

Luke and Ingrid agreed to fight for there love.They would march right up to Ingrid's parents and demand for them to be able to see each other.Except it didn't go quite to plan.Once again Ingrid's parents did not agree.

The next day Ingrid had to go to school.She spent the whole day with Ella.In class all she could think of was Luke.
The week went by quite slowly to Ingrid and Luke.


There was only one thing for it they would have to run away.This was hard for Ingrid because it would mean leaving behind Ella and the forest.Yet it was easier for Luke because Luke had never liked his friends and had hardly ever gone to the forest that much.

Ingrid agreed it was the only thing to do if they wanted to be together.She knew it was hard but it had to be done.

She would always keep her phone with her so she could keep in contact with Ella.Luke and Ingrid where due to leave the next morning.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 09.10.2011

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