

Table of Contents

This is book one of 3 it contains the first 14 poems from the complete book and a sample of the ramblings.

Table of Contents:

  1. Lonely Oak
  2. Who Am I
  3. A Poem
  4. Just Write
  5. Cold Night
  6. Life
  7. Made Of Glass
  8. My Life
  9. Sunshine
  10. Just Write 2
  11. In This Moment
  12. Not A Poem
  13. One Door
  14. This Rhymes

Lonely Oak


A lonely oak stands alone, and never has a doubt. It need not know, or even care what life is all about. A lonely oak it stands alone, it stands up tall and proud. It has not a voice it can’t question life, or even shout out loud. A lonely oak stands alone, I really doubt it even wonders why. It just stands and grows, and now and then is shade for passers by. A lonely oak stands alone, and never asks questions gods plan. But that lonely oak he lives a simple life. His has not the life of man. A lonely man would surely fall, without the love of a friend For man was not built to stand alone, or be alone in the end. A lonely oak stands alone, but that oak is not at all like me. For me I stand alone and wonder, Why and What


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.07.2017
ISBN: 978-3-7438-2332-7

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

This book (all the books in the collection) is dedicated to all the people in my life who love and support me, as well as the ones who fucked me over all of which made me the person I am today. I offer them this dedication along with a sincere thank you for all they have done.

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