

Thousands of years ago there were two twin brothers who loved each other very much. Their parents died when they were young, for they were unknowingly demigods of ‘Yin and Yang’. These are the gods of balance and all worlds that will ever be. They lived for far longer than anyone else, watching their loved ones die as they lived on. The two boys were named ironically, Yin and Yang; because when they were born they both lit up in flames of different color- White for Yin, and black for Yang- burning up their parents in the flame of their bodies.


They lived as street fighters for a long time. Wining money to live and survive. When they turned 500 years old, Yang fell into a hole connected to the space time continuum, and disappeared for 600 years. On their 1100th birthday, Yang repapered in front of Yin. He said he changed his name to Zenn, and that he wishes to rule the world that has wronged him for so many centuries. He asked Yin to join him, but Yin refused saying that violence is never the answer. Zenn left, and Yin roamed the world, righting the wrongs Zenn has done.


Once Yin learned of Zenn making monsters out of animals and the people of his world, he forced a dimensional gate open and went to confront Zenn. It has been a thousand years since Zenn reappeared, and he was very different, but that didn’t change a thing. They talked for hours until they both broke out in a fight to the death. Yin was the weaker demigod and lost this battle. Yet with his dying breath he cursed Zenn with the most powerful spell he could muster. This curse says thus,


“My legacy will live on in another, for he will come to rid the world of you. It didn’t have to be this way but you made it so brother. This boy will have all my powers, all my skills; he will be the one to defeat you. He will be the one to stop your conquest, and as I say this, So Mote It Be!”


Dying, moments later, Yin’s curse travelled through many worlds across the alternate universes. Becoming a legend in all worlds through, many trained in the ways of Magick. Yet, not all beings heard of this legend and thus, would never believe such stories. There was such a world that never confided in the magical ways, or any other world besides their own for that matter. We know this world as Earth.

Through The Looking Glass

Sixteen year old Yin is walking home from school when he meets up with his best friend Marcus and Bella, Marcus' twin sister. The two friends, if wearing the exact same clothing, would most likely be terribly hard to distinguish between the two. Yin's white spikey hair stuck out from his scalp like thorns on a rose's stem. As he gets closer, he winks at Bella with eyes a beautiful deep shade of rosey pink.


His naturally slender build makes his white tee-shirt hang loosely off his shoulders, letting the music note near in the middle of the shirt sway with the slight breeze. His black jeans, white music notes dancing down the sides, matched his shirt to his shoes, a black and white pair of golden DCs.


“Hey dude what took ya so long?” His best friend Marcus asked.


Marcus had just turned 15 that year. He had long black hair, held at the nape of his neck loosely by a ruberband. His smile held a feeling of playful trickery while his dark grey T-shirt held tight to his chest; not as defined as Yin's but still held the hardness of muscle. His jeans fit perfectly about his waist, giving enough room for movement and perfect to run in. His black sneakers were loose about his feet, the laces tucked into the sides.


“Yeah, you said you wouldn’t be late this time.” Bella, his twin sister said with a hint of attitude.


Bella had short hair, just as black as her brothers. Her hair was long enough to cover her right eye while a small skull and cross bone barret held up her left part of her hair away from her face. Her grey tank held a Chipped skull design near the bottom left, almost making it look like the skull was breaking away from its prison, her shirt. She wore black tennis shoes, the laces were always tightened to the max then, copying her brother, she would tuck them into the sides of her shoes. She would always say, 'It keeps them out of the way'.


“Sorry guys, I got held up at the dean’s office, again." Yin said, rubbing the back of his head. "So what’s the plan?”


“We’re going to the forest. I heard there’s an old house out there that we can use as a hideout.” Marcus, the self-proclaimed leader of our group, announced.


“Alright, Lead the way our fearless leader you.” Yin said, laughing along with his kid sister Bella.


Marcus scoffed and shook his head, "Damn it Yin." It only took a few seconds of starring at Yin and his sister to make Marcus laugh along with them. "Fine." He turned on his heel and began to lead the small group of friends into the forest and toward the old house within.


Halfway to the house, Yin began to feel funny. Kind of like a numbing sensation, but worse. That feeling began to worsen, and spread throughout his body making him double over in pain. Marcus and Bella were there in seconds, yelling at him, screaming, asking him what was wrong. Yin heard nothing but a buzzing, as his ears began to ring, and a single voice. Mystical as it was majestic, overflowed his senses.


“The time has almost come. Soon, your destiny will be realized. Yin.” And just as soon as it came, it was gone, along with the pain.


Yin stood and staggered just a bit, Bella catching his arm to steady him. “Yin, are you ok?” Bella and Marcus asked at the same time, with matching looks of worry.


“Yeah, yeah.” Yin stood and pulled away from them both. “I’m fine. It’s just-“ He blinked a few times and shook his head. “I head this really weird voice say something to me,” Yin looked at his friends and smirked, “I guess I just imagined it.” With an awkward laugh he looked at Marcus, “Let us keep going, eh?”


“Alright. Just-“ He looked at Bella then back at Yin, “Be careful.” He turned and lead the way once again to the house already in sight.


As they walked up to the house, it began to look more abandoned then anything. Its roof had holes in it and the walls were covered in vines, from the base of the house almost to the roof. The windows were shattered and yet most of them were not even sitting in its seal.


"This is our hideout?" Bella asked, sarcasm on the edge of her voice. "A rundown shack? Cause that's what it looks like."


"W-well," Marcus began to stutter at first, "Maybe not! But!" His eyes had a gleam as he spoke, "We can still explore it." With high energy he began to run ahead, toward the house yelling back at his companions, "Let's go!"


Both holding a small smirk, the two ran after Marcus, both yelling after him to wait. When they all got to the front proch, there was a small pause in each step they took. Every part of the floor boards on the porch would creak with each step. As they reached the door, they just stood there for a minute, starring at the weathered metal of the door knob.


Bella was the one to break the silence, with a smirk she looked at her brother. "Well Marcus, open it." She knew he was just a scaredy cat when it came to things like this.


"U-umm, OH!" Marcus began to stutter agian as he looked at Yin. "Yin! You said you would like to lead the way today, so here's your chance." He told Yin nervously. Taking a step back he flinched at the creak and then smiled at his friend. "H-have fun."


Yin laughed at his friend, this wasn't the first time he had acted like this. "Alright, scaredy cat."


Yin walked up the door and tried the knob, it was locked. Lets just go around back then. He thought to himself as he began to walk towards the side of the house. Before he could take two steps, the front door flew open. He starred at it, Okay, usually when a door opens by itself, you run away really fast--but, now I am too curious to run away. Whats inside? Yin was lost in thought as he began to walk inside, leaving his two friends baffled at the entrance.


The two friends, realizing that Yin was going inside, quickly went to him, staying closely behind him as they ventured into the house. It was almost empty. Besides some broken tables and pictures frames, it was pretty much bare. There was an overpowering feeling of meloncholy within the walls of the old house they now stood in.


"Man this place is freaky." Bella said as she began to shake.


She turned to Yin who was standing in front of another doorway. The door was smashed open, as if someone, or something, broke it open from the inside. Splinters of wood covered the floor around the doorway, the knob, still stuck on the piece of wood it was installed in, was resting across the room near the wall. the rest of the door that was not broken off, was hanging in shreds on the hinges that were barely clinging to the frame.


"Huh?" Yin, just processing what Bella had said, finally replies to her. "Yea. It kind of is I guess." He was looking down the old stairs, rotted with rusty nails sticking up here and there. "Hey, I think this is the door to the basement, or what's left of it." Yin's voice began to show the harsh curiousity that it held when he found new things to explore. "Let's check it out." Not waiting for a yes or no from his friends, he began his descent down the stairs, careful not to step on a nail or trip over any of the wood chips.


"Yin, wait!" Marcus yelled at Yin, a bit too loudly and covered his mouth for a second before he looked at his sister. She nodded and he began to follow Yin down the steps, Bella close behind.


As Yin made his descent down the stairs, with each step the feeling that something was going to happen, began to grow larger with in his gut. Once he got to the last step and stepped down on to the floor, the room was surprisingly bright. The floor was bare, no dust on the ground or old furniture that would tell you it was the basement of an old house. Nothing.


When Yin looked at the ground once more, he saw what looked like, claw marks. His gaze followed the marks to the middle of the room where, once bare, now stood a mirror, almost as tall as the ceiling and held up by two strong stone pillars.


"Yin? Where did that come from..."Bella, stepping up to Yin's side, asked her friend with a shakey voice.


"Come on Yin, let's go." Marcus said to Yin, his voice mimicking his sister's.


"Just wait a minute guys," Yin being his curious self, began to walk towards the mirror. "Check it out." He sent a quick look to his friends. "There's something in the mirror." He stopped in front of it and just stood there, starring.


Bella and Marcus walked up to the mirror and to Yin's side, and looked at the mirror. Both gasped at what they saw. Instead of seeing what would of been their reflections, they saw a grassy feild, filled with flowers and surrounded by a forest of trees. Yet, above the tree line, they saw smoke billowing up towards the sky, like a dark scar.


"H-" Marcus began, studdering once more. "How is this possible? Isn't i- it a mirror, or some sort of weird TV?" Marcus could never accept the unknown, mystical or not.


"I don't know. But, it looks familiar to me. Like I have seen it before, or I have been there." Yin replied to Marcus with a voice that sounded far away. As he held his hand up the mirror, he touched it, and instead of his hand hitting the solid surface a mirror should have, his hand went through the glass, sending ripples through the mirror like water. Yin pulled his hand back and way from the surface, letting it settle once more. "Yea, Marcus..." He sent a glance to his friend, "I don't think it's a TV."


Bella took a step forward, she glanced at her scared brother who just stood there speechless, starring at Yin. "Y-Yin, is your hand alright?"


Just as Yin was about to answer her, there was a loud thump near the doorway. Marcus turned towards the thump and before he could take a step, a crazed animal lept in front of the trio, still halfway up the stairs. It looked feline. Yet, its eyes were glowing red and tusks jutted out from the side of its mouth. It lept the rest of the way down the steps and began to walk slowing toward Yin and his friends, growling an almost earth shattering growl.


Bella screamed and Marcus held a look a pure terror, a scream held taught with in his partially opened lips. Yin, on the other hand, was having a serious case of daja-vu as the three were forced to slowly walk back, their backs getting closer and closer to the mirror.


Bella, backing up too fast, tripped and began to fall backwards, and into the mirror. She began to fall head first, straight through the mirror's surface, just as Yin's hand. Marcus caught her hand and tried to pull her out but lost his footing and began to fall with her. Yin, watching this in slow motion, his eyes wide, reached out for Marcus' foot. Grabbing his foot, Yin was still inable to pull him and his sister out, and thus was launched through the mirror along with them.


As they fell, it looked as if they were floating in a tunnel of sorts. Different colors flying all around them in a dizzying pattern. They all looked back at the mirror they had fallen through just in time to see that feline monster lunge after them. They watched as it got closer and closer, just before the creature jumped towards them, and into the mirror, it shattered. Sending pieces of the mirror flying through the basement and closing the tunnel behind them.


"Well, no where to go but forward I guess." Yin said as they began to float closer and closer to the portal that held the still image of the grassy field. "Guess we'll find out what's on the other side soon enough." This last part was almost a whisper.


As Yin, Marcus, and Bella reached the end of the tunnel, they slowed down and went through the portal. Yet, just was they were going through it, everything turned a blinding white.

Enter The Heros


The bright white light blinded the three as they felt that falling sensation you feel when dream of falling they were hand still holding onto eachother, only when Yin tried oneping his eyes could he see that it wasnt a sensation they were turely falling.


"Oh shit!" yin yelled out and took his hand from Marcus' leg and shieled his face the best he could.


"what?" Both Marcus and Bella asked at the same time, they both opened their eyes and saw the same thing that yin saw impending doom.


Marcus and Bella let go of eachother and begun to scream holding their arms over their faces to try and protect themsevles, Yin begun to feel a strange surge of energy and screamed as loud as he could his scream sent out a strange pink energy pulseing from his mouth the waves hit the ground and bounced back up hitting the three freinds the waves seemed to slow their fall and they landed alot softer then they thought they would once on the ground Marcus and Bella both looked to Yin with looks of surprise they saw the energy that saved their lives as the three stood up Bella was the frist to speak and break the silence.


"Yin what was that pink stuff?" Bella asked with a curious tone in her voice not one of fear.


"I have no ideal but it just saved our lives so lets thank it" Yin said nervously laughing trying to look unfazed by all that had happened "but right now we need to figure out where that mirror thing has sent us and how to get back to where we came from"


"hey guys whats that?" Marcus now finally talking again pointed out to the smoke billowing into the sky just above the trees "i think..."


Just before Marcus could finish his sentence a loud screem could be heard from the smae dierction as the smoke, without warrning Yin begun to run to the source of the scream Marcus and bella looked at eachother and ran after their friend.


The three friends ran weaved through over two miles of forest untill they came aross a small town under attack by the very same creature that nearly killed them at the abbanded shack but here there were hundreds of them all over the place the towns people ran in all directions trying to get away but many were already dead or ingured Marcus and bella looked on in fear but Yin looked on in complete anger he felt the same energy building up inside him and this time he knew what to do.


Yin ran to a group of the creatures that was about to attack a family of four and he screamed a roar of rage the same pink energy pulsed from his mouth and sent the creatures flying back, the energy also hit the family but had no effect on them, they stood up thanked Yin and ran to safety, Yin looked back to Marcus and Bella in time to see them about to be attacked as well he ran to them and tried the shout again but this time nothing came out.


"Marcus! Bella! run!" yin yelled out and in response they turned and tried to get away but was blocked by a huge black and red spider with glowing red eyes.


"huh?" bella said with a curious tone as her eyes went compleatly black, she swung her arm up then down fast and smooth a black trail following her fingers when she did so all the black felines in frount of her and the big black spider behind her fell down in pain and tried to run away.


"Bella what was that?" Marcus asked her when her eyes went back to normal, she was about to ansewer when the spider got back up but the cats were still down.


The spider then lunged at Marcus its fangs open for the world to see just before it got to him Marcus's eyes went black and he shot his hands out in frount of him with black energy engulfing his hands just then multipul black magic circles appeared all around the spider and black hands shot from the circles and grabbed and tore the spider to bits as well as grabbed the cat things and pulled them into the black circles then they dissappeared.

The three friends with looks of surprise on their faces moved together but said nothing just listened to the screams around them stop as the creatures retreated back to the forest.


The surviving towns people all gathered around the three teens and cheered and screamed for their unknown heros they all got close enough to pat them on the back or shake their hands they diddnt stop them they were too confused to do more then stand there shakeing hands of the villagers they had helped.


"Grandfather!" Came the voice of a small boy from behind the mass of people, Yin, Marcus, and Bella all pushed them out of the way as they made their way to the crying boy who was on his knees next to a man with a hole in his gut.


Bella gasped as Marcus looked away in horror Yin looked at the scean as a sign he turned to his friends and looked them in the eyes and said "we must help these people use this power given too us to stop this from happening this is why we were sent here let us use the powers to rid this world of the black creatures that forced us here!"


Bella and Marcus looked at one another before nodding "ok we're with ya all the way Yin" Bella stated frimly.

"yeah lets give these things a beating they will never forget!" Marcus yelled excitely.


The three put thier hands out in frount of them one on top of the other then thrusted them up to the sky and somehow a blue energy beam shot from their hands into the sky then back down again to the man on the ground after a flash of light where the once layed he stood with no hole in his gut.


"Grandfather your alright!" the young boy yelled out happily.


"yes my boy i am and its thanks to these three young heros i am" the old man turned to the townspeople and spoke once again "this day is a day to rejoice we have three mighty heros to honor with the highest respect! let us have a feast! No! a party!"


The townspeople yellout their agreement and got to work setting up a party for their heros as the three friends just stood there in awe at the man who came back from deaths door.


The little boy ran up to yin and hugged him thight "thank you for saving my grandfather he's all i have left" the boy said crying a little as the old man walked up to the three.


"Mika careful with your emotions you dont want what happened last time to happen again do you?" the Old man said not harshly but kindly like a teacher would his student.


"yes grandfather im sorry" the boy dried off his tears and smiled "my names Mika Mineral i have a power like you guys i can control all gems and minerals in the earth"


"And im Valor the Elder of Vince village it is so good to meet you heros of...." Valor stopped talking when he noticed the blank looks on their faces "is there something wrong?"


Befor Yin could say anything Marcus went right out and said what they were all thinking "How the hell are you still Alive!!"


Valor was taken aback abit at the question "but heros you used the light of rebrith to bring me back did you not?"


"We fell though a mirror in a shack and came out here with these powers we have no clue what your talking about" Bella the voice of reason in the group said.


"A mirror?!" Valor excaimed with shock in his voice he turned to Mika and whispered something to him, afterwards Mika ran to another area of the town "hmm you three may be the ones we have long awaited for the three to take upon the last three lost arts"


"Lost arts? you mean like painting?" Marcus the clueless one but also the one that never gives up asked confused.


"No my boy a Lost Art is powerful combat magic that was deemed to dangerous to be used without restraint so they were sealed away and no one was able to use them but as time went on it came appearant that the arts would not stay sealed away and childern with the power to use them were born they were taken to the shrines where we keep the seals to be given the full power of the arts they repesent hopeing that they could handle the power of the arts but one such child used his lost art to take over the world" Valor said with a somber tone in his voice.


"The worlds not his yet Grandfather not as long as Haven stands" Mika said his voice full of confidence and his eyes shineing bright he had just came running back from where ever Valor had sent him and stood there with a big smile, he stood there at 4'9 and 120 lbs he had emerald green eyes and tan colored skin his hair was a dark brown almost like the ground he stood upon he wore earthly colors like his black and brown tee-shirt and his dark brown shorts "And Grandfather you were right the shirnes are glowing!"


"Yes my boy Haven stands for us all and if the shrines are truely glowing then that means..." Valor trailed off as he went into deep thought then look straight at Yin, Marcus, and Bella "Please young Heros tell me your names" Everyone around them stopped to hear the names of their new heros.


The two boys were stunned but bella stepped up to preform the introductions "well my names Bella Darkwell and this..." She motioned to Marcus "And this is my tiwn Brother Marcus And this..." She motioned over to Yin "Is our friend Yin Southpaw"


The entire town went silent when she said Yin's name many with looks of surprise but valor was so shocked he could not speak so Mika yelled out what he wanted to say "wait your Yin Southpaw! you must be the one from the prophecy!" Mika ran back to a larg house that could be seen in the distance then came back with a larg pink book that he promply opened "the prophecy read this 'When the time of Darkness is near and Zenn's forces reach their peak the chosen one will come from a new world through a protal set there for him and two others that will aid him the group of heros will consist of five legendary heros each with their own Lost Art'" he finsished reading from the book and looked to his grandfather for approval of how he read it, Valor just nodded still in shock.


Yin now completly confused spoke up "but how do you know im the one from the prophecy?"


Mika was about to speak up by reading more in the book before his grandfater stopped him to speak up "Becuase my boy the prophecy speaks of two that will come with him and the one who rote this prophecy was Yin Southpaw The Demi God of Light and Zenn Southpaw Demi God of Darkness' Twin brother, Get it now?"


Yin was shocked he was about to speak but Marcus did so frist "Wait so Yin is like the reincarnation of this Demi God Yin?"


"In short yes" Valor stated the three just now taking a better look at him he was old yes. but he looked much younger then he seems he had a fair complextion with brown hair and green eyes and wore a long tan robe that blocked off the rest of his body.


"So? what now? am i suppose to go out and fight this Zenn guy and save you all or what? what do i do now?" Yin asked.


"That is what the prophecy states but the choice is yours only you three can shape your lives only you three can chose the path you whis to take on." Valor said with a note of remorse that there is a chance they would refusse to help and walk away.


Yin turned to look at Marcus and bella and they looked back and with looks of determination on their faces they nodded "theres no way we're leaveing you all to deal with those things if we have a chance to fight them off and help, I dont care if im a demi god reincarnate or something all oi know is that i have the power to make a differcne soooo... LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!!"




A dark figure sat upon a throne carved from a block of obsidien his eyes glowing red he sat and watched the scean of a attack on a small village he watched with a smile seeing the destuction black felines were causeing to the villagers but then his smile faded seeing three of the black felines be blasted away by a white haired boy with a very familer energy "so your curse ran through hmmm? well thats just fine i killed you once brother ill do it again if i must"


The dark figures eyes went from red to black and his voice could be heard from all over the tower he sat atop of "all weilders of the dark arts come to the throne room the time we have awaited has finally arived prepare for.....WAR!!!!!"


Texte: Yin Southpaw
Lektorat: Winter Nyala
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.01.2014

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To those who helped the story come alive with each word and character.

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