
The Concert

  "Crystal, Crystal!" my younger sister, Rianna, said as she bounded down the hall. "What?" I moaned. " You are never going to believe this, but I just won us tickets to...ONE DIRECTION!! And we get to stay with them for a two weeks!!" she squealed. "Oh. My. Gosh. Are you serious! I love One Direction!" I said as I jumped up from my humongus bed and leaped on the floor. I had loved One Direction ever since I was 14. I hugged Rianna, and she gave me my ticket. I stared at it and squealed once again. 



Three weeks later, I was in England, at a One Direction concert. I sang along with the words, and couldn't help but notice that Niall had his eye on me the entire time. I smiled, and he smiled, and then sang his parts. Rianna, beside me, screamed, "I LOVE YOU, ZAYN!!" many, many times. I winked at all of them, and then Niall giggled. At least I think. I screamed, " LOVE YOU NIALL!!"  lots of times, just like Rianna. After the concert, Rianna and I went backstage, to meet the boys and get to know them. " Hi." I said to all of them. Niall stared at my blue eyes, and I stared back at his. " Hey." I said. " Hello, mate." he said softly in his cute Irish accent. I giggled, and he took me by the hand and showed me the tour bus. Harry, Louis, Zayn, and Liam soon followed with smirks on their faces. " Did anything happen between you two?" Louis said. "Nope" Niall and I both said in unision. Zayn inched closer and closer to me, and I inched farther and farther from him. " Umm...lets go and get Rianna. She will be wondering where we are, and really jealous that I got to see the bus.


When we got to her, she was stuffing her face with french fries. " Did you kiss?" she asked immeadiatly, her mouth full of fries. Niall and I blushed, and said in unision, "No, no." Rianna's face fell, and said, "I would be so happy if you kissed. Or better yet, date! No, better yet, got married!" she said, smiling, and looking at us debviously. Liam rolled his eyes, and said to all of us, "Why don't we go to Nando's? Our treat." we all agreed and headed to Nando's. I sat by Liam and Niall, and Rianna kept on staring at Niall and I, probably hoping that we would kiss. We just looked at each other, and I think Niall mouthed, "Later." I felt my cheeks get hot, and then Rianna smiled because I was blushing. I pulled down my bangs, hoping that the boys won't notice me blushing bright red. Great. Now Rianna will be teasing me forever about this. I shook my head firmly at her, when she tapped Louis. He smirked when he saw me, and before he could tell the others, I got up and speed walked to the restrooms. I locked myself in a stall, and then cooled off.


I walked out of the restroom, when my cheeks had cooled, and saw the guys and Rianna standing by our booth. "Hey! What happened to my food!" I asked, surprised it was all gone. "Niall ate it." Liam said. " I was hungry." Niall replied, looking guilty. "You're so cute." I murmered, even though he was a year older than me. He smiled and put on his sunglasses, even though it was night. I could understand that, these guys had paparazzi right and left. I pulled my hood over my face, just in case they thought we were dating. The boys paid for our food, and Zayn whispered to me, " Beware, the paparazzi can be fierce." he placed his hand on my back and I grabbed it, and then threw myself onto his back. He staggered a little, clearly not ready, but then regained his balance and spun me around. I laughed, and out of the corner of my eye, saw Harry and Niall glaring. "Carry me to the car!" I exclaimed to Zayn. He did, and I pulled my hoodie back over my face.


I woke up in a really comfy bed. I stretched and looked at my phone. Harry, Louis, Zayn, Niall, and Liam's text number and phone number were in my contacts. They must have put them in there after I fell asleep. I popped my neck and decided to text Niall. "hey, what's up..and when is breakfast?"  I texted. Almost immeadiatly, a text came back. "Just waiting for you..waffles today." I giggled and put on my slippers and put up my hair. I came out of my room, seeing the boys and Rianna sitting at the counter, like puppies, waiting for Harry to finish the waffles. " Hey hungry puppies." I joked. Niall barked back, and I laughed. I took my seat next to Niall and Zayn, and felt someone's hand around my shoulders. I pushed Zayn off, and then dug into my waffles.


"Can you sing?" Harry asked me. " Sort of." I replied. " Then show us!" They all said. " Fine." I went over to the boys' kareoke machine and picked up the microphone. "What should I sing?" I asked them. " The Story Of My Life!" they all cried in unision. "okay." "written in these walls are the stories that I can't explain, I leave my heart open and it stays here empty for days." They all screamed the words along with me. "She told me in the morning she don't feel the same about us in her bones." I laughed as Niall, Harry Louis, Zayn, and Liam made some faces and came on stage with me. I kept on singing. " The story of my life, I take her home, I drive all night to keep her warm..and time, is frozen."  I laughed again, feeling giggly because I was singing one of their songs, in front of them, and feeling like a whole nother person was singing. Zayn was getting closer to me, again, but this time I didn't care. All I cared about was singing the words and not making a fool of myself. I let Zayn put his arm around my shoulders, let Harry put his hand on my back, and let Niall sing freakishly close to me. "The story of my life." I sang the last verse. Finally when I was done, the boys clapped, and I was smiling so bright, my cheeks hurt. Suddenly, Zayn put his forehead against mine.


I backed away, I knew what he was trying to do, and I did not need that right now. I tripped and almost fell on the floor, but Harry caught me. Rianna came into the room then, and saw me in Harry's arms. "YAY!! YOU'RE GONNA GET MARRIED!!' she screamed. "Ugh. Rianna. We are not going to get married." I said, frustrated. "Put me down." I requested to Harry, but instead he just picked me up and set me on the stage. "Thanks." murmered and stormed off to my room.


I heard a soft knock at my door, and I half closed my laptop, and said, "Come in." Niall opened the door, and came up and sat on my bed. "It's okay to be nervous. It is your first time, in a sort of foriegn country." I laughed softly at his joke. " You can tell me anything, any secret, and I will keep it." he said, taking my hand. Before I knew what I was doing, my lips were on his and he was kissing me back. I let go, and then looked away as if nothing happened. Then it kicked in. I had just kissed my one and only celebrity crush. From my favorite band. I might pass out. " You look a little pale. Is my breath bad or something?" he said, laughing at his own joke. I was getting dizzy. "Cold water." I murmered, as the ringing started. His voice was muffled, and I saw him in a yellowish hue get up, run and get me some water. I took deep breaths, and tried to fight it. I layed down, and closed my eyes. Niall was back, and he had a glass of ice water in his hand. He tried handing it to me, but I was too dizzy to take it, so he just slowly tipped the water to my mouth. Instead a gushing amount of water came in, and the ringing and dizzieness stopped. 


I hugged Niall and he asked me if I wanted to see the guys and tell them what happened. I nodded, and then Niall helped me up, considering by the room was really hot, and my vision was still a little yellow. I saw the boys sitting at the counter again, all turned towards my door. They all beamed when I came out, still having Niall steading me. Rianna beamed. " you two are in love!!" and then she started singing the annoying song that preschoolers sang. " Crystal and Niall sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love, then comes marrige, then comes babies in a baby carrige!!" She laughed, but I just ignored her. Niall helped me sit down, and I told the boys what happened. " Rianna, why don't you go and play Candy Crush on my tablet?" I asked her, to get rid of her. She ran into my room, and I told Louis, Zayn Harry, and Liam about Niall and mine's kiss. Their eyes went wide, and it was like they were all trying to make a move at once on me. I had to yell that I almost passed out. They stopped, and said, "Oh. So that is why Nialler was in such a hurry to get ice water." I stared at Zayn's soft brown eyes, his long eyelashes. I felt butterflies in my belly. I looked away from Zayn, to stop it. I did not want to almost pass out again. Harry came up to me and said, " We'll all help you through this. Right lads?" they all murmered an agreement. " I'm hungry!" Niall said. They agreed once again and went out to get sandwiches. Zayn stayed behind, to watch over Rianna and I. Zayn was two years older than me, and was more like a brother. On the other hand, Rianna is only 12 and she is flirting with Zayn. I pushed her away, and went to go and watch T.V. or as the British people call it, "The Tele."  I flipped through chanells, and finally called Zayn to tell me what is on. He showed me some interesting Brit shows, and told me he would watch them with me.


"So, which one is your favorite?" Zayn asked me after we finished watching the first episode of every one. "Hmm. That's a hard descion. Probably Doctor Who. I used to watch that show all the time when I was little." He smiled and said, "Mine is Hollyoaks. It is such a good show!" I laughed and stretched. "Man, I am tired! I can't wait until the guys come back with the food." He took me the hand, and pulled me to the window. We saw a ton of screaming girls. "Let's have some fun! Go out there and give 'em a mini concert! C'mon, best song ever?" I asked him, and he nodded. I got a stereo, and played the video off of my laptop. The girls screamed like crazy when he went out there. It was crazy! The girls were trying to get in, and then the camera flashes. So many. I ran to my room and got my pink hoddie and pulled it over me. I ran back to Zayn and pulled him off of the deck. "What the heck, love?" he asked me. "First of all, don't call me love. Ever. And it is just getting too crazy, okay. Those girls are so crazy that they would shoot you and then take your body home and put it in a showcase, no matter how much you rot." he made a face at that comment. "Okay." he sighed.


Then the door slammed. "The boys are home." I got up and then went to greet them. They had 5 bags of food on their arms. "Yeesh, guys, how much food do we need." Niall smiled guiltily. "Nialler?" I asked him. he sheepishly smiled and said, " I was hungry." I laughed and pushed his shoulder."You're always hungry." He half smiled at me and pulled out a premade sandwich from his bag and handed it to me. "Merry Christmas." he said, playfully. I laughed again and ate my sandwich, then headed off to my bed.



I woke up to "Little Things" as my alarm. I looked at my phone and saw no alarm ringing. I got out of my bed, and followed the sound of that beautiful music. I saw Niall playing and singing "Little Things". I stood in the corner mouthing the words, when he noticed me and stopped. "Pleas e, don't stop, it is beautiful." I said. "Did I wake you up? Sorry if I did. I just need some time to think." he said in that adorable Irish accent. "It's fine. Can I play with you?" I asked him. " Sure, if you know how to play guitar and Little Things."  he told me. "I learned guitar when I was 11. I learned "Little Things" when I was 15." I said. "Well, then, grab a guitar!" I grabbed a pink one, and we started the whole song over again." you're hand fits in mine like it's made just for me, but bear this in mind, it was, meant to be. and I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks, and it all makes sense to me. I know you've never loved, the crinkles my your eyes when you smile, you've never loved, your stomach on your thighs." Niall was smiling at me, and I was staring at him. Who wouldn't? Beautiful eyes, cute hair, supercute smile. He was just supercute altogether! "I won't let these little things slip out of  my mouth. But if I do, its you, oh it's you they add up to. I'm in loove with you, and all these little things."  Niall stared at me, especially when we said, "Im in loove with you." I think the butterflies were having a war with giants in my stomach, because it sure felt like it! " I know you've never loved the sound of your voice on tape, you never want to know how much you weigh, you still have to squeeze into your jeans, but your perfect to me." Niall sang his part and then we ended. "I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth, but if it's true, it's you, it's you they add up to, I'm in love with you. And all  your little things."  I swallowed, considering that Niall had just smiled his perfect smile at me. Then Rianna was staring at us, probably chanting "Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss!" I laughed at her gigantic red afro. A loud thunder cracked, and I scooted closer to Niall. Rianna was literally on top of him, scared of the thunder. Finally after staring at Niall for a while, I decided to have a little bit of fun. I stole Niall's black and grey flatbrim, and then ran off. Niall pushed Rianna off of his lap and chased me. I screamed when he embraced me, and took off his hat. "Aww. Fun spoiler." I said, pretending to pout. He just smiled at me and put back on his hat.


"Make us eggs, Nialler!" I half shouted. " Okay, but you have to promise to never take my hat again." he said, smirking. "Fine, I promise." I said, faking annoyed. Rianna had gone back to her room, and was playing on my tablet. I went over and stood by Niall, and when the eggs were ready, he spun around and leaned me back, his hand firm on my back. He smiled, and then we heard Louis say, "Morning lovebirds." in his British accent. We scrambled away from each other, still smiling. We did not realize that Louis was there, watching us be lovey-dovey. Soon Harry, Zayn, and Liam came out of their rooms, noses in the air sniffing the eggs. I sat down, and Zayn and Harry rushed to sit by me. " S'up?" I said. Harry rolled his eyes, and Zayn said, "Hmph. American girls." I giggled at that comment. It was raining, unlike the two other days in England were it was very sunny. Thunder cracked very loud above the house and soon Rianna was out of her room. I jumped, and Harry put his arm around me. I just pushed him off and pulled Rianna onto my lap. She always squirms whenever I do, she says she is too old, but this time she let me. "Thanks, Crystal." she whispered in my ear. The boys all said, "Aww." and I blushed.


After breakfast, I went on my laptop on the white couch in my room. I looked up "One Direction" and saw the worst thing ever. There was a picture of Niall and me when he leaned me back in the kitchen! There was a video about it.

"Make us eggs, Nialler!" I half shouted. " Okay, but you have to promise to never take my hat again." he said, smirking. "Fine, I promise." I said, faking annoyed. Rianna had gone back to her room, and was playing on my tablet. I went over and stood by Niall, and when the eggs were ready, he spun around and leaned me back, his hand firm on my back. He smiled, and then we heard Louis say, "Morning lovebirds." in his British accent. We scrambled away from each other, still smiling. We did not realize that Louis was there, watching us be lovey-dovey. Soon Harry, Zayn, and Liam came out of their rooms, noses in the air sniffing the eggs. I sat down, and Zayn and Harry rushed to sit by me. " S'up?" I said. Harry rolled his eyes, and Zayn said, "Hmph. American girls." I giggled at that comment. It was raining, unlike the two other days in England were it was very sunny. Thunder cracked very loud above the house and soon Rianna was out of her room. I jumped, and Harry put his arm around me. I just pushed him off and pulled Rianna onto my lap. She always squirms whenever I do, she says she is too old, but this time she let me. "Thanks, Crystal." she whispered in my ear. The boys all said, "Aww." and I blushed.



Niall, Zayn, Or Harry? Or None?

I woke up, hearing shy, quiet Niall shouting. I couldn't believe it. Niall was yelling. I crept to my door, and heard Niall yell, " She doesn't want to choose, alright?! Can we at least stop fighting about it?!" Then I heard another voice join in. Was it Louis? "I think Nialler is right, lads. It is silly, fighting over a girl. We're best mates! I think that if Crystal doesn't want to choose between you blokes, she shouldn't have to!" I finally just burst out of my room, with tears streaming down my face. "If you want to tear each other to pieces over me, then go ahead. See if I care." I said as I ran out of the room, still in my pajamas, and then ran down the street. I heard Niall chasing me, but I didn't care. I had no idea where I was going, my feet were soaked, and I was freezing cold in the rain. I tripped and fell onto the hard, cold sidewalk and just layed there.


Soon I felt a towel and blanket get put over my body. I didn't know who it was, and I didn't bother to look up. I just murmered "Thank you." and then broke down in sobs. The stranger helped me up, and I kept my eyes closed. "Crystal." he said. It was Niall. I opened my eyes, and saw Niall, standing in front of me, holding me in his strong arms. I tried to squirm out of his grasp, but he was too strong for me, so I just gave up and leaned my forehead against his chest. He lifted up my chin, and looked at me, concerned. That is when I knew. That is when I realized that the war of butterflies, was love all along. I knew at that moment that Niall Horan was perfect for me. Then he kissed me. It was long, and soft, and gentle. He smelled of cologne, but it smelled good. I didn't care about the paparazzi, I was happy at last. I didn't care if the world knew that Niall Horan was perfect. Finally we broke apart. And I hugged him. I stared into those beautiful blue eyes, and I closed mine, replaying the moment that just happened. Finally Niall said something. "We'd better get inside. It is cold." I nodded, and took a couple steps to find myself lifted up by Niall and was carried to the house. "It is going to be hard, dating a superstar. But I think I will survive." I thought to myself as I stared up at Niall's goregeous face.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 31.07.2014

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To NIALL HORAN. love that guy. you are perfect the way you are.

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