. Those who created something new did not listen to anyone? An example is, if I am not mistaken, of Hobolt with his version of the lunar docking. According to historical data, he was laughed at when he proposed it, but this happened, what Hobolt was talking about, and if he fixed himself on criticism and, as a result, doubted the correctness of his reasoning, there would be nothing: breaking stereotypes and creating new ones is what a new thought does, a new thought becomes a new truth. The idea of ​​the existence of the so-called Hicks field was rejected by the scientist Peter Hicks, but was still accepted. Tsialkovsky, according to historical data, a deaf teacher, was criticized for his idea of ​​creating an aircraft that would be heavier than air, and now cargo planes can transport a train, in the sense of the train itself, without cars and tanks that are attached to it during their transportation. The superiors of the actions of the surgeon Vladimir Demekhov criticized the dog for a second head from another dog, the management wrote complaints about him calling the doctor a schizophrenic, so in this case the saying “the dog barks, the caravan goes on” or “teach your woman to cook,” when someone criticizes and teaches how to do something, in his opinion, correctly, this saying will be very appropriate, but in general let them criticize, on health, it is noticed that, as a rule, those who criticize others do not time left to criticize myself Or they themselves do not criticize, because they consider themselves perfect, if can afford to criticize others, and these critics themselves can "grab" of grief because of the lack of proper criticism. Many are not offended by critics, as bandits say: “Why touch him? It’ll fly by itself. ” So it is, the majority has a long life, since medicine is now developed, earlier life expectancy was 18-20 years, and who were 40, they were considered old people, and therefore there is an opportunity, since life is long compared to past times , to see how the one who offended you “flies”, by itself, without your intervention.

An example of such a critic, who studied at a trade school and is now an adult: one girl criticized another girl for giving birth at 16 years old, and then she gives birth at 14 years old.

Some, as they say, “break down” even without someone’s criticism, with the help of self-criticism, for example, I want to write a book, but you think there are a lot of writers. Yes, it is possible that on a civilized continent there will be people who want to create a work by expressing their thoughts in it, but there is also Africa, where in some of its places, due to difficult living conditions, people cannot think of anything else but how to survive, and in civilized states there are not many competitors in terms of publishing any ideas, but maybe, on the contrary, different sources say different things. The population of some civilized countries from self-sufficiency for the most part thinks how to have fun, therefore, as the paratroopers say, "None but us." Who will fulfill the task assigned to the paratroopers, except for themselves, who is stronger in spirit than themselves? So if you want to write something - write.

By the way, a higher continent, probably, created a continent such as Africa, where people are not spoiled, Europe is in dire need of labor, everyone knows that the European population will not go to the work that emigrants will do, for example, from that Africa or from some other poor continent. Is Africa a continent that supplies fresh power to Europe, Europe’s fuel? Therefore, when someone says “Don’t bring bullshit”, it can only say that the person who says this phrase simply knows some methods of psychological warfare, manipulation methods, maybe even on an unconscious level, but doesn’t say about his rightness, does it mean that Europe is a lot of “players” or service workers who understand that you can learn to talk and convince, and this will save them from physical labor?

There are work collectives, mainly among IT-employees, where there is no discipline, and almost anarchy at work. But often in other groups where discipline is required, there is someone who violates it, and it is due to such violators of the discipline that those who do not violate it are promoted, these are usually those who are called opportunists, since all the attention of the leadership focuses on those who do not discipline. Against the backdrop of these contrasts, the so-called opportunists are advancing through the ranks, perhaps not being as smart as those who are undisciplined. If there were no undisciplined ones, it would be much more difficult for those who did not violate discipline, since it would be impossible to stand out, and the presence of discipline in them would become more noticeable to the leadership and others in the absence of discipline from others. It’s like in a war - if there hadn’t been, then there would have been no heroes.

Attention, this is an affirmative sentence: the following is not a guide to action, it is just a quote from the author of several models of behavior in various situations that were recorded when used by strangers to the author.

The German general for a Russian soldier of the WWII is no one, the end to some considered negative authorities, since the retinue does the king? Sometimes or always you need to think in terms of "profitable - unprofitable"? If it’s emotional, then is it recommended to either redo it, or restrain oneself or minimize communication with people who are considered to be emotional people themselves?

I watched how the author’s acquaintance acted (in what follows we will call him) when what happened to be called rudeness happened to him, for example. Someone said something unpleasant when meeting with him (using “jokes”) - the way he saw the author not to spoil his mood when meeting with such a person and even raise him — this, without answering anything, move away from him if he met, for example, at a bus stop. If the author’s acquaintance met with an unpleasant person on the street, and it was impossible not to say hello to him, since it would look ridiculous, and this would not be in favor of the author’s friend, then this author’s friend, walking towards him, said curses to himself, so that the person walking towards him could understand this, seeing how the author’s acquaintance moves his lips with a serious look, curses (but the opponent shouldn’t hear anything), and as soon as the author’s acquaintance caught up with his annoying person, a serious displeased face he immediately changed for a friendly and greeted, the person who enjoys the “tricks” understood everything, and the acquaintance of the author enjoyed this - the release of internal natural opiates into the blood went.

And in general, we need to take an example from some large leaders - these people know all the “undercurrents”, they do not suppress their interests, or rather, sometimes suppress because of the need, since they cannot be realized at the moment, but they still apply everything efforts for their implementation (using intellectual to implement emotional), for this they have a whole staff of call phrases, and a person who is not a leader should have a base that stimulates and motivates someone for any actions, phrases and words and a kind at internal army and special services to realize his needs and interests.

Just as some bosses wait instead of a working wizard - so do people wait not for a leader, but for a wizard? Alcohol is sold in stores, there are two days off - any state gives a maximum for a person to feel comfortable, but there are those for which a comfortable existence needs something that is unacceptable to others, and will never be so comfortable in those a framework in which others are comfortable? The CCleaner computer program can be not only a computer program - we erase bits of information and unnecessary information in our heads so that there is no “mess” in my head? A person with certain beliefs cannot work in certain places, since these beliefs will interfere with work?

For a long time on television, graffiti on the corridors of one of the business universities showed that there was no morality, only money, such a kind of deprogramming, “reloading” students in a different way, because someone invented morality, it’s some kind of thought for some reason, others must listen to them and adhere to them, as someone said that this is true, but any person can have their own morality, and there can be as many moralities as there are inhabitants on planet Earth (as they say lawyers - how much to lawyers, there are so many opinions), and everyone can say that it is his morality that must be adhered to, but this does not mean that everyone will follow it - morality in its classical sense, they, students of the above institution, future managers and businessmen, will only harm?

Some military men are faced with the dilemma of killing or not killing someone they consider an enemy, there is such a peculiar, as mentioned above, conflict of programs, dissonance, from childhood it was suggested to everyone that killing is something out of the ordinary, but that's it on the contrary, if you don’t kill, you can go to jail or pay with your life. Hence, probably, the so-called post traumatic stress disorders, intrapersonal conflicts, how can one involuntarily conclude that some whose work is to educate people play an important role in the emergence of mental disorders? This, as already mentioned, as two people who met in prison, one another says:

"I am here for the murder, and you for what?" "And I for refusing to kill, being in the war." This story shows how everything can be brought to the point of absurdity, and how everything is relative.

Does the Nassim Taleb Black Swan effect work?

This theory considers hard-to-predict, rare events, it can be interpreted as a theory of how likely it is that a black swan will appear in a room, in your apartment or in your house. There are other theories that can be called and which are called the theory of probability or relativity: yes, it’s bad that someone got to serve in a “hot spot”, but it is not known what would happen to him if he didn’t get there, suddenly he would go down the street, if you didn’t get into the army, and those who were called bandits would attack him and kill or something else negative would happen, and in a hot spot this might not happen, but they might kill, no one knows of employees in a hot spot, what could have happened to him if he had not been there, so everything is relative, entry There are pluses and minuses.

Another example from the category of what is called the theory of relativity - a visor on the balcony made by a neighbor because of her neighbor living in an apartment above, whom she called "cattle", as he often threw down the trash, saved his life or at least his health a cat of other neighbors, who, falling from the 5th floor, was hooked on this peak. Thanks to the "cattle" and the neighbor from the 3rd floor - everything is relative, and again everywhere have their pluses and minuses?

In a recently bought laptop, on which this material is currently being printed, an insignificant defect was found: when headphones or speakers are connected to it, the sound on the laptop itself does not turn off (the material is sometimes typed to music, music is one of the psychostimulants), although this should not be As a rule, the sound on the laptop and on other devices is muted when headphones or speakers are inserted into its jack. Having discovered this defect, you can go to the store and change the laptop to another, but then in the new laptop there may be an even more serious defect - the theory of relativity in action.

Psychological warfare in everyday life? Need to be able to distinguish fictitious from the present - learn to recognize false mushrooms from edible, so as not to poison? Is false information a psychological poison? Is psychological warfare a weapon of the 21st century? Sturgeon's Law: “90% of anything is bullshit”? The percentage of what nonsense is told to you increases, if you conduct a dialogue with an ambitious person, does he necessarily compose something? You can’t believe anything, everything needs to be checked and double-checked, and only then believe?

One way or another, knowingly or unconsciously, everyone possesses the technique of psychological warfare, uses it - otherwise you won’t win (unless, of course, it is important to win, not lose).

Science has not yet brought the world to such a level of development when robots will do everything, and the need for psychological warfare (for example, between some structures) will disappear, as already mentioned. A person who does not have influential relatives, material security (as they say, does not have money for a hitch), but who has average needs or big needs, manipulative qualities seem to grow over time in order to survive or at least satisfy his needs.

When all people have their hands tied by law, and this does not make it possible to solve their problems through physical action, then the weapon of the XXII century begins to work, this is it - the psychological weapon. As the CIA resident Peter Kalisher (Rostislav Plyatt) said in the film “On the Pomegranate Islands” (USSR, 1981, directed by Tamara Lisitsian), “It’s much more interesting to sweep a person’s soul out than to smash a skull,” he meant, to destroy someone’s Is life better than robbing someone?

Any person can be made mentally disabled if, in the words of Peter Kalesher in the film "On the Pomegranate Islands", to disperse a person’s soul? For help in getting out of a situation, you need not always go to a psychologist, but to someone who is called a strong-willed person, and ask him how he would react to a situation that you don’t know how to solve? What is called self-confidence is transmitted as a relay stick - one gives, the other takes, it is worth someone to win, and you are full of endorphins, you are “flying” and more confident than before defeating someone or what something? Everything needs to be done without breaking the law - punishment under the law can be more painful for the violator of the law than lynching? Problems in certain cases arise from lack of awareness? Do not need to allow anyone to manipulate, hooking you on some abstract overvalued global ideas or give exploit Island be your basic instincts and emotions and not too basic: fear, desire for sex, money, power, shame, aggression, ambition?

Affirmative sentence. Psychologists say: "You will not respond with aggression to aggression - you can program yourself as a victim, you will be constantly at least not sure of yourself, but as a maximum you will become an anxious person." They, psychologists, say that restraining negative emotions in the future can lead to inappropriate behavior. So how not to restrain negative emotions without breaking the law? I have not heard a single answer from a psychologist when they advise not to restrain emotions. You can then try to answer: if you are sober in a public place, you can defend your point of view verbally and with gestures (without obscene content), and no one will do anything to you, if you do it drunk you will always be to blame (it’s your fault), although, you may be right.

Phrases of the hero and heroine from the film "Hanuma" (director Georgy Tovstonogov, USSR, 1978). The hero says: “Either you marry my daughter, or I will choke you with these hands.” The heroine of the film: “Why hands? Not with hands, but with bills. ”

Lyrics: you watch Soviet films, and it seems that some political strategist plagiarized after watching them, creating his own work, as various firms and organizations of countries outside the USSR once engaged in scientific and technological plagiarism, reading and using inventions for free and scientific achievements published in the Soviet journal Science and Life by enthusiasts living in the USSR.

Each average citizen, it is emphasized - the average citizen, who faced a normal life, but did not live a carefree life in a rich country and was protected by a kind of power shield in the form of a high standard of living and "fat" social packages from everyday problems, who lived half his life, can to say, as already mentioned, that at least 90% (if not more) of what he was told and what he was convinced throughout his life turned out to be a lie and nonsense, regardless of who the inf was received from rmatsiya (science fiction writer Theodore Sturgeon rights that 90% of anything - nothing, as well as the rights that sometimes everything goes wrong, as it should be?).

They say that if you are young, then especially, no matter how trite it sounds, you need to be careful with people who are older than you, or with those who have extensive experience in communicating with people based on their specific work, these people are always in charge the so-called “stamps” (there is such an expression “speak in stamps,” that is, words and phrases characteristic of a profession, etc.) or “wiring” in the form of phrases and actions or, if not vulgar, replace the word “wiring” with a less crude synonym - “psychological traps”.

The conductor or controller on the bus, tram or trolleybus will tell someone who travels without a ticket that he has no conscience (this word is a “stamp” of the conductor, the investigators and investigators have their own (“stamps”), etc.), if the psychotype of the one to whom it was said, of those who say that she or he is very impressive and sensitive, and he is a person "stuck", as the psychiatrist wrote, if not make a mistake, Karl Leonhard, and he will, as my friend said , “Pound” the brains the thought that he had “broken off” somewhere, or, as psychology books say, happened If "fixing" on the traumatic situation, then you need to respond to the conductor in order to get out of the transport with the same good mood as you entered it and to continue in the psychological form in order to work qualitatively for yourself and society. One comrade so answered the conductor when he called him to conscience: “Do you have a conscience? If you had a conscience, you would not have gone to such work (would not have gone). ”

"Let the soul take away, otherwise I will get sick," - father’s words on the offensive

words of his son in the film "Sibiriada", 1978, USSR, director Andrei Konchalovsky

Do not look at a potential manipulator on the street, and he will lose interest in you? Will your people be manipulated more than once by what are called weaknesses or needs, for example, sexual ones? Psychological rehabilitation using traditional medicine - a broad spectrum medicine, pacify the arrogant? Preventive, reconstructive, rehabilitative and recombination psychology - more clever phrases to make it work? Unrealized emotions subsequently lead to inappropriate behavior, why is this happening? Because unrealized emotions are a psychological trauma, and after a psychological trauma it is not known whether a person will be normal? To be happy, you must either not have what are called weaknesses, or if you have them, you need to know how to satisfy them, and for this you need to look at those people who are said to be happy and choose their line behavior, since they can be classified as those who know how to get what you want? Is real psychology a war of offensive weapons and defenses?

Do not succumb to “hypnosis” when you walk along the street and the manipulator passing by (the aggressive or non-aggressive comrade demanding money on the street) gazes at you intently, “scanning”, did he “hook” you with his own, as a rule, like he considers, “cool” appearance or not, do not look at the one who wants to “hypnotize” you in the above way, otherwise he can go to the “second” action if he sees that he impressed you, and the second action will be a request for money or another "wiring"?

Can one determine by the behavior of, for example, the same conductor or controller, what kind of person he is, emotional or not, when the passenger provokes him with a phrase? If the passenger received an answer, then, accordingly, this indicates the presence of emotions, if the answer has not been received, it means that the person is not emotional and shows by his appearance that he is at work, he has enough nerves, as they say, for does this hold back emotions, but does it already mean that this work is not for him, if he holds back emotions, and if there is no choice, then you have to work, and in parallel it is better to look for work to your liking?

Attention, this is an affirmative sentence: the following is not a guide to action, it’s just a quote from the author of several models of behavior in various situations that were recorded when they were used by people unfamiliar or unfamiliar to the author and which are not entirely acceptable, since choosing such a line of behavior can to expose oneself to physical risks from emotionally-minded persons, it is best not to succumb to what is called provocations, as special forces fighters do in certain cases, to GDSs on them, for example, in shooting a provocateur, so they said, and the shooting started, and next to a large number of civilians - they are special forces, those who are called professionals. But psychologists advise not to restrain emotions - how to solve this dilemma?

How did my friend who served in the foreign legion react when he was hit on the street with his fist? He also struck, it didn’t get to a fight, the striker calmed down, but there could have been a fight. You have to physically fight, if necessary, such is the price for mental health, otherwise you will be “frightened” and sometimes you will begin to suppress such an emotion as fear, which will later manifest itself in alcohol, because it’s not just that special services in some states pick up children from those families , where parents simply raise their voices - this is what is called, if not mistaken, juvenile justice, because after what is called psychological trauma, it is not known whether the person will be normal? To any phrases aimed at “breaking off” you by manipulating your personal historical “blisters” or facts from your life, which, in the opinion of someone trying to break you off, you should hesitate to remember them, some answered: “Well yes, it happened, and I’m proud of it ... you thought I’m "breaking off", or what? "


Now people need to be softer - look at questions more broadly.

(The phrase from the movie "Operation" Y "and other adventures

Shurika ", USSR).


People turn to traditional medicine, as a rule, when classical medicine has exhausted itself in terms of helping those who turn to it - this does not mean that classical medicine is bad, it’s just that science is not yet developed to solve all problems, including medical.

Advice on how to get out of a conflict situation with minimal damage to the psyche will probably not be given qualitatively by any person whose job it is to give advice or conduct trainings. What to do when what is called an insult happens to someone? Of course, for some it’s best to insult someone, but what kind of psychologist will give such advice? Recall that they can take a license from him for advice that, from the point of view of some instances, is immoral (as some psychologists themselves say), and the function of a psychologist is to carry on building up society with your own advice, but in fact, for some, the situation tense, as a rule, then, when they insulted, and didn’t answer, but the unpleasant aftertaste remained, and this “corrodes” some people from the inside and in the psychological sense, and deforms the personality for a while, as they say, something unpleasant entered the head and cannot come out ( fixation), here it is yes it can happen that something irreparable, when the "steam" accumulated in humans due to the fact that in one and in subsequent situations, "swallowed" a lot of trouble to tell him. But to answer with an insult to an insult is a violation of the law, which can lead to a more unpleasant situation, if it comes to law enforcement agencies, then such actions are not suitable.

In order to answer someone’s rudeness, everyone has seconds for quick wits so as not to spoil their mood by not being able to answer an insult. There is so little time for an answer that you do not have time to speak out, some respond in response to the same words that the offender said.

We will call everything described below as clashes, only in the psychological sense, when you have to fight, again, not in the physical, but in the psychological sense for your comfortable psychological state, below we will consider several such so-called clashes, the first of which is from social networks, with whom they are called hamovata and with a very naive idea of ​​reality, a woman who, according to the questionnaire, is 37 years old, a friend of the author of this work talked to her.

Attention, this is an affirmative sentence: the following is not a guide to action, it’s just a quote from the author of several models of behavior in various situations that were recorded when they were used by people unfamiliar or unfamiliar to the author, and which are not entirely acceptable, since choosing such a line of behavior can expose yourself to physical hazards from emotionally-minded individuals, therefore, from the point of view of health care, in this case physical, such a line of behavior in life as answers to s brutality, for some people with poor physical health is not entirely acceptable, although some believe infirm hedged by the presence of a can of tear gas in case if the opponent wants from him to "knock the nonsense" when he does not have verbal arguments or they run out.

On the Internet, contactless emotions, and consequently tion and secure as physical objects to communicate to each other are not available? They say that earlier, during the times of the USSR, “rummaging” in the archives of the investigating authorities, one could find many cases related to sexual violence between young guys: the guy stopped the guy and made him do it - the invention of the Internet removed the social tension that It used to be, including in a sexual sense, now those who are called sexual minorities can get to know each other on the Internet without bothering to get to know their people on the street at random. Also, the Internet has made it possible for men and women with high sexual temperament to find each other without spending time on the Internet? To find on the Internet who you need, you need to “sweat”: according to personal statistics, is it 5 out of 5000? The task is to find a temperamental girl (woman) on a dating site , at the same time: simple, easy to communicate, without prejudice, ready to communicate and meet a married man, fashionable, bright, well-groomed, sexy, disinterested. Such people were found in about 5 people, but to find them, they had to "talk" with about 5,000 female people - formula 5: 5000? The loneliness of the mind contributes to the development of imagination, what are the signs of a person’s high sexual temperament - life as the only child in the family, quick walk, acceptability of conversations on sexual topics, or something else? What are the signs of selflessness - birth and life in an incomplete family or in a rich country? In communication, the boundaries between the sexes are being erased or they have been erased long ago, and some draw conclusions like they didn’t live in another time, but only in your own - do not pay attention to instincts and communicate with the opposite sex on those topics that you want, even when do you experience what is called excitement when you are nearby? There are no boundaries and barriers between the sexes as it is necessary to achieve the maximum of civilization, or sometimes you want to “turn on” instincts and behave like a man with a woman, and vice versa, then, for example, when the program installed in us by higher forces says that Is this person interesting to you as the opposite sex? Correspondence with a girl from Europe (according to the data on her page). Correspondence reflects in practice the claims of the author of this material that an ambitious person, if he cannot satisfy ambition with the help of intellect, he will look for other ways, for example, creating or participating in any organizations, just to be and consider himself someone different from others. In this case, the one with whom correspondence is carried out, presumably, inspired himself that those who live in the metropolis have superiority over those who do not live in the metropolis. Below in the presented dialogue the words of the girl with whom this dialogue takes place are indicated in bold, punctuation is partially corrected, the spelling is left in the original:

- Hello

- Hello

- Do you communicate with married people?

- Why not? I communicate with interesting people independently

simo from their status

- Yes? After 37, someone else is interesting, you already know all the interests of everyone)

- You know there is life, and after 37 it’s not strange

- Not about life after 30, but about interests

- Interests do not depend on age

- Do you like demagogy? Do you live near the administration of any institution?

- I love the dialogue. And there are enough demagogues without us, I think

- Well, n-not be tossing bags and be and do not root out the roots, pi-lot Bolov

- These letters are not clear to me. Who are pi-balls?

- some executives

- Ah, you see, I’m apparently out of date. Which I don’t understand


- Slang is old, they say that the Mongol Tatar

- Something like simple Russian speech is closer to me

- Still rushing you from demagoguery. She has long been Russian

- And the Tatars have nothing to do with it .. not the fact that they were

in Russia .. everything is very incomprehensible and muddy .. I’m stepping back and just

- Come to visit

- Far to go

- You know, although I am light on the rise, but not so much

- Do you invite me to visit, your wife does not scold? Or you

Do you practice vicious relationships with your spouse? Ali are corrupting together?

- No, she left before Thursday

- Oh, yes, your celibate week has begun?

- Are you coming to visit?

- But why call the shlend from Minsk?

no free women found?

-And you're a blend - then bye

-This is me in general. Without clarification

- Then come

-On personalities

- I’m spending too much time behind the wheel at the wheel. In my free time I just want to relax without a coffin on wheels. Therefore, I won’t go for unexplored sensations. there is also closer entertainment. as they say with home delivery

- Goodbye then

- I'm not interested baby where you spend how much time

- Though at least behind the wheel at the wheel

- Hmm. With such approaches you and local heifers are unlikely

charm. good luck

- Bless you

- Look at yourself for 37 years already, and you’re still behind the wheel, bulls are not being driven by the capital’s

- But I thought that there are people on the periphery, it turns out to be cattle, first responded to sympathy from the periphery, for the sake of curiosity, and thoroughly made sure that there was neither culture nor humanity on the collective farm.

- It’s you who inspired yourself with all kinds of crap, so at 37 you’ll be alone and at 50,

- and it would be nice for you to ventilate your brains somewhere at a construction site or factory, the cattle who eats, crap, but the one who eats does not grow, the one whose hands are under x are sharpened, at least you wash the toilet bowl at home or wait while the cattle wash .

- You are more careful with phrases. And the IP address has not been canceled yet. I’m married already 17 years old. And my eldest son is 16 years old. My husband is a professional boxer. And my capital’s bulls are not only with uniform but also with contacts. And such a redneck like you around they’ll spread your city. so I can crush you creature with just a bell like a cockroach

- And you are more careful with the phrases ai pi nobody canceled the address correctly you say

- Do not forget to look around scum

- Well, I think your husband’s head will beat you off right after they figure out where you are.

- Well, who's the cattle, and the old maid

- Start calculating the pi-r (The word is hidden from ethical considerations).

- The militia will figure out and then we will see who the cattle and who the elite

- Ahaha, I’m talking with kamikaze for the first time;

- Kamikaze break right on the penalty

"Militia? Ahah. Do you really still trust our police? Yes, you’re a completely dumb guy and naive."

- Pity the children will stay without chocolate

- Well, she’ll get you a fine

- I won’t even spend time on chatter

- To make brains in place

- You're too pathetic

- Get ready for a fine

- geek

- And to the court for moral damage, rich Pinocchio, that's who found the cattle

Correspondence of the author (with the author’s comments) with a girl allegedly from Australia, who is supposedly 40 years old (spelling and punctuation left in the original):

Posted by : Hello , Married

Girl : Hey, are you looking for a wife here? Posted by : No

Posted by : You want to find a husband here?)

Girl : Lol I have a partner ... I'm not looking for something seriously here ...

Author : Me too Girl : Cool Author : Yes Author : Exactly Girl : Lol

Posted by : looking for a spare partner?)

Girl : I just killing my time here sometimes ... U?

Girl : Waiting for my trainer at the moment ... Hestuckintraffic ...

(Author’s comment: perhaps the girl throws the “bait” with this answer, so that I swallow it, and confirmation that the “bait” is swallowed (as some say, I “leaned” on her stories that she is in Australia or not) , I have to ask her a question like this: “What kind of coach are you waiting for or what is the training?” And there the “wiring” would have gone further from her.)

Posted by : Ok

Posted by : individually to each-can chat, can meet-from the situation Posted by and

Posted by : person

Author : I say what am I looking at here Girl : Good on you man

Author :)

Girl : You never know ... Author : Here I bad not met

Author : if I understood you correctly Author : a strange, proud that's who's here

Girl : If you like you can write in Russian ...

Author : or as said a woman from Finland here poor people) Author : I thought you're Russian

Posted by : immigrant)

Posted by : I'm not Russian ... I'm Greek was born in Tajikistan ...


Author: Do you know Russian well? Girl: Something else remains in memory. Author: Do you write the truth?

Author: you’re not sitting in Tajikistan) Girl: I live in Australia Author: Ok

Author: In addition to the contingent that I indicated. there are still many similar to schizophrenics)

Author: In principle, they can be attributed to strange) Author: About which I spoke)

Author: In addition to the fact that they in their fantasies do not live in the geographical location where they are located, they may still have a business (Comment of the author: in fact, there is no business), each one has a different kind of “roof”)

Girl: There are enough idiots everywhere ... And you are still on this site and chatting with these idiots

Posted by: No

Author: There is a Russian-language font in Australia Author: where did it come from?

Author: obi4novsetakpishut - latinicei Author: kto ne v ruskogovorays4ei strane

Girl: there is any font on all Apple media ... Author: high technology

Girl: Lol here is the norm ...

Author: lol write the phone number ... Author : bolder

Girl : ... oh, are you gonna call me and check if my number is real ... You made my day man !!! (Author comment: spoke sharply again in English)

Author: you think a lot about yourself dude from Australia !!!! I don’t have extra money to check all the feelings from Australia-Tajikistan !!! (The word man in the phrase “You made my day man !!!” can be translated as “dude”, which means she is a dude)

Author: and your way of thinking and part of your phrase ... check if my number is real ... your origin is not thoroughbred, such thinking is not typical for Local Australians, you are a burning guy from Australia-Tajikistan .... You made my day man !!!

Girl : You made my day man !!! Thanks for the compliment ... I don’t give myself away as a noblewoman ... good luck finding the breed here ...

Author: don’t make me laugh, a noblewoman in exile, I’m not looking for anyone ... and it’s your good luck in finding a breed from Australia here Author: I wish you to quickly get out of the hostel from which you are now texting ..

Here it is, the war for endorphins in action - who whom. Whoever won this kind of dialogue got pleasure, whatever one may say, some of the people were made like that - you get a dose of buzz for the victory both in physical and psychological brawls, so with the help of endorphins higher forces determine and direct the behavior of any living creatures, someone from such communication has no endorphins at all, and some vice versa. Are there any genetically patient ones or again everything depends on the place where you grew up?

The so-called psychological clash in the library, yes, it happens there too: I witnessed such a clash between two guys and visitors to the library, the guys supposedly talked loudly, and visitors who looked like former military officers of the officers did, most likely, purely for that, in order to amuse the ambition, or out of habit to give commands to the guys that they are talking loudly, one of the guys told the person making the remark: “Go to the village. My grandfather is 70 years old, and he works on a collective farm, and you, a healthy forehead, are sitting here, reading newspapers. ” One of those who made comments was silent, the second, the most active, who was sent a message to go to work on the collective farm, said to the guys “dolby ... s” (and this is an administrative offense), which proves that he is not so decent, and that really he wanted to “show off” more by making remarks to the guys, rejoicing in his soul that he had such an opportunity, but he, so to speak, “broke off”. I also heard some people say to some "cleanbodies" who made a remark to someone: "Go to a construction site or work at a factory, otherwise your healthy forehead is probably sitting in your office, you are shifting papers from place to place, at the construction site and at there aren’t enough people at the plant, everyone is smart, they don’t want to go to the plant and construction, and therefore there is no one to work there ”(by the way, they say that some of those who are called bureaucrats hate people because they almost always they demand it, but this probably applies to emotional bureaucrats).

The so-called psychological clash in a fixed-route taxi: mutual insults began, one of them began to threaten, which would call the police. And the opponent was not taken aback and said that he would call the police himself now (by the way, as this example shows, and as already mentioned, when you don’t know or don’t have time to think what to answer, say what your opponent told you), threatening to call law enforcement authorities shut up.

As a rule, if someone is prone to delinquency or crime, he has already "lit up" somewhere, and he is already recorded in the database of law enforcement agencies, so if a thought in my head says that they will suddenly make me guilty if I call the police or I’ll write a statement, this thought is irrelevant in this case: a person who attacked you with fists was held accountable in 99% of cases, so the result of the consideration of the application will be in favor of the one who attacked, of course, again, if soul lies write it if yl sober, well, it is desirable to have no criminal record, since all structures in the proceedings like to take into account each person involved in the conflict.

Psychological clash on a cell phone: the first call from a joker who, with all his content and arrogant intonation, makes it clear that this is mere hooliganism, or he suggested to himself that he is the one called “pranker” or “pranger” - he asks in a pulling, arrogant voice , what kind of company is this, if it’s not an “Empire of foliage”, the answer follows that he was mistaken. Five minutes later, the call again from the same phone number, and the same question follows, but the wife of the person the joker calls is already picking up and says the same thing that he didn’t get there . Five minutes later, another call, but no one answered. After about one hour, a call from the same number with the same question is followed by the author’s request to the caller so that he does not hang up the phone, that is, we create an emergency situation for him that is not provided for by him. The caller waited more than nine minutes for him to speak, then hung up, that is, his task is to strain you, provoke curses into the telephone receiver and, possibly, record this, but it turns out that he is straining.

While he was waiting for an answer, listening to the noise of the engines of passing cars, since the one to whom he called, that is, the author of this work, who was walking along the highway, "ticked" the money of a joker for talking inside the network of a cellular operator or "burned" him free minutes, if any.

After that, after about 25 minutes, there was another such call from the same phone number, this call remained unanswered, as the one who was called (the author) did not pick up the phone, after that the caller lost interest in the calls, and this became clear after of how this call was the last on his part. Here is an example of how, without breaking the law, you can amuse your ambition and not lose your psychological balance by forcing the caller to wait for an answer, picking up the phone and telling him to wait for an answer - this is how the hunter and the victim switch places. Hunting has been declared to us, and hunting ourselves is hunted, as the cartoon says, which is mentioned in this work.

After the full number of the unknown caller with the country code was entered into the Internet search engine, it turned out that the number belongs to a company whose name the author cannot name for legal reasons. What it was, is unknown, perhaps those who imagined themselves to be a prankster on the phone — a “pranger” or a “pranker” —wanted to provoke the author with his call to aggression, so that, as already indicated, it was written to the phone’s drive and then put into the Internet. But this is also an example of receiving a portion of endorphin in an inadequate way from the point of view of modern society regarding human behavior, remember that there are many lines of behavior associated with the receipt of pleasure hormones in a strange, called eccentric or dangerous way for yourself and the surrounding way.

A clash over the phone is again a call to the author and a dialogue took place, but not by the pranger, but by a person who introduced himself as a representative of a company competing with the company where the author works:

Good afternoon. Good afternoon. I was told that you call customers and introduce yourself as our company, offering goods.

The author did not call anyone and did not appear to be a representative of a competitor’s company, which he said to the caller.

If you still call and introduce yourself as our company, I will write a letter about. (I don’t remember where he wanted to write it). You can spit in the person who told you this. Well, we won’t spit anyone.

Then the guy became a little quiet and began to make excuses, especially after the author told him what is indicated below.

I myself can whom you want to “drag out” the courts, you won’t spit - I’ll write to the person who told you this, a statement to the court, demanding a refutation of the incriminating information, indicate the sources from which you have this information, and the evidence that I Something called, provide.

Here the guy generally "blown away."

Another case, which the author witnessed: if you were invited to visit, and there was a stranger who said “okay, come on, bye”, showing you with this phrase that you’re tired and you need to leave, it’s possible, again , not to “break off” or not to get a micropsychological trauma, say in response the same thing that they told you, if it didn’t occur to you to respond to someone’s rudeness, due to lack of time or for other reasons, about This has already been said. Simply put, to answer with the same words that spoke to you, or as they called you. For example, you were called “dear” - and you say “dear” in response to the beginning of your dialogue after calling you “dear” (if, of course, you are hurt by what you have been called “dear” and out of psychological equilibrium) . Or they say to you at the end of the dialogue “be healthy”, and you say to your opponent “be healthy” after that or ask such a question when they say something to you in an orderly manner, like: “Exactly?”. For example, “Come bring me the juice quickly,” you don’t want to do this, or it hurts your ambition, you can say this phrase in response to a request: “Exactly?”. It seems like you can bring it exactly or not, and you already feel that you have not lost, you haven’t delivered anyone a “free” good mood due to the pleasure of insults and “jokes” in your address. Many people want to get the release of the same endorphins, insulting someone, maybe they have such a purpose, if they are pleased with this?

The core of everything on which everything below is based - and the above, as already mentioned, is the fact that everything can be turned over and interpreted to your advantage, when you understand this, almost all problems begin to burst, like soap bubbles, and melt, like ice in the sun, that’s the way it is taught at most reputable law schools or at faculties where they study business, there is “unloading” from the “load” with which the student came to study, it is customary to follow the following saying, as already mentioned: no morality, and no morality - uh about the same morality. And another important thing, if you work with people - you need to learn to speak and not just talk, but speak without pauses, since a pause is the moment when the comprehension of what is said is turned on. You also need to learn to convince people, because even families are usually stronger than those in which one of the family members can hold a partner with convictions, that is, each person must have not only a soldier and an intelligence officer, but also a political officer or deputy on educational work. Some executives do the same when they deny the negative things that the employee who had previously quit their job, who filed a lawsuit against his former employer, says that they deny everything, and sometimes it turns out that someone who is called truth-loving , looks crazy when he tries to prove something, exposing his former leadership of something illegal, but it’s true that the leadership does not always succeed in denying everything and evading responsibility, because if there are facts and evidence of their accomplishment If this happens, then the answer will still be for it.

I watched the dialogue, how someone wants to convince someone of something, as a result of observation I heard how one person taught another - if someone tries to impose their point of view, we can say: “Who are you, that everyone owes you to listen, and at the same time accept everything that you say as truth? ”

Lyrics: at some time a video appeared on the Internet that was considered popular among some, in this video a well-groomed millionaire (they say he is a millionaire), who is about 50 years old, was dancing in his underwear on a yacht with a girl who looks about 25 years old and who was in a swimsuit. An approximate commentary that was made on this video, against the background of other comments that had the character of admiration for the behavior of a millionaire: “A person leading a parasitic lifestyle that has not worked out, since he has not worked anywhere, dances on the“ bones ”of workers who built for him, a yacht, and next to it is "erratic", which thinks that she will get something if she dances - this is the objective reality of what is happening on the video. " Who does not agree, because we are looking for objective reality in everything? Well, this, of course, is someone’s emotions, and nothing more, a millionaire himself can earn everything that he has, and therefore he can definitely spend what he didn’t earn or earned, but his ancestors, who also didn’t have everything.

“There is no hazing - whoever is weak, they beat him,” - the words of the unfamiliar grandfather to the unfamiliar grandmother at the intercity bus stop, uttered by him when he saw me in soldier uniform. So at work there is no stress - only some have it, like bullying, in relation to some that existed at some times, is it only in relation to some? What is weakness in the sense that is considered throughout this material - is it an inability to respond to aggression, or something that is difficult or even impossible to do without, or something else? Remember that emotional mentors teach you not to hold back emotions? Envy is a form of aggression - do not only envy alcoholics and losers? Some rich people, knowing the psyche of the layman, mimic the environment, "mowing" under alcoholics or losers - they are not envied? Is progress progressing in everything, is it lagging behind only in the psyche, or is the psyche lagging behind it - is this the majority of mental problems? As already indicated, a person is designed in such a way that he can’t just eat, sleep and satisfy sexual instincts, he is also the embodiment of various ideas, therefore, is he not comfortable in a psychological sense? Few can afford to be those from whom there is no harm, but who also does not benefit? In life, you need to prepare for at least one (maybe more, depending on the case and which way of life you lead) emergency situation (for example, when you are attacked on the street), for this you need to learn how to use at least a gas spray?

It is necessary to respond to any manifestation of aggression only in a legal way or in a way not prohibited by law, so as not to harm yourself. As, for example, the rules of the road are taught - if there is no prohibitory stop or parking sign, then it’s allowed, and you need to drop all thoughts that the law does not work, but only what is called “Reshalov” and nepotism. If you live in a civilized state, it means that everything works, “ resolutely preoccupied ” (this usually applies to officials) in a civilized society can only harm yourself, if something like that exists, then only within the city where they are located somewhere further than in this city, this should not be, in the sense that their influence in another city ends, and even further - in the capital of the state - is generally excluded (in the sense that communications, for example, of officials from the periphery break off when it comes to the capital, for officials from the capital they are nobody, so in almost any state).

What can be answered to the one who retells gossip about you, referring to the fact that he heard them from someone - the one who told you this has a good sense of humor, and he is a great joker. You can give another example, though somewhat remote from the topic, when you can "turn" in your favor, take the initiative in your own hands: he served as a soldier in the army, only drafted into the army, his "grandfathers", that is, old-timers, being in dismissal, went around his hometown (and he served not far from him), "grandfathers" were from another region. They meet these “grandfathers” in this city of guys, met, probably even drank alcohol together, or maybe they drank it separately before the meeting, however, it does not really matter, and these “grandfathers” talk about the service to the locals. In the process of communication, it turned out that they were served by a friend of the locals, the locals asked non-local "grandfathers" how our friend was being served, and they said that their friend was rushing around, he was also a "dushar", counting on the fact that, as usual, the locals will join in the gossip of the “grandfathers”, pick them up and begin to assent to them, however, the “grandfathers” had an unforeseen situation - the locals started beating them because their friend was “rushing around” of their own free will. Here's an interesting situation.

Is false evidence admissible with respect to facts that cannot be verified? What to do when what is called an insult has happened against you, and there is no point in writing a statement to law enforcement agencies, since there is no evidence of what happened?

For example, how can you turn everything upside down, the first case: you lied that you were at someone’s house, they checked you by calling the person you supposedly was visiting, he says that you really he didn’t have what to do? We can say that that person simply does not want to say that you had it, the main thing is to remember that everything can be interpreted in a way that is beneficial for you, and not to forget how one person said that if you decided to lie, then you should lie like that so that what you composed cannot be checked later, and who knows whether you are doing good or bad from a moral point of view when you tell a lie (morality, shame, conscience, as some say, the leaders came up with (obviously these were not the words that the workers to manage leaders) to make management more convenient yat those who supervise), because there is such a thing as a lie for the good, and includes a phrase like, "I tell you the truth so that the worst of all lies."

Case two: for example, you are an employee, gossip gossip told your colleagues about you. Here you can answer the following: yes, guys, or yes, girls, I know who told you this about me, but he apologized to me (although in fact there were no apologies from anyone, and the one who told gossip about you don’t know), apologizing, said that he specially composed it in order to gain confidence in you, to attract you to himself, tossed, so to speak, a topic, and he himself solved his questions with the help of you, he just used you.

Attention, this is an affirmative sentence: the following is not a guide to action, it’s just a quote from the author of several models of behavior in various situations that were recorded when people unfamiliar with the author used them and which are not entirely acceptable, since choosing such a line of behavior can endanger yourself physical impact from emotionally-minded individuals.

Lyrics: from older comrades, after you irritated them for some reason, you can hear the following: “You are a puppy”. It seems that you can lower your head or, without lowering it, swallow a grudge and leave, give pleasure to a person - this is also a good option when you are not emotional and you are not touched, as they say, someone has a soul, well, if for you it will be stressful if you don’t answer anything to the person who is naughty to you. The answer in this case to an elderly boor from a person unfamiliar to the author was: “But you have lived your life, but you haven’t gained your mind.” In no case do you need to resort to physical force, otherwise, if law enforcement officers intervene in the matter, you will lose, if you are drunk, then you have already lost a priori. Remember the formula: for all structures, if drunk, then it is to blame. If there is a mutual conflict, then the one who will be drunk will lose it, even though he will be right. Why do you need stress if you love yourself? And stress reduces life, in this situation for a week, probably for sure, and maybe for a month. In the clinic I saw the result of analytical studies in the form of a table, which segment of life takes this or that negative situation.

Lyrics. Two law enforcement officers in uniform approach one of my friends with a request to present documents, and he says to them: “Look for the enemies of the people, they are there.” He pointed to the office building.

The main thing is to be careful when resorting to measures such as answering rudeness to someone, you don’t always know what the person with whom you have an unfriendly relationship is capable of, will he suddenly decide to resort to arguments of physical strength or get a weapon? Therefore, ideally, of course, it’s better not to react to anyone’s provocations (and even if it’s not stress for you, then everything is super), because even large leaders in many countries are criticized, and they are forced to ignore it, or maybe , and not out of compulsion, they simply do not pay attention to any negativity, they perceive everything as production costs, as politicians say , there are no eternal enemies and eternal friends, there are eternal interests.

Many people advise you not to listen to anyone, and this is true, partially true, you need to listen, because you have ears for this, because you look because you have eyes and you can’t look at anyone. Another thing is how to listen and watch, as they say, not "bursting out" perceiving everything seen and said for the truth. You can say this phrase: “For me, what Fedya or Vitya said is not true ” Everything needs to be treated critically, criticism is a kind of filter, because, as they say, everything (it’s not necessary, of course, to generalize, not all, but the majority) “row by itself” and think how to use someone to satisfy their interests. The risk of what is called manipulation is especially great in relation to the young (not to all, of course, to those who have not yet found themselves in life, like some of their peers), who are considered the most motivated part of society and who are easy to manipulate, since as a rule, their emotional thinking dominates the logical one, it is easier to push them to commit illogical acts with the help of pathetics, because young people love something so global.

You will not become a scientist, or a good software engineer, or an astronaut, because you are worried that you scratched new shoes, or because you do not like your appearance - are there many distracting factors that prevent you from focusing on your studies? Programmers and astronauts are those who have zero or almost zero animal component (sex drive, fear, aggression and other emotions) - are they not emotional or do they have the least emotions? What prevents some professions from gaining and what time is wasted if there are psychological components of personality that are characteristic of animals (attention, this is an affirmative sentence: the term animal is not an insult, but a comparative constant): sexual attraction and the actions arising from this related to the struggle for access to the body of the opposite sex, fear and the inability to solve certain problems due to it in a short way (for example, go from point “a” to point “b” by bus or train, and not fly on an airplane, because you’re afraid I fly), aggression and imprisonment, if properly "released" this emotion? Are human relationships electrochemical processes in the brain?

Criticism of your actions and thoughts will always be (not by all, those who like to criticize, but to say - not toss the bags ), no matter what you do. But just the fact that you will not listen to anyone will make you different from the others, that is how scientists and, as a rule, professional managers most likely behave if they are criticized by their opponents. If, for example, leaders listened 100% to everything that their critics say, and large scientists acted in accordance with some generally accepted social behavior (generally accepted, since everyone was born and lives within this framework and did not see anything else, or it could be that everyone could be born where generally accepted behavior would be completely different, for example, that offered by those who are criticized - this is about behavior, and not about scientific discoveries, for example, some scientists conducted on themselves deadly experiments), their would not be as scientists and as leaders, they would not be held as scientists and leaders, would be ordinary citizens without the individuality that they have. Therefore, your ideas are your ideas, and criticism is their ideas, and if you succumb to criticism, then you have accepted their ideas.

In general, if you have a job and you earn money yourself, then you can send all critics correctly or incorrectly away. For any phrases or words that are, as a rule, memories of unfortunate (from the point of view of ordinary morality) moments in your life (historical “blisters” ) aimed at “breaking off” you, it is suggested to say with a confident tone: “Well, yes “It is, and I am proud of it.” And do not take an excusable position if it is painful for you psychologically. For example, a friend of your acquaintance meets someone and speaks with signs of irony:

"I remember you, you had such a nickname offensive." The answer to a friend: "Yes, there was such a nickname, and I am proud of her." And further on. There are such discussions, no matter how loud or intriguing it sounds, psychological clashes, the struggle for endorphins, who will leave with a bad mood - you or your opponent.

If the groom had raped his wife before the wedding, and it would have happened somewhere on the street before they had a relationship, and before he knew his wife, what she would do and how she would react after of this, would I write a statement to the police or this would not happen, as some women with high sexual temperament dream about it - are conventions and relativity everywhere? Are the players representatives of some social organizations and movements? There are only geniuses around, and who will work physically?

Lyrics: who is a narcissistic peacock and how to catch a peacock by the tail?

“They didn’t go to the plant, the construction site or the village of beetroots for metal workers, anarchists and others, but be healthy, they cut the potatoes and meat,” said one unfamiliar grandmother at the bus stop. Or such a phrase: "Everyone wants to become heroes, and who will sow potatoes with beetroot?" Or here are the words of an unfamiliar grandfather at a bus stop: "Spawn heroes - feed them now."

About conventions and relativity: you missed the bus and get angry, got on the next bus, got there where you need to, got out of it and found the money - did you have to be mad at being late for the bus? You were late for the plane - it crashed, which means that it’s good, and not bad in your case, that you were late for the plane. For example, you are a journalist, you were imprisoned for your journalistic investigations, you were released from prison ahead of schedule, having not served the full term of imprisonment, you left, and robbers killed you on the street - which is good in this case if you continued to be in prison or something that you were released from it ahead of schedule? Again, an example: you want a drunken man to cross the road, you are stopped by law enforcement agencies, you are resisting, law enforcement officers are physically acting, they are using physical force - they are beaten with a rubber stick. There is another scenario: nobody stops you and doesn’t hit you, and you, drunk, because no one stopped you, passing the intersection, get under the car. You are sitting drunk on a bench, stops passing by people of about 20 years old begin to beat you with their hands in the face to amuse their ambition, and their further actions are stopped by a passing car with the police - it is unclear whether or not to be offended if they they didn’t do this, then the police car would probably stop, and you would be taken to the police station, and if the above-mentioned car didn’t drive, then, perhaps, blows with the palms on the cheeks would not end. Someone was killed, and he quickly died, but if this did not happen, he could die a painful death from cancer - is everything relative?

In one of the largest countries in the world, I don’t remember which, according to information on the Internet, about 10 million people are engaged in the production of something. We will add - and the rest, it turns out, those who are called players, and those who work in the service sector? As already mentioned, higher forces or nature have programmed us for certain actions, which, in principle, is not important in this case, it is important that there is a program of not only instincts, but also what we need to do, and what we need to do, we indicate higher forces with the help of internal opiates - endorins, did something necessary and have fun?

Remember folk wisdom - each Abram has his own program? As the commissar said , all people "pro-American ." From his point of view, most people became interested only in material wealth, for an ambitious person, as a rule, this is not an end in itself (although some only dream of expensive things, well, to each his own), as already mentioned, who will remember the rich after a hundred years? But people like Spartak, Newton are still remembered - stadiums are called by the name of Spartak, Newton's name - objects associated with scientific activity, but, again, to each his own - higher forces created everyone different.

Most people want material wealth more and work less (laziness seems to be scientifically explained as the body’s desire to save its resources), especially in countries with a high standard of living, where the authorities, so to speak, spoiled people with high social packages, politicians became much more it’s more difficult to work (they are probably envious of those politicians whose population is more independent and able to provide for itself without social packages). It is becoming less and less, in the terms of “psychiatry”, hypnotic people, it has become difficult to “manage”, among the population there are many literate, that is, “players”, “players” themselves want to manipulate everyone, including their politicians.

Some people in some countries have learned to manipulate government officials by playing on contradictions, citing laws and terms of labor contracts. The situation reaches the point of absurdity: for example, if you believe the radio broadcasts, the soldiers of some states do not want to fight after 17:00 pm, it’s like the end of the working day.



Some people were mistaken that a group of people is superior to everyone in everything, in fact, each is superior in some ways to another - the driver of the one who does not know how to drive, the programmer of the one who does not know programming languages, and so on? Is intellectual ability limited to any one area or is there someone who is professional in all areas? Strength of mind is valued no less than intelligence, and even in some cases more than intelligence — will the one with the stronger spirit win? Only Arnold Schwarzenegger became the professional in all areas of the contemporaries of the author of this material - he has reached heights in the family, in sports, in film and in politics - this is stereo success, and there is also monosuccess - when they are successful only in one thing, such as some people of art - they have success in work, but in the soul and in the family is it the other way around? If there is a strong spirit, then you can become instantly famous, as Jean Robert - came, saw and did?

The IQ test probably measures the speed of decisions made, but not their quality, especially since there are “narrow” IQ tests where you can, for example, measure the mathematical IQ separately from other types of thinking, that is, think abilities are evaluated different areas for which a separate assessment is made, and only then a common denominator is displayed.

In the film “How to become happy,” the old inventor (Lev Durov) invented a machine that indicates who has what talent, and the hero of the film Gaucher (Nikolai Karachentsov), who considered himself a writer, said that the machine showed him Gosha’s talent clown (USSR, 1985, director Yuri Chulyukin). Is addiction now determined by psychological testing?

It has been noted that guys raised without a father are not aggressive in communicating with people of their gender - this probably proves once again that genocentrism is more of a secondary than basic importance in personality formation, probably the personality type is more dependent on the environment than from a genetic predisposition.

Women are psychologically stronger than men, more adapted to various hardships, the forensic scientist Chrisaro Lambroso pointed out this and one can agree with him, based on his life experience, that this is exactly so. And he is right, men are more impressionable and sensitive, and if you believe that the character of a person can be determined by handwriting, then women are mostly the same in character, almost all of them, if you pay attention, have the same handwriting. Women can be attributed to “non-stuck” personalities, men for the most part are more inclined to think for a long time about something that happened in the past, here, probably, there is a difference between the male psyche and the female, this fact makes the female psyche more resilient - but how how else? They need such character traits in order to suffer the hardships associated with pregnancy and childbirth. As approximately stated in some verse, the author of which I do not remember: "... a strong man is one that looks like a woman ...". Something like that.

As a rule, those who are dominated by the emotional (for example, sexual needs, etc.) need information on how to realize this emotional, and at the same time, when realizing emotions, do not harm themselves and others, because most offenses or crimes are committed precisely on emotional basis.



Sam s not criticized, you want to subordinated e rknut that is not criticized, and not the objective films, television and radio programs, stories and other works came out in the 90s, during the collapse of the USSR. But no one says that if all this was not criticized, then it was objective and truthful, just then removed, showed, wrote, everyone what he wanted, and by order of whom he wanted, it happens in a certain post-revolutionary period, during vacuum time or, more simply, lack of power. And nothing changes - this happened during the 1917 revolution in Russia, though there was no television then, but everyone wrote , showed in the theater (there is in the film “Twelve Chairs” (USSR, 1971, director Leonid Gaidai) the moment when Bender (Mironov) and Vorobyaninov (Papanov) came to the theater after the revolutionary period.This moment and Vorobyaninov’s statements when he watched the play reflect what was happening at that time) and said everything he wanted, as far as was known, even the movement that propagates walking down the street naked , and its representatives walked naked in their parades. Also, a temporary lack of power is favorable for those who are called bandits - at this time they fill the vacuum of power, and the most far-sighted of them, those who know that this is not for long, try to make money faster and more money illegally and become legal later, for example, becoming businessman, those who are not included in the category of far-sighted go to jail and there they remain or go out without money and are useless to anyone.

I noticed that sometimes those who hold a high position and lead an dishonest lifestyle have a “disturbing suitcase” with money in case they have to flee, and a “disturbing button” in the form of their own person in law enforcement agencies? Is the constitution and other laws a secular scripture? Is there any room for maneuver in any law? How and how to live - to rely on moral laws or legal laws? Money from fines goes to the budget - a penal economy - does such a term exist? When some law enforcement officers stop someone in a car, they think, based on the line of conduct and knowledge of the law, who is stopped, who is the victim — the one who stopped, or the one who was stopped? Before they attack you, they will analyze the risks - are you the victim or the victim is the one who attacked you? How do you explain a phenomenon like MS 13 (Mara Salvatrucha or Stray Ants)? Is a prison a place where people are located whose interests conflict with the interests of others? Do not resist those who are empowered to use force against you if you break the law, as one of the heroes of the movie “Bag of a collector” filmed in the USSR roughly said, meaning that he then “throws everyone” with complaints: “Three you have the right to detain me under the law, but then blame yourself! ” A prison is probably not humane, but so far no one has come up with anything new to restore social justice? By committing a crime, do you “shoot in the foot” of your well-being? Is it interesting to be born and live only to commit crimes without contributing to civilization? Crime: we find out - if it is conceived and not committed on an emotional basis, how cost-effective is it and how much will it cost? Is crime a murderous affair compared to global affairs? You do not have parliamentary or judicial immunity, which, as is commonly believed, is given so that law enforcement and other structures do not put pressure on representatives of this category of authorities, and therefore if you want to break the law, remember that you do not have legal immunity? After receiving some information, you start to look at life differently? Who can do things contrary to human nature? Does a bad law enforcement officer want to scare you during interrogation so that you make an unfavorable or inadequate decision for yourself? If the principle of the inevitability of punishment works, is this a sign that there is no corruption in the power structures? Do not stand up for either side when the property is being shared between relatives, because, as the saying from warm countries says, when two crocodiles are fighting, is it better not to separate them? Everything needs to be done according to the law, and to do everything according to the law, you need to know these laws, as well as the precedents of the law enforcement system related to the consideration of any cases and situations? Unfortunately, in a court of any country of the world you don’t care that your brain was “washed”, and because of this you didn’t take the road that is not beneficial for you - the punishment follows an illegal act, the only question is that the punishment will be different in different countries? The phenomenon is that those who are called serious criminals who have earned a lot of money see their children as doctors and professors, but not as continuers of their illegal affairs? The paradox is that the same serious criminals, after they get rich, become interested in the law working in order to protect the encroachments on their good? Think maybe it’s not worth it? Lyrics: you know how I got to the place of the head of the city? I ended up in the past head of the city .

Mama, why do they hate us so much?” (Eng. “Mom , why do they hate us so much?” ) This phrase was uttered by a child in a film that seems to be about Rasputin, but perhaps it was another film).

At different times, there are different concepts of what is evidence: at some times, evidence of guilt, according to the documentary, was denunciations and a confession of guilt by a suspect (one of the reasons for being beaten during interrogations, since the confession was enough to send a person to prison ), now there is not enough denunciation or one confession from the suspect, therefore there is no reason to beat him, we need facts of a larger volume than before, facts that form the evidence base, namely: the presence of two and more than witnesses of the crime committed, the conclusions of experts in different directions depending on the crime committed (if there are fingerprints, then an expert in the field of fingerprinting, if the murder or just injuries are present, then a medical examiner, etc.). We need the presence of video, audio and photo materials that indicate a crime, the presence of documents confirming the presence of a crime, if it is a violation of laws in an economic or other field where documentation is present, etc. Now condemn a person without the presence of " reinforced concrete "evidence base, in any case, in a civilized country is extremely difficult and almost impossible, at least if the one who was called the suspect or his defender will not sit back if he considers himself an innocent an apparent and will collect evidence of their innocence.

If you want to get what you never had, become what you never were.

Words attributed to Brian Tracy

Why is the human majority so programmed that those who give pleasure are good, those who are in trouble, bad, strange, very strange.

Some are afraid of law enforcement agencies, it seems to them that their power is almost unlimited, and that their unscrupulous employees can falsify any business, and you can’t prove anything, and they won’t be anything for it. If the state is civilized, everything works in accordance with the letter of the law, people who go to law enforcement agencies are carefully selected taking into account the study of their past and present, so no one falsifies anything, and if this happens, then the employee who committed the violation will either lose his job, or go to jail. In a civilized country, do everything according to the law, and everything will be fine, any crime must be proved by collecting evidence, if not, then there is no corpus delicti, we repeat that falsifying a criminal case in a civilized state is extremely difficult and, as already mentioned, can hurt the one who made it.

Again, for the purpose of popularization, we will call what is indicated below in this paragraph a clash: in a civilized state everything must be done according to the law, to conduct a legal analysis of your future actions and their legal and other consequences, for example, your antenna is on the roof of a multi-story building, the elevator does not give the key to the door lock that closes the passage to the roof so that you do not get on the roof, as it is afraid of the elevator equipment. What to do here? First we find out if the elevator has the right to do this, and he, like, doesn’t have the right to do this, since the roof is considered common property, and besides, the entrances and exits should not be locked, as this is a violation of fire safety rules, you can call firefighters, and they will force them to remove the castle, sort of like that. Now we find out if there are any risks on your part - as a rule, almost all satellite dishes are installed without the permission of an organization such as BTI, and if you are one of those who installed the antenna without permission, it can open, and if the elevator and the organization responsible for the elevator itself will report it to the BTI, which means that the best option is to call the elevator authorities and take the key, as a rule, there should be no obstacles from the authorities, if the boss is difficult, and you have such a situation that you need remove the antennas, which means you can o write complaints to the boss of the elevator manager that the elevator gets stuck, and nobody changes or repairs it, which is often the case, or sue the organization responsible for the elevator’s technical condition, in a word, look for and find their “sins”, then sound them documented in the competent authorities, but in no case do not use physical force, otherwise you will lose.

You can call the law enforcement agencies to order the key to be given to the elevator, but as a rule there will be a lot of scribble on their part. If you plan to argue with the elevator (and not only with him) one on one, then you need to be sober, if you are drunk, you are wrong in all cases, since you are already an offender if you are in a state of intoxication in a public place. Well, if you look at everything that happens from the point of view of relativity in its psychological understanding, then your antenna is well guarded by an elevator, and you could fall that day from the roof.

In a state developed in every sense, nobody breaks the law, the proverb “Your own is yours, but eat your own bread” ; in a civilized state, the saying “A hand washes a hand” does not apply. In addition, the work of law enforcement agencies is controlled by the prosecutor's office, their own security, special services and the heads of each unit of the internal organs themselves. Law enforcement agencies are created to monitor the implementation of laws adopted by the government of a state that adopts laws based on the interests of its citizens. Precisely because in a civilized state the observance of laws works like clockwork, those who do not want or cannot abide by them leave for countries that are considered not civilized, where for their actions there is either no responsibility or it is minimal, you can watch the news as evidence , sometimes they say that a citizen from a civilized country, while in a country that is considered not civilized, committed a crime, why did he commit it there, this has already been said, to be less responsible for him eznenno.

As some officers in some armies say, a soldier without work is a criminal? As rude people say, when the dog has nothing to do, is she engaged in all known hygiene procedures?

This is what some officers say in some armies, partly he is probably right, because a crime is committed not only in the army, but everywhere because of unemployment.

Some ask why they do not torture people in the power structures of some civilized countries, as it was before in some places, and fight hazing in the armies, and if someone tried to do what was being discussed, he would not stay there long? There was a time when they were tortured in the power structures of any countries that are now called civilized, and in connection with this there was a generation of people who were afraid of people in uniform, a new generation of people did not know what torture was in the power structures, and therefore they were called “not short ", Or not scared, generation?

Thieves in law were created or took part in their creation by special services, since government control is also needed in a criminal environment, one of the series of the “Investigation conducted” project tells about it, the series “Crowned Thieves” (Russia), December 15, 2006, No. 30 (The reliability of the release date and the serial number may not be accurate.) The same can be said about army bullying - they came up with it when it was profitable, when it ceased to be profitable, it was deleted, or everything arose spontaneously - after all, they were in the war camps between “bitches” and “thieves”, or maybe the presence of wars is not talk um that the creation of someone or something is not involved in the security services, as the series says.

Any state, to one degree or another, controls its citizens, earlier it was more clearly expressed, now not so much, and not because there was less control, but because it became easier to control, and more clearly, for example, using high technologies such as a mobile phone, the Internet.

They say historical films that during the Great Patriotic War, if a citizen of the USSR was captured by the German army, he was already considered a traitor, the state did not believe him, since he fell out of his control for some time.

We continue to look for undercurrents: they don’t beat in the power structures in civilized states due to the fact that the world has become like a village thanks to the Internet and other media: everyone has learned everything, in particular, what international law is. If we talk about torture, one of the reasons why torture in law enforcement agencies has stopped or decreased is the reason that people like human rights defenders started making money on their identification. According to the media, they are given so-called money grants, usually by foreign organizations or individuals, for revealing the facts of torture in law enforcement agencies. Some people realized that not only domestic legislation, but also international law was protecting the citizen, the time had ended when the “operas” of the power structures of any state were walking through the village and everyone was closing windows and shutters. The second reason that the torture has stopped (again, based on information received from the media and docfilms) is that the system of evidence has changed, already, as before, there is no evidence for the court, only one confession of the suspect or accused, in addition to this, specific facts from which the evidence base is formed.

The fact that they do not physically touch anyone in the sense of beating and torture in the power structures of developed countries, their citizens are obliged to people of many professions, including politicians, politicians do nothing for nothing, because if everyone leaves for refugee status from any country, who then will remain in it (in addition, the image of the state also deteriorates)? According to the media, politicians in any country want to create the most comfortable living conditions for citizens, it is not for nothing that the doctor and other people whose profession is to save the lives of others are scolded for any lost life. Politicians of all countries of the world need people who will live and work in the state, and not their absence, another reason why they began to fight torture in law enforcement agencies and in the army in most countries of the world, bullying in all countries was eliminated or almost eliminated , she, as already mentioned, probably was beneficial only up to a certain point.

Human rights defenders, based on what they say about them, are those people who receive international money grants, for example, for identifying torture in law enforcement agencies, they are something like lawyers or lawyers, only, as a rule, financially independent from the country in which they work and whose citizens they are.

There is an opinion in the media that the phenomenon of human rights activism is financed either by enthusiastic millionaires or by special services of countries - geopolitical opponents of those countries in which human rights activists funded by them are located.

By the way, do not forget that the feminist movement, as far as is known, and according to the media, is also financed or financed by a millionaire, who is, moreover, a man, and the feminist movement is also supported, according to the media, not by one single enthusiasm , The media say there are grants paid to members of feminist organizations (and, probably, other organizations) for performing certain actions, but perhaps this is not so.

In a court of law in today's world with law enforcement agencies, there are much more chances to win a case than if you are suing an individual or legal entity, and even if you are wrong, can you be right?

Yes, this is true, since the power structures of all countries, called civilized, have their hands tied by domestic law, and most importantly, they are forced to comply with it, as well as international law. Therefore, now the bodies that control the power structures (for example, the prosecutor's office) in many countries are “battering” organizations (for example, the Ministry of Internal Affairs) that are called upon to monitor the rule of law if they break the law.

There is no corporate fraternity in the power structures of most countries of the civilized world, the authorities no longer turn a blind eye to their offenses and crimes, and if there is evidence of violation of the law by law enforcement officers (medical reports on injuries, testimonies of witnesses, audio and video recordings, etc.) .), and not just accusations, they will undoubtedly answer.

If you break the law, you always need to predict the development of events, as the main character did in the fantastic work “The Wasp” by Eric Frank Russell (which, incidentally, partially embodies the ideas of some political scientists who are called instructors for creating revolutions).

Of course, to each his own, but you need to remember when you are going to commit, for example, a property crime or an offense, that while and when there is breakfast, lunch and dinner, money is not so important, especially if you have to answer for their illegal appearance. First you need to think about how profitable all criminal actions and the criminal business will be (this will be discussed in the material), because a prison, as a rule, makes much more money than you can earn in a criminal way, unless, of course, the crime is working holding, but also for a criminal holding will give a greater punishment. It’s better never to commit a crime, unless there is a question between starvation and death, well, to each his own, if someone believes that it is worth something, because there are weaknesses that can be satisfied only in a criminal way, and he a strong person, and the prison is not stress for him, then this changes things, although it is worth repeating, the prison is a huge deprivation (if there is a need) and material costs (by the way, according to the media and other sources of information, during the Soviet Union when there was a caste of thieves, among them were homosexuals who were not only in prison, but also at large, had same-sex relationships, and indeed, why didn’t gay men go to prison in those days, because for him prison is not so much stress as for others, for it how a man gets into a female colony or a woman into a male one).

It’s worth repeating once again that you should never use physical force against anyone if you live in a state that is considered civilized, as if the saying doesn’t seem demagogic, pacific or banal, but it’s really so, the days of the primacy of physical force have ended, now its application is a loss, and proof of this is unsuccessful cases of revenge in a physical way, for example, to their superiors, after which they find the avenger and go to jail, there are many such examples in the media. It’s another matter if someone who was unjustly punished, for example, because of sadistic motives, his superiors gathered the necessary information on him (and as a rule, as already mentioned, many leaders “snooped to the nines” ) and shared it in the form of a written, roughly speaking, denunciation and, to put it mildly, anonymous letters or, loyally speaking, messages with the relevant authorities (the Prosecutor General's Office, the tax inspectorate, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other departments). Then the head could have ended up on the other side (in prison), and not vice versa, or at least the unjust leader would have been sent away from his post or work or those who fell into the hands of complaints (bosses or supervising authorities) whose job something of the former boss is unbearable, since they (the bosses of someone's former boss) would be deprived of a bonus or other material wealth because of complaints.

One acquaintance, not using physical force to those whom he disliked, simply punished them. He wrote denunciations (messages) on them, and they became unemployed, here is an example of the realization of the emotional way of intelligence, and if he went purely about emotions and instincts, he would beat, for example, someone, he would, on the contrary, lose out if business would gain momentum. Those who are guided only by emotions and instincts, in a civilized state, as a rule, expect only troubles, such is the modern society of civilized countries, emotionality and instincts are not welcomed in it, but no one says that you need to kill the emotional with the instinctive in yourself, you just need to use intelligence to satisfy emotional and instinctive desires, in fact, the intellect of most people is needed only to satisfy emotions and instincts, if you go ahead to to the satisfaction of the above without reason, nothing will work out (unless everything will work out, maybe somewhere in the war zone, where no one has any responsibility for their actions or it is minimal, although in war there is responsibility for war crimes and non-military when the war ends, everyone remembers, not just military exploits).

Most crimes are committed on an emotional basis, someone didn’t share something, someone beat him in a fit of rage or, even worse, killed, but if the one who killed his opponent would use intelligence, he would know , which is full of other ways to punish (to educate - we observe political correctness, choosing the right words) of the one to whom there is dislike. And most importantly: if you are in trouble, beware of “lenient” lawyers (they have already been mentioned) who are “friends” with law enforcement agencies, but for obvious reasons do not advertise this, there are many such people in legal consultations around the world, and you’ll pay this money, oddly enough it sounds, for giving you wrong advice for your money, harming you for your money, a paradox, but this very often happens in at least 50% of cases when lawyers, according to some media. And yet - in most cases, it is beneficial for a lawyer to “get stuck” in a case, that is, it is not beneficial for a lawyer, in any case when he has few clients, to give one advice so that the case is dismissed at the first court session or in general, it would be ideal, at the pre-trial stage, it would be beneficial for the lawyer to give the wrong advice in order to “pull” more and more money from the client for drawing up cassation, supervisory complaints, etc. - this is probably how the work of the lawyer in any country of the world is built.

And most importantly, the one who wants to commit a crime on an emotional basis must remember that he can step aside and, without doing anything, just wait for the opponent to get into trouble himself, as they say, you sometimes need to step aside and give the opportunity " fly "independently to someone who caused you some problems, the saying even exists: " Why take it, it will fly by itself. "

Is the Internet a place where all human instincts manifest?

By the way: whatever you say, the Internet in some way helped to solve some problems, relieve social tension, for example, the problem of homosexual violence on the street, during my childhood there were many cases when homosexuals harassed on the street (gays: we observe political correctness - not homosexuals , and gays), and there was homosexual violence, now this is not heard, probably, because representatives, as they are called, of sexual minorities can find each other on the Internet.

So with those who are called straight people, they can find a man (female, for example, if a man is looking for) with high sexual temperament, and this will prevent sexual violence by a woman’s man; a man has found a woman with high sexual temperament, why should he to force someone? By the way, most temperamental women dream of being raped, they themselves talk about it.

The perpetrator of the crime on an emotional basis feels superior to others, without thinking that he was simply given circumstances to live above others because of his place of residence, but if he were cool at some hot spot, he would probably be there at first the day his tail was tightened.

In law enforcement bodies and in the offices of a psychologist can you see and hear all the accidents of the human soul? Those who are closely within the framework of the law in their homeland, go to countries where there is a war, because at the time of the war there is no such responsibility for committing a crime as in a civilized country, or is it minimal? There was nobody, went to war, was given a machine gun - became a man? War gives a chance to start all over again to people like those who have completely ruined their reputation? Browsers TOR, I2P, FREENET, as well as Darknet, the search engine SHODAN, BOTy, William Ross and Silkroad - is the time for a new reality and a new category of crimes using high technology? Is the Internet a tool that multiplies loneliness, or is it not so scary?

“There will be no third world war, but a war for peace will be such that it will not seem enough,” the lyrical words of an unknown author.

True freedom comes when you are inaccessible or out of range of the network.

Frederick Begbeder.

Yes, there are technologies that do not allow today (2017) to track and determine the location and identity of the Internet user, but there is still such a thing as operational work, which makes the TOR browser stealth in the daknet only a small and quickly solved problem for operational employees , which, probably, William Ross, the founder of Silkroad, an online store selling substances prohibited for sale, did not know or did not want to, for which he received, according to the media, a life sentence of 31 years.

It is worth repeating: the first very important rule in our century of psychological wars is that you never need to resort to physical force (this is probably only in some countries that are not civilized, physical force still has a strong argument) or reduce the use of physical force to to a minimum, for example, apply it only when the question arises of life or death or serious harm to health. It is unacceptable to show resistance to the authorities or even to resolve a conflict with someone using physical force in a state that is considered civilized, such a thing as a complaint or a denunciation (denunciation is a crude and less pleasant synonym for the word "anonym"). Conflict with the power structures, physically resisting them, is unacceptable - you can only hurt yourself, physical strength is a thing of the past, and this is not only someone’s subjective opinion, the reasoning is not by repelling from public opinion or from something else, but from real facts and statistics (by the way, as already mentioned, statistics should always be used always and always to find it, coming somewhere to work related to the plan, in order to know the state of things for sure, let me remind you an example: I got a job and found out how long ago Oh, someone made a plan for you, it may turn out that before you came to the company or enterprise, nobody did it, but you did, you already know that they will value you, and you can sit on the heads of your bosses a little, not without reason they say that professionals usually have a bad character ).

Returning to physical strength, we can say that according to some private statistics, if it comes to the court, which indicates that you used physical force, this fact will be in the opponent’s favor (unless, of course, there is “proof” of your physical use strength). Complaints, appeals against the actions of a law enforcement officer in higher instances, in the media are the factors that can lead to the creation of extremely uncomfortable conditions of service for unscrupulous policemen or even the dismissal of an employee who has been unjustly or illegally treated with you, but not physical force or physical violence against him. The authorities of any country allow to restore the psychological balance (treat the psyche), violated by any civil servant by writing a complaint against him, after which if he continues to work, he will lose some amount of money for his so-called misconduct.

Everything has its pluses and minuses, let's call it a plus and minus factor, for example, having a lot of money is dangerous if there are weaknesses that are dangerous to life and health, such as what are called drug addiction and alcoholism, and history proves this, since big money makes alcohol and drugs available? When deciding, weighed where there are more minuses, and where more pluses? Sooner or later, you need to start to objectively relate to yourself and to reality? When they feel pain - are they looking for a cure? Breaking stereotypes is creating new stereotypes? Not only is lack of money dangerous, but in certain cases their presence is dangerous too - are we again convinced that each situation has its pros and cons?

History shows that having a lot of money is dangerous to the life and health of someone who has a weakness for alcohol and drugs. Many famous people who were not restrained by the fact that they need to go to work, as there is money without it, died from alcohol or other psychostimulants 

If you have weaknesses, then without the money that you need to satisfy them, you are in danger, because, for example, being in a state of withdrawal symptoms, you can commit theft of alcohol due to the fact that you have nothing to pay for it, of course , I mean not only a weakness for alcohol - it's just an example, without money you are in danger in any negative situation: you lost your job, for example - the same situation, money should always be in the so-called “hitch” .

You are in danger if you feel uncomfortable being outside any social group, as a rule, of a destructive orientation, since this makes it possible to manipulate you in this group. Ideally, a person should feel comfortable being alone, without friends and acquaintances, if all this is not so, then in my childhood parents would call such a state of mind trivial - independence, but now it is called dependence, for example, on a company of so-called friends, not you can without a company - this is the dependence on it, and the company can manipulate this with you.

“... died of his satanic amusements ...” - part of the dialogue of a resident, presumably, of the Middle Ages (the time of Paracelsus) in the film “Entrance to the Maze”, USSR, 1989, directed by Valery Kremnev, it is recommended to watch.

Alcohol is a great acid journey, just an obsession with something or someone makes a person completely non-drinker and no less. Do not drink alcohol only those who are called obsessed, and no treatment for someone who drinks alcohol will help until they do it or until he becomes obsessed with something or someone, especially this applies to the male sex? Do you want to do physical work because you are too ambitious or for other reasons - then just do not drink alcohol, in places where you do not work physically, you need sober? How not to drink alcohol? It’s very simple, don’t be afraid of what you may encounter in the future — anyway, you will die sooner or later, and know that what is happening to you is not under your 100% control — are there higher powers? Drunk is a body with a disabled or malfunctioning brain - can a body with a disabled or malfunctioning brain be injured? There is such an expression “power is a drug”, it should be continued that the drug is still programming, science, the army, sports, and in general he has his own - stop using drugs and look for your natural drug in the form of something that will capture you, and not artificial? I heard how the engineer-programmer told his emotional state: his work was so exciting that he returned to the real world only at 5 p.m. - those who drink alcohol, do not capture anything? The one who is drunk or fearful provokes some aggression against himself? Everyone has dependencies, only some addictions harm health and the future, while others do not? I drink because I often worry - is alcoholism a way to get rid of cognitive dissonance? To someone who has what is called addiction, do some psychiatrists advise doing heavy physical labor? If you drink alcohol in an amount that will interfere with your work, will only physical labor await you? Do not drink alcohol, and you will definitely achieve something in life, even if you don’t want and don’t want it? Is it dangerous to be suggestible? Is religion something that keeps everyone safe from mistakes? Errors are those dis t Wii that are harmful to you and others? They say that the absence of a long-term goal provokes sitting on psychostimulants, drugs and alcohol - who pays tribute to this triad, is on the wrong track? Unhappy sex life is also one of the reasons for drinking alcohol - it happens when some people don’t know what to do with the opposite sex and how to behave? Sounds are seen, colors are heard - do not waste time on alcohol? If you were created for love, but you had to go to work - “break” yourself or learn to protect your lifestyle? They say that in a team you need to be able to live - to be able to live in a team is information, how to do it? Everything happens because of a lack of information - what is called neurosis, depression, alcoholism, drug addiction, just because of a lack of information - you can fashion anything from anybody, regardless of its genetic characteristics, don’t believe it, ask politicians? Need information, due to the lack of which begins what is called alcoholism? What is called alcoholism, produ with walking due to the fact that there is no necessary information due to lack of necessary for the lack of what is called alcoholism information one called an alcoholic can not correctly understand the objective reality of the world? Whoever did not write about what is called alcoholism, about how to deal with it, about its causes - doctors, philosophers, writers, historians, etc., but it still exists and will exist as long as it is allowed in stores a tranquilizer - alcohol, since any budget needs money, do you write at least tons of books, even kilometers of brochures? Those who shout about alcoholism from TV screens can be told that the fact of finding alcohol in retail outlets of any country is its propaganda, hide it like cigarettes were hidden in most countries, and there is no need to write books and articles on the fight against alcoholism and about it reasons: is accessibility the first and most important reason for what is called alcoholism? Should tranquilizers be sold in pharmacies and dispensed to consumers as directed by a doctor? Residents of countries recognized as the most drinkers, are characterized by the problems described below in this paragraph? Those who drink alcohol, can not realize some of the elements that make up the Maslow pyramid? Alcohol is consumed by those who do not produce endorphins from anything or from any action? Is alcohol consumed by those who do not have long-term goals, at least such as saving money for a year and going on vacation on vacation? In non-fiction films, long-term goals are also called the “Odyssey Contract”, referring to the Odyssey at the moment when he tied himself to the mast in order not to succumb, if not make a mistake, to the temptations caused by the singing of the Sirens. The “Odyssey Contract” is a state of mind when you give up, so to speak, current weaknesses (sex, alcohol) in order to achieve a more important weakness - for example, going on vacation on the sea or writing a book? As already mentioned, discipline is the decision to do what you really don’t want to do in order to achieve what you really want? Some of those who drink alcohol do not have what they really want? Some people’s alcohol is a substitute for what they really want, since there are no “drivers” in order to achieve what they really want? Alcohol replaces unmet needs? Diseases caused by an antisocial lifestyle - another thing contrary to healthy lifestyle, is alcohol and drugs? Not every country has an alcoholic culture, in some countries there is no what is called alcoholism - does that prove what educates the environment? They say that one of the ways to mimic the environment for those who commit economic crimes is to disguise themselves as an alcoholic, because drunks never have money - more often get caught drunk by law enforcement agencies, often get drunk by an acquaintance, but don’t to have any very expensive things in order not to arouse what is called envy in people, and not to provoke them in this connection so that they inform any detectives and investigators about this? If everyone becomes alcoholics and drug addicts, civilization in its development will be thrown back at least 100 years, and who wants it? Not a homosexualist, but gay - if political correctness in the names got to those who are called alcoholics and drug addicts, would they be called downshifters? Why there are no groups of anonymous gays, but there are clubs of anonymous alcoholics, why do those who are called alcoholics criticize themselves and their behavior and want to get rid of their addiction in their clubs, and, for example, gays do not? The reasons that they consider alcoholism are fear and insecurity, and also one of the reasons is the lack of endorphins in life from something or from someone else? Politicians take pleasure in politics, scientists from science, others from something else - when there is no pleasure from something in reality, then some try to get pleasure artificially through alcohol or drugs, what’s the matter, if higher forces regulate the behavior of each endorphins , then why does this happen, but not with everyone, and why do some enjoy only those actions that are considered inadequate? To find our place in life is to find what makes the natural internal opiates in the blood, through which higher forces lead us along the path of life? All that distinguishes a person who is considered normal from a person who is considered not normal is that one is stuck on what is considered right (science, for example), and the other on what is considered wrong (gambling addiction or alcoholism)? The main task in eliminating alcohol dependence is to teach the addicted organism to produce endorphins from its actions, and not from alcohol - is the problem of alcoholism in the endocrine system, since the body does not produce pleasure hormones without alcohol? A person lies or goes drunk on the street - we carry out a psychological analysis of the psychological state of a given person: does he have an ideological vacuum, or phobia, or neurosis, or depression? In some cases, is alcoholism the result of an “overdose” with a sense of self-preservation, when with the help of alcohol they struggle with an excess of this feeling? Do some use alcohol as a means of communication? Does a large body complex not always correspond to what is called a strong psyche? Are there countries of the modern world where the sale and advertising of vodka is prohibited, in some countries they are generally physically punished for this? One of the reasons for alcoholism is fear, which is suppressed with the help of alcohol, and the second reason is the lack of goals in life, when a person does not know what he lives for, remove these factors, and go through what is called alcoholism? Is alcohol in some cases caused by borderline mental disorders like panic attacks? Psychologists and psychiatrists say that there is no therapy against panic attacks, there is only training like breathing exercises and internal control, they teach how to live with such features of the psyche, but they do not cure it, do they have other training? We find out the causes of chronic fears and try to apply regenerative psychology, since modern psychology and psychiatry do not offer any other psychological regeneration of the damaged psyche, it only teaches how to live with it with the help of trainings and pills? Can I drink alcohol, most importantly - so that drinking does not affect work? The heavy "otodnyaki" with terrifying hallucinations and nightmares is a consequence of the fact that the owner, that is, the higher powers, do not want someone to drink alcohol and do nothing, everyone should benefit, or nightmares and hallucinations are simply the consequences of drinking alcohol anxious individuals, and the brave does not happen? Do not let anyone dispose of your body (meaning when you are drunk or committing another administrative offense or a criminal offense are detained by law enforcement agencies) or limit as much as possible the ability of someone to dispose of your body? Do law enforcement give fines for drunkenness, urging them to change their life values ​​and priorities? For some, the values ​​are to look good, and they do everything for this: they look after themselves, lose weight, buy clothes in which they look as attractive as possible in order to exercise power over who will “lead” their beauty? “Hand over” all who show off to the police, the main thing - be sober at the same time, and you will get great pleasure from “breaking off” a drunken aggressive person? Many do not know this, but sober opens up great opportunities for pleasure? If you are sober, are you always right, if you are drunk, are you already potentially wrong for law enforcement agencies and the court? Is alcoholism a lordly disease accessible only to those who have money, just like liver disease from overeating and alcohol? If you don’t stop drinking alcohol, will such a state be throughout your life? Is alcohol poison if used improperly? “The boy wanted to become Arnold - he rocked his muscles, doused himself with water, he lay in a coffin, Arnold, young” - is everything all right in moderation? "Farmacon" - in Greek, "pharmacon" means both a remedy and poison, in a small amount of alcohol - a remedy, in a large - poison? Some who become afraid of life and those who have succumbed to the modern cult of excessive caution become some drunks? People who drink because they feel sorry for themselves and / or enjoy their suffering need to be cynical to themselves (cynical not in the sense of becoming an addict or an alcoholic, but like a paratrooper who does not think much about the consequences of parachuting ), you don’t have to feel sorry for yourself, what will happen? Not to regret, but to study yourself? Are chronically drunk as a cure for fear? He is familiar with a man who will never become an alcoholic or drug addict, no matter how much they push him into him - he is just a brave man with an overestimated self-esteem and is rather cynical about himself in the sense that he has no phobias, he is not afraid of anything (he crossed the road without making sure his cars were passing or not, and it wasn’t “window dressing”, he also flew a hang glider in an air circle), which allows him to be in the service in the Foreign French Legion? Will alcoholism end as soon as you become bold and self-confident? The main question on psychological testing in the French Foreign Legion is the presence of fear - whoever has a lot of it, the legion is not needed, and if you have what is called cowardice, do not go where you need what is called courage - everyone should be on his own place? Brave will never become an alcoholic? Where do you need to “ventilate” the brains of those who have problems? As long as there are those who are called neurotics and anxious personalities, fortunetellers will exist, as well as what are called sects, alcoholics and drug addicts - since these personalities form the basis of supply and demand in the above areas? Fear, passion - you can earn money on all feelings, the main thing is to seize someone's attention , and the door for manipulation is open? The discovery of the work of the KLB gene, according to scientists responsible for addiction to alcohol, will solve the problem of what is called alcoholism, or again genes do not matter much - most importantly, in what conditions did the person live? The condition for the presence of what is called alcoholism is fear or lack of life goals, and if everything is normal with this, is there no alcoholism? Fear gives rise not only to what is called alcoholism, but because of it it is impossible to fulfill its functions, if there is fear, then you will not fulfill your functions, if the bird were afraid of the altitude to which it is necessary to fly?


“Here it is necessary that the soul be firm, so that fear does not give advice ...”


At the beginning of the work, the importance for human life was mentioned - the availability of information received from their relatives and from life experience. Families who grew up in normal families according to generally accepted canons were given information on how to behave in different situations, and those who are called alcoholics did not receive this information, these are the people who, as the media say, were squeezed out of society, in a word, sometimes alcoholics are As a rule, those who had to communicate with people who were bad towards them, and those who did not receive the necessary information?

The main reason for alcoholism is what is called cowardice and fear, as well as the so-called post-traumatic syndrome - the fear of drinking alcohol is first instilled by someone or something, then it is suppressed by alcohol, which many use as an adrenaline blocker and block the work of bad memories? Again, remember Carl Leongard - because of the inability to forget the brain is littered? The fact of alcohol consumption deprives the person who consumed it of certain rights and gives law enforcement authorities the right to dispose of the body, the one who drank alcohol by sending it to a detoxification center or to prison, it’s, as it says in political science textbooks, something like the time of elections in any country - when the power of the ruling elite has weakened, since it is no longer completely in power, since the elections are held, but also not devoid of it, in a word, there is some weakness, a vacuum of power that is used by those who want to get power it is said to the fact that when you get weaker, then some problems begin, as in a tree that has lost bark, when bark beetles climb into the place where the bark was (I mean problems with bark beetles).

The problem of a person from countries called civilized, brought up in him the cult of the instinct of self-preservation - do not go anywhere, do nothing? It is said that when the instinct of self-preservation is excessive, it must be suppressed by self-education, how the drugs suppress the immune system, when it has autoimmune changes, and it perceives the native organs as a hostile substance, or how the same drugs suppress the sebaceous glands of the human skin so that there are no fungal diseases caused by their excessive work. The instinct of self-preservation should not be suppressed by alcohol or other substances, adrenaline blockers, otherwise it turns out that there is no fear, but other more serious problems from the category of “treating one, crippling the other” have appeared.

Some take the one they call bold, that is, a person without fear, study his way of thinking, and everything becomes fine with them, they just find out how he would react in a given situation: we do everything as usual - we pluck off each person a little of what you lack.

There is no need to be afraid to lose a job (but just do not be afraid to lose it, and not really lose). How to do it? It’s simple: you need to get two jobs, three jobs or get some business as a second job, applying it to relatives (some civil servants do this, giving extra money to staff workers, bosses who don’t want to live on the same salary, and due to this, they advance through the service, becoming themselves superiors). If it turns out to work in two jobs, it already becomes psychologically easier, you even pass the interview easier when you know that the job that you already have is insuring you.

To summarize, which again shows that some have problems due to a lack of information, in this case information about how to live with confidence in the future and to be independent in whole or in part from anyone. What some psychologist or psychiatrist cannot advise and when there is a fear of losing his job - to drink sedatives or something else, but not what is written below in this paragraph, for sure. What some civil servants from some countries advise us with their behavior: to have additional sources of income like a business that brings additional income and which “insures” in case of dismissal from the civil service and gives a sense of independence from its bosses, which means inspires confidence in the future, and Confidence in tomorrow is an extension of life. With the advice of some people who are not psychol about Gami, psychiatrists, civil servants, people who are called simple layman - is to have two jobs, if the first job allows it.

In countries that are considered wealthy, confidence in the future gives a high monetary allowance by the standards of other countries; in countries that are considered not rich, people living in them can also experience the same pleasant feelings of confidence in tomorrow that those living in countries considered to be the rich - a way to get these good feelings is to have several jobs.

So, two works give rest without any sedative drugs and allow you to produce confidence hormones not artificially with medication, but in a natural way (we fight for a healthy lifestyle).

1. Additional income.

2. Psychological ease in work - confidence in the future, because you have two, or even three, and four work, and not one.

3. Ease of passing an interview, since again you already have one job. And ease of s in the sense that if you do not cor p ektno talking to the employer, it can also respond and leave the interview, start looking for a new job with more adequate according to your system, the adequacy of the employer coordinates.

Some may say that it all depends on the person, that this is just a disturbing person, and no additional work is needed. Then this is advice for those called anxious.

In general, the main thing in life is what task you set for yourself, if you set the task to survive, then having lost your job, you will not die of hunger and can even live longer than those who work, since some work takes health, of course, afraid of death, we all will someday die, but we don’t need to rush to it, we need to live with health.

The fact that one of the main causes of alcoholism is cowardice, or, in scientific terms, phobias, is it either that you drink alcohol when there is a lack of what is called the spirit in order to realize (which, in principle, is the same as cowardice and phobia) that you want to realize, that is, what the higher forces put into you, but because of the reasons connected with fear, it is impossible to realize. When that which the person needs to realize is not realized, then alcoholism and other problems appear, the person cannot eat, sleep, etc. (this is what distinguishes him from the animal), he needs to realize what else it is required, in addition to the realization of instincts, that you cannot be realized - as a rule, it is alcoholism and other discomfort, therefore the spirit should be at its best even when things are bad from the point of view of someone and strive to realize what gives you to stay in the psychological zone comfort. The higher forces have programmed everyone so that if someone does not follow the programs laid down by these higher forces (sexual attraction, etc.), then he will be outside the zone of psychological comfort.

If you are ambitious, and you have a super-idea that you want to realize, will you never become an alcoholic, even drinking alcohol? Science in the field of elimination of "binge" reached far - you go to the drug treatment VARA n sir, you are immersed in a pharmacological coma for three days, so you do not feel what is called the "comedown", and three days later you wake up with the perfect samochu in Corollary ? ATTENTION, this is an affirmative sentence, which must be perceived as it is written, and not otherwise: the following Zapeklon drug should be used only as directed by a doctor! They say that one of the reasons for binge is the inability to fall asleep without alcohol, and they say that at the time of 2018 this problem has been solved - do you need to drink the medicine Zapeklon prescribed by your doctor before going to bed?

Lyrics: an effective way to treat alcoholism and coding from it is the method of the construction team foremen - to beat the face?

Since the topic of alcohol has been touched upon - advice on how to remove what is called binge, if it is not possible to visit one or more clinics that deal with it. A bottle of vodka is bought and not immediately drunk, but during the day in the following way: as soon as it becomes bad, 100 g is drunk. Then: it becomes bad again - again 100 g, and so what is called withdrawal symptoms is repaid during the day, the same at night, if necessary.

Monologue of a stranger to a stranger:

You are forced to steal alcohol in the store, because you buy forty-degree vodka with a volume of 0.5 liters, which costs 7 rubles, and then you do not have money after such expenses, now everyone is buying alcohol diluted to forty degrees, a bottle of which with a volume of 0.5 liters costs 2 rubles!

Conclusion - the main cause of alcoholism is fear and depression, if a teenager drinks alcohol, then it is youthful whim, if an adult drinks alcohol, the reason for this, as a rule, is to suppress fear and depression in this way, and here what is called commonplace in words - to work on yourself, what is meant by this, let everyone decide for himself, it is possible to treat alcoholism medically, but there is only one treatment - the search for what gives endorphins without the use of alcohol or drugs, and the search for ways to come to what gives the production of those well endorphins.

Life goes unnoticed if there is no fire in life.

Words from the song that sounded at the end of the cartoon Smeshariki.

Are there people who don’t drink alcohol at all, mostly athletes, but the effect is that those who are used to drinking think that there are none who don’t drink alcohol at all, because they haven’t seen such people? Will overvalued (ambitious) ideas, a person’s lack of what is called an ideological vacuum, and lack of fear save from alcoholism? Is alcoholism and drug addiction partly due to the fact that someone did not find himself in life? There is no genetic predisposition to what is called alcoholism, the main habitat - after all, are there entire countries where no one drinks alcohol?

Indeed, the way it is, put a person in a cave or isolate another person from the world, inspire him from childhood and show him what you think is necessary, and he will think that this is the norm - after all, being forms consciousness.

Some leaders are a little perplexed, because alcohol makes such a profit to the budget, and on the other hand, how many problems are related to alcohol - these are the costs of restoring health after the consequences of drinking alcohol, death, crime, suicide, with tobacco, everyone has long understood that the costs of treating people from the effects of smoking are greater than the profits from the sale of cigarettes, and mortality is high, in addition to treating the effects of smoking.

In general, the results of alcohol consumption resemble a moment in the story, if I am not mistaken, science fiction writer Harry Harrison from the Steel Rat series, where one person gave his body to another and when he returned to his body, it all hurt, and he thought what was it the one who used it did with his body.

As a rule, alcoholism comes at the age of 30 (and usually at the age of 30 and after some people resort to suicide, the age when pleasures in life become less and when those who seek them grab and appreciate any attention and others factors that cause pleasant emotions) and above 30 years, when the "otodniki", that is, withdrawal symptoms, become harder due to the ever smaller presence in the body, according to doctors, substances or the genome that breaks down alcohol - dehydrogenases. Severe withdrawal symptoms also appear, probably due to the aging of the body, or maybe just because of this, and not because of the lack of dehydrogenase - the liver is no longer the same, respectively, toxins are not so well processed by it, etc. , because after 25 years the body begins to age, and the metabolism is not the same as that of a teenager (teenager). Some sensitive people, due to the heavy "otodnyak" appear "binges." Probably the age of 30 years and above is the most dangerous period in terms of alcohol consumption, for most of those who are prone to "hard drinking", "hard drinking" lasts a long time, which makes it possible to lose a job if the profession is not free. It is better to refuse psychostimulants such as alcohol at all, go in for sports or healthy lifestyles, and most importantly, no matter how trivial it sounds, engage in the search for an activity that gives you the release of hormones of happiness - endorphins, dopomins - with which everyone leads higher forces in life , but for some reason some are not treated with these hormones.

Unfortunately, such sciences as psychiatry and narcology have not made much progress towards their ideal state in terms of knowledge and effectiveness, in principle, like all other sciences (and indeed there is no alcoholism, there is some psychological discomfort, each has his own as a rule, it is excitement or fear that they try to neutralize with alcohol). There are several well-known official ways of counteracting alcohol dependence, for example, coding, but, as far as we know, this thing is short-lived, they say that this is just a placebo effect (suggestion), and perhaps a substance is introduced that, when interacting with alcohol, gives, to put it mildly, nasty a reaction for a person, but even if it is, then this substance is excreted by the liver (the liver exists for that) from the body completely, and alcohol can be consumed further, and, as far as is known, there are simple psychotherapeutic methods who is suggested, and the one who is called an alcoholic (they haven’t come up with a tolerant name as opposed to an unpleasant label as an alcoholic), he, as a rule, is inspired a priori more than an ordinary citizen (for example, these are the same scientists that are often mentioned in this article, scientists are not suggestible, nothing will distract them from their chosen path, everyone needs them, and they can look for work anywhere in the world).

And how many strange people you start to meet on the street, when you start to drink systematically alcohol, something interesting begins to happen, a great acid journey, nothing else can be said.

Nobody counts those who are called alcoholics, as a rule, those who suffer from alcoholism (I don’t want to offend fans of ethyl alcohol, but we will use common phrases, since there is no time to invent politically correct phrases) these are people with some psychological problems, conclusions from hard drinking, coding - this is not the main thing, the main thing is what happens after, and after that you need to solve the problems that cause drunkenness, yourself or with the help of psychologists, psychotherapists or somehow, for example, to find someone who knows how to come to zhel emomu if drinking from the fact that you can not do something because they do not know how to do it. Everyone solves the problem with alcohol, if you want to solve this problem at all. In general, the occurrence of neurosis, phobias can be blamed on some citizens who manipulate people or teach them incorrectly and convince them of something (they give false information, for example, about the relationship between people). The one who uses psychostimulants like alcohol or drugs is considered to be weak, this category of citizens, as a rule, requires everything from relatives, does the same part that is considered to be strong help the relatives themselves?

Attention, this is an affirmative sentence: drinking alcohol is unnecessarily emotional for people who find it difficult to restrain their emotions even when sober, it is these people who can commit an offense on an emotional basis after drinking alcohol. Is alcohol for those who cannot concentrate on something, thinking of something that distracts from what needs to be done? For example, with the help of alcohol you can concentrate on unloved work, if a person has not found himself and is forced to do what he doesn’t like, he is different in the team, and he needs to drink alcohol in order to equal his thought process to others if there is an opportunity, it is better to change a profession or work, if there is no opportunity, then look for it.

I do not want what was written in the paragraph below to be like a statement of thoughts at a congress of any party. Let's just say - for a comfortable psychological state, alcohol and especially the consequences of its use are contraindicated, and that’s the point - since drinking alcohol contradicts the rules of healthy lifestyle (healthy lifestyle). How to give up alcohol - forget about the cult of caution, live one day, like a soldier in a war, if you are afraid to endure without suppressing fear with alcohol, and then experience the pleasure of having endured rather than suppressed by alcohol? Again - they use alcohol as a deliverance from psychological discomfort, and psychological discomfort appeared due to the fact that he went against nature - for example, an average man dreams of having connections with several women, but this requires money, so all non-drinkers from the category of average men follow instincts and therefore do not drink alcohol, but the man still needs to find a woman who, so to speak, will inspire the man to give her gifts and give money, this is also mortgaged by higher powers the instinct that turns on when a man finds that woman to whom higher forces push him by developing endorphins in his body when he is with her? Civilization sometimes requires everyone not to divide people into men and women, since they have to work together? From some, not from all, men, nature or higher powers require him to have many women, so they need to earn a lot in order for women to be with these men, but some switch to alcohol?

It is necessary to use such psychostimulants , for example, as music, sports, meetings with the opposite sex, or something else that gives the release of endorphins in a non-hazardous way, this has already been mentioned. Naturally, the use of alcohol as a psychostimulant is not unacceptable (alcohol can be used in extreme cases in the form of “crutches” when, for example, you cannot sober fly on an airplane). Drugs are excluded, since their use is more unpleasant than pleasant, and, as the banal language has already said, one must not drink alcohol or stop drinking alcohol, do not “inject” or quit “injecting” and, if possible, do not smoke, and then with fate anyone will be fine.

There are other psychostimulants - for example, contrast weakness to alcohol with another weakness, again, for example, contrast weakness to dress nicely with weakness for alcohol or weakness for the opposite sex of weakness for alcohol. If, for example, the cause of alcoholism is something else, it is recommended to think as follows and choose the following line of behavior: take on the arsenal of the type of thinking and behavior of those people who feel comfortable walking through life, while having similar needs to yours, therefore you think and act like these people, and you will have a tip-top, just like them, they act like those who know what to do.

In order not to drink alcohol, you do not need to be the one who is called a strong spirit, you just need information, you need to follow the rules, non-observance of which forces you to drink alcohol, they are individual for everyone, for example, if people irritate, you need to surround yourself with the right people and fence yourself off from unnecessary , choose a job that is not related to communicating with people whom you think are bad, or even isolate yourself from such people as much as possible if you do not feel sympathy for them. If you are one of those who do not like people, and this is taller than you, then look for work that is not related to communicating with people, or at least this - in a word, you need to observe mental hygiene. You can also buy yourself things that will give pleasure, in a word, do everything that gives pleasure (without negative consequences), and do everything you want to do at all, you can do everything that is not prohibited by law, and the law is such a thing that in one country he is one, in another another, in one he does not work, in another he works.

The first reason for alcoholism in most cases is what is called cowardice - we feel less sorry for ourselves and cynical about ourselves in the good sense of the word, remove cowardice - will alcoholism disappear, if that is the reason for alcoholism? Another reason for alcoholism is ignorance, for what to live: do we know our purpose, and alcoholism disappears? Everyone can conduct sociological and psychological research and write a book about the results, because everyone is a psychologist himself? If you have not found yourself in life, then while you are in search, do you need to create yourself a life goal at least artificially for a while? You can engage in self-manipulation, why alcohol, drugs or other people or substances that will manipulate you? A program has already been laid in you by higher forces, do they manipulate you with the help of instincts and another? The easiest way to satisfy your ambition is to write a book, create a website on the Internet or become a blogger - will you maintain psychological stability and will not choose alcohol or other unhealthy psychostimulants as an alternative to unsatisfied ambition?

You can educate in yourself any addiction that does not harm you, relying on what you enjoy, on what is prescribed to you by a higher mind.

The need for alcohol consumption may be, as already mentioned, due to the presence of chronic fear - neurosis, and the cause of alcoholism is most often, and, of course, this fact about drunkenness due to fear, neurosis needs to be proved, since each statement carries weight only when there is evidence.

If you want to find the truth, then words have no weight, since a person who expresses some words may be subject to what are called weaknesses and vices, vanity, etc., therefore only facts are important.

Now there is evidence that fear is one of the causes of alcoholism: suppose that a suspension bridge hangs, the bridge is long, there is a deep canyon beneath it, and the bridge staggers when you walk along it. How to get to someone who is afraid to go along such a bridge? Correctly, within the framework of the topic under discussion, those who are afraid to go over this bridge need to drink alcohol in order to block fear, but there are those who are afraid to go not only over the bridge or fly on an airplane, but also go through life. What does he need to do in order not to be afraid to go through life and life in general? It’s right (or rather, not right, of course) to drink alcohol, that's how alcoholism is born - because of fear and insecurity. The total conclusion is that if the reason for drinking alcohol is fear, we reconsider stereotypes that everything is scary. Dismissed from work - scary, but not really scary, you’ll be healthier, work, as a rule, does not add health, in any case, if she was unloved, we feel less sorry for ourselves in the good sense of the word - we live one day, as it does soldier in the war.

If the cause of alcoholism, unrealized ambition (someone did not find a social product for themselves, with which you can stand out) or a lost social status, then, for example, to realize your ambitions or regain your social status, if without this you feel inferior, write book and save money for its publishing, not necessarily a book should be about your ideas about the world, there are a lot of them now, you can create a work about psychological or other nuances related specifically to your profession, for example, a book car repair. If you are a professional in your profession, then no one will tell you better than this. Create an organization not prohibited by law - for example, a radio amateur, wear a uniform - it disciplines in a certain percentage, in short, be, as they say now, a social engineer, if it's interesting, because they say that everyone has an addiction, the only question is that the first will turn up - addiction with a plus sign (science, business) or addiction with a minus sign (alcohol and drugs). And you don’t need to think whether the work will be in demand or not, you just need to write, because there are a lot of authors who were unpopular with their contemporaries, but later became popular, you just need to be at the right time in the right place, but it doesn’t always work out that way. As some US correspondent said, whose last name and name, unfortunately, I don’t remember: “You never know what will succeed.” These are not his literal words, but the meaning is the same. Yes, if you are not a millionaire or you live in a poor country, then after writing a work you encounter the problem of publishing it, because there is no money for it, and in the process of writing it does not have enough time for it, because you have to work, so you need to give up alcohol and follow for your health, so that the body lasts for a long time, in a word, to comply with the rules of healthy lifestyle of a psychological and physiological nature.

You can create a work of a psychological nature, not covering the classical moments of psychology, but reflecting the psychology of your particular life path, for example, psychological problems and their solutions that are unique to the person who is called migrant workers, or problems and their solutions that are unique to those who are in prison or on a desert island like Robinson. Be not a psychologist, but a researcher in the field of psychology?

The author considers his work to be such narrowly focused works in the psychological sense, only the “tops” from different areas were torn off, since the author set himself the goal of visiting the maximum number of places in a minimum amount of time, from some places, by the way, do not twist right away I couldn’t get away , and therefore I had to stay there until the end of the time period that had been set, and the time for writing a work and in order to visit other places, it became even less. Also, if it was not possible to visit somewhere in order to obtain information for this work, information was obtained from those people who were or were in places that the author could not get into.

Sometimes what is called a sect or prison accepts those to whom relatives have not given something in a psychological and informational sense? Everyone should be in his place and do what he likes, because if not in his place, will the need to constantly “break” himself sooner or later “break” the one who has to “break” himself, or will make him infrequent? Go where endorphins are directed - is everything thought out for you by higher forces? Guess your calling? The key to psychological comfort is to find the occupation from which you produce hormones of pleasure? Everything is not so difficult in our time - will tests and psychologists help you find your calling by psychological testing for your tendency to any activity?

Fear and severe withdrawal symptoms that make you hangover are probably the main components of alcoholism. Some people drink alcohol because they don’t want to do their job without alcohol (people are not in their place), which means, as already mentioned, this work is not for them. Your work is the one that when you do, you fall into a kind of trance, full concentration only on it. And don’t be shy to look for work easier if you think that the work that you already have is hard or not prestigious for you (in some rich countries, citizens of their country do not do physical labor at all, emigrants do it all, and no one don’t be shy, they just learned to protect their lifestyle and they wanted to spit on those who call them loafers.There are whole countries where no one works, so it’s not worth it because of someone’s criticism, for example, about that they don’t take to work, to suffer, or, what it’s unacceptable to settle accounts with life, you just need to be able to protect your lifestyle).

We recall that any criticism addressed to someone is a psychological warfare (even if on an unconscious level, when some do not realize this). Some managers, however, are not embarrassed that they do not work behind the machine in the workshop, and after all, put some of them behind the machine under the condition that they will never again become leaders, then, probably, if something else does not hold them, for them the meaning of life would be lost, and perhaps alcoholism would begin - here an example was drawn of the second reason for alcoholism: when a person is not in his place. Therefore, everything is conditional, and there is only one conclusion, you need to find what you need, and then be able to keep it still, and you need to be perfectly informed so that you don’t fear anyone and anything (if alcoholism is a consequence of fear of someone or something, because be afraid or not be afraid, sooner or later everyone will die anyway). Fear of the person you are afraid of usually occurs when you don’t understand that you are also afraid, and not just someone (this belief matters when it comes to harsh conditions of survival - remember the case in the disciplinary battalion). Once again about the case in the disciplinary battalion, which has already been considered in this material, here its consideration will also be acceptable. According to the stories of the one who was there, the concepts in the "disbate" were prison and also a military charter. When they get there, a “press” (pressure) begins on those who get there, they find out who you will be, a thief or someone else, a peasant, for example, and they begin to figure it out in the following way: if they get scared, they don’t fight back, then they appear a false perception of reality, in which there is fear of those who beat, it seems that all of those who beat you are fearless guys, but when you start at least responding with threats to violence, promising the attackers to kill them, stab at night, as the one who was there said the category of thieves, attackers begin but Strongly not sleep, "turning over" on the beds, experiencing, as if they are not slaughtered. Here is an example of perfect awareness (which the psychologist is unlikely to tell), you know that everyone is scared, and nobody is your boss, but a simple bag of crap, as they say in action movies. Accordingly, there is no PTS (post-traumatic syndrome) after the attack (it can be to the same extent both the attackers and the one who was attacked, since he scared the attackers). There is no syndrome - there is no reason to drink alcohol or treat the consequences of psychological trauma, here it is, preventive psychology, in action - the disease is said to be better prevented than then treated, well, you can treat the post-traumatic syndrome with the method of regenerative psychology, as was done in the story Alexandre Dumas "Count of Monte Cristo" - report a violation of the law.

Again, you have to stay in the role of an operative of law enforcement agencies and start searching for the criminal activity of the offender? Treatment of acquired psychological and physical “stoop” with the help of regenerative psychology? Instead of Freud’s couch, we take a table, a chair, paper, a computer with a printer, a mail envelope and tell the competent sources about any violations of the law by the offender in a letter — remember his sins and step on his historical “blisters”, as they say in politics? Preventive psychology is when you behave arrogantly in the right way, and you are not always afraid of some, but some are afraid to get involved, and regenerative psychology is when you did not have the fortitude to behave arrogantly, and, for example, were you illegally fired?

The boss with unlawful sadistic amusements for some individuals who are not informed who have been illegally dismissed from work is, so to speak, “unsinkable” in the sense of “untouchable” (for example, everyone says that he has patrons of high-ranking relatives, but such, as a rule, if he smells “fried” ", And there will be a danger of losing their place, they will abandon a relative working as a boss - such is their line of behavior, remember that a person with weaknesses (in this case, with weakness to be high-ranking) cannot be CSOs called friend), and perhaps the chief himself thinks so, if it no one ever tried to "adjust" (subject psychocorrection or raise) the lawful way. However, for some whom the former boss with sadistic inclinations unjustly, in their opinion, or according to the law, illegally dismissed, the former boss becomes, as they say, nobody, in any case, the boss became like that after they were fired, since he no longer has authority over the dismissed, and this makes them dangerous for him if he did something illegal, as they can begin to take dirty linen out of the hut, because it’s not just that correspondents like to receive information from the dismissed, because they have nothing to fear, they were already fired .

Dismissal is a problem, but not for everyone - some people find an alternative to “pouring” the troubles of dismissal with alcohol in what they call anonymous letters and official complaints (we remember that many people have a short nose, we don’t forget about political correctness - not denunciations and complaints, and reports of a violation of the law, such label words as denunciation and scumbag, should be considered as a psychological weapon against those who want to report a violation of the law). That is, regenerative psychology, so to speak, begins to work, after which the sadistic boss, for example, poured coffee or tea on your head because you didn’t have lunch at lunchtime, or beat you up (and this was according to the stories of acquaintances and relatives), but it is impossible to bring him to justice, since there is no evidence in the form of beatings and witnesses, troubles begin, small or large, depending on what you know about what he did wrongful.

Well, and another interesting point - there is such a thing as the influence of someone's behavior disorder on other people. Not only any domestic or hereditary circumstances negatively affect the human psyche - some of those whose anamnesis and the diagnosis of “sadist”, who became leaders, are probably guilty of the formation of neurosis-like states, and this was already mentioned in the material, because they communicate directly with healthy people, and after communicating with them to society and the state, they are not ideologically psychologically healthy people, it’s not just that some committed suicide in the company that was mentioned at the beginning of this work.

Does any state need to provide its citizens with a psychologically healthy lifestyle (HLS), protecting them from information that contradicts the rules of a psychological healthy lifestyle? They say that any state that was called or was called totalitarian before, does not have or did not have such a phenomenon as drug addiction and alcoholism, or does it have, but at a "microscopic" level, and that is why it is called totalitarian? A play on words, an example: people who lead both a physical healthy lifestyle and a psychological healthy lifestyle, living in those countries that are called free, do not enjoy such freedoms as the availability of alcohol and drugs, and therefore we can say that they are adherents of totalitarianism, because they are consciously refuse such freedom? Are psychologists and psychiatrists silent about some of the traumatic sources? Does a person always expect from a psychiatrist, psychologist, lawyer and other manufacturers of intangible goods the right program or algorithm of actions to solve his problems? As already mentioned, is the guilt of an aggressive information environment in everything?

Also the fault in the formation of neurosis-like states lies with the services of various states of geopolitical opponents (psychiatrist Gannushkin P. B. introduced the concept of “acquired disability”). Acquired disorder, according to the media, appears as a result of relationships with people of different services of the countries - geo h eskih opponents, these services pose or set a goal to do what is called a decomposition of the citizens, in which they see the enemy, creating their phobias and psychological discomfort, drug and alcohol addiction.

Lyrics: in fact, for such their actions you can file a lawsuit, although there has not been such a precedent, for example, citizens of the state who believe that any forces of other states are to blame for their negative psychological state, can appeal to the courts . But we will not dig deep - are there those who are called hypnotic, stuck and suggestible - are they in the so-called risk group?



Question to the artist: “Do you know where those who see what others do not see get to?” The artist’s response: “Yes, they get to the national art gallery.” The film "June 31" (USSR, 1978, director Leonid Kvinikhidze).

Lyrics: when someone unfamiliar taught a friend of the author on the street how to behave, he always asked the "teacher of life": "Are you a former police officer or a former military man?" Paradoxically, but he was never mistaken, the answer was yes.

But this, as already indicated, the lyrics, the author of the work, unlike his friend, had enough “teachers of life” among civilians.

If someone, even without being impressionable and sensitive , at least once went into some pro-government structure during Soviet times, he noticed how high the door was installed at the entrance, if you look for the randomness of this, which all this material is directed at, then the meaning of such a task for the carpenters who installed this large door was probably understandable - to emphasize, but rather to inspire, that he coming in was a simple screw.

In the same Soviet times (and then there were a lot of interesting things, for example, they say that in the 50s men did not pay child support, police officers were punished for misconduct by arrest) all primary needs, such as attraction to the opposite sex, for example , it was recommended to suppress, then it turned out that Freud was kind of right - for some people nothing is suppressed, and is melted into neurosis, especially such a powerful instinct as the reproductive instinct (this once again proves that generalization is unacceptable, since in all people are different, and each needs an individual approach).

This repression is not suitable for everyone, especially those who have a high sexual temperament, which is greater than that of other people. It was not taken into account that everyone’s sexual temperament is different, which one wants more often, others less often, someone rarely, and who doesn’t want anything at all, respectively, and you don’t need to suppress anything.

Now no one is forcing anyone to suppress, well, if he only recommends doing it, the question now arises different - what methods to fulfill your needs, if previously psychological discomfort was formed due to the fact that it is impossible, then now because of the fact that it is possible, but I don’t know how, or not enough time for everything, including the realization of sexual desires and the choice of a partner for this.

Circumstances make people those who are called to ayut good or evil? A test question for someone who considers himself good is if you were told that you can save starving people dying of hunger in a very poor country, but for this you need to get up at 6 a.m. and go to work as a maintenance worker on a construction site, get a little a salary, and such an offer came to you after you worked, sitting in your office and getting a big salary - would you agree to help those who are dying of hunger, or not?

The number of problems is equal to the number of requests, as a rule, the greater the ambitiousness, the more needs, respectively, as a rule, those who require a lot more from life than the rest have problems in such cases so as not to become an unhappy person who tormenting himself and others, to possess certain knowledge and moral and business qualities, which, if they are not there, can be educated in yourself, and most importantly, this can be done with the help of information and knowledge about how and in what ways to fulfill your needs, which others are not or are not so pronounced. Or to know how not to get into a situation in which it will be impossible to satisfy the needs and realize your lifestyle, for example, you need to know how not to go to prison, since there is complete deprivation and, accordingly, the lack of the ability to meet any needs.

Everyone chooses the path to the realization of their interests: if someone loves money and is inclined to earn it in not entirely honest ways, then it would be wise not to swear with anyone, to be kind to everyone, so as not to set anyone against yourself, and then suddenly someone will take and he will tell the competent authorities about the "dark" business, in a word, it is necessary, as the representatives of power structures and biologists say, to mimic the environment. If someone is ambitious and loves to scold, amuse the ambition, then it would be wise to lead an honest lifestyle, so that there is nothing to catch on who will be angry at you because of your scandalous nature, and so if you are clean and if you don’t have a criminal past and present, you can write complaints, criticize and not be afraid of anyone.

Lyrics: by the way, it should be noted that those who are called schizophrenics are ambitious people, because none of them represents themselves as machinists, cleaners, loaders, helpers or plumbers - all of them are either Napoleons or scientists, but those who have imagination more disciplined, those prosecutors - why ambitious people need to be careful?

An example of the absence of large requests is the scientist Perelman (if the author correctly interprets the reason for his refusal of the Nobel Prize, the refusal was due to the unnecessity of a lot of money). Perelman, who worked with the Poincare formula, refused the million dollars awarded to him for his discovery in the field of mathematics. This suggests that this person has a minimum of needs, only science, and such people can only be envied that they can feel psychologically comfortable even without a million dollars. Perelman lives with his mother and is happy with everything, the reason that he did not take the money that was due to him for the discovery (unless, of course, because of his refusal there was some kind of hidden motivation, which is hardly the case), it’s simple, because Perelman is just real ucho n th, which is not interested in all material goods are the meaning of life for most people, since he does not have what is called the weaknesses that have to be met by money. And, as already mentioned about the rich, no one will remember after 100 years, and earthly vanity, as clergymen say, as a rule, does not lead to good, especially those who fuss in the negative sense more than others, in some cases they are waiting for prison and other troubles.

All fools, but only in some things, because someone is a genius in some ways, but a fool in something, and there’s nothing to climb into and where you are a fool, and it’s better to climb where you will be the first thing to climb to where you will be the second? If you think that you are not capable of anything, then remember that you know how and what you like to do, and look for a job where there are those components that you like and what you like to do, and then develop them into sense improve your abilities? Does everything need to be done professionally or not at all? The forbidden road to happiness has long been open, know how to come to it? It’s bad when you demand a lot from life, but don’t know how to come to this much?

Do not forget the tale of A. S. Pushkin about the goldfish, when the old woman wanted a lot, and as a result, an “overdose” of her desires turned out.

An anecdote from the times of the USSR: a man caught a goldfish, she began to fulfill his three wishes, he asked her for an elite car - on, get it, then asked the most beautiful woman in his understanding of beauty - on, get it, then wanted to become a hero of the Soviet Union - He found himself on the battlefield with a bunch of grenades in his hand, and a tank rides on it.

Returning to what was already said at the beginning of this material, it is difficult to satisfy your ambitions when you do not have influential relatives, or you are brought up in a single-parent family, or in general an orphan - such people, as already mentioned, are usually more prone to false beliefs, information about their life, in any case, at a certain stage of their life, as a rule, is biased, distorted, it does not work out in the family, but comes from the street, from advertisements, video clips, where there is a lot that is not comparable with the reality of things happening . Most of the people who grew up in complete families are better adapted to life due to the fact that they had the opportunity to receive objective information about life from their relatives, normal relatives would not advise anything bad, their relatives acted as so-called deprogrammers , filming " noodles with ears ", which is hung on the street, by some media outlets, in some cinema (by the way, at the beginning of each film where there are main negative characters, you need to make an inscription - do not repeat their actions, as this can lead to jail. This is done with master Blenheim tobacco in the movies - warn that smoking is hazardous to health). Also, people who lived without relatives, those who could advise something, saw and received information in advertisements and video clips - unless, of course, these relatives with whom they could live themselves owned this objective information, because there are entire generations of "confused" people who suffered , speaking in youth slang, that false “cargo” that they were “loaded” with in the places indicated above (for example, on the street), and in others.

It’s difficult for ambitious people from single-parent families (not to mention, as they say, from dysfunctional) to realize themselves, if they, of course, are not child prodigies, but ordinary average people - ambition does not disappear anywhere, all unrealized ambitions due to ignorance of the ways to realize them, as a rule, then they are manifested in family scandals, alcoholism, etc., in a word, it’s difficult when you demand a lot from life, and there are no resources, probably, therefore the so-called coding for alcohol dependence does not help the majority, it is based on fear of that if you drink alcohol, it will immediately be bad, no, as doctors say of high-quality remission, the person is in constant fear, and the main task is the psychological comfort of the person, if he is not there, some resort to psychostimulants in the form of alcohol, which is called alcoholism - this is a psychological problem that needs to be solved, it is primary, alcoholism is secondary.



They say that if you went abroad and started a family there, you lose your children, because they speak a foreign language for you, and you are only a migrant worker abroad, if you did not leave with a large amount of money or you were not invited to work there as specialist in any field? What is the Gini coefficient - a statistical indicator of the stratification of society in something? Is the cost of labor different in different places and countries?

Previously, during the Soviet era, a lot of things were “free”, for example, free higher education, cheap gasoline - all those who lived at that time lived under communism, just did not realize this? One of the emigrants, who achieved more than a local resident, reasoned, standing in line at the store, looking at the cashier: “She’s local, she knows the language and hasn’t achieved anything except that I became a cashier, and I’m a newcomer without knowledge of the language , achieved a lot. " Conclusion - a professional in any field knows how difficult it is to do something, and that it won’t work, and therefore doesn’t do it, but the layman doesn’t, so he does everything: self-hypnosis is an important thing? What is the standard of living and why is it called somewhere high and somewhere low? Take home and street cats as an example, respectively, for a home cat, as a rule, the standard of living will be high, but for a homeless cat low? A man does not happen to be the same, throughout his life he changes - what do you need now, then you will not need it? Is a man born again throughout his life? Dzerzhinsky was right: a person is unstable, he changes from birth to death, and generalization is appropriate here - all without exception, not just some, only to varying degrees?

As the ancient Romans said, the Motherland is where you feel good, or, as someone said, it is better to be a king in hell than a slave in paradise.

Some states solve the problems of their citizens themselves. Yes, in some countries the standard of living is quite high, but in what ways was this high standard of living achieved? Some of the countries had their colonies on different continents - this is one of the main reasons for wealth, the exception is probably only those states where a high standard of living due to the availability of oil, and not because of the presence of colonies or for other reasons unknown to the author.

Whether a high standard of living always brings benefits in terms of psychological comfort for people, as they say in this case, whether pampering in the family will benefit is a moot point, for politicians in rich countries it’s good, social peace (they say that in some rich countries, according to the media if you are not married, you can visit the brothel for free a certain number of times for a certain period of time, you can, if you are on social security benefits, receive any medications for free, etc.), everyone gets what they want. They also say that in the same countries with a high standard of living there are buses for drug addicts, where they will give an injection to withdraw, alcohol buses, where you can, with a hangover, relieve withdrawal symptoms, on the one hand, this is humane and relieves social stress, no one He doesn’t steal or rob in order to “inject” drugs or drink alcohol, but on the other hand, is it really good when the very fact of drug addiction and alcoholism is confirmed with such humanity, which contradicts the rules of healthy lifestyle?

Until you become a parent yourself, for some it’s cool, but then you don’t want your child to walk past such buses, as Felix Dzerzhinsky used to say, a person does not happen to be the same, as he grows up, he changes. The media report that in some countries that are economically well-fed, the concept of “homeless” will cause the indigenous people to use other words from our associations, where a homeless person is simply a person who does not work anywhere and does not have a permanent residence, who is homeless on the basis of his personal convictions, adventurer, he does not fight for survival, all conditions are provided for the bombing: shelters, private, public, free food, that is, the state waits until he, as they say, grows older, outgrows this whim.

Although in poor countries social housing is provided, and this is a higher status than a night shelter, but, unfortunately, there is not enough money in the budget to give social housing to everyone who needs it, so, homeless people (and homeless people, as already mentioned, as a rule, there, among the rich, these are young people, romantics, such hippies), according to the media, in the same rich countries, for example, if he, a bum, a “donkey”, calmed down in some social institution and decided to end his romantic pastime associated with travel and vagrancy, t. e. , "interrupted he had a crush ”, psychologically matured (by the way, in the USA the perfect years come at the age of 21), the state can provide him with property if he doesn’t have“ drugs ”or alcohol for a certain period of time, he will be checked by the police twice a month, and if everything is ok - get housing that you will own and which you have the right to dispose of, you can, for example, sell it.

The world is predatory, do some politicians in rich countries artificially dilute the predatory environment with generous social packages to relieve social tension, spoiling the population and making it incapable of survival in emergency situations?

In fact, the population of some rich states is currently rich not only because of the presence of colonies in the past or the availability of minerals, because if the state is rich, this does not mean that the population should be rich either, something should make the government rich countries and just rich people living in these countries, share wealth with the population, so the population (namely the population, countries were already rich, in which the population lived and lives) of the above rich countries became rich thanks to creatures the geopolitical rivals of their states (some states became rich due to their colonies or due to the presence of large quantities of minerals, and the population became rich due to the presence of what is called multipolarity), and this is why: according to the media, those who had a lot of money, and this is the elite of rich countries, they were afraid to lose money and their status. The rich realized that it was necessary to share a bit, to give part of their money to the population, and were not mistaken, the revolution in connection with this forced act of philanthropy in the rich countries did not work, the so-called rich proletariat was formed, which the rich and formed for their own peace, the proletariat was satisfied and strongly, as they say, did not twitch, there was no reason for the population to go on strike, because they shared with them.

But the guarantor of the wealth of the population of rich countries, which was a multipolar world, fell apart, the world temporarily became monopolar, some rich states lost their geopolitical competitors, and they had nothing more to fear, and they say that in this regard, some rich countries have a high standard of living collapsed, and here, so to speak, the spoiled population, many of whom didn’t work anywhere, but sat on generations for social benefits (grandfather, father, son, nowhere worked, it became hard). The allowance, as a rule in some rich countries, is neither large nor small, you can keep sitting on it, the average standard of living.

According to the media, in some countries that are considered wealthy, most young people are interested in not being hired anywhere to continue to sit on the “social” (so-called social benefits), an example of what was said, again, according to the same media: a girl comes in a country that is considered rich, to get a job from a employment service in a cafe and does everything to prevent her from taking it - she complains that she will travel far and travel to work will be expensive, the owner of the cafe says she will buy her in this regard the bicycle, the girl replies that she does not know how to ride it, then the cook will bring you a car, the cafe owner says to the girl, to which the girl also has the answer that she is afraid to ride alone with men in the car, as a result the cafe owner writes to her in papers from the employment center that she did not suit her. After all, if, again, to believe the same media, in rich countries it’s more profitable not to work anywhere, since taking into account deductions from wages and taxes, etc., those who work have almost the same amount of income as those who receive social benefits without working anywhere, this is such nonsense.

There are psychological tests for the ability to adapt to life in another country, some foreign companies use these tests to invite the specialist they need from another country, for example, air carrier companies that invite pilots from their country of residence to their work in their organization.

It must be admitted that many do not have immigration, even if there is a “golden cage”, and therefore, as far as we know, the above tests are also used to recruit volunteers for service in the Foreign French Legion, for example, one guy who has already served in the Foreign Legion was sent of overseas trips back to France for a medical examination with the wording "not suitable for external operations", he must have been there, outside of France, not very psychologically comfortable - this is precisely the case when parnyaga of those to to consider and call too impressionable and susceptible to such exploits as a service outside the country of residence and even, perhaps, in a country where military operations are conducted.

In general, ideally, if you immigrate for a long time, you should not have any emotional attachments like love, etc., be prepared for various hardships, in a word, you must be a very strong spirit or a sixteen or eighteen year old person, an age when he does not hold anything anywhere , and in general, when moving, the psyche should be almost like that of an astronaut. Why many were unable to adapt, do not stand it and return back to their country, even having the citizenship of some of the coolest countries in terms of living standards and social packages, so take it on my own so as not to fall when walking.

It is necessary to take into account that different laws are different in different countries, in some countries women cannot walk without a scarf, in some they cannot walk without anything, in some women they cannot drive a car, polygamy is allowed somewhere, polygamy is prohibited somewhere, in some states, an attempt to get to know a woman is perceived as sexual harassment, in others not. Therefore, we do not forget that the laws of any country stem from the psychological component of the population, if people are psychologically comfortable with certain, so to speak, psychological values, respectively, and the laws will be aimed at protecting these values ​​(by the way, this was already mentioned at the beginning of the material, but we will repeat: the task of some services in some countries is to educate the population of countries - geopolitical opponents in such a way that they begin to feel uncomfortable within the laws of their home country, and not only services, for example if you are a millionaire, then you yourself can take part in educating the population of a state by giving money grants formally or informally to the person you hired to educate the population, so that he or they educate people in the right direction for you, for example, as a millionaire who, according to the media, created a feminist movement, which, as the same media say, promoted the law that an attempt to meet a man with a woman should be interpreted as sexual harassment).

An exception to those who are not comfortable with the laws of their country may be, as previously mentioned, people with behaviors that are not generally accepted in any country, some of which are called maniacs or bandits, for example, someone feeds a homeless kitten, one day he comes, and the kitten that he fed lies dead, after it turns out that the child killed him, and if such a child is not subjected to what is called psychocorrection or if he does not outgrow this behavior, then he will be in prison or moving from his country to country, where such behavior will not be punishable if such a country exists and if, again, it does not “outgrow” such behavior or it will not be corrected by psychologists or by the people themselves (in the 1980s, during my youth, psychocorrection was carried out by physical action, the perpetrator was beaten in the face they said that it was nonsense, and when there was blood from the nose or lips, they said that it was nonsense). The teenager who killed the kitten will be unhappy himself and make others unhappy, he will suffer and torment others, living in his native country. Remember that the person is very plastic material, from any possible fashion that you like, despite his tendency psychogenetically, so they say modern scientific films, and how about the Z objectively in them any information that everyone should solve itself.

We return to the topic of emigration. Measure seven times - once cut off where to emigrate - first you need to think about whether you need to do this at all, and if you decide what you need, then again you need to remember what you can do, why I'm sure that they are waiting for you where you are going to leave so you don’t regret what you did, because you may not be a super specialist in any field, and no one will invite you to work in another country by making a work visa. Before you leave, you need to study the required specialties in the place where you are going.

The main task is to know where to leave and why, are there any prospects and sense of departure, is it not a gamble, is there such a funny expression in one of the Soviet films - “erratic goal”, therefore nobody expects “erratic goal” without money, without proper education, without knowledge of the language (usually technical or medical) nobody needs you abroad what awaits you, so this is work at a construction site or other physical labor that local residents do not want to do, fear of deportation (so how at the moment (2017) very l it is difficult to legalize and obtain a residence permit in any country, or almost impossible at all).

It is necessary to collect information about each country regarding the living standards of local residents, the level and living conditions of emigrants, if it was decided to leave the country of residence. Of course, there are countries with the highest standard of living, large salaries and steep social benefits due to the presence, for example, of oil or the presence of colonies in the past, but it’s unlikely that the emigrant will get there, unfortunately, almost everywhere the authorities worry about their citizens, and then they throw the rest of the bone.

One of the sweetest pieces for expatriates dependent on drugs or alcohol is rich countries where, as already mentioned, there are buses in which they distribute free of charge for the purpose of so-called “humanity” and in order to relieve social tensions and prevent the commission of crimes drug addicts, alcoholics alcohol. The word "homeless", as was said above, in these countries has a completely different meaning than ours. A homeless person there is a person who does not work anywhere and does not live anywhere, a homeless person is purely out of ideological, romantic considerations, such a hippie that does not smell bad. Rich states can afford to prevent some of their citizens from working and looking for the meaning of life before old age, and in connection with this, they take some actions, for example, vagrancy from romantic motives, as the lyric says, rude, but faithful saying - "when a dog has nothing to do, it takes all known hygiene" (it was not on this topic, but I remember how one seller DVD-ROM drive that is after, as I asked him to drive to the old operating system my (it is no longer on sale) and installing it, I replied that I need to find a programmer in glasses with thick glasses, and from which smells bad, and so I will do perfectly well).

Again, let’s recall what has already been said, in order to focus on this, this is an affirmative sentence: for people like vagabonds, in rich countries in many cities of these countries there are shelters or, as they are called differently , shelters where such people during their travels can get shelter, wash, shave, eat, and all this is free, the shelter in question is a bit of a hostel. Rich countries offer such "homeless people" conditions that would seem fabulous: within three or six months, as mentioned, according to media reports, if there are no "riots" into the police in terms of alcohol or drugs, they will be given an apartment in their property, which, again, as already mentioned, they can dispose of, sell, for example. But will the emigrant have such rights, will the authorities and the population want to share a piece of the pie of material goods with him, or is it all for internal use, for those who have the passport of a country considered rich in their pocket?

Some people choose rather ridiculous motives for emigration, for example, everyone is so beautiful and fashionable there, and I am the same or I am the same, so I need to be there, along with the fashionable and beautiful, well, if you talk like that, how do you stand out among fashionable, neat and beautiful, if there is almost everyone there? Then it’s already better to stay where you live so that it is easier to stand out among the local population, you will be the brightest or the brightest, and where there are many bright ones, how can you achieve contrasts with your presence against all the interesting and beautiful?

Needed where was born? Only in the cinema do they show that a girl came from the periphery to the capital, did not go to college, she was met by a rich woman and married - if you are not getting ready or you are not being prepared for your future, you are in danger and you will have big problems in the future , rely only on yourself, is there competition everywhere? A mercenary can "zero" his life - to start it over? Where to go: Foreign French Legion, Bob Dinard and others? To go to serve in the Foreign French Legion, as mentioned above, one desire is not enough, you still need to be suitable in physical and moral-business qualities, so as not to be rejected on passing physical and psychological tests, which are aimed at identifying primarily anxious personalities (simply put cowards) and those who are called psychopathic personalities (individuals who are not used to hardships and overcoming difficulties)? Is a mercenary who creates new administrative-territorial units?

The legal concept of mercenarism is reflected in the criminal codes of various countries.

“We, mercenaries, always learn from each other where some sort of“ mess ”begins, and immediately go there,” the exemplary words of a mercenary from the book “Dirty CIA Work in Africa”, published in the USSR.

“As long as they divide the world, we won’t be left without work,” the exemplary words of a mercenary from one of the Soviet films about intelligence, I don’t remember exactly which of one of these: “Resident’s mistake” (1968, director Veniamin Dorman); “The Fate of the Resident” (1970, director Veniamin Dorman); “Return of the Resident” (1982, director Veniamin Dorman); “The End of Operation Resident,” (1986, director Veniamin Dorman).

But the legion is not at war now, unless its special forces are somewhere on those continents where the world is still divided. You can find out about Bob Dinar on the Internet and from other sources, Bob Dinar was, as they say, a strong-willed guy.

Here we can only say that no one is campaigning for a trip to the Foreign Legion or somewhere else, or for any other actions, it is everyone’s personal business, how to manage your destiny, a trip somewhere is everyone’s personal business, as they said in Soviet times, every master of his own destiny.

So the place where they pay for strong nerves or for fortitude is the Foreign French Legion or the army of any other country. If strong in spirit, can you sell it and your army time? Many people heard about the Foreign French Legion, perhaps even someone was thinking of going there to serve or serving there. If we consider the Foreign Legion on the material side, then as of the beginning of the 2000s, the salary there was about 1000 euros for an ordinary, for a corporal, sergeant, the salary was not much more, on business trips you can earn a couple of thousand more than 1000 euros of an ordinary salary how much more depended on the country to which they were sent, on the political situation in that country, whether hostilities were conducted there and so on. There is, as they say, one acquaintance of a guy who has been serving in the Legion for more than 5 years, received a passport, he began to lack money for his life when his girl came to him, and they had a child, this guy’s mother (in her words) sends to him and his wife to France, sending, that is (according to the guy) for France 1000 euros - is complete nonsense, given the fact that renting an apartment in Paris there, if you make no mistake, costs about 1000 euros.

To go: Aizul (Azul)? Some get into politics only because of going abroad to a “sweet” and “fat” country in terms of living standards? He stole, drank - to a rich country, some specifically call themselves the opposition, so that when a case is brought up for a real crime, it was possible to flee abroad, hiding behind political persecution? Some enter what they call a sect, provoke the authorities to close it, and then also ask for asylum in a country in which the standard of living is higher than in their country?

Wouldn’t it be good - yes, trouble helped, or measure seven times - cut once?

The question is for those who want to go somewhere permanently or permanently: do you have the right psychological qualities for this (do not forget that some companies that invite specialists from other countries have psychological tests)? Indeed, as already mentioned, there are cases when one desire and interest is not enough for some business, and there is also a film that talks about a person who was not suitable for this, he is called "Intergirl", starring Elena Yakovleva, director Pyotr Todorovsky, USSR, 1989, there is no suitable psychological data for emigration of the heroine of the film. And also who is interested in this topic, there is the Soviet drama “Flight 222” (USSR, 1985, director Sergei Mikaelyan). Nowadays, when the borders between states are open, it can be objectively said that the plots of these films are simply propaganda or really the psyche of some responds to emigration as indicated there.

What does it mean that there would be no good, but disaster would help or there would not be happiness, and unhappiness would help, is it true or just complacency? What is happiness - is it when the endocrine system, or, if you don’t make a mistake, the hypothalamus, according to the plan of higher forces for controlling you, releases an increased proportion of hormones in your blood that give a feeling of happiness, and unhappiness is when the same thing happens, just the opposite?

People go to aizul (refugee status) when a real disaster, for example, a war in someone’s country of residence, is not recommended for another reason, it’s very difficult and impossible to apply for asylum recently in the event that you really haven’t “lit up” anywhere in politics or in your homeland no military operations are being conducted. Those who wanted to receive refugee status and did not receive it are extremely angry and disappointed, they say that abroad is not very interesting, you will be hungry to walk and watch the rich local population eat delicious food in cafes and on the streets.

Aizul is a rather old invention, aizul's action can be seen in a fragment from the feature film “The State Border” (USSR, 1980, director Boris Stepanov), when those who were called basmachs caught the border guard and offered him life and living in a civilized country in exchange criticism of the Soviet regime in the foreign press, although at that time the aizul was not, as far as is known, enshrined in international law.

We remember that we can inadequately perceive the situation in the country where we want to leave, because we don’t live there, so we don’t have to think that the country where we are going to go is rich, and something will cross, in rich countries there are places and conditions where the rich live, but there are places and conditions for life where refugees, ayzulyants, as they are called, live. Aizul or azule is translated as asylum, asylum is legally regulated by the Geneva Convention and the 1951 UN Convention on Refugees. And of course, better than Karen Dzhangirov, who himself was in the shoes of a refugee and received asylum, no one will tell about the ezul; his book is on the Internet. At interviews, the authorities of the country to which someone who calls himself a refugee came to “untwist” the person who came to the truth.

The homeland is where you feel good, as already mentioned, for those who do not remember: aizul (azul) is translated as a refuge, it can be obtained, as a rule, in any country in the world. To get it, according to international documents, you either need to live in a “hot spot”, that is, in a country where hostilities are being fought, or there must be persecution for political reasons, or for reasons of belonging to those who are called sexual minorities, religious motives.

According to acquaintances, if everything is normal with the past, there’s nothing to go anywhere, as one border guard said, they leave for Aizul, as a rule, those who, for example, have their future crossed out with some kind of diagnosis related to a mental illness, or a sea of ​​convictions, from - for which it’s problematic to get somewhere, or not at home or apartment, in short, who has nothing to lose, and therefore you can try to start everything, as they say, from scratch.

It must be remembered that no matter how difficult it may be at home, there, outside the homeland, it can be even worse in all respects, in any case, to a person who has arrived in a foreign country by aizul from a country where there is at least some kind of civilization, he already will be spoiled by this civilization. As they say themselves, who was an aizulant and returned home: aizul is good to be when you are wanted for a crime in your native country, this fact will keep you there, no matter how sad you are.

According to available information, it’s extremely difficult to obtain asylum at the moment, they say that under the Soviet Union it was extremely simple, everyone who came to ask for asylum was ready to carry on hand (by the way, many who “drank” abroad, not everyone emigrated) and someone, on the contrary, being a person who has not achieved anything at all, who does not have what is called talent, took advantage of the opposition of systems and came out, as people say). Now, all asylum seekers are considered by potential asylum seekers to be economic refugees who want a higher standard of living, rather than political refugees. In order to obtain asylum at the moment, you need to bring with you a sea of ​​evidence, such as an interview in an opposition newspaper, or get recommendations from local human rights activists, or you need to have a lot of documents evidencing persecution with you, another thing is when someone he came to ask for asylum from a country where there is a war, everything is clear, the authorities of the country hosting such refugees have nowhere to go from international law. In the end, some who were denied asylum usually go to the Foreign French Legion because, again, they have nowhere to go, or they come home, but time has already been wasted, especially if they lived abroad for 5 years, and then refused asylum (and this may be).

They say that local residents of some economically developed countries do not want to work in construction sites, factories, all of them have office work or other dustless work that does not affect their ambition, for this they need emigrants to plug “holes” in terms of unskilled labor? Departure by aizul is almost always physical labor in the country to which you came for asylum (if you are not a famous opposition politician), as already mentioned, locals work in offices (or do not work at all, sit on social) who come as workers are waiting at construction sites, farms, factories and factories? Let him ride, they have been waiting there for ten years, or measure it again seven times, cut it once?

On some sites, ayzul is presented as a tour, although ayzul is far from sugar in most cases, no one will just let anyone ready for anything, and living on a poor allowance is not so easy, some who give up on aizul are forced to steal in stores, therefore, it is probably better to be a king in hell than a slave in paradise, although, as a rule, hell is not hell at all, because everything is known in comparison. Nobody intends to share wealth with anyone, so - a living wage will be thrown like bone and enough, and walk hungry, even in the richest country, along the street and watch the locals eat deliciously and drink sweetly in cafes and restaurants, not very interesting?

Why go to aizul for someone who feels uncomfortable psychologically in the host country, as a rule, those who want to leave for psychological reasons, will be 99% guaranteed to feel uncomfortable everywhere, as a rule, this is not a problem in the place of residence?

Craving for the art of the local population of rich countries due to the hard work of someone in the past and present?

Indeed, they say that the population of some rich countries is saturated materially, and now wants spectacles. From a rich life, usually everyone becomes sentimental, musicians and poets appear in more numbers than in poor countries. In a small amount, they are everywhere, by the way, according to the media, it is in rich countries that there are most musical groups, almost every schoolchild or student plays in some group of his own.

As some comrades who left for aizul and returned to their homeland complain, everyone only teaches, but ask someone for money or come to some country that teaches you how to live through your agents of influence, and ask that you be there legalized or granted asylum without evidence of your persecution, here it all begins, here the emigration services will kick you out of this country, as they used to say, like a drunken sailor from a port brothel. They (the authorities of that country, in which someone was striving to leave for a better share) try to cheat on the emotional, but when it comes to selfish, material issues like someone’s legalization in their country, they are not guided by the emotions they want, to be guided by someone, but by pragmatism and mercantile considerations.

In a word, why do they need another “hungry mouth” that receives and lives on their allowance? A regime is included, like the saying “your own, your own, but eat your own bread”, and there are more than enough workers in rich countries at the moment, there are enough emigrants with whom, in terms of physical work, for example, a construction worker helps a civilized person compete it’s very difficult, there are those who work for beggarly wages or for food, like ants, and no one can compete with them as a laborer. What is an aizul or not even an aizul, but emigration in action can be seen in the film “Running”, USSR, 1970, directed by Alexander Alov and Vladimir Naumov, based on the works of Mikhail Bulgakov. Although the events of the 1920s are indicated there, but the film is also relevant to our modernity, after the lapse of time you begin to understand that such films were not quite propaganda, but reflected the real state of things.




Hurry to get a job and earn money for old age and for the education of your children, as in almost every country in the world there is age discrimination - after 45 years it is difficult to find a job? Classes that promote freedom of thinking - a janitor, a helper, a loader - are meditation professions in which, when working, you can immerse yourself in yourself and think about what's interesting and what you like?

The most difficult thing is to serve and work for the government, do you need a person with a minimum of instincts and emotions, like pilots and train drivers? Is it easier in the civil service for someone who has a business or a second job? Does the government need people who are fully included in reality, and they are not distracted from this by phobias, neuroses, and harmful and not harmful addictions? Emotions and instincts interfere with work - then you need to find a job where it is welcome? Everything is built simply - those who a priori have what are called weaknesses, contain through taxes those who do not have weaknesses or their minimum, for example, military, civil servants, scientists or astronauts? Civil servants should not have much that is considered weaknesses (for the opposite sex, alcohol, self-promotion in the form of flaunting their personal lives, etc.) - can they be fired for this? Turn into work or in making money what you are ready to do for the sake of endorphins, that is, out of sheer enthusiasm, and not for the sake of money? Passing with ionarny ethnogenesis - a certain percentage of people in society who are able to change something? “Never take a vacation. Why do you need it? If work is not fun, then you are not working where you need it, ”the words attributed to billionaire Donald Trump.

Indeed, serving the majority of governments is probably the most difficult task, you have a minimum of free time and a maximum of various hardships, you, as a rule, should always be “in the wings”, that is, so that always what is called the state can use you , for this, for those who choose to serve the state, for example, in the role of a military man, they build barracks, and therefore you must first of all be suitable for such a service in terms of your qualities, and one desire for the service is not enough. So the profession must be chosen not only at will, but also take into account your capabilities.

Lyrics: while working at a construction site, I saw a fly flying into the room and beating through the window, although next to the window where she knocked with her head to fly out, there was a second open window, it was only worth flying to the fly to the open window, and the problem was solved, which means that indeed there is always a way out of any situation, you just need to be able to find it.

Dismissal from work can be compared with such a phenomenon in astrophysics as a black hole (do not forget that everything has both cons and pluses - where it disappeared, it arrived, this is an indisputable fact) when the planet explodes and a supernova forms, etc. e. a new cosmic body, a black hole (with which such a phenomenon as dismissal can be associated) attracts everything that is nearby, and from this material a new planet is born. Dismissal is not such a terrible thing, because the end of the old is the beginning of something new, remember the "supernova" star formed from a black hole after the explosion of an old planet. You don’t have money, but you have your own free time that you used to sell to your employers, you can solve your problems, you can start to study on your own (it’s not without reason that monks and clergy are considered smart, this is because they have the opportunity to constantly study )

When looking for work, activity is important, only activity will bring it closer to the desired result. When employing, you need to take into account factors such as location (city, country) and time of stay (year), as they say, you need to be at the right time at the right place, these factors are always taken into account by the business - they produce and sell what is in demand for this the moment, so, in principle, in the writing sphere - the works on actual topics in the country are most in demand (they are different in each country).



At the interview, and not only at it, but in life, there are people who are trying to put you in an awkward position, for example, by what is called humiliation, humiliating you - in this way they catch a “buzz”, that is, they get from it a portion of endorphins, but as soon as the interview ends, you become the master of the situation, since you can find out all the shortcomings of the institution whose representatives conducted a sadistic interview with you and signal this in a form convenient for you? The main thing is not to be afraid of anything new, change professions and look for your own? Interviews and interrogations are similar: a guide to conducting interrogations in war and non-war time - is there such?

They pay as a fool, they ask how smart.

(A proverb whose author is unknown)

“I heard such nonsense, next to which it is an explanatory dictionary,” - the words of the queen from the cartoon “Alice through the Looking Glass”, filmed by the writer Lewis Carroll, director Efrem Pruzhansky, 1982, USSR.

“To stay in place, you need to run headlong, and to move forward, you need to run twice as fast,” - the words of the queen from the cartoon “Alice in Wonderland”, based on the work of writer Lewis Carroll, directed by Ephraim Pruzhansky, 1982, THE USSR.

If there is no specifics in the conversation, if the employer does not go to a discussion about wages, and starts from his side, instead of answering your questions, the lyrics are in the form, as they say empty talk, "pouring water" or "rolling cotton wool" (for example: "here I am you’ve earned so much in your years ”or“ we start a relationship of mistrust with you ”), then you can be sure that this is called“ sharaga ”or“ sharashkin’s office ”, and if someone gets it money, then only the one who is the leader of this "sharaga".

During employment, the author went to an interview with several employers at once in order to choose the most suitable one, which, however, the employers themselves do when they are searching for an employee - they invite several applicants at once and choose, in their opinion, the best one.

I asked the following questions to the person conducting the interview: what is the design for employment, the contract or the contract, asked if there is a salary part and its amount, and everything that concerns, as is now customary to say, motivation, did they previously have an employee of the position that they are looking for a person, if he was, then why quit, if someone worked before me, then I was interested in how much he managed to earn per month, working conditions, at the end of the conversation he said “Well then” and specified when You can find out if I suit them or not.

At the interview, the main thing is not to indicate that there was a bad or dumb boss or there were poor working conditions, you need to refer to the fact that there was a small salary, so I left the previous place of work or company or company, and therefore I’m looking for a new place.

And what to do when you were about to be fired for a negative article? One employer said the following: he wanted to dismiss the employee for negative reasons, to which the employee told him that he was “being dragged out” by the courts, and this helped, the employer was afraid of “hemorrhoids”, and no one was fired, as the people say, “according to the article ".

What about job search? Here you need to show all the accumulated life experience of communicating with people and choose the right line of behavior along with the information provided about yourself to the employer. And the most important thing is activity in all respects, including, of course, the search for work, do not be afraid to be imposed on the employer, within the framework of the reasonable, of course, do not be disappointed in the unsuccessful first interview, and in the second, and third, and fourth, and, perhaps, even in the fifth, experience appears in how to make the right impression on the employer, and over time you understand what he wants to hear from you. How to build your legend ? For example, he, the employer, wants to hear from you that you increased production or sales in your past work, you need to say that you increased volumes in your past work and expanded the market, increased the number of customers - in case of an interview for a position For example, a sales representative (depending on which position is interviewed), and most importantly - not to worry, it's not professional, is also not recommended to smile all the time, some employers are experiencing from this irritation, and in a complementary of soft-touch, you can impress a man. You need to conduct yourself as naturally, calmly as possible, imagine, for example, that you already have a job, and you are looking for a second one, or something better than an old job, but it’s better to already have a job in real life and look for a second one, the availability of work makes it possible to behave confidently in an interview when looking for a second job. You need to talk a lot and intelligently about yourself without pauses.

If it is not possible to get information about the employer from someone or from somewhere (about his solvency, for example), or the job is such that it allows you to get a job at once for several companies or organizations, then it is advisable to use it and get in as many institutions and enterprises, at once to several companies: come to get a job with one employer, then another and choose the best or the best (if you do not mind working in two jobs and if the work allows it) in the end, because you are no worse than the employer - he chooses the best of all who came for an interview, and you choose one of the best of all who invited you for an interview.

A bad entry in the work book - you can throw the book away, say that you worked in another country, now decided to return home, that they say that the personnel department can check your last job on the insurance card, nonsense, nobody will do it , the probability is very small, although the HR department can do this, but some HR departments do not know where to go to find out about your past work place, this is tested by experience.

If you haven’t worked for a long period of time after leaving your last job, it doesn’t matter either - he was earning money in another country, but then you understand what the employer will think, he knows that migrant workers, as a rule, do not make entries in the labor book .

Why did he come back from where he worked as a guest worker? The answer is tired of lodging in rented apartments, or you can say that you decided to find an official job at home, with a note in the work book so that you have seniority, or come because of a change in marital status or pay little for work.

At the interview, you need to ask specific questions to get specific answers, we emphasize once again - specific, don’t listen to relatives or people who advise you to keep a sense of tact - strong tact is superfluous, at the interview you need to specify the amount of wages, ask for what reasons the person who worked for you at your potential place where you are going away leaves work (as a rule, you can hear the answer from most employers that he left for another place of residence). If the employer is doing fine, you will hear logical, adequate answers from him, but if the employer starts to “load”, “bug” and go away, say something not like some examples from his personal life, then something it’s not so, and don’t be afraid that you will not be hired because of your direct questions, again, if the employer is normal in terms of solvency, then your questions will not alert him, if there is no money to pay salaries, he will be afraid of you to take to work. Now, as some say, everyone is "Americanized."

By the way, according to the media, Eastern Europeans are more similar in their psychological mentality to US citizens than to Western European citizens, again, according to the media, in Western Europe the level of psychological tension is much lower than in Eastern Europe and than in the United States of America, there is no such rhythm, everything is quiet, measured, calm.

Let us repeat that when asked why he left his previous place of work or past places of work, you need to answer that there was a small salary or promised a big salary, but you gave a small salary, but in no case do you need to say that you didn’t like that, that the chief is a fool, well, etc., in such a plane of criticism, this has already been said. You don’t need to be afraid that they will call the management from their former job in order to make inquiries, even if they characterize them negatively from the previous place of work, you need to remember that everything can be interpreted in a way that is advantageous for yourself, for example, to say that the leadership is simply evil for me due to the fact that I quit, it promised me that it would give such characteristics in relation to me. You need to remember the saying: everyone has their own truth.

One acquaintance said that you can ask your friend to give you a description by phone to your new boss, let him (a friend) introduce himself as your former boss when they call his phone number (you can give your employer a phone number to he gave a characterization). And one more thing: you never need to go for an interview drunk or after drinking, if the employer smells what is called “fumes”, then even if you are smarter or more interesting for the employer than others who came for the interview, you still won’t be taken to work, and you lost to your competitors in employment.

For everything that you planned to do, there should be a social request, maybe it will not be at that moment at which you did what you did, but then it will be like some artists and writers who appreciated works after their life ? Do not put all the eggs in one basket - the basket will fall, and the eggs will break (there must be two or more works - they will be fired from one job, the other will remain), is the presence of several works a person the guarantor of his calm life? There must always be several jobs or one job and your own business, does this allow you to feel confident ? The psyche does not accept any conditions of existence, in this case related to work, then you need to find a job that does not need to "break" yourself? Learn, otherwise you won’t find a job called prestigious, you don’t study, you are tempted to play on the computer - turn on the Internet what you need to learn, listen and play on the computer at the same time? First find yourself, create what is called a “money hitch”, get an education - only then create a family? Be prepared for the second half of life, think about the future, do not get carried away by what are called complaints, do you spend time on making money for old age, get an education? An athlete’s drama is what some of the athletes face, because after 30 years, some have ended their sports career? Do you need to invest in risky projects in youth, since there is no longer an age resource for correcting erroneous actions?

Work for those who are called migrant workers in the metropolis. (The situation as of 2009.)

Well, when you are not looking for work, but she you? Without work, do some feel flawed? If you are not a programmer and not an IT specialist - when you are not looking for a job, but it is you, then you have to survive on a common basis? Act coldly - something did not work out, so this question has not yet matured? Communicate with people of the opposite sex - will they always help, since when two people of the opposite sex meet, endorphins are produced? Do not forget that we all look like biorobots? Do not feel those feelings that are commonly called constraint - this is just another “loading” in your brain, there is no respect for someone else in your working profession - this is just a “loading” for those who do not respect the working profession, where something so "asked"? I’m a sales representative, I work for no more than a week at the company - I write to the manager in vibe why the fuel chip was turned off, he answers me, come to the office (which is 150 km away from me), what’s the point if I go to the office and turn on the chip - some nonsense, how to "translate" into the Russian language all the tricks and oddities of the employer? If the employer begins to “bug”, you need to quit immediately?

Whitetrash (white trash) - according to the media, if you make no mistake, that is what the unemployed white-skinned population was called in some countries.

ATTENTION, this is an affirmative sentence: if you are going to work in another city or another country and doubt the solvency of the employer (factory, factory), then make a page on the dating site, meet a person of the opposite sex from the city and / or country where you were going to go - find out from him the situation at the enterprise where you are going to go to work, and after that you can make the most correct and win-win decision and not go away, as they say, thinking about whether they will pay you or not Bo cheated - do not cheat.

When looking for a job, one of the stories of the science fiction writer Alexander Belyaev is recalled, as a guy, having received a diploma, was looking for work, while feeling himself useless.

Yes, it happens when employers take the initiative and invite a specialist to work if he is an expert in his work, for example, a super-engineer-programmer with knowledge of English. In this case, he can leave his resume not only on sites with vacancies in his native country, but also on foreign sites where in the future the highest possible salary is, of course, there are legal aspects like a visa and so on, but if the company is interested in a specialist, this problem is more than solved, there is such a thing as a work visa.

If fate ordered you to be in a megalopolis not as a tourist, but as a guest worker, then a few tips (as of 2009): staying legally in a megalopolis of some states for three months (in each country is different) will provide you your ticket for the bus or train on which it arrives replaces the registration, after which it is necessary to register with the migration service, it is difficult to register without registration, law enforcement agencies will stop, there will be many questions. If a ticket is lost, we can say that he arrived recently in a friend’s car, where he, you know, went about his business, there’s no ticket in this connection, he didn’t manage to register, because he arrived last night, went to check in today (it’s "If there are no borders between states, and your entries and exits are not registered accordingly). Even if everything is fine with the documents, all the same, in order to minimize stopping you by law enforcement officers, it’s better not to look at the employee walking past him or buy a scarf from a local football team and wear it on your own to pass as a local one.

As for work, there is a lot of it, as in all megacities, the only question is that the chances of getting a “ sweet ” work without citizenship of the country of residence and residence registration are usually almost zero (if there are no agreements in the country of residence with your state), you need to monitor the economic and political situation.

Physical work awaits you, if you don’t know the language, then physical work is definitely waiting for you for a very long time (if it doesn’t "bother you"). In large megacities, presumably, there is a lot of work due to the fact that locals do not really want to work on those jobs that visitors work at, or do not work at all, because you can rent an apartment and live on it (remember “downshifting”).

If you are not settled down and you have nothing to return home, you can try to go to church, maybe you’ll be lucky, and they will give you a return trip, you can ask for money on the street, go to a construction site, find the same migrant workers as yourself, and ask from them, so that they raise money, so you go home, or go to the embassy of your country, they kind of have to arrange everything.

Intelligent 1960s, romantic 1970s, rebellious 80s, dashing 90s and pragmatic 2000s - do you need to keep abreast, as everything changes?

Probably, that’s exactly whoever embarked on the gangster way in the 1990s and who couldn’t understand that the gangster-90s will soon end, since any mess takes place only for a certain period after various revolutions, was left behind bars. and who was pragmatic, he legalized, became a businessman and met the pragmatic 2000th.

Work at home. (The situation as of 2009.)

Do you need to choose a profession in which you will always be the first, and not the second? Only those who are called scientists, and even people with some other specialties live, work and almost do not think about everyday problems - the rest are all players who are trying to adapt to circumstances and survive? Work on several jobs, have two jobs, don’t put all your eggs in one basket, according to popular wisdom - will you lose one job and remain unemployed if there is no second job?

Unfortunately, as they say, I want to be decent, but it doesn’t always work out, therefore, if you have a “fuzzy” nose at your old job, and an obligatory condition for the employer is to give your manager’s phone number from your previous place of work to receive characterizing data about you, we decide the problem is simple: as already partially discussed in the material, we buy a SIM card, take a mobile phone, insert a SIM card in this mobile phone and indicate in the application form that you were given to fill out, or in your resume the phone number of this SIM card, write that this is the number of your boss that you previously worked for, and when employers call your boss’s number (the number is, of course, not the boss, but yours), you can give yourself the characterization you want, well, ideally it’s better to find some another person with a “ tied up ” language, who should be brought up to date in advance and given a phone with the SIM card you just bought so that in case of a call from your potential place of work he could give you a supercharacteristic, before that, of course, you need to prepare it to the call.

And once again let us remind ourselves that you need to get better done on several jobs at once, unless, of course, the specialty allows, and in the process choose the most promising one in terms of payment and other criteria important to you, this has also been said, or stay on several jobs, again, if possible.

The situation in 2014 in many regions is such that a person with a simple working profession receives a salary that is often much higher than the salary of a person working where higher education is required (as a rule, this applies to those who study the humanities , people with higher education in terms of exact sciences, in most cases, earn well too). If this goes further, monuments to ordinary workers will be erected, there will be fewer of them, at least in the regions that are commonly called civilized.

By the way, if you don’t like the job for any serious reason, for example, you are afraid to do your job, because the job is responsible, it is recommended to change it if there is such an opportunity. Let us recall the statement of the captain of a German submarine in the movie "Secret Fairway" (USSR, 1986) on the replica of a mechanic that he wants to live long, the captain answered him that he had chosen the wrong profession if he wanted to live long. To die in a war while in military service, or to become an invalid is the cost of production?


Family relations: the principle of the existence of a family is a compromise, otherwise you are not for the family or look for a life together for someone who is not active, if he himself is? A family must be created from people with different characters, an active one must live with a less active one, an ambitionist with a less ambition - otherwise it will not work, will you find a scythe on a stone? If you have a family, you do not have the right to relax, if you do not want the children left without your supervision to become unhappy, and they are all manipulated in the negative sense of the word? Family should be the place where you can be yourself? Are marriages never cloudless? Someone alone in the family, either husband or wife, must be the one who is called strong in a psychological sense? Is money an important factor, without the right amount of money you are in danger, without them will you have unpleasant adventures in the form of a prison for unpaid child support, if we talk about the problems associated with the lack of money in the family? If you are a man and if you have weaknesses, for example, to drink alcohol, it is better not to marry, otherwise organizations such as a sobering-up station and prison are waiting for you, where will your wife "take you" or not? Most want to build relationships on their own terms - is one of the parties either accepting them or not?

Everyone dreams before going to bed how they will .., and not how they will give you your salary.

Replica of a husband to a wife who wants to find a better life partner than her husband.

Before you take such a serious step as marriage or marriage, you need to remember the words of Dzerzhinsky that a person is changing (by the way, he also said that there is nothing to talk about with someone who was not in solitary confinement (translating into an accessible language, his words can be voiced as follows - who does not know life is zero)). Accordingly, attitudes and feelings change and change, and we must not forget about the statistics, in this case, marriage and divorce. At a certain stage in their life together, some average citizens start cheating, scandals, sharing refrigerators and other property, wives drive their husbands out of apartments if they are drunk or for other reasons, and husbands wives.

It is necessary to take into account possible metamorphoses, a man (woman), who is usually called weak, is looking for a strong woman (man) so that she helps him psychologically, and this happens until a certain moment, until there comes a moment when, under certain circumstances, this force turns against this weak men, and then there are already problems to be avoided - this is something like autoimmune changes in the body, when compared with medical examples, when the body begins to struggle with its own parts of the body, perceiving them as foreign body.

A person with what is called deviant sexual behavior grabbed an unfamiliar girl between her legs in the entrance of an apartment building, it is unclear whether she was sober or drunk at that moment. Law enforcement agencies were called. The internal affairs officer who came to the call, after listening to the testimony of the above-mentioned girl, thought: “Rejoice that you are harassed by males, albeit with deviant behavior, there are those who can only dream about it (he meant a girl with a cosmetic defect in her face living in his area, whom I remembered at the time of voicing the incident by the girl who was grabbed between her legs). ” This is another point that indicates that laws are adopted on the basis of the psychological component of most people, but is there a minority that dreams of different attention?

Let's start with the so-called everyday life of a serious relationship between a man and a woman (m and f). Earlier, in the 1980s, in some countries, as a rule, in most cases, not everywhere, of course, the following was practiced: if you got married, here's a car from your wife’s parents, an apartment, now this is gone, and this proves that time and place changes people, people have now become different, and relations, accordingly, have changed between them, now married, used a car and an apartment, if they were, got divorced, took everything back from you - both the car and the apartment.

If there is a desire to find an accommodating husband or wife, then you should probably look for her or him in countries with a lower standard of living than in your country of residence, people there are less spoiled of civilizations, which means that more, as they say now, mentally strong (independent or independent). So do male citizens from considered wealthy states, taking wives from poor countries, they usually have feminism in their homeland (remember that, according to media reports, in some countries, feminists, as far as we know, “passed” the law on parliament that an attempt to meet on the street is seen as sexual harassment, but what about the rights of women with a high sexual temperament, among which there are, as a rule, those who dream not only of meeting them on the street, but also that raped - here again, ka the adoption of any law, take into account the interests of the majority of women with low sexual temperament more than high?).

And, of course, family relationships and relationships between m and f or f and m are in most cases the same manipulation as almost all interpersonal relationships.

By the way: if there is a family and a child, and he is not indifferent, you need to monitor your health for the child to teach him everything that you know yourself, because if you do not, then, as already mentioned, he will be taught and manipulated by the street or someone else. You need to monitor your health, sick parents do not need a child, what can they give him?

Relations between m and f, f and m, the creation of micro-revolutions in the mind for subsequent manipulation or without the purpose of manipulation, sexual temperament, etc. - Do you need to study what actions cause certain chemical processes in the human brain, do you need to learn neurochemistry? Different words and actions cause certain neurochemical processes in the majority - because of which, everyone who works with people needs to react correctly to any situation? For many, it all starts with virtual relationships that take place in real life - when someone looks at someone, urging or provoking a potential partner to such actions as acquaintance, but for some this does not work out, and virtual relationships drag out for a long time? Looking at someone is sometimes a way to attract the attention of the opposite sex, when it comes to when a woman looks at a man and vice versa? To make the acquaintance as successful as possible and without negative consequences for the psyche, when self-esteem suffers in case of refusal, you need to get acquainted with someone who looks at you or greets you, by which it is clear that he would never look at you or say hello to you , if you would not be interesting - all this, as a rule, indicates that you are interested in? A European man, unlike an Asian man, is suitable for meeting a woman once and doesn’t do it again if he refuses or is he not? Do not forget another possible reason for refusing to get to know someone - it can be not only because of ambition, fear, lack of sympathy, etc.: the one who does not want to get acquainted can be just the one who is called lesbian or gay? The queen defends the king, like in chess? Everything is explained from a scientific point of view - they choose the most, in the opinion of those who choose, beautiful partners because their children are beautiful, and if the children are beautiful, it will be easier for them to adapt in the environment, because beauty causes trust and attracts attention? To promise - not to marry? We scatter in different directions - a wife in one, a husband in another, do they need someone other than each other, again we look at the statistics of chances to find a new life partner? Every average person wants to be beautiful, because a beautiful person arouses a lot of feelings for himself, including, as already mentioned, trust and that’s why the unfamiliar or completely unfamiliar person lends money to someone he likes, or they choose a seller at the market, who also liked more than other sellers selling the same - again, beauty is credible? Try to ask on the street a small amount of money from the one you consider ugly and the one you think is beautiful, and you will see the difference in attitude to your request, an ugly and beautiful person in your opinion? Someone like pop, someone popeye, someone popovy daughter - does a beautiful person have less chance that he will be refused any of his requests, or has a buyer for each product? Between whom will the family union be stronger - between those who met at a sex party in a rich country, or between those who met in the city under bombing, in which military operations take place? What is more difficult, to be in prison or marriage, or is it the same thing, and there, and there is deprivation? The family is conservatism, and the family does not suit everyone - is it like work that is acceptable for one and unacceptable for another? Just wanting to start a family is not enough, you still need to be suitable for this in terms of moral and business qualities? Do not refuse to meet someone who wants to meet you, because then you can regret it? As already mentioned, they get to know and meet those who are considered average in the sense of their attractiveness, and before those who are considered beautiful, they "show off" and don’t bring matters to relationships? Do not let sexually active people into the family so as not to provoke infidelity? For a sexually temperamental person, one of the most important moments in his life to find a suitable sexual partner?

She fell in love with him for torment, and he for her compassion for him.

Shakespeare, Othello.

Everyone has his own idea of ​​the ideal, everyone loves in everyone what is acceptable to him, for example, I like the representatives of the opposite sex without prejudice and "simple" in character? He walked along the road with a classmate at the institute, he saw a fat girl selling meat at a kiosk, not with a double one, but, as they say, with a triple chin from fat folds on it, a one-year- old asked me to introduce him to her, I thought this is a “joke”, but then he began to meet with her and lived with her, though he himself was not Alain Delon according to my ideas about beauty, so he really was embarrassed when he asked me to introduce her to her? There is a buyer for each product, so you don’t need to be very proud that you consider yourself handsome or beautiful, because the king makes a retinue, you just have tricks from this retinue, who do you like, is everyone retinue different?

Two people are walking in the forest. “Kuma, are you not afraid of me? And then I am like that. ” Time passes and at the exit from the forest the phrase is repeated again: “Kuma, are you not afraid of me? And then I am like that. ” Here the godfather doesn’t stand it and says: “If I knew that you were like that, you would put on your underwear. There were different people on the life path of each, who have different situations, and very exclusive ones. The girl, 33 years old, told the following: she lived with a guy, they had two children, the guy owned three cars, officially didn’t work anywhere, for the whole period of his life together he didn’t give her a cent of money, worked as an unofficial taxi driver at night, traded, again , unofficially, with vodka - he saved up a Mercedes, which he later bought on the expensive "lupato", which he came to eat with his cohabitant or came to his mother for the same. They parted, the guy didn’t drink alcohol, but he didn’t carry money in his family either, he saved up, as already mentioned, an expensive car, he copied everything to his mother. This husband had a second girlfriend, the first one also did not drink alcohol, but was similar in his business and attitude to the family to his first husband - a conclusion: another “undercurrent” was dissected , it was revealed how partially in the region in which I live on this the moment, the origin and availability of expensive cars is explained by someone - it’s either an expensive car for “show-offs” (production of endorphins from the owner of the vehicle), taken on credit, but there is nothing to eat at home, or in this way - through accumulation money at the expense of food from his wife and parents. The unromantic way of making money on an expensive car, although there are some, as they say, are “driven” by the one who has such an expensive car, bought half-starving from the owner or his family, is not critical to the method of acquiring it. Well, in vain, probably, as a rule, in some cases a person in an expensive car has times less money in his pocket than a simple worker, and these are not emotions caused by hostility to the owners of expensive vehicles, this is an experience from personal life, and not only about the owners of expensive cars, but also expensive furniture, which the "rich" are not allowed to sit down with their family members after buying it - so as not to spoil it. Do not believe? Then check yourself, try to borrow money from the owner of an expensive car and at the same time from a worker. Therefore, it is not always necessary to envy someone who has expensive things that you dream about.

There are no really really rich people in most countries of the world at the moment, some “show off” under the rich, sheer half-schizophrenia of ambitious people in order to stand out? And again, the conclusion is that if someone still has wealth, then you need to remember that it or part of it will not immediately become the one who married this rich man, his wealth, do not forget about it, and whether if he gives something in material terms to someone who lives with him, or will not give, this question remains open all the time.

It is very rare (only when a person of the opposite sex inspires him to do it) when a guy or a man dreams of someone from a female giving money in their fantasies, in fantasies of an average male citizen, a meeting alone with the opposite sex, and this has already been said.

Certain chemicals are released into the blood of a person (usually men) when he finds his ideal - do these substances inspire gifts and a feeling like anticipation of a meeting? Does science say that living things began to reproduce sexually about 1 billion years ago? Love is evil, you will love me too - everyone has their own half, you only need to find it? I see words in your eyes - do not hesitate when a person of the opposite sex looks at you, get acquainted, if, of course, you need it? Make friends with people opposite to your gender - they will always help, because from being with you next they produce hormones of pleasure? It is easier to be friends with the opposite sex, since the process of communication is accompanied by the release of endorphins? Is love an idealization of someone, is love programmed by higher powers?

Dialogue in a social network: "Do you really believe in friendship between m and f?" Answer: “Yes, I believe, but do you believe in friendship m and m or f and f?”. "I do not believe in friendship between m and m or f and f."

As one man said, if it weren’t for the women, he would not have survived - in the sense, he would not have completed his retirement at his place of work. As some women say, in many men what is called vices by some people is more pronounced than in women, in men more than what are called weaknesses that affect their decisions? Women, so to speak, are psychologically stronger than men (women do all the hard work, remember if you lived in the USSR, as in Soviet times, when rails and sleepers were repaired on the railway, some women were dressed in red vests, among them not there was not a single man, and this is the hardest work, to wave the hammer all day, hammering crutches into the sleepers)? And only that man, a strong man who, in his psychological constitution, resembles a woman, so the queen in most cases, like in chess, defends the king, no matter how brutal this king looks outwardly?

You need to marry for love or, if this phrase seems naive to someone, then you need to get married if you have emotional affection for someone so that the relationship lasts a long time. If this is not the case, then all relationships, as a rule, are not for long , in any case, for the most part, because even loving people who are emotionally attached to each other often curse, but what good will happen if there are no feelings at all?

"Thrash" love or do not need to be strongly attached to each other? There are no generally accepted rules in relations, everyone has their own, everyone’s love changes over time, should this be known and remembered?

If you are a married man, it is recommended that you meet with a goal, so to speak, to “fall in love”, it is advisable only with married women (if you are married and want to meet for sex, you should indicate on dating sites that you are married, married women who want to meet will be more willing to respond to the attention of a married man than to the attention of an unmarried man can check this)? You need to meet married women, because unmarried women want a relationship, and then there may be resentment on the part of these women, exactly the same recommendations can be given to women. With age, can you predict the outcome of any relationship with people? For the most part, women with high sexual temperament are not against betrayal, they perceive only the relationship between married and married people, each of them is different (as, indeed, men), some adhere to the fact that those who are called a lover and mistress are the second family , and the meetings of lovers should also be long, like other relationships, some take it easier, just like the meetings of two people who lack something in the family, but they do not want to change anything. In most cases, those men who work in the women's team and depend on women for work are mistaken in the fact that if they sleep with everyone, then this will solve all working problems, maybe if they are married women, then it will be so, and if it will be unmarried, and if after that he will not meet with any of these unmarried women, continue the relationship, then for them he can become an enemy, such women need a relationship? With age, can and should you predict the outcome of any relationship with people?

After 35 years, everyone becomes cunning and “thought out”? As one woman said, on some dating sites there are some unfortunate people with psychological defects unsuitable for starting a family (defects in the sense of a very “difficult nature”) that interfere with integration into family relationships? In some countries, an attempt to meet a woman on the street is regarded by law as sexual harassment - this is not sexual harassment, but a meeting of two people with different sexual temperaments, one of whom needs sex and the other does not? Those who do you services when you are over 30 years old, need to be appreciated, after 30 years such altruistic people become few?

If we don’t forget that after 30 years everyone becomes “thought-out”, then if a “simple” person was found at this age (this is real), then it is not recommended that they be manipulated in the bad sense of the word, because there are probably a few with him you need to maintain normal relations, as with an endangered view from the Red Book, it needs to be valued no matter how banal it sounds.

Some people are unpleasant when they want only money from them, apparently, higher forces by the release of unpleasant hormones into the body show that they do not need such an unreliable person to live together, this is if someone is unpleasant when they just want him to something material.

Men who are accustomed to the attention of women and do not want to refuse it should better not marry, since, as a rule, women with a standard sexual temperament are no longer interested in them after their marriage, in any case, unmarried women, women with high sexual temperament men perhaps they will be interested in any of their status, whether they are married or not, but when an adult begins, and a man has to go to work in a male team, there is usually no time to search for women with high sexual temperament, or and not enough, or can you get married later, to look for married meetings, if necessary?

Remember that manipulating someone, for example, to “spin” someone from the opposite sex for money is something that some perceive as a repulsive factor, with such people, as a rule, they do not want to build long-term and serious relationships, because Few people like the “thought-out” ones, probably only those who do not pay attention to it can treat them in any way, without emotion. These are simple, not proud people, or people in years, for example, who have money that can be proud, but are forced to “swallow” the fact that they communicate with them for material rewards, due to the fact that, due to their years they are interesting to the opposite sex, which is much younger than them, only as a cashier, issuing money, or an ATM.

Women who set a goal to find a rich man (although this is probably not the right world outlook, since, as already mentioned, they are afraid to have a serious relationship with the “thoughtful” ones, and some women seek because of this rich until retirement or they don’t find the one they want, since they demand a lot from life and from rich potential candidates for husbands, and because there are few rich, but these women decided to play big - either rich or no one?), you need to be able to distinguish rich men who want to "fall in love" with them, from heaven ies? Some of the poor are usually people who want the attention of women, they do not have wealth, they simply create their appearance, take expensive cars on credit, and, after this procedure, as you already know, there is nothing to eat, that is, they distinguish the mere appearance of wealth, from the real existence of material wealth? Do not forget, if a person is rich, then wealth is his, and not the one or not the one with whom he or she meets, and he can be much less generous than just a guy or a girl working for a standard salary. Men who give gifts to women can then act according to the following scheme: by giving gifts and using the body of the person to whom they were given, they can lend the money donated, disappear, it seems like he had raped, and returned the money spent on the body?

If a person is temperamental, and you are in his taste, you will find a common language, he will certainly accept your offer to meet for sex. If someone refuses to meet, then some people think that there is no need to waste time (why impose oneself if you don’t want to?), Even if it comes to sex with someone who refused to meet, there is nothing other than classics in sex you will see, there will be no kind of exoticism, although in rare cases it is possible to refuse a temperamental person, when he with great ambition puts his satisfaction higher than the satisfaction of sexual desire, or he is already dating someone and he has sex in this regard, there is already. Proud people, as a rule, can be left alone, without a partner, before and after retirement, proud and arrogant often remain alone, since it is difficult to find someone who needs them like that. Signs that they want you sexually: greeting you on the street (this does not mean standard greetings at work, but the attention of a neighbor or neighbor in your place of residence who did not greet you before) or looking at you are two main signs who say that they expect a response from you (provoke you to them). If this is not or was not (they didn’t greet you or look at you), then if you don’t want to “break off”, then it’s better not to “roll up”. If you are not afraid of “breakdowns” and, accordingly, a blow to self-esteem, then you can try to get acquainted with someone who did not pay you any attention, but as they say, reading paragraph two, see paragraph one: why impose yourself if you don’t want to, how said in the paragraph above?

There are also so-called “ semi finished products ” in relationships - it’s like when someone started to “roll up” to someone, but they didn’t finish the job for reasons known only to him, for example, because of laziness, fear of “breaking off” , of what is called ambition, etc., and the one who was “tackled” does not understand why there is no continuation of the love story.

Why do I want more often, and she’s less likely to do this, or less often, and she’s more likely, the answer and the matter, as already indicated, is in sexual temperament, all people have it differently, someone wants to fall in love more often, someone less often. Choose a partner, if possible, with the same sexual temperament, but, as a rule, it does not always work out? When something is missing in the family, it is sought on the side - will someone else fill the psychological vacuum? But it’s okay, it rarely happens when a person combines all the qualities you need, you can compensate for the difference in temperament by betrayal, that is, go to the side, the main thing is that after that you do not have an intrapersonal conflict (cognitive dissonance), i.e. so that conscience does not torment, although conscience was invented by those who lead people, they say so themselves, who directs them?

This is what was posted by one of the users of social networks of the Internet.

Sigmund Freud immortalized his name by picking up the keys to the unconscious. He understood what the drama of the human soul is and what is needed for its healing. We offer you 18 Freud’s tips that will guide you on the right track, help you remove anxiety and better understand yourself.

The mystery of the human soul lies in the mental dramas of childhood. Get to the bottom of these dramas and healing will come.


A person is recovering by “unleashing” his sexuality.


The only person with whom you must compare yourself is you in the past. And the only person you should be better than is you now.


You do not stop looking for strength and confidence outside, but you should search in yourself. They were always there.


Without a doubt, the problem of anxiety is the nodal point of many critical issues; solving the riddle of anxiety will shed a stream of light on the whole mental life of a person.


Neurosis is the inability to bear uncertainty.


In a love relationship, you can not spare each other, as this can only lead to alienation. If there are difficulties, they must be overcome.


Unfortunately, repressed emotions do not die. They were silenced. And they from the inside continue to influence the person.


Nothing happens by chance; everything has a root cause.


In a certain sense, what we call happiness happens as a result of (preferably unforeseen) satisfaction of a long time of pent-up needs.


A man who was the undisputed favorite of his mother, throughout his life carries a sense of winner and confidence in luck, which often lead to real success.


A dream never deals with trifles; we do not allow the insignificant to disturb us in a dream. Outwardly innocent dreams turn out to be not harmless if we deal with their interpretation; so to speak, they always have a "stone in the bosom."


Depression is frozen fear.


How courageous and self-confident is one who becomes convinced that they love him.


People find the reality unsatisfactory and therefore live in a fantasy world, imagining themselves the fulfillment of their desires. A strong personality translates these desires into reality. The weak lives in this world of her own, and her fantasies are embodied in the symptoms of various diseases.


Being completely honest with yourself is a good exercise.


Loafers rarely go to a busy person - flies don’t fly to a boiling pot.


Only the realization of a childhood dream can bring happiness.

Some especially temperamental men with high sexual temperament are upset not finding temperamental women, but there are quite a lot of them (though less than temperamental men), they just need to be found and no one should complain that they are difficult to find. After all, those who were formerly called homosexuals, and now they are called gays, are not easy at all, they cannot just approach someone on the street and get to know each other. The temperament is different even in animals, on tablets for suppressing sexual desire, sold in pet stores, there was an inscription: "The dosage of so many tablets depending on the temperament of the animal." Some even with high sexual temperament, single women do not give themselves away for a long time to a man who is interesting to them, fearing that after that he will abandon her, since he will lose interest in her, how true is this? After all, there are cases when a man, on the contrary, was looking for that woman who surrendered to him immediately and disappeared after that - there is no universal recipe for holding someone back , if a woman was “hooked” on a man, it does not matter when she surrendered to him or when to surrender?

When meeting someone, in order to start a conversation, one may ask if the girl is married, for example: “Hello, girl, are you married? I want to meet you. ” If not, then you can continue the conversation with the question: “Do you have a boy?” Or “Are you friends with married people?” Are you dating? ” The main thing is that there should be no pauses in communication, as in other cases of dialogue, whether it be a conversation with the employer at an interview or something else?

As already mentioned, if a man is married, then, as a rule, he will have to forget about the female attention of unmarried women, these women, as a rule, are only interested in unmarried women, some men begin to understand this with age and introduce themselves to single women when they meet free women, so that the woman was more accessible sexually.

Although the following phrases “cut off” the hearing, in certain cases when communicating with each other some use the following nouns (sometimes together with other parts of the speech, such as “Hello, Kotya”), causing, in their opinion, mutual sympathy: little hare, little squirrel, a mouse, a kitten, a lapule, a cat, a kitten, a kitten, a baby, a baby, a darling, etc., but there isn’t much need for “sweet”, or will he begin to feel sick? Sometimes everything will look vulgar and ridiculous, which does not bring the desired result closer to arouse interest, in general you need to act on the circumstances, given what the person with whom you are communicating is his social status, profession, and so on.

Using the methods of influencing each other in the relationship between m and f, do they know those who use them?

One of them - creation of fixation on you, as an example earlier races meters atrivaemaya sexualization of Property: emphasizing the figure leggings, pants on the girl with a big zipper on the fly - that can occur with some those who are called impressionable people male (and a man like how is more impressionable than women)? With someone who talked to the person who wears such trousers, fixation, fixation can occur, no matter how ridiculous it sounds, for example, on a fly lock? Simply put, this moment, some people who are predisposed to fixing their identities will remember for a long time, especially if the person who wore such trousers was cute for the person who talked to him (“... undress, go out naked, they’ll fill their thoughts your body ... ”is the song of the Nautilus Pompilius group, one political scientist in his methods of non-violent struggle takes one of the points into account the tendency to fixation in some part of society, he suggests publicly undressing). Persons prone to fixation are probably predisposed to self-flagellation, recalling the negative moments in their lives, although everyone has negative moments, but everyone solves the problems differently about this, this is said in this work.

Recalling one of the points of the methods of the so-called non-violent struggle from the book of one political scientist, namely the item "public undressing", we can say that this action - public undressing - in non-violent struggle (psychological warfare) is designed specifically to form fixation on a naked or half-naked body, with you can write a slogan on the body, and those who are called impressionable personalities will remember not only this body, but also what was written on it, which was necessary for the one who organized the action with a naked body inscriptions on it. The naked body in this case is used to introduce any ideas, including political ones. It has already been written above that whoever knows the Nautilus Pompilius group heard the song where it is sung: "... undress, go out naked, their thoughts will fill your body ...". Broadcast ideology through sexualization - public undressing. Sexualization also occurs through the sexualization of computer game characters. To attract attention, some resort to sexualizing themselves by posting candid photos on dating sites, for example, on dating sites.

Thus, using the analysis method, one can explain every point of the methods of the so-called non-violent struggle of a book by one political scientist, namely, what each point is designed for: the point of public undressing and demonstration of delights, which it is designed for, it’s already clear what the item “accusation” is calculated for, for example accusing ”, it’s also clear, you blame those who accuse you, you change your status of the accused to the status of the victim, victims of the accusers.

Illiterate Internet messages sent to the opposite sex are not sexual, but literate are sexual? Fear and desires go side by side? Overwhelming emotions before meeting hinder getting to know each other? Beautiful ones should remember that some of them not only want them sexually, but they are also afraid, and therefore, if they build themselves inaccessible, it may not work at all in the sense of acquaintance with the opposite sex? Fear prevented many from realizing their desires, but now talking about something else, sexuality is concentrated not only on what people are used to judging about sexuality - is the naked body also not quite sexy, and in beautiful lingerie more sexy? Take in husbands or wives any of the power structures, astronauts or doctors - should they undergo psychological testing for psychological stability?

Once again, if you do not lie and tell everyone only the truth, society will collapse, and the one who is called an independent person (a person who cannot feed himself, or who is called an addict, an alcoholic), is forced to deceive and intrigue in order to survive or feel comfortable?

I heard one dialogue on the street: “Let's not forget that when communicating with someone, if you set yourself the task of impressing who you are communicating with and if you succeed (by creating micro-revolutions in your opponent’s mind, open it to him eyes on any circumstances), then after that you also need to save the state of trance into which you entered the one you were in dialogue with, unless, of course, you need it, or you don’t take time and do what you wanted to do after that as he introduced into the trance of the interlocutor (if there was or appeared motivation), and ache, he may withdraw from it, since the introduction of the resource into a trance opponent is exhausted, it will no longer give the impression it will have nothing to do, there is no information for the new micro-revolutions in the minds of the source, and the source grows and changes. "

No need to rush to part with anyone, if the one you want to part with is at least pretty, can you establish a new status for anyone at any time? It is better not to become attached to each other if there is no opportunity then to meet? By the way, the handwriting is the same for almost all women, and therefore, if you believe that the character of a person can be determined by handwriting, then almost all women are the same or almost the same? Does human sexual thinking also influence thinking and behavior? As the phrase from someone’s verse says, it’s impossible to harness a horse and a trembling doe in one team - or is it different in interpersonal relations and vice versa?

Women react to male behavior the same way in different parts of the world, just as their desires are similar to men, for example, women drive drunk husbands out of the house, apparently they were programmed so that children would not be injured if there is a family, however, and in men, desires in most cases also coincide, if we talk about most men and women?

ATTENTION, this is an affirmative sentence: the dialogues below, like all this material, do not have the goal of promoting anything, the dialogs simply express the physiological and psychological needs of some and the ways that some go to meet these needs, as literature expresses the behavior of some people, while also having no purpose of propaganda of anything.



Unisex time - everyone began to express themselves more clearly and openly, including in front of the opposite sex: they do not like my frankness - pass by, then you're not for me? I was told that there are a lot of inadequacies and charms on the Internet - is unusualness both attractive and repulsive? I won’t marry him, because the fortuneteller has guessed that I will live badly with him - many are afraid that they will have to face difficulties? With the help of some photos in social networks, a gloss is catching up - like “look how everything is fine with me”? You are just tired of impotent women, how tired of impotent women are from the movie “Alchemists” with Yuri Stoyanov and Ilya Oleinik in the lead roles (Russia, 2000, directed by Dmitry Astrakhan), so do not “sprinkle poison” on dating sites on those who refused in sex, do not waste time on those who did not want to meet right away, look for a partner with a high sexual temperament, if you need it? Learn from the personnel department of any enterprise how they look for personnel (the personnel of some organizations change their personnel every month or two months in order to find the one who, in their opinion, will be the most suitable for them - learn to choose a partner from them, and from special services - vigilance), from each structure, not only from people, can you learn behavior? Do not waste time on those who do not want sex with you, spend this time looking for a partner with whom you will have full sexual compatibility? For a man to be near the one that is interesting to him, and not to offer her to meet with him or to stay alone with her and not to start to molest her - this is a perversion or if a man really likes a woman, he will not talk about sex with her, so how is it that from its mere presence next to it, what is called endorphins is produced? With the help of endorphins, higher powers indicate to all biological beings who or what they need? Look for a partner outside dating sites, has it been noticed that this significantly increases the chances of finding the one you need? Pay attention to those who live next door to you, because outside dating sites people meet in most cases more interesting than dating sites, because if they meet on the Internet, it means they don’t succeed in real life, and also Acquaintance with those living in the neighborhood works the factor that they know you, which means that it is safe to get to know you, which is not on the Internet? The one who offers sex is called impotent and impotent sexually preoccupied, or critics can not be avoided anywhere: as said at the beginning of this material, if a person is temperamental and you do not bother him, he will call you impotent, and if a person is not temperamental, and you if you pester him, he will call you sexually preoccupied? From lectures on sociology, it follows that 90% in society are the so-called average people, 10% are different from others, and there are also people from the 5+ category, they are noted to be like officials - why it’s hard for some dating sites to find someone who is needed - because there are only about 10% of those who are needed, or even less?

In the status on the dating site on the page of one of the girls on it, I saw the following inscription: “Please do not disturb the princes, otherwise the radiculitis prevents them from bending”. I rephrased this status and set myself the following: "Princesses are requested not to reply to my messages."

Tip: do not s abyvaem high technology, is that a loved one had gone on a tour to another country, international calls are expensive, vayber on the street, where is your other half, is not everywhere, find a place where there is a street of web-camera, we agree in advance on the airtime, and those who stay at home enter the places via the Internet, connect to the webcam and look at their favorite people, for example, enter the phrase: “Dam Amsterdam square webcam or Moscow Red Square” into the search engine and it's done look at love s or loved one. Here is the dialogue, the beginning of dating on the Internet in one of the social networks with a girl (spelling and punctuation left in the original):


6 days ago

let's be friends

6 days ago


6 days ago

are you married?

6 days ago

No, divorced

5 days ago

Are you looking for a new husband?

5 days ago

I didn’t lose anything

5 days ago


4 days ago

This is not the place to look.

4 days ago


4 days ago

Here, most write one thing and look for another

4 days ago

The lies on the site are already tired

4 days ago

Two-faced schizophrenics

4 days ago

A lot of concerns

4 days ago

Impotentok too

4 days ago

It’s ridiculous.

4 days ago


4 days ago

And lezbiek

4 days ago

And gay

4 days ago

Yes it happens

4 days ago

you are not a student

2 days ago

Gave birth to three

2 days ago

I did not ask about reproductive function

14 hours ago

I'm great

7 hours ago


The main thing is not to blink the “flash” when there is a provocation for acquaintance from the opposite sex to you, maybe there won't be a second time? Manipulating a game with contrasts, in this case sexual contrasts , is when many bright women don’t surrender to men, and there is one that immediately surrenders to such contrasts between those who don’t surrender and the one that surrenders, immediately strongly Is the "male" being "conducted"? I’m familiar with the girl who gave herself up on her first date - after that the men who were impressed by this did not stop calling her, and she already decided which line of behavior to take based on the identity of the caller: to enjoy what’s not picking up the phone, or to manipulate - in an average man, emotional attachment is formed quite quickly, especially if he is a man after 30 years old, when the opposite sex is not as much in love as before? A familiar, temperamental woman who made French love with a man she did not know in the fitting room — she just came up and asked the man, “Can I do this for you?” And did it. After she was told that this man was looking for her - again, given the impressionability of most men, they can be manipulated in a good way - so that he wants to call, for example, to get married? It has been noticed that some emigrants in social networks dedicated to dating are independent and pragmatic, they do not include the characteristic that applies to some local residents - emigrants watch whether a man “hooked” a man or not, if they look “hooked” on the street or no, by the look, they ask openly - missed, remembered? Perverts are those who need a stronger experience? Absolutely all women whose sexual sensitivity is not only inside but also outside, are highly temperamental? Are there less temperamental women than temperamental men? If you think that the person of the opposite sex with whom you met is ideal, then you can not immediately strive for sexual relations with him, as it may not work out because emotions will overwhelm you, you need to get used to it? “Roll-up” is necessary for those who walk with a disgruntled face, who, as is customary to say, outside the comfort zone, they usually lack something, and therefore they are more likely to get to know them, since those who are smug look, a priori everything is fine and everything is enough - does intelligence even work for recruiting agents on this principle, and is this called “recruiting on an emotional basis”? They say that unhappy people or simply those who have some unrealized motives in real life use dating sites and they want to implement them on the Internet? Some women divide men into fast and slow - in the sense, after what period of time will they offer the woman to do this? Psychologists say that those who have many women in adulthood paid little attention to their mother in childhood? It is more difficult to get to know and communicate with people with higher education than with those who do not have it, because, as a rule, are people ambitious with higher education? Will you want or love a person until he is "blocked" by a new, more beautiful and interesting person for you? We are reducing our significance in order not to make obstacles for someone who wants to meet you, and for someone who wants to see you as a friend? Don’t give the price more than the price for which the goods can be bought, and don’t give the price more than the price of the goods, otherwise he will become bedridden - he is familiar with a girl who is 35 years old, and she has not yet been married, looking for husbands it is customary to lyrically say, at least a millionaire and the first never calls men, looking for a husband only from megacities, being herself from a small provincial town - she has a chance to find her husband or not, from the category of those whom she wants to see her husband, her installations went to her harm or for good, because she can’t achieve what she wants, or he too many demands of life while she is looking for his ideal, all candidates for a husband from "mere mortals" who are not millionaires, already disassembled, or she is just playing for high stakes, and perhaps already lost? What is a budget option for a relationship? Another new ambitious profession has emerged - a behavioral analyst? An intrapersonal conflict in the case of a relationship between a man and a woman is when you want to get to know each other, but not only fear, but also ambition does not allow this, and intrapersonal conflict in this case is when the ambition and desire to meet meet?

... Obedient and smart - a diligent student,

But a wrinkled face a short nervous tick

He showed that a difficult burrow lives in him ...

Arthur Rambo, the book “The Drunken Ship”, the verse “Seven Yearly Poets”.

“What are you doing on the dating site, there are some unhappy people there?” - wrote the native of Finland in her correspondence with the author.

Lyrics: “Aren't you afraid to go home alone through the forest?”

“Why be afraid? I love sex, I know the way. ”

It was already mentioned or not that one girl (mentioned above, who was given on the first date) involuntarily became a participant in a social experiment - from her, when she went out on the street when she was sexually dressed (in leggings), she was molested or on expensive cars, or alcoholics, what conclusion can be drawn from this? Is the owner of an expensive car and an alcoholic one psychotype, or are they just partially similar, or is it an accident?

Many criticize those from the opposite sex who refused to ask them to get to know them, but, as a rule, those who criticize themselves will not deny themselves the pleasure of catching endorphins and “breaking off” someone who “rolls” them with a similar proposal? Those who “break off” those who want to get to know them, as a rule, are left alone for the rest of their lives, have they been inspired by this, or have they inspired themselves that they need at least a millionaire or, again, they play big? Some just check the effects of the enchantment on the opposite sex, passing by who they want to test their enchantment - is this again an example of the work of endorphins? The main thing is not to "slow down" and not blink out the "flash" when the "tackle" comes to you from the opposite sex, the second time it may not be - forge the iron while it’s hot? When someone “rolls up” to someone with a hint of acquaintance, he expects feedback from the one to whom he “rolled up”, in the form of his reaction to his actions, if there is no reaction that says that he’s not against meeting , then the second "tackle" again, may not be? When you know that you are beautiful (or beautiful), you need to be sociable if you want to get to know you, because they are afraid of beautiful people, because at the same time they attract with their beauty, they repel it, and if you are besides being beautiful If you are still angry, then they will bypass you, and you will push people away from you doubly who want to get to know you? Acquaintance on the street is a delicate thing, "stormozil", and there might not be a second time? In real life it is easier to get to know and meet if the person you want to meet or meet knows you, because you are not a stranger, and therefore they are not afraid of you? The average man (or woman) wants to collect one (one) of several women (men): from one (one) fasten a high sexual temperament, from the second (second) decency, from the third (third) thrift, from the fourth (fourth) money - that’s why they are looking for relationships on the “side”, to complement what is not, is betrayal - is it cement or not? After meeting with the opposite sex, some people think that the meeting was of poor quality, and that they “blunted” it, but the meeting was of poor quality in terms of their coordinates and their stereotypes that they have in their brains, and that's that?

A good p ... always let the juice go. (A crude saying about a woman’s high sexual temperament)

Paradox: many people meet people who are considered of average appearance, including those for sex, and those who are considered very beautiful, enjoy (endorphins) in another way - not letting them in (keep the suit) and showing off before them, even if they "roll up" to them themselves, but can the "suit" be kept until retirement, is it important to stop in time?

I wanted to meet a little drunken neighbor, whom I had not met before, and I am married and she is married - a neighbor left the store, called me by name, took my arm, and we walked with her to the house in which we live, it’s clear that it is a “tackle”, but since there was no reciprocity due to the fact that it “slowed down”, did not show activity, it didn’t work, after that I met it near the elevator only once, and the situation didn’t have a “tackle” already for my part, of course, she interpreted in her own way that I didn’t take her phone number or invite l Coffee during that time, as we walked together out of the store, I thought that I'm not interested, but she was wrong.

Ahead, a girl standing in a line of the store looked all the time on the sides, when I turned my head, I saw with lateral vision that she was looking at me - there was no activity on my part, she paid and left, I did not see her again.

Cybersecurity is based on the same principles as conventional security - do not communicate with strangers. Communication on the Internet is safe, because at the time of communication there is no possibility of physical contact with anyone, you can express your emotions without fear of physical impact.

You can rest assured that the one who looks after himself and looks good wants to be desired (desired) always and by all - this is his (her) goal, so that everyone wants him (her) in terms of sex, and he (she) loves power over others in the sense when everyone wants her (him)? With an athlete about sports, with a lawyer about laws, with an extreme player about extreme, with a fisherman about fishing - sex is the same hobby as everyone else, and therefore if you are looking for sex, you need to look for someone who is also interested in him, and only with this will you find a common language to the full extent? Look for people like yourself - who lack what you lack? And in relationships money gives independence - do you want romance, but there is no money to fulfill your needs - then change tires from summer to winter yourself?

Lyrics. As the female gender says: "He is not dangerous as a man."

In the words of Zose Sinitskaya (Svetlana Starikova), the character from the movie “The Golden Calf” (USSR, 1968) Ostap Bender (Sergey Yursky) about another character, Koreyka (Evgeny Evstigneev): “So what does this vulgar write to you?”

Do not rush to the opposite sex with what is called a “tackle,” if it seems to you that the person to whom you are rolling is a “simple”, not proud person - sometimes this is a “mask” to simplify communication, especially this “mask” those who are fashionable and beautiful like to wear? Where does the line between normal sexual behavior and deviant sexual behavior end - is that all, as usual, it's all gone - as inspired, so it is, what is normal today, tomorrow may not be normal and deviant? Remember that legal and moral laws stem from the psychological attitude of the majority of members of society towards a fact, and therefore also in sexual relations: if some elements of sexual behavior cause fear, disgust or irritation in the majority, is it recognized as deviant? Is the inter-gender relationship reminiscent of Tor and other daknet browsers, is everything encrypted and confused in them too? A man wants to give money to a woman himself, it is only necessary to find one that will inspire him to do this - is the average man programmed for such behavior? What are hypertrophied moral values ​​- in some cases, when someone flaunts his intimate life? Psychologist Mihai studied creative personalities? Is it difficult to live in a family with a creative personality, since they are usually emotional or do they require the family to tolerate manifestations of their non-family interests? They will love you anyway, do you want it, do not want it - because love is a program in your head? Some on dating sites in order to “shit” to leave each other? He drew attention to the fact that my daughter looks like a TV presenter, which I like - a paradox: you fall in love with those and like those people whose appearance is similar to yours ?! In inter-sexual relations, is the task of catching the attention of one or more persons of the opposite sex? Independent, when we ourselves, and non-independent, when with the help of others, we will not generalize that all men and women need only money, and not intimate relationships, intimate relationships for money want only those who are called non-independent? In some states, called civilized, many of those who are called non-independent and spoiled? Men don’t need to be offended by women when they don’t want them, women don’t seem to be offended when they don’t want them, they can call those men who don’t want them impotent - can impotence be either male or female? The reason for unwillingness of sexual relations can also be low sexual temperament? There are more women with low sexual temperament than high - the search for a sexual partner is like a job of a personnel service, the more you go over, the more real are the chances of finding a suitable person? Everything is known in comparison - she does not have grief, she just perceives the situation, and there are people who are in a much worse position than she is? They say that women have sex with whom they want, men with whom they can, some men complain that women need only money, but what will we talk about is a certain social stratum of poor women and, as a rule, those left with children without a husband? A familiar person with experience on dating sites said that there are exceptionally wealthy people and, as they say, with a low social status, some of them, in order to raise their social status, can lie that they are rich or compose that they have a position respected in society or profession? Independent or not independent, who is ranked among the first, who is among the second, how are not independent ones twisted? Some social services in some countries have an injunction that if parents cry when their children are taken away from them, in the opinion of the social services, a dysfunctional family, this proves that they are working correctly, since crying speaks of the parents' mental instability - crying is this a sign of mental instability? Those who are called only consumers are those who do not want to give anything in return to the one who gave them something, they are also called manipulators? Women who have never been married do not build a relationship with a man on a monetary basis, since they want to get married? Women who have children living without a husband build relationships only on a monetary basis, since they need to feed their children or spend money on themselves? Women who are married do not build relationships on a financial basis, as their husband feeds them? Women who are called independent and who have a high income are not interested in money?

Affirmative sentence: when I turned 40, I concluded that all my friends with whom I had been in contact longer than others were, like me, from an incomplete family (without a father) or, like me, grew up as one child in the family (without siblings).

Some males claim that women only need money. One of the conclusions is as follows: not entirely and not always in 100% of cases such factors as the presence or absence of a husband, children, age, upbringing play a role in the behavior of someone (in this case, girls and / or women) in relation to a man in an incomplete or complete family, divorced or not, income, social behavior, etc. There were women who are called elite in the sense of external data, who, being divorced, having children, were ready to date a man without requiring him nothing that is also married. It is worth adding that all these women had a high sexual temperament, almost similar to masculine (masculine in the sense inherent in a man-inhabitant, not a programmer, not a scientist), as well as a simple, not complex character. For meetings not based on money, these women were pushed, most likely, not by their high temperament, but by their simple character. Most likely, women need money from a man who can be called non-self-sufficient (in any case, in terms of meeting the need for money) or having low income. Most likely, according to the Maslow pyramid, they are at the fundamental level of needs, in this case, the need for food, clothing, that is, there is a need for a material minimum, so a person who needs this, not to higher levels of need for the Maslow pyramid, to love and not to sex.

Also, based on life experience, temperamental and / or without prejudice women and girls have a tactic of establishing relationships through their intimate photos, which they send to their future partner via social networks, that is, you get acquainted (on a dating site, as a rule), and you send the deceived photos without any of your requests for it.

Tactics, how to attract someone and that he was with you, may be different, but the most important thing is to show something that hardly anyone else will ever show, for example, to show something in sex (or in something else) that no one else will show anymore, and after that it’s unlikely that someone’s sexual life (or other life) will be saturated without you, and even if the partner leaves, he will still come after he tries the one to whom he left, or those whom I met? Having registered in one of the international social networks, I was faced with the fact that some women from Africa and Asia asked to send them photos of the intimate parts of the body, explaining that I am white and their exotic ones are white, those men who are looking for a big, clean, not implicated in money carnal love, can find it on other continents? My grandmother said that there is only one gang in the city, those who don’t want to work, and if you interpret her words on gender relations, then in most cases in the city, the relationship between a man and a woman is “tied” to money - Wednesday is to blame, because it’s not Will you meet a girl from a village who is expecting from a man such gifts that a girl from a city is waiting for? At school, the teacher said that due to significant differences in the laws of different states of the USA, people do business - again , we will interpret it on the relationship between m and f, those men who do not like the fact that in one country women took the position that they need to spend money financially, can go to another country where women have taken a feminist position and will never allow a man to pay for it, for example, in a restaurant or cafe? to do something married man in some countries (because where there is feminism, everything can be different) between the ages of 30 to 40 years, when the reason for the use of their alcohol in dangerous for life and health amounts is what is called the crisis average age - when women do not give such attention to men as men had before, when women almost do not render it, and if they do, then, as the men themselves say, only for money? As the women themselves say, a woman, if everything is normal in her family, will not change - what does it mean when a married woman looks at you often and for a long time, as a rule, this means that she wants to change her husband or she doesn’t at all lives and seeks a new husband or man - how to correctly understand the signs sent by a woman to a man, and are they signs at all, and not just like that?

Attention, this is an affirmative sentence: the following correspondence for persons who have reached the age of majority, which, as it is believed, makes it possible to take everything critical and not to perceive any information as its possible line of behavior.

ATTENTION, this is an affirmative sentence: age restrictions - all of the following correspondence for citizens who have reached the age of majority, due to the fact that the correspondence has a sexual theme.

Here is a dialogue, the beginning of acquaintance on the Internet in one of the social networks with a girl from a European country, whose age is 35 years old (data that a girl is from a European country, and that she is 35 years old, can be both objective and not objective, age and country were indicated on its page, spelling and punctuation of correspondence left in the original).

Due to the fact that the author does not have a large resource of time and material resources for the correction of the following correspondence in social networks, the correspondence was not corrected carefully, in connection with which the author apologizes and also requests to determine by the semantic meaning where the author’s words and where words of the one with whom the dialogue takes place:

6 days ago hello

Privet :)

U menja podrugavMinske! :))

4 days ago

Hi, cool, so maybe meet

3 days ago

Konechno, v zhizni vsje vozmozhno :) Kak tvoi dela, chem. zanimajewjsja? :)

3 days ago

I work as a sales representative

3 days ago

Ti davno obwajewjsja nasajtah znakomstv? :)

3 days ago

With large intervals on dating sites

3 days back

Vstrechajewj devuwek, poetomu intervali? :)

3 days ago

You know, probably yes, I even fell in love with one, she is from Turkey

3 days ago


3 days ago Ichtoteperj, razljubil? :))


2 days ago

Togda u tebja nastohawije chuvstva ... Tak vi vmeste? Neponjala.

2 days ago

no not together

2 days ago

Da, ti nemnogosloven ... Mozhem negovoritj ob etom, esli ti nehochewj :)

2 days ago

What can I say, in May there will be two years we have known her, she is a difficult person, she has been living in Turkey since childhood, she has been working as a translator, she is 35 years old, has not been married, has no children

2 days back

Tak ti hochewj s kem-to poznakomitjsja ili tebe prosto obwenija ne hvatajet?

2 days ago

Depends on a situation

2 days ago

Prosto, kogda serdce zanjato, tam net mesta drugim chuvstvam, tak mne kazhetsja :)

2 days back

A ja hochu vstretitj cheloveka, svojego ljubimogo i dorogogo :)))

2 days ago

Yes, the Internet gives such an opportunity

2 days ago

All the girls so want

2 days back

A parni ne hotjat? :)

2 days ago

Probably only with those whom they already love, so they only want to fall in love

2 days ago Most, not all

Yemko i po suwestvu !!!

2 days ago

Politics old, sex guys, relationship girls

2 days back

Devuwki tozhe seksa, no cherez otnowenija :)))

2 days ago

Also capacious)

2 days ago

What do you like in sex by the way

2 days ago

Mne .., eto ne vazhno.

2 days ago

Kak ponravitjsja parnju, kotoromu 32 goda s kotorim ochenj horowee obwenije. On prosto ne zavjet na svidanije. Vse zavut, a on - net !!! Daj sovet :)))

2 days ago

I don’t understand, do you want to meet a guy?

2 days ago

Ja sama ne znaju !!! :) Mne voobwe malo kto nravitsja, hozhu na svidanija, no chuvst ne voznikajet, mne kazalosj eto budet kak-to prowe :) Prosto ja podumala, ti daleko, mi vsje-ravno ne vstretimsja :) pisatj i sprawivatj chto hochewj :)))

2 days ago

I don’t understand. Do you want to meet someone?

2 days ago


2 days ago

Well, what's the matter?

2 days ago

Call up and meet

2 days ago

Ja ne znaju kak sebja vesti! On menja ne zovjet nikuda! Mi milo obwajemsja v nete :) Vsje obsuzhdajem. On schitajet menja ochenj krasivoj i td, no ...

2 days ago Communicating ?

2 days ago

Do you want a relationship with him?

2 days ago

Da, mesjaca 2: (Zabitj ego?

2 days ago

How the soul lies, you can forget, but you can not

2 days ago

As you want

2 days ago

Ja bila zamuzhem 15 let, potom roman 1.5 goda. :) Mne hochetsja chuvstvovatj, a ne podstraivatjsja :)

2 days ago

As the soul lies, act as you want, without asking anyone for any advice.

2 days ago

no one

2 days ago

Eto kak “Master i Margarita” ... nikogda nichego ne prosite, osobenno u teh, kto siljnee Vas ...

2 days ago

Do not listen to garbage

2 days ago

Da ja ne sluwaju!

2 days ago

The Master and Margarita Political Work

2 days ago

You are your own authority

2 days ago

Ja sluwaju toljko sebja i mamu, inogda, no redko ... :)))

2 days back

U tebja estj deti?

2 days back


2 days back

Ti bil zhenat ili tak poluchilosj?

2 days ago

A person has several components: intellectual, emotional and physical, they always fight among themselves creating chaos in the soul)

2 days ago

I'm married now

2 days ago

Pochemu oni ne mogut mirno sosuwestvovatj? :)

2 days back

Ja v woke, ti zhenat i ljubiwj druguju :)

2 days ago

Don't worry about me 2 days ago

Net, neserdisj, pozhalujsta, ja ne bespokojusj.

2 days ago

They can coexist peacefully, intelligence is used to satisfy the emotional and physical

2 days ago

U menja ljegkij i dobrij harakter :)

2 days ago

Do you want to return to your husband?

2 days back

Ja ne uhodila ot nego.

2 days ago

You are married and live together

2 days ago

Mi ne ljubim drug druga, on prinjal rewenije - i uwjel, potom vernulsja, no uzhe svjazj bila uterjana i mi rasstalisj okonchateljno.

2 days ago


2 days ago

You need to take a pragmatic approach to the issue of relationships in your years

2 days ago

You're beautiful

2 days ago

Take advantage of this)

2 days ago

If you need it of course

2 days ago

Ja izbalovana muzhskim vnimanijem, hotja ponimaju, chto posle 40 ja uzhe ne budu tak vigljadetj :) U menja 2 detej i sobaka.

2 days ago

are you dating anyone now?

2 days ago

Uzhe 4 mesjaca kak net.

2 days ago

And your new guy, what are you talking to him about?

2 days back

Na raznije, no tojko ja takaja ochenj prilichnaja s nim.

2 days ago

Well, you know better how to be with him

2 days ago

Are you afraid to scare him away from a serious relationship?)

2 days ago

Ja ne hochu pragmatichno, ja tak zhila 15 let, i jahta i dom, iv rezuljtate ... ja hochu chuvstvovatj :) Ja dazhe ne za sovetom, ja cherez razgovor sama sebja ponjatj pitajusj.

2 days ago Net, ne bojusj.

2 days ago

Offer to meet a guy or call, which is honey, only in a short time you will understand that you get something, whether it be or not

2 days back

Ja pervaja? Tozhe verno, zato srazu budet ponjatno :)))

2 days ago

You are interesting

2 days ago

Are we going to sleep?

2 days ago

Ja otkrovennaja, dazhe sliwkom, idjem, konechno! Spasibo, obichno ja tak ne piwu :))) Spokojnoj nochi tebe :)

2 days ago

Found me frankness

2 days ago

I, too, when I like a person I want to talk on open topics)

2 days ago


2 days ago

Do you want to share something

2 days ago


2 days ago

What do you want to know

2 days back

To, o chem nikto ne znajet !!! :)))

2 days ago

Sexy or just

2 days back

Net, prosto! U tebja vedj zhena estj, au menja poka - net: (Chto ja budu delatj :)))

2 days ago

What do you mean

2 days ago

I got you

2 days ago

You can caress yourself)

2 days ago

Esli govoritj o seksualjnom, to voobrazhenije razigrajetsja, a ja gonju poka vse eti misli, u menja vedj net muzhchini.

2 days ago

And I had sex with you)

2 days ago

Sawa, net !!!!

2 days ago

Do not want to talk about this topic

2 days ago

Rejoice that everyone wants you)

2 days ago

Ja radujusj, pravda. I mne prijatno uzhasno i kogda on shodit s uma i ne mozhet kontrolirovatj. I vse eti sumaswewije otnowenija!

2 days ago

And what do you like about sex only a classic?

2 days ago

Chto v tvojem ponimanii klassika?

2 days ago

Only where it should be (a phrase that can be considered vulgar has been replaced by the author) and nothing else

2 days ago

Ja ne mogu govoritj sekse, kak o buterbrode :), esli net duhovnoj sostavljajuwejiljudinelovjatnuzhnujuvolnu - togdaipoluchajetsja - chlen vo vlagaliwe, ewe trenazhjernij zal! :)))

2 days ago


2 days ago

Then see you tomorrow, and baby?)

2 days ago

Da poka :)

2 days ago

For now, call the boy, find out everything, maybe he don’t

the one who claims to be)

2 days ago

Ok! :)))

2 days ago

Throw a fishing rod do not be afraid, the main thing is that you peck then you can’t drag it by the ears)

2 days ago

Lyrics: I met a girl on the Internet, began to ask how she relates to classics and exotic like “screaming”, etc., and she says what kind of exotic this is, this is a classic, not a classic, it's sadomaso.

Why does what is commonly called friendship end: one of the reasons is that a resource of mutual benefit is developed, and the second of the reasons is when the “apprentice” wants to become “artisan”, that is, when one friend ceases to see the leader in that friend in whom he seen, and also when mutual interests end? I have no friends, said a friend of my girlfriend, who is over 30, can I conclude from this that after 30 most people stop communicating with representatives of their gender and communicate only with the opposite?

Beginning of correspondence with a girl from a European country, age 35, the correspondence uses jokes with a sexual motive. (Data that a girl from a European country, and she is 35 years old, can be both objective and not objective, as indicated on her page, spelling and punctuation of correspondence are left in the original.)

Your jacket in which you are the favorite in the photo with a slit for the chest? (Photo with open chest) - this is an addition by the author.

8 hours ago

)))) Why do you say that??))

8 hours ago

You are in it in almost all the photos

8 hours ago

Just the photos were taken in one day, or rather evening.)))

8 hours ago

When you and I meet, you can ask you to dress her

8 hours ago

And beautiful underwear too

8 hours ago

And where did you get that we will meet ???))

8 hours ago

Is not it

8 hours ago

Is it worth it?

8 hours ago

Are you a pervert ??))

8 hours ago

I am not looking for a sex partner ***

8 hours ago

You as a sex partner do not interest me

8 hours ago

Like a housewife

8 hours ago

Wash what to eat

8 hours ago

Very funny))))

8 hours ago


8 hours ago

Boor !!!

8 hours ago

And ignorant

8 hours ago

Fuck off. I am like that, and I feel good *** As you write, I answer ***

8 hours ago

What are you like you no

8 hours ago

To me too - decency itself !!))

8 hours ago

Not for you to judge!

8 hours ago

And to whom

8 hours ago

You don’t have anyone to quarrel with - stand opposite the mirror !!

8 hours ago

Should not ...

8 hours ago

Let's be friends

8 hours ago

Why do you need friendship with no ???? Find yourself worthy !!!

8 hours ago

I'll make you the most worthy of you

8 hours ago

I am what I am, and proud of it. !!! Blind someone like that !! There are many girls on the site who agree to your offer.

8 hours ago

You went to sleep

8 hours ago

No, but what? Should??

8 hours ago

You are interesting

8 hours ago

Do you have a boy?

8 hours ago

What ?? We are just one zodiac sign. Two stubborn !!)) You wrote that I am NO. Already interesting ??

8 hours ago

You fool, it was all a joke))

8 hours ago

What does it matter? I don’t ask you such questions !!!)) (IN THE GIRL'S PLAN)

8 hours ago

And in terms of sexuality you're interested in me)

8 hours ago

Not a joke !!!

8 hours ago

Answer if I ask you

8 hours ago

which of the jokes is nonfig

8 hours ago

Horror!!! Don't you have time to spend with anyone ??

8 hours ago

Everything was originally ...

8 hours ago

Do you have someone to spend time with

8 hours ago


8 hours ago

In terms of sexuality, for example

8 hours ago

You have had sex with a boy for a long time

8 hours ago

Yes ... you're definitely preoccupied! Fuck off with such questions ...

8 hours ago

Or bye!!!

8 hours ago

Wait until you fall off hamlo

8 hours ago

Yes, and with what ambition

8 hours ago

Himself such a moron !!!!

8 hours ago


8 hours ago

Let's go sleep better

8 hours ago


8 hours ago

May be enough to be rude idiot

8 hours ago

Let's go sleep

8 hours ago

Go my legs and lay down. Good night. (and talked !!))))

8 hours ago

And you wash yourself in the crib, and I'll come check

8 hours ago

)))) You can not sleep??

8 hours ago

No. you are funny

7 hours ago

Do you sleep in shorts by the way or without

7 hours ago

What is missing? Do you wash your feet ??))

7 hours ago

Leave me with such questions, please.

7 hours ago

I didn’t wash my feet

7 hours ago

And you washed your pussy

7 hours ago

If not for you, I would have slept long ago

7 hours ago

I went to bed, and I sleep in a hat, felt boots and woolen pants. I’m homeless, and now it’s very cold outside, because it is far from summer.

7 hours ago

Good night !!!

7 hours ago


7 hours ago

You are cute

7 hours ago

I will possess you in my dreams before going to bed

7 hours ago

Thank you. Although I read something pleasant. Bums almost all cute)).

7 hours ago

It was very nice talking to you

7 hours ago

I still didn’t do sex with bums

7 hours ago

Dreaming is not bad. Dream. Sweet dreams.

7 hours ago

You will come to me in a dream

7 hours ago

)))) On the street there are a lot of them, especially at night in the subways. Dare !!!))

7 hours ago

Who are you worried about? I am a sales representative

7 hours ago

Which of us is preoccupied? BUT?

7 hours ago

It’s you with the homeless dare you are the homeless with a pussy not washed

7 hours ago

You are preoccupied, just hidden

7 hours ago

Read the question above.

7 hours ago

I read, read the answer below

Okay, let's put on beautiful underwear and go to my crib, finish this demogogy

7 hours ago

I'm far from hidden, but not open to everyone. I'm tired of cursing with you, albeit cool !!!)))

7 hours ago

cool me too

7 hours ago

who do you work

7 hours ago


7 hours ago


7 hours ago

Forever? Won't you be bored ??

7 hours ago


7 hours ago

And you

7 o'clock


So, see you tomorrow. Good night.

7 hours ago

I kiss you in

7 hours ago

Will we find tomorrow ???

7 hours ago

I didn’t dare to write further, but you, I think, understood

7 hours ago

Let's can call

7 hours ago

Come on the site.

7 hours ago

I do not know when I will be here

If you want, you'll be tomorrow. It all depends on the desire for communication.

7 hours ago

how proud we are

7 hours ago

Which is. This is not a vice !!

7 hours ago

Let's see what you are in sexuality

7 hours ago

So how? Will we find ??

7 hours ago

Come on

7 hours ago

will find

7 hours ago

Try in a dream and in dreams !!!))

7 hours ago

What if we fall in love, are not afraid

7 hours ago

See you tomorrow, then.

7 hours ago

Do not talk nonsense!

7 hours ago

And that you in sex love what I dream about

7 hours ago


7 hours ago

Find out in a dream!

7 hours ago

You’re probably the only classic in sexics, judging by your strict attitude

7 hours ago

I left. Bye.

In a dream, I will not only be engaged in classics with you, it does not bother you

7 hours ago


7 hours ago

Good luck finding a boy who fits your sexual temperament

7 hours ago

And me girls

7 hours ago

Here you are flooded !!)))

7 hours ago

Yes, there is still male power

7 hours ago

)))) You know how to make laugh))

7 hours ago

How to insult!

7 hours ago

When you meet me you will not be laughing

7 hours ago


7 hours ago

Some people could not stand me in the crib, ran away

7 hours ago

Are you scared?

7 hours ago

I am not sure. Who says a lot, does a little !!!

7 hours ago

You doubt my male strength

7 hours ago

Or does nothing !!!

7 hours ago

Have you already gone through this?

7 hours ago

Let others doubt. The main thing is I have no doubt in myself !!

7 hours ago


7 hours ago

Are you like in sexuality

7 hours ago

No way

7 hours ago

That. that they say a lot and do nothing

7 hours ago

Are you log

7 hours ago

Funny ... Himself logs ***

7 hours ago

Okay on Monday I'll be in Mogilev, meet

7 hours ago

And we will know everything

7 hours ago

And now where are you?

7 hours ago

In nice

7 hours ago

Suddenly fall in love? And what about the wife ?? What are you going to do??

7 hours ago

Than not the groom

7 hours ago

How is the weather there???

7 hours ago

Until I see that you can fall in love, you're a log

7 hours ago

And you log !!!!

7 hours ago

We need to see the weather on the Internet

7 hours ago


7 hours ago

Ah ,,, yes ... I forgot, I’m nobody for you, I’m not worthy of you, sir.


7 hours ago

Yes, you're right, I have divisions for sex with me

7 hours ago

Why watch if you are there !! ??)) Cool to you!

7 hours ago

And what remains after you from the division ???

7 hours ago

Genitals hurt

7 hours ago

I sympathize. And why do you need such sacrifices? And what to do with you ?? Okay ... I'll give you to others !!))

7 hours ago

Goodbye then

7 hours ago


7 hours ago


7 hours ago

You caress yourself sometimes before going to bed

7 hours ago

This is my homework question for you, answer tomorrow

7 hours ago

You are mine

7 hours ago


7 hours ago

Let you dream all the answers to your questions.

7 hours ago

Are you still here?

7 hours ago

go to bed I will come now

7 hours ago

I can’t part with you, but I would have to. Too late.

7 hours ago

Sexy you want with me

7 hours ago

I also want to sleep, but I can’t

7 hours ago

You need to caress yourself to go to sleep

7 hours ago

You have one thing in mind. What, an erection was not there for a long time ???

7 hours ago

No worthy

7 hours ago

And where is your division ???

7 hours ago

The division is standing, there is no erection to the division

7 hours ago


7 hours ago

let's go to sleep, you still don’t accept talk about sexuality

7 hours ago


7 hours ago

you need to find inactive grandfather

7 hours ago

Look, do not rub your palms, sexy boy.)))

7 hours ago

See that then your holes do not hurt you my unoccupied girl

7 hours ago

On Monday

And you grandmother, so that she could stand you ... All your fantasies. You did not read the primer as a child, by chance, a coma sutra ??))

7 hours ago

kama sutra, village

7 hours ago

The collective farm itself! So read ???

7 hours ago


7 hours ago

And what did you like most ????

7 hours ago


7 hours ago

Classic and exotic

7 hours ago


7 hours ago

Here is how

7 hours ago

To go nuts! And who did you practice with ??

7 hours ago

With girls

7 hours ago

Or just a theory ???

7 hours ago

Older ??

7 hours ago

This is you theorist

7 hours ago

How old is practice ??

7 hours ago

Yes, how do you know you're older

This is bad??

7 hours ago

I do not know about 15 years

7 hours ago

And what are you doing only classics until 38 years old

7 hours ago

This is 15 years of experience.

6 hours ago

And what were you doing up to 20 years old ???

6 hours ago

yes experience

6 hours ago

if you want to call it that

6 hours ago

Theory, before 20, she herself said

6 hours ago

And what are you doing only classics until 38 years old

6 hours ago

I do not believe! What is the theory in 20 years ?? Even in the 13th believe (you're a man,)

6 o'clock

ago I was in the army

6 hours ago

And at 16.17 ??

6 hours ago

before the army was only once

6 hours ago

Where did you serve ??

6 hours ago

In the Foreign French Legion

6 hours ago

what's the difference

6 hours ago

You now decided to make up for everything ??))

6 hours ago

And what are you doing only classics until 38 years old

6 hours ago

I didn’t say that. These are your findings.

6 hours ago

Yes, but I decided not now, but when I came from the army, you are insightful

6 hours ago

You are the same.

6 hours ago

The first time in all our communication, my erection began

6 hours ago

Let's go sleep

6 hours ago

Good luck *** I'm already in the crib.

6 hours ago

What good luck

6 hours ago

I'll be in her now too

6 hours ago

In the crib

6 hours ago

By the way, would you like me to be with you now?

6 hours ago

Okay, bye. it was interesting to talk with you

6 hours ago

Me too.

6 hours ago

Would you like me to be there now ????

6 hours ago

Okay ... dream happily))))

6 hours ago

I dreamed evening and morning

23 hours ago

Hey. So how is it? Good luck ???

20 hours ago

Hi, you're not bad in sexics

19 hours ago

But confess was expecting more

19 hours ago

Tell me at least what happened ??? And it’s not so honest, you’re all, but I’m nothing !!))

19 hours ago

Where did you go ????

Gödel’s theorem on incompleteness, and generally more intelligent and incomprehensible, impresses some? An ambitious person is given little time to realize and reveal himself?

Correspondence in a social network with a girl from a European country, 32 years old (in her words), an example of communication in the trash style, or brainstorming, impresses the opponent with his new information, causing sympathy for himself, producing new information in the mind about micro-revolution , in any case, I have, although, of course, this girl from an allegedly European country has a lot of “show-offs” and “window dressing”, a desire to impress, in short, she’s singing along that she’s super, she’s “carrying” it even more , and here is what came of it. Spelling and punctuation left in the original.







Do you have a boy?


Have you a boy








Boy freand


English you don’t really- can communicate in Russian


come on baby


You're russian


laziness in prom climb


so it would be ok with English


no, I just speak Russian well




I collected stamps in my childhood, I also had from your country


yes it’s unlikely it’s cool a lot of people do it perfectly


many who know russian


it’s not cool


it would be cool in Hebrew, although there probably a lot of experts


some polyglot you all


I really polyglot - I don’t know about others


you're scaring me. my girl was Antonina from Turkey translator


it's not me- I haven’t been to Turkey


Also Antonina, I immediately remembered about her


a rare name altogether. everyone thinks that Russian but actually the Mediterranean


there was such a martyr in early Christianity, but what she did I do not know


I am a translator by education



23 hours ago

if you don’t scare me, you surprise me

23 hours ago

not cool since there is already the same in Turkey

23 hours ago

what languages ​​do you know

23 hours ago

Russian, Bulgarian, English, Greek

23 hours ago

Turkish knows Arabic Turkish and Russian

23 hours ago

why are you alone

23 hours ago

Well, as if with that name and characteristics

23 hours ago

tell me what was blonde

23 hours ago

write in more detail, otherwise I think what you meant

23 hours ago

I think it means I exist. Blaise Pascal

23 hours ago

don't get smart

23 hours ago

you push me

23 hours ago

just don’t say that you have a difficult character, the Turkish woman is just like that

23 hours ago

Well, as if with that name and characteristics, did you mean character?

23 hours ago

yes i am heavy

23 hours ago

You, that her clone or sister of Turkish women or translators are all like that

23 hours ago

I’m a translator only by education, and so I work in a slaughterhouse, so imagine a character

23 hours ago

well women are not impressionable people

23 hours ago


23 hours ago

why don't you work as a translator

23 hours ago

slaughterhouse funnier

23 hours ago

pay more and eat meat

23 hours ago


you see how fast it comes

23 hours ago

do not be rude

23 hours ago

ok you don't be so sensitive

23 hours ago

you're speaking nice

23 hours ago

I like, you know sobering phrases

23 hours ago

I just don’t understand what Turk would call his child Antonina

23 hours ago

she is the daughter of emigrants from Turkmenistan

23 hours ago

aah now it's clear

23 hours ago

and I am a Bulgarian - during the war, in Transnistria my father returned to his roots

23 hours ago

and I am Belarusian

23 hours ago

and always lived in Bilorussia?

23 hours ago


23 hours ago

and where did you dig it? in Turkey on vacation

23 hours ago

not here)

23 hours ago

and then?

23 hours ago

then corresponded, called up

23 hours ago

and then her character became bad or before that?

23 hours ago

Well, think for yourself if a person 35 years old was not married and she has no children

23 hours ago

Well, I don’t know this, actually I think that you may not know either

23 hours ago

I'm not married either

23 hours ago

you want to say that she can lie

23 hours ago

not necessary

23 hours ago

and what

23 hours ago

I have not been married but have been living with my partner for 11 years

23 hours ago

not formally married

23 hours ago

well this is the deadline

23 hours ago

why don't get married

23 hours ago

so it’s true if I say that I’m not married

23 hours ago

I do not want

23 hours ago

I'm fine as it is

23 hours ago

she hardly lives with someone if you are talking about it

23 hours ago

but how can you know what she is doing there in Turkey?

23 hours ago

at age 35 ... they get married early

23 hours ago

why didn’t you marry her?

23 hours ago

she is strange

23 hours ago

I mean? I’m like something strange to you too?

23 hours ago

you are not

23 hours ago

but you chatted with me for 15 minutes, as you understand

23 hours ago

I got it

23 hours ago

you on the street do not see who is strange and who is not

23 hours ago

yes how to say- the view can be deceiving

23 hours ago


23 hours ago

on the contrary, the view is telling the truth

23 hours ago

well, give an example; I’m just reading about physiognomy

23 hours ago

not only for this, for clothes

23 hours ago

looking at you i think you like sports

23 hours ago

but this is guesswork

23 hours ago

loved now not doing

23 hours ago

you see

23 hours ago

old photo

23 hours ago

Yes, I didn’t look into your profile, it’s just that the first thing that came to mind is the sportswear on you

22 hours ago

and so- a bunch of other rubbish would have said

22 hours ago


22 hours ago

you need to look at your profile and then analyze

22 hours ago

you are my analyst

22 hours ago

at the first reading, I look you are not too lazy to wander through the cold in the forest

22 hours ago

in the forest you love

22 hours ago

and therefore fairy tales

22 hours ago

In short, what would be more noodles on the ears weighed

22 hours ago

Well, yes, and there you bear, in short, you infantile

22 hours ago

everyone loves it

22 hours ago

what do they like? noodles? on the ears?

22 hours ago

yes it's nice

22 hours ago

you pin me

22 hours ago

And what do you say when a person does not show his face completely in the photo or when communicating on Skype

22 hours ago

what to say, shy of something

22 hours ago

and everything else shows

22 hours ago


22 hours ago

so Turkish woman behaved

22 hours ago

Well, well, and at least showed the rest?

22 hours ago

The rest is yes 22 hours ago cool

22 hours ago


22 hours ago

cool. I thought at first. that she had problems with her head, then wrote off the mentality

22 hours ago

normal a couple of times, but then it can be boring

22 hours ago

how not to overdo it with this mystery

22 hours ago

and how did she explain?

22 hours ago

Well, maybe it’s really easier than I thought, I wanted to be mysterious. It’s true then begins to strain

22 hours ago

didn’t explain in any way, she has something sadistic

22 hours ago

very heavy person

22 hours ago

doesn’t live with a guy, incomprehensible

22 hours ago

I don’t know, maybe you just have the wrong approach

22 hours ago

and then don’t forget- East is a delicate matter

22 hours ago

and Orient is generally spicy food

22 hours ago

what Orient

22 hours ago

part of the east that meets Europe

22 hours ago

where such knowledge comes from

22 hours ago

Lord God !!! I myself where I live

22 hours ago

how can I not know

22 hours ago

I thought I’m the most competent in geopolitics)

22 hours ago

in geopolitics

22 hours ago

You see, we are not always right, even when we think to ourselves

22 hours ago

but you are fine with behavior unlike her

22 hours ago

and I don’t know how it looks in your eyes

22 hours ago

you don’t hide your face

22 hours ago

maybe I'm hiding something else

22 hours ago

also want to be mysterious like the Turkish woman, well, what are you hiding

just the same and I thought

22 hours ago

what would I hide from you

22 hours ago

about what

22 hours ago

yes away

22 hours ago

I'm tired of one mysterious better not hiding anything

22 hours ago

but you are interesting

22 hours ago

I am fond of organic chemistry

22 hours ago

and trudge from hydraulics just

22 hours ago

strange hobby what attracts you to it

22 hours ago

The theory of relativity brings me to orgasm

22 hours ago

Well, I think everything said

22 hours ago

Tonya are you chtoli

22 hours ago

everyone calls me Ani-Tonya only parents call me

22 hours ago

Listen, was she fond of dancing?

22 hours ago

and you yourself are not from Turkey

22 hours ago

no, and never was, but I have a skype friend from Istanbul, a programmer, very reachable, for a moment it seemed to me that I was texting with a girl from Turkey with whom I spoke, I would soon tear off the roof)

22 hours ago

it’s probably better not to mess with translators

22 hours ago

Well, you better know what is best for your health

22 hours ago

the theory of relativity is also interesting to me

22 hours ago

you went to sleep

22 hours ago

No, I'm reading about Windows 8

22 hours ago

you said that it’s bad for you to communicate with translators

22 hours ago

and what do you like hydraulics

22 hours ago

you're offended

22 hours ago

do not take everything seriously; I just listed a couple of the last books that I read last; hydraulics are applicable in almost all types of technology

22 hours ago

you are really 31 years old

22 hours ago

in the taste industry, especially, for this I read it, and so for me in FIG hoses all kinds of cross-sections have

22 hours ago

and how much?

22 hours ago

January 17th turned 32

22 hours ago I don’t know

you're really interesting

22 hours ago

how so smart is not difficult for you

22 hours ago


22 hours ago

you can fall in love

22 hours ago

firstly, it’s scientifically proven that it’s easier for the smart, they systematize the data

22 hours ago

put on the shelves diligently analyze the risk - and know when and what to reward

22 hours ago


22 hours ago

then fools come and all smart plans go to smarka

22 hours ago

who do you work

22 hours ago

it really was an object of scientific research

22 hours ago

Production supervisor

22 hours ago

product supervision

22 hours ago

why don't you work in your specialty

22 hours ago

Well, we already talked about this, it seems to me

22 hours ago


22 hours ago

so practical - people will always eat - and translations are not tasty

22 hours ago

you have no other education besides a translator

22 hours ago

auditor for some ISO systems

22 hours ago

cosmetic bag - it's like I have 2 secondary education

22 hours ago


22 hours ago

what does a cosmetic bag mean

22 hours ago

and now I'm studying as a human resources manager

22 hours ago

Are you a programmer?

22 hours ago

physiognomy tells you wrong

22 hours ago


22 hours ago

Sales Representative

22 hours ago

what do you imagine

22 hours ago

the products

22 hours ago

Oh my God! as I myself did not think of

22 hours ago

Yes of course)

22 hours ago

I’ll tell you a secret too; I also inspect products

21 hours ago

with the help of physiognomy everything could be found out

21 hours ago

count it, we have a lot in common

21 hours ago

me, you universe and products

21 hours ago

I don’t know how common, but it’s very interesting to chat with you

21 hours ago

endorphins are injected directly into the blood in liters from communication with you

21 hours ago

don't get rid of the wave of endomorphins just

21 hours ago

and they are always injected when you need to indicate to nature that you need someone or something

21 hours ago

so man controls the higher mind

21 hours ago

I was at the seminar yesterday - a Russian lady named Natalia Kolobkova

21 hours ago

so what

21 hours ago

except bad Bulgarian

21 hours ago

there was interesting

21 hours ago

I heard a lot about how the universe gives us everything we want - a lot of resources are there

21 hours ago

as if the universe rules us (

21 hours ago

by the way she is a sexologist, I don’t know the universe from which side appeared there

21 hours ago

you accuse me of demagogy

21 hours ago

it's about your endomorphins

21 hours ago

yes no, just another approach that rules us - the Universe

21 hours ago

endorphins are not endomorphins they really exist like adrenaline and all that

21 hours ago

physiology should be read and not physiognomy)

21 hours ago

I do not deny them

21 hours ago

I also learned about them at the seminar

21 hours ago

forensic psychiatry

21 hours ago

useful thing, and how did you get there? for the love of forensics?

21 hours ago

but the fact that I attributed them to the higher mind is so it probably is. and why endorphins are created

21 hours ago

All the same, this does not answer my question. How did you get to the forensic seminar?

21 hours ago

It’s nice to have sex for a reason, so that living creatures do not die out, but it’s just some kind of reason that could come up with something that makes it pleasant to have sex, and it wouldn’t be nice, no one would try to do it

21 hours ago

I studied as a lawyer

21 hours ago

and learned?

21 hours ago


21 hours ago

oh why don't you work as a lawyer?

21 hours ago

worked in the police

21 hours ago


21 hours ago until you got fired

21 hours ago

and how much they fired

21 hours ago

I will not say

21 hours ago

learn physiognomy)

21 hours ago

I can guess, but I do not like

21 hours ago

and you are proud, right?)

21 hours ago

I don’t want to talk about this topic why I was fired

21 hours ago

actually yes - not always

21 hours ago

hmmm- clearly closed the topic.

21 hours ago

and in general I’m a lot of people and where the police worked, this is just one of my professions

21 hours ago

Do you have children

21 hours ago

I have to go to bed

21 hours ago


21 hours ago

it was interesting with you

21 hours ago


21 hours ago

I would like to meet with you again

21 hours ago

yes chat like that

21 hours ago

leave a phone number if you want

21 hours ago

what does it mean when a person instead of his photo put a photo where a beautiful human eye in an abstract design

21 hours ago

doesn’t mean a damn, it means learned to process pictures, this is Word

21 hours ago

or downloaded from google

21 hours ago

and thinks what kind of original he is

21 hours ago

funny, listen, you’re not fooling me, I think you're Russian

21 hours ago

when it seems, you yourself know what to do

21 hours ago

where are you from

21 hours ago

Bulgaria Veliko Tarnovo

21 hours ago

Bosnia-Tetovo Bardo

21 hours ago

but how do you know Russian dialects like it’s not horseradish

21 hours ago

what's the difference and who cares about my place of stay

21 hours ago

I have if I ask

21 hours ago

is it okay if you are from Bosnia?

21 hours ago

anyway, where are you from

21 hours ago

you see now

21 hours ago

you became somehow aggressive

21 hours ago

I'm not aggressive - but a practical person

21 hours ago

You just know Russian too well. I thought you were from Russia.

21 hours ago

I told you from where I do not suit you

21 hours ago

I won’t swear because of this

21 hours ago

and why did you get that it’s worth swearing because of this

21 hours ago

I told you the truth, like it or not, it's like that

21 hours ago

what does your boyfriend work

21 hours ago


21 hours ago


21 hours ago

yes we are all butchers

21 hours ago

well, you are the original

21 hours ago

you are an aggressive girl now I understand what you like about working in a slaughterhouse

20 hours ago

just trudge

20 hours ago

come on and go to sleep

20 hours ago

go sleep

20 hours ago

you are interesting but strange

20 hours ago

Correspondence with the girl, according to the data indicated in her profile, from a European country, 32 years. Punctuation and spelling are left in the original.

Hi, why are you holding your finger near your mouth

1 month ago

so necessary))

1 month ago


1 month ago


1 month ago

you are also married

1 month ago

so, what is next?)

1 month ago

I need to ask you

1 month ago

do you have any problems?) inadequate reaction))

1 month ago

but it seemed to me that you have an inadequate reaction

1 month ago

how funny is it yes

1 month ago

when it seems ... I think you know what they are doing))

1 month ago

what smart

1 month ago

we are in Minsk

1 month ago

So what?)

1 month ago

there are no one smart to work a lot, with physical labor, for 10 jobs where physical labor is required in Minsk, one person. would you answer. what to do

1 month ago

you're smart girl

1 month ago

Well, in Moscow they found a way out))

1 month ago

Well done, you're interesting, good answer)

1 month ago


1 month ago

Yes, and you yourself are nothing

1 month ago

Are you not free

1 month ago

funny ... when an adult would seem to be a person ... uses teenage slang words))

1 month ago

know this rumor cuts

1 month ago

but the word "capacious"

1 month ago


1 month ago


1 month ago

it’s funny when an adult holds a finger near his mouth

1 month ago

and the engagement ring is visible on the finger)

1 month ago

so if it is ... why hide it)

1 month ago

well done. and the second hand has scars. ve

1 month ago

veins opened, you're an emotional girl

1 month ago


1 month ago

or is it one scar

1 month ago

ahah ... you know less ... you sleep better))) although judging by the reaction ... my finger and scars are haunting you))

1 month ago

yes especially the scar between the legs

1 month ago

I didn’t see him, but I definitely have

1 month ago

and you inadequacy and slang

1 month ago

I have a girl friend in Minsk that looked like you

1 month ago

Irina Tsaeva (name and surname changed by the author)

1 month ago

So what? are you eager to tell me about this?))

1 month ago

yes you still with ambition

1 month ago

I already talked about it

1 month ago

was an interesting girl

1 month ago

and simple, which is not typical for Minsk

1 month ago


1 month ago

why was?)

1 month ago

because. that she got married and lost)

1 month ago

four years ago communicated with her

1 month ago

You can fall in love with you)

1 month ago

if very sensitive to be

1 month ago

so much time has passed ... and you remember her .. apparently with something she hooked you)) well, you look a little like sensitive))

1 month ago

probably everyone is sensitive only to the one whom the Higher Forces programmed to be sensitive to

1 month ago

yes she was bright \

1 month ago

like you

1 month ago

very similar to you. I was afraid to fall in love with her)

1 month ago

Well, judging by the fact that she did not marry you ... you didn’t manage to fall in love)))

1 month ago

for sure

1 month ago

have you been married long

1 month ago


1 month ago

I, too

1 month ago

cheated on her husband

1 month ago

what a curious))

1 month ago

means cheated

1 month ago

did not worry after that

1 month ago

you draw conclusions very quickly ... cool)

1 month ago

and that there was nothing

1 month ago

are you so interested? 0

1 month ago


1 month ago


1 month ago

when you are interested someone wants to know everything about him

1 month ago

ahah ... all about cheating?))

1 month ago

drove through

1 month ago

let's talk about quantum physics

1 month ago

I'm afraid .. I'm a humanist ... so it's not really physics)) but in response to your question ... I'll tell you that I'm not a supporter of random connections ... squeamish)

1 month ago

well, depending on who

1 month ago

may be)

1 month ago

What's up, baby?)

1 month ago

How are you sabinochka

1 month ago


1 month ago

well done. you are a nice girl

1 month ago


1 month ago

found a boy

1 month ago


1 month ago

What was looking for

1 month ago

Not looking)

1 month ago

hello sabinochka

1 month ago

Hi baby

2 weeks ago


2 weeks ago

How are you sabinochka

2 weeks ago

all type top)

2 weeks ago

Lubonik found

2 weeks ago


2 weeks ago

why are you bothering me with this lover)))

2 weeks ago

and with what else to pester

2 weeks ago

it’s impossible to marry the law of the mountains

2 weeks ago

leave phone number

2 weeks ago

if you want to

2 weeks ago

I'm not looking for a lover))

2 weeks ago

I realized

2 weeks ago

I'm not looking for lovers either

2 weeks ago

we will call up

2 weeks ago

Write yours ... there will be time in the afternoon .. I'll blur

2 weeks ago

(phone number deleted by the author)

2 weeks ago

Can i ask you?)

2 weeks ago of course hello

2 weeks ago

Why in the profile ... not married?)) _

2 weeks ago

and what you need to write

2 weeks ago

You don't need to get married

2 weeks ago

I'm just curious ...))) you're married .. for what?)

2 weeks ago

Well, you're married too

2 weeks ago

Look at you and you will understand everything

2 weeks ago

Everyone has their own motives.

2 weeks ago

The married and their own, others their

2 weeks ago

Well, so I don’t hide it) why are you ... incomprehensible)

2 weeks ago

So interesting is what is there incomprehensible silly

2 weeks ago

Women of relationships want, married this is already part of being eliminated 2 weeks ago

Well yes ... catcher of women seeking a husband)

2 weeks ago

Why do I need unhappy women seeking a husband

2 weeks ago

If only to chat

2 weeks ago

If you answer your question exactly, then with everyone in different ways from those with whom you chat here, depending on the circumstances

2 weeks ago

It’s interesting with someone, with someone else

2 weeks ago

What do you want from me?))

2 weeks ago

I don't know, you're interesting

2 weeks ago

I want to chat

2 weeks ago

I know. But you, too, cling to me ... though not to my taste ... are you in VK?)

2 weeks ago

Yes, damn me so no one breaks off, that there is nothing to taste, it is unpleasant

2 weeks ago

This is probably due to the fact that the nose is broken, it was necessary to smooth it on time

2 weeks ago

Come on ... if it were unpleasant. I would not communicate)

2 weeks ago

It's nice to talk. unpleasant that's not your type

2 weeks ago

Usually girls give other compliments

2 weeks ago

Well, consider that I’m not an ordinary girl ... I’m stupid ... look for me in VK ... I will not refuse to talk with you ... I like you)

2 weeks ago

I wrote you yes, I’m in contact. but I rarely go there, today was probably the first time in a year

2 weeks ago

I am Andreev Alexander (last name is changed by the author)

2 weeks ago

Russia, it seems, I'm there in a green bike in the main photo

2 weeks ago


2 weeks ago

Well, what can I tell you ... want to find ... find.)》

2 weeks ago


2 weeks ago

And how can I find you, I don’t know your last name

2 weeks ago

And why look, we can chat here

2 weeks ago

You're honorable

2 weeks ago


2 weeks ago

Well, as you say ... bye))

2 weeks ago

You want it in VK

2 weeks ago

In classmates you are

2 weeks ago

I do not like classmates ... but my character is not sugar))

2 weeks ago

I noticed that the character is not sugar, for some reason I have a relationship with such girls

2 weeks ago What are you))

2 weeks ago

Message one hour is normal

2 weeks ago

you think so long

2 weeks ago

Is that presenting?)) I was busy))

2 weeks ago


2 weeks ago


2 weeks ago

Ahah ... no ... I was cooking dinner))) you only thought about that))

2 weeks ago

)))) Do you like Cooney?))

2 weeks ago

you made me laugh)

2 weeks ago

well done not confused)

2 weeks ago

I rarely get lost)) and what else do you like?

2 weeks ago

if a person makes me passion then much

2 weeks ago

Are you affectionate or rude?))

2 weeks ago

I don’t know, probably for the mood

2 weeks ago

Uni like gays say

2 weeks ago

How do you know what gays say?)

2 weeks ago

I know everything

2 weeks ago

I know

2 weeks ago

there was a section on love mail earlier: I'm a man looking for a man until censorship is removed

2 weeks ago

It is clear ...)) otherwise I thought maybe the experience was))

2 weeks ago

there homosexuals characterized their sexual tendencies; liability, asset and wagon

2 weeks ago

So you're a wagon ... I will know))

2 weeks ago

Can you hurt a girl?

2 weeks ago

I do not know. I had one temperamental girl

She liked the pain

2 weeks ago

Did you like it?

2 weeks ago

Only I'm not a gay station wagon. and wagon in sex, provided that I really want a person

2 weeks ago

It's nice to see when the partner is pleased from what you are doing, of course it was nice)

2 weeks ago

Do you have problems with your wife in bed?

2 weeks ago

She doesn't like everything. although in the classics it is interesting

2 weeks ago

Do you love her?

2 weeks ago


2 weeks ago

You are strange people ... men))

2 weeks ago

There are pluses if a person is not temperamental, the risks of sexual adultery are minimal

2 weeks ago

Why is it strange, everyone is different, everyone has a different character and different sexual temperament

2 weeks ago

Among girls strange no less

2 weeks ago

You tend to generalize

2 weeks ago

Well, yes)) they are all different ... I don’t quickly draw conclusions ... just if a woman loves .. she has no desire to change ... but men have it in blood))

Love changes with age

2 weeks ago

Well, you cheated too

2 weeks ago

I did not say that)

2 weeks ago

I looked at the correspondence, saw that I didn’t speak, and mixed up the correspondence with another girl. she cheated twice, so not only for men it is common. I really don’t know if she loves her husband

2 weeks ago


2 weeks ago

I think you cheated too, it cannot be such that a temperament like yours does not break free

2 weeks ago

Ahah ... she wrote you this ... cool))

2 weeks ago

You are free to think as you want))

2 weeks ago

You do not know me ... how can you talk about my temperament))

2 weeks ago

And not only she wrote this. this is such a thing

2 weeks ago


2 weeks ago

Again, ambition began to crawl out of you

2 weeks ago

No ... I'm just saying as it is))

2 weeks ago

Well, judging by your questions, you are very temperamental, not a temperamental person, these topics would not be interesting

If you didn’t change. you caress sometimes yourself, probably

2 weeks ago

Probably)) and now do you have a bag?))

2 weeks ago

not understood

2 weeks ago

what is likely and what is more?

2 weeks ago

Do you have anyone now?) I meant the girl))

2 weeks ago

Now, no, we agreed to meet with one married one of these days

2 weeks ago

Such a seemingly interesting girl

2 weeks ago

Share your impressions?)) Look do not fall in love))

2 weeks ago

You are the second who asks about it)

2 weeks ago

I already fell in love, the truth is not with her

2 weeks ago

I will share)

2 weeks ago

The main thing is that everything works out

2 weeks ago

Curiosity is a female flaw))

2 weeks ago

What all?)

2 weeks ago

Look at porn, about the same will be with us)

2 weeks ago

Meeting to get

2 weeks ago

Well, you agreed ... and you liked each other ... so

everything will work out))

2 weeks ago

I love erotica more))

2 weeks ago

Erotic, funny)

2 weeks ago

Well this is first, and then pornography

2 weeks ago

little cribies. boobies as my friend said)

2 weeks ago

Cool you have a friend))

2 weeks ago

Yes, there was an interesting boy, it was he who infected me with jokes on sexual topics at the institute, and I heard the word sex from one girl from Minsk, corresponded with her, and then called up about 5 years ago. It was interesting, it looked like you

2 weeks ago

Irina Tsaeva (name and surname changed by the author)

2 weeks ago

Have you met her?

2 weeks ago

It did not work, the girl was so charismatic. afraid of falling in love with her and very open

2 weeks ago

Why didn’t it work?

2 weeks ago

She told how she gives herself up on first dates. then they call her those to whom she gave herself up want to meet, and she is bastard of this

2 weeks ago

I don’t know, we were friends for a year, then she found a guy, she had a child, she was bright, they don’t last long without a husband

invited me to visit her, I couldn’t come

2 weeks ago

but simple was very, not even believed. that there are such people in Minsk, maybe it was just with me on such a wave. I was surprised)

2 weeks ago

Maybe this is for the best that did not work out .. for you)

2 weeks ago

Maybe she was beautiful and fashionable.

2 weeks ago

Do you have a mouse?)

2 weeks ago

The Internet in general makes it possible to fall in love with several people at the same time, I thought about it, the choice is more with the advent of net, respectively, you find more people with whom you have psychological compatibility, and if even sensitive. it’s generally dangerous)

2 weeks ago

I met Turkanka, two years with her already in May or even this month as we communicate

2 weeks ago

I don’t know ... how can you fall in love with the Internet ... funny)))

2 weeks ago

but there is a very heavy person

2 weeks ago

my age, was not married, no children if you believe her of course

2 weeks ago

Why heavy?

2 weeks ago

and what's the difference where to fall in love, exchanged phones and he or she is no longer net, but in real life

2 weeks ago

Conflict man she is very

But also so interesting, the translator works, the daughter of emigrants from Turkmenistan, a Turkish woman in the first generation

2 weeks ago

We had love with her piz ... c)

2 weeks ago

Well, these are vibes ... and a person catches you or not .. it is possible only at a meeting)) and how do you deal with it?))

2 weeks ago

sorry for the emotional word)

2 weeks ago

Why was?)

2 weeks ago

There are no vibes. there is psychological compatibility. vibes metaphysics probably

2 weeks ago

in principle, and now I have feelings, at least for me, she, like all the girls in the relationship, wants me to come to her or to provide any evidence that I need her

2 weeks ago

I think she has feelings just show off

2 weeks ago

Does she know you're not free?

2 weeks ago

Look carefully ... such women can create problems)

2 weeks ago

since I’m not doing anything, she’s apparently annoying, she doesn’t pick up the phone, etc. .. although as soon as she met she often called me, I didn’t pick it up for obvious reasons. she does not know that I am not free

2 weeks ago

Now it’s probably being played out, it may also not pick up the phone.

I said a year and so I ran after you)

2 weeks ago

Do you want to go to her?)

2 weeks ago

Of course, she called me often and chatted with her for a long hour. I sometimes felt sorry for her

2 weeks ago

Zaduril head baby ... oh you Casanova)))

2 weeks ago

She wants a relationship, why should I go to her. if you believe her, she is going to move to Moscow in late summer and early autumn, she ends a contract and she has dual citizenship again if she does not lie

2 weeks ago

He speaks. that does not love me more and marries)

2 weeks ago

Who else fooled

2 weeks ago

I’m glad to get rid of her, I can’t

2 weeks ago

Well, you are deceiving her)) here's how you can love ... fyrrr ...))

2 weeks ago

it usually started two years ago with simple correspondence and it went off)

2 weeks ago

I'm sorry for such fools))

2 weeks ago

I’m cheating because I don’t want her to stop communicating with me. emotional attachment is strong, it will cost me dearly if I decide to break everything, at least for now. maybe then everything will pass. although usually love does not pass as a rule)

2 weeks ago

You again transfer me to the category of all males, someone offended you

2 weeks ago

Why do you consider her a fool

2 weeks ago

One Finnish-speaking Finland wrote to me that here on the dating sites there are some unhappy people, they say, what am I doing here, partly you can probably agree with her

2 weeks ago

In general ... it will probably cost)) because I do not understand love at a distance ... and how can I believe the person whom I saw only in the monitor)))

2 weeks ago

There are so many women unhappy

2 weeks ago

I know ... I was told about this .. yes, and there are enough men))

2 weeks ago

if in the monitor, you still don’t know much, besides the fact that she’s heavy she’s also strange, she didn’t show her face completely in skype

2 weeks ago

What is it like?

2 weeks ago

What about the pictures?

2 weeks ago

only to lip level and a little higher. at first I wrote off everything on the mentality, then they said that the place where she came from was a secular country

2 weeks ago

Here is such a Santa Barbara

2 weeks ago

And so, the pictures are only in profile, the rest are pictures from neta, although I climbed the pages of Asian women there are many who are inclined instead of a photo or next to it a photo from neta nature or something else to post

2 weeks ago

she is probably not free, there is probably a relationship, but not like she would like

2 weeks ago

Mdaaaa ... it’s like Santa Barbara)) I managed to please you))

2 weeks ago

because once she posted pictures for a day then removed them I downloaded them she began to worry why they need me

2 weeks ago

in short, the girl has such a thermonuclear mixture of oddities with a heavy character, which probably prevents her from seriously doing something with a male

2 weeks ago

but. also lying)

2 weeks ago

Really ... weird Madame)))

2 weeks ago

Well, apparently you are aroused by such))

2 weeks ago

says that for 4 years there was no one to have sex with and never caressed herself, I thought maybe she really isn’t so temperamental, in the evening she is always in the apartment if I call her, although the girls I know say that even for 4 years without temperature and without sex and self-caressing is an impossible thing, some say that it may be true, though a minority says it)

2 weeks ago

Well, this is not one fact of lies (although it may not be a lie), lies on other topics

2 weeks ago

You see, I didn’t deceive you that it’s exactly what I’m doing with such girls)

2 weeks ago

About the excitement from such you amused me, but sadomaso adore)

2 weeks ago

There is frigidity)))

2 weeks ago

No, I don’t think she has such a problem.

2 weeks ago

After drinking with her friends, she said that she wanted a peasant, continuous contradictions) Maybe she wants to seem decent. yes replay?)

2 weeks ago

Who knows)) guessing is useless))

2 weeks ago

I remember even a drunk asked me to dance on her striptease on Skype)

2 weeks ago

Even the chest showed, and I told her what I have, but she was embarrassed)

2 weeks ago

Thank you baby for the conversation.

2 weeks ago

I'll go to work)

2 weeks ago you are interesting)

2 weeks ago

I know that))) and who do you work for?)

2 weeks ago

Sales Representative

2 weeks ago

What do you imagine?)

1 week ago

Therefore, you will not know a famous brand; you used to represent Patax and Abimi (the names of the organizations have been changed by the author).

1 week ago

Well, as I understand it, the work is not dusty)))

1 week ago

I understand you, too, are not processed)

1 week ago

If I worked where I worked before, then I probably would have broken for a long time and the meaning of life for you would have been lost

1 week ago

And where did you lose the meaning of life ... in the galleys or something))

1 week ago

At the construction site

1 week ago

With the meaning of life, everything is fine, I don’t know how you are

1 week ago

Worked at a construction site as a guest worker

1 week ago

Silly you

1 week ago


1 week ago

I'm not stupid))))

1 week ago

Are you kidding me?

1 week ago

And what ... should?))

1 week ago

Representatives of some nationalities answer questions, are you not one of them?

1 week ago

Leave your phone number

1 week ago


1 week ago

you and silly

1 week ago

hi baby you're offended

1 week ago

(phone number deleted by the author)

1 week ago

And you are a proud girl)

1 week ago

okay gopher, I’m going to sleep, while, restrain pride)

1 week ago

I kiss you in forbidden places)

1 week ago

Clear? you get high when they start to run after you, you are the same primitive organism as the majority, but I thought you were a special girl

1 week ago


1 week ago

If you want, I can give you such pleasure, for free

1 week ago

You have an aggravation))

6 days ago

What an insult. hard to guess. that I just like you)

5 days ago

If I pay attention to you)

5 days ago

what stupid girl are you still

5 days ago

but you're still cute)

5 days ago

You pay special attention to it)))

5 days ago

Hi, how is it, and how do you usually do this

5 days ago

Here you can just meet. and then it's better to chat on the phone

5 days ago

Are you just looking for attention here?

5 days ago

Well, usually those who pay attention ... do not pass over my mental abilities and the primitivism of my body)))) I'm sick ... so my phone calls are minimized ... it's hard to talk))

5 days ago

I'm not looking for anything ... already said)

5 days ago

You are still offended, but if you answered it means not very proud

5 days ago


5 days ago

Damn ... you're funny)))

5 days ago

Everyone probably who is here has some kind of motive, otherwise why be here

5 days ago

You are also interesting, I already told you that)

5 days ago

Tell me who you work.

5 days ago

if you work

5 days ago

I offended you again with something

5 days ago

if so, I was right that it’s better to chat on the phone, there are many misunderstandings due to the fact that you don’t see emotions

5 days ago

You didn’t offend me at all) I don’t work ... and here sometimes I kill time ... without motives)

5 days ago

I’m probably doing the same thing here)

5 days ago

But you probably are still cunning, it's nice when those who are here make compliments. I like it for example)

5 days ago

only one minus, few interesting

5 days ago

I'm about those who are here

5 days ago

You may not believe it ... but exactly ... it's not real)) here sometimes there are people who are nice to talk to ... especially since I love stories))

5 days ago

Well, yes, and a lot of inadequate)

5 days ago

There are a lot of charmers

5 days ago

Yes, it's nice to talk about secret topics with someone you are interested in)

5 days ago

Well. that you won’t leave the phone

5 days ago

You left me yours))

5 days ago

You left me yours))

5 days ago

You don’t call pride anyway)

5 days ago

so I suggested you leave your

5 days ago

Maybe I'll call ...) and where does pride))

5 days ago

I rarely give a number ... my husband is very jealous))

5 days ago

Yes? You just don’t look like that person who will call himself)

5 days ago

Well, how are you going to call

5 days ago

if the husband is jealous, your phone will still remain after the call, but the baby?)

5 days ago

So I may not call from my own .. but in general I have not yet decided .. I have a desire to talk on the phone or not) and why aren’t you working .. Monday after all))

5 days ago

it so happened that almost done

5 days ago

why don't you work at all

5 days ago

I don’t work at all))

5 days ago

It's boring

5 days ago

No ... boring to live according to the regime ... every day to go to work))

5 days ago

It depends on what work, if it’s hellish, it’s not only not boring, but also scared to go to it

5 days ago

my work among women)

5 days ago

I like)

5 days ago


5 days ago

but again, as here, a lot of uninteresting

5 days ago

Well, that's good .. when I like what you do)) and I like not to work))

5 days ago

and so I like older than me or at least my age, so everything is ok with my work)

5 days ago

in megacities many who do not work)

5 days ago

there are people

5 days ago

and on the other hand, it’s bad when the hands are under sharpened to hell, and if you have to go to work, what then?

5 days ago

Does your husband earn normally?

5 days ago

Which ones?) Well, we'll have to go to work ... I don’t see anything terrible about it ... although I think .. I won’t have to))

5 days ago

Yes ... enough for me)

5 days ago

Well, you’ve done well, many of the girls dream that their husband should balance and do the right thing by the way, that you don’t give anyone your phone number if such circumstances)

5 days ago

My acquaintance girl from Minsk about whom I told you. not a day did not work anywhere)

5 days ago

And you’re not so kind and horny by the way)

5 days ago

It all depends on the mood)) and for those girls who dream ..- advise men to choose the right one))

5 days ago

I don’t know anyone who dreams about it, I’m just guessing

5 days ago

about it

5 days ago

you tell me how you choose, and I will tell them. where did you find such a husband?

5 days ago

I didn’t look for him ... I found myself)) and when you start talking closely with a man ... you know .. will he cherish and cherish you ... or not))

5 days ago


5 days ago

My wife also says that he was found)

5 days ago

What else are you fond of besides the fact that you are pissing here with the boys?

5 days ago

At the factory you, there would have plowed a shift and no boys would have wanted. or setting)

5 days ago

don’t be offended I have such jokes)

5 days ago

I like reading very much ... I am fond of dancing ... I love big noisy gatherings)) ahah ... we are fragile creatures ... so the plant is not about us))

5 days ago

You looked at your photo. You are one of the most interesting girls whom I met here, I think that I am in your taste, although you said. what not. usually if you like someone you like him too

5 days ago

You know how many fragile creatures. but they eat be healthy as)

5 days ago

for ten fragile

5 days ago

Well, I will not dissuade you .. it's not cultural)) I like your immediacy))

5 days ago

So. that let's go to the collective farm on the beetroot field, get ready to come home and immediately sleep. and not correspondence

5 days ago

Not I, your husband, I would raise you)

5 days ago

What you do not like my correspondence ... educator))

5 days ago

would have flogged to red and on the field to the collective farm, as they say physical labor does not add to the mind. but dope cleans up)

5 days ago

collective farm

5 days ago

Dreamer))) who studied what ...))

5 days ago

and where did you study so student

5 days ago

I would take off my underpants and, with all your acquaintances, would flog your correspondence if I were your husband

5 days ago

silk would be

5 days ago

I have\

5 days ago

okay, I'm already carried away still offended and really, you don’t want to go to the collective farm and go to the construction site)

5 days ago

don’t be offended you are a vulnerable girl of blue blood)

5 days ago

I forgot

5 days ago

don’t be offended baby, but I don’t want a friend like you to lose)

5 days ago

you can’t go to work anywhere and further

5 days ago

all the same, this time I was probably offended, I probably went too far about the underpants

5 days ago

okay while baby i work, you're nice)

5 days ago

I tell you, it’s better to chat on the phone

5 days ago

I'm afraid my ears are wilted ... worker))

5 days ago

Shame means there is more)

5 days ago

Aghas ... just a little bit)

5 days ago

Well done)

4 days ago

Hi Sabinochka

3 days ago


3 days ago

Oh hello baby, I only said goodbye to a girl friend and was going to sleep

3 days ago

did you put your husband to sleep?)

3 days ago

I'm not at home ... so I don’t know)

3 days ago

I wonder where are you with the boy?)

I'm jealous

3 days ago At the girl)

3 days ago

And the husband looks at it

3 days ago

And why aren't you at home, it's time to sleep

3 days ago

So conceived)

3 days ago

Do you want to seem mysterious)

3 days ago

You and your girlfriend need to send to the construction site

3 days ago

That for a day worked out and immediately went to bed go to bed

3 days ago

Go to sleep .. think narrowly

3 days ago

Wide you are mine

3 days ago

how do you think there

3 days ago

But you said goodbye to the girl ... so that Spocky Noki

3 days ago

OK good night

3 days ago

I kiss you in forbidden places

3 days ago

Go on ...

3 days ago

Do not be rude

3 days ago

You said that I’m direct, but you’re a closed girl

Curious conclusion))

2 days ago

Yeah keep your distance

2 days ago

You want a mysterious

2 days ago

You want to be mysterious

2 days ago

I don’t want to be anyone or seem ... but to keep my distance is normal ... I don’t know you))

2 days ago

Keep a distance of some youngsters or infantiles who are over 30, but at heart 15 years old


Oh what nonsense ... adult man)


If it’s not stupidity then it’s not mine, in law enforcement agencies this term is often used in relation to recruits whose childhood in the ass still say they come infantile, they say that in the military enlistment office they give such a reprieve from the army under the pretext of mental immaturity.


I'm not talking about the so-called infantility)

19 hours ago

but about that baby you're my sweet


Dialogue with a girl from an Asian country, age about 30 years (location and age according to her). Punctuation and spelling left in the original:


2 days ago


2 days ago

let's be friends

2 days ago

male or female friendship?

2 days ago

what do you want

2 days ago

start with the man)

2 days ago

come on

2 days ago

tell me how life is

2 days ago

really don't know what you mean

2 days ago

all type top

2 days ago

how are you?)

2 days ago

all the case)

2 days ago


2 days ago

Are you looking for a husband?

2 days ago


2 days ago


2 days ago to chat?)

2 days ago

nothing else happens

2 days ago

I'm far away)

2 days ago

By the way, where is far?

2 days ago


2 days ago

then husband!

2 days ago


2 days ago

And what is better than ours)

2 days ago

in terms of living standards?)

2 days ago

we have a crisis

2 days ago

and where is he not?)

2 days ago

no husband)

2 days ago

how do you think youngster)

2 days ago

but but

2 days ago

you hope to find such a husband who will take the balance)

2 days ago

sure to find

2 days ago

we have such husbands who themselves are looking for where to attach)

2 days ago


2 days ago


2 days ago

I don't know who you will find

2 days ago

in our years, all good men and women have already been dismantled)

2 days ago

one junk left)

2 days ago

after 30 all become well thought out)

2 days ago


2 days ago

not well there are chances

2 days ago

did you say that about me?)

2 days ago

but they are very small)

2 days ago

yes no and where are you)

2 days ago


2 days ago


2 days ago

I'm lpach

2 days ago


2 days ago


2 days ago

really cruel thing

2 days ago

write the number better than the crybaby)

2 days ago

will you call?

2 days ago

well yes

2 days ago

you think something will turn out?

2 days ago

far away Sash)

2 days ago

I can’t say anything in the affirmative)

2 days ago

tell me a little about yourself better than you do?

2 days ago

so we are not a bourgeois and there are no material means to overcome the distance)

2 days ago

we can just chat)

2 days ago

then female)

2 days ago

I work as a sales representative

2 days ago

I had to say right away

2 days ago


2 days ago universal)

2 days ago


2 days ago

male friendship is your concept of friendship with a sex man?)

2 days ago

what a wife, friendship I wrote to you is not male, not female, universal)

2 days ago


2 days ago

I'm just asking if there is a wife

2 days ago

and then what?

2 days ago

have a wife do not worry)

2 days ago

I do not fit you)

2 days ago

and the child is)

2 days ago

it's clear that you do not fit

2 days ago

for husband

2 days ago

why are you alone

2 days ago

what are you looking for here?

2 days ago

depends with whom

2 days ago

in different ways as the soul to whom lies, everything is individual)

2 days ago

your photo is so modest with us, as a rule, those who are not free are exhibiting such)

2 days ago

overall entertainment

2 days ago

Well, obviously not an extra job)

2 days ago

and not adventure)

2 days ago

mmmm ... didn’t think about it, what photo should I put?

2 days ago

without glasses

2 days ago

who needs my eyes)

2 days ago

and then where do you think that turned out best

2 days ago

the one that you like)

2 days ago

to whom you want to find)

2 days ago

this is not my photo

2 days ago

I supposed)

2 days ago

I'm a little different

2 days ago

do you look like shit?)

2 days ago

Why are you encrypted if you are not married?)

2 days ago


2 days ago

Strange you are looking for a husband, maybe that's why I haven’t found it yet)

2 days ago

get me tired

2 days ago

who gets

2 days ago

I want to choose myself

2 days ago


2 days ago


2 days ago

oh bl ...)

2 days ago

do not make me laugh)

2 days ago

no mats please

2 days ago

and I'm from men, not a bourgeois)

2 days ago

and bl ... it's not a mate)

2 days ago

a censored word

2 days ago

don't make me laugh, it's a mate

2 days ago

in cinema)

2 days ago

well you're funny)

2 days ago

I thought that you wrote that the phrase do not make me laugh is obscene)

2 days ago

why are you

2 days ago


2 days ago

fans can't get me or something

2 days ago

Well, your business)

2 days ago

can be manipulated by fans, unless of course they really are)

2 days ago


2 days ago

or just the pleasure of getting male attention)

2 days ago

I get

2 days ago

the meaning is usually material)

2 days ago

who do you work?)

2 days ago

it means being dependent on someone I don't want

2 days ago


2 days ago


2 days ago

and do not depend on anyone)

2 days ago

still as it should)

2 days ago

depending on who and how)

2 days ago

do not generalize

2 days ago

you have to pay for everything

2 days ago

who pays and who does not

2 days ago

and if necessary it is production costs

2 days ago

I also do not like to depend on anyone)

2 days ago

depend on those whose hands under the horseradish are sharpened as a rule)

2 days ago

who do not know how to do nothing)

2 days ago

oh, you know a lot)

2 days ago

which makes them be on someone's balance sheet)

2 days ago

where to do)

2 days ago

such crutches are peculiar)

2 days ago

with whom)

2 days ago

as (

2 days ago

who can’t work, those deer are looking for any money to give)

2 days ago

Why is it not clear)

2 days ago

expression you know hands sharpened dick)

2 days ago


2 days ago

exactly hands?

2 days ago

really didn’t hear such an expression?)

2 days ago

there really is a grosser synonym than dick)

2 days ago

they don’t say that

2 days ago

hands under x .. sharpened)

2 days ago

got it?)

2 days ago

it's about those who can not do anything)

2 days ago

Well, I understood this word

2 days ago

cool expression

2 days ago

Well, you surprise me)

2 days ago

if you’re not lying. that I didn’t hear)

2 days ago

and do not be surprised

2 days ago

clarified, thanks)

2 days ago

you see the import of folk wisdom has begun)

2 days ago

we say differently

2 days ago

Oh well

2 days ago

what do you say?)

2 days ago

hands from w ... py

2 days ago

and I heard that)

2 days ago

I thought you say your hands under ... sharpened)

2 days ago

others like too

2 days ago

remember I will say

2 days ago

are you in social networks?)

2 days ago


2 days ago

no, I do not use, once

2 days ago

but is there when?)

2 days ago

here cooo

2 days ago

it seems easier to find suitors there)

2 days ago

as simple as that. to write ...

2 days ago

oh yes with big ambition)

2 days ago

so you will not find the groom)

2 days ago

oh don't say that

2 days ago

I will pay again)

2 days ago

you forgot, I'm nothing like that

2 days ago

I remember

2 days ago

but only I did not see you)

2 days ago


2 days ago

and don’t, take a word

2 days ago


2 days ago

do you believe

2 days ago

Well, you don’t worry much already)

2 days ago

for each product a customer)

2 days ago

that's for sure! maybe I can find someone

2 days ago

Well, then why still not found)

2 days ago

if the appearance is all the top type?)

2 days ago

and here)))

2 days ago

maybe you weren’t married yet?)

2 days ago

type top))) you do not believe, oh you

2 days ago

was of course

2 days ago divorced

2 days ago


2 days ago

you are probably a very heavy person)

2 days ago

judging by your conceit)

2 days ago


2 days ago

I am kind

2 days ago


2 days ago

your business)

2 days ago

what is your profession

2 days ago


2 days ago

I am a financier

2 days ago

nasty work

2 days ago

for me))

2 days ago

you get used to

2 days ago


2 days ago

tedious, though normal for a woman

2 days ago

I heard you have 7 women for one man

2 days ago

on TV

2 days ago

and by the way recently)

2 days ago

I do not know)

2 days ago


2 days ago

did not consider

2 days ago

and polygamy is kind of like you're allowed

2 days ago


2 days ago who told you

2 days ago

on TV

2 days ago

you look nasty things about us)))

2 days ago

statistics about the lack of men told

2 days ago

and this too

2 days ago

put your photo you intrigued me

2 days ago

still would)

2 days ago

come on

2 days ago

I wait

2 days ago

i will say so

2 days ago

brown eyes, blonde hair, 170-68

2 days ago

you don't consider yourself strange after that

2 days ago

oh))) stop

2 days ago

I do not understand you 2 days ago I want to put

2 days ago

no, there’s just enough enchantment

2 days ago

Oh oh oh

2 days ago

I saw

2 days ago

so I'm afraid that you are not from their category turned out to be

2 days ago

these charms

2 days ago

as you want

2 days ago

then it's somehow suspicious

2 days ago

ok everything don't worry

2 days ago

Then what is it

2 days ago

I have such a problem

2 days ago

try not to hurt my psyche

2 days ago

What is your problem

2 days ago


2 days ago

I myself do not know what I want, or rather who I want

2 days ago

we have guys for 35 really no

2 days ago

and why is there to know why and whom everything should be in this direction spontaneously

2 days ago

I'm wondering with you and off we go)

2 days ago

I don’t want spontaneously, I am after a divorce with a wounded heart

2 days ago

and PST

2 days ago

not interested with anyone

2 days ago

post-traumatic syndrome)

2 days ago

what for then it was getting divorced)

2 days ago

maybe you are right

2 days ago

well, it so happened, love ended

2 days ago

what garbage)

2 days ago

But why

2 days ago

she did not end

2 days ago

but just changed)

2 days ago

I want to be happy

2 days ago

everyone wants to drag around as they say in the army)

2 days ago

You’ve been married for 14 years, we’ll talk

2 days ago


2 days ago

and 15 will suit you?)

2 days ago


2 days ago

wimps you))

2 days ago

with such a weak psyche, such serious steps as marriage cannot be done)

2 days ago

don't rash me with salt ...

2 days ago

I’m taking a closer look

2 days ago

I would return to my husband in your place)

2 days ago

learning to talk again

2 days ago

no i can't

2 days ago

and not toil about garbage

2 days ago


2 days ago


2 days ago

I found someone on the decent side and fell in love calmly

2 days ago

without drastic steps

2 days ago

I don’t feel like it, maybe you’re right

2 days ago

family in general is a separate thing

2 days ago

especially if there are children

2 days ago

in family life, the main thing is mutual concessions

2 days ago

because we had love

2 days ago

she had everyone

2 days ago


2 days ago

but getting divorced when she is not funny

2 days ago

if only because of this

2 days ago

cynical is

2 days ago

all happiness is sought

2 days ago

everybody wants pleasures

2 days ago

and they don’t want to work hard

2 days ago

interesting yes)

2 days ago

don't speak for everyone

2 days ago

People are different

2 days ago

but you are definitely from the category of those who, with difficulties, immediately go to the bushes)

2 days ago

for pleasure)

2 days ago

usually women are psychologically stronger than men)

2 days ago

No, you guessed wrong

2 days ago

Well then, what about your fortitude?)

2 days ago

there are people who are in a much worse situation than you

2 days ago

and I

2 days ago

everything seems normal

2 days ago

i live enjoy life

2 days ago

sometimes go on dates

2 days ago

you just focused on every liver)

2 days ago

cult you seek happiness)

2 days ago

watched the "Golden Calf" as Ostap Bender Panikovsky said do not make a cult out of food)

2 days ago

homo saps still

2 days ago

homo sapins just does not follow emotions)

2 days ago

I lived so calmly before the divorce) (The word “lived” is the author’s correction, the girl wrote the word “lived”).

2 days ago

and instincts

2 days ago

well, a woman

2 days ago lived))

2 days ago

oh don’t make out of everything a problem as we say

2 days ago

I wouldn’t get divorced all the more if the reason is only in faded feelings

2 days ago

letters are not printed)

2 days ago

there are reasons for divorcing but they are significant

2 days ago

for men yes

2 days ago

man Woman

2 days ago

what's the difference

2 days ago

this is your property, bm also did not want to get divorced

2 days ago

there is a difference

2 days ago

live in a family especially if there are children if there are weaknesses to the side and calm down

2 days ago

oh what are you talking about

2 days ago

come to the family

2 days ago


2 days ago

you have far-fetched problems

2 days ago

I want something, I met the opposite sex

2 days ago

everything is simple with you

2 days ago

we can't do that

2 days ago

invited to visit, met and fled

2 days ago

who you are

2 days ago


2 days ago

asians or women

2 days ago

but I’m dating women and they’re all married

2 days ago

I need feelings, for example

2 days ago


2 days ago

serious case

2 days ago

and I have a passion)

2 days ago

I'm serious, without them there is no passion

2 days ago

for once

2 days ago

feelings are primary

2 days ago

passion is secondary)

2 days ago

rearrange in places)

2 days ago


2 days ago

would be nearby, would pinch you)

2 days ago

I like you too)

2 days ago

I'm just saying))))))

2 days ago

I, too))

2 days ago

maybe something else

2 days ago

Are you talking about sex?)

2 days ago not yet

2 days ago

but about what

2 days ago

I did not understand your phrase

2 days ago

Do not worry

2 days ago

well done)

2 days ago you study fast)

2 days ago

I'm smart too

2 days ago

you see, some virtues. and you are a heavy character0

2 days ago

I think I am pleasant to you too

2 days ago

as a rule it is mutual)

2 days ago

based on life experience)

2 days ago


2 days ago

not enough experience)

2 days ago


2 days ago is enough

2 days ago

what is wrong with you

2 days ago

I'm great)

2 days ago

if I like someone, then I’m not indifferent to who I like

2 days ago

even sooooo

2 days ago


2 days ago

you to me - am I to you?

2 days ago


2 days ago

but just like no one can you?

2 days ago

do not make puzzles

2 days ago

I like - I like)

2 days ago

you even provoked me to create a formula)

2 days ago

Do you like demagoguery?)

2 days ago

I can provoke it)

2 days ago

there is another saying on this subject

2 days ago

n do not toss bags)

2 days ago


2 days ago

I realized that for n

2 days ago

Yes I know

2 days ago

damn I know

2 days ago

and when did you toss the bags?)

2 days ago

no dear never

2 days ago

and darling so you completely pulled)

2 days ago

here is another folk wisdom then

2 days ago

fi how rude

2 days ago

physical labor does not add to the mind but removes nonsense)

2 days ago

the best medicine for the spoiled bourgeois)

2 days ago

you are hinting)

2 days ago


2 days ago

don't try

2 days ago

Yes, a couple of cars you would do well to unload with flour)

2 days ago

so that nonsense came out)

2 days ago


2 days ago

I am not a spoiled, ordinary woman. well, a little whacky

2 days ago

It happens to everyone

2 days ago

this whim already needs to outgrow)

2 days ago

Bujua you are mine)

2 days ago


2 days ago

take a photo or are you afraid not to like it?)

2 days ago

I meet a lot of people now, and these people say pretty interesting things

2 days ago

I'm afraid of course

2 days ago

don’t toss bags

2 days ago


2 days ago

people say a lot of what

2 days ago

I'm wondering with you seriously

2 days ago

not bags ...

2 days ago

I told you that sympathy is mutual)

2 days ago


2 days ago

the main thing is not to attach to each other, otherwise it will hurt)

2 days ago

all this has already passed)

2 days ago

I work, go to work, get tired, have the right to relax in the evening with interesting people?

2 days ago

you have, near the cars, pulling bags)

2 days ago

and not n different listen)

2 days ago

you and I are peers

2 days ago

we don’t get attached ... today we’ll chat and that's it ... we just won’t write

2 days ago

yes we will call up

2 days ago

write number

2 days ago

e will)

2 days ago

as you want

2 days ago

it's no use

2 days ago

your business

2 days ago

then good luck in your search for feelings)

2 days ago

no offense golden

2 days ago

no offense sweet)

2 days ago

thanks and good luck too

2 days ago

good luck so that they don’t wear gear)

2 days ago

ok, kiss you bye

2 days ago

(phone number deleted by the author)

2 days ago

I kiss you in forbidden places too)

2 days ago

wow) can you?

2 days ago

if there is a passion for the partner then yes)

2 days ago


2 days ago

You can not))))

2 days ago

I already answered you)

2 days ago

learn baby)

2 days ago

all clear with you

2 days ago


2 days ago

and how about sexual temperament)

2 days ago

under the same conditions if there is a passion for a partner?)

2 days ago

can you do everything?)

2 days ago

she is available

2 days ago

and real)

2 days ago

so you have a high temperament)

2 days ago

you're hot)

2 days ago

I'm an oriental woman

2 days ago

how do you keep it then)

2 days ago

oh ... don't ask

2 days ago

everything burns out in vain)

2 days ago

come) save

2 days ago

come on. I am sure you have enough rescuers without me)

2 days ago

already sure, finally !!!

2 days ago

I won’t believe that you don’t meet

2 days ago

you're kind of beautiful, and even temperamental)

2 days ago

I said sometimes I meet

2 days ago

but what about the feelings?)

2 days ago

did you dissemble?)

2 days ago

feelings are

2 days ago

second time in my life

2 days ago

something you generally changed 360 degrees)

2 days ago

then you are looking for feelings, they already exist

2 days ago

I realized

2 days ago

you're looking for a fallback)

2 days ago

without prospects unfortunately, therefore sometimes

2 days ago

he is married

2 days ago

something like that

2 days ago

married and walks girls not married)

2 days ago

and I'm not a beauty

2 days ago

but something I don’t understand you at all)

2 days ago

then you said that Merlin Monroe, then not a beauty)

2 days ago

I did not say

2 days ago

I think everything is fine with you)

2 days ago

rather sweet, but no more)

2 days ago

tastes differ)

2 days ago

I probably look good

2 days ago

they say so

2 days ago

workers with workers bourgeois with bourgeois

2 days ago


2 days ago

write a chat for a couple of minutes

2 days ago


2 days ago

I'm generally modest, and affectionate

2 days ago

no golden, let's not

2 days ago

as you want dear

2 days ago

Let's say goodbye)

2 days ago


2 days ago

come on

2 days ago

kiss good night

2 days ago

and then the cars are with cement

2 days ago

I kiss you as I said

2 days ago

we only have 19 45

2 days ago

sweet Dreams)

2 days ago

and you sweet

2 days ago

you are more relaxed than your peers. well done

2 days ago

rather boor))

2 days ago

probably experience)

2 days ago

I like

2 days ago

I have work with women)

2 days ago

I do not like whiners)

2 days ago

I like you too)

2 days ago

you think I’ll find someone?

2 days ago

as psychologists say, a man and a woman have mutual sympathy when a man sees that a woman is pleased to listen to what he says to her, like that)

2 days ago

Well, you kind of found it, we talk)

2 days ago

you know, I was upset when you said about the hard nature

2 days ago

why upset, I also have a heavy character

2 days ago

pleasures after 30 becomes little, you cling immediately to something pleasant)

2 days ago

men have less, women have more than enough pleasures

2 days ago

I do not know

2 days ago

only somehow I do not want

2 days ago

depending on what men and women

2 days ago

non-rich men and women have their minimum

2 days ago

you're right

2 days ago

let's not talk about sad

2 days ago

if we had money in excess, we could meet)

2 days ago

those who have ambition are dominated by one problem that they have to decide either he or something pragmatic)

2 days ago

may be

2 days ago


2 days ago

may not be exactly

2 days ago

blindly? not afraid

2 days ago

I wanted to meet a girl, I worked as a cashier, but she has a lot of temper and I have more than that, it’s clear that I like her and I’ve ruined her and my ambition)

2 days ago

she, too, is not free in one class studied)

2 days ago

what happened?

2 days ago

I didn’t show the initiative to roll up)

2 days ago

waiting for someone to break first, but I think that everything will turn out she lives in my area)

2 days ago

I rarely show

2 days ago


2 days ago

Well, you generally "snickering" male attention)

2 days ago

that girl is also beautiful)

2 days ago

the same as you probably therefore honorable)

2 days ago

well no need

2 days ago

and any ambition is very easily removed by affection)

2 days ago

you know

2 days ago

do you think that I should have given her affection at the checkout)

2 days ago


2 days ago

there was also an inconvenience to “roll up” qualitatively, constantly there are a lot of people)

2 days ago

turn to the cash desk)

2 days ago

high quality oh oh oh

2 days ago

here you are, for example, prickly

2 days ago

But how, an idiot is also not interesting to look at)

2 days ago

yes baby you noticed correctly)

2 days ago

you are probably the same

2 days ago

were you born in may?)

2 days ago

in August

2 days ago

i'm in may

2 days ago


2 days ago

and that girl in May

2 days ago


2 days ago

also taurus

2 days ago trumpet case)

2 days ago

although I do not quite believe in the dependence of character on the zodiac signs)

2 days ago

two bodies must not meet

2 days ago

for in sex you know what passion can happen

2 days ago


2 days ago

Exotic and classic)

2 days ago


2 days ago

although you think why to put this ambition in a dominant place, although it also gives pleasure

2 days ago

endorphins are released into the blood, hormones of pleasure)

2 days ago

thrown away

2 days ago

wrote a lot and did not go

2 days ago


2 days ago

It would be interesting to read)

2 days ago

Will we be friends or not?)

or amuse amusement)

2 days ago

what a trouble, I can’t tear myself away from you in any way

2 days ago

I already broke off)

2 days ago

that’s the point

2 days ago

roll up)

2 days ago

doesn’t work, and like it more

2 days ago

it's because you aren’t me; I’ve found no one better than each other here)

2 days ago

you wrote above about passion, but more and more about technology

2 days ago

but what without her)

2 days ago

I'm not a theorist)

2 days ago

you men only technology and are interested

2 days ago


2 days ago


2 days ago

starts by looking with whom

2 days ago

Yes Yes Yes

2 days ago

no technique with the homeless

2 days ago

although what to deny, we are also interested. and here begins the male embarrassment

2 days ago

what embarrassment

2 days ago

when do you offer a sex man?)

2 days ago

no, when you are interested in what we can)

2 days ago

fully express thoughts and I don’t understand

2 days ago


2 days ago


2 days ago

what started

2 days ago

what kind of puzzles do you twist

2 days ago

my wife came

2 days ago

Do not worry)

2 days ago

bye coward

2 days ago

Well then what are friends?)

2 days ago

I will think

2 days ago


2 days ago


2 days ago

what time are we meeting?)

2 days ago

you asked if you would find someone for a relationship, there is no universal answer, it all depends on your line of behavior, you understand yourself, if you pamper a man, feed, drink, then the chances are great, if the approach you use now is less likely

2 days ago

Example: I met a girl from a city not far from me, a man met me, took me by car to solve my problems, bought a bottle of wine, as a result we are friends and I replenish her phone bill every month, because such people are rare and I have them appreciate)

2 days ago

As my friend says such shit as "consumers" is a complete city)

2 days ago

already adult uncles will lead them in order to “fall in love”)

2 days ago

words such as “consumers” and so on are usually used by men unsure of the material sense, in any case, I see it that way. maybe now the time is different, and it’s more difficult for men to be cool and cool) but still they are men yesterday

demagogy, empty




time will tell


am i right or not


no offense


just voiced you a line of behavior that increases the chances of acquiring a partner, but in general it’s better to reconcile with your husband, after 30 everything you’ve thought over, remember to manipulate the opposite sex is not as easy as before, everyone sees it and annoys everyone


Lyrical correspondence with a girl, from her words, from a European country, age, from her words, about 30 years. (Orforgaphia and punctuation are stored in the original.)


1 month ago


1 month ago

make friends))

1 month ago

)))))))))))) come on)

1 month ago

why not married?)

1 month ago

Is it written on the forehead?))))

1 month ago

99% have someone on the site

1 month ago

And you have?))

1 month ago


1 month ago

write the phone number friend)

1 month ago

what for?))

1 month ago

you're kind of not slow-witted)

1 month ago

smart face))

1 month ago

higher education)))

1 month ago

such a good city is mine and yours)

1 month ago

no one to work on the farm)

1 month ago

I really have the highest))

1 month ago

not bought)

1 month ago

I already told you)

1 month ago

I’m not going to the collective farm yet) it will be necessary - I’ll go))

1 month ago

if you are a lawyer or an economist, then it’s for sure with this bust in society)

1 month ago

neither one nor the other) a counter question is possible?

1 month ago

of course my tactful)

1 month ago

I am a lawyer

1 month ago and mason

1 month ago

thanks, friend) why he’s not married?))

1 month ago

of Education

1 month ago

no decent

1 month ago

originally) never met such a combination of professions))

1 month ago

What is meant by decent?

1 month ago

what is meant

1 month ago

this is not an answer for an adult man)

1 month ago

Do not clog the dialogue and broadcast with demagogy)

1 month ago

and not trying)

1 month ago

my Smartie))

1 month ago

you are elite in the photo)

1 month ago

How long have you been alone?)

1 month ago

but in life it’s quite ordinary) it's just a photo)

1 month ago

"Elite" sounds like an insult))))

1 month ago

Yes, you are also honorable)

1 month ago

one of the main reasons why those who are alone are ambition)

1 month ago elite you girl)

1 month ago

it's all right?)

1 month ago

I don’t know what to say) no one has given me such “compliments” yet)

1 month ago

and I’m far from being “honorable”))))

1 month ago

I read compliments from foreigners)

1 month ago

curious you, however)))

1 month ago

I need to read)

1 month ago

some nations lack women)

1 month ago

sympathize with them)

1 month ago

I don’t know, I didn’t have to talk)

1 month ago

themselves to blame, it’s not prestigious for them to have a female child)

1 month ago


1 month ago

and you see the news about Germany)

1 month ago

I always look about Germany) and preferably in the original)

1 month ago


1 month ago in German)

1 month ago

yes, in German)

1 month ago

you want to impress me)

1 month ago

no. I just know German

1 month ago

and I'm in English)

1 month ago

I don’t know him. at all.

1 month ago

come teach)

1 month ago

lived in Germany?)

1 month ago

did not live. education allows yes and the translator was

1 month ago


1 month ago

sorry not english

1 month ago

does it change anything?))

1 month ago

what didn’t the German find?)

1 month ago

not looking)

1 month ago

write the phone number friend)

1 month ago


1 month ago

I find it easier on the Internet)

1 month ago

and you say there is no ambition

1 month ago

no. absolutely.

1 month ago

the second time you do not want to talk

1 month ago

I'm talking)

1 month ago

second time

1 month ago

bye first

1 month ago

and the phone does not play a role here. whatever you want, you can online)

1 month ago

to ask

1 month ago

do you live with a man?

1 month ago

no, one.

1 month ago


1 month ago


1 month ago

What the?

1 month ago

so much more

1 month ago

I did not understand why such an answer)

1 month ago

I wanted to find out the reason why the phone number is a problem to write if there is no ambition

1 month ago


1 month ago

I am

1 month ago

Are you trying in German? then go to another language)

1 month ago


1 month ago oooooooo) impressed

1 month ago

name the reason

1 month ago

Are you trying to insult me ​​all the time or something ???

1 month ago

according to which a simple non-chubby woman does not write the phone number

1 month ago

no, I just know this in German

1 month ago


1 month ago

another akhtung

1 month ago

niht shiz

1 month ago

1. I don’t see the point in communicating by phone, because it has no continuation, 2. not from the capital, 3. after this symbolic concept, communication usually stops) yes, and I still do not believe in sympathy in such an application)))

1 month ago

what a concept

1 month ago

probably not correctly expressed) keyword)

1 month ago

even more incomprehensibly put it

1 month ago

everything is very clear

1 month ago

you're also crafty)

1 month ago

no. I tell the truth.

1 month ago

then what are you doing here my unbelieving sympathy?)

1 month ago

nothing to do

1 month ago

one conclusion is shorter

1 month ago

which one?

1 month ago

latent ambition and latency of guile

1 month ago


1 month ago

what's behind these conclusions?

1 month ago

forgot honestly indicate the reason

1 month ago


1 month ago

I honestly said everything. maybe you interpreted it in your own way?))

1 month ago

reason for number

1 month ago

phone give

1 month ago


1 month ago

what is the denial?

1 month ago

in the phone number?

1 month ago

Well, I'm asking you

1 month ago

from now on I’m starting to blunt)

1 month ago

you read my mind)

1 month ago

and I thought so)

1 month ago

so much time for rolling away)

1 month ago

shorter bouquet

1 month ago

Can I speak Russian?

1 month ago

Cunning, ambition and still a tendency to demagoguery

1 month ago

like to roll cotton

1 month ago

I’m not a demagogue, not ugly, on the contrary, a simple and modest person. I try not to lie. I just don’t understand that we will be on the phone. discuss and why.

1 month ago javol

1 month ago

bad expression

1 month ago

I honestly said.

1 month ago

we will be friends

1 month ago

I indicated my reasons, but why do you need this? or you have each phone number. are you asking?

1 month ago

yes, each

1 month ago

the homeless too

1 month ago

I did not talk about the homeless

1 month ago

although they usually don’t have phones

1 month ago

and I'm talking about the homeless

1 month ago

I feel offended

1 month ago

we still roll cotton

1 month ago

push water in a mortar

1 month ago

Not all. no need to generalize

1 month ago

hitly kaput

1 month ago

what is this for?

1 month ago

so simple

1 month ago

cotton roll

1 month ago

strange expression. I have never heard

1 month ago

But not toss bags?

1 month ago

have you heard?

1 month ago


1 month ago

every intelligent person should know this expression

1 month ago

they don’t say that

1 month ago

where are you

1 month ago

so I'm not an intellectual

1 month ago

in Deutsch Reich

1 month ago

There is no such thing either. it is out of date.

1 month ago

And Reich marks?

1 month ago

sort of like the euro they have?))

1 month ago

As my friend says we went to one country to over people, will we be friends in short?)

1 month ago

those. give phone number ????))))

1 month ago

do you want to be friends here?)

1 month ago

can vk)

1 month ago

I don’t know what you want and what you mean by friendship?

1 month ago what you want

1 month ago

write phone number

1 month ago

Can I ttupanut? last time?))

1 month ago


1 month ago do not get dumb better)

1 month ago yes. for all 100

1 month ago

I can not) you are driving me into a corner)))

1 month ago


1 month ago

write better number)

1 month ago

and yet I will stumble))) why?)

1 month ago

then I repeat, you do not seem to be slow-witted)

1 month ago

and smart face)

1 month ago to call

1 month ago

I just started looking for the 5th corner)))

1 month ago

why call?

1 month ago

where is such a passion for empty talk

1 month ago

Yes Yes

1 month ago

not no

1 month ago

I'm simple

1 month ago

everything is simple

1 month ago

what's easy? I think you're far from so simple)

1 month ago

if not then no

1 month ago

fled in different directions

1 month ago

ok. scattered)

1 month ago


1 month ago

I kiss you

1 month ago


1 month ago

to forbidden places

1 month ago

hmm ...

1 month ago

you should like this

1 month ago

if you decided to insult me ​​- it’s not worth it, not like a man.

1 month ago

you know what manipulation is by creating a guilty complex

1 month ago

I know and I'm not trying to do it. I say as it is.

1 month ago

it's just the same when they load that it’s not manly

1 month ago

how do you know what is manly and what is not

1 month ago

I don’t know, but I think

1 month ago

such remarks are ugly and undeserved

1 month ago

where are you from

1 month ago

from a regional city

1 month ago

you like to be pulled out of you by nippers

1 month ago

I do not like. I usually try to answer honestly. and I told you that it’s not the capital

1 month ago

and what

1 month ago

Region (title removed by the author)

1 month ago

They say that radiation is there

1 month ago

sort of

1 month ago

yeah) glow at night)))))))))))

1 month ago

Something too?)

1 month ago

No comments

1 month ago

you know German perfectly

1 month ago


1 month ago

You can translate the spoken text from Russian into German

1 month ago

if it does not contain professional vocabulary

1 month ago

does not contain

1 month ago

you finished the injection

1 month ago

high-quality translation will be done in a translation agency.

1 month ago


1 month ago I know this without you

1 month ago

Something of high quality can also be done somewhere.

1 month ago

so what's up?

1 month ago nothing

1 month ago I read how stupid

1 month ago

but I’m not trying to be clever)

1 month ago

in 50 years you will outgrow this whim

1 month ago

and you hoped that I would fall at your feet?

1 month ago

don't make me laugh 1 month ago and don't try

1 month ago

just trying to remind you that you are not 16 years old

1 month ago

So what?

1 month ago

you have not gone far

1 month ago

walked away

1 month ago

and at your feet except those who want to make love for free, no one will fall

1 month ago


1 month ago

and to yours?

1 month ago

but I need to fall

1 month ago

and all for free?

1 month ago

their husband feeds

1 month ago

so are you special on married ladies?

1 month ago

but with age, a husband with reproductive organs has problems

1 month ago

why don’t I get married, they want a relationship, and the very fact that a person over 30 and he alone is already suspicious

1 month ago

hmm ...

1 month ago


1 month ago

this is purely your opinion

1 month ago

you're not 20 either, alone

1 month ago

it's just such a purely your opinion

1 month ago

this is

1 month ago

it's called life experience

1 month ago

all normal live in the family

1 month ago

it turns out that you and I are crazy

1 month ago

you will find horseradish as a husband

1 month ago

normal all dismantled

1 month ago

it turns out that I'm married

1 month ago

well done.

1 month ago

why not tell about you.

1 month ago

return to your husband the best option

1 month ago

100% of the husband after 30 you will not find what you want

1 month ago

you will receive here until retirement from foreigners

I will consider 1 month ago. thank.

1 month ago

You’ll see that I’m right, if you haven’t already seen

1 month ago

gigolos, opportunists, youngsters who want to fall in love with an adult woman, foreigners and married women who say that single people like this are usually here and in general

1 month ago

so don’t be dumb)

1 month ago

although you like it)

1 month ago

you did not discover America and my stay here does not mean that I am looking for someone

1 month ago

but you have your own opinion, so be it.

1 month ago with


1 month ago

don't be cunning

1 month ago

I do not dissemble

1 month ago

after 30, everything is thoughtful

1 month ago

how are you?

1 month ago

as everyone

1 month ago

so what are you looking for here, if so correct?

1 month ago

and who told you that I am right

1 month ago

you just wrote that I like everyone

1 month ago

you act like that, you open my eyes to everything, practically “face” on asphalt

1 month ago

to manipulate adults who are over 30 is almost impossible

1 month ago

especially you

1 month ago

Fuck someone into husbands

1 month ago

by all

1 month ago

I repeat, I’m not pulling anyone anywhere

1 month ago

and not going to

1 month ago

guile again

1 month ago

it's your business

1 month ago

what are you doing here

1 month ago

looking for a husband

1 month ago

you are already over 30 too

1 month ago

I can’t understand why you are trying hard to insult me?

1 month ago

then there is already some kind of trick

1 month ago

I can’t understand why you consider everything an insult

1 month ago

for sure, everyone around is so cunning, you’re cutting the truth

1 month ago

to all

1 month ago

I'm just talking to you

1 month ago

and all

1 month ago

Do you guide the lost sheep to the true path?

1 month ago


1 month ago

mission) (emphasis on the second syllable in the word mission)

1 month ago

without you, I would not know simple truths))

1 month ago


1 month ago

then I just remind them to be vigilant)

1 month ago

I am always alert.

1 month ago

I keep you in good shape)

1 month ago

your tone is cruel

1 month ago

I am subjecting you to objective criticism, identifying gaps in your disguise as decent

1 month ago

I want to marry you

1 month ago

I will save money - I will put you a monument)

1 month ago

do not

1 month ago

and I don’t have to disguise myself under anyone.

1 month ago

You see, I pointed out that it’s clear that you are a cunning, crafty, hypocritical, demagogue, so that this does not frighten away the gentlemen

1 month ago

absolute nonsense and your subjective opinion

1 month ago

you made such an impression on me

1 month ago

so you can on another

1 month ago

so be it

1 month ago

these qualities are, but not pronounced

1 month ago

I will consider

1 month ago

I never thought what I was ...

1 month ago

and here you are!

1 month ago we went to sleep

1 month ago

let's go. I am tired of you.

1 month ago

is fatigue pleasant?)

1 month ago terrible

1 month ago

I think if we were not interested in each other, communication would not work

1 month ago

despite the fact that we wrote to each other)

1 month ago

unexpected conclusion

1 month ago

you're really beautiful, the second photo is really simple)

1 month ago

on the first you are gorgeous)

1 month ago

I confess to you)

1 month ago

I admit)

1 month ago

but you are like a tank, and without reason)

1 month ago

I admit))

1 month ago

who are you in vk?

1 month ago


1 month ago

ambition all the same and rushing

1 month ago

I thought, only you can?)))

1 month ago

Write how to find

1 month ago

(Name and surname deleted by the author)

1 month ago


1 month ago

I will try now

1 month ago

found anyway?

1 month ago


1 month ago

you really are nothing like that)

1 month ago

nothing said he was married)

1 month ago

I don’t even know how to regard your words

1 month ago

and regard

1 month ago

take silly friends)

1 month ago

I look, you only accept girls

1 month ago

apparently, not so simple)

1 month ago

Now you want to take the initiative into your own hands)

1 month ago

and not trying. will not work with you

1 month ago


1 month ago

I see

1 month ago

in short friends or not?)

1 month ago

will you disassemble me each time in the cells from the point of view of psychoanalysts?)

1 month ago

already made out

1 month ago

resource is exhausted

1 month ago

for sure. dumped a bunch of everything on me

1 month ago

again you want to breed demagoguery

1 month ago


1 month ago

I am sleepy)

1 month ago

When are we friends?)

1 month ago then)

1 month ago ok

1 month ago

I kiss you in forbidden places)

1 month ago

good night)

1 month ago

I can not express the same kiss back) calm)

1 month ago

calm, I will dream about you before going to bed, can I?)

1 month ago

if I say no, what will change?))

1 month ago

all sleep)

1 month ago

so far, it was interesting to chat and get to know you)

1 month ago

but to me how))))

1 month ago

let's meet someday)

1 month ago


1 month ago

accept as friends, you are in addition to everything else a boor

1 month ago

and ignorant

1 month ago


1 month ago

for sure!) bye

1 month ago

I have a request for you, if we ever get something you can scream in German during this?)

1 month ago

sexy ???? You will not get it.

1 month ago

are you impotent?

1 month ago



1 month ago

in relation to a woman, this expression is inappropriate

1 month ago

no. normal

1 month ago

like with sexual temperament

1 month ago


1 month ago you went to sleep

1 month ago

with the condition that if a person has a passion)

1 month ago


1 month ago

what do you accept, all or just the classics?)

1 month ago

Almost all

1 month ago

clear, with temperament you have everything ok)

1 month ago

are you dating

1 month ago

no. I’m frigid, lying, an old boor) who will look at such after 30?)))

1 month ago about

five demagogy 1 month ago your words

1 month ago

if you remember my words, then I said that it’s difficult to find a husband, but you don’t have any problems about sex)

look at you normally)

1 month ago

Well, who told you that I'm looking for someone? especially husband ?????

1 month ago

Well, who are you looking for if

1 month ago

not husband

1 month ago

and who are you looking for? married man?

1 month ago

how the soul will lie)

1 month ago

well yes)

1 month ago

all bye) killed)

1 month ago

interesting with you)

1 month ago


1 month ago

see you tomorrow

1 month ago


1 month ago


1 month ago

what time

1 month ago

continue to hone your psychoanalytic abilities on me, maybe something else will be revealed to me)))

1 month ago


1 month ago

you forget what you were talking about

1 month ago

the resource is exhausted

1 month ago

after 8 p.m.

1 month ago


1 month ago

I have a good memory)

1 month ago

I kiss you in secret places)

1 month ago

a secret place under my bed)))))

1 month ago

and what's in there?

1 month ago


1 month ago

my dark sides

1 month ago

This is awesome

1 month ago

ja, ja)))

1 month ago

do you want sex with me?)

1 month ago

good night)

1 month ago


1 month ago

sorry for immodesty)

1 month ago

Yes, you are the original)

1 month ago


1 month ago

well, what did you want to write there

1 month ago

and changed your mind?)

1 month ago


1 month ago

didn't want to write anything

1 month ago


1 month ago

are you at work?)

1 month ago


1 month ago

output. Hello)

1 month ago

you are teacher

1 month ago

of Education

1 month ago

do you work with

1 month ago

HR Inspector

1 month ago

where do you pick up the frames?)

1 month ago


1 month ago

pick up)

1 month ago

yourself come

1 month ago

where to

1 month ago

to work

1 month ago

where is the work

1 month ago


1 month ago

to respond to rhyme?))

1 month ago

the company is called

1 month ago

just an enterprise. it does not matter.

1 month ago

and what will you do with all these girls you are looking for in status?

1 month ago

it does not matter

1 month ago

as you say

1 month ago

the answer is very clear)

1 month ago

don't be foolish

1 month ago


1 month ago


1 month ago

3 days ago


2 days ago

Hey. Will you insult me ​​again?

2 days ago


2 days ago

and then what?

2 days ago

love silly

2 days ago

ahahah) made laugh)

2 days ago

have some fun)


write the phone number)




stop ambition show no girl is already funny


after 15 years, 50 years old




find yourself younger and without ambition


I will educate you


yeah yesterday

we will teach you how to find a man

30 minutes ago

did you find your wife so-so?))

24 minutes ago

Hi baby

16 minutes ago

want you will be my wife

16 minutes ago

woman you are bright

15 minutes ago

only with a sexy do you have a problem

14 minutes ago

impotence female

14 minutes ago

but now nothing is cured of such pills

13 minutes ago


13 minutes ago

and it’s precisely in connection with the problem of female potency that you cannot find a man

12 minutes ago


12 minutes ago

Fuck you guessed, I have no female problems)))

4 minutes ago

there is

4 minutes ago

you don’t want a man by his status and manner of communication

4 minutes ago

you know better, you are our expert

4 minutes ago

and who needs people with disabilities

4 minutes ago

you do not need a temperamental man

3 minutes ago


3 minutes ago

if I don’t want you, that’s no reason to judge me like that

minutes ago

so i don't want you

3 minutes ago

I'm urban and you are from the periphery

3 minutes ago

the periphery

2 minutes ago

I teach you as a resident of a big city

2 minutes ago


2 minutes ago

it is visible that the city. there are a lot of ambitions, but their expression is not

2 minutes ago

how is it not

2 minutes ago

Leave me alone

2 minutes ago


1 minute ago

did not have time to start training

1 minute ago

Well, do not want to study and improve women's health, sit in girls until retirement)

1 minute ago bye


In short, the following summary, sharpen the ambition, increase with the help of drugs libido and everything will be your type you will find the top man)


Correspondence with a girl who , according to her correspondence, is in a European country, and whom, again , according to her, is 28 years old, married, an explanation for being on social networks - lack of attention of her husband, a girl, according to the correspondence, with a high sexual temperament. A man is really looking for a relationship “on the side”, although initially it was believed that she simply wants to manipulate her husband by publicizing this correspondence to him, the person is almost not difficult in character.


5 days ago

Let's be friends

4 days ago

Come on)

days ago Ayyyyy!

4 days ago

Write the phone number friend)

3 days ago

And why so modestly with the photo)

3 days ago

So right away ???????

3 days ago

Right away

3 days ago

Well, because I'm not a model

3 days ago

Yes, you are modesty)

3 days ago

well, in vain)

3 days ago

And I hate taking pictures

3 days ago

Why so

3 days ago

are you in jail

3 days ago

In what other prison ?????

3 days ago

In which you can’t take pictures

3 days ago

I don’t understand you at all, although I’m not stupid and not slow-witted

3 days ago

so write the phone number)

3 days ago

To have time)))))

3 days ago

goodbye then))

3 days ago

Why such a rush?)

3 days ago

That there were no such questions as I do not understand you

3 days ago

Can not talk now

3 days ago

Do you understand ???

3 days ago

And I

3 days ago

If you can’t talk, why are you asking?

) 3 days ago

Oh what a stress

3 days ago

who are you like

3 days ago

love water in a mortar

3 days ago

or roll cotton

3 days ago

nothing to talk about

3 days ago

What a jargon !?

3 days ago

do not fool your head

3 days ago

look for a comrade on your own

3 days ago

You are not adequate!

3 days ago


3 days ago

And angry yet

3 days ago

annoyed by your communication style

3 days ago

What do not like?

3 days ago

Already indicated

3 days ago

Sayings that you called slang

3 days ago

Talk empty you like

3 days ago

i don't

3 days ago

He doesn't like the style of my communication.

3 days ago


3 days ago


3 days ago


3 days ago

That’s the end of friendship))))

3 days ago

and you want to be friends)

3 days ago


3 days ago

who do you work

3 days ago


3 days ago

I am a sales representative

3 days ago

What is your job ???

3 days ago

The main task of collecting applications for the products of the company in which I work

3 days ago

I go to outlets

3 days ago

Shops, pavilions, cafes, bases

3 days ago

Clearly))) explained well

3 days ago


3 days ago

Everything is clear with you too)

3 days ago


3 days ago

Why don't you marry

3 days ago

Why is it not coming out?))))

3 days ago


3 days ago

Looking for a replacement option?)

3 days ago


3 days ago

What is missing then?)

3 days ago


3 days ago

I think you are okay with this)

3 days ago

Even sure)

3 days ago

Not really)))

3 days ago

And why are you so sure ?????))

3 days ago


3 days ago

Justify your answer))))

3 days ago

Partner is not a problem to find)

3 days ago

You're not flawed)

3 days ago

Or maybe I have a problem to find)))))

3 days ago

Unless of course your photo)

3 days ago


3 days ago

And what are flawed ????

3 days ago

Just enough schizophrenics that other people's photos expose)

3 days ago

The ones you thought about

3 days ago

I'm not scared to put someone else's photo

3 days ago

here you go

3 days ago

Well this is my opinion

3 days ago


3 days ago

well, that’s not scary)

3 days ago

That I am not a eater

3 days ago

in the photo you are nothing like that)

3 days ago

And very much nothing))))

3 days ago

that’s why I’m talking. that wanting to meet with you should be enough)

3 days ago

Better still live)))

3 days ago


3 days ago

Yes, enough))))

3 days ago

And how many partners are you looking for here

3 days ago


3 days ago

Relatively not for a long time)))))

3 days ago

in real life there are few tackles?)

3 days ago

First of all, I want normal and pleasant communication

3 days ago


3 days ago

Well, communication with me was clearly not quite pleasant for you)

3 days ago

in any case, its beginning)

3 days ago


3 days ago

I want an ideal for which there will be a passion, right?)

3 days ago

exactly so)) a very difficult beginning

3 days ago

It was with you)))

3 days ago

I want a passionate

3 days ago

Not necessarily ideal

3 days ago

There are no such things

3 days ago

The site is buggy

3 days ago

Well, there is always passion when they want you)

3 days ago


3 days ago

and when the partner has a high sexual temperament

3 days ago


3 days ago

You, as I understand it, he’s tall,)

3 days ago

Very))) already rolls over

3 days ago

With that condition, if you have a passion for a partner)

3 days ago


3 days ago


3 days ago

And the husband as with temperament?)

3 days ago

The opposite of mine

3 days ago

Are you suitable for each other or not?)

3 days ago


3 days ago


3 days ago


3 days ago

How long have you been together?

3 days ago


3 days ago

how many

3 days ago

8 years

3 days ago

Nowadays, when everyone is weak psychologically, this is a long time)

3 days ago

And how do you deal with passion?)

3 days ago

Burns out inside you?)

3 days ago

Holding back

3 days ago

Poor girl))

3 days ago

Do not meet with anyone except her husband?)

3 days ago


3 days ago


3 days ago

Just about to break out)))

3 days ago

Well, you do not have an object that is interesting?)

3 days ago

Write the phone number)

3 days ago

I can’t talk now)))) seriously

3 days ago

And are you married?

3 days ago


3 days ago

And who tells you that I'm going to call you now, I'll call you when it is convenient)

3 days ago

if you want of course)

3 days ago

if not, then no)

3 days ago

I do not like to be imposed)

3 days ago

And here what do you do once married?)) -

3 days ago


3 days ago

all individually)

3 days ago


3 days ago


3 days ago

I want a massage

3 days ago


3 days ago


3 days ago

I did a massage to my grandmother’s neighbor)

3 days ago

So I will not feel)))

3 days ago

What kind of massage if you don’t feel it?)))

3 days ago


3 days ago

You're far away))

3 days ago

I was in your city)

3 days ago


3 days ago

A couple of years ago, maybe a little more)

3 days ago

And he found someone to compare me with !!! With my grandmother’s neighbor)) it even became a shame) ((((

3 days ago


3 days ago

Don’t worry, she’s not a grandmother, but a girl)

3 days ago

Are you ok?

3 days ago

Ahhh, that's it)))

3 days ago

Maybe you at the same time scratched yourself something! ??)))))

3 days ago

Do not be rude

3 days ago

I am not here

3 days ago

There was no passion, so maybe something would be)

3 days ago

How do you understand when there is passion?

3 days ago

Same as you

3 days ago

Are you ok?

3 days ago


3 days ago

And where it is

3 days ago

Everything can be different with us))))

3 days ago

There is a house)))

3 days ago


3 days ago


3 days ago


3 days ago

Yes here))

3 days ago

I annoy you. Why wrote again


3 days ago


3 days ago

You are quick-witted))

3 days ago

This is not an answer

3 days ago

Write the phone number, I already told you

3 days ago

Or what social networks do you have

3 days ago

Did not tell)))

3 days ago


3 days ago

phone write

3 days ago

Are you always so persistent?)

3 days ago

Are you always so incomprehensible?)

3 days ago

If you love brakes then this is for me)

3 days ago

not to me)

3 days ago

No))) I can pretend that such)))

3 days ago

What for?)

3 days ago

Do you like to talk about anything for a long time?

3 days ago


Well then, why make the conversation all about the phone number

3 days ago

You are not a brake

3 days ago

(phone number deleted by the author)

3 days ago

When is it convenient for you to phone?

3 days ago

If not for long, then soon))

3 days ago

When soon

3 days ago


3 days ago


3 days ago

Still want to chat?

3 days ago


3 days ago

and you?)

3 days ago


3 days ago

You are not such an asshole as I immediately thought)))))

3 days ago


3 days ago

And you are not such a charm as I thought)

3 days ago

Ok meeting)

3 days ago


3 days ago

silly you)

3 days ago


3 days ago

About one of the signs of non-temperamental personalities: do these people not like talking about sex? Is there such an emotion as sex, if I may say so, and it needs to be realized - is correspondence one of the ways to realize it? Acquaintance for a serious need to start with identifying the level of sexual temperament? If you like a person from a famous musical group or just a musician, then he would surely like you too, and a serious relationship would also turn out, unless the question arose about your social level and the one you like, this is the law - if you like someone, you can be sure that he likes you regardless of someone’s social status? For some, social status is also part of sexual attractiveness, so on dating sites do nurses “become” surgeons, movers, businessmen, etc.? On dating sites, 90% is a hoax? We will argue logically: those people who have a narrow range of interests (for example, have an interest in work, study and have no interest in friends), those who have a lot of interests (including the opposite sex) achieve maximum success in life, chances they are likely to achieve something less than those who have a narrow circle of interests, since they scatter their time to satisfy the large number of needs (interests) that they have, respectively, on dating sites there are some (with diverse interests) and no others (with narrow cr gom interests). Bitch, bitch, Alphonse, etc. - can all these types be called manipulators? If you immediately don’t want sex with you, a person of the opposite sex just like that, in the mode of sex for the sake of sex, you can not waste time, because, based on personal experience, nothing will work, and you’ll have a manipulator next to you that will never tell you so compliments and who needs only money? Growing up is becoming a psychologist, write books about psychology?

An offer to write books is not lyrics. Involuntarily, everyone is a psychologist, and everyone can supplement with his observations the volume of works on psychology. At the moment, psychology is most likely universal, tailored for everyone, if everyone writes at least a pamphlet on psychology based on their life experience, then everyone can find the information they need, since a “soulmate” will write a book or a pamphlet the same psychological constitution and the same problems as those reading a book or a brochure written by a "soulmate".

Everyone decides for himself whether to accept relations with the manipulator, where money is at the head of everything, or not? Manipulator involuntarily, so how to feed the children? They say that if sex with a person of the opposite sex did not work right away, then it will not work out later, and even if it works out, the partner will not be temperamental - will we check? I have never contacted those who are considered manipulators (perhaps involuntarily manipulators) of the opposite sex, but it’s necessary for business. Someone who is called a manipulator is about 35 years old, pretty, works as a sales representative, her husband earns money, gives about 20% or 10% of what he earned, has a car (as she said, my mother bought it), has two young children, needs money, knows the fact that I am married, on offers to meet says that I am in line for the first month, we communicate normally, after that, when the “masks” begin to be removed, sometimes they scream. He believes that a man should not be surrendered immediately, since he immediately throws the woman away (although they immediately abandon those who did not "hook"). He perceives communication and relations with the opposite sex as a “war”, such as who will fool anyone. He says that you (men) have been spoiled (meaning that women have been spoiled by men). A “heavy” person in communication (egocentrism). We talked for about 5 months, sex did not work, relations in the regime of "cold" friendship.

Some men, being married, in search of a partner on dating sites during correspondence with the opposite sex indicate that they are not married, which is usually a mistake. The desired result, as a rule, is not achieved, therefore, in your status, which is available on some dating sites, you need, if married, indicate that you are married, then click on this site to evaluate photos (you need to find a dating site where such a function exists, and it’s better to evaluate the photo with the help of the autoclicker program, when the mouse cursor itself is pressed the number of times specified in the program settings). Almost all the women who rated you in response to your assessment of their photos will be married and will search for a partner on the dating site just like you. If married, write in the status of "married." There are “advanced” autoclickers with a scenario - the cursor can move to selected places the required number of times and send everyone a message, for example, the message “Hello”.

Lyrics: constant sexual hunger - does this even exist in large numbers among the male population of some nations? As a friend of the author said, such a phenomenon is most likely due to the fact that these peoples have few women, since in some countries it is not prestigious when girls are born in the family, or maybe this is not so, it’s just that it’s high sexual temperament speaks about itself - this is considered a weakness that constantly needs to be satisfied (after all, in modern society everything that you cannot do without is considered weakness).

Here is a fragment of a dialogue with a married girl with a high sexual temperament, which, in her words, is from a European country and which is about 35 years old (spelling and punctuation are preserved in the original):

hi are you married

8 hours ago


8 hours ago

you do not meet married

8 hours ago

Do you want

8 hours ago


8 hours ago

you are interesting

8 hours ago


8 hours ago

And you do not want

8 hours ago

And what am I interested in

8 hours ago

Write the phone number)

8 hours ago


8 hours ago

(phone number removed from correspondence by the author)

8 hours ago

If today it’s possible to dial, will it be convenient for you at any time?

7 hours ago

Today, yes, but not at night, otherwise I’m after a day of duty

7 hours ago

you work as a nurse

5 hours ago


5 hours ago

Stay up night hard

5 hours ago

well done strong spirit means

5 hours ago

Well, what to do, you can get used to everything

4 hours ago

I can come

4 hours ago

Do you have a place to meet?)

4 hours ago

Strong, but sometimes you want to be weak

4 hours ago

I do not have

4 hours ago


4 hours ago


4 hours ago

I'm not rich

4 hours ago

you come

4 hours ago

It's not so easy for me to go anywhere either

4 hours ago

What do you like about sex

4 hours ago


4 hours ago

The whole concept is loose

4 hours ago

with the condition if there is a passion for a partner

4 hours ago

station wagon)

4 hours ago

But something is more

4 hours ago

more than classic

4 hours ago

everything if there is passion

4 hours ago

Well, write it)

4 hours ago

I like everything

4 hours ago

if there is passion and if what I like accepts a partner

4 hours ago

Do you like exotic?)

4 hours ago


4 hours ago


4 hours ago


4 hours ago

you're temperamental))

4 hours ago

Oh how)

4 hours ago Is this a question?

4 hours ago

Not impotent who are here a lot)

4 hours ago


4 hours ago

It's not a question

4 hours ago


4 hours ago

that you have a high sexual temperament

4 hours ago


4 hours ago

Maybe yes))

4 hours ago

What prevents a decent man from finding such data?)

4 hours ago

both external and internal)

4 hours ago

I do not know)))

4 hours ago

you were married?

4 hours ago, is there a child?

4 hours ago

Probably worthy are busy, most want to take, not give

4 hours ago

After 30, everything is thought out

4 hours ago

Almost all

4 hours ago

but there are those who do not transform with age

4 hours ago

in tricky)

4 hours ago

such units and you begin to really appreciate them)

4 hours ago

the environment does not affect them)

4 hours ago

Have you transformed?)))

4 hours ago

Not stone))

4 hours ago

I am married and have a child of 9 and a half years old

4 hours ago

To someone who is good to me, I am double in good

4 hours ago

Here's how):

4 hours ago


4 hours ago


4 hours ago

It was interesting that you are not married, usually you don’t get acquainted with married people)

4 hours ago

They want a serious relationship))

4 hours ago

Then spin what is missing in the family)

4 hours ago


4 hours ago

And by the way, those who are married do not make their main photos or in sunglasses, should have guessed that you are not free)

4 hours ago

All my photos except the first on av

3 hours ago

Passion is sorely lacking

3 hours ago

Thought I was not married?

3 hours ago

And you do not start a relationship with married

3 hours ago

On the contrary, only married are interested

3 hours ago

I also have a shortage of passion)

3 hours ago


3 hours ago


3 hours ago

Pa long married

3 hours ago

What is Pa

3 hours ago

And instead of PV

3 hours ago


3 hours ago

Long married

3 hours ago


3 hours ago

I have been together for about 15 years

3 hours ago

Let's start a constructive conversation)

3 hours ago

We will meet, where and when)

3 hours ago

Well, you can think of an apartment to rent

3 hours ago

Are you rich?)

3 hours ago


3 hours ago

Then how are we going to take revenge on the second half?)

3 hours ago

Well, not on the street))

3 hours ago

Are you twisting me on the costs of renting an apartment?)

3 hours ago

I can arrive on a business day this or next week.

3 hours ago

I can have an apartment to meet

3 hours ago


3 hours ago

Well, the working day is even better))

3 hours ago

And where can you get an apartment in my city from?

3 hours ago

A familiar person

2 hours ago

I have already agreed in principle a long time ago, the answer is yes, it’s kind of decent

2 hours ago

In connection with work, I would preferably come to your city for a day or two, but not necessarily

2 hours ago

I work as a sales representative

2 hours ago

Well then, it's easier for you

2 hours ago

You manage to meet

2 hours ago

Well, the main thing is that I don’t work a day, but I can do it from an hour or even earlier

2 hours ago

Will it work this week?


2 hours ago

Tuesday i work a day

2 hours ago

let's call you better

2 hours ago

Are you comfortable in an hour today?

2 hours ago

Well, come on if I say that I’ll sort it out, I can at any time today

2 hours ago

Ok, I’ll go outside

2 hours ago


2 hours ago

I’ll dial in about 40 minutes

2 hours ago

What if you don’t like me?

2 hours ago

I saw your photos

2 hours ago

If you think like neurotics, then to meet then why negotiate

2 hours ago

As they say, those who flew into space in this way did not think)

2 hours ago

They were sure that everything will be type top)

2 hours ago


2 hours ago

As one girl told me, if you are afraid, then you need to sit in the family)

Wait to dial)

2 hours ago


2 hours ago

And do not worry)

2 hours ago

I will not))

1 hour ago

By the way, my name is Alena

34 minutes ago

Repeat the previously mentioned material? To minimize “breaks”, you need to get acquainted with the one who “rolls” to you - the “roll” to you can be expressed in the fact that the person you started to interest is looking at you or looking at you. When they look at you, this is the minimum that says that you are interesting, and this person is missing something.

It seems that everyone has gathered on dating sites who does not open the door to advertising agents?

When you work (worked) as an advertising agent whose duties it was to go into the staircase, which you could get into only by calling a certain apartment on the intercom, and after getting into the staircase you had to throw an advertising newspaper or a brochure in the mailbox, you come across due to the fact that some people didn’t open the door (endorphins by “spoofing someone”) because of the harmfulness of the entrance, when you ask them about it, calling their apartments through the intercom, but there were only a few such people, and therefore, when talking with someone on a dating site, creates The impression that there are precisely such people as those who do not open the door to the entrance to advertising agents.

The status of a woman on one of the pages of a dating site:

"Hello to all! except anxious youngsters and married men. Thank you for understanding". We carry out a psychological analysis of the person who has set this status, and based on this we determine whether it is advisable to get to know her? What the above status can talk about - that the person who exposed him has a heavy character and low sexual temperament, there is a chance to find such a person a life partner if he is already 30 years old when everyone has already become “thought out”, like an old careful crucian in a pond ?

On dating sites among women, in any case, after 30 years, as one casual acquaintance concluded, there is a majority (no one summarizes all who are on dating sites) the following contingent: well-thought-out people who want to have material wealth; those who are called psychopathic personalities and neurotics are conflicting personalities ; those for whom sex is as much as necessary or necessary, but they are too proud; enchantment, adhering to any prejudice.

Probably, in connection with all these qualities listed above, these people are left or are left alone, and there is a certain percentage of those who, as already mentioned, are married and looking for sex on the Internet, and those who are not affected by age and who remain simple and disinterested, there are very few of them, but they definitely are.

Some of those who are divorced and / or who are single after 30 years old are, as a rule, gay, lesbian or very “hard” people in terms of relationships, and how can they find someone if they don’t make contact, but they show ambition, because ambition is higher than them, and they can’t do anything about it? When he is over 30, and he or she, having lived to these years, is not married or not married, does this look suspicious? Commercial relations between persons of the opposite sex are short-lived, since they are not sincere, and these are not simple banal words? Those who want a commercial relationship and / or are too proud tend to be left without a couple for life? One of the reasons for failures is a misinterpretation of someone’s behavior towards you and your own wrong line of behavior?

One acquaintance divided those who are on some dating sites into the contingent. I don’t remember whether this was mentioned in the material of this work or not, but they say that a man perceives a sexually dressed woman as a female, ready for reproduction. Not always, but in some cases, a sexually dressed woman can be perceived as a person who loves power and seeks it over someone? Almost the same thing can be said about some men, there are their own “semitones”, and the same thing - you want power over a person of the opposite sex, in order to “hypnotize” him, sometimes they go to the gym, wear sexy or fashionable clothes .

The next contingent is not temperamental people who have almost no need for sex, so they also do not work out relationships with the opposite sex.

The third contingent with prejudices is those who, as they themselves say, only communicate, there are many among them who, as a rule, write that they are rich, that they have everything, but, as a rule, rich people on such sites do not are, at most, what those who are sitting on dating sites and positioning themselves as wealthy have - this is an apartment and / or a car, sometimes bought on credit. Although here, most likely, cunning or, in other words, hidden motivation, in fact, these people want something else, and not just communication - all of these women contingents on dating sites ultimately want serious relationships with men, and, like already mentioned, a certain percentage is looking for sex. All this applies to women on dating sites, as for men located on the same sites - it’s a little the opposite, sex is usually sought by a large percentage of men, since there are more temperamental men than temperamental women, because what is called testosterone, men have more than women, but, as already mentioned, there are some temperamental women too.

Men seeking sex: sex is the same hobby as all other hobbies, men need to look for one who is also fond of sex, it is clear that on dating sites, given what goals the majority of women who are there and what type of personality they pursue men who seek sex have almost nothing to do, in any case, without a status on a dating site they are “married” saying that they are not free, then married women who lack something will respond if they are not looking for these goals of the young, although young are also not all NRA curly? Some women argue this way: why do I need my peer for sex, for this I will find a young one, and from him I will pull money?

Those who seek sex need not to waste time and look for it in real life - this applies to both those who are over 30 years old, and those who are under 30, so to speak, in a healthy psychological sense, dating should definitely happen on the street, in you can find an adequate person who is interested in you, and in the old fashioned way - in the form of a lingering glance at an interested person or in the form of a conversation with an erotic background?

It is better to do and then regret than not to do and then regret - can there again be cognitive dissonance?

Such behavior should be in response to any words and actions, i.e., for example, in the case of the issue of open or hidden invitation for dating, which is currently being considered, different words and actions - this is a signal to the action of those to whom such words were addressed and action? After the response, for example, of a man, and, for example, when he asks for a phone number, there should be feedback from the woman, that is, she should give the number, but this may not happen, then the man probably just ran into “sitting” endorphins on man, and to be precise, sitting on the endorphin that is released in to the rov of when someone region of toil? That is, the one who asks for her phone number seems to be pleasant and / or interesting to her, but getting pleasure from the "bummer" of the one who perceived flirting as a signal to get to know is higher than the desire to get to know her, she set her priorities, although she can then regret that I exchanged acquaintance for high from the "bummer" of the one who "rolled up" to her? There are also people like sellers, for example, of clothing, do they need to sell compliments to the buyer, and is this not about endorphin, but about forced “thoughtfulness”? So even if a person has a high sexual temperament, he must be without prejudice to get to know each other?

What prevents to get to know when there is no cognitive dissonance? In some cases, it’s impossible to get acquainted with all of the above factors that indicate signs of a desire to get to know someone — you usually encounter platitudes — or someone who wants to meet “brakes” at the right time, as a result why mutual understanding failed, or a simple fear of meeting m prevented one from meeting (emotions overwhelm). Acquaintance, especially with a previously unfamiliar person, is such a thing when you usually have to make the right decision and react correctly to the situation in a few seconds, haven’t accepted and didn’t react correctly, and the person is lost for you, especially when it’s an attempt to accidentally meet on the street with a man whom you can never see after an unsuccessful attempt to meet you. If you are not free or not free, and you want to meet someone, and this person is familiar with your wife or husband, then it is better to make a kind of quarantine, apologizing for a rude comparison, it’s like in the army or prison, as a rule it lasts a month, the leadership looks at who and what it is, in our case, quarantine means the same thing: checking how the one to whom you want to “roll” will react, I apologize again for the rude synonyms of coarse words, “will hand over” to my wife or your husband "creeps" or not "surrender." And in general, the formula in the relationship is simple - whoever causes you very strong emotions, among which fear of the one you like, panic, embarrassment, attraction - is what you need, for some reason the higher forces in this way indicated how to find out the right one you remember a person, by the way, one of the reasons why you couldn’t get to know each other is fear.

Those who want material wealth or even rather love adventures can be advised to get acquainted with candidates for marriage or marriage from rich regions and countries, but one should not forget that the money of the rich is not your money, and even no one of them, as a rule, perhaps it’s not going to give to anyone.

As already mentioned, for convenience, in cases where the dating site has a feature for evaluating someone else’s photo, you can download the “autoclicker” program from the Internet, which itself will “click” with the mouse button, or rather, the cursor’s button for evaluating someone else’s photo.

You can arouse sympathy for yourself by offering to listen, watch or read something that impressed you. In order to impress everyone has their own methods, remember, as already mentioned, that a girl friend generally practiced sex at the first meeting, then the guys did not stop calling her.

We move away from the topic of the relationship between m and f. As it was said earlier, it was noticed that to achieve the desired result in the sense of gaining someone’s favor is best achieved when you talk to someone about your favorite topics (with a politician about politics, with an athlete about sports, etc.). Unmarried and unmarried people, who also have no children, think differently, they are easier to manipulate in the good and bad sense of the word, married and married, who have families, it is almost impossible to manipulate, they have those interests that do not exist unmarried and unmarried.

It is said that who devoted himself a lot to study and was in some kind of isolation in terms of communication with the opposite sex, lags behind in emotional development in the sense of communication with the opposite sex, but, as a rule, they do not suffer from it, since they do not need it, because they suffer those who need something, but this is not?

The specifics of the relationship between m and f are interesting in that it is different in different continents, for example, in some countries and / or regions where women distance themselves from men (based on the stories of the women who were there) for male locals “ for happiness ”just talk with a visiting woman, for example, from a European state.

After meeting, the wedding comes, and the husband and wife are obtained - being in these statuses, you need to “load” the person if you need him so that the relationship does not reach a critical level. For example, a wife scares that she’ll leave for another — in this case we can say this: those or the one you want to go to when they caress themselves at bedtime, remembering you, don’t dream about how they give you a salary, but about something else, think they need you as a wife? And if there is a different sexual temperament, then you need to look for a partner with the same temperament on the side - if it will be “cement” for fastening the family, and not vice versa?



Notes and information in the style of “brainstorming” (a concept in management, when employees of a company get together and say what they think, regardless of the logic or inconsistency of what was said, then choosing rational grains from what was said). In this section, phrases that can be called templates, you can insert them into your phrases when communicating with someone, whether it be a dispute or something else - these phrases are like ready-made SMS messages in mobile phones.

The theory of relativity (everything has its pros and cons) - the visor on the balcony, which was made from a cattle, throwing down trash, the neighbor ("cattle" is her name), saved the life of a cat who, falling from the 5th floor, caught on to this peak - thanks cattle and the neighbor from 3 floors? I went to jail, got out of it, and if I had not been in jail and was free, could, for example, fall under the wheels of a car and die - no need to be offended, since the theory of chaos or relativity works? Should you be offended by the one who fired you from work - maybe he saved your life if you worked at a dangerous job, for example, as an installer at a construction site?

There was not enough time to insert new considerations into the material already written, so this section was created.

Documentary films say that American engineer Percy Spencer came up with the idea of ​​manufacturing microwave ovens during a brainstorming session, while the enterprise where he worked was engaged in the production of military radio equipment.

It does not make sense to hide from many situations, all the same, sooner or later it will be necessary to return to them to solve them, it’s like with a bad tooth, how many do not delay, you still have to either treat it or remove it.

The queue can be different - you will not be allowed to go for bread without a queue, but cement bags will be allowed to haul. Therefore, as the builders say, when someone passes someone in line to take a bag of cement, they would have let me in the store like they let me unload bags of cement.

Nothing becomes a reality until proven in practice.

There is also a fashion for behavior - the more you are attached to your beliefs, the more difficult it is for you to adapt to a social fashion for some other behavior.

Metrosexual - a person with the demeanor behavior characteristic of some gays, while not being him.

No matter how many reasons I sought in someone’s inadequate or illogical actions, everything was simple - the reason was simple fear and other emotions.

He killed one, and you are a gangster, killed millions - are you the leader? (Exemplary words of one of the heroes of the Octopus movie, Italy, this film talks about in this article.)

As they say on the beach, put on your underpants or remove the cross. I heard one grandfather say at the bus stop: "Spawn heroes - feed them now."

Pests - a synonym for the words bummer, a loafer, a drunkard. Beechata - where the scourges gather.

A scourge is a police car transporting those called scourges.

Room thieves - this is the name of those who are afraid to show their character on the street or at work, but at home they don’t refuse to do this.

A sadist - taking pleasure in bullying only those who are called weak and broken people, and at the same time knowing that there will be nothing for him.

Nailed - a criminal term in relation to a constantly frightened or depressed person.

“You must have talked with bad people,” they say, as a rule, to someone who uses the term “nailed”.

Looser - a poor man who from time to time is attached to some person who has material wealth.

The phrase about imprudent people: "They will imprison (meaning in jail) - they will sit as if they were wooden."

Teak cough is a type of nervous tic observed in anxious individuals before any action considered to be stress for them, with a teak cough, a person develops a cough of nervous ideology.

You need to lie so that the lies could not be verified.

"Why did you do that?" "To look cooler." This is said about those who want to impress others, for example, when someone made a tattoo.

“Look, you found a swell,” as some say to touchy people.

On health - as a rule, this is addressed to those whom they say with envy: "He has such an expensive car." Answer: "To your health."

"Let him ass (ass is a rough synonym for the word buttocks) kisses," - this is addressed to the one who created an idol.

Some sayings are, in essence, “wiring”, that is, programming for someone to stimulate them to do something, are sayings psychostimulants? If you want to achieve something, you need to include or educate in yourself the personality you need for this, or get acquainted with that person who has already achieved what you still want to achieve and what you are striving for. For example, if I want to lose weight, I recall the one who was starving, it’s like with music: do you include relaxing, when you need to relax, prompting - when you need to do something? It is understandable with weight loss, and if you want to get to know the opposite sex, but don't have one, and you don't know how to get to know him, then we remember someone who knows how to get to know the opposite sex, “dress his skin”, choose his line of behavior, which he uses and everything will be tip-top? We include the right person with the right qualities for a certain moment and use?

Hands under x .. sharpened (x .. this is the rude name of one organ), so they say about those who can not do anything.

The physical labor of the mind does not add, but the crap knocks out.

You won’t be full of noodles from your ears.

Anyone who wants to work is looking for work, who does not want work, is looking for a reason.

Everything in life is easier than most people think, one of the proofs of this is proof that everything is as simple as it’s hard to imagine: again, back to losing weight, if you want to lose weight, don’t eat.

Some say they cannot lose weight or cannot fall asleep - they need to watch the film “The Fate of a Man,” directed by Sergei Bondarchuk, 1959, USSR. In the camp, in which the main character was a prisoner, there was not a single complete person, less food and more physical work, isn’t it all simple?

Everything is relative?

Everything is relative - relationships, etc.?

Some make some people miserable and frightened by unnecessary “downloads”? Do some people's management practices sometimes fail? Everything will be “ok” when you correctly understand all social processes, or rather, when you have objective information about them?

Most likely, this is so, because they are also one of those who take part in the upbringing of society, it is not just said that leaders came up with morality for the convenience of managing the masses, and moral restrictions sometimes lead to intrapersonal conflict.

An interesting fact, which was mentioned earlier, those who are considered schizophrenics, considered themselves generals, marshals, Napoleons, who have a more disciplined fantasy , consider themselves prosecutors, but none of them thinks of themselves as a loader, janitor, cleaner, plumber, of this does it follow that ambitious individuals are subject to what is called schizophrenia? No wonder Cesare Lambroso draws a parallel between genius and insanity in his work “Genius and Insanity”, probably in order to think creatively, you need to be different from others. Such people were probably brought up outside of ordinary stereotypes, they were probably told that they were special, or there were some other factors. Lambroso also indicates that the imprint of a person’s character is on his face, one can agree with this, as the people say, a gangster face or an invasive face, when a person has very rough facial features, and the lower jaw sticks forward.

Some mental disorders (according to information from the Internet and documentaries) prove that a person can "boot up" or a person can be "downloaded" with anything, and also prove that partially borderline mental disorders cause what is commonly called cowardice, and there where cowardice is used, for example, alcohol is used to suppress it. What makes mental disorders uncomfortable is that they interfere with the tasks an ordinary person needs to survive, for example, what will happen to a bird if it is afraid to fly high, and it needs to catch insects (for example, shear) at a high altitude land? The bird will die of hunger.

Here are some well-known so-called ordinary phobias (Greek "phobos"), according to information from the media: erythrophobia - fear of redness, nisophobia - fear of pollution, necrophobia - fear of the dead, acrophobia - fear of heights, claustrophobia - fear of confined space, xenophobia - obsessive fear by foreigners. Recall, as already mentioned, if someone is familiar with the work of Gerard de Villiers, a master of political detective, a line from one of his works, where he writes that there is a fear of a Soviet officer coming to a meeting, this proves that the formation of borderline mental disorders for example, some mass media take part in the population through their manipulation of public consciousness. So, using the example of Gerard de Villiers, some citizens of the times of the existence of the USSR were inspired fear of the Soviet military, otherwise where would the fear come from except from suggestion?

Some exotic and extravagant phobias, according to the media: acrodentophobia - fear of damage to teeth falling from a height, acrodentoxenophobia - fear of damage to teeth when falling from a height on a foreigner, florentophobia - fear of being bitten by a plant, urethrophobia - fear of relieving a little need, while relieving a small need, mementourethrophobia is the fear of forgetting to relieve a small need, mobilenecrophobia is the fear of the moving dead, quadronephrophobia is the fear of the four dead, quadroxenonecrophobia is the fear of the four dead foreigners, amorenecroxenophobia - fear of falling in love with a dead alien, necrourethrophobia - fear of the dead, who are in need, erythrourethronecroxenophobia - fear of reddening at the sight of a dead alien, managing a little need, foreign consumption fall in love with four dead moving aliens celebrating a small need.

There is such a thing as a lordly illness - this is when the liver is sick, it means that it can hurt in some cases from alcohol and overeating, and who can afford a lot of alcohol and overeat - master, bye, square and other people who have there is the opportunity to drink a lot of alcohol and eat a lot of fat.

Phobias and neurosis, probably also from the category of lordly illness, because in some places in Africa, where the population is starving and where war is still going on in some states of this continent, there is no such thing, in any case, no one about the manifestation of such disorders on the African continent I heard. Apparently, for this, this continent created higher forces, so that from there human resources of the country called civilized — not spoiled physically and mentally strong people — would be renewed from there.

Some of the phenomena that interfere with life are commonly called diseases, in connection with which there is a disease proving that everyone has everything in their head (meaning a thought process), and therefore reality can be perceived in completely different ways. A syndrome of impaired perception of the body is a syndrome characterized by an irresistible desire to amputate or mutilate one or more healthy limbs. Until this makes the person suffering from NTVT syndrome, he feels extremely, to put it mildly, uncomfortable, and as soon as a person with NTVT syndrome loses his limb, he becomes, no matter how scary and strange it sounds, happy. Regarding this phenomenon, there are suggestions that this syndrome is of the same nature as other disturbances in the perception of one’s own body - including anorexia, dysmorphophobia (hostility to one’s body), and gender dysphoria (violation of sexual identity). It should be noted that so many modern girls suffer from some of these syndromes. In many NTsVT it is aimed specifically at the fat folds on the body, it is with this fact that one can come closer to understanding NTVTs, when someone is annoyed by extra pounds of body weight caused by the presence of fat folds.

Feeders - a category of people who feed their wives in the literal sense of the word to a weight that is not characteristic of the normal weight of the body, up to 200 or even 300 kg.

Oniomania is an irresistible desire to buy something, without paying attention to the need and consequences. Affluence - the search for yourself additional sources of income due to the constant concern about their financial situation, when there are no objective reasons for this.

Psychologists and psychiatrists already consider almost every life step of a common man to be a mental disorder, if this step is not beneficial for some governments, even greed already seems to have a medical name, and is even treated for it.

So, psychologists and psychiatrists will soon put a question mark about all those whose behavior is unprofitable for some from their point of view or certain people. Either there will be, or there will already be custom-made diagnoses and a customized psychiatric point of view from the powers that be, as in custom-made sports masts they pre-order the result of the game.

Remember: what is called mental disorders, they may appear in one country and not appear in another, it's like laws - they are different in different countries. They can also be considered disorders at one historical time and not appear at another, even a science such as psychiatry, according to historical data and documentaries, sometimes works in a mode that is beneficial or disadvantageous for some to recognize this or that action as abnormal, and in the end Any science tends to make mistakes.

In general, in its pure form, a mental disorder can probably be interpreted as the state of the psyche when one who suffers from what is called a mental illness cannot survive physically without assistance or can, but the disorder makes this problematic.

Pareidolia - the tendency to find associations with something in any drawings, for example, a drawing on a carpet that is associated with a person - this is not a disease.

The effect of the synchronization of the crowd - when several people repeat the actions of another person. Try to cough on the bus when it is standing at the railway crossing, and you will see and hear the effect of crowd synchronization in action - this is not a disease, some will cough after you cough.

Mental health consists of objective information, knowledge, as well as information, how to satisfy your needs, and even of the right behavior? The Japanese proverb says: there is no past, but there may not be a future - does this mean that you need to live in the present? You say that he is a good person, he may be a good person, but what kind of citizen is he - can everything be twisted by correctly constructing phrases? How to always be right in any matters - the main thing is to learn to say something that cannot be proved or refuted? Is dependency day one who wants independence dependent on a desire for independence? All statements are “plasticine” - can any point of view be fashioned?

As already mentioned, everything must be treated critically, no one should be trusted and nothing, for example, the media considers the topic of the dangers of products of a particular company, from one country or another or another manufacturer, and where is the guarantee that this is not the machinations of warring among themselves for the sales market of competitors who set correspondents, doctors or anyone else at each other?

You do not always need to listen to the advice of people older than you (you can listen, but not all), the fact that someone is older than you is not an indicator of objectivity in thinking, adulthood is not an indicator of objective perception of the world. Previously, in the distant past, adults used to hunt for witches, but what kind of witches, a person of our time will say, emphasize that adults used to hunt, now they would hide them all in a madhouse, whole nations would have to be put in crazy houses - that's how times have changed. What used to be acceptable is now completely alien, and sometimes vice versa.

Everyone has a different perception of something and, as they say, you can find out from each person’s behavior which radio, which books and which television channels he’s watching or watching. For example, many of those who want to achieve success believe that the army is a waste of time that could be devoted to their own affairs, although, as already mentioned, others call the army a “feeding trough,” and you can’t drive them out of there, because the army it’s a kind of stability - to kick you out of there, if you are an conscript (soldier), no one can, no matter how disagreeable to the leadership, the maximum they can do is put them in guardhouse as part of maintaining discipline - this proves once again that that it all depends on how someone perceived something numb.

This is an affirmative sentence: after suffering always

relief comes - life experience shows that it is.

There would be no happiness, but did misfortune help? As already mentioned, in the case when something happens or didn’t happen as it should have happened, for example, someone went to jail, and if he didn’t get there, he wouldn’t write a book and it wouldn’t come out in millions of copies: read the book "The Moth" by Henri Charriere - byvsheg a prisoner of one of the w e Stoke prisons? It’s his own fault for what happened. What does it mean to have an opinion? For the psychological stability of some there should be a package of psychological attitudes that relieve them of responsibility? When a person cannot satisfy his needs, and this oppresses him, he begins to use deception to satisfy them? As some of those who have the opportunity to educate “sculpt” an explosive mixture from a person, they inspire or, more correctly, cultivate ambition in the educated, then they preach the cult of caution in everything and in all life steps, as a result, there is ambition, and steps to the implementation of ambitious ideas cannot be done because of the excessive cautiousness suggested, because what is called the strength of the spirit is not enough - after this the person begins to erode what is called envy for the success achieved by someone? The successful position is as follows: things are not very, but the spirit is high? What should be the potential of someone who is enslaved to success, and where to get it to achieve success? Meet basic needs first? The more basic needs are met, the more “pillars” on which you hold on, going to success, and the less is the chance of what is called “burnout” when achieving a goal? The main health, the rest is secondary? Does success have a price to pay? Do you need to live here and now, like a soldier in a war, or does each situation need a separate worldview? There are personal goals and imposed by society, to achieve personal goals, motivation is not needed, for them, motivation is to obtain endorphins when they are achieved? Is he an independent person, judging by his appearance? Signs of a potential victim described in work on victimology? Why do all situations called “Lochovsky” happen only with someone separate? The decision to attack or not is made by the attacker based on the appearance of the person? Appearance is important, since it is from him that the “scanning” begins in the attack mode or not, if it is an attack? Some intelligentsia at all times was unhappy with something, is it all the time not comfortable? Some of the revolutionaries are those who do not know how to rejoice? They say that a gendarme is hiding behind some revolutionaries?

By what criteria is the quality of a work, for example, musical, measured by the presence of endorphins in the blood during and after meeting with him? Tolerate is not a problem, it would only be what to expect - does it look like complacency, self-psychotherapy, or is it the way it is? If they give you money for saying that the Earth is flat, or for saying that the Earth does not spin on its axis, would you agree to say so? He knew that the Earth was spinning, but he had a family - there are situations, and if you live in conditions that are considered harsh, you have to be the one who is called bad in order to survive yourself and others?

In countries that are considered rich, a child, as they say, can be pampered; there, the state will solve most of its problems, in particular financial ones, for itself. But a child in a country that is considered not rich can also be pampered if you want to, but then you need to teach him how to satisfy his needs, which will be higher than those of others, so that he does not become unhappy, and learn to do it in such a way that -for this, the surrounding did not become unhappy.

Sexual temperament can be determined by the profession of a person, as a rule, theoretically, those who engage in exact professions, where an account is required, for example, an engineer, will be less temperamental than the humanities, since in the humanitarian professions 100% focus on what -or. It is unlikely that an engineer can be a temperamental person to the extent that a humanist, since in the engineering profession they should not distract thoughts about anything - ask any girl with whom she cheated on her husband, this is a person who does not engage in exact sciences or work related with exact sciences.

Nothing can be removed from the Internet by a court decision, what appears there begins to be duplicated, it is usually called the effect of Barbara Streisend, if I am not mistaken, this citizen sued due to the presence of some information related to it on the Internet, like if it was a photograph of a house, the court ruled to delete it, but everything that needed to be removed was duplicated on the Internet.

Poor people go to gambling clubs, thinking that they are rich, and there they are basically the same as they are, and everyone thinks about how to "get" someone for money. There are a lot of players (meaning those who want to "ride around the ears" and do nothing), if you believe the statistics from the media, as already mentioned, in large states only about 10,000,000 people are engaged in real production of something. Is there an overabundance of geniuses, people "sitting" on benefits, and producers of intangible goods if emigrants do not come for physical labor?

Familiar for high motivation, as a popularization of his intriguing actions, so that it would not be boring to carry out intrigues, he used the names of operations conducted by various army units at different times to name his games: “Train and shell”, “Suffered freedom”, “Suffered justice” , “Shock and Awe”, “Lead Rain”, “Apocalypse”, “Project 5”, “Scorched Earth”. He also adored signaling someone violated various laws and was touched when after his letters there were results like bringing “unclean” people to justice.



Are there competing countries? What is politics - buy a simple textbook on political science, and you understand everything? Politics is sometimes seducing people with a better life, and politics is sometimes not talking about the past, present, but about the future - choose me, and you will live better? Who goes to the opposition - former state employees after retirement or dismissal? Is an oppositionist sometimes or always a state employee, only a state employee not of his own country, but of his geopolitical adversary? If you were a state employee, you should look for a new budget place, if you lost your old one, and think about the future, since, except being a state employee, you don’t know anything else? Directors and correspondents can also be state employees - either their own country or someone else’s, some will shoot and write positive, others will be negative, but in reality sometimes everything is in between the positive and the negative? And here is politics - with each new year of your age you begin to understand that politics is everywhere like oxygen, and even where there is no oxygen? Are rich people sitting in the wings of some revolutions, people in uniform, etc.? The politician and those in his service are artists and propagandists all rolled into one? Higher powers have programmed some people not to love those who do nothing, because the master, by which higher powers are meant, wants everyone to benefit, or circumstances bring up people like that? What is allowed for the artist is not allowed for the civil servant - shouldn't the civil servant have what are considered weaknesses? How do some incompetent people find themselves in strategic positions - by lobbying their interests with relatives or someone else? The presence of parliamentary immunity among deputies in some countries is not just like that; otherwise, can security agencies interfere with their work, influencing their adoption of laws? No matter how trivial it sounds, but does the solid civil position of every citizen of any country, expressed in not paying attention to what is called the propaganda of countries - geopolitical opponents, strengthen the economy of his country? Higher powers partially control the human consciousness - did they give instincts, such as sexual ones, for example, and left the rest to control a person by person? Is a stable state in which people with moderate needs and requirements live, or where people with large needs and requirements live, and at the same time are they (needs) satisfied? Underneath politics are economic reasons - does economics give birth to politics? Nothing has changed - we’ll watch an episode from the film “The State Border” (USSR, 1980, directed by Boris Stepanov), where the rebel leader offers his life and freedom in exchange for criticizing the Soviet regime through foreign media - one of the manipulation methods is shown here , through the suggestion that his state is not perfect? Life will become better only when everyone starts working, and nothing else, since material wealth does not come from anything if your country does not have oil and other resources? If there are no some politicians, this will affect the quality and life expectancy of people in some states - its quality will not be very good, and they will not live much, since chaos will begin - are those politicians who guard civilization? Not a single revolution will increase the standard of living if the state is not rich or rich, but a lot of people live on its territory and there isn’t enough wealth for all, does the level of material well-being increase in the modern world only with the presence of minerals, for example, oil? Paradoxically, but it is precisely for those media workers who are paid money for criticizing an existing power somewhere that is unprofitable for this power to cease to exist - because then those who hired them will no longer be needed? Those who believe that the word patriotism is a simple “load” can be said to voluntarily or unwillingly have to defend the place where he lives, because if the world becomes unipolar, there will be an end to what is considered political freedom - the world should to be multipolar, the higher forces themselves want competition, is it not just that the world is divided into countries, and people speak different languages? Anyone who believes that nothing would have changed if any war had been lost, and that even when his country won the war, he still needs to go to work every day, he is mistaken - if the war were lost, would there be much more? Oddly enough, the most important freedom fighters are the heads of various states, since they do not allow the world to become unipolar, and the unipolar world is the end of freedom, since there will no longer be competition among states, will the state be the only one on planet Earth? Don’t believe, don’t be afraid, don’t ask - you listen to some media and hear some people appeal to the governments of their countries with a request to increase their wages, but how to do this, send troops, as it was in history, so that they won material wealth, but then will someone feel good, but someone will feel bad? Where does the ultrahumanistic environment come from - does it appear when society is rich in material wealth? Where in some cases come material wealth - from past conquests by the ancestors of those who live in this ultrahuman environment? What is called transhumanism, will relieve psychological and physical suffering?

Exoticism exists in everything, even in politics, referring to various administrative-territorial entities and states, such as the state in the Vatican City or the Barentsburg archipelago in Norway (there is information on the Internet).

It’s clear, as political scientists say, and one cannot disagree with them that the presence of many states on the planet, that is, the existence of a multipolar world, is beneficial for all mankind, but when any state remains alone, crushing the entire territory of the earth, it will most likely a world concentration camp, because when the world becomes unipolar, then the competition among those who govern the states will end. No matter how ridiculous it sounds, on top of that, getting into a concentration camp contradicts the rules followed by a supporter of a healthy lifestyle (healthy lifestyle), as, in principle, it is not in the interest of getting into a concentration camp who is not an adherent of healthy lifestyle.

And this is why a multipolar world is needed - as long as there is a multipolar world, any government creates the most fair laws and living conditions so that people's lives are as comfortable as possible, so that people do not envy people from other countries and do not seek to go there. In the case of monopolarity, there will be no more reverence between state leadership and the population, and attempts to create multipolarity will be destroyed in the bud?

“Every 10 minutes, someone dies of hunger” - the Planet channel, the broadcast date of the broadcast in which it was mentioned, August 13, 2014. As a rule, according to the media, children die of starvation in Africa, a continent where they still divide the world in some places not through psychological warfare and psychological operations, but where they divide the world using machine guns, cannons and other weapons of physical destruction and defeat.

There are more places in politics: according to the media, at first the church ruled the world, then the kings and the church, then the parliament, together with the kings, the church, later appeared, those who could also influence the political processes are human rights activists, party organizations, but perhaps this and not so, perhaps the press information called yellow? The time has long ended when there was slavery, people already know everything, information cannot be concealed, it itself is imposed, rushing from all angles, including the Internet. The task of everyone who wants to achieve something is to correctly understand what is happening in the world, not to lose the sense of reality. As already mentioned, from the moment that nuclear weapons were invented, the physical wars between the countries that received these weapons ended, a psychological war began (it is not for nothing that nuclear weapons are called a deterrent). At the moment, no one will dare to attack anyone if two opponents have weapons of mass destruction, such as nuclear, that is suicide for both sides. But the thirst for control, of course, did not disappear anywhere, just as Sigmund Freud described the repressed sexual attraction - the libido, it does not disappear, it just kind of transforms.

As already discussed, some countries began to fight through psychological operations against each other, but a country where there is no nuclear weapon can be attacked in the old, old-fashioned ways, with the help of the army, everything is like in ordinary life - if you are weak, everyone will kick you if there is power, then they will fear you, and here, there are missiles with nuclear warheads - they will reckon with you.

Legal norms are psychological dogmas reincarnated into the law, that is, laws are “adapted” to the psychological component of the state’s population, in some states religion is the basis of laws, in some laws just regulate everyone’s behavior? As a rule, do you like films, clips and other works in which those who like them recognize themselves? Are films, in some cases, a psychotherapeutic tool for the public? Why in this work are the names of the films indicated - in them are the words and phrases of the main characters that clearly define reality?

They never lie so much as after a hunt and before the election.

Words attributed to Otto von Bismarck

By what you like, you can make a psychological portrait of someone who likes a particular thing. The discussed topic of politics was touched upon at the end of this material, because in order to understand everyday life, it will not hurt to correctly understand the political processes taking place in the world (you can buy a textbook on political science, it is being examined more and more deeply), since, as before It has already been pointed out that the psychological is intertwined not only with the legal, but also with the political, and in the heat of the political struggle, earlier, some writers uncovered some “underwater” trends: how is politics done, and therefore it is recommended to get acquainted with the following literature, as well as watch and listen to dialogues and monologues in the following films, because the films were shot on the basis of life experience, and therefore there are high percentages of reality, science fiction films are also made on the basis of life experience, only it seems like the future (mentioned already or not that all Soviet films about intelligence were necessarily watched by employees of some foreign intelligence services).

Attention, this is an affirmative sentence: all the films mentioned in this work are presented for acquaintance, not for taking on any armament, please do not forget to be critical of everything.

Documentary film: The Venus project in the film Spirit of the Times, parts 1, 2, and 3 (USA, 2007-2009). If psychologists are now stigmatizing any human behavior, even greed - it is already considered almost a mental illness - does it mean that a person with super-valuable ideas can be dependent on the formation of pseudo-reality, a kind of dependence on social engineering? They are proposing to implement the Venus project, but it seems to have already been implemented for a long time, if not completely, then partially in rich oil countries, the authors of the film do not even voice this, the creator of the project says this or that needs to be done, but this or that costs money , and therefore it is not feasible in most countries of the world at the moment. Take a piece of land in the forest or an abandoned village and create the project "Venus", who's stopping you? But the creator of the project can say that he needs money for this, and for money both I and the one who reads this material can create the Venus project itself, it’s like the fairy tale “Porridge from the ax” - put the ax, then the groats, then onions and so on, and it turns out that the ax has nothing to do with it, and most importantly the ingredients for porridge, and the same thing here, everything is headed by money? “Propaganda” - a film about the psychological war (North Korea, 2012); “Secrets of intelligence” (Russia, 2004-2005); “Special Services of the Oligarchs” (Russia, 2007); Grantoed, a film from the state of emergency series was shown on the Russian NTV channel; “A Million Marriage”, a film from the series “We Never Had Dreams,” was shown on the Russian channel REN-TV, “The Conditions We Accept” (USA, 2012, director Cullen Hoback); historical series “In Search of Truth” (Ukraine, 2010, director Maxim Bortnik). I watched films about Bobby Sands (you can find out who this is from the historical series “In Search of Truth”, Ukraine, 2010, directed by Maxim Bortnik).

Feature film. Soviet cinema. “TASS is authorized to declare” (1984, director Vladimir Fokin); Rafferty (1980, director Semyon Aranovich); “The entire royal army” (1971, directors Alexander Gutkovich, Naum Ardashnikov); “Shield and Sword” (1968, director Vladimir Basov); “Seventeen Moments of Spring” (1973, director Tatyana Lioznova); “The Feat of a Scout” (1947, director Boris Barnet); “Resident Error” (1968, director Veniamin Dorman); “The Fate of the Resident” (1970, director Veniamin Dorman); “Return of the Resident” (1982, director Veniamin Dorman); “The End of Operation Resident,” (1986, director Veniamin Dorman); “Operation Trust” (USSR, 1967, director Sergei Kolosov); “On the Pomegranate Islands” (USSR, 1981, director Tamara Lisitsian); “The Way to Saturn (1967, directed by Villen Azarov); “The End of Saturn (1968, directed by Villen Azarov); “The fight after the victory” (1972, director Villen Azarov); “Castling in the long direction” (1969, director Vladimir Grigoriev); “The Dead Season” (1968, directed by Savva Kulish); “Dossier per person in a Mercedes” (1986, directed by Georgy Nikolayenko); “State Border” (USSR, 1980, director Boris Stepanov), “Long Road in the Dunes” (USSR, 1980-1981, director Allois Branch), “Pavel Korchagin” (USSR, 1956) - in our time this film was called it would be a psychological thriller, although in this film there is propaganda of the proper way of life and the lines of behavior that a person of that time living in the USSR should have; Sleeping Lion is a 1965 Soviet feature film directed by K. Gakkel about a humble man who began to show character; the film "Red and Black" (USSR, 1976); detective “Souvenir for the prosecutor”, 1989, USSR, director Alexander Kosarev; comedy “A Nightmare in a Madhouse”, USSR, 1990, director Nikolai Gusarov. The film is about those who are called crooks and sneakers, in this case, about those who penetrated scientific institutions: “Who laughs last”, 1954, USSR, Belarus film, director Vladimir Korsh-Sablin; "Gangster Petersburg", production Russia, 2000, director Victor Sergeev.

Feature film: Octopus (Italy, 1984-2001, directors Damiano Damiani, Florestano Vancini, Luigi Parelli, Giacomo Battiato).

An interesting movie: The Golden Calf (USSR, 1968, directed by Mikhail Schweizer), The Twelve Chairs (USSR, 1976, directed by Mark Zakharov), The Twelve Chairs (USSR, 1971, directed by Leonid Gaidai).

An interesting movie: “Don't Think About White Monkeys” (Russia, 2008, director Yuri Mamin); “Oxygen” (Russia, 2009, director Ivan Vyrypaev); “Shadow, or maybe it will all work out” (USSR, 1991, director Mikhail Kozakov), science fiction “Rejection” (Russia, 2009, director Vladimir Lert) - until science gives the person what he wants, he replaces reality fantasies, a film about this, like the movie "Scarlet Sails" (USSR, 1961, directed by Alexander Ptushko), as one person said - no one wants to work, everyone is waiting for "Scarlet Sails." Films based on the stories of Irwin Welch: Acid House, etc.

By the way, this has already been said: 1991 is the year of the release of the most not criticized, I want to emphasize that it is not the criticized ones, but not the most objective films and other works of art. In the 90s, everyone published what he wanted, whether he was really crazy, whether he was an agent of influence, many television and radio programs, stories, films that were released in the 90s during the collapse of the USSR, belong partially, according to the media, categories of authors, and of course, not only such people worked in the field of art, but also did not belong to this category. And this happened not only in the 90s, it is in any post-revolutionary period, but it is short-lived.

In the film “Twelve Chairs” (USSR, 1971, directed by Leonid Gaidai), the moment is indicated when Kisa (Papanov) and Bender (Mironov) came to the theater, in which there was a post-revolutionary production, after which Kisa said: “What a horror”. This was the post-revolutionary period when theaters made productions without looking back at anyone's opinion. Interesting movie: “On The Run”, directed by Michael Allcock, Tim O ›Breen, Dennis Murphy, Canada, 2005, a film screened on Discovery world; films shown on Viasat history: The Romantics, author Peter Ackroyd, United Kingdom, 2006, and Unsung Heroes, director Justin Chadwick, France, 2015.

Fantastic series with philosophical subtexts at the beginning and at the end of the film and with short elements of Erickson hypnosis (flickering, blinking): “Beyond the Possible” (English The Outer Limits), 1995-2002, USA, Canada, directors Mario Atstsopardi, Jim Kaufman, Georgie Montesi, MGM Television; “Hunger” (The Hunger), USA, Canada, 1997, directors Russell Malkay, Darrell Vasik, Eric Canuel. Popular science films: a film that is not related to the earthly bustle, about those who are called because of their actions to call strong spirit - "Life in space", the original name is "Living in space" (National Geographic), 2014; as well as the BBC scientific series “The Brain: A Secret History”, UK, 2011. Also, it seems, if I'm not mistaken, William Arntz, Betsy Chase, Mark Vicente with his quantum physics in the movie “Rabbit Hole, or What we know about ourselves and the universe. ”

Non-fiction: “The CIA against the USSR” (published in the USSR); it seems like I learned from Vladimir Kara-Murza’s book about the Orange Revolution, which I recommend reading, about Gene Sharp’s book “From Dictatorship to Democracy” (USA). Gene Sharpe’s work should be taken only as information for consideration, in the sense of why it was written and for whom, not as a guide to action when reading a work, it is necessary to be reasonable and sober, the suicidal actions proposed in the book are especially unacceptable; futurologists: Bird Kiwi (all works); Alvin Toffler “The Shock of the Future” (by the way, according to documentary information, Alvin Toffler got a job as a simple worker) and other works; “Secret CIA and KGB instructions for collecting facts, conspiracy and misinformation,” V. Popenko, Moscow Publishing House, AST, 2014

Literature is a political detective genre and another: Gerard de Villiers (all works), John Ronson "Psychopath Test". The fantastic work “Wasp” by Eric Frank Russell, the protagonist predicts situations in which he is caught by law enforcement for his activities, and prepares logical “legends” to evade responsibility.

Sites: popular English-language resources dedicated to psychological warfare and accordingly proving its existence by its existence:

All about Psychological Warfare PsyWar.Org

Radio and US Military PSYOP htm

PSYWAR UK by Lee Richards Psychological Operations Veterans Association http: // www.

Psychological Operations Association psyopassociation /

Propaganda Leaflets of World War II ww2propaganda /

Investigative Report Radio and US Military PSYOP http: // www.

The Psywar Society

Vietnam PSYOP site

US Army Special Operations Field Manual Library http: // www.

A popular Russian-language resource dedicated to psychological warfare and not only:

Resource containing classified materials that have become public in connection with their leak: Wikileaks.

We remember that all films reflect the reality that, according to documentaries, cinema about intelligence filmed in the USSR was watched without fail by representatives of the country's intelligence - geopolitical opponents of the USSR.



Who is the leader of what is called a sect, the one who is called the charismatic - a psychopath or an agent of special services, or both? Organizations, societies, communities, sects, groups - their creation is not at all random, and this is not a natural course of things, but someone’s intentional decisions and actions with the ultimate goal of these actions and decisions? If we talk specifically about European organizations, societies, then do people in Europe create them, because, unlike some Asian states, in Europe there are no teips or something similar? The higher a person is in power, the less free he is? Is utopia more acceptable than realism?

According to documentary and media reports, there is an opinion that most (if not all) large-scale social movements were created by representatives of the special services of various countries, in some cases in order to destabilize the situation (in relation to the state - a geopolitical adversary), and in other cases, on the contrary, to stabilize situation inside your state. If this is so, then which of the following social movements are destined to destabilize the situation, and which, on the contrary, are easy to guess, even without going to lectures on political science. Of course, there are organizations that are created, so to speak, spontaneously, without any patronage, but, based on the fact that some social movements are created by special services (or millionaires, or both), the people involved in them, and they don’t realize that they are simply being used and manipulated by them (such movements are punks, hippies, they are also said to be the brainchild of special services, which were geopolitical opponents of countries where these subcultures appeared). You can draw certain conclusions, if, of course, all of the above is true, because we all must be fans of the facts, so that there is no deception in relation to us, and in this case there are none.

In general, as already mentioned at the beginning of this work, the birth of any movement occurs, as a rule, in countries with a high standard of living, where people have their main priorities no longer in favor of where to find work and earn money for life (he do not, the state pays them unemployment benefits) and where to eat, and where to find new sensations. Therefore, we can assume that some movements and organizations appeared without the help of any special services or millionaires, and some nevertheless appeared with someone's help.

The more the governments of some countries make their citizens' lives carefree, the longer these citizens mature in the modern sense of the concept of adulthood, and may not even grow up, according to generally accepted signs of adulthood?

Feminism is a movement that defends women's rights, as far as we know, according to the media, it was created and financed by a man who was a millionaire.

Hippies - a pro-Pacifist youth subculture that emerged in rich countries at the end of the 60s, hippies denied generally accepted social values ​​and rejected generally accepted social behavior, during the time of “hippism” many walked with long hair, some say there is nothing more unpleasant than the old hippies when they see people kissing in public who look 40 years old.

Punks - according to the media, this is a pro-anarchist youth subculture, born in the late 70s, the goals were the same as those of hippies - the denial of generally accepted social values ​​and generally accepted social behavior. There is an opinion interpreted in the same media that punk, like all destabilizing movements, was invented by special services in order to “decompose” the population of various countries.

Freegans are almost the same as hippies, but something more augmented by modernity: the same inherent hippie wandering lifestyle. Part of the behavior of freegans is the search for food in the trash, and the representatives of this movement themselves, as a rule, have all the material benefits that a resident of a civilized rich country has: housing, cars, they are such a kind of rich ideological bums, which were already mentioned in the material , i.e., homeless people from rich countries that are completely unlike homeless people from poor countries, so we turn off associations with the homeless people that you saw in countries considered to be poor.

The scout movement is something like Soviet pioneer. Naturally, the information is not provided about all communities, on the Internet you can find more about all of the above, including exotic communities.

Development in the world is not synchronized, it is different, some countries lag behind in development from others in technological and other senses. One conclusion suggests itself, really different communities and movements are, as a rule, the lot of rich countries, and this is not from the difference between cultures and poor countries, but from differences in the standard of living of the population? There are probably no analogues of the communities and movements inherent in rich states on the African continent (there are no punks, hippies, etc.). They are not in some countries where the majority of the population has nothing to eat, where people die of hunger and disease, war and other situations that most news agencies of the world do not show in order not to injure the inhabitants of civilized states.



Unusual phenomena require unusual evidence. Words attributed to Karl Sagan.

This is a continuation of the section obtained in the genre of the management term “brainstorming”. There was no time to find the necessary chapter and insert there new information that was appropriate in meaning, therefore everything that appeared new at the end of writing this material was introduced here in this chapter. Although, perhaps, everything turned out to be messy somewhere, but, as already mentioned, the main task in creating this material was to convey information, maybe the print edition will correct everything, or maybe not.

Everything can be interpreted in the right direction for the person interested in this, while at the same time manipulating the biochemical processes in the brain with simple words or phrases, for example: someone quarreled with someone, met after a long time, and circumstances it turned out that you have to communicate with this person - usually in such cases, in order to relieve tension, they say “There were young, hot, and had a fight” - that, it seems, influenced the biochemical processes in the brain, the person calmed down only from one What kind of phrases ... Or when someone is nervous because you changed their plans for them, you can answer them that everything is relative, all of a sudden, if they followed their plans that would not change thanks to you, it happened to them something else worse. In general, for an emotional person, words and phrases mean a lot. I heard an example of persuasion and interpretation in the right direction at the bazaar from clothing sellers, when I came to their shop in winter and asked them for a jacket that I liked, they said that it was winter, when I arrived in spring, then on that jacket that was winter winter, spring they said that it is spring. It is clear why they called the same jacket differently - they also needed to sell the goods.

More and more decisions about what the law will be like in most countries that are considered civilized are made by people, the authorities only regulate them, leaders understand that laws should be such that they do not cause emotional stress or rejection of the population, in any case, its majority.

Remember that, according to documentary, genes give a small place to modern genes in the formation of personality, although they talk about genetic memory.

You can instill the most crazy idea (even the story speaks of this, for example, as already mentioned, such a thing as a witch hunt, and this was done not by children, but by adults). You can suggest any idea, especially to someone who spent his whole life in isolation, and at that time he was inspired and told what they wanted, in this case you do not need to be a super-specialist in suggestion. But the most special hit is to inspire something to someone who lives in a society full of suggestion competitors, each of whom wants to inspire something of his own.

Remember: the human brain is a very plastic material, from the one who reads this material now, it would be possible to mold tens, if not more, of thousands of different personalities? For an ideal, 100% conviction of something before, the relevant conditions were created from the moment of the birth of the child, such as preventing competitors from propagating other people's ideas, maybe it is still like that, but not very pronounced, as in the old days. In the process of personality development, you can fill it with anything, instilling any ideas, and in the end this person will think that this is the way it is, and the way it is.

The excess of the performer is when some important person asks to eliminate the danger posed by his enemy, and his faithful companions, who are subordinate to him, understand this literally, the effect is such that these comrades kill the object of their master’s irritation and relieve tension, Well, it’s hard to bring the owner to justice, he didn’t seem to “order” his subordinates. The result - the one who executed the order, to prison, and the owner in the case, the excess of the performer can be seen in the film "Rafferty", (1980, director Semyon Aranovich), when the head of the mafia clan Farichetti understood the request of Rafferty too literally, who asked to reassure one from your opponents.

Those who often feel sorry for themselves and believe that they “grabbed” grief more than others do not suffer, but enjoy their suffering and the process of publicizing them to others - in order to look cooler? Science has not yet reached that development when everyone will be fine, so for now, do you need to endure some inconvenience and contribute to the progress itself? Some after 30 or 40 years complain about life at a young age, not burdening themselves with study or hardship - those who relaxed in the first half of their lives will strain in the second? Some say that you don’t know what I went through or went through, banal advice - learn algebra (or something else), don’t mess with anyone, and there will be no problems, and if you contact, predict that there could be bad and good things from those whom I contacted, for example, what can give you communication with the opposite sex, with that part of it that is not free - married or married: send a love SMS message or a message on social networks - your message can be shown to your husband or to your wife those to whom you sent this love message that s husband or wife no longer valued and jealous of you, etc. -.. be vigilant? Be adapted to non-standard and emergency situations in order to survive, prepare yourself to achieve your goal?

Psychological lyrics: you didn’t notice that some, when they come to meet you, even with you, sometimes slightly stumble with one foot - it’s they who are shy of you, and this is also the effect of propaganda that creates stereotypes that people like you need to be shy?

We remember that the mind without will costs little (and under the will it is primarily meant the absence of fear and the ability to endure deprivation), we will recall such mentally strong people if it becomes difficult, as if I’m not mistaken in name, Alain Robert (spider-man), which was already discussed (by the way, there are always people who are in a worse situation than those who have problems, for example, those sentenced to life imprisonment, patients with an incurable fatal disease). Alain Robert, the strongest man in spirit, are probably created by higher powers so that people are equal to them. Or remember a strong guy like Yuri Gagarin. One of the signs of fortitude is to be able to be insensitive at the right moment and move without paying attention to anything, forgetting all your “breaks”, if such were, for example, not paying attention to criticism and failures, as the soldiers teach when attacking: do not pay attention to the corpses, just move forward, move, move, move, in a word, strength of mind is the ability to perform any task.

If there are weaknesses and needs, then you need one who is called a friend (crutches), and a friend is not needed for someone who has no weaknesses and needs? Weaknesses are considered to be any needs for someone or something, and a friend (crutches), as a rule, is needed as an assistant for their implementation? It’s acceptable to allow yourself to be manipulated if it is beneficial for you, and you yourself want it, because everyone has different paths of psychological comfort, someone likes one thing, someone else, the main thing is a comfortable psychological state? Do not be offended by the actions of your husband or wife - perhaps for his time he or she is a very decent person?

You can even sacrifice your reputation in order to achieve a scientific and other goal, and you can do it confidently, because in order to achieve scientific goals, scientists sacrificed themselves and their health, and that this is nothing compared to some kind of reputation. There is nothing more expensive than life and health, many Nobel laureates in the field of medicine checked everything for themselves, infecting themselves with dangerous viruses and microbes, and then they injected themselves with the vaccines they invented and observed how effective they were.

Chasing the little things, you can lose a big jackpot, is it better to write, for example, a book or a song or make a scientific discovery, than give someone your time, earning a salary?

Most people are egoists, or is the term egoist also coined for manipulation, but are egoists all? Do you need to postpone the decision and make it as late as possible in order to make the most correct decision, "good thought comes after"? If you are writing a book, for example, about society, in order for the material to be successful in your time, the problems addressed in it must coincide with the problems of your time, that is, as already mentioned, you need to appear in the right place in right time? The person is best convinced of something when you ask him for something in a raised or, more correctly, emotional tone of voice - people presume distrust of kind and calm speech, you immediately feel a catch, and an emotionally excited person, like, doesn’t lie can? “They come to the service infantile,” - the words of one of the middle managers of the correctional colony. So who is this infantile - a romantic, a child, or someone else? An infantile one who does not know the “underwater” currents of life and thinks that he will become a general in some places without anyone's support (if we talk about power structures), we return to the fact that parents did not teach them to understand reality correctly? Not figurative - is he who understands that in order to become a general, in some places you need to give a bribe to the personnel officer and boss? Not infantile (adult) is in the case of the average person the one (if we take the male gender as an example) who performs the following algorithm of actions: marries, tries to earn more, buys the most expensive and effective car, surrounds himself with the most beautiful, in his opinion, lovers and spends money on them, sends his wife to rest abroad and goes there himself and catches a buzz from the fact that on social networks and elsewhere they see a photo of his and his wife's rest in other countries?

And at the end, you can repeat what this material began with: there is nothing complicated or confusing, in fact everything is clear and logical, and if you again recall the three components of a person - emotional, intellectual and physical - then, as a rule, some of these components dominates, and some vice versa, as the equalizer setting in the audio equipment. For example, the emotional is over the intellectual, and at the same time, someone cannot satisfy what is required of him by the emotional - the person does not know how to satisfy the emotional, and in some cases some of them morally bleed because of this .

Some media and documentaries indicate that there were writers, directors who worked for the special services, and various so-called “educational” projects aimed at ensuring that the emotional and physical dominate the intellectual over the people are cited as evidence of this. Why is this necessary, probably, so that the population of the country - a geopolitical adversary does not pose a threat, because if a person is educated in the mainstream of instincts over intelligence, no matter how trivial it sounds, he will not be able to concentrate qualitatively on study and work, and not necessarily scientific where intelligence is required.

An example is the “Little Red Book” project that seemed to take place which indicated how to properly caress a girl in the bathroom with a shower, etc. The purpose of the work “Little Red Book” is understandable - to educate in the spirit of domination of the basic instinct over intellect, in the end, it is difficult for a person brought up in such a plan to integrate into a society that will not reciprocate, and it turns out that he has to look for ways to satisfy what was imposed on him. A person becomes like a drug addict in search of pleasure.

We don’t forget who the agent of influence is and what tasks are set before it, one of which is to educate the country's society - the geopolitical opponent of the state, which the agent of influence serves in the spirit necessary for this state, for example, in the spirit of the absence of a comfortable mental state.

As already mentioned, according to modern scholars, genocentrism is no longer a decisive factor in the formation of a person’s personality, genes, according to modern scientific statements, do not have such a strong influence on human behavior, as previously thought, human behavior is influenced by what he was inspired a life.

When you are still young and think about something else, it seems that this is all nonsense, but then everything changes, meaning when it seems that everything that you see and hear is formed spontaneously, in itself, that no one is manipulating anyone .

Remember that in poor countries with a low standard of living, you cannot make emotional decisions or you need to minimize them, for example, carefully approach issues such as marriage (some will soon return from the clouds to prison - to a free settlement (chemistry) for non-payment of alimony) .

Recall that the media say that there are rich countries where unmarried people can visit brothels for a certain number of times a month, and alcoholics get free alcohol. This is done in order to, as already mentioned, to relieve social tension, reduce crime, so that sexual and alcoholic desires are not satisfied in a criminal way.

In some considered poor countries, most likely, in this way no one will stabilize the psychological state of a person. To ensure the greatest chances for survival, in a country with a low standard of living, you need to know certain rules. One of them is to take and do everything yourself, since, again, this is not some state considered to be rich, where the authorities decide everything or almost everything for you, you need to have a “hitch” for a “rainy” day. The main thing in a poor country is activity in everything, in job search, in relationships, since no one will do it for you.

Remember, there are people who have many needs, and in order to satisfy them, they have to become the so-called bad ones, the so-called good ones do not have such weaknesses, in any case, in such quantities as the bad ones, therefore they are good, they feel comfortable, and, as a rule, they are called mentally strong or strong in spirit, if you meet such a person, and such people exist, then he can easily go to jail for you - this can happen for free or for money, only he can stop him the moment when it rises a matter of his life or death.

Everyone has different conditions in order to feel happy, they are not universal, not everyone needs happiness, for example, they need money. And in general, as has already been mentioned, everyone has their own concepts of happiness, as previously mentioned in this material - no one can understand a person with a syndrome of impaired body perception, why he becomes happy, losing on his own initiative any limb of his body, because for any person there is nothing worse than becoming an invalid.

Everything said by someone differs from demagogy only when there is an internal agreement, when you read, see, hear and think, but is it true, is it the way it is, or do you try what they offer you and it works? When personal relationships do not develop, a person becomes irritable and non-living, though there are many other reasons for this? Is weakness something you can't live without? In Chinese, two different Russian words, a problem and an opportunity, are denoted by a single word that translates into Russian as a problem and an opportunity? By what parameters do you evaluate yourself - by the level of your salary, by social status or by other criteria?

We repeat the main thing - do not drink alcohol (if this is not absolutely necessary, for example, you need to overcome the fear of flying on an airplane), do not use drugs, if possible, do not smoke, and everything will be fine with fate. This is not just the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, but one of the conditions for achieving psychological comfort, which is what the information in this material is aimed at. If advice in terms of psychology cannot be universal for everyone, then the advice not to use chemical psychostimulants is uniquely universal for everyone, if someone wants to use alcohol or drugs, he will not be able to compete qualitatively and for a long time in everything who does not use them . We remember that in order to make a strong impression on someone, it is necessary for this someone with whom you are communicating to present such information that will be able to cause a revolution in his mind or at least micro-revolution. The conversation should turn out, as they say now, in the trash style. Do you need to make the maximum impact with new information on who the dialogue is with, so that then, against the background of you, all the other people become uninteresting?

Again, we repeat the main thing, so as not to forget it - everything can be interpreted and “twisted” in the right direction, an example heard on the street: his opponents are talking about some leader. They discuss the fact that he is cunning in order to turn people against him, and then the answer is: “Do you think it would be better if the leader was a fool?” So the created tension in people is removed and neurochemical processes are changed in a favorable direction?

And do not forget that if a person drives an expensive car, this does not mean that he is rich. As a friend said, seeing surprise and envy (and envy is experienced only by those who need what they have, who they envy but don’t have) someone to someone who drives an expensive car: “Ask him, he paid a loan for his car? " Whoever drives an expensive car catches a buzz, assuming that everyone envies him, but only those who need what he has are jealous?

Probably, almost all material goods, as a rule, are taken on credit in any country with an average living standard of the population, the percentage of really rich people is extremely small, so it is not recommended to envy in this connection, and we repeat that someone who needs something is jealous what is the one to whom envy.

There is such street terminology - he (or I) does not understand this buzz, that is, what is a subject of pleasure for one, for another is not pleasure, and put this other behind the wheel of an expensive car - he will not experience any rush endorphins. Sometimes we change the emotion at the sight of an expensive car from envy to pity, and this is not a soothing self-psychotherapy through self-deception, because there are many dependent people whose dependence is expressed in recognizing them as rich and successful people, they will drive an expensive car taken on credit, and will be at home nothing to eat, funny, though when you know the undercurrents, do you react differently?

If you have your own thoughts about something, and you want to state these considerations, you should not hesitate and doubt, as one of the author’s acquaintances, because of the thoughts that there are many literate people like you who want to write something and trying to create something. It just doesn’t, there are not many civilized countries, and only in them do people have the conditions to create something (by the way, according to the media, in France there are almost as many writers as readers, and this is an example how many people want create a social status). They say that there are plenty of writers, and on average, 10 manuscripts come to the editorial office of most publishers.

In some countries of such a continent as Africa, people do not have time to create something new, since there most people simply struggle for existence without thinking about something lofty, they do not have overvalued ideas, such as in countries that are considered developed, or maybe there are ideas, but there is no way to develop them and convey them to the masses.

Remember, if this was already mentioned in the book, as one computer tuner said that when he notices that the potential client calling him on his ad starts to “fail” , that is, say something strange and alarming in the sense of of the fact that he may not pay for the work or then there will be other problems with him, then he does not come to him. Therefore, if you start a relationship with someone, you need to take into account the factor of how adequate the person is, as they say, and to predict all the consequences of meeting and tying up with someone you meet. Or, as parents sometimes say to their children: “Don't mess with him.” After all, initially the average person in relation to another person is a neutrino, only then he becomes for whatever reason the one who is called a friend or enemy, or the neutrino remains.

We will say what was said earlier that in each case there is a way out of any situation and in each case there are pros and cons, and these are not just words of suggestion from a course of psychotherapy, you just need to, as they say now, not program yourself for failure, but look for a way out, which is always there, but you need to look for a way out and fight because science has not yet reached such a development as to make everyone well. You need to fight for some more time.

We remember that without exaggeration, absolutely everything can be “turned” and “turned” in the right direction (do not forget the examples given in this material), and it is precisely because of this that there is a way out of any situation, as those who call themselves “players” do it (the film “17 Moments of Spring” in which Stirlitz told Bormann: “I am a player and I don’t like being held by a blockhead ...”). Learning to manipulate or who do not like this word, to manage with the help of words, phrases, actions, etc., to make objective reality out of pseudo-reality.

Do not forget the situation with a fly flying into the room and breaking into the glass of a closed window in search of a way out, while a window was open nearby and it could fly out into it - there is a way out, but it, a fly, due to its circumstances does not see. Another example: the plug of the charger for the tablet was developed, as soon as you do not insert it into the tablet so that the contacts of the plug and the socket of the tablet coincide, so that it works. And at home you have the same cord near the computer that is in the charger of the tablet, but you did not know that the cord near the computer turns out to be suitable for the charger from the tablet, you just need to insert it into the charger and connect it to the tablet. So in global life cases - again, without exaggeration, there is always a way out.

Do not forget that it is precisely words, phrases, actions, etc. that affect the neurochemical processes in the brain, for example, say something to someone, choose the right approach for someone, and endorphins or vice versa. The main thing is to determine the goals and objectives, take into account the person’s personality, his character, social status, level of education, etc., and based on this, influence the neurochemical process in his brain through various words, phrases, and actions.

Do not forget that, whenever possible, we must try to do what the creator, the higher mind, nature, organism require of you (these nouns are listed because it is still not completely clear who or what is required, but the fact that someone or something is demanding from us is obvious?).

It can be assumed that a bad mood, lack of hormones of pleasure in the body, this or that way shows the creator, the higher mind, nature, organism that you are doing something wrong or did not do what needs to be done (for example, someone then he cannot calm down until he takes revenge on someone, and as soon as this is done, immediately complete nirvana, and the “wings” grow).

Remember the saying "He (she) found himself in this profession", what does this mean? It says that a person does or has finally begun to do what he is programmed to do, from which he produces hormones of pleasure, which the creator, higher mind, nature or organism shows what a person should do.

We remember that, probably, all special services are trying to make acquaintances with famous people (or create celebrities themselves) both in their own country and abroad, in order to promote the interests of their state through them, for example, according to the media, science fiction writer Herbert Wells was an employee intelligence, also Daniel Defoe. The more influential a person is, the more governments of different countries want to use him.

As already mentioned, the scout, having gone to jail, recruited an agent there and regardless of the situation he was in, he recruited an agent from the person who was interrogating him, this is probably the example when people who are called strong are followed others or when a person knows how to “load” another person, although we remember that if a person is strong in spirit, it’s not a fact that he needs to be followed, a person with a set of qualities that are considered weaknesses in modern society can be independent in spite of itself stereotypes, authorize yourself t - you earn money, and therefore, is already independent.

Do not forget that if you are the one who is considered weak in the sense that you are prone to fear or experiencing, then you can answer the one who criticizes you for your weaknesses, that if you do not like the way you are, then you do not force to communicate with you. Remember that the supposedly weak must follow the strong, this is just some kind of instinct or social stereotype, the leader can be the one who is called weak (in this sense, weakness refers to a tendency to fear or worry, or what is called insecurity) . As they say, everyone can be an authority on their own. By the way, we also don’t forget that, according to the documentary, they don’t take leaders to astronauts, psychological tests of such people-leaders are eliminated, simple unemotional executive people are needed in space, the lack of emotionality gives them the opportunity to fulfill their tasks in unusual living conditions.

The problem is solved by a computer program created to solve human problems - is it reality or utopia? A bit of futurology, or everything is already real, now there is such a thing as IBM Watson, which is a cognitive system (what this means, you can see it on the Internet), which, according to the media, is able to understand, draw conclusions and learn, the essence of the program is staging medical diagnoses and determining the course of treatment, while the average masses are suffering and experiencing emotions, scientists, as at all times, calmly move science forward?

Although this sounds naive (as a rule, many ideas sound naive until they become a reality), but ideally, if there is enough money, it would be possible for anyone to create a program together with programmers in which you could put all the information regarding options for solving a problem, in this program answers would be issued, as they say, automatically to any questions entered into the program, the program should have an answer to any question, in this case, how to correctly respond Rowan in a given situation - augmented reality, not only technical, which was already mentioned, and the psychological and legal.

It would give out the suggested options for those in a difficult situation, and the wider the radius of the supposed situations would be loaded into the program, regardless of whether it is psychological or legal, or some other, the better. It would be something like a PROMT translator, only you enter a word or phrase into it and get the answer in the form of a translation, and in this version you introduce a problem and get, as already mentioned, the answer, i.e. the proposed option or options for solutions to the problem, from which it will be possible to choose for yourself one, the most optimal one, taking into account your personal qualities and the other, and perhaps the machine itself would do it. Again, this may be something more perfect - the same augmented reality with virtual gadgets.

And this is not quite and not only a utopian idea in terms of solving all problems, pragmatism, there is also a place here, and it is very large. The creation of such a legal program, for example, would be extremely profitable in terms of making money on this for someone who would take up the implementation of this idea. Imagine: we need advice (informal - that lawyers are afraid to give, thinking that because of it they can lose their social status due to the deprivation of a license for lawyer activity, although these worries can be far-fetched, because lawyers are people too, and they are subjected to emotions). To get an answer to such a question, you need to dig a lot of information on the Internet or go to a lawyer and pay him money for a consultation, after which it is not a fact that the lawyer will give the information that will help you (there have been cases when the lawyer gave the wrong advice, and often), since the lawyer may not be fully competent in this matter or be afraid to give the necessary advice that is not entirely consistent with the lawyer ethics, he may also be interested in extracting more money from you and giving you incorrect advice specifically that if you asked him for help longer, and, accordingly, he would earn more due to this, or in general, what often happens, a lawyer may turn out to be the so-called “lenient” - a friend of law enforcement officers (this is what the lawyers themselves say informal conversation).

If the machine where the program is located will give you an answer, in the creation of which decent and competent lawyers and programmers took part, the answer will be the most ideal, for example: as a familiar lawyer said, you should not go to a law enforcement officer to familiarize yourself with the administrative protocol, since it will not be in your favor. According to the law, in some countries the administrative protocol must be familiarized with the one who is held accountable, he must know what article he is called to account for, if there was no familiarization, this is a violation of the law by the structure conducting the administrative process, and the basis for the return of the case court to the one who submitted it to the court.

If these rules are violated (there is no record in the record of the person being held accountable, executed by his hand, that he is acquainted, and there is no signature), the administrative protocol will not have legal force, since, according to the law, the person with respect to whom an administrative protocol was drawn up, it must be familiarized with it, if it is not, this is a procedural violation by law enforcement agencies or other structures that have the right to bring citizens to administrative responsibility and lead the administrator An active process in relation to someone (environmental services, trade control services, etc.).

While law enforcement officers will look for you to acquaint yourself with the protocol, the deadlines for bringing you to administrative responsibility will come out, and they will search, since they need your signature in the protocol of an administrative violation, you cannot refer the matter to the court without it, because if the court finds out that the prosecutor is not familiar with the protocol; the case can be returned to the authorities that submitted it to the court, or terminated.

With such advice made by the program, you did not spend a cent on the services of a lawyer, and besides, the advice made by the machine should be as objective as possible, since there is no human factor in the form of the greed or incompetence of a lawyer or lawyer - greed, because, like It has already been said that some lawyers want to earn more money, and therefore it is unprofitable for such people to take legal actions aimed at quickly solving the client’s problem, they need to talk longer and earn more. Incompetence is when a lawyer gives not entirely legally competent advice to a client. As laws change, the program can be updated via the Internet, for example, as an anti-virus program for a computer, the same with a program of a psychological plan, if one is created.



Bold text throughout the material highlights words and phrases with which it is easier to convince someone or impress someone; bold text also indicates phrases that are worth focusing on.

This material is not a guide to action, and everything that is indicated in it is not a bible, nobody teaches anyone (by the way, remember the saying that it’s best to cook your woman’s soup), each authority is its own, this material was created for familiarization and does not promote anyone's ideals or beliefs.

Caution with ambition - the main thing is not to convince yourself that you are the messiah, or that all people are descended from you? Made in a democratic kingdom (substitute the name of any state at the end of this phrase), and you can immediately hear a double meaning: how can a kingdom be democratic? Machines are we, the desire for sex and more - do we have programs that for some reason are called instincts? People are software creatures, me, you, we, they are biological robots? Aggression, love and other programs - everything will be as programmed, and no one will change anything until a certain point, until science reaches the level where it will be possible to reprogram everyone? Why do some people stop worrying and worrying, use alcohol and drugs just when religion appears in their life, one phrase changes their life: everything that happens to you is the will of the creator, and whatever you do, it will still be like this how should it be? As already mentioned, what seems bad, maybe, oddly enough, good: didn’t pay your salary, didn’t go to get money - you weren’t robbed, didn’t you have an accident on the way to get money or back? There were cases when famous people cherished themselves, but later died of cancer? I can’t believe that out of millions or even billions of people who have ever been killed, no one would get cancer and die for a long time and in torment, if he survived - a paradox, but those who were killed could face with this? Some structures contribute to the development of neurosis by bending the stick with the propaganda of caution: be careful, watch yourself - is this in some cases an installation for neurosis? You will die when the time comes, no matter how careful you are, you’re not dead - does it mean that the time has not come? The point is to be afraid of death (in the sense when it begins to interfere with life, when it turns into a neurosis) and everything else, when you die anyway? We repeat once again: there is information that is not for everyone that should be sold by prescription, for example, in a pharmacy - to a person who is fine and who feels comfortable, information that you need to be less cautious will be even harmful, less cautious need someone who has paralyzed fear for his life and health?

Boss, I did it. So everyone can say, when he did something, to the higher powers that endowed him, for example, with ambition and set certain tasks (or maybe not higher powers, maybe upbringing, in this case, is not entirely important) and endowed with psychological discomfort , expressed in psychological dissatisfaction, until something has done what is prescribed. Then, after reaching what you aspired to, there will be psychological discomfort, you can relax and amuse your self-esteem, as well as enjoy the internal opiates of endorphins, which will send you higher forces as a reward for the work done through the development of their endocrine system.

The words and actions of someone after voicing them demonstrate the influence of phrases on the neurochemical processes of the one who heard these phrases - they went obscene to someone, and you will see how the average person will react. You can manipulate emotions with the help of phrases and win sympathy and emotional affection for yourself, or create supporters around yourself, in a word, who needs what you can and can do, you can make enemies through phrases.

Do not forget - sympathy for you and everything else that is positive and emotional is formed after you give someone the opportunity to get a portion of endorphins from something you’ve heard from or made by you, or, as has already been said, creating a micro-revolution in someone’s mind it’s from some information new to the listener that you’ve heard from you, and then (this is the lyrics) the schizophrenic’s dream can come true in general, you can become for some if not a messiah, then at least a leader, although maybe for a short while - the information changes consciousness.

We remember the endorphins, with the help of which the higher forces say what needs to be done and what to strive for, therefore, forgive my ambition, I say to the higher forces "Boss, I did this", my goal is from a movement to which and from which I enjoyed, achieved, the psychological stress removed, the book is written, although the volume of the pages looks more like a brochure than a book, but nevertheless I am pleased that I finished writing this material, I received a portion of endorphins, now I need to make an effort to publish it and gender chit new batch of endorphins and relieve themselves of psychological discomfort.

In the end, I want to add the lyrical considerations of my relatives, which have already been mentioned: "There are a lot of" players ", nobody wants to go to work on the construction site and plant." Or the remark of my employer, which he voiced when he saw that one person was engaged in physical labor, and several bosses were standing nearby and indicating how and where to dig a shovel: "Seven are waving, one is e-mailing." All specialists in psychological warfare, psychological operations, lawyers, psychologists, etc., will soon have nobody to work, and a simple worker will be worth its weight in gold, and I also want to remind you of the statistics on the Internet that in one big state, whose name I do not remember Only about 10 million people are engaged in real production of something.

All civilized countries begin to experience a shortage of people engaged in physical labor, if it weren’t for emigrants, it would have been generally tight, probably such continents as Africa and Asia were really invented in order to close this gap, from there it arrives in developed countries The main stream of simple workers. If things go on like this, it will not be surprising if they soon begin to erect monuments to ordinary workers, and not to different manufacturers of intangible goods - to different figures, but the role of producers of intangible goods should also not be underestimated, because they stand on the protection of civilization and other values, and it is people who are not engaged in physical labor that make civilization a civilization, and this is not irony.

Lyrics: how to amuse your ambition, and at the same time, in order to popularize, name any new psychology that someone brought to light, maybe digital, maybe unspoken, maybe psychology for those over 30, psychology 30+, objective psychology. Maybe, like a part of the Internet space like darknet, you can call darkpsy, maybe psychology for certain social groups, psychology of psychological operations, or dwell on preventive and regenerative or reconstructive psychology?

The material partially consists of questions, the purpose of this form is to engage the reader in reading the material, the question is asked, the reader is involved in the discussion.

A work by the author was sometimes written to music (remember that the administration of trade objects, such as shops, is instructed to include music to increase sales), therefore it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the material for your favorite musical works - music is considered as a psychostimulant, this was mentioned at the beginning of the material , A dual source for the production of endorphins is from listening to music and from reading material (not necessarily this).

A friend, having read this material, said that the discussion in the form of questions and answers is used in trade as a method of selling goods. When a work was being created, the author did not think when writing it that he used such tricks that his acquaintance told him to increase the degree of interest ; all these actions, it turns out, were put on a scientific footing.

My motivation for creating this material is, as I said earlier, enthusiasm and, as in the Maslow pyramid, partly the need for self-realization, because, as they say, the period from 35 to 45 years is the finish line, to which you need to run at maximum speed to to be realized.

The author tried not to change the doctrine expressed by him in the material that in order to talk about something, it was necessary to go somewhere, in connection with this the tasks were set and completed of finding in the most possible places and situations in which he could to get there, as well as states and statuses - it’s kind of like going to the reconnaissance and reporting back on the situation. And most importantly - the scout, whether he wants it or not, is everyone who has arrived on planet Earth, just not everyone reports the results of their activities to a large population, as does someone who considers himself a philosopher, futurologist, publicist.

We remember that everything depends only on the will of everyone, how something depended on the will of the one according to whose laws society is moving now - remember Overton Joseph, everything can be turned upside down and the society can be adjusted to fit its interests, whatever they may be, and to legalize what was previously unacceptable, you only need someone's will, because the presence of strength of mind is sometimes valued more than the presence of great intelligence.



Attention, this is an affirmative sentence: the people referenced at the beginning of the material and to whom gratitude is expressed are fictitious, there wasn’t and there wasn’t any police officer Yuryev Yu.A., sergeant of the French Foreign Legion A. Antonsev and other listed persons. This is done in order to demonstrate what popularization is and a reference to people who are respected in any areas and how the degree of discussion increases after it People, speaking in a gangster language, better “haw” (eat and swallow) information when there is popularization and a link to authorities. Correspondence on the Internet with the persons indicated in this material and published in it is real.

Attention, this is an affirmative sentence: the material was created for familiarization and does not propagate anyone's ideals or beliefs. Each part of this material is published for informational purposes only, the aim pursued during the creation of the material is to provide an opportunity to obtain information that did not belong to those who, according to the author, need it: those who grew up in a single-parent family or in a family with uninformed parents who were not informed view of the lack of such parents all the same necessary for a person with average life needs quality information to meet these needs. Children of such parents, as a rule, do not know what those who have everything in order with the family and parents know, and find out what those who are fine with their parents know later than they do.

The information in the material, in a sense, equates those who were doing well with those who were not doing well, like a structure such as intelligence equalizing different countries in their development, preventing one country from succeeding in another, to believe that the author went, as already mentioned, to intelligence to those who are doing well, received information from them why they are doing well, and conveyed it to those who are not doing well, so that they also things went uphill.

It’s not enough to create a product, it still needs to be transferred to the hands of the one who needs it? You do not write journalism by order of anyone - its style will depend on the place of its writing and publication - is the place of its writing and publication neutral in relation to other places, and vice versa?

Since works in the “journalism” style, to the category of which this material belongs, as a rule, are not printed by editions for free, since it is impossible to extract commercial profit from them, which, in principle, is the way it is, this work was printed by the author for his money (books with philosophy are also doomed to have to print them at their own expense). Well published at the expense of the publisher of detective stories, romance novels. Having published a book at your own expense, it can be sold or distributed on trains, downloaded for free on the Internet, distributed and promoted through advertisements in newspapers.

Nobody, of course, pokes your nose while writing the material, but after writing and publishing the material they can poke, because the law is the law? Some who, in their youth, fought for high ideals free of charge, by their retirement age begin to think as follows: “But you can make money on this topic”? Who will be the one who decided to write the book - the one who is called the graphomaniac, or the writer can be anyone who wrote something, and the word "graphomaniac" was invented for psychological warfare? We are doomed to psychological warfare, since there is competition everywhere? Many say that some of those called geniuses have what are considered mental illnesses, or are they just occupational illnesses that they got along the path to genius? Who is the guestwriter - the one who writes for others, and after others give out what is written for his own?

I recall a teacher’s statement at school that US citizens who do business move from one state to another to solve their business issues, because the laws in each state are different. So in literature, many take into account when writing a work the place where they want to write and publish their works. As an example, we’ll make a link, again, to a simple Soviet feature film in which this issue is addressed, it is called “Hold on to Clouds”, USSR, Hungary, 1971, directors P. Sas, B. Grigoriev, the hero of the film suggests writing to another the hero of the film, while dissuading him from suicide, a book (remember, the author advised writing a book to someone who has not realized the need for recognition), here is their dialogue:

You’ll write memoirs, for example, “Two Nightmare Years in the Red Hell,” they’ll buy it out like sugar. They won’t publish it. Where will they not publish it? They won’t publish it in Paris.

Should a journalistic work be “tailored” to the policy of the country in which you are trying to publish it?

There is one small “but”, if the book is published in another country, in a foreign language for you, it will become less understandable and less interesting for readers, because any translation does not perfectly convey information to a person from any original work written in their native language language, in this case, information from the book, since in another country their expressions, life and cultural associations, for example, do not always know what a communal apartment is, etc.

You may encounter such “hemorrhoids” in writing most of the works as legal aspects, when you need to refer to where you got this or that information from, if it does not belong to you, so as not to infringe copyright. Either you don’t specifically refer to anyone and do not specifically criticize anyone, write as if in a certain kingdom — in a certain state, or in some places — so that you would not be “dragged” by the courts, and so that the work would not be recommended for distribution in any region, which narrows the number of potential readers who will get acquainted with the results of your work. Therefore, it is worth making it as universal as possible, although some think the other way around - the more scandals and noise, the more “promotion”. There is also the so-called personal “hemorrhoids” of the author, when you reread a work several times and constantly correct something, thinking, finding something superfluous in the material being re-read: “A word is something“ moronic ”I wrote” or “What phrase "Flat." Touching delicate topics in a work can also become a problem, you need to follow your every word so that, as already indicated in the work, your comfortable state of the written does not cause discomfort from the written by others. In a word, full phrasal sterility is required, but you need to say what you wanted to say. It is also worth carefully choosing words and phrases due to the fact that some people tend to perceive everything literally and uncritically due to their age or psychological state or beliefs and therefore can begin to realize what is written.

As already indicated, the book “Secret resources of a good mood of some” was published at the personal expense of the author, which excludes the presence of information biased from the point of view of the author, imposed on the presentation in the work by someone because the book was printed with money from interested parties . I would like, as already mentioned, each to create their own material with their information on the topics discussed, only in essence of their profession or personal situation.

By the way, as writers say, books are (at least, it used to be) for the authorities, against the authorities and for the person in power personally, it is indicated that the work “The Master and Margarita” Alexander Bulgakov allegedly wrote personally for Stalin, cost add that there are works of some genres designed to stabilize the situation somewhere, and vice versa, designed to destabilize the situation.

Signs of unemotional people - are they kind, and necessarily good for a long time? The fastest solution to emotional problems - is their absence? An elephant in a china shop, or hunting for a mouse with a grenade launcher - should there be a separate action for each situation?

In the end, I want to return to the beginning of the material - this small paragraph is for those who decided to try to “fit” themselves to the category of unemotional people (if you manage to do this to an emotional person, you can write a book about it, because power over oneself is full of emotions, like usually problematic), and therefore, if there is no emotional or it is at a minimum, then you do not need to know how to satisfy emotional needs, that is, all that is written in this material.

In the event that a decision has been made to “fit” oneself with the above category of people, it is recommended to find a person with the right qualities and live, no matter how trivial it sounds, following him, for example, as a person like the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, as a singer Willy Tokarev or as a developer of the Sikorsky helicopter. Why they are not emotional, you can find out by reading their biographies, they could overcome hardships. The author considers Gagarin, Tokarev, Sikorsky to be unemotional people, since in the presence of emotions they would not be able to become who they are, they would not be suitable for this in terms of their moral and business qualities.

What is the ideal psyche in the modern sense is a stable psychological state regardless of the situation, corresponding, as has been mentioned more than once, to people in such professions as a pilot-cosmonaut or a sailor, an IT specialist, a surgeon, but there is one “but” if all people were in a state of psychological comfort, there would be no psychological discomfort from something not done, which means that there would be no action, nor the development of civilization, nor the process of reproduction or something else. Perhaps this is why the number of people who reckon with the ideal psyche, such as astronauts, is limited. Higher powers would not be able to motivate people to take any action if everyone had a psyche that is considered ideal in the modern world, that is, with a stable mental state when nobody needs anything, everyone is comfortable and so. Based on the above considerations, we come to the conclusion that everything is going as it should, with small errors that can be eliminated if you wish. If we talk about psychology, then the problems of psychological discomfort are eliminated by obtaining information related to the correct algorithm of actions to achieve what the psyche wants, and what it wants, it, as already mentioned, indicates the release of internal drugs into the blood.

In the material presented, in the author’s opinion, there is nothing completely new, theoretically in life, the average person considered in the work uses any information who has a good life and who has crossed the 30- or 40-year mark when, as they say, everyone lives to satisfy their interests, when, before doing something, he thinks in a mode, it will be profitable or unprofitable for him, and he knows exactly what he wants and how to achieve it.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that with age people put their comfortable mental state in the first place, and only then think about the interests of others, which is probably why HR services are reluctant to take some people over 30 or 40, because some consider that it’s already difficult to manage and educate such people in the right direction for the organization.

In part, when creating this work, the task was to determine the ways of obtaining endorphins, which, by the way, each have their own, but there are also universal points, that is, the task was to find out how everyone can get the maximum psychological satisfaction from their actions in life.

Knowing yourself and information about life processes allows you to create a model of the events that await you in life, and also to know whether you have enough mental and physical health to survive these events.

The author hopes that the information in the material will improve the quality of life of those who need it.

Lyrics: as the bandits say, good luck so that they don’t carry programs.



Attention, this is an affirmative sentence: we remember one of the principles considered in the material - to believe not someone’s words, but only facts, as the writers say, a person is vicious, therefore, because of satisfying his vices, he is forced to lie, and sometimes not for material gain , and because of the fear of showing everything as it is and embellishing, there are, apparently, some kind of natural mechanisms that force themselves to behave this way.

The level of statistical reliability of the data provided below by the author was not checked. In this connection, the request to treat everything is critical, since any research or statistical data can be custom-made, controlled, far-fetched - conducted without leaving the office, as a result of which they may be biased or partially objective.

Links to sites are not made for the purpose of advertising, the availability of links is exclusively legal in nature, associated with copyright protection law. The content of not only these, but also of any other resources should be treated soberly, with “disabled” emotions, since the content is just someone’s personal opinion that may not be acceptable to others.

According to media reports, the statistics are as follows: about 38 million people die every year from cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, oncology and diabetes. And how many die a year from a psychologically incorrect lifestyle (PNOI) and its consequences, or all of the above diseases are the consequences of PNOI, due to which smoking, alcoholism, etc. also develop? What is primary and what is secondary - PNOZH and as a consequence of this, what is considered a mental disorder, or vice versa? Is the cause of suicide partially or completely connected with the endocrine system, since the pleasure center, which is the organ that produces internal opiates, stops working, the production of endorphins stops, is it very simple - the production of the hormone of pleasure stops, and as a result, does suicide happen? Once again about how those who are called emotional can "ground" their emotions without harming themselves and others, leaving themselves and others in the comfort zone as much as possible? Can a word hurt or kill? Propaganda of despair - and this can be? With 100 percent certainty, it can be argued that you can get anyone from a person, you can either “sculpt” or “cramp” a person - any of those who are called a neurasthenic can be made strong in spirit and vice versa, anyone prone to suicide can to make the most thirsty person for life the cause of all propaganda?

According to WHO, about a quarter of suicides occur in high-income countries. Also, according to statistics, men commit suicide almost twice as often as women.


April 13, 2016 - Each U.S. dollar invested in scaling up treatment for depression and anxiety disorders is worth 4 US dollars in the form of improved health and ability to work. This is evidenced by a new study conducted by WHO, which for the first time assesses the benefits of investing in the treatment of the most common forms of mental illness on a global scale, not only for health but also for the economy.


Suicides occur not only in high-income countries, this global phenomenon is characteristic of all regions of the world. In fact, 75% of the world's suicides occurred in 2012 in low- and middle-income countries.


Suicidal risk for various professions (estimated from 1 to 10) looks like this: in the first place is a musician (8.5 points), followed by a nurse (8.2), a dentist (8.2). financier (7.2), psychiatrist (7.2). The list is closed by the librarian (3.2) and the seller (2.1).

Family status. According to statistics, married people commit suicide much less often than single or divorced. Those who have lost a partner have a high suicide rate - they commit suicide three times more often than family ones.

Risk groups. There is a direct correlation between suicide and loss of social status - what is called the “King Lear complex”. So, a high suicide rate among demobilized officers, young soldiers, people taken into custody, recent pensioners. The highest suicide rates were observed among drug addicts, the disabled, the mentally ill, as well as chronic alcoholics. Alcoholics commit about a third of all completed suicides and a quarter of all attempts of all suicides.

Farewell notes leave 44% of suicides. They are addressed: - “to everyone” - 20%, - to relatives - 12%, - to superiors - 8%, - to anyone - 4%.

During life, alcohol was consumed by 60% of suicides, although immediately before suicide, alcohol was consumed only in 8% of cases, drugs in 4%. (After the end of the action of alcohol, what occurs is called withdrawal syndrome ("withdrawal"), a condition where there are no endorphins. Author's comment.)

Financial situation:

Satisfactory - 44%, Unsatisfactory - 56%, The standard of living and the number of suicides are not related - for example, one of the most developed and richest countries in Europe, Sweden, for ten years was the leader in the number of cases of suicide.

Sexual orientation. According to studies conducted in the US, gay men attempt suicide 7 times more often than straight people.

Education - people with a high level of education are less prone to suicide. The most dangerous group are people with incomplete secondary education.


Communicated with a wide circle of people - 24%, With several people - 60%, Were closed and avoided communication - 16%,

Public disasters have a direct impact on the number of cases of suicide. For example, after the construction of the Berlin Wall, the suicide rate in the eastern sector increased 25 (!!!) times. Economic crises affect not only the material, but also the mental state. In this situation, the future seems extremely uncertain, and suicide is the only acceptable solution.

About 80% of suicides previously let others know about their intentions, although the means of reporting this may be veiled.

In 6% of those who committed suicide, one of the parents was suicide.

12% after an unsuccessful suicide attempt, repeat it for two years and achieve the desired result. 80% of those who committed suicide attempted to do this in the past at least once. Surrounded by each person who committed suicide, an average of 6 people remain, for whom his suicide is a serious mental trauma.

Since the beginning of the 19th century, there has been a steady and uniform increase in suicide statistics in all countries of the world.

Source :

Attention, this is an affirmative sentence: there are Internet resources from the category of asocial, destructive psychology, for example, such as propaganda for suicide, we are critical and unacceptable of their content. The answer, why and why some try to give existence to such sites, can be given on the basis of the information available in this work and not only in it - either it is beneficial to someone in the material sense, or someone enjoys it - pleasure, obtained inadequate, dangerous for themselves and others by the way, as do those who are called maniacs and sadists.

If you believe the information received by the author, the connection between life events and the risk of getting a disease after experiencing these events is illustrated by the so-called Holmes-Rach scale: (The table did not appear here, it can be easily found on the Internet)



Are psychiatrists those who want to return to the person who has got to them the "factory" settings of higher forces? Everything corresponds to the factory “settings” for everyone, and everyone is “imprisoned” as the higher forces wanted it - we watch the series shown on the National Geographic channel, “Mind Games / BrainGames”, season 3. 18th episode - “Anger” ( USA, 2011-2016, director of National Geographic, Trey Nelson / Trey Nelson), which explains the causes of anger and the injustice stitched in the brain - this is done by someone from a higher power specifically to keep all people in good shape and to keep people themselves in tone each other?

"Life is still going on, but fate is already over," - how to understand this? In the "translation" into Russian and other languages, this means when the meaning of life is lost, but life continues - does Truman Kapoti, to whom this phrase is attributed, describe everything very correctly, do we read his other aphorisms? How does the soul lie, and act in life - to walk along the beaten path or along a new one? You can’t make everyone rich until robots work instead of people — does everything and everything stop working? Life is a war - a war for endorphins, everyone wins their own conditions of psychological comfort, including those who receive endorphins in ways that are generally considered inadequate (for example, those who are called sadists), so it makes no sense to complain that you one encounters someone opposing you, it’s the same as if a soldier sitting in the trench in the war suddenly began to complain to the commander that they started shooting at him when he calmly, without touching anyone, did his job, sitting in a trench ? A person who has not reached psychological comfort is poorly prepared by the commander (family) for a soldier’s battle? Higher powers have arranged most people so that endorphins are produced only by victory - there is no victory, there is no pleasure in life? To understand everything, do you need to deeply immerse yourself in the study of the human mentality, or is everything simpler and simpler, and the human mentality is completely “tied” to endorphins? What does a provincial view of the world mean? Who said that they were sure that you won’t take it with propaganda, or there are few such people — those who smoke cigarettes, and there is an example of how propaganda works — did they succumb to it? People can not follow the lead of a minority of the same average people as themselves? If someone has visited a place that is considered bad, and then decided to write a book, then critics can accuse him of a distorted perception of reality, even if the book is not written about the place where someone has visited, since it is believed that considered a bad place leaves its mark on the perception of reality?

“To live means to weave a canvas of history from the very beginning, about which no one already remembers anything, and until the very end, about which no one else knows anything,” - quote from the movie “Genesis” (France, Italy, 2004, directors Claude Nuridzani, Marie Peneru).

The modern official psychology of any country is sometimes politicized and commercialized, which is why each person weaves his own canvas of psychology throughout his life, and it is it that is the most objective and suitable for a comfortable psychological state of each individual.

Each psychologist to himself is the basic concept of this work, each should have his own psychology, created on the basis of personal life experience, like an army charter, which, as they say, is written in blood, and no cabinet psychology as the basis for any life steps, only personal psychology, your personal life experience or the experience of friends and relatives who will not be afraid that they will be taken away a psychologist’s license for “wrong” advice, since they don’t have it.

Therefore, the author once again urges everyone to convey their life experience to those who need it, by writing their own work or communication. With his information, he will help others in life and can even save someone. Indeed, over time, each person gains great experience in a certain area of ​​interest to others. Therefore, write books about your life path - help other people with your information. Let the work be even what is called a piece of goods - from the category of someone likes, someone does not - there is such a thing as, for example, non-profit music, and it is also in demand.

Of course, you will encounter difficulties in publishing them, since it is unlikely that any publication will agree to publish free books if you are not a celebrity. Publish for your own money in a small edition, promote it on the Internet in electronic form. There is enough information on the Internet how to promote your work.

If someone still decides to try to publish at the expense of the publication, then the publishers will be interested in who you are and what you mean, if you have the moral right to write what you write about, and not only the moral law will be of interest to the publishing house, but whether there will be profit from the printed work or not. Such questions are asked in order to learn how to advertise your book, that is, in other words, you must be a specialist in some area. Suppose you are writing a work on psychology, then you must know life, and if you need to know it, then where did the information come from, where did you go, except for the school and your apartment? For example, you can call it an obsession, but in some cases the author of this work did not always happen spontaneously - the goal was, as previously indicated, to visit the maximum number of different places and situations, this was done in order to have something to tell about. By the way, with the statement that it is better to be the first, and not the second, at any job, everything is absolutely true: you need to look for a job where you will be first, that is, to search by vocation, and that’s why - you don’t you will feel on equal terms with those with whom you work, if they, as they say, are stronger than you in spirit (if you, for example, serve in law enforcement agencies) or know more than you (if you, for example, became a programmer, but this is not your). In a word, write your personal psychology, you are a psychologist yourself, if you have your own life experience. Print and distribute your works, indicating how and where you acquired your knowledge, help people if not financially, then with information, because the one who is called happy is different from the one who is considered unhappy, in most cases, only by having the right information. As the cricket said to the wooden boy Pinocchio, the character of the film “The Adventures of Pinocchio” (USSR, 1975, directed by Leonid Nechaev), when he did not obey Papa Carlo: “Terrible adventures await you”. And this is because Pinocchio did not have the necessary information to adopt the correct algorithm of actions, but the old cricket saw and understood all this.

A manual on non-theoretical (non-cabinet) psychology - can one dwell on such a characteristic of the work “Secret resources of a good mood of some”? You can also add that it is based on the life experience of people who are not psychologists by education, and therefore a person with life experience will more likely be called not a psychologist, but a specialist in realizing his needs and interests, than he can share with others, and if they needs and interests coincide, so everything is fine.

In one of the documentaries about US correctional facilities, which, if not mistaken, is in charge of the US correction department, it is shown that a psychologist teaches prisoners to suppress aggression, again a dissonance - they, psychologists, say that emotions need to be suppressed, but here it is vice versa. But modern psychologists say to those who are not in prisons about the restraint of emotions, but what is meant by the restraint of emotions and how to do it without breaking the law, that’s the question.

The result is that psychologists are taught in US prisons to suppress aggression, psychologists in freedom say that emotions should not be restrained, since suppressing them is harmful to health and ultimately leads to inappropriate behavior (and aggression is also an emotion, also the concept of internal aggression when a person resorts to suicide).

Conclusion - if restraining emotions is harmful to health, then aggression must be released, but released without breaking the law, and this is what a significant part of the material is devoted to. But then again - is it worth it to be offended by the one who delivered what is called trouble? After all, everything is relative, and what is called failure can be a guardian angel if you don’t know how the fate of the person who suffered the failure would have developed if it hadn’t existed — that’s how it is multifaceted. You were beaten on the street - this is a failure, but if this did not happen, you could have crossed the road at that time, on which a drunk driver or not drunk would drive a car and who could knock you down if the beaters did not detain you for several minutes until the drunk passes by - one failure saved from more serious consequences, this was also mentioned in the work.

Is a citizen interested in the state as a taxpayer, as a producer, as a consumer, as a voter and, if necessary, as a military - a cycle in nature, why is the state interested in ensuring that its citizens are healthy? They say that in 1997, citizens of South Korea voluntarily handed over personal gold to their state in order to solve the economic problems of their country?

Back to global again. No matter how trivial it sounds, one should not forget about social responsibility, because everyone depends on everyone, everyone consumes the fruits of someone’s activity, and therefore everyone needs help. The main thing is the desire for stability, and only in legal ways, otherwise it will already be destabilization and the creation of even greater problems for oneself and others?

Currently, while science is not yet at a level where machines will do everything for a person, people in most cases should do something and help each other, if no one will produce anything, money will lose its value, and civilization will end , therefore, it is acceptable to create something creative, because destructive and so much has already been created, and in this direction, the omega point has probably already been reached. And in this case, you need to help someone who, besides you, has no one else to help, in any case, help with information. Who to relate to someone who, apart from you, has no one else to help - has already been indicated in this material.

Once again briefly about the issues addressed in the work: repetition is the mother of learning. Is there discrimination against those who are dominated by the emotional (animal) over the rational (human) or no one infringes anyone, you can go into the forest and live there according to the laws of the jungle, because only rational gives birth to civilization?

- “Patsaki” seized power on your planet, and on our “chatlan” - exemplary words of one of the main characters of the film “Kin-dza-dza” (USSR, 1987, director Georgy Danelia), played by Evgeny Leonov.

Lyrics: some do not understand why some suffer from a lack of sex life, others do not. The answer is obvious - one needs it, the other does not, non-temperamental people rule the temperamental, and therefore the latter suffer because they do not have a policy of restraining their needs, or more non-temperamental than temperamental?

There is geopolitics, and why not geopsychology? We have no secrets from civilized people living in civilized countries? Does the human lifespan depend on the psychological attitudes of a person? When you write a book, you need to ensure that all phrases have legal inviolability, so that then there are no problems in court? Political correctness everywhere - not homosexual, but gay, not a fool, but a person who is not suitable for you, not a psychopath, but a person with a mobile psyche, etc.? If youth knew, if old age could - does this saying prove that information is important for psychological comfort? Can psychologists, psychiatrists, coaches, writers, motivational speakers and generally any information announced by someone solve the issue of psychological discomfort or is it all empty and psychological comfort can only be provided by material wealth or is it just that empty - in rich countries do everyone feel comfortable? Anything that causes psychological discomfort for you and / or others is considered a mental disorder? Does the economic situation and standard of living affect crime rates? Some TV programs of poor countries show how “spoiled” children from poor families are sent for several days, for example, to a military school or other institutions with strict discipline - a strange method of socialization. And what to do with the same children from rich countries or they are already socialized, and their future is not in danger - they do not need to change to make it easier to survive, they have everything to maintain their "spoiled" lifestyle, and any attempts to impose on the child strict discipline does not entail his parents not encouraging the authorities, but, on the contrary, censure in the form of isolation of the child by the authorities from the family - in rich countries the child will survive even if he is “spoiled”, he should not be “strained” by anyone, this is prohibited by law - being ment a new term - geopsihologiya? Are there countries in which the population lives off of their labor, are there countries in which the population lives off on the labor of others? Only difficulties can help socialize, but not everyone needs it everywhere? Is a psychologist who “hones” a person to the reality in which he lives? When reality cannot satisfy the needs of some people, they respond with aggression? If you consider yourself too nervous or too ambitious, then it’s better to work not for an uncle or aunt, but for yourself - many create their resources on the Internet and ask for donations for their development and existence and, due to this, live - create your own “feeding trough” if can you and if it’s uncomfortable to work for someone? A civilized person should not have fear, aggression, unrestrained sexual attraction and other emotional experiences inherent in animals, or they need to be controlled - this is necessary in order to use the fruits of civilization and not live in the forest, like ancient people, complete indulgence of emotions and instincts destroys civilization? It is necessary to fight not with what is called alcoholism, but with its advertising and popularization - they do not hide alcohol in stores, as they do with cigarettes in order to combat smoking, the authorities would be happy to do it, but they need money to the budget, and more from cigarettes treatment costs of the effects of smoking than profit? Events that are considered bad, shorten the days of our lives? Always, when someone feels good - someone feels bad, someone has lost money - he feels bad, whoever found them - well, someone exploits someone - is good for the exploiters, and bad for the exploited? Who watches and listens to what TV channels does he think so - what works in the 21st century as the struggle for the minds and propaganda? What is a “comfort zone" - is it the totality of someone’s personal interests? When someone leaves his "comfort zone", he becomes nervous and irritable and begins to look again for this "comfort zone" - who has "tasted" more (better), doesn’t agree for less (worse)? All roles are distributed by higher forces in the form of his personal “comfort zone” for everyone, for example, a businessman, as a rule, loves expensive things and the presence of a large number of women, for this he needs to earn a lot, which means that such people are needed to form a budget of any state and the content of state employees, which, for example, are doctors - doctors are needed to treat those who pay taxes, etc. - is everything and everything interconnected? When you want to find a job, you need to think about what you have to offer (sell) to the employer: your strength of mind (fearlessness - usually such a product is valued in the army, in risk-related professions) or intelligence - if it is not, you need to educate and acquire it ? According to managers, men are well tolerated by natural stress, which appeared and disappeared, and women are more likely to tolerate chronic stress when there is constant pressure? Acquaintances on a street like a pickup truck are inexpedient with everyone - do you need to get acquainted with those who are looking at you while walking by, or looking around and looking at you - is this an indication that you are interesting, it makes no sense to pester everyone who passes by? The paradox is that, according to history, male people come up with moral standards - for example, some religious figures, but at the same time they do not always adhere to them, but these rules are usually followed by women, or some leaders use them in relation to subordinates, but themselves, as a rule, do not adhere to any norms? Is a sadist who feeds on other people's suffering? A sadistic boss pouring tea on his subordinate’s head when he saw that he was not drinking it at lunch time, should and could be punished under the law? To spite mom’s ears, I will frostbite - ponder what you are doing? When you endlessly write and mail messages about violation of the law by someone, you keep the tone of the person you write against and he is afraid to break the law, although he wants to break this law, but he is afraid to do it because of your letters - it makes no sense to write the same thing all the time and keep the violator in the “tone” of it, it makes sense to write once and wait for him to calm down after he has been taken to “clean water” and will begin to break the law again, and then they will catch him, because he already received information from you earlier, and he’s focused on manie law enforcement officers? The creation of youth movements and not only movements aimed at supposedly improving the society, just social populism, designed to receive donations from some states and organizations and grants for their activities? For thousands of years, people have been learning to understand each other correctly and can’t learn how to do this? In fact, what is considered borderline mental disorders such as fear of leaving home, aggression, exhibitionism, and other emotional experiences associated with fear, aggression, and sexual behavior are just the dominance of instincts over what is called civilized behavior that distinguishes a person from an animal - Is it a manifestation of the animal part of a person that has become dominant? Not all social principles are old-fashioned and who dictates the fashion for them? Is time a luxury that you have refused, getting a job in certain places that require you to be fully committed? Does the president and government of any state have to be rich so that they have an interest in being who they are and so that they have something to lose if they do poor work in their posts? Presidents do not have a career ladder - they are presidents, and nowhere to move higher? In order not to be the one who is called an alcoholic or drug addict, you need to be obsessed with something, for example, the opposite sex, money, sports, power, science or something else, and you need to be just obsessed, and not just the person who just like something - is it therefore the task of a psychologist or psychiatrist to make a person obsessed with something in the sense in which this is considered a good meaning? Where is it - what can be called the motivational gland that produces endorphins and controls our behavior? What is it when it is said that what is higher than you are emotions that you cannot control, or is their control painful for you? All the troubles due to wrong attitudes - who is a specialist in mental disorders caused by incorrect attitudes? What is a psychological army? When you are engaged in heavy physical labor from 08.00 hours to 19.00 hours, for example, at a construction site, and during this you listen on the radio that someone has sexual addiction or someone has insomnia, it cannot but cause irritation, and you immediately think : here they are, to the construction site, to work, and everything will pass — the proverb that physical labor of the mind does not add, but removes stupidity, applies to this case? James Lovelock is right - is the Earth a living organism self-regulating all processes? Does the Berres Skinner token reward system work? What is propaganda of inappropriate behavior? The boy’s first 40 years of life are the most difficult - in Europe there are many who are called non-independent people? What do you want to get from some politicians - are they state employees who live on taxes? Some scold politicians both in social networks and outside of them for their unsatisfactory life, from their point of view - don’t expect anything from anyone, don’t ask for anything, make yourself in the sense of a profession, so that you don’t depend on anyone, and you will employers invite you, and not you will look for them, and you will be able to find work not only in the state of residence, but also outside it? Introducing another new concept - resuscitation psychology? Is pornography making money on human physiology? In Angola (the civil war between UNITA and FAPLA), the Soviet military looked with surprise at the fact that while they were driving past local naked women washing in a stream, women were not shy about their nakedness, and moreover, they got up to their full height and waved their hands as a sign of greeting - the human brain is a very plastic material, can each be molded what you want, and everyone’s behavior depends on the place where he grew up? Not a psychologist, but an expert on ways to fulfill unfulfilled needs? 101%, that obsession in the good sense of the word and the possibility of its implementation is a guarantee of psychological comfort? There is no fear of death, there is a fear of not realizing what you dream of - fear and ignorance, how to realize what you want, the main causes of discomfort? Some consider themselves unhappy, but it all depends on the internal perception of the external - a paradox, but there are those who like to be in prison and be disabled, as in the syndrome of incorrect perception of the body, when some themselves cut off their limbs and become happy after that? If you are doing something that is not what the higher forces need, or if you are not doing what they need, then you are psychologically uncomfortable - will this show you that you are not following the “road” that you need to follow? Be careful - not only a person manipulates a person, but also higher forces through instincts, emotions and internal opiates - endorphins? Be an independent researcher of life, and everything connected with it, and not only life, write books about it? Can a person be manipulated with what are called vices - do school experiments called the “third wave” prove this?

In a school in the USA, a student asked a history teacher, who was Ron Johnson, the question of how some Germans, during Hitler's time, could do what they did and believe in what they believed. The teacher decided to show how one can manipulate such a thing as ambition. He called all class students chosen and special and called them the “third wave” (following the example of the Third Reich), he continued to inspire them with his speeches until other classes joined them, even those students who were considered slobs joined them. The whole experiment was accompanied by strict discipline, which, in order to satisfy vanity, everyone voluntarily obeyed, and there were more and more of them. On the fifth day, the teacher stopped the experiment, because he considered his task completed, thus explaining how some German citizens during the reign of Hitler became what they became.

A person is inclined to deal with everything that causes discomfort - be it pathogenic microbes or other biological organisms that are dangerous for his survival, the person also tries to curb dangerous natural phenomena such as earthquakes, tsunamis, etc., a person is constantly in the struggle for survival, and the struggle is inherent in everyone, both the simple person and the one who is engaged in science, only the objects with which they struggle are different.

And let us return to those who are called scientists - while the majority solves half of their lives or all their lives psychological problems associated, as a rule, with finding ways to satisfy their needs, scientists, as at all times, are engaged in science, since the needs inherent in to average people, they have very few, and there are no needs - which means that you do not need to look for any ways to satisfy them and spend your time on it. If we have in mind sexual needs, they say that many scientists were generally virgins, and not because they did not know how to find contact with the opposite sex, but because they did not need it, that they and allowed to engage in science, not being distracted by anything.

And let us return to those who are considered to be average people, remember what they have to face - some of them, as already mentioned, spend half their life or even their whole life solving their psychological problems and needs. And what happens to some of them in the future - they begin to expect from someone, for example, from the authorities or parents to improve their lives, they are looking for work, while those who studied, because they could do it, because nothing distracted them in the sense of any needs, the employers themselves are searching, for example, they are looking for competent software engineers around the world.

About those who did not succeed in getting a quality education, they unfairly say with a saying that they ... sang the summer red, didn’t have time to look back ... in short, they didn’t do their youth - they took a walk and now they want a high standard of living for themselves but, again, no one is guilty that the majority is interested in what the majority should be interested in, for example, inter-gender relations or emotional attachment to a person of the opposite sex - this is at the level of instincts, because everyone can not become scientists, most of whom are far from relationships ezhdu man and a woman - the higher powers provided balance and the distribution of roles. And this is not criticism of anyone, just as the whole given material is not criticism, but proof that it’s easier for a person without a large number of needs to survive, just as it is easier for a person with needs to survive when he knows the right ways to satisfy them, and therefore, his hands do not "drop" from seeming hopelessness.

There are modern civilized states where suicides are absent altogether due to the faith of the people living in him in God. Belief in God implies that little depends on a person, and everything depends on the Almighty, therefore, believers perceive everything that happens as the will of the Lord, and therefore there are no fears for the future, since, again, God’s will and all God is already destined.

A person who is far from religion is inclined to think that he controls almost everything or can control, for example, he is afraid of losing his social status, if he has one, that is, his position in society, and if this happens, then the state in which such a person is located, it is customary to call stress, he does not perceive it as something prescribed from above, he wants to count everything, thinking that it will help 100%, but such an image of perceiving the world can damage him.

Some having a position in society can be nervous and because of this get pumped up with alcohol, someone can commit a crime if he believes that his lifestyle is at risk, but with all this he can only aggravate his situation. In fact, when you lose something, gain something - the loss of something old is the finding of something new - there can be no vacuum.

To know the mentality of people, you need to “skip” everything through yourself, where to go a lot (even where not everyone wants to be), or communicate with those who “skipped” everything through themselves in life practice.

And at the end of the work describes the situation that took place in reality. You are in a market in a small town, a car is approaching you. His driver with a gold chain in his hand offers you to buy a supposedly expensive mobile phone for cheap (the fact that the market in a small town is mentioned for a reason, in a small town people are less familiar with things like a real one, this is an expensive mobile phone, or is it a fake him). Offering to buy a mobile phone, the driver says that he lost in a gambling club, and now he does not have money for gas to travel to another country where he lives, shows his passport, a mobile phone in a box and with documents (in the future it turns out that the imei phone does not match the imei in the documents on it). After buying a phone, it turns out that the phone is a cheap fake.

Now we carry out a psychological analysis of the actions of the seller of a mobile phone: in order to be in his “comfort zone”, he needs to do what he does, so everything goes smoothly with him. When communicating, he manipulated such elements of the human psyche as pity and sympathy, as well as a sense of profit. What could be offered to the phone seller if you didn’t want to help him, but you would just be interested in the phone - go to a mobile phone store or repair shop for a consultation or offer instead of a phone that you don’t understand, sell a gold chain on his hand (about the chain on the hand mentioned above, again, not just), of course, in this case, excuses would begin that the chain is a gift, I can’t sell it, and so on, although the chain could also be fake gold, i.e. jewelry. And one more thing: the one who sold the mobile phone, feeling that contact was made with the buyer of his craft, immediately started offering to get into his car - this is also an important point - they offer to sit down when it is necessary to fix the contact.

In a word, in any situation, it is necessary to create emergency situations for someone in doubt in order to “knock” him off with the “wiring” gauge, which is to say, in the case of a phone, he had to be offered to go to the mobile phone salon, he , of course, he’ll start inventing something so as not to go, like in a hurry or something else, but you need to insist on your own: if you don’t come with me, then for now. This is a freelance situation for him. Conclusion - do not buy what you do not understand, but if you extrapolate to the field of choice of a profession, do not choose a profession that is not for you, one where you have no chance of becoming the first, study yourself as much as possible and acquire tools to achieve your “zone” comfort. "

Recall that one well-known psychoanalyst who everyone knows, his name is Sigmund Freud, wondered why some fell ill from restraining sexual emotions, while others did not - the answer is simple: those who did not have sexual emotions did not get sick, or they were, but not in such a volume as the sick who restrained their sexual emotions.

In the end, it’s worth repeating that the psyche is considered ideal when you don’t think and don’t remember what was negative in life, that is, forgot about the negative, and that’s all, this allows you to live and work with quality, without being distracted by anything , except for the satisfaction of basic needs, which are all expressed to varying degrees. It is also worth considering that if you are outside the comfort zone, not being in places such as a prison or in any other institutions and situations where you are deprived, then what will happen to you if you are in such places and will you get a situation? Conclusion: if you are healthy and at large, enjoy life. When all needs are satisfied, what is called happiness comes - happiness is the release of endorphins by the endocrine system, so you are rewarded with higher powers for achieving what they require of you? If you go against nature, ignoring your desires, then you feel bad and uncomfortable, so do higher powers hold you accountable for ignoring what they want from you? Do what you like (not only in a sexual sense), and everything will be fine with your psyche, since your desires are the desires of higher forces or nature, the higher forces realize your own through your desires? Good luck to everyone in the fulfillment of desires.

Some of those who are called minorities, such as sexual, national, etc., are trying to rally to make it easier for them to survive? They “walk” for people like themselves, do I “walk” for people like myself?

At the moment, he is absolutely satisfied with life in his country, only the fate of single people cares, regardless of the country in which they live, the fate of those who grew up with one child in a family or single-parent family, or in a family that is called dysfunctional, also regardless places and countries of their residence.

Have you achieved large-scale things in science, but still there are still many who are uncomfortable? Does everyone fulfill their mission, large or small, prescribed above?



We are now in the computer

Two years ago, a scientist named Rich Terril suddenly appeared on the science-fiction television show Through the Wormhole to tell us all about the mysteries of the universe. He was invited to the program to discuss the theory that our whole life is something like a metaphysical, advanced and very complex version of The Sims.

This idea occurred to every college student, armed with a bong and dvd with the movie "The Matrix". But our hero, a well-known and respected scientist, director of the Center for Evolutionary Computing and Computer Aided Design at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (what a time!), Decided to seriously address this issue. Rich is working on a nameless book on this subject, so we think he's a serious guy and we follow his developments.

The essence of Rich's theory boils down to the fact that there is an abstract “programmer” from the future who models our reality here and now. For what? In order to simulate the course of ancient history, according to the "programmer", well, or he is too bored, and he just has fun.

According to Moore’s law, which states that computing power doubles approximately every two years, all this will theoretically be possible in the future. Sooner or later, we will come across a reality where simulating several billion people and making them believe that they are living beings with the ability to control their own destiny will be as easy as sending a photograph of your penis taken on the phone to an unknown recipient.

Just imagine: while you are rampantly having sex, a fat thirteen-year-old Korean teenager is watching this on the other side of the screen. In addition, it controls your every movement and swears in the headset.

Caution, this thought greatly affects the acuity of sensations.

Vice : When did you first assume that our reality could be modeled by a machine?

Rich Terril: If you still think that there is some kind of magical power behind the appearance of humanity, then I have not believed in this for a long time. I believe that reality is a product with a complex architecture that has emerged outside of human consciousness. Therefore, I suggested that at some point, reality is simulated artificially, that is, replicated. There are two ways to identify artificial intelligence from the future: one of them is reverse engineering, but it would be much easier, I think, to develop chains of architecture that are conscious. It is likely that over the next 30 years we will succeed in introducing artificial consciousness into our machines.

Can it really be that fast?

Now NASA's fastest supercomputer is capable of running twice as fast as the human brain. If you make a simple calculation according to Moore’s law, you will find that these supercomputers can calculate a person’s life over a period of 80 years in a decade, including every thought ever created in this life, in the interval of a month.

It is depressing.

Now get ready: in the next 30 years, the PlayStation, and a new console comes out every 6-8 years, so it will be the 7th generation PlayStation, and so, this console will be able to simulate 10,000 human lives at the same time in real time, this is about one life per hour . How many game consoles are scattered around the world now? About 100 million, probably. Think now about 100 million consoles, each of which simulates the lives of 10 thousand people. This means that by then the number of people living on earth now will be less than the number of people living on the PlayStation.

Actually, is it likely that we all live inside a super-advanced game for the PlayStation, stuffed with blood and guns?

Exactly. The assumption is, how do you know that you don’t live those notorious 30 years from the future now and how can you prove that you are not a computer model? Let's go one step back. Like all scientists, we explain physical processes by mathematical equations. Because of this math, the behavior of the universe is extremely diverse. Einstein said: “The eternal mystery of the world is its knowability. ... The very fact of this knowability is a miracle. ” The universe should not work according to laws and equations, which can be easily reduced to a few pages, and therefore, to simulate them. Another interesting feature of this world is that it behaves just like the reality of Grand Theft Auto IV. When playing, you can explore Liberty City in phenomenal details for as long as you want. I calculated how huge this city is, it turned out to be millions of times larger than my PlayStation3. You see exactly what you need to see in the city at the moment, reducing the whole metropolis to the size of a console. The universe behaves exactly the same. In quantum mechanics, particles do not have a definite state if they are not currently observed. Many theorists have spent a lot of time trying to explain this. One explanation is that we live in a simulation, seeing what we need to see at the right time for someone.

How are the reports of scientists who discovered pixels in tiny microscopic images explained?

The universe is also pixelated - in time, space, volume and energy. If there is a fundamental unit that cannot decompose into something smaller, this means that the Universe consists of a finite number of these units. It also means that there are a finite number of things, the Universe may not be infinite, because it can be calculated.

Ultimately, it all boils down to one question: was the Universe the fruit of these calculations? Mathematical parallels work here: if two things are mathematically equivalent, they are the same. Thus, our universe is mathematically equal to its simulation model.

Do you play video games?

Actually, yes, and I played The Sims before. But having developed the theory of modeling, I realized that the result in the game is just a combination of several things. I am a scientist, so first of all I thought about the future of technologies, in a word, where they can lead us. I also work on evolutionary computing and artificial intelligence, where I deal with the nature of consciousness. In addition, I started thinking about religion (or the Universe, if you are an atheist, which means that you believe in alternative ways of creating the Universe, regardless of the creator). We have a pretty good theory - the Big Bang theory. All the same, you must assume that the creator of all reality is here and now, in our world with you. If so, what are the requirements for this character? Thinking about it, I realized that the creator of the Universe is a creator, able to change the laws of physics and its structure. And I can do all this on a computer. In fact, maybe I can do it myself in the near future with conscious beings.


From an unfamiliar source: people of 60, 70, 90 years old were asked what they regret, and they replied that they regretted that they did not have the courage to live the way they wanted. We can add that what was called simplicity of character was not enough, and because of pride we did not meet those with whom we wanted.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 09.11.2019

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