
A Little Story About Me;My 15th Birthday Party.

After I had opened all my presents in front of everybody, I said to my wee cousin Kaitlyn "I have alot of make-up" and we both starting laughing hahah!.

Ater that we all danced around like crazy by that i mean me Daniel,Kailtyn,Jenny,Melissa eating and carrying on having fun. About an hour before the party was gonna finish my mum lit my my cake, dimmed the lights and everybody sang Happy Birthday to me and while everybody was singing that to me am thinking to myself, 'okayyy then' dont ask me why cause I dont know.

While I was cleaning up bits and bobs like food etc, My bestfriends and cousins where out in the balconoy laughing and talking Gods know what about. Then my wee cousin Kailtyn popped up behind me saying "BOO!!!" "AHHH!" Kailtyn what the hell???"What did u do that for?" then we both starting laughing haha!sucker !

"Can I talk to you for a second?" She sounded serious so I said "Yeah course" with a smile on my face. I wonder what she's going to talk about? "erm, Daniel asked me to ask you if you wanted to go out with him" WAAAA???? I didn't know liked me in that way? "Wait what?Daniel likes me?" "YEAH" nearly deafing my ears! "I don't know Kaitlyn" "Go on, go for it" she kept on telling me go for it and it would be fun! "yeah ok calm down Ricky Bobby!" 

So we went our for 2 months. bestest 2 months of my  life.

I had a fab time at my 15th birthday party.

Hoped you enjoyed it.


Texte: Linda McNee
Bildmaterialien: Linda McNee
Lektorat: Linda McNee
Übersetzung: Linda McNee
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.08.2013

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