
Party Crasher

“Bring some hotdogs back too!” Mom called after me.
“Ok will do.”

Pushing open the screen door of my house I was blasted with cool air once I stepped over the threshold. It was a welcome relief from the scorching sun outside.

Ahh the cold how I love thee.

I left my head hang in the refrigerator a couple seconds longer before I grabbed the ground beef and hotdogs. I jumped the three stairs going out to the garage and headed back out to the barbecue. The sun soaked my tanned skin and heated up my head so much that when I touched the dark brown top it felt like I got burnt.

“Here you go Zack.”

I laid the food on a tray next to my best friend’s boyfriend. Before I turned away he muttered a thanks and one of his long muscular arms reached over to get a steak from the try. I hopped up on the bench with Katen slinging my arm over her shoulders. I gave a quiet breathy laugh getting a questioning look from her. I leaned in brushing her black hair from her ear so I could whisper to her.

“So bbff do I have to be wary of you two tonight when we set off fireworks?” I said using our version of bff.

“Oh yeaaah bwff it’s going to be intense.” She said jokingly using her version for me.

We burst out into laughter drawing Zack’s attention.

“What?” He said.

“Nothing.” Katen and I chimed together.

He gave us an exasperated look then joined in the laughter. It died off shortly so I preoccupied myself by watching a butterfly that was fluttering around a rose. Suddenly I noticed something.

“Where’s Mom at?” I asked.

“She went out to feed and water the dogs.”

“Oh ok thanks Katen.”

“Yep Yep.”

Zack finished cooking the food then. I handed out plates as we pooled around the table. I grabbed a hotdog, cheeseburger, and some chips then hopped back up on the table to chow down.

Hum wonder if I should have put some ketchup on.

After the first bite I decided the cheeseburger did need ketchup. My hand touched the white cap of the ketchup bottle when someone screamed from the back part of the property.


My head shot up at once that was my Mom screaming my name in a shrill frightened tone. It caused me to drop everything (literally) and take off at a dead run, once I was covered by the handful of trees in our yard I picked up the pace. Flying over the leaf littered ground at inhuman speed I closed the two acres in less than two seconds. When I slid to a stop on the gravel ramp by the barn I gasped. Mom was holding back my two dogs whose heads came up to her waist.

But my nuts-o barking dogs isn’t what I gasped at it was the growling white wolf that was eating their dog food from inside their locked kennel. My male dog, Riley, broke free of my Mom’s grip causing her to fall to her knees and lose her grip on Sheba too. Riley’s brown saddled black body was right at the fence with his jet black mother. Both barked at the wolf and in turn it barked and snapped its jaws back at them.

“Riley, Sheba, heal!” I commanded them.

On cue they whimpered and ran to my side flanking me. Riley dropped submissively to the ground but Sheba didn’t want to give up so easily, she had her head down and was still growling at the threat of the wolf. I placed my hand on her head quieting her making her sit down but she never took her eyes off him. “Stay” I whispered to them as I took a step forward toward the wolf.

Riley stood up to follow me I didn’t need his protection making eye contact with him he hung his head whimpering. I proceeded forward thankful for the tree cover so no one, let alone my best friend, could see what I was doing. Crouching in front of the fence so I was smaller but still held the sense of command I made first eye contact with the wolf.

I wanted to calm him but I only set him off more causing him to charge the fence growling. I let my own wolf growl out showing I wasn’t impressed by a lone wolf showing off when he invaded my territory. That got his attention it brought his growl up short and made his eyes go wide. I expected him to submit like a normal wolf would have but his next action surprised me. Words, actual words, came out of his quivering lips.

“Ancient one.” He whispered.


I asked shaking my head.

I was talking to a wolf yeah so what. But I thought it was actually talking for crying out loud!

Before I could regain my sanity he gasped and back tracked into the fence. The shock in his eyes disappeared and he turned taking a mouth full of chain link fence. I wanted to tell him to stop chewing on it before he hurt his teeth but he surprised me yet again. This time he tore out the fence escaping through the gap.

Sooo not a wolf.

I thought as I laced my fingers through the diamond shapes.

“Sorry Mom bbq’s over.”

I called over my shoulder as I ripper out the door and took off after the large white wolf.

Professor Problems

I had to leap ten foot into the air to get over a giant fallen log. But I knew I was gaining ground on the wolf when all the branches and fresh paw prints in the mud started getting messier. They lead me to a small clearing just before the next property started. I had ran to the edge of the woods without seeing the wolf itself. I heard a twig snap off to my right and chased it.

Fluffy white fur came into view around a weeping willow. I faded into the darkness under its low hanging leaves just out of sight. I was close enough to grab his plush tail or jump on its back if I tried. Inching forward I reached my hand out next to his neck shifting my weight to jump.


I was up in the willow looking down on the wolf as he spun around growling at the place I had just been.

Damn it! Stupid fricking twig,

I seethed in my mind. But then again…I thought about my position. This was better if I jumped on him from up here it would stun him more giving me a chance to tie him and get answers. I pulled the braided rope belt from my jeans readying again to jump.

But just as I tensed my legs the wolf rose up on its legs throwing its head to the sky when air whooshed out. What stood in the wolfs place now was a dark red haired teenage boy in baggy camo shorts and a tight sleeveless green shirt. I started to gasp but cut myself off by slapping my hands over my mouth (really hard) I winced at the stinging from my own slap.

OMG! He’s a Royal wolf!

My bugged out eyes swept over his body there wasn’t a sign of anything wolf. It was like he was just on a stroll through the woods on a hot summer day. Maybe he has answers for me. I was about to jump yet again (I should really just do it already) when he disappeared. I forgot I was being covert and that he might be around the next tree.

“Noooo!” I wailed.

Hanging my head I gave the belt in my hands a death squeeze. I let my one chance at find the truth get away I was beyond devastated. That is until my tree branch creaked and swayed. My head shot up to find a pair of hazel eyes and spiked unnatural dark red hair, the boy was up here growling at me. I was so caught off guard by his sudden threatening appearance.


I screamed out flailing as I fell from the tree. Luckily I was high enough up I gained my composure in time it summer salt to an upright position in air. When my legs connected with the ground I rolled to avoid fractures then swept my left leg out to spin myself around to face the tree. I let out a low growl of annoyance as tingling shock waves shot up my legs.

I glared at the boys falling figure as he came to a stop defensively in front of me. Before either of us had a chance to make a move or speak a shot rang out. I saw it coming and fainted back into the dark shadows of the willow leaves. The boy undoubtedly could have made it to if he saw it coming unfortunately it was coming from behind him. From my spot in the darkest part of the tree I saw everything playing out in front of me.

I saw a man with buzzed black hair and a mustache coming forward with the ends of the net tangling the boy. Then a short woman with a huge chest and curves walked forward laughing at the netted boy. Her straight blonde hair ended at her shoulders, slung over the one was a gun. My heart began to races as she pointed it at him. Her light southern accented voice drifted on the wind to me.

“Now that I have a shifter I can prove them all wrong! Say good night doggy.”


I called out running from my hiding place. I pulled my left arm behind my back hiding the rope belt. I swallowed hard the glistening barrel of her semi automatic berretta was pointed at my head.

Come on you won’t die…right? Ha ha.

The laughter in my head sounded crazy. Shoving the rope in my back pocket I held up my hands slowly so she wouldn’t shoot me.

Oh God I hope not.

”What do you want girl?”

“To um,” I swallowed again thinking up a lie on the fly, “Get my brother. He was supposed to drive me to my boyfriends. Mom said he was in the woods again so I came to look for him.”

“Uh huh. Did you know your brother’s name? Cuse I do.”

Shit should have said friend of a friend I just met.

A grin spread across her face as she cocked the gun. The boy in the net yelled at her to stop I was innocent. Dude, haven’t you ever seen movies? Witnesses are killed off dumbass and I’m not as innocent as I look. I said to him in my head. Making my unsaid point I whipped my hand down onto of her wrist causing the gun to fire into the dirt at my feet. Without a Moment’s hesitation I brought the same hand up with the gun elbowing her in the jaw for the hell of it. She went down with a thud.

“Professor Dennis.” Her companion called out worried.

I aimed the gun at him making him stop his advance. Prof. Dennis was getting up at that time.
“I’m a kick your ass!”

“Wana bet?”

I took the gun and swung it into her skull knocking her out. That angered her friend and he charged at me. I jumped over his head spun grabbed the rope and choked him. I kept the pressure on till his hands slowed down there frantic clawing then I released him kicking his back so he was thrown to the ground next to woman. I rushed to the boy who was halfway out of the net.

I pulled him out with ease about to tell him run when I felt an intense burning in my arm and heard the sound of gun fire. I screamed out in pain clutching my arm as I started to fall to the ground. The boy gripped my shoulders keeping me up. I felt blood ooze over my hand,

crap I should have tired the bitch up.

“Where’s my belt.” I gasped out.

My eyes were squeezed shut when someone started pulling my hand away from the wound. I opened them finding the boy wrapping my belt around the upper part of my arm tightly tying it off. I put my hand back over the hole to try and stop it from painting my arm and side red.

(Like that would help) Then to my surprise the boy put himself in between me and the psycho chick with a gun.

What is he doing?

I pushed his shoulder with my clean one so I didn’t get blood on him. His hazel eyes looked back and down at me, he had to be at least six foot tall.

“Just shift and leave already you’re the one they want. I can take care of myself.”

“No you got shot because of me I’m not leaving you here defenseless.”

“Oh my dear knight in shining armor I was so lost without you,” I said in a girly voice then more seriously, “Cut the crap hero boy and move it!”

I shoved him as Prof. D shot at us again I just barely made it out of the way this time.

He’s going to get me killed yet geesh.

The boy unfazed by me ran at Prof. D taking the gun and throwing it away. They engaged in a fist fight as each tried to keep the other from the gun. I shook my head;

just shoot her already self defense man

.Drawing my arms up to cross them over my chest I let my erratic breathing even out.

Picturing the fire within me I started the process of changing. My mind was blank to everything but my wolf soul, a white flame with black flecks at my center.

Come forth and let my true self be known, let the blood of my ancestors run free once again.

I felt and imagined the fire bend to my will flowing through my body and when it reached my fingers I threw my arms to my sides in a primal growl. All the fighting stopped and all eyes were on me.

“Think I’m a better prize? Come get me!” I said motioning the professor with one claw.

Werewolves and shape shifters

Since no one made a move or even breathed I laughed. My ears caught the sound of coughing and twitched back. The Professor screamed and ran back five paces to hide behind a tree. I frowned letting my wolf ears drop down,

oh come on I’m not that ugly…am I?

The boy regained his composure the fastest taking a few hesitant steps toward me and then ran a hand through my white hair.

I closed my eyes, no one but my mother had ever ran their fingers through my hair when I was this way. When his fingers disappeared I opened my eyes again seeing in enhanced color and the soul of his wolf, it was blue with white flecks in it. I blinked making my “soul vision”, as I like to call it, go away. Leaves rustled somewhere else and my ears swiveled in the direction.

“You are a better prize who needs a shape shifter when you can have a werewolf. And since you like things the hard away well skip the please.” That practically annoying voice of hers called out from behind a red wood.

I turned to her with my blue eyes glaring only to back up and pull the boy behind me. She had found the berretta and already pulled the trigger halfway back I could hear it clicking. I hunched forward and barked at her showing off my sharp teeth. The gesture worked and she jerked just enough to put her aim off by a hands with.

I pulled on the green t-shirt behind me so he would move left enough like I was. The bullet whizzed past my face blowing my hair some as it did. I took my chance and lunged giving a battle cry I crushed the gun in my claws. Kart wheeling I hit her in the jaw again this time with my shoes that had claws sticking out of them. She flew over the fence screaming. I turned to the boy.

“Shift and run I’m right behind you.”

“Got it.”

This time he didn’t hesitate he closed his eyes and two seconds later he was a large white wolf running through the woods. I checked to make sure the man with the professor wasn’t around to follow.

O wow ow ok shoes and wolf don’t go together.

I pulled the trashed shoes off my poor wolf feet. I stretched out my clawed toes then left the shoes lay as I took off after the boy.

I made it through the darkening woods faster than I did the first time,

bonus for inhuman werewolf speed.

Digging my claws into the giant log I jumped two hours before I launched myself into the air through the canopy and into the clear night sky above the trees. On the downward fall I lashed out at the first branch I saw and swung to the next one.

I repeated the swinging motions till the trees thinned out to much to keep within arm’s reach. Summer saluting past three maples I landed on the fourth to listen for humans. I used soul vision to look for the boy but didn’t see him, but I found one small red human soul ahead. I flipped my ears forward and caught the sound of my Mom breathing then extended my hearing to the house where I found more breathing but it wasn’t my friends or dad.

I growled at the presence.


My head shouted. I started moving again dropping lower and lower till I hit grass and then I took off running. I slowed to a brisk walk at the last large maple that was just ten foot from our house. My Mom’s head shot up when she saw me and she ran forward
“Oh Honey!” She yelled wrapping me in a hug.

“Sorry Mom I didn’t mean to worry you. But that wolf he was-“

I stopped talking as a familiar scent was blown to me and when I looked up he was walking out of my house.


Pulling from my Mom’s death hug I jabbed a clawed finger at his chest careful not to draw blood but I pressed it in more. I was growling so low I didn’t think my Mom could hear it five feet away from us. I got in his face baring my sharp teeth.

“You are lucky I don’t filet you right here.”

“Why?” He asked genially confused.

“Because I almost got shot four times instead of once. When I say run I’ll be fine I mean it!” I shouted.

He flinched at the way I accused him of endangering my life. We both knew the only reason I got shot was because I came out from my hiding place and stayed to help him. Mom on the other hand didn’t she just heard I got shot. She made this weirdo squeaky screech and pulled me away from the boy to see my arm.

Hey I’m not done yelling at him!

I thought but instead I said.

“Mom calm down werewolf member I heal just like that,” I snapped my fingers and gently pulled away from her,” Look its already stopped bleeding and closed halfway I’m fine.”

She let the issue go and went into the house,

no doubt to get medical supplies.

I rested my head in my hand and sighed,

what am I going to do? I have to leave but it would kill her

, I flinched when I imagined Professor Dennis shooing her,

better than her actually getting killed.

I found courage in that thought and looked up only to find the boy standing right there looking at me. I jumped when I realized he was a foot away.

“Geezus quite doing that kid! I swear one of these times I won’t hold back the punch.”

“Stop calling me kid and boy.” He said angrily.

“Well it’s not like I know your name, mines Indura.”

His face changed and looked younger. “Names Spirit.”

“Like the horse?”


He groaned but I couldn’t help but laugh, at least I got him to smile. Then mine fell Mom was walking out with the first aid kid in her calloused hands. I smiled sadly at her as she looked down at the instructions for something. Her short hair was graying again so she’d have to buy hair dye soon and her glasses were taped along the side from where she dropped them so much.

She pointed at the table I had been sitting at to eat, I sat down on the table pulling my tail around my side and laying it in my lap. Gingerly she dabbed away the blood on my arm. Her face was probably sad and she was no doubt already crying but I didn’t have the courage to look at her.

“Mom, I uh have to leave for a month. There was a woman in the woods who saw me as I am and she wants to show the world werewolves exist so…” I just stopped talking I couldn’t go on.

“No.” Was her fierce answer.

I knew she was crying but she didn’t know what was going on. None of us did. I slid off the table and faced her glaring more than I meant to.

“Yes,” I shot back just as fierce,” I got shot Mom I can heal fast and won’t die, “

I hope

, I silently added,” you will so I’m going weather you want me to or not.”

My resolve crumbled just like that when I saw her crying.

Sure I can face down guns but when it comes to my mother’s tears I’m jello.

I hugged her tightly whispering in her ear that I’d be fine and come home soon. She kept shaking her head and I knew it was a useless attempt to get her blessing to leave I would just have too without it. Regretfully I pulled away from her at inhuman speed and ran into the house a trail of tears glistening in the air behind me.


Once I reached the stairs I called back my wolf I felt the fire of my soul go out and then light back up at my core. I hurriedly grabbed a hidden black backpack from my closet and unzipped the main part. I stuffed my dragon blanket and pillow in then threw my wolf outfit in over top. I went to my door again and locked it as Mom’s footsteps pounded up the stairs then I leaned my head against the wooden frame as she beat on it desperately.

I can’t please understand please. A fast break will make it easier for when I come back.

I went back to my emergency pack closing the main pocket I opened the second largest one and shoved in a knife I pulled from under my bed in a cubbyhole. Then some snacks and the book I was reading, the title Morganville vampires disappeared as I zipped it shut. Finally I took out my phone, its charger, and my mp3 charger and put them in the small front pocket. I went to my closet again pulling out another hidden backpack.

I sifted through the clothes and settled on a black sleeveless t-shirt and form fitting denim shorts. I stripped off the bloody clothes I had on and slipped into the new ones I would have to ware for the next month along with the uniform in the pack. Grabbing the bindings I had in my dresser and the fingerless gloves I raced back to my bed setting down and wrapping each foot and then pulling on the black gloves.

I yanked a light grey jacket off a hanger and slung it on and zipped it so I could shove my mp3 player in a pocket. I found my black bandana in the left pocket and put it on two it would help when I changed. Everything was set for me to leave. I pulled the backpack up my shoulders clicking the strap together so it wouldn’t slid off when I ran.

My fingers lingered on the door handle.

Should I go out there and tell her bye before running off? I can’t risk her trying to follow or stop me.

The decision was made for me when the door popped open and in barged my Mom with the key still pointing straight out. He face was an angry red but she still had tears running down her face. I turned hopping over my bed and going for my only exit, the window.

Luckily for me I had opened it earlier today when it was so hot out so I didn’t have to mess with the stupid catchy latch right now (the other bonus no screens). I put my hand on the sill and vaulted out the second story of my bedroom window and into the chilly night. As I fell to the ground I called upon my wolf once again igniting the soul with me so I could change. My bare bound feet hit bush making my eyes fly open so I could take off.

“Come back please!” I heard my mother call.

I risked a glance back at her and found her silhouetted figure hanging out the window. I was glad I looked back then otherwise I wouldn’t have seen the white wolf that chased after me.

Dang it why can’t he leave I don’t want answers that bad.

I pressed my claws deeper in the moist ground to gain speed so I could run to the maze of trees in the next town. I could lose anyone in there it was my favorite place to just be me without interruption.

Ten minutes later I was ignoring the sign that stated it was dangerous to enter this forest because of the maze like quality the gnarled enter twined trees made. I hung a right then another took a sharp left went past five turn offs and took the next angled right. The trees that I went past were spooky even on the brightest days of summer let alone a cold night in the fall with a shape shifter tailing you. I slid to a stop at the dead end created from three over lapped trees twisting to either side becoming entangled in the ones I just passed.

I climbed up the center tree to its third branch hanging from it I swung down into a vine covered tunnel and onto one long curving tree that lead back the way I came. The path was hidden by hanging vines caked with leaves so I knew no one would see me not even Spirit. I had come across this by sheer luck six years ago, unless you knew it was there you wouldn’t find it.

I made it back to where I hung the first left on the curling trees,

my own little secret bridge.

I listened for the sound of paws against the rotted foliage or the sound of panting. I picked it up right about where the right angled path lead to the dead end. Now was my chance. I jumped high using a few gnarled trees as steps till I reached the reasonable sized opening I could fit through.

Crawling through it was still hard but I knew if I went higher I’d miss the part I called the walkway. I growled as my shoulders finally got through so I could pull the pack with me. I looked around taking in the close tops of the trees and the dead silence. Even though this was twenty miles from my house I knew it was safe here.

There’s a keep out sign humans actually listen too at the front after all.

I finally realized where I was just three large branches down from the walkway.

I crawled my way to the west till I made it to the walkway. I let out a sigh of relief it was still there after all these years. I swung my backpack up on my shoulder and grabbed my mp3 player turning it on and rolling the volume all the way up I selected random. My ears were assailed by the song fists fall by Otep. I walked at a gingerly pace but was too immersed in my music to notice anything really. I head banged to the beat and dancing and singing along.

“Keep your voices raised! Keep your knuckles bloody!”

I let out a sigh as the song ended too soon,

to the beginning next time player to the beginning.

My eyes flicked around landing on nothing really the animals inhabiting the gnarled forest didn’t come up here mainly because they can’t. This part of the walkway I was in now had no openings what so ever you either came from about the middle of it like I did or from the end. I looked up at the almost human made roof, every tree curved over like an arch ceiling within arm’s reach above me.

Warning not for the claustrophobic is what they should post out there.

I came back to the music just in time for the opening of digging up the corpses. I flipped past it when my thoughts traveled with the song to corpses. The sight of my mother’s corpses frightened me thankfully the next song was by Soil and I reached the end of the half mile walkway. I was thankful for the bindings on my feet then because the side of the last tree slopped sharply and I surfed down the old bark like Tarzan.

I looked up to the small opening in the canopy that let the moonlight shine in then looked around the place like it was an old room I hadn’t been to in forever, and to me it was. At least until something penetrated my comforting little paradise. My ear buds were pulled out from my head as the good part of pardon me started.

“What the hell how did you find me stalker!”

I shouted at Spirit as he smiled wickedly and twirled my head phone.


“I live here of course.” He said simply.

“You what?”

My jaw dropped I had been coming here since I was six and I never saw anyone. In fact I didn’t think anyone ever got past the tall chain link fence with barbwire other than me. Ever since a little boy supposedly got lost and died in here they put the sign and fence up to stop it from happening again. I blinked several times trying to gain control again so I could shut my gapping mouth. I jerked my ear bud away from him suddenly angry.

“I’ve been coming here for almost eleven years and I have never seen any living person get past that fence.” I jabbed my finger out the way I came to make my point.

“I was hiding from you.”

I ground my teeth his smugness was annoying me. “Prove it.”

“When you first came here you were six and you got lost I followed you down here and then hid in my room. I watched you scream your lungs out then cry. I still don’t know why you did that.”

O.m.g he was a stalker!

“That is so fricken creepy dude.”

I backed away from him spinning on my heel to run away. Unfortunately Spirit was close to me so he grabbed my wrist stopping me. I wrenched it free but his grip was so tight he took my glove off when I thought I was free.

Oh come on!

I reached for it but he swiped it away holding it above my head. I jumped and so did he taking it out of reach again. Once more I jumped but put some werewolf strength in to get higher than him.

“Ha! Got it!”

I told him holding it up to his face. He was smiling at me till his eyes fell on the back of my left hand. I knew what he was looking at so I let my hand drop but again he grabbed it. He was faster this time so I couldn’t get away but he didn’t hold on so tightly. I made a fist and pulled away after he started to trace the mark. I turned taking a step forward to climb up the tree root I slid in on and make my escape from “his room” and back to the walkway.

I’ll just use the smaller one higher up to hide…unless he knows about it. Darn him.

He didn’t stop me this time just put a hand on my shoulder wanting me to stop. Reluctantly I stopped,

if I left now he’d only stalk me for answers.

But didn’t I do that to him today in the woods behind my house?

Karma how I loath thee.

“How did you get that scar?”

I wanted to tell him it was none of his business and leave. But then maybe I could bargain an answer for an answer with him. The idea was pleasing enough I turned to face him looking right into his hazel eyes.

“Killed my parents because this life is a curse.”
Was my blunt answer to him. He seemed doubtful and squinted at me taking a strand of my white hair between his fingers.

“It’s not a curse for you especially it’s a gift.”

I swatted his hand way. How could he say such things to me he didn’t know what I had gone through because of this. I stepped away from him caging my soul to turn back to my human form. If he paid attention he’d have seen the scar that started on the back of my hand and ended at my inside elbow disappear. But he wasn’t looking at that anymore he was watching my face as I scrunched it up in anger.

“A gift you call this a gift!”

I pulled my shirt up to show him my left side. Two long jagged scars wrapped around my rib cage angling down from my shoulder to my hip. He reached his hand out to touch them but I pulled back wrapping an arm around myself.

He is a creeper too! I don’t care if he’s hot or not you don’t go around touching people’s side scars.

His scrutinizing face looked up at me and turned into something else entirely. His hazel eyes gleamed in the moonlight making them look sadder than they were.

“You don’t know what you’re talking about. It is a gift. I would have died twelve years ago in here if I hadn’t been a shifter.”

He’s the little boy who died in here?

I was surprised again by his answer but my face pulled back into a glare after a second. I was angry at him I got in his face.

“You don’t know what you’re talking about! This curse got my mother killed and gave me these scars. Then to top all off when I was six it got my adopted parents killed. You wanted to know why I screamed when I was six. That’s why because I’m a cursed monster who kills her parents!”

I was screaming in his face but he didn’t try to move away or anything. He just stood there taking it and it made me madder. I just told him something I never told anyone not even my best friend and he wouldn’t do anything. I was at my emotional limit, damn it you big baby don’t cry in front of him, but it was too late. I balled my fist and beat it against his chest as the tears leaked out of my eyes and down my face.

I left my fist on his chest but let my head drop so my brown hair hid my face. His arms wrapped around me pulling me into him. At first I pushed away but I needed the comfort too much to actually get way. I closed my eyes as the water works went on.

Silly little girl you don’t even know this stalker but you letting him comfort you.

I felt him bow his head so his lips were next to my ear.

“The fact that you’re alive at all is a gift within its self.”

What was that suppose to mean?

I pulled my head back to look at him and froze. He wasn’t just looking at me sympathetically he was looking at me lovingly.

Old friend

“In your arms I can’t still feel the way you want me when you hold me. I can still hear the words you whispered when you told me. “

Played from my pocket and I started blushing like the sun in the mornings, red hot. Quickly I pushed away and jerked the head phones out so it stopped playing aloud. My heart was pounding when I looked up at him. I whipped the tears off my face so I could covertly pull my long hair around my face like a curtain to hide the blush. Spirit held his hand out to me.

“And there ain’t no way I’m letting you go now.” He sang.

He knows Shania Twain?

I looked at his outstretched hand and surprising myself took it. He took the player from my other hand and plugged in the head phones and instantly missing by flyleaf blared out at us. I looked up at his face still red and then I turned redder. His eyes were smoldering,

what have I gotten myself into?

He brushed back his hair then let my hand drop I let my breath out unaware I was holding it. His lips twitched up into a smile and he came back to me in one long step. His chest was against mine and even thou his face was looking down at me and I could turn away I didn’t. I felt the blush spread down my neck as his hands held either side of my face.

He wouldn’t would he?

He would. Slowly his lips pressed to mine in a kiss that I returned.

“You know I like you.” He mumbled against my lips.

“Didn’t have a clue you did.” I mumbled back. Then pulled away keeping my forehead against his, “Uh if you like me you wana go out?”

I did not just! What am I like possessed or something? I felt like I was closer to him than I was like this was something we were picking back up on. He looked into my eyes searching for something he must have found it because he pulled away then turned away from me stalking off to the far side of the clearing,

what I say?

I frowned at him as he came back with a small mirror. He held it up to my face and I frowned more. I looked at my dark blue eyes and dark brown hair crowded around my face. It was all tangled at I had a few scratches on my cheek, ok yeah I look like a mess so?

“No.” He said strangely.

I tore my eyes from my reflection to look at him.

What the hell! You kiss me out of nowhere and then when I ask you out you say no! ugh!

I glared at him then let it drop I turned away stalking off to the entrance again while beautiful played from behind me. I stopped;

bastard still has my mp3 player

, and then whirled around stomping back to him. I snatched the player from him only to have my wrist caught. I growled at him shooting daggers at his stupid muscle chest I had been held in a moment ago.

“Look at me.”

“I am!” I shouted unnecessarily.

“No you’re looking at my chest I want you to look at me.” His voice cracked.

He lifted my chin with his other hand. I tried to fight him off but he wouldn’t let me go I was trapped there with him. If I shift I can kick his ass, I frowned I didn’t really want to hurt him I still needed answers. I kept my eyes off him till my mp3 player started the song drift away by Uncle Kracker. ‘I don’t understand the things I do.’ I mouthed with it,

so true why aren’t I beating him up?

“Because you don’t know anything.”
“Oh really? Well then explain or is this another curse of mine getting kissed and then thrown away

by hot guys.” I was snarling by now.

“Hot guys?”

“Not the point.” We said together.

I gave him the what-is-with-you-weirdo look. He shook his head growling at himself.

Ok this is just the weirdest situation I’ve ever been in.

He let my wrist go and took my shoulders instead. He let my face go so I took the opportunity to look away.

Come forth and let my true self be known, let the blood of my ancestors run free once again

, the flow of my soul reached my finger tips so I broke Spirits hold on me as I changed. I growled at him then took off till I was spun back around and tackled by this wolf. He pinned my arms out and let his snarling face hang inches from mine. I let out my own snarl in response.

“Mitchell!” He yelled.


“Spirit Mitchell Jamison!”

My eyes widened,

no way.

“It can’t…”

“Yes it can.” He whispered.


Is it really him? After all these years after everything that happened he’s here.

I Took a closer look at him his eyes even thou they were a yellow wolfs I could see him in them. The little boy I grew up with in Kenzington with my mom.

“Spirit.” I whispered.

His muzzle shut and he looked at me. Climbing off he changed back to his human form taking a seat next to my sprawled out body. I stared up at the leaf ceiling as I was pulled back to that horrid place. Back to a time when I loved being a werewolf and Spirit was my friend, to a time when I was five. My mother, my real mother, walked toward me in her wolf form. She was snow white except for the raven black half halo at the base of her left ear. Her blue eyes were gleaming at me as a small white wolf ran past her and I laughed running away from him.

“Wait up Indura!” He called.

“No way Mitch your still it!”

I called back using his nickname he hated to egg him on more while I sprinted backwards. I spun around to face forward when he got closer brushing my tail an inch from his nose teasingly. He growled playfully jumping to pounce on me. I managed a half dodge getting my leg caught by his paw and falling. I could see his mouth opening to shout tag but he was cut off by furious growling. Both of us looked up to see a giant white Royal wolf I never seen before growling with his lips pulled back from his teeth to expose them.

He lunged for me with intent to kill scarring me so bad I closed my eyes. But before I did I saw a flash of white and my left arm burn as I was jerked sideways by something. I cried out in pain opening my eyes to find three long claws marks bleeding profusely on my side and arm. I thought I heard my name being called but I wasn’t sure everything was dull and strange. Spirit’s fuzzy grayed human figure ran towards me before I closed my eyes.

I also made out my mother falling to the ground with dashes of red following her falling body as she howled out in fear. Then I saw nothing but darkness but I heard the low grumbling sound of the attacking wolf mumble something like ‘she’s dead.’


I jerked looking at Spirit when his yelling pulled me back from my past. My breathing was labored and I could feel sweat dripping down my forehead. He had a hold of my shoulders looking at me worriedly searching for something again. I blinked away the tears in my eyes as I wrapped my arms around him in a tight hug. I squeezed the life out of him once I changed back into a human and buried my face in his shoulder. I dug my fingers into his shirt gripping it for dear life like he would disappear any minute.

I can’t believe it’s him why didn’t he tell me sooner?

Spirit brushed my hair back from my face when I peeked at him from the corner of my hidden eye.

I closed them again taking in the warmth, strength, and gentleness that his firm embarrass held. Finally after I felt like I had made sure he was real, that my childhood friend wasn’t a ghost, I released him. Looking to the ground I felt the tears at the brim of my eyes tip over and flow down my face again.

Dang can’t I quite crying today?

He raised my chin whipping them away with his fingers then pressed his forehead to mine. The look of love was back.

“Now that you remember who I am is the question still up for grabs?” He said quietly.

“What do you mean? Is that what the whole mirror deal was?”

“Kinda, I wanted you to see how you reacted. I could tell you didn’t remember anything from your past.”

“From before I got these scars I don’t. It’s the only thing of my past I have or remember. The rest is just not there at all.” The subject was depressing me and it came out in my voice.

‘That’s obvious you’re not yelling at me about the


. He whispered so low I didn’t think I was meant to hear it but I had. I squinted at him,

what is he talking about?

He saw my questioning look and sighed pulling away. He took my hand by the wrist pulling me along to the far side of the clearing. He moved aside some vines then pulled out a chunk of bark from the old gnarled tree.

To my surprise a little room was inside lit up by moonlight filtering down through the hollowed tree. I pulled my wrist free curiosity getting the best of me I walked into the room. A bed of leaves covered by some blankets and a set of carved stairs were the only things in the small space barley big enough for the two of us. Spirit climbed the stairs with me in toe leading me up four flights.

The stairs curved around following the trees natural structure, landings covered half of the space so moonlight or sunlight could reach all the way down to the floor. We passed another bed on the first landing, the second had just food in bins, the third had a bunch of cardboard boxes with odds and ends hanging out, and then finally the fourth landing was bare. I looked at him rising one eye brow he just smiled then pulled on a rope I hadn’t noticed. A set of stairs like you’d find leading to an attic swung down.

I followed him again to the outside and gasped. The tree we were in was the tallest one in the forest, standing just about dead center of it too. The weirdness of gnarled trees let it curve around close enough that it made a natural platform and the spooky mute colored leaves hid us from view but allowed us to see the entire forest and the moon and stars like a one way mirror.

Ok best tree house ever I want it!

I turned to Spirit smiling like a crazy person till I saw his face then it fell.

“What?” I asked.

“Um you don’t remember about us do you?”

“Were friends,”

that kiss each other

, “why?”

“You don’t remember.” He put his face in his hand.
“What are you talking about? I just said I didn’t member anything before my mom getting killed.”

I was kind of getting angry at him because he kept saying I don’t remember or know anything when I just told him that,

tell me what I don’t know for crying out loud!

I pulled his hand away gently forcing him to look at me. He understood what I wanted.

“I’ve been promise to you since birth because my bloodline goes all the way back to Kraus and you’re a descendent of Sheiesh.”

“Say what?!”

Promised to me?!


I looked at him like he was an alien.

Promise to me?? What the heck why would he be promised to me?

For a second I thought he might be lying to me.

“No.” I said bluntly.


“No your lying you’re not promise to me you’re my friend.”

“Right lesson time. And I am promised to you my mother said at birth I was and Rima agree with her.”

I was looking out at the moon when he said her name, Rima, mom’s name. Then memories flashed through my head, just two. One of my mom telling me who he was and he’s my promised husband to be and the other where I told him I liked him under the moon light. My head jerked back to him eyes wide.

He’s telling the truth! Omg!

I cocked my head to the side confused again.

“Why thou it’s not like I’m a princess.”

“You are.”

I laughed at him clutching my sides. “Far from it!”
“Like I said lesson time.”

He sat down on the tree leaning his back against the main branch. I took a spot next to him sitting Indian style. Reaching in his jeans he pulled out a piece of crumpled paper. I had to lean in close to even make out the names and marks on it. A key in the corner showed that an X meant a boy, black for no legacy, and red for legacy.

I was totally confused by what the legacy thing meant but I knew enough to read the rest and figure out it was a family tree, my family tree in fact, at the bottom my name was scrawled in the same fancy print. At the top was that name he had mentioned before, Sheiesh.

“What does all this mean?”

“That you are a direct descendent of Sheiesh,” He saw my what-the-fuck-is-that look, “She was a dire wolf that lived 10,000 years ago. She lived in the mountains by a tribe of humans. To stay alive she fought the tribe leader, Kraus, but she was ill and her bite infected him. When he had a daughter she was a hybrid.”

“The first werewolf?”

“You’d think but no she was a shape shifter. The first of our kind really but we say descendents of Sheiesh.”

I was interested in this crazy story. Somehow it seemed like I knew what he was talking about like I heard it before and my soul responded to the name Sheiesh. I slipped the paper from his hands tracing my way back to her then back down the tree. My hand stopped at her daughter’s name.

“Tell me what happened to Halo? If she was a wolf wouldn’t other tribes hunt her?”

“Sheiesh could sense her wolf soul when Halo turned five. She took her before her father knew what she was. Sheiesh might have kidnapped the girl but she was her daughter, by soul, and if she stayed with humans she would have died.”

That’s sad her own father would have killed her for being a wolf.

I skipped the other thirteen descendents and went to my mother’s name. Spirit kept talking about some of them like Nala, Halo’s daughter. When Nala took over the pack it had been 1500 years since Sheiesh came to power (Royal wolves live for 500 years at least) she decided it was time to leave the mountain and mingle with the humans since they were half human themselves.

Around the middle of Bristol’s rain that’s when werewolves were born, if a Royal wolf and human got together tada. But the birth rate was low and the ones that lived past five years of age were at zero, if they even survived birth.

“That’s part of the reason why I said the fact that you’re alive at all is a gift within its self.”


I responded when he laced his fingers through mine. I hesitated leaving my hand slack but then I tightened it to hold his.

He is promised to me after all and he kissed me so what the hell

, I thought. Then I leaned my head against his shoulder resting it so I could see the page resting on my legs that I had drawn up to me. He stiffened for a second like I had scared the shit out of him but then rest his cheek on my hair. His tanned hand came into view as he pointed at the name Kikio.

“The seventh alpha Kikio decided after 1500 years of pointless births of werewolves it should be forbidden to mingle with humans in such a way, others agreed so the law was passed. Her daughters on the other hand disagreed because Chessla was in love with a human man. Chessla, Izel, and Denali are the only known sisters to rain all at once. There attempt to throw out Kikio’s law failed.”

Something accrued to me then making me shake.

“Is that why I was attacked? Cuse I’m a werewolf that was born after the law.”

Spirit leaned away from me making me fall from the sudden absence of my pillow. I looked at him wondering what he was doing. His face looked sad and he avoided my eyes as best he could looking only at my forehead. I glared at him,

come on I know that’s why don’t act like this

. I waved my hand trying to get his attention but he wouldn’t look at my eyes even after I did the I’m-watching-you/ right-here motion. I stood up looming over him but he just looked at my stomach. Finally I grabbed his chin pulling his face up and squatted down so we were at the same level and he had to look at me. His eyes met mine and he nodded.

“About that whole promised thing. I know we just found each other again but I remember being little and liking you then.” I said nervously.

“I know you told me.”

He said confidently then pulled my face down to his for another kiss. I felt him murmur the word ‘yes’ against my lips.

Woho boyfriend! Hehe.

(This chapter is for angel92296 for loving Spirit so much. Even thou its so short I have a feeling this will be your favorite chapter of the book.)


Shifting in my sleep I rolled over to curl up on my side but I hit something warm and solid. My eyes flew open to find Spirit looking at me adoringly. I shot upright,

scare the shit out of me much!

He smiled at my reaction then pulled me back down to rest in his arms. I yawned still half asleep and snuggled into them. When I closed my eyes I inhaled his scent of roses and pine wood, it was intoxicating.

The night’s events played out in my head from when he said yes to me. We kissed a little longer then he took me down to the main floor when the night became cold. I was going to take the second floor bed but he shook his head no saying it would be too cold tonight. So he brought me down to his bed adding leaves to it so it was large enough for both of us.

“Indura.” He whispered.


I asked loving how comfortable his arms were but really I was thinking,

shh sleep time.

His smell was like a drug making me sleepy and all fuzzy feeling. I felt his lips press against my hair then he mumbled something in it I couldn’t understand.

I think he understood I didn’t hear him because he shifted so I had to pull my head out of his chest. I made a cranky moan and reached out for his chest again like a child wanting something. He denied me access to his loveliness and I opened my eyes to give him a droopy glare. He chuckled at me brushing his thumb over my cheek.

“I said I love you.”

“Mmmm I love you too.” I told him.

I sounded almost drunk or high making him smile wider and reveal flawless teeth. I ran my fingers thought his hair and met him halfway for a kiss. I don’t know how long it lasted but I broke it off and dove into his chest again. His warm gentle arms held me to him as I fell back asleep. That night for the first time instead of having nightmares about Royal wolves or car accidents killing my first foster family I dreamed about Spirit


When I woke up the next time sun was streaming down into my face and Spirit was gone. I sat up stretching and then fell back on my back to yawn and look at the dust partials in the sunlight dance around. I figured Spirit was out doing something and it was a new day so I got out of bed and grabbed my pack hiking up the stairs to the second bed.

I pulled out my wolf outfit that my mother gave to me when I was three for when I was a teenager. I hung up my bed sheet to create a curtain then took one last look down the landing to make sure the coast was clear.

I hope he doesn’t walk in on me changing

, I felt a fierce blush creep over my face,

head out of the gutter Indura!

I pulled the fur leg warmers over my feet and into place then hooked the white fur skirt on over the shorts.

I looked down at myself a small snow white fur top cover just enough of my chest to hide my boobs then looking down farther at the pelt skirt that was more like a front and back cloth. Under it I had a pair of white shorts and then finally I had fur leg warmer and fingerless gloves. I used the white ribbon to tie back my brown hair after I brushed it.

“Indura you still here?” Spirit called out panicked.

“Yeah I am, what you think I ran away from you the first chance I got?”

“Maybe.” He called back up.

I laughed,

no faith what so ever.

“I’m your girlfriend I would never leave!”

I swung down from the landing onto the ground floor. Spirits eyes bugged out when he saw my outfit. I twirled to give him a better view.

“Like what you see?”


I frowned at him he shook his head then snaked his arm around my waist to pull me closer.

“I love what I see.”

He kissed down my cheek to the corner of my lips then pulled away. I was wired from the string of kisses. I gave him a puzzled look because I knew he wanted to kiss my lips as much as I wanted him to.



“Let’s go back to your mom.”

“NO!” I shot back instantly.

I pulled out of his embrace spinning to face away.

He’s nuts! It’s been two days that’s too soon they probably haven’t even left!

I balled my fists at the memory of my first foster parents. I was only six so I didn’t know a whole lot but I wanted to show them my “stories” were facts. When I changed in the car to show them out of frustration they wrecked and got killed.

I survived because I was a werewolf.

It was my fault they got killed, my fault my mom got killed, I won’t let another parent die.

Spirit touched my shoulder but when I didn’t respond he wrapped his arms around my waist again and rested his head on top of mine. I leaned my head back on his shoulder to look at his eyes. I could see he knew that it caused me pain and I could see flickers of determination behind the sadness.

“I’ll protect your mother and you. I swear I won’t fail you this time my love.” He said as his voice broke some.

I blinked at him unable to respond.

That’s a first he never called me his love before. I like it.

I turned in his arms to face him this time. I played whit his red sleeveless shirt debating what to do (and just to touch him). Finally I looked into his smoldering hazel eyes brushing back his red hair that fell in front of them. I nodded a yes to him that earned me a smile.

“Let’s go back then. So I can properly introduce myself as your boyfriend.”

“Is that why you wanted to go back?”

“It’s part of it but I know you miss her. You said so in your sleep last night.”

I looked horrified.

Crap I talk in my sleep! Oh dear god please let me not have embarrassed myself.

“You sound like Edward Cullen right now.” I blurted out.

“Then you know I’m gona say you said you loved me.”
“But you already knew that.”

“It’s nice to hear you say it.”

“I love you.” I said as I kissed him.

After the quick make out session (Woho!) I took down my blanket and threw it back in my backpack to leave. We retraced our way back through the walkway, down my bridge, and out the maze to the barbed fence. It was just past dusk when we reached the town I took it as a good sign since my outfit wasn’t exactly city worthy.

“Come forth and let my true self be known, let the blood of my ancestors run free once again.” I said out loud unleashing my soul.

To my surprise Spirit said the same incantation like sentence and turned into the giant white wolf I first met two days ago. We raced back to the town where my little forest encased house was. When we reached my house I instantly knew something was wrong. The scent of that woman was there.

I felt panicked and burst into the house dropping my backpack after I slipped the knife into my leg warmer. Inhaling I searched for my mother’s scent but didn’t find it so I burst back outside where Spirit stood with a gun to his head.


I let a furious growl escape my chest when I looked at Prof. D’s friend holding the gun to Spirit’s head. My heart was in my throat and all I heard was my pulse quickening to the point I thought I would die. Professor Dennis stepped out from behind a tree tugging a rope that was wrapped around my mother. I balled my claws into a fist drawing blood to distract myself from killing her. She flipped her blonde hair over a shoulder and laughed.

“Looks like your coming with us or someone’s dying.”

“Fine.” I spat at her.

I’m going to kill you, you, you, urg if only there was a word.

I forced my soul back from my body and to my center till I almost put it out. Normally I would have but I wanted the extra strength just in case. My small white black flecked wolf soul swayed like it was trying to stay lighten in a wind storm. I took a step forward toward the professor hating it because to took me one step away from Spirit every time. I stopped about five foot away from her glaring.

“Let my mother and Spirit go.”

“So you learned his name huh. Fine, Keith let the boy go!”

She shoved my mom forward past me and I heard her bump into Spirit who had started to rush toward me. I watched as Professor Dennis pulled out a gun from behind her aimed and let it ring out right past me. I knew where she aimed before I looked and I felt the tear tread down my face as he cried out in pain.


I couldn’t look back even as mom screamed out his name. I couldn’t look as I heard him struggle with the pain. All I could do was watch the Professor and yell ad her.

“What are you!”

“Your aunt Kina.” She said dryly.

“What? You’re my aunt?! No you’re an asshole!”

I charged at her hands out to choke her and she fired again catching my shoulder. The impact from such close range jerked me back to the ground. I screamed out,

this is the second time she’s fucking shot me in a week!

The way I landed forced me to look at Spirit’s limp body in my mother’s lap.

The End

My chest constricted painfully and I felt my heart physically breaking when I seen his still chest. My wolf soul I had held back pulsed and burned pitch black as it swallowed the white whole. My body had its own pulse separate from my heart as it pounded harder and harder the more I watched Spirit die. I ground my teeth as it became painful and my vision went black as I stared out ahead.

I felt my blood pool around my head on the ground. Even thou I was blind I could see Spirit in my mother’s lap as his arm twitched and she called out to him to stay with her to stay with me. My chest crushed in on its self when I saw him die.

My own body became lifeless as my soul pulled out of it and into the sky. My white black flecked soul glowed taking on my naked form. I was pulled into a ball eyes closed floating there in the darkness. Slowly I opened my eyes to a faint blue glow that tugged at my very being,

Spirit’s soul is so small,

I noted.

I straightened out floating over to it; it was no bigger than half my palm. A black tear leaked from my face and landed on his soul. It sucked it in like it was dehydrated. As I held it in my hands I remembered why I was here, I had remembered I had powers from Sheiesh. My real mother told me that so long ago.

“When you truly care for him he will awake in you your true self my dear.”

I released Spirit’s soul letting it fade into the darkness till it was just a white speck. I crossed my arms over my chest, please hear me blood of Sheiesh I am ready now, I am ready to become the ultimate alpha, to save my soul mate, let it flow, let yourself flow truly free within me. I felt a tug where my wolf soul would be in my flesh body and I flung my arms out screaming.

Spirit’s soul flared back to life as my white glow reached out to it and we faded out of the blackness back into our bodies. I heard him gasp for air as he came back before me. Then I returned to my body that was still pulsing but my soul had turned from back to white. This time it had black and blue flecks in it, Spirit is with me as a soul mate now.

I knew his own blue soul would have white and black flecks in it now too. I pushed off of the ground changing as I did so. I felt my soul bust forth without the chant and consume my body. It was different now more powerful, more wolf.

I am the descendent of Sheiesh and Kraus’s daughter, I am the absolute Royal wolf alpha, Here me wolves hear my name; know that when you hear the name Indura it is your alphas!

My mind shouted out to the world, to all shape shifters telling them the heir they waited for has finally awoken. I could feel the acceptance from every wolf or human who had Royal wolf blood flow through their veins. When I stood on my feet the black strand of hair I always cut fell across my left eye.

I could feel that my hair was rougher then it use to be, that my claws were more covered, my tail was bushier, and that I had fangs along with the sharp teeth, and there was a small blue fire that flickered in my blue eyes. My aunt Kina flinched back from me. When she didn’t accept my leadership I snarled showing off my teeth. She fell to her knees dropping the gun.

“You will leave this place and never try to expose us again, do you understand!” I growled at her.

My voice held authority in it and she quivered from the power it held. She gave a vigorous nod and bolted off away from us. I followed her with my fiery eyes till she disappeared with Keith in toe. I felt warm arms snake around my waist and I put out my soul again, this time when it flared back up it was larger taking up my entire torso. Spirit kissed my neck lovingly breathing hotly in my ear.

“My lady, my alpha, my love, with our souls now bonded I will forever be yours.”

This is the end of book one. The series will follow certain ancestors of Indura’s from now on.


Texte: Cover picture from Google. This is all my original idea and parts of a dream I had so don't steal.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.07.2011

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