




(Jean’s POV)


The sound of the Monday morning alarm clock made me want to jump out of my bed in joy. Today I’m turning sixteen years which actually made me happy because I wouldn’t need to ride a stinky old bus every morning. I reached into my closet for a pair of black skinny jeans and a brown long sleeve shirt which would look cute with my new brown boots that I recently bought last week. I did my morning routine of washing my teeth and brushing my hair. The only thing that I never did is use makeup but since today was a special day I wanted to look presentable.

After getting ready I headed downstairs where I found my mom feeding my little sister and my step mother making breakfast. Oh, I forgot to say that my parents got divorsed but they wanted to still live togther since they thought that me living with one parent wouldn't be fair so they decided to live together with their new "life partners". I never really got along with my step parents because they always wanted me to act a certain way that they wanted. And lets just say I'm not like some people who just give up and obey the orders or decisions that other people gave or told me.

 " Oh, honey happy birthday!" my step mother was the first one to say but I just ignored her and headed towards the fridge for a glass of orange juice and a piece of bread. I stared at my watch when I heard heavy footsteps coming downatairs.

" Where's the birthday girl?" ugh unbelievable my stepfather would still call me "birthday girl" after two years of knowing me.

" Why thank you Josh, I was hoping that you forgot what today was my birthday since you never really liked me.... oh wait you still don't like me, so that makes it official we both don't like each other."

His face started to turn red which actually made me happy since today is my day to shine. " Now, now you two should stop fighting and start heading to work and to school or else you will be late." my mom said as she gave a kiss to Josh in the mouth since it was weird for me because my mom used to do that to my dad and now he is doing it to this jurk. once Josh and I headed towards his black mustang I took a quick glance at my surroundings and stopped at a truck just opposite of my house. Well it looks like we're going to have a new family in the neighborhood.

" hurry up, I don't have all your damn time." josh said with an annoyed look on his face.

"What did my mom really see in you?" I mumbled.


After arriving to school and getting my new schedule, I started to scan it and look for my first class which was spanish with Mrs. Gold. Fortunetly, not to brag or anything but I was actually very fluent in spanish. After arriving to my class, I saw my teacher, she had light skin, blond hair, and some wrinkles on her face.

"Ugh hi, I'm Jean." I said with my sweetest tone I have.

she immidietly turned around with a smile that showed even more wrinkles on her face,

"Oh hi, I'm Mrs. Gold nice to meet you, take a seat where ever you would like." I looked around the class to see if there were any empty seats in the back row next to the window. Which of course they were and headed to take a seat.


(Scott's POV)

After arriving to the pack's high school, every single girl in school started to come up to talk to me. It was actually very easy for me to get in bed with any shewolf since I was going to be soon alpha.

"Hey there handsome." The sound of that sweet voice made me want to grab her and leave the school to have some fun with her, if you know what I mean.

"Hey there beautiful I thought you weren't coming since the accident that happened with the vice principle." I told her with a smirk on my face. You see my dad is the principle and my mom is the vice principle since this school is only for wolves and not humans. We have been hiding from humans since the early 1800s. Ever since the masacre of 1805, the alphas made a decision that if any human would see us shift then we would have no choice but to kill them and dispose of the body. That is why we go to an all wolf school.



It was lunch time when my father ordered for me to go to his office immediately. I knocked on the wooden door before entering.

"You called father, is there something urgent that you wanted to speak to me about?" I asked while looking at my father. He had tan skin, dark blue eyes, and short black hair. My father stood up and started to walk towards me when he only stopped a few inches from me.

" Yes, prepare yourself to leave in a few minutes. Wer're going to attack the saiyans and the vampires in order to show them that they can't just start killing members from our kind and I need you to come with me incase we need a backup plan...." My dad put his hand on my shoulder and staired at me in silence until he continued talking.

" You are strong my son, and that is the reason that you were born that way so you can lead the pack into safety and victory." My father was right, i wasn't born like the other wolfs in the pack, I was born with the abillities and life span of a vampire, werewolf, and saiyan which sadly made me bite my Beta and my third in command including their mates so that we could live forever and we would still have control of the pack when my father retires.

" Yes father and if there isn't anything else then I shall leave." my father shook his head and i bowed my head before I left.


Two hours later....


I could feel the earth in between my paws as they hit the ground with such force that I was sure the ground was shaking in fear. My father, his beta, third in command, and some of the members of the pack that my father order for them to come with us were heading towards a plane field where the vampire and the saiyans were waiting for us. Get ready for anything that they throw at us my father told everyone from our pack with the mind link. Growls started to get louder by every step that took us towards the center of the field where the battle would take place.  I sniffed the air a few times when the most sweetest  smell of Jasmine flowers hit me. Mate, Mate my wolf shouted as the smell started to get stronger. Just as happiness came just did horror as I realized that my mate's scent was that of a human. WARN YOUR FATHER OR ELSE HE'LL HAVE TO KILL OUR MATE BECASUE OF THE LAW!!!!! my wolf was right but how can I stop this in time? Father there is a human comming this way, you have to call it off!  I tryed warning him through the mind link but it was too late her scent was already so near that by my guess it was only a few twenty yards away from where we were all standing. I stared at alpha wolf when my head snapped to the left where the two leaders and the saiyans and vampires started to walk towards my mate.

" we must kill her or else she will reveal what we have been hiding for so many years!!" the vampire said as he ran to get the human girl that tried to escape with her phone on her hand but was sadly caught in a matter of seconds and the saiyan snatched her phone out of her gripped and destroyed it in a matter of seconds with his fist. How dare they touch our mate. Do something for god's sake!!! SHE'S OUR MATE!!!! My wolf yelled which made me jump a few centemeters from the ground A large shadow covered me and started to walk infront of me and started to mind link the pack members that  came. Return to the rest of the pack, including you son while my beta and third in command will stay with me and fix this issue at once. We did as we were ordered since no one could disobey our alpha not even me.


A few hours later....

I was pacing back and forth in the living room wondering if my mate was alright and what my father meant when he said that he was going to fix everything. The door burst open and with it the scent of my mate hit me so hard that I started to tumble around. My father walked straight through the living room without him noticing me. I tried to keep up with them and when I finally caught up I notice that my mate's face and body was covered with a black cloak that my pack used on ceromonies or on special occasions.

" Father what happeneed? Is she alright? Thank you for saving my mate?!" My last question made him stop frozen and without facing me he said,

" She isn't your mate, your mate is Joceyln. Now go and let us be I have to prepare her for what she is going to face now and forever before she leaves." With that he entered his room with her.


(Jean's POV)

After what I saw in the field and what they did to me , the man that I saw turn from a wolf took me to a mansion where  I heard a male voice started to interrogate the man that was walking beside me,

"Father what happened? Is she alright? Thank you for saving my mate?!" what was he talking about and what is a mate? the man stopped walking and told me to go inside through the mind link. I did as he said and waited for him to enter. The walls were full of books and in the center of the room there was a desk that had a photo of seven people. There was a woman on the right that had long black hair, pale skin, light blue eyes, and a curvy body. The boys were about four to six years old, they all had dark black hair with small strands of dark brown . They had a very warm smile that reminded me of my sister. Tears threatened to come out, the only thing that I wanted to be was at my house with my parents and sister.

"Sorry for that, my son is worried sick about his mate" his voice made me turn around and face him with my emotionless face that I could show in front of him.

"What is a mate..... if I may ask"

"A mate is someone who will always make you happy and feel complete and so will you make them feel the same way towards you... lets just say that you were fated to be together since the moment that the two of you were born" he took a seat behind the big desk and then motionedd me to sit down.

"So ... do I have a mate? How do I know who it is? Will they know at the same time as me? What happens when I find him?" I had thousands of questions that I wanted him to answer.

" Every wolf has a mate and the only two ways that you know who your mate is when you smell their scent and your inner wolf would tell you" he stopped and continued.

"The second way is by the touch of the skin that would trigger possessive desires towards protecting their mate. You will both know if you are at the same place. When you find each other then you would have to mark each other in order for other wolfs to know that the two of you have already mates, then both of you would become stronger and much more powerful in every single skill that you have inherited."

Wow that is a lot to take in at once. He just stared at me watching what my reaction would be but I just tried to be as strong as possible.

"The only thing that I don't get is what do I have to in all this?" it was true I never asked to become a supernatural being and when I meant that I wanted to be different I didn't mean it literally!

"Huh Do you know what a hybrid is?" I nodded my head for him to continue.

"Well your a hybrid that is genetically combined with the blood of the vampires, werewolves, and saiyans which makes you just like one of my sons" so the kids in the picture were his sons and his wife.

" well you will be training every morning and during the night, do I make myself clear?" I gathered courage to speak up.

"Does that mean that I won't be able to see my family or have my normal life?" his face showed no emotion as he thought of his decision.

" You will act like your usual self except that you will come here for your morning training for just an hour and then you go directly to school and when you go to sleep, you will come back at 2:00 am every day. My sons will leave you at school and they will be waiting for you during the night" without even noticing that I was holding my breath, I let it out. 

" Thank you but why do I have to train?" it was true I didn't know why I had to even train.

" You are the pack's Huntress but instead of killing the supernatural like other hunters you will protect the pack and the supernatural" WOW!! I can't even take care of my own goldfish and  now have to be responsible of a  population of supernatural. 

"My son's will wait for  you at night and they will give you a signal so you know they're there" I nodded my head. He stood up and started towards the door nodding his head for me to follow and I did.

Chapter 1: Mate

(jean's POV)

Great. It's Monday at 3:00 am and I'm stuck at an empty hotel with a nest full of vampires chasing me.

" Get over here!" A booming voice said at the back. You must be wondering why I'm in a hotel full of vampires. Well here's the thing I received a message from my old alpha telling me that he needed a tiny favor and told me that there is a group of rogues that are trying to destroy every pack in the country and that they are looking for new recruits that specialize in hunting. Pain erupted as my face hit the floor.

"What are you going to do kill all four hundred of us huh?" The guy on top of me said I couldn't see him but from him being on top of me I bet he was about 230 lb.It would be easy to push him off. what I didn't expect was for him to grab my throat.

"Yup" I answered with his hand in my throat. Putting both my hands in his knee to try and release me but I only made him laugh. I shut my eyes close and started to think of a way to get away when shattering glass was falling on top of us. From the sound of it four figures fell from the roof making the man on top of me furious.

"What are you waiting for? Kill them!" Now was my chance to escape, I grabbed the guy's arm that was holding my throat and with my other hand I grabbed his left leg and threw him across the room. Four men that wore black clothes and covered only their lower face up to their noses observed my every move as I slowly stood up.

"Who are you?" was the only thing that I managed to say while massaging my throat. the guy in the middle walked towards me and slowly reached to take of the cloth when the three other guys took their weapons out. the guy in front of me reached towards me and pulled me towards him.

"Stay back for your own safety." He commanded as he took out his weapon.

"No. this is my job and I'm not going to let you just boss me around !" One thing that infuriated me was being bossed around and I'm not going to let some guy with a excellent built order me around. Wait why did I just say that?

"You don't have any weapons." the vampires started to surround us and We both took a few steps back where the other guys were. They then created a circle and of course I had to be in the center. Ugh guys.

" I can defend myself thank you very much besides what are you doing here?"I asked the same guy.

" Yeah right, I saw how you defended yourself back there. And trust me I don't want you to get hurt." OK now that pushed my buttons. I bend down and reached to grab my gun and started shooting.



"10!" what on earth are they shouting. As if reading my mind the guy next to me answered.

"They're counting how many they killed and choose the top killer of the night." Not removing his eyes off the moving targets.

"How many did you kill already?" Why am I having a conversation with this jerk?

"20" Huh, are you serious he killed twenty and he just said it as if it was normal. Jerk. we continued to shoot our way through and out of the hotel. Once outside, The three guys that were competing earlier started to tackle each other.

"Uh, thanks for helping me" I stared at my watch. Damn it I only had one hour to get ready.

"Scott!" huh. I turned around to see the fourth guy on the ground. Wait, did he just say Scott? Mate GO to Mate! This can't be happening! We are reunited once more. Why, why did this have to happen now? The smell of blood hit my nose as I searched for the wound. A hand touched mine making sparks go through my body.

"I...n-need...blood from my mate." His weak voice broke my heart to pieces. Concentrate. This is not the time or place to be all sentimental.

"We need to get him to a safe location as fast as possible or we're going to be dinner for the undead."

"Where are we going to go and the pack house is really far away and did I forget to mention that there is a group of vampires on our trace?" Could that be Damon?

"I saw an empty house on my way here. Damon, can you carry Scott all the way there?" It actually didn't seem like a question. confusion crossed his face for a second before recovering himself and nodded.

chapter 2: Why me?

After arriving to the old house, Damon layed Scott on an old couch that was covered of dead leafs. We had to move fast because Scott's injury were getting worse by the minute. And he needed to drink blood. As I started to rip his shirt, blood was pouring out in a negative way. Think Jen, think.

        "We'll leave you two" Brandon was the one that spoke as heavy footsteps echoed.

        "Wait. Where are you guys going?" They always have to leave on the moment that Scott needs them. Brandon stopped at the door or where there used to be a door once.

        "Scott needs blood from his true mate and I doubt that Maleena would give him blood. The truth is that we all know your his true mate and that you would do anything for him even if it means to leave him. But now you must come back and fix all this before it's too late for the two of you and for the pack." Then he left the room leaving me in the silence.

        "Why me?" I said as I searched for a knife to make a cut in my wrist. Hopefully this can help him. The reason that I left the pack was because of Scott. You see, as you may have noticed by now Scott is my mate and I would kill for him not to know that we're mates because I would then become Luna. But that's not the worst part. The worst part is that nobody knows how I look in human form or what my real name is. I had to keep this a secret in order to keep my family safe and to keep my mate and pack away from me. I always had to reject my family making my parents wonder what was going on with me but the worst thing is my little sister. Before all this happened, we were always together it was as if we were connected in someway that I can't explain but she is the only member in my family who knows about me being a werewolf. We always go on runs together and during the day I would always reject her making me feel bad and making her lonely.

        Drops of blood traced Scott's thin lips as my wrist made contact with his pink lips. At first my hand just stayed still until a hand reached for my wrist and started to suck on it. Sweet feelings crossed my mind as our skin came into contact. A moan escaped my lips making his eyes shut open and drop my hand.

Scott's POV

        A sweet and warm liquid filled my mouth as a reached in the darkness for something to grab onto. Something soft and small was near me. It was the source where the warm liquid came from , making me yearn for more of that liquid. I pressed it harder into my mouth until a seductive moan made me open my eyes. Mate Mate Mate my wolf chanted as the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen in my entire life sat in front of me. Her tanned skin and those thin pink lips that I wanted to devour at that instant. I wanted to run my hands through her dark black hair. But why would my wolf react this way if Jocelyn is our real mate and not this girl.

        " How are you feeling?" her angelic voice made me want to groan and make her mine at this right moment. come on say something or i'll do it my wolf growled.

        "Uh, thanks for saving my life wha-" she interrupted, " Look. I have to go to school, its getting late, i have to get someone else ready, and your brothers are outside so ill go and you just wait here ok?" How dare she interrupt an alpha! and who would be that person? would it be another guy? she was grabbing a bag and heading out the door " Wait. We'll take you to school ... and the other one too" her blank face showed that she wasn't expecting this as my answer. After telling her the many reasons why we should take her to school, she finally agreed. She told me to wait outside and i did. After a few minutes of waiting outside, she came out but as a complete different person. She wore those nerdy glasses, sweats,and braces. My brothers and I just looked at her for a moment before Damon asked, "Why are you wearing that?"His voice reflected disgust and terror. She just sighed. " this is how i looked like before they turned me." they? turn? you mean that this girl is a werewolf.

        After that we headed to her house but she told us to wait one block from her house because she didn't want us to know. "So you guys think that an alpha can have two mates?" My brothers just looked at me as if I grew another head. "Com'on man,she is your true mate not that bitch." I growled at Damon. "Watch your tongue because she will soon be your Luna" footsteps echoed as a figure approached us. "Who, is that a baby?" JB climbed in the car before revealing the face of a baby girl who was asleep. "I need to take her to the babysitter before school." Could this baby be her daughter or her sister? My brother Stefen looked at me then at the baby, "Is she your daughter?" he asked. We were all silent waiting for her answer when a small yawn broke the silence and a pair of beautiful brown eyes opened up. "Mo, mo, mo" the little girl was just starting to speak but what hurt the most was that this girl called JB mommy. In that moment my heart shattered into tiny pieces. Could it be that JB wasn't my mate and that she already found him?

        "Yo, JB who's this little cutie?" Brandon asked. She just stared at Brandon and the baby and then back again. We were all intrigued by the question. Waiting for her answer as I felt seconds turning into hours. "She's my little sister. Her name is Becca." My heart felt relief overflow with joy. Her sister. It would mean that I still had a shot with JB.

        After dropping Becca off with her nanny, JB gave us directions to her school. She waved at us goodbye and head inside. In that moment I decided how I would get closer to her without anyone knowing who we were. "What are you thinking,bro?" Stefen asked without removing his sight from the road. "Oh nothing. Just the usual, how to win back JB's heart back" my voice was full of excitement as those very words left my mouth.

Jean's POV

        After waving goodbye to the guys, I headed inside to be knocked to the floor by my friend Rachel who was now interrogating me about who were the boys that were in the car and how everyone in the school saw the guys' figures inside the car. She is a tall just like me with almost hazel eyes and blonde hair that fit her personality in every way possible but is still love her that way. We talked for a while until it was time to go to homeroom and went our own seperate ways. The whole morning went so slow since I didn't have any friends in any of my classes, then came lunch but I didn't eat anything since I had no one to sit with and I didn't have any money in my account. So I just went to the library to wait for the bell to ring for the last class of the day. History went really slow and I just kept on looking at the clock and dozing off. I slowly packed my stuff after history had ended when Mr. D headed my way. " miss Jennifer. I believe that my class was a bit boring for you?" Damn it. " n-not at all Mr. D I just didn't have enough sleep last night." Well at least I wasn't lying. I grabbed my stuff and exited the room and headed to my locker. I grabbed my stuff and waited for John to arrive but guess who arrived? If you guessed Damon, Stefan, Brandon, and Scott then you were right because they were waiting for me at the senior parking lot. It felt like we were stairing at each other for hours but it was actually seconds. "Get your ass in the car! NOW Jennifer." I was knocked out of my thoughts as John was stairing between me and the guys. let me out! let me out! my wolf screamed. Calm down or else we're not going for a run in a few seconds she calmed down and then, You can't fool me i know you can't let me out even if you wanted. She had to open her big mouth but it was true, i can't change even if i wanted to.

❤❤❤Next Day❤❤❤

        After John left me in the Parking lot, I met up with Rachel and we just wondered arond the school but I felt that Rachel seemed to be much more enthusiastic than normal. She had a smile that made every guy look at her dirrection. "Hey rachel, what's up with you today?" She suddenly stopped"OMGismymakeuprunning,tellmewhatswrong!" She then took a few deep breathes before calming down and smiling creepy. "Wow.just wow." We continued to walk and then the bell rang.

          When I arrived to class everyone was whispering about these new students. I ignored them and went to my seat until something caught my attention, the smells were somewhat familiar but I can't remember from where or who they were. "OK my little animals, we will start today with chapter four so open up to page 198 and start reading. I went to grab my textbook when those same smells filled the air. I must find who are they and what they are rouges then I must kill them.

            First and second period went fast and then I was stuck in bio with this teacher that tried to make jokes but she failed miserably on doing it. The bell rang and Mr. Ding stood up in front of the class and began to explain how we will be doing a experiment on energy when there was a knock at the door. He went over to the door and entered again, "class, we have new students in our class-" I blocked him out after that and continued to consent rate on the smell that was much more stronger by the second. "OMG they're sooo cute!" The girl next to me said I think her name was Ellen and then every girl in the class started to squeal out of excitement. That was my signal to leave so I grabbed my bag and got up to ask Mr. Ding if I could leave when a husky voice made me stop in my tracks. "Mine" no no no w-why are they here! Something in my throat that wanted to escape but I didn't want to let it out so I just ran out the door and into the bathroom waiting for the bell to ring. Why me?!?

Chapter 3:You're Mine!!!

I was heading to the gym lockers when I spotted Damon and Stefan leaning against the door. "What do you want" furry could be detected in every single word. They both turned towards me when Mrs. Chess butted in like always. "All of you go get changed." Her ruff voice made no impact in any of us after all we were all alphas. "NOW!!" She screamed making a few of the girls who had already finished changing run to the main gym. I looked at them and nodded signaling them to go and that we would talk later, they exchanged looks before agreeing and headed to the guys' lockers. I did the same and hurried to change before heading out to the main gym and sit at the bleachers waiting for my friends to arrive. Mrs. Chess finished taking attendance and told us to begin our five minute warm ups. The girls would usually walk around the whole gym while the guys would do push ups at the center of the gym. My friends were talking about some guy that I didn't catch his name but my mind was more concerned on the guys. Why are they even here? Maybe they found a rouge and its attending this school?!?

Or maybe just maybe they're looking for someone special or something. The entire time a kept on rubbing my wrist where there was a red bracelets and in the center there was a silver flower that had small diamonds on each of the pedals. Would they want the key? That's when I realized that the key wasn't safe anymore and that other people may be looking for it right now and at this school?!? So that's why they're here, to protect the key and not let anyone near it. Damn it! Some teacher blew the whistle making me return to reality. Everyone went to their own activities and I went to the bleachers. Before my second year of high school started, the school send a packet that my mom had to fill out so that I could attend gym. At first I was scared because I didn't know how people would react if I let my wolf abilities run loose so I told the alpha of my situation and he said that he would take care of it. He did don't get me wrong, the alpha is a man of his word and not to mention that he is now my father since he used his blood to give me my wolf so you can say that I'm also an alpha. But it is sometimes difficult to have the alpha blood in me because when the teachers get mad at me or something, my blood begins to boil and then rage emerges from me and I imagine the death of that teacher and their blood on my hands. That's the bad thing about it but anyway I was sitting the entire gym period because my "dad" wrote that I have really bad asthma problems and that's why I was excused but I still had to wear gym clothes. I watched as my friends played volleyball then my body went stiff as all five of the guys were getting ready to play. I crossed my fingers and prayed that nothing strange happens. Please,please,please let this day go fast and I'll be good to the animals and stop hunting them and drink their blood. "Um, Jennifer right?" I opened my eyes at the sound of my name and a pair a beautiful brown eyes were staring right at me but nothing compared to Scott's baby blue eyes. Don't get me wrong this guy is cute and to tell you the truth, I have a crush on him ever since middle school but I never did get a chance to tell him since he is always on his phone whenever I try to get near him so I gave up but we still have some classes together even though we never talk. He stood in front of me waiting for my answer, could it be that he has finally realized that I have a crush on him? "Yes, that's me" how lame can I be. He smiled his perfect smile and i smiled too. Mr. Crow wants me to get the equipment out. Can you help me?" Here was my opportunity to have a normal conversation with him. "Sure, lead the way" he stepped aside so that I could walk next to him. I could feel the tension rise as we got closer to where the guys were playing but I tried to calm myself and concentrate on Max. We talked about how he didn't want to be this straight A students that everybody thinks is perfect. We talked about our likes and dislikes and I found out that we had a lot in common like favorite foods, movies, actors, and sports. We grabbed all of the equipment from the closet and went back to the main gym. The moment that I turned my head to ask Max where I would be putting the bag when our lips touched and his warmth was peaceful and just like that it was gone. I stood still replaying the events that took place when a girl screamed for help. I turned around and saw that Stefan was holding max's arms behind his back while Damon kept on punching his stomach until max began to spit blood. My vision began to turn red at the simple sight of blood and that's thanks to the vampire gene that was given to me. I do drink blood just like Scott and his brothers but we don't drink blood to live but to heal whenever we are hurt or try to heal a human being By using our blood. By the time i reached Damon and Stefan, max was already on the ground and curled up in a ball What is wrong with the two of you! I mind linked them trying to send them the anger and furry that I was feeling at that exact moment. I bent down and grabbed Max's arm and put it across my shoulders and began to walk very slowly to avoid any more pain then what he felt right now. When we arrived at the nurse's office I explained what had happened and the nurse gave me a pass to head on to class. I was going over the events that happened and wondered why Damon and Stefan were acting like that? It's none of their concern who I talk to... Or kiss but why are they even here? When I arrived to math class, a delicious smell entered my nose it was a mixture of forest and mint. The simple scent made my mouth water wanting to find the source of that scent and licked my dried lips. "Mis Brown what is taking so long for you to find your seat?!?" Mrs. Mic is an angry old mole that always had to scream at me for every little thing i do. I remember one time when my phone rang because my mom wanted to know If I was going to stay after school and I ended up having detention for one week ! "Now that miss Brown has the pleasure of arriving to my class I would like to present to you a few new students." She looks around, "could you come to the front of the class and present yourselves." The kindness that she put made me wanna throw up. Gggrrrrr wolves gggrrrr be careful they're alphas my wolf warned me as I looked down at my desk not wanting to see them but my curiosity got the best of me and I cursed a million times at my curiosity, " I'm Scott and these are my brothers; Stefan the oldest, Damon the second oldest, Duncan my twin brother, Jocelyn my twin, and lastly my youngest brother Brandon." They talked about their life's and how difficult it was to try and fit in to their previous schools that they decided to come to this school and be together since they all went to private schools. When they were walking between the desk some of the guys whistled and the whores would make cat noises. The rest of my morning wasn't easy but I got over it and when it was time for lunch I went to Mrs. Genthe's life class to wait for my friends. Mrs. Hen the was cool with me entering her class since I never disturbed her class. My two friends were cleaning up their table that was covered with white stuff from head to toes. Chloe was yelling at Daniella for not being careful with the glue and how this wouldn't happen if she had stopped fooling around. Those two always make my day especially if I'm not in the mood but they always bring the best out of me. I was always shy and antisocial even now but with them I feel like I can tell them anything their like my big sisters that I never had but always wanted. Daniella had long brown hair and brown eyes that you might think that if you look at them for too long, they will swallow you. Chloe was a red headed girl with a sweet smile that could bring happiness to everyone she offers a smile to and had that biggest heart in the world where hatred, anger, and envy never did and will exist. she also had, as the boys would call her "dangerous curves" that makes her perfect girlfriend material. She sometimes acts like our mother than a friends and that's what I like the most about her that even if she knows that your right or wrong she will make you see the right thing to do. "So have you seen the new guys?" Daniella asked as she grabbed her bag. We always headed to my locker since it was right across the hallway. "Uh yeah i have them in some of my morning classes" they both screamed with excitement and they kept on asking questions about how they look, what they wear etc. "well they're tall, great body, maybe an eight pack of abs, some of them have jet black hair and have dark brown hair, they all have brown eyes except for Scott who has blue eyes, and the girl is a blonde" they both looked shocked even when I waved my hands at their faces they didn't budge I followed their gazes and the exact expression that my friends had I also had. All six of them were coming our way in a V line formation with Scott in the center, Jocelyn at his left holding his hand and the rest behind them. "Hey there" Jocelyn said with a face that I wanted to slap at that moment. Both Chloe and Daniella poked my arms wanting to be introduced. "Guys these are my friends Daniella and Chloe" pointing to each one "Chloe, Daniella these new students;Stefan, Damon, Scott, Duncan, jocelyn, and Brandon who were leaving now" trying to give them the idea that i didn't want to be anywhere near them." we need to talk. Alone."Scott said with a very strong authority that made my wolf shiver. And that manly voice that made my stomach fill up with butterflies. Mate mate mate! My wolf leaped around my head causing a temporary headache. I know.

I began to walk next to Scott and Jocelyn while the rest of the guys stayed behind talking to Daniella and Chloe. "We have a problem" Scott was the first to break the silence. "Fix it yourselves. I'm tired of doing all the dirty work for you!" Tried putting out the point. "Father wants the A Team back like it used to be before you ran off." Pause. Me! It was their fault that I was 'kicked out' because of them! Rrrrr! "Why don't you tell Alpha John to look for someone else to do it. Maybe Jocelyn since it's all she does is bark orders around like a Luna" the last few words hit them straight where I wanted, their ego.

i left them and called my friends so that we could go to lunch. "What happened?" Chloe is always the one that worries the most especially coming from her friends. That's what I like about her the most. "oh nothing, they were just wondering where a good restaurant was. Hey how did the project go?" I didn't want to talk about anything that had to do with them especially if gonna see them everyday. "It was actually really fun, the kids loved the game and Mrs. Williams was find with it ." she deserves an A she worked her butt off with that project and she was happy. Just made my day. Once we sat at our corresponding seats we began to eat and talk with some of our friends that were already there when we arrived. I liked to think that we were the invisible 6 because we always had each others back and our two rules were that , one protect and help one another no matter what and second to always be friends no matter what happened. It was the first year meeting them and I was attached with them by the second day of school. I did have friends don't get me wrong but those friends just lasted a year and the when I saw them they acted like they didn't even know me. Story of my life, I was always left alone and isolated from the rest of the world. "J don't turn around but you might wanna see what's coming this way" Daniella rod me since she was sitting opposite of me. I turned around and saw that Stefan was coming this way while the others were standing at the entrance of the cafeteria. "uh- I'll be right back" I stood up quickly and past Stefan giving him an emotionless face, he nodded and waited a few seconds before following me. We acted like we were waiting in line to buy something, "What is it with you guys and following me around?" I didn't face him. "We just follow orders from father just like you but right now we came by our own choice. There is something wrong, we received an anonymous letter saying that if we don't give the baby to them then there will be consequences. Father thought that it was just a job and ignored it but after that three days later the pack was attacked by rouges." What!?! "That's impossible! Rouges aren't allowed to pass the territory -" we reached the cashier before I could finish and this lunch lady gave us a half smile, " what can I get for these love birds" both of our cheeck flushed. "A large water and a sandwich. Please." The lunch lady nodded and went to get the order. I couldn't resist the urge to ask, "why didn't you tell her we weren't dating instead of agreeing with it?" He gave me one of those smiles that he would always have me when we would hang out. "You didn't affirm it or denied it either." karma. The lady came back and I was about to pay but Stefan payed for it instead. We walked to the table where my friends were sitting when I noticed that all of the girls from the cafeteria were giving me death glares as we walked by their tables. Once we reached the table, Stefan leaned close to my ear and whispered, "Your mine. Princess." And left .

Chapter 4: The Tattoo Of The Black Dragon


My day went from bad to worst as the problem continued with the guys going to the same school as me. Thankfully the day was over and I could finally go home to get some rest.

When I got home,  I found Myrtle and my dad sitting in the couch watching tv with Josh and my mom on the other side of the couch. "I'm home" I announced they didn't turn. I went upstairs to my room to find Maddie playing with her toys. We share a room ever since Sarah wanted her own room so she took over my sister's room and now all of her stuff is in my room. Anyway I gave her a bear hug and started to play with her. We started to play with her doll house, "Help me please! Somebody oh help me please!" I put my Barbie doll at the top of the castle while Maddie's doll who was the Prince was galloping with his mighty horse towards the castle door. "Don't worry Princess I will save you. Come my faithful steed and save the Princess!" We continued to play for a little longer. Time flies fast when your having fun it was already 7:00 PM and it was time for dinner so I went downstairs while Maddie continued to color her picture. I went in the kitchen and found my parents, josh, and Myrtle drinking whine while laughing like crazy hayenas. "Um. So what's for dinner?" They stopped and stared at me as if I grew another head. My mom turned around to look at the clock on the wall, "oh I'm sorry honey I forgot to prepare dinner." Sheepishly when she gave her whine glass to Josh so he could fill it up. "You have hands so start making dinner and get out of my sight you whore" I rolled my eyes and I started to grab some stuff and see what I could make for dinner


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.04.2014

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