
Dog made a History---------

This is a story of time when Neil Armstrong made the history of being first person to climb on moon. There was a dog named Duffy he also heard about Neil Armstrong and decided to make history to be the first dog to travel on moon. He told his friends, other animals about his decision to make history. All his friends became very happy when they heard about this. They all started singing and dancing. But how Duffy will go on moon, if he doesn’t have rocket? This was the most important part to make history. They must have a rocket. Now everyone started thinking what they should do. But it was late night so everyone decided to sleep and discuss about the topic tomorrow morning. Next morning everyone came for meeting except Fatty cow. Everyone was expecting her, but after long time when she didn’t came everyone decided to start the meeting without her. Now everyone started telling that what they have thought. Chi.chi rabbit said that we must build a very big ladder, for the first everyone agreed but then one more problem arises, that they don’t have that much of wood to build such big ladder. So that idea was also cancelled. Some says that we can build wings for Duffy. That was good idea, everyone agreed. But Chi.chi again said that if Duffy will not have any oxygen than how will he fly in space? And space don’t even have air, it’s only a vacuum. Dog got very stress when he saw that no one is able to make any decision, so that he can go on moon and make history like Neil Armstrong. Suddenly Fatty cow came and politely said to everyone to follow her. Everyone went with her. To their surprise they saw that Fatty cow has brought so many iron plates, steel plates and so many woods including big bunch of rubber. When Duffy asked her about this, then she said that she has brought the things to make rocket. “What”!!!!! Everyone got shocked from her this decision. When she told them her plan, then everyone became very happy. Then chi.chi again asked them about oxygen gas. That how Duffy will get oxygen in vacuum? Everyone knew that without oxygen he can’t breadth. But Fatty also has solution for that she told everyone that some of her friends are making oxygen tank for Duffy. Everyone became very happy, when they heard this, but then one who was most happy was Duffy. Now he knew that he will definitely make history. He got very happy and hugged all his friends. Everyone decided to start work from very next day. And so they started building rocket. Within a month they all completed building rocket. Everyone became very happy when they saw the rocket. Meanwhile Fatty friends have given her oxygen tank. Next day they all decided to have celebration with Duffy. They all celebrated with great Joy. Duffy decided to leave next morning. And so he left very next morning with his wonderful rocket. But what is this, he is not going towards moon. Actually he was going towards Sun. He actually crossed the Sun and became first to cross the sun from such minute distance. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Duffy made a history……………

THE END…………………..


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.11.2012

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