
shut up and ride

“Dessy is you even listening to me?” I heard my best friend of 10 years ask me.
“Yea Chels I hear you” I said completely lying.
I hadn’t heard a damned word of what she was saying. Chels is my best friend. She’s a pecan brown complexion with the longest brown and gold tipped dreads. Her eyes are a beautiful blue and grey. Weird right? I mean what black person has blue and grey eyes!
“Dessy I know you not listening so I’m just going to stop talking.” she said in her whiny voice. I looked up at her.
“About time you shut up!” I shouted. Chels is my home girl and all but lord knows she can talk a person’s ear off. We were walking to her house from the bus stop and it was extremely hot outside which was causing me to be quite irritable.
“Aye you want some ice cream?” I asked. After a few seconds of waiting for a reply I glanced over my shoulder and noticed that Chels had stopped walking and was staring across the street. I turned and followed her gaze. Standing across the street had to be the sexiest boy I had ever seen in my life.
“OH MY FUCKING GOODNESS” I screamed a little too loudly causing the boy to look up at us. He began to cross the street towards us. He had on a clean and crisp collared red polo with the top two buttons undone baggy khakis and red and white polos. Chels and I looked at each other in sheer excitement.
“Whats up ladies” he greeted us “my name is Tonio and I saw yall from across the street and just had to introduce myself.” My heart melted at the sound of his delicious voice.
“Hey I’m sexy” I exclaimed. “I mean Destiny” I corrected myself. I could feel my face getting hot form embarrassment as he said “yea you is sexy if I must say so myself.” Chels laughed viciously and extended her hand towards him.
“Hi Im Chelsley but you my dear may call me Chels.” She said flirtingly. Tonio looked at her and nodded then turned his attention to me. I saw him staring at my body lustfully from head to toe and wondered if i was seeing things. I mean its not everyday hot boy stares at me, Destiny Nicollete Smith lustfully. Don’t get me wrong im very attractive with my walnut brown skin sandy red shoulder length ponytail and brown eyes but that’s pretty average here in Atlanta. Tonio smiled an award winning smile and calmly said to me “You are the beautifullest person I’ve had the pleasure to see.” I immediately blushed and stammered out a thank you.
“I know we just met and I don’t know you but I was wondering if I could you out to lunch?” Tonio asked me. I considered his invitation. I didn’t know him but I was surely willing and ready to get to know him. Before I could voice my answer my stomach decided it wanted to growl like a mad man and answer for me. Tonio looked at me smiriking and figured it was a yes. I nodded over at my friend Chels wondering if she could come along I mean he could be a serial rapist for all I knew. The thought of him rapping me wasn’t all that bad though considering his appearance. Shame on me. Chels acknowledged my nod and said she had other things to do and quickly dashed down the street leaving me and the could be serial rapist Tonio alone. He motioned for me to get into the passenger seat of a black dodge charger that I had just noticed. I got in hesitantly and he shut the door behind me. Racing to the drivers side he got in and started the engine. Pulling out of the parking space I looked towards him and boldly asked him what had been on my mind since I got in the car.
“You not a rapist are you Mr. Tonio sir if that’s your real name?” I asked flatly.
“No I’m not a rapist, but if you want to rape me you are more than welcome to” he said looking very amused and serious at the same time. I glared at him through slits and he continued driving.
“So where we headed to?” I asked him curiously.
“My place” he stated while looking at me with a very rapperish grin. I quickly scanned the car for a weapon if he tried anything sneaky. What was I doing riding with a stranger? I glanced over at Tonio and saw him nodding to a Jeezy song blaring from the car speakers. I’m driving with a sexy stranger I thought to myself and all fear soon disappeared from me.

Enchiladas,Assets and Kissing

It took us about fifteen minutes to reach his house or should I say mansion? Yeah I should definitely say mansion. The place was freaking gigantic! I opened the car door and placed my size seven yellow and black air brushed forces onto the world’s most maculate plush green lawn. There were fresh springtime lilies in full blossom on each side of the walkway leading up to the two oak wood doors in the front of the mansion. There were five rows of windows on the house and about 3 columns. As I stared in awe of the magnificent view Tonio came around to my side of the car and gently grabbed my hand and guided me towards the back of the house.
“Uhmm not to be rude but I wanted to see the inside of your mansion” I pouted to Tonio.
“We’ll have plenty of time for that later little lady.”
“How do you know that I'm going to be alive later?” I asked quizzically. “I could fling myself into the deep end of the pool and drown for all you know” I stated rather matter -of-factly.
“Because there is no water in our pool” he proclaimed just as matter-of-factly as I had moments ago.
“Douche” I mumbled under my breath. Once we were seated on the patio by the pool with sadly no water I noticed the biggest helicopter ever just inches away from where I sat. I know your probably thinking who doesn’t notice I giant helicopter in their face right. Well I'm that person. I can have a very short attention span at times so some things such as giant helicopters go unnoticed by me when I'm in the presence of a smoking hot dude.
“OH MY FREAKING GOODNESS!” I yelled while jumping up and down on the patio next to Tonio “you have a helicopter sitting right in your back yard!” my outburst seemed to amuse him as he quickly sprang to his feet and said in the most stereotypical girl voice ever “Oh my GURSH really DESTINY I SOOO didn’t notice it.” I politely flicked him off and ran over to it, he was right on my heels.
“Hey Mr. Serial rapist sir can we take a ride in your copter” I asked Tonio as nicely as possible.
“Maybe next time little lady” he said “it’s time for lunch.” We made our way inside the mansion from the patio doors into an island of a kitchen. There was stainless steel everywhere! The counters the fridge even the sink was stainless steel.
“Whats for lunch Dona?” Tonio asked the little chef who was placing a silver platter piled high with cheesy enchiladas on them.
“Enchiladas with strawberry mango smoothies and freshly picked baby carrots” she said. My face lit up with glee. Enchiladas and smoothies are my favorite foods in the whole universe! I tried to contain my excitement but failed.
“ME LOVEY ENCHILADASY AND SMOOTHIE!” I screamed in my baby voice. Tonio looked at me lustfully for the second time that day and grabbed the food and my hand and led me upstairs. As we walked up the stairs I couldn’t help but admire what a perfect ass Tonio had. Call me weird but I appreciate a man with nice firm assets. I guess he could feel my probing eyes because he looked over his shoulder and with a smirk sang the lyrics from Beyonces’ song ‘check up on it’ “you can look at it as long as you don’t grab it”. I blushed and looked away only to find myself staring at it again moments later. Once we were inside his room I couldn’t believe my eyes. His room was the size of Africa! I began walking from corner to corner counting every step that I made.
“650” I gasped out loud “your room is 650 square feet.” He looked at me like I had just announced that I was giving birth to a dog and said he was the father. He sauntered over to me while shaking his head.
“Look I know we just met and all but you are in desperate need of a math tutor” he said very seriously.
“Whatever your room needs its own zip code its so big” I said dramatically. I walked away from him and to the table with the food and sat down. I began to dig in immediately.
“Ugh this is amazing” I moaned.
“So are you” Tonio smiled. Did I mention he has an amazingly beautiful smile, especially for a boy. I looked up at him from across the table and smiled a thank you.
“I have a question Destiny” Tonio said.
“I might have an answer”
“Well I was wondering if I could kiss you?” he asked shyly. It took every bit of my strength for me not to scream HELL YEA! So I instead glared across at him and evenly replied with a sharp “Hell NO”. The look on his face was priceless. Seeing how hurt he looked I slowly got out of my chair and went over to him. I straddled him and lifted his face to mines then passionately kissed him. At first he was very unresponsive then once he came to he began to fiercely kiss me back. My hands slowly inched up the front of his rock hard six pack. I began tracing light circles on his sides which caused him to moan loudly into my mouth. I quickly slid my tongue into his gaping mouth and massaged his. Instead of moaning like I wanted him to he began lifting my shirt slowly over my head. I'm not one to kiss and tell on the first date but hell its not every day you meet a rich and sexy boy! We were deeply into our kiss when all of sudden we heard a loud booming from downstairs and we both jumped up. I sighed heavily there goes my fun.

The Package

Both Tonio and I raced downstairs to see what or who was causing all the commotion. When we reached the landing of the stairs I noticed three big burly figures hovering over by the living room coffee table.
“Hey son come here” a mans voice boomed from the living room “and bring your lil friend along with you” they yelled. Tonio glanced down at me as if asking if I wanted to go over there with him or just leave. I nodded towards the direction of the mans voice and walked over.
“Yea whats good Aaron what you need?” Tonio asked the man. So that was his name Aaron. He looked more like a Rick to me, a slick one at that. Aaron had on a three times too small black wife beater with bulging muscles covered in tattoos. His hair was thinning on the top and he had multiple gold chains hanging from his neck with a gold front tooth. I silently laughed in my head at his appearance remembering an episode of the boondocks when granddad was trying to be cool.
“I need you to drop off a package at Demetrio place” Aaron said.
“Ok” Tonio replied. Aaron handed him a small envelope. Tonio grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the patio doors through which we had come. I suddenly got the feeling I was being watched when Aaron called Tonio back over to him. I gladly followed behind him, I'm a little nosey if you haven’t noticed.
“I said I need you to drop off a package not you and her” Aaron said “lil mama you stay here with me while Tonio here go run me an errand iight”. Ugh did this dude really just call me lil mama? I glared at him like he was the worlds ugliest dog. This man must be off his rocker if he honestly believes I Destiny Nicollete Smith was about to stay here with him. HA! What a joke.
“Alright my bad. Destiny stay here I’ll be back” Tonio stammered. I looked at this fool like he was crazy. Nobody tells me what to do.
“Oh thank you for the invitation Aaron but no thank you. I think I’ll ride with Tonio” I said nicely while turning around to follow Tonio who was actually about to leave me there! What a douche bag I thought to myself about both of them. Once we were outside and in Tonios’ car I punched him square in the jaw causing him to drop his keys to the floor.
“That’s what you get for actually considering leaving me there you asshole” I said with a hint of smile forming on the corners my lips. When he had recovered from the blow he looked over at me and shook his head as if to say “if only you were a boy”.
“So whats in the package sir?” I questioned Tonio.
“Nun ya is whats in the package ma’am”.
“I'm sorry I don’t speak retardation therefore I don't know what ‘nun ya’ is” I said slowly getting irritated.
“Well until you learn it you not going to know” he smirked at me. I flicked him off and began twisting the buttons on my black skinny leg jeans. I noticed Tonio looking at me with a lustful gaze once again and decided to use his weakness to my advantage. I leaned over the cars console that rested between us and began feeling my way up slowly up his right thigh.
“So Mr. Tonio” I purred seductively into his ear “would you like to finish where we left off at in the house?” I waited for his response but only got silence. I began nibbling gingerly on his right earlobe while steadily working my hands across every inch of his solid frame. I slid my left hand behind his head and tilted it slightly giving myself a better angle at the crook of his neck. My right hand was wondering between his thighs and massaging his growing man hood. I tenderly grasped his dark brown locks and climbed on top of him straddling him. I fiercely pressed my lips to his and began grinding myself roughly into him. With each swivel of my hips I could feel the blood pulsing to his love tool. He wrapped his toned brown muscular arms around my waist and pulled me closer into him. He began nibbling at my bottom asking for entrance into my plush lips which I quickly gave. His tongue dove into my mouth causing me to moan at the intensity of one simple motion. I had almost forgotten why I was doing this. I reached over to the small storage compartment on the side of his door and hurriedly grabbed the package and leaped back into the passengers side. In one quick motion I opened the package eager to see what it was. As soon as I opened it I was wishing I hadn’t.
“What the fuck!” I exclaimed examining the contents of the package. I couldn’t believe my eyes.


Texte: dont copy
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.01.2012

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