
Seeing Niall Again

  "Cuz you're my cover, cover girl, I think you're a superstar, yeah you are, why don't you know?" I sang along to Big Time Rush. I missed Niall a lot, so I turned on some One Direction music. Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention that it had almost been a year since I met and fell in love with Niall Horan, a member of One Direction! We had been dating for almost a year now, but I hardly got to see him. He was on tour this time, and had been gone for 5 months. We Skyped alot, and texted, but then I had never gotten to see him in person for 5 months. He was coming home in a week, and I was supposed to drive to Maine, fly to Ireland, and Niall was supposed to pick me up, and we would drive to his house. It was going to be a busy week. Suddenly my Face Time song came on. I awnsered it, and Niall's face came up. "Hey babe. What is up with you tonight?" he asked me, brushing his blonde hair out of his face, and putting on a snapback. "Oh, just trying to get plane tickets so I can fly to Ireland and see you." he smiled and  took off his hat, brushed his hair again, and then put it back on.

I giggled. I loved it when he did that. It was so cute! "So, how are you? I miss you so much." he said. "I miss you, too. I don't know how I am, there are a lot of hate messages lately, but I just ignore them." I said, frowning. "That's my girl. Man, I am tired! I called pretty late!" he said, streching. "It is only three here." I told him. I laughed, because he was so off and far away. "Hey, where are you?"I asked him, wondering where the bus was now. "Umm, I think we are in Finland." I nodded my head, and had to stop myself from touching the screen, trying to ruffle his hair and steal his hat. I started to laugh. I couldn't stop, and Niall did the eyebrow. "What's up with you?" he asked me, eyebrows raised. "Oh, I just get these giggle attacks whenever you are being really cute." I said, still giggling. He winked at me, and I giggled again. "Stop it! I'm going to be giggling all day now!" I said, smiling and laughing. Then he said something that made my heart melt. "I can't wait until I can hold you in real life, ruffle your hair, and kiss your lips." I sighed and stared off into space. "Ooh, gotta go. Bye, baby." he said, as I waved. Then he signed off. I collapsed into my couch, sighing. 

Three days later, I was getting ready to go. I had packed my things, packed my essential, and had gotten my phone, laptop, and tablet. My phone was full of One Direction music, and I brought my headphones, so I could FaceTime Niall on the plane. I was going to actually see Niall in a couple of days! I got in my truck, and then headed on my way to Maine. Soon my Face Time song came on, I anwsered it, and set it on my dash board. "Hey! Niall's voice said. "Hey. I am driving, but paying attention to you, so I'm not ignoring you." Where are you?" he asked me. "I think I am about to cross the border into New York.' I told Niall. "Oh. Okay. When do you think you will be at the airport where I am picking you up?" he asked me, full of questions. "Umm. I am pretty sure I am going to be staying in a hotel tonight, and then I in the morning fly to Ireland. You are going to have to pay for me, I only have American money!" I excalaimed, I was trying to hide the phone, so no girls could see him.  "I have to go. There is a cop a couple miles up." I told him, and he blew me a kiss and signs off.

I was at the airport, waiting for the time of my flight. Finally it was time. I jumped up and sped to the plane, going through security as quickly as I could. Finally I got on the plane, and we took off. I texted Niall, and chewing some gum fiercely,fell asleep. I woke up to the staticy voice of the co-pilot. We are landing soon, so please put your seatbelts on and have a good trip. "Oh I will." I whispered. We landed, and I was the first one out of my seat and out of the plane. I got my luggage and searched around the airport for some blonde hair and sunglasses. Finally I found him, and ran to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Oh my gosh, baby, it has been too long." Niall said as he hugged me tightly and spun me around. Finally we kissed, but very quickly. We didn't want to the fans to know that Niall was here. Niall put his arm around me, and took one of my bags. I let out a sigh of relief, glad to know that he was here at last.

" He was holding my hand by the time we got to the car. I put my head was in his lap, and found myself stroking his blonde, soft hair. " You seem so glad to see me." he said, smiling down at me. " That's because I am!" I said, pulling his shirt. He laughed and kissed me. My eyes fluttered closed, and when we let go, I giggled. "I have a surprise for you. I got you a ticket to a Big Time Rush concert!" he said, smiling and now stroking my hair. I screamed. He covered his ears, and smiled at me.

Niall's POV

I was so happy to see my baby so excited. I smiled at her, and kissed her forehead. She stroked my hair, her head in my lap. I attemted to braid her hair, and she laughed and stole my hat. I let her keep it this time. She laughed and said, "Why aren't you taking it back?" taunting me. "Because, I know that you want to keep it, so keep it until we get to my house." I said, laughing along with her. 

Crystal's POV

Finally we came to Niall's house. I sat up, and got out of the car, pausing for Niall. He came out, and took back his hat. "Fine. Be like that." I said, sticking out my lip like a pouty three year old. He just laughed and put his arm around my shoulders. We went into his house, and saw his mom waiting for us. "Hello!" she said with a warm smile on her face.  I just smiled, and followed Niall to the couch. I started up a song. " You're insecure, don't know what for, you turnin' heads when you walk through the door." Niall saw where I was going and jumped up, singing the next lyric. " Don''t need makeup, to cover up. Being the way that you are is enough. Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you." he smiled at me, and pulled me up, and Niall spun me around and we both sang the chorus. " Baby you light up my world like nobody else, the way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed, but when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell you don't know, you don't know your beautiful, if only you saw what I can see, you'd understand why I want you so desperetly, right now I'm looking at you, and I can't believe you don't know, you don't know you're beautiful."  we laughed and plopped down on the couch, and then I realized that Ms. Horan was still there. I blushed and then cuddled up to Niall.

"Let's watch a movie." Niall, said, ruffling my curly hair. "Okay, which one?" I asked him, unsure which one. "Horror. Scream." my heart skipped a beat. I hated horror movies, and whenever I watched one, I had nightmares for the rest of the week. Niall must have saw the fear in my eyes, and said, " Don't worry. I will be here to protect you." I slowly nodded, and he put the disk in an sat next to me, putting a blanket over us. Immeadiatly I was clinging to him, and he put his arms around me. About a half hour later, I was under the blanket, shivering with tears streaming down my face. Niall was holding me tight, but then got up and turned it off. I slowly looked up, and he was staring at me, concerned. He wiped away my tears with his thumb, and went to go and pop some popcorn for us to snack on. He came back, with a warm smile. "We can watch Barbie movies, if you want." I nodded, and laughed. We were actually going to watch some Barbie movies! He sat down, and I snuggled up to him. We pointed out every single thing that was wrong, or stupid. When it ended, we were laughing. I looked at the clock. "Wow. It is getting late!" I exclaimed, because it was 11. I kissed Niall on the cheek and went upstairs to my bed, and fell asleep.

About an hour later, I was softly shooken. I just ignored it and rolled over. I was shooken again, and squinted up to see Niall staring down at me. "What?" I said, groggily. "I can't sleep." he whispered. "Too bad for you." I grumpily said. " If you give me a kiss, I will go to bed and won't bother you again." he said. I reached up and pecked him on the cheek. "Goodnight." I said, wanting him to go away so I could sleep. But he was still there. "C'mon Crystal, you can do better than that." he said, whiney. I rolled my eyes and kissed him on his lips. "Ahh. There we go." I rolled back over, and closed my eyes, and felt him brushing my hair off of my neck and softly kissing it. "Night." then he padded away.

Big Time Rush

I woke up, and realized that it was Big Time Rush day! I jumped out of bed, and ran downsatirs as if it were Christmas. Niall was making pancakes in the kitchen. I went and helped him, setting the table for his brother and his family, and laughing as he makes a heart for me. His brother arrived, and shook my hand, saying how much Niall talked about me. I blushed, and looked back at Niall and saw him blushing also. I smiled at him, and then turned back to meet his brother's wife. She had a baby with her, and Niall immeadiatly was by my side, taking the baby from her. I laughed and sat down. We all dug in, and I am pretty sure that Niall had 5 pancakes. Then we all sat on the couch, and I was sitting next to Niall, trying to swat his hand away when he tried to ruffle my curls. Finally I gave in, and let him play with my long hair. We all talked, and then, his brother's family left.

Right after they walked out the door, Niall threw me over his shoulder and ran outside. I squirmed, realizing what he was going to do, but he held me firm, with a goofy smile on his face. Then he threw me in his pool. I screamed, and when he tried to take my hand, I pulled him in with me. He shook his hair out of his face, and splashed me. I splashed him back, and smiled. Then we both got out, and Niall handed me a towel and wrapped one around himself. " I love you." he whispered. I smiled and whispered back, " I love you, too." he put his arm around me.

I was getting ready for the concert, putting on my BTR hoodie, and simple pink jeans. I ran downstairs, kissing Niall on the cheek, and jumping in the car.  I drove to an arena, and had to wait for a while, because there were fans running through the streets. Finally I got to a good parking spot and locked my car, trying not to laugh or cover my ears at the screaming. I went inside the building, and sat where my seat was. I looked at my phone, texting Niall. " Hey cutie, I am in the building, waiting for the concert to begin." I wrote. About 5 minutes later, my phone buzzed, recieving Niall's reply. " Okay, miss you already! And I forgot to mention-no kissing BTR boys! ;0)" I giggled at his smiley face. "Okay-will do!" I laughed and put my phone back in my purse.

The concert began, and there was a ton of screaming! You could still hear Big Time Rush though. I sang along to the words, and smiled. I was waving my hands in the air, and Logan smiled at me. "Okay! Here's a free backstage pass!!" James yelled, and Carlos threw a backstage pass into the crowd. I didn't expect to catch it, I just held out my hands for fun. Surprisingly, I caught it! I screamed at the top of my lungs. A few songs later, the concert was over, and I went backstage to meet the boys. 

Niall's POV

I sat in my room, playing guitar, thinking about how much fun Crystal was having without me. Then it struck me. Those guys might try and hit on her! "No, quit thinking about that. They are your friends! C'mon, Niall, stop being jealous." I told myself, but I couldn't help it. My girlfriend was at a concert with four good looking guys. I took a deep breath, looking at the picture of Crystal by my bed. "Yeesh, she's gorgeous. See, you trust Crystal. She is trustworthy." I said to myself. Something has gotta be wrong with me. Talking to myself, I must be crazy! I decided to call up one of the lads. "Hi, Harry?" I said into the phone. "Yeah, what do you want, Nialler?" he said. "Well, Crystal is at a Big Time Rush concert, and I am lonely." "Oh, Nialler, you really love her to miss her that much when she is only gone for like, an hour." he said. I could just see the smirk on his face. "Yeah, I guess I do love her that much." I whispered softly. Now I knew what I had to do. I got up, hanging up my phone, and going out to buy roses and candles.

Crystal's POV

"Hi, Kendall, James, Carlos, and Logan!" I screamed. They all covered their ears, and I apologized. "Sorry. Big time fan." I said, and Logan smiled his cute half smile, and said, "Ahh, I see what you did there!" he said, laughing. The rest of the boys all laughed along with him, and I complimented James, "Nice hair, as usual." he smiled and pulled out is mirror. "Yesss." I laughed, and then out of the corner of my eye, saw Logan staring at me. I turned towards him quickly, and he blushed and looked away.

I rolled my eyes, and a little girl came up to me, with a paper and pen. "Oh my gosh!! You're Niall's girlfriend! When are you gonna get married? Can I have your autograph?" she bombarded me with questions. I laughed and leaned down. "Sure, sweetie. I don't know when Niall and I are going to get married, but I hope that it's soon. And who do I make the autograph out to?" I asked her, blushing when the answer about Niall came up. "Ma-Ken-Zie." she said proudly, sounding out her name. I signed my name on her napkin, and she hugged me, and said, "Can I come to your wedding?" "Sure, if Niall lets you." I replied. Then she skipped off to her mom. I turned back to the boys, and James grumbled, "How come she didn't want our autographs?" But Logan looked terrified. "WEDDING?!" he screamed, then ran off to his dressing room. "Wow, that went well." I muttered under my breath. "Oh, don't worry, he is just mad because he li-" Carlos didn't get to finish his sentence, because Kendall slapped his arm. "Ow!" he yelped, and Kendall finished his sentance for him. "Had too many sodas! Yeah, sodas." I raised a questioning eyebrow at him, and went to go and find Logan.

 I knocked softly on Logan's door. "Come in." he said softly. "Hey." I said, sitting down next to him. "Are you okay?" I asked him. "Yeah, fine." he said, but somehow I didn't believe that. I held out my hand, and he tried to take it. "Whoa, I just want your phone." I said, shaking my head. He placed his phone slowly in my hand, and I put my number in it.

Logan's POV

I stared at Crystal. She was so beautiful. She gave me my phone back, and I put my number in hers. The name she gave me was "CrystalTheAwesome". I smiled at her name, and soon her phone rang. "Hello? Baby, slow down! What? Okay, I will be there soon." she said, hanging up her phone and grabbing her purse. "There is an emergency. I need to go." she said to me, and I jumped up. "I am coming with you!" I said, grabbing her arm. Her arms flew up in agreement, and we both hurried to her car. I jumped in the passenger seat, and could her Crystal clenching her jacket.

Crystal's POV

I was scared. Scared for Niall, scared for us. He had told me that their was a fire, and I wanted to cry, but Logan was with me. After what felt like forever, I finally pulled in to Niall's driveway, and I jumped out of the car, with Logan following me. I burst in the door, and found no fire, but rose petals on the floor, and Niall nowhere to be seen. I followed the rose petals to a table upstairs, and saw Niall standing by a lot of candles and a nice dinner. "Niall, you scared me half to death!" I screamed, rushing into his open arms. He kissed me gently, and Logan walked into the room. "Crystal? Ohh-" he blushed, and I pulled away from Niall, embarassed. He casually slung his arm around my shoulders, pulling me tight, looking at me. "What? He is just a friend." I elbowed him, and he elbowed me back. Then I remembered that Logan was just standing there awkwardly. "Oh, um Niall, meet Logan. Logan, Niall." I noticed that Niall was glaring. "What's he doing here?" he angrily said. "He just wanted to help, okay. Niall, calm down, okay? He is just a friend." he sighed, and took my waist.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.08.2014

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To Big Time Rush!

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