
The Allure of Fangs

My poison
My drug
You take me higher
Or drag me lower
Be the death of me
Be the breathe in me
I will never let go
Never block your way
Take it from me
I give it to you
Take the blood in me
So your thirst is mine
Human to vampire
Vampire to human
Blood is what they need
Blood is how they feed
Turn me
Take me
The world of light is so bright
Let the dark become my light
Forever with night
Forever with you
My hallucination
My fascination

Chapter one

“Hey Gage wana hang out today?” I listen to his response over the phone, “Yeah both my parents are working and it’s my birthday…I know. So you in?” he thought about it and finally answered me, “Sweet see you soon buddy!” I hung up excited.

Gage was one of my good friends I met in Collage freshman year. I looked down at my wall paper on my cell phone. I had my turquoise bandana on hiding most of my dark brown hair. My smile made me look like a geek from my one eye squinted up making it look like I had no eye ball because they were such a dark brown.

The clown head on my black ICP shirt I jacked off him was just barely visible because of the way I was standing. Gage was in a chair smiling at the camera while I stood behind him and threw my arm over his shoulder. He wore a gray wife beater and his brown hair was sporting the same Mohawk as today. His hair was just a few shades lighter than mine but his eyes were the same deep brown.

We both were flashing the rock sign at my other friend Morgan who held the camera. I flipped the phone shut and went down stairs to wait for him.My house wasn’t the biggest in town but it was still pretty spacious with three floors. My bedroom was on the top floor along with the game room. Spiral stairs lead down to the second floor where the guest room and flat screen room for movie nights were.

Then finally the third floor where my parents room, kitchen, and front room were. I opened the front door leaving it open as I sat down on the front porch swing. I pulled out my mp3 player and hooked up the mini speakers I just bought and turned the music all the way up. My ears were assailed by death metal music from Bring Me the Horizon. I loved the song that was playing and started doing air guitar and quietly singing along.

I lost myself in the music and started screaming ‘Slaughter your enemies’ when Gage walked up. I didn’t see him because I was head banging and doing air guitar with my eyes closed but he tapped my shoulder when the song ended. I jumped out of the swing.

“Geeeeeesss, don’t do that I almost slapped you.”

“Sorry you were just so in the zone.”

“How long were you there?” I said embarrassed.

“Long enough.” He laughed.

He plopped down on the swing and paused my mp3 player in the same move. I slid down next to him covertly checking him out. He had on black tripp pants with red accents and then a black t-shirt with the red Vladimir Todd smiley vampire on it. The shirt was tight on him hugging his form,

wonder what he looks like without the shirt.

My eyes flicked up to his face before he saw me looking at him, I was safe he was looking off past me at something. I admired his chocolate eyes and gold brown hair for a second.

Sigh I like my collage friend who doesn’t even know, I should tell him one of these days. I wanted to spill about having a crush on him since freshman year of college.

“What some lunch?” Came out instead.

Come on Lyric! It’s your nineteenth birthday for crying out loud!

“Sure what ya making?"

“Hum how about left over lasagna?”

“Sounds good.”

I got up off the swing before him walking into the kitchen. I pulled out a pan of Dad’s lasagna and a knife to cut it with. I put them on the marble counter top and went to grab two plates from the cabinet. Gage came up next to me and leaned against the island where the food was. He picked up an apple from the fruit bowl and bit into it looking at me every now and then.

It was weird behavior for him to constantly look at me like that. I set my chunk on the plate and proceeded to cut his.

“What is it Gage.”

“What is what?”

“What’s with the look you keep giving me?” I asked pointing the knife at him.

“You scare me with that big knife I don’t want you to amputate a limb.” He smiled at me.

“Oh please you know very well that’s not it at all. Now spill or the things being amputated won’t be from me.” I threaten teasingly.

He took a step back bugging his eyes out like a scared little boy. I laughed at him and turned back to finish cutting his lasagna. When I pushed it down on the final edge it resisted more before going through. I jerked my hand back dropping the knife in the pan making a clattering sound and causing Gage return to my side worried.

I had a huge cut on the side of my hand covering the floor with blood.It stung like crazy and when I shoved it under the sink and turned on hot water it burned even more.

“You jinxed me jerk.”

“I didn’t mean to sorry.”

“I was just joking take it easy.” I told him when the bleeding had almost stopped.

“I know but normally your careful and great in the kitchen, I feel bad let me fix it.”

I reached for a towel to cover the wound but he beat me to it. He pressed the blue towel to my left hand hard then dabbed it a few times to try and stop the bleeding.

Hospital trip how happy will my parents be

, I thought. I opened my mouth to tell him I needed stitched but he did the weirdest thing making me close it.

He sniffed the towel and his eyes turned red then slowly watching my reaction he brought my hand to his lips and flicked his tongue out licking the blood. I jerked away from him when I felt it slip over my cut again.

“What the hell are you doing your not a vampire.” I said angrily.

He looked guilty for a second then stepped back whipping his mouth with the towel and throwing it on the counter. My glare turned into shock when I noticed his eyes were red. I backed away from him this joke was stupid but his eyes were kind of scary.

“I am one.” He whispered.

“That’s nuts take out the contacts.”

“Lyric there not contacts I’m a vampire.”

“And I’m a blonde cut it out already Gage I need stitches” I shoved my hand out to him and blinked the burning had disappeared, “What the?”

“See explain that, you can’t because I healed it when I licked you. I’m a vampire Lyric.”

Chapter two

I stared at my hand nothing was wrong with it, no cut, no burning, and no blood. I looked up only to find Gage gone.

Was I hallucinating?

I pressed my hand to my head feeling for a fever that wasn’t there. A pair of cold hands snaked up my arm and then my shoulder up to my neck where they stopped. I shivered, I knew Gage’s touch, I wanted it but right now I couldn’t have it.

I thought he was a vampire for crying out loud!

I stepped away from him but he held me still gripping my shoulder and arm. I felt his breath against my ear and shivered again as it heated my neck.

“Do you believe me now?” He asked.

He brushed his lips against my skin letting something pointy just barely graze my neck.

His fangs?

I let out a small moan instead of jerking away this time and he released me. I spun around and he was just standing there blinking at me like I done something startling to him.

I blushed a deep shade of red and back away from him.

Opps I didn’t mean to moan when he did that.

I ran out of the kitchen forgetting lunch and went up to my room shutting the door behind me.

“I can’t believe I did that out loud, omg what is he gona think?”

“That you liked it but the real question is why.”

I screamed Gage was sitting on my bed looking at me.

I ran up here first there was no way he should be in my room.

I slid down the door and sat on the floor looking at him looking at me with red eyes. He looked sad but I felt like I was still hallucinating even as he slowly walked to me with measured steps.

Why was this happening? I just wanted a simple birthday not this.

He sat down in front of me put his hand on my knee jolting me back to reality. I blinked at him then looked at my knee where his hand was and back at him.

“Why did you enjoy that so much? I let my fangs graze your skin and I just tasted your blood you should have been afraid.”

“Who said I wasn’t.” I snapped at him, “Sorry.”

“It’s ok.”

I fidgeted with my hands in my lap avoiding his eyes,

what was I going to tell him. I liked it because it was your lips touching me and I like you that’s why. Yeah I don’t think so.

He rested his hand on mine stopping them from messing with my pant leg and forcing me to look at him. Chances like this only come once in a lifetime and it was my birthday. I sucked in as much air as I could.

“I liked it because it was your lips touching me and I like you so I liked it despite the fang thing I felt like a fool when I moaned and left now I feel worse.” I said in one breath.

He blinked again like I slapped him in the face. I slid away from him and reached for the door.

So awkward! I blew it and made it awkward!

I turned the handle opening my door so I could flee but his hand slammed it shut in front of me. I glanced back to see his arm over my shoulder holding the door shut. I turned back to the door thinking that if I looked at it it would magically open and I’d forget what I just saw.

I stared hard at the wood door but all I saw was Gage’s face, his red eyes looking at me like I was his territory. Minutes passed and neither of us moved I could feel him behind me still as a statue. Finally he broke the silence by clearing his throat.

“Um Lyric you need to know something.” He said Horsley.

“That you’re a vampire? Yeah I got that memo.” I said sarcastically.

He groaned then his arm disappeared from the door. I slowly turned around to face him but I saw nothing in my room. I searched my closet for him but he was nowhere to be found. I was kind of glad, how cheese would be finding a vampire in closet be? There was a bang from in the hall that startled me and I spun around to look at my open door. I went to it shutting it shut it,

shutting it? I never opened it.

I cracked it open and stuck my head out into the dark hallway.

“Gage?” I called out.

“This way Lyric there’s a power outage.” His disembodied voice came back.

Power outage?

I turned my head to look into my room and sure enough my lamp and fan had shut off. The only light came from my windows above my bed. I felt panic sweep over me I hated the dark, well ok I loved it so long as I could turn a light on if something scared me. I slammed the door shut and ran to my bed pulling the covers over my knees as I sat on the headboard next to the light.

I wasn’t going out there without power, in the dark, with my friend, who’s a vampire! Is he nuts?

I pulled the blanket over my one shoulder and rested my head on the window.

If I wasn’t hallucinating maybe it was a dream and I can wake up.

I closed my eyes focusing and forcing myself to wake up. Someone tapped my shoulder breaking my concentration. My eyes flew open as I flew back off my head board and onto my bed.

The first thing I saw were Gage’s red eyes looking at me. I scooted to the far end of my bed as he sat down on it. I was stuck in the corner with no way out and I was starting to think this wasn’t a dream.

Chapter three

“Are you ok Lyric?” He asked.

“Hell no,” I squealed, “you’re a vampire!”

“Oh about that I need to tell you something.”

“What that you’re here to finish feeding?”

“No!” He sounded horrified.

He reached his hand out and I leaned away from it this time.

How could I trust him when he lied to me for a year about being human?

He let his hand fall onto the bed when I leaned to far out of his easy reach. He looked down at my black bed sheet then disappeared again. I shrieked and slammed my back against the wall as I stood up to watch the whole room.

I scanned it and found him on the floor sitting with his back against my door. His arms and legs just sat there where ever they wanted and his head was turned away from me. He looked dead like he had a heart attack and collapsed there. Out of sheer stupid curiosity I got off the bed and made my way to him. I grabbed my mini wizards bat along the way and poked him with it like a moron.

His hand caught it on the third poke and I screamed swinging at his head. A crack rang out in my room as the bat fell in two pieces on the floor. My hands were numb and tingly like I had struck a concrete floor as hard as I could.

“You broke my bat.” I told him annoyed.

“You poked me like I was some dead animal.”

“For all I knew you were. Your just sitting there like a rag doll.” I waved a hand motioning to him.

“What am I suppose to do? You’re afraid of me but I have to tell you something.”

I frowned at him he looked so distressed. Kneeling next to him I poked his shoulder with my finger. His head rolled to face me still acting like he was dead. Then I realized he wasn’t a vampire,

well ok yeah he was, but he’s still my friend. He’s always been a vampire and I liked him for him. And he’s a vampire so get over it lyric.

I sighed as I returned to my old self and stood up looking down on him.

“I’m still hungry.” I told him.

He didn’t move so I pulled the door open and shoved him out of the way with it. I really was hungry and this vampire drama was making it worse. I popped my lasagna in the microwave and stared off at it as it rotated. Cold hands spun me around to face the kitchen. The so called rag doll was standing before me frowning still and searched my face. I put my hands over my chest and glared at him when the microwave beeped.

First he wanted food then he was sulking and I was really hungry but he wouldn’t get out of my way, now he’s distracting me from the saucy goodness behind me.

He reached his hand up again slowly touching my shoulder. I made no move I just ignored it till he slid it up to my neck then I slapped him away. My stomach was demanding food now not Gage and his hotness.

“Your not as afraid now.”

“Duh.” I said eating.


“I got over it. You’re a vampire that’s awesome just don’t scare like that ok?”

“You got over it?!” He yelled.

I nodded my head taking another bite of delicious lasagna. Gage grumbled striding over to me to rip my lasagna from my hands. The fork hung in my mouth as I reached out for it. He pulled it back more saying no. I let my hands drop to my side glaring. Then I had an idea I took the fork out of my mouth chewing the food.

I struck out stabbing him with the fork and snatching back my delicious. His mouth dropped open and he stared at me.

“What you’re fine it’s just a fork.” I said waving it at him.

I stuck more food in my mouth then spit it back out. It tasted salty and just ew. I looked at the fork and saw almost black blood on it. I was mesmerized by it almost like I was in a trance then the fork was gone and I looked around the kitchen confused.

“You can’t be…” Gage said.



Chapter four

I was sitting across from him waiting for answers as I finished my food. When two minutes passed and he never stopped looking away from my eyes I got upset. I took the dishes to the sink washing and talking.

“Spill already!”

He said nothing and I spun to look at thin air. I grumbled looking around for him.

He is not getting away till he answers me!

I hunted the whole dark spooky house for him. Finding nothing and I had one room left, mine. I squinted at the door hearing noise coming from the other side.

I flung it open finding Gage lounging on my bed watching TV like he normally would if he came over. I got a side long look and then he was looking back at the TV. I stomped over blocking his path with hands on my hips. He looked at my eyes curious.

“What it’s your birthday I figured you’d wana have some fun.” He said.

The corner of my mouth twitched and a blush flushed in over my cheeks. I stared back at his red eyes thinking bad thoughts.

He’s on my bed wanting to have fun for my birthday?

I shook my head trying to clear it again. He looked at me questioningly and I mouthed you-don’t-wana-no to him. He shrugged scooting back so I had space to sit on my bed with him.

I took a seat on the very edge and messed with my hands again. Gage must really hate that because he grabbed then to stop me from doing it again. I avoided his eyes because all I wanted to do was lean forward and kiss him. Just look at the floor, and I did.

“Why are you nervous about me now?”

I looked at him blinking.

What did he mean why was I nervous about him? I mean I was but how did he know?

My face must have shown my confusion because he sighed scooting closer till he was right on top of me practically. I squirmed under his hands wanting to get off the bed and sit in my chair like I normally would. He wouldn’t allow it he seemed to be testing something as he scooted back again.

My body settled down and then he came closer again this time placing his hand on my shoulder by my neck. I squirmed madly uneasy with him so close when I was still thinking about kissing him. He smiled seeming to connect the pieces as he pulled out my mp3 player I had forgotten on the swing. He held my wrists hostage in his one hand as he surfed though my music.

He must have found something good because he rested the player on my night stand with the speakers in.

“What are y-“He cut me off with a finger.

As the music started playing I heated up more. It was a love song, 1234 by Plain White T’s, and Gage was running his hand down my shoulder and back up to my neck. I shivered and he smiled knowingly. I closed my eyes letting him lay me on the bed pinning my hands above my head as he nuzzled my neck. I shivered again.

Vampire nuzzling your neck not a good idea, oh who gives a damn keep going!

His lips brushed my neck and I moaned making him stiffen some as he let his fangs glide over my skin again. I struggled in his grip but he held me still keeping my hands above my head. I shifted my body so I could slide out from under him, but he wasn’t having that. He pressed down on me trapping me under his cold body. I felt his breath become ragged and my eyes flew open to find him staring at me hungrily.

Chapter five

I swallowed hard afraid he might tear out my throat. But then if he wanted to I think he would have already. He started to get off me when Adore by Paramore started playing. He was hallway up when I seized his wrists and pulled him back down on me keeping his wrists above my head.

I felt him stiffen into a statue and stare at my neck. I turned my head to the left looking at the door so my neck was exposed. He started to jump away from me but I tightened my grip on his wrists telling him to stay. Somehow I kept him there but he still didn’t relax.

“If I let you love me, be the adored would you go all the way?” I sang with the song.

I felt him look at my eyes and I gave him a side long look still turned with my neck exposed. I was telling him I loved him and I wanted him to bite me if he needed blood. His face lowered to my neck and his fangs pressed down some. I shivered again releasing his hands by accident as he flew away from me.

I looked over at him crushing the corner of my wall. His chest was rising and falling fast as he stared at my neck. Frowning at him I laid back down on the bed watching the ceiling while my mp3 played something. The bed moved and I closed my eyes.

“Why?” He asked.

I sat up looking at his red eyes giving him the truth.

“Because you look hungry and I’m here so yeah.”

I said shrugging like it was the simplest thing in the world. I pulled my brown hair back to give him my neck again. I saw him stand up taking a step back grumbling to himself.

“It’s your birthday.”

I turned looking at him with my arms crossed over my chest. He said it like it was the perfect defense. But he was wrong, it was the perfect offense.

“Exactly, you have to do what I want and say. So bite me already fang boy.” I said trying a new tactic.

To my surprise he jumped forcing me back on the bed. I bounced on my back blinking because I had missed everything. Gage showed off his fangs in a hiss making me shake with fear. I wasn’t afraid of him, I was afraid because he was going so fast and I couldn’t keep up. I looked at him wide eyed as he came down fast for the bite. I accepted it at the last second and closed my eyes letting the fear leave me.

Then he was gone with the breeze he created. I sat up to look at him and he shoved me down again scaring the crap out of me. I let out a sound of terror making his lips pull up in a smile that was creepy.

He was toying with me

; I glared at him and growled. Not an annoyed human growl it was more like a vampire growl. We both froze looking into each other’s eyes.

Chapter Six

“Gage what is wrong with me?” I whispered.

“I don’t know, but if I bite you I would be able to tell.”

He was sitting next to me then and I sat up too. I crossed my arms over my chest trying not to laugh and be serious.

“I can’t force you to bite me but come up with an excuse and you will.” I said rolling my eyes at him.

He grabbed my shoulders looking at me with a stern expression.

“I’m serious if I bite you then I can taste your blood. If anything is wrong like low white blood cells, I will know.”

“That’s so cool.” I said.

This time he rolled his eyes at me. He brushed my hair back from my neck and I closed my eyes afraid it would hurt. I felt my hair whip around and I opened my eyes to find I was sitting on my desk with Gage standing between my legs. I blush madly as he pushed his whole body forward so his fangs grazed my neck.

They nicked me and I jumped when I felt blood trickle down my neck. He didn’t let it get far before he slid his tongue over it, I shivered at the weirdness of it.

“Just get on with it.” My voice cracked.

He chuckled. I wasn’t nervous from his fangs but the feel of him pressed to me like this, it was insane. Then his fangs burrowed into my neck. I let out a strange scream like shocked sound. I felt him start to pull away but I stopped him grabbing the front belt to stop him. He looked down at me his eyes had worry in them and regret.

I snaked my hand up his cheek and lead him back to my bleeding neck. He didn’t hesitate this time, he didn’t want to know what was wrong with me, he wanted to feed. I dug my nails into his shirt because it hurt a lot more than I thought it would. I could feel every time he sucked the blood out, felt it go from my vein and out my body by force. And it burned like a cut times five hundred.

“Just feed I’m fine wossy.”

He had started to pull away again but I held him there till I got light headed. He jerked away as soon as I loosened my grip on him. I was so dizzy he had to carry me to bed and lay me down. I grabbed his wrist when he started to walk away. I wanted him to stay and tell me what he found. He sat on my bed brushing hair from my clammy face.

“Well?” I said.

“You one of the few people who can become a vampire, and then some.”

“What does that mean?!”

“That you need sleep.”

He confused me but when I wanted to ask more questions my eyes closed on their own.

What is he magical too?

And then I fell asleep.

Chapter Seven

Groaning I twisted around under my blankets with my eyes still closed. I huffed I was sore all over for some reason. Then last night’s dream flooded back to me. Gage my vampire crush had drunk from me and I was weak. He took me to my bed where I fell asleep for a second and woke back up to him leaving. I stopped him by grabbing his wrist.

Shocking us both I mustered up enough strength to pull him to me and plant a kiss on his lips like I had wanted all day.He kissed me back hungrily almost climbing on the bed with me. Then all too soon he pulled away and I fell asleep again. It was the weirdest greatest dream I ever had. Rolling on my back I smiled to myself, my eyes still closed.

“Hummm Gage.” I said touching my lips.


I screamed falling off my bed and scurrying back to a wall. Gage was in my saucer chair frowning at me with red eyes.

Ok so not a dream so not a dream.

I grabbed my neck as it throbbed making me want to crawl back in bed. I managed to crawl to the bed and flop down on it too tired to move more. Closing my eyes I felt every sore muscle and throbbing ach in my body as it protested from every movement this morning.

Aspirin where are you my love

, I thought sarcastically. Something cold brushed my neck and I leaned into it. I hadn’t realized how hot I was till I felt it.

“Lyric wake up you need to eat.”

“No I need pain killers.” I whispered.

I heard him sigh then I was lifted off the bed being cradled against his chest. I whined when he turned me and my back bent so I was resting in his arms. That movement hurt and I blamed him as I glared and punched his chest weakly.

“Down! Down! Down! I don’t want to move at all, leave me alone stupid vampire.”

He frowned looking down at me sadly; there was a hint of regret in his red eyes. He sat me on the couch fluffing a pillow so he could slide it behind me. It forced me to sit up when I wanted to lie down but at least I wasn’t moving now. Every move was hell no matter how small. Not long after he positioned me Gage came back with a steaming bowl of something.

He sat it down on the table next to me and took a seat by my side. I could smell the chicken broth as the fan wafted it to me. My mouth watered with desire for the warm liquid but my body threatened me to stay still or hurt more.

“I’m sorry.” He said.


“Because I…”

He stopped blowing on the spoon of soup before holding it in front of my mouth.

He seriously was going to feed me? Dang I could get use to this hehe.

I took the soup gratefully.

“Continue.” I said in-between spoons.

Chapter Eight

He was going to have to talk because I was ravenously hungry and only focused on the soup. He avoided my eyes while he talked.

“I did that to you. When you growled it was an effect of my blood you tasted. And that was weird for a human to do that.”

I blinked at him,

so I’m weird even when he’s a vampire? How did I end up with the short end of the weirdo stick?

He had stopped talking again and I was still half lost. I poked him when he leaned in to feed me again. He was close enough that I didn’t have to reach out but it still hurt.

“When I tasted you blood the first time I felt it. You one of the few people who can become a vampire,” He said.

“Are vampires rare then?”

“I guess you can say that. But if we try to change any random person they die. You have an extra chromosome in your blood that will react with the venom.”

I nodded I was actually getting what he said,

I’m a freak.

I sipped another spoon full of soup and asked a question that was bothering me.

“Last night you said I was one of the few people who could become a vampire, and then some. What’s the and then some part about?”

His hand froze in mid air above the bowl.

So that was something very important was it.

“Tell me.” I demanded.

But still he didn’t move. I sighed and regretfully sat up to leaned over closer to him. I rested my hand on his shoulder snapping him out of it.

“Leave it be.” He said in a strange voice.

It was like he was whispering a magic spell with authority. I leaned back looking at the soup I wanted.

Wait! Wait! No I won’t leave it be I need to know…why did I listen to him like I had no choice? He is magic dang it.

I glared at him.

“Stop it!” I yelled making him jump.


“Stop using magic on me. Tell. Me. What. Your. Hiding.”

I enunciated every word trying to make him tell me through anger. He laughed at me making me madder.

“I’m not magic I just used glamour on you. You know like in vampire diaries?”

My mouth dropped open,

he is such a cheater

. ‘Where can I find some verbayne.’ I whispered and he heard causing his body to shake with laughter. Eventually he stopped laughing and stood up going to the kitchen. I pouted he always left when I was just getting to the good parts. It was obvious I either went after him or stayed hopping for him to come back.

I opted for the latter closing my eyes and thinking about the dream where I kissed him. I heard him clear his throat and I opened my eyes finding him standing in the doorway with blood starting to drip down his neck. My mouth opened not out of shock but out of want. I was off the couch and halfway to him when my body caught up to its self. I collapsed on the floor panting hard like I had just run a marathon.

“Lyric.” He was afraid.

“Gage why do I want your blood so badly?”

“Because you’re the blood princess.” He said hoarsely.

Chapter Nine

I was a what?

“What are you-“

I stopped talking when Gage took a knife I hadn’t seen and widened the cut on his neck. It was alluring and beckoning me teasingly as it dripped down his pale neck. I reached out to it and Gage was in front of me his eyes closed as he stood on his knees. I went to him pushing his head aside some so I could press my lips to his blood. I shivered and started to lick it up like a crack addict having a fix after a week without one.

The first time I tasted his blood it was like thick metallic water but this time it was like liquid sugar pouring down my throat. I dug my nails into his shoulder wanting more than the cut was letting through. I growled at him again biting him with my human teeth like I didn’t know I had no fangs. I fell flat on my face and jumped back up growling at Gage.

“Calm down Lyric please.” He was seriously scared right now.

I ran after him, after the blood I could faintly smell from his neck. He dodged and ran up to my room again to hide. I wouldn’t allow it I broke down my own door and searched for him. I saw the corner of his jacket in my closet and yanked him out roughly. He hit my bed knocking the mattress off halfway and his back cracked my frame. I charged him missing by an inch when he stood taking a step left.

But the move he thought help had been to my advantage I reached out taking him down with me as I tumbled over the mattress. It wedged itself between the wall and its frame. I pinned Gage down to it so I was straddling him and holding his arms down. His eyes were full of terror as I dug at the cut with my nails to open it more. I heard his scream and I froze,

what am I doing?

My face was buried in his bloody neck and I had him pinned somehow despite his struggling.

I pulled back looking at him with teary eyes. I had done this to him. Chased him down like a piece of meat. Then when I knew I had him I tore at his neck just to satisfy my own cravings. I started to get up off him so I could run and shut myself in the bathroom but he stopped me. He held me there by the waist and I caved in. I rested my head on his chest grabbing fists full of his shirt as I cried.

“I’m sorry Gage I don’t know what’s wrong with me. What I am anymore.”

“Shhh its ok, it’s ok. It was my fault for letting you taste my blood in the first place. For letting you start to awaken.” He said soothingly.

What are you talking about?”

“You’re the princess, unlike normal vampires, you feed on vampire blood.”

Chapter Ten

I was dancing and singing along to a song as I cleaned my room after the accident. Gage had gone down stairs to clean promising an explanation when he returned. I let him go only after I made sure he wasn’t just going to leave as soon as he was down the stairs. After I had some of his blood I felt as good as new, it was amazing.

My body started swinging to the beat and after the first chorus I was dancing and singing.

“Why they have do go and make things so complicated.”

I loved this song and I was just to in love with it to even attempt to look like I was cleaning. I dropped the sheets I was going to put on my bed and jumped on it. Shaking my head and singing into a fake microphone like a moron. I spun and then started dancing like I was at a club.

I jumped off the bed doing a sliding tada move and found myself face to face with Gage.

Omg I’m going to die.

He raised an eyebrow to me then pulled me up. I started to walk away but he pulled me against his chest.

“May I have this dance?”

“Uh uh uh yeah?” I stuttered.

He smiled wide and spun me to the radio. He messed with it and spun us back to the room. Kiss a girl by Keith Urban started playing as we danced. I felt hotter against his cold skin then I thought the blush was actually making me. Thankfully he stared talking while we dance.

“The new princess comes around every time the previous one dies. She’s like the most powerful vampire ever. She can do magic. But she is also hunted so no one side gains her. It’s tragic really and I wish I never found out it was you.”

I looked down at his chest leaning my head against it while I watched our feet.

So every princess who ever lived was hunted by her own kind, and I’m next

. My face contorted into a grimace at my own thoughts. Gage lifted my head and I stiffened at his look. His was looking at me like I was his territory again. ‘Cross that line put your lips on mine.’

He whispered to me just before he kissed me. I thought it was our first kiss and I was shocked but then he felt so familiar. The way his lips moved with mine I knew that the dream was reality and I had kissed him last night.

Chapter Eleven

I looked at the blue notebook in my hands. A full week had passed and Gage was teaching me about vampires. I realized I would never remember the real stuff from the books and movies I’d seen so I made a note book, hence the blue one in my hands with ‘vamp’ written on the front in red pen. I fell back on the couch looking over some random notes and comments I made on them.

Holy water, or if you say silver moon and throw water one them. (Weird much.)

Silver if shot not touched. (Must break skin basically.)

Be heading. (Really what doesn’t die then?)

Drain the blood then give them some of vampires. (Humans can have vampire blood and not change but it’s nasty.)

Skin pales and eyes turn red. (Stereotypical haha.)

Beta vampires drink human blood on a regular basis without killing. (Gage)

Feral vampires kill humans when they feed, it’s also irregular.

Princess vampire is a girl who has magic powers and feeds on vampires. (Me)

I sighed I hated being this princess. It would only get me killed sooner or later. But first I have to be turned and I don’t think I want to be. I was cruel enough to Gage when I was human I might end up killing him if I’m a vampire.

This is so boring.

I hopped up off the couch going up stairs to invite Morgan over.

While the adults are away the children will play

, I thought evilly.

If my parents get to have fun on a week long vacation I was going to have fun too. But sadly her phone rang and rang till it went to voice mail.

“Yo, Morgan I was wondering if you wanted to hang out, hit me up when you get this bye.” And I hung up.

Well darn now what?

Just then the door bell rang and I walked over tugging the heavy door open. A little girl no older than eight was sobbing on my door step.

Chapter twelve

“What’s wrong little one?” I said sweetly.

She sniffled looked up showing me a round face framed in black ringlets and ran to me hugging my waist. I was startled but then hugged her back gently. This is kind of weird. I squatted down untying my bandana and giving it to her so she could whip her eyes. She whipped them and then blew her nose offering it back to me.

I smiled shaking my head no she could keep it. I put my arm around her taking her in side as it started to rain.

Gage would be inside too, I mean it’s not like it will melt him or anything, it’s just that what if someone says silver moon? A rain storm is like a death trap for vampires, I just hope he’s inside


I lead her to the kitchen whipping up some hot chocolate for her. I slide over a mug once it finished and took a seat across from her.

“So can I ask why you’re out by yourself during a storm?”

“I ran away because my foster brother was so mean. He made me do things I didn’t want to.” She said shivering.

I frowned at her wanting no more details. I shrugged out of my jacket and draped it over her shoulders. She grabbed the edges pulling it around her and sipped at her coco with one hand. I couldn’t throw her back out in the rain, but I sure couldn’t keep her here.

What would my parents think when they returned to find a kid with me

. I grabbed the phone turning the corner of the kitchen and dialed Morgan again. Surprisingly she picked up on the first ring.

“Hello?” An identical voice said.

“Hey Morgan I got a problem can you come over like now?”

“What did you do now?"

“Hey that’s mine line you’re the trouble maker not me.”

She laughed.

“Ok be there in about…does ten minutes work?”

“Oh dear god don’t drive yourself.”

“Try and stop me.” And she hung up.

I pulled the phone back grimacing at the screen. Morgan house was twenty minutes from mine and she was a notorious lead foot. I returned to the kitchen to find the girl looking around the cow covered kitchen. That was mom for you, cows for a decoration in a kitchen. I smiled sweetly at the girl holding my hand out. She hopped off the chair leaving behind her coco as I took her up stairs to the guess room on the top floor.

It was right across from my room and it was never used not even when family visited. They used my room instead when a perfectly good guest room went to waste. I pulled the covers off the vanity mirror and chair by the window while the girl sat on the bed. I heard the front door bang open and someone shout my name. I looked over to the clock on the wall in horror,

it’s only been eight minutes, she’s nuts!

“Just a minute, um what’s your name?”


“Ok Angela, just a second and my names Lyric.”

I hurried out the door to the railing and called down to Morgan to come up. I went back into the room where Angela was messing with the TV remote. The sound of footsteps running up the stairs carried up to us and we both looked at the door waiting. Finally Morgan entered slinging her camouflage back pack on the bed. She had on a huge smile knowing id have a fit over her driving.

“How in the world did you get here so fast? You’re going to kill yourself I swear.”

“No traffic on the highway.”

I sighed shaking my head at her. A crash came from the corner of the room and I jumped.

“What is she doing here?!” Morgan hissed.

The girl so sweet looking before now looked evil like a possessed porcelain doll. I took a step back bumping into Morgan. I spun to ask her what was going on and then I saw her red eyes and screamed.

Chapter Thirteen

“You two?” I asked.

Morgan shifted her red eyes on me nodding slightly.

“Why didn’t you tell me?!” I exploded at her, “Gage did and you’ve been by best friend since freshman year!”

She turned back to me stunned. She reached out to me wanting to take my shoulders. I was going to let her but the girl jumped in front of me swatting her hand away. What was she doing? Her small pale hand flew up making Morgan scream. I jumped so high I fell on my butt looking at Morgan wide eyed. She clutched at the thing lodge at an awkward angle in her chest.

She looked at it then up to me as her red eyes faded back to the brown I was use to. Taking staggered steps back she held her hand out to me.

“Princess, join me while you still can.” She choked out.

“Morgan you, but why. Why?”

“The prize of victory is the princess of blood. We’ll do anything to get her,” She looked at Angela,” or stop enemies from having her.”

Blood trickled down her lips and automatically I leaned forward wanting it. She smiled making her look creepy as cracks formed on her face and she paled more. Then she fell over the banister and out of sight.

“Morgan!” I screamed.

I jumped up off the floor and ran to the stairs like if I made it there she would be holding on and I could save her. I made the edge and saw nothing but a pool of blood and the thing that was in Morgan’s chest laying on the ground floor. Just as I was about to run down and cry I was jerked back to the guest room. I turned my head to see the possessed porcelain doll pulling me deeper into her evil lair.

Chapter Fourteen

My heart pounded as Angela ran a pale finger over my neck. Her laugh rang out in the silent room. It sounded just like a child’s but I knew better, she was a vampire. When I stopped panicking and looked her in the face she pouted.

“Come now Lyric it’s no fun with you looking at me like that.”

“Let me go.” I said.

She laughed again shoving me on the chair by the window. I went to get up but found my movements restricted. Her black curls came in and out of my view as she tied me up.

Not good Morgan can’t save me and Gage is stuck inside.

I struggled against the bindings so she couldn’t tie my hands down to tight. She stood in front of me glaring with her hands crossed over her chest.

“Be still at once!” She commanded.

I felt the fight go out of me once I locked eyes with her. I sat there like a statue as she finished tying me up. I was powerless against her glamour. It was stronger than Gage’s with his I could fight back after a few seconds but with hers I was doomed. I felt her hands slid up my arms to where my elbow bent. She dug her nails in there drawing blood and smearing it on her fingers.

I snapped out of her glamour and struggled against the rope. She let me fight as her tongue licked the blood off her fingers like a snack. I glared at her and let out a weak vampire growl.

“Insolent fool.” She said slapping me.

My cheek was on fire from her strength and she felt like stone, cold, hard and heartless. If it wasn’t for her slapping me I never would have seen it thought so u guess it was a good thing. I turned back to her letting nothing on that I had a way out. I smiled at her sweetly.

“Didn’t your parents teach you to respect your elders?” I said.

“I am your elder princess.” She said just as sweetly.

“You’re only eight.”

“Don’t judge a book by its cover sarsaq bala.”


“It’s Azari for foolish child. It’s my native tongue from Persia, well you call it Iran now but it was part of Persia at one time.”

I blinked at her,

just how old is she?

She seemed to be reliving memories in her head so I took my chance and struck.

If this doesn’t work I’m pouring Holy water on Gage.

“Silver Moon!” I shouted.

Angela’s eyes snapped to me and I flung the bottle of water at her from the window sill. She didn’t dodge or anything she just stood there while water splattered her. After a second she screamed and her skin started to sizzle and burn. I looked away not wanting to see what was happening and because I was trying to get free.

The arm I had flung the water at her with was looser than the other one so I worked it free as fast as I could. Angela had run out of the room by the time I fell over in the chair and worked my legs free. I fumbled with my broken door pushing my dresser in front of it so it was locked. I had yet to fix it after the accident with Gage.

“Lyric!” Angela shouted from the other side of the door.

Chapter Fifteen

I cracked my door open looking at the guest room across the hall. The door was shut and the lights were on. I rushed down the stairs to the kitchen snatched up anything that didn’t need cooked and flew back up the stairs. I threw the goods on my bed and shoved the dresser back against the wall. I sat on the floor messing with the millionth box of pop tarts I had taken.

It was just my luck to need non heated cooked food and the only thing we had was one jar of peanut butter, a box of crackers, and the endless supply of s’mores pop tarts foe when Morgan came over.

I had munched my way through the peanut butter and crackers the first two days. Now I just had pop tarts, I looked over at my trash can over flowing with the empty boxes.

“Why couldn’t I have been stuck in a house where the kitchen had doors I could barricade?”

I looked at the box in my hands and made an ew face. They had been my breakfast, lunch, dinner, and stress munchies for almost a week now. I was totally and utterly sick of them. I turned up my stereo so my drowning pool CD blared while I played with the box tying to put it off a little longer, but my stomach was growling like a lion. I slid my finger under the top and pulled it open.

"Ouch box cut.”

I pulled my hand back feeling the burn between my thumb and first finger.

Great, just what I need with a hostile vampire next door.

I stood going to my bathroom to wash the blood off when my door went flying across the room behind me. I whirled to see Angela’s red eyes trained on my hand. She had left me alone this while time only messing with me some, in other words taking some pop tarts out of boxes so I had to go back sooner when my supply was low.

She had warned me to stay in the house or my parents were going to be killed. Of course I listened to her but now I was starting to wish I hadn’t. I went flying back slamming into the floor when I slapped her hand away from me.

Cheater using vampire strength,

I thought. I rolled onto my knees getting up only to be caught by her.

“Be still.” She said.

I froze under her gaze as she pulled my hand out to her and sucked my cut. It stung but didn’t hurt like when I was bitten by Gage. Just then my phone rang and I yanked my hand back dodging another slap headed my way. I ran backwards till my butt hit the dresser. I felt around on it for anything I could throw. The first thing my hand touched I grabbed it and threw as hard as I could.

Angela didn’t flinch she caught the baseball and threw it back at me. I coughed doubling over from the impact on my side. It raged with pain that prickled up and around where the ball hit me.

She could hold back geesh

. The house phone started ringing next and I went to get it but Angela was faster.

“Tell him to stay away or else.” She said shoving it to me.

I took the phone reading the caller id.

Gage…He was my one chance at saving my parents

. My eye flickered to Angela and then I answered the phone trying to sound perfectly fine.

“Hey Gage what up?”

“I’m back in town sorry it took so long to return from the coven meeting.”

“That’s fine it’s not like you missed out on anything here.”

“I missed you,” He said sweetly and I groaned,”what’s wrong?”

Angela had put her hand on my throat digging her nails in as a warning.

“N-nothing just ran into a door trying to get some blood for you in the fridge.” I said.

There was a pause on his end of the phone.

Please understand!

He knew I didn’t store blood for him. If he needed it I was here and vice versa. Angela’s grip on me tightened and she ripped the phone away from me.

“I told you to keep him away!” She hissed in my ear.

“Help!” I yelled.

She crushed the phone as soon as I yelled for help I could only hope Gage got here before she killed me.

Chapter Sixteen

“Just for that princess your parents are going to get a house warming gift when they get back in five minutes.”

“Five minutes?!”

She smiled holding up the calendar from the front room. Circled in red was the time and date mom and dad were due home.

It can’t be Friday already…No! Gage was supposed to get back Wednesday and I was going to call him so he could rescue them!

I shook with anger and took the calendar from her. I stood up grabbing her dress collar.

“Leave them alone.” I snarled at her.

The snarl was all too human not a trace of vampire left in it. I was ripped from her as wind blew me back. No not wind but vampires. On either side of me female vampires hissed as they pulled my arms behind me.

“How dare you touch Lady Aurora like that!” The brown haired one said to me.

“Why does it not surprise me you lied about your name?” I said to Aurora.

“Oh Lyric I haven’t lied to you since I came here. I was born in Prussia as Sophia Henrietta Angelenara, Angela for short. Aurora is simply what I call myself as a vampire.”

I turned away from her. There was no reason I should believe what she just said. She walk toward me pulling my hair so I had to face her. She lifted a small finger and pointed to the brunette on my left.

“This is Tina,” then she pointed to the blonde on my right, “and that’s Bella my vampire sisters. You could be one to princess just join me.”

Almost as if the word princess had meant they needed manners Tina and Bella let me go and bowed their heads. Aurora held my chin so I made eye contact with her. I swallowed hard she couldn’t command me to join her but she sure could kill me and gain my power, at least Gage said that’s what happens when a princess is killed. And then to make it all better the door opened and my mother shouted up the stairs.

“Were home Lyric!”

Chapter Seventeen

They disappeared and I raced down the stairs to a closet where I could get water. My top priority was saving my parents at the cost of my own life. I pulled a heavy file cabinet over to block the door just in time for it to be beat on. I jumped tripping over a bucket and falling on an old wooden chair.

“Come out come out where ever you are Lyric.” Aurora said.

Ignoring the growling from the door I searched for squirt bottles. I groaned as I searched the last spot finding nothing. But then I remembered there was a ton on the second floor cleaning closet. I shoved the file cabinet aside water bottle in hand and I pulled the door open ready to spray any vampires. Thankfully there was none so I took off for the stairs freezing at the top. Below me on the second floor I could see Tina’s brown head looking around. I squeezed the bottle in my hands.

“Silver moon!”

Tina looked right up to me hissing like she had no choice. I poured half the bottle on her making her shriek. I raced down the stairs watching almost like I was looking at still photos. When I rounded the stairs drawing closer to her she had pink skin, then her face was bloody, then her hair was dripping blood, and when I ran past her withering figure she was turning pink again.

I made it to the closet door and I was pulled away from the handle by cold hands. I struggled trying to fight my way out to conserve water.

“Come now, dear princess Lyric you know you want to be turned. Let us do it so you will be our little sister.”

“Silver Moon!”

Her hands released me and I threw the water over my shoulder. I didn’t look back to hear Bella scream as she was burned I just opened the door. Locking it I went to the first cabinet and found two large squirt bottles thankfully. I filled them shoved one in my pocket and rush out of the door to the first floor.

Maybe I can at least get my parents out safely.

I ran to the door skidding to a stop and put my back against it to see if I was being followed. My heart pounded there before me was Tina and Bella’s red splotchy face flanking the flawless Aurora.

Chapter Eighteen

Why did I ever let her in here?

She walked over to me with more grace then an eight year old should have, her white dress swished with her tiny hips as she circled to my left. She was looking down playing with the blue ribbon on her dress and tapping her black dress shoes before she stared right at me. I felt a chill run down my spine her eyes held no expression what so ever and her voice was still child like, it was a fearful combination.

“Lyric dear come now join us you know you want to. I hear that you want to be turned even, but by the wrong vampire.” Her head shot to the door and all three flashed away.

The door behind me opened and I was thrown forward. I flipped out and sprayed my mom in the face. She looked mad but I flung my arms around her thankful she was alive. Then I hugged my father looking back at Gage as he glared at me. None except maybe Gage knew they had just walked into a vampire apocalypse.

He walked past my upset mother grabbed my elbow and drug me off down a hallway. He turned his fierce red eyes on me leaning down to whisper so he could whisper.

“Lyric why is Aurora’s scent all over the place!” He hissed.

“I didn’t know she was…I told her she could stay here while my parents were on vacation. She looked like a lost child I was so wrong and now. I don’t know what to do she’ll kill them if I leave.” I broke down crying for the first time since this all started.

Gage wrapped his arms around me letting my chin rest on his shoulder. He stroked my hair for a moment then pulled me away to face him.

“Take some of my blood. You’ll need a bow and quiver of arrows too.”

“Why? I suck at archery.”

“Were fighting back and the princess uses the bow and arrow as her primary weapon.”

Gage pulled out a bow from behind his back. It was sleek white with red trimmings and somehow so familiar to me.

Chapter Nineteen

I touched the sinew string and plucked it. The sound it made felt like it was the heart beat of my soul. Gage watched my reaction and smiled laying it gently in my hands. I slung it over my shoulder and took the matching red and white quiver. I turned to walk away but Gage grabbed me from behind snuggling his nose in my hair above me ear. I smiled closing my eyes and loving his touch.

“Drink first.” He said.

I frowned turning in his arms so I could face him. He had his neck to the side already cut and waiting. I pressed my lips to the energizing blood and drank. It coursed down my throat heating it and my body. I took just enough to feel that vampire instinct I had before when I first let Angela in. That she was dangerous and needed to be killed.

I had just pulled away when I heard an angry grumbled from my father. I didn’t think I just turned to look at him wide eyed. He jumped back scared and cough off guard for once.

Opps I forgot to,

I whipped my mouth off with a sleeve and smiled crookedly at my parents.

“What is going on here?!” Dad bellowed as he regained his composure.

Gage moved in front of me and then struck out to the right slamming Tina into the wall. I covered him aiming my squirt bottle. ‘Silver Moon’ I whispered just loud enough she would hear me. Her eyes locked on mine and I squeezed. Bella came to the rescue just in time to knock the bottle from my hands. She took my head and tried to smash it in a wall but Gage padded the blow.

Both of us hissed at her and clawed at her face. Gage drew blood and I just skinned her before she retreated with her sister.

“So that’s how you want to play fine were game.” Aurora’s disembodied voice came over the stairwell.

The doors and windows on the first floor shattered as vampires piled in. My mom shrieked as one reached for her.

“Silver Moon."

I burned him away. Unlike Aurora and her posse he actually burnt to a crisp and died. Adrenalin coursed through me pushing me faster to protect my family. All hell broke loose around us as the vampires cornered us. Purposely herding and playing with us before the kill.

Chapter Twenty

I threw mom and dad the squirt bottles so they could defend themselves.

“Just say Sliver moon and get them wet.” I said.

A vampire ran down the entrance of the front room heading for dad. He held the water bottle up.

“Silver Moon?” He said unconvinced.

Thankfully he pulled the trigger and the vampire burned away. I was glad they didn’t burst into flames because it would burn down the house. They way they burned was like getting a rabid sun burn gone third degree in a matter of seconds. A man advanced on me and I notched an arrow letting it go speeding right past him breaking on the corner of the wall.

I glared at Gage’s fighting figure;

I told you I was bad at archery!

I screamed as the vampire grabbed my arm. He was ripped off me and Gage cradled me against his side.

“Let yourself awaken Lyric please, what it the name of the bow?”

“How should I know!”


Another vampire grabbed me and I felt it, the bow calling out to me to use it. ’Blood princess shot me; use me like your predecessors have. You know who I am.’ I closed my eyes seeing a million faces of other girls, vampire and human alike.

My predecessors lend me your strength let me aim and hit my target with my fox bow.

I said it unconsciously and moved like it was second nature to me. Swinging my bow I knocked the vampire off me.
I pulled an arrow from the quiver aiming for the vampires face and released. It embedded in his face like I wanted and he fell like a ton of bricks. I noticed a golden sparkle fall and fade from the arrow feathers.

What was that?

I moved again notching an arrow and hitting my target over and over again.

The way I moved it was like I was had been a warrior my whole life and I lived for battle against vampires.

“Gage arrow!” I yelled at him.

He threw the arrow I had broke earlier from across the room to me. I caught it handing it to Dad so he could keep the vampires off him. His water bottle was on the floor empty. My laptop flew into the window landing on the futon by TV just missing my mom. I thought they broke it but it started blaring music.

“Nobody loves you when your skin is so pale and your teeth are getting sharper than your black finger nails. Nobody needs you when your eyes turn white and the light of day can keep you up all night. V is for vampire B is for blood.”

I laughed really loud as the song played on it was so appropriate for what was going down. I pulled the bow back so my hand was parallel to my face and let two arrows fly shooting down a male and female vampire as they stepped on the gray carped of the front room. It was my last arrow.

“I’m out of arrows!” I shouted at Gage.

“And no water!” Gage called to me.

Crap, “Gage come with me, mom here “I threw her an arrow I had killed my first vampire with so she could fight them off while I went for supplies, “Let’s go to the garage bathroom.” I told Gage as we made our way out.

Chapter Twenty-One

I ran out of the front room dodging vampires or hitting them with my bow. I ripped out arrows I came to them only to have to fire them at some vampires.

This is going to slow I can’t leave them unarmed for too long.

I glanced back at my parents as I fired an arrow in a vampire’s eye as it closed in on them. It was the last vampire for now. The only noise in the house was my laptop playing.

“So pardon me while I burst into flames. I've had enough of the world and its people's mindless games. So pardon me while I burn and rise above the flame. Pardon me, pardon me... I'll never be the same.”

It was a good song and I bobbed my head to the beat. Gage followed close behind me as we started our water run to the nearest bathroom. I kept arrows in my quiver and two strung on my bow ready for others coming. I knew there were more than just the ones piled in the kitchen after me. A male vampire I had shot in the eye just outside the kitchen twitched when I went to walk by.

I aimed my arrows at him ready if he sprung back up. I watched as his lifeless black eyes turned red, I shivered taking a step back. When I did so they turned black again. Hum, I step forward and they turned red. I shot the vampire dead blank in the chest and his skin turned a weird blackish color and he shriveled like a raisin.

That’s so weird.

I let the arrow I had already on the bow drop down and fixed it as my main one.
Gage moved ahead of me into the bathroom shutting the door. I stood guard watching for vampires who should been coming any minute. A thought accrued to me then in the eerie silence, where are the sisters? They had stayed out of the fight thus far which I was thankful for but at some point they had to die.

Speaking of the devil Aurora shot up from the basement on my right and jumped on me using her small legs to wrap around my waist. Her claws dug into my shoulders as she shook me.

“Lyric, come now join us!” she growled at me shoving my neck to one side poised to bite, “I win.”

I felt her claw my neck drawing blood like an entrée before the main course. I reacted instantly swinging my bow and arrow so I raked it down her face. She gasped and fell off me tumbling down some stairs. She looked like she had passed out from the touch but I didn’t trust her. Taking an arrow from my quiver I poked her side lightly but for some reason it went through her. Her eyes flashed open and she gave me a side long glance.

“Gee thanks.” She said sarcastically.

She turned black and shriveled up like the other vampire. I sunk to my knees,

she’s finally dead it should be over.

My eyes flickered to the light under the door and I screamed.

Chapter Twenty-Three

Gage was running water over his shirtless body making him shrivel and turn black. Then like a horror movie he pulled his skin off and threw it in front of the door. I watched it shrivel and dye. I couldn’t move I was to horrified even when he opened the door to find me staring at his old skin. My gaze eventually flicked up to look at him only to scream like I never screamed before. In front of me Gage stood in translucent skin that showed off all the muscles, nerves, bone, and anything that would be under the skin.

When he reached out to me I screamed bloody murder again dropping everything and scurrying away from him. I scooped up eight arrows and snatched my bow taking off for my parents out of fear. I had no idea why Gage did that or if that meant he was even on my side anymore. I was just plain scared of him right now.

Again I was frozen in place when I took in the scene before me; my parents were staring at me with red eyes and blood flowing from puncture marks on their necks. Bella and Tina stood in the middle of the front room smiling wickedly.

“No!” I screamed at them.

Tears stung at my eyes as I fired my arrow at Bella, missing as she dodged. I turned on Tina next firing five rapid shots. I managed to hit her leg and take her down. She crumpled to the ground her brown hair hiding her face. One of her red eyes looked at me as it faded to brown then blackened.

I lose my parents she loses her sisters, blood for blood.

Bella roared at me as she pulled the arrow from her dead sister’s body and threw it at me.

Letting a squeak escape my lips I dodge to the right to avoid the killer shot, unfortunately my arm wasn’t so lucky. I screamed when the arrow perched my flesh sending shock waves of electricity up my arm. I couldn’t stand and I fell on the floor squirming away from the advancing vampire I had just angered. Bella was looking at my bleeding arm hungrily.

Crap I wish Gage was here…No, no I don’t not after-.

I shivered at the image of him pealing his skin off. My parents came up suddenly flanking Bella, their eyes trained on my arm too, needing to feed after being turned. I closed my eyes accepting that my parents would kill me. I would never harm them even if it meant my life for there’s. Nails buried themselves in my arm with the arrow causing me to scream out as they went deeper and deeper.

Suddenly they were gone and I heard the sound bodies hitting the floor rang out in the dead silence, even my laptop wasn’t playing music in that moment. I opened my eyes to see Gage ripping my dad’s head off. He let it drop like it was nothing, like it was nothing to me. I screamed grabbing an arrow I ran towards him ready to stab him, ready to kill him.

“How could you!”

How could he, the whole point of fighting back was to save them, just them. And he just killed them.

The tip of the arrow touched his chest and then he was pinning my arm to the wall. He pressed his body against me forcing me back against the wall. I beat his chest with my free hand. I could feel the fight drain from me with every blow. Finally I pressed my fist into his chest just glaring at it to exhausted and hurt to do any more.

“Lyric please I had to; they were going to kill you.”

“That was the point.” I said in a broken voice.

“No not for me. The point was to keep you safe.”
“What so I have to join your coven now to make them stronger? Well no. So you are going to kill me now?” I said cynically.

Looking at his face I glared. I had given him as much hate as I could in the few sentences I just said. I truly hated him right now no matter my feelings from before.

“Never, I saved you because I love you.”

Chapter Twenty-Four

“You…You.” I couldn’t form the words.

“Love you. I didn’t tell you because I was hiding the truth from you. I was afraid you would hate me after you found out I was a vampire. Obviously I was wrong.”

I looked at his chest spreading my hand out over it. The way it felt, smooth and soft, reminded me of a new born. I poked his skin leaving a white dot on it when I pulled back.

“What did you do?”

“My skin?” I nodded my head at his question, “I removed it so that I’m immune to silver. Water will burn me like before but now at least silver won’t kill me.”

How does that work?

That was the most ridicules thing I heard since Silver Moon. Taking off your skin so you’re immune to silver,

Hollywood never mentioned anything about this in their movies.

I looked up to his eyes questioningly. He was watching me being cautious as he searched my eyes for resistance. I had no reason to kill him, I could see that now.

Despite what I did he was right, I was going to die and he saved me. After I let the stubbornness go I was grateful to him. He finally smiled letting my arm go so he could examine the one that had an arrow lodged in it. His pale face frowned as his hand lightly ran over the area the arrow connected with my arm. I flinched flexing my muscles so I didn’t jerk away.

His red eyes flickered to mine and while I looked at them he broke the arrow end off. I looked back down at my arm to watch what he was doing but he pulled my face up into a kiss. I started to kiss him back even as he ripped the arrow from my arm and squeezed it to stop the bleeding. He was like my own personal morphine; I was unaware of anything but him when we kissed. And I loved him.

“Listen there is a vampire who specializes in silver weapons coming. I want you to run.”

I pulled out of his grip glaring as I held my bleeding arm. There was no way I was going to leave him here to fight alone. Especially after he said he loved me. He was messed up in the head if he thought I would back down now. I still wanted revenge on every vampire who was with Aurora. I opened my mouth to tell him I was staying but I was jerked back from him. My eyes widened as cold foreign hands covered my mouth and pulled my neck over at a painful angle.

“Leave her be Nero!”

Gage snarled at the vampire holding me. Something shiny flashed by my head and I screamed under the hand holding me. Gage was hanging to my TV by a spear that was stuck through his abdomen and he wasn’t moving. I screamed his name as loud as I could with the restricting hand. And then I just plain screamed as Nero bit into my neck.

Chapter Twenty-Five

With every passing second I knew I was coming closer to death. Gage was still impaled on the spear. And me? Well I was having my blood completely drained by a vampire I hadn’t seen yet.

Guess this is how it ends for me. Too bad I really wanted to be a kick butt vampire princess.

I blinked slowly as I let the fog take me down with it.

I felt as cold as ice and limp as a rag doll. The realization that there was no way I would survive this set in when I went completely numb. I think I fell to the floor or something because I felt strange and I heard a distant thud. I smiled, or maybe I just thought I did, but I wanted to smile. I never got to tell Gage I loved him too.

Here I was dead and in the end he was the first one to say it. And when I was so hopeful I could be with him too and now nothing. Nothing was going to happen between us because I was dead. My chest almost felt like it jumped and my heart beat once, then again and something pressed on my mouth giving me air. The air burned but my lungs refused to work with it.

My heart refused to beat for me. The only thing working in this corpse was my hearing, and that was bizarre enough without the sounds. I could hear growling from Gage or maybe Nero I didn’t know the difference. Then I could hear Gage yelling at me and felt my chest jump again. Was he trying to revive me? I wanted to cry.

He was so sweet trying to bring me back from the dead. Just forget me already Gage it’s hopeless.

“You better not be crying because you’re giving up and I’m not. Do you hear me! I will never give up on you!” He yelled at me.


I felt his lips press to mine as he continued the CPR. Again my lungs let the air out and refused to take more in on its own. My heart never beat again but my chest kept being compressed and air was forced into my lungs. I think he kept at it for a good five minutes before the voice.

‘Turn her already Yoru ni no ko.’ The voice must have spoken to him to and not just me this time because next thing I knew liquid was running down my dry throat. It tasted like liquid sugar and instantly I knew it was Gage’s blood.

Wait I was just drained and now he’s giving me his blood. He’s going to turn me! Don’t Gage don’t I might kill you please stop.

‘Princess do not fret I will not let you harm the one close to you. I will guide you for that is what I am here for.’ For some reason the voice soothed me. Whoever the voice belonged to was becoming more familiar to me the more blood I took in. Gages arm was ripped from me and I gasped arching my back.

An intense pain swept over my body and as fast as it had come it was gone again. I opened my eyes rolling to my side finding I was much stronger then I use to be. I could see much better, smell, and sense more. I was a vampire.

Chapter Twenty-six

I took in the scene before me as I stood. Gage was growling at Nero as he struggled against his hold. Nero was tall and old looking. His lanky body was hidden behind Gage’s muscular one. And his gray hair was a major contrast against Gage’s dark brown. They were so different and yet so similar.

“Take it easy brother I don’t want to have to kill you, just the girl.”

Gage snarled at Nero as he spoke about killing me.

Too bad I already died,

I thought sarcastically. There was a sharp debilitating shock in my back that brought me down to my knees. I clawed at the carpet as it kept burning at my back, trying to eat away at me. ‘You must make the full change princess your body can’t stay in that weal form. It will destroy its self.’

“What do I do?” I said between clenched teeth.

‘What you know you must.’ The disembodied voice responded.

I don’t know what that is. No wait I do. I must use my magic to resurrect my true body

. I stood on my feet squared my shoulders and raised my arms above my head so the backs of my hands touched. I closed my eyes concentrating on the faces I had seen before, what the common traits were in the vampire ones.

While I concentrated I heard something hit the futon knocking my laptop off. I was annoyed until it started playing music into the almost empty house once more. I listened to the Evanescence song.

“Wake me up inside (Save me) call my name and save me from the dark (Wake me up)”

“Lyric!” Gage screamed.

I opened my eyes lowering my hands till they were parallel to the floor palms up. Golden flakes magically showed down on my from above my head. They changed my body, reincarnating it from new born Lyric into the fist vampires, into the blood princess’s, into Night child’s, or as she’s called in her native Japanese Yoru ni no ko. The instant I saw the arrow headed for my heart I flicked my wrist at it freezing it in mid air.

“Kitsune.” I called to my guardian.

My bow that had been lying on the floor started to glow as it hummed. Then as it burst into flames as it flew to me resting on my outstretched arm. The flames died revealing a small white demon fox with red eyes, paws, tail tip, and muzzle. ‘Princess how good to see you again.’ She said to me in that disembodied voice of hers.

“Likewise Kitsune.”

I gazed at Nero seeing my reflection in his red eyes. My brown hair had lengthened and changed color so that it now extended past my waist hanging freely like a crimson cape. My eyes were different from a normal vampire’s. Instead of pure red round iris’s they looked like red dragon eyes. My body was different too, move curved and elegant. The while silk angel sleeve top I wore was a major contras against the red bodice.

The front of legs showed in the white red trimmed skirt while the back of my legs were hidden by the trail stopping just above my heels. Red heels laced up to my knees and then on my right arm a matching red ribbon crisscrossed to my elbow where it stopped and left the ends hang. All of it was stunning and clearly made for a princess. But it’s not what intrigued me.

No the crimson dragon wings attached to my back were what caught my eye the most. My inspection of my new body was short lived when Nero decided to throw another arrow at me.

“Lyric!” Gage screamed again.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Gage was still stuck in Nero’s head lock but that didn’t stop him from trying to save me. He struggled trying to shove them off balance to no vale. So he bit Nero’s arm making his shot go for my leg and not my heart.

“Kitsune?” I asked.

‘Course.’ She responded leaping off my arm to catch the arrow. I use my speed, which was even faster than a normal vampire’s, to get behind Nero. Kitsune’s diversion worked I had made it behind them without him noticing. I placed my hand on his shoulder and squeezed. He screamed as bone popped and snapped in his arm.

The sudden pain made him release Gage and in that moment he did I threw him against a wall. Gage rushed to me embracing me in a hug. He planted kiss after kiss on me where ever he could.

“Thank god you’re alive and safe.” He mumbled against my neck.

My body pulsed at the smell of his blood and I shoved him away. He was confused at my sudden reaction till he saw me holding my throat. He smiled understandingly and showed his neck to me.

I can’t, I might, I afraid I would…

‘Look out behind you!’ I felt it at the same time Kitsune warned me. Spinning I snapped the spear in half and slammed Nero into a wall by the throat.

Gage was next to me in no time at all growling with me at Nero. He took over throwing Nero against another wall and standing over him growling.

“You’ve failed brother. Face it the princess has awakened and she will be no one’s puppet!”

Gage was ready to kill his brother then. His fangs just inches from his throat when I intervened. I placed my hand on his shoulder lightly squeezing to get his attention. His angry red eyes flickered to me then he stood up and backed away from Nero. Once freed Nero tired to escape but I wouldn’t allow it I was thirsty and he was the last vampire we had to kill before I could be free.

I jerked his head aside and bit him. He screamed reaching out to Gage for help as I began to drain him. Gage glared at his brother clearly hurt by his betrayal and then turned his back on him. I wrapped my wings around the two of us so his screams would quite faster. I drained him in no time and rested his body on the floor.

“Lyric, you feel better now?” Gage asked hesitantly.

Last Chapter, Chapter Twenty- Eight

Kitsune climbed up on my shoulders draping herself around them like a scarf. ‘You will not hurt him I promise.’ She told me. I smiled at her petting her soft fur head before I walked toward Gage. He searched my eyes for the thirst but I knew he would only find love in them. I circled my arms around his waist resting my head on his chest. I felt him relax and hold me swaying us back and forth slightly.

I turned to look up at him and he met me with a kiss. I responded by kissing back making it heat up more. I wrapped my wings around him so he was pressed to me as much as possible.

“I love you.” I mumbled against his lips.

“I love you to blood princess Lyric.” He said slightly laughing.

I broke the kiss a moment later coming up for air. My wings pulled away from him and I folded them behind my back tightly. He snaked an arm around my waist and turned me to the front door.

“It’s over I survived and I’m a vampire. That’s something I’ve always wanted to say.” I laughed.

As we exited my destroyed house Kitsune stood up growling at something. I stopped frozen where I was because of her warning. I pulled Gage back two steppes saving him from something that was whistling towards us. The object embedded in the frame of my door inches from my face. I turned searching the area quickly but I didn’t see anything.

Gage had pulled the object out and was examining it. I glanced at it and snatched it from him. It was the same silver object that killed Morgan.

“Morgan!” I called out.

My heart was pounding praying she would come out of some bush alive and well. Kitsune brushed her tail across my cheek snapping me out of my on coming hysteria. I looked back down at the silver knife. The handle was wrapped in leather and extended for some reason. I brushed my hand over the inscription burned in the leather. It was still hot and fresh.

“Kitsune do you know what this says?” I asked.

She leaned forward looking at the knife. I looked down at the beautiful symbols that I had never seen before. ‘It’s Azari for ‘it is only the beginning foolish child.’

“Sarsaq bala…” I whispered.

My body went cold and ridged. Aurora was alive.Gage placed his hands on either side on my face making me look at him.

“What’s wrong?”

“It isn’t over Aurora is alive.” I said holding up the knife.

“No it is over.” He growled.

He took the knife from me throwing it into my neighbor’s tree. He turned back embracing me. I spread my wings thing about nothing but leaving this place. I held Gage close as I took off to the sky.


She leaped from my shoulders to the air becoming engulfed in flames. When they died out a giant fox demon was standing next to me on golden flames. I rested Gage on her then took a spot by her shoulders sitting side saddle style. Gage could obviously see I was upset by this new development and he scooted forward placing me in his lap as Kitsune took off. She ran through the sky on golden flames heading north.

“It will be ok I promise Lyric. I promise.” Gage said to my hair.

I hope it will be

, I thought as I closed my eye and rested in his warm chest. Kitsune would take us somewhere safe for now. And that was all I needed other then Gage next to me. If Aurora was still coming after me so be it. When the time came I would be ready.


Texte: cover Google the rest a dream I had. Yes I'm that weird I dream about vampires.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.08.2011

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