
Many years ago, in China, there was a civil war over who should take over as emperor.The people of China seperated into many kingdoms that would battle each other to gain territory and unite China as a whole. Three of the main kingdoms were called Wi, the red kingdom, Wou, the blue kingdom, and Sai, the green kingdom. Our story begins in the kingdom of Sai, when our main character was born.

Liu Bou, the great ruler of Sai, paced the halls of his castle. He had just recieved news that his top general's wife had just given birth to a son earlier this morning. "Perhaps my wife shall also have a son," he thought to himself, "Then he and Zhao Lin could be best friends. Or better yet, perhaps we'll have a daughter, who could marry Zhao Lin."

Suddenly, from within his bedroom, he heard the cries of an infant. Without waiting for the doctor to tell him he could come in, Liu Bou ran into the room to greet his child.

"My lord," the doctor sighed when he saw Liu Bou's face. Liu Bou searched the room and saw his wife, pale and motionless.

"Zhang Li!" he exclaimed, running to her side. She was dripping with sweat and she seemed to have trouble breathing.

"My Lord, I am sorry, but you must leave! You musn't be in here right now. The mother and child are weak."

Reluctantly, Liu Bou left, taking a peak at the child. The doctor smiled, catching his eye. "A girl," he said. Liu Bou grinned and finally left the room.


It was about three o'clock when word was sent out that the Ruler of Sai's wife had given birth to their first child, a daughter, named Liu Fai. Sadly, however, Liu Bou's wife did not survive the birth. A large service was planned to be held the following day for her.


In the kingdom of Wi, news of the birth had just reached ruler, Sun Liang. He smiled at his wife and nodded. It was time for their plan to be put into action. Soon, they would finally be able to take over the kingdom of Sai.

*There was my introduction. Sorry if it was a litte rough or too fast-paced, my intros always tend to be. I swear it will get better with each chapter. I hope to make it more interesting and enjoyable. Thank you for reading, I hope you continue to read.*


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.06.2011

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