




Author: Andrej Mlinšek

Published by: Adriatikus d.o.o.
Kidričeva ulica 24b, 3000 Celje, Slovenia 

Published in: 2017
















I am happy to be able to write the book entitled METAPHYSICS and CONSCIOUSNESS after 30 years of studying successful people and reading thousands of books about successful life from authors al over the world. As I have indicated in my first book KEY COMBINATION, I have been studying successful people, their biographies and their lives since I was 18 years old. I have always known that a certain »SECRET« exists, which helps people to raise themselves above the average and to live both a successful and happy life. I have studied this »secret« in my books and this book is no different – it is another attempt to introduce the »secret«, which represents nothing other than different habits and different ways of thinking and viewing the world we live in.


All things occur TWICE; firstly in the invisible world and then in the visible one. All successful individuals are architects of their own lives; first they imagine the flow of their vision within their mind and only then can their vision manifest itself in the material world. Metaphysics examines this phenomenon in the invisible world (Meta means above physical), before it occurs in the physical world. Nikola Tesla first examined all his inventions on a metaphysical level and only then he was able to project his entire vision to the physical world.


In my personal experience I made many business mistakes until I began to apply meditation and examine the events and vision of my life in my mind by meditating about them. I wish you many pleasant thoughts and many »AHA« moments while reading this book. It will please me, if this book will offer you at least some assistance with better understanding of life and its laws.




Andrej Mlinšek




Metaphysics means "above physical" and deals with occurrences in the invisible world before they happen in the visible one.

Metaphysics teaches that thoughts are events. Thoughts create events. Thoughts shape events, THOUGHTS ARE REAL. The invisible process in our head, known as thinking, creates events. Our personal world depends on our thought flow and if we want to live a happy life, we must keep our thoughts positive, clean and full of health and harmony.

Looking from a different perspective, one can see how thoughts shape events and how all events originally derive from thoughts. However, as thoughts are invisible, we often fail to grasp their physical existence. Their effect only appears weeks, months or even years later and this provides further distraction.

The book Metaphysics and consciousness deals with causes, not with effects. Nowadays 95% of people deal with effects, not with causes. Bad news on TV and health problems are effects and vice versa, health and successful individuals are effects.

Effects of what? Of thoughts and actions which occurred before their results were visible in the material world.

For thirty years I have been studying successful individuals worldwide, who have lived in the last hundred years. I have discovered that people are differentiated by their thought processes and that 5% of people understand and apply (consciously or sub-consciously) these processes, while 95% find them ridiculous or unnecessary.

A simple example: the community decides to build a new library and before it is physically erected someone has to design plans for it. However, prior to designing the plans someone had to have an actual idea or thought impulse about building a library in the first place. I take interest in ideas or thought impulses which occur prior to their manifestation in the physical world. 95% of people don`t know why bad things happen in their lives. 5% of people can recognize the patterns which led them to their current state of affairs (be it positive or negative). Most people believe only what they can see in the physical world, however, the truth is different.

Things always occur twice, first always in the invisible world (our thoughts) and only then in the visible, physical world. It is essential to understand how our attitude, be it positive or negative, shapes our lives. I meditate for 2-3 hours every day, which enables me to approach my ideals and examine my thoughts before they are manifested in the physical world.

If one wants to live a harmonic and successful life, it is essential for him to think positive thoughts – your thoughts will always manifest themselves in your life.

Thoughts are events.


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Andrej Mlinšek
Bildmaterialien: Andrej Mlinšek
Cover: Andrej Mlinšek
Satz: Andrej Mlinšek
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.11.2017
ISBN: 978-3-7438-4045-4

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