
From Heart to Heart

If you're walking barefoot through the labyrinth of love, not embarressed by the boots of ignorance, you can reach the gate of soul easier. In the cup of happiness also exist some tears of sadness, easy dropped in there while the lovers were running over the path of life, trying to reach the true love. These were the words that were running front the Mike's eyes in that evening when it would wished to fit his spirit, trying to find a inner equilibrum, after so many years of loneliness.

It had created an account on that dating site about four months ago, first time just for fun, but, later on, when he saw some interesting girls that seemed to be serious, his attitude had become somehow different and it had started to be more interested of that site. But now, after many conversations with those girls, Mike already wasn't hopping anymore to find someone that would wish a relationship in the real meaning of the word. More than that, he was going to delete his profile from that site, but, before to proceed this action, following an instinctive reflex learned after he spent so much time on that site, he saw in the section "New members" a profile picture that made him to express an interest for it. Mike has entered on that profile and, after he saw all the pictures and a short description, it has sent a friend request to that girl which could be a real person, after all. Obviously, Mike gave up to the idea to delete his profile from that dating site, at least for the moment, and then it stand up on the feet from computer and goes in the kitchen in order to prepare a cup of coffee, following a well-known ritual.

Now, the boy that was sitting on the confortable chair from the balcony, quietly drinking from the cup of coffee, it wasn't resembling anymore with that cramped person which was front the computer couple minutes ago. Somehow absent, Mike was looking at the steam of the coffee that was going up easy, highlighted by the low light that was coming from the kitchen, as well as from the buildings located in the neighbourhood. The fresh air of the night that had surrounded for few minutes the little town, as well as the energizing effect of the coffee, as though were making Mike to recover his strenghts and come back in his room more rested, but aware the fact that the energy regained could be easy lost after couple minutes of browsing on the internet, so that he was going to stay only little time front of the computer, take a quick shower and then go for sleep. The very first moment when Mike has arrived close to the computer, it noticed a new message in the email inbox and he found out his friend request to the girl from that dating site has been accepted.

In the next days, Mike has talked with that girl, named Diane, first on that dating site, then by email and, finally, on the phone too. Just after couple days of chat, Mike got a meeting with Diane in a town closer to her residence, as she stated when they've talked. Even though before to see Diane, the young boy was overwhelmed by emotions and his mind started to be occupied with rambling thoughts. Mike, well-known as shy by the family and


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Steven Clark Stanton
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.04.2015
ISBN: 978-3-7368-8694-0

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