

The winds blows the sweet smell of sweet rolls from the market, Rose looks up expecting to see a huge pile of them sitting on a vendor's ledge. What she actually see leaves her filled with fear. When she  looked up, she saw.... Rose saw herself, crouching in front of a mirror, looking starved, depressed, and unhealthy... She quickly smash the mirror, unable to stand the sight of the distraught look in her own eyes.. She walk away for the broken glass, careful not to cut her feet on it.. 

   Rose wake up gasping for breathe.. She looked out the window to find it's still night out. The night air was hot and sticky against her back, feeling uncomfortable she threw the covers from her legs, and walked down to the bathroom. "God my head hurts" Rose said as she tried to run a comb through her hair.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.03.2017

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

I dedicate this book to the people of BookRIx, for without their creativity in their own books, I would've never have thought this possible.

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