
(Almost) Normal Life

I laughed as Chanele, my best friend, stuck out her tongue at Isabella's back.  She turned to me and opened her mouth, but the bell rang, sounding like Chanele said it. I laughed again as we headed to class. Jeremy tried to hit on me, again, and I told him I wasn't interested, and then brushed my blonde hair out of my face, and sat down. Mr. Calvin explained math to us, and then suddenly a note rolled onto my desk. I slowly unwrinkled it, and read," Hey, you-me tonight-- the movies? -Cameron" I look back at Cameron, and give him a firm shake of my head. Then I turn back to the board and pay attention the rest of the lesson.


After Mr. Calvin's boring math lesson, Chanele and I headed to Ms. Thompsan's English class. As soon as we all take a seat, a new boy comes in, and he half smiles at me. I roll my eyes, thinking, "Oh boy, another crush."  I glance at Chanele, using the pleading face. She nods and turns towards him, twirling her hair. " Class, we have a new student. Cody, why don't you come up and introduce yourself." Ms. Thompsan said. Cody slowly walked up to the front, and said everything about himself. His eyes were a strange sort of turqoise. I kept staring and staring at his weird eyes. Then, after he was done, the bell rang, and I sprang up, eager to get home.


"Hey!" Chanele said to me. " What about the new guy? I think he is cute." Chanele said in her bouncy tone of voice. " I don't know, did you notice his eyes? They were sort of creepy." I said. "C'mon, lets head to my house." I say. I look back and stare at Cody. He looks normal, except for his eyes. I look back and go to my house with Chanele. As soon as I open the door, I hear crying. I see my mom, with puffy eyes, look up and then bury her face in a tissue. " M-mom, what's wrong?" I said. " There's been a tragedy." she says.


"What do you mean, Mom?" I say in alarm. "Your Grandma Bethany passed away this morning." she said, breaking into more tears. Grandma Bethany? She was my favorite grandma. So nice, so caring for everyone. I ran to my room, with Chanele following, and cried into my pillow. She tried to comfort me, but I rejected her and got into my emergency chocolate.


After Chanele left, my mom came into my room, and patted my back. She took me out to ice cream, saying how Grandma always loved ice cream. I saw Cody there, and motioned a small wave with my hand. He grinned and I rolled my eyes again. I decided to walk over there and talk to him for the first time. "Hey." I said. "I'm Alexandra. You may have noticed me during English." he smiled, looking relieved that I was actually talking to him, and said, "Yeah, I have. Nice to meet you, Alex." I went pale. Alex was the name my dad called me before he and my mom got divorced and he moved to Japan. I never got to see him anymore, and when someone called me Alex, my mom and I would freak out and just walk away. But, I didn't want to be rude, so I just said quietly, "Don't call me that."


" Okay, whatever you say, Alexandra. I've gotta go, my dad is waiting." Cody said. I smiled and waved, then walked back over to my mom. We went home and I slept peacefully.


In the morning, I woke up to my favorite Ariana Grande song. I got up and changed into some jean shorts, converse, and a oversized, flowy, black tank top. I braided my blonde hair over my shoulder, and then ate breakfast. I waved to my mom, grabbed my iPod, and then ran out the door.


I walked into the school, and found Chanele in the crowd. "Hey." she said. " How you doin'?" " okay." I replied. But just then,  the meanest girl in school walked by. She was popular, but I think that she is jealous of me and Chanelefor being way more popular than she is. " Hey, Alexandra. Did you get dressed in the dark today?  Because you sure look like it!" as she laughed at her own joke. " Thanks, Isabella!! Oh, yeah, I've been meaning to ask you this, but did you dye your hair that color? Because I can see some brown coming back in." I spat back. She gasped, then hurried off to flirt with some hot guy.


The bell rang, and I hurried to class. But, as I passed the Janitor's Closet, a hand reached out and pulled me in. I started to scream, but the hand covered my mouth. The light came on, and I saw Cody's face. "Mmmmmmhpppppppppphhhhhhhh!!!!!" I yelled. Cody shushed me, and took his hand off of my mouth. " I need to talk to you." he said, extremely seriously.


He slowly took his hand off of my mouth, and took a deep breath. "I'm not from here. I'm from another world. There is a secret service there, and they need some more help to destroy the Evil masterminds Costaine and Insedious. They are trying to destroy Breene, the country which I am from. Please help me." My eyes darted around, trying to process all that. After I did, I realized that he was an alien! I screamed and ran out  of the janitor's closet, still screaming. Cody caught my arm and put his hand over my mouth again and pulled me back into the closet. " Look, if you will just trust me." I slowly nodded and said, " I'll think about it." and then walked out, trying to stop the trembling in my knees.


That night I couldn't sleep. I tossed and turned, thinking about Cody's alien past. Soon my cell phone rang, and I sat up, anwsering it. "Hello?" I said. " Hey, Alexandra." Cody's voice said. What do you want, Cody? And how did you get my phone number? I asked. " Look, I know you are kind of freaking out about this, but I feel a strong connection towards you. That is why I chose to trust you with my secret. Please." Cody said, speaking slowly. "Okay. You can trust me, and I will trust you. Happy?" I said, annoyed. " Thank you so much, Alexandra. You won't regret it, I promise." But somehow I doubted that.

The Alien School

I woke up with a jolt, suddenly remembering what happened last night, and wondered how I ever got to sleep. I hit my phone, turning off Ariana Grande. I stared up at my baby pink celing, thinking about how Cody had sounded so pleading, but then I felt like he was lying about how I wouldn't regret it. I urged myself to get out of bed, and finally swung my legs over the side. I stretched, and then got up and changed. I sat down in my hot pink bean bag, and then stared at my dresser across from me.


( Meanwhile)

" She looks strong, a good warrior, but you shouldn't have told her. She is not taking it well." President Smith said to Cody. " I know, but I just feel a strong connection with her." Cody said. " Take her to the training school, and let's see if she does well. If not, then lets just either send her home, or kill her." Smith said slyly. Cody's eyes went wide. " W-why would you, sir?" Cody asked, fearfully. " Because, if she is really bad, or a rebel spy."


I kept on staring at my dresser, thinking about Cody. "Is he really from a different world? Or was he just lying?" I asked myself. Finally my mom called, "Alexandra!! Where are you, you will need to drive to school soon!!"  I had gotten my driver's license about 5 months ago, and my mom made me drive everywhere. I ran down the stairs and then headed out the door to my car. I drove to school, listening to a mix of One Direction and Ariana Grande. When I got to school, I saw Cody waiting for me. He flashed me a cute, perfect smile at me and I couldn't help but blush. When I got out, he jogged over to me, and took placed his hand on my waist. "Whoa, lover boy." I said, pushing his hand away. He smiled again, and then jammed a needle into my wrist. I tried to scream, but nothing came out. A numbness spread throughout my body. Then Cody picked me up, and then gently placed me in the back of a van. His lips moved, but I couldn't hear him. I think he said, " I'm sorry." But I didn't know. Soon I felt the car start to move. I was paralized, and then soon there were black, purple, and yellow spots dancing across my eyes. Then I blacked out.


I woke up in Cody's arms, and he was carrying me into some sort of hospital. I flexed my fingers, making sure that I could move. I could, and I looked up at Cody. He looked at me, and smiled. "You're awake, Sleeping Beauty!" he said, smiling. I looked away, but then looked back, and said, " Why did you jab a needle into my arm, shove me in a van, and then bring me to a hospital at a gloomy, cloudy place?" You'll find out sooner or later." he said. I was sore, my legs, my neck, my shoulders, and my back, so I leaned my head on Cody's arm. Finally he sat me down on a couch in a waiting room, and I leaned my head on his chest. It was silent for a while, and then Cody asked me, " Can I trust you not to run away? I promise nothing will happen to you, as long as I'm here." I nodded, and then a nurse called my name. I looked at Cody, and he stood up, and I followed. I slipped my hand into his, and walked into a checkup room. They took my blood pressure, checked my mouth, eyes and ears, and then gave me a shot that burned. I sucked in a breath, then buried my head into Cody's chest.


He stroked my hair, then the burning slowed. Cody took me out, and I told him that I felt shaky. He lifted me up, and then took me to another part of the hospital, which turned out to be just a nurses' office. He carried me through a school, which looked like a training school. All of the kids stared at me, and I just closed my eyes, pretending that they weren't there. Cody took me to a suiting up room, where he gave me a uniform to wear for the rest of my time here. It was hard, and black and grey, so I put it on. Then he took me to a bunker room, where he showed me my bunk and told me the rules. I nodded and he walked out of the room. " Newbie, huh?" A girl's voice said from above me. She popped down. "I'm Zoe." she said to me. "Alexandra." I told her back. " So, is Cody your boyfriend?" she asked me in a teasing voice.


"No, no he's not." I replied, shyly. "You don't have to be shy with me, I'm cool, and every girl wants to be with Cody, and I mean every girl. You'd better watch out." Zoe said. I smiled, and then laughed. I don't like him. He was just trying to help." I said, laughing. " Right." Zoe said, sarcastically. "Can I go to bed now? I am super sore from the paralzing medicine." she nodded and I rolled over, thinking about how worried my mom would be.


I woke up, to a loud buzzing noise. I stood up, looking for Zoe or Cody. Everyone was up, standing by their bunks. I did the same, and saw Cody walk through the aisles, inspecting every single bunk. When he went past me, he glanced and winked. I smirked a little, and he looked away. Then an older man came, and yelled at us. "What is your name?" he asked me strictly. "A-Alexandra." I stuttered. He frowned, and yelled, "Your new name is Alex." I nodded slowly, and he yelled, " Dinner is at 8:00. Training is at 1:00. Until then, you need to study." "Yes, sir!" we all exclaimed. Then I watched him leave. It started buzzing. "Training?" I asked Zoe. "Yeah, to fight against Costaine and Insedious. You know, the war. We have to do it every day." she told me, smiling. I sighed, and followed Zoe to the study hall.


She gave me a thick, dusty book. I coughed, and brushed it off. "Here. study this, until one." she said, taking a seat next to me. I opened it, and read the first chapter. It was silent, and soon I felt someone brush my arm. I looked up, seeing Cody smiling at me. I was relieved to see him, and let out a sigh of relief. He smiled, and whispered to me, " Hi. It's been a while since I've seen you. How do you like it?" I chuckled softly, whispering, "You saw me this morning, and I hate it." he smiled, and got back to studying. I did the same, resting my head on my hand.


Finally it came around to 4:00, and we all got up, putting our books away, heading to Training. We all stood in a line, silent. "Alex. Why don't you show off your fencing skills." the Sergant said, looking straight at me. My eyes went wide, and he called another boy named Aaron with blonde hair and huge muscles to duel. My legs started shaking, and we both got swords and stood in an attack position. He attacked me full- on. I blocked his first stab, and tried to stab him back, but he blocked his. He stabbed me in the arm, and I could feel the blood coming out. I stabbed him back, but I barely made a dent in his huge biceps. He stabbed me again in the leg, and soon I was bleeding all over the place. Cody ran in, helped me up, and called for gauze. "Are you okay?" he asked me. "No, what does it look like?" I said, holding back tears. He picked me up, looking straight ahead and pushing past the Sergant when he tried to stop him. "She needs a doctor." he said through gritted teeth. He took me to a hospital, and soon I was out cold.


I woke up with a young girl next to me. I opened my mouth to say something, but she hushed me and said, "You are alright. I'm Hope. I also go to school here, except they put me as a nurse. We had to do stiches on your arm and leg, but now you are alright." she said, smiling at me. I just smiled weakly back, and tried to get up. She just brought me a dark red wheelchair and put me in it, even with me insisting that I was fine. Hope wheeled me back to the bunks, and I jumped into my bed, and watched Hope leave. Soon Zoe hopped down, her eyes wide. "What happened? I can't believe that Cody talked back to President Smith like that." I cocked my head, confused. "What do you mean president?" I asked her. "Oh, the seargant is President Smith." she said. I nodded my head in understanding. I was tired, so I motioned Zoe away. 


I slept for about five minutes until a loud whistle blew. I jumped up, startled, and saw Cody blowing the whistle, telling us it was dinner. "Really? Is it that late already?" I wondered. I got out of my bunk, and we all followed Cody in a single file line to dinner. We ran into Aaron, the boy who almost killed me. "Dinner." Cody told him, but he glared, and pushed Cody. "You tryin' to tell me what to do, pretty boy?" he said, grabbing his shirt. "Yeah, actually, I am." he pushed Aaron back, and soon they where wrestling each other on the floor. Cody had a black eye, and Aaron was unharmed. Aaron continued to beat Cody to a pulp, when finally I could not take it anymore. I pulled them apart screaming, "Aaron! Stop it! You are going to kill him!" Aaron looked at me, and agreed. "You should be glad I didn't pretty boy." he walked off. Cody was laying on the floor, clearly in lots of pain. One of his eyes was swollen shut, and the other was becoming a dark purple. "Cody!" I knelt by his side. "I'm alright, Alexandra. Help me up." I took his hand, and pulled him up from the floor. "Thanks, Alex." he gasped. I helped him to the cafeteria for dinner.


What we ate were some fruit that I just could not name, bread, and other mysterious stuff. "Zoe, what is this stuff?" I whispered next to her.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.07.2014

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