
Planet biorobots?



Planet biorobots?

Someone's happiness can hurt someone - why do some painfully perceive someone's success and why do some provoke others of what is called envy, exposing their happiness? Why is this happening, who has programmed some of these?

It’s scary to think that the same thing will happen for the next millions of years, it would be impossible to imagine more boredom, we are not created for the eternal,” are the words attributed to science fiction writer Stanislav Lem .

The proof that all the problems due to the lack of the necessary information (in the material under consideration adaptive information that contributes to adaptation to the outside world) is that if everyone lived forever, they would not have the problems that mortals currently have , because the living forever would have known everything in advance, but would have had their own costs in connection with this - it would have been boring if such a feeling and generally any feelings had been preserved until the moment of attaining immortality.

From general to particular, probably soon what is called psychology will be divided into psychology for individual social groups. I dedicated my materials to those from an incomplete family or from the so-called dysfunctional family, like myself (I emphasize - dedicated, but wrote for everyone, without exception, who would be interested, the result is still the same - information, regardless of who it is dedicated to )

Sometimes some are limited in some methods and means of achieving psychological comfort.

Our behavior is just brain activity and nothing more,” the words attributed to biologist Francis Crick.

You can agree with Francis Crick, the liver performs its many well-known function, its kidneys, its heart, and its brain? Some, shaping the soul, destroy the body - all problems due to the lack of the necessary information? What needs to be done from that position of life in order to survive physically and to feel comfortable? Why does someone “catch” in life in the sense of some kind of activity, and someone cannot “hook” someone, and because of this he uses psychostimulants , or someone “hooked” someone, but it is considered illegal or inadequate , is it all about information? Is a prison a place in which they want to "cut off" everything that is commonly called weaknesses, and in which some new activity should "hook"? The richer the state, the more it is economically adapted and tolerant of people who have what is called weaknesses, and the point here is not in the form of government, but purely in the economy, it will be pulled by what is called the state of “relaxed” citizens living in it, or no? Is the behavior of some majority people based on such instincts as sexual attraction, fear, love (emotional attachment), aggression, competition (competitive instinct), does the minority have all this or is it poorly expressed? What is called the neuroticism of society is due to the fact that some are not satisfied with what are called instincts or "factory" settings of higher powers?

According to the personal opinion of the author, some of those who grew up in an incomplete or in the so-called dysfunctional family, in some cases, face more problems than those who had everything with the family in the generally accepted sense. We are not talking about the oppression of someone else's rights, we are talking about the lack of necessary (adaptive) information about a certain category of people due to the fact that they did not receive this information, there was no one to give it to them.

In this work, as in the work “Secret resources of a good mood of some”, the goal was to convey to those from the so-called incomplete or from the so-called dysfunctional family information (from the incomplete or dysfunctional both in the physical and psychological sense, because the necessary knowledge may not be given in those places where it seemed they should have been given ). We are talking about information, mainly, so to speak, of a household nature, which those who, again from the so-called complete or from the so-called prosperous family, know or should know. Perhaps even the information of the above nature turned out to be presented in a slightly larger amount than the amount that the category of people mentioned in the previous sentence has. In the following material there is no call for any action or in general for anything, only information, once more in detail about this below in the text in the paragraph: " Attention: the author does not state anything in this material ... ". 

Some of those who are from an incomplete or from the so-called dysfunctional family tend to think about what others never think, never thought and never will think about, and this is because they were told what is good and what is it bad, are relatives not good in the generally accepted sense, but TV, radio, the Internet, newspapers and other objects and subjects of transmission and reproduction of information?

The Italian committed suicide due to the porno sharing on the network with her participation, someone acquaintance committed a crime ... Many can read on the Internet, hear from someone about how some people with whom they were not early die knew or were personally acquainted. All of them die before they reach 30, up to 40 years of age, get disability, commit suicide, go to jail, the reason for all this is alcohol, drugs and not only that, as a rule, they all have one thing in common - they are from incomplete or from the so-called dysfunctional families or even from the category of those who grew up with one child in the so-called single-parent family, without a mother (father), brothers and sisters. And there are many other, less radical situations that arise in those who grew up in an incomplete or in the so-called dysfunctional family, not always typical of those who had the opposite.     

One of the signs that a person grew up in an incomplete or in the so-called dysfunctional family is his excessive emotionality and incorrect reaction to any situation with the ensuing consequences, which are considered to be negative, or if a girl brings up a child alone, without a husband or its analogue, it is most likely from an incomplete or from the so-called dysfunctional family. To be more precise, it is not the fact that someone grew up in an incomplete or in the so-called dysfunctional family that influences the adoption of correct decisions in the generally accepted sense, and no one gave them this information about the necessary information about these correct actions.


From the news and from other sources you can sometimes find out that they convicted someone who committed a crime on someone on an emotional basis by reading his biography, you can find out that he is from the so-called incomplete or from a dysfunctional family. And this is due to the fact that those in question do not have certain knowledge about how to avoid the problem, in addition, they do not withstand competition with those who have such information and end up where others do not. 

What is called problems occurs, as a rule, due to the lack of necessary or objective information, which, as a rule, is not available for those who did not have who could give this necessary, and most importantly, objective information.  

How to calculate a person who does not have the necessary information about how to fulfill his needs or who does not have the ability to fulfill his needs? This person will be one of those who are called nervous or, moreover, aggressive, without mood, depressed, he will use alcohol or drugs.

It turns out that in some cases, life in an incomplete and dysfunctional family affects the quality and life expectancy. And judging by official statistics, the standard of living does not completely affect what is being discussed, all this happens both in considered wealthy and in considered poor countries.

In some cases, one who is from an incomplete family will in some ways not differ from that of a full family, this can be explained by the fact that a non-living parent talked to him and voiced the necessary information or other relatives did it.

Chapter 1. A little about everything.

Everyone cares about the heart, about other organs, but no one cares about the brain,” are exemplary words from a US psychiatrist.

Becoming Vasya (in the sense of moving your consciousness into his body) is impossible today, but only today, and tomorrow can science move forward, not paying attention to someone's negative emotional states and other problems inherent in some? Carlos Castaneda wrote about his emotional experiences after taking hallucinogens, would he rather devote this time to describing his emotional experiences while being sober in various places and situations? Is comfort emotional and physical? As has already been repeated, outside the game of life, only scientists and a few other categories of people of certain specialties, the rest one way or another wage a psychological war between themselves? Your ship is sailing, and it is constantly being fired from the sea and from land in the psychological sense in the form of various forms of aggression, what kind of discussion area is discussed in this material and beyond? “Happy love or unhappy love”, probably, all written literary works are devoted either to chanting the presence of endorphins and other internal opiates in the body , or vice versa to the moans from their lack, and all this in the form of songs, poems, etc.? As already mentioned and will be said, people strive for stable and just getting hormones of pleasure from their bodies, it is because of this that revolutions appeared and appear, philosophical and other works were born and are being born, the central issue being discussed is how to stabilize the production of these hormones pleasures of the majority, how to make pleasure flow in a continuous stream, without what is called alcohol, drugs and tranquilizers? While it is not possible to stabilize the production of pleasure hormones without exception, without chemical preparations , their number constantly jumps, and is it so conceived that a person performs some action and only then enjoys it? There are not only so-called psychoactive substances, but also psychoactive words that excite or relax the psyche of some much stronger than any psychostimulants in the form of tablets or liquids? Everything from the placebo group - is everyone inspired by the line of behavior and the information with which he lives? Depression, neurosis, etc., all living things know what to do, and only a person happens that he does not know which way he should go? Namely those who are from the category of "clean slate" and those who are not "loaded" with any information or who are carriers of information called harmful, will be those who are called alcoholics, drug addicts or psychopaths? What are they and where are they from, the so-called destructive drives? Information is a medicine or poison, depending on what it is? Nobody has ever given and will not give money, but how to live, have they been taught since ancient times? As the police or detectives say, look for who benefits, why are you “loaded” with precisely these thoughts and not others? What are stabilization and destabilization   "downloads"? Those who promote what is called morality themselves do not comply with it, since they consider it a simple “load” to stabilize the society on which they depend, since it contains them? In states that are considered civilized, there are many speakers and other producers of intangible goods, if this continues, then soon there will be no one to work from the local ones, only visitors will work? Anything that some of those whose work partially or wholly consists in oratory, “ waddling ” and “water-pushing” are talking about? Does the orator or leader end among those like himself, speakers and leaders? In some books it is written that during communication you need to touch the interlocutor, supposedly it’s easier to “ weigh ” him and influence him? When communicating, some specially touch someone with a hand, and the one who touches someone thinks: “Another ambitious moron or fool has read commercial books about psychology”? Some rich countries decided at the legislative level that psychological pressure on the child is harmful to their psyche, that they don’t need to “break” and prosecute those who became drug addicts, and some of these laws “wrote off” some poor countries? How does the presence or absence of wealth in the country affect life before and after adulthood for those who were not “pressed” in childhood and those who decided to use drugs? A double-edged sword - modern laws of some poor countries prohibit (earlier, children were legally flogged with schools with rods) the use of physical punishment against children, and even they cannot be “crushed” psychologically, but then because of loyalty in childhood they can go to jail , which differs from the prison of rich countries (or in rich countries no one can go to prison at all because of the loyalty of the law), but much more unpleasant in a prison, does physical impact in childhood warn against larger problems in the future Wow, who lives in a poor state? Almost everything new in some areas causes a protest? Will the so-called psychological techniques ever be taken away from what they consider to be reality? What will happen if in the future a ban on public speaking and philosophizing is introduced, explaining this ban, for example, by a violation of human rights to freedom of choice of one’s actions and life path? It is scary to think that someday people will stop being led on the “true” path, and they will live clean, unfilled “sheets”? The lack of information of some kind for some, the reason for their so-called asocial behavior, and vice versa, the presence of information of a certain kind, excludes some of the so-called asocial behavior, is it all about information who has it and who doesn't have it? Someone riding a train on a railway bridge, the bridge collapses, and he experiences horror, not euphoria, namely horror, why in death situations they experience not pleasure, but fear, because the higher forces need everyone to strive to live? Fear of death is a "guardian", fear of death, like sexual attraction, once again proves that people have a creator, and this is aimed at ensuring that living organisms do not die out from actions dangerous to life, fear, from actions sexual pleasure? The news often says that someone killed or committed suicide (stole from someone, robbed someone, etc.), take an interest in their biography, killers or suicides (and generally those who are called criminals, alcoholics and drug addicts) will be from an incomplete or from the so-called dysfunctional family, in extreme cases, from wealthy families, where for those who grew up in them, the survival mode was turned off, and this can also be attributed to a lack of information, and even this the list will be some of those who are called state employees who have lost their jobs, and further those who do not belong to the above people, but simply are not capable of what they call amateur performances in economic and other senses? Being an oprichnik (employee), you need to be able to transform if you become a zemstvo ( civilian) and while you are serving, prepare for the fact that you can become civilian (learn a new profession, look for a new job or place of life, save up money, in short, prepare the “ground” )? What is blat (necessary acquaintances), who has it, how does its absence or presence affect the fate and psychological state of some? How to understand this saying: "You will never become a marshal, since the marshal has his own son"? Do they fall into some positions by kinship or on the basis of moral and business qualities? In the future, all people from some countries will go with a DVR to record incidents related to conflict situations while being outside their home? Should human behavior be adapted to the place of residence? The presence of certain rights in some and the absence of these rights in others is considered discrimination, the presence of a certain kind of information in some and its absence in others is also discrimination, leading to a violation of parity? People detained by the police are sitting behind bars in a duty station, on a plot, in a car, those who detained them are walking nearby, in almost 100% of cases the detainees will be those from an incomplete or from the so-called dysfunctional family, and those who detained them Will it be the other way around? The only difference between the detainees and their detainees is that the second (detainees) have information of a certain kind, and the first (detainees) do not have it, because there were no people who could give it to them? “The conversation and behavior of those sitting in the room will change when they find out that there is a time bomb next to them,” the words attributed to master of the artificial nightmare Alfred Hitchhock . From this it follows that in any case, is it information that changes a person’s behavior transmitted verbally, visually or tactilely? Probably almost no one thinks about this, what will happen if a nuclear war occurs, and after that there will be no one, no prisons, no infrastructure, no people with their instincts and other programs “flashed” into them, no one at all? They all the same, like all people, will die sooner or later, such thoughts visited some military pilots who were forced to destroy objects where there could be not only military opponents, but also civilians?

The life of those who are called ordinary inhabitants (and not only for them, they just have different programs), it is always a program in the form of, for example, a set of instincts, such as reproduction, revenge, and it needs information on how to realize them before everything was simple, but civilization required adjustments. There are those who have many needs, and those who have few, if the needs are those that can only be met through communication with people, then you need to know how to interact with people to fulfill their needs. Many of those who can fulfill their needs only through communication with other people are called unhappy, because they do not know the rules of communication, they are unhappy because higher powers do not give them hormones of pleasure, because they do not fulfill their tasks (no sexual relations, because they don’t know how to come to this, for the same reason there is no relationship with those to whom one feels a sense of what is called love, etc.).

Are some men so arranged that they at least for a while consider the one they found almost a goddess? Perhaps partly people are controlled by higher forces (with the help of the genetic code, hormones of pleasure and, possibly, something else), partly people themselves (with the help of words, phrases and, possibly, something else)? How does a person differ from an animal in that it can be controlled by words and phrases? All living things are drug addicts sitting on the endorphin needle and on other hormones of pleasure that give portionwise higher powers through the endocrine system for the perfect action they need? Is a pledge of mental health when there are not a large number of needs or, if they are, are they all satisfied? There is a concept in psychology of “compatibility with a supplement” when one person complements another, for example, two people who are called a psychopath (due to tolerance they say not “psychopath”, but “person with a mobile psyche”), + calm, achieve harmony ? 

Does art require sacrifice? Where is it better to study the ocean, inside it or in the office, or both there and there? Should I go to study as a psychologist so that we don’t be drafted into the army, or go to the army to become a psychologist, study psychology in the “fields” and in the so-called critical conditions, or from textbooks and seminars, or not disdain either the first or the second? Maybe if you want to study as a software engineer, then the army is a lost time, but if you want to become a psychologist or a philosopher, then the army and other institutions of a similar type are just what you need? Some say, “don’t join the army - you’ll lose time, don’t go to jail or madhouse - you’ll break your life, don’t mess with anyone or anything, or you’ll be in trouble, don’t lose your job, or you’ll be lost, study, or you will work at prestigious work. ” But for some who decide to become an expert on what is called psychology, this is all or almost everything, just what you need. Time is not wasted, life does not break, you become voluntarily or involuntarily a specialist in a certain field, in that area called psychology, what is called life experience and useful information appears, and it is not necessary to become a psychologist with a diploma, but just a psychologist for yourself? But there is a certain category of people who really do not have to go through all of the above, their level and quality of life will be comfortable for them without acquiring any of the above places of life experience - for example, those who are called scientists, doctors, software engineers, etc. Some, by the way, again, voluntarily or involuntarily go through the above institutions or institutions in order to "cut off" the psychological beliefs, qualities that prevent them from becoming a software engineer m, scientists, and so on. d. As a result, some say, all is not lost years of his life to alcohol, the street in childhood and adolescence, a dating site on the prison, the civil service and anything else that is considered positive or negative , and became the one who is called a psychologist, and now they can speak out on this subject and live using the knowledge gained.

I found out such a thing, and that’s for sure, I personally know who it is about: in some places a person can become a psychiatrist (and already have become) a person who had nothing to do with psychiatry in about three months. It is enough, for example, that you worked as a doctor, for example, a dermatologist-venereologist, take about three-month courses - and engage in psychiatry. Why did he write this? Moreover, if psychiatry can be mastered for work in it in a few months, then, as has already been said many times, every person who has some kind of life experience of a lifetime is already a psychologist voluntarily or involuntarily. The life of an average person is a good course in psychology and psychiatry, and not only in these sciences.

"Do not teach me how to live, help me financially." As a child, I saw the book “Parenting a child in an incomplete family”, but didn’t read it, most likely it says “rubbish” that is far from reality, since it was written or written by those who themselves are far from life? Many complain about the " everyday life " that it is gloomy and spoils the relationship, but just the same, many of those who come to get help from a psychiatrist or psychologist do not have enough knowledge about the " everyday life ", knowledge about how to behave at home? What is this very " bytovuha ", the problems and the reality of everyday life, there are psychiatrists and psychologists know the problems and the reality in the sense in which it exists in the so-called ordinary people, ordinary people? What are the horizons of the achievements of psychology and psychiatry in the 21st century? Does it mainly affect people’s mental state through chemicals? In the future, a psychiatrist or psychologist should not ask what problems you have, and what you want to be, arrogant, calm, etc., and make a person the way he wants to see himself? How does what is called the human psyche work? It’s very simple, there is a task, and if you perform it, you feel good, if you don’t do it, you feel bad, does someone have these feelings, called “good” or “bad”, are less pronounced, someone else is more vivid?

Higher forces or nature have invested in everything living, including man, software called needs, for their satisfaction he receives a reward in the form of what is called pleasant sensations or a comfortable psychological state, for dissatisfaction - a punishment in the form of unpleasant sensations and uncomfortable psychological state? Recycling - everything repeats itself from century to century, were, are, and, probably, when science reaches a certain stage of its development, they will not be there, people with an uncomfortable psychological state and with unmet needs? The world is like serving in the army - everything has already been decided for you, just follow orders from above and receive rewards in the form of portions of endorphins ? Mobile phones, the Internet, night vision devices, laser rangefinders, computer programs such as language translators, binoculars, telescopes, etc. - does science supplement the human body with new sensory and communication organs, something that it did not have at birth? Is everything that happens from year to year, etc., predictable, only in a different interpretation? Airplanes crash, put someone in prison, etc., only places and names change, is science only unpredictable and updated? Is it not a hobby, not a hobby, that makes a man not drink alcohol and drugs at all, but only an obsession with someone or anything: sex, science, sports, risk, money, politics, people, video games, fishing, hunting, etc.? It is emphasized that only obsession and nothing else, hobbies and hobbies are weak categories for the lack of a man what is considered alcoholism and drug addiction? How can one understand an obsessed person with a positive obsession, so to speak, like a drug addict, you completely “slaughter” yourself, for example, do computer programs or science for days without shaving and washing, without cutting off your nails? If an obsession with science is not diluted with another obsession or infatuation, for example, with the opposite sex, then does an obsession become almost like a drug addiction with “clogging” yourself? Many scientists did not shave, because they simply did not have time for this? Can not everyone be without what they called weaknesses, moreover, people with weaknesses are needed, and someone should be with weaknesses, if everyone is not interested in such a so-called weakness, like sex, will everyone die out? Now, with the help of modern chemical medicine, is it possible to both exacerbate what is called weaknesses and reduce it? A man obsessed with something thinks about one thing, but a simple person, as a rule, cannot fully concentrate on anything for a long time, disconnect from reality, various thoughts erupt towards him, his attention is "sprayed"? In addition to people with an uncomfortable mental state, there have always been people with a comfortable psychological state, and they are in this state, because they don’t have a lot of needs or they have, but they are all satisfied because they have the knowledge how to satisfy these needs, time and material resources for their satisfaction (in countries considered rich, revolutions or crimes among local residents are a rarity, since the needs of the majority are satisfied). People see it as their task to make everyone happy, especially those some people who control other people, because it is beneficial for them, but, as a rule, they want to see people only within a certain territory that is under their control, in those that are not under their control in the territories they want to see people unhappy, so that those who manage them there cannot manage them and lose control over the controlled territory. The cat caught a mouse, the sparrow ate a bug so that someone would feel good, someone should definitely feel bad, is this like a formula with physicists that is currently undeniable? At present, in the global volume, it is impossible to make everyone feel good, well, in the generally accepted sense of the word, can do good only in some countries, since resources are needed for "good", but not enough for everyone, only some , and some will not share them, since after that they may become “not good”? Good is when it feels good, bad is when it is unpleasant? Why do you feel unpleasant sensations at the death of a loved one, and not vice versa, pleasant sensations, who determined what hormones of pleasure should be produced from everyone, and from which not? Is an unpleasant or pleasant feeling just a “program” in your head? Youth is the tendency of some to generalize everything, it seems that all people of your gender are the same as you, and of the opposite sex are also the same - in fact, what you have is not necessary for others, and vice versa, not everyone has that the same degree as yours, the need, for example, for sex and love, some feel comfortable without it, moreover, they will be outside the comfort zone if it is imposed on them, and in some cases they will not understand who will talk to them on these topics?

If you set yourself the task of living a long and high quality, then for this you need to separate the useful and harmful information? As a rule, everyone begins to absorb enthusiastically any information only when the time has come for this, until the time has come, the information is not in demand. If you are from an incomplete family or from the so-called dysfunctional family, are you more likely than those who have a great family to swallow the bait, which consists of unnecessary information, and go the wrong way? If you are from a poor country and from an incomplete or from the so-called dysfunctional family, then drinking alcohol and everything else that is considered weaknesses may be tantamount to death for you, since relatives and the state do not insure you with your support, you can only learn (now on the Internet you can find lectures on any topic and learn on your own) and / or prepare yourself for deprivation in order to achieve something and not to use information harmful to your future? Only the availability of the same information from someone from the so-called incomplete or dysfunctional family, like from someone from a complete and prosperous family, equalizes the chances between them?

... No, you are not a resident of a planet rushing in space, you do not ask questions that are not answered: you are simply a layman ...

Antoine de Saint-Exupery, “Planet of the people”

Why do some people use alcohol or drugs, they don’t have what captures them and not just captures them, but, so to speak, directs them at the level of obsession, drowns out all other thoughts and memories, both positive and negative? How to "feel" a potential obsession with something from someone who has not yet found it, using psychological testing for a tendency to something?

“I sit down at the computer in the morning, and it captures me so much that I kind of disconnect from the outside world and only at 5:00 pm I understand that the work has already been completed,” these are exemplary words by a guy, a software engineer. He expressed his perception of the world, he has one obsession - programming - and there is nothing else that would distract him. All other people, who are usually called philistines, have to fight for survival, if not physically, as before, then psychologically, and they have everything on the contrary, they are not disconnected from reality, but are very immersed in it. Some say that life is the best psychologist and teacher, but it is a teacher only for that and teaches only the one who is usually called a layman. Life teaches those who have the so-called needs of the average man, for example, in sex, in a leader, in friends, in love, in following some ideas, etc., life teaches when they are on the way to meeting these needs or are looking for these paths. Some people do not have the general needs that the average person has, or they are extremely weakly expressed, this allows them to achieve success in science and not only because they are not distracted by anything, and they have not only the most common needs, but also psychological Nowadays, most of the problems that are common to most people, such as constant fear and excitement, the so-called panic attacks, depression, alcoholism, drug addiction, etc. People without needs, if you can call them that, are not distracting (as they are called, independent , unsuspected , they seem to have a “lock” or have a psychological “ban” on “downloads” from the outside, and they do not convince themselves that they do not need this information, do not abuse themselves, just no information “catches” them except, of course, the one that they need for study and their work, if what they do can generally be called work, they are doing what they enjoy). People without the needs inherent in the majority follow the same path, and if life teaches them, it is only in terms of increasing their professional skills in the business in which they are engaged. They do not spend time satisfying the needs that the average person has, finding ways to satisfy them and solving psychological problems. With age, with a favorable development of events, almost all those who are called the average person should come closer to such a psychological state that is present in people without the needs inherent in the average person, and without the psychological problems inherent in the average person. But we are not talking about people of advanced age and people without the needs inherent in the majority. And in general, if someone had experience communicating with people from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, he will understand what kind of people are meant in this paragraph. Certain people simply can’t be “ burdened ” with anything else , well, except for what they are already doing, they are also called unstoppable . If in some humanities it is permissible to have some other “creeps” away from science (meaning to have thoughts that are not related to this humanities), then this is rare in the exact sciences.

There is a soldier who did not participate in the hostilities, but he is also a soldier, there are psychologists (there are not only certified, but also non-certified psychologists) who did not work at the factory, at the construction site as migrant workers , did not serve as soldiers in the army, were not in prison, were not homeless, in a word, were not in various places and situations, but they are also psychologists. What is the best way to study psychology, from the inside or from the outside? You didn’t notice that some of those who are called psychologists, in some places, speaking on TV and in other media, simply insult some people through their diagnoses, it seems that some authorities tell them to “shit” someone’s behavior, since this behavior is unprofitable for them, and this is so that the one who, from the point of view of some authorities behaves incorrectly, begins to "drive" together with society, that something is wrong with him, because a person is an inspired being? Public opinion is formed simply, the concept of what is adequate and what is not, is born by those who control people?


“The state can be ruled by a simple cook,” the words attributed to

V.I. Lenin

In the non-political sense of the word, V. I. Lenin can be voiced in the sense that you don’t need to worry about everything, everything follows a “knurled” track and works by itself, probably 90 percent, or maybe more. Higher forces have already taken care of everything, everything acts according to a given program, like an established mechanism, so the fears for one's own or someone else's future are exaggerated. Earth and other planets rotate as established by the program, what is called a cycle in nature, also goes according to the program: photosynthesis, death, life, sex, scientific achievements, etc.

Alcoholism, drug addiction, suicide, crimes on an emotional basis. If someone is said to be an alcoholic, drug addict, suicide or someone who has committed a crime on an emotional basis, take an interest in his biography, he will be one of those who grew up in an incomplete family, or one child in the family, with a stepfather, with a stepmother , or he will be from the so-called dysfunctional family, i.e., from a family in which there were parents from among those who are called infantile or independent, with a more favorable development of events, it is necessary that at least one parent be from those who are called independent . A person from an incomplete family or from the so-called dysfunctional family is without an antivirus program in his head, if you draw parallels with a computer and computer programs, he is not protected from downloading malicious programs from the street, etc., his relatives were not given an antivirus program that should protect him.

If you are from an incomplete or dysfunctional family, then look back, if you have not paid attention yet, then turn it to the fact that all your friends, with whom you recently were friends and socialized, as a rule, as a rule, like you from incomplete or from the so-called dysfunctional family. So-called friends and acquaintances from the so-called prosperous families at a certain age stage have "dropped out" of you.

Regarding power structures, one can call infantile one who, working there, believes in communication and in the help of “friends” if he breaks the law, as well as someone who believes that his colleagues next to him will not “surrender him, if he will commit unlawful acts in their presence.

Have you ever seen a young, recently recruited senior lieutenant of law enforcement agencies as chief and commander of lieutenant colonels and majors, have you ever seen a young manager at an enterprise commanding people of pre - retirement age, or have you never heard of this? Then you are probably a person with a free profession or you do not have enough life experience.

Lyrics: I was surprised by playing the “strategy”, which indicated that it’s cheaper for your state’s budget to create a police force than to invest in increasing the living standards of your state’s population. The conclusion is that in some " shooters " special forces advise programmers, in some "strategies" of politics.

The higher the standard of living of people, the safer the situation, the criminalization of the population depends on the standard of living? Shuffle the scientific, global and everyday and get the domestic scientific, since scientists are far from everyday and everything is dedicated only to the global, so do you need to do this yourself? Is classical psychology the foundation upon which much more can be built on? When you give advice in the field of psychology, without life experience and having never been anywhere, do you give advice that is divorced from reality? It used to be simple, if you want to be in psychological comfort - conquer someone, make slaves of them, and you are in psychological comfort, you don’t need to work, slaves will do the work, will you develop creative abilities or do science at this time? What should I do if I’m used to everything that slaves did, but they’re gone, and you have to work hard physical work instead, go after antidepressants or psychotherapeutic sessions, or look for slaves again? People constantly have to get out, and so some of those who need slaves now enslave not with conventional weapons, but with psychological weapons? An important component of a healthy life is good mental health, good according to generally accepted standards? The medical board didn’t go to the police, they didn’t take you there, connected their relatives, they helped to get the medical board, they took you to the police, and after a year you were killed at work by those who are called bandits, but if you hadn’t taken, would you be alive? Everything is relative - everything that is perceived as a failure in the present can be good luck in the future and vice versa? Is everything that happens - a pre-programmed program or a program in each in the form of instincts and DNA, and do you realize these instincts already autonomously? Higher powers do not want everyone to be afraid of everything, do they need everyone to not be afraid to fulfill their needs, otherwise they simply turn off the one who is afraid of everything (suicide) and does not implement the programs prescribed for him, or is he in for an uncomfortable psychological state (depression)? An uncomfortable psychological state is a side effect caused by the refusal to fulfill what is prescribed in the program of human behavior by higher forces, or what people themselves prescribed in someone, as in the story “Hot Stone”, whose author Arkady Gaidar? Are suicides and depressions more likely in people in prison than in people who are free, since there is no way to realize most of their needs? Are there countries that are considered rich, in which prisons are closed, since there is no one to sit in them, most of the people want to go to these countries, since it is in them that you can realize your maximum needs, will there be material resources for this? What is called mentality and culture is formed primarily from the standard of living, the richer the country, the more different is what is called the mentality and culture of people from others? In whose person can anyone take revenge on someone for their failures, or rather, for what is considered to be failures? How to make good from a country that is considered rich, evil, remove expensive food, sex and other joys of life from his diet that he is used to and which he has in abundance? A person can be programmed as you wish, educating him from childhood, he can be brave depending on his environment (if he is beaten and programmed for failure) or courageous, he can also be educated with fears of any social group, society, country and etc., for example, in ancient times, some were afraid of those who are now called scientists, they were brought up by the rulers of that time, the scientist and his actions were illegal, were they bandits? Advocacy radio and television shows - those who are used to the good, will protect their lifestyle in any way? Only criticism and propaganda, but no one is in a hurry to give money for the elimination of the problems discussed, is it cheaper to pay those who are called propagandists than to distribute wealth to the entire population? Throughout history, some have exploited strangers, and if they were not and are not, then their own, or is it not? I’m punk, I’m a thief, I’m a scientist, I’m a politician, I’m rich, I’m cool, I’m looking for something to “boot up” with him, and it doesn’t matter what kind of download is considered primitive or progressive? A man cannot, like an animal, only eat, sleep and follow instincts without software (ideological vacuum) - does the self-destruction program work or does a bad mood appear? Stability or the path to the unknown - as long as some hold on to stability, some realize their dreams? What is the difference between such people as, for example, software engineers, from other people, they are, so to speak, unsuspected , they "do not hear" and "do not see" information that is unnecessary for them and they do it on an unconscious level, but to us, ordinary people , in order to be in a stable mental state, you have to say to yourself: “Listen to yourself, the rest are nonsense”? They say on TV that two 15-year-old girls jumped from a high-rise building and crashed after their musical idol did the same? Do not forget that the human brain is a plastic material from which you can fashion anything, and a child is generally a blank sheet? Anyone, regardless of his psychogenetic heredity, can make anyone who is called bold or cowardly? Some of the category of young people, and therefore of the so-called very suggestible, committed suicide after their idols committed suicide? To what is called alcohol and drugs, he will never be addicted, no matter how trivial it sounds, proud, even if, as they say, pour vodka into it every day, the conclusion is that alcoholism needs a certain personality warehouse, which, apart from alcohol Doesn’t get other pleasures? There are videos on the Internet where, allegedly, the grandson of a wealthy grandfather, a businessman, offers for money those who are called homeless and alcoholics, drink his urine and they drink, they have no pride, but the grandson, not having enough life experience, comes up with a proposal to drink for money, urine him in a guy sitting on a bench who is not a homeless person or an alcoholic, and he punches the grandson of a wealthy businessman-grandfather with his fist in the face, does this prove that “drunk” people without what is called pride? The proud takes pleasure in his pride, but whoever is called an alcoholic has one source of pleasure - alcohol? Who are the wrong and broken biorobots in the psychological sense? People cannot be perceived otherwise as biorobots with programs? What happens when there is no survival incentive? Not only those who this book is dedicated to have problems, the children of some very rich people can become drug addicts and alcoholics, as their parents turned off the survival mechanism for them - they have everything that they need, appears on its own, and therefore turns off survival mechanism, does the same thing happen to some of the population of countries considered rich? To survive in a competitive environment, you need to have certain knowledge? Some have strong illusions about the strong influence in our time of some managers on the economy? What would an economist say to you about the economy, if you were alone with him, that there is no economy, there is or there is no resource for a good life, whoever has obtained this resource lives well? How did they get some resources for a good life then and now: won, took, enslaved, so some struggled with an uncomfortable psychological state and an increase in living standards? Who "snatched" in the past, that in the common sense lives well now? What would a sociologist tell you if you were with you and alone that there is no mentality, there are those who live in a poor place, and those who are in a rich place, and this will affect their so-called mentality? How to get the location of people, give them hormones of pleasure and take away what causes discomfort? Wealth makes some people weak in the conventional sense, they know this and do everything to protect and extend their rich lifestyle, but do not seek to abandon everything and educate in themselves what is called willpower? Sometimes there are no talented children, there are poor parents? Some, in order to “untwist” their work, go into politics, that then it’s primary, so to speak, to curry favor with someone, and then those who have curled themselves will print any of your work no matter what it is, or first write a work and then get favored? Another way to promote your work is to devote it to a social group or, as they say, a specific target audience? Not to interfere with any state in someone’s work is not good, can it affect its existence and the quality of life of the people living in it, in a psychological sense? The collapse of one of the key states can lead to a violation of equality in the political sense, and a state left without a competitor will make one world government, which will not restrain anything, and will come to an end to what is called freedom? There are no mediocre writers, there are poor and not serving writers? Sometimes, in order to “promote” a book or other work, one needs to become famous or “catch on” for someone, who has a resource for its publishing and promotion, and who is famous, but then it may be necessary to take the side of who publishes and “untwists”, and on this will the objectivity of the written be lost? Writer's age and other factors are reflected in what is written? Someone is fighting on someone’s side, both physically and psychologically, with the hope that those for whom he is fighting will notice him and “ publicize ” his work? Some poor people provoke the rich and famous by manipulating their weaknesses and sometimes by having what they call infantilism so that they “stumble”, break the law or make other mistakes (for example, invite poor people of the opposite sex to their yacht, and they “ surrendered ”), after the provocateurs the information“ stink ”rises, and the provocateurs are famous, after they don’t pay the publishers to publish their books, but the publishers invite them to publish books at the expense of the publisher? Some, in order for everyone to learn about their literary and other work, go to PR agencies or to their websites, where they are taught to raise the most global scandal about their work? After you compose something, make money, if you have money, “untwist” any of your work on television, on the Internet, etc.? To avoid the so-called psychological discomfort and psychological distress due to the inability to satisfy needs, do you need to know how to satisfy your needs? How to solve the question of the so-called unsatisfied ambition, if this is prescribed by higher powers or inspired by people around us - write a book? Is it easiest to get your status in society by writing a book and printing it for your money? Fear of not having time to create and finish something throughout the life of all creative personalities? Some are fighting (psychologically and physically) on the side of a state, so that those who govern this state subsequently allocate money from the budget to publish the works of the belligerent, or to make it easier to go to a higher educational institution, for example, to an actor?

Sample words attributed to the poet Robert  Frost : "Creativity begins from the moment I discover that I knew something that I did not know that I know."

“Every writer who comes under the party banner, sooner or later faces a choice either to obey or shut up, ” these are the words attributed to the writer George Orwell. 

We will correct George Orwell, every writer (musician, poet) who does not have a lot of money to “promote” his work, but really wants to “promote” it, sooner or later faces a choice - either get into politics and take the side of one of the political or geopolitical forces competing among themselves, or will his book not be untwisted by anyone but himself and will be funded for the publishing house only by himself? All geopolitics can be described with the phrase: the worse the geopolitical competitor is doing in his country, the better? If you are at least a little versed in politics, then by the work of a writer, musician or poet, you can understand whether he took on someone else's political side or not? The paradox is that some musicians, writers and other artists working against their government do not always understand politics as well as in music and literature, as soon as they deprive their government of power, they will be replaced by the same ones as Are they musicians and writers only from those countries for which they worked against the current government, just as foreign companies enter the market on the territory “defeated” in a psychological or conventional war? As soon as any political power is collapsing somewhere, then everything that is new and “new” is “pumped” into the territory that it used to control: religion, music, cinema, trading companies, crowding out everything that was before turns out to the musicians It’s unprofitable for the artists and everyone else who was involved in politics to work against the current authorities of the country in which they live, otherwise they will have a creative menopause, they will be forgotten about them and the maximum that positive things can happen to them after a change of government, this invitation to live rules lstvom of the State in which they work? 

Since the beginning of the existence of mankind there have been many “pointing fingers”, many wanted to tell people when to cry, when to laugh and when to do what.

Attention: the author does not say anything in this material that something should be one way or another, therefore all affirmative sentences in this material should be perceived as interrogative, not interrogative, only because it is impossible to create any work only from interrogative sentences When reading any affirmative sentence written by the author, you should mentally put a question mark when it ends. Where the author categorically affirms something without the possibility of any other interpretation of what is written, there is a note: “attention, this is an affirmative sentence”.


Without the most favored nation treatment. What are you most likely to encounter if you are from an incomplete family or from the so-called dysfunctional family, and what official psychology does not say, and where you should and shouldn’t get to, based on your qualities: 

1) Put everything on the principles of video games or programming in life, and it will all be similar to life situations. Cheaters are players who, with the help of the codes built into them in a video game, can make their character immortal or with endless money. If someone in some stable organization with good salaries works for a long time, and all others are fired, it means that the “immortality” of this someone in the organization is supported by his relatives or he (if he has additional income) with the help of a certain program behavior in the form of gifts and services to superiors. That’s the secret of keeping some afloat, work, your relatives will help you to be a long-lived cadre and advance in service, or you can help yourself if you have extra income and a desire to share it with the cadre service and with your bosses. Of course, there are “ anti-cheats ” in the form of criminal and other laws, but this rarely works in this case, since the above actions are difficult to prove, as, however, “ anti-cheats ” like “ Punkbuster ” and others in computer games rarely work , since it is beneficial that they do not work, because cheats can be sold.     

In this regard, it is a normal phenomenon that someone from an incomplete or from a dysfunctional family cannot get the job that those who their relatives “ walk on ” for work, or self-promotion for money from additional income. “Sweet” places are already taken, and because of the lack of the necessary life experience, you don’t have to do self-flagellation because you don’t take a job because you are stupid, sometimes because all the “sweet” places are filled with frames, and a generational change takes place on them, dad worked, son works, etc., and you came from the street and want to be taken. Change of generations, probably, is not only in those places where technical knowledge is required or certain so-called moral and business qualities.


It is unlikely that someone will bring your boss bags of expensive food and elite alcohol, or will do him any services to make the boss treat you “softer,” and hardly anyone will do the same to the personnel service, so that they then promoted you up the career ladder. True, it all depends on the place of work, there are professions where everything is different, where everything depends on your skill. And it doesn’t make sense to be offended by all this, if you approach the consideration of these actions from a scientific point of view, it’s written in the program, in the mind of every living organism to help your cubs survive, there are times when this program fails, and then it turns out , which is called an incomplete or dysfunctional family. The program to help your children, laid down by higher forces, can be attributed to the everyday collective unconscious, which will be discussed below. They can accuse the author of having those for which they don’t carry anything, and they have everything perfectly, of course, but, like any statistics, we are talking about the majority. Some take bribes if they work in the civil service, are engaged in parallel trade (second job), and from this “tranches” come to the chiefs and cadres, some are pulled by relatives and bosses. Someone will say that some take bribes, and they don’t sit, if they get caught, they kick them out. This can be answered by the fact that if you were not sent to work for bribes or for some kind of “ chemical abuse ”, although criminal punishment is provided for this, but simply quietly kicked out, then the person who was kicked out was an agent (informer) in the supervisor service, for example, in the CSS of the police (police), and he was indulged for his past help informing (renting out) his colleagues or there was no evidence, there are other options, it all depends on the country where all this happens.

There are places where anyone, if lucky enough to stay alive, can transform from a person without social status into a person with status. In some wars, the elite is formed, as it is commonly called, in countries where there has not been a war for a long time, the elite is already formed (you cannot become a general, since the general has his own son). Sometimes a political crisis and an economic crisis provide opportunities for those who did not have them. For example, to join the army without psychological testing, if a war has begun that could not take place in a peaceful country and in peacetime, or get a job at a company that you didn’t hire because you didn’t pass the interview, or because that he did not pass a check in his own security service before the onset of the general economic crisis and before the crisis of this company separately. Well, in general, a crisis, for example, will be pleasant to someone economic, if the one to whom they envied went badly.

2) It is unlikely that someone will “wait” for you to “go crazy” and support you when you are mad, drinking alcohol and doing something else from the category of what are called weaknesses, you’ll simply die early or fall to jail.     

3) You are unlikely to be able to withstand pressure from your superiors, in the way that one from the so-called prosperous family can do. He was taught how to talk with the leadership, his leadership is more afraid than you, or rather, it is not afraid of you at all. The leadership of one from the so-called prosperous family is afraid, because he warned him that if he is fired, he will “ drag out ” everyone through the courts and “hand over” to the law enforcement or other controlling bodies everything illegal that happened during his work if, of course, he himself did not commit anything illegal and, in general, if it comes to that, usually no one scares anyone in such cases, everything is already in the “ointment”.     

4) If you have psychological problems or cannot fall asleep, you most likely will not go to a psychiatrist to prescribe psychostimulants that do not cause withdrawal symptoms ( otnodnik ), i.e. sedative or sleeping pills. ATTENTION: according to rumors, there are psychiatrists who do not offer sedative or sleeping pills to those who need it, but offer the so-called "coding", which is associated with this, possibly due to ignorance, perhaps because if you write a sedative , then the one who came for help because of problems with alcohol and who is looking for calm in alcohol will not come again, since he will start to take a sedative, and “coding” is a profitable thing, so in theory it’s more profitable for the psychiatrist to keep the client in excitement, once again rebuilt alcohol and came to him to be encoded. They say that in one large country (because of the possible legal problems of the country, if the issue under consideration is delicate, they are not called), half of the population sits on antidepressants. Most likely, you will go to the grocery store, buy vodka or wine there, drink it, and then it will be even worse for you. Although, again, from a so-called prosperous family, visits to a psychiatrist are unlikely due to problems with alcohol, if someone comes from such a family, then it can already be considered dysfunctional due to the fact that other educators outplayed their parents, for example street or cinema or any other. In education, as in electronics, a strong signal drowns out a weaker signal.     

5) You may not know how to get to know each other and how to behave with the opposite sex if you need it, because, for example, it all depends on the amount of testosterone in the blood, the availability of money, etc. And you an unfulfilled need will appear (if such a need, of course, takes place).     

6) You will probably follow what is called morality (even if you become a gangster, it will be gangster morality, such as not acting according to concepts), you may be ashamed of everything, etc., in a word, you will absorb everything that which is called propaganda, official education, that which is beneficial to others and almost always disadvantageous to you.     

7) "I'm too old for me fooling" - roughly the words reacted grandfather, a veteran of Second World War, in the stories of the so-called high matters of another hero of the film "Silent Outpost", Russia, 2011, director Sergei Makhovikov .     


“The devil is smart not because he is the devil, but because he is old, ” they say that this is an Italian saying.

What is negative charm, and who does it affect and who doesn’t? Those who have life experience find it difficult to manipulate.

You may all be manipulated in various ways, both on a domestic and global scale, if on a global scale, it will be through TV, radio, newspapers, the Internet, etc.

There are probably a lot of definitions of manipulations, but the simplest, in the philistine sense, manipulation is when they want someone to do something for someone, i.e., some action, for free, as in the global sense ( for example, to go to the demonstration for free for or against someone), and in everyday life (to do some work for free). But there is one “but.” Some people like it when they are manipulated, they feel pleasure from it, adjoining any movement or group and doing everything for free, they produce endorphins from it .

8) You will probably be ready to work for the idea, while some do not forget to work for money.     

9) You may have what is called self-doubt because you have convinced yourself that the laws do not work, but only communications and telephone law work. In any civilized state, and even in an uncivilized state, laws work, though differently, but they work, and even politicians should work out.     

10) In the end, you can, in a bad situation, approach a dangerous line, what is called drug addiction, alcoholism, an emotional crime, a prison, etc. 

11) Then everyone can add a new paragraph of what can happen to those from an incomplete or from the so-called dysfunctional family. 

Favored Mode:

12) But you can "recoup" in a legal way on anyone who has made you disgusting. In some circumstances, there may be excitement before some (for example, those who conduct the interview, or the bosses), because there is a misunderstanding that if you are insulted or, in your opinion, unfairly dismissed, you too may not respond to the insult or dismissal formally or incognito, in the form of an application to the court, to law enforcement bodies or to leave, “loudly slamming” the door, pull out, as they say, “dirty laundry” out, the main thing is that this will not affect your next job if it wife your reputation from a previous job. Not without reason, some pensioners say: "I have nothing to fear, I'm retired." 

In general, you may face the fact that no one will help you in the required amount or will not help at all, and that you will have competitors in life who know more in a certain psychological sphere than you do, and not only in this area, as a rule, as their parents taught them this. You should not use alcohol or drugs, it will generally throw you a huge distance from competitors in life. Conclusion: at a certain time and in certain places there is a lot of “harmful” information that destroys the psyche and body, and there is almost no useful information that contributes to the so-called healthy lifestyles (psychologically healthy lifestyles) and healthy lifestyles for those from incomplete or from the so-called dysfunctional family.

What is it that those who grew up in the so-called complete and prosperous family were most likely taught by their parents, in any case, the majority with whom they had to communicate:

1) Psychological comfort should not be achieved using means that adversely affect health.     

2) Do not listen to anyone, do not listen to any propaganda about decency, morality, shame, and so on, be decent, bashful, moral, if only it is beneficial, that is, wear a mask when necessary. A strong spirit, a weak spirit is a manipulation by creating an inferiority complex, there is no strong spirit, no weak spirit, there is a person psychologically prepared by higher powers or someone else for different places.     

3) Do not be shy, because there is no one to be shy, because everyone is mortal, and if so, if you are shy, you are shy of the dead in the future (and even this can be heard in the so-called prosperous families), and the meaning is shy dead, albeit in the fake, but in the future, people, dead after all anyway.     

4) To send everyone to hell, not to execute anyone's commands and orders, if the orders do not come from your boss or their execution is disadvantageous to you. There are situations when someone is embarrassed or afraid of someone else's criticism. Why should someone be ashamed or afraid of someone’s criticism (for some this comes to psychological distress), because someday, including someone you are ashamed of or who criticizes you, they will become corpses, what's the point of being ashamed or afraid of future corpses, because the corpses do not care why you should be shy and afraid of future dead people.     

5) Work for money, not for an idea, give work exactly as much as you get paid for it.     

The programmer created some kind of program without working officially in any company, the sales representative found new customers, also not working officially, the driver brought firewood to a private person, the machine tool turned out something at the request of someone, etc. - this it’s not called hack work, but freelance ?


... On Moscow’s curved streets, to die, to know, God judged me ...” is a line from the work of the poet Sergei Yesenin. As soon as you begin to feel sorry for yourself, is there any chance of becoming the one who is called an alcoholic and drug addict? When someone does not have what is called fearlessness or the will to implement the programs established in him by the higher forces, does he start a self-destruction program? The main thing is not to overdo it in terms of what is called self-pity, and not to experience what is called irrational fear, and everything will be harmonious in the psychological state of someone?

“Clear Skies”, 1961, USSR, director Grigory Chukhrai , in this film the main character also has what is called self-pity, and there is no information how to proceed?

If you are in the army or in prison, then do only what you must do according to the law, not be afraid to fight if your comfort is violated. Do not be afraid of anyone, because there is no reason to be afraid, to feel sorry for yourself and because of this to sacrifice your psychological comfort, but it makes no sense because no matter how you were afraid and did not spare yourself, you will die sooner or later. Paradoxical as it sounds, it is more likely to die in prison and in other places of closed type for the one who is afraid of everything and takes care of himself, than for the one who is not afraid of anything. Something similar and at large, those who are afraid of everything, become those who are called neurotics, begin to drink alcohol and take alcohol. You look at people with so-called borderline mental disorders, which are based on fear (when some people are afraid to leave home, to be in a big city), and they want to say: What are you afraid of? Anyway, whatever you do, you will die sooner or later, relax, do not predict the situation, everything will be as it will be. ”

Since everyone will ever die, you need to feel “squeezed”, “squeeze” and start to have fun, but not with the help of alcohol and drugs, this is not pleasure, it is “breaking” or what is called withdrawal symptoms. Higher forces do not want a person to just drink alcohol and use drugs, they must be supposed to show through unpleasant sensations after using them.

7) Satisfy your needs, and not suppress them, since what is the point then to live at all. If there is an opportunity, to realize them, if not, then endure and seek such opportunities.     

8) Sound ways to protect your lifestyle and how to satisfy your needs.     

9) Then everyone can add a new paragraph of what is likely to be taught to those from a complete or from the so-called prosperous family.     


Some psychology is universal, stereotyped, promotes morality, shame, etc. What mother and father teach in families considered normal and complete are not voiced, but in such families, based on life experience, they teach just the same thing that morality and shame are empty, the main thing is money and a money hunchback . Sooner or later, everything can “collapse”, especially when you are a civil servant, and your specialty is unlikely to be in demand by someone after your dismissal, so you need to have an untouchable supply. If you are already married, you have missed or missed your chance to find a rich or rich bride or groom. Some psychology is not “tailored” to individual states, personalities, and certain separate life situations, for example, you need to know that if you yourself are not rich, you live in a country that is considered to be poor, and you marry a poor, then most likely you will face big difficulties sizes than those who have the opposite, and how you will respond to these difficulties, already depends on your personality. In order to stabilize society, managers invented morality, shame, etc., which in some cases in some cases acts depressingly and even destructively.

Those who want to understand what emigration, deportation and different standards of living can watch the fantastic film “ Elysium is not a paradise on Earth, ” 2013, USA, directed by Neil Blomkamp . In it, of course, everything is more hyperbolized than what is actually currently in some places, but the meaning is conveyed correctly, which says that some residents who are successful in terms of the standard of living of some states are isolated from citizens with a lower standard of living, isolated in the sense of not accepting them on their economic holiday of life, without sharing the material goods that they themselves use.

Lyrics: if some popular science films were correctly understood, then when it’s psychologically difficult, then new neural connections are created in the person’s head. To someone who says that it is difficult for him, can we say that he simply creates new neural connections in the brain, that is, he is reprogrammed?

There is discrimination on endocrinological grounds, those who have problems with the production of hormones of pleasure get into trouble, are they forced to get them artificially through chemical psychostimulants ? Are there any beneficial and unhealthy chemical reactions in the human body? Hugging parties , when some meet to hug , the richer the society, the more strange it seems to some of the poor society? Are generalizations misleading? If a person would be immortal, it would be impossible to control, since it would be impossible to manipulate, would he know everything about everything? There are no "cool" ones, there are those who have not "broken off" yet, since they have not yet had a sufficiently long life experience for this? With age, some become calmer, and some understand the meaning of things, the meaning of which was not previously understood? Is it necessary to create an offender with the presumption of the inevitability of punishment for his act, so that he will be prescribed in his life experience? What is toxic psychology and who is a toxic person? Need to be able to forgive, but also need to be able not to offend? An ideal psyche is considered one that allows you not to remember a person any of his past unpleasant experiences? If you can’t forget something unpleasant and the one who did it to you, and if to stabilize the psyche you need to force the offender to answer for it, then you can do it, but without breaking the law? From the point of view of science, you can forgive everyone, because an ordinary person is half an animal, not in the offensive sense of the word, and the whole animal is not alien to him, do you mean aggression, sexual attraction and more? The creation of organizations and movements, if they arose spontaneously, and not with someone else’s money because of the so-called selfish intent, is this a way of escaping from the state? “How to Revenge the Male,” they say that this book was written by an adherent of the feminist movement, why almost all movements are born and take root exclusively in countries considered rich, and do not take root in countries considered poor, this proves that for each state there must be its own psychology, and it can not be universal for everyone? The effect of birds singing when birds feel good, they sing when people feel good, they also sing, the richer a country or family in the generally accepted sense of wealth, the more musicians, writers and other creative personalities in it, who at the same time realize themselves, since have money? As a rule, everything pleasant is not good for health, everything bad is good for health? A lot of phrases and words were invented for manipulation, but there are those that, in order not to annoy people, like the word "sorry"? Dialogue between the police and Karabas Barabas from a movie, a cartoon or from a book about Pinocchio’s adventure: “Who offended you?” - “Buratino bandit”. In a psychological warfare, do you need to find the right phrases and words? Scientists in ancient times were outside the law and were considered bandits, is a bandit an inspired substance? Are there bandits only in poor countries? Do most words and phrases cause chemical processes in the body? You are not in a rich country, where there is a high unemployment benefit, then create substitutes for benefits in the form of a cash “ hitch ” or “alarm bag”? Some rich states provide a citizen from birth to death; does a high social benefit help citizens of these states survive all the so-called personal crises? A wife or husband abandoned, a middle-aged crisis has come, you can’t and don’t want to work, then is there a benefit for you so that you remain in good shape and do not starve while you have a crisis and you are out of work? If you are in a considered poor country, then you must have the money to survive what is called personal crises? Are you in danger in a poor country without money? In poor countries, some do not have the opportunity to wait out what is called a midlife crisis, no one will support some by giving them cash benefits, and wait until they get depressed and stop drinking alcohol? In poor countries, if some have started a midlife crisis, then it may not end and lead to big trouble? Eric Erickson expressed the opinion that childhood is not the dominant period of life for the formation of personality, as Freud wrote? According to Erickson, the development of personality continues throughout life, and each of the stages of development is marked by a conflict specific to it, a favorable resolution of which leads to a transition to a new stage? Is it possible to fashion anything from yourself? Where did the sources of wealth from some rich countries come from? Why do some rich countries not want to share their wealth with the poor because they themselves will become poor? I see problems there, but they don’t exist here, each, as they are called, a propagandist has his own zone of “shelling”, he criticizes those who do not pay him, and does not criticize the one who pays him? Why in some rich countries almost everyone smiles - is it because all needs are met, there are no fears for tomorrow, or because everyone is taking medications, or because of something else? In some rich countries, strangers smile at each other , because for them a person is a friend of a person, and they see each other in each passer-by, and in some poor countries, is a passer-by an enemy or, at best, a competitor in the struggle for survival and for material wealth? Is a person in a psychological sense an initially mixed deck of cards, then ordered? Divers say that if a person is “lonely” by nature, then you can’t hope for him under water? Does character impose a certain prohibition on any profession? Those who grew up with one child in a family are all essentially “loners”, and they need to look for non-team work, as they are as unproductive in a team? Before judging someone, let the seafarers see who they are? How to find out which work is written on an emotional basis by someone, and which is not? Chewed and laid - there is no concept of “non-self-dependent”, there is the concept of “the one who needs to be retrained”, if, of course, he needs it? Who is he who is not embedded in society? It is generally accepted that the one who blames other people for their failures is considered non-independent, but are there even political ideologies that blame the failures of some people for other people? The postulate "someone else is to blame for my failures" is used even in politics, so if you stick to it, it will not be a sign of what is called non-independence? If a person is drunk, does this show that he does not have enough “ puzzles ” in the psychological sense? Never be seen drunk somewhere, for people with life experience or for some of the same age as a drunken person who grew up in a full or in the so-called prosperous family, is this a signal that this person is “weak”? Never say that you are engaged in prostitution, or that you use its services, it can say that you are from the so-called non-self-dependent, in the first case everything will be interpreted in such a way that you cannot earn any other way, in the second - that are you addicted, in this case sexual addiction? Does one or more of the people who created us walk the earth in human form and at the same time have perfect knowledge of everything? The more you know, the easier it is to live? A new elite is being formed in the war. Are there some of the places where all elite places are “clogged”? A lot of what is called destructive propaganda, but still it affects only some, while others remain unstoppable ? Those who are called of IT - Schnick originally nevnushaemy , those who are called simple layman, prone to suggestion, at least, if not a lifetime, up to a certain age exactly? Do you need to get married or get married at a young age, since it is at this age that all citizens, called average, act like in a fog? Those who "show off" simply because of the lack of proper life experience, have not yet realized that the law works? Cool in one place groovy? It turns out that, for example, an officer in the security forces who beat you up, it turns out that he is not less afraid of prison than anyone else, and he is also afraid of not finishing off his early and large pension, which others do not have, and the word “complaint” should be said, as he becomes bad, although sometimes he can maintain his composure, but will he have confusion in his soul? Some commit suicide when their vital stability is violated, for example, when they are kicked out of work? Some experience great illusions about the fearlessness of their superiors, have their superiors just not “broken off”, or rather, no one has “broken off” them (in a legal way), or are these superiors afraid of everything, but do not lose what is called self-control? In connection with the previously mentioned facts, some managers do not understand that they (in a legal way, since in almost every job the manager has or had something illegal) can the one they kicked out of work?

Words attributed to Coelho Paulo: "When they reach the end, people laugh at fear ...".

With age, some who did not understand this earlier understand that everyone is afraid of the law and that the one whom some considered cool is just a “colossus” on clay feet (something that seems majestic, impressive, but actually weak, fragile) ? When two manipulators meet (for example, the employer-manipulator and the worker-manipulator), they will in any case have a conflict, since they want to "fool" each other and parasitize on each other, they don’t succeed, and it annoys them? As a friend said, all the people are ugly, who are from the category of ordinary inhabitants, only some are able to show "ambition" and take revenge in a legal way, while others do not? When someone annoys someone, does that mean that someone has met someone who looks like himself? If I hit him because he insulted a woman with me - some who do not have enough life experience, who like to offend someone because of the so-called high morals, think that when it comes to the police, the police will take their side, because they defended the interests of morality, but the police will not take their side, will they simply answer according to the law if they have committed a crime? If someone commits a crime or an offense, you don’t have to figure it out yourself and punish someone at the same time, is this all in most cases illegal, do you need to call the police? Is everyone “cool” ruled by a humble man in a tie? “Cool” in one place groovy - the main thing is to hang up labels, and the meaning of everything changes? I can’t learn a foreign language, but it turns out that, as a rule, only about 350 words are used in any language, I can’t work as an investigator, because there are so many articles in the criminal code, in fact the investigator works with about ten or twenty articles, everything easily? For those who are called neurotics, everything is hyperbolized (they create leaders for themselves, are not sure that something will work out), for those self-confident, everything is hyper-diminished (they have developed critical thinking, they have no leaders, they themselves are leaders, they don’t care, will it work out or not, they just do what they see fit)? Is there not only an IQ test that determines the level of intelligence, but also an EQ test that determines the level of emotions? Some of those in power, or those who have a lot of money without life experience, can try to informally (illegally) punish the offender from, so to say, ordinary people, but the offender only needs this if the one in power or the one in possession of money succumbed to a provocation, and due to this he became famous or began to demand something? When someone works, can he pay bribes to the boss so that he puts less pressure on him, when he is fired, can the boss give him bribes so that he doesn't press him with complaints and so-called denunciations (statements)? As already mentioned, they kicked out of work, did not give money, and maybe this saved the life of the one who was kicked out, or the one who was not given money? They didn’t get kicked out of work, rode it, for example, on a bicycle, and they hit a car, they gave us money, they attacked and robbed us. You certainly don’t know whether someone did good to you or evil, to be offended or to thank? The authorities of some states (let's call these states A) want to see the population of their country as healthy, law-abiding, wealthy as possible , and everyone is happy, the authorities of other countries (we will call these states B), which are the so-called geopolitical opponents of states A, want to see the population state A sick, poor, illegitimate and aggressive - is it that the people of state A overthrow their government, and it began to control state B? Some advocate overcoming difficulties and hardships, although they themselves do not strive for this, they simply form personalities that will feed and support them, overcoming hardships and hardships, but no one says that it is bad, there are extremophiles who are ready to give themselves to hardships and enjoy overcoming them?


"Who in his youth did not was a revolutionary - in fact there is no heart . Who in old age does not become a conservative - in fact do not have the brains. " Words attributed to Winston Churchill.               

Any feature film is based on reality. The essence of some people is the same regardless of country, political system and historical time, compare the speech of a lawyer at the funeral after the death of the mafia leader, Professor Ramonte , in the TV series “ La Piovra ” ( Italy, 1984-2001) and the speech of the head of the scientific Agatov’s group after the death in the plane crash of a young scientist Richard in the film “Going to a Thunderstorm” (USSR, 1965), the rhetoric is the same.


An adult cannot be an idealist; can he only pretend to be able to earn money on this? There are no idealists among those over 40, otherwise it is a mental illness? Anything that does not promote communication with people and the so-called integration into society is considered to be a mental illness? There are many professions that protect the rights and interests of people - does it happen that high ideals are just a “screen” to “cut down” more money? What is it to take sides with a writer, we publish the book “Country of bad luck” or vice versa “Country of luck”, depending on which side it took and who pays for it? Everyone has prison and freedom only in his head? Always more interesting to study evil than good? Is journalism sometimes a direct saying and a public “undressing” in front of everyone in a moral sense? If someone’s book is constructive in nature, will it be published in the country where its author lives, if the book is destructive, will it be sent to the country of the geopolitical opponent of the author’s country, if, of course, there is such a country? Why is the poet, according to stereotypes, akin to the one who is called a loafer? I heard on one of the many radio stations the poet’s son’s performance: “My father did not know how to do anything in everyday life, he was a real poet.” You can’t take this guy with the so-called propaganda of the fact that you can’t be ashamed to do anything, he is proud that his father did not know how to do anything, is he himself a propagandist? He cannot earn normal money, what is non-self-sufficiency - is this incapacity for initiative? Is everything called psychotechnology and manipulation aimed at protecting the interests of those who do not want to work physically? I have nothing against physical labor, but my relative, not physically working himself, sent me to work where I needed to work, for example, as a helper, take a closer look at someone who teaches you that you need to work physically, such in most cases you don’t work physically? Not a poet, but a propagandist, not a musician, but a propagandist, not a writer, but a propagandist, poet, writer, writer, and musician to a musician, are there poets, writers, and musicians who act by order of some politicians or their services? Most people are inspired, sing what you sing, compose what you compose, if only this would contribute to the poor mood of the population of some countries, and we will pay for it, what’s called the psychological war of some states against others, is this factor not taken into account by psychologists? Are there poets, musicians, etc. who, for money and for the promotion of their works by some authorities, push people (mainly young people from single-parent families or from so-called dysfunctional families) to actions harmful to these people? Sometimes parents say that you will understand later, but it will be too late, some politics and places associated with it (some army, some so-called propaganda music industry, etc.), this is where they can go, who all understood late, but who wants to eat and relax better than most? It is beneficial for countries that have countries - geopolitical opponents - that the citizens of these countries - geopolitical opponents are those who are called drug addicts, alcoholics, mentally abnormal, and that they are outside the comfort zone and that their country has the opposite, that citizens are athletes and led a healthy lifestyle? Political radio stations and other media outlets of countries called geopolitical opponents of the country in which you live (if the country you live in) is it propaganda of any hu ... Lebanese activity that includes people from the so-called incomplete or dysfunctional family? Do you have pros and cons everywhere? Thanks to those who destroyed the USSR, a freebie called “ Aizul ” (asylum) with a free apartment ended , now just the fact that you are from a totalitarian country that is considered to be someone is not enough, you need proof that you are persecuted if this is not, then deportation home from a country considered by someone to be democratic? Pay attention to what they feed you, promises or food? The media of countries - geopolitical opponents (countries - fighters for influence on people and fighters for territory) broadcast that the country, for example, in which you live (if it has opponents), is bad in all respects, however, except for propaganda about that everything is bad, do not give anything? Are special services of some countries taking part in the formation of the personality of people? A country is a geopolitical opponent, for example, of your country (if your country has such) does not give you anything, neither money, nor food, nor clothes, nor free education, nor free medicine, nor the citizenship of its country, where, for example, a high standard of living , and nothing else in the material plane, it gives only the “burden”, propaganda, and, as already mentioned, it cannot just give you the citizenship of its rich country, because if you give it to everyone, it can cease to be rich, because will many mouths come? All people are initially equal, there is no concept of “mob” considered offensive, the higher the standard of living, the more educated, with higher education people? Some mass media of some rich countries broadcast to some poor countries in order to preserve the rich lifestyle of the people who live in these countries and are not interested in anything else? It is impossible in a poor country to do what is possible in a rich country, because the country is not rich, unless the rich share their wealth with the poor? The task of some units of some special services - the creation of mental instability among citizens from countries that are competitors to the citizens of the country whose interests are these special services? Cognitive dissonance can be when you feel, being with someone nearby, “squeezed”, but you do not want to be that way when you do not want to see yourself as you are, or when you want to quit some kind of work , which you don’t like, but you can’t, for example, because of fear that you won’t get anywhere else? Are cognitive dissonance and psychological instability smoothed out by psychostimulants ? If you drink alcohol to calm you down, then you can stop drinking it anymore, just react to everything in the same way that you would react when you were drunk - anyway? If you used to drink alcohol because of the excitement for the fact that you seemed to make the wrong decision, then make, sober, the same decisions that you would have made by drinking 200 grams of vodka, but don’t drink it on really? Is ideological flashing and firmware, psychological warfare, in particular, the creation by the population of those who need it and are profitable, needs without the possibility of meeting them? The fact that you will make decisions, imagining that you are drunk, will not provoke a clash with external dangers, because in fact you will be sober? Man is a programmed creature, and his genes are a programming environment, does everything look like a programmer’s work tools? How to stabilize the psyche without psychostimulants ? How to cancel a resuscitation tour? Psychology should not be universal, but separate for each case? In each country, is psychology “imprisoned” for its standard of living? If there are needs, is there a choice either to satisfy them and learn to defend your lifestyle, or to cultivate in yourself what is called willpower to suppress them? What about those who are in prison as prisoners, what is their psychological state and how do they understand the phrase “willpower” and the phrase “nurturing willpower”? Those who are in prison, a priori, have what is called willpower, and they do not have psychological problems, like some of those who are free? In freedom, bring freedom from what is called addiction? In countries that are considered rich, do not really need what is called willpower and fortitude, since there is the opportunity to satisfy almost all needs and not deny yourself anything? Again about those whom some call the music video generation, infantilism is a misunderstanding of reality, one of its signs is the belief that everything is decided by acquaintances, not the law, some will go to deal with the problems themselves, through “connections”, after why nothing will come of it, or they will be sent to jail for “independent activities” and they will have to reconsider their views, others will write a statement to the police? In countries that are considered rich, there is no concept of “infantilism”, which implies the so-called adult behavior, there is no need to grow up? In some poor countries, is psychology sometimes cunning and, probably, manipulating by creating an inferiority complex, using, for example, the term “infantilism”, since some poor countries cannot afford people who do not want to be held responsible for something? In some poor country, if you don’t go to work, do not feed your family, then you are infantile? In some places, people who can be called infantiles govern people , but they do everything so that there are no infantiles among the governed, otherwise they will not survive? Does everyone have something that annoys him and something that relaxes him? Is there a dangerous and non-dangerous obsession in every sense? Not to encode (meaning a psychiatric understanding of coding, coding from drinking), but to exchange an obsession with alcohol for another obsession? In documentaries, they say that Adolf Hitler drank alcohol and smoked before becoming what he became - he drank and smoked until he became obsessed with politics, or he was obsessed with power when he drank alcohol and smoked, but at that moment he didn’t find a way by which he could realize his needs, or was it not like that, and so they talk about him because he made many enemies? Can people drink alcohol and obsessed while they are looking for ways to fulfill their needs? Are psychiatrists who must make hormones of pleasure produce the endocrine system? The task of a psychiatrist is to make endorphins (pleasure hormones) be produced and suppress what causes discomfort? They say that the richer the country, the more so-called non-independent, mentally abnormal and strange people (mentally abnormal and strange, if compared with the traditional coordinate system of normalities)? What did Spengler have in mind in his work “Sunset in Europe”, he was 100% right, but he expressed everything in hyperbole? All books of philosophers, etc. are aimed at solving the issue of increasing the production of pleasure hormones in one who has few of them? Many politicians, philosophers, psychiatrists, psychologists, pharmacists and many others have been struggling for many years about this: how to make a person, speaking a literary and everyday language, happy or, speaking a biological and medical language, how to make hormones to produce the human endocrine system, how to do so so that everyone is comfortable and there is social peace, because it comes when everyone or most is comfortable? Or you solve one problem, another appears - politicians or circumstances of some countries seem to have done their job perfectly in terms of improving the living standards of their citizens, but another problem or problems appears? Can you help everyone? For every needy there is a helper to survive? What does the concept of "adult" mean when it is not illusions? A person who has grown up without parents is deprived of a real understanding of what is happening, and sometimes he cannot compete with those who had parents and explained everything, for example, this “bullshit”, don’t listen, if you carry this “load”, you will have problems, etc.? As already mentioned, a person “confused” in life needs to be given information about the reality of what is happening in order to stabilize his psyche, if some authorities are afraid to give such information to everyone, then let psychiatrists write it out on prescription? With age, are illusions lost, those for whom they have not scattered with age are called infantile? Among the average men, so to speak, there are men who drink alcohol, there are those who meet women and do not drink alcohol, but some women only meet when men give them money, and then these men begin to look for ways to get this money? Do not be afraid of anything and no one within the framework of the rational, of course, all the same, will you die sooner or later? The effect of using one’s status against someone who doesn’t have it can have the opposite effect, since with the help of a bearer of this high social status people who have no status can promote themselves by raising the fuss in the press and after becoming famous and gaining status? You are free, and you have no one to fear when you have nothing, no status, no position, no job, when there is nothing, then there is nothing to lose? We will voice and supplement the exemplary words of the psychotherapist A. M. Kashpirovsky : “The big submits to the small, the small submits to the smallest, and the smallest to no one.” Is everything just like in quantum physics? In most civilized countries, if someone is a simple worker and does not violate the law, then he has the greatest rights of all members of society, only sometimes does not know about it? How long does a glass nose fool? If you work in government in a civilized country and think that you will scare someone with revenge in an illegal way, someone who annoys you, then you can be mistaken if he is a person who knows all the underground currents and is ambitious at the same time, he can start with you to sue in order to become famous at the expense of you? Power and money, on the contrary, are made unfree rather than free, as some people just wait for someone from the power structures or from the rich to “stumble”, to become famous through their “stumbling”, but some who are in power and who have a lot of money, do not understand this? Anyone who couldn’t work in government in a country considered civilized goes to work in government in a country considered civilized, is it easier to work there? Some doctors who do not have a practice go to receive it in countries that are considered uncivilized, is there less responsibility for medical errors? Would a tendency to write complaints be called trolling now ? Trolling can be not only psychological, but also physical, when someone is beaten physically? In the process of trolling people, does a troller need to be afraid to run into someone like himself? Are there people who begin to "eat" themselves in a psychological sense if they do not respond to aggression or insult in their address? Trolling or revenge? A lot of works have been written in the field of psychiatry and psychology, devoted to the study of those who take revenge morally and / or legally on someone for something, and this is just a desire to take revenge (English revenge - revenge), therefore, those who take revenge are simple revanchists? Everywhere you need a way of realization within the framework of the law of needs or what is called instincts, for example, sexual and revenge? What is trolling and revanchism from the point of view of science - with this, the body gives a sign that the one who prevents you from living is an enemy of the realization of your programs laid down by higher forces, and it needs to be neutralized (for example, this can manifest itself in competition between someone for the right to possess a person of the opposite sex, etc.)? What is called trolling and revanchism can be implemented in a legal way? What is it like, a simplified policy - to create a state in some cases is as simple as creating a company if only there is initial capital? How some states are created, if you have a lot of money, we create the army, the police, come up with laws, both legal and so-called moral, come up with an ideology, hang labels like "psychopath" or "criminal" on those who interfere with what called the creation of society, etc.? Adolf Hipster - some who are at the helm, and their attributes are similar to those who were formerly called informal elements? I’m driving in a car with a friend, and he tells me that he hates a certain social minority that commits sexual offenses, where does he get such views? Some of those who are called politicians and those who serve them decide who you should hate and who to love and what you should do at all, without them you are a clean sheet, not knowing which way to go? All that you do on an unconscious level is what others want, not you, or do their desires become yours? A bus driver takes you home, a scientist comes up with more advanced drugs for you, they could become what they call drug addicts, alcoholics, suicides, neurotics and psychopaths, but some politicians have protected these people from what is called harmful information? There are those who are “loaded” (following someone), and those who are “loaded” (leading themselves), and those who are “loaded”, in countries called civilized, more and more if there is no influx извне простых рабочих, то скоро один будет работать лопатой, а десять его будут психологически анализировать и «грузить»?

“I am what I did to myself, and not what happened to me,” is a phrase attributed to Karl Gustav Jung.

Scientific articles suggest that, unlike Freud, who considered the unconscious as the main element of the psyche of an individual person, Jung differentiated between the "individual" and the "collective unconscious The "individual unconscious" (or, as Jung calls it, "personal", "personal unconscious") reflects the personal experience of an individual person and consists of experiences that were once conscious, but lost their conscious nature due to oblivion or suppression ( as a trace on the bark of an old tree from exposure to something in his youth). It covers all the acquisitions of an individual-personal existence, including everything that is under the threshold of consciousness.

Science also says that the contents of the collective unconscious not only never entered consciousness, "they were never an individual acquisition, but owe their appearance exclusively to heredity." There is, according to Jung, the deepest part of the psyche, which has a collective, universal and impersonal nature, the same for all members of this collective. This layer of the psyche is directly related to instincts, that is, inherited factors. They existed long before the appearance of consciousness and continue to pursue their "own" goals, despite the development of consciousness.

Again we turn to scientific articles and consider examples of the long-known phenomena of the collective unconscious.  Collective unconscious - examples in life can be found when analyzing the behavior of people who are in a crowd, and here the collective, or transpersonal , unconscious manifests itself through two types of behavior (all this is taken into account and used in some modern political actions):

  1. The unifying mass behavior - the crowd becomes a single whole as a result of infection with the same emotional background, ideas - this happens during a rally where a group of people defend their rights, or it is a crowd of fanatics in a state of general ecstasy.

  2. Disconnecting mass behavior - here the collective unconscious acts as a "sowing" panic and chaos. People are emotionally shocked, and behavioral mechanisms in an unfamiliar situation work at the level of survival instinct , people act irrationally - outwardly it looks like a person does not give himself a report in his behavior.

The stage of life (love relationship), which is indicated in the film “Romantics 303” (2018, Germany, directed by Hans Weingartner ), most of those who became super - cool scientists or  IT - scientists , simply do not and did not (by the way, it costs pay attention to the badge, “unobtrusively” indicated on the presentation label for this film, such moments are indicated in the work “Secret resources of some good mood”).

In some countries that are considered rich, the proportion of romance is greater than in countries that are considered to be poor, in some countries they think how to survive psychologically, in others - how physically? That for some in some rich countries a problem is not a problem in the poor? A low standard of living where people think about how to get food saves some from borderline and not only borderline mental disorders? The presence of a large amount of free time and the so-called "cool" social packages that allow you not to think about how to survive, can provoke what is called depression, and the like?

Scientists in the field of mental behavior, as always, make their scientific conclusions, not paying attention to what is called the " everyday life ", on everyday relationships between people, perhaps because they themselves did not "cook it", in any case, probably happened with the collective unconscious, then you have to try to adapt it to the everyday collective unconscious, let's call it that. The following examples of human behavior in some people can be attributed to the everyday collective unconscious (it is emphasized that it is for some, in the collective unconscious, not everyone will go into the crowd, only those mentally predisposed to this individual behavior). So, examples of the household collective unconscious : the need for “friends” and an uncomfortable psychological state without them (this usually happens in childhood and goes away in youth or at an older age, if it does not go away, then this is considered by some to be infantile). Also, the desire to envy others, this is evidenced by the instinct of competition (posting on the Internet, on social networks photos with expensive cars, with expensive places of rest, etc.). By the way, it has already been said or not, truly rich people will not advertise their wealth so that they do not annoy people, they will not communicate with people below their status, so that they will not later be promoted at the expense of them, but if they depart from these norms they may be in trouble. The desire to tell the husband or wife that they were harassed by people of the opposite sex, the desire to "cheat" on their former boss at a former job, for example, "hand over" to his law enforcement agencies if he is involved in anything illegal, the desire to beat someone in the presence of the one to whom the beater wants to give the impression of being “tough”, the desire for power over someone, and not just political, for example, the power of a woman over a man in love with her, and vice versa, men over a woman, power over people by writing a book, writing music people and that will be the fans, for example, your creativity; thirst for sex, etc., then everyone himself can continue the examples of collective everyday unconscious. Knowing the collective unconscious (and, probably, the individual too) according to its interpretation in the form in which it is interpreted in this paragraph of this material (in everyday life), one can predict the actions of some people whom you will have to meet in life.

If you or any other organism made from flesh and blood what needs to be done, then hormones of pleasure await you, if you did not do this or did something that did not need to be done, you are waiting for their absence - this is how all living things are controlled higher powers or no one controls, but they made all of them and let them into this world on their own, and everything happens spontaneously, but on the basis and taking into account the same hormones of pleasure? Anyway, the chemical stick and carrot control all living things, all look like biorobots? Without pleasure - does it mean without endorphins ? Sigmund Freud wrote that restraining sexual attraction in some people leads to mental discomfort or mental disorder, of course, it will be so, and probably you don’t have to be a huge observer to see this, and a huge thinker to understand this, everything It is prescribed to the living to breed in order to survive as a species? Unrealized revenge is the same problem as unrealized sexual attraction, and also leads to at least psychological discomfort? The key to a good mood - do everything as the program tells? If you don’t accept the conditions that your higher powers dictated to you or which your psyche dictates to you, you will feel uncomfortable, and why do this, why deprive yourself of pleasure, unless for the sake of even more pleasure? When you deprive yourself of any pleasure for the sake of another, what may be called cognitive dissonance may come, is this a flaw in higher powers, or is it necessary?

1.2. Embrace the immensity.

“Who is a decent person? This is the one who does nasty things without pleasure, ” are exemplary words attributed to Sergey Dovlatov.

They say that the whole economy can be fit into one concept, and to raise it, you do not have to be a great economist, you just need to take something cheaper somewhere from someone or take it in the past, present or in the future (material benefits, free labor, minerals), and then the economy will become prosperous, you only need to know where and how to get the resources for this prosperity. 

Psychology can also be accommodated in one formula, everything is implicated in pleasure ( endorphins ), regardless of how it is obtained by someone and from what actions are considered adequate or inadequate, and you also need to know where and how to take resources for pleasure. With the help of pleasures and their antipodes, called “unpleasant sensations”, higher forces control people (millions, like robots (in the non-derogatory sense of the word “robots”), seek sex, relationships, etc.), and many do not know how come to all this, where and how to get a resource for all this, or everyone knows, but they don’t succeed due to what is called cognitive dissonance, for example, pride and the ensuing belief that “everyone owes me "Roll up" with a proposal to start a relationship, and not me to someone. "

By the way, the economic policy of a state (let's call it state A) in the form of “taking something from material wealth from another state (state B) for a more financially comfortable living for the population of state A” can cause cognitive dissonance among some citizens of state A. . These citizens will worry about the fact that wealth has been taken away from the state B by its state A, and now people in state B are in poverty because of the higher financial situation of citizens of state A at the expense of state B. This cognitive dissonance, as a rule, can result in street demonstrations.

Here is what modern science of hormones says, source: Hormones are chemical compounds which are produced by living organisms and can be prepared synthetically. In the human body, they are created by the endocrine glands, are transferred with the bloodstream and act on target organs, which are different for each hormone.  

What conclusion can be drawn from this? Alcohol, drugs, and in some cases pharmacology is the temptation to take control of the hormones of pleasure, but from pharmacology, as a rule, the consequences are less damaging or even harmless to the body than from alcohol and drugs.

The pharmacological industry produces some hormones in the form of drugs, as well as drugs containing substances necessary for the body to create one or another hormone on its own.

What conclusion can be drawn from this? Presumably, when you use alcohol or drugs, the body creates hormones of pleasure on its own.

And so here they are, “carrots”, with the help of which all living things are controlled by higher forces. To know how everything works at the level of chemistry, let us return again to scientific articles about modern science, which says that the hormones of pleasure are:

- dopamine is a hormone of joy and satisfaction. It is developed when a person receives any positive experience in his mind. If you like to look at a clean room after cleaning, the touch of a loved one is pleasant or you feel satisfaction, having finally finished the report, then dopamine is produced; 


- serotonin is a hormone of self-confidence and satisfaction. If dopamine is a storm of positive emotions, then serotonin is a quiet joy. By the way, these two hormones suppress each other. And this means that people who like to rejoice violently are usually not very confident in themselves, and those who have high self-esteem less often allow themselves to have fun from the heart; 


- adrenaline - helps to mobilize in a stressful situation and open hidden reserves. With an adrenaline rush, the heart beats more often, eyesight and hearing become aggravated, the reaction becomes faster, even thoughts fly at the speed of light. Thanks to all this, there is a feeling of a surge of strength and inspiration ; 


- endorphins - hormones that are produced in response to stress and, like adrenaline, help to mobilize, endorphins help keep calm and hope for the best in any situation. It is believed that these hormones are actively produced at the time of tactile contact with a person who is pleasant. For example, during a friendly hug, handshake, or kiss; 


- oxytocin - a hormone of affection and trust. However, recent studies have shown that tenderness caused by oxytocin does not apply to everyone. Under the influence of this hormone, a person is more sensitive to those whom he considers “his”, and as a result he is inclined to zealously protect them from “strangers”. Oxytocin plays an important role at the time of delivery and in the initial formation of the relationship between mother and child. 


              Subsequently, if the material will be about hormones of pleasure, all of the above hormones for brevity will be, as in the previous work “Secret resources of a good mood of some,” are designated by one of them - endorphins .

Psychologists say that when someone does not respond to aggression against him with aggression, he programs himself for failures in the future with far-reaching consequences, at least self-doubt appears, like maximum depression, fears and other so-called borderline disorders. After that, what is called addictions, one of which is drugs and alcohol, addiction to other people (what is called friendship and falling in love), drugs and alcohol, uncomfortable psychological states are suppressed. What is called friendship ever ends, as people change with age? What is friendship, how long does it last and when does it develop its resource? Those who are called independent, never needed friends, alcohol, they almost turned off sexual desire, etc.? To ask a person of the opposite sex (friend) who has never had sex, borrow money from the state and take this money for himself, some need to manipulate (make friends) until the “fog” has passed? As a rule, a manipulator (friend) manipulates those who are his younger in age, until the one who is manipulated grows up and his fog "dissipates"? Further, alcohol provokes disability from stroke, death from cardiac arrest, suicide or disability and death from something else.

One of the reasons for what is called addiction, alcoholism and drug addiction was discovered someone’s “swallowed” aggression left unanswered. Other reasons for this can be discussed after considering this reason. What is addiction - this is what the “roof” goes without (go crazy)? Some of those who have what is called addictions believe that everyone is like them, but they are mistaken, there are those who are not particularly interested in or are not interested in the opposite sex, alcohol, drugs, etc. ?

How to resist aggression, how to stabilize the psyche, if someone missed aggression through himself and did not answer it? Psychologists teach that one must respond with aggression to aggression, but none of them tells how to avoid getting into prison, in any case, such information has not been found anywhere.

If you respond aggressively to aggression in an illegal way, you can go to jail, and your psychological state will theoretically worsen even more than after you did not respond to aggression.

It is normal that psychologists stopped at giving advice on how to respond with aggression to aggression, and then stopped without answering what it should be, this aggression. Since they are not lawyers, they don’t know how to respond with aggression to aggression without major negative consequences for the psyche in the future after aggression responds to aggression than from someone else’s aggression that they didn’t respond to. Psychologists do not know how to respond with aggression to aggression and at the same time do not end up in prison, or rather, a legitimate way of responding with aggression to aggression. And what, it seems, can be a legitimate way of responding with aggression - aggression was initially almost everywhere outlawed.

Psychologists simply found out that one should not "swallow" anyone's aggressive behavior, one must respond with aggression to aggression, but how to do this, they cannot say for sure, again, judging by the information not found anywhere on this topic. It is as if they silently say that they have done their work, and then act, as you know, think for yourself how acceptable it is for you to respond with aggression to aggression.

The school taught that family and society take part in the formation of a person’s personality, but what part of the family and what part of society, who she is, this part of the family and society: mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, stepfather, stepmother, orphanage, school, street, local and foreign politicians, those who are in their service not only officially but also informally - television, radio, newspapers, the Internet and other mass media (media), musicians, directors, writers, fashion designers, special services ...

Determinism is, it seems, that when certain reasons (genetic, psychological, etc.) influence decision making.

Popular wisdom says that “being determines consciousness”, that is, the place where you lived, live and will live, still affects consciousness, except for family and society, the place of life in its economic sense. The personality formation is affected by the living standards of the country in which childhood, adolescence, and adult life began. If it is a rich country with great social benefits, you will be one person, if it is a poor country , you will be completely different. In any case, in terms of physiology, the lives of people from poor countries are exactly different from the lives of people from rich countries, or rather, their life expectancy. According to statistics published everywhere, in rich countries people live much longer than in poor countries, and accordingly, in poor countries they live much less.

Accordingly, the psychology should be different. Modern psychology is universal, not adapted neither to the social stratum of each member of society, nor to the country of residence, it is general, generalized, there is no narrow psychology, and if it exists, then it is probably of poor quality if people die from what they feel uncomfortable. Evidence of a lack of quality in modern psychology is the presence of an uncomfortable, negative psychological state of some people, expressed in their use of alcohol and drugs, etc., and as a consequence of all this - early deaths and disabilities.

What is the reason for all this? Probably the fact that a psychologist, as a rule, is one who has only visited his family (there are not only certified, but also non-certified psychologists), only a student at school, only a student at the institute. And it’s not that he doesn’t want to go somewhere else to improve his qualifications, so to speak, the psychologist cannot live several lives, cannot be born in an incomplete or dysfunctional family, cannot visit other places. But it is unlikely that all psychologists have such a diverse life experience. Then low-quality psychology may also be caused by the fear of some psychologists of a real or imaginary negative consequence regarding them on the part of their leadership or some government agencies of some states after they express initiative ideas. Such proactive psychologists have their own ideas, if any, have their hands tied up, since, besides being a psychologist, they don’t know anything anymore, and they are probably for real or far-fetched reasons afraid to speak and introduce something new, thinking what if a license for their work is taken away from them or they are forbidden to engage in psychology in another way.

But not having life experience or, as they say, unsure of themselves - not all psychologists, judging by the fact that some of them advise not to restrain emotions, respond with aggression to aggression, since “swallowed” aggression programs a person for uncertainty and failure, and as a result, as already mentioned, the use of alcohol and drugs in order to feel comfortable, thereby compensating for all the lost confidence in the aggression that took place earlier against him. Did psychologists really know all this before, times just changed, and such bold statements were allowed on television programs about psychology and other information resources?

“... after 10 years, there will be no hungry at all, well, unless someone from the bullet will put someone on a diet. And as there will be no hungry people, there will be no malice, theft, all disgrace, we’ll close all these prisons ... ”

Sample words of Vanka (Rolan Bykov) in a dialogue with Andrei (Oleg Yankovsky) in the film “Two Comrades Served” (USSR, director Evgeni Karelov, 1968).


Probably, in the future, science will come to the point that there will not be a single person with unmet needs. What is meant by happiness: not to work, to have time and the ability to satisfy your personal needs, but who will work then, in the modern world, someone must work so that someone does not work? Where can I get the resource at the moment so that there are no people with unmet needs all over the world, until science can come to the rescue of solving this issue in full, everyone is "twisted", how can it?  

There are many popular science films where they say that there is someone who is genetically prone to aggression, and he is already the one who is usually called a criminal, that criminals will exist, since this is due to heredity. On the contrary, there are popular science films that say that genes do not play any role, in any case, dominant, and that criminals become as a result of talking with those who are called bad people, watching so-called bad films and getting so-called bad information or as a result of life in a poor country. It is worth adding on my own that there are no criminals in rich countries (they are, but only among visitors), how can I explain this? According to media reports, prisons are being closed in the Netherlands, there is no one to sit in, and this is not due to a significant decrease in the population. So what happened to the aggression gene voiced in popular science films? This means that this is a mistake, fiction or exaggeration, which means that the standard of living affects whether a person becomes a criminal or not, the richer the country, the fewer criminals in it or not at all. Why do scientists in one of the popular science films talk about crime genes, and that a criminal in prison is “reprogrammed”? These scientists are mistaken or were asked by some politicians to express themselves in such a way that they justify the presence of prisons and prisoners in order to please these politicians, since some politicians cannot improve people's living standards, and it is cheaper for them to hire scientists with convenient interpretations about the gene or genes aggression and scroll their theories in popular science films and in the media? Since we consider emotions, in our case we mean people who commit crimes on an emotional basis, for example, on the basis of aggression and other emotions.

But as police and police say, let’s turn to the facts after hearing someone’s opinion. Since this someone may be mistaken, even being a certified psychologist or psychiatrist, for the reasons specified earlier in this material.

As already mentioned, there is a country with a high standard of living in which, according to the media, prisons are closed because there is no one to sit in them because there are not so many criminals - this is the Netherlands. But we will not dwell on this and consider another variant of the possible reason for the closure of prisons. Let us turn to statistics, maybe there are simply fewer people in this country, but such information was not received from any information sources, and who will leave the country with a high standard of living, on the contrary, many tend to leave and come.

There is only one conclusion, which means that they still become criminals, not born, and the standard of living significantly affects the number of criminals in society. The richer the state, the fewer criminals from the local population, including criminals who commit crimes on an emotional basis. Only immigrants from less affluent countries can commit crimes . Probably, the standard of living is reflected in everything, even in institutions that print books - if such an institution is located in a poor country, and it is not one of the affiliates of a rich corporation engaged in printing services, then the books will be printed there longer, as there are no funds for staff expansion and capacity development. This is under the condition that they do not have a queue of clients, again we draw conclusions, not forgetting about other points that affect the event.

So, again we conclude that it is undesirable for psychologists and others whose work is similar to that of a psychologist to talk to people on “pieces of paper”, it is advisable to go out into the “field” and be yourself in all possible social strata, places and situations, if nothing the old cannot be changed in the psychology of people. In any case, it doesn’t work out in certain aspects of it, since it has already been mentioned that some people continue to feel uncomfortable and negative in the psychological sense, because of this they use psycho-stimulants harmful to health , like alcohol, drugs, and become disabled from it, die, go to jail and experience other troubles. Well, if you don’t even go out into the “field”, then something else needs to be done.

Chapter 2. Just about the complex.

Lyrics: it is intolerant to express your subjective critical judgments and to condemn someone on the basis that his appearance and behavior model do not correspond to the conservative paradigm imposed on you by society. Is there always the temptation to give in to your point of view, since this is one of many things that endorphins are produced from ?

Beware of those who want to impute your guilt, they crave power over you. Words attributed to Confucius.

The approximate words attributed to Sigmund Freud are as follows: “Everyone speaks of what he lacks, who does not have sex - speaks of sex, the hungry man speaks of food, those who lack conscience speak of conscience ...”.

“I washed off with a friend ... self-preservation is the first duty of a person”, - the phrase of the officer from the movie “Ten Little Indians ” (1988, USSR, director Stanislav Govorukhin).

Manipulation by creating a guilty complex? You can continue the Confucius saying: “Beware of those who call you to conscience and morality, they want to manipulate you”? Why are so-called high moral values ​​spoken only by those who are not engaged in physical labor? Careful with critical judgments about anyone? You can interpret everything, how is it profitable for you? In each lives a fighter of units of psychological operations, all your life is the psychological operations that you conduct against someone and that someone conducts against you? Media scandals show that the one who is famous is very vulnerable, be careful, any action and any relationship can entail a series of events that can be unpleasant? Do not load me with your emotions: in the future, a ban on the demonstration without any agreement of programs, films, short stories, oratory, etc., causing anyone's emotions, especially those considered negative, is possible ? Many who lived in the USSR would be surprised to learn that their favorite foreign punk rock and other groups created or contributed to their creation by the KGB of the USSR? Is all music and fashion (short skirts, object sexualization ) created by special services through famous musicians and fashion designers, or do special services make them famous? Among musicians, only those who sing about love do not participate in politics, and then some of them are hired to participate in political events, for example, in elections such as elections? Is “soft power” the introduction of “alien” cartoons, songs into the territory of a geopolitical competitor (enemy)? “Soft power” through cartoons, movies, computer games, music, etc. shows who is friend and who is enemy? Anyone can be blinded from everyone, at the moment there has been a transition from a risk society to a fear society? Is it a paradox that used to die from the consequences of risk, for example, from wounds received in battles or in fights, now from the consequences of fear, for example, from alcohol and drugs that drown out fear? Who said that politicians do not need any of the citizens of their countries, they really need citizens, some politicians have made those who are called neurasthenics, some people, urging them to take care of themselves, since politicians need people? Advances in medicine also affect the emotional sphere of people, people live longer, don’t see as many deaths as people who lived before, then parents, sisters, brothers and other relatives could die early, old times psychologically prepared people to will die sooner or later? On dating sites, those who cannot realize their desires in reality, or, if simpler, those who are not with the universal psyche that most partners approach, on dating sites, as a rule, those who are looking for an exclusive? Some women on dating sites “wool” these sites in order to find someone for whom they will be almost goddesses, and after the “find” they will contain these women? Accusation of the accusers - some know how to turn the millstone of the law against the one who turned them against him? The average person needs in his youth to go through a period when he drinks, smokes and leaves home, only those who are called independent and psychologically independent do not go through this? The expansion of consciousness is an enabling environment for what is called propaganda when you revise ideals, and clamp when propaganda is carried out? Have a personal case study, do your psychic duplicates go everywhere? The film "Scarecrow" (directed by Rolan Bykov, USSR, 1983), if someone is pressing ( bowling ) somewhere, he simply did not work psychologically with those who offend him? Troll and trolling are the new names of those who like to mock or chase someone ? If you are beaten physically in any place where you have to be among people - this is your flaw, have you worked with those who beat you? Not everyone who controls steals, why should they steal, if they set the amount of their salary for themselves, is there nobody above them? Does the law work, even politicians try not to violate it? Is the law as a means of increased technical danger, can chew anyone in their millstones? Some are invited to some specific radio stations to “load” others, you in this case, but no one is inviting you to these radio stations? Does the opposition politician live on the money of taxpayers of a foreign state, does the current politician live on the money of taxpayers of his state? In a poor state, it is harmful for mental health to have “outside” thoughts and fantasies, since they may not be satisfied? Some opposition politicians and some special services, musicians, writers, directors that help them, carry out the task of promoting certain sexual relations of a different nature, a rich life (and not only that) so that the one who “relies” on it could not subsequently integrate qualitatively into society, he will be distracted by thoughts of something else, and it will be difficult for him to live? Some current authorities in some states give pensions and other social benefits, and some opposition only gives “a load” and not a penny more, “spoils” people, inspiring them with needs that cannot be met in their material situation, and they’re not going to pay for suggested needs, they gave you a “load”, you “carried” it and continue to spin with it, as you want? If you want to know the mechanisms of politics’s work, don’t have to climb the darknet in search of information, go out and go to any bookstore, buy the book “Political Science” there or go online and find it there? People don’t want diversity, they don’t want to think about each thing separately - it’s human nature, therefore they generalize and unify everything, is it convenient to think about one thing when this one has generalized into everything than to think about each of many? The old saying “good is punishable” works, so when I see a stranger or a friend drunk on the street through the window, I go out and help him get up and go home, but before that I leave my cellphone at home so that if something disappears ( will lose or will be stolen from him), and he will report to law enforcement agencies, they did not call me? In some cases, are migrants a niche that locals do not want to work in? Write books and do not criticize your works heavily, print for your money - if you were in any opposition structures or served any opposition organization, a country that supports this organization with money would print your books, no matter how good they are or the bad ones, successful ones or not, weren't they looking at anyone? If any government is not interested in your books, then no one will ever give money to print them? The philosopher is this behavior? What is non-academic psychology? Do not spend money while you have a good income, save it, especially if you work at a job that you hate, you can spend money on studying in a new specialty, for example, there was a policeman - retrained as a programmer, without money in a “ hitch ” for a “black day” to be dangerous ?! You need to satisfy the needs that have been invested in you by higher forces (sexual or love, for example), or there is a need to leave work that depresses you, but you are afraid, you don’t know how to satisfy them, and the unmet need is replaced by alcohol or drugs if if you go to a psychiatrist, will she be replaced with sedative pills? Why, if detained drunk, at least for the first time they are not sent to a psychiatrist, but give a fine or arrest? A modern psychologist should be an economist and political scientist, since in each individual state should psychology be adapted to the situation in the country, some psychologists, not realizing this, pick up what has already been worked out, but do not work in practice, and continue to cultivate it further? What is right and wrong? “Where it’s bad, it’s very bad, it’s very good for someone there,” are the exemplary words of one of the heroes of the film “Action” (director Vladimir Shamshurin USSR, 1987) , perhaps he had in mind the entire globe or less global scale? When someone is in a comfort zone, another for this should be in a zone of uncomfort , it is currently impossible in the economic sense to make everyone who is called happy, someone has to do hard work so that someone else does not do it But in the psychological sense can many be made happy? It is impossible at present to make everyone feel good, for one to be good, for the other to be bad? Is there at all what is considered good and what is considered bad? In some countries, books on psychology call for educating willpower (spirit), psychology in these books is “tailored” to the economic situation in the country in which it is written, history knows entire nations and countries whose population did not want and did not intend to cultivate this willpower (spirit), they were rich, they didn’t work anywhere, they hired soldiers (they didn’t serve in the army themselves) so that they attacked resource-rich countries and pumped these resources out of them, they thus defended their rich lifestyle, they preferred this as opposed to tempering "spirit ? Modern psychiatry, or rather, the chemical drugs that it uses, is aimed at suppressing emotions, do you become calm, quenching emotions with pills, and experiencing the same or similar state that scientists are in? An ad on the Internet “Lessons of rhetoric in Nsk ”, what rhetoric, steal (remember) rhetoric from political radio stations and from political television programs? Look at everything scientifically? Are some scientific and technological achievements designed to simplify life complicate it in a psychological sense? Only to some people did the higher powers decide to give a permanently stable psyche to scientists, astronauts, etc., so that they would not be distracted from their studies? Who invented the fact that the psyche must be stable, higher forces do not want everyone to be stable and that you be stable and satisfied? In order for your psyche to stabilize, higher forces want you to be constantly in good shape, your psyche stabilizes at some point when you achieve what higher forces demand from you, for example, the psyche stabilizes when you satisfy your sexual desires? The most powerful instinct is the reproductive instinct, if a person with a high testosterone content is deprived of any sex, he may become incapacitated, speaking the legal language, that is, be in a borderline mental disorder, because he does not execute a program of higher powers called “reproduction” ? Go to the store for alcohol to stabilize the psyche, or go to the psychiatrist for sedatives - from alcohol withdrawal symptoms, from pills nothing or almost nothing? If someone caused unpleasant emotions in the process of communication, do you need to say goodbye and leave immediately (or leave without saying goodbye)? In ancient times, the authorities of some countries did everything through the use of physical force: they took force into the army, did not release them from their country, now all this has been replaced by what is called propaganda, and it turned out that it was no less, and maybe even more effective than physical strength? I can’t believe that some politician wouldn’t want and would not try to improve the living standards of the citizens of his country and not improve its infrastructure, making it more attractive and comfortable, otherwise people from his country would simply disperse to other countries? For some, emotions interfere with life and are forced to use alcohol and drugs to stabilize the psyche, which subsequently leads to what is called complete destabilization? Weight, age, appearance, dysmorphophobia and the path to neurosis, what is the normativity of physicality, and what if you do not fit into it? If you are ugly, then you are out of luck, in order for you to be “rolled up”, do you have to look in a certain way? The law of visiting your outlet is also focused on the established programs in your head, for example, for men this law is the presence of beautiful female sellers at the outlet, on which men will come to see more than once and with attempts to “roll up” to them or make a gift? The fascist standard of beauty rules, or is it just competition, or is it being rolled up to everyone, since there is a buyer for each product? Is propaganda first an expansion of consciousness and then a clamp of consciousness? Some animals do not give animal emotions to study high quality? Are psychiatrists and narcologists compensating for shortcomings in the economy and even power structures? You could be raised by anyone, do you doubt it? Are many successful only externally? Everyone is attracted by the coincidence of life experience? He's talking about romance, but she wants to eat, does this mean a man from a rich country and a woman from a poor one? For what is called alcoholism and drug addiction, there must be certain qualities, how should there be any psychological predispositions for every job, for example, those who are called alcoholics and drug addicts, are they people who are very sorry for themselves or almost afraid of everything? Know what higher forces want from you, and ways to achieve what they want from you? Who likes to indulge in matches, can he kindle a fire? Are there phrases “cement” aimed at building society, and phrases “hammer” aimed at destabilizing?  Psychoactive words that change neurochemical processes are so-called combat or relaxing words, they must be prohibited, controlled, or some of them can be used to control some people, or rather, using what are called emotions that awaken after their use? You can interpret everything in different ways, for example, I saw this phrase: "It is beneficial that the slaves (people) be healthy." Do you feel the difference in the body’s reaction to the words “slaves” and “people”, the word “slaves” “catches” if it is emotional, and makes it perceive as an insult? A lot of words per unit of time - is this “wiring” from fighting or relaxing phrases? Many are saved from physical work by what they call oratory, if, of course, they do it? Why is the number of speakers, musicians, writers and other producers of so-called intangible goods in countries considered civilized to be increasing, if things go further this way, a person engaged in physical labor will become so rare that monuments will be erected to him, as before speakers and to writers? Why don’t those who are called clairvoyants predict the exact places and time of the disasters, why don’t they say when and where there will be a plane crash, building destruction, accident, natural disaster? No need to be a shaman in our time to see the state of the body, will this be done by ultrasound, MRI, etc.? Where can I get a resource to support the life of people if all of them become producers of intangible goods, who will feed them, visitors from some poor countries? Is there such a thing as verbal balancing? People sometimes ask provocative questions, after which the qualities inherent, as some scientists say, in animals, for example, aggression, are included. How to release emotions, if you are an emotional civil servant, and you can’t set people up against yourself, verbal balancing acts to help: if you are asked why people have such low wages, you need to say: “As a civil servant, I understand you, but as a person I want to to tell you to work more and pay more ”? Do not show off for the good, kindness can be a mask, a means of communication, and the good can send you away yourself? Is everything created by nature and / or higher powers? Why in some places higher powers called "nature" because some politicians do not want to give all power to religious organizations? Some animals on the street do not understand that not everyone can be expected to be good, people look the same, but do they have different programs in their brains? The social services of some rich countries do the right thing, that they take children from families where they shout at children, children raised in such families will be overly emotional and will suffer themselves and torment others? Life was not wasted, just you and your desires have changed? As a man he is good, and what kind of citizen is he? I heard from the news that the guy, working in law enforcement agencies, received citizenship of another country, stole money, which, most likely, were “ material evidence ” in some criminal case, and left for this country, after the authorities of this country refused to extradite him to the authorities the country from which he left, since he is already their citizen, a very thoughtful guy, or will he be sent sooner or later back to where he came from? Half of some of the different governments and of the structures that serve them simply “play”, pretending that they really were inspired by the observance of great ideals, and they themselves are very pragmatic guys and have a good money “ hitch ” , and some of them invent these ideals themselves?

What some may know (for example, from the so-called full and prosperous families) and what, as a rule, some do not know (for example, from the so-called single-parent or dysfunctional families), but they need to know this, being in some places in order to ensure sustainable production of endorphins throughout life:

  1. There must be a monetary “ hitch ”, especially if you live in a country that is considered to be poor, you need to look for a substitute for the large social allowance existing in countries that are considered rich, in the form of money hidden on a black day. There are planets with an aggressive and fatal environment for the human body, if a person gets into it, he dies, he needs something to survive, for example, a spacesuit, the same thing is on Earth, but only in an economic sense. It is a mistake when a family is created, to spend everything that is earned and not to save, there must be money, no matter where, in a bank account or at home, a husband or wife suddenly loses his job.

  2. Any side that, in your opinion, causes harm to you, can receive damage to the same extent and even to a greater extent, while all this can be done without violating the law and without any connections. This, as a rule, is not known to those who grew up in an incomplete or in the so-called dysfunctional family, they are afraid of aggression against themselves and do not react to it in any way if it manifests itself, which subsequently affects their psyche and leads to behavior considered inadequate. They also react to someone else’s aggression in an unlawful way (beat the offender) or in the same way react to a remark made by someone that seems unjust. So, to insult in an interview or to insult in other circumstances, some resort to physical strength. But if there is no evidence that you were insulted, and this makes it meaningless to file an application with law enforcement agencies or you never thought about it, since your relatives did not teach you this, you can not cure the resulting mental trauma by physically affecting anyone, and a statement secret or explicit to law enforcement or other authorities. And this statement may not concern insults, it will write what makes the offender, for example, pay a fine or get in trouble about something else. For example, they impolitely answer in any institution, and at the same time they do not follow the law or any rules, well, at least the fire safety rules are not followed, and you write to the Ministry of Emergencies, the result is a check and a fine, etc.

  3. Once life experience will tell this to some who did not know this: “I used to be afraid of many, and the fear of them made them put their interests above my interests, but then I realized that they were all nobody for me,“ a colossus with feet of clay ”, which wasn’t meaning in life without the pleasure of achieving your goals, that no matter how you take care of yourself, you’ll die sooner or later, and therefore you need to put your interests at the forefront. ”

  4. Communicating with people with life experience, athletes and those who are called and who consider themselves happy people, he concluded that they all put their interests above the possible unpleasant consequences that may arise on the way to achieving these interests, and above interests others (possibly those who grew up in a full and considered prosperous family). 

  5. A person is a set of the collective unconscious, so you can predict the behavior of some people (namely some, without generalizations), including those who can harm you and with whom you need to be careful. Knowing the household collective unconscious of the average person, you can predict negative and positive events:


a) The first of the collective unconscious is that it must be remembered that almost everyone to some extent wants sexual relations; almost everyone is prone to criticizing others; almost everyone will tell your wife or husband that you molested or molested to show your relevance; almost everyone needs communication; almost everyone is inclined to what is called "window dressing" (a demonstration of wealth in its absence); almost everyone will change their character with age; almost everyone wants to use you, etc. Next, everyone can add something to their list of actions of the collective unconscious at the household level.

b) Lyrics:

“I'm afraid you will rape me.”

“You will still be honored to rape you.”


Everyone has a different sexual temperament, someone has more testosterone in their blood, someone has less. The one who has more of it will be more likely to seek sex, respectively, the one who has less testosterone, less often. Advertising slogan dating site: "Tired of complex girls?". Those girls who are considered beautiful (the same can be said about the guys) will almost always be with a difficult character, prepare for the fact that all of this category will be so, and high or low sexual temperament or gender difference will not matter here , the beautiful ones will "caress" themselves, but they will not agree to meet without material costs, they are prone to what is called manipulation. If you are a man, and a woman from the category of well-groomed looks at you, it may not be because of love or sympathy for you, perhaps the man of this woman is not doing very well in the monetary sense, and she is looking for a new “feeding trough”, wants to become a " state employee " again ? Those who are called bastards, this is also from the category of those who are called non-self-reliant? Some, trying to manipulate someone, think that everyone around is fools, and they are the smartest, and this can annoy some? If you are simply "fooled" by your head and not given what you want, it will continue to be like information on a person in the police database, if someone is inclined to something, he will be inclined to this all the time, and therefore it is better to change the person, you need to act as a personnel service? Many men, as is usually the case, generalize, saying that all women are only interested in money and other material goods, but these will include, so to speak, as a rule, only a certain social stratum, these are women with good external data, those who consider and called beautiful, but among men there will be such. Invite to your city girls from those who are called beautiful and ugly, from other cities, one of them will definitely come to you, but it will most likely be those who are considered ugly, and this proves something that is not for everyone wealth is higher than potential relationships.

The stereotype that girls do not immediately surrender to temperamental men is most likely just a stereotype, again this will apply to those who are considered beautiful, it is worth finding a girl who is not considered beautiful, she is immediately ready to do everything for a man, meet on the first day and give gifts. I do not like that most of those who are considered beautiful are complex individuals, find someone who is considered ugly, and you will see the difference. But there is one “but”, almost all the girls (not all, most) of those who grew up in an incomplete or in the so-called dysfunctional family, whom I knew and who were from the category of beautiful from my point of view, although they were sometimes difficult for the character but none of them manipulated people of their own or the opposite sex. 

              Most men from the category of ordinary people want a quick turn of events with the opposite sex in a sexual sense. “You are adequate, if you are adequate, come to my home,” is part of the dialogue with a girl whom I have known for several days through a dating site.

Women also have these, they have, if I may say so, a male type of sexual behavior, they do almost the same thing as men (say about sex, etc.), and they like the same thing as men. Popular science shows say that they have a lot of the hormone testosterone in their blood.

Not to catch the opposite sex and not take a blood test for testosterone from its representatives, is everything recognized through dialogue? Intimophobia is a kind of cognitive dissonance, when you want, but scary? Who are feminine men and who are women with masculine energy? If an old acquaintance drives up to a man, then she doesn’t have a relationship with her husband, and she is looking for a replacement for him in the form of a new breadwinner for her and her children? Is there a brain department responsible for sexual behavior? Do some have sexual desire when interacting with a person of the opposite sex? Women (perhaps those who are called non-temperamental or with prejudice) who shared their impressions of staying on a dating site: “As soon as registered on a dating site , males only send offers to have sex like“ kuni ? ”Or“ let's meet for sex ". In some societies, there are a lot of sexually dissatisfied people - is it good because they have an incentive, or vice versa is bad, because it makes it difficult to focus on work? There was an article on the Internet about the need for social (free) prostitution, will it really somehow solve sexual problems, or is it just politics again? Someone can be beautiful, but not sexy, that is, not causing any passions, and vice versa? In some places, the face of women is closed so that the elements of attachment and desire do not work for the man? Those who succumb to what is called emotions or passions are called non-self-sufficient, infantile, and in some cases they need a partner with opposing qualities in order to survive?


A table accidentally found on the Internet, source:


Excess testosterone

Testosterone deficiency


A strong attraction, in which there is hair loss on the head, but rapid growth of vegetation on the rest of the body

Weak sex drive leading to impotence and a man’s lack of need for intimacy


A strong attraction, but in which the appearance of male signs in women in the form of abundant hair growth on the body, face and coarsening of the voice is noted

Negative effect on sex drive, but still less dangerous than for men, since at a normal level of estrogen there is a slight smoothing of hormonal deficiency


The table says, presumably, about what is called pathologies, about pathologies associated with excess and deficiency of testosterone. This material also speaks of a large amount of testosterone and a small amount of it. The male hormone testosterone determines the line of behavior of both men and women, if it is present in a standard amount in men, their behavior traditionally remains male, and it must be assumed that if it is in the same amount in women as in men, then the behavior of women becomes similar to the behavior of men, the behavior of men in a sexual sense.

Science fiction writers write that traditional carnal relationships in the future may be considered a perversion. What now? Now everything can be done sexually, but there are still a lot of annoyed people, as a rule, because they have no sexual relations or they have, but not in perfect form from their point of view. And it is with an annoyed person that you can start a relationship faster than with a comfortable feeling, an annoyed person is a signal that indicates that he is missing something. Annoyance is due to the fact that the programs established by higher forces cannot be realized. Each member of the society is disadvantageous for a large number of people outside the comfort zone, if it is disadvantageous, then it is necessary to give all people to fulfill their needs, but at what level can their needs be realized, to the level that is maximum permissible in terms of what is allowed by law. You can not officially give advice considered advice, so to speak, not for everyone, sell them with a prescription in pharmacies.

A man came for help, and an aggressive woman herself, judging by her behavior, has unresolved problems. I accidentally ran into the Internet on a video where some kind of aggressive aunt, similar to what is usually said, to a neurotic aunt in the doctor’s office and in the doctor’s dressing gown rudely speaks about what sexual issues come to her. From the video you can understand that young people who come and say that they often want it are annoying and disgusting. She says, “Why are you shoving your hand in there?” And she says many more phrases that show signs of aggression. What can I say? We can say that everything is corny, that the one who came to her has a lot of testosterone in the blood, and this probably scares him, since he, besides testosterone, still has hormones that cause excitement. And since he has no life experience and, perhaps, no parents who would suggest the line of behavior he needs, he does not have information on how to stabilize the psyche in this case in terms of its sexual.

If the situation is shifted to the principles of programming, then he came to an aunt who supposedly is a doctor and, possibly, a psychiatrist, for “drivers” that will give an answer to the question of what to do, and for now, speaking, again, in computer language , "Freeze". He came for a program of behavior that he does not yet have for the above reasons (due to lack of life experience and, possibly, due to informational “starvation” in this and not only in this area in the family).

Perhaps cognitive dissonance prevents him from getting to know the opposite sex, fear and the desire to get to know each other are struggling, and fear conquers. And even if he meets someone, then he (if we are talking about a guy meeting a girl) can run into a person with low sexual temperament, and he needs a partner with the same amount of testosterone as his. And in general, most likely, he will not know that all people are different not only in character, but also in sexual temperament, for someone he is tall, for someone low, for someone average. He generalizes everyone and, having run into a girl with a low sexual temperament, he may begin to think that something unacceptable for others is happening to him.

“Each Abram has his own program, ”

all that remains is to add that another program is needed - a “driver”, an algorithm of actions for implementing the main program, and then higher forces will remove from the body what causes psychological dissatisfaction and discomfort, and highlight what causes euphoria - endorphins .


In the old days, politicians fought a lot, they did not go to the psychiatrist with the question of what to do, how to stay in power or how to suppress this need with or without the help of psychotropic drugs, they had a “driver”, a line of behavior for fulfilling their need for power . Everyone has a choice - to suppress their need for something and get a dose of chemical elements that cause unpleasant sensations, or to realize it and get a dose of what causes pleasure. It's simple: the human control system works in the “pleasant” and “unpleasant” mode.

I watched a movie for a long time, the name of which I don’t remember, in which after the battle the warrior, seemingly from those people who are called Mongol-Tatars in history books, shouted out an approximate phrase: “Oh gods, why are you having fun arranging wars?” From this we can conclude that people have long guessed that they are all characters of someone’s game, and we can assume that it is with the help of chemical elements in the body of living things that cause aggression, fear, love, passion, pleasure, discomfort, etc. e. do higher forces control them, including man himself? Higher forces control all living things with the help of what was discussed above, with the help of chemical elements that cause aggression, fear, sexual attraction, emotional attachment, etc.? But for everyone, everything is dosed differently, for someone something more, for someone less, which allows everyone to go on different life paths, the one who is usually called overly emotional will not be an astronaut or a scientist, this will emotions distract him? 

At each technological stage in the development of science, there is a comparison of something with this stage. They invented the phone, and some life processes began to be associated with the phone, some compared the brain to the telephone switch, invented the computer, the associations of life with the computer, that everyone lives in a large computer, is it just an association or is it all there? 

Recently, a theory has been popular with some that we live in a computer program, in a game, and even if it is not, few will deny that all people have a basic needs program, like factory settings for robots made by programmers, working in the field of industrial programming.

As has been mentioned many times, in advance there are some basic programs embedded in a person with higher powers (for example, the need for sex), but not always, speaking, again, in computer language, everyone has “drivers” in which their paths are indicated satisfaction, and here some are obsessed with this problem, which makes it difficult to serve the President and the Government, as well as all members of the society of the state in which the one who has such a problem is in.

“... they spend their time worrying about unrequited love, and often during working hours, thus switching off from the sphere of social production, from this point of view the problem ceases to be purely personal in nature, it becomes a state problem ...” - the author’s exemplary words in the beginning of the film “Vacation at one’s own expense” (USSR, 1981, director Viktor Titov).

              Do some who are at the helm need to reveal the "cards" in some areas to those who have problems, and everything will be fine? Do not forget that the upbringing of some is not only their government, but also the governments of other countries? The governments of some states, in order to “spoil” the governments of states that are competitors to them in every sense, can, through their agents of influence (in the form of musicians, writers, politicians, directors, etc.), educate the population of a competing state or needs that can become problematic? What to do when some, so to speak, have very complex sexual fantasies and, perhaps, even considered illegal in some parts of the world? Why are some actions of some, and not just sexual ones, considered illegal, as this prevents other people from working normally and calmly for the benefit of other people and for the global good called civilization? Some will call you preoccupied or preoccupied, some impotent or frigid, depending on who you are among? What actions are the laws of most countries aimed at suppressing? In the modern world, it’s unlucky for those in whom aggression, fear, sexual desire are too pronounced, in a word, those in whom there are more qualities inherent in animals, as is commonly believed, and he can’t realize all this in a legal way? Why in some countries they take children from families in which they beat and even shout, because it is believed that a child from such a family will be similar in quality to those called animals, will he live with excessive fear and aggression? Comparison with animals of all of the above in this paragraph is wrong, since not all animals have excessive aggression and excessive fear, but only those that have been treated through aggression and in other ways that form what is called a disturbed psyche? The treatment of someone, considered to be bad, in childhood forms unfavorable qualities for him, among these qualities there will be needs that interfere with living comfortably in some cases? Does anyone's need attract anyone called manipulators or scammers? Anyone with what is called a problem can help information?

Everyone should be in a comfort zone, with satisfied needs, but no one should stick out what is called weaknesses, as this can provoke a situation where, due to his behavior, he becomes uncomfortable with another. Faced mature people with the so-called high sexual temperament, with a tendency to change partners. They fulfilled their needs, meeting in pairs or m + m + f and vice versa, the third could be bi or lesbian , and lesbians met solely to meet a woman, the man simply used the second partner's lesbian orientation, giving her his girlfriend. That is, a man got acquainted on lesbian dating sites , took his girlfriend bi and went to this lesbian and thus met his needs without material costs or with their minimum, because, as a rule, beautiful women want to be spent on them, and here access to the female body is free. This is from some of the unspoken resources of a good mood.

c) Statistics show that people with inclinations that are considered inadequate try to get to where they have access to fulfilling their needs: those who are called pedophiles, pediatric doctors, necrophilia - the morgue, sadists - the police or the police. Do not commit crimes, otherwise you may be "lucky" to meet those whose hobbies are considered inadequate, that is, sadistic (although they can then answer for this by going to jail). There is no work in the city - move to another city, there is no work everywhere in your region - move to another country, get out, like everyone else does. When you commit a crime, you immediately legally become almost powerless, your rights are substantially cut, and the arbiters of your fate appear in the form of representatives of punitive power.

d) If you are ambitious, do not satisfy your ambition in a way considered inadequate, write books, make money and publish them, there is no money - publish them on the Internet in samizdat for free.

e) Hooking - envy do not envy, get annoyed, don't get annoyed, anyway the relatives of your colleagues will help them to advance in the service, this is also a household collective unconscious, help their relatives survive.

f) Envy and irritation - also the everyday collective unconscious. Who is the body, and who is the parasite in it or on it? In some cases, it is precisely people resembling each other who cause each other irritation and hostility, the one who is called a parasite will dislike the same as himself, since he has nothing to profit from, is he a consumer, not a manufacturer?

“To get better, to eat well, and shift all the dirty work to others ...” - the words of the captain of the schooner “Phantom” about the collective household unconscious from the film “Sea Wolf” (1990, USSR, Odessa Film Studio, according to Jack London), Jack London invested the quality of a “cold” philosopher in the captain of this story.

"Even" Hello "can be said to insult a person, even" bastard "can be said, so that he will melt with pleasure."

Words attributed to singer and artist Vladimir Vysotsky.

g) The desire to dominate, the desire to exploit someone, to be in someone else's thoughts, to fall in love with them and they want.

g) To love or, in another way, to have emotional affection. Some women, demonstrating independence, do not provoke a desire in men to care for them, and this leads to the fact that they can be left alone. Why in some, as a rule, economically developed countries, social services take children away from excessively so-called emotional parents so that the child does not become over- emotional , and over- emotional - this is more like an animal than a person in its desires and behavior? Some men and women fall in love with some psychologists due to the lack of attention to them in childhood by their father or mother.

I too lacked love”

“It was enough for me to find myself in the company of an attentive man - and without looking back I fell in love with him, imagining that he was the very person with whom I wanted to live my whole life. But disappointment came just as quickly. I could not break this vicious circle, and I decided to turn to a psychoanalyst. Telling him about my relationship with my father, I remembered my childhood experiences: it seemed to me that he did not notice me (he never played with me, did not read books). I really tried to attract his attention, to please him. These memories helped me to understand that I was transferring my unmet need for love and recognition to other men. ”

Source: . It remains to be added that if everything is as it is written, then the so-called love will not go around the one who grew up in an incomplete or in the so-called dysfunctional family. 



"Love is a hunt in which game pursues a hunter."

Words attributed to Alphonse Carr. This is from the point of view of creative people, and from the point of view of science, love is one of the programs of human management prescribed by higher powers that exists among most people, and this program is with someone to later make the remaining algorithm of actions prescribed by the program: create family.

“Girl without an Address”, USSR, 1957, director Eldar Ryazanov, in this film, a person, like a robot, is fulfilling his program. 


“... I sent you thousands of signals ...” - exemplary words of the heroine of the film “Good Morning Princess”, 2014, Spain, directed by Carlos Cedes .


"... some like girls, let them mess with them ..." are exemplary words attributed to JV Stalin.


“Baba is like a dog, she always needs a master”, are exemplary words by Kadrus (Vsevolod Shilovsky), the hero of the film “Prisoner of If Castle ”, USSR, France, 1998, directed by Georgy Yungvald- Khilkevich (based on the novel by A. Dumas “ Count of Monte Cristo "). Most women have such a program, they always want the man to be with them, otherwise they feel discomfort?

“... don’t be surprised, I’m not a beautiful woman who is not paid attention to ... young men who I like speak with me only on duty and only on service,” is an exemplary dialogue between the two heroes of the film “A Man in Civilian Clothes”, USSR, 1973 year, director V.N. Zhuravlev .

Lyrics. “According to etiquette (meaning the etiquette of those countries where the offer to meet, coming from a man to a woman, is not considered sexual harassment), I should stop asking you to meet and meet, ” the phrase for the first female doctor once she received the patient with a smile, and the second time with irritation.

If you give a compliment to a beautiful girl (woman), you will be banal and similar to other guys (men), whom she can have a lot in a day if her work is connected with communication with people and you will be unbanal and original only when no compliment will you give her? Look - this is a "signal" to acquaintance from the opposite sex or it is just spontaneous action. Sexual attraction and love show that everyone is like biorobots? What are the stereotypes, that if you want someone or love someone, this is a weakness, is this part of the program spelled out in the brains of almost everyone, and if it didn’t exist, there would be no reproduction and creation of families? Love is when you want to (with the help of higher processes by the chemical processes in the body) to share your emotions and feelings, including sexual ones, and love is sometimes a withdrawal syndrome, as after drinking alcohol and drugs, the withdrawal syndrome works specifically so that you are with your family. The main thing for a woman is to cling to a man, and is this also an everyday collective unconscious? If a lonely childless woman “drives up” a man, first of all she wants to start a family, and for this she is ready to do everything for a man, if she is lonely with children, then she needs money, is such a program incorporated in it, should it ensure the future of the child? A woman who doesn’t need reverence and who doesn’t need to "mess around" in the sense of starting sexual relations in a traditional society and in the so-called poor country is an exception to the rule, but are there anyway? A woman in different status will behave differently (not generalized, all women are not meant): an unmarried childless woman will do everything for a man, unmarried with children will need money or a breadwinner, married, if she is looking for a man, then she doesn’t have everything is good in a relationship with her husband, and she wants to change him? A large poor woman will have developed a number of algorithms to manipulate a man, immediately "not give", etc.? Some people have too romantic ideas about marriage, but what is called instincts, for some who have them more pronounced, can break free, for example, polygamy ? When entering into marriage, it is necessary to take into account the biological nature of man, his collective unconscious and collective everyday unconscious?

              Why do you (if you are male) have a dating site, in your area several women will send you 100% signals to get to know them, look at you, etc. One of the reasons why some are not married is to not respond to such signals? If you are a man, and you are from the category of those who are called non-self-reliant, you are not recommended to marry, it is better to just cohabit, otherwise it could end in divorce, alcoholism, police, child support and even prison?

h) Also, the common collective unconscious can be attributed to the tendency of living beings to love only their relatives (there are exceptions when it is the other way around, but we talk about the majority, as usual) and help them and not feel feelings for non-native people and do not help them (try to wander alone in a foreign city, sleeping on the street or in the basements, you just have to look at the light burning in the windows and know that nobody will let you go home, this will be part of the collective collective unconscious in people, they don’t have a program in their heads might be unfamiliar, well, perhaps sometimes not in a large amount, for example, give money for a ticket home).

An example of love for your relatives and indifference to others. For example, a person with a brief description of him: a father who is a state employee (policeman), was fond of women, didn’t live with his son, but “started” relations with him at the age of 15, he wanted him to do, so to speak, a semi-criminal business (changing currency in the market), while sharing part of the profit with him, but he did not send his daughters with whom he had lived since their birth or to another semi-criminal place of earning money, he did not demand profit from himself, he sent to graduate and I bought a house.

i) To criticize or, as they say in our time, to “ troll ” someone and collect what is called gossip, to irony against someone, for example, colleagues, in order to feel more competent than he.

ATTENTION! This is an affirmative phrase. The following dialogue is not advocating any kind of behavior. In order to give an example, the following dialogue was provoked with a woman whose age, according to the information on her page is 41 years old, phrases were removed from the dialogue that did not, from the author’s point of view, relate to the subject under discussion, punctuation and spelling were not changed.



  April 7, 18:40



  April 7, 19:15


Only communicate

  April 7, 10:13 p.m.


And what else can you do?

  April 7, 10:14 p.m.


Make an appointment if age permits.

  April 7, 10:40 p.m.


A meeting? For what purpose?

  yesterday, 07:33



  yesterday, 08:00


I'm not sure that I want to kiss a stranger.

  yesterday, 08:01


Well done

  yesterday, 08:01


What is so uncertain

  yesterday, 08:13


Why do I need this? I have not found a reason.

  yesterday, 08:15


Then let's look for reasons

Can you get to a meeting or just old-fashioned communication?

  yesterday, 08:35


I don’t see a reason for the meeting yet. And communication can be different. Depends on the interlocutor.

  yesterday, 08:40


While the interlocutor comes gloomy answers

Looking for a reason to meet, do you always one way or sometimes dilute the weather with communication?

  22 hours ago


I do only what I see the point.

  22 hours ago


Well done

So you will not be a poet

  22 hours ago


No. Therefore, I will not. No talent. Alas

  22 hours ago



  22 hours ago


You can’t be talented in everything.

  21 hours ago



  21 hours ago


Here you are, for example, a talented interlocutor. And very interesting.

  21 hours ago



Especially after my answers for sure)

You flatter me or irony, but nice)

You're not as hard as I thought at first)

Talented in everything in only one country (name removed due to political correctness), they are superhuman

  21 hours ago


I'm flattering.

  21 hours ago



  21 hours ago


Strange, I didn’t notice this for people from this country (the name was deleted due to political correctness). Were we in the same country for sure?

  20 hours ago


So their leader once said)

Write the phone number, chat)

  19 hours ago


So we already "chat". No?

  19 hours ago


No, correspond

Will you write the number?)

I'm not free too


  18 hours ago


I do not give my phone number to strangers. (It’s fraught. There were precedents.) So far I can’t be convinced of the adequacy of the interlocutor, his goals and intentions.
Sorry. Nothing personal.

  18 hours ago



  18 hours ago


Good . Thanks for understand.

  18 hours ago


Even so

My mother is an English teacher)

Okay, let's chat here)

If I suggested you meet, would you agree?) With the quarantine condition in the form of communication here?)

  18 hours ago


And I have a husband. Not a teacher, really ... English

Meet why?

  18 hours ago


Well, if I'm not your type, and if you don’t need it, you can’t even meet then

I don’t know your taste and your sexual temperament)

  18 hours ago


I am a former travel agent . So ... for information.

  18 hours ago



  18 hours ago


My husband is my type. And I do not like sex. I prefer to make love with a loved one.
Therefore, if the purpose of your meeting is treason to your wife, then this is not for me.
But to chat with an interesting person ... I am always with great pleasure !!!

  18 hours ago



My wife is also not very temperamental and also Natasha)

  17 hours ago


What does “also” mean, you have defined my level of “temperament” by correspondence?

  15 hours ago


You called him yourself

Not determined

  15 hours ago


Did I name my temperament? How?

  15 hours ago


No need sex said

except with husband

I'm looking for a partner for a relationship

but we do not fit each other

  15 hours ago



  15 hours ago


And if I do not betray my husband, does this mean “not very” temperament ?
Logics? No, I have not heard!

  15 hours ago


Well done

  15 hours ago


Or maybe your wife’s temperament is “not very” for you, because she has already found a relationship?

  15 hours ago


Then, therefore, we do not fit, not because of temperament, what's the difference, the main thing is that nothing will work

I have not found anyone

  14 hours ago


Did she tell you about this?

  14 hours ago


You don’t cheat, here she does not cheat

Or are you only so decent?)

Or maybe you are cheating?


Write the phone number, talk)

  14 hours ago


I do not change, because my husband does not change me, and we love each other. For this reason only.
We have already discussed the phone.
By the way ... as useless information: a woman always knows when a man is cheating on her. And she is silent in three cases: she has nowhere to go, she does not care, she herself does it.

  14 hours ago


And what is your case, if you do not change, then there are two

you have nowhere to go or you do not care

  14 hours ago


you have nowhere to go or you do not care

Husband told you himself that he’s not cheating on you?

I hope in English?


  13 hours ago


Do not make me laugh, why are you suddenly so sure that your husband besides nobody fucks you, and all others should doubt the decency of their husband or wife. The next thing you have going on, maybe your husband is a day of Mrs. or Miss something that does not inspire myself that you're awesome connoisseur of life, the children's ears trips, do not forget that as much as I and you.

  13 hours ago


Can't you read?

Or understand what you read?

  13 hours ago


And you?

Have you read, understood, read?) If you do not understand, then I repeat, you don’t have to tell yourself that your husband is not cheating on you, and their wives and husbands are cheating on everyone else)

and catch from this unhealthy schizophrenic buzz)



and you need to monitor your affairs, not strangers, so you don’t get on your ass since you don’t see your own affairs because of a lot of attention) Where do you know your husband now?)

  13 hours ago


Why should I inspire something for myself or someone ??? Stupid and useless venture.
I just know that, like any other woman.
And it's not about age, appearance, wealth ... it's about feelings. Love. Have you heard that?

Watching TV. And what?
Why are you looking at other people's affairs? And How? Understood nothing.

  just


You know the saying: “Your shit doesn’t smell”, you are trying to prove here that everyone smells, but you don’t, everyone fucks right and left, but you don’t have that you and my husband have two doves (if he’s a husband at all and not a 10-day visa visa, there are no photos with him here). You are a simple ordinary “ Troll ” who sits here for days and tries to “ troll ” my husband only me on a topic, and the rest not only me. Your so-called husband has dozens of people like you, you have no doubt, and he told everyone that only with her. He does not cheat on his wives, not the first, not the second, not the third, not the fourth. Foreigners from some rich countries like to find women in some poor countries, especially those enchanted are popular with them. Go to work, preferably with physical labor, do not sit on the site for days, this will help you sober up and ventilate your brain. The physical labor of the mind does not add, but foolishness removes.


j) The use of manipulative (combat) phrases and words designed to cause emotions in some emotional people, for example, in the form of aggression. The task, for example, of special services is to create a likeness of a cancer cell in the psychological sense in an adversary state, which will work independently. Educate people against their human nature (you cannot get acquainted with the opposite sex) so that the natural cannot break out (sexual attraction) and cause discomfort to citizens. Does everyone know what immigrants are? Another task of the special services through the media controlled by them is to create illusions, form a “suitcase” mood of people from countries - geopolitical opponents, to convince them that they will be unhappy until they leave their country, and become happy when they come to another country (only whoever puts them on everything ready, not for that in some rich countries the ancestors of the citizens living in them earned wealth in their colonies, but if they let everything ready, then only when the one who lets them have their interest) .

k) People are divided into those who hear surrounding people (suggestible), and those who do not hear. An obsession with something or someone pushes everything else out of consciousness, or rather, does not allow at all, shame, embarrassment, conviction, self-pity, what is called drug addiction and alcoholism, an obsessed person will never become an alcoholic or drug addict, even if he tries it.

m) The collective unconscious (and this is probably not the everyday collective unconscious) is still the creation of a leader and following him.

m) Torment from lack of demand and from unrealized ambition.


The girl searches for the one in love, and tells the woman what she knows about her lover: "He is the inventor." “I also have a sign, if he hadn’t invented anything, then everyone would know him here.”

Dialogue from the film "Vacation at one’s own expense" (USSR, 1981, director Victor Titov). The answer of the woman to the girl, presumably, has a hint that there are many inventors, there is no one to work in ordinary work.


Lyrics: they say that in some civilized countries at the moment there are as many writers as there are readers, is it now easier to stand out if you are not a writer or inventor than if you were a writer or inventor? In some places there is no one to work, since all writers and inventors?


n) The disrespect of those who have not achieved anything, the lack of fear for their illegal actions against those who do not have the so-called social status, and the desire for a splash of aggression among some towards those who do not have a social status (towards the one who is called homeless, alcoholic, drug addict, common man and scum). Part of the correspondence that struck up with a man who called himself a pensioner of law enforcement agencies, after commenting on a video about a person being detained by law enforcement officers:

“... I was waiting for this, insults started against me, broke through a decent one, I called all my colleagues, former security officials, rotten due to the fact that they were reporting to their former colleagues, and it means that it’s not rotten, I already thought you in the Red Book as a rare species to write. Judging by the insults addressed to me, because of the power over people, you must assume that you went to the security forces, so that for the fact that you will insult them or don’t know what else, you don’t have anything, and not from scum to clean the streets, the fight against “scum” is all the cunning of some in uniform, they inspired themselves into it, and those who you called scum, some security officials need, like oxygen, in order to satisfy their sadistic needs, here it is, the real insides of some , hiding behind the screen of the struggle with the "scum", if you do not know, having worked as you say, in the power structures, I’ll tell you, “scum”, as you called them, these are, as a rule, people from dysfunctional or single-parent families who are not lucky to take a respected place in society, and people without social status always accept aggression of those who have a need for sadism, since sadists know that they will not be anything ... ".

Attention, this is an affirmative sentence : it’s just part of the correspondence organized for this material, power structures, if we talk about those that I know, consist of normal people according to generally accepted social norms, they have many people who are ready to give their lives to save a person , I personally talked with such people. They simply have units of people who enjoy the way called inadequate, and who are called sadists, in civilized countries, where people are all literate, they do not last long, they are kicked out or sent to prison. In general, without power structures at the moment it is also impossible, otherwise the end of civilization and evolution. In every profession, related and not related to working with people, there are people with so-called anomalies, for example, among pediatric doctors there are those who are called pedophiles, but, of course, this does not apply to all doctors, etc., history knows doctors who gave their lives by conducting experiments on themselves. People with the presence of what is considered a mental deviation in the understanding that is being discussed are simply programmed to enjoy actions that are considered inadequate, it is from them that the body gives them hormones of pleasure.

o) Another household collective unconscious is the desire to give gifts to the opposite sex and enjoy it, that is, a dose of endorphins .

p) If you go drunk in a metropolis, you may be pulled home gay or, if you're a girl, pulled straight.

c) People who are considered non-self-sufficient will try to manipulate you to meet your needs with your help. The work “Secret resources of a good mood of some” describes the behavior of a person (a girl of average appearance) from the category of those who are usually called non-independent and unpleasant people. She wanted all men to “fall” in front of her, to see relations with them only on the material side: men should repair her, for this she would give herself to them, etc., etc. At the same time, she complained that she had depressed, and she goes to a psychiatrist, disdainful of her lovers, who, in her words and in her opinion, were flawed in appearance and psyche, but agreed to make repairs for her for attention to them (I don’t know if she had them sex). She also talked about the so-called withdrawal syndrome (the term of the author, not a girl), which should be used in communication with a man, that is, an abyss for a while and not communicate with her boyfriend so that a man starts to panic, but panic will begin only for those whom they call psychopathic personalities - she did not take into account the fact that she generalized everyone and attributed to them an imaginary line of behavior, possibly based on life experience in which there was a male person who reacted to stopping communication with her in a way called psychopathic m . There is only one conclusion: not a single normal and handsome man in the generally accepted sense of all this will agree to such relationships, only those that she had. And men are now becoming what they call feminine , they themselves want to be fed and fed by women. In general, whom does this poor fellow want to “bred” for repairs in her apartment, if she comes across a person who is over 35 years old (and that was between people of about this age), he already has life experience, and it’s harder to “untwist” on something or in such a frank way, everyone wants normal relations in the generally accepted sense, and she, as the people say, is looking for stupid oneself, this annoys and pushes people away from her, and only those whom she calls flawed remain with her on such conditions. As they say, you need to sacrifice something, but dad did not tell her this, since he did not live with her.

Is a psychopath called the one who "row" for himself and believes that everyone owes him, is a psychopath a diagnosis or a label on who is disadvantageous? Why almost always those who are called spoiled find friends among those from the so-called dysfunctional families? There are no independent ones, are there people with “right” and “wrong” obsessions?

The one who is called non-independent is Heinrich Schwarzkopf (Oleg Yankovsky ̆), and at the same time the one who is considered independent is Johan Weiss (Stanislav Lyubshin), can be seen in the film “Shield and Sword” (1968, USSR, director Vladimir Bass).

What is the definition of independence, what is it, independent? According to generally accepted norms, it is customary to call and consider independent a person who painlessly dispenses with friends, without alcohol and drugs, without drug psychostimulants , without sex, which does not have what is considered to be mental defects (fears, depression, aggression, just excessive emotionality, etc.) e.), because of which friends or psychostimulants are needed , who has a job or study with which he is obsessed. Do you need to work, as they say, on yourself in order to make yourself the one who is called independent, or again everything depends on the country of residence of the person, if it is rich, then you can afford to be independent, if not rich, then you can’t, or if you personally rich, then you can be non-independent, but if not rich, then you can’t? When, so to speak, you start working on yourself, it becomes difficult psychologically - popular science films say that this is due to the formation of new neural connections? If I do not, I will gobble up myself in a psychological sense, I need to know how your psyche will react in the future to your actions or inaction?


r) If you connect life with a person who has many so-called negative weaknesses, and at the same time he is such, you can die early or go to jail.

g) In life, you will certainly have some kind of freelance (unusual, dangerous) situation, and maybe not one, for example, will pedophile in childhood as a child, they will try to rape, they will try to beat, detain police officers, among whom there may be sadists, can hit a car, you need to know how to behave, and prepare yourself for this.

f) In your youth, you will “be led” to some overvalued idea, without thinking that you can be brought to it by those who are called agents of influence.

x) Also, the production of endorphins from comfort and wealth can also be attributed to the household collective unconscious, since it is inherent in many, therefore we attribute it to the collective, and not to the individual unconscious. The desire in any way, even illegal, to take possession of money, buy a house on the seashore, ocean and receive a dose of hormones of pleasure from this.

c) The desire to create a family. When this desire arises in two people who are called non-self-reliant, this is, to put it mildly, not very good, it is necessary that at least one of the future family members be from the category of self-reliant. As already once, probably, it was said, if a poor people create a family, you need to be prepared for hardship, if you have what is called weaknesses. As you raise a child, that is how it will be. How to convince a naughty child of the need to listen to what you tell him as a parent: “If you do not respect me, then this does not mean that I am telling you something wrong, I have experience, but you don’t” ? How to explain the fact that the family is complete (the child has a mother and father), but the child is still in the category of the so-called "non-self-dependent", went to prison, became an alcoholic or drug addict? There are two factors, either the child of those who are called "spoiled" with the self-survival mode turned off, or his parents are poor propagandists, and they lost to more skillful propagandists (propagandists from the street or from television, from the Internet and other media).

In every state there are doctors who treat, there are social services that help, and, seeing all this, some from the category of young people from some countries and from some families, due to lack of life experience, have the illusion that power and society are super kind , weak, and because of this, the instinct to “crush” the weak under oneself, to be “cool”, works in their midst. The instinct works to crush the weak under itself, the authorities and society seem weak, they start trying behavior that is called illegal, trying illegally (robbery, robbery, etc.) "crushing" the government and society, but it’s kind of kind, but all around rather pragmatic (not all young people even know such a word, they come from their vocabulary). Some young people do not understand that in order to treat people, doctors, in turn, people benefit the authorities and other people for this, and this is not entirely kindness, but pragmatism, symbiosis, mutually beneficial coexistence, the authorities need a healthy person to work, Well, every mentally normal person according to generally accepted standards wants to be healthy by himself.


" Choose death in your own bed, head over heels in shit and urine under the supervision of selfish, spoiled bastards , whom you also brought into the world ..."   

The words of one of the heroes of the film "On the Needle" (the one who had " detox ", accompanied by "hallucinations") based on one of the works of the "singer of the chemical generation" Irwin Welch .

h) The occurrence of unpleasant sensations from someone’s touch (when someone walks and touches someone, saying “Get off, I’m going this way”, or after touching the back in front of the exit from the public transport.

iii) In most cases, a single woman with any sexual temperament who has a child will seek a breadwinner, and not a relationship with romance and sex, romantic relationships can come, as a rule, only from a childless woman who hasn’t turned on the program to do everything for the child, she is even ready to endure in a man what is called weaknesses, for example, what is called alcoholism. A married woman with a child in most cases will part with her alcoholic husband. For many men, marriage can be the cause of depression, some unmarried women are not “married” to married men, for them a married man is the second grade, and the average man, as a rule, has a need for female attention. In this regard, many men do not marry, but simply live with women. On the Internet, on dating sites are mainly “consumers” who are looking for material resources to improve their livelihood; does the person who works simply does not have time to sit there? The words of a friend: "You can’t give a man right away, otherwise he will lose interest in relationships." Do "consumers" always have a set of manipulative actions and phrases? Do not go on the Internet to a woman without a husband with photos of her manhood and with romance, if she is not from a rich country, she wants to eat, not circuses, but some of the rich countries (and not from the rich too) do not understand this? Many women want to find a man with qualities called decent, but these men are decent because they are not interested in women, but only in work or anything else. Some European men who are interested in women complain that they are interested in some European women only when they give them money, but let them try to meet women from Africa or Asia through social networks or go to Africa or Asia, they are guaranteed such attention that they could not even imagine? Does the standard of living affect the relationship between a woman and a man? Is a single woman with children looking for a man with money in the same way in countries with different living standards, or does this happen only in poor countries, and in rich countries women are not interested in money?

u) The presence of public sector employees, not public servants, but public sector employees. These include beautiful people who do not work and who are supported by their partners. Some of those who are not ready to support them, “roll up” to them with “decent” and “indecent” offers, but are refused. Dating sites in some cases, this is a place where people meet - "state employees" by nature, it is this personality trait that leads them there, they are looking for breadwinners and drinkers who are not found outside sites.

(b) There are people who enjoy the discomfort that occurs in them, or rather, overcoming what brings displeasure.

s) "... revenge is one of the incorporeal passions of mankind ..." Sample words of Dr. Watson (Vitaly Solomin) in the film "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson", USSR, 1979-1986, Lenfilm, director Igor Maslennikov .

The desire to avenge someone for something that caused discomfort, or what is called problems.

If you look at the situation with revenge, which is expressed in the form of permanent courts at one's own expense with any of the individuals or legal entities, then from the point of view of survival, this harms the financial situation of someone who has a passion to sue. From the practical point of view, this is the accumulation of practical knowledge in this area that can be sold, if, of course, there is a demand for it, because the demand is always for something new, when a vacuum has appeared, and it needs to be filled with something, for example, invented the Internet, and there is nothing to fill it in, the programmers wrote social networks and much more, and now it’s kind of like you can’t write any new programs, everything is already or almost everything is written.

b) There are people who enjoy using what is called drugs and alcohol. The windows of the apartment of a multi-storey building overlook the private sector, in the private sector there are houses in which diluted alcohol is sold for bottling. Looking out the window, you can see how people, like robots, are going to get a portion of pleasure in these houses in an endless stream, you can directly write a fantastic story about a repeater for controlling the population in the form of a place of sale of a substance that causes pleasure and alcohol.

e) The desire for stability and security of everyone in each area: household, work, etc.

y) The desire to dominate, and not only through physical strength, for example, through a hairstyle that others do not have, through a car that others do not, etc.?

All factors of the household collective unconscious and not only the household and not only the unconscious (for example, sexual attraction) in contact with a person and in relationships with people, whether you want or not, will have to be taken into account. It must also be assumed that the actions of man and people will be based on them, on the basis of, so to speak, a program prescribed by a person that involves an algorithm of actions, and these actions can be predicted by knowing human nature - they become predictable.

Everyone can tell a lot about the domestic sphere in terms of stability and security, but the one who, naturally, worked and got a job can tell about the working sphere. How will the so-called “respectable” or “branded” companies fulfill their need for stability and security? They will create a security service that will check according to passport data for a criminal record and bring to administrative responsibility their potential employees. When you know this, you need to find out if there is a security service in the company you are working for, just find out, call the company and ask if they need an employee in the security service. Do not give if there are criminal convictions and administrative offenses, passport details, since if the company has a security service, it will check along this line and there’s little chance of getting a job (of course, if they experience personnel “hunger”, they will take any person )

       Then everyone can add a new item.

Strange is the one to whom the collective collective unconscious has not spread.


2.1. Tag management?

The transmission of information can be through various objects, for example, through clothes, is clothing one of the parts of the communication system through which people talk? No newest psychoprogramming and the like, it's all too tricky, are everything controlled in the old fashion with the help of “on-duty” words and phrases or tags?


Below is the code used to create WEB sites. Any code for creating web sites partially consists of HTML tags, HTML attributes. The HTML code that makes up any web page should be familiar to many, you can see it by browsing a page on the Internet, clicking on the right mouse button and then clicking on the “View Code” button in the window that opens, here’s how it looks (this is just the beginning of the HTML code, the continuation is impossible for legal reasons, legal reasons mean copyright):

<! DOCTYPE html >



< html >


< head >


< meta charset = "utf-8">















Everything works as follows: the server on which the site requested by the user is located, sends the HTML code to the browser of the user , after which the browser translates the code into human-readable information resources, in a word, into everything that the user sees on his web page when “ has come in. ”

What does this have to do with this material? When a certain HTML code is introduced to those who decide to create an Internet resource , the created page of the site immediately reacts with an image of something or undergoes any other changes. For each image of something on the created site or action, there is a certain HTML code, tag. There are websites on the Internet with a list of HTML codes, insert the one you need, and this will entail certain of the above consequences. Something appears or changes on the page, what appears and what changes depends on the HTML code entered (the site consists of other elements besides HTML tags , the writing of which affects the structure of the WEB page, but for convenience, if no one is against , everything that affects the page change will be generalized by the term “tag”, as all chemical elements that cause pleasure in the human body, one - endorphin , have been generalized in this and in the past materials ). A brief example of HTML tags :




<! --...-->

Used to add comments.


Declares the type of document and provides basic information for the browser - its language and version. 


Creates hypertext links.

< abbr >

Defines the text as an abbreviation or acronym. Explanatory text is specified using the title attribute .

< address >

Specifies the contact details of the author / owner of the document or article. Displayed in italics in the browser.

< area >

It is a hyperlink with text corresponding to a specific area on the image map, or an active area inside the image map. Always nested inside the < map > tag



So it is with people. As already mentioned, by all indications, people are partially controlled by higher forces or something else, but it is still controlled through instincts and the genetic code, and partially people control each other with the help of words and phrases. 

People have such a thing as etiquette. Etiquette can be seen as a collection of psychological "tags." Etiquette is needed so that through words or actions not to cause a person considered negative emotions. A person who has experience in life knows how a word or phrase can cause some people to call what is called hostility or aggression, or vice versa what is called kindness and pleasure.

Words and phrases can also be called tags, not only in a technical but in a psychological sense. Certain words or phrases affect some people. Some phrases or a word is a code for the appearance in the human body of certain chemical components that cause any emotions, which are subsequently pushed to any actions. One code in the form of a phrase or a word will cause aggression, a second fear, a third love, a fourth sympathy, etc. And it would be possible to create a tag site, meaning psychological, for those who want any action from any people.

The first psychological tag may be the phrase “Thank you very much,” the second “Sorry, please,” the third “You have no conscience,” the fourth “You have lost shame,” fifth, and so on. “It's not like a kid ” , “Friends don’t do it”, “Are you a coward?”, “You are a weakling”, “Weak in spirit”, “You are a lazy person”, “You are a zero”. Or such: “You are afraid of everyone and everything, because you are afraid of someone’s aggression or consequences, but a person is mortal, how not to protect yourself, you will die someday anyway, but because you’re afraid of everything, you don’t realize your needs ”, etc. Almost all psychological tags from this list can be called manipulative , they are from the category of manipulation by creating a guilty complex or an inferiority complex.

But you can voice tags that, on the contrary, demanipulate a person, save him from the results of using manipulative tags, they have already been cited as an example: “Do not be afraid of anything and you’ll die sooner or later, do what you want, do as your soul does “Lies”, but so that it doesn’t make you worse ”and“ Don’t be shy and fear anyone’s criticism, because you’re embarrassed and afraid of criticism of people who will die, those whom you are embarrassed, afraid, will someday die "You are shy or afraid of the dead in the future." It is clear that the phrases indicated in the last sentence ( demanipulating tags) are not for everyone, for example, they can be for those who have manipulative phrases (tags) caused the so-called borderline mental disorder or some kind of psychological discomfort that interferes with life.

Tags can be divided into relevant for each profession and for each case separately: tags for conversation between boss and subordinate and vice versa, subordinate and boss, tags for dating the opposite sex, etc. You can create a collection of psychological tags.

Also, the categories of tags include sayings and “winged” phrases: “Teach your woman soup to cook”, “All this has already passed”, “Promise - do not marry”, “Own, your own, and eat your own bread”, “Each ground squirrel agronomist ”,“ Saying - don’t turn over the bags ”,“ To spite my mom frostbite ”, etc. Tags can be considered phrases prepared in advance for a speech or conversation:“ Don’t be offended ”(with this phrase you kind of ask for forgiveness without apologizing in fact, that does not infringe on your vanity, if there is one, and therefore does not hurt your psyche), “Breaking yourself” (a synonym “Step over” through yourself). When someone who has a so-called social status is insulted by someone who does not have one, those who have status say when they do not consider it necessary to respond to the insult: “Who is he and who am I” (in the sense of “he is nobody, and I have status in society ”). In general, we create a database of words and tag phrases, words and phrases with which you can encourage someone to take any action. The base of words and phrases like the base of HTML tags I have already begun, whoever wants to can continue. Where did these words and phrases that are called tagged in this material come from? Probably, they appeared when it became impossible to control people with the help of brute physical force, times changed, and began to manage in a different way, that is, with the help of phrases and word tags. Who invents words and phrases designed to control the behavior of people, who is the legislator of opinions, the one who controls people from among the people themselves? Whoever writes legal laws writes moral laws?

But we must not forget that there are a certain number of people who do not perceive tag words and phrases, while these people do not need to be persuaded so that they cease to perceive any tag words and phrases, they simply do not perceive them, probably such higher forces or other circumstances created people after which people cannot control them. In general, you can say that any book written in human language is also something similar to HTML code, you write it, add or delete something, as in HTML code , and what you wrote can affect the behavior and the thinking of the person who read it.

Probably, different human languages ​​are conceived by higher powers so that people can be "programmed" by a ruler only on their territory. Then, perhaps, people are really created for the entertainment of higher powers and everyone is in a computer-like game. And one can also assume that there will be or will be created realities even “cooler” than our reality, since there is a theory that people, or rather, their descendants, are those who are now called higher powers. The gods are our descendants, who made such scientific and technological achievements of their time, and they created us.

The services of some rulers calculated that a person begins to pay off after everything invested in him after 30 years of his life, respectively, it is unprofitable for rulers to have people die earlier, and this is mutually beneficial between people and the government, since most people want to live long. Then some states can be considered as firms in which the resource is people. You create a state, recruit people if they were not on the territory, and the company has earned, create among people those who treat other people, those who monitor the safety of people, those who come up with tags, workers and so on, health and safety people need to be watched since you are dependent on people if you are a ruler. All relations between people and the ruler are beneficial, and the word “company” has no negative connotations, just some states can be compared with a company or, if you like, with computer strategy games.

It is with the help of codes that a person communicates with a computer, this is the language of the computer, the programmer is a translator into the language of machines. Words written or spoken by someone are also human-readable code, and it, like programming languages, can be different in every sense, word code can be foreign, manipulative , etc., write and say what you want and how do you want. And, of course, a person has a genetic code, so to speak, factory settings, and there are, so to speak, acquired settings, this is what was formed through communication with people. It seems that higher powers have provided a person with autonomy controlled or semi- controlled by them. You can do something, but you can’t not do it, but if you don’t do what the higher powers prescribed, you will not be psychologically comfortable, and the higher forces have also enabled people to program each other using words to certain limits. Acting as a speaker or, in other words, as a teacher of life (in this case it may not necessarily be a specific person, but the so-called media) programs people for a specific thought or action. And, again, there are people who succumb to his influence, and there are those to whom he will not be interested, and they will go along the same road, never turning anywhere off it.

As already mentioned, in the HTML language there is the concept of a “container” (these are two called “paired” tags), you insert in it (between them) what you need, you refresh the page and that’s it. The same thing in human language, insert into simple speech words that evoke emotions, and those who need it will "hook", but someone will not. Probably, the higher forces want it, here they are already taking effect, they have determined with the help of the so-called genetic predisposition who will “catch” words and phrases (we will call words and phrases, as we called earlier, tags), and who will not.

A partial result from everything previously written in this and in the previous materials: higher forces through the program in the brain, the genetic code and chemical processes in your body, which at the moment means the production of endorphins , have already determined your behavior, so you can relax and just go along the path lined with the hormones of pleasure, because the pleasure received from something is a beacon. Various behavioral programs that come from the outside through hearing and sight can lead you off the endorphin path, and you will take the path of life without pleasure, is it because higher powers expected a completely different behavior from you? You don’t feel the pleasure of life, so you are going the wrong way, with the help of internal opiates, higher forces communicate with us and direct us to the right path? Fear, aggression, sexual desire, love, sadness and other emotional states are just software with the help of which it is prescribed by higher forces to react precisely and not otherwise to certain situations? Someone died from loved ones, and the program instructs the endocrine system to produce what causes sadness? As you know, the programs can be different, as it does not sound paradoxical, a person at the death of a person close to him could have a program instructing the endocrine system to work out not what causes sadness, but what causes pleasure? In all programs, it makes sense that a person in love starts a program that causes love in the absence of the one he is in love with, instructs the body to highlight the same thing that causes sadness, so that it does not disappear, but creates a family so that who is in love? Like or dislike, these two words are designed to determine if there is a production of hormones of pleasure or not. Something like it, that means you are going along the path that the higher forces want, something you don’t like, so you have deviated from the route? Why do some hormones of pleasure begin to stand out from the behavior considered inadequate, who "wrote" such a program for them? Etc.

There is an interesting science fiction film dedicated to human emotions: " Equilibrium " (anti-utopia, post-apocalyptic ), 2002, USA, directed by Kurt Wimmer . In it, the cause of all problems of the authorities is declared by human emotions - to suppress them, the population is obliged to take the Prozium drug daily . Although something like this happens in our time, only drugs that suppress emotions can be prescribed by a psychiatrist, rather than forced to accept power, they can be forced to accept life. It is logical that some too-so-called emotional people have a need to take drugs that suppress emotions, and people who are not emotional do not need to take them. If you believe the statistics, then we can say that the reality in some places is partially similar to what is shown in the film " Equilibrium ". Some statistics suggest that in our time, almost half of the population of one of the civilized categories of a large country takes medications for a comfortable mental state. But still, some in many countries go to the store and buy alcohol there, and then something called problems can begin.   

The funny thing is that everything written and all life experience can be put into one sentence: there are people who are emotional and there are unemotional people, you need to either suppress or realize your emotions, while the emotional half-lives, if not all their lives, solve their problems related to emotions, non - emotional  self-actualizing , learning, because they do not interfere with it to do emotions, and that’s all.

                      Studying, money.   Emotions                                                                     


                                      Emotions Learning , money.                                                                                                 


In a family considered prosperous. In the so-called dysfunctional family.


Those who call someone non-self-sufficient, inadequate and infantile can cite as an example those whom they do not consider such: independent, adequate and non-infantile , in their opinion, there will be someone who does not need friends, sex (let's say if sex and interests, then no more than another passion inherent in the one who is called independent, for example, a passion for studies or work, etc.) who do not need alcohol (again, maybe alcohol is of interest, but no more than, for example, again, study or hobby, for example, sports), and yet they don’t need n rkotiki, the "independent" does not have such emotions as aggression and fear, and they are one of those who does not go in the wake of what is called passion sekusalnyh , revenge and so on.. In general, the independent ones who feel comfortable without all this, who does not have, so to speak, “parasite” thoughts imposed from outside by someone (self-pity, some kind of morality, etc.), increased emotionality (emotional attachment to someone, that is, love, fear, aggression, etc.), and again, so to speak, no parasitic fantasies (sexual, ambitious, etc.), although for some toryh sexual fantasies and ambitions can be motivated to achieve any goals. Such people, as a rule, think only about work, they are fans of their work, they don’t make unnecessary contacts, they lead, as previously mentioned, an ascetic lifestyle, for example, if this is a programmer, he closed in an apartment and write for days on end. Also, those who are able to earn money or who have what are called weaknesses are inherent in those who are called non-independent, but, unlike them, know how to satisfy them. That is, the so-called independent can be one who has what is called weaknesses, but he knows how to satisfy them.


“... saw the girl in red when he was in the simulator? She is beautiful, I wrote it in a computer program, and we differ from machines in that we humans have weaknesses ... ”Sample words of one of the heroes of the film“ The Matrix ”, 1999, directors Wachowski brothers , USA, Australia .


But, again, as already mentioned, higher forces cannot create only those who are 100% independent, and create only those who, without what are called addictions, otherwise this would affect human survival, as has been said many times, if everyone ceased to be very interested in sex, and only science was interested, would people stop reproducing, and is everything balanced? Can people who are addicted to alcohol addiction switch and tend to switch to another addiction such as sex? Some poor countries can not afford the so-called infantile (non-self-reliant) people, in these countries they are “imprisoned” after they have committed what is called a crime? The authorities of some poor and some rich countries do not want to see their citizens drink alcohol and do not work anywhere, for their “education” there are fines and administrative arrest, and they simply deport foreign citizens for this? And, as already mentioned, the authorities of some poor and some rich countries want to see citizens of countries that are competitors to them for material resources, etc., who drink alcohol and do not work anywhere? Is it cheaper for some rich and poor countries to hire propagandists in the form of radio and television hosts, musicians, poets, writers, politicians, etc., than to share their wealth with the people of different countries?


“To run, to run, you need to earn it,” - the exemplary words of the main character of the intelligence film “A Man Without a Passport”, 1965, USSR, director A. Bobrovsky . The main character means that no one will accept anyone abroad just like that. to do something “useful” for the country into which another character of the film wants to escape, within the framework of the film, useful is understood as collecting the necessary intelligence information, only then it will probably accept it.

You may not notice how you become a tool to achieve other people's goals? Some musicians, writers, filmmakers, opposition structures of some states receive money from some places not just for the creation of music, books, movies and other works, but for what is called destabilization.

They have the so-called standard “package” of actions that are considered destabilizing (they are taught how to implement them at seminars): propaganda of what is called same-sex relationships (so that the geopolitical adversary has a reduced population), educating the population in a spirit of uncontrollability ( seeing as many areas as possible life of people from the country of a geopolitical adversary, violation of human rights), etc. For musicians and writers, filmmakers, etc., the task is to spread the so-called depressive oeniya, cultivating a sense of injustice, and so on. n. Watch movies, listen to music, read a book, released into circulation before 1990 and after 1990.

The human brain is a plastic material, anyone can be fashioned from a person.


As already mentioned in the work “Unspoken resources of the good mood of some,” do those who are called the opposition always or sometimes live on funds from foreign states, the current authorities live on funds from their state? The fact is that rich countries will never take to themselves from poor countries those who are called infantile and independent, since after that they themselves will turn into a poor country? The most impressionable of those who you managed to “load” in line with the material support of you are your parents, if they are normal in the generally accepted sense, will they help you on an instinctive level for the rest of their days? A person from an incomplete and from the so-called dysfunctional family - a biological cell open for viruses or a device not protected from virus programs, he does not know how to react correctly in any situation and which line of behavior to choose? If you work on yourself, you can change at the genetic level, only it will be very painful psychologically, and when it’s painful, it will form new neural connections in the brain, the person will be reprogrammed, is this all true or pseudoscientific? When a very handsome person of the opposite sex of middle age looks at you from your point of view, does he either want a relationship with you, or is he one of those who are called non-independent, and he wants you to support him with money?

A person needs a standard on which one can “equal”, so to speak, in the case considered above, the above type of person, called “independent”, can be considered as an example to follow, just, as they say, work on yourself, new neural connections are formed, like says in popular science films, and you’ll become what you want.

“... now I have to neglect my hobbies ...” are exemplary words of one of the main characters of the film “I'm Going to a Thunderstorm” (USSR, 1965), in the context of the film we mean love interests that are neglected for the sake of another passion, for the sake of science.

In cinema, of course, there is a certain percentage of fiction, although feature films are built on the real life experience of someone. Not all scientists need to “step over" for the sake of science through their emotions, for example, through such as love for a person of the opposite sex, they simply do not have them.

There are those who have exclusive knowledge, and this, as a rule, is due to the fact that they are unemotional, and therefore, emotions do not interfere with doing what they do (software engineer, doctor, scientist, do not mean amateurs, but professionals of these professions), there are also those who have special psychological qualities (for example, military), and therefore often they do not look for work and employers, and work and employers look for them. In order for some emotional people to reach such a level as they (if they want it), you need to turn off or satisfy (if possible) all emotions and instincts (at least partially), as it happens for those mentioned above, but for them it happens painlessly, and some will need to "break" themselves.

If you believe popular science films, when you break yourself psychologically, the so-called new neural connections form, that is, it seems like when you are psychologically difficult, this suggests that your psyche is changing.

It has already been said or not, there are those who need communication with other people (in the sense that the psyche requires it, and not circumstances, for example, the need for relationships with the opposite sex), and there are those who do not communicate with people needed, and it does not bring discomfort, these are called independent. Those who need communication with people are called philistines, and if communication is required in large quantities, they can be called non-independent, and if even more, dependent. But as already mentioned, it is impossible for everyone to become super - independent and super - independent , this would entail certain consequences. If everyone was emotionally independent of anyone, as they say, did not fall in love and did not want sexual relations, then humanity would sharply decrease in quantity. Higher powers prescribe certain programs in the brain, including sexual attraction, for people and all living things to multiply, for all living things to be preserved, and only for some, the sexual desire is disabled, as is the need for communication with other people in the form of love, etc. etc., and these people become, as a rule, those who are called scientists, they are not distracted by anything. The rest are usually called philistines, to whom the author of this material also refers to himself.

Attention, this is an affirmative sentence: you need to create an opportunity or seize the opportunity, if any, to enter and study at higher educational institutions. Not only money, but also a profession, scientific and other knowledge, make a person independent, the availability of scientific and other knowledge is also part of all independence, if you have the knowledge and profession, any employer needs you, employers run after you.


“... you will begin to write complaints, you will create a folder in which you will collect answers to them, and in the end you will become a loser ...” are exemplary words of one of the main characters of the film “Going to a Thunderstorm” (USSR, 1965).


But in the plot of the film, the person to whom this “prophetic” phrase was addressed did not listen, went to the end and won. As already mentioned, revenge and even aggression are the most disembodied passions? Sometimes revenge destroys the family in much the same way as alcohol and drugs, since it takes a lot of time and it does not remain for the family and for making money? While some lead, so to speak, an emotional lifestyle (courts, police) or a radically emotional lifestyle (alcohol, drugs), they lose work and time, life and health because of this, others earn money or, as already mentioned, spend time to study. It is worth imagining how much money was lost, in knowledge that contributed to making money, and, most importantly, how much time was lost by those who spent time on emotional actions. In the end, it is worth thinking about your future, about the future of your child and for the sake of this to abandon some of the so-called passions.

Of course, you can not refuse some emotional actions, as they say, if you can show your emotions in a legal way, then you live in a civilized democratic state, but when there are too many emotional actions, there is no time for rational actions, the result is old age without money and knowledge, if it is possible to survive, unless, of course, these are not the emotional actions that generate income.

Bottom line, a person from birth is a clean sheet, but with some kind of “factory” settings (genetic code), instincts (sexual and others), further information that determines the behavior of a person accumulates along the “course” of life. But he is only born, and he should become by no means a “clean sheet”. Why are there depression, from the fact that a person is left without “downloads”, without a goal. There is no such thing as depression; there is nothing that has “hooked” anything in life and nothing is interesting.

What, as a rule, will be different from the one who grew up in a full and in the so-called prosperous family, the one who grew up in a single-parent family (meaning without a father or mother, one child in a family, etc.) or so called a dysfunctional family (among those who are called alcoholics and psychopaths, everything can also be combined, someone can grow up in an incomplete family and, moreover, in that one where they drink alcohol)?

It will be different, as already mentioned, that one who grew up in a complete and in the so-called prosperous family from the one who had everything on the contrary, the lack of information, information that theoretically and, as a rule, practically has one who grew up in a complete and in the so-called prosperous family. Also, one will differ from the other in that, in most cases, parents will help one live, and the other will not, he will have to come to everything himself, including understanding the structure of what is called life.

They say that a patient should go to a psychiatrist for several years, and only then can he help him, does a psychiatrist help in the end or does a person’s experience gained over several years help?

“... elements far from pedagogy strive with all their might to penetrate our education system, to confuse certain gullible students ...” - the words of the heroine of the film “Tomorrow Was the War”, USSR, 1987.

Why are most people suggestible, or is it not? There is a “kaleidoscope of downloads”, “loaded” and “loaded” with anything, information that is different at different times and in different places, and, as a rule, harmful information (harmful from the point of view of worsening living standards and reducing the life of the carrier of this information ) Are “loading” children from single-parent families or from the so-called dysfunctional families? Some managers of some rich countries compare things that are fundamentally incomparable, they say, this is how we should be, but rich states have money, but poor countries don’t, and rich do not want to share their money with not rich ones? It turns out that representatives of rich countries in some places “substitute” those who are “loaded” with their ideas in poor countries, and “loaded”, as a rule, are those who are from incomplete or from the so-called dysfunctional families, they carry the “burden” and then they pay for it, for example, when they go to jail, and those who “loaded them” disappear, they did their job, which consists in “spoiling” human material, their task is to “spoil” their political rivals, to spoil their people , "Download" information harmful to them in the present or in the future by rmacia? Some rich countries can afford the pranks of their citizens, since they are rich, but not rich can? To beat children (with a belt) or not to beat someone who cannot convince their child with words, juvenile justice says that not to beat and beat (with a belt) should be excluded as part of upbringing, which can happen further in some poor country: an “unbroken” child overconfident, because of what, in a poor country, he can go to jail, and it will be difficult for him, but in a rich country, going to jail is unlikely?


Approximately and briefly about the attitudes of our time, some people in some states from among those who are called inhabitants, and at the same time from among those who grew up in complete and so-called prosperous families, these attitudes are also guided by people with life experience, regardless of what kind of family they lived.


  1. As it does not sound corny, the main thing is not to feel sorry for yourself (if this is done, it can lead to alcoholism and drug addiction) and not to consider your troubles unique, remember that there are people who are in a much worse position than you.

  2. All information is critical and predict the consequences of your actions, and even the information that you give yourself, because it is born on the basis of your worldview.

  3. Do not cultivate the survival instinct (this leads to what is called phobias and neurosis, alcoholism and drug addiction), remember that there is no sense in constant over- caution , because sooner or later everyone will die anyway, and not be afraid to do what needs to be done you. All this, as is customary to say, in a good sense of the word, that is, one must not be afraid and, so to speak, reasonably risk it to carry out any task, as paratroopers, for example, do it by parachuting.

  4. Do not succumb to someone’s provocative criticism, adhere to the axiom “I don’t like it - I do not force anyone to talk to me”, send all the critics “to the fig”, do not put anyone above myself. It’s critical to criticize all those who don’t like it (this indicates self-confidence and that if you are not a leader, you pretend to be a leader and criticize your competitor for leadership status, for example, from some so-called ordinary people you can hear: “I know I’m the devil (sucker), etc.), that is, some parents sometimes teach to look at others "from top to bottom, but not from bottom to top."

  5. Not everything you can control, everything has already been decided by higher forces, so live easy and do not burden yourself with experiences.

  6. Do not resolve issues as they become available, but predict potential problems and prepare for their resolution. On a rainy day, there should always be a “ hitch ”, that is, a stock in the form of a cash account in a bank or from something of value.

  7. If you work in an unstable job, or even seem to be in a stable one, you should get a new education while you work, if possible, either save up money for a rainy day, or look after a new job or profession, as everything can collapse sooner or later ”, In this regard, do not spend money on entertainment if they are not in the quantity necessary for waiting for the“ storm ”. Some are preparing radically for life outside their existing work: they take bribes if they are civil servants or officials.

  8. Do not be afraid of anyone, there are no untouchables. To release emotions in a non-criminal way (they used to teach you to give back physically, with your fists and legs, now this advice can only do harm, the old program of behavior), call the police (police) in any conflict, and not solve the problem yourself or in an illegal way. Emotions must also be released by writing complaints (to a court, to the prosecutor’s office, etc.) formally or informally about the actions of those who caused unpleasant emotions or negative consequences. Search and voice officially and informally to the competent authorities the shortcomings and violations of the law for those who caused trouble.

  9. To do all the basic work under the law, especially if you work in the police, and no one will find fault with you.

  10. If you like to “shake” rights, you need to be “clean”, not to do anything illegal, and then no one can do anything to you, and if they try to do something in an illegal way, they will be responsible for it, that someone “ untouchable ”, this is a neurotic illusion based on fear, and vice versa, if you are engaged in“ dark ”affairs, you need to sit quietly.

  11. Do not enter into serious relations with poor people and with people below the social status of the opposite sex, as sometimes a loss of work by one of the family members can lead to the destruction of family life, to courts, to prison for non-payment of child support.

  12. You’re not your own boss”, do not comply with this saying, know and control what is considered weaknesses and addictions, or do not have them at all (craving for the opposite sex, for people acting as friends and objects of love, for alcohol, etc. etc.), all that is considered and called weaknesses, they will try to manipulate the manipulators and make money on it. But there are so-called relatively "harmless" for the mental and physical health of weakness, such as, for example, "window dressing" or as they say, " show-off ", " pontoproizvoditeli " aim to show that they are rich, but really rich, people in power somewhere will never show their wealth; on the contrary, they hide everything so as not to annoy people.

  13. Go in for sports, not have what is called bad habits.

  14. Learn, graduate.

  15. To exert pressure on someone with a scream, since this is not prohibited by law, while not letting anyone shout at himself (this creates self-doubt).

  16. Do not be afraid to change your job until you find the so-called “your” (as a rule, the work is already prepared by the parents, but if something went wrong, then they will advise you to do this, look for “your”, change the job until you find one that to my liking).

  17. To know that what is called alcoholism and drug addiction happens: because of fear, which is suppressed not by drugs, but by alcohol and drugs, because of what is called self-doubt, because of problems with motivation, when there is nothing "Hooked" in life, that is, no kind of activity is interesting, and so on. As a result, you have to stand near the store and ask for money for alcohol, be the one who is called the scourge, sit on the beach houses (in those places that are called hangouts) and ride a scourge (police cars).

  18. Do not forget that for the full happiness you need money, there is no money - you are in danger if you lose your job or get sick.

  19. You need to know what “hits” self-esteem and “dampens” self-confidence, and what to do to prevent this from happening: not to meet (in the sense of not having relationships) with people of the opposite sex who meet only because of money and other material it’s good to react to all manifestations of aggression, in whatever way it is expressed, in beating, in rudeness, in shouting at you, in banter, etc. In general, the formula is simple: “They will put pressure on (from childhood) - you will be“ frightened ” , will you "pressure" (precisely from childhood) - you will be arrogant. " No need to write books about this volume.

  20. Do not trust anyone 100%, since many people have what are called weaknesses that they want to satisfy, it is written in their brain, it is sometimes higher than them, many of those people have a condition like “not owning themselves” who are called ordinary inhabitants.

  21. Do not exaggerate or underestimate the situation or anyone else.

  22. Do not make a decision right away, if you have time to think, what will be made later will be more correct (scammers know this when they meet, for example, on the street, they use it - they want you to make a decision right away).

  23. If you “rolled up (a)” to the opposite sex, and he (she) after that shows indifference to you, roll up to the other, and so on until you find the one you are interested in. Indifference is shown after attention has been shown to them, only by those who are called “difficult” people, or those to whom you really are indifferent.

  24. The tendency of a guy to get acquainted with girls on the street or on the Internet indicates his hyperactivity , therefore, theoretically, he will not engage in intellectual work and anything else, which requires full attention to himself, since he will not be able to concentrate on him. Also, such people lose time, spending it not on studies, which subsequently can prevent it from being integrated into what is called society.

  25. Typically, some civil servants (state employees) teach their children, as a rule, women to look for the most worthy husbands, independent, who will support them (which, by the way, can lead to the absence of a husband at all, since an expensive “product” has the risk of not being sold and staying on the shelf, while losing its presentation over time, but the more bids (requests), the greater the risk).

  26. Work on yourself, prepare yourself for something psychologically and intellectually.



"Increase joy to the size of trouble." Words attributed to the satirist M.M. Zhvanetsky.


As some poet said, “Gram production, a year of work”, and indeed, you need to devote a lot of time to any business, if you want to achieve something. It can be assumed that the higher powers themselves against 100% relaxation, when you drink a lot of alcohol, what is called withdrawal symptoms begins.

“A student is not a vessel to be filled, but a torch to be lit.” Words attributed to Plutarch.

Those who use alcohol, drugs and other psychostimulants , losers, non-self-reliant people who are facing big problems, and this, as it was already said, people who are not hooked by anything, they don’t like anything, they don’t have anything Interested, besides the so-called artificial pleasure.

  1. They cut the bread, the crumbs remain”, do not be afraid to “break off”, life is for ordinary people, and not only this is the place in which you learn life and everything else all the time . Everything will be known and anticipated by the generation that will become physically immortal, and then no one will deceive anyone, everyone will know in advance all the desires of someone.

  2. Information that does not contribute to making money or learning the chosen profession is spam and manipulation for the purpose of free or at minimal cost to satisfy one's needs and interests.

  3. It is best to get an internationally demanded specialty, as of 2019 it is an international driver, doctor, software engineer, skilled worker. In these specialties they pay well even in a poor country. So that these specialists from poor countries do not disperse to other richer countries, they try to equalize their salaries with the salaries of their colleagues from rich countries.

  4. Not to pump yourself up with serious films and other things, especially before a crucial event, it’s better, for example, to watch a comedy film, as cosmonauts do before going into space, they watch the Soviet film “The White Sun of the Desert” ranked in this category.

  5. Not to get carried away by revenge and influence on the fate of those who, in your opinion, have caused you trouble, it takes time, you need to think about your fate.

  6. The state of psychological discomfort can be a normal occurrence, by this the higher forces of all or almost all keep in “tone” until you do something, discomfort does not let go, did it - get more endorphins .

  7. Most people are controlled by what are called instincts (sexual desire, fear, love (emotional attachment), aggression, competitiveness (competitive instinct), and what are called pleasure hormones ( endorphins , dopamins, etc.).

  8. There is no knowledge, no strong nerves, then you put yourself in danger, because you have nothing to sell to the employer.

  9. The average person is distracted from high-quality study by sexual desire and even songs about simple love, which program for behavior associated with love experiences.

  10. Ideally, a person, if he wants to achieve something, for example, in science, should have a slightly pronounced sexual temperament, either not have it at all, or be able to suppress it painlessly for himself, or be able to satisfy, although it takes time, which those who do not have high sexual temperament will spend it on studying, for example, become a software engineer and use it as a way of emigrating to a richer country, if, of course, he needs it. It is people who, in computer language, whose BIOS is not flashed by higher forces for sex drive, love (or attention to this has not been downloaded from the outside), and suggestibility from other “downloads” from the outside, is not flashed that they will study well afterwards, they everyone will need, and many companies want to get them.

  11. As it is now customary to say, it is right to prioritize (correctly in the sense of physical survival). If a person is an adult and has already received education, then in the first place should be work (preferably beloved), earning and accumulating money, in the second studies, in other places should be relations with the opposite sex, and so on. If you swap priorities, then in the future there may be danger in the economic sense, that is, simply there will be no means of livelihood if you spend time, for example, in relationships with guys or girls, in courts with someone or, what’s generally unacceptable, on excessive amounts of alcohol, or on something else, even more radical.

In the Middle Ages and at an even earlier time, it was probably not strongly reflected on a person from the category of inhabitants, from which family he lived, full or incomplete, prosperous or not, there were few people, and there was no time to become “thought out” ".

If you believe the story, life expectancy due to the lack of developed medicine and because of wars was small, there were no laws as such, there was no need to get around them and follow them, everything was decided by force. But with the advent of what is called civilization, everything has changed somewhat or even radically, physical strength is no longer the key to success, moreover, it can even do harm. Everyone should know a lot and be able to, if they want, as they say, to integrate into society and not go to jail, to the hospital or die. Not physical strength began to give all the benefits in their generally accepted understanding, but knowledge.

Attention, this is an affirmative sentence: if you want everything to be okay in the generally accepted sense of the word, and if you are from an incomplete or so-called dysfunctional family, you need to at least know and be able to do as much as those who know and know how whoever has the opposite with marital status and family affairs, and this is because your parents are unlikely to help you in life, and you will have to come to everything yourself. If you also get addicted to alcohol or drugs, then the “train” of opportunities generally goes far from you, and it is almost impossible to catch up with it.

We must not forget that the employer can sell two main things a lot of nerve and / or intelligence and two secondary honesty, pure biography, in spite of which the employer sphere: from the police, military, medical, technical, etc...



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 09.11.2019

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Some do not take into account the fact that a person’s presence of what is called instincts and emotions, genetics and hormones makes his behavior partially or completely predictable. In this connection, some of these same people may not know how to correctly in the generally accepted sense of the word, respond to a particular situation, may not know the objective motivation of others in relation to them, not know what is true and what is fiction, how to understand it correctly what is happening in the world. According to the author, these some in most cases are those who grew up in an incomplete or in the so-called dysfunctional family, this book is dedicated to this target audience.

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