



 Arianna    Tamala    Suziay    Jay     Dontre   Damin   Jannel  Kylie



Aint About That Life


  Being a junior at Ridegford high isn’t so easy for miss Arianna. Through the romors about her and Damin to her girls acting plain crazy she aint ready for the drama. After her mom kicked her out after finding out she wasn’t a virgin anymore, Aria has been living that hard life on her own. One night when she finds out her boyfriend was cheating on her she goes out with her girls to take her mind off the BS but something goes down. Why? Was someone hiding something or was it just lies? What really happen that night? Aria will soon find out that some people on this world just ain’t about that life.

Getting to know the characters :


Arianna : She is a sassy little teenager and really loves her babe Jay,but she isn't scared to speak her mind and be who she is. Tamala and Suziay are her very dear best friends. This 16 year old is alot of fun and she loves to party, always hanging and chilling with her girls but she is also all about a having time with Jay. Sometimes that can get in the way with some things. Her personality and her looks got the boys going crazy, wanting to tap that booty. She is on the thick side but shes still fit with her moca skin and loves her weave.

Suziay : She is a preppy but cute girl who always wants to fit with the popular. She is with Damin and loves him alot and doesn't want to lose him but has a little something for Dontre. But this preppy cutie always has a opinion witch sometimes pisses off her girls. Even though her mouth is everywhere she still there to kick ass for her girls. She loves to party and have fun with her skinny long hair self. Sometimes a little too much fun but she is trying to change her partying ways because she is growing. Really Growing.

Tamala: The ghettoest of them all. She loves to Party and have fun. Her boo is Dontre. They had a on/off relationship for the past 3 years but she loves her some tre. She has mad style and loves her some vodka! Shes always the one to step in for her girls when needed and is a very fun person. She has the I dont give a damn atitude. She always thinks someone has a little something for her man witch can piss off her girls. She is a short girl with a tall atitude.

Jannel : She is a stuck up puerto rican princess who loves her some dark chocolate. She is all over Jay and can't stand Aria. She is always up for a challenge and her mouth can get her in some trouble. She has been on/off friends  with Aria , Suziay and Tamala for as long as she can remeber and she is apart of the populars with her best friend Kylie. She is a tall long dark haired girl.

Kylie: She is a sweet country girl with a bubbly atitude. Shes nice and hates drama but best believe with beat ass if needed. She is the preppiest but yet ghettoest white girl youll ever find. Shes always with her best friend and likes her some Dontre. She is also classy. Its least likely for you to find her drunk on the road.

Jay: He is one of the flyest nigga up in school and is the captain of the Basketball team but wants to persue his dream in rapping. He loves his baby Aria and hates to  lose a arguement. He is a tall dark and hansome guy and always there for his family/friends. Sometimes he makes mistakes but learns from them and try not to make the same mistake again. Aria got him sprung and he really doesn't want to lose her.

Dontre: He is a smooth criminal and best friends with Jay and is a star Basketball player . Hes always there to support his friend and brother Damin and is a true ride or die. He plays around alot, and thats why his relationship with Tamala is always messing up because of his dirty ways. Hes very agressive but has his soft side. He really loves Tamala but sometimes he follows the devil instead of the angel on his shoulder.

Damin: He is Dontre's older brother by a year but acts like a older brother of 5 years and is also one of the star players of the basketball team. He is always the one to tell Dontre and Jay to wake the hell up and stop acting stupid but he does the same shit. He is a real gentle men and loves his baby Suziay. He also has a soft side and doesn't like to be messed with and secretly has a little something for Aria.


Chapter 1 Waking Up To A Sweet Face

Aria's POV :

I wake up to see Jay, my boyfriend in bed right next to me. I sit up and look around my apartment. I Get up and walk over to the bathroom and get dolled up for school. Im waiting for my girls Tamala and Suziay to come pick me up even though i have my own car, I still wanna be with my girls.

When i walk back into my room Jay is wide awake.

"Hey baby." He says stretching."Sup sleepy head, did you forget we had school today?" Ever since I moved out of my moms, Jay has been sleeping over often and im loving his company. He stares at me while im putting my apple bottoms on "What are you looking at?" I Laugh and we kiss. Its 6:00 am and we need to get to school. Im not trying to hear mrs.Remseys loud ass mouth again this morning saying "Late again Miss.Jackson?" So i tell jay to hurry on and get washed up. Then out of nowhere theres a car that pulls up in my driveway bursting with music "It wont stop" By seven streater so i already know its Tamala. She honks her horn knowing its early in the morning and yells "GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE." I roll my eyes and yell back "IM COMMING." I walk back into the bathroom to see a half naked Jay."Im leaving with Tam and Suz." I grab my purse and wallet."See you at school" I say and leave.

"Hey girl." Suziay says flipping through her phone in the back seat of Tamala's pink laddy bug."Hey yall." I hop in the passenger seat and Tamala Turns down her music."I hope there isn't any drama today, im not in the mood for it."  Me and Suz laugh "Right Tam. I dont wanna hear it today." Suziay rolls her eyes "What-chu mean today? I don't wanna hear it today or tomorrow or the day after that and after that" This girl is crazy but its true. Im tired of all the BS. "Yeah especially after you know.. what with Damin" Tamala says as she looks at me. Last year me and Damin met, He had a little cush on me but i was with Jay so when i rejected him infront of the whole cortyard, he got mad and made up a rumor saying that me and him hooked up in the bathroom and i got pregnant and had a abortion so Jay wouldn't know, What a Bitch. Just because im on the thick side doesn't mean shit. Its not like i had a beer belly but whatever."You know it wasn't true. I would never hook up with Damins rachet self." I roll my eyes "Don't talk about my man like that Aria" Suz screams and me and Tam laugh."Whatever its not like you put him in check anyways" Tam pulls up to school and we get out. I Look around and I see satin itself standing by the courtyard walking over to me. What the hell?

Tamalas POV:

When i pull up at school me and my girls step out and I look around. Aria looks distracted so turn to Suziay "Ima go to the bathroom." "Okay Girl." She replies. I run to the bathroom and my iphone starts beebing. One new text message I press read and its my babe Dontre:Hey Bae meet meet me in da bthroom. I roll my eyes and write him back:I Kno U tol me 2 times alread. Somthin wrong? I Wait about two minutes and no reply so i wait around for him but no show. I walk into the boys bathroom and look under all the stalls. No one. I yell "Dontre!" No reply? The fuck he think this is? I text him again : where u @? . I wait around and the bell rings. I text him again telling him how much of a ass he is for making me come in here for no reason. As i walk out the bathroom i feel a arm around my waist."Why you keep me waiting?" I turn around." Well damn sorry." he replies and tries to kiss me, Oh hell Naw."Wait so you gone sit here and not show up then expect me to kiss your ass after making me wait? Ha , got me bent!" I walk away. This nigga got it twisted and I don't even wanna talk to him. "TAMALA!" I can hear him screaming my name but i can careless. I step into class and sit next to my girls.

Suziay POV:

When i see that Tamala fully walked away i feel my phone vibrating in my coach bag. I pull it out and the text is from Dontre: Hey wheres Tamala? I watched her walk into the building and text him back : Shes heading to the bathroom.Y?  I see Damin and run to him forgeting about Dontre "Baby!" I Jump on him and kiss him."Woah  Bae your acting like you aint see me in months."I Smack him in the back of his head."Of course fool i haven't seen you since saturday!" We hug and he feels soo warm and smells like Axe."Wheres Aria?" I pull away from him. What he tryanna do? Play with my emotions? "Uh Why?"  I look  up at him and its silent for a second."Just wondering..." I roll my eyes and look around the courtyard."I dont even know." I feel my phone vibrate thinking its Aria but insteat its Dontre: Can u meet me in da ganitor room? I stare at the text for some seconds and Damin looks at me like im turning green."Whats up?" I close the text and reply quickly "Nothing"."You sure?" he looks at me suspiciously."Positive" I look across the yard "I, imma be back."I run into the building and walk to the ganitor room."Hey" he says as i open the door."Hey..Shouldn't you be with Tam?" I Walk in and close the door behind me. We stand there in silence then he steps closer to me but i step back."Did you hear what i said?" I say, he looks nice in his Addidas skirt with matching shoes and smells like irish spring. Lord why is he so cute? Wait no, I got a man. He tries to grab my hand but i open the Ganitor room door and say."Focus on your girl?" and walk away.

Aria's POV:

When i walked out the car and saw Damins face looking at me and walking over to me and i freezed. What do this nigga want?! I hurried and ran to go find Jay. I looked around searching and when i tried to call him it went straight to voice mail. As i turn back around, I see Tamala walking into the building and Suziay on her Samsung texting, Again. I  start walking backwards and i didn't even notice until i bumped into someone "Oh Shit Sor-" I stop in mid setence to see a ugly Jannell infront of me."You need to Watch where your going dumb fuck." I roll my eyes and say "Girl please. Even if I was watching where i was going, its not like i wanna bump into your ugly self" She dust off her shoes like there was dirt on them and yells "Look at what you did to my Channel heels" I Laugh. Is she seriouse? Waisting my time for her ugly ass SHOES."Obiviosly there some knock offs and do I look like i give a good god damn? Uh Nah"." You are just mad because your a two cent broke hoe and im NOT" She replies as she flip her puerto rican dark brown hair."Im the hoe? But last time i checked your all over MY man and your so fast to be his jump back tramp when he needs ya? Don't even" She laughs and says "Your not getting any play huh? Aww so sad. Atleast I get play and dont beg for it."  What a Bitch. I Just wanna grab her neck and kill her! She walk away and the bell rings. I hurry to class and sit by Suziay, leaving Tam a empty seat."Good morning class.Your agenda for the day is on the board. Please take your notes" Mrs.Remsey says as a pissed off Tamala walks in. We Start working and i look down at my phone and see a text from Jay : Hey bbe. srry im l8te and sht fo class I slept wen u left. Luv u

Chapter 2 Time to get Turnt!


Jays POV:

Thank the Lord its the week-end! You know what they say, you gotta get down on friday! So me and the boys going out and so are the girls. My phone beeps One New Text Message. I press read and its from Damin: U still goin to da club wit us? This nigga already know the answer. I Write his dumb ass back: Ofcourse dummy! i pull Up to Ari's house and grab my week-end bags. I Knock and on the first knock she flings the door open."Hey Ari." We hug and she kisses me "Hey baby." She looks fine in her Booty shorts and White victoria secret tight camisole. She grabs my bags and puts them in her clothset. I grab her from behind and pick her up and bring her to the couch as she screams." QUIT!! You know i hate it when u do that!" I Laugh "Oh you think its funny?" She punches my arm. I Put my hands up in a way that says i surrender  and we laugh. I lay next to her on the couch and cuddle her in my arms."You better act right tonight." She says. Hell yeahh imma act right. I love her i dont wanna lose her."I will don't worry babe"."Okay" We kiss. Her warm lips touching mine conforts me. Then out of nowhere the door opens and someone walks in, interupting our make out session."Oh Shit! PG 13!!" Damin yells."Man Shut the fuck up" i get up. What is he doing here?" How did you get in my house?" Aria Yells and gets up."If yall really wanted to get it in yall wouldve closed the door. Real talk" Damin says and We laugh but Aria doesn't seem amused. She rolls her eyes and walk upstairs.

Damins POV:

I watch Aria as she struts upstairs. Damn that ass though. I wish i could tap that. Jay is lucky Asf! I keep staring at her ass until she is upstairs."Whats up?" I give Jay the handshake and sit down."Nothing. Yo why you interupt i was gonna get some." Jay says and we laugh."Are you ready to go?" i say while looking at the time. Its 11:45 and i wanna get there as soon as the stripers do."Im waiting for you and Dontre" I pull out my phone and call Dontre."Hello?" he picks up sounding annoyed."Are you ready to go?" I Ask."To go...?" Is this nigga serious? The club ofcourse."The club?!" I tighten my jaw. My brother can be so slow sometimes."Oh..yeah" he says sounding distracted."Meet us at Aris place"."Okay God Damn" He yells and ends the convo. I Walk back inside."Imma go get ready" Jay goes upstairs."iight" i say siting down and watching tv. 10 minutes later Aria comes downstairs and goes to the kitchen. I get up and follow her."Hey Ari" I say as i watch her pour milk in a bowl."Are you lost?" She says."Uh No? Can we talk?" She rolls her eyes and theres a pause."You got 2 Mins." She turns around a faces me."Im Sorry for what i did. I didn't want to hurt you i just dont take rejection well..This whole thing is petty shit. Can we leave the past in the past and atleast get along?" She grabs the bowl of cereal " Whatever" she says and walks away. Damn shes sexy but thats My niggas property, not mine. I walk back in the living room and Jay comes downstairs. We start talking then we hear a Horn honk. Dontre's here.

Dontres POV :

"Why are you still mad Tamala?" I ask as she storms out the room. Shes been ignoring me since moday when i didn't show up at the bathroom like planned."CAUSE I HAVE EVERY SINGLE DAMN RIGHT TOO!" She yells as she speed walks downstairs."THIS IS SOME STUPID SHIT TO GET MAD AT" I yell."I DONT GIVE A FUCK! WHERE WERE YOU? WITH A POPCORN HOE?" She Yells. Everythings silent then my phone rings, Its Damins stupid self. When im done talking to him Tamala has tears down her face."Baby" I walk over to the couch where shes sitting and touch her arm. She hops up imidiatly."DONT PUT YOUR FUCKING HANDS ON ME NIGGA!" She walks over to the stairs but i stop her. Im am not boutta play no tag with her around the house. I Spin her around to face me."Baby i didn't do ANYTHING!" I say."STOP PLAYING THESE LIEING GAMES WITH ME TRE!" She yells in my face and tries to get my hands off her but im not letting her walk away."THIS IS ALL YOU CAN DO! YOU DONT EVEN CARE ABOUT THE BITCH YOU GOT AT HOME YOU JUST WANNA RUN AROUND AND PLAY GAMES WITH ME AND SOME OTHER HOP A HOE!WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO FUCKING UNDERSTAND TRE?! IM DONE!!" She yells with tears down her face. I let her go and she runs up stairs and i run afther her."LEAVE ME ALONEEEEE!!!" She screams on the top of her lungs like she crazy. I Grab the cloths im going to wear and get ready. I love Tamala but i dont know where my head is right now. When i finnish getting ready i knock on The bedroom door. No answer. I try to open it but its locked so i grabed a keychain and unlocked the door. I see Tam on the floor crying. I walk over to her and hold her in my arms."I love you. Im sorry but i didn't do anything.."She doesn't answer."Im going out with the boys.." I walk out the house and get in my car and drive to Ari's house.I honk The horn to let them know im here and they come storming out."What the fuck took you so long?" Jay asks as he hops in the back seat of my escalade. I dont answer so they know i got in a fight with Tam."Who is going to be the sober to night?" Jay asks." I Am" Damin says. We pull up to the club ready to TURN UP.

Jays POV:

We walk into the club and i think im in heaven! I promised i wasn't going to do anything to Aria. I love her so much.We get on the dance floor with our song "Bands to make her dance". I Grab some shots and drink up and dance with my boys. Dontre mustve really had a bad fight with Tamala because he is drinking up a storm. I drink some vodka and head to the dancefloor. Then this girl slides next to me and start dancing on me. Even though a nigga is drunk they can still reconize there hoes, especially this one."Hey Jay" Janell says as she grinds her puerto rican booty. I move to the side."Hey, wha--ah yourrs doing herea?" I say slurping i feel like everythings a blurr but im still very aware of my instincs." I came to party!" She says in my ear, purposly putting her lips on them. Um okay?" Cool.." I walk away from her and look over to see Damin talking to a girl at the bar. I look closely to see Kylie. She is touching him and stuff..If Suziay was here. But I aint finna be a cock blocker. If thats what he wants okay..I keep dancing and drinking and i feel like, i need to throw up. I look over and see Dontre with a striper throwing bills so i go and join him."Arrrre youww good?" i ask drinking my Ciroc." Yea..Just a lil stressed". I shake my head."I knooo you loove Tamala.Just don't mess uppss kaa?" I walk away and go on the dance floor to dance to my song"seasonal love" and Janell walks up and starts grinding on me but i push her away. She needs to stop!

Chapter 3 Leggo


Ariannas POV:

I kissed my baby good bye and watch that black escalade speed off. I walk back inside and call my boo Tamala. No reply. Thats wierd. I text her and wait 5 mins. No Reply. I put my uggs on even though its kinda still summer and lock my door then hop in my car. Who does that bitch ass think he is? Walking into MY house, interupting me and My babe and asking for MY forgiveness? Straight stupid stuff right there. He is so stupid? What does Suz see in Him? Like lets be real, he is a asshole for looking at my ass and hitting on me when he has a girl. Ugh men! I mean , I love mine but some niggas just dont diserve ANY respect. I pull up to Tams place and run up to her door. I knock , knock and knock but No reply. This girl got me worried. I pull out my iphone 4 and call Suziay."Hello" She says in her white girl voice."Hey Suz.." I say and look back at Tamalas house."Whats wrong? sound..worried?" I knock again" Tamala is killing me, She isn't answering her phone. Not Texting me back and now im at her door and shes not answering"."Um..Hmm, I dont know" i look around.I knock again and Tam Opens The door Like she gone kill someone."Imma call you back." I say to Suziay and hang up the phone.

Tamalas POV:

Why does he keep doing this to me?Tears stream down my face as i look around the room.Why does he hurt me so bad but yet I stay with him? I Sniff and hear him close the door behind him. I look around the room, feeling dizzier then ever and stand up. FUCK HIM. My pink iphone beeps and i grab it. One New Text Message I hit read and its from Dontre: Im sorry babe, i dn't want 2 hurt u But im nt gone own up 2 somthin i ant do. i love u ♥, I write back: I love u 2 <3 and sit down on my bed. He keeps hurting me but then i run back? Why..why does he have to be so fucked up but so awsome at the same time. I lay down with tears in my eyes and fall asleep. BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM. I wake up to hard knocking on my door. I get up and look at myself in the mirrow and see that my eyes are hella red and my hair is all messed up. I Walk over to the door and open it and see Arianna. As soon as i open the door she steps in and touches my face."Well come in.." I say. She looks like shes inspecting me."Are you okay?" She touches my forhead and checks for cuts and bruses and shit."Yeaa?" I walk to my room upstairs."What happened here?" She says looking at the horrible crime scene. The bad news is the nigga aint dead."Dontre" I say as i fix my bed."Oh lord, What happened now?"."I Don't  even wanna get into that Bs. Lemme get cute and we can go pick up Suziay. Call her cause ya already know she hella slow." I Walk into the bathroom and get cute. When im done i step out with my baby phat white dress, Gold heels ,My hair in a bun and some Bamboo Hoops."You look good girl, Lets go back to my house cause i needa get dressed and Suziay getting ready,I Called her." Ari says. I nod and walk into her white bently.

Suziays POV:

Afther im off the phone with Aria i walk into my room and someone calls me. I pick up my Samsung and its Damin. Why is he calling me he should be with his boys? "Hello?" I Say while walking into my bathroom."Hey baby i just wanted to say we reached the club and imma be home later" I look in the mirrow and straigten my extra long hair."How late is later?" I wash my face and brush my teeth."What is that noise?" He wanna play games trying to change the subject."Im brushing my teeth" I spit and rinse my mouth out and the toothbrush."Answer my question." He pauses and then answers."Maybe around 2 am, i dont know.." I roll my eyes."Okay bye baby"." Bye love you" I blush and reply."Love you too and DONT try to do ANYTHING tonight" I end the convo and get into  my  strapless purple dress. I walk out my room and I hear a knock on the door.Who is this? I open the door and its Kylie."Hello" I say."Can i help you?" I look at my rolex. I have to go."Can i help you?" She mimics me."Is there a problem?"."STAY AWAY FROM DONTRE!" My eyes widen. How did she know? "I know alot of things. STAY OUT OF MY WAY HEFFER!" She yells in her high pitched voice."He isnt even your man and isn't mine eighther. Its Tamala's property." I flip my hair. Why am i so Fabulous? "Don't Play with me! Im warning you!" She yells. I once again flip my hair and smile with my hand on my hip."Im warning you to leave my house! Now" I grab my keys and leave. This girl has problems. I like her and shes super popular but im more pretty and thiner so she needs to back up. Im not even with Dontre i love Damin. I walk out my house and see kylie running in her heels to her car. She tries to open the door but breaks her nail."Ow" she cries and drives away. I jump into my car the classiest i can and put my Gucci glasses on and looks myself in the mirrow. I then drive off to Aris house.

Aris POV:

Were in the car and Tamalas Sadly quiet."Tam, whats wrong?" Then i see a tear down her face and she wipes it fast."Nothing Im ...Fine" I pull up to my house and stop the car."Tamala you can tell me anything.What happened?" She turns around to face me and tells me everything that happened monday."Me and tre were suppose to meet monday in the bathroom but when i walk in there i aint see him so..I got mad and i went looking for him. Then he comes in the bathroom all late and tries to kiss me and acts like nothing is wrong? Im tierd of the games? Then when i confronted him today he got mad and  said why am i still mad?! IS THIS NIGGA CRAZY? Im so pissed off i cant even, We get in a big ass arguement and he just leaves to go to the club with his 'boys'". I confort her  and rub her back."Tam its alright but you never know, Maybe he wasn't cheating and really loves you. What if you were in his position and you were being accused?" Theres a long silence and she opends the door."Your right..Maybe im just over reacting." We walk into my house and i go get ready. I put my hair down and curl it. I put on my short fitting black dress and a red belt and Red shoes. I Put red hoops on and do my make up with Tamala. Since she was crying she needed to fix it up. I Walk downstairs to wait for Suziay and me and Tam start talking."Monday i bumped into Janells RACHET ass and she was tryanna talk stuff." Tam Laughs then replys while poping her gum."LAWD! This bitch. She is Cray with her white ass. I think she likes Tre or some shit." I Laugh."Forreal? mm i dont trust her."."Got that right. Shoot" We laugh then theres a knock on the door. I Get up and answer the door and see Suziay.We hop into my bently and off we go. We reach the club at around 1:30 cause all that time we took to get dolled up. We walk in and directly me and Tam hit the floor. Ofcourse Suziay's classy ass still at the booth sipping champaign. Our Song is playing so we all hit the floor and start gettin it! "AND SHE GONE SHAKE IT LIKE A RED NOSE" We all start doing the red nose and twerking on each other."LIKE LIKE LIKA LIKAA REDNOSE AND SHE GONE" Tam screams. WE TURNING UP! I walk over to the bar and get us a whole tray of shots and bring it back to our booth."CHEERS!" We do a toast and drink up our shots. We kept drinking and drinking. I head to the dance floor cause my song is on right now. I Start to dance with my magarita and we all was turnt. I MEAN TURNT!

Chapter 4 That doesnt stop me

Ariannas POV:

I feel the covers move and i open my eyes. I look at my clock and it says 4:23 am. I turn around in bed to see a drunk Jay. "What took you so long to come home?" I can smell his liquoir from here."Iiihh Waa-waa-wass Turrnttts" He slurs and slides in bed and puts his hands around my body."I can see that."."I missed you" he kisses my neck and chills runs down my back."I missed you too." I say as he kisses my neck and licks it. I  hear him tear a raper and turn back around. We start to kiss with his nice soft lips as i get on top of him. He grabs my ass and i laugh. I continue kissing him and kissing his nice built body and lets just say we start getting it in and having fun! Real Talk.

I wake up with the sun in my face. I touch the side of my bed and see that Jay is gone. I look On my iphone and its 9:30 and i gotta be at work at 10." Shit" I get up and run to the bathroom all naked and i hear laughter. I turn around and see Jay. I smile and run to go brush my teeth. When im done i take a shower and Put on a some skinnies and a plain White polo on with white wedges. I give jay a Peck. "Thats all i get?" I laugh at this niggas cockiness and walk toward the door."A peck is all you will get if you keep it up." We laugh."Iight i see how it is, Bye babe love you." I smile and head out the door with my purse. The wind starts blowing my hair everywhere."Love you more" I say and get in my car. I Drive off and arrive like 20 mins late."Hello Ari" My boss melissa says."Hello miss malissa." She smiles at me sarcastically and i put my starbucks apron on.

Tamalas POV:

Its 9:59 and i just woke up.I look around and yell."OH SHIT IM LATEEE!" I hop up and run and get dressed In Some riped up booty shorts and a white half shirt showing off my belly piercing. I look around and run back to my room. I get on top on dontre And kiss him. Yesturday when he got back we talked about it with his drunk self and we hashed things out. I think thats the only thing i remeber from yesturday too. I pop a asprin in my mouth cause my head is killing me and Run out the house screaming "BYE BABY ! LUHH YOU" I hop in my pink lady bug and drive off to work. When i get there i try to sneak into the back and put my starbucks apron on. Then a voice is behind me."HA ! You was late too but your hella late my friend." I turn around to see Ari."Girl BYE. Speaking of late, wheres Suz?" I Scroll down my contacts on my phone."She called in sick. She has a bad headche but you know already she dont drink all like that with her prissy ass." We laugh and walk to the cash registers. I text her to see Whats up: GIRL, u late fo work? u stayin in cause yo head hurt? I wait for her to answer like 2 minutes afther: Ya feeling sick. I text her back saying okay and a high pitch prissy voice tryanna say something."Are you suppost to be texting at work?" She smiles her ugly crooked smile and i look up at kylies stupid self." ANNND? How does that give you the right to add you 2 cents into her bisness?" Ari jumps in." BITCH BYE!" I yell."Aren't you suppose to be working in this..LOW class coffee shop instead of texting?" Kylie flips her hair."You know you came here looking for drama and you got it baby!" I yell taking off my Bamboo hoops and tieing my hair."CHILL TAM. She aint worth it." Ari holds me back. "Nahh... LEMME  just get at her skanky ass!" I Grab her hair but MISS Melissa comes out of nowhere and pulls me back."You know thats not how you treat customers..Especially PAYING customers" I roll my eyes and neck like only a black girl can and say."Wellll! Paying customer, How may i help your ugly prissy skanky tiny booty ass?" I make a sarcasitic smile and Kylie replys."Miss melissa you can help me by fireing the BLACK ass bitch."

Suziays POV:

I wake up and its 10:00. I streach to get ready for work. Then my phone buzzes. I look at it One New Text Message.I Press read and its from Dontre:Hey..I miss u && i want to see u please to me? Meet me at my house. I sigh and get back to bed to call my boss and tell her that im calling in sick. Then Damin walks into the room. "Hey baby" He kisses me."Why you calling in sick for work?" I stare at the text and say." I don't...I don't feel good baby." He nods and kisses my forehead."I hope you feel better." I smile. I love his company and him..its just perfection i see when i look into his eyes."Thanks." i look down and frown."Whats wrong?" I look away."I don't want you to go to work."He laughs and hugs me."I got to get that cheddar baby,but i promise to come home early." he says and i laugh. "Okayy! And ill be waiting for you." I wink and he starts to laugh."Iight ma. Imma see you later." We kiss and i reply."Okay love you."."Love you too." I watch him go downstairs and leave the house. I go close the door behind him and my phone buzzes again reuining the moment. Surprise, surprise its Dontre: So u ignorin me now? k i feel the luv. I roll my eyes and reply: Wht luv? ders nun and will neva be some luv for u from me. What a nigga, doesn't even have class. I walk over to the bathroom and straighten my already straight and cute hair. I put some camo booty shorts on and a black tank top. I walk over to the kitchen and makes some oatmeal. I wanna stay fit for my baby. I finnish eating and theres a knock on the door. I open the door and this nigga walks in like its his house."So you bitchin' threw the phone?" What the hell does he want?."Well hello to you to." I walk over to the kitchen and bring my plate to the sink thats already full with dishes."Stop playing with me Suziay. You know you love me." I turn around to face him."I DONT LOVE YOU I HATE YOU SO LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE GOD DAMN!" I yell slow and clear so he can get it through his head."AND YOUR DATING MY BEST FRIEND! I AINT NO HOMMIE HOPPER" I flip my perfectly flat ironed hair and put my hands on my hips."OKAY? THAT DOESNT STOP ME FROM LOVING YOU!" He yells and pull me close. He smells so good."I thought you loved Tam?" I Whisper and his jaw tightens. Theres a silence in the room and i look at him like "Exactly". I turn around to leave but Dontre holds my arm. I look back at him and he has a tear streaming down his face. He has a complicated relationship with Tam and i understand that but im tierd of being his TOY that he plays with. I wipe the tear away and he pulls me in closer kissing me and i kiss him back. He picks my up and brings me upstairs. When were upstairs he gets on stop of me and we start to kiss, he takes off his skirt and reaveals his perfect body  then everything goes black.

Arianna's POV:

I finnished work at 8:00 pm. I take off my apron and grab my purse."Damn whats with da rush?" Tam laughs and i push her playfully."Girl i just wanna hurry up and get out this mofo."."What? Yo baby daddy need some." I roll my eyes and smiled."Whatevaa!" We laugh and walk out of work."Lets go get our mans and shit and lets go to a bowling bar." Tam yells like she has a good idea."Yeaahh! Okay what time?" I look down at my phone and i see i have a text."Um since its a bar so lets go at 10 cause ya already know how Suz be !"."iight" I hop in my car and Tam throws up the dueces in hers. I roll my hasel eyes and she rolls her green contacts. When i pull up at home its a text from Suz: Hey girl!. She sounds more happy then a sick person is suppose to sound. I text her back asking if she coming to the bowling bar with us and she says yes. I hop out my car and walk inside to see a passed out Jay on the couch. I walk upstairs and put my bag down and go back downstairs. I lay on Jay and immediately wakes up and looks at me then close his eyes."Hey were going to the bowling bar." I sit  up on top of him." With everyone?"." yah, Da whole crew." I say trying to make and impression of him and he laughs."Your not funny."." Who said you where?". I roll my eyes and punch him hard and he pushes me off the couch and we laugh."Play too much!" I yell and act like im mad."But im forreal, are you comming?" He looks at his phone and replys."Yeah. Lemme get ready."."Okay ! TURN UP !" I yell." FUCK OUTTA HERE" He yells. I laugh and go to the bathroom to get ready. Tonight is gonna be Turnt! Can't wait.



Chapter 5 Its always a good time

Jays POV:

When im done getting ready i call up my man Dontre and tell him whats up."You comming right?" I say as i walk over and put my rolex on." Yeah, everyones going." I check to see if Ari's done and she looks fine in her green skinnies and grey half shirt with a green smiley face on it and her grey heels."Okay, ill see you there."."Iight" I hang up and walk over to Ari whos trying to adjust the strap to her green heels."Why you finna wear heels when we boutta bowl?"."Problem?"."Uh Nah" I smile and walk away. I eat A sandwitch and get diesturbed by a text. I look to see who it is and its Janell: Hey baby i cant wait to see ya tonight <3 I stare at the message and  write back fast hearing Ari's footsteps:Wht u talkin bout?. I hurry and close the text just in time because Aria is staring me down like IM the problem. I get up and grab my keys." Hold on i forgot my Lip gloss."." Use some carmax" She rolls her eyes."No fool." and runs upstairs. I get another text from Janell: Youll see :* It tells me to scroll down and when i do i see a naked picture of Janell.  WHAT THE!! "Oh SHIT!" I yell not knowing i said that outloud and  Ari comes downstairs with her lip gloss."What? I close my messages and shove my phone in my pocket fast."Uhmm..Nu..nothing." My hands start shaking and i walk over and open the door for Ari."Are you sure baby you look..sweaty." She touches my face."Yeah im good." I open the door to my car for my baby and hop in. What does that bitch want? I dont want her and she know it. Its...its not like we ever done anything eighther. What does she want from me, she prolly doing all this because of Ari. We pull up to Bowl'ol bar and get out.

Dontres POV:

When i get off the phone with Jay i walk in the living room and sit down to wait for Tam. Shes taking forever to get ready and we needa get there at 10. I look at my phone wishing Suziays name would just pop up. Why though? I dont even know, I love Tam and keep hurting her. I want to tell her but i just..cant. I hate to see her cry and mad but i just keep doing the same shit. Suziay is fine but Tamla is Sexy. I don't know why i keep messing around because i love Tam. I just needa chill. I walk up stairs and Tamala runs up to me screaming. " What?" She look back at the bathroom and then turns back around to me."THERES A BIG SPIDER!"." OMG REALLY!" I yell i my best girl impression and go kill it."I donee like spiders." She scratches her head and i laugh. Shes wearing a channel dress and gold gladiators and big gold hoops."Are you ready to go?"." Yeah baby let me just get my lolipop." She loves this MAC lolipop that you suck on and it never goes away or down."Okay." I open the door waiting for her."Leggo" she says and walks to the car. Damn who needs Suziay when you got an ass at home? I get in my car and we go. When we get there, everyones there. I guess we were the late ones tonight. I give my boys the handshake. You already know its time to get crunk. We always bet on witch team would win and the teams are the couples. I grab the ball and get in posture."YAS BABY THATS IT. GO AHEAD, WIN MAMA SOME MONEY!" Tamala screams and i laugh so the ball falls out of my hand and lands in gutter."Damn." I whisper and everyone aww's.

 Damins POV:

Were all just getting along and i love it when its like this. I walk over to the bar with my boys and get some drinks and we start to talk about life while the girls do there thing too."Man Tamala was tripping but you already know i put her in check." Dontre says drinking his glass of vodka."You mean her putting you in check?" Jay says and we all laugh but tre."She dont put me in check.Im the man of the house." His jaw tightens." Just because your the man of the house dont mean you gotta act like an ass."I grab a shot and chug it down."Man, yall talking but yalll got problems too."Dontre replies. I love Suziay and its not like im cheating on her with Ari. Ari doesn't want me so im done trying with her. Why am i even trying when i have a godess right before my eyes?"I know man. Yo before i came i got a text from Janell." Jay whispers and i sip on some rosay."What it say?" I ask and Dontre looks over to the girls."Its..complicated. I dont even wanna talk about it." Dontre smiles and says."OOO Does somebody have a cush? What is it this time? An affair?!" Tre says while putting his hand balled up in a fist to form a microphone and brings it up to Jays face at every question. Jay pushes him away." Nigga shut the fuck up."."I don't have any problems with Suziay. Me and her are tight asf." I say and Dontre suddenly gets unconfortable."Did yall see the game yesturday?" He changes the subject."Hell yeah. Its was good. Im happy Miami won." Jay says ordering another Magarita."Alright, but Jay whats up with you and Ari?"."Nothing..I love her and thats my girl and  im not boutta lose her no matter what." I laugh and say."Well atleast you still gettin' play!" We all laugh."HELL YEA TURN UP!" Jay yells. Our plate of shots come."Especially if you got a big booty girl." Tre says and we laugh."Ill drink to that!" I say and we toast, drinking our shots down.

Jays POV:

We finnish talking and head over to the girls to finnish off the game. Me and Ari have 10 points, Tamala and Tre have 14 points and Damin and Suziay have 9. "Aye baby imma head over to the  bathroom." I say."Okay but dont take to long, you know i need you."."Iight" I walk to the bathroom and when im about to get inside Janell walks out the girls bathroom thats right across. I freeze and start to shake, i can feel my jaw tightening. What the hell is she doing here? Then i think back to her text: Hey baby i cant wait to see  ya tonight <3 and: Youll see. "What the...Wh-wha-what are you doing here?" Im lost for words right now this was suppose to be a fun time."Hey I missed you." She says pushing me against the wall. Does this girl understand simple English? "Get off of me." I push her away and she stands there and smile."Look, why Ari? Why not me?" She touches my face and i grab her hand and force it to her side."I DONT WANT YOU!" I yell."Jay?" Ari says. I can hear her footsteps around the corner oh shit what do i do! "Jay.." Janell pushes herself on me touching my side."Go in the bathroom please!" I whisper."Jay??" Ari says her footsteps getting closer and closer." But baby" Janell grabs my hand i push her into the Girls bathroom just in time because Ari walks up to me."Baby did you hear me calling you and who were you talking to?" She looks around. I have sweat dripping on my foreahead. "Talking? N-N-No I wasn't pshhh i wasn't talking to anyone?" I say my hands shaking."Baby are you sure your okay look at you your sweating and studdering. Lord you got me stressed." She says."Anyways are you ready to go back? Im like dogging these niggas!" She laughs and i do my fake akward laugh. She smiles and walkes away. When i see shes gone Janell comes out."Baby.." She says and touches my face. I grab her hands and push her back. I walk away and go to my friends to finnish off the night.



Chapter 6 Cant do it without you

 Ariannas POV:

" Im serious Tam..He was acting hella wierd, sweating and shaking. I don't even know what to do." I say as i walk down the hallway with Tam and Suz while i suck on my MAC lolipop. We reach our lockers and Suz is on her phone..Like always." Girl what can i tell you? I don't know, Maybe hes going through a faze." Tam Pops her gum."OMG ! They have these cute Paris hilton shoes on sale for 500 dollars !! AHHHH!" Suziay screams. Is she serious right now? Me and Tam look at each other and roll our eyes."Im forreal though Tam..I can't think straight."." Ari maybe your taking things too serious." I close my locker and face Tam."But what if im not?" I keep sucking on my lolipop. These  are good , maybe thats why Tam is so adicted to them."What if you are?". I roll my eyes." Stop playing. What if..He's know..Cheating?" i look down as we walk down the hallway with our books and bookbags. Im meeting up with Jay tonight and can't wait. " Girl bye, remeber what you told me? Your over reacting, you just need to trust him." I smile at Tams attempt to mimic me. "Iight your right." then Suziay wants to jump in like shes been listening the whole time? This girl."Yeah Ari. You already know he doesn't want to pull that stunt. Hes not man enough." I look at her in disbelief. "Being man enough does not mean you gotta cheat on your girl?" I say and Tam and Suz laugh. I see Jay across the court yard with his boys and he comes over."Don't mention shitt." I whisper as he comes over."Hey baby." I hug him back and give him a quick kiss. My girls go over to there mans and i wink at them and they nod. Jay grabs my bookbag and puts it in his back seat. We start to drive off and i look at Jay."Bae?" I say looking down at my fingers."Yeah?"."Um..Do you have anything you want to tell me?" I ask and theres a silence. We pull up at my house and Jays quiet. I step out my car mad ass hell. Why is he gonna sit here and hear my question and not answer? I walk upstairs and Jay follows me."No." I turn around."No i don't have anything to tell you."He puts his hands around my waist and suddenly all the BS escapes my body."I love you Arianna Lashayl  Jackson." My heart melts knowing he knows my full name like always and turn around raping my hands around his shoulders."I love you to..Im just, worried." He touches my face and says."Don't worry. I would never hurt you." I really love this nigga. We kiss just standing there for like 5 minutes making out.

Tams POV:

I walk over to Dontre and hug him. He grabs my bookbag and books and i smile as we head down to his car. Lord he smells hella good like irish spring.  I get into his car and we start driving home. I love Tre but its like i can't trust him at times. Im always up in his shit looking for maybe some clues to why hes always a ass to me. I can tell he loves me but why you gotta act like you don't? Its just straight up stupid mess right there. We drive past Ari's house and i see her walk out her car to go into her apartment. We pull up to our house and Dontre helps me out. I walk inside and get in some sweats and sweat shirt."Baby you hungry?" I yell as i walk downstairs."Yea babe." I look inside the kitchen."What-chu wanna eat?" I open the fridge and grab some meat. Im gonna make some speggeti and ground meat."Surprise me!" He yells and i giggle. I start to cook, cutting up some onions and seasoning the bits of meat. Suziay is crazy for acting they way she did. When our girls in need of help its way more important then 500 dollars worth of shoes. I fry the meat with the onions and start boiling the speggeti  with salt. Poor Ari, I know how it feels to suspect some shit. It must be hella tough for her. I feel arms wrap around my waist and laugh."Smells good." I smile and kiss dontres cheek."Ofcours it does. Cause i made it." He laughs but knows its true."Iight, i cant fight with that." I kiss him and make the tomato sauce. When im done making our food, i put it on the dining table and we sit down and say our grace. When were done we start to eat and Dontre tells me how today Kylies ass was on him witch pisses me off. I hate how boards these days wanna get on other bitches mans when they know there taken."Well im glad you told me and didn't do anything with her." He nods and i finnish eating. Then he tells me how Damin said Suziay has been acting wierd. I grab me and my babys plate and bring t to the sink to wash the dishes. When im done i clean the place and walk upstairs to a tierd Dontre. I pull out my phone and Call Ari."Hello?" she says sounding distracted."Hey girl ..wanna go out tonight?" i hear her sigh."Whats going on?" i say while walking into the room and see Dontre on instagram."Im out with Jay..Nothings wrong but sorry girl." I Frown."But-" She  cuts me off."Im out with Jay...sorry." and hangs up. What the hell happened here? I get in my pj's and climb into bed with Dontre. Im super tired and have a test tomorrow.

Suziays POV:

When i get home with Damin, were just on the couch cuddling and making out and shit. I love Damin soo much I don't wanna lose him but what if he finds out what ive been doing behind his back? He'll kill me for sure and i can't take us breaking up. I hold him tight as we kiss and don't want to let him go, the thought of us even breaking up kills me. I can't take this stupid BS with dontre anymore, i need some Damin sugar. I pull off his shirt and start kissing his chest."Baby did you hear what i said?" Damin says. I look up, ofcourse i didn't. I was in my own world and couldn't hear a word he said."Baby i said if your okay?" He laughs i kiss him."Yes, i just had a horrible thought." I say as i rest my head on his hot chest."What?" I look down at my cute freshly made fench tip fake nails and tears welp up in my eyes."Of..losing you."He hugs me tight as we lay there in each others company."Your not going to lose me baby." He smiles."No mater what."."No matter what?" I ask looking up at him."Yes i love you too much. Don't worry about it. Anything happens, we will work it out." Aww my heart melts and i just need to kiss him so i do. He gets up an grabs my hand and we walk to the bedroom. I push him on he bed and sart to kiss his nice body. He flips me over and kisses my neck. Why do i keep playing games? Its pointless because i have Damin.

I wake up and touch the side of the bed witch is empty and cold. I get up and puts my pj's on my naked body. I look around and on my clock it says 11:53 i walk downstairs and look around."Damin?" I yell.Where he go? I grab my phone One New text Message I press read and its from Damin:Baby im getting Chipotle I Love Chipotle,He knows me so well. I touch my hair and it stinks smells like..Anyways i go to the bathroom and wash up. When im done i sart brushing my teeth and Damin walks in."Hey bae" He screams downstairs. I roll my eyes finnish brushing my teeth and i grab my brush. When im downstairs i walk in the kitchen while brushing my hair."Thank you for chi chi." Me and my girls call Chipole chi chi cause we stupid like that."Welcome."He says as i give him a peck on the cheek and resume my bushing."You washed your hair?" He smells it like a dummy."Uh, ya."."Why?" I roll my eyes while smiling cause he knows the answer."Sometimes when your done doing your BISNESS, us girls hair starts to stink when the you know what gets in it." He laughs and i sit down at the table and start eating. That is some good chi chi because im hella full. I finnish doing the dishes and go upstairs to crash into bed with Damin.

Ariannas POV:

"Shit!" I yell, I just burned my scalp while curling it."Stop burning yo shiiiii before you dont got any hair left!" Jay yells all the way from the room."NIGGA!" I yell back and finnish curling my hair. Im looking fly today with my black strapped wedges and Skinnys with my panda half shirt and matching panda headband."Ari hurry up before your eggs get hot!" Jay yells. I groan. I hate when niggas tryanna hurry you to get ready then say "Why you so rachet?" Well maybe if i had more time to look cute i wouldn't be in this situation right now. I walk over to my room and pop my white hoops on. I grab my bag and purse and head downstairs."Damn, no need to rush a bitch?" I smack Jay in the back of his head."Iight chill." He says and we laugh. I put my stuff down and sit at the table to start eating."Whats all the rush about anyways?" I say."And this bacon is hella good." I munch on the breakfast he made me."Im meeting the boys today so we can talk in the courtyard early."."Why?" I drink my orange juice and look at him."No reason." I nod and grab my phone and text Tam: Come 2 schl earl. She replies:K. I put the tv on and check the mail. A check from my mom is here. Ever since i moved out, my moms sends me weekly checks usually on Fridays for like 400$ for bills , food and shit. She acts like i don't work but i love her help though. I put the check in the kitchen drawer and Open the door."What car we taking?" I say while i grab my bags."I have work tonight." Its thursday and i need my paycheck. "Okay then seperate cars."He replies and gets his bags. I walk into my car and blows a kiss at Jay and he smiles. I drive off to school. Im happy i got a man like Jay in my life , I can trust him and depend on him and be playfull with him when needed. I feel bad for hanging up on Tam earlier but i just needed time with my man. I pull up to school and see Tam and Suziay. I step out and hug them and start catching up with my babes.

Chapter 7 Take your time

Jays POV:

Ever since the situation with Janell i have my guard up. What is wrong with this girl? I told her im not intrested but she keeps it up. Tonight i just want to kick it with my girl with no worries. Its thursday and im ready to wrap up the week. I step out the car and open the door for Aria to come out."Thanks babe." She says and i grab her hand and lead her into Olive garden. We sit down at the Reserved table i have for us and she blushes."You made early reservations?" She says as she sits down looking at the candle. Since i made reservations, we get a tiny corner to ourselfs and nice romantic decorations..With extra pay ofcourse."Its so beautiful."I Laugh and grab her hand."Anything for my baby." She smiles and ruins the moment."How much was it?" I look down and pull away from her hand."Extra pay.." She laughs and kisses my cheek."Im just trying to burst your bubble baby damn. Whats up with you?"."Nothing." I reply quickly just in time for the waitress to interupt."Ill take..Hmm" Ari says as she looks at the menu. I dont wanna be a fat ass but im hungry so i order over her."Ill have some steak with a side of a chicken alfredo and more bread sticks. Oh yeah and A bottle of wine and a COOKED shirmp cocktail." I look over at Ari and her eyes widen. he orders and when the waitress is gone she looks at me."You eat alot when your nervous.Whats wrong baby?" I can tell shes worried but i..i dont know."Nothing baby STOP ASKING ME THAT DAMN QUESTION WHEN ITS NO, ITS NO!" I Yell. Everythings quiet for a second and she looks down at her feet. I look around and notice that nobody was listening then say."Im sorry baby..I didn't want to scream." She looks away then back at me. I didnt want to yell but im tired of the BS."Its okay.." Shes talking in her small sad voice so i already know i hurt her feelings. I grab her hand and kiss it."Can we just focous on each other? Please." I kiss her hand and she blushes. I dont like seeing Ari cry and hurt. Thats why i cant tell her , I want to but..I cant."Im sorry, You know i love you."I hug her and she brightens up. The waitress comes with our food and we start to dig in. Damn i love this place. We talk and eat. When were done, I pay and we leave to go home with the left over bottle of wine."It was funny though! Tamala was gettin' it and Suz was too!" We laugh as we get into the car."We were all getting it! SHE GONE SHAKE IT LIKE A RED NOSE!" She yells as she twerks her booty on the seat. I laugh and start to drive off. Were just talking and having a good time, This is how i like it. When i pull up to the house, Ari jumps out and leaves her purse and everything."Baby! Get my purse im going to the bathroom!" She yells as she runs inside. I nod and grab her purse and the wine bottle when my phone buzzes. I have one new text messsage: Hey Bby, Have u told Ari bout me & u cause i want ha out the picture. If u dnt i will. HAHA , xoxo♥ I think i have been there standing and staring at the message because Ari is out the bathroom and is yelling my name. FUCK JANELL!

Dontres POV:

Tonight im at my moms because i normally sleep at my parents house  but you know how it is with me and Tamala. Speaking of Tamala, shes at my moms to and were at the dinner table all talking. My mom can be harsh on Tam sometimes but she likes her."So Tamala, What do you plan on becoming when your older?" My mom says. I look at Tam and she smiles happily that she asked that question."I Want to be a hairstylist. Girrrrrl, Ya already KNOW i can throw down with the styling. I Also wanna open my own Fashion line called.'Vive dans la color', Thats french for "Living in color". Im all about the looks, To the weave , To the nails, To My heels. Lord i cant go out with my hair in a twist. I wanna be a big name in the fashion bisness. I can show ya my skills One day! Shoot." Tam yells with her hands in the air and my dad looks at her like shes crazy."Not A Doctor?" My mom says and she looks at me."No ma'am, Ugh. Only dem white bitches run around getting mad paper being a doctor. Well you can get mad paper being a Fashion dealer and stylist." Tam says as she rolls her eyes at the thought. My mom looks pleased but my dad looks annoyed."That doesn't mean you dont have to go for something more upperclased." He says and Tam Laughs. This Pasta my mom made is the bomb and i am tearing it up with the meat rolls and the Taco salad."What about you boy?" My mom says and looks at me. She always calls me "boy" for no damn reason."Damn mama, Ya already know im going for NBA." I say. Now my dad looks pleased and my mom annoyed."No child. You will NOT be a basketball playa'!" She says."Moma you know thats what i want though."."UGHH...UGHHH....I guess your right, If thats what you want baby." She smiles and Tam laughs."Hell Yea!" She yells. Wow i picked the loudest of them all. We finnish eating and Tam fixes the table and does the dishes just to get mamas aproval. When everythings done we go out to the patio and its a little like sunset. Me and Tam head over to the hammick and lay down. We swing there for a second and cuddle. Then Tam looks up at me and smiles."Do you love me?" She says.I roll my eyes."FUCK YEAAAAAA!" I say and we laugh."I luhhh ya too!" She yells and I hold her waist."Would you leave me if i was pregnant?" She says. I get so shocked at the question that the Hammick turns over and i fall off. Tam is laughing so hard right now."Chhhiiiiiiilllll! It was just a joke!" She laughs and gives me her hand so she can help me up. I grab it and yank it so she can fall next to me and we lay there on the floor staring at the sunset turning into the dark night. Damn i love this girl.

Damins POV:

I can't stand it without suziay, its like shes every  breath i take and lately she doesn't feel good. Im happy its almost the week-end because we need to chill. Im at the hospitals waiting room just sitting there and waiting for my baby to come out strong and healthy but all i see is her and a nurse coming out with and envolope. I stand up and imidiately Suziay tells the nurse to leave."But aren't you going to tell him about th-" The nurse explains. Suz pushes her away and snatches the envolope."Thank you , Bye!" She yells fast and the nurse walks away. I turn to look at Suziay who is holding the envolope mighty tight."Tell me what?" I ask as i grab her purse and lead ehr out the hospital."Nothing.." She gets in the passenger seat and puts the envolope next to her."Are you sure?" I start the engine and she rolls her eyes."I said yes."."But then whats that?" I point to the envolope and she groans. "Nothing..Baby its nothing." She touches my hand as i drive. What the hell is she hiding? Ugh, whatever it is she isn't proud of it. I nod and pull up to donatos."Im getting pizza."I get out the car and see her opening the envolope as i walk into Donatos. I get us a large pepperoni pizza and bread sticks. I order and get back into the car and imidiately Suz puts away the envolope."How long?"." About 20 minutes." I say as she nods. I get back out the car and go inside Donatos. When the pizza is finally ready i get it and see Suz sleeping in the car. I drive off eating a few pieces. When i pull up i get the food out the car and get Suziay out too. I bring her inside and we start to dig in. I love me some donatos. When were done, we clean up and go chill in the living room. I love Suz but what are you hiding ma?



Chapter 8 WHAT THE...

Ariannas POV:

Im downstiars Watching Tv. Jays upstairs sleeping. I love that Jay stays over often, I don't want to be alone. I look around with my hot chocolate mug and cover. Its starting to get colder as we reach November. I Doze off thinking about my friends and Tam && Tres relationship. I Think about the trust i need to build up with Jay. I know he wouldnt hurt me but all woman sometimes have fazes. When i wake up i hear voices. I go upstairs to a woken up Jay. I slip into bed with him."Well look whos awake." I say and he kisses me on my forehead. He on his phone and he still looks sexy in his basketball shorts and his shirt off. I feel on his chest and i can tell he is getting chills by my hands. I laugh and go down further and he smiles."You better quit before bobby gets hungry." He looks at me and i laugh."ANYWAYSSS! Aren't we going out tonight?" I look up at him. He continues Texting then looks down."Baby, You know im going out with the boys and i thought you was going out too." He tries to play it off and kiss me and try to make out but im not having it. I push him away."What the hell baby i thought we were going out?". I sit up and get on top of him."But baby-" I Roll my eyes at his excuse."You promised." I yell and he grabs my hands. I Kiss his chest. Damn i love this nigga."Baby, go have fun you need it. On the reals."."NO!!!!" I whine, he plays to much, he promised."But-"."NO BUTS!!!!!!!!!!!" I Whine more. He gets out of bed causing me to falll. I stand up on the bed and jump up and down like a kid. He gets on the bed and holds my waist."Well talk about this..When i fill my empty stomach up!" He runs downstiars and i chase him."FAT ASS!" I yell and walk into the kitchen while laughing. I open the fridge and its literally empty..WTF?"Baby.." Jay starts. Oh Shit, moma sent me money this week for shopping and i didn't do it."Oh yeah i need groceries! Lemme go to walmart." I grab my keys and walk out wearing my PINK sweats and matching Hoodie With combat boots and my pink gucci bag. I hop in my car and Drive off to walmart.

Jays POV:

I Watch Ari speed off and walk back inside. Damn im tierd. I get a drink of water and sit down and watch tv. I zone off for a couple of minutes dreaming about my babe. I Wake up 10 mins later at knocks on my door. Aria probly left her keys. I open the door and my heart and mouth drops."WHAT THE FUCK YO-" I yell but Jannell throws herself on me. I Push her away and she sits on the couch. Shes wearing a long coat."Hey babyyy!" She yells in her puerto rican accient. I Grab her arm and force her to stand up."WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" She needs to get out before ari comes."Babyyyy , ya know you want me PAPIII!" She says and takes off her coat revealing her lingerie. My mouth drops open at how good of a body this girl has."LOOOK , You need to go, NOW!" I Yell pushes her toward the door. She rolls her eyes." LOOK PAPII, I know Ari doesn't give you what you want so stop playing and kick it with the rich bitch." She says and pushes me against the door.I Push her awya so hard she falls on the floor but doesn't give up."I Love you JAY." She yells."I LOVE ARI ! GOD DAMN LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yell in her face while shes on the floor."GET OUT!" I grab her arm and yanks her up the throw her next to the door."Why do you hate me? I only want you and only you, i will be the better option Jay, please just.." She touches my face. Why isn't she listening? Crazy Bitch."I WANT ARI. I DONT WANT YOU SO GET OUT!" I Yell. She nods but then runs upstairs and i chase her. I walk into the room and look around. Where she go? Then when i close the door shes behind there. She leaves the door open and walks over to me. I run downstiars wanting to call the police. She comes behind me and puts down the phone. She turns me around and forces a kiss on me. I try to fight back but..Damn shes sexy. I kiss her back and start to hold her and and she smiles and start to kiss me hungrier. My eyes widen but then i close them. What am i doing? I start to take off her bra and relize were on the stairs. She takes off my shirt and kisses my neck as i pick her up to bring her to the bedroom.

Ariannas POV:

I Walk into walmart on the phone with Tam and Suz three way. Suz hasen't been feeling good and i feel bad for my boo. I grab a cart and start to throw things into the basket as i talk to them."Oh my lord, Mrs.Remsey gave me a D in her god damn class!" Tam yells. Suz coughs and i roll my eyes."Girls bye , how you know?" I Grab some chicken and start walking down the frozen food aisle."Im On ITSLEARNINGGGGG .com and lawd. Im soo pissed at this bitch." Tam yells. I laugh and Suz Laughs too."All she does is give D's anyways." I can hear Suz flip her hair and i roll my eyes again. I finnish getting the groceries and start to pay.The cashier points to a sign that says "No cell phones && Food." I mug the cashier and tell the girls i gotta go and hang up." Find everything okay?"."Yeah, sure?" I say still texting my girls. Who this bitch think She is?"Okay then.." She says and finnish scanning my items. When shes done, Something happens to the computer so we gotta switch lanes. Damn, it already took like 30 minutes to scan the items already. She restarts and i look around impatiently. When shes done i pay and bring the stuff to my car and hop in. My song Ghetto by August alsina. I Start bumping that shit and singing along. I stop at the stop light and a white lady in a hummer looks over at me in disgust. I Mug her and she Mugs me back."DON'T LOOK FOR TROUBLE WITH A BLACK BITCH!" I yell and start singing along to Ghetto on purpose. When i pull up at home i grab my things and put them on the counter and its hella quiet but all i hear is voices and BOOM BOOM BOOM. I look around and yell."JAY? BABY IM HOME?" I finnish unloading the car and being to walk upstairs. I being walking and see a bra. LMAO, This probally mine but i dont remeber seeing it here. I then see a shirt and some other cloths. I start to pick them up and when im finnally upstairs the noises get louder. Theres a pair of female underwear on the door nob. The door is creaked open and when i push it more im shocked at what i see. I drop the cloths in my hands and tip toe more into the room. Jay is fucking Janell? She is on top of him riding is ..THING out like its a fucking bull or some shit."Oh yeaaaa JANELL! YESS FASTERR" Jay yells.  And they start to go faster."YEAA? FUCK NO!" I yell and imidiately Jay Pushes Janell Off of him. I fall to the floor and my head starts pounding."JAY...!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yell over and over again. There standing there dumb founded. I Feel like the world has stop spinning and i .. I feel, HURT. Tears stream down my face as im on the floor thinking this through."Baby i can explain." I get up and tie my hair. They messed with the wrong one." EXPLAIN? EXPLAINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN! HAHAHA NIGGA YOUR TIME IS DONE, YOU PUT ON A VERY SHOW CALLED PORN SO NOW YOUR DISMISSED SO YOU CAN PACK YOU SHIT AND FUCK OFF OF MY PROPERTY DUMB ASS DICK!" I yell and turn to Janell."AND YOU BITCH!" I Run and grab her off the bed by her hair and drag her onto the floor and start punching the mess outta her. I knee her in the face while shes screams and pushes her into the window, im seeing blood but i can care less. Jay grabs me but i let go of Janell and grab him and push him on the wall and start uppercutting his ass then kick him in his THING that he cant controll. I Keep punching his ass and punching Janell at the same time. I Grab Janells hair and drag her downstairs to the door and throw her on the porch. Then i grab her cloths and throw it at her too."IMMA GIVE YA ASS ANOTHER WHOOPING IF I SEE YA ON MY PROPERTY AGAIN DUMB THOT!" I Yell and slam the door. I run back upstairs to a crying Jay."GET OUT MY HOUSE NOW!"

Jays POV:

I Made a mistake and i regret it soo badly but i can't take it back. When Ari Runs back upstairs while yelling."GET OUT MY HOUSE NOW!" I put my boxers back on and my basketball shorts."GET OUT NOW!! GO LEAVE POOF GET OUT MY HOUSEEEEEE!!!" Shes yelling like shes crazy and i dont blame her.' She Pushes me out the bedroom door and i push her back."STOP! HITTING ME LIKE YOU CRAZY!" I Yell."WELL BITCH ASS NIGGA I WOULDNT HAVE TO DO THAT IF YOU DIDNT FUCCCCCKKKK JANELL! HOW COULD YOU!" She slaps me and i push her back.Shes crying like i never seen her do before."BABY LISTEN TO ME!" ."LISTEN? TO WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!? YOU BULL SHIT ABOUT YOU BEING FAITHFULl! YOUR LIES ?! ITS TRUEE...." She Yells then sits on the stairs like shes conecting the dots."At the bowling alley, You being on your phone..Acting different...ITS ALL LIES ANAD BULL SHIT , YOU WHERE CHEATING ON ME THE WHOLE TIME! WHYYY? WHY ME!." She Yells with more tears."WHY STAY WITH ME WHEN THE LOVE ISNT THERE!"She Runs into the room and i yell afther her but then she comes out wiht my cloths. She throws them outside and keep getting my cloths."WHAT THE  HELL ARI?" I Yell punching the wall. When shes done throwing my stuff outside she pushes me out the house and grabs a lighter and lights a blunt then grabs the oil shit you use for barbeques and sprays it all over my cloths. She then sits on the steps with her blunt, she only smokes when shes stressed."I...I GAVE YOU LOVE." Tears run down her face."I GAVE YOU MY HOME..I GAVE YOU SUPPORT...FOOD..." She puffs and blows and im just standing there. Why did i pull a bitch move? My hormones got the best of me.."I OPENED MY DOORS UP TO YOU , I OPENED UP MY DAMN FRIDGE FOR YOU AND ALL THAT SHIT AND MOST IMPORTANTLY..." She shakes her head and tears run down more and more."I Opened up my heart to you.." Its quiet for a second as tears run down my face but then she stands up."BUT NOW THAT SHIT IS OVER THE HELL WITH!" She Yells and throws her blunt at my cloths and they catch on fire. I Snap out of my faze wanting push Ari like shes crazy but she already walked off into her house and slammed the door. I step on my cloths multiple times so i can stop the fire and grab them. I Hop into my car and drive off. Damn, what a day. Im gonnna miss her. Why did i do this?




Chapter 9 Good Time?

Ariannas POV:

"C'mon girl, let lose..Its SATURDAY NIGHT!" Tam yells as she jumps on the couch. Suziay laughs and i sniff and continue drinking my cup of hot chocolate. I Love this shii. I Wipe my tear."Stop crying its not healthy." Ever since the situation with Jay ive been so depressed. Tam and Suz are staying at my house to keep me confort and im glad for it."Stop being so sad baby." Suz says and lays next to me. I sniff my red nose and blow it."Look at chya." Tam Mugs me and tries to do a mpression of me and puts her hand on her hip and tries to say it in my voice."Ya always trippin over that nigga, Ya need ta get up , Wipe ya ass and get cutteeee!" She yells and We laugh. She always know how to mimic me."STAHP! Babayyy girrl. Ya aint gonna get betta if ya keep da tears comminn." She continues and i laugh so hard. Suz grabs my hands and We walk upstairs."Lets get you pretty." Suz says. I hop in the shower and brush my teeth. Tam and Suz get ready too. I Put my Neon glow in the dark snap back , mathcing shoes and neon T-shirt. I throw on some ripped up skinnes. Tam and Suz are wearing the same thing but Suz put in her own taste and put a neon dress instead. I put my make up on and look myself in the mirrow. I kiss it and grab my dolche and gabbana purse and walk to Tams car. We hop in and drive off looking sexy. This is what i need, a night out with my babes. We arrive and walk into the club. I hear Gas Pedal bumping already from outside and we laugh. We walk inside and start to dance."TURN UPPP!" I yell and Tam grabs us shots. We drink it up and Start twerking. "SPEED UP! GAS PEDALLLLLLL" Tam Yells and I Start to twerk Suz. We start jumping around getting it. Its TOO turnt!

Tams POV:

I Feel bad for my babe Aria. Ive been in her position many times and i hate it. I don't want her being sad or anything so we decide to hit the club. I hate when Tre hurts me and i just feel like shit. Were Dancing and having a good time and i watch Ari And Suz, There getting it at the Gas Pedal."HEYYY, HOW YOU DO THAT??" I Hear through the speakers and start to scream.Thiss My Shit." PANERAMIC AYYEEE, " I Yell drinking some vodka. We dance and laugh and Just have fun. My song Without me by Fantasia is on. Im dancing and i find a striper pole. I had some expirience! I hop on that shit and start dancing, doing tricks like a mother fucker. A nigga i think i know is throwing bills. I Continue dancing with ari and pick up the money. We drink and i count the bills. I ended up with 500 dollars at the end of me dancing. I split it with My girls and we go back to turniing up. The Guy that threw all the bills get closer to me and i gasp."DONTRE! What are you doing here baby?" I say looking around. Wait... if he is here then..JAYS HERE. Shit i need to get Ari out of here before theres a scene. I look around but i cant find my girls. " ARI??!!! SUZIAYYY?!!!" I Yell and look around the club. I grab my drink and start to run around. I sit down and wait around for them. What is going on. I grab Tres hand tight and i have a feeling....I have a really bad feeling......BOOMM BOOM BOOM. I Hear gun shots. I Look around and everyones running. Tre grabs my hand and gets up and starts to run with me. I run and look around. Wheres my girls?"ARRIII!!!!!!!!!!!!" I Yell."SUZZZZIAYYYYY!" I yell , its crazy out here and everyone is running. Then I see Suziay and Ari talking to Kylie and Janell. What the hell is going on?

Suziays POV:

When Tam and Suz Start getting on the striper pole i head to the bar. I ask for 3 martinis. I sit there and drink. I feel bad for Ari and i do for tam to. She doesnt know ive been fucking her man.. I drink the martinis when some nigga sits next to me. I look at him trying to figure out his face features."DAMIN, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" I ask as i drink."Me and the boys are partying. We need to kick it and i guess we ended up at the same club." I smile and kiss him. I love him soo much. I see Tam and Tre talking and i see Ari walk off to somewhere. I laugh and grab Damin to the dance floor and start bumping to Without me. I start to grind on my babe and we start laughing. Ari comes up to me with Kylie and Janell by her side. What are they doing here? "Hey bitch!" Janell and Kylie yell. I look around and i see these suspicious men come in the club and Damin walks next to me."Bitch back up before you get slapped?!" I yell and Ari Mugs the hoes."No dumb ass, your keeping a secret!" Kylie yells. I look around."Im Not hiding shit!" I yell and then..BOOOM BOOOM BOOOM. I hear gun shots. Me and Ari stay in place not moving. Everyone is screaming and yelling. I see Tam and she walks over to me."SUZIAY ..! WHY DONT YOU TELL TAM WHAT YOUVE BEEN HIDING?" Kylie yells and i look a Dontre."What are you hiding?" Damin asks and Then Jay Walks In. Wow the whole crew is here."IM NOT HIDING SHIT!?" I yell But my girls aren't buying it and so arent the boys."HA HA HA, stop lieing before i spill the beans." Janell yells."BITCH SHUT YO DUMB ASS UP!" Ari yells. Tam looks around confused."Okay Ill do it." Kylie says. My heart sinks. She ...knows? "WELL , IF YOU DONT ALREADY KNOW, YOUR FRIEND HERE IS PREGNANT AND APARRENTLY HER AND DONTRE HAVE BEEN FUCKING, IM NOT GONNA LIE, ME AND HIM WERE FUCKING TOO AND IM PREGNANT FOR HIM TOO!" Kylie yells. Dontres eyes turn blank and Tam Faints. Ari is Gasping  On the floor and Jannell and Kylie are just smiling."IS THIS TRUE?" Damin yells In me and Tres face. Tears stream down my face as i nod."DAMIN I SWEAR ITS YOUR BABY, ME AND DONTRE STOPPED FUCKING LIKE WEEKS AGO I SWEAR!!!" I yell as i begin to cry."YOU KNOW I HAD FEELINGS FOR DONTRE AND HE KEPT MANIPULATING ME SAYING IF I DONT FUCK HIM I WONT SHOW MY LOVE THAT I HAVE FOR HIM BUT I LOVE YOU DAMIN, IT WAS A MISTAKE I PROMISE! I WAS DUMB JUST PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME. I CANT BE A SINGLE MOM , I CANT SURVIVE WITH A CHILD ON MY OWN AND YOU KNOW THAT I CANT SURVIVE WITHOUT YOU!" I Yell as i stop Damin from walking away."HOW COULD YOU?! YOUR MY OWN FUCKING BROTHER!" He yells in Dontres face. I get in the middle to stop them."MAN... IM SORRY DAMIN!" He yells." SORRY DOESN'T CUT IT!!"Damin yells back."BUT TO YOUR BABY MAMA IT DOES!"."SHE AINT MY BABY MAMA , SHES YOURS!" Damin gets closer to Tre pushing me in the middle."FOCUS ON YOUR GIRL!" I yell."THOSE WERE MY WORDS TO YOU THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL." Tam is awake and listening to everything."WAIT...YOU WAS WITH THIS BITCH INSTEAD OF ME THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL? WHAT THE HELL!!! YOU SON OF A GOD DAMN BACK STABBER!" Tam yells and she launches herself on me but Jay holds her back."TAMALA IM SORRY!" I yell i try to calm her down but shes hot."TAMALA.. PLEASE" But she pushes me off her."TAM YOU MY BEST FRIEND!" I cry but shes too pissed off."BEST FRIEND? BEST FRIENDS DONT DO THAT TO EACH OTHER BUM BITCH!" She screams."Tamala, please..Forgive me." I get on my knees. I dont want to lose my best friend."I Was stupid and Im sorry."

Ariannas POV:

What the hell is going on? Im soo confused like, TF? I see these two men walk over holding a gun. Imidiately Jay pushes me behind him. Why am i even touching this nigga?"KYLIE, WHERES MY MONEY!" The gunman yells. Kylie looks around."I SAID WHERE MY MONEYY!!!" He yells louder.What money? What the hell?! The i see him pull the triger and everything goes black. Im out of the funk i was in and im running with jay. I look around and There Tam and Dontre, there Suziay And Damin and were all running. Tears stream down my face and i look around, What is happening, what the hell? I can still hear gunshots and i see people on the floor, i see blood and i see police cars and ambulance. Everyones just running. I lost my shoe but i keep running. When were all far, far away from the club its silent. What just happened?

Jays POV:

Were officially far away from the club walking on the silent freeway. Everyones in tears..Why are we breaking away from each other? We used to be the best of friends. I take off my jacket and hand it to Ari but she ignores me. Great! She hates me. I love her and i didn't want to hurt her. We stop at a mcdonalds and sit down inside a back booth. Tamala and Suziays Crys are so loud..I Feel bad for Damin, he goes all out for suziay and all she does is cheat."D..D..Damin?" Suziay sniffs."Baby can we .. can we talk?" She touches his arm and he pushes her away."No, don't do this..." She cries more."Please..don't leave me!!" She breaks down."I ..I love you baby, please listen..Please." Damin is turned away from Suziay and right next to her is Tam. She then turns to Tam."Tam..Help me please, Please im sorry, i didnt mean it. I didn't mean to hurt you! Im sooo sooo sooooooo sorry!" She cries. Tam is crying herself. I Sigh and put my head down. I let out some tears and touch Aris hand but she pulls away fast. Everyone is..Mad. I just cant..

Chapter 10 Breaking away..

Ariannas POV:

Its been 2 weeks since ive heard from Jay and thats fine. Im done with his foolish acts and im soo over the drama. I would never wish for anyone to die so for Kylie to pass away is a huge deal for me. We had our ups and downs but were still family. Im walking out my apartment to go to Coffee shop with Tam and Suz. I walk in and see my girls and sit down next to them, Ever since the club scene, Tam and Suz are trying to get along."Hey girls." I say and Tam gives me a small smile and so does suziay."We really need to hang tight and stop worrying." I say as i tap them on the back."I feel like a niggas watching me!" Tam yells."I do too." Suziay says and Tam rolls her eyes."I love yall and we will get through this okay?I Promise. One thing my moma always told me is that when trouble come knocking your way you open the door ready to fight it with not one single tear drop but dont knock on troubles door because trouble is still trouble. We will be fine. We are 3 strong, Talented, Smart, Pretty, Well eduacated, Black women!" I yell and we laugh. So far this year has been..cray! Tam and Dontre are Split for the best. I Know Suziay never ment harm but that was Fucked up. I love my girls but i just hate seeing this BS. Do i see a future for me and Jay? Right now i dont. Maybe there can be but not right now. I obsolutely see a future for Suziay and Damin. We did a DNA test and its Damins baby,Thank GOD! There back together and are happy and im happy for my girl. On the other hand Tamala is still a bit depressed. What ive realized is That kylie hired men to come to the club to scare us and shoot her but not to kill her but for her to lose the baby but it didn't go as planned, he shot her cause she didn't pay him so thats what really happened. I Hope Dontre learns from his player ways. Dontre and Damin still have beef and i understand. I feel like im been so hurt that i just cant  be myself at this point and i just need time to rebuild my trust with people. I Also  feel like ive learned alot from this Past Month. I know now who are about that life and who are just simply not. But thats fine becuase i got everything under controll.                                                                             

A Word from the authour

Thank you for reading my book and i hope you enjoyed it! Im working on the next book: The crew love so stay tooned and continue reading my books! Thank you to everyone that gave me ideas and i will take ideas for the next book too!




Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.10.2013

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