
My Birth

“Isn’t she awake yet?” a small mew sounded just above my head.

“I’m afraid not.” came a deeper meow. “She’ll wake when she’s ready.”

I’ll be ready. I thought before letting myself be engulfed into a sleepy darkness.

Light shone through my closed eyelids. I blinked and struggled to my paws. “Yay!” my sister, Frostkit, mewed happily. “The sleeper awakes!”

“Don’t be rude.” My mother, Echoflower, scolded. I shook my pelt clean of stray bits of moss. “It’s okay. I am awake, anyway.” I mewed. “Hey Frostkit, want to go play?”

“Sure, Lightkit!” Frostkit mewed in reply, already bounding toward the bright entrance to the nursery. I stumbled over nests of moss after the gray kit, “Wait up!”

“Don’t go far!” Echoflower meowed from inside, “And stay away from the warriors’ den!”

The warriors’ den? I wondered, following Frostkit out into a wide clearing. Huge trees loomed and sliced into the clear blue sky, and the sun was so bright that it made me squint just to gaze at the wispy cirrus clouds.

Then suddenly I spotted a little hill, and perched on top was a den, like the nursery, but just outside it stood an orange-with-black-stripes tom, chin thrust forward with dignity and pride.

“Who’s that?” I whispered to Frostkit, indicating the tiger-cat with a flick of my tail.

“That’s Flamestar, our leader.”

Leader! I thought in awe, “Someday I’m going to be leader.” I mewed to Frostkit. My den mate let out a mrrow of laughter. “Ha, Lightkit. Fat chance; we aren’t even apprentices yet, if not warriors.” With that she padded away and turned to join the other two kits, Darkkit and Lightningkit.

Yeah, right. I thought angrily. I’ll show Frostkit. I’m gonna be leader someday.

The overwhelming atmosphere started to make me feel dizzy, that is, until I saw my father padding slowly in my direction. I quickly gave my ruffled chest fur a few licks and sat straight and tall, hoping to impress the pale brown tom.

When he only acknowledged me with barely a nod, I couldn’t resist the urge to attract more attention from him. “Shadeblaze?” I mewed softly, just so I could be heard by him. The MoonClan deputy spun around with a hard look in his amber eyes. But when he saw it was me, his gaze softened and he meowed curtly, “What is it, Lightkit?”

I looked uncomfortably to the ground, kneading the earth with my forepaws. “Oh, nothing, really.” I mewed slowly.

“Then please can you leave me to my duties unless something important happens?”

My face burned with embarrassment, “Yes, Shadeblaze.” I mumbled into my chest fur. My father swung around and padded swiftly away. With a sigh, I walked toward Frostkit, Darkkit, and Lightningkit. “Frostkit?” I mewed carefully, sticking my head into their tight little circle. “What?” she mewed excitedly, “Did you talk with Shadeblaze? You know, he’s the deputy. When Flamestar dies, our father is gonna be leader!”

I puffed out my chest in pride, “Yeah, and someday, I’ll take his place! And when that leader dies, I’ll be leader!”

My den mates stared at me in surprise. “Uh…Lightkit?” Darkkit mewed slowly, “I’m older then you, and so it Lightningkit. Chances are, I’ll be leader first.”

I shook my head stubbornly. “No way am I gonna let you. I can fight better then you, I bet.” Darkkit narrowed his eyes, nostrils flaring in anger. “You wanna bet?” he snarled, “Well, I’ll give you a bet!”

“No!” Frostkit’s cry came a heartbeat too late. Darkkit lunged, and all I could do is squeal and dart out of the way. The jet black tom shook himself and turned on me again, this time unsheathing his claws. I stood defiantly, my own thorn-sharp claws out and ready. With a loud yowl, he leapt. But just a heartbeat on time teeth bit into his scruff and held him back.

“Now, now, Darkkit.” His mother, Snowsong, scolded through clenched teeth. “Don’t be violent, there.” With that, the white-gray queen padded off with Darkkit wriggling in her grasp.

“Lightkit!” Frostkit mewed, worry edging her tone. Lightningkit had wandered off, not wanting to get involved with fights. “Are you alright?”

“Yeah.Lightewed, licking my ruffled pelt down. “I’m fine.” I was thankful since she really cared, but after all, we were kin.

“Well, be careful next time.”

“I was being careful!” I snapped. Then in a softer tone, “Darkkit is just…bad-tempered.”

“He was jealous.” Frostkit mewed with a giggle. I gave a mrrow of laughter and padded back to the nursery with Frostkit, wishing I could starting training soon.

First Gathering

I was almost a moon old when the first Gathering happened in my lifetime.

“Echoflower?” I mewed to my mother, “Where are Flamestar and those other cats going?”

“They are going to the Gathering,” the striped gray and white she-cat meowed, “it takes place every moon. It’s when both Clans—SunClan and MoonClan—meet at Twinstones, where they have a meeting. The warrior code commands that there be a temporary truce between the Clans at that time. No fighting may take place.”

“But those snake-hearts deserve it!” I snarled, bouncing around in the moss nest with tiny thorn-like claws unsheathed.

Echoflower laughed, “Whatever you say, Lightkit, but remember, when you yourself have to go to the Gathering, don’t pick up any fights. Punishments aren’t taken lightly when a cat breaks the warrior code.” I stopped jumping and nodded solemnly, “Yes, Echoflower.”

The group of cats that went to the Gathering returned shortly after they left. “Frostkit!” I mewed to the light-gray kit, “Come and see! The warriors are coming back!”

Frostkit bounded out of the nursery and plopped down beside me. “I wonder what happened!” she mewed with excitement.

Darkkit snuck up behind us. “Hey, mouse-brains.” He mewed casually, “Snowsong told me all about the Gathering. I’m guessing you don’t want to hear about it?”

My neck fur bristled, “Oh, hush, Darkkit. It’ll be long before you’ll get to experience a real Gathering yourself.” The black kit flattened his ears just as Lightningkit padded up next to him.

“Hi guys.” He mewed, “Want to play warriors?”

Frostkit turned to him, eyes lighting up. “Sure, Lightningkit!” she mewed happily.

I caught her eyes and shrugged. “I call leader!” I yowled before anyone claimed the spot.

“What?” Darkkit hissed, “want to be leader!”

“But you were it last time.” Frostkit mewed patiently. “Come on, Darkkit. It’ll be fun. You can be deputy.” Darkkit’s fur flattened a bit and he muttered, “I don’t want to be led by a mouse-brain.”

I ignored the insult and mewed, “Darkkit, send Frostkit and Lightningkit on patrol!”

The black kit mumbled something under his breath but did as he was told. Turning back to me, he mewed sarcastically, “So what next, Your Great Majesty?”

“It’s, Lightstar, mouse-brain.” I mewed back hotly. “Now you can just lie in your den and sleep all day.” Darkkit bristled, “Fine. I’ll just run away instead. I don’t wanna be led by a snake-heart!”

“Fine!” I spat, “Go ahead. It’s not like I wanted you on my Clan!” The black kit shot me an angry look and slunk away.

“What happened?” Frostkit mewed as she and Lightningkit returned.

“Darkkit quit.” I muttered, “That short-tempered mouse-brain.”

“It’s okay.” The light gray she-kit soothed. “We can always play next time. Lightningkit, thanks for coming. We’ll see you in the nursery!”

Frostkit led me back to our soft moss nest, where, snuggling next to Echoflower, my eyes drooped shut and I fell fast asleep.


Moons passed like days. Being a kit was quite boring, actually. No duties, just play, play, and play all day. But soon enough it was time to become an apprentice. Darkpaw and Lightningpaw already became apprentices, about half-a-moon earlier. Lightningpaw was mentored by Sunfang, an experienced warrior, while Darkpaw  was mentored by Thorntail, a young warrior. But now it is my, and Frostkit’s, day to become apprentices. Echoflower messed with us, licking our ruffled pelts infinite times.

“Seriously, Echoflower?” I complained as she ran her tongue over my chest for the millionth time.

“Yes, Lightkit.” She meowed, “You must look sharp as your sister does in front of Flamestar, as well as the whole Clan.” I quivered with excitement at her words. Glancing at Frostkit, I saw that, she too, was trembling with anticipation. Then finally, like a victorious declaration:

“Let all cats old enough to hunt their own prey join here beneath Highrock for a Clan meeting.”

I scrambled out of our nest and tripped over myself trying to get there before Frostkit. “Now, Lightkit.” Echoflower’s voice sounded just above my head, and I felt her teeth sink into my scruff and lift me off the ground. Frostkit was bounding along just beside her. My mother dropped me right by my den mate and we waited patiently as all the cats hurried out to hear their leader speak.

“I can’t believe it!” I whispered excitedly to Frostkit, “We’re actually going to become ‘paws!”

“I know, right?” she mewed back, eyes gleaming.

Soon all the cats of MoonClan were assembled, and Flamestar began his speech:

“We have two kits among us today, both six moons old, and old enough to be made apprentices.” He paused and swept the crowd with his emerald gaze, suddenly locking with mine. “Lightkit and Frostkit, come forth.”

The whole Clan was dead silent as we nervously stepped up to our leader, each paw step nearly echoing against the soft grass. Echoflower smiled with encouragement and lent me strength.

“These two young kits are both, as I said, six moons old, and old enough to be made proper apprentices, as the warrior code commands.” Flamestar’s gaze never left mine and it made me twitch with nervousness. “From this day forth, these two apprentices will be known as Lightpaw and Frostpaw, until they are given their full warrior names, and we hope that they will train hard and serve their Clan well.” The orange and black tom took a breath and met my gaze steadily again. “Thrushthorn, come forth.” The striped gray tom stepped beside Frostpaw. “You will mentor Frostpaw. MoonClan wishes that you share all your knowledge and skills to this young apprentice.” Thrushthorn lowered his muzzle to Frostpaw, and she gently touched noses with him. Then the two turned to join the crowd behind them.

I stood alone, facing our leader and that piercing gaze that made my shift uncomfortably. I ran through all the warriors in our Clan, picking out ones I’d like to have as my mentor.

“Shadeblaze, come forth.” Flamestar meowed. “Like Thrushthorn, we hope you will share your skills, wisdom, and knowledge to this young apprentice.” Mouse dung! I thought with disappointment. My father was one of the last warriors I’d want to have as my mentor. But the pale brown tom padded up with out protest, leaning down. I forced myself to touch noses with him. Then it was all over, and we backed up into the crowd. The MoonClan cats opened their jaws and picked up a hearty chant:

“Lightpaw! Frostpaw! Lightpaw! Frostpaw!”

When the noise slowly died down, Flamestar continued on and reported SunClan scents along the border and other SunClan news. I didn’t hear all that he said because I really wanted to share tongues with Frostpaw.

“Great StarClan!” she mewed once I’d reached her. “Our father and the deputy is gonna mentor you!”

“Yeah.” I mewed lamely. “Don’t mention it.”

“Why?” the gray she-cat mewed in confusion, “It must be awesome to be mentored by your own kin!”

“Yeah.” I mumbled, “Totally awesome.” With that I padded away, wishing that Flamestar had chosen someone else.ancing at Frostkit, I saw that, she too, e as my mentor?

Frostpaw caught up though, worry reflecting on her face. “What’s wrong?” she mewed, “Is it because he’s our kin that you don’t want him to mentor you?” I shook my head, “No, it’s just…” My voice trailed off, recalling the reactions he’d given me when I first met him.

“Just what?” Frostpaw mewed quietly.

“Well,” I mewed quickly, “I don’t think he likes me all that much.”

My den mate’s jaw dropped like a stone. “Of course he loves you!” she exclaimed, a bit too loud, “He’s our father! father! Great StarClan, what were you thinking?” The gray tabby padded off, letting her words sink in. I frowned with annoyance and went to find Shadeblaze. He was crouching at the warriors den, staring intently at an ant.

“Uh…Shadeblaze?” I mewed carefully, “Can we start training?” He looked up at me, eyes glinting. “Of course, Lightpaw.” He meowed, getting to his paws. “Come on.” He instructed, padding toward the sandy hollow. Excitement suddenly welled up inside me; I couldn’t wait! Bounding after my father, I thought, this is way better than being a kit!

Night quickly fell, but I was wide awake. All the new information bubbled inside me, and I felt especially proud because I had overheard Shadeblaze telling Flamestar that I was a natural born hunter. Walking back into camp, I had proudly carried two plump squirrels in my jaws. Shadeblaze had only caught a small vole.

Also, I had been on my first patrol, lead by Thrushthorn, with Shadeblaze, Frostpaw, me, and another warrior named Sedgetail. Sedgetail was getting old; he’d move to the elders’ den sooner or later. I scented SunClan just across our border, and yuck! Great StarClan, it was smelly! I’ll never forget that scent.

I was exhausted after all the tiring training. New scents, borders, hunting and fighting skills, all that. Stumbling towards the nursery, I was jerked awake by Frostpaw’s amused mew, “Lightpaw, we are apprentices! Not kits. C’mon, we sleep in the apprentice den now, remember?” I nodded wearily and swerved in the other direction, passing out before my head touched the soft moss.

New kits

Morning came before I knew it. “Lightpaw!” Frostpaw’s voice mewed urgently. “Come on! We’re going out for dawn patrol.” I jumped up, alert. “Who’s coming?” I mewed.

“The usual.” The gray she-cat answered, “Thrushthorn, Shadeblaze, but Sedgetail moved to the elders’rouching at the st us and our mentors.”

“Let’s go then!” I mewed excitedly, “Maybe this time we’ll run into a SunClan patrol!”

Frostpaw laughed, “I hope not.” She followed me out of the apprentice den, and I scanned the camp for the patrol. Suddenly a loud yowling broke out, causing my fur to bristle. Cats came rushing out, meowing in alarm. Then a voice rose above the others:

"Specklemist is kitting!”

I recognized the screeching yowl of our medicine cat, Sorrelsky, from the nursery. All heads turned to the noisy den, and some rushed forward to help. Another piercing caterwaul split the daylight, and I felt my neck fur rise in aggression. I stole a glance at Frostpaw beside me, and her expression read, what is going on? I flattened my ears to my head, trying to block out the painful screams. Finally the shrieking died down, and all that could be heard was the mewling of newborn kits. The bristling Clan relaxed and once again, went back to its duties.

“C’mon, Frostpaw!” I mewed, bounding off. She shook her head and followed, casting one last worried glance at the nursery.

“Hey, you two!” Shadeblaze’s voice meowed loudly behind us, “You’re going on dawn patrol with me and Thrushthorn! Wait up!” I rolled my eyes and Frostpaw giggled. We waited for the warriors to catch up and bounded off again, out of the rock-hidden entrance to the Clan.

“Hunt if you can.” Thrushthorn told us as we trotted into the wilderness. The River was coming up, and we’d have to swim. Personally, I liked water, cold or warm. Frostpaw disliked getting her paws wet, but it was crucial for a cat to learn the ways of the forest and the river. This is why we hardly starved. In leaf-bare, the river froze and it was hardest to hunt fish, though under the thick ice there were multitudes, swimming carelessly. In new-leaf, all prey was abundant, but it was the time of most wars between the two Clans.

Letting my jaws hang ajar, I suddenly scented mice. Plump and ripe. Immediately I dropped to a crouch and let myself glide silently over the forest floor. Tracking the prey more by scent then by sight, I pinpointed the place and leaped. With great satisfaction, I felt a warm, furry creature wriggling under my paws. I bit its neck and it grew limp.

“Great catch!” Frostpaw mewed. “I want to do that!”

Shadeblaze eyed my mouse with envy, “Yes, yes. Good job.” But I could tell he didn’t mean so. I shrugged auching at the warriors den, stafter she did. SunClan patrol.

Thrushthorn, sensing our suspicion, opened his mouth to taste the air. A scowl formed across that battle-scarred face. “They are on MoonClan territory!” he hissed, bristling, “Drive them out!”

Heart pounding in my ears, I crouched and sniffed the air. We were downwind. Good.

I felt movement behind me and spotted Frostpaw, out of the corner of my eye, crouched just behind me. Thrushthorn stationed himself just beside me, and Shadeblaze took the rear. The SunClan patrol neared, their foul smell nearly overwhelming my senses. Every muscle in my body tensed to leap. I unsheathed my claws and felt them itch. At last, these razor-sharp weapons could be used properly.

On Thrushthorn’s tail flick, we yowled and attacked.uching at the warriors den, stafter she did. SunClan patrol.  Thrushthorn, sensing our suspicion, opened his mouth to taste the airarriors on the enemy patrol. With a war cry, I leapt onto Frostpaw’s attacker’s back. He yowled with pain as I clung on, digging my claws into flesh. Suddenly he rolled and twisted, and I had to release before I got squashed into crow food. Thorn-sharp claws dug into my own back, and with a yell I spun around to face my attacker. Shockingly, this cat was an apprentice, about my size. His eyes were narrowed into slits and his neck fur bristled aggressively. I bared my teeth in anger and faked forward. Thankfully, the tom didn’t anticipate my move, and I got to aim a swipe at his flank, then his muzzle. He yowled and ran off, dripping blood. I tensed and scanned the gruesome clearing. No more SunClan cats, fortunately. Frostpaw limped up and mewed, “Thanks for helping me. You fought well.”

“And you.” I mewed in reply, letting my fur flatten. The gray she-cat dipped her head in thanks and shook her pelt, sprinkling blood. “Overall,” she mewed, excitement re-entering her voice, “That was awesome!” I grinned and laughed, agreeing totally. “Where are the others?” I mewed.

“Don’t know.” She turned and squinted, searching the brambles for the other two MoonClan warriors. “Yeah, seriously. Where are they?”

I padded around the battleground, sniffing every inch to see if they left any scent. Thrushthorn seemed to have sprinted straight back to the MoonClan camp. “Probably for reinforcements.” I mewed to Frostpaw, “but where could Shadeblaze be?”

Then finally, at the far end, I caught a whiff of our father’s rank smell. “What could he be doing there?” Frostpaw wondered aloud, “It seems like he was heading to SunClan territory.”

Just as we suspected, Thrushthorn had run back to camp for reinforcements, but we didn’t need any. Shadeblaze, no one knows. “Maybe he ran off, too scared to fight.” One of the warriors sneered. I felt Frostpaw’s fur bristle with anger, but steered her away before trouble broke out.

“Let’s go.” I mewed, gently leading her to the fresh-kill pile. I chose a squirrel and Frostpaw picked a magpie. We settled down close to the apprentice den and ate in silence, replaying our first battle over and over in our heads.

After a delicious meal, I groomed my fur and trotted toward the nursery. I wanted to see those newborn kits.

“Hi, Sorrelsky.” I mewed as I approached. “Good afternoon, Specklemist.”

Specklemist lifted her head and meowed weakly, “Hi, Lightpaw. Come and take a look.”

I padded into the nursery. It looked just as it had when I was a kit. Peering into a moss nest, I spotted three puny clumps of fur, one black she-kit, another white, and a dark brown tom tumbling around beside their mother’s warm stomach.

“What’d you name them?” I wanted to know.

“The black one is Pepperkit and the white one I named Mintkit, and the tom, named by Sparrowpath, Swiftkit.”

“They’re beautiful.” I murmured before padding out, wondering who would mentor these newcomers.


The Gathering at Twinstones would take place next moon high. I remember as a kit that Echoflower was informing about it. Both of the Clans would meet there every moon, and there was no fighting. Echoflower couldn’t come because she needed to tend to Frostpaw and me. But now we were old enough to qualify to go to a Gathering! I couldn’t wait for Flamestar to choose. I wondered if he’d choose me or Frostpaw, but I kind of doubted it because we were only apprentices for half-a-moon.

That evening I was crunching on a tasty finch, and was pretty surprised to find Flamestar himself approaching me.

“Hi, Lightpaw.” He meowed formally, then, jumping straight to the point:

“I would like you to join us for the Gathering next moon high.”

I was speechless. “B—but what about Frostpaw?” I stammered.

“She won’t accompany us, but you can tell her all about it when you get back.” With that, he turned and padded away without giving me a chance to answer.

“Echoflower!” I ran immediately to the warriors’ den. The striped white and gray she-cat lifted her head, meowing a welcome when I peered in. “I’m coming to the Gathering next moon high!” I mewed excitedly, then, dropping to a low mew, “but Flamestar said Frostpaw couldn’t come. I don’t know why.”

Echoflower smiled and meowed, “Congratulations! I won’t be coming this time, but just make sure you don’t pick any fights!” I gave her a quick nod and hurried away to tell Frostpaw.

It was night, and the stars shone brightly in the clear black sky. Moon high was approaching almost as quickly as I could catch a mouse. “Ready?” Flamestar meowed to the MoonClan cats gathered around him. We nodded in unison and set out behind our leader. Looking around as we raced through the forest, I spotted Shadeblaze, Thrushthorn, Snowsong, Thorntail, Lightningpaw, a black and white tom named Whitefang, and a sleek brown tabby called Whispergaze. We paced ourselves and soon broke into a clearing. Gazing up at two tall rocks fit for kings, I thought, Twinstones.

Flamestar leaped up one of the stones in a clear jump. SunClan hadn’t arrived yet.

I spread around and explored the clearing. SunClan scents lingered around the shrubs closest to their territory. Towering willow trees leaned in over Twinstones and provided a comfortable shade with thin ribbons of sunlight peeking in through the long branches.

Finally, the underbrush trembled, and out came seven sleek cats, all lead by a pretty tabby, whose grayish pelt shone violet in the sun. The MoonClan warriors separated and started chatting with the SunClan cats.

“Hi.” I spun around to find a light-brown-with-dark-stripes SunClan apprenticeering whender, and about my size and age. She had bright green eyes, almost identical Frostpaw’s and mine.

“Uh, hi.” I mewed, taking a step back. Then I saw out of the corner of my eye, Lightningpaw, who was chatting with another black and white SunClan apprentice.

“I’m Swallowpaw.” The apprentice mewed. “What’s your name?”

“I’m Lightpaw.” I mewed. “Who’s your leader?”

Swallowpaw turned to Twinstones and flicked her tail towards the tabby with the violet fur. “That’s Shimmerstar.”

I nodded thoughtfully. The name suits her. I thought. “That’s our leader.” I mewed, flicking my own tail to the tall tiger tom, who was sharing tongues with Shimmerstar. “Flamestar.”

Swallowpaw nodded and mewed, “He looks like a tiger.”

I shrugged, “Well, he sometimes acts like one.”

The SunClan apprentice let out a mrrow of laughter. “It suits him, then.” I smiled and fluffed up my fur as a cold breeze blew past. Then Shimmerstar’s meow rang clearly across the clearing:

“Cats of all Clans, let us begin the Gathering.”

Both from SunClan and MoonClan, all the cats froze and assembled themselves in comfortable positions, heads tilted up to gaze at the leaders.

Flamestar spoke first, “MoonClan patrols have scented SunClan on our territory. We just would like you to know that whwho would mentor these newcomers. The Gathering at Twinstones would take place next moon high. I remember as a kit that Ecwe know. But SunClan patrols also have scented MoonClan on our territory. We also have uncovered a secret that was completely against the warrior code.”

All the cats stirred and murmured. MoonClan cats flattened their ears and narrowed their eyes suspiciously.

“We have two illegal maters, ossing from SunClan.” I felt the other Clan’s cats bristle a bit, but thethe SunClan camp, not trespassing, but mating with a SunClan cat!”

Cats from both Clans hissed and bristled as Shimmerstar meowed those last words. “Who is this cat from SunCssing from SunClp to the leader. The gray she-cat turned to me, meowing softly, “It was my own deputy, Rainfeather.”

Swallowpaw’s mouth dropped open like a stone. “Rainfeather!” she yowled furiously, “How could you mate with a cat from another Clan? Now I’m half MoonClan!”

A beautiful silver she-cat stepped out of the crowd, tail drooped, “I’m sorry, Swallowpaw.” She meowed, pain and grief flooding her mew, “I—I couldn’t help it.”

Then I started getting angry. “Shadeblaze!” I snarled to the surprised MoonClan deputy. “Y—you mated twice! Once with Echoflower, and again with Rainfeather!” Shocked hisses rose furiously from the assembled cats.

But above all the chaos, I stared at Swallowpaw. “We are half kin.” She whispered. I nodded absently and wondered if it was good or bad. Frostpaw and I were real kin, though. I wondered how that would work out. Shaking my head, I mewed, “W—we can’t get too close. Someday we might meet in battle.”

Worry etched on Swallowpaw’s face. “I hope not.” She mewed softly.

“Stop!” Flamestar’s yowl cut off all the cats’ protests and insults. “This is a Gathering! We have a truce!”

“Yeah,” came the angry voice of Thrushthorn, “And it won’t last for long!” Unhappy caterwauls agreed with the brown tom. SunClan warriors spat and bristled at Thrushthorn’s reproach.

“Stop!” Shimmerstar yowled, her shriek piercing the air. All cats froze and spun around immediately at the she-cat’s authority. Then, in a softer tone, she meowed, “This Gathering is dismissed.” Tension built in the clearing as the two leaders leapt down from Twinstones and started leading their groups back to camp. I bid a half-hearted farewell to Swallowpaw and trotted off to join the MoonClan cats.

“That didn’t go all that well.” Lightningpaw mewed to me as we raced through the forest, “I hope neither Flamestar nor Shimmerstar will arrange attacks.” I swallowed, agreeing totally. Our first Gathering didn’t turn out well as we thought it would.

“Lightpaw! Lightpaw!” Frostpaw bounded out of the apprentice den, eyes shining, “How was it?”

I sighed and mewed, “Not that good. Shimmerstar, the SunClan leader, told everyone that Shadeblaze was mating with the SunClan deputy named Rainfeather. I met their kit named Swallowpaw. Apparently we are half sisters, both of us. Swallowpaw is half MoonClan, and apparently she just found that out at the Gathering. There was a lot of tension, and the Clans almost attacked. If you ask me, I’d say it wasn’t all that much fun.”

The light in Frostpaw’s eyes went out. “Oh.” She mewed, disappointed, “But it’s okay. It’ll be better next time, I promise.” I changed the subject as we padded back to the apprentice den and went on normally with our duties.

Finally a Warrior

So moons went by in this manner. Luckily, not many fights broke out; only small quarrels along the border. Just as I hoped, Flamestar didn’t choose to shed any blood over the incident, and I think Shimmerstar chose not to too. My senses grew sharp, and my skills on hunting and fighting improved rapidly. Frostpaw’s did too, though we were mostly trained my Thrushthorn, since Shadeblaze had to constantly clean the elder’s den for his punishment. He didn’t seem too upset about it, though.

Flamestar didn’t choose me or any of the other apprentices to accompany him to the Gathering anymore, but he did inform the whole Clan about the happenings there. It was just the usual. The MoonClan-SunClan mating incident was forgotten. Well, not totally forgotten.

Still, the day came when Frostpaw and I would be made warriors. As usual, Echoflower fussed over our looks, just as she did on our apprentice ceremonies. But today was the day of a lifetime, where we received our full warrior names that could last until we died. I ran through different possibilities of what Flamestar might choose for my name. Light-something, Light-I don’t know. My whole body was quivering with restrained excitement. I could hardly believe that only about eight moons ago Frostpaw and I were tiny helpless kits, and now we were strong and skilled to-be warriors!

“Stop it!” Frostpaw whined, wriggling under Echoflower’s tongue. “I don’t need any more cleaning! I look good enough!” I gave a soft mrrow of amusement, “Frostpaw, just keep still. It won’t be long, and you don’t wanna look messy in front of Flamestar!”

The gray she-cat mewed back hotly, “Well, I won’t! Seriously, Echoflower’s been fussing my neck fur for nearly a moon!”

“Hardly.” I mewed in return, giving my chest fur one last lick. “I’m gonna be ready when Flamestar calls us. Better early then late!” With that I turned and padded out into the chilly new-leaf air. The sun hid behind a cloud and leaf-bare was approaching. I fluffed up my fur to keep warm and trotted over to the apprentice den, where Darkpaw and Lightningpaw were grooming themselves for our day to become warriors. It’s funny, even though Darkpaw and Lightningpaw both at least half-a-moon older than me and Frostpaw, we were still being made warriors at the same time. I could tell Darkpaw didn’t exactly appreciate that fact.

“Hi, Lightpaw.” Lightningpaw mewed, “Ready for the big moment?”

“I think so.” I mewed in return, “How about you?”

My den mate opened his jaws in reply, but Darkpaw first cut him off and snarled scornfully, “Eww! Lightpaw and Lightningpaw are sharing tongues! You’re too young to mate! Get away from me, mouse-brains!”

My fur started to bristle, “What did you just call us?” I hissed, “Mouse-brains, huh? Well, I bet that Flamestar will give you Darkkit for your warrior name!” Immediately I wished that those insults hadn’t whooshed out of my mouth. Mouse dung! I thought in panic as Darkpaw’s fur spiked up and his ears flattened in anger. “Shut up!” he snarled

Lightningpaw’s eyes grew wide as Darkpaw unsheathed his claws, ready for a fight. “Stop!” he cried, planting himself between Darkpaw and myself. “Se—seriously, guys. We are almost warriors. Remember, good warriors do not kill unless for food!”

Darkpaw bared his teeth and turned on the smaller apprentice, but just as he was about to leap, Flamestar’s bold meow rang across the clearing:

“Let all cats old enough to hunt their own prey gather here beneath Highrock for a Clan meeting.”

I scrambled to my paws and followed the two other apprentices into the clearing. Frostpaw was already seated near Highrock, gazing with anticipation up the tall stone.

“Hi, Lightpaw.” She mewed when I settled beside her, “I thought you said that it was better to be early then late.” She gave me a playful tail flick. I groomed my ruffled fur and mewed, “Oh well. At least I wasn’t late, right?”

“I guess.” The gray she-cat suddenly seemed lost in thoughts.

Soon the cats of MoonClan gathered and tilted their heads up to look at their leader. Flamestar took a deep breath before speaking:

“We have four young apprentices among us who have trained long and hard to become warriors.” The tiger tom paused to search the crowd for us. His gaze stopped on mine, piercing as it had been on my day to become an apprentice.

“Lightpaw, Frostpaw, Darkpaw, and Lightningpaw, come forth.”

We rose in unison and padded up to Flamestar. The leader leaped down from Highrock in a single leap, approaching with authority. I drew myself up with anxiety.

“I call upon StarClan to look down on these apprentices.” He meowed, “They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I ask you to make them warriors in their turn.” The tiger tom paused.

He meowed, staring intently into my eyes, “Do you swear to uphold the warrior code and serve your Clan always?”

“I do.” I mewed boldly without hesitation, catching a twinkle of satisfaction in Flamestar’s emerald eyes.

“Then I proudly proclaim that from this day forth, you shall be known as Lightfoot, and we welcome you as a full-fledged warrior of MoonClan.”

My heart fluttered with joy as I padded, head held high, over to Flamestar and licked his shoulder. Then I turned to join the growing group of warriors. Several cats murmured their congratulations and others saved theirs for the end of the ceremony.

Next, Flamestar turned to Frostpaw, his hard eyes softening. “Frostpaw,” he meowed, “Do you swear to uphold the warrior code and serve your Clan always?”

“I do.” Her mew was soft yet firm.

“Then from this day forth, you shall be known as Frostfur. The Clan welcomes you as a full-fledged warrior of MoonClan.” Frostfur’s green eyes glowed with pride as she licked her leader’s shoulder and skipped her way over, plopping down beside me. “Congrats!” I whispered to her, “We’ll be the best warriors ever!” The light gray warrior seemed to float off the ground and soar to the heavens. When I thought she’d gone too far, I nudged her awake, “Frostfur! Wake up!”

Next, Flamestar padded up to Darkpaw. “Darkpaw,” he meowed, “Do you swear to uphold the warrior code and serve your Clan always?”

Darkpaw took a breath, “I d-do.” He mewed shakily.

Flamestar fixed him with a stony glare, and then meowed, “Then from this day forth, you shall be known as Darkcliff. The Clan welcomes you as a full-fledged warrior of MoonClan.” The black warrior licked his shoulder and padded over and joined the warrior crowd.

Flamestar turned to the remaining apprentice, “Lightningpaw,” he began, “Do you swear to uphold the warrior code and serve your Clan always?”

“I do.” The black and white striped cat mewed loudly.

“Then from this day forth, you shall be known as Lightningstrike. We welcome you as a full warrior of MoonClan.” Lightningstrike licked his leader’s shoulder and stepped back into the warrior crowd. Flamestar stepped back to admire his Clan proudly as the familiar cats surrounded us, chanting our new names:

“Lightfoot! Frostfur! Darkcliff! Lightningstrike!”

My Clan’s cheers lifted my heart. I felt like I’d just grown wings, soaring the heavens with Frostfur. It was the best day of my life.

First Apprentice

Half-a-moon later I had my first encounter with StarClan.

“Lightfoot.” A soft, comforting mew sounded in my ear. I opened my eyes.

“Where am I?” I mumbled sleepily, looking around. The warriors’ den had disappeared, and in place of it was a shimmering forest, mysterious and beautiful.

“You are in StarClan.” The she-cat meowed.

“A—am I dead?” I meowed in alarm.

“No, Lightfoot.” She mewed gently. “I am Willowsong. I have come to you in a dream.”

Suddenly the scene shifted. Willowsong morphed into a wispy ghost, eyes glowing white. My throat tightened in panic as glittering stars circled me, faster and faster. A flash of red light nearly blinded me.

“Willowsong!” I cried, “What’s happening?”

Her voice seemed to echo, and it seemed to shoot out from every direction:

“Lightfoot, a great destiny awaits you. Don’t give up when loved ones pass away. Keep your eyes ahead and things will work out right.”

Blurry images started swirling into a dizzying mixture. I forced myself to shut my eyes. Darkness engulfed me and I let myself be pulled out of the dream.

“Lightfoot!” Frostfur’s meow sounded just above my head. “Wake up! Were you having a dream? You kicked me, hard! Can't any cat get sleep around here?"

I blinked sleep out of my eyes, feeling dizzy from the twisty dream. “Yeah.” I mewed, getting shakily to my paws. “Wha—what happened?”

Frostfur looked accusingly at me, “You kicked me, hello.”

Sunfang groaned from the corner of the den. “Will you quit it?” he meowed crossly. “I haven’t gotten even thirty seconds of sleep!”

“Sorry.” I mewed shamefacedly, “But I had a dream from StarClan.” But the golden warrior was already sound asleep.

“A dream from StarClan?” Frostfur raised her eyebrows. “Tell me about it.” So I did.

“Well,” she mewed, “There is a bigger chance of getting to be the leader, but who knows? If it’s StarClan’s will, then let it be.” I stretched and opened my jaws in a yawn. “Can we go on hunting patrol?”

“Well, duh,” Frostfur meowed, “if we ask Shadeblaze.” I thought about the pale brown tom. “He’s getting old.” I joked, giving my sister a lick on the cheek.

“Yeah.” She agreed, “He’ll probably move to the elders’ den soon.”

“Will you shut your muzzles?” Sunfang hissed, rubbing his eyes, “Someone’s trying to sleep.”

“Sorry.” I mewed, dipping my head apologetically before padding out into the pale, chilly moon high air. Signaled by the flick of my tail, Frostfur followed me out.

“Leaf bare is coming.” She meowed absently. I nuzzled her shoulder in agreement. A heartbeat later, Flamestar’s voice rang across the camp: “Let all cats old enough to hunt their own prey gather here beneath Highrock for a Clan meeting.” I winked at Frostfur and we trotted to sit under the tall pedestal. Soon the cats stationed themselves, groggy with sleep. I spotted Specklemist with her hyper kits, Mintkit, Pepperkit, and Swiftkit, bounding along beside her. They are ready to become apprentices!

“We have three kits, each six moons old, old enough to be made apprentices.” Flamestar began. “Mintkit, Pepperkit, Swiftkit, come forth.” The kits scrambled to their paws and tumbled over each other, trying to get to Highrock before the other did. A few amused mrrows rose from the assembled cats.

The kits steadied themselves and gazed up at their leader, eyes bright. Flamestar leapt down from Highrock and approached them. “From this day forth, you shall be known as Mintpaw, Pepperpaw, and Swiftpaw, until you are given your full warrior names. We hope that you train hard and serve your Clan.” The new apprentices mewed with delight and sat as tall as they could.

“Frostfur, come forth.” Flamestar meowed. I urged my sister forward and she padded up. “Even though you are young, you will mentor Mintpaw. We all hope that you will share all your skills and knowledge with this young apprentice and help her become a fine warrior.” Frostfur’s eyes glowed with pride as she lowered her muzzle. Mintpaw gave her an energetic nose touch before bouncing off with Frostfur hot on her tail. I felt a pang of envy and pleasure for the light gray she-cat.

“Sparrowpath, come forth.” Flamestar meowed. Pepperpaw trembled with excitement as her own father padded up. “You will mentor Pepperpaw. We all hope that you will share all your skills and knowledge with this young apprentice and help her become a fine warrior.” The broad tan-with-brown-stripes warrior lowered his muzzle, and his own daughter stretched her neck and touched his nose with her. Then they both retreated back into the crowd. Flamestar looked at the remaining kit, hesitating for a heartbeat.

“Lightfoot, come forth.” He meowed. My heart skipped as he said my name. I jumped to my feet and quickly trotted up to the dark brown kit. “You also are young, but I chose you to mentor Swiftpaw. We all hope that you will share all your excellent hunting skills and knowledge with this young apprentice and help him become a fine warrior.” My heart swelled with pride as I leaned down and felt Swiftpaw touch my nose gently. I’m gonna make this apprentice the best. I promised myself. Raising my muzzle, I padded back into the crowd, Swiftpaw following my tracks.

The crowd of MoonClan cats all opened their jaws:

"Mintpaw! Swiftpaw! Pepperpaw!" Then Flamestar raised his tail for silence. He went on with other news about the border patrols and whatnot.

“Great StarClan! We have our own apprentices!” Frostfur whispered excitedly to me. “I know, right?” I purred with delight. “I’m gonna make Swiftpaw the best warrior in store!” 

"Nuh uh!” Frostfur meowed teasingly, “I bet Mintpaw will be the best!”

“Hush it!” came the angry hiss of Sunfang, “We are trying to listen!” I returned my attention to our leader. Flamestar was speaking, “—will retire and move to the elder’s den soon, but not quite yet.”

“Who?” I mewed softly to Frostfur. “I think Shadeblaze.” She mewed back. Shadeblaze. Just the thought of my own father made me tremble with rage. “I wonder who the new deputy will be…?” I meowed, half to myself, half to Frostfur. She shrugged absently, eyes ahead.

“You may go back to your duties.” It was the voice of Flamestar, ending the ceremony. I stood and stretched my sore legs, one at a time.

“Lightfoot, Frostfur.” A gruff voice meowed behind us. I turned to see Shadeblaze, “Flamestar wants you two on hunting patrol, with Sunfang and your apprentices.” My heart leapt at the sound of “your apprentices.” It was time to train!

“Swiftpaw! Come on!” I called, padding around the camp. Swiftpaw and Mintpaw both had disappeared. Near the sandy hollow, I found Sparrowpath mentoring Pepperpaw. “Have you seen Mintpaw and Swiftpaw?” I meowed to the tan warrior. He flicked his tail toward the camp entrance. My eyes widened. “Frostfur!” I meowed urgently, “They might’ve gone out of camp!” The light gray warrior was sniffing among the brambles near the apprentice den. She spun around, “Hurry! Let’s go!”

We raced to the rock-hidden camp entrance. I let my jaws hand ajar, scenting the air. "This way!" I shouted, pounding in his direction. The sound of roaring and whimpering not far off made my heart pound hard. "Fox!" I hissed, skidding to a halt behind a few bushes. Swiftpaw and cowaring, his back pressed against an oak while a huge female fox towered over him, chops smacking and eyes gleaming with hunger.

A yowl shrieked behind me and jolted me awake. Frostfur had attacked! “No!” I cried, leaping out of the hiding place. I grabbed her scruff and yanked her back. “What were you thinking?” I hissed to her, trembling with fear. The gray she-cat didn’t answer, eyes locked on the fox. Swiftpaw pressed his small body against the tree, eyes wide with horror.

“We have to drive it out!” Frostfur hissed, “Before Swiftpaw becomes crow food!” I calmed down forcefully. "On my mark.” I meowed, taking just the right heartbeat when the fox turned its back on us to jerk my tail forward. With a yowl, I leapt onto the beast’s back. Its shriek pierced the air as Frostfur raked its muzzle, over and over. The warrior darted back and forth, nimbly avoiding the fox’s flailing claws. I sank my fangs into its shoulders. The beast howled with pain and bucked like a horse. I knew I couldn’t hold on much longer. With a yowl, I sprang to the head of the monster and gave it one last slash between the eyes before landing softly to the ground. The fox snarled and spat, struggling to flee. Blood flowed freely from the wound I’d inflicted on it, and I watched grimly as it stumbled away. Swiftpaw uncurled and slowly stepped out from his hiding place. “Y—you okay?” he whimpered.

“I’m fine.” I meowed shakily, muscles trembling. "You?" I looked at Frostfur.

“I’m good.” The gray warrior mewed slowly. “…that was— scary.”

“I agree!” Swiftpaw suddenly jumped up, excited, “I get to tell Mintpaw and Pepperpaw when we get back!” He spun around to run home, but I grabbed his scruff just in time.

“Not so fast.” I meowed softly, trying to sound threatening, “Why did you run off?”

Swiftpaw whimpered again. “Mintpaw dared me to leave camp. I dared her back. We both ran away…”

“Mintpaw!” Frostfur exclaimed, “Where did she go?”

“She wanted to go to the Gathering place.” Swiftpaw mewed.

“Oh, no.” My heart lurched, “Frostfur, find her!” The light gray she-cat nodded and raced off. “Now, as for you.” I muttered to Swiftpaw, carrying him back to camp.

“Where was he?” Flamestar questioned once we’d returned.

“Ran away. Frostfur’s looking for Mintpaw now.” I meowed, “Almost got shredded by a fox, but good thing we came just in time.” I gave Swiftpaw a teasing tail flick. The apprentice lifted his head and mewed solemnly, “I will do everything I can not to let it happen again, Flamestar.” He vowed. Feisty apprentice. I thought with amusement.

“Well, let’s get on with training. We’ll see just how good your skills really are.” I was just turning away when Flamestar’s meow stopped me, “Lightfoot, do you think you should go see Sorrelsky? You have a nasty wound there on your shoulder.” I twisted around and saw it, red and blue over my leopard-patterned light gray coat. “Alright.” I mewed, “Swiftpaw, can you wait here for me?” The dark brown apprentice nodded vigorously and planted himself to the grass. I purred with amusement and turned, padding for the medicine cat’s den.

“Hi, Lightfoot.” Sorrelsky meowed as I approached, “What’s up?”

“Hi, Sorrelsky.” I meowed, dipping my head, “Flamestar told me to come over, since I got in a little fight with a fox.” The pretty light brown tabby trotted over and inspected the wound. “Not too bad.” She mused, “Only need some cobwebs…” She turned and scanned the piles and piles of herbs and other healing stuff. Sorrelsky sighed. “I wish I had an apprentice.” She murmured, picking up a web of sticky goo and pressing it to the cut. I winced in pain and forced myself not to flinch away.

“Stings a little, does it?” she meowed, “There, you should be fine now.”

“Thanks.” I gave my shoulder a few quick licks and padded out of the medicine cat’s den. “Swiftpaw?” I called across the clearing.

“Here!” he bounded out from behind a bush, “Let’s begin training!” I laughed and escorted him to the sandy hollow.

“First,” I meowed, “you must learn how to stalk a mouse.”

“I know how to!” Pepperpaw squeaked, bouncing up, Sparrowpath just behind her, “Sparrowpath taught me how to!”

"Ok, Pepperpaw.” I mewed, “Show us.” Swiftpaw sat back on his heels and watched impatiently as his younger sister demonstrated the move. She dropped into the hunter's crouch and stalked forward, her tail a whisker above the ground. She placed each pawstep carefully, not making a single thump of paws on grass. "Good, good!" I mewed, "Now, Swiftpaw, you try." The apprentice narrowed his eyes and crouched, belly to the ground. His tail swished back and forth over the grass. “Don’t let our tail touch the ground!” I called. Swiftpaw lifted his tail, taking a silent step forward.

“Perfect.” I purred, “Well done.” His eyes shone at my praise. “Now can we learn to fight?” Swiftpaw mewed impatiently after I’d taught him how to stalk all different kinds of prey.

“Ok.” I meowed, “Let’s see your skills.” The apprentice’s eyes glowed with ambition as he crouched, tensing to leap. 

“Alright.” I meowed. “Attack me.” He shot forward faster than the wind, bowling me over. Instinct took over my surprise when I felt that his claws were unsheathed. With a yowl, I shoved him off and aimed a swipe at him muzzle. “Ow!” Swiftpaw cried, stumbling backward.

My heart lurched, “Great StarClan!” I meowed in alarm, “I didn’t mean to hurt you!” The apprentice shook himself off, recovering quickly, “Wow!” he mewed, “That was awesome! Teach me how to do that!” I sighed with relief. Don’t let that happen again. I told myself sternly before going on with Swiftpaw’s lesson.

Second Gathering

The next full moon, the Gathering took place, just as usual. I wondered anxiously if Frostfur or I was going.

“Lightfoot, I want you and Frostfur to accompany me and the other warriors to the Gathering.” Flamestar meowed to me the day before the Gathering. I shivered. Snow was already falling, and the fresh-kill pile was growing painfully small. The journey to Twinstones would be cold and harsh.

New kits were born only last dawn; Rosekit and Lionkit. Both dead. Leaf bare conditions were crueler then a tiger. The Clan mourned for the lost kits, and Whispergaze, their mother, mourned the longest of all.

Dusk was approaching, and that was when the Gathering would take place this moon. I bushed up my fur and followed the patrol out, Frostfur trotting by my side. Flamestar’s tiger pelt seemed to glow in the blizzard, so he was easy to follow. My whiskers twitched as we neared the Twinstones, and SunClan’s foul scent reached my tongue. I wrinkled my nose just as we broke into the clearing, all the cats shaking snow from their pelts. SunClan pretty much arrived at the same time as we did, and I was glad of it, because then the Gathering could be over sooner.

“Hi…” I turned to see Swallowpaw.

“Hi, Swallow—” I hesitated, “You’re a warrior now, right?”

She laughed, “Yeah, I’m Swallowflight now. That's why I hesitated at first too. You’re also a warrior, right?”

“Yeah.” I puffed out my chest, “I’m Lightfoot.”

“Well, hello, Lightfoot.” The striped brown warrior mewed formally. I smiled and opened my jaws to reply, but then Flamestar’s yowl rang across the clearing:

“Cats of all Clans, let us begin the Gathering!"

Swallowpaw crouched close to me, heat clouding around me. I leaned in, enjoying her warmth. Frostfur sat beside us and gazed at the SunClan warrior. Then she caught my eyes and her expression read, that’s our half sister? I nodded grimly, suddenly feeling angry at Shadeblaze all over again. But I forced myself to push the resentment to the back of my mind and listen to the leaders speaking on the Twinstones.

"Prey is running well in MoonClan territory. We have four new warriors!” Flamestar meowed, “Lightfoot, Frostfur, Darkcliff, and Lightningstrike!”

“Lightfoot, Frostfur, Darkcliff, Lightningstrike!” the Clan cats chanted.

“We also have three new apprentices!” Flamestar yowled, “Mintpaw, Swiftpaw, and Pepperpaw!”

“Mintpaw, Swiftpaw, Pepperpaw!" The tiger tom turned to Shimmerstar and nodded, stepping backwards.“SunClan also has welcomed two new warriors!” Shimmerstar yowled, “Swallowflight, and Magicstorm!”

We chanted the new warriors’ names:“Swallowflight, Magicstorm!”

“We have two new apprentices also!” Shimmerstar yowled, "Rosepaw and Lilypaw!"

"Rosepaw, Lilypaw!"

I dozed off sometime during the middle; it was quite boring.

“This Gathering is dismissed.” Flamestar meowed, jerking me awake. I blinked in surprise, and then shook off a layer of snow from my pelt.

“You fell asleep.” Swallowflight meowed, giving me a playful flick on the cheek. I yawned and stretched.

“See you.” I mewed to the she-cat as we parted.“What’s her name?” Frostfur panted as we raced back to camp.

“Swallowflight.” I meowed in reply, concentrating on keeping warm. Frostfur said nothing in return.

We reached camp quickly, and it had turned dark. The full moon was bright over the black, starless sky. My eyelids started to droop.

“I’ll see you all tomorrow,” Flamestar called to the whole Clan, “for dawn patrol.”

I curled up in my moss bed in the warrior’s den and fell into a peaceful slumber.

Apprentice to Warrior

Morning came before I knew it.

I meowed into the apprentice den, “Swiftpaw! Flamestar wants us on dawn patrol!”

“Yay!” the apprentice jumped out, “My first patrol!”

“Aw, can I come?” Mintpaw yawned, stretching. “Swiftpaw always gets to do the exciting stuff!”

“That’s because I’m older then you, mouse-brain!” Swiftpaw mewed back teasingly. His littermate mumbled something inaudible and fell back asleep.

“You’ll have to get her up.” I meowed to Frostfur, “I’m going on patrol.”

We set out: Me, Swiftpaw, Thrushthorn, Sunfang, and Flamestar himself.

“Warriors and apprentice,” The MoonClan leader indicated us to follow him. Swiftpaw’s eyes were bright with excitement at the thought of traveling with his own leader. “I must tell you something important,” Flamestar meowed quietly once we were out of the rock-hidden entrance, “because I trust you. Only Sorrelsky and Shadeblaze know of this.” We leaned in, anxious to hear his words.

“My lives,” Flamestar began, and my heart began to thump. “I am on my last.”

The last. I thought. One out of nine. Everyone knew that when a cat became leader, he or she traveled to the Starpool to be granted nine lives from StarClan; the symbol of a true Clan leader. I never saw myself what it was like to lose a life, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to. But this wasn’t good. Flamestar only had one of his lives left. StarClan protect him…

The patrol stood there in a stunned silence. “B-but…” Thorntail was the first to speak, “you can’t leave us—”

Flamestar pressed his fiery tail to the young warrior’s muzzle. “It will happen to every warrior, every leader.” He meowed gravely, “It is called life." With that, the MoonClan leader spun around and padded off into the trees, leaving no other option for us but to follow him silently.

I pondered Flamestar’s words from then on, careful to keep a careful eye on him at all times. The last thing I wanted to happen was for our leader to die and disappear forever. Great StarClan, who would lead us then? Nonetheless, Swiftpaw’s training was coming along very nicely. I was sure he would make a fine warrior someday, which I hoped would be soon. He was almost too heavy for me to fight, which I was proud of. One day I padded to Flamestar’s den and asked if Swiftpaw could be made a warrior. He agreed without protest.

“Let all cats old enough to hunt their own prey gather here beneath Highrock for a Clan meeting.” Swiftpaw’s eyes shone with anticipation. I remembered that same look in Frostfur’s eyes when we were just about become warriors, ourselves.

After the cats had gathered, Flamestar took a breath and began, “We have an apprentice here among us, ready to become a warrior.” The MoonClan cats leaned in with anticipation, pelts bushed up against the chilly leaf bare breeze.

“Swiftpaw, come forth.” Flamestar meowed with authority. The broad apprentice stood, shook his fur, and padded up to his leader. Flamestar raised his muzzle to the sky and meowed, “I call upon StarClan to look down on this apprentice, who has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I ask you to make him a warrior in his turn.” 

I watched with pride as Flamestar spoke, and how the Clan was dead silent as the ceremony went on: “Swiftpaw, do you swear to uphold the warrior code and serve your Clan always?”

“I do.” His meow was bold and loud.

“Then I proudly proclaim that from this day forth, you shall be known as Swifttail. We welcome you as a full-fledged warrior of MoonClan.”

Swifttail lifted his tail in pleasure as he gently licked Flamestar's shoulder and padded over to join us. I gave him a purr of delight and a friendly flick of the tail, “Congrats, Swifttail.” I meowed. Frostfur came over to congratulate the new warrior, but then Flamestar spoke again: “Shadeblaze, our deputy, is ready to move to the elders’ den.” He meowed loudly. Shadeblaze nodded silently and took his place with the elders. “We will need a new deputy, and I will decide next moon high.” He closed his mouth and sat back.

The cats held their breath, waiting for it. I was the first to open my jaws and take up the chant: “Swifttail, Swifttail!” The dark brown warrior grinned with delight and raised his head with pride. My heart glowed for the new warrior, whom I trained and mentored myself. Frostfur padded over, “He is the best.” She meowed, “You trained him well.” I nuzzled her with gratitude as the cats started to disperse.

“Well,” I sighed, “my duty is done, for now.” We parted, hearts lifted and spirits high.

Deputy Hardships

“Let all cats old enough to hunt their own prey gather here beneath Highrock for a Clan meeting.”

Everyone raced out of their dens, pelts bushed up with excitement. The moon was rising; the new deputy would be chosen!

I sat beside Frostfur and licked down my ruffled chest fur. “Who do you think it’ll be?” She meowed, giving my ears a little lick.

“Don’t know.” I mewed back, wondering who it would be myself, “Probably one of the older warriors. You know, Sunfang, Thrushthorn.” The light gray she cat nodded just as Flamestar spoke again: “I have thought over my decision all night long.” He meowed, his voice echoing through the clearing, “And StarClan finally gave me an answer.” The cats all held their breath, waiting. My heart beat quickened as our leader opened his jaws:

“Lightfoot.” He meowed, “That’s who StarClan told me to choose.”

The shocked silence that followed felt long and agonizing. Great StarClan, what was going on? Out of all cats, why would Flamestar choose me?

“But she’s too young!” Darkcliff’s protesting meow broke the silence. Angry yowls agreed with the dark warrior.

“She’s experienced!” Frostfur insisted loudly, “she can be the best deputy ever!”

Sunfang shouldered his way to the front of the crowd, “she can’t, Flamestar. Lightfoot’s only been a warrior for, what, two moons!”

“But she already mentored an apprentice.” The tiger tom replied calmly. “The warrior code says nothing to contradict that. It was StarClan’s choice.”

“Plus!” Lightningstrike piped up, “her father was the deputy! She deserves it!”

As the cats argued back and forth, it all suddenly made sense. A great destiny awaits you. Willowsong’s words echoed in my mind. My whiskers quivered and my tail tip trembled. I was going to be leader after Flamestar. A jolt went up my spine. Flamestar! That meant…he had to die in order to have me become leader. Be patient, mouse brain. I told myself sternly. Flamestar will go to StarClan when he’s ready. And that won’t be any time soon.

“Stop!” The MoonClan leader yowled, causing all the cats to freeze. Then, in a calmer meow, “StarClan has made their choice.” And he spun around and disappeared back into his den, tossing over his shoulder, “Lightfoot, get to work right away.”

I was frozen with overwhelming responsibility as all the cats turned to me. Some looked worried, some looked excited. Other’s snarled and hissed among one another. I swallowed hard and forced myself to speak.

“Sunfang, Thrushthorn, Thorntail, Splashnose.” I ordered haltingly, “We need more prey in the fresh kill pile. Please go on a hunting patrol.” The cats dipped their heads and obediently turned and padded out of camp.

“Swifttail, Darkcliff, Sparrowpath, and Pepperpaw,” I found more courage in my meow, “go on a border patrol, and make sure those SunClan mouse-brains aren’t setting their filthy paws on our territory!”

Cats mewed agreement and seemed to brighten up a bit. I took a deep breath. Leading this Clan was not as hard as I thought.

“Congratulations!” Frostfur mewed cheerfully, resting her tail on my shoulder after I’d sent out all the patrols. Lightningstrike added in his own encouragement. I felt proud that most of my Clanmates finally accepted me.

Suddenly a scent I had wanted to forget for so long hit my nose. Shadeblaze’s paw steps thumped behind me. I felt my shoulder fur begin to rise. Spinning around, I hissed, “What do you want?”

The broad-shouldered tom twitched his whiskers and meowed, “Congratulations, my daughter.” Then he padded away.

I stared after him, lost in thought. “Miss Deputy?” Frostfur prodded me in the side. “Hello? Earth to Lightfoot!”

“Oh, sorry!” I meowed apologetically. “I was just thinking.”

“Well, you have a job to do, so do it!”

“Ok, ok.” I muttered. “Uh—wait, what am I supposed to do now?”

Frostfur rolled her eyes. “StarClan, help her. Lightfoot, you are supposed to talk to Flamestar about what happened and what you did.” She nudged me toward the leader’s den. “Go on, don’t be scared.” I sighed and flicked her playfully on the cheek, starting up the mound of rocks to his den.

“Flamestar?” I mewed softly, peering in. The tiger tom sat alone in his bed of moss, breath sharp and shaky. “Are you okay?” I asked, panic creeping into my heart. Flamestar coughed and took a shuddering breath.

“I-I’m getting old.” He rasped. “I’m going to hunt with StarClan soon.”

“No! You can’t!” I cried, renewed energy and alarm racing through me like a wave. “Don’t leave this Clan to me; I need your guidance. I’m still young and inexperienced. Oh, StarClan, you should have picked a different deputy!”

Flamestar turned to me, his eyes dull and glassy. “I’ll be watching over you, Lightfoot. And I know I have made the right decision. After all, it was StarClan’s will, not my own. Don’t worry yet, I’ll live another good half-a-moon before I die.” He took another painful breath. “A great destiny awaits you. Don’t give up when loved ones pass away. Keep your eyes ahead and things will work out right.”

I shivered; Willowsong’s exact words! I opened my mouth to reply, but the MoonClan leader had laid down again, breath shallow. Grief pierced my heart like a thorn. I couldn’t lose him! He was my leader, as well as my best friend now…

“Lightfoot?” Sorrelsky’s mew sounded from the entrance to the den. “Is Flamestar alright?”

I forced myself to breathe. “Y-yes. He’s fine now.” But I’m not.

“Well, if you say so.” The she-cat’s meow sounded worried. “I’ll check on him later, then.” The medicine cat left, and I was alone with Flamestar again.

“Please hold on,” I croaked, tears starting to blur my vision, “Don’t leave me…” Then I backed out of the den, eyes fixed on him, willing StarClan not to take him away.

Denmate Betrayal

 I blinked sun light out of my eyes. Frostfur groaned from beside me and started grooming her sleep-ruffled pelt. I yawned and stretched, peering around the den. Most of the warriors were still asleep…but where was Darkcliff?

“Darkcliff?” I mewed softly, careful not to wake the others. I picked my way through the cats, all sprawled out in their moss nests. Frostfur got to her paws and looked around. “Yeah, I don’t see him.”

Worry made my spirits sink down as I searched for him. “Maybe he just went out to make dirt.” I mewed hopefully. His scent lingered around the den entrance.

“Yeah, maybe.” Frostfur agreed. Anxiety clouded her eyes. “I think we should go look, just in case.”

I shivered, from cold or from worry. “Okay.” I agreed, and followed her out of the den.

The leaf-fall sir was chilly and the breeze ruffled our bushed-up fur. The moon shone brightly up in the sky, thin as a silver claw. Stars twinkled coldly, as if the whole of StarClan was watching us now with their piercing eyes.

I shivered again and mewed quickly, “Maybe we should go back in. We can look for him in the morning.” Frostfur turned to look at me, mock-shock in her eyes. “Are you a scaredy-mouse?” she teased, “Does the dark scare you that much?”

I bristled defensively. “No, of course not!” I meowed hotly, tail flicking in frustration. “The stars just looked extra—cold, tonight.” My littermate nuzzled my cheek affectionately. “It’s okay. We’re both worried about him. C’mon, let’s go look.” I followed her out of camp to the dirt place, but he wasn’t there. Frostfur sniffed the sheltered place and mewed, “No scent of him, either. Not even a stale trace.”

Uneasiness seeped into my heart like water into moss. “Where do you think he went?” I stammered. But the white she-cat wasn’t listening. “Ah ha!” she mewed triumphantly. “I found a trace of him here!” I bounded over excitedly. “Where?” I demanded. Frostfur pointed her tail at the mark. “Why do you think he would go there?” I wondered aloud, “He almost seems like he’s heading away from camp—” Then it hit me. I stared at Frostfur and she stared at me. “To SunClan camp!” We exclaimed in unison. “But why would he go there?” I questioned again. At the same time Frostfur had meowed, “We should tell Flamestar at once!”

“Let’s first try to figure this out.” I pleaded. “First let’s follow his scent trail.”

“Okay.” Frostfur sighed. “But it’ll be your fault if we get into trouble.” I nodded and bounded off, the white warrior hot on my heels. “Wait!” I stopped, spraying dirt and leaves everywhere. “His scent stops here!” Frostfur stepped over.

“What the?” she wondered, sniffing the ground around a maple tree. "He couldn't have just, lifted into the air, could he?”

“Maybe he climbed up a tree!” I exclaimed, “This tree!” We stared up the maple. A dark shape stirred the branches just above our heads. “C’mon!” I hissed to Frostfur, leaping up easily to the first branch. The figure shifted and seemed to move up higher into the tree. Then it was still. The slivery moon showed little light and I couldn’t exactly see where Darkcliff had gone. Clenching my jaws, I hoisted myself up into the maple and flexed my claws. Frostfur started up just below me. “Hurry up!” she mewed impatiently. I bounded up to another branch. “Darkcliff?” I meowed, “are you there? Don’t be scared; it’s just Lightfoot and Frostfur.”

“Get away from me, you stupid mouse-brained deputy!” He hissed “deputy” like it was a mound of smelly crowfood. “I don’t want to be led by a fox-hearted kittypet. You don’t deserve to be deputy, much less leader!”

I ignored the insults hurled at me and attempted to climb higher. A claw flashed out and just missed my muzzle. “Watch it!” I hissed, “We’re just trying to help!”

“Well, I don’t want your stupid help!” Darkcliff snarled, lashing his tail. “Just get away from me, and I won’t have to shred your ears!” Impatience rose in me like an active volcano, about to erupt. “Just shut up!” I growled, glaring at his unsheathed claws, glinting in the dim moonlight. “Stop thrashing and get back to camp,” The dark tom bristled and curled his lip. “You don’t give me orders, badger-breath.”

“I’m the deputy!” I cried, exasperated. “You have to listen to me!” Darkcliff’s eyes flashed with contempt and scorn. “Not if I’m in another Clan,” he hissed. “In SunClan I’ll follow Shimmerstar and Rainfeather’s orders, not yours.”

I opened my jaws to protest, but my words got caught in my throat. He’s leaving? I thought in panic, but he’s from MoonClan! How could he just run away?

“Mouse got your tongue?” the dark warrior smirked, “you’re such a poor deputy, why don’t you just go live with the Twolegs? That would make us allreally happy.” Rage exploded from within me. I yowled in fury and leapt at him, shoving him out of the tree and crashing through a canopy of branches before hitting the ground with a loud thud.

“Lightfoot!” Frostfur hissed. “Darkcliff? What’s going on, you two?” Stars danced in my eyes. I blinked and shook my head. A dark shape was running away, stumbling and tripping on thorns and brambles.

“There he is!” I screeched, renewed anger fueling my strength. Frostfur leapt out of the tree and raced after him. I bounded after her in hot pursuit.

Darkcliff staggered over a fallen log and lay sprawled on the forest floor, struggling desperately to get away. I pounded ahead of Frostfur and pounced squarely onto the warrior, claws digging into his shoulder blades. “Get off me!” he snarled, lashing his tail and thrashing like crazy.

“Help me, Frostfur!” I yowled, clinging desperately onto the warrior’s back. My littermate seemed to snap out of a dream—or rather, a nightmare—and join in the fight. She held Darkcliff down while I batted his muzzle with sheathed claws until his tongue went rolling and his eyes turned glazed, and then fell shut. He was unconscious.

“Phew.” I breathed a huge sigh of relief. Frostfur flexed her claws and let her fur lie flat. We cautiously approached Darkcliff’s body and prodded him with our noses. “He’s knocked out.” Frostfur breathed. “We should bring him back to camp.” We lugged the warrior back the way we came, rolling him a pile of mouse bile before squeezing through the camp entrance.

“Where have you gone?” Thrushthorn demanded.

“Patrol.” I answered, “Darkcliff was in a little tussle with a SunClan patrol. They pushed him into a pile of mouse bile.” The senior warrior cast a suspicious look at me before clearing his throat. “Well, send out the patrols already.” I nodded and told Frostfur to drag Darkcliff to the medicine cat den. Then I sent out border and hunting patrols.

“Lightfoot?” Sparrowpath padded up to me, “Pepperpaw isn’t paying any attention at all when I try to teach her how to fight. Can you help?”

“Sure, I’ve got nothing else to do.” I shrugged, grateful no one was questioning me about the Darkcliff incident. I followed him to the sandy hollow and watched as he and Pepperpaw started training. The little apprentice kept casting longing glances at the medicine cat den. Finally, when the drills were done, Pepperpaw mewed quickly to her father and mentor, “I’m going to see Sorrelsky.”

“Well?” Sparrowpath meowed when she had bounded off.

“Well,” I began, “she really seems interested in the medicine cat stuff. Perhaps being a warrior isn’t the right path for her.”

The senior warrior looked hurt. “I-I guess so.” He mewed softly, “if it is her destiny, then let it be.”

I nodded and turned away. “Wait!” Sparrowpath called, “can you practice battling with me, just once? My joints have been aching and I want to get a good exercise.”

I turned back to him and pricked my ears at the prospect of a battle. “Sure!” I mewed. We got into position. He attacked without warning, faster than I could see. I rolled to the side and jumped up to the attacking position, paws ready and pelt bristling. I yowled a battle cry as the warrior was just turning around, bowling him over. I batted his muzzle with my front paws, careful to keep my claws sheathed. He yowled and pushed me off with his hind legs, but I was ready. I twisted in mid air and threw my legs out under me, sweeping him off his paws. But I wasn’t finished yet. With a screech, I pounced on the warrior and battered his belly with my hind legs, then faked to the side and aimed a teeth-rattling blow at the side of his head.

“Ah!” he gasped, struggling to remain balanced. I dashed away from his striking range and stood, panting. He staggered, eyes milky, and I could almost see stars in his eyes.

“Did I hurt you?” I meowed, alarmed.

“N-no.” he stuttered, still wavering on his paws. I waited, catching my breath, until he regained his senses.

“Wow!” Mintpaw mewed from the side. I hadn’t heard her approach. “You are good!”

“Thanks.” I meowed modestly, “but there are plenty of cats better then me.”

“I doubt it.” It was Sparrowpath’s meow. “Those blows were so—so well aimed! And that fake, Great StarClan, I didn’t have time to blink before I saw stars and my bones were rattling!”

I blushed and looked down. I heard paw steps approach. Looking up, Flamestar was looking at me with satisfaction and pleasure in his soft green gaze. “You fought well.” He meowed. I felt my heart swell with pride. “Thanks, Flamestar.” I dipped my head. Frostfur trotted over. “Darkcliff’s going to be fine.” She reported. “I heard also that Pepperpaw told Sorrelsky that she wanted to become a medicine cat apprentice!”

Sparrowpath’s eyes were pained, and I felt pity for him. Losing your apprentice was like losing a claw.

“Did Sorrelsky agree?” Flamestar meowed, stealing a glance at Sparrowpath.

“Yes.” Frostfur exchanged an anxious look with me.

“Ok, then.” The tiger tom meowed, “I shall tell the Clan about it.” We followed him to the Highrock and watched as he bounded up onto the huge boulder, his paw steps not as sure as before.

“Let all cats old enough to hunt their own prey gather here beneath Highrock for a Clan meeting.”

Cats emerged from their dens and gathered around the Highrock. Flamestar announced, “Pepperpaw has decided to take the duty as Sorrelsky’s medicine cat apprentice!”

The Clan cheered. I glanced at Pepperpaw; her face was pink and her eyes were cast down.

“Sorrelsky, do you agree with this?”

“Yes.” Her mew was strong and determined, as well as happy. “I promise I will teach her everything a medicine cat should know, and even more if possible.”

The Clan cheered again and welcomed Pepperpaw by chanting her name: “Pepperpaw! Pepperpaw! Pepperpaw!”

I joined in and yowled as loud as I could. Swifttail and Mintpaw were shouldering their ways to the front, congratulating their littermate personally. Flamestar swept his gaze over his Clan proudly. As I watched him, a cold feeling of dread settled on me like an ominous cloud of fog. I wondered if this was the last time he would see his Clan like this.

Death of a Leader

Yowling surrounded me and screeches of pain filled all my senses; the only emotion I could feel was fear. The forest I was in looked cold and unfamiliar.

"Willowsong!" I yowled, terror clouding my vision. Blood spilled like a river and flowed toward me, faster then the wind. I squeezed my eyes shut and fled, hoping desperately for any scent other then the salty tang of blood...

Then a wispy rasp filled my ears, choking my throat, fogging my vision:

"Beware a traitor in your midst...the blood of one you love will be spilled..."

"Lightfoot!" Frostfur's yowl jerked me awake. "Darkcliff! He's escaped!"

"What!" I spluttered, bolting upright. "Where is he?"

"Not here!" Frostfur wailed, "he's gone!"

"What's all this fuss about?" Sunfang grumbled, blinking awake.

"Darkcliff's gone!" I mewed, trying to make my shoulder fur lie flat.

"So...?" Swifttail yawned, his tail twitching irritably.

"So," Frostfur exclaimed, half-exasperated, "he escaped to SunClan!"

"What?" Bother Sunfang and Swifttail meowed in unison.

"You don't have proof!" Thorntail was listening to their conversation, ready to defend his friend. Frostfur's green eyes glistened. "Oh, yes, we do."

"Well?" The three warriors were staring at us expectantly. I caught a glint of scorn in Thorntail's yellow eyes.

"Well..." Frostfur began, trailing off. I could tell she was recalling the terrifying encounter with Darkcliff. "He ran during the night. We picked up his scent and followed him, found him in a maple tree."

"I climbed up, but he tried to shred our ears," I explained, chipping in. "He told us that he wanted to run to SunClan and be led by Shimmerstar and Rainfeather, not me or Flamestar."

The warrior's were speechless. Thorntail broke the silence with a disbelieving snarl, "Darkcliff will never do that! He is a loyal MoonClan warrior!" Frostfur tried to protest, but I knew it was useless to argue. "Let him be." I told her softly, clapping my tail over her muzzle. "He'll see soon enough."

Thorntail glared at me and hissed, "Mouse-brain!" before spinning around and stalking out into the clearing. Thrushthorn looked down at his paws. "I don't know." He murmured. "I'll report it to Flamestar."

"Lightfoot's the deputy, not you." Lightningstrike growled from the corner of the den. I was suprised to hear him so hostile. Thrushthorn glared at the striped warrior, but just whipped his tail around and trotted out of the den. Sunfang looked awkward and uncomfortable. "Uh-I'll be going." He stammered, quickly following his denmates. I looked at Frostfur. "Go on ahead." I sighed. "I'll go tell Flamestar." The white she-cat dipped her head and padded away. Lightningstrike gave me a friendly flick of the tail before following her out. I glanced around the den. No cats were left. I heaved another sigh and trotted out of the den. Sunlight blinded my eyes. I shut them and waited till the red glare faded before peering around the familiar camp. Cats milled around, gossiping. I puffed out my chest and padded over, pelt flat and ears pricked. The cats stopped their chatter and turned to me. Once again, I felt the hot sensation creep over my body; embarrassment and pride.

"Splashnose, Thorntail, Mintpaw, Frostfur," I meowed, "Go on dawn patrol." The cats left with out a sound.

"Gorseclaw, Kestrelwing, Thrushthorn, Swifttail, hunting patrol." They dipped their heads and padded away as well.

"Lightningstrike," I continued, "Sunfang, Nightwhisker, Dawnshine, check the southern border marks, please."

"Yes, Lightfoot." They mewed before leaving.

"That's about it," I decided. The rest of the cats parted to let me through. I trotted up to Flamestar's den and peered inside. "Flamestar?" I mewed quietly. I knew his health wasn't at the best condition now, so it was good to be soft. I gazed at his unmoving lump in the back of the den. Terror struck my heart like a blow.

"Flamestar!" I didn't wait for his usual "Come in," and raced to his side. Heart beating rapidly with panic, I pressed my ear to his fur. Please, StarClan. Let him be okay. There was a faint beating, fading each heartbeat.

"Sorrelsky! Pepperpaw!" I shrieked, growing nearly insane. "Get here now!"

Sorrelsky appeared at the entrance to his den heartbeats later. "Flamestar!" She wailed, spotting his body. The medicine cat bounded over, followed by Pepperpaw, whose eyes were wide with terror. Sorrelsky yowled something to Pepperpaw, but I couldn't hear. Don't take him!  I screamed to StarClan. Please, spare his life. I need him now! Cats were crowding around the entrance, threatening to spill in. "Move it!" I heard Sorrelsky's urgent meow as she shoved cats aside to get the herbs that Pepperpaw had brought in.

"Save him!" I was growing delrious. "I need him! I can't lead this Clan alone!"

"What's going on?"

"Is Flamestar okay?"

"StarClan, save him!"

I only picked up scraps of the MoonClan cat's alarmed meows. Grief and sorrow were weighing my heart down like the Twinstones themselves. I gripped wildly onto the stone walls of his den, the sickening smell of death overwhelming all my senses. Suddenly my vision flashed with a bright red glare. Blood filled my nose and my mouth. I choked and desperately clawed my way upward toward the surface, toward the air, toward anything that would take away that sickly tang suffocating the life out of me... StarClan! I screeched. Help me! Claws slashed my flank and my muzzle. Searing pain engulfed me. Blackness flashed so bright my eyes burned hotter then the sun. Scorching tears streamed down my face. It was too much...

Beware a traitor in your midst...the blood of one you love will be spilled...

No! Not him!

Horror and shock pounded my heart like a battering hailstorm. My eyesight faded into milky darkness. The last thing I saw was Flamestar's body, lying limp and lifeless on his cold den floor.

Leadership Rising

My heart still ached. My pads were sore from gripping the stone walls for so long. My vision cleared. I tried to stand, but every muscle in my body yowled with protest.

"Sit still." Sorresky's mew was gentle. "You'll heal soon." She pressed from pulp to my flank, where a wound was throbbing painfully. The healing juices soothed my body and cooled the gash.

"Thanks." My voice came out as a croak. "What happened?" The she-cat looked at me, sympathetic. "You fainted. Flamestar-" she took a breath and gazed toward the entrance to her den, listening to Pepperpaw as she sorted herbs into neat piles.

"I know." My meow cracked. "He is dead."

"It's not just that." The medicine cat sighed. I sensed grave worry pulsing from within her.

"What is it?" I asked anxiously, flashing back to the prophecy.

Sorrelsky turned to me, her leafy green eyes sharp. "Is something bothering you?" She demanded, "I'm am the medicine cat, and I intend to know everything you do!"

I started. Sorrelsky was not known for having a short temper, much less for raising her voice. I opened my jaws to apologize.

"Alright, alright," the tortise shell she-cat mewed, her tail drooping with shame. "I'm so sorry, it's just that Flamestar-well, it's been really hard-"

"I know. I understand." I meowed gently.

"Well," Sorrelsky began again, "you were tearing up the cave wall, and Thorntail wanted to stop you. He pounced and soon other's joined in, and there was a mini-riot. Mintpaw and Lightningstrike took care of it. The cats were just shocked about Flamestar's death, I guess."

I nodded thoughtfully and mewed, "How did Flamestar die?"

"I-" Sorrelsky hesitated. "I'm not sure," she admitted, "but I really don't think he died from old age. Last time I checked him, he wasn't sick either. My first guess would be that he was killed with deathberries."

"Hmm..." I twitched my ears, "who could have done that? Are you missing any deathberries from your storage?" Beware a traitor in your midst.

"No." The she-cat mewed, looking at me accusingly. "What's bothering you? I'm not blind, you know. I can see that troubled look on your face."

I snapped my face up to stare at her, startled. "Uh-I didn't know," I stuttered, a bit shaken, "Well, I had a dream..."

"A dream, you say?" Sorrelsky looked amused. "What was it about?"

"Well," I began, "there was a river of blood, and it was suffocating me," I recalled the horrifying sensation and never-ending stream. "I was choking and clawing for the surface, and suddenly a voice filled my ears,"

"Wait," Sorrelsky broke in, her eyes clouded with worry. "A river of blood? That can't be good..."

"Listen to what she voice said," I told her, "Beware a traitor in your midst...the blood of one you love will be spilled..."

Sorrelsky fell silent. I gazed at her anxiously, hoping for an answer. At last she dipped her head warily. "It is a warning from StarClan," the she-cat meowed, "We must be careful and aware for such a murder."

I shuddered. Who could this traitor be?


I shook my head to clear it. I couldn't just go around and blame random cats with no proof!

"You must go to the Starpool soon." Sorrelsky interrupted my thoughts urgently. "Before this traitor decides to make a move."

I dipped my head and struggled to my paws. "Thanks," I mewed, padded unsteadily out of the den. Again the huge amount of responsibility seemed to weigh itself on my narrow shoulders, overwhelming me and nearly making my knees buckle.

"Cats of MoonClan!" I yowled from Highrock. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey, join here beneath Highrock for a Clan meeting." On my command, cats from dens all swarmed out and clustered under the huge pillar of stone. I gazed down onto the Clan.

My Clan.

Once the cats were situated, I sucked in a huge breath and began; "I know I am young, and that Flamestar had passed onto StarClan earlier then we all hoped. But I am the deputy and must become leader now that Flamestar is gone. I swear to uphold the warrior code and make this Clan as strong as I could. I will listen to your opinions and make wise desicions with the help of StarClan and Sorrelsky, as well as Pepperpaw. I hope to be a leader you've all hoped for, and that I will take part in helping MoonClan become the best and most powerful Clan in the whole the forest."

The Clan seemed to hold its breath. I pricked my ears, waiting for a response. All of a sudden, the whole of MoonClan exploded with deafening cheers. The chants of "Lightstar! Lightstar!" were echoing around the hollow with a thunderous roar. The camp boomed into a frenzy of joy and happiness. I pressed my ears to my head and backed into my den, perspiration forming at the corners of my eyes. I was afraid I was going to cry in front of the whole Clan! Excitement and euphoria tickled my heart like tiny feathers. I blinked away tears and stepped out again in front of my Clan.

"Thank you all." I meowed. My voice carried out clear and bold over the camp, and the cats immediately quieted down. "I thank you for supporting me. I always thought that I couldn't take this job, but now I am sure I will do my best. Tonight I shall make the trip to the Starpool!" The cats yowled approvongly. "I must also appoint a new deputy." I added. "I shall announce it next moonhigh."

MoonClan cheered. Hotness crept from the tip of my tail to the points of my ears.

"With me, when I go to recieve my nine lives, will be Frostfur, Splashnose, Thrushthorn, Swifttail, and Lightningstrike." The five warriors dipped their heads. "You may go back to your duties." I mewed.

"Wow!" Frostfur mewed, flicking me playfully on the cheek. "Clan leader already!"

"I know. It seems like only a heartbeat ago I was arguing with you and Darkcliff about who was going to be Clan leader first." I teased.

"Speaking of Darkcliff," Frostfur meowed, anxiety clouding her green eyes again. "Where is he?"

I shrugged. "Who cares. Let the mouse brain look after himself."

My littermate sighed. "It's up to you."  She meowed, nodding.

"What do you think receiving my lives will be like?" I asked her, a bit anxious.

"You'll have to wait and see."

Nine Painful Lives

"Let's go." I mewed, scanning the cluster of cats behind me before racing for the camp exit. Paw steps pounding the earth told me that they were keeping up well.

"Good luck!"

"May StarClan light your path!"

"See you soon!"

My Clanmates' farewells faded into the distance as I bounded deeper and deeper into the forest. The River sloshed and splashed up ahead. I swerved to avoid a tree and leapt over a fallen log. Holly bushes grew in clusters ahead of me, and I cleared them all with a clean jump. Soon we reached the Startree. I shivered, mesmerized as a chilly breeze ruffled the ancient branches. I waded into the cool water and breathed in the fresh scents of smooth river stone and sharp pine needles. Drying my paws off on the moss, I glanced at the patrol. Each cat had a look of admiration on their faces. I waved my tail and mewed, "I'm fine over here. You guys can take a nap if you'd like while I do this." Splashnose licked his brown, white, and black pelt. "Are you sure you don't want me to come over there and make sure you're alright?" I purred, touched by my Clanmate's concern. "No, it's okay. Really, I'll be fine." The warrior's settled down and I turned back toward the Startree.

"Show me what you wish." I whispered, leaping swiftly up onto the lowest branch and delicately plucking a single golden Starseed from the bonsai. Sprawled on the thick branch, I swallowed the cone and pressed my nose to the trunk, eyes shut tight.

"Welcome, Lightfoot." A warming breath stirred my sleep. My eyes fluttered open and I jumped quickly to my paws. The sight took my breath away.

Shining spirits of cats surrounded me, murmuring congratulations. Glowing stars swirled and flashed, creating patterns and shapes. The familiar form of Willowsong took shape before my eyes in a whirl of colors and spinning lights. My vision blurred, then cleared. The magical land of stars was gone, transformed into the wispy, mysterious forests of StarClan. I gasped with delight as little kits tumbled around my paws and mewled playfully as they wrestled.

"Now come on, Birchkit, Mothkit, Dawnkit." A sleek she-cat stepped out of the crowd and ushered the kits away. I stared after them, a smile curving my lips.

"Lightfoot, you have come." Willowsong padded forward and licked my cheek gently. The StarClan cats fell silent and all turned to me. I shifted uncomfortably.

"I was Sorrelsky's mentor," she mewed, "and I have appeared to you in dreams before. I give you this life of courage and bravery for you when your Clan is in times of trouble." The former MoonClan medicine cat stepped forward and touched noses with me. A tremor rippled throughout my body, warming my heart and giving me renewed energy. "Thank you." I whispered as she backed into the crowd.

A long haired jet black tom with golden eyes stepped up. "I am Nightstar." He meowed. "I was the MoonClan leader before Flamestar. I give you this life of ambition and power when your Clan is weak, as well as in battle." The broad-shouldered tom leaned down to touch my nose with his. I jerked awkwardly in a painful spasm as it rocked my body. I gasped for air and stumbled. Nightstar caught my shoulder and nudged me back on my paws as he disappeared back into the crowd.

Next, a flame-colored she-cat padded out and mewed, "I am Firewing, a loyal and well-known MoonClan warrior. I give you this life of wisdom and understanding, so that you may make the best possible choices for your Clan." She touched my nose and I relaxed, feeling warmth seep through my veins like a smooth stream of water.

"I am Moonstar." A silvery she-cat padded out of the crowd, her stride full of authority. "I was the cat who founded MoonClan. I give you this life of peace and understanding. Your Clan will need you to settle disputes and quarrels." The beautiful she-cat leaned down and touched my nose to hers. A powerful wave of pain nearly swept me off my paws. I tottered desperately on two paws and clenched my jaws together as the pain eventually faded.

A brownish-red she-cat trotted forward. "I am Hawkfeather." She meowed, "I give you a life of love and compassion. For your newborn kits and cats that are in need, you'll need to have a tender mother's heart to lead your Clan into peace and happiness." I eagerly met her nose to mine as I recieved the life of love. I wasn't aware of the pain that followed. My claws came instinctively sliding out, and I gripped the soil with feirceness as powerful as when Flamestar was dying.

A sleek, shiny golden tom glided forward with the ease of a soaring eagle. "Greetings, Lightfoot," he purred, "I am Goldrush, father of Echoflower and Honeymoon." 

I took a step back in surprise. Goldrush? Echoflower? My mother's father! I twitched an ear, remembering Honeymoon, the bad-tempered elder that spent most of her time yowling at apprentices to check her for ticks. "Hi, Goldrush," I mewed, studying my paws.

"Back to business." He meowed, leaning down so he was muzzle to muzzle with me."I give you this life of devotion and loyalty, so that you may always put your Clan before anything else." He brushed his nose to mine; a shiver passed through my body and a freezing sensation made my legs tremble with fear and excitement all at once. The golden warrior dipped his head and stepped back into the crowd.

"I am Snakestripe." A pale brown-and-black tom padded forward. "I was deputy of MoonClan when Nightstar was leader. I give you this life of faith and trust in your fellow Clanmates, as well as StarClan themselves. You will need loyal warriors in your Clan if you are to survive." He touched my nose and a shock of lightning struck my body. I staggered, eyes shut tight, until the pain ebbed away and I regained my balance.

A small white apprentice with dappled grey spots trotted forward. "I am Dovepaw." She mewed, "I died  when a fox attacked me while saving Hawkfeather's kits when I was Willowsong's apprentice. I give you this life of hope and strength, so that you may live long and always remember the bright side of everything you experience." She streched her neck up and gently brushed my nose to hers. Warmth soothed my soul and I couldn't help but let a pleased purr escape my throat.

Eager to recieve my last life, I peered around the clearing in search of another cat. But the StarClan cats just shuffled and shifted, and soon a little bundle of fiery sunset-colored fur tumbled at my feet."I am Skykit, Moonstar's firstborn kit who died from greencough." She squeaked, "I give you this final life of joy and happiness, so that you may live long, happy lives with all these lives you have recieved. Remember to be courageous and devoted to helping your Clan, as well as compassionate and kind to the rival Clan when nessesary. StarClan is watching over  you, and will help you when you need wisdom and understanding. Farewell, Lightstar. Good luck, and may we light your path as MoonClan's new leader."

The StarClan cats opened their jaws as one: "Lightstar! Lightstar!"

Their eyes shone with happiness as they drifted upward into the night sky, showering bits of stars on my pelt. I gazed longingly skyward, watching the fiery cats until their light faded into darkness.

"Goodbye." I whispered, tears brimming my eyes. "And thank you so much."

Sleep seemed to engulf me as my eyes drooped shut, and I sank through the forest floor, joy wrapped around me like a peaceful bed of moss.


I blinked away perspiration as I sat up groggily on the thick Startree branch. My throat clogged with tears and I spat them out, frustrated. I was Clan leader! There was no time to cry.

"Lightfoot?" Frostfur mewed from the shore, "How was it? Did you recieve your nine lives?"

"Yes," I called, stretching my sore paws and my aching spine. "It was wonderful! And by the way, it's Lightstar now."

"Great StarClan!" Splashnose exclaimed, "what was it like?"

I grinned mischieviously, "I can't tell you. Wait for your turn, if you get one." I leapt off the branch and waded into the cool water of the Starpool, shaking my pelt as I reached shore.

"Did it hurt?" Swifttail mewed eagerly, "How did it feel?"

"Stop pestering her, Swifttail," Thrushthorn scolded, flicking the young warrior across the cheek.

Lightningstrike pressed close to me, "Did it hurt?" He asked quietly.

"On some lives it did, but others it felt good." I told him.

"What did the StarClan cats look like?" Splashnose meowed from behind me.

"They looked just like us," I replied, "just a bit more shiny."

They purred with amusement, and for once I felt like I was just where I belonged.


First Ceremony

"Let all cats old enough to hunt their own prey join here beneath the Highrock for a Clan meeting!" My yowl echoed through the hollow as I sat proudly on top of the den that was once Flamestar's. I had adjusted to the new den quickly. Still overwhelmed by the new responsibility, I often thought excitedly, I'm Clan leader! Finally I made it!

Cats gathered beneath the huge Highrock, and I took a deep breath and began, "I shall announce my choice of the new Clan deputy, but first I shall make a very important warrior ceremony, as well as apprentice ceremonies." I meowed, glancing at Mintpaw, Ripplekit, Dawnkit, and Rushkit, all nice and groomed. Whispergaze had kitted again about six moons ago, and her kits were ready to become apprentices.

"Mintpaw, come forth." I meowed. Frostfur was looking ready to burst with pride, but Specklemist looked already burst with pride. "I call upon StarClan to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend her to become a warrior in her turn. Do you swear to uphold the warrior code and serve your Clan always?"

"I do." She answered loud and clear.

"Then from this day forth you shall be known as Mintleaf, and the Clan honors your loyalty and enthusiasim, and we welcome you as an official warrior of MoonClan." Mintleaf licked my shoulder gently and backed up into the warrior crowd, head held high.

"Ripplekit, Dawnkit, and Rushkit, come forth." I mewed. The kits tumbled forward and gazed up at me, eyes shining with excitement.

"You three are six moons old, ready to become apprentices." I told them, "From this day forth, until you three have earned your warrior names, you shall be known as Rushpaw, Ripplepaw, and Dawnpaw." The new apprentices mewled in delight and bounced up and down. I gazed around at the cats and found the warriors that I wanted to mentor these apprentices.

"Sunfang, you shall mentor Ripplepaw." I mewed. The warrior padded up and touched noses to his new apprentice. "Splashnose, you shall mentor Dawnpaw." The multicolored warrior greeted his apprentice and padded into the crowd with her. "Thrushthorn, you shall mentor Rushpaw." I told him as he padded up and led Rushpaw away. I finished the ceremony and leapt back up onto Highrock in a single bound.

My Clan picked up a cheery chant; "Mintleaf! Ripplepaw! Dawnpaw! Rushpaw!" I let the cats cheer for a while, then raised my tail for silence.

"I have decided on a deputy." I meowed, "StarClan has helped me to a choice, and they have spoken." The Clan held their breath; the hollow was silent as an owl. "The new deputy shall be Frostfur."

There was an agonizing silence again. But then it was broken, to my suprise, by Thorntail, who started chanting, "Frostfur! Frostfur!"

The other cats soon joined in jubilantly, their yowls floating up to StarClan. My poor, poor littermate stood there frozen with terror and shock. I let out a low mrrow of amusement. The ceremonies were finished; my task was done. I sighed with satisfaction. But I knew, deep down, there were many more trials to come.

"Hey, Lightstar." Splashnose padded up to Highrock. "How is it? Are you doing alright?"

"Yeah, thanks, Splashnose." I mewed, resting my tail over his back. "How's Dawnpaw?"

"She's fine." He replied, "she's training at the sandy hollow with Sunfang and Ripplepaw now."

I turned to the warrior. "You should train her!" I protested, "I gave you her as your apprentice because I knew you'd be capable of it." Splashnose blushed crimson and studied his paws.

"Yes, Lightstar," he meowed solemnly. Then he nuzzled my cheek affectionately and turned, trotting happily away. I twiched my whiskers, the spot tingling where he had nuzzled me. What were his feelings for me? Did I like him llike me liked me? No. I decided curtly. I have to focus on my responsibilities, not stumbling blindly after some silly emotion. I gazed down at the cats. Frostfur was at her duty, sending out patrols and whatnot. I yawned, exaustion clouding my vision.

"Good night." I mumbled to no one in particular, sinking down onto soft moss and drifting into sleepy darkness.

Lost Warrior

"No!" The anguished cry rang in my ears like a curse. I awoke with a start, sweat beading my face. Just a dream. I assured myself.

"No! Not him!" Yowling broke outside in the clearing. Panic clawed at my heart as I jumped up and raced into the hollow.

"What's going on here?" I demanded, heart pounding.

Nightflame, a fiery black and orange tabby tom, turned to me, his orange eyes wide. "It's Swifttail!" He yowled, "he's dead!"

Horror snapped at my tail as I bounded up the hollow and into the warriors den. Cats crowded the entrance, spilling into the cave. I shoudered my way through, trying to ignore the sticky, acrid scent of death.

"Let me through!" I growled as I pushed in to get to my apprentice. Tears spilled from my eyes as I gazed down at the limp form, once playful eyes glassy and lifeless. The sickening smell of blood almost clouded over the scent of death. Red liquid pooled all around the young warrior, and a gash yawned evilly at his throat. Sorrow clenched my heart, and I took deep, painful breaths before giving orders;

"Take him out into the clearing." I rasped, my meow barely audible. I wanted to scream and shriek, but I knew my Clan was counting on me, and I forced myself not to go insane like I had when Flamstar died.

Splashnose and Thrushthorn grasped the warrior's scruff and pulled him gently out of the stuffy den. Cats moaned with sadness as they followed the dead warrior. My eyes were feeling hot and burned as I stared at those dark, hollow eyes. Tear stains scorched my cheeks, but I made myself breath calmly and not cry in front all my Clanmates.

"I shall sit vigil for him." I mewed for everyone to hear. Most of the cats moved away, but few stayed to share my mourning, such as Sparrowpath, Specklemist, and Frostfur.

I lay on the cold dirt and pressed my nose into his fur, letting the tears go. Why did you have to take  him? I cried out to StarClan, Show me this traitor, so that I may tear his pelt off and shred his ears to ribbons.

An image flashed in my mind; the harsh glint if claws. What's that supposed to mean?

Boy Trouble

Daylight hurt my eyes beneath the lids. I blinked groggily and sat up, muscles aching. Swifttail's scent had comepletely left him now; he was hunting with StarClan.

"Take him away." I croaked, waving my tail as a new wave of sadness swept over me. Thrushthorn and Sunfang quickly dragged his body out of the tunnel exit.

"It's okay." Nightflame padded over and wrapped a comforting tail around me. "It happens all the time." 

Oh no. I thought, two of them?

Splashnose trotted over, glaring at Nightflame. "Move," he growled under his breath, and shouldered Nightflame away.

"Be nice, boys." I teased, flicking my tail over Splashnose's cheek.  Then I got up. "I'm going for a hunt. Would you two like to come with me?"

"Sure!" Nightflame mewed. A low growl rumbled in Splashnose's throat. "Yeah." He muttered, casting an angry look at the black-and-orange warrior. I sighed and padded away, beckoning the two cats to follow.

"It all yours." I called to Frostfur as she sent out dawn patrols. "I'm going hunting with Splashnose and Nightflame."

"Kay!" She meowed distractedly. I flexed my claws and bounded out into the forest.

"The sun is nice today." I commented, "Greenleaf will come back soon."

"Yeah," Splashnose mewed, trotting happily beside me, "I can't wait to see the new kits that greefleaf brings!"

"Leafstream and Kestrelblaze were sharing tongues the other day," Nightflame remarked, "We'll have new kits in no time."

"I hope their tongues aren't as sharp as their parents!" I joked. Kestrelblaze was a senior warrior that had a short temper. Leafstream was grumpy most of the time and most cats would rather be sliced my her claws then her tongue. Both warriors laughed and tried to flick my on the cheek playfully at the same time, but I ducked away and stood, rigid.

"Mouse!" I hissed, dropping into a hunter's crouch. The two cats scuffled behind me and fell silent. Their admiring eyes burned into my pelt as I stalked stealthily forward, pinpointing the mouse more by smell than sight. Please let me catch this one. I pleaded StarClan as I pounced. Warm fur wriggled beneath my unsheathed claws. Thank you. I sighed silently. With a sharp nip to the neck, the mouse grew limp.

"Nice catch!" Splashnose bounded up to my side, reaching down to pick up my kill. "I'll bury this for you." He kicked a little ditch and placed the prey gingerly inside, then covered it with leaves. "There."

Nightflame was looking pretty upset, and quickly leapt up, nudging his rival aside. I chuckled with amusement as the two warriors pushed each other around, play-fighting like kits. Suddenly, a foul scent washed over my senses. A SunClan patrol! 

"They're on our side!" I hissed, furious. "Drive them out!"

Splashnose and Nightflame froze and scented the air. "Those mouse-brains!" Nightflame growled, flexing his powerful hind legs. "They'd better watch out!"

I swept my tail forward and back, indicating them to follow me. Ears pricked and pelt bristling, I crept up silently onto the patrol, thankful we were downwind of them. Scuffles of paws on earth told me the two warriors were following obediently.

The SunClan cats leapt over the brambles lined along the river and sniffed the trees along the forest. I flattened my ears and let a low growl rumble in my throat. Splashnose lashed his tail, swishing the tall grasses behind us. I froze. The patrol stood stone still and spun around and around, searching for the source of the sound. I held my breath, anxiety a silver claw clutching my heart.

The SunClan cats relaxed and kept padding along the river, spraying their rancid scent on our border. My claws twitched with revenge. "Surround them." I ordered under my breath, just audible for Nightflame and Splashnose to hear. They fanned out in a wide circle around the enemy patrol, eyes fixed on their prey. I held my breath and waited for them to stop moving, before trotting casually out of the reeds.

The SunClan cats spun around, eyes wide. I cleared my throat loudly, "What do you think you're doing?" I snarled, claws sliding out.

Barkclaw, the leader of the patrol, stepped forward, shock gone and hostility back. "Swallowstar ordered us to put scent markers along this side of the river." he spat, fur bristling.

Swallowstar? I wondered for a heartbeat. "What?" I smirked, "Is she tired of waiting for prey to jump into her paws? Get out of here!" With a yowl, I leapt forward. Nightflame and Splashnose screeched battle cries and attacked the patrol. Even though they out numbered us 4 to 3, our suprise attack made them think there was more cats as their enemies.

I leapt on Barkclaw and clawed his ears until they flowed blood. He scrambled backward, and I managed to nip his foreleg before he ran off with a furious, "Retreat, SunClan! Retreat!"

My patrol sat up, unwounded and satisfied. "Tell Swallowstar not to think of doing that again!" I yowled with as much danger in my voice as possible.

"And never think of setting you're soft kittypet paws on our territory again!" Nightflame added.

Feeling left out, Splashnose leapt up and yelled after them, "Mouse-brained idiots!"

After the rustling of reeds had faded, I stood and let my fur lie flat. "You two fought well." I praised them, "Come, let us go back to camp. Hunt some more, and I'll pick up that mouse we left there."

Ominous Prophecy Revealed

I tossed and turned in my nest that night. I was exhausted, but every time I tried to sleep a shock hit me and I jolted awake. Find Swifttail. The voice echoed over and over again in my head.

What do you mean? I wailed, He's dead!

But it kept pestering me, and finally I agreed reluctantly. At least it'll let me sleep.

Quietly, I slipped out of my den and leapt down the hill to my den. Ears pricked, I listened for any sound of a cat making dirt or waking from a nightmare.  Nothing.

 Quickly, I slipped out the tunnel and past the dirtplace. The sharp, welcoming smell newleaf trees met my scent glands as I trotted to Swifttail's grave site.

"Happy?" I grunted aloud, staring at the scuffled dirt. There was a flash in my eyes, and a blurred image of a silver claw. "Again?" I muttered, "What do you want me to do?"

Hurry! Hurry! Before the scent is gone!

"What?" I murmured. The image of the claw came again, then again. "Claw?" I windered aloud, "Who's claw?"

Lost warrior's claw. The voice flitted through my mind like a butterfly on a flower. "Swifttail's claw?" I huffed, "You want me to look at it? It'd stink by now!" But even as I listened intently, the voice was gone.

"Alright, alright." I muttered, starting to claw at the dirt. The sharp point of his claw poked out of the ground, and I felt a rush of excitement. Hurry! Hurry! Before the scent is gone!

I leaned down warily and took in the scent. Just as I thought, there was the acrd scent of death. But...there was a hint of something else mixed in it too. I opened my jaws and drew in the smell again, noticing a tuft of fur caught between his claws. Curious, I picked it out with my claw and sniffed it. Finally I picked out the smell of a cat. A MoonClan cat.


Rage boiled inside me. I vowed to avenge both their deaths. Suddenly a new smell hit my nose, mixed with the scent of Darkcliff. Deathberries.

A new suspicion clouded my mind. Anxious, I ran across the clearing to Flamestar's grave and started clawing it up. praying the scent wasn't gone.

The strong, acrid scent of deatherberries, mixed with death, confirmed my suspicion. How had I not noticed it before?

"What are you doing?" A familiar meow sounded behind me. I jerked up and spun around, eyes wide and heart pounding.

"I know who killed Swifttail and Flamestar, Frostfur! It was Darkcliff!"

The Hunt

“Let all cats old enough to hunt their own prey gather here beneath Highrock for a Clan meeting.”

My yowl rang over the camp, shaken and angry. Cats looked worried as they emerged from their dens, blinking sleep from their eyes.

Once the cats had settled, I announced, "I know who has killed Swifttail and Flamestar."

The cats froze in shocked silence.

"It was Darkcliff!" I declared, "And I have proof!" Quickly I continued before anyone spoke. "He has escaped to SunClan for now. But last night I went to Swifttail's grave and sniffed his claws. Darkcliff's scent was all over them! And Flamestar's pelt smelled faintly of deatherberries, which was mixed in with Darkcliff's scent on Swifttail's claws."

The cats below responded quietly, suprisingly. As if it wasn't a suprise to them. "What are you going to do now?" Leafstream called, her belly heavy with Kestrelblaze's kits. "My kits must be safe!"

"They'll be safe," I assured her, "I'm going to announce it at the Gathering, which will be in only two days."

The cats murmured among themselves, then quieted down. "Clan meeting dismissed." I meowed, feeling a glow of satisfaction that I had finally found the killer. He was going to face his punishment soon.

Two days later, I was ready to leave for the Gathering, fur bushed up with anxiety and exitement. With me were Frostfur, Lightningstrike, Thorntail, Splashnose, Dawnshine, and Kestrelwing. We set out through the fresh newleaf scented forest, and broke through the clearing of Twinstones. SunClan was there, and started to mix with the MoonClan warriors.

I leapt up one of the Twinstones and glanced at Swallowstar, who was staring at me. "Hi." She mewed shyly, "I'm Clan leader too. How is prey running?"

"Fine," I responded curtly. "I need to tell the Clans something really important."

"Okay." Swallowstar sat up straighter, and opened her jaws, "Let the Gathering begin!"

The cats stopped talking and tilted their faces up to look at us. I felt a rush of pride as I meowed, "MoonClan is doind well. Prey is running in our territory, but we would just like to warn SunClan that we will not take territory-tresspassing lightly. Also, Darkcliff, who used to be a MoonClan warrior, has run away to SunClan and also has murdered two of our cats!"

SunClam cats yowled with fury and leapt up, fur bristling. Swallowstar's eyes stretched wide, but she meowed levelly, glaring at me, "It was my deputy, Magicstorm's, idea, and I approved."

I narrowed my eyes and let out a disapproving hiss. "Don't you know that is against the warrior code?"

Swallowstar fell silent. I glowered menacingly at her, my green eyes challenging. "Rogues." I heard Thorntail mutter.

The SunClan cats heard his remark and sprang up, lips pulled back in a snarl. Panic pricked my spine as I realized how insulting Thorntail's words were. "Thorntail," I scolded, "take those words back now! Swallowstar is a young leader, so she might not know as much as we do..." I trailed off when I felt the SunClan leader's furious eyes burning into my pelt.

"SunClan will know more then MoonClan ever will!" she growled, lashing her tail. I bristled defensively and opened my jaws to loose a spitting comeback, but thought better of it and hissed instead, "This Gathering is dismissed." Then I leapt nimbly down the Twinstone and flicked my tail, indicating for my warriors to follow me. Tension crackled between the Clans as we silently left the clearing.

"Mouse-brains!" Thorntail snorted, his ears twitching with scorn. "How could they say such a thing?"

I didn't have the guts to argue; I kind of agreed with him. "We should prepare for a battle." Lightningstrike told me quietly, "I overheard the SunClan cats planning to attack while they left."

"Thank you, Lightningstrike." I meowed, feeling anxious about my first battle as leader.

"We'll rip their pelts off!" Dawnshine mewed, and her littermate, Kestrelwing, added, "MoonClan will never be beaten!"

I sighed and hoped their wouldn't be a battle at all. But my itching claws told me other wise. "Should I attack if they don't first?" I asked the patrol just as we broke into the hollow.

"Yes!" Thorntail meowed, his pelt bristling. Lightningstrike muttered under his breath. Dawnshine and Kestrelwing nodded vigoriously. Splashnose let out an approving hiss. Frostfur twitched one ear and meowed, "It's up to you, Lightstar."

I stopped at the foot of the Highrock, deep in thought. "Alright," I decided, "I shall attack at sun high."

The cats cheered, all but Lightningstrike. "I shall announce it to the Clan, and assign the battle patrol." I told them, leaping up the hill.

“Let all cats old enough to hunt their own prey gather here beneath Highrock for a Clan meeting!"

The Gathering patrol murmured excitedly. I watched grimly as cats emerged from their dens or ran in through the dirtplace tunnel.

When they had settled, I announced;

"At the Gathering today, Swallowstar said that SunClan knows more then MoonClan ever will!" The cats spat furiously and lashed their tails with rage.

"How dare they?"

"Those fox-hearted furballs!"

I lifted my tail for silence. "We shall attack at sunhigh!" I yowled. "The battle patrol shall be me, Frostfur, Nightflame, Dawnshine, Thorntail, Kestrelwing, Nightwhisker, Rushpaw, Thrushthorn, Sunfang, and Ripplepaw. The rest of you will stay and defend camp."

"Yay!" Rushpaw leapt up, her black-bown tail lashing. "My first real battle!" Thrushthorn slapped his tail over his apprentice's muzzle and hushed her down.

"What about me?" Dawnpaw wailed. "How come Rushpaw and Ripplepaw get to go?" Splashnose flicked her on the nise. "I don't go either." He soothed gently, "besides, we'll have to fight off the fiercest warriors that break through the attacking lines!" Dawnpaw brightened, "Okay then."

I purred with amusement and went on, "Kestrelblaze," I met his amber gaze, "you may go to battle if you would like, but you also may stay if you want to watch over Leafstream, since she is expecting her kits this moon."

Kestrelblaze glanced at his mate and meowed, "I will stay and guard camp."

I dipped my head. "You may go back to your duties."

Watching my Clan disperse I suddenly felt a rush of pride. My claws tingled, thirsting for battle. The trees above seemed to whisper my name as they rustled. The battle for revenge was to come!

Battle for Revenge

I let a low growl of satisfaction rumble in my throat. The winds whizzed in my pricked ears as I raced through the forest. The sun was rising, dawn was coming. I was on battle patrol, ready to avenge Flamestar and Swifttail's death.

"Where will we attack?" Thorntail panted.

"We'll split up," I responded, "into thirds, and surround their camp. Then we'll attack from all sides. Remember," I called to the rest of the patrol bounding along behind me, "don't kill for blood. Only wound. You can wreck their medicine supplies, but don't kill any cat."

I slowed to a halt as we neared their border. There was a rustle of leaves as an enemy patrol neared. "Run!" I hissed, and pelted ahead into enemy territory. The MoonClan cats fanned out quickly, separating into three groups. I was leader the group which was to attack the heart of the camp, with Frostfur, Thorntail, and Nightflame. Thrushthorn led the other group, and Dawnshine led the last one.

We neared SunClan camp, and I spotted a few cats on guard outside. "Split." I hissed softly. My patrol darted off in different directions. Frostfur remained behind by my side, which i was grateful of. It was dangerous for a Clan leader to fight alone.

"MoonClan, attack!" I yowled at the top of my lungs, my voice carrying all the way to Thrushthorn's patrol, as well as Dawnshine's. Frostfur and I sprang from the undergrowth and tackled the first guard with such force he dropped unconcious. I stifled a snarl of scorn and pelted on, knocking out guard after guard until we had made it into camp. Thrushthorn was battling two senor warriors, Rushpaw at his side.

Suddenly, a familiar yowl sounded, and before I knew it, claws had sunk into my back and I was knocked to the ground. I twisted in the cat's grip and looked up into the cold eyes of Swallowstar, who was once a friend, but now an enemy.

I looked wildly around for Frostfur, but she was fighting off Magicstorm, the SunClan deputy. Then I turned back to Swallowstar. "Get off me!" I seethed, and shoved the cat off. Pelt burning with anger, I pounced on the warrior and slashed her flank relentlessly until a long, bloody gash formed. Then I jumped off and watched scornfully as she yowled in fury and limped away.

Frostfur yelped in pain behind me. I spun around and hissed, "Don't touch my deputy!" Then sprang onto Magicstorm's back. Frostfur wriggled out from beneath her and battered her belly with her hind legs. The SunClan deputy snarled and pounded away.

I shook blood from my eyes and scanned the camp. A group of enemy cats were racing out of the hollow, heading for MoonClan territory unnoticed. I shrieked, "Stop those cats!" And raced after them, Frostfur hot on my tail. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted Dawnshine and Kestrelwing raiding their medicine cat supplies. Thorntail was pushing Barkclaw to the back of the hollow, shoving him relentlessly against the cliff face.

I could hear the enemy cats ahead, thrashing through the undergrowth. Frostfur panted and unsheathed her claws to get a better grip on the earth. Nightflame, Sunfang, and Ripplepaw had come to join me in the pursuit.

The SunClan cats broke into out clearing with triumphant yowls. Dawnpaw, Splashnose, Kestrelblaze and a bunch of other cats that guarded the camp started with suprise. "Get them!" I screeched, leaping onto one's back, shredding his hears until he spun around, wailing for his mother. Another warrior, most likely his littermate, hissed in fury and sprang at me. Frostfur bowled him over and shoved him into the dirtplace tunnel.

"Thanks." I gasped, stopping to catch my breath. My shoulder throbbed where Swallowstar had clawed me, but after a few moments I leapt back into battle.

Dawnpaw snarled and slashed at a warrior two times her size. The enemy cat towered over her laughing, and pounced with claws unsheathed. Dawnpaw screamed and turned to flee, but the warrior had pinned her down, paw upraised to aim a killing blow.

"No!" I cried, but I was too far away to help. I searched desperately for Splashnose, but he was nowhere to be seen. The claw came down hard on Dawnpaw's head, and there was a sickening crack!

I yowled and launched myself across the hollow. Dawnpaw's body limp, her pelt ragged and eyes wide with terror. Her mouth was still open with her soundless scream, but now she was gone.

I turned furiously to the killer. "Don't you have any respect for life? For the warrior code? Thorntail was right to say you are nothing but rogues!" I unsheathed my claws and growled, muscles bunched up to leap.

The cat's eyes grew wide and he raced away, leaving my claws to slice air. My body tensed top pursue the killer, but I knew deep down, would I kill him to avenge Dawnpaws death? No.

I shook the blood red rage from my eyes and looked around the clearing. Blood spattered the cliff walls, but the MoonClan cats were safe, and the SunClan attackers had fled. But grief weighed my heart like a stone. Dawnpaw was dead.

A rustle behind me made me spin around. SunClan scent hit my nose, and I bristled, claws out and ready. A dark shape stirred in the shadows. "Come out at once." I commanded, ears twitching warily.

The MoonClan cats came over to watch. The unseen cat placed a careful paw forward, then another. Then finally he emerged into the light. "Please don't kill me." he whimpered, ragged pelt trembling and an ugly patch of bare skin where someone had clawed off a pawful of it.

Shock emanated from the cats around me. My heart froze, cold with anger.

It was Darkcliff.


"Darkcliff?" I rasped.

The ragged warrior whimpered again. "It wasn't me!" he whispered, quivering with fear. "I know it may have seemed so, but I swear by StarClan name, it wasn't me!"

"What wasn't you?" Splashnose shouldered his way to the front, one ear torn and bleeding. He stood beside me, his tail wrapped protectively around my flank. I stifled a purr and turned back to Darkcliff.

"How can you prove that you didn't kill Flamestar or Swifttail?" I meowed.

"Kill him now! Avenge Flamestar's death!" Kestrelblaze snarled from in the crowd. "Or my kits will be his next victim!"

"Hush, Kestrelblaze." I told him. "Listen to what he has to say." I gave Darkcliff a tiny m=nod, indicating for him to go on.

"I know I was wrong to run away, and I am truly sorry." He began, his mew uneasy. "SunClan did welcome me, except for Magicstorm and Barkclaw. They'd claw my ears off if I even tried to approach them. One night I overheard them planning an attack on MoonClan, and I almost wanted to warn you. But I tried to believe my loyalties were to SunClan, but luckily Swallowstar vetoed the idea. Magicstorm and Barkclaw were really angry, and about two days later they woke me up during the night, ripping off a clump of fur from my flank. That's where I got this." He swept his tail over the wound. I winced in sympathy, then mewed, "Go on. What happened next?"

"Are you really going to believe this fox-dung?" Kestrelblaze called scornfully from the crowd.

I ignored him as Darkcliff went on, "I was irritated, of course, but I didn't know what they were going to do yet. So I went back to sleep. Later I found out that they had killed Swifttail, and stuck my fur in his claws! That was their plan, to blame his murder of me. As for Flamestar, I later heard Barkclaw bragging about killing Flamestar with deathberries, just after I left. He was saying, 'That mangy old fox won't do at all! Plus, That's what they get for destroying Swallowstar's plan for setting new borders!' I was horrified."

I nodded thoughtfully. The story seemed to make sense. "Do you wish to rejoin MoonClan?" I meowed, tail flicking at Kestrelblaze to keep quiet.

Darkcliff's eyes brightened like a lit candle. "Oh, yes! And I swear by StarClan's name that I will never leave again. I will be the most loyal warrior you could ever imagine!"

"Very well." I dipped my head, feeling a flutter of pride for the dark warrior. "Start cleaning up and repairing the camp. And," I added, turning to Frostfur, "organize patrols, keep an eye on him." I flicked an ear at Darkcliff.

"Yes, Lightstar." Frostfur mewed.

"I'm going to talk to Swallowstar." I told the Clan, "Go tend to your wounds at Sorrelsky's den. Kestrelblaze, Hareleap, Splashnose, come with me. If the battle patrols come back, tell them I'm at SunClan camp."

The three senior warriors nodded and followed me out of the battered bramble tunnel. I picked up my pace as we broke the trees. My shoulder throbbed, but I kept my eyes straight ahead, stone serious.

"What are you doing here?" A hiss exploded from the brush as three battle-worn SunClan warriors jumped out. I reconized Barkclaw, and a long-haired brown-white she-cat standing next to him. The third was a black and white warrior, sleek and well groomed, despite the missing clump of fur on his haunches.

I stood straighter, and forced my fur to lie flat. "We would like to speak with Swallowstar." I meowed.

"She's busy." The brown and white she-cat snarled, claws unsheathed. "Get out of our territory, or we'll rip your pelts off!"

I flicked my tail in warning at the two toms behind me, though I could feel their anger glowering off their bristling pelts. "We would like to speak with Swallowstar." I repeated, tone dangerously low.

Barkclaw's eyes widened. "Just let them, Magicstorm." He meowed casually to the she-cat. "They mean no harm."

Magicstorm? I wondered, that's the SunClan deputy!

Magicstorm narrowed her eyes to icey slits and let out an irratated growl. "Fine. But keep them out of my fur. And make sure they don't attack our camp."

I heard Splashnose hiss with annoyance. Kestrelblaze uprooted clumps of grass with his unsheathed claws, clearly angry. I flexed my own and padded confidently forward, Magicstorm, Barkclaw, and the other warrior trailing us suspiciously.

We entered SunClan camp. Cats with battle scars were working quickly and quietly on reparing the camp. Some turned to us, pelts bristling with suspicion. I ignored them and continued on to Swallowstar's den, where she was ordering cats on patrols.

"I thought the deputy did that, not the leader." Splashnose whispered scornfully. Magicstorm overheard and shot us murderous glances.

Swallowstar looked up at the sound of approaching cats. "What are they doing here?" She hissed, tail lashing.

"They said they wanted to speak with you." Barkclaw meowed.

"What do you want?" Swallowstar drew a paw over her ear, claws glinting in the sunlight.

"Can we speak in private?" I requested, glancing around at the cats watching us, eyes wary but curious.

Swallowstar paused, then meowed, "No. If there is something you must say, I think my Clan would want to hear it too." SunClanb cats murmured agreement.

I let out a soft hiss of annoyance. "Fine. As you wish, Swallowstar." I added a layer of ignorant empahasize over the Clan leader's name. She flattened her ears, but meowed through gritted teeth, "Go on."

"Darkcliff has rejoined MoonClan." I began. Cats yowled insults at the dark warrior; "I knew he was a traitor!" and "He never deserved to live with us!"

I raised my tail for silence, as I would have in a normal Clan meeting. Suprisingly, the cats quieted, causing Swallowstar to narrow her eyes, clearly irritated.

"Flamestar and Swifttail were murdered." I went on, shooting a quick glance at Magicstorm and Barkclaw, who both were bristling with aggression. "I first thought it was Darkcliff, since his fur was caught in Swifttail's claws, mixed with the scent of deathberries. Sorrelsky had confirmed later that Flamestar was killed with deathberries. I was sure Darkcliff was the killer." I sucked in a breath. All eyes were fixed on me. I had their undivided attention.

"After the battle, you raided my camp." I meowed, my voice echoing through the silent hollow, "We drove most of you out, but Darkcliff was included in the raid and was left behind. He hid in a crevice in the wall, but I found him. And then he told me the truth of the murders." The cats leaned in, anxious to hear my words. Only Barkclaw and Magicstorm remained looking unintrested, but I caught a flash of fear in their eyes.

"He told me that Barkclaw and Magicstorm did it. Barkclaw fed Flamestar deathberries, and I can prove it." My voice rose to a yowl, "Darkcliff would have taken them from Sorrelsky's storage, but she didn't miss any! As for Swifttail, Magicstorm and Barkclaw worked together to slice his throat, then stuff Darkcliff's fur in his claws. They were the murderers, not Darkcliff! They tried to pin it on an innocent MoonClan warrior, but now you can see that they have failed!"

Home Sweet Home

 The SunClan cats froze in shock. I stared truimphantly at the Clan. Swallowstar's expression was of suprise, and dismay.

"How could you believe such fox dung?" Barkclaw's yowl broke the silence. "Kill them! MoonClan liars don't deserve to live!" He sprang from the crowd at me, but I dodged his attack and spun around, bristling.

"We are not liars!" I yowled, "It's the truth, and you know it!"

The cats had broken up in a wild frenzy, crazed by Barkclaw's accusation. Swallowstar jumped to her paws and screeched, "Stop! There will be no blood shed today!" Then she turned to me, eyes wide and wild, "Leave! And don't come back!"

I was startled at her sudden dismissal, but dipped my head and obeyed. "Come on." I ordered my Clanmates, and leapt though the crowd of ranting cats toward the Clan entrance.

"I will deal with them!" Swallowstar's last promise echoed in my ears faintly. A glow of satisfaction flickered within me. Thank StarClan we're alive.

I pounded into camp, Splashnose and Kestrelblaze hot on my heels. "You're back!" Nightwhisker greeted me, the sharp tang of poultice hitting my nose. "You got you're wounds treated." I remarked, screwing up my eyes.

"Yeah." Nightflame padded over, laughing. "The whole Clan smells of chewed-up herbs now!"

Nightwhisker nudged him playfully. "How was your battle?"

I sighed with satisfaction. the Clan was getting along with each other again. I glanced behind me. Splashnose was gone, and I spotted Kestrelblaze running for the nursery. I padded toward the center of camp, leaving the boys to share tongues. "Where's Sorrelsky?" I asked Pepperpaw as she rushed by with a mouthful of herbs.

"Nursery." she mumbled, "Leafstream's having kits!"

I thanked her and bounded for the sheltered den. My pace slowed as I passed Dawnpaw's body, laid gently down in the middle of the hollow. Splashnose crouched there, his eyes shut tight with mourning. I gave him a tiny nod of approval, even though he wouldn't notice. Then I continued on, following the soft sound of groaning and mewling of newborn kits.

"They're beautiful!" I heard Kestrelblaze meowing in delight, "Two toms and a she-kit!"

I peered into the den. "What're their names?" I mewed, heart fluttering in pride as I watched the scraps of fur, one gray-blue, one calico, and the last one, the she-kit, snowy white.

"Stormkit," Leafstream rasped, nudging the gray tom, "Pebblekit, and Snowkit." Snowkit wriggled toward her mother's belly, and started suckling. Stormkit and Pebblekit crawled clumsily after their sister, and they all began drinking milk.

I sighed with pleasure, "They are beautiful. I'm sure they'll make fine warriors." Leafstream let out a purr and closed her eyes.

"She just needs rest." Sorrelsky murmured softly, and pushed her way through the curtain of lichen. I took one last glance at Kestrelblaze and his mate, then exited as well, happiness rising in my throat.

"How are they?" Pepperpaw bounded out from the dirtplace tunnel.

"They're good." I purred, swiping a paw over one ear. The medicine cat apprentice mewed with delight, then raced off.

I padded over beside Splashnose. "She was a brave apprentice. She fought like a warrior." I whispered to him, crouching down. the multicolored warrior didn't answer. I breathed in Dawnpaw's scent, mixed with the scent of StarClan. A wispy form drifted by my ear. I'll take good care of her. Willowsong's comforting meow echoed in my mind. A smile curved my lips and I stood, shaking my pelt. The sky had darkened, the bright half moon shining in the clear, star-filled sky.

I bounded up Highrock and yowled, "Let all cats old enough to hunt their own prey gather here beneath Highrock for a Clan meeting."

I watched as Frostfur shoved a final bramble in place, repairing the tunnel entrance. Nightflame and Nightwhisker padded, side by side, under the Hightrock. Leafstream poked her head out of the nursery. Kestrelblaze gave her a lick, then went over to join the other cats. Splashnose hefted himself up, eyes bloodshot with tears.

Once the cats had settled I mewed, "Today's battle has been a victory. We honor Dawnpaw, who gave her life to defend her Clan. If she were still alive, I would have made her a warrior. But StarClan now holds her in safe paws. May the prey be plentiful and the sun rest on her back." The cats murmured agreement.

I went on, "Leafstream has given birth to three kits, Stormkit, Pebblekit, and Snowkit. They will be apprenticed when they are old enough. Ripplepaw and Rushpaw will finish their training soon, and we will have new warriors in the warriors den before we know it." I blew out a breath of happiness.

"I would like to thank all you cats, for you all fought bravely in the battle. Thank you for giving me support in finding the killer of Flamestar and Swifttail. I have spoken to SunClan, and I trust Swallowstar to give fair judgment to her warriors. For now, peace has come, and MoonClan has survived."


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.06.2013

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

This story was inspired by Erin Hunter's warriors series. I owe my thanks all to her!

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