Reading sample
Never, never, never, never give up!
Winston Churchill
Tough times never last, but tough people do!
Robert Schuller
In 1988 I read my first book about personal development, which really fascinated me. I was 20 years old at the time. Ever since I` ve been reading, listening and studying various books and their authors who deal with the history of personal development. I always wanted to know why some succeed in life, have a family, good health and good relations with others; they live a successful life, while others do not, regardless of a similar starting point in life. For twenty years I have been searching for the key combination in life, which enables us to live a life we want to and we can enjoy. At my home I have my own library and I study successful people.
A research by an American insurance company, which involved observing the life of 100 students, from the age 25 to 65, revealed that after forty years of observation they were:
- 1 RICH
- 4 financially independent
- 5 still work, because they have to work
- 36 are dead
- 54 are broke
These results show that after 40 years 5% were successful and the other 95% were unsuccessful.
The book KEY COMBINATION includes advice and techniques, which have been very helpful to me in my life and by which I still live today. I sincerely hope and wish this book will help the reader to improve his life and that each and every one can find a thought for himself and his life.
Andrej Mlinšek
People create their own fortune or misfortune. No one who has ever researched the laws of human nature can doubt this. To be in control of one`s mind means that we alone decide our fate and the world we create. We are free to choose our actions, but we cannot decide about their effects. We can control the results only by behaving in a proper manner. Learn to trust your CREATIVE GUIDE.
One of the qualities of successful people is their VISION. We must begin to think in the way successful people do and stop thinking as average people do.
If you can`t control your mind, you can`t control your life.
One needs to develop his mind; this is the strongest leverage. The difference between successful and less successful people is determined by leverage. Leverage is the key to success.
Carefully choose those you keep close to you. Power comes through knowledge. One`s knowledge must always be updated. You can only become successful through quest for knowledge, not through quest for money. Money reflects how successfully we have learned.
Winners take control; they are good at the game because they love it. Successful people want control beside leverage. Winners have everything under control. Many have succeeded because they decided to take control of their fate and refused to give up. The more financial knowledge we possess, the sooner we can perceive profitable situations.
Always focus your mind on the grand goal; this is one of the ways of taking control. Successful people take control by assuming responsibility. One needs to have control over creativity. Creativity is the source of wealth.
Creative people need no one to motivate them.
In order to realize our potential we have to use both of our brain halves. Such people can use their mind most effectively. Creativity is linked to intuition. It is essential for success to bravely undertake our new enterprises. Wealth is a completely natural by-product of a successful way of implementing a noble and carefully chosen goal.
There is only one kind of success: to live the way you want to live.
It is essential to program one`s computer, in this case one`s mind. You are your own programmer. By using the correct method you will easily teach your mind to always direct you towards the realization of your goals.
- The rich get even richer, because they think about what they want.
- Universal laws will ensure that our principal thoughts will become reality.
- Success is the personality into which we can change ourselves.
- Do not fear to hide the power of your mind.
- Success is the result of true convictions, which are nothing else than our habits.
- Do not turn back, if you don`t want to return to the past.
- The world is only a reflection of our attitude.
- The physical world is only the result of our interior.
- The interior world are the roots, the visual world is the result.
In order to change the physical world, we have to change our interior world first.
- The right interior attitude is always a winning one.
- Courage is essential to success, every change requires courage.
- Courage is a matter of personal character and personal attitude.
- All business partners are to be sought through similar character qualities from day one onwards.
- Each acknowledgement you receive is an acknowledgement of your idea and your courage.
- At the moment of creation there are seldom any accounts.
- This is a question of thought and emotion.
- Work is creativity and your complete satisfaction.
- The only difference is in sales organizing and efficiency as well as in the marketing approach.
- Successful people have a slightly different approach.
- Many successful people are modest and act from behind the scenes.
- They do not show off their intellectual mind and their material wealth.
- This is how successful people avoid envy, which is an unnecessary waste of energy.
- A general positive attitude is in itself a path to success.
- People in senior positions succeed mostly due to their positive attitude.
- We will gladly extend our respect, love and business cooperation to someone who will fulfill our need for self-respect.
- Your future will reflect your attitude towards life.
- Relations are habits of the mind, so ensure your mind is focused on your need.
- Develop a success-orientated conscience.
- This implies a mental state in which you see only success ahead of you.
- Be aware that you can gain access to anything others can achieve.
- Once you begin to believe in something, your conscience will recognize it and send along what you are looking for.
- Imagine that people transmit vibrations, whose power depends on the intensity of our thoughts.
- Most people do not credit faith or trust with special meaning.
- Therefore there is only a small percentage of people in each generation, who succeed in living according to their taste.
- Believe in yourself and in your mission.
- You have the power within you to tailor your world and your reality according to your own ideas.
- Leave ration aside and decide according to your emotions.
- Writing cleanses your mind and allows your mind to inspire action.
- Writing helps us determine our priorities and set our deadlines.
- Writing harmonizes potential discrepancies in our mind.
- Written goals are guides which help us not to stray from our path.
- Writing stimulates our imagination and our ability to visualize, which has a positive effect on the creativity we require to successfully accomplish our plans.
- Whatever we do, we must first envisage it in our imagination.
- Through self-belief and clear goals we can rise to a successful and wealthy person within ten years.
- A person needs time to recognize the connection between the challenges and the future.
- People don`t communicate through words alone but mostly through feelings that are hidden behind the words.
- Check your goals each morning and make sure that no singleday passes without your progressing them.
- Remember, in order to change your life you must first change yourself.
- Your success depends entirely upon the state of your conscience.
- Always concentrate your mind on a single thought.
- Your achievements depend on your relations with people.
- Before giving any advice try to put yourself in the other person`s shoes.
- Your emotions and your mind have a decisive impact on your relations with people.
- Never forget that each person sees the world in his own way.
- If you are completely dedicated towards achieving your goal the path to success will reveal itself.
- Problems are instructive, since they often show us the way to our goal.
- This is how nature should direct us to the right path.
- Problems are the only means for attracting our attention.
- Positive expectations will create relations which will satisfy everyone.
- Be a winner who helps others to win.
- Radiate an enthusiastic self-image.
- You must never forget that you alone are responsible for your feelings.
- The first stipulation for happiness is the courage to live a life of your own choice.
- Set your goals, line them out and realize them and you will be a happy person.
- Sadness is a result of old patterns and old thinking.
- Develop yourself and everything else will follow by itself.
- Improve your interior world and the exterior world will be as you want it to be.
- Once you make a decision you must consider how it will affect others.
- Hard work is required for the reward and for the future.
- First you must invest in education – you will only prosper in your field as an expert.
- Ask yourself how to stimulate your efficiency.
- Pay attention and you will discover talents, which others do not believe in.
- We must overcome our old habits.
A habit is a conditional response acquired through constant repetition.
- The most important skill is sinking into silence.
- It is essential that your weekly development includes time to think, to visualize and record your goals and to plan and estimate your development.
- You will find out that your understanding of your life and of your needs has improved.
- The more you will trust yourself and respond to your interior guide, the more you will have.
- Your goal is to be what you are and to do what you really want to do.
- Sharing your skills with others will pay additional dividends.
- A person receives what he is, one can only demonstrate the skills he has been able to develop.
- One of the most important gifts in life is giving, by doing so one always gets more in return.
- Once you realize you can rise, you will begin to do so.
- Once you realize who you are, your strength and resolution will create new conditions in your old environment.
- The more self-aware you will be, the wiser you will become.
- Asses your values carefully, take your time and work out what means most to you.
- I am sure, that using all my skills is the reason for my existence in this world.
- The best gift of personal development is the feeling of the new attitude you have toward yourself.
- It isn`t really important what you do, it is important what you become.
- All great individuals, who develop through their own judgment, are often misunderstood or become laughing stock, though only for a certain period of time.
- Anyone who follows only his own guide stands out in the crowd.
- People envy his originality and his freedom.
- Rely upon your own senses on whatever path God`s providence takes you.
- Do not waste your valuable strength on things, which don`t bring you satisfaction.
- Imagine you are taking the path you dreamt of.
- Approach to what you were born for. The path is bright and the goal lies straight ahead.
- You only need to persevere and move forward.
- If you decide to persist on your path, you must rely solely upon yourself.
- Rely upon and trust yourself, as many people did throughout history.
- Consider your ideas and adhere to your flashes of wit and to your clairvoyance.
- Cosmic laws ensure the keeping of balance.
- If you are in harmony with them, they will work to your advantage, if you are not, they will work against you.
- It is common to all laws that everyone gets out what he has put in.
- In the east this law is known as karma, which means return.
- Whatever you do with your thoughts, words and deeds, it will all be returned to you.
- All who understand and accept the connection to endless cosmic forces, begin attracting everything they want, just as a magnet does.
- You will be able to master the exterior fluctuations only by mastering yourself.
- Our mind seeks soul mates which are on the same wavelength as we are.
- Strengthen the inflow of goodness; let vitality and love overwhelm you.
- Money needs to be understood as a type of energy.
- Undertake regular plans for self-development.
- A garden will flourish, if it is persistently nurtured.
- Success depends on unwavering self-belief and on recognizing, that it is only a synonym for infinite possibilities of personal growth.
- True success does not depend on your present personality; you must evolve into what you need to be.
- Always look for opportunities, which are waiting for your attention.
- Always try to improve yourself and transfer this into the world that surrounds you.
- Believe in yourself, in your mission and in your uniqueness.
- A Russian philosopher once said that things only appear difficult because we don`t trust ourselves enough.
Once you realize who you are, you will influence your environment. Always consider yourself the person you want to become. Always try to improve yourself and the world around you will improve as well.
It means that the inability to plan equals planning for defeat. Goals are living dreams which we manifest gradually and deliberately. Goals are guidelines upon which you should determine your actions. The key to success is to exercise control over changes. The key difference between winners and losers is what goes on in their respective minds.