
chapter one- Ace

“This school is crap why do I still come here?” I grumbled kicking at pebbles as I went.

As I crossed the roof of the school to spend third hour in my usual spot I saw a flash of black and stopped. None should be up here it’s my territory. Throwing my shoulders back I glared up at the color ready to throw down with the intruder. Until I realized there on the top of the northern roof top entrance wasn’t a rival gang member but a girl. Wait a girl? At Bezel High? What the hell. Scrambling over to the second entrance I climbed fumbling over my own hands as I tried to reach her before she decided to leave.

Rushing up two rungs at a time I flew over the top landing on my feet a foot from the edge. She hadn’t moved since I spotted her she was still sitting all huddled in on herself. Slowly I crossed the small space watching for any sign that she was going to turn and attack me. She didn’t just sat there like she was waiting for me to make the next move. Pulling her shoulder so her face was towards me I glared readying to interrogate her.

“What the hell are you doing here girly…” The power behind my words died out before I silenced.

She was no girl; well yeah she was a female, a female something. I felt my bravo fade had hated myself for being so frightened of a girl it was weak. But her eyes, her eyes were so different like other worldly pitch black orbs that appeared pupiless and it scared me to the core. She narrowed them at me jerking away so she could stand silhouetting her figure against the rising sun. I balled my fists clenching and unclenching them to slowly rain in my annoyance. My reaction seemed to intrigued her and she tilted her fire red head to the side looking at me closely before turning her back on me.

“What are you?” I blurted.

She didn’t respond just messed with one of the three black chains on her right hip. She was starting to tick me off with all the silence. This was my crummy school not hers, she was going to answer me whether she wanted to or not. A girl, human or not, shouldn’t be here it was wrong. Reaching out again I tried to grab her arm to twist it and force answers out of her.

“I asked you a question.” I growled.

Turning her head to the side so one eye was visible to me she smirked jumping off the roof before I could touch her. My immediate reaction was to stare wide eyed and open mouth at her as her tank top sank over the edge. Her pitch black eyes locked with mine as her head fell passed my view point and down to the street below. Any sign of her gone I finally acted running to the edge and looking down to see if she was hanging on or already dead spraled lifelessly below on the pavement.

“What the hell…”

“Ace!” A woman’s voice yelled.

I lurched forward cracking my head on the top bunk of my bed.

“Ow fuck.” I cursed rubbing my forehead.

I did it at least three times a week but never learn there was a concussion hazard above my head. Groaning I rolled out of bed using my computer desk to climb up so I could stand straight. Yawning and scratching my stomach like some hobo and stumbled to my closet in my boxers. Eh school and mornings two things I hate. Snagging a pair of ripped jeans and a black tee out of the cluttered closet I pulled them on running a hand through my hair. Daily routine kicking in I marched to the bathroom with my eyes closed fumbling to turn the water on. Slapping cold water in my face I shivered looking up in the mirror. Something was off about me. Leaning in I realized I was paler for some reason almost like I had seen a ghost or had a-

“Nightmare…” I whispered to myself.

I turned paler. That dream I had last night was so real I could still feel the slippery rungs of the ladder and see her black pupiless eyes. I glared at my human reflection turning my head side to side to shake out the water drops from my spiky hair. I let the ice cold drops pelt my face again and my neck before I turned and padded down the steps to get some breakfast. The whole time down I couldn’t get her face out of my head. The look of her crimson hair almost glowing in the dark of the night as it stopped short to expose her neck. Then as she turned trails on either side of her face became visible, they were braided and hung to just past her shoulders. But the thing that haunted me most were her black pit like eyes. I dropped down in the wood chair at the table and spooned cereal in my mouth.

“Morning sweetie.” Mom said.

“Hey son bout time you got up.” Dad grunted from behind the paper.

My greeting was no more than a grunt with an added head shake. I shoveled my cereal down in record time and bailed out the door before mom came over for a kiss. As I paused to slip my shoes on my mind began to wander. I didn’t need a book bag Bezel high was a crap school with only five teachers. And half of the school is deserted because it’s trashed, walls falling down, no ceilings in some places. Only the six big gang leaders hang out there, me being one of them. I lounged against a sign as the school bus stopped at the end of my street to pick up three kids. I bounded up the steps in one large stride and pushed my way to the back dropping in my seat almost at the very back. Leaning my head against the window I sprawled out in the seat for a nap still thinking about that girl. Why would a girl be there? It’s a trashed school with nothing but gang banger students. Hell even the principle doesn’t hang around. Only five ballsy teachers do because they get paid and then the only reason the schools still open is because the gangs threatened the principle to keep it open so we have a safe meeting place. There hasn’t been a girl at Bezel in twenty years I hear, so why was she?

“Yo Ace you coming or what man?”

I opened one of my eyes to see my right hand man Zeke slouching in the aisle with his hands buried in his pockets.

“Yeah dude just trying to get some sleep. I’ll be there when I wake up.” I said closing my eye again.

The sound of the leather seat across from me being sat in made me open my eyes again.

“I know but there’s a new student here, and they say it’s a hot chick.”

A girl? I flung myself out of the seat and ran off the bus. I had to see if it could possibly be her. She had a few things to answer for. She jumped off a roof dumbass, I scolded myself mentally. It was something big I had missed because I was too mesmerized by her eyes. She had committed suicide there was no way it was her. I grunted squinting my eyes as I slowed to a dead stop next to some trees. She wasn’t real it was just a dream man come on. But then like she was trying to prove my mind wrong she walked up to the entrance in a school uniform. Except it wasn’t her, she had black hair.

chapter two- Pandora

I was forcing myself not to glare as I attempted to walk in heels. They were the most ridicules thing ever invented and they hurt so bad. I was already annoyed at myself for letting that boy see me yesterday. It was something I just didn’t need right now or ever really in my chaotic life. As I walked carefully up the steps so I didn’t crack open my skull I realized everyone was staring at me. The corner of my mouth twitched wanting to smile nervously at the hungry looking boys. Whose idea was it to enroll me here? Oh right, mine. I’m a genius, I thought sarcastically. I held my books closer to me as I walked the hall lined with thugs. It was the only place I could think of that was infamous enough to be a good hiding place. I just wish I didn’t have to put on this show.

“Hey there sweet thing.” One of the boys said.

I felt his hand slid over my shoulders and pull me to a stop. I forced myself to remain in character even banishing all thought’s I would have thought about him normally. I was a different person, putting on a play if you will, and I played the part as well as I could. Turning to look at him I found a heavily pierced teenager looking me up and down. I couldn’t stop as I shivered under his creepy touch. Keeping my composer I let him eye my chest licking his lips hungrily but when he grabbed my ass I snapped. Staying hidden wasn’t worth getting felt up by one of these nasty boys. I back handed his face hard enough he staggered back a few steps then with a smile I walked on to my class room.

“Bitch you think you can come in here and just slap the Red Diamonds leader?” He snarled.

“I think I just did.” I said sweetly over my shoulder.

Nope no more girly girl act that’s for sure. Now I can take these stupid shoes off, in whose right mind does a dress code need heels! Someone grabbed my shoulder spinning me around way to fast on the tooth picks. I fell to the floor butt first with a loud oaf. Glaring up I found the boy from yesterday looking at me like I was a ghost, and as far as he knew I could be. I pulled my hand free standing next him only to have to slide back to the ground. The punch I avoided flew over my head and instinct kicked in and I leaned back on my arms kicking out with my leg to send him up off the ground. The air whooshed out of his lungs and he came down falling right above me.

I pulled my leg in and then kicked out with the other one sending him up again. This time I rolled out from under him and when he reached the perfect height slammed my elbow in his back like a wrestler and took him down.
Again all eyes were on me, this time astonishment and not lust shown in them. I smiled at my little victory and walked off still trying to get to class. A hand reached out and grabbed my ankle.

“Wait it’s the rules that you get rights to my gang.” The boy on the floor wheezed out.
I looked down at him. His gang? I have enough trouble tailing me without his gang buddies to add to my “friends” list.

“I don’t think so. You can keep your gang. So long as you leave me alone and let me have one of the abandoned class rooms to myself. Is that a deal?” I asked.

“Yeah, what’s your name?”


chapter three- Pandora

As I made my way to the English class at the far end of the school I could hear him chasing me. He was running fast and his heart was starting to speed up. I frowned; he would be one to seek answers for himself. Looking around to make sure I was alone, and I was, I light stepped clear across the school in milliseconds. Being this far away from him I could escape any time I wanted but that wasn’t how I was anymore. I entered the nearest empty class room and waited. His footsteps came closer and closer till they stopped. Shoving the door open a deep grunt echoed from the other side sliding outside I glared down the boy holding a bloody nose.

“What the hell!” He yelled.

“Why are you stalking me?”

“I’m not stalking yo-“

“Fine why are you chasing after me then?” I grumbled.

“Did you just cut me off?”

“Yes and I will again if I want to.”

“I dare yo-“

“EH!” I yelled out cutting him off, “Just did.”

I smiled at him getting one back in response making me feel like I had earned a new friend until I felt the nausea wash over me with the threat of one of them coming after me. My smile fell and I looked around I could sense it was close and with this mortal in front of me I couldn’t call out Reverb to find them. Decision time risk an innocent or ditch him.

“I’m going check out the ruined part of the school, bye.” Ditching now.

I started walking away from him to find a deserted place for the oncoming battle. A hand grabbed my wrist and I glanced down to see it was him again. He just doesn’t give up. I yanked my hand out and proceeded forward till he blocked my path arms crossed over his chest glaring down at me.

“Not until you answer my questions.”

“If I remember right I asked them first and you didn’t answer me.” I snapped.

“I asked what you were on the roof of the school and you jumped off. So I get answers first.” He growled.

My eyes widened, he actually remembered that? His memory was supposed to be erased, changed to make him think I was a girl he ran into the day before. This wasn’t good at all he remembered and I was stuck protecting him because they were here. I whirled to face him taking a hand full of his black shirt and tugging him behind me to a destroyed wall.

“What the hell are you doing?”

Saving you, “You want answers right? Well come on boy.” I said still pulling him along.
He must have gotten fed up with a girl bossing him around because he grabbed my arm and twisted it till I was forced to release him or have it broken.

“My name is Ace not boy.” He snarled.

“Nice I’m Pandora so don’t call me girly again.” I growled back.

I realized then that I had made a mistake. His blue eyes widened as his arms dropped to his side. His mouth opened then shut and opened again like his brain had short circuited mid thought.

“It is you, your real, your inhuman.” He breathed out.

I flinched at the word it was true I was never really human but at one point, before now, I was closer to it. Yet it still hurt to be labeled as an inhuman monster. I huffed after the moment of pain passed over and left me annoyed. Crossing my arms over my chest I glared at him.

“You’re so kind, do you talk like a psycho to every girl you meet?” I said trying to fix my mistake.

It only got worse. He grabbed my exposed wrist and pulled it away from my chest. I was ready to scratch him and pull my arm back to just ditch him but he saw my charm bracelet then. Oh no it’s calling to him. And just like I knew he would he messed with the skull charm till the top popped open and the seal released.

chapter four- Pandora

The seal shot out from the tiny silver skull and stopped time in the school painting everything red and black in the process. The charm disappeared with my body, Ace’s would have too since he was the one who opened the seal. I frowned then knowing the enemies in the building would be in here too, taking on their true forms when there human disguises faded away. My body began shivering as my own true form took shape. My nails grew longer and curved while my back split open and my head pulsed.

It was the one place on earth I wouldn’t have to hide and I could unleash my full power without incident. Where is the human…Ace… at? I thought correcting myself. Looking around the red and black hued school I realized that the box wasn’t where I thought it would be. I had just entered the destroyed part of the school when he activated the seal but nothing was around that spot. Closing my eyes I waited and listened for his heart beat and the call of the box. The fait beat of three hearts in the center of the damaged school caught my attention. I was off at full speed flying to them, to protect the box and probably save Ace. I was almost there when I realized I was too late, the two hearts I didn’t know were close to the box, too close.

“Ace!” I yelled.

The sound of my voice frightened them off gaining me some time. I stayed in the air just behind Ace and watched him closely as he looked around for me.

“Pandora, what the hell is going on?”

He sounded stressed and freaked out and honestly I didn’t blame him. I would have helped him normally but at this point in time I had one job. To protect the box.

“Show yourself already!” He shouted

“No you can’t handle it.” I responded from the hidden cloak of my wings.

“You think I can’t handle a naked chick ha!”

I couldn’t help but laugh at his response. Being in the seal meant he was naked, as was I, But he didn’t know I was a demon and he couldn’t handle the truth of that. I stayed silent still waiting for the enemy to return. He grunted folding his arms over his chest as he glared around looking for me. His eyes passed over me twice but then he stopped finding something in the dark. My heart pounded as I watched the warning signs flash over his facial features his eyes were trained on the box and his hand started reaching out to open it. Light stepping to him I grabbed his twitching hand.

“Don’t touch it.” I snarled.

chapter five- Ace

Everything was the same except I was naked and the school was red and black like some emo or Goth painted it. It was bizarre and started when I saw Pandora’s bracelet it was almost like it was telling me it had a secret and it wanted to tell it. Glaring I looked around for Pandora seeking more answers from her. Ever since I saw her on the school roof strange shit had been happening to me. My eyes passed over it at first but then it shined in the dark from some unknown light source making my eyes snapped right to it and I blinked.
There floating in the middle of the air was a silver box lined with gold and red. Walking closer to it I realized the red was pictures depicting Greek gods or something. Again that weird sense of it holding a secret swept over me. Slowly I reached out to touch it but a warm pressure held back my hand squeezing hard.

“Don’t touch it!” Pandora’s voice hissed in my ear.

She sounded alarmed and worried under the anger. The sudden contact snapped me out of whatever trance I was in and I turned to look at her, only she wasn’t there.

“Stop fucking with me get back here.” I said annoyed.

“Duck!” She shouted.

My brows furrowed and I gritted my teeth. What the hell is going on! From the corner of my eye I saw a flash of red orange and then I couldn’t see. I felt my feet lift off the ground as I was pulled or pushed aside. As soon as I started moving Pandora screamed out in pain surprised by her sudden screaming I shoved her off me and froze. It was Pandora all right collapsed on her knees in front of me but…her hair was red again flowing past her waist a pair of matching crimson horns curled on her head framing her face and flowing from her back perfectly blended red and orange feathers formed massive wings that looked like fire. She clutched her bleeding side with two clawed hands staining them in blood. I could see a glimpse of her pit like eyes as she squinted down at the arrow.

“What are you!?” I yelled to stunned to move.

Her eyes flickered up to me but it seemed like she was looking through me ‘Shit’ I heard her whisper harshly. Surprising me she lunged forward screaming to reveal two sets of fangs I fell to the ground as she came closer swiping her claws at me. My chest pounded and I thought I was dead till I heard the bird like cry from behind me. Jumping up I clenched my hands into fists to defend myself but it was unneeded because there squaring off with Pandora was another winged female creature. Clawed hands attached to her brown feathered wings, her torso was also covered in feathers. I could see a bird tail behind her and her legs reminded me of an ostrich’s. She was using them to try and claw Pandora as they flew around fighting.

“What’s this?” Another woman said.

A hand ran down my chest making my heart pound more when the feathers rubbed my shoulder. The hand stayed on my chest at its owner walked around so I could see them. She looked just like the brown bird chick but she was black.

“What’s this? Has the poor little boy never seen a harpy before?” she paused looking me over,”aw I was hoping she had chosen you as a guardian. But your just a mortal it seems, too bad.”

I didn’t have a clue what the hell she was talking about. A claw grazed my chest and I gasped like a wimp. I was getting pissed at just how useless I was, having some chick do all the fighting when I’m a gang leader! This is bullshit get your ass in gear Ace. She ran another claw over my chest and I shoved it away.

“Don’t touch me birdie.” I growled.

She blinked then smiled to show off rows of razor teeth.

“Spunky are we. You should have been a guardian for her.”

“I don’t know what the hell you talking about.”

“You don’t nor will you because your life ends here boy.”

She caressed my face before letting go and razing her claws to strike. I knew I couldn’t fight her and I prayed to god I was dreaming as she started to strike. Keep your dignity kid, I thought as I glared her down my killer.

“Ace!” Pandora cried.

I looked up to see her falling toward the harpy trying to save me. Tsh saved by a girl, shit the boys will never let me live this down. But truthfully I was glad I didn’t have to die or at least I didn’t think I was going to die till she got shot again. She fell hitting the ground hard and bounced to a stop next to me blood trickled from the corner of her mouth and her breathing was labored. I would have checked her naked body out but I noticed the arrow stuck in her back.

“Ace run.” She breathed with a weak smile before her eyes closed.

chapter six- Pandora

Slowly I opened my eyes to look at the river of Styx. I glared that last arrow I got shot with had killed me and now I was waiting to be taken across the river. Damn Artemis arrows in a harpy’s clutches. And then that brown one hit me in the heart when I had my back turned.

“Hades, send me back now you know the rules!” I yelled.

For a few uncomfortable moments the only noise was my voice bouncing off the dreary walls of the underworld. Then finally to my right a glowing cape of blue fire caught my attention and I sighed at his games picking up a small pebble to throw at his head.

“Ow ok I get it.” He said.

His form started taking shape. A wide pale disembodied smile showed before his face completely solidified.

“Hello Hades.” I said.

“What brings you here so soon? If I remember right the deal entailed you living till the box was opened again.” He said coolly.

I glared at him. Hades the Greek god of the underworld was very straight forward and loved tricks. He was also the reason I had a demon body and powers, the reason I was going back to kick that harpies ass for killing me. I glanced at his silver hair and white eyes as little as possible. They were a creepy combination and if you knew what to look for like I did you could glimpse his true form. He was a wolf in sheep’s clothing if you will truthfully he’s a skeleton who wares that flame cloak to have a flesh body when he talks to someone.

“Arrows of Artemis shot by a harpy are a suck ass thing.” I responded finally.
He was intrigued.

“A harpy? Come now Pandora they are low class monsters, there are worse out there you know that.”

“I do but I was protecting a mortal.”

“Mortal?” he asked then paused to look at his orb to see the events play out. ”Oh yes Ace the leader of the hooded clown’s at Bezel high. Hum, why don’t you make him your guardian?”

I flinched back. Guardians’ made me stronger and help guard the pithos but it costs them there freedom, something I couldn’t do to anyone because I sympathized.

“You know I won’t.”

“Very well, good luck then.”

He nodded and my soul sky rocketed to the surface on blue flames. The way he sent me off like that gave the impression he was up to something.

chapter seven- Pandora

“You little worm get off my leg!” a harpy screeched.

My eyes flew open as my body heated up with every beat of my heart as I revived. I could feel power course through me as the feeling of my box being in the enemies hands urged me on. Standing I glared unleashing my power. The harpies stopped bickering and looked at me shaken by the sudden surge of power from a dead girl. Hooking my thumb on the second chain on my waist I pulled forward breaking it so it flew through the air.

“Attack my guard Alister!” I yelled.

The charm on the end of the flying chain glowed black to transform it into the two headed dog most people knew as Orthros before Hercules killed him. Alister charged forward jaws open as he chomped down on a harpy. I light stepped to the black feathered one showing off my fangs as a threat. She made the mistake of snatching my box away from in front of me and hid it against her chest.

My eyes blazed as black flames flickered around them with my power. I let a horrifying roar out as my true form took shape. I always held it in because the change was painful but once pithos was in danger I couldn’t hold back. A pair of my lower teeth sharpened giving me a gruesome bite, my red hair rose in the air from my power as it magically braided its self and fell back down to hang past my waist. My waist became covered in fur like feathers as my legs snapped and broke to take on their gargoyle like forms, feet curled in as the claws formed and then I roared again as spines snapped from my arms.

They curved back with my arm but stuck out pass my elbow to give me another deadly weapon. Splitting open under the pressure my skull moved as another set of horns grew out and curved up around my forehead. My back bubbled and a second set of flame colored wings unfurled. I roared one last time finally completing my agonizing transformation as metal plates shifted and tore from my back as they formed my whip like tail from the base of my skull to the razor tip. I glared at the harpy with my black flaming eyes. She gasped whispering to me.

“Pandora the demon of the pithos, guardian of Pandora’s box.”

chapter eight- Pandora

Grinning I swiped my arm at an angel to take her head off with my spine. Ace, who was holding onto her leg, fell down with the body plummeting toward the floor. I flew down and grabbed his hands lowering him to the floor before he fell and died.

“Traitor!” the second harpy yelled at me.

Her claws dug down my back making it burn. Alister was running after her but I motioned him to halt then flicking my tail I wrapped it around her neck tightly. She pleaded for her life but I knew harpies and there tricks so I tensed my tail slicing her head clean off I glared at the mess of feathers as it fell with a wet thud. I turned my attention to Ace looking sadly at him he was trying to look fierce but I could see and hear his heart pounding out of his chest. Landing in front of him I folded my second pair of wings tightly against my back then the first pair.

Ace’s eyes widened when he looked at me and his leg twitched wanting to retreat. Why wouldn’t he be scared I am a monster after all? I stretched my hand out to help heal him but I was swatted away angrily. Getting the hint I turned away ruffling my feathers as I rained in my power till I returned to my two wing form. I started walking away needing time to place the pithos back on its marble pedestal.

“Were going back come on Alister…Ace?”

Alister barked and glowed black as he reverted to his chain form. Ace never answered me so I ignored him closing my eyes and forcing the seal closed. When I opened my eyes the next time he was in front of me fully clothed holding the skull charm. I jerked my wrist away from him before he opened it again and called more demons to me.

“What was that?” He said.

“None of your business.” I snapped.

I felt strange and then I started falling back as my vision tunneled the last thing I saw was Ace reaching for me. Over did it after I died great job genius.

chapter nine- Ace

I pulled her arm so she fell into me and not on the rough cement behind her. She slumped against my chest lifelessly as her face became hidden behind her black hair. I frowned at her, what was I suppose to do with an unconscious girl in a school full of street boys? I knew there was no way I could leave her alone in this school and feel ok about it. Groaning I lifted her bloody body so she was cradled against me and started to walk off. My body was frozen midstride by the realization something was going on I panicked looking down at Pandora’s bracelet to make sure it was closed; it was something else was going on. The school was painted blue and white reminding me of Pandora’s red and black version but this was darker feeling. I could see a figure standing at the end of the hall way just staring at me.

“Ace my boy, do me a favor?” He said.

I glared trying to step back without success. The cloaked figure‘s silver eyes looked down and he nodded I was able to move then and I ran wanting no part of this fucked up shit and because well I had a passed out girl in my arms. I turned down the hall towards the exit and ran smack dab into Zeke. I opened my mouth to ask for help but realized he was frozen like all the others. Damn alone again. I turned to run around him but then Pandora was being taken from my arms. It was strange but I felt protective of her when she was vulnerable like this. I turned with her body and slugged the guy in the face as he continued to take her from me.

“I see, maybe you could tame her.” Was all he said to me.

He pulled Pandora the rest of the way out of my arms whispering something in her ear. At first I thought she was awake but then she started to glow her head and arms flopping out as her body floated and glowed. Like in the other place where she looked like a demon she became naked, but it was different last time she had horns, claws and wings this time she merrily looked like a beautiful girl. She floated so it looked like she was standing and just hung there with her long flowing red hair slowly waving around her face and breasts. The man started to reach out for her throat and I kicked him.

“Don’t touch her.” I snarled.

He disappeared from in front of me and tapped my shoulder. Turning I prepared to punch him but I found my body frozen in place again. His blue cloak billowed with sudden ominous power.

“Let her figure it out this is a secret.” He chuckled.

And then my wrist felt like it was on fire I glanced down to see his hand retract as fast as it had grabbed me. I screamed from the scorching on my wrist as the skin bubbled from unexplained heat. Black lines blurred around the bubbles and blood seeped from bursting skin. Out of instinct I looked up to Pandora to see him reaching for her neck again. I couldn’t move or form the words to stop him all I could to do was scream louder. It was almost like she heard me and wanted to ease the pain when her eyes fluttered open her head snapped up and she locked eyes with me for a second. They were a lushes deep sea blue that pulled me into their deeps away from the pain.

“NO!” She screamed.

The man pulled away and the school returned to normal. Pandora was right back in my arms and we were back at the English class room. I blinked. What the hell?

chapter ten- Pandora

I didn’t know where I was but I knew it wasn’t home or at school. The pillow under me was too soft and the blanket too warm plus music I didn’t remember played as I tried to wake up. Groaning I stretched trying to move despite the pain from my true from.

“She’s alive.”

I opened my eyes glancing up to find a half naked Ace watching me. I closed my eyes and groaned again.

“What can’t handle me in just boxers? Too bad my house my room I’ll ware what I want.” He said sounding annoyed for no reason.

I’m in his room? Dear god. Pushing up off the bed I wobbled and flopped down on my butt. I felt chilled and looked down to see I was covered in bandages and a pair of boxers. Basically I was naked and unlike when we were in danger in the seal I cared. Squeaking I pulled the covers around me to hide myself.

“You undressed me!” I shouted feeling defiled.

“Come on I’ve seen you naked before. Besides my sister threw me out so no I didn’t touch you ok.” Now he sounded edgy.

Something was up with him. I glared unable to resist the urge to check him out. Yeah I don’t date or get close to anyone but hell he’s hot and I’m a girl cut me some slack people. I looked over his boxer area as fast as I could and then back up. He had a few scratches on his abs a clear tan starting on his arms from where he wore a tee shirt in the sun to long. He still had on a smirk when I finally looked at his scratched face.

“See anything you like?”

Yes.”No pig.” You’re hot.

He frowned grunting as he flung something red at me sling shot style. Catching it I blushed madly it was my red lace panties. I crushed them in my hands and sat on them like if I hid them he wouldn’t notice they were lace. Which was completely dumb and since when did I act like this? Being embarrassed and allowing him to take me home was not what I did solitude and badass attitude was more my style. Something tugged at the back of my memory and I fought the urge to scream as the corner of my lips twitched.

“Can I shower?” I asked suddenly.

Ace blinked caught off guard for a second then slowly he pointed to a door next to him covered in skateboard posters.

“That’s my bathroom. Your kind of a secret so if-“

“Locked away in your room got it.” I said rushing past him.

chapter eleven- Ace

I watched her run past me and slam the door behind her the way her ass moved in my boxers was a complete turn on. Whoa Ace come on she’s hot but she’s a demon you don’t wana go there…I think. I groaned falling down on my bed as I fought the thoughts about Pandora in the shower. Lifting my arm in the air I glared at the bandages staring through them to the tattoo on my wrist.

“This is your god damn fault.” I snarled.

Since I got that thing I had wanted Pandora more and noticed things like her sent, her deep ocean colored eyes, how the light or shadows play over her skin. I ground my teeth stopping the thoughts about her as my stomach growled. Leaping off the bed I lumbered to the door and paused. Maybe she’ll be hungry; I’ll ask what she wants. I turned to the door ready to knock when I heard crying my hand fell to my side numb and my forehead hit the door. The sound of her crying scared me and made my chest ach. Because somewhere deep down where I was being cut the most by that sound I knew I was the reason behind it.

“No.” I whispered harshly to myself.

I turned forgetting to ask her if she was hungry and thundered down the stairs. Why am I all mushy about her? Its bullshit this thing is making me soft. I ripped the fridge open glared at everything till I spotted some pizza. Snatching the bag I stomped up the stairs munching on a slice of meat lovers. I took a quick look around for my sister to make sure she was out of sight before I slipped back into my room. Pandora still hadn’t come out of the shower and I could hear her sobbing so I turned on my wii killing vampires would calm me down. And it did about a half hour later as I blasted a stake gun into the face of Dracula. Glancing at the clock I became alarmed by the time Pandora had spent in the shower and paused the game to check on her.

“Pandora can I come in?”

“No!” she shouted her voice cracking from all her crying.

“I have pizza?”

The way I said it made it sound like it was a piece offering so I could enter a war zone unharmed.

chapter twelve- Pandora

I was slumped on the floor naked as the shower head pelted me with cold water. I had just cried my eyes out over Ace something I never done before, have feelings for others. I didn’t like him I just felt guilty. Ok there was something about him but I took away his freedom. Slowly I sang ignorance by paramour to calm myself and control my breathing.

“This is the best thing that could have happened. Any longer and I wouldn’t have made it.”
“Pandora can I come in?” His shaky voice carried through the door to me.

“No!” I screamed.

I was shaking from the cold water and I was naked there was no way he was coming in alive.
“I have pizza?”

I smiled at his questioning voice. I was hungry, cold, and tired but I didn’t want to face him. I didn’t want to say that he’s my guardian now his life is mine, or that he loves me because he was marked. Whipping away the tears I stood wobbling out of the shower to towel off. Then frowned and my meek pile of clothes on the sink, the only thing there was my lace panties. I glanced at the door knowing he was right behind it waiting for me to emerge. Sighing I slipped the panties on wrapped a towel around myself then braved the door.

“Coming out and I need a shirt.” I said.

I heard him shuffle away from the door and dig in his closet as I opened the door. He threw the shirt at me and smiled like a creeper as his eyes swept over me. I glared back at him as I blushed knowing this towel was too short for me it ended just below the lace of my underwear only because I had pushed it as low as I dared. I was wishing I had just told him to give me one while I was still behind a door. Snorting I tapped my foot impatiently but he didn’t get the message.

“Turn around you pervert!” I yelled.

He shook his head like he had been in some kind of trance frowned like a puppy dog and turned around.

“Sicko.” I said.

“You like it.”

So! I thought and turned my back on his so if he got any ideas all he saw was red lace covered ass. It didn’t matter the mark amplified whatever he felt towards me. Protection, love, and even lust which ever was strongest became stronger. I glanced back to make sure he wasn’t looking then I discarded the towel and slipped the white shirt on quickly. Turning around I found blue eyes staring at me unhappily.

“You peeping tom!”

He grabbed my wrist pulling it out to see the scares. I always had two on my back because of my wings but now since my full form I had a lot more one for every alteration from my human body to demon, of course they would disappear in a few weeks. Ace ran a hand over my arm where the spine had been and I shivered he stopped freezing over my arm then reached down to pull the shirt up. My eyes widened and I shoved him away. He is worse than I though he’s just like all the others, lust not love. I felt betrayed somehow like I thought he was different. Don’t lie to yourself there all the same. Think dick not heart. I started backing away from him but he grabbed me roughly.

chapter thirteen- Ace

She back away from me when I reached for her shirt. She was right I looked at her when she changed but if I hadn’t I wouldn’t have known about the scars. This tattoo thing made me lust after her, yes that was more of the reason I lifted her shirt, but I also wanted to see her arrow wounds. Grabbing her wrist I lost my senses as the lust took over slamming her against a wall as I continued to and lift her shirt as she weakly slapped me away.

“No!” She yelled.

I growled at her pressing her hands to the wall so she was helpless and whimpering. My eyes slid up her body to her crying face. I shifted her hands over so I held them in one of mine while the other ran up her thigh making her scream. Soft velvet flung me back snapping me out of the tattoo induced lust just before my head collided with a bed post. Groaning as I rubbed the back of my head I sat up on the edge of the bed looking at Pandora through squinted eyes. She was someone else completely. She was in the corner shaking with her arms wrapped around herself as her wings laid there limp. Did I just try and rape her? I shivered at my own animalistic desire to go so far.

Hanging my head I growled annoyed and pissed off at that man who did this to me. My shoulders slackened when I looked at her terrified eyes the story clear in the ocean blue. This had happened to her before, except it was obvious they had went father then me. Standing off the bed I approached her slowly trying not to frighten her anymore. I closed the space easily coming within touching distance but dared not make that move just yet.


“No you monster, five is enough!” She cried.

I didn’t know what she meant but I took my chance and threw my arms around her. She screamed thrashing against me beating anything she could hit but I didn’t let go even after she socked me in the face. Finally she went limp in my arms giving up after one hell of a fight. I glanced down to see her eyes were closed and she was crying silently. I felt as helpless as she did, crying chicks weren’t my forte. Leaning her away from my some I slowly gripped her shirt hem. As soon as my fingers skimmed her side she took in air and stiffened. I only took the shirt up to her arrow wound that wasn’t too far above her hip and lightly poked around it to see if it hurt her. Truthfully I couldn’t tell if it hurt or was just me touching her that made her gasp. Getting nowhere with my doctoring I released her shirt and let it fall back down in place.

“You need to rest so that heals faster.” I said.

She opened her eyes letting some stray tears fall from the corners. I was starting to get lost in her eyes again but shook it off only letting the lust go as far as kissing her forehead goodnight before I turned to leave.

chapter fourteen- Pandora

I was breathing heavily as I watched Ace turn to leave. When he jumped me I was so afraid it would happen again. The thought of being raped by another guardian frightened me more than the thought of all the Greek monsters coming after me for the pithos. Them I could at least kill but Ace I couldn’t he was my weakness and my strength, my fear and my desire. I shook my head as I watched him leave shoulders tense. My instinct told me to throw up my wall so I was guarded and ready for it to happen. But he was different he was actually fighting the lust.

“Ace…” I said sounding broken.

“You can sleep on my bed ill crash in the guest room.” He said not stopping.
I bit my lip going against everything I ever said or did.


Light stepping behind him my wings wrapped around his warm body arms snaked around him and my face pressed into his back so I could hold him there. It felt peaceful to let myself need someone for once and to just be like this not really doing anything but holding him. I inhaled his scent and lost my resolve to let him in. Releasing him I stepped back as tears started to leak from my eyes. If I let him in, what if he got killed because of his feelings for me? His freedom is already mine I won’t let his life be mine too. My resolve hardened letting me release him and go to his window shoving it up cold air blasted in the room blowing my short hair around my face. I was ready to leave Bezel high, to leave this town, ready to leave him. Taking in a large breath I jumped out the window and onto the fire escape. Balancing on the railing my wings opened catching air currents so I could fly.

“Pandora!” Ace yelled.

I turned to look at him as I let gravity take me down over the railing watching his face pain as I left. He was screaming my name franticly as he leaned over the railing eyes burning with love. Slowly I closed my eyes letting my wings catch the air and pull me away from the building as I made my leave but then Ace did the stupidest thing ever, he jumped after me.

chapter fifthteen- Pandora

My heart pounded out of my chest as Ace came falling down mind racing a mile a minute I thought through my options. At this height I couldn’t stop him and me before we went splat, I doubted my guard Ambrose could manifest in time, so I had one option. Fumbling with the skull charm I flicked it open releasing the seal. The block around Ace’s house was painted red and black as time stopped saving him from the fall while I on the other hand was still fell. Flapping my wings I righted myself and started to fetch Ace so I could place him back in his room. I was half way there when my seal was forced back into the charm. Instantly I was alarmed as Ace started to fall again but then another seal was released coloring things blue and white to stop time but not Ace from falling.

“Ambrose!” I shouted.

Reaching out I caught his arms and continued to fall with him because I had no wings. I wasn’t making much progress at attempting to save him until Ambrose started materializing under Ace that’s when I could feel us start to slow down. Finally my third guard was visible and he whinnied as Ace and I fell onto his back. Ambrose was a beautiful black Pegasus I found wondering around mount Olympus we had a connection right away and unlike my other guards I just had to call his name and he would appear.

“Take us down please Ambrose.” I said stroking his neck.

He gave me a head shake and flew down to the ground. Hopping off Ambrose’s back I walked into the street feeling Ace’s stare burrow into my back and make the feeling of going to him stronger but I had something I had to do first. Pushing my emotions aside I became the badass demon again my glare scanning the area for the seal holder. He had some things to answer for when I found him. Just from the feel of the seal and the coloration I knew who it was and that pissed me off. Finally I spotted the pearl white of a bone arm hiding behind a bush. Grumbling I threw the biggest stone I could find at him.

“Hades, get your ass out here now!” I growled.

“Come now Pandora what did I ever do to deserve your rage?” He asked.

“You. Marked. Ace. To. Me.”

I said every word carefully trying not to leap on him and pummel in his bone face. He is the only one who could have marked Ace and he had the nerve to do it right after I said no. He was so lucky we were in his seal and not mine. Normally seals force demons, gods, and monsters to show their true forms but for me Hades forces my humanity to be my true form when we were in his seal. So the idea of snapping his little bone neck was out of the question.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.06.2012

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This is just a rough version of it so far. I kinda hit major writers block so not sure when I will finish it

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