
Chapter 1

The Dare


         It's started off as a Dare and I thought that was all it was going to be but God had other plans for me. My names Crystal Light and this is my story!

It all started when my friends and I were all playing truth or dare,it was Daren, Brooklyn, Brandon and I,it started off fine and innocent but of course,  it got dirty like it always does with my friends. Let's start from the beginning of my story from where I met my friends so you know what's happening. Like I said my names Crystal Light. I have dark, dark brown hair almost black, and grey eyes that go blue when I'm happy and black when mad.

        I hate this! I'm at the movies and I'm sooooo bored, the movie hasn't started yet and I'm alone yet again. You see, I'm not all that popular. I mean I only have one friend and well she was sick so she couldn't come with me to the movies. The movie finally starts, it's the new Beauty and the beast with Emma Watson. I'm so excited! I've been wanting to watch this! The lights dim and finally go off, I focus on the screen. Yay!

       The movie ended and well… it was amazing!!

I walk outside. My house is about a mile from the movie theater so I just walk. I start walking but stop about 5 feet away because I felt as though someone was watching me. I turned around, I saw a guy across the street just watching me. It was creepy but I felt a very weird pull/ attraction to him. It was weird and I wanted to know who it was so I walked towards him. I stepped into the street, he took a step back. I knew he could hear me so.. I talked to him. “ who are you?” No answer “why are u watching me?”

No answer “Can I come closer and talk to u? I want to see if I know u or not.”

“Yes, you may come closer.” He said finally. YAY! I thought, finally he answers me. His voice is deep yet light. He has a very beautiful voice, it would put most in a trance. I walk closer. He steps closer, into the light. He had long, dark brown hair, with amazing hazel eyes that you just want to get lost in. By most people's definition he's probably not hot but I think he is. He seems to be studying me also. I look down realizing that I'd been checking him out. I look back up and meet his eyes. “Why are you watching me?” I asked

“You're watching me too.” He says

“No!” I say blushing “I mean when I was on the other side of the road.” I explained

“Because I thought you were hot.” He said calmly

“And now what?” I asked, he looks down embarrassed

“ Now I know you are.” He smiles at the ground and shyly looks up at me.

I smiled and I'm not gonna lie, I wanted to kiss him.

“Where do you go to school?” He asks me

“Clay high, well actually I'm moving to Venus high soon. How about you?”

“I go to Venus high school. So more than likely you'll see me. Well, when you start at Venus text me and let me know. I'll show you around or ask for Brandon Luck in the front office.”

“ Well then I'm going to need your number.” I flirted

He smiles and those eyes just sparkle. We exchange numbers.

“I'm Crystal, by the way, Crystal Light.”

“Nice to meet you Crystal. I'll see you around!”

“See you!”

              I start walking home again but turn around to see him watching me again. I smile at him and start walking away again, still smiling.  I thought about him the whole way home and for the rest of that week. We texted all the time and we even hung out a few times. It was great. When I first found out that we were moving, I was kind of sad/mad. Now I'm so excited, because I know that I'll be able to hangout with him anytime.

I close the last box and look around my room. Which is filled with boxes It has nothing else  in it and I mean nothing. Not even my bed, just boxes, even though most things we sold, but some we kept. It's finally moving day!! I'm so excited!! Yay!! I pick up one of the boxes and move it to the moving trailer.  I do this until all the boxes are out of my room. As I go inside I see my mom walking down the stairs with a big box. “Here, let me help.” I grab the box without hearing her response and head outside. I put the box into the van and head inside. I walk to the kitchen and get a bag of chip. Some of the only foods left in the house. We don't have our refrigerator in the house anymore so nothing cold. “Come on Crys/,(Crys is my nickname, pronounced like Chris) grab the chips and the cereal and let's go.” I grab the cereal, already having the chips in my hands, walk outside and climb in the backseat. My mom and dad get into the front seats. I grab my phone, knowing that it's not a long drive so it won't die. I click on Snapchat and see that I have nothing on it I go to the stories. Oh!!!! Brandon posted something on his story!! I quickly open the snap excited to see what it is. But I shouldn't have been. It was a pic of him and a girl, the girl kissing his cheek. I wanted to cry so much but I guess him and I can only be friends. He is a player and that's all! He will be a friend because he has a Girlfriend and I'm not like that! I won't say anything for fear that it might hurt me, for him to know that I like him and him not like me back. The car stops, I look up fearing that we are at our new house but it's just a stoplight. I wipe my eyes with my hands. Realizing that I am crying. I take a deep breath in and let it out. The car starts going again. I breathe in and close my eyes. I breathe out and open them. I close my eyes and by the time I calm myself down. “Here we are!!!!!” My mom screams, scaring me. “The new house!!” It's a very nice house. It's a white house. Five bed, six bath. I archway door, with a grand wooden  staircase when you first open the door. To the left is the living room, with two white sofas and a gold accent chair. A big flat screen tv hung on the will above the fire pit. And to the right is the dining room, with a nice mahogany colored wooden table and white chairs with wooden trims. Next I went upstairs to check out my room, I got to pick my room and my furniture. I got one upstairs, the one farthest to the left. (It’s the biggest other than the master.) as I walk to my bedroom, I see a room next to mine with the door closed. All the other doors are open. I put my ear up to the door to see if someone is in there and hear something. I wonder what’s in there. I put my hand on the door knob. “Wait!” Someone says from behind me. I recognize my mother's voice. “Don't go in there yet” I will show you later today. But you can’t know yet.

“Ok” I nod “ but you better show me later!” I say as I walk to my bedroom.

I walk into my bedroom, it’s freaking HUGE. I had them build me a loft, so when you walk in my room it looks like I have my own balcony in my room. My bed up there. It is a dark wooden canopy bed with four thick posts plus a flat screen right in front of my bed hanging on the wall. . And then on the floor under my loft. I have my desk and my couch and another flat screen. With a whole crap load of movies and a full size fridge. And a snacks pantry. And if you walk next to the tv and bookshelf. There is a book that you pull and a door opens to my closet. It's a walk in with more clothes and shoes than i've ever seen. Lastly if you walk under my stairs there is my own bathroom with a standing shower and a massive tub. Plus a vanity with a crap ton of Makeup and makeup accessories. This place is soooo nice especially compared to what we had before. You see we lived in a trailer before and we were always tight on money. Then my dad got offered a job in Venus with a VERY high in company. So we moved here, the company paid for the move. All of it! This house was built for us and they put furniture in here for us and everything while still paying my dad the same amount. “Dinners ready” I hear my mom yell from the dining room. I can smell the ham from the manhattans. I run downstairs, turn the corner and see my dad sitting at the end of the table while my mom is in the kitchen, making our plates. I walk into the kitchen and open the fridge. “Dad, Mom?  what do you guys want to drink?

“Milk” they say in unison

“Ok” I say laughing as I pour three glasses of milk.

We all sit and eat dinner. It was tremendous.

“We have a surprise for you!!!” my moms shrieks after we finish cleaning up dinner.

“Is it whatever is in that room??”

“Yeah!” my mom runs upstairs with me chasing after her and my father already at the top of the stairs. We walk over to the door, i’m leading. I glance back at my parents, grinning from ear to ear. I put my hand on the doorknob and turn it till I hear it click. I push the door open and walk in. “Oh my God!!” I scream as I see what's in the room. “Puppy!!” I run over to it and sit down next to it. “Is it a husky?” I ask, glancing down at the pup.

“No, but close. More wild than a husky.”

“Its a wolf!!!!” I cry.


“Oh my god!! I love it!!” I whisper as I run up and hug them “ thank you guys so much”

“Good, its a girl by the way.” my mom says walking away

“I love you brat” my dad adds

“Love you too daddy” I call after him

I turn back to the wolf, “ what are we gonna call you? How about lady?” she stares at me “No? Ok, how about Brookie?” she looks away and lolls out her tongue “ No? Ok, what about Calla?” she looks back up at me and gives me a wolfy smile and wags that cute little tail of hers. “Ok, Calla it is. Is this your room miss calla or are you staying with me? She continues to look up at me then gets up and crawls in my lap. “ ok, with me then. But this is where I’m training you.” I say as she falls asleep on my lap. Her head resting on my hand. My other hand softly stroking her back.


Chapter 2

I wake up to the sound of the door opening. I realize I had fell asleep with Calla.  I look down to see her curled up against my stomach. “Hey, sweetie” my mom says softly trying not to wake up Calla. “Good morning”

“Hey momma” I whisper “Is it really morning already?”  

“Yep, and someone is here to see you!”

“Is it Brandon??”

“Come find out” my moms says smiling as she walks away

I quickly jump up, scaring Calla awake and run into my bedroom and quickly change my clothes. I dart into the bathroom, hurry and do my makeup, brush my teeth. I sprint out of my room, hurtle myself down the stairs. I hear a voice coming from the living room, it is him! I try to calm my heartbeat as I walk into the living room.

“Hey” I hear that mesmerizing voice say to me

“Hey” I say. A grin spreading across my face. “How are you?” I ask sitting down

“Good now that you're even closer to me than before.” He answers.

“Come on!” I demand pulling him after me.

“Where are we going?” he asks laughing

“I want to show you something!!” I explain. I realize he is slowing down, I turn around slowing down to a stop but not letting go of his hand. He is staring at the staircase. Slowly he turns his head and looks at me .

“What the hell?”  he exclaims

“What?” I look at him questionably     

“Your house is freaking huge!”

“Oh” I say laughing “I know, thanks”

“Damn” he says as we start walking again “So where we going?”

“Ummm, I thought I’d show you around.”

“Oh. Cool! So this will probably take two days for you to show me around so I should probably text my mom and let her know.”  Brandon says smirking

“Yeah, ok” I say not realizing what he said “Wait a minute! It will not take that long!” I shrieked Punching him lightly on the shoulder. I turn around and, start walking I show him my parents room. The guest bedrooms, the guest bathrooms. Then we get to Callas training room. I walk up to the room. Open the door, and go inside. “Brandon, This is Calla. My puppy.” Calla slowly lifts her head up from her nap. “ Hey pup!” I say sitting down beside her. Petting her as she crawls into my lap and goes back to sleep.  I look up at Brandon. “Are you ok?”

“Ummmmm….. You do realize you have a wolf pup in your lap, right?”

“Yeah” I say chuckling “I know, my parents got her for me.”

“Does she bite?” he asks walking towards me cautiously

“No, not that I know of. Other than puppy bites. Though I am going to train her so that she only bites when I want her to bite.” Slowly he sits down next to me. I take ahold of his hand moving it towards Calla, lightly laying his hand on her.

“Its ok baby girl, he won't hurt u.” I tell Calla. She lifts her head sleepily looking up at me then at Brandon. She rolls over and playfully attacks his hand. Quickly he jerks his hand back.

“It ok brandon, she won't hurt you, shes a puppy for gosh sake.” I put my hand out to play with her. I grab one of the little balls my parents bought for her and throw it. She runs across the room to get the ball. “Does she go to the bathroom outside?” Brandon asks

“I don't know, I haven't taken her out yet. Though I think that might be a good idea to do.” I say walking over and scooping Calla up in my arms. Walking over to the door, down the stairs and out the front door, I can hear Brandon scrambling to catch up me. My mom's outside getting the mail.

“Take her out back to go potty please.”

“Ok” I walk around the house to the side gate, open and walk inside. I wait for him to shut the door and finally set her down. She smells around for a little bit then finally squats and goes to the bathroom. “Good girl” I praise her as she prances back to me. I scoop her back up again and pet her as we walk to the back door. I set her down to let her explore.

“You still haven't shown me your bedroom” Brandon says, my mind flashes to the girl on his snapchat.

“Come on” I say walking away from him towards my bedroom. We walk over to my bedroom, I open the door and walk in.

“Damn.You are one lucky son of a bitch.”

“Daughter! Daughter of a bitch!” I say smiling at him. He smiles back at me. And again my thoughts flash to that girl. And I stop smiling and turn away from him.

“Ok, What's wrong?”


“No, I know you better than that, you can do that with anyone else but I know you better than that. So what is wrong?”

“Whos the girl on your snapchat thats kissing you on your cheek?”


“I guess”

“She’s why your upset?” He whispers walking over to me.

“ Maybe…” I say blushing both from how close he is and his sentence.

“Crys, She's my cousin.” I don't know why but I feel like laughing “But it’s good to know you get jealous over the girls I hang out with.” He says, resting his forehead on mine. I feel the blush spreading from my cheeks to the rest of my face.

I back up slowly not wanting to move but knowing that we are going to have to check on Calla soon and I want to show him my room.

“Okay” I walk over to the right. “This my my mini kitchen. The pantry is fully stocked with food and the fridge with drinks.There is a small microwave as well.” I keep walking “Here is the Tv, movie cabinet, and couch. Over there is my desk.” I say pointing to the corner. I walk over to the wall by my desk. “ Bookshelf and..” I pull that book and the door opens to my closet. “This is my closet”

“This is the size of my room!” Brandon says. I giggle. We leave shutting the door behind us and I take him under the stairs

“Here is my bathroom.” Then its up the stairs, “Here is my bed and all that good stuff”

“You have a really nice house”

“Thank you. I’ll be back, i'm gonna go get Calla.”

“Ok.” I walk out and run to the kitchen, grab Calla and go back to my room. He's still up on my bed.

I walk up the stairs and go sit down next to him. “So I don't want to assume anything but i'm guessing that you like me.” I look up at him, contemplating weather to lie or not. I look back down at Calla lieing down in my lap.

“How’d you know?”

“The way you acted about Alison.” I blush, shit i knew i shouldn't have said anything to him. He grabs my chin in his finger and thumb. Pulling my head so that I'm now facing him. He's pulls me slightly forward. I am now inches away from his face. He closes the distance. His lips meet mine. I slightly part my lips giving him permission, he takes it. I feel his tongue slip into my mouth wrapping around mine. We break apart both of us out of breath. 


 This book is not done!!


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.09.2018

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

This book is inspired by a dream I had about my friends, but Ryley is the main character.

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