

I gasp for breath as i look around the room. My vision was blurred a bit. I could only make out shapes in the room.  i couldnt move my hand, they were tied up. No. they were handcuffed. i felt the cool metal hit agaisnt my hands. i blew starnd of hair from my face with my mouth.
"Sara? you here" I whispered. It smelled horid in here. where were we? how did we even get here.? I hear a low moan."Sara?" nugded my head up a bit. I could see someone in the other corner, laying on their side. It was sar, i could tell by her brown hair, sitting there losly my her cheeks. There was a little bit light in here now. i piped up on my side and rose to feet. staggering, i walked over to her lifeless body and she opened her eyes a bit at me. 
"" she croaked.
"Shh," i tell her, spinning on my stomach so i could face her."im gonna get us out, okay?"
she nodded her head weakly. "o..kay..hurry..before" 
I couldnt help but to cry a bit. Him. Thats what we'll call him for now. Him. I scanned her fragile body. cuts and bruises formed, and a deep gash in her leg was spilling out, and a pile of dried blood was on the floor. i winced. He stabbed her? why dont i rememebr anything. For chirst fucking sakes, remember, Lana.
"Shit" i whispered, cursing quietly. I moved closer to her, moving my chin down the lenght off her body, waiting to feel the cold metal. but instead, i was gretter with the roughness of something. A rope. he tied her with rope. perfect. I sigh before putting my teeth against it, un tieing the knot. he sucked at tieing this, cause i pulled one string and her arms dropped o her side, as she let out a sigh of relief.
", Lana"
i sat up on my knees."Are you abe to get up. Look around for a key?"
She pulled herself up with her arms. "i cant..try" she huffed.
I rememeber that i could walk, so i got up and let her lean on my shoulder. her breathing started to come back again regulary and she searched around. "Lana..theres..theres nothing here." she started chockin up. I was still crying as she wrapped her arms around me and we both just sat in the corner, crying. 
"we'll get out. I promise"

On the radio


I love the feel of my hair flowing wildly from the air. We sped down the main street in my Red porsce. I laugh as we turn the music on louder and look at all the passing calls honk their horns at us. We didnt care. It was the end of Junior year, and summer was now beginning. We were free. For another three months at least. I pull the top up as we stop at a red light.

"Sorry, Sara. Dad says its not Good to keep it down all the time" she frows, turning off the radio. I pat down my long auburn hair. It was in its narmal waves and i had a purple head band on over my forhead. I Guess i decided to go with a hippie look today.
"hey. turn it back on" I giggle turning the music back on and singing along to the lyrics of a song. She reached over and turned it down. I smiled and then frowned. You think David like me?"
"David? Davd banes? Hmm..I dunno. He gawks at your chest a lot during soccer Pratice. Remember that"
"Yeah" I laugh. "That was before i got a bit chubby" i poked at my not so flat belly.
"Oh pease. I'd kill for your body. you kind have tht Sofia vergara look going on."
She was right. Sara was a petite girl. She had a slender body, and she probably didnt weigh over 100 pounds. she had the prettied green of eyes, and dark brown hair that flowed straight down her back. Like one of those model girls you see in the ads. she was pretty. That wasnt no lie. I smile again and go through the radio stations.
"Kim kardashing And her baby.." I forwned And kept going. "the wheather here in sunny coloardo is 90 degress..." I sighed and just stelled on a random station. 
"Today three girls were abducted from the park. three teenage girls, who have been said to be 'heavily sedated by something" and was seen being dragged away by a tall man in his mid 40s"
"Aww" I say. "Dirty Old pervs. why teenage girls. why anyone" I complain as a black van pulled up in the next lane as us. Sara sighed as i looked over. they rolled down they're windown. a guy with shaggy brown hair smiled creepily at me. I turned back to Sara. "Can we go back home? Im getting a headach"
She looked at my. "Uh, sure." She was dissapointed. She wanted to go to the mall tou buy a few outfit for her date with Henry in a couple of days.
"i mean..Um.."I looked at a discount store. "we can go in there and see if hey have some stuff" i siggested. He face lit up a bit. "Sure"
we walk back into the store, ignoring the girl behind the counter talking loudly opn the phone. sara scoffed. "Rude people these days. I dont undertsand how they do it."
I fake a smile and look through the racks of clothes. Eyeing the girl at the counter who laughed loudly. I rolled my eyes.
"I wonder if those three girls are okay" Sara says Looking sad a bit. I shurugged. They just got taken today, i doubted they were okay. A little harsh but it was the truth. I sighed.
"maybe. but we should get going soon. you know how Robbie Gets. He'll throw a fit."
"Yeah. Well..Just a bit longer. I found a shirt" 
i look up as shes holding a pink Tank top with the words juicy spawled across it. "Um..Sara?"
"Yeah" She put it up to her small sized chest. the shirt was obvioulsy streched out.
"No...its a bit chiche and tacky. How about this?" I hold up a auqa t-shirt with the waist line cut and ties into little knots. She smiled bit as she tok it from me. 
"Perfect. Its not to classy but also not trashy. it definatly show some skin, but then, it'll say 'i have a wild me'"
I nod my head up and down slowly giving off a weird look atr her. "Sure..sara..Whatever you say"
She laughs. "Im totes kidding. I think i have smoe pants that might go along with this. or maybe you do. you have jeggings right?"
 "yeah." I sigh and cross my arms over my chest.
"Great. I have an outfit then"
she smiles at me and ges over to the counter and lays down the shirt carfully.
"Ugh hold On Bryce, customers" She sings lightly and rolls her eyes. Setting the phone, she grabs the shirt and inspects it lightly before ripping the tag off. "is this all for you today?"
"Well, lets see, i also have a pair of heels, and 50 more shirts" sara says sarcasticailly. I nudged her in the arms.
The girl at the counter rolled her eyes and scanned the shirt. have a nice day" She said with a fake smile.
"Thanks" I mutter as we both shuffle out of the small thrift shop. Finally, we can go home in peace.
"God she was a total bitch. she obvi saw that there was nothing else i had. who asks those kind of questions?"
"Its her job Sara, what else was she supposed to say?" 
She gets in the passenger seat and has the bag laid gently on top of her bare legs. "i dunno"
I climb in and put my seatbelt on and put the key in. "Dont worry, when we get to my house you can model the shirt and whatnot, okay?
"yeah. sounds great" she mutters under her breath. she wasnt happy, that was for sure. i look out the window and notice the sun is already setting. we've been gone all day, and all we found was a used cut up shirt. and for what? one simple dte. totaly wastless. I could of been on my laptop in my cool room wearing my baggy swaeter and eating chips while blogging on Tumblr or something. But no, that wasnt the case, now was it? But i should be happy that i drove her all the way out here. she has helped me so much in the past that, i can never forget. Like the time we went skinny dipping in our community pool and we got cought. and Sara lied and said that we were chasing some boys who took our clothes. It was probably the funnest day we have ever had. I miss those days. Shes changing a lot. ever since she got accepted into cheer camp, and i have literally did nothing all summer but work at pizza hut and be in my room on countless nights alone.
"Huh..What?" I snap away from my day dream and look at her puzzled face.
"You gonna start the car or what?" 
"Oh" I turn the key slightly" Yeah"
The engine Sputtered.
What? no..this cant be happening..i just got this car.
" everything okay?" Sara asks, with a little panic in her voice.
" me try again" I turn the key and nothing. it just sputters. "What in the fuck, man"
"Let me check" Sara offers. I looked at her weirdly.
"What? you know nothing about cars. how are you gonna 'check it'?"
"Diana Checks the car all the time. she taught me a few things, ya know" She smiles. "Just let me try"
I take my hands off the streeing wheel and get out of the car. She follows me and we may our way to the hood of the car. She pops the top open and pry it up with that stick thingy. black smoke rises and hits us in our face. I cough as she just waves it off. Great. now i look like the little bitch here.
"Hmm.." The enigine seems fine..I see nothing wrong with it." She looked around.
 I backed up a bit and pulled my phone from my back pocket. "ill call robbie real quick, maybe he can-"
A hand reached under my neck and put a hand whte thing over my face. I heard a scream. Sara.
Everything went black.

24 Hours


Me and my Sister, Lana, have always been close. every since that dog attacked her and bit her in the leg. It left a scar in her leg, but it has faded. but I was by her side in the hospital, playing uno cards wth her. We never fought, unless it was over little toys and coloring books but we always nice to eachother. we had that brother sister relationship that everyone wanted. the big brother protecting the younger sister from danger. But, i ahvent been doing such a great job with that, considering im engaged to her best friends older sister Diana. Her and Sara Have gotton in some trouble over the last couple of years. But nothing major, just..Minor. I wont go into full detail, but, lets just say, being pretty can get you a long way in the courts.
I take my phone off my nightstand and check it. Nothing. No call. They were already thirty minutes late. Where the hell could they be. I looked outside, and noticed it was already dark. Maybe shes over Sara's. I call. 
i dialed Dianas Number and heard the ring. she answered on the second ring.
"hey babe. I didnt think you woud call tonight"
I smiled. "Of course i would. why wouldnt i call the woman im marrying for the rest of my life?"
She chuckled a bit. "I dont Know. but..You dont usually call this late. is something wrong?"
"Uh Yeah" I sighed deeply. "Are...the girls over there?"
"Sara and lana? Nope..havent seen them all morning. Sara hasnt texted me either. Thjey should of been home by now" She sounded a bit paniced now. 
"Oh..they're not here either."
"weird? they should be."
I Looked ay my hands, they were shaking a bit now. "Diana. Im gonna call you back Later, Okay? I gonna go look around for them, okay?"
"Yeah, babe, call me if you hear anything"
"Yeah. will do. I love you."
She sighed. "I love you too. Bye" she hung up the phone. I got up from my bed and grabbed my keys. Looks like im gonna go into town.

I open my eyes. and blink a bit. its cold. Really cold. where was I? I felt dizzy And put a hand to my head. I felt a wet spot. I bring my hand slowly down to my face. "Blood?" I whisper to my self. I looked around. the room wasnt dark, but it alo wasnt light. A little sliver of light came in through on of the windows. it reflected off the moons rays. I  crawled over to the beam and put my hand underneath it. It was bright red blood. I whimpered a bitt, biting my bottom lip."Oh my god" I suddenly realized that i didnt see Sara anywhere. "Sara?" I whispered a bit. I tried getting to my feet, but quicker landed back on my knees. I was still dizzy. it was best to crawl my way through. I clled out Saras name in whispers. 
"No use in doing that. he has her"
I turned my head to the voice. A girl with dirth blode hir had her head resting on another girls shoulder. They were all in their bras and underwear. i looked down. So was i.
"W..What? whos 'he'" I ask her In a hushed voice.
"I Dont know. he wont tell us his name, or Let us see his face. he wear a mask over it."
"Who are you" 
She looks at me with cold blue eyes. they were red and puffy. "Whats the point of telling you. we're all gonna die in here."
I cross my arms. "Have you no heart? Me and my bestfriend. who is probably dead. just got kidnapped. and i ask you, 'what is your name?' and you wanna be rude. think about the situation we are in."
She scoffed. "Its annabelle. Okay? My fucking name is annabelle. You happy?"
I could feel the tears rolling down my face. "Yeah. Very"
She Looked at the girl on her right. "this is Katy. and thats Melanie"
They were all sisters. I think. they were sleeping though. "Im sorry. Its just..Sara is really important to me. And.."
"I understand." She cried a bit more. "I really do."
we heard footsteps coming from upstaires. We looked back at eachother. She gesterued to lay back down. "Dont say a word and he wont do anything"
I listened and waited. We listened and waited.
His footsteps were big.they made the staires creak loudly as he came don. He grunted. he was carrying something  in his arms. I opened my eyes a bit. A body. Sara's Body! was she okay? i wanted to get up so badly. But i knew if i did I wuold be the first to time. So i stayed still and motionless. i watched and his bit boots were a couple feet away from me. I shut my eyes slowly again. but opened them when i heard her body thump to the ground. Her body. He threw her. Just like that.
"Bastard" I muttered.
"what" He looked down on my me as i sat up. He grabbed me by my arm and pushed me into the wall. "Now..say something else, Little bitch"
"Bas..tard" I say wping blood from my mouth. He came at me quickly, putting his arm agaisnt my neck. I tried to pry them away, gasping for air. Thats when i noticed the mask he wore. It was white. with holes for eyes and a painted on black smile. it was creepy but i didnt didnt care. I wanted him to let go of me. He looked at me in the eyes. I could feel the sir from my lungs escaping, i could take it anymore.
"I like them...Big. If you slip up again..You will be the first to die..and..i dont want to hurt anymore more of you all" He looked at annabellle and her sisters. he looked down down As whimpered a bit. I flung my legs a bit, trying to escape his grip, he just held on tighter.
"Ple..ase.."I gasped. I started feeling light headed again, trying to keep my eyes opened, he laughed through the mask and let me go. I fell to the floor sucking every ounce of air i could. The air in my lungs felt so good to have back. I started breathing harder though. but again. I didnt care. i just wanted sara. I wanted to know she was okay. I wanted to hug her and just cry into her shoulder and tell her everything that happened.
He walked away not missing a beat. i just scooted myself towards Sara's waist and lay my head there.
No one said another word for the rest of the night.

I drove accodinaly to my phone tracking device. I remeber i had it installed Lana's phone after her and Sara pulled that little 'running away' stunt last year. I made a sharp left into a little thrist shop that was still, surprienly opened. I looked back at my phone to make sure i was in the right place. Why were they here. they wouldnt be cought dead in here. now me and diana. we always shoped at thrist shops like this, but Sara and lana. No Way. they were always in the mall picking out different stuff, maxing out my credit card. But here? It wasnt like them to come here. I put the car in park and walked up the the front doors. The cashier girl was putting clothes away. she turned her head to me.
"Oh..sir..we're closed. Come back tomorrow?"
"Oh" I say flushed a bit. "Im not looking for anything. Just..two girls that came in here earlier. Hopefully?"
"Hmm..A lot of girls come in here. A lot of bitchy ones, i should say" She eyes me with her green eyes. 
"Well one was skinny and the other..probably a couple punds bigger.." It pained to say that about lana. She wasnt Fat, but she had some curves.
"Oh, the nice fat girl and her bitchy friend" She smiled big. "yeah i remember them. they bought a ripped up shirt or something. you know..her car is still here. The red one?" She pointed in the parking lot.
"Yeah its weird..i dunno if they fell aleep or not..i didnt go check."
i gave her a weid look. "you didnt think to go check on two teenage girls. you look like one yourself"
She smirks. "Ha. Funny. im 24. and no, i didnt go check on them, only for the fact was that because ive been working my ass off all freaking day long. Cut me some slack"
i look down. "well thanks, im gonna go check it out. You were so much help"
She walks up to me with crossed hands. "glad i could. Now bye bye now"
I wince and tun on my heels out the glass doors. I could feel her icy starte in to my back as i walked out in the dark parking lot. in all honesty it was pretty sketchy out here. i dont even know what was going through Lana's head when her and sara drove down here. whenever i find them, Im taking away her precious car keys. i shake that thought off and reach her car. No one was there. Not even inside. They still had the windows rolled down. I walked around to the front. I noticed they must of had trouble with the hood enigine, which is also weird cuse me and dad bought that car for her on her birthday. it was from a family dealership that weve known for years. They would never sell us a broken down car. Not a porse in this case. it was abnormal. and i Had a bad feeling. Where were they? did they go to a nearby place and have somethign to eat. did a friend come pick them up? No, that doesnt make sense either. why would they walk if they had a perfectly good working car to use. None of this makes sense. Just when i was about to give up, my foot hit something. it sounded like metal. I took my phone from my pocket and shined the light on the spot where i heard the thing scrape cross from. thats when I knew this wasnt a normal situation. thats when all my fears came true.
It was lana's Phone, smashed.


I could hear my name being called but i didnt wake up. I knew if i would, I would just see the place where I was at. and that scared me the most. I Just ignored the calling of my name.
"She wont wake up" It was Annabelles Voice. Why did they need me upm did they not realize the situation were all in.? or do they just think this is another way to torture Me?
I heard two strange voices and then Annabelle's. But the one voice that did get to me to sit up was Sara's.
"Wh..whats going on?" I say, groggy.
Everyone was sitting on a seperate bed. So was I. when did these get here?
"He came when we were sleeping" Annabelle says as if she read my mind. "He must of thought we were 'uncomfortable' or something"
"Yeah, whatever." A Girl with short blondish hair says. She looked at me. "Im Katy. Annabelle told us he took you guys to. We dont know what he wants with us. But...we might die"
"Katy" Annabelle Hisses at her much younger sister. She looks back at me. "Sorry. She doesnt know whats going on, even if she is thirteen. She dumb"
I could tell she was trying to make a joke, but i wasnt in the mood. Sara was sitting on her bed, sniffling a bit. I looked at her."Sara?"
She rubs her bare arms and then looks at me. "Yeah?"
"You Okay?"
She rolls her eyes. "Does it look like Im okay?"
I Look down and stay quiet.  The wrong kind of question to ask. Im so stupid for even thinking that was okay to ask. No, Lana we're not okay. we're stuck in some guys house, in his basement. And you think were okay? everything is just peachy keen. thank you very much. the other girls look around as if they should say something., but no one does. i guess thats how its gonna be for a while. that until some one finds us. I Lay back down, not facing any of them. i cant stand their sad looks. i just wanna cry loudly and beg for help or something. It wouldnt be no use of anything, but its still worth a try.  can picture it really good on how it at home. Robbie is probably having a freak out, like he always does. hes gonna call mom and dad from their vacation. they gonna put up missing flyers with our pictures up and stuff. but, ive seen those crime shows. whenever girls get kidnapped, they either die, get raped, or become slaves of some short. I guess Katy is right. We are gonna die, and no one is ever gonna suspect that this guy has us captured in his undergroudment. I just know it. I really dont wanna think about this anymore. its cold down here. and its really quiet. All you can here is the murmurs of Anna telling her sisters thats its gonna "be okay" and thats she gonna get them "out of here" its so not helping me. Sara wont even look at me. Did he do something to her. why was she the last to come in.? why was he evern carrying her.? Why is Sara pissed off at me. If it wasnt for her, we wouldnt even be here. If we had just left when we were suspposed to leave, we would of gotton home. why did we have t have our day like this. she is so "mad" at me. look at us, we're stripped down to almost naked, and were just sitting here. Theres a fucking creep coming in our room, putting us on beds. I know what he's trying to do. He's trying to maek us think that he;s gonna be nice t us. but once one of us slips up, thats when we go down. thats when everything stops becoming all fine. thats when he will start to get mean an violent. thats when he will bring out some sort of weapon and use it on us. he could probably drug us even. God, why Am i thinking like this. Ive only been in here for a couple hours and im already thinking crazy? what is going on with me.? 
"Im Sorry, lana"
I turn around and Sara is standng there with her arms over her chest. I look down at her legs. they're all bruised and cut up.
"what..What did he do to you?" I ask as she lays down next me. I turn to face her. 
"I dont know. i dont remember. I was knocked out the whole time"
I looked at her. We bth knew what he did to her, but neither one of us wanted to say it. just for the sake of the tears, which there is no point to cry for. insted i just pulled her closer to me and whispered in her ear.
"i will get up out of here, I promise you"
for the rest of the time we just held each other. Occasinaly, i would hear her cry, but not often. Just enough to make a couple tears run down my face. but i knew, I had to be strong for her. For noth of us. If we wanted to get out of this place, we need to be by eachothers side.



"Wakey Wakey, Ladies. Time to eat"
food? he was feeding us food? me and sara sat up agaist the walls on the floor, holding hands. we didnt want to get up and neither did annabelle and her two sisters. They remained quiet. Sara and i exchanged glances. this couldnt be good.
He walked past us and to Annabelle and crouched down next to her. she turned her head and bit her bottom lip, holding back as if she was gonna say something.
"what? you dont want no food, eh?" He moved the pan towards her face. She moved back and glared at him.
He chuckled lamely."you aint got no coice. you eat..or.." He pulls out something from his back pocket. Something small and black. A gun. he pointed at her head."Now..Wanna make the right choice, before i blow your fucking brains out?"
Annabelle looked at the gun and with a shaky breath sighed and nodded her head up and down.
I could feel sara's hand grip mines tighter. I winced a bit as I watched him spoon feed her. She chewed the food, gagging on it.
"is it good" He swooned at her, plopping some more in her mouth. I wanted to gag myself.
She nods again. "Mmm..good" she makes a disgusted face still, but he moves along down to the other two girls. they had the same expression as Annabelle did. But, this time, they choked. katy spit it out onto the ground and cried.
"you little bitch" He says through teeth. 
annabelle looked at him. "Dont call my sister that, you asshole." She spits in his face and tried to comfort Katy, but he grabs her arm. She cries out in pain as he lifts her up a bit, and starts dragging her.
"Nooo..stop. Let me go" her crying got louder. the tears rn down her face as she kicks her feet. I scoot in closer to Sara, as she burys her face nto my shoulder. i look at Katy and melanie who was crying loudly. we could hear Annabelle's screams from all the way from the top of the staires. This made them cry more. I mean, who wuldnt want to cry. they're hearing their sister, probably getting beaten to death right now. if that was anyone, I would sob. i bring my knnes to my chest and start to cry myself. Not because of what just happened, but because of them. knowing that they have to witness that, and they're so young. I would hate if That happened to Sara.
we all sat in silence as we kept hearing the noises coming from upstaies. the constant banging, the hitting, the thumping, the crying. screaming, yelling. I covered my ear with my hands and i felt Sara's grip on my arm tighten. Katy and melanie sat together holding eachother, sobbing loudy. No one knew what to do. we were in an enclosed space, and five small beds. what could we do? nothing. but sit and listen to the agonizing scream of annabellle. 
"I cant do this" Sara whispered to me. "why us? why them? Lana, Why"
I didnt say anything back. I didnt have the energy too. Just a couple hours ago i was with my best friend shopping for clothes. Laughing and giggling.Talking about her date with henry. Henry! He probably thinks he stood her up. I wiped my face and looked back to katy and her sister. they cried louder. Melanie looked at me, sobbing. her eyes were dead. They were just taken too. not too long ago. a couple days i would say. and already theve been exposed to this man. Lord only knows what the hell he did to them. I dont want to know either. I dont want to think about it. Soon after, we heard silence. annabelle wasnt screaming, we didnt he anything else. all you could ehar were the deep breaths of all of us. Sara clung on to me, weeping still. Katy and melanie stared into nothing. We waited for a sign of annabelle. but noting ever came. it was now a waiting game. A game none of us wanted to play.

Her phone on the ground. smashed to pieces. My breathing strted to shake as i picked up the phone. My heart stopped and i fell to the ground. "lana. what the hell happened?" i said to myself. Why were they hear? shit, Sara. i got back on my knees quickly and  proped myself on the passenger seat and looked around. I felt my hand on something cold. What the hell, i thought. I picked it up and stood up and shined my phone light on to the obejct. a dogtag necklace? sara nor lana has a dogtag necklace. there was a name engraved in it that said "Jimmy". I gripped it in my hand, and dialed dianas number in my phone. she answered on the first ring.
"Robbie. please tell me you found them...Please, baby. Srar wont answer her ohone, and neither will Lana." She sniffled. shes been crying. I died a bit. hearing her cry was the worst thing ever, hearing her voice tremble.
"can you come to the thrift store, please?" i asked her. She sighed.
"Robbie, whats going on? are the girls there? are they okay? Robbie, what the fuck is going on?" she kept asking question after question.
"Diana...the girls have been taken." I finally say. she went silent and started breathing hard. 
"oh..oh my god." she started crying again. sobbing more like. 
"Baby im coming to get you, wait for me. were gonna find them. i know that, be strong" i placed a hand over my mouth and hung up the phone. i needed to find them if its the last thing i do. i need to call the police after I get diana. i cant do this without her. we need tio find our sisters together. Oh god what would i tell my parents? no time, i need to get diana. that was my main focus,but so many things were going through my mind. were the the girls okay? who the fuck would take two teenaged girls. who in their sick mind would even do that?

I was stroking sara's hair while she slept. I could feel her hot breath on my left inner thigh as she
 slept. I looked at Melanie who was sitting on her own bed now, rocking back and forth. 
"Annabelle hasnt come back. he still has her. that fucking bastard. ill kill him" she said to me. Katy was asleep on the other bed next to her. Melanie looked at me and shook her head. "Hes a fucking sick man. you know that? hes a fucking sick and tortured man, and i want him dead." 
I looked down at sara's head. there were some spots matted with blood. I closed my eyes for a second, then looked back at Melanie. "How long has he had her?"
She turned back to me and shrugged "i dont know. i'd say a couple hours. two...three maybe. i havent heard a sound for a while. have you? i known you been awake" she eyed me.
I shook my head. "no i havent heard anything. its been dead silent".
she sighed and then started to cry again. "weve been down here for almost a week. i havent ate, i refused to eat the food hes been bringing us. im so hungry, and so cold. i dont even remember what i was wearing before i came here. everyday im hoping my pafrents are looking for us. and every day that has passed, it just feels like theve given up. they dont care. i wanna be home, in my bed, with my food, in my own privacy. im all exposed. what kind of sick fuck undresses girls down to underwear and bra? who does that, lana?" 
her words made me think of robbie. has he been looking for us? i wonder if he found the car. oh my car, i just left it there. we just left it there. just sitting there, doors wi2de open. nothing lerft. god we shouldnt have gone there. we should have just came back home and just found some stupid outfit there. instead we could of been with diana laughing about how dumb sara was on that stupid date. I statred to feel the tears roll down my face as i kept thinking about all these things. this was a fucked up situation. 
While everyone was asleep, i decided to look around our small room. its a wonder how he got all these beds in here without us waking us. did he drug us while we were asleep? i just wanted to know why this was happening. Still no sign of annabelle, i walked over to the stairs that weve all walked down before. i grabbed hold of the railing and stated to walk up the stairs quickly, trying not make to any creaking sounds. when i got to the top, the door felt cold as i placed a hand on it. i placed my ptheer hand on the handle and tried to turn it. nothing. wouldnt even turn, as if the door handle was glued on. 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.07.2013

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

I have no friends. ._. actually, I wanna thank Bob, for being there, and being your invisible self. And Glenn Coco. Hes not real, but, You go Glenn Coco.

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