
For you To Know

Now..Before I go on about what im going to tell you. you must know. everything im about to say is true, and I cant even begin to tell you how scared i am. Or was. But heres my story, Its may be a bit choppy at first, but give me props. I dont wanna wrtie this story as much as i wanna tell it again. Lets start in the beginning, thats where i met her. Rosalinda.

Her Eyes..

"Mom!" I called down from my room. I was bent over my window sill, looking at the moving trucks unload old couches and matresses. A new neighbor, i guess. Well obviously. We dont get That many people here in chicago. We do, but not the part i live in. Im in the oppisite end. the quiet, Nice place. I liked it. My mom liked it. my brother Loved it. He was only 4, but he liked the big space we had. It was very homey. I always felt good here.
"what, Lilah, Im trying to fix you're brother some lunch" she was annoyed as  she talked calmly.
"New neighbours" i say, pointing out the window. She sighed.
Im gonna miss, Mrs. Riley. That sweet old woman. Its a shame her son put her in a nursing home"
I shurgg. I hated Mrs. Wiley. She hated me. But she used to give me Money for helping her clean out that god-awful basement of hers. spiders were everywhere. i had to quit on her cause of that.
"Look. a Girl. She looks about your age, go and introduce yourself" my mom nudged my arm and i smirked.
no way, Look at her. she looks pissed as Fuck" And it was true. her long black hair hung loosly over her shoulder, and she stood there with her arms crossed over her small chest. She was wearing a long sleeved shirt and a black skirt with ballet flats. As far as I could see, she had no make up on. natural was a good look, i Guess. but remember, we live in a world where if you wernt a size 2, you were fat. There goes my modeling carrer.
My mom sighed and just walkedout my room. She knew she wasnt going to win this argument with me, but i felt bad. so I ran past her and down the stairs. She laughed silently and then continued to go to chirs and make him lunch.

I walk outside, into the blazing sun. being inside my small little room,seemed a lot better now. I looked down at what i was wearing: tights and a long shirt that went to my big thighs. My hair was in its normal messy bun, and tucked a few strand of hair into my bobby pins. It was decent, i mean, if you are gonna live next door to me, you will always see me in this kinda of attire. i like to call it: lazy.
as i walked along the sidewalk, the girl eyed me and i staopped when i saw them. her eyes. It threw me off, they were..beautiful. i was mesmerized by them. as cliche as that sounds, i was. she was more prettier up close. Am i gay? I like guys. woah, sorry, way off track. back to her eyes. they were a deep blue, and i was jealous of them. but in the moment we locked eyes on eachother, i felt a sudden sadness behind them. i judged her to quickly. i felt my feet move from under me and if she was controling them. it was weird, but i soon snapped back to reality and put a friednly smile on my face.
"Hey there, Im lilah, I noticed you were moving into this house" I looked at it. it was the same old boring house that ive been in tons of time before. it flt weird knowing i would be back over here for awhile at least.
"Thats correct" she said coldy at me "I didnt wanna move, but he made me"
i cocked my head to the side. He? Who was this he?
"My dad" she answered the question i didnt even ask. Maybe from the look on my face she knew.
"Oh..Im sorry. where did you live before?" I asked curiously.
"Sweden. my dad and I, we are of swedish decents, we were living with my gramndma, but..she passed"
Sweden? wow. Looks like a i made an international friend. "cool, thats really cool"
she was standing differntly now, her long pale arms behind her back, and she was rocking back and forth on her heels, showing no interest in me at all. Rude.
"So..what was you're name again. I uh, missed it" I lied to start a conversation. but she didnt miss a beat.
"Rosalinda. Named after My mom. Who..died as well"
I hated the way she just said it so coldly, as if she wanted thme to die, or if they died on purpose. oh great, Ive known this girl for what, 5 minutes, and i dont like her as much.
"Oh" i looked down and my barefoot feet. the shiny black nailpolish was starting to chip off."well, if you ever wanna talk or hang out, i live right next door, just knock whenever"
she smiled. "Ill be sure to do that. i will take that offer up greatly."
I returned a warm smile back, "well..Im gonna go, inside, um yeah. nice talking to you Rosalinda."
She nodded and went to crossing her arms and having a mean expression on her face. i awakwardly turned my back, and started heading into my own house. Funny hing was, she didnt sound like she had an accent, she sounded more american. maybe she was norn here. she did say of swedish decent, doesn mean she had the accent. but she lived there. hm. i wonder.
as i stepped in the house, Mom was holding chirs and ricking him back and forth in her arms. she smiled at me "how'd it go?" She asked.
I shurgged. "Okay. her name is Rosalinda."
"Hmm..Rosalinda..what a nice name. I should of named you that" she laughed a bit, making her brown hair shake with her. "im gonna go lay down with him, stay out here, and make sure no one comes in. last time that happed i almost died."
I smirked. "mom, casey told you she was coming over"
"at 12 in the morning? i think not. your sister needs to call before trying to break in through the window"
I laughed jumping over the couch and turning the tv on. "ill watch out for her, kay?"
She nodded and walked to her room, shutting the door quietly. being alone wasn't one of my favorite things in the world, but sometime it felt nice to just think about all your thoughs alone and process each and every one of them.
i flipped through the channels and sighed. nothing was ever on, and i really mean nothing. it was all crappy shows like disney. oh, i feel so bad for disne. that channel itself has just crashed and burn into the ground. i felt even worse for the actors who had to act all cherry and fake 24/7. i would kill myself if i ever had to meet some of the acotrs now. there are annoying and crazy as hell. I could do it, let alone be on a show where they make jokes about self harm and rape. yeah, they do, ive heard a few phrases from some of the hows. which ones were they. that, i couldnt tell you. i just know they have said some jokes that make me wanna throw my tv across the room. enough about my rant on disney. back to rosalinda, and why i thought she was weird. i mean, i dont like judging people, cause ive been judged all my life from other people and cant stand when someone is secrtly pointing out my flaws and telling me how much ive gained weight over the summer. yes, people, i know im a bit chubby, but blame food. i just love it to much, and cant get enough of it. I swear i ahve ADHD or some other shit like that, cuse i really cant stay on topic for more than five seconds i guess somethign my mind just runs wild and i cant do nothign but sit here and let that happen. thats one bad thinkg about me. I just say whatever come to my mind. im one of those people that "doesnt think before they speak" if i think of something, my mouth opens up and says it. i dont have control over it most times, and just blurt out most stuff. its a bad habit that i should really break.
I settle on a scary movie, and lay down with my head on the arm rest. Looks like i gonna be looking forward to being scared for the next two hours. Just how i like it.

I wake up to the sound of the Doorbell ringing. I moan a bit, and yawn. I must of dozed off during the movie. What was i even watching? i dont even know, im just really confuse. The doorbell rings again.
"im coming! hold on" I say annoyingly as it rings again for the third time. I graon loudly and get up, opening the door with a sudden force "What?"
I opened my eyes a bit more and see Rosalinda with a blank expressiong on her face, looking at me with those blue eyes of hers. "oh, sorry, I just woke up. Im a bit grumpy when i get woken up" I explain.
"Its okay. im the same way. I didnt realize you took naps at six in the evening" she sounded so inncoent and childish. it was kinda scary to listen to, but her voice was kinda..pretty. in a weird, strange way.
" was Watching a movie. I must of drifted off"
"Must of been a boring move. May i come in?"
"Uh..Sure..?" I moved out of the doorway and let her walk in. She looked around and took a deep breath in. "Its looks just like mines. But bigger. Slightly bigger."
I shrugged it off and walked back over to the couch, sitting in the spot that i dozed off in. Rosalinda decided to join me, sitting up staight and her knees together. i noticed she was very tiny. It made me feel fatter. I rolled my eyes at my own thoughs and sat up with her. "So" i started. "Why..why are you here, i dont mean to sound rude. i Ju-"
"I wanna be friends."
Friends? shes asking me to be friends with her?  My thought as i just staretd at her. She smiled just a tiny bit.I just wanted to know why she was asking me to be friends.  I mean, She could of just..i dont even know. what was wrong with this girl. She demanded to be friends with me, as if i dont have a choice. I stood up from the couch and leaned agaisnt the wall and pushed my hair back all dramtically. "Sure, why not. You're gonna need someone to look out for you, i might as well be that person."
"I feel like you're quaoting a movie, and i dont get it, nor do i find it funny"
Okay, Looks like this is gonna be a long summer for me.. "Sorry, I just..nevermind. how about we go to the mall tomorrow, and then to a movie or something" I offered.
she stood up and smile her angelic smile "Sure, just come over and get me. ill be ready. I gotta go, my dad might be getting worried. bye Lilah, ill see you tomrrow, i hope"
And with that, she leaves, leaving me in confusion and "what the fuck just happened here?" kinda look.
But, now i wanna sleep, because that really just made me even more tired. her just being here. it feels like she drained all the life out of me.

A Lot Of things can change overnight..

I wake up in the morning feeling happy And normal. I really forget about Rosalinda and everything strange things that went on yesterday. It was in the past, i should be impressed the she even wants to be my friend. I donthave that many friends, beside Kayla, who rarley talks to me anymore. but when she does, shes either too busy, or shes with her parents in some unknown place. there always traveling. So, i was in desperate need of a new best friend anyways. Rosalinda might just be the answer to it.
I got up, and yawned really big. you know those kind of yawm where you just feel super high and you're about to fall over?  yeah, that type of yawn. The best yawn feeling in the world. I smiled when i heard chris's voice yelling happily. I know a lot of teenagers dont like their younger siblings, but I did. chris was the best 4 year old i knew. he was always so happy. I was jealous of him, but hey, as long as he's the one keeping my mom on her toes. its all good. I guess i should give you some background information about me, since, i havent really talked about me. it would probably be really helpful.
Well, you already Know my name, Lilah. Im sixteen, about to be seventeen in decemeber, I have a boyfriend, who i see a lot. We see each other every othere day, and his name is Robbie. He's 18, and surprisenly, my mom loves him to death, i dont know why, but she does, so thats good. My dad, well, he lives in california with his new wife, claire. I dont like her, cause shes very superficial, and im pretty sure she has an eating disorder, cause the last time i saw her, she was like the corpse bride. But with nice blonde hair and and pretty face. Maybe i was jealous, comparing my chubby like body, and my long thick brown hair that feel down past my back. But thats all really about me.
I grabbed my phone of the nightstand, and walk out of my room, running down the stairs.
"Lahlah" Chris says as he sees me. his face lights up. even with his mouth filled with oatmeal, he's still so cute.
"Hey, buddy. whacha eatin?" I ask him. mom smiles and Looks up at me from behind the book shes reading. I make a gross look. "50 shades of gray?
She blushes."The ladies at work said it was a good book, I thought i would try it out, you know, to get a feel of it"
I nodded. "Yeah..Have fun reading you're porn."
chirs laughed as if he understood the joke i said. "Lahlah, can we go to the park today?"
I frowned. "Not today buddy, I hvae plans with Rosa, maybe i can call Rob, and he can take you for a bit"
He nodded happily, but moms face was different. She looked worried. "you're going out with her? So soon, isnt it?"
"Well.." I started heading towards the cabinet and took out a box of ceral. "You told Me to make friends, and i only did what you said."
"But..Okay. Where we're you two gonna go"
I shurugged." i dunno, the mall maybe, robbie can probably drop us off, and take chris to the park, while we wonder around aimlessly looking at the stuff we want, but cant have. you know, teenage girl stuff."
she looked back down at her book and ontinued reading. I soon forgot whati was doing, and left the box there on the counter. "Im dont even like ceral, what am i doing" i whisper to myself. chirs continues to laugh and dunks his spoon in his oatmeal. My phone rings and i look at the screen. "ooh..Look chirs, its Robbie." I smile big as he does to. It was amazing how much we looked alike.
"Hello" I sing a bit. Chris calms down and waits for me to ask.
"Good Morning, babe, I wanted to ask you something"
"Really? I did to. or well..Chris wants me to. but you go first" i wrapp my finger arouns my hair and wait for him to say something.
"Well..My mom wanted to know if you could work at the daycare for a couple of weeks. she would pay you. Ashley just quit. Again."
I sighed. Ashley, his sister, always quit there. she just didnt like kids, and quit every couple of weeks. so his mom would ask me to fill in every once and a while."Sure, i can do that."
"Okay, Good, now what does chris want from me now?" he says playfully.
"I dunno, ask him yourself" I hamd chris the phone and he takes it from me, holding it up to his ear.
"Robbie, can you take me tew the park. Pweasee"
I snicker to myself, and hears robbies voice asking to out me back on the phone. chris smiles even bigger now.
"hey," I coughed a bit.
"I told him sure. I'll take katie to, and they can play on the slide and do whatever four year olds do"
"i love katie. shes a sweetheart. But i was wondering if you could take me and Rosalinda to the mall?" I bit my bottom lip.
"Rosalinda? Whos that?"
"New neighbor. i told her we could hang out today. we can always walk if you don't want to"
"No, baby, thats fine. I just wanted to kow who she was. I'll be there around..10?"
i look at the clock "thats in half an hour"
"yeah, so, get your ass moving, or im just getting chris" He chuckles depp. I roll my eyes and scoff.
"whatever loser, im gonna go. i Love you"
"Love you to, see you in a bit"
I sigh again and run up back to my room to get ready.

"Is katie going" chirs asks me as im throwing a blue shirt over his head.
"Yeah, Katie's going. Your little girlfreind" I smile Slyly. He give me a little hit on my shoulder lightly.
"She is not my girlfriend. she has cooties. that's gross"
"Cooties arent real, chirssy, shes a girl. your a guy. make a move on her"
"like how robbie made a move on you. you guys always kiss eachother and lay down with eachother. he doesnt get sick? you dont either?"
I laughed. "No, chris, we dont get cooties from eachother." I pat his pudgy stomach and hear a knock on the door."Must Be robbie"
But to my shock, It was Rosalinda standing there was her hair in a high ponytail, and she wore a small jean skirt with a brightly colored tank top. She looked..different. yesterday i just saw her pouting, and wearing black. now shes in birghtly colored clothing. it really thre me off. why is this girl throwing me off all the time?"Oh..Its you, Rosalinda" She smiles brightly.
"Yeah, who did you think it was?" she walks in univited and looks at chris standing there. his smiles fades and he runs away. She frowns a bit.
"okay.." i whisper to myself. "sorry, he's..Shy?" i even question myself. Chris was never shy around new people.
"Its okay" she seem bothered by it a bit. "you know how kids are, distgusting little things, arent they"
I give her a weird look and shake my head slowly. "No..I dont actually"
she shurgged. "So..who else is coming?"
"My Boyfriend and his little sister, Katie" I shut the door, and run my hand up my arm sleeve. comapared to her, i was in my black skinny jeans and a loose fitting t-shirt. I ahted shirts that were too snig, to my already big chest. I hated when people started at my boobs, so i cover them up as best as i can.
"You..have a boyfriend?" She questioned me. she sounded like one of the snotty means girls being overly surprise that a guy might like me. yeah, i sit on my computer all day, managing my own blog and eat whenever im hungry. but at least someone like me.
"Robbie. His name is robbie, and yes, he is my boyfriend"
"Hmm" She seem disintrested again and i stood their awkwardly, rocking back and fourth on my heels. God, why does she make it so awkward to be around her? on top of that, shes also bitchy.
my phone vibrates in my pocket and i dig it out with my hand. I look at the caller. Robbie.
"Hey, where are you?" I ask.
"sorry, and im here, Katie was throwing a fit cause we couldnt find her favorite shirt"
I laughed."oh, well, let me get chris and we'll go out."
He says okay and hang up. I sigh. "chris! robbie's here. he has katie" I yell.
I hear little footsteps come in running. I smile as i see his brown head turn the corner and goes to open the door. "C'mon, guys, lets goooo"
I move past Rosalinda, and open the door for him. we walk out in the hot sun and see that robbie has gotton out of the car, and let Katie look at the flowers on the side of the house.
Rosalinda follows me and stares Robbie Down. But he didnt let it bother him. he walked over to me, and grabbed Me by the waist, giving me a kiss. Rosa cleared her throat.
"Oh, um, Robbie, This is Rosalinda. Rosalinda, this is..robbie" I smile warm.
"Nice to meet you" he held put his hand and she took it gladly. shaking it quickly then letting go a minute later.
"Katie" I call over to her. She smiles and waves to me. "come on, hun, we're Leaving"
she runs over to me, and grabs my hand. She has always been attachted to me since the first day i met her.
"Um, Rosa, do you mind sitting in the back, with the kids?" Robbie ask her nicely. I looked at her and saw her frown. "Why cant i sit in the front? Just because shes you're girlfreind doesnt mean she gets everything"
"Rosa?!" I say. "its okay, I'll sit in the back."
Robbie looks a bit annoyed, and i feel bad for that. I dont know what rosa's problem was, but she needs to fix it quickly.  She could have least said it nicely.
I go around the car, and into the back seat wth chris and katie who are now helping eachother buckle up.
I lean my head agaisnt the window and see that rosalinda Looks at robbie for a bit, the looks back out the window. I shurgg as robbie looks at me in the review mirror. He sighs as he starts the car and we leave.

When we get to the mall, katie and chris were already knocked out. It was the cutest thing ever, and i took a picture on my phone to show my mom when we got back home. I smiled And I got out the car, and walked up to Robbies Window. he grabbed my arm pulling me in to kiss him. Rosalinda got out, shutting the door loudly. Annoyed would descirbe how she did it. I pulled away and smiled. "make sure you feed them, change them, everything. Last time chris was at the park with you, he had sand in in underwear, and hair, and other places."He laughed. "yeah yeah, ill call you when im on my way back, babe. Im gonna stop at walmart and get them a few snacksand then head to the park. Right Kids?" He looked in the backseat and frowed. "Right...Um, be careful, Please"
i grabbed is hand."I will baby, Promise"
He nodded and waved for me to get back. Rosalinda came and stood by me. "Hes very cute"
"And he's very mine" I smile at her. "lets go"
We walk into the mall. It was very dead inside, r maybe becau it was early in themorning and no one was awake yet, or it was because they were closing the mall down in a couple of months. Which, i would like the first option a whole lot better. Its sounds less sad. But it is true, this mall has been doing worse and worse since the day it opened. the store, yeah there great, but the employees are assholes, and the customers are even more assholes then their employees. The last time, we went into bath and body works, the girl, who was like, 20, looked at me very mean and said if im just gonna try on every lotion, that i just had to get out. Rude. As always this mall was.
Rosalinda Looked around, walking slowly next to me. I noticed she curled the ends of her ponytail, they sprung up as she walked Slowly. I Moved my side bangs from my face and smiled. "Lets dye our hair. Ill pay for it"
"No. I shouldn't do that. My hair..Its my favorite thing about me." She protested. I shurgged.
" gonna dye mines, So, if you want you can look around, Or come with me"
She shurgged again. "why not. Ill just grab a couple magazines there."
I smiled, as we walked into one of the hair salons, and waited for someone to get me.

"Black would just make you look paler" Rosa says, looking at the bottles of hair dye. I shurgged. i kept looking at different shade. "blonde maybe?" I ask her.
"Hmm..Maybe. If  you want a more..Nicer look, do a lighter brown with blonde highlights." She ran her hand through my thick hair. It gave me the chills, she was so cold. "yeah. that would look really pretty. I bet you Robbie would love it"
when she says that i smile. she was right. he would Love it. I call out the the woman behind the desk and she comes over to me.
"know what you wanna do?" she smiles nicely and tugs at her apron.
"uh, yeah, Lighter brown, blonde highlights" I bite my bottom lip. She noddded in agreement and pulled my hand along with her. Rosalind followed me, and saw in a chair. pulling a magazine off of the table, and reading the cover. the woman sat me down in the big, blakc hair chair. And pulls a cover over me.
"did you want it cut to?" She asks looking at me in the mirror. I shake my head. "My mom would kill me. and i would cry, i love having long hair."She laughed. "i know what you mean, i cut all my off when i was a teenage, and since then it hasnt grown back. and im only twenty two. can you believe that?"
I shook my head. "i cant, theres always wigs"
she just laughed and she started brishing my hair, and getting to work on it.
for the next couple of hours, she talked to me, i found her name was lisa and she was apart time college student. She was telling me how her family didnt like that she was going into the hair buisness, they wanted her to be a doctor. Rosalinda even added that they did her dad the same way. he became a chef though, instead. It was actually fun, rosa wasnt being a complete dick of herself, and lisa seem to be entertained by our random jokes. I felt like i was having fun with the both of them. I love making friends. even if they are a couple years older than me.
"Lilah,  whats your dad like?" Rosa asked me, crossing her legs. I shurgged and look down.
"hes..there. I mean, he lives in california, with his wife, Claire."
"New wife? that must be rough" Rosa added as Lisa nodded.
"I guess, I miss him a lot. and he calls every once an while and talks to me and my mom. the sad thing is that..she has feelings for him, and seeing there littling kissing and hugging pictures on facebook, its just to much for her to handle. sometimes she goes into her room and just cries. I feel bad for her. and chris doesnt even know him, he left when he was born. he wanted nothing to do with chris. He didnt even want me. he just stayed because he was getting money from my mom"
"asshole" Rosa Murmured. I glanced at her and she gave me a wary smile. "Dont worry, when my mom died, my dad cried for weeks. i couldnt even get him to eat. he was slowly killing himself because of her"
I sighed and Lisa was finsihing my hair. It was now a pretty light brown with highlights. Rosa was right. Again. It did  look pretty and i felt like one of those girls who can put a funny looking picture up and still look pretty at the same time.
"How much?" I asked Lisa. She waved her hand off. "nothing. It was on the house. You two have been the best customers all day. the others have been ignorant twats"
i laughed a bit to loud, but rosa soon joined with me. her laughed sounded like bells ringing. It was pretty. Just like she was. We both hugged lisa and left, leaving her alone with all the other bitchy customers. We decided to get a couple soft pretzels and call robbie to come get us. Rosaliba was telling me how life in sweden was, being with her farther and all.
"..It was fun. My grandma dying..not so fun. we had to see all of her stuff to pay off medical bills for her. it was a shame. i loved her so much" She looked down at her half eaten pretzel. "I dont know. losing her, was like losing my mother all over again."
I rubbed her back and she started to cry a biut. I fet bad for her, and al this time i was starting to not like her. really, she just needs someone to talk to about this. i wanted to be hat person, and i was gonna be that person.
robbie finally called, while rosa was crying into my shoulders softly. He said he already dropped kaie and chris at my house for my mom to watch and wanted to take us out to get something to eat.
"uh, hold on" I put the phone agaist my chest "do you wanna go get something else to eat. ribbie offered" I asked her.
"No" She stood up. "I gotta go to my dad, and he's how he's doing.but thank you for the offer, i would just like to leave"
i  put the phone back to my ear. "nah, me and you can go back out later, im really tired. but you can stay over the night if you want. mom is working tonight"
"Sure. i can do that. ill be there in a couple of minutes"
As we waited outside, rosa kept tp herself. letting her hair down, the curls fell softly down her shoulders.
I leaned agaisnt the wall and twirled my newly fyed hair around my finger. It felt like he was never gonna get here, and we had to wait another4 hours for him. But that soonly changed when black suv parked u next to us. I jogged to the front seat and strapped myself in. Rosa didnt object to being in the back this time, she just crawled in, and kept to herself once again., not saying "hi" when robbie sayd "hey" to her. She was probably still sad over her grandma and mom. I understood how she feels.So, i didnt snap at her when she ignored some of our request for her to do. Robbie just talked about katie and chris, and how they played with each other as if it was the end of the world. I would smile occasionally, but look in the review mirror to see how Rosa was doing. She still have that emotionless expression on her face, and i soon began to worry.
"Hey..Rosa? you okay? I ask.
She nodded her head and sighed deeply. I looked at Robbie who just shrugged and kept driving. Man, i just wanted to get home and cuddle with him in bed. thats all i wanna do.

I flopped on my bed, and Robbie Sat in the chair at my desk. I moan loudy and he chuckled.
"hey blondie..enough of that."
"Shut up" I say through my bed comforter. Realizing that not to long ago, my hair was being dyed. I sat up and looked at him through my bangs and smiled. "come here" He gets up from the chair, and sis down next to me, bringing his face to my face. "Hey"
"Hi" I say, rubbing his cheek with my hand. "I missed you,"
"I missed you to." he started leaning in to kiss me softly on my lips. I smiled and pulled away. "Not tonight. Chris is still in his room awake. and remeber what happened last time"
He chuckled as he layed to me, putting his head on my shoulder.
Last time robbie was here, we were half naked, and chirs had woken up from his nap. I think he heard me giggling, and wanted to know why i was laughing so much, so he just walked in my room when ribbie was on top of me with his shirt off and me just in a bra. I say, traumatizing my little brother with that was probably the meanest thing i could ever do to him. till then, me and Robbie haven't had sex in a couple of weeks cause we're afraid to get caught by anyone. it sucks. A lot. for the both of us.
"So..Rosalinda..what was her problem" he asked me, running a hand through my hair. I shrug. "i dont know, she has a lot of problems. Just cut her some slack, okay babe?"
"Okay, now, can we sleep. Im pretty Tired, after chasing those two all day, i just wanna cuddle."
I smiled and we moved ourselves underneath my covers and held eachother for the reast of the night.

Look Alive, Sunshine

-3 weeks later-
"Mom, Chris is gonna be okay. he just has the flu" I reassure her, as we both sit at the sides of the bed next to him. Chrs came down with a fever yesterday, and we havent been able to control, just last night we came and brought him here to the hospital. Mom hasnt stopped crying since yesterday. I feel really bad for her, cause i cant do much for chris. he has never gotten this sick. and its actually really scary. hes a deep shade of red, and it looks abnormal.
"Lilah, its not just the Flu. Its something More, I can tell." She says holding his hand.
"then why haven't the doctors figurered it out yet, mom." I snapped at her on accident.  She scoffed.
"Dont act Like you dont know anything, okay. Go Home." She barked at me. I stoood there and grabbed my bag off of the chair. "fine. dont call me" I say walking out of his room and slamming the door. Nurses just looked at me as i passed by stomping my feet, and wiping away the tears from my cheeks. I pull my phone out from my jacket pocket and Dial Robbie's number.
"Lilah? baby, you okay?"
"No. can you pick me up please. im at the hospital" I say, sniffling.
"Yeah. which one?"
"Childrens hospital., you have to take the main highway" I informed him, clutching my bag in my left hand. The wind started blwoing really hard.
"Okay, ill be there in a bit" he hung up and i sighed. My was never like this when i get sick. she usually just pas it as the common flu of a stomach virus. nothign much of it really, and i didnt get why she was being so protective of chris. i'm starting to wonder, if him getting sick is a strange sign. A signt that i have yet to figure out. he was fine three days ago whn i was watching him. Wait..Rosa was with me. Could she have done something? I questioned my own thoughts and leaned agaisnt the stone wall. the wind blew just a bit, but not to much. It felt nice agaisnt my bare legs. I sigh to myself as i hear my phone ringing the familair song of Lana del reys "video games", and put it up to my ear. "Hello?"
"Hey..Lilah..Its Dad. Can We talk"
I stare blanky as the ground as I look at the number. I shook my head. " cant" I whisper as I press the end button and put it back in my jacket pocket. The phone rings again, this time, i let it ring through. I dont need this right Now. I just wanted to get home, and lay down. Cry a little bit while i was there.

"So..He called?" Robbie asked rubbing my back. I played with my fingers ans wiped my face. I started crying when he came to get me, and our whole car ride was him telling me it was okay, and my silent sobs to myself.
"Yeah. He asked if we could talk. How did he get my number? I dont ever remeber giving it to him, neverless, him actually using it to call me. Fucking claire is more important then me"
"Maybe her wanted to sya he was sorry for leaving. thats what my dad did an-"
"My dad is a fucking douchbag, Rob. he left when chris was born. he left right away. he made it clear that he wanted nothing to do with us. Okay? dont you see. the only reason hes calling is cause he either wants money, or he wants to bitch to my mom about claire. he want to have a little whine and a moan about the woman he went to,leaving mom with nothing. we had to start over, Robbie. And your gonna site here and say "maybe he wants to say sorry? Bull fucking Shit" I jerked away from him. "I bet you Rosa would understand"
He scoffed. "What did you say?"
"I said," I stood up. "I bet you rosa Would fucking understand"
He had a look of hurt on his face. "That girl is seriously fucking with your head, lilah. Shes a compulsive bitch, and you've known her what? three weeks? you're better than her. She doesnt understand. shes fucking evil"
"You dont know her. Dont stand their and judge her, Robbie" I hissed.
"You know what, lilah" He got up and walked to my door. "when your done being a physco Bitch. knock on my door, Kay?"
I looked down. his word stung me a little biit. as he slammed the door, I jumped. He had no idea what i was going through. As far as he knows, im going through a lot. Maybe he was right. I have notice that Rosalinda doesnt bring over her dad, in fact, Ive never seen her dad. I sat on the egde of my bed and pulled my hair back. Maybe, her dad was sick, and couldnt do much. She did say that he went into a bad depression, and always need rosa by his side. I dont blame him, rosa is a good person. she wouldnt harm anyone. and i knew she would always be there when i needed a friend to talk to. She did say to just walk over if i needed to. maybe i should do that.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.06.2013

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

I dedicate this to my cat, krispy creme. She motivates me. (this is obviously a joke part of the book. I will fill out all the real stuff when i get farther into the book. Mkay bye.)

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