
“So there is a four hour waiting period till I have to move her back down?”

“Yes it is very important you make sure she leaves before the four hours are up. Be sure she does before there up Cory”

“Right I will I just had to bring her up here to heal her. The damage was too”

“I know son I know you did your best she’s safe now, well for at least a few more minutes”

“I should have been at the house sooner stopped arguing with Alex”

“If you were at the house you all would have perished son”


I groaned at the restricted movement around my neck and arms. I wanted to see who Cory was talking to and to see if he was ok. I repressed another groan as I felt a flare of pain rip through my chest. Oh yeah got the crap shocked out of me by a feather need to rest. Wait Armageddon is happening can’t have to keep moving. I tried to move again this time just my head. Cory must have noticed because the voices stopped and something brushed my, his hand? My breathing became harder and harder as the seconds ticked on which confused me. I knew from the beeping sound this was a hospital so should I be getting better and if my breathing was worsening didn’t that mean the monitor would go off? But it didn’t and it just got worse no one seemed to notice.

I felt like someone was smothering me with a pillow or a sock was shoved down my throat. Cory kept stroking my hair while it felt nice it didn’t stop the fact that I was being suffocated. I tried to grab his arm but my body didn’t want to work. It felt numb and lifeless almost like it was cut off from my chest down. I forced my eyes open for the first time to glance down just to be sure my body was there and I wasn’t just some head about to be put in a jar, the idea was kind of freaking me out.

“Henry where is he!”

A woman demanded as she rounded the corner of the room I was in. I glanced at her hoping she would help me seeing that I couldn’t breathe. Her hair fell in long flowing black curls past her back whipping like a cape behind her from running the halls looking for Henry. Her blue eyes looked frantic and full of worry as she searched the room. They landed on Cory for only a brief moment before they widened with shock when she saw me. She rushed into the room and batted Cory’s hand away he seemed stunned but realized something was wrong. I was glad this woman had come running around the corner she was going to help me. My eyes rolled back in my head as Cory cried out my name and then nothing.

“Child are you awake?”

An unfamiliar voice asked me it was deep and loving it held authority and power but it didn’t sound harsh just fatherly. I twisted my head to the voice and forced my eyes open when I gasped this time it wasn’t painful in fact nothing hurt. I looked down to my body and lifted my arm it was them and I could feel it. I slowly sat up afraid I might get dizzy Cory was at my side holding me to be sure I was fine. I smiled at my guardian angel. I returned my attention to the man who was sitting in a chair at my bed side. He wore a plain white shirt buttoned up till his neck and then left on undone; white dress pants I noticed that instead of shoes he wore tan sandals. What an interesting fashion. His face looked young and aged at the same time.

He had Dark brown hair pulled back in a ponytail and his eyes were the same dark brown.
Cory took my hand and squeezed it he seemed uneasy I didn’t know why. Who was this man? I looked around the room and found the woman with the beautiful black hair sitting in a chair next to the man I assumed Cory was talking to. He had black hair just like Cory and the same eyes. I looked back to Cory’s hazel eyes they looked so sad and defeated like he lost something but what? The man in the chair cleared his throat drawing my eyes to him. Cory dropped my hand so he could wrap the blanket around my shoulders.


“How do you know my name?”

The man smiled making wrinkles appear on his face. He looked so much older when he did that and wiser.

“You know who I am do you not?”

“No I don’t”

“Think about it”

I didn’t know this man I had never met him before I was sure of it. My head was starting to hurt. Cory tucked the blanked closer to me I wished it was his silken wings they were so much warmer. I didn’t know who this man was. His fashion sense was a little off and whoever the other people were obviously respected him and Cory seemed to as well. I looked out the window and saw nothing but clouds that was strange. When I turned my head back to the man he was standing up in front of me with his palm inches from my forehead.

“I don’t want to rush but there isn’t much time even I can’t keep her here long without consequence to her body my son”

He tapped his palm to my forehead before I could even say what? I screamed as searing heat exploded from the spot and my eyes went blind from a bright light and my ears went death from some noise and I went mute from screaming. Then it all went away and I felt like my body had left again but I couldn’t move my eyes to cheek and make sure it was there. I wanted to ask Cory to help me but I couldn’t speak or hear him. Finally the presence of his wings came back to me and I smiled.

“Cory what happened? My voice it’s so different”

I touched my hand to my lips to see if it really was me speaking. My voice was normally lower then this but this voice sounded like I was singing and talking at the same time only more balanced. Think twilight. It sounded like bells and yes it’s ridiculous. I looked around for Cory because I felt his wings but I didn’t see him anywhere. I called out again to him reaching into the dark. My hand touched a falling feather and I jumped back remembering my last experience with feathers.

“Child it is only you and me. Cory Henry and Selena are in the hospital”

That voice it was the man but where was here? I spun around looking for him and got a face full of feathers. But he said Cory wasn’t here just him and me.

“Am I dead?”

“No child this is the future. I brought you here to tell you that Cory has done something bad and unforgivable to one of his brothers. I did not want him to overhear our conversation so I brought you here”



He chuckled. I was confused if he wasn’t an angel and I was here then whose wings? My brain froze mid thought. And I stumbled falling to the ground panicking. I looked up to the sky somehow knowing the man was there. The darkness around me disappeared and light shone in its place. My eyes adjusted quickly I only blinked twice before I began to cry. The man now looked huge sitting on a cloud he hovered above me his hair was out of its tie and hung lose around his face. His shirt blew around his body like a robe in the wind and his lower half was hidden behind clouds. His voice echoed but never grew louder or harsher.

“Because he killed that angel”

“Yes my child”

“What will happen to him?”

His eyes were so gentle and kind I looked away fearing his answer. Instead I looked down at myself. I wore blue jeans wit ripped knees and a tank top. The feathers I saw were mine. I had died?

“He will be punished”


I shot back instantly. I was standing up looking at him as silent tears rolling down my face. I was facing down God and I didn’t care. He didn’t seem angery at my outburst he just looked at me with his big gentle eyes. I was determined to save Cory it was my fault he was in this mess id get him out of it. Sorry Cory I know you wanted to save me but I’m going to help where I can. God closed his eyes and spoke softly to me.

“I know you love him child but an angel is not to harm another angel. The conscience is death or banishment however the deceased angel’s family sees fit”

I breathed with relief he could live! Thank God. I laughed that seemed funny. Wrong time for jokes Jasmine I reminded myself and composed my face again. I looked back at God he was smiling at me now like he had heard the joke and maybe he had. I felt Cory’s silk wings brush my arm again and I grabbed it this time wanting him here with me. I tugged gently hoping he’d come I didn’t want to hurt him and with a shock let go yelling ow as I pulled out my own feathers. It really was my own wing. I looked back to God wide eyed wanting answers.

“Did I die? No I don’t care I want to know what will happen to Cory”

“Child you did not die I assure you there is more than one way to become an angel”

Huh? His eyes sparkled like he knew something huge I didn’t. I didn’t doubt he did he is god after all. But how is there more than one way to become an angel? You either die or you’re born one.

“What happens to Cory is part of this future but that is something you will have to find out one your own. Time is short and I needed to tell you this. Love the one who is closest to your heart and protect him for to him you are everything and to you he is everything thou he is blessed and strong his strength will waver unlike your love and love will conquer and heal all”

“What does that mean?”

“You shall find out child you shall find out”

God smiled knowingly at me and then faded behind the clouds. I do love Cory he is closest and everything to me. I have tried to protect him but I ended up here. What does he mean? Suddenly I felt my feathers fall and warm hands replaced them. I was back in the room staring straight ahead at the empty chair before me. I shook my head to try and grasp what had happened. Did I just talk to God about Cory’s death? I felt suddenly cold despite his arms around me. Death no I won’t let that happen ‘protect him for to him you are everything and to you he is everything’ I will protect him, we’ll protect each other.

“Jasmine you ok enough to walk?”

“Yeah I’m good”

I took his hand squeezing it before he walked me out of the room and onto clouds.

“Where are we?”

“Heaven dear”

The woman and man had followed us out of the room and the woman was the one who spoke. From nowhere they grew black feathered wings and tucked them behind their backs. The woman took my hand in hers when we reached the edge of the cloud. The man put his hand on my shoulder smiling broadly. I looked back at Cory questingly he just smiled and stepped back to my horror. I gave him the get-back-here-right-now look but he just kept smiling. I looked back at these strange angels my track record with angels wasn’t so good unless they were Cory.

“It’s so good to finally meet you Jasmine. My names Selena I’m Cory’s mother”

“Names Henry kiddo Cory’s dad good to met ya”
“Nice to meet you too”

I choked out. His parents! But we haven’t even gone on a date yet! I shook Selena’s hand before she crushed me in a hug. Then Henry slapped my shoulder so hard I felt like I’d break. Then Cory’s hand slipped through mine and his parents released me. His mother kissed his cheek then mine. I blushed madly.

“I wish we could have gotten to know each other but time is short”

“Good luck kids”

His dad said waving at us as Cory jumped off the clouds edge. I screamed as I tipped over with him mid wave. His arms wrapped around me and I quitted. My heart was beating madly from the adrenalin rush. I laughed as fresh air rush passed us I hadn’t realized just how suffocated I felt till now. My hands brushed the clouds. They felt cool and formless as they poofed from my touch. I looked back to Cory he was smiling at me.

“Warn me next time please”


“You’re a little late”

“No just early enough”


I meant to ask him what he meant but be banked left and started free falling. I lifted out of his arms as we reached terminal velocity. What is he doing letting go! I scrambled back to his arms as he let me free fall away from him. He chuckled I felt perfectly safe in his arms but not when he let go.

“Don’t do that!”

“I warned you like you asked me to”

“That’s not the point”

I said. We had to raise our voices because of the wind. Cory chuckled and shot a random question at me.

“Do you trust me?"

“Of course I do”

“Good let go”


I shouted at him. His eyes melted into something, love. I felt warmth wash over me and my face heat up. I let my hand slip out of his fingers. I was on my own falling to the ground but I never took my eyes of his. I couldn’t stay on my stomach and I flipped over on my back. I almost panicked but Cory was right over me with his hands on my waist steadying me. ‘To you he is everything’ echoed through my head. I closed my eyes and let my arms stretch out catching the air. Cory flipped me over and I felt like I was flying. I stayed like that for a moment before Cory released me again. My eyes flew open and found him in front of me lying on his back as he fell wingless. I reached out my hand to touch his cheek and he flipped over to the position I was in. I closed my eyes again ‘Love the one closest to your heart’

“Jasmine open your eyes”

I opened them slowly. He was inches from my face his breath hot in mine. His wings stretched out behind him causing the sun light to frame just his face. His black hair shined and his hazel eyes glistened. Love was all I could see in them. He took my face in between his hands and slowly placed his lips on my own. Reflexively I closed my eyes and pulled him to me weaving my hands around his neck and through his hair. I felt his hands pull my body down against his by my waist and his great wings stall us in the air. The kiss wasn’t urgent but there was an undertone of it. All too soon be broke it off leaving me breathless. His face was flush and his eyes were so bright. I rested my head on his chest as we touched down to the ground.

“I love you Jasmine”

He breathed in my hair

“I love you to Cory”

I said kissing his lips one more time. He molded himself to me and again broke it off. We pressed our foreheads together laughing. Abruptly he stopped laughing and stiffened his hold on my waist. I opened my mouth to ask what was wrong but she put a finger to my lips quieting me. That’s when I heard the growling behind me. I whipped around but Cory was faster his wing wrapped around me pulling me to his side. A gun shot rang out and I flinched against him. One of the dogs fell from the sky yelping till it fell with a dry thud. I was horrified by the pack of dogs floating in the sky.

Bat wings flapped from behind their backs, ram like horns shielded either side of their heads, drool spilled down from their blood covered jaws. The spins on their backs had blood on them to, and then each one had a long whip like tail dripping blood. They were frightening and headed right for us. Cory shot as many as he could before the gun ran out then he used it as a club.

“How sweet protecting the little pest with your life”

If possible I felt even more frightened as that voice laughed manically at Cory. Alex was laughing in the sky using his hands to command dogs after Cory.

“Shut up Alex I don’t wana hear it this is your fault!”

“Don’t you dare blame that woman’s death on me. You were the one swayed by a mortal!”

“I love her!”

“That’s the problem you left your army to me because of what, a mortal? I was going to kill all of you so you wouldn’t disgrace us. But the pest left and found you! I killed her mother and now I’m here to finish the job. Which you made so much easier by killing my brother so now Cory, pay up a life for a life!”

What Alex killed my mother and now he’s going to kill Cory? I was shaking with fear for our safety why couldn’t we go back to heaven where it was safe? I pressed my back against Cory’s silken wing when Alex charged after us. Cory was busy fighting off a dog that was biting the stock of the rifle. Hellhounds it must be day four. Air whooshed around me as Alex tackled Cory to the ground fifty foot behind me. I spun to run after him and help but three hell hounds blocked my path. They snarled at me tensing muscles under black fur.

I picked up Cory’s rifle ready to swing at them. One came after me but the impact from my own blow flung the rifle out on my hand leaving me defenseless. Cory was fighting Alex in the sky with his feather matching blow for blow. I was on my own. I tried to run for it but they were on me in no time gnawing on my arm. I screamed as the bits burned like I was on fire.

“After them my pets”

Shouted a familiar voice, Selena dropped to the ground gracefully in front of the two hell hounds that were chasing me her voice sounded deadly as she commanded them.

“Back off”

They flinched away from her and ran off engaging the nearest hellhound. There was still the one on my arm. Snarling started from my right and impacted with the black hellhound knocking it off me. Sounds of a gruesome dog fight echoed around me. A large red hellhound was going at it with Alex’s black one. In fact all around red hellhounds were fighting black ones. The burning in my arm had stopped once the dog was off me but the pain was horrible. My lower arm was nothing but blood and three sets of dog teeth were etched into my skin. I groaned when Henry picked me up.

“Were taking you back to heaven God has allowed us to. Do to Alex’s betrayal the safest place for you is heaven”

“But Cory”

“He has to battle Alex call it a trial”

I looked back to Cory who was on the ground blocking Alex’s attacks with his blue bubble. I think I was the only one who noticed it was slowly failing. Selena joined Henry and they started to fly up when the bubble burst. I reached out over Henry’s shoulder and screamed as Cory was struck by a shooting star and fell to the ground. Henry’s grip on me tightened around me when I moved.

“He needs me!”

“No he wants you to be safe no matter what”

“I want him to be safe no matter what!”

I shot back. God had said this would happen. ‘Thou he is blessed and strong his strength will waver unlike your love’. I glared at Henry as his feet took off the ground he was frowning. He wasn’t going to help his own son? I looked to Selena who flew above us she was concerned but it seemed like they were following orders not interfere just get me. Well I wasn’t under any order it was almost the opposite I was told to interfere.

“Sorry Henry”

He looked at me like what-are-you-sorry-for just before I clocked him in the face. It worked he dropped me before he flew to high. I landed just a little off and rolled to my side. The impact kind of hurt but I had to get to Cory. I ran scooping up the rifle and a handful of ammunition as his parents floated down to catch me. I ran straight to Cory on the ground avoiding as many fighting dogs as I could. One managed to get passed Selena’s hound and to me. I was going to shoot it but Henry rammed into it giving me a chance to run. I shot four hellhounds before I reached Cory. Yet again another one got passed Selena’s and to me but she showed up to stop it.

“Cory, come on wake up”

I shook him but he just groaned. He’s alive thank goodness. I brushed his hair out of his eyes and kissed his forehead. There was a black burn mark on his chest above his heart. I heard that evil laughter again from right above me.

“So the issue returns how the plot thickens”

“The only issue here is you”

I was beyond mad at this point. I didn’t care if I was staring down an angel that just practically killed my boyfriend. I was gona kick his ass. He didn’t seem fazed by my new found courage. I had one good arm, a pocket of ammunition, and I was mortal. Right good reasons to scare an angel. I raised the rifle and pulled the trigger aiming for his chest. I missed as he retracted his wings laughing at me. I fired again and again till I had to reload. Mistake he kicked me across the abdomen making me fly back next to Cory. I thought I was going to fly over his body but I landed in warmth. I looked up to see Selena holding me with Cory slouched on her shoulder.

“Jasmine, go with mom I’ll take care of him”

“Oh no you won’t not alone I’m staying and that’s that Cory”

“Here then”

He handed me a black feather. I let it drop at once remembering the last one I touched. He shrugged off his mom and picked it up. He held it out to me.

“Do you trust me?”

“Of course I do”

“Then take it and wrap it around a bullet”

I reached for the feather my arm shaking. It didn’t shock me this time. I wrapped it around my next bullet and loaded it ready for revenge. I aimed at the very smug Alex that floated in the sky. He held his arms out giving me a target saying give-it-your-best-shot-mortal. Cory wrapped his hands around mine to steady them and guide me. I could feel his breath in my ear feel his body against mine. I glared down the barrel sight and found Alex’s chest dead center. Cory pulled away for a second.


He shouted before he pushed back against me. Two grey hellhounds I never saw before leaped up biting Alex’s wrists. He screamed as the gnawed on him and pulled him lower from the dark clouded sky and into range for the rifle. As one Cory and I pulled the trigger firing a bullet right in Alex’s chest. He fell from the sky as the feathers that avenge embedded in his chest.


Texte: cover from Google. My original ideas
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.07.2011

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