
Scene 1

Narrator: I am about to tell you a story of some kids and their family. The kids decided to get in a fight with each other over a girl.(Katie walks in and starts handing out inventations to her pool party.)(Katie walks over to Jared to give him his inventation to the pool party at her house.)
Katie: Hi Jared I was wondering if you wanted to come to my pool party this weekend.(Jared starts to walk off but stops.)
Jared: Hi Katie and sure I would love to go to your pool party this weekend.
Katie: Okay I'll see you tonight to help get things ready for saturday.(Katie sees Billy walking toward her so she starts backing away.)
Jared: Hey Katie what's wrong it looks like you have seen a ghost or something.
Katie: I have to go Jared and don't tell Billy I invited you since he is my boyfriend.
Jared: Sure Katie if you want me to but didn't you invite Billy.
Katie: NO since I'm inviting you to my pool party and I don't want him to know so he won't try to beat you up.
Jared: Wouldn't he find out by his friends since you are friends with them too.
Katie: I'm not going to tell them since they would just go and tell Billy what I told them.(over on the other side of the cafeteria Billy and his friends are talking when they notice Katie and Jared talking.)
Robert: Hey Billy isn't that Katie talking to that geeky kid.
Billy: What are you talking about Jared would never talk to my girlfriend.
David: Look over there by the doors talking to each other and it looks loke the geek Jared is holding something in his hand.
Billy: Let's go over there to see what Jared is holding in his hand.(meanwhile back over with Katie and Jared)(Katie sees billy walking toward them so she turns to Jared)
Katie: Um... Jared I have to go and remember don't let Billy see the invitation.(Katie leaves the cafeteria)(Jared turns around to go back to his seat but he bumps into Billy and his friends)(Billy sees the invintation in Jared's hand)
Billy: Hey nerd what's in your hand.(Jared puts the invintation in his pocket)
Jared: Um... nothing(looks at his watch) Oh look at the time I have to get to class.(Jared turns around to head to class)(David turns to Billy to tell him something)
David: Hey Billy isn't Katie's birthday this saturday.
Robert: Then why didn't she invite us to her party.
Billy: She doesn't want to invite us since she is inviting the nerd Jared to her party.
Robert: We could call Katie's dad to get an invintation from him so we could go to the party.
David: We better call him after school so Katie won't find out.

Scene 2

Narrator: School was out so Katie was walking home. So Billy decided to call Katie's dad now.(phone rings when Katie walks through the frint door)
Kyle: Hello this is Kyle speaking
Billy: Hi Kyle its Billy how are you doing
Kyle: I'm doing fine do you want to talk to Katie she just walked through the door.
Billy: NO I called to talk to you about Katie's party saturday.
Kyle: Sure what's going on did Katie break up with you.
Billy: NO she didn't but she didn't get me an invitation so I was hoping you could get it for us.
Kyle: Sure, but I've got to find them since I don't know where Katie keeps her invitation for the party.(Kyle is digging in the trash and he finds the three invitations for Billy and his friends)
Billy: Hey Kyle did you find the invitations yet.
Kyle: Yes I found them, but they were in the trash.
Billy: Who do you think put them in the trash can so we won't have to go to Katie's party.
Kyle: Hold on a second
Billy: Sure I will wait(Billy hears Kyle talking to Katie)
Katie: Hey dad is it OK if Jared came over to help
Kyle: Who is Jared and why does he need to come over
Katie: The teacher had assigned me to help him with his work, and he is also helping me with the party saturday
Kyle: Sure Katie you can call him when I finih talking on the phone.(kyle goes back to the phone)
Billy: Have you found out who threw the invitations away yet
Kyle: Yes I believe I have just found out
Billy: So who threw the invitations away for us to go to Katie's party
Kyle: It was Katie or Jared, but I never saw him here
Billy: If it was Katie she probably threw them away since Jared is coming to the party
Kyle: Do you know this Jared guy
Billy: Yes I do know Jared, but he hates me so he could have thrown away the invitation
Kyle: I will bring the invitations over to your house later when Katie's new friend Jared comes over.(Kyle hangs up the phone)

Scene 3

Narrator: At the same time Katie gets off her cellphone with Jared. Kyle goes over to billy's house to give them the invitations to Katie's pool party.(Katie walks in the living room where Kyle is)
Katie: Hey dad Jared is going to be over here any minute since I called him on my cellphone.
Kyle: Okay, but I have to go deliver something to a friend of mine.(Kyle walks out the front door, and goes to the next door neighbor's house.)(Kyle knocks on the door, and Billy answers the door)
Billy: Yes Oh hi Kyle you have our invitations for the party
Kyle: Yeah I have them, but I need you to tell me more about this Jared guy.
Billy: Sure come inside(Kyle walks inside and sits down on the couch)
Narrator: Back at Katie's house the doorbell rings so Katie goes and gets the door.(Katie opens the door to see Jared with a bag with him)
Katie: Hi Jared come on in my mom's cooking dinner right now and my dad is delivering a pacage to a friend of his.
Jared: Sure let's finish off the stuff that we are going to do at the party.(Jared and Katie go into the living room to finish planning the party out)
Katie: Oh Jared I almost forgot why was Billy talking to you at lunch after I left.
Jared: He saw the invitation in my hand(Katie stares at Jared) but I didn't tell him I swear.
Katie: Okay Jared I trust you(Katie's mom walks in)
Krystal: Hi ya'll two why don't ya'll come and eat some dinner at the table.
Katie: Sure mom but what did you make for dinner
Krystal: I made spaghetti and some chocolate cake. Katie have you seen your brother today.
Katie: I saw Chance at school today maybe he's at Billy's house.
Krystal: So can you go next door and see if he's at Billy's house.
Katie: Sure mom I'll go
Krystal: Oh Katie maybe Jared can go with you
Katie: Sure mom I'll ask Jared if he wants to go to Billy's house with me.(Krystal walks back to the kitchen)(Jared sees Katie walk toward him so he asks her what she wants)
Jared: Hey Katie what's up
Katie: Hey Jared I was wondering if you wanted yo come with me to my next door neighbor's house.
Jared: Why do you need to go over to your neighbor's house and who lives next door?
Katie: Billy lives next door and I need to go see if my brother Chance is over there since my mom is getting worried.(Jared just stares at Katie)
Jared: How come you never told me that Billy lives next door to you.
Katie: I didn't want you to get mad at me. So are you coming or do I have to go by myself.
Jared: Fine I'll come with you but I'm going to regret this later.

Scene 4

Narrator: When Katie and Jared head toward the door her dad came in but he just walked straight past Katie.
Jared: Hey Katie what's wrong with your dad
Katie: I don't know he's not usually like this
Jared: Why don't you ring the doorbell Katie?
Katie: Fine I'll ring the doorbell since I'm not a scardy cat.
Jared: I am not a scardy cat and you know that they beat me up so I'm going to stay near you Katie.
Katie: Okay! Okay! Just let me ring the doorbell now.(doorbell rings David answers the door)
David: Hello! Oh hi Katie Billy's busy right now
Katie: I'm not looking for Billy
David: Then who are you looking for
Katie: I'm looking for my brother Chance
David: Oh, why didn't you say so he's in the living room with Billy.
Katie: Then can we go in and get him my mom is looking for him
David: Katie you can come in but Jared can't
Katie: David PLEASE I'll just tell Billy that my mom said he could come with me to get my brother.(Katie stares at David)
David: Fine just don't tell Billy that I let you and Jared in especially him
Katie: Fine now I'm going to find my brother
Jared: Hey Katie I think we should go since they hate me
Katie: Hey Jared I see my brother over there by Billy talking
Jared: Then why don't you go over there and get him so we can go
Katie: Fine I will okay
Chance: Hey Katie what's up
Katie: Mom wants you to come home now
Chance: Sure Katie I'll meet you at the front door.(Chance and Billy watch Katie and Jared head to the door so they can finish their conversation)
Billy: I didn't know your mom cared so much for you.(Chance rolls his eyes at Billy)
Chance: So are you going to Katie's party this weekend or not
Billy: Of course I am why wouldn't I am her boyfriend
Chance: I got to go but I'll see you at the party
Billy: Okay we will see you at the party

Scene 5

Narrator: Saturday Chance and Jared are helping Katie get ready for the party. Katie was telling them their jobs of what to do.
Katie: Let's see(Katie looks at her notebook) oh okay Chance I want you to greet the guests and Jared I need you to get the food on the table for the guests.
Chance/Jared: OKAY(doorbell rings so Chance goes over to answer the door)
Chance: Hello may I see your invitation for the party
Emily: Hi Chance can I go inside
Chance: Yeah sure come in
Emily: Just to let you knoe Hayleigh will be here in a minute
Chance: Okay I will be here to open the door for her to come in
Narrator: When Emily goes inside she starts looking for Katie so she can talk to her about her and Hayleigh's boyfriends.(Emily sees Katie over by Jared so she goes over to pull her aside)(Katie is looking at Emily wondering why she pulled her away from talking to Jared)
Emily: I need to talk to you about our boyfriends that me and Hayleigh have been seeing for some time now.
Katie: Sure what's up with yours and Hayleigh's boyfriend that is so urgent to tell me at the party?
Emily: We think our boyfriends are cheating on ous.
Katie: Why do you think that, have you and Hayleigh seen your boyfriends with another girl?
Emily: NO, but they haven't been answering our phone calls
Katie: I'll be right back I'm going to ask Chance if he knows anything about John and Alec.
Narrator: Katie walks over to Chance to ask him if he knows anything about John and Alec cheating on her friends. When Chance is telling her the answer he sees Billy and his friends.
Katie: Hey Chance do you know if John and alec are cheating on my friends if you do you need to tell me
Chance: No, they are not cheating on emily and Hayleigh
Katie: How would you know that have the boys told you
Chance: Yes they have told me
Katie: Well, what did they say
Chance: They told me that they love Emily and Hayleigh
Katie: Then why haven't they been answering the girls phone calls
Chance: They have been busy(Chance sees Billy and his friends outside by the pool)Katie I have to go I've got more people coming in so I'll see you later
Katie: Okay I will see you later Chance

Scene 6

Narrator: Chance sees Billy and his friends coming toward him so he told Katie that he had to go.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.02.2011

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