
Author Talking

There is a secret inside me and there is a secret inside you, there is a secret inside him too,sometimes even the secret stagnant when the scroll of the secret is unrolled.I hava a few words say about this novel. First of all I want to say that this novel is not a great work of art.There are great mysteries in this Novel.May be it will take you a new world of imagination.This novel mostly talk about Jennifer's death.Who was Jennifer? Why was she killed?The mystery of her death is revealed like a revelation made by time.

St. Antonio's is a city with lot of butterflies. Mystery spreads even to the butterflies that give love.

St. Antonio's

 The city of St.Antonio's the setting for this novel is a fantasy.

My Dreams

"As a writer I dream of a world without murders, so imagine a beautiful world ruled only by good people, so that we can try to build a beautiful magical world "

Thriller mood on the first night in St. Antonio's


 A fear is haunting, that fear speaks of a death. A murder can happen in San Antonio at any moment. Tonight is crucial. His whole thought on this terrible night is about her. Why did the killer tear Jennifer connelley to


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.07.2021
ISBN: 978-3-7487-8921-5

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

The middle aged man entered the flat with a sigh. Suddenly there was a power outage. Christopher's glowing eyes recognised the middle aged man in the dark. Slowly a dim light came on that flat. In the dim light Thompson saw the face of crime science teacher glow like the sun. A crime science teacher has the mind of a murderer. Perhaps a crime science teacher is someone who travels in ways that even a murderer would not dream of.

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