

So here I am running. Running from people I dont even know. For some reason they know who I am and what I have become. I still dont belive that he actually just bite me and left me on there the streets screaming. I thought I could trust him. The next thing I know is that I am running but not in human form, some how I have turned into a wolf!!!

"There she is." say's one of the wolfs. The black wolf lunged at her and they went tubling down a small hill.They stoped at the bottom of the hill with the black wolf on top and her on the bottom.They both changed back into humans right once they looked each other in the eyes.

She was going to ask him why they were both naked and why she turned into a wolf but instead they both said at the same time "Mates." she said more confused since she dosen't know what mate mean's. but the mestirous man said it in a voice with so much love in it that it made her weak. Before she could ask him anything, he kissed her with so much passion in it that it left her breathless.

(This my first time wrighting a book, so tell me what I should fix or what I should add)

Chapter 1

3 month's earlier

"Emily get your ass down here NOW!!!!" My father, James, called from the bottom of the stairs. As you see my name is Emily, I have black hair and blue eyes. Apperantly i didnt get down the stairs fast enough because my dad came barging into my room and draged me down the stairs by my hair, and let me tell you it hurt like a bitch. once we got down the stairs he threw me out the door with my backpack and slamed the door. Well at least it didnt hurt like last time. My father hasent liked me ever since my mom died, he says that I should have been the one to die in the car instead of my mom. So everday he beats me and treats me like I am usless, which i am. 

My friends Piper and Victoria don't think so, they always try to cheer me up every time they see a new burise on my arm or leg. Piper is close to 6ft. She has short brown hair with blonde highlights. Victoria has dark brown hair. They both have eye's that look almost gold, they say that it was probably just the sun but i know that they are hiding somthing but I just dont know what


So here I am walking to school alone. I am so happy that I dont live that far from school, beacuse then that would of been one hell of a walk. A red car goes by real fast and gets water all over me thanks to the puddel that was right next to me. The car slows down and comes back to me they roll down the window, and I was awe srtuck beacuse the most hottest guy that I have ever seen was in the car and he looked my age.

"Hey do you know if there is a school called, Ashville high school closse by." He says. " Um yeah I go to that school, I was just walking there." I said. "well if you want I could give you a ride there, but you have to do me a favor." he says with a grin on his face. I got closer and said " Depends on the favor." His smile got bigger and I really do hope that I wont regret saying that. "Well my favor is...... Well my favor is that enabale for me to give you a ride you have to go on a date with me." I knew that wasent what he wanted to say but I just went along with it. "Um sure... I guess." "Really well hope in and hopefully you will be dried by the time we get there... Oh, and I am very sorry about that." He said not looking at me but somewhere else. "thanks." "no problem"

Derek's pov:

I cant believe she actually fell for that. Once i get her to trust me than I will turn her and leave her on the other wolf's territory. So that they could kill her. And hopefully her father will keep his end of the barigan.

Emily's pov:

On the way to school I learned, that he is easy to talk to and that his name is Derek. While he was talking about what he liked i looked at him more closely, I noticed that he has blonde hair and brown eyes.

Chapter 2

Ugh! I hate school. all of my teachers ever talk about is there life. But at least Derek is in all of my classes. During lunch I introduced Derek to Piper and Victoria. Victoria and Derek got along great but Piper was looking at him weirdly.

"Piper, you ok." I whispered to her. She looked at me and said " I dont think you should hang out with him." "Why not" I asked her a bit curious and mad at her. since when did she get to choose with who I hang out with. She shakes her head and frowned while saying "I dont know but I feel like something bad is going to happen if we keep on hanging out with him." She alway's have bad feelings, but I think that this might be wrong cause Derek couldent hurt a fly. He always seem nervous but I just think that cause he is the new kid and all


3 months later

Derek droped me at my house. I told him that he didnt have to but he did anyway. Once I was out of the car, I didnt my fathers car which means that he isint home. (Thank god,) ONce I opened the door, I screamed because the house was a mess. There was broken glass bottles on the floor, and the furniture was all over the place! I looked all over the house to make sure that nothing was missing but there was none, but all of the pictures of me and my mom had claw marks all over it. Then  suddenly my phone rang alomst scaring me half to death. I cheked the caller I.D and I let out a sigh of relief, because it was only Derek.                            

  "Hello." I said happy that it was him calling me. "Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to meet me at the park tonight." "Um sure I have to ask my dad though." i said with a hint of worried in my voice. "Dont worry just say that you are meeting me at the park. Oh! and dont forget to say my name. Ok." "Um, ok. Well I will see you later than. Maybe." "Ok, see you tonight. Bye" "Bye."


1 hour later of cleaning

When I was fixing the pictures I hear the front door open and slam shut. I heard my dad calling me from the living room asking what happpened to the living room. Whne I walked into the living room I could tell my dad was pissed, so I had to make sure that I talked to him softly. "Hey dad, my friend from school wanted to know if I could go to the park with him tonight. Oh and his name is Derek. He wanted me to menchin his name when I asked you." I said very softly so that he wont get mad at me. "I dont care, as long as you arent here than I am happy, and you wont be coming back because if you do then I am not letting in a ugly monster like you." He said with so much hate and disguste in his voice that I flinched. I didnt know what he maent by that or why he said it the way he did but I decided to ignore what he said and went up to my room to get changed, so that I could leave. I decieded to wear a blue v-neck shirt and jeans. Once I got changed I went staight to the park.                                       

Chapter 3

When I got to park, I didnt see Derek yet so I went to the swing and waited. I was depating on wheither I should go back or not. But that thought quickly changed when someone behind put there hands on my eyes and said "Guess who?" I laughed cause I knew that it was Derek. I was about to turn around and get up but Derek made me look forward and sat me back down.                                                             

"Dont turn around I have a surpries for you."He said. I could tell right away that he was really close to me, cause i could feel his breath on my neck when he talked. He took his hands away from my eyes and came in front of and told me to close my eyes. When I closed my eyes he grabed my hands and had me stand up. We walked for a little bit but then when he stoped and he brought me closer to him. I was about to open my eyes and ask him what he was doing when suddenly I felt pain in my neck. My eyes flew open and I screamed once i noticed he was biting me on the neck. I tried to get away form him, but he just held me to him so tight that I thought he was going to crush my bones. He let me go and ran away from me real quick leaving me screaming on the streets. Suddenly I felt my bones popping and my clothes being teared apart. I could hear and see everthing better around me, but that wasnt the only thing that I noticed. I aslo noticed that I turned into a wolf!!!



Texte: me :)
Bildmaterialien: google
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.02.2013

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