
Dolphin Life

This section is about pollution. The last one might have been bad but this will make it sound like a dolphins life is not as magical as you might have thought. In the article “How Does Pollution Affect Dolphins?” it said, “Persistent Organic Pollutants enter the world's waters from a variety of anthropogenic (human-caused) sources. Chemicals such as PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyl), the pesticide DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) and PBDEs (polybrominated diphenyl ethers), flame retardants used in items such as mattresses and children's clothing, are dumped as industrial waste. Heavy metals such as iron, copper and zinc arrive in the oceans from oil spills, road runoff and other manufacturing processes. Fishing practices such as cyanide fishing, which stuns fish with the poison cyanide, also add toxins to ocean ecosystems.” That also means that their homes are losing oxygen so they have to move on and there is a possibility that there next home won’t be as safe as the last one. This situation isn’t just here in America, it is a worldwide problem killing dolphins worldwide. It is suffocating, poisoning, killing, and sickening them. Some dolphins are endangered like the indus and baiji and freshwater species are functionally extinct. 

Now you know that 20,000 were killed in japan, some dolphins are coming to extinction, and dolphins are being drugged.

Whales vs. Dolphins


Baleen whales and dolphins have many similarities and differences. There similarities are obvious and confusing. Most of the information you hear is from but also from google search. 

Theses are the similarities. Both are members of the cetacean order of marine mammals. Cetaceans are animals that need air to breath, we are also cetaceans. But marine cetacean need to go to the surface of the water to breath. It contains whales, dolphins and porpoise. There are 81 species in the cetacean group. They both live all around the world in the ocean. So if you go to the Arctic you can see belugas, bowheads, and narwhals. They both also have a layer of blubber that keeps them warm, and they also make noises under water that serve as some form of communication. But they mostly use body language to communicate.  

Dolphins have a single blow hole they use for breathing, and use echolocation to navigate and sense their surroundings. Baleen whales have two blow holes, and use their larynxes to create low-frequency sounds as well as higher-frequency chirps and songs. Dolphins also have teeth and eat fish, squid and crustaceans. Larger dolphins also eat marine birds and other cetaceans. Baleen whales have no teeth and eat plankton and krill. Dolphins live in pods cooperating, assisting, protecting, and defending against predators with each other, they also use body language by nudging their pod members frequently or by touching each other with their flippers. Baleen whales usually lead solitary lives and use body language by slapping their tails on the surface of the ocean and splash and that makes a huge splash which scientists believe it is a signal of some sort. Lastly dolphins tend to inhabit shallower waters nearer the coast. While dolphins are at the shallows whales live in deeper water further out to sea. 

Now you know the similarities and differences of dolphins and whales. That some people might think is confusing. But to you it will make sense. As I said before, most of the information is from and if you want to you can go to that same website and check it out.


Circus History


This article is about the circus from the Medieval era to 1825. When minstrels roamed the villages to when the first person used the circus tent. Each including important events. Some might be skipped because they are not special enough. All the information you here is from Please understand that it is not all the events on the website. 

It started in roman times with chariots, staged battles and displays featuring animals. In the medieval era people would go around and sing songs, tell stories, and tell news to the people. In England they were called gleeman and soon it was changed to minstrels. In the 16th century, minstrels became a threat and because of that laws were created against minstrels. The law is that they can not have a gypsy’s 

life.  Tho that was banned they adapted to their situation very quickly. Soon they were performing in street corners, and doing events in permanent places.

In the 17th century, country fairs were making a big part of entertainment in England. Actors, jugglers, acrobatics, and rope dancers would perform at the country fairs. In 1770, Philip Astley school featured a circular area which was called a circus. Soon the circus was called the ring. The first performance of the circus was on January, 9, 1768 and was a horse going through a ring. In 1782, it was very popular in England. Buildings were built like the London Hippodrome, where the first wild animal appeared in the ring. Also in that same year the first circus was made in Paris. 

In 1793, Charles Hughes, brought his circus to the  Court of Catherine in Russia. Hle Charles was in Russia, John Rickets opened the first circus in the U.S. In 1997, Ricketts

Established the first circus in Canada. In 1802, A british man introduced the circus to mexico. Finally, in 1825, Brown replaced the wooden circus to the canvas we have today.

Now you know the times of when people told stories to people to when the wooden place was replaced by the canvas tent.

The Pcb pollution and bacteria solution


Pcb (Polychlorinated biphenyls) is a man made chemical that is toxic, oily, with no smell or taste. Pcb is getting in the water and in marine animals digestive system. Even though pcb production has stopped it is still getting in our environment. People are figuring out ways to stop it but it takes time and the whole world has pcb in the ground and water. Hopefully they can save the world from pcb.

The problems are that pcb is getting into animals and plants and then other animals eat them and the pcb is transferred. When that happens it gets in there tissue. When food is harsh they get the food in the tissue in their body and the pcb goes with it. When before sexual maturity the pcb grows and the males continue to absorb pcb after. When females have their first calf  pcb goes with the calf so instead of the adult having it there child has it. Since the female has large amounts of pcb it has lots of pcb and that is sometimes fatal for them. All of this pcb is coming from fish dolphins, whales, and porpoises eat.

There is one big solution for this big problem. Purdue University and the University of British Columbia are working together to find a solution for all the pcb getting in the animals around the world. They adopted a twofold strategy. The strategy is to find out how pcb breaks down bacteria and breed the bacteria to be able to do it to the pcb. It is like breeding dogs but much quicker. They can make a new generation every few minutes if their laboratory is in good condition. The potential environment reward is inspiring. If they can succeed they can get the planet back like it was before pcb was created.

Now that a problem has been established  and is a very life threatening problem. The universities have a scientific job to do. Their job is to create as much pcb eating bacteria so that the environment can survive  and be a healthy planet once again. Pcb, the toxic, oily, chemical, will be destroyed from the food they eat. If the universities can make a theory become reality.

Hamsters are the best!


Hamsters are the best pet to have. Hamsters are cute, chubby, and playful. They can be great partners if they are treated right. You can also make obstacle courses for them. They feel very soft and they love exploring.

Hamsters started as a very infamous animal. In syrrian the roamed the country but the farmers started getting really upset of them eating their crops and trained dogs to hunt them. Some people figured a great chance to trade their fur. People thought they were all extinct by the late 1920s. Luckily in 1930, an archaeologist named Aaron Abrahams found a nest containing 12 small baby hamsters and brought them to Hebrew University in Jerusalem where they were identified as golden hamsters. They encouraged the hamsters to breed under laboratory conditions. Soon as the first litter matured they were interbred. 

In the late 19s and early 20s they became famous. First in 1938 they were exported to France, Europe, and the United States. Since they were disease-free and bred so rapidly, they became valued in cardio-vascular research. All golden hamsters in captivity todt can be traced by that original syrian litter. Today we know them as fluffy, chubby, smart, and curious pets. Today we keep them in cages and watch them run around in their little balls and wheels. We hold, play and train them.

It is true hamsters bite and scratch harshly. But this only happens because they can’t see well and if you mistreat them. If they get space from time to time and get talked to, petted, and get to comprehend who you are, then they will start scrambling to be with you. They are truly loud out at night but use fluffy headphones and be quiet then they will soon calm down because the only reason they are loud is because they want their owner. They have a short life tie but that means getting too attached is not an option. But truly it is true you shouldn’t get a hamster for a young child because it would seem like abuse to the hamster.

Please believe that hamsters are the best pet because they are chubby, smart, and can survive without you if it has enough food and water. They have been around for years, started as pests, and got to the homes of people. They are the best pet now and forever.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.02.2020

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