
Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1 The hunted house
  • Chapter 2 The Mysterious man and house
  • Chapter 3 Start of the big investigation
  • Chapter 4 The way out
  • Chapter 5 Last day
  • Chapter 6 I can't get over of it...
  • Chapter 7 The Begining of the war beetween Carlo and the Mysterious Man



I tried my best to share my expirence- Carlo

Chapter 1 the hunted house

Hello everyone your about to read a horror story. I am Carlo, my class will be having a fildtrip to jackstone ave. this month and I will be joining. I am so exited 3 days left and we will have a 5 days camping\fildtrip. Finaly!!! the day has come we will be leaving the school at 12:00. All my classmates are so exited. The bus is here my teacher shouted we all scream as loud as we can. We filled up the bus ready to godriver ask yessss!!! we all yelled. The bus leave the campus and we arived at jackstone ave bye 1:30 we all get our bag and get our tents ready.You can go anywhere you want but don't go to far and be sure to be back bye exactly 2:00 to eat be safe guys our teacher anounce me and my friends get into adventure. We are walking when we see a HUNTED HOUSE we entered the house. We check the time guys we should go now it's almost 2:00 I told my friends we are almost going aout of the house when suddenly someone shouted hellooo it's none of my friends we all shouted we run until we get to the front door and leave the house. Where did you guys go and be late for dinner?! our teacher ask with dissapointment ammm... well we just go somewhere... and see... I replied See what?!  our teacher ask while shouting. Ammm. we see... a HUNTED HOUSE... what? funny boys come on maybe your just hungry my teacher replied while having a funny eyes. 

Chapter 2 The Mysterious man and house

 This is our second day in our fildtrip. Again we had our freetime me and my friends go to the hunted house again. OMG I want to go home thats what I told when I see a man Standing in the window of the house. Is he the owner of the House?! my friend ask while shivering. We entered the house again and the door shuts slowly we go to the window where the guy is standing I know this story book is not much scary but me in real life I don't know what to feel anyway we did not see the man. We walk away from the house going in our tent when suddenly we see a dead body with many blood. Guys did you see this while where going to the house? I ask my friendsSuddenly our teacher come OMG she is like an Angel ( I realy have a big crush on her since she become a teacher ). Guys where have you been again and your late AGAIN?! our teacher ask ask We again I answerd while sweting There is no field here oh anyway lets go to the camp side your other classmates are waiting for you. Our teacher is infront of us and the head is in the middle why did she not see the head? I ask my self. At night time while everydody is asleep we go to the house again it was so scary and dark we use your flashligt in seeing our way. This house is so mysterious and the man we see who is that? I ask my friends. Well that's true we should investigate this house beffore we leave this scary place.

chapter 3 Start of the big investigation

On the 3rd day at 6:00 we have a free time. This is it guys we should start investigating the house I told my friends.We start investigating the house it is so crepy my gosh. Sudenly we heard a dog barking arff..arff..arff but there is no dog in the house. We look outside no one is there no dogs, no cats NO ONE. We should go now maybe miss clara (our teacher) is finding us let's go now. Oh come on carlo your just scared. No I am not scared come on. Then why do whant to...Our conversation stop when we see a lady just pass by the door where about to enter she is wearing white long dress long hair that's it. That's it we should go if you want to live longer we should... I am shocked when I see my friends not in my back anymore. Guys not funny it's not time to play hide and seek where are you guys don't try to scare me it's no funny at all. No one aswered It is so dark I try to find the way out it give an couple of hours to find the door finally I just found it but...Nooooooo!!! It's lock I don't want to stay here forever are there other doors way out?! I freak out when I find out It is the only way out the door infront of the house. I just no what to do try to investigate more is this The end of my life?. How can I get out on this crepy place? Will I still see my family and miss clara?... Those question will be answered at the next chapter of the story. 

Chapter 4 The way out

I found a key on the drawer. Is this the key of the front door? I ask my self. I tried the the key and the door open I run out the house as fast as I can. When I arrived at our camp side Miss Clara has a tiger eyes again WHERE HAVE YOU'VE BEEN?Just been stock on a creepy house alone for 24 hrs and no one wonder where I am! and my friends just leave me alone like a cat not saying any word! I said angrily while looking bad at my friends. Sorry we just try to prank you and we are so scared that's why we leave you.Thats it! you try to prank me what if something bad happened you bad friends!!!

Chapter 5 last day

This is our last day in jackstone ave. I get mad at my friends they keep saying sorry but I kepp ignoring them. Beacuse (lesson of chapter 5) pranking is not always funny sometimes for you it's a joke but for the one who has been pranked it's not funny it depends on the kind of joke when it's time to be serious be serious but when it's time to be happy be happy don't prank in bad times. Anyway back to the story this is the last day later by 12:00 we will go home but how about the house?. I walk forward to my friends ok guys I forgive you but please don't do it again.  Promise we won't do it again friends?. Yeh sure! but I have one question we are leaving what about the house? will the house leave us?.Yes it's not alive to follow us hahahha. It's allready 12:00 it's time to leave bye jackstone ave. and the house...  

Chapter 6 I can't get over of it...

 I can't get over of it that's waht I say to my self after 3 day's of rest. I am always dreaming the guy in the windows, the house, and the bloody body.I keep elling my friends if they are ok AND THEY KEEP SAYING YESS hoe bad I am the only one who's dreaming starnge dream. One night I had a very strnage dream.I was lock at the house againg my dream is like a nightmare but no it's not. There is a man and woman standin walking forward holding a knife. And I woke up i saw there faces the girl looks like miss Clara and the man looks like our principal. Our class is over.I am on my way home when I saw a familyar man ohhh HIS THE MAN THAT WE SAW IN THE WINDOW!!! I run as fast as I can he followed me and I thinkhe teleported why did you enter my house?. Ammmm...  The man dissapered.One week later I did not expect the man wil return..






Chapter 7 The begining of the war between Carlo and the mysterious man

 Like I said in chapter 6 the man return he visit me again in my dreams. This is your last chance to answer my question so why did you enter my house with your friend? My alarm clock ring When I open my eyes I saw the man standing at the end of my bed I blink and his gone. Going to school today is diffirent or weird it's windy,dark and there are foot print... GIANT FOOT PRINTS not that big but not normal foot prints. While walking I saw my friends and New york street HEY WAIT FOR ME we walk until we reach the school when we reach the school the principal told good and bad news. Good no classes bad... Beacuse miss clara is sick and it is the school aniversary. We walk home I triped and when I blink it's not my friends it's the mysterious man and said we should talk. I follow him until we reach ou destination and said why did you enter my house? if you will not answer in 5 seconds the war beetween us and you friends will start. In my mind beacuse we are challenged but in person fine the war begins so this is the begining of our war this will last 1 week until you say the truth the man said 


Chapter 8 1st Day of The War

Me and friends are so scared we can't evenn sleep and friends blame me about it. Later that night my friends had e sleep over at my house. Suddenly the man pop out of no whre and quikly says Tell me the reason NO!!! we shouted in chouros. And he dissapered that night we can't sleep and realoze what just happend. The next day...

Chapter 9 2nd and 3rd Day of the war

2nd day of the war is worst all day his looking at us like a tiger other people can't see we are the only ones who can see him. At class we can't consetrate in our major exam beacause he is looking. The test results came and we... failed we got 0 beacause of him he is lughing at us.




3rd day is EVEN worse last day we got failed score and our parents saw that we got blamed but still were not telling the reason. He is following at us again and by now his even kicking our feets to make us like whre triping people is now lughing at us aghhhh... discussion we can't here it beacuse his keep whispering at our ears evey time when we got our test.. I just go to the comfort room and when I came back there is a note at my paper YOU ARE GONNA EXPIRENCE THIS UNTIL YOU DON'T TELL ME WHY DID YOU ENTER MY HOUSE and as bad as yesterday my teacher saw that.

Chapter 10 4th and 5th day of war

4th day is not that bad we just got triped on a mud. Acsidentaly dive in a pool of muds birds just pass by pooping at our head and we re susspended for being late smelly and got 0 at all test in all subject. Our parents get so mad at this and we did not stay home we stayed at our secret hideout.






5th day is the day that this war is fanally over later at nigt we will tell the man the truth behind this war. Night is here and we all go to our secret hideout and tell the man in chouros we are challenged to go inside your house we don't know some one is leaving there the man just dissapered and we don't know waht happened next we know that he mysterious man is... mr clark

Chapter 11 Ending

Mr. Clark had died 25 years ago in lownlyness. His sons leave him alone beacause they got there own familys he was so sad so one day he desided to kill his self beacuse no one loves him that what he think but no. After he killed him self his sons with there family arrived there surprise when they saw there father on the floor dead. And that the Mystiry behind mr clark 


This is Carlo again I did my best to share my experince 






Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.12.2015

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