
Beginning of the End

CHAPTER ONE Doncello Town




CHAPTER FIVE Last Ray of Light

CHAPTER SIX The End is Near






About the Author


Name: William Esneyder Peña Gamez,

Amazonia University Student

Born: Doncello, Caquetá

When: September 15, 1993

First Book: Soul of a Killer

Mother: Ana Gamez

Father: William Peña


Doncello Town

It was on September 15th of 2000 when some people were doing some errands and others were running from the rain. The two rivers that cross the town turned brown and the water level was rising badly. The town was so small that everybody knew each other. Two huge mountains covered the sunlight at 5:00 PM every day. Mountains where there were neither animals nor farms. There were just many doncel trees everywhere; trees that gave the town its name. There are thousands of legends about the big green mountains. Some people say that when a person goes up the hill, he becomes a monster forever. Elders believe that there is a fantastic world behind the weird mountains that nobody wants to come back to the town.


He always used a black T-shirt that combined with his dark beard.


Every day, a tall white man sat down on an old wooden bench of the central park where many children played all the time, but they never played near him. They got scared of his appearance. He always used a black T-shirt that combined with his dark beard; his eyes were brown like the rivers on a rainy day. He was 50 years old. A man with a cold stare, and a weird appearance. He always saw the sun disappears behind the mountains and then went down the street. Some people who saw him walking down say that he always got inside the cemetery but he never went out. He never looked at someone. He never spoke to someone. He was the strangest man in the small town.

Will Brown


Will Brown was a 40 years old man who loved talking to others. He was really tall and thin. He had long arms and legs. He always used his black hat with a white band around it. His house was next to the park. It was a small house made of brick and wood. When Mr. Brown left his house, he shut the door with a visible padlock and a metal chain. He lived alone all his life. 2 old portraits were the most beautiful things in his home. Portraits that belonged to his dead mother.

Will Brown realized about the strange man who sat down in the old bench every day. He was observing the man for some days, but he did not know what to do. He wanted to talk to him, but a horrible energy covered all the park when the man sat down on the bench. Mr. Brown wanted to talk to him. He wanted to know who that weird man was.

One day, the strange man sat down in the old wooden bench as usual. Mr. Brown was waiting for him. He was looking through the window for some minutes.

“I have been waiting for you,” Mr. Brown thought “I will go after you to know who you are”


He never imagined what he was watching.


after the sunset, the strange man stood up and went down the street. Immediately Mr. Brown carefully closed the window and went after him. After walking 10 minutes, the strange man got inside the cemetery.

“This is the opportunity to ask his name” Mr. Brown mumbled. “I will talk to him in the cemetery”

Mr. Brown ran quickly to the cemetery and saw two big shadows moving behind the graves. “I found you” Mr. Brown said.

He was not scared, because he had been in the cemetery many times before. The only thing he wanted was to talk to the strange man with the dark beard. Mr. Brown got where he saw the shadows, and he never imagined what he was watching. A big black dog was staring at him. Its eyes were red like fire and drops of blood fell to the ground from its eyes.

“I was waiting for you” I creepy voice came from the darkness.

“I just want to know who you are” Mr. Brown mumbled with his shaking mouth while the black dog smelled his boots.

“The world does not belong to us. they are between us, and horrible things are coming” the strange man said “everybody in this town is condemned to death” after a moment, the big dog and the man disappeared in the darkness.

Mr. Brown was shocked. He was not able to move a finger himself. His long legs felt the cold wind of death. “must this be a dream” Mr. Brown thought turning as pale as death. “everything will be ok tomorrow”



During a long weird day, after the last drops of water fell over all houses in a particular way, when all people were about to sleep hearing the soft drops of water falling everywhere, Mr. Brown was staring at nothing. His eyes were like two big suns shining in the darkness. He was like a person who was inside of a world of madness. Neither thoughts, nor souvenirs were in his lost mind. He was waiting for nothing, indeed he looked like he was asleep thinking about everything.


His eyes were like two big suns shining in the darkness.


His mind was stuck, his thoughts were lost, Mr. Brown just could think about the strange man he met in the cemetery. He was staring at the wooden bench and the tree next to it through the window. His thoughts moved away and return slowly like the tree's branches swung in all directions. While the branches moved themselves, he saw faces between the branches and heard voices from the tree.

“I’m going mad” he thought “is there any probability the old tree speaks to me?”

He spent a long time staring through the window, waiting for the strange man who sat in the wooden bench, but the man never appeared. “Was it a dream?” He asked himself “should I go to the cemetery again?”

He stood up and moved quickly near the door. He was ready to go out but the door was locked. He forced the door for 5 minutes but it was in vain. He looked for the padlock but it was not in its place. “is this a joke?” He said “I will go out through the window”.

He walked slowly to the stairs. Suddenly, he heard as if someone was walking in the second floor. He was in shock. He did not blink. He did not know what to do. The wooden floor sounded about to crack. “It is too heavy to be a person” Mr. Brown mumbled.

He shook his head and went up the stairs. He saw the old man sitting near the window, and his black big dog laying on the wooden floor. “How is it possible? How did you get here? Mr. Brown asked.

“Shhh! shut up, and see through your window” The man replied “this is what happens when a person wants to know more than he already knows”

A man was hung up in the tree. His body was still moving. Mr. Brown could not believe what he was seeing. This was the first time he saw a person dying in front of him. He was perturbed. “did you kill him?” Mr. Brown asked, but there was no answer. He turned his head and realized that he was alone in his bedroom. He hit his head so hard against the wall and fell down unconscious.

The Arrival


Cold wild winds came from the big mountains. “the maintains are breathing” people said “I can feel their sorrow” one of them said.

A thick fog started to sprout from the green grass on the mountains. Suddenly, the strange fog and a dreary feeling covered the complete town. It was late. People only thought about the poor man who was killed in that horrible way. They decided to go home and locked the doors, but there was a man who did not. He was outside watching how the thick fog moved for everywhere and while the dreary night became darker and darker, Mr. Brown was still as brave as none. He was prepared for everything.

While the moon was covered with the thick fog, and the winds brought voices, cries and horse steps, Mr. Brown was in the same place waiting for what was coming from the dark mountains.

Are they thousands of wild horses? Mr. Brown thought.


There was a dead silence for 30 seconds.



The sounds were closer and closer. Mr. Brown stepped back, but he did not run away. Suddenly, he saw a big shadow going down the hill, two shadows, three shadows; no they were more than three, but they were so fast that he could not count them.

“I am not scared” Mr. Brown cried “I will wait for them right here”. After 5 minutes, the weird shadows were finally in the small town. They went directly to Mr. Brown. He got cold as death; his eyes were wide opened, and every corner of his body was shaking.

There he was in front of the creatures that nature has born. Mr. Brown moved up his face and started numbering; one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, and ten. Ten horrible creatures riding ten big black dogs. Their fangs were sharp and long almost touching the floor and their fur was falling out.

“Hello, what are you looking for?” Mr. Brown said while holding his shaking hands. “What can I do for you?” There was a dead silence for 30 seconds, and one of the creatures got closer him. Mr. Brown could smell the terrible breath of the big dog. Immediately, Mr. Brown noticed that the creature was blind. They did not have eyes; instead of eyes were two deep holes on his face; his skin was similar to human beings.

While Mr. Brown looked at the dog and its rider, a sound came from the creature. “Tell me your real name if you do not want to be murdered” Then, all dogs approached him.

“My name is Brown, Will Brown” he replied.

Suddenly, the ten red eyes dogs stepped back from him, and continued their way. Mr. Brown started getting the natural color of his skin. He was not shaking now. However, he saw the creatures smelling the floor. They were looking for someone else.

Last Ray of Light


The town was ghost-quite, except for the sorrow wind hissing in every corner and the broken cries that came from the top of the huge mountains. The sounds of death could be heard in the desolate streets. People did not know what they were afraid of. They had not seen what was killing them. They prayed every day with the illusion of living as before. Something was killing them and there was nothing they could do.

After some weeks, the murders continued and more and more dead people appeared on the streets. Some of them with their bowels exposed and some others cut into pieces. The town was infested of buzzards. They were like hellish spirits flying around the town all day. Their eyes showed the wickedness of death. Their heads turned red because of the blood. Their beaks dripped blood while they rested on the electric cords.



They were like hellish spirits flying around the town all day.


the days turned shorter and darker. While Mr. Brown saw through his window waiting for the strange man, he was planning his escape. He was really scared of these creatures that he met some nights before. “the creatures are everywhere and soon or late they will kill me” Mr. Brown whispered “I must leave this town and start a new life far away from here”

The days passed and Mr. Brown was ready to leave the town. He did not want to be noticed, so he decided to take some money and leaves all his clothes. He took a last look through the window to see the dreary sky. Some dark clouds were joining each other like a massive dance. He knew that he did not have much time to leave his old town. Therefore, he closed the door and walked some meters, then he turned his head and saw his home one last time.

During 15 minutes walking through the thick wood, he could not keep his desire of crying. “God! God! Why you let this happened, many innocent people have died in horrible ways” Mr. Brown cried “help me please, and help those poor people who are still there”

He walked for more than 1 hour and the sun started to hide behind the mountains. Mr. Brown knew that he had to find a dwelling if he did not want to be killed by the mountains' sons. “If the sun disappears completely, they will come up like ants looking for food” Mr. Brown said. Later, He gave up and sat down in an old log that was stuck between 2 rocks. He was dead tired. He only saw down the grass and noticed the last light from the sun moves and disappears.

The End is Near

After resting for some minutes, Mr. Brown woke up filled with fear. He touched his own body to notice if he was still alive. “thank you god!” he said with a grin. Later, he continued walking in the dark wood. The moon was just above him, but it was not bright enough to see what was in front of him. He could just hear the crack of the grass while he walked. Then, he stopped for a moment. He felt that someone or something was behind him. He turned his head and saw nothing. His legs started shaking like the first time he saw the strange man in the cemetery. “who is there?” Mr. Brown asked with a brave voice “I have a gun; I will kill you” but there was no answer. Suddenly, a familiar voice came from a big bush. Mr. Brown turned pale and his eyes opened about to burst. The old man was standing up near the big bush, and his wicked dog was lying on the ground. Mr. Brown could even hear its pant.   

“Hello, my dear friend. The world is really small, isn’t it?” the old man said.

“What do you want from me?” Mr. Brown asked. Suddenly, Mr. Brown fell down unconsciously on the ground, and a big hand grabbed his head; the senseless body was dragged through the thick wood for 2 hours.

The rain came again, and small creeks went down the slope almost wetting Mr. Browns´ left hand. Then, he opened his eyes and tried to see through the darkness. He could see nothing but two small red marks in front of him. He tried to move his hands but he could not; he was tied to a tree. Suddenly, the two red marks started moving closer and closer. “help me God, help me!” Mr. Brown cried while he closed his eyes “I will become an honest person but help me, please! God!”

“HA! HA! HA! the end is near!” the evil voice came from behind him “you call upon your God only when you need help” the old man said “you will have the chance to see the exhausted-mankind be annihilated by myself”

“Who are you?” Mr. Brown asked with an angry stare.

“I am the dim result of a senseless-mankind who has been killing itself since the beginning of time” the old man replied while two sharp horns were growing out of his head.


Texte: Esneyder Peña
Bildmaterialien: Julian Zamir
Cover: Julian Zamir
Lektorat: Esneyder Peña
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.09.2019

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