
The First Night
I looked at the black lip ring in the palm of my hand as I pulled it out of the hat. We were playing 3 hours in heaven. Looking around I saw a hot emo boy in the corner with his knee up to his chest. I suddenly recognized him. It was Aiden from my math class, but he always sits in the back.
My friend, Jessie, went to get him. Together we walked into the room where I will be alone with him for 3 hours.
As soon as we were in the room, I went to sit in the corner and he sat on the bed. We stayed like that for about 30 minutes, until he asked, “Angelia, why won’t you talk to me?” I started to think, I have been quite for a while, then I answer, “I don’t know what to talk about,” He walked over and sat next to me. We sat there for a while then he asked, “How ‘bout we go somewhere better than this?”
I stared at him, “How? We can’t leave this room,”
“True,” he said, “but who said we had leave the way we came in,” There was a mischievous smile on his face. He got up and walked over to the window and jumped out. I got up to see if he landed safely and he did. He then held out his hands and said, “Come on, I’ll help you out,” I thought for a second and then put both my feet through the window. Then Aiden grabbed my legs tightly so I could hop out. When I hopped down we fell on the ground. I ended up landing on top of him but then I got off because he was panting a little. I then helped him off the ground. “You are heavier than you look,” he said with a smirk.
I started walking away but he grabbed me by the arm and pulled me back, “I was kidding. Can’t you take a joke?”
I shook his hand off my arm, “Actually I can. Just let me know when you’re telling one,” He just stared at me, and then laughed. “Good one” he says. We started walking towards the cars then he stopped. “What?” I ask walking back to him.
“Do you have the keys to your car?” he asks. I start checking my pockets. I was thinking about checking my purse but I realized that I left it inside. I shake my head and he says, “That’s what I thought. Guess we’re going to walk then,” He walks to the corner then turns around slightly and asks, “Are you gonna stay here or are you coming with me?” Neither, I say in my head. Instead of saying it aloud I started walking around the corner with him.
We walked for what seems like hours with a great distance in between us. Since we were in silence, it gave me time to think. I thought about Aiden and how he is. He always has girls cooing over him like he’s some great god. I always hated that, especially since the other girls don’t like him like I do. I’ve always liked him. But it’s kind of hard to like someone who always has girls sticking to him like hot glue.
My thoughts get interrupted when Aiden stops in front of a pizzeria. “Are you hungry?” he asks. I nodded my head in response. He opens the door and motions for me to go in first. He’s such a gentleman. I take a seat at the table by the window while Aiden orders for us.
He comes back with a half cheese and half pepperoni pizza. “I didn’t know if you liked pepperoni or just cheese. I hope this’ll do,”
“It’ll do,” I said, “And I’m more of a cheese person,”
“Figures,” He says with a smirk.
We both grab a slice of pizza and eat in silence. The silence lasted for about 25 minutes, and then I decided to grab one more slice of pizza and walk out of the pizzeria. “Where are you going?” Aiden asked. I ignored his question and continued to walk out of the pizzeria. Aiden sighed and started walking out with me. By the time he caught up with me I had found a bench to sit on. When Aiden sat down next to me he had grabbed my pizza from me. “Hey!” I exclaimed.
“What?” he asked, “I did pay for it,” And then he took a bite out of it. I was going to ask for it back, but I knew it would be hopeless.
“When you’re done eating my pizza,” I said, “we should start heading back,”
“You can go back by yourself,” he said.
“And why won’t you come with me?” I questioned
“’Cause I don’t wanna be at a party with lame people,” Aiden responded
I looked at him in shock, “Most of my friends are at that party and I can assure you that they’re not lame,”
“Sure, they’re not lame at all,” He said sarcastically.
I looked at him; he gave me a smirk and finished eating the pizza. I got off the bench and started walking back towards the house. At first I figured that he stayed behind and sat there, but I then heard the soft footsteps behind me. I turned around, but he didn't notice that I had and he ended up bumping into me. "I thought you weren't coming with me," I said after he stepped back.
"Yeah but I couldn't let a defenseless girl walk alone in dark," he said
"Hey! I'm not defenseless," I remarked
"Sure you’re not," he said sarcastically, again
"I am so tired of you being sarcastic. It’s really annoying," I said angrily. Before he responded I walked faster. He had then caught up to me, so I started to run. He was right on my heel, but every time he got close I would speed my pace. I had just turned around the corner when Aiden had tackled me to the ground. He sat up just enough for me to turn over. I just stared at him and he stared at me for a while. I then asked, "Are you gonna get off me anytime soon?"
"Oh," he said as he got off me, "Sorry," He then helped me get up. I had dust off any dust that was on me. I turned around and realize that we were in front of the house. The lights were still on, so that means we weren't gone that long. Also the window was still open, so we had a way to get back in. I started walking towards the window. I was about to try and get in, but I needed a little help getting in. I turned around and Aiden was just about to turn the corner. "Aiden!" I shouted. He turned around and started walking towards me. It felt like an hour had passed when he finally came to me. "What?" he asked
"Can you help me get through the window?" I asked with the nicest smile. He sighed then held out his hands. I put one foot in his hand and I tried to get half my body through the window. I struggled to get the rest of my body through the window. Then he lifted the rest of my body through the window. I landed with a loud thump and hoped that no one heard it. I looked back out the window and Aiden was still standing there. “Come on,” I said
“I told you I’m not going back to that lame party,” He said
“Please,” I begged
He laughed, “Do you really think that begging is gonna make me wanna stay,”
I nodded and shot him the puppy face. He sighed, “It’s not gonna work,”
“Fine then you can walk home and leave your car,” I said angrily. I then slammed the window shut. I was about to walk out the room, but I heard a knock on the window. I walked over to the window with a big smile and just looked at him. I opened the window just a bit so he wouldn’t be able to get in. “May I help you?” I asked with a sweet voice.
“Ha,” he said, “very funny. Now open the window so I can get in,”
“Um…I can’t do that,” I said
He sighed, “And why can’t you?”
“Well, if I let a stranger in then everyone will be in danger,” I said with a frown, and then I shut the window. Through the window I heard him say, “What are you talking about? Will you please open the window?” I just sat there and looked at him. He turned away and started walking to the front door. I open the window just before he reached the porch.
“Why take the door?” I asked. He sighed and walked over to the window. I stepped aside so he could get in. He kept struggling to get in and I just stood there and watched. I finally decided to help him through the window. I grabbed his hands and pulled as hard as I could. When he got through we landed on the floor with him on top of me and my back hurting. “We seriously have to stop landing on each other,” I said.
Then the door opened and Jessie stepped in, “Ok, times - ,”She stopped talking when she saw Aiden on top of me. Aiden hurried and got off me. “Obviously I have interrupted something,” she said. She walked out the door and left us alone again.
“Great, now she’s gonna tell everybody,” I said
“Tell everyone what? Nothing had happened,” he said
“You don’t know Jessie like I do,” I said, “She will make up anything. She is like the gossip queen,”
We both laughed. I was about to get up when I felt something on my hand. I looked down and Aiden’s hand was over mine. He soon noticed it too and removed his hand quickly. We went back to the party and people kept asking what happened in the room. I kept telling them that nothing had happened, but supposedly Aiden was telling a different story.

That night, when I got home, I took my shower and then I went straight to bed. I have to admit it was kind of fun hanging out with Aiden.


When I got out of bed the next day my feet were sore and my back was aching. Every step I took was painful, so I got back into my bed. As soon I was comfortable again my phone started ringing. I picked it up to see who was calling and it was Jessie. I really didn’t want to talk to her right now, but she’s my best friend.
“Hello,” I said
“Hey,” Jessie said
“You sound mighty cheerful at 8 am,” I said
“Well I’ve got someone to meet up with today,” she said
“Really,” I asked, “who is it?”
“Do you remember the guy who was wearing the really cute blue shirt, you know the kind of blue that I like, that’s who,” she said
“Oh really,” I said
“Yep,” she said happily, “he’s coming to pick me up soon,”
“Cool,” I said, “I got to get ready myself, so I’ll see you at school,”
“Ok, love you, bye,” she said then hung up the phone. I tried once again to get out of bed, this time ignoring every stinging pain in my foot. I went to my closet and pulled out my favorite tank top with flowers on one side of it and then my favorite pants. I had looked at the clock and realized I was about to be late. I hurriedly put on my clothes and through some make up in my bag so I could put it on at school. I had to skip breakfast and go straight to the bus stop.
Luckily I had come before the bus closed the doors. I got on the bus and sat in the way back so I didn’t have to talk to no one.
Before I knew it we had arrived at Suppleton High. As soon as I got off the bus I headed to the closet bathroom and put on my makeup. When I came out I almost bumped into this cheerleader. She made a face at me and said, “Excuse you,”
I ignored her comment and headed towards my locker. I started putting my book bag into my locker when I had a feeling that someone was standing behind me. I turned around, and to my surprise, it was Aiden. “Hello madam,” he said with a British accent, “tip of the morning,”
I looked at him seriously and asked, “Is that supposed to make me laugh?”
He frowned, pointed a finger at me and said, “You ma’am have no sense of humor,”
“I would but seeing as I’m still tired, I find it very lame,” I said. I shut my locker and tried to walk away from him, but he had caught up with me.
“Seems like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed,” he said with a goofy smile.
“Not only did I wake up on the wrong side, I also had aching feet because of you,” I said
He tossed his head back and laughed, “No one forced you to come with me,”
At that moment the bell rang for first block. I was headed for chemistry when I realized I had forgotten my only pencil in my locker. I hurried off back to my locker to get it.
When I had opened my locker something had slipped out. When I picked it up, I had realized it was a note. The note said for me to go meet them at the gym after school. I put the note in my pocket and grabbed my pencil, then went back to class.
The rest of the day I couldn’t get the note out of my head. I kept on taking it out of my pocket to look at it, to see if I could recognize the penmanship, but I knew I couldn’t.
When the last period ended I was the first one out the class. I just had to know who put the note in my locker. I was headed towards the gym when I was stopped my friend, Jessie. “Hey,” she said, “Why are you in such a rush?”
“Just can’t wait to get out of school, you know,” I lied.
“Yeah, after that boring lecture in music class about taking care of your instruments I just wanna lay down and go to sleep,” she said over exaggerated.
“Well you better hurry on home to catch some z’s,” I said while slowly backing away. And before she could say anything else I ran into the gym.
When I got in there I had looked around. I didn’t see anybody around so I called out a hello. No one had responded, so I started to head out the door.
“Hey!” someone shouted, “Where you goin’?”
I turned around to see the face of Aiden. I let out a sigh and asked, “What do you want Aiden?”
He shrugged his shoulders and said, “Just wanted to hang out,”
“Well I got better things to do so see ya,” I said. I turned to walk out the door and head home.
I heard footsteps running after me, so I started running. I looked over my shoulder to see who I was running from and of course it was Aiden. I started to run even faster and I’m pretty sure that Aiden sped up faster than me. I ran out the school doors and ran behind a bush. Then Aiden came out of the building and looked around trying to find me. I started to walk slowly out of the bush trying not to make any noise, but I had stepped on a pile of leaves that made a loud crunching noise. Before Aiden could realize it was me I made a run for it, but I tripped on a rock or something. Soon enough Aiden had come running to my side. “You ok?” he had asked.
“Yeah,” I said while slowly getting up.
While he started to help me up he asked, “Why’d you run away from me? It’s not like I’m gonna hurt you,”
“I know you’re not gonna hurt me, I just don’t wanna talk to you,” I said in response as I fixed myself up.
“What did I do?” he asked.
I shook my head and said, “Nothing,” I turned away to start heading home again and Aiden followed. This time I didn’t worry about him walking beside me, it was nice to have him as company. “Why won’t you talk to me?” he asked. I sighed but I didn’t answer his question, instead I just kept walking. “Angelia?” he asked. I still didn’t respond. “Angelia!” he grabbed my arm and turned me to face him. “What?” I asked a little annoyed.
He frowned and asked, “Why won’t you talk to me?”
I shrugged my shoulders looked at the ground and said, “I don’t know..,”
He let go of my arm and cupped my chin in his hand. I just closed my eyes so I wouldn’t have to look at him. “Open your eyes,” he whispered to me. I shook my head no. “Please,” he said. I slowly opened my eyes and saw two gorgeous blue eyes. I noticed that Aiden had gotten a little closer to me so I backed up. He dropped his hand from my chin and looked down. “I have to get home before my mom gets mad. I’…I’ll see you tomorrow,” I said. I started to walk away and when I turned to see if he was still there, he was walking in the opposite direction. I turned the corner and headed up the walk to my house.
When I got home I went to my room and plopped down onto my bed. All I could think about was how blue his eyes were and how close he was to me. I wanted to kiss him so badly or for him to just lean in closer to me. I would love for his lips to touch mine…
I need to stop thinking about this. He probably has a girlfriend anyway, he doesn’t have time for me. I got up and walked over to my full length mirror. I turned from side to side to get a full look at myself. I was pretty average looking, my hair reached down to the middle of my back and the color was shiny black. I didn’t have a tan but that didn’t matter to me. I never really liked to get out much and I didn’t like showing much of my skin. I usually wore hoodies or long sleeve shirts. I only wore shorts in the summer but I didn’t really like wearing them it was just too hot for pants.
I was a bit skinny but not like head cheerleader skinny. She probably uses laxatives to make her skinny; she’d probably be fat without them. I wish I was skinny but not that skinny. I like the way I look and I’m fine with the way I am. But I could use a mani/pedi. Maybe this weekend I’ll go to the nail salon with Jessie.
I sat at my desk and started to do my homework. After a while it had felt quiet so I got my i-pod and continued with my homework. I was listening to my favorite song (at the time being) New Perspective by Panic! At The Disco. Then I heard a little know at my window. I took out my headphones and walked over to it. I opened it up and looked around but I didn’t see anything so I closed the window and went to write the last sentence of my essay.
After I put my work back in my bag I went downstairs to go make me something to eat. My mom wouldn’t be home until ten and my dad has to work late, so I knew I would have to fix my own dinner.
I looked around the kitchen cabinets and I decided to make some spaghetti. Jessie calls it skittzy and I don’t know why. It’s kind of strange but it’s a funny word to say. After I finished making my ‘skittzy’ I made a small salad and sat at the table and ate.
I went to take my shower then slowly drifted off to sleep.

Later that night I woke up sweating and I didn’t know why. I went downstairs to go see if it was the thermostat and it was turned up all the way. No wonder I was sweating someone turned the heat up. I turned the thermostat down a little bit then went back upstairs to get back to sleeping. As I was walking upstairs I kept wondering why and who would turn the thermostat up so high. Never mind that I just want to go back to sleep with no worries.
When I walked into my room the lights were turned out and there was someone at my desk. I was freaking out a little bit so I ran back down stairs. The person who was in my room probably noticed me and came chasing after me. They were so close to me so I took a chance and jumped the last 5 stairs. Luckily I had landed on my feet so I could keep running. I ran into the kitchen and hid in the kitchen pantry. The person was far behind me so they didn’t know where I had gone. I looked through the lines of the door and saw that it was a guy and he was looking in the living room. I took a deep breath and ran out of the pantry. But the guy was close and grabbed me back towards him. I was about to scream but the guy covered my mouth. “Don’t worry it’s just me, Aiden,” he said.
I was in such shock that I didn’t want to move. He slowly removed his hand and backed away from me. I turned around and punched him right in his nose. “What the hell are you doing in my house? How did you even get in?” I asked.
He was swearing under his breath while I was waiting for an answer. “Why’d you punch me?” he asked holding his nose.
“Answer my questions first,” I said.
“Your window was open,” he said.
I thought back to when I had opened my window and realized that I hadn’t put the latch back on it. “I think my nose is bleeding. Can I get a napkin or something?” he asked. I walked in the kitchen and got some paper towels and gave it to him. He held it up to his nose and tilted his head back. “And you decided to climb through my window because?” I asked.
“I don’t know. I was bored so I just climbed in,” he said.
I still had on question left so I asked, “How did you even know that it was unlocked?”
“Cause… well it was a lucky guess. I was gonna knock on your window but since it was unlocked I invited myself in,” he said in response.
“You need to leave… like right now,” I said pushing him towards the door.
He turned around and asked, “Why?”
I looked up the stairs and said, “My parents might wake up from all the noise and come down here. Then I would get in trouble and I don’t wanna get grounded at the moment,”
I unlocked the door and pushed him outside. “I’ll see you at school. Good night,” I said then I closed the door.
I locked the door went upstairs and locked my window. I lied down on my bed hoping to just go to sleep but I just couldn’t. All I could think about was Aiden and how he just came into my house. He was probably hoping to just hang out. Why does he even want to hang out with me, the only person I hang out with is Jessie.
I think the best thing to do right now is to go to sleep. I shall do that.

After the past few days it’s kind of been the same. Tuesday- Go to school, go home, do homework, make dinner sleep. Wednesday- Same boring thing as Tuesday. Thursday- Just as boring as Tuesday and Wednesday. But when Friday came it was different.
I hadn’t talked to Aiden since he snuck in my house. He tried talking to me on Tuesday but I just ignored him and I guess he took a hint because he didn’t try talking to me after that. I was happy for that. He had kind of felt like a stalker, a very hot stalker. I didn’t just think that. Stalkers aren’t hot, they’re dangerous and deadly.
When school got out I went over to Jessie’s house. We decided that it would be easier to have a sleepover so we won’t have to wait for each other to get to the salon. I begged for her to sleep over at my house but she preferred her house instead.
I don’t like sleeping over at her house; her brother gives me the creeps. He’s always trying to hit on me. He would ask me if I had a boyfriend yet and I would say yes to see if he would back off, but he’d try even harder. I told Jessie this but all she said was that he’s just messing around, but I didn’t believe her. She also told me that he wasn’t going to be there tonight so I wouldn’t even have anything to worry about.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.05.2011

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